#Country Symbol Trivia
Artemis + her relationships with other Theoi 🌙🏹🦌
One of the amazing things about Lady Artemis is how versatile her domain is. Here are just some of the prominent theoi she is connected to.
Artemis + Ares 💥
- These two were celebrated together during Kharisteria/Charisteria ('thanksgiving'), which took place on the sixth day of Boedromion.
- Goats were sacrificed jointly to Artemis and Ares for their roles in battle and war.
- Even though Artemis is not technically a 'goddess of war', her role as the (sometimes brutal) hunter gave her an association with battle and death. They were also both patron deities of the Amazons.
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Diana of Versailles (original attributed to Leochares)
Artemis + Apollon 🎼
- Perhaps her most famous connection is to that of her twin brother. They are opposites but are also, in a certain sense, two sides of the same coin.
- Apollon is the warmth of the sun, Artemis is the light of the moon. (They also shared the epithet 'light-bringer') They compliment each other while contrasting.
- They are day and night, city and country. They complete a cycle, making them almost inextricably interconnected in myth. Yet they also share domain over hunting, healing, death, and even music.
- The muses, who were led by Apollon, were often seen accompanying Artemis and her nymphs as she danced through the forest. Dance and music were also vitally important in her rituals.
Artemis Hymnia=Of the Hymns
Artemis Hegemone=Leader of Dance/Choir
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Diana awakening Apollo (Carl Bertling)
Artemis + Dionysus 🐆
- Artemis and Dionysus are both deities of the thin line between us and animals/'beasts.' They symbolize our own wild nature and what it means to succumb to it.
- They historically shared in rituals of 'frenzy', release, and estastic dance. Both are deities of revolutionary liberation and freedom.
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Artemis as 'Potnia Theron' on the François Vase
Artemis + Hekate 🔥
- These two goddesses are so heavily connected that many conflate/synchronize them. They are both deities associated with the night, the moon, and for their roles in protecting the young/children.
- The Roman goddess Diana Trivia is sometimes thought to be a syncretism of Luna/Selene, Artemis/Diana, and Hekate/Trivia.
- They were both known to hold torches and snakes, and some say that it was Artemis instead of Hekate who used her light to guide Demeter to Persephone during her search. Although most still contribute this part of the story to Hekate, it shows how conflated the two goddesses are.
- In some versions of their stories, Iphigenia was 'turned into' Hekate by Artemis. In others, Artemis 'became' Hekate as a companion of Persephone after her descent into the Underworld. Variations of Hekate's name were also epithets of Artemis.
Artemis Hekatê/Hekate = Far-Shooting, Shooter from Afar, or Worker from Afar
Artemis Hekatêbolos/Hecatebolus = Far-Shooting, Far-Darting, or Hundred-Shots
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Artemis, Hekate, and Leto from the Pergamon Altar
Artemis + Persephone 🥀
- It is said that these two were raised together, perhaps with Athena, prior to her descent into the Underworld. They also share domain over nature and vegetation.
- In the Homeric Hymn II to Demeter, (and many other sources) it is said that Artemis and Persephone were picking flowers (sometimes with Athena) when she was taken.
- When Persephone returns from the Underworld, we can only assume that the two sisters and childhood friends are reunited just as she is reunited with Demeter.
- Hekate is also considered to be Persephone's companion in the Underworld. So if one syncretises the two, Artemis-Hekate would be her companion year round!
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Diana's Bath (Louis Devedeux)
Artemis + Demeter 🌾
- As well as being deities of vegetation, Artemis is connected to both Persephone and Demeter in their roles in the Eleusinian Mysteries (Hekate also had a prominent role in this tradition).
- The mysterious goddess Despoine, also central to the Eleusinian Mysteries, is thought to be Persephone, Hekate, Artemis, or some syncretism of them.
- The sanctuary of Despoine, which was vital to the tradition of the Eleusinian Mysteries, was in Arcadia. At this sanctuary, Pausanias stated that multiple representations of Artemis could be found; including a 'six foot tall bronze statue' which stood guardian in front of the entrance to the mystery cult.
- A theory states that Demeter is actually the mother of Artemis, while Leto is her 'sister' or 'nurse.' Pausanias claims that "Artemis was the daughter, not of Leto but of Demeter, which is the Egyptian account."
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Artemis with a Dog (Munich)
Artemis + Selene 🌕
- It is traditionly stated that Selene is the personification of the moon itself while Artemis is a goddess of the moon.
- At some point, the two were congealed/synchronized as Artemis became more and more heavily associated with the moon. The Roman goddess Diana almost certainly involved syncretism between the two.
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Diana and Endymion (Jérôme-Martin Langlois)
Artemis + Pan 🌿
- Artemis and Pan are both deities of the wild, pastures, woodland, animals, and the country. Rural deities with connections to dance and music, these two have a similar untamed persona.
- Pan gave Artemis a pack of seven hunting dogs as a gift, showing their companionship. Pan also famously had a love affair with Selene, so syncretism between Artemis and Selene also connects her to Pan.
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Diana the Huntress (Gaston Casimir Saint-Pierre)
Artemis + Zeus ⛈️
- Artemis has always been a favored daughter of her father. Perhaps their most famous interaction occurs from Callimachus when Artemis, still a child, presents Zeus with a list of requests - including her 'eternal virginity'.
- Zeus is happy to oblige and gives her all that she desired and more. This unconditional love and acceptance illustrates Zeus' affection for his feral daugher of the forest.
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Diana the Huntress by Guilluame Seignac
Artemis + Athena 🦉
- Artemis and Athena share many similar qualities, including their 'chasity' and their choice to remain 'virgins' (in the historical sense of the word).
- As mentioned above, Persephone, Athena, and Artemis are said to have grown up together and were seen picking flowers together.
- As with Artemis' connection to Ares, Athena's domain of war, battle, and death are also connected to Artemis. Their sterness, intensity, and ability to commit violence when deemed necessary connect the two deities.
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Diana as Huntress by Bernardino Cametti
Artemis + Hera 👑
- While these two were often in conflict with each other in myth, they still share connections. In historical celebration and ritual, women/girls progressing to adulthood and/or entering into marriage were ceremoniously passed from Artemis' protection to Hera's. They shared space in the context of transitions.
- In addition, Artemis has been heavily conflated with Eileithyia, a goddess of childbirth and daugher of Hera. 'Eileithyia' has even served as an epithet of Artemis.
(From The Theoi Project - theoi.com)
(From She Who Hunts: Artemis: The Goddess Who Changed the World by Carla Ionescu)
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I've been thinking a lot about the houses, specifically how they might correlate with WH's theme of religion. The parts in the livestream trivia where Clown talked about the houses is really interesting, how Home is the only "alive" house but all the neighbors believe their houses are alive to some capacity. And the fact that the holidays are to celebrate their houses, where human holidays are usually to celebrate deities/religions.
The only thing on the website that still has this religious theme is the So Below page of Wally (possibly) worshipping Home. Perhaps Clown removed the cross cufflinks and Baphomet imagery so WH could be an allegory about religion instead of straight up about Christianity. The houses/Home could be metaphors for deities and the neighbors are their followers, even if their perception of religion and what it means is probably very different than humans'.
i was wondering why i had a hard time answering this message yesterday, and i think it's because i never really saw welcome home as a story about christianity or even religion as a whole, in either its current iteration or its earlier drafts. i think there is a very good chance that it's one aspect of welcome home, but... how do i say this.
when i see posts from clown talking about what he feels welcome home is about, i get the impression that at its core, welcome home is a story about alienation - from society, from one's environment, from one's peers, even from one's own self - and Specifically about alienation that comes as a result of changing (or at least desiring change) in an environment that upholds stagnation/the status quo/etc. as The Ideal. not Quite the same as but very similar to nostalgia poisoning, two peas in a pod. and i don't think it's a coincidence that this can be used as a criticism of the practices of Many christian denominations in the usa, a country in which christian hegemony is still very strongly felt in many aspects of daily life (let alone back when welcome home was airing in-universe or when its supposed creator, ronald dorelaine, was growing up.) i suspect that part of the reason the christian symbolism seems to have been reworked into something more subtle between welcome home's 2019/2020 concept and what we have now is because:
A.) it would have been rather on the nose, even hokey, to have the world of welcome home (the in-universe show) be a textually christian one when you don't really Need welcome home to be an explicitly religious production to demonstrate the idea that art is shaped by the culture/society in which it exists and/or its creator(s) hail from.
B.) it was originally less ... nuanced? idk if that's the word i'm looking for, but - i do not think it is a coincidence that wally's old cross cufflinks were a holdover from a time between the version of welcome home we are familiar with now and a draft in which wally seemed to be much more overtly, Aggressively antagonistic in his status as the center of attention, and was pitted against a much more straightforwardly heroic character who was on more equal footing with the rest of the neighbors. i Suspect that if any of what i just said comes into play, then perhaps the current iteration of welcome home is the way it is because it leaves room to acknowledge that even people who are hurt by this upholding of stagnation as the ideal willingly perpetuate it anyway, for a number of reasons.
BUT to get back to the actual ask: since we have no idea what's actually gonna happen in welcome home at this point in time, let's say that none of what i just talked about comes up even once and that the concept of The Home is really what we should be focusing on here wrt the religious symbolism, or at least that the two are not mutually exclusive. in this case, i think it's less that the houses themselves are metaphors for deities and more that, like - the importance of homes in the world the neighbors live in is so great that the only way it can be expressed in terms that a human could understand would be through the lens of religious/spiritual beliefs. i am intrigued by the idea that each neighbor has their own relationship to this belief though, and how that may effect their environment in the future. Much To Think About.
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qqueenofhades · 2 years
i'm going feral about queer icon hob gadling thank you very much. I JUST CAN'T WITH HIM. i cry because in the comic in the 1989 panel there's a person at the inn talking about how "of course AIDS isn't a punishment from god." hob has to sit there and hear that and just. JUST. hob being visible! hob being vulnerable in his love! hob surviving all his friends. hob buying the fucking pub with the power of his queer money!!! committing the crime of graffiti to SPRAYPAINT A SIGN FOR HIS LOVE TO FIND
It is... probably because I am a queer historian and that is why I imprinted on Hob in the first place, but uh, yes, I have many feelings about this too, and the subtle way in which queer places and spaces work both in the show and in the Dreamling story specifically. Obviously there are many queer characters in Sandman (and we love it for that), but the White Horse, and then the New Inn, is one of the few physical locations I can think of that is a literal embodiment of queer devotion. Hob buys the old pub and builds the new one so Morpheus, if he does ever come back, can find him! He appropriated the spot where they met the first time, where their relationship was built over centuries, and he both saves the old one and builds a NEW one (new step in their relationship etc etc). And physically paints giant signs because his immortal boyfriend is very stupid! He makes it visible and explicit, he builds his devotion into every fiber of that pub, he does it especially so Dream can still come back and find him if he chooses, he waits patiently, and like... the New Inn is absolutely brimming with queer adoration, and ack.
Also, there was that tantalizing tidbit about the real, historical White Horse pub that the Sandman version was based on, being best known for being run by two women in the 18th century who called themselves "Mr. and Mrs. How." Granted, I found that in the IMDB trivia section and if I was writing an actual paper on it, I'd have to do a heck of a lot more research. However, happily, I am NOT writing a paper, and I say it's real because it feels right. In that case, the White Horse itself is embodied as a queer establishment, a place previously run by married lesbians in Hella Gay 18th-century London, and adds another layer to that being the place where Hob and Dream meet every century to conduct their careful, tentative, tender, unspoken romance.
But then! Tragedy! The pub has been bought and will be shut down, and with it, the physical and literal heart of Hob’s relationship with his "stranger!" As I wrote in my meta about the 1989 scene, everything is so careful, so subtextual, so unspoken, whether it is Hob saying he has been stood up and the bartender deliberately not assuming it was by a woman and offering oblique reassurance that Hob is safe here, as a queer man in violently homophobic 1989. So of course Hob can't stand to think of it going away, and has to save it both for himself and as a queer-friendly establishment! So he takes his queer money, as you say, and does something about it! Maybe bad people get to do whatever in this country with that money too, but so does Hob, and he can claw back a little of the place that has always most belonged to him (and him with Dream).
Hence the New Inn, where Hob absolutely hung Pride flags in the '90s long before it was cool or popularly accepted to do so, was able to use his status both as owner of the establishment and Queer Who Can Kick Your Ass to deal with anyone who had a problem with it, and otherwise keep it ready for the day when his love might get to show up again. It's beautiful! It's visible! It's symbolic! And then when Dream does walk in and make their relationship "visible," i.e. apologising and calling Hob his friend, they get to sit down together in that space that Hob has created and kept as an altar of queer devotion both private and public, they smile at each other adoringly, and then what scene/setting do we cut straight to??
They were insane for this, truly. Insane.
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astra-galaxie · 5 months
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“I have… Unconventional ways of getting information.” - Misha Zima
Biographical information
Full Name: Misha Zima
Alias(es): Pieces
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Status: Alive
Age: 30 (season 4)
Birth: 1860
Race: Human
Nationality: Russian
Origin: Yakutsk, Sakha Republic, Russia
Concordia, USA
Yakutsk, Sakha Republic, Russia (formerly)
Profession(s): Agent
Unnamed wife
Viktoriya Zima (granddaughter) (deceased)
Aleksey Zima (great-grandson) (deceased)
Vukašin "Vuk” Zima-Valt (great-grandson)
Marina Romanova (great-great-granddaughter)
Affiliation(s): G.I.A.
Height: 6”1’ Age: 30 (season 4) Weight: 179lbs Eyes: blue Blood: A+
Misha is a tall man in his thirties with a broad build and fair skin. His black hair is short, with strands of silver beginning to grow from its roots. He has a clean-cut beard and black-framed glasses over his blue eyes. He wears a white dress shirt with a teal necktie, dark gray slacks, a black trench coat, and black dress shoes.
He owns a gold pocket watch that features a wolf’s head framed by a crescent moon on the front cover. On the back is the symbol of Pisces with “Zima” written below it in Cyrillic.
As per his suspect appearance in Ring In The New Death, it is known that Misha eats panettone and drinks champagne.
Hailing from Yakutsk, Misha debuted as a suspect in the murder of Romulus Fabbri on New Year's Eve. A few years back, he immigrated to Concordia with his wife for work and has been enjoying his life in the city. However, he does miss the cold of his home country.
During Ring In The New Death, Misha becomes a suspect after his pocket watch is found at the bakery the victim visited. When questioned whether he had seen the victim, Misha answered that he had, but he didn't know who Romulus was.
Later in the case, Isaac and Maddie found Misha's khanjali at a crime scene. When confronted with the weapon, Misha said he carried it to protect himself and his wife from criminals like Romulus. After the detectives demanded he expand on the statement, Misha told them that Romulus had sold his wife a defective coffee maker he'd invented. The coffee maker had exploded when Misha's wife first used it, burning most of her hair.
Thankfully, besides her hair being ruined, Misha's wife was unharmed. But that doesn't mean Misha wasn't furious at Romulus for conning his wife. He confronted Romulus at the bakery and used his dagger to scare him away, but that was as far as he went.
Following the killer's arrest, in the additional investigation, Isaac and Maddie discovered that Misha was investigating the exploitation of Irish immigrants. His wife was friends with an Irish woman who told her of the horrible conditions her husband was working in for poor pay. Misha used some of his connections to find evidence of the illegal deeds and found a ledger detailing the price someone was receiving by “selling” Irish immigrants for cheap labour.
Sadly, Misha couldn't uncover who the mastermind was behind it all. Still, he provided Isaac and Maddie with everything he knew about the illegal dealings and promised to update them if he discovered new information. In the meantime, Misha will get back to his real job. He can't talk about it, but let's just say it's a… New endeavour for Earth. One that will hopefully lead to a better world and more inclusive universe one day.
Branch: Earth
Story Information
First appeared: Ring In The New Death
He’s named after an old IRL classmate of mine. While my friend isn’t Russian or of Russian descent (as far as I know), I’ve always liked his name
He is one of the founding members of the G.I.A.'s Earth Branch. He founded it alongside 11 other humans from across the globe, each of whose codenames are one of the 12 Zodiac signs
He's recently gotten into studying psychology
He loves reading and always has a book on the go
Disclaimer: Character design was created using Rinmarugames Mega Anime Avatar Creator! I have only made minor edits to the design! Background courtesy of CriminalArtist5
Links to my stories:
The Case of the Criminal (Ao3/Wattpad) Killer Bay (Ao3/Wattpad) Where in the World are the Killers? (Ao3/Wattpad) Murders of The Past (Ao3/Wattpad)
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rabbitcruiser · 8 months
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National Save the Eagles Day
With eyesight that is eight times better than humans, majestic eagles build their nests on top of high cliffs to get the best vantage point. And with a grip that is up to ten times stronger than humans, eagles are incredibly powerful. Both of these attributes make them amazing hunters. But there was one point when these birds almost became extinct.
National Save the Eagles Day is here to raise awareness about and promote the plight of these marvelous birds.
History of National Save the Eagles Day
Native to North America, Bald eagles were on the endangered species list for several decades but, thankfully, they were saved from extinction and removed from the list in 2007.
While bald eagles and golden eagles are the most well-known in Canada and the US, there are 60 different species of eagles that live all over the globe, many of them in Eurasia or Africa. These birds of prey have large wingspans and spend a lot of their time looking relaxed as they glide effortlessly throughout the air.
National Save the Eagles Day was founded by the local community of Ridgefield Village Park and the Bergen County Audubon Society in an effort to rescue one particular couple of eagles whose habitat was at risk.
When these two eagles, named Alice and Al, built their home in Ridgefield overlooking Overpeck Creek, there was some concern about health risks that might be involved and a development corporation decided to remove the eagles. However, the local community was unhappy with the solution and they decided to organize a way to allow this eagle couple to keep their home. And they succeeded!
Even though National Save the Eagles Day was originally established around a specific set of eagles, it has now gained traction and the celebration has spread!
National Save the Eagles Day Timeline
1782 Bald Eagle is adopted as US symbol
With anecdotal accounts of upwards of 100,000 nesting eagles, Americans choose this as a symbol of freedom.
1971 The Eagles band is formed
A frontrunner in American country rock, this band originally consists of Don Henley, Randy Meisner, Glenn Frey and Bernie Leadon.
1978 Bald Eagle is declared endangered
Under the Endangered Species Act, the US government works to protect the bald eagle, which has only 500 breeding pairs left on the planet.
2007 Bald Eagle removed from endangered list
While still protected, the Bald Eagle emerged from the endangered list as their populations had recovered significantly to more than 300,000.
2015 Save the Eagles Day begins
Founded in an effort to save a particular pair of eagles that were nesting in New Jersey, the first Save the Eagles Day is celebrated.
How to Celebrate National Save the Eagles Day
Get involved and have fun with National Save the Eagles Day by trying out some of these fun ideas:
Go Eagle Watching
Heading out early in the morning to go eagle watching might be the perfect activity to do in celebration of National Save the Eagles Day! Of course, it depends on location, so some people might need to turn it into a road trip to get to a good park or another place that is known for eagle watching.
Eagle watching requires some patience and dedication, but it can also be very satisfying. Head out early because eagles are the most active in the morning, from sunrise until about 10am when bald eagles are likely to be hunting and feeding.
While it might seem odd, some people don’t realize that, in some locations like Washington state, eagle watching is more likely to be successful in years that end in even numbers. This is because “even” numbered years tend to have higher populations of salmon that are swimming upstream. In addition, they may be most prevalent in certain areas in the month of December. And they also seem to enjoy hunting more on days that are cloudy!
Learn Fun Facts About Eagles
One cool way to celebrate National Save the Eagles Day is to raise awareness by learning and sharing some bits of trivia and fun facts about these fascinating birds.
Unlike most species, the female bald eagle is slightly larger than her male partner.
Sadly, most eagle related deaths are caused by humans, including impact with man-made structures, gunshot and poisoning.
While hawks have a strong cry, eagles actually sound a bit silly. Because of this, most films and television shows replace the actual sound of eagles with that of hawks.
Eagles can dive up to 100 miles per hour when hunting and they fly at about 30 miles per hour when traveling casually.
Make a Donation to Save Eagles and Other Wildlife
One superb way to be involved with helping out on National Save the Eagles Day is by making a financial contribution to a charity that helps to protect and rescue animals that are in danger. Consider learning more about one of these charities:
American Bald Eagle Foundation. Working to protect and preserve the habitat for bald eagles, this organization educates and also performs research activities to better serve the needs of these eagles.
American Eagle Foundation. This organization is similar to the one above, but it works to meet the needs of not only the bald eagle but also other birds of prey as well. Their mission is threefold: to conserve, educate and protect.
Defenders of Wildlife. This organization works to protect and help out all wildlife, including the bald eagle which is the only eagle that is unique to North America.
National Wildlife Federation. This is another charity dedicated to protecting and helping at-risk wildlife, including birds of prey.
Listen to Songs by the Eagles
In honor of the day, how about queuing up some music that was made by the classic rock band themselves, the Eagles? With more than twenty albums to their credit, as well as some video albums, there’s plenty of options for listening to this trailblazing country rock band.
Check out one – or several – of these favorite songs by the Eagles in celebration of Save the Eagles Day:
Hotel California (1976). One of the most famous songs by the band, this interesting tune tells a strange story that has been said to be about “excess in America”.
Take It to the Limit (1975). From the album, One of These Nights, this song is all about the encouragement to keep on trying, even when life gets tough.
Peaceful Easy Feeling (1972). From their debut album, this song’s lyrics are about a girl the singer is interested in, but he’s decided ahead of time that he’s not going to let her disturb his “peaceful, easy feeling”.
Take It Easy (1972). Written by Jackson Browne as well as Eagles band member Glenn Frey, this was the first single released by the Eagles and its message is about not getting “too big too fast”.
National Save the Eagles Day FAQs
How do eagles fly?
Eagles are able to fly through the air primarily by their ability to soar.
What do eagles eat?
Eagles typically have a diet of small mammals and birds, such as rabbits, grouse, gulls and more.
What saved the bald eagle from extinction?
Captive breeding, habitat protection, law enforcement and reintroduction efforts helped minimize the risk of extinction for the bald eagle.
Do eagles eat hawks?
Eagles who prey sometimes will eat small hawks or baby hawks after attacking their nest.
Do eagles mate for life?
Usually, bald eagles mate for life, making them loyal spouses and parents for their average 30 years of life.
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potsherdss · 11 months
*     ‘      ˗ˏˋ 𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐄 𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐎 !
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Name: Dr. Evander Lysandros Sidaris Age: 30s Gender: Male Species: Human Nationality: Greek Occupation: Archaeologist, Egyptologist (he has two Ph.D.s, what a nerd)
Hobbies & Interests
Collecting and cataloging antiques (he has quite the impressive teapot, stamp and book collection!).
Cooking, baking.
Writing, reading.
Gardening, botany.
Antique teapots. His teapots are sacred. Don’t touch them.
Personality traits
Sweet, caring, gentle.
Lighthearted, often seeing the positive side of things.
Pacifist; dislikes (and often avoids) conflict… which isn't always a good thing.
Polite and friendly.
Intelligent and curious, with a deep love of learning.
Creative and imaginative, with a passion for storytelling.
Sensitive and empathetic.
Comfortable with solitude; in fact, he often prefers it.
A bit of an oddball.
Tends to get overly passionate about certain topics.
Has a habit of getting lost in his thoughts and daydreams (don’t mind him staring off into the distance…).
Tends to skip small-talk (goodness, he really struggles with small-talk and can be a little... awkward) and launch into monologues about topics he's passionate about… even if he’s just met you 5 minutes ago. He is a chronic info-dumper and oversharer.
Afraid of public speaking. Whenever he has to give a lecture or presentation, he is a blushing, stammering mess and tries to hide behind his notes.
Doesn’t drink alcohol and if he does, oh boy. 
Goes into hyperfocus when immersed in his interests or research.
He cannot STAND perfume. It gives him a headache and makes him nauseous (hello, sensory sensitivity). Natural scents are fine.
Has a faint Greek accent. 
Very intelligent. Also very awkward.
Doesn’t have a car or a driver’s license – but he has a green old vintage bicycle!
Afraid of heights. Avoids tall buildings and bridges.
Is a bit superstitious and equally fascinated and terrified of the paranormal. He has seen some eerie things that made him question his own sanity.
Has a knack for finding hidden meanings and symbolism in the artifacts he discovers.
Has a soft spot for animals and has volunteered at animal shelters in the past.
Has a talent for languages and can speak several fluently, including Latin, Ancient Greek, and Sanskrit. He enjoys studying the etymology of words and their cultural significance.
Always Carries a Notebook.
Paces when thinking.
His antiques and books are organized in a specific way, and if you take a book you gotta put it back IN THE EXACT SAME SPOT OK!!?
Usually wears eccentric tweed suits. Colorful (bow)ties and socks are a MUST.
Needs reading glasses, but constantly misplaces them.
Physical appearance
Blonde, long curly hair, kinda messy, often tied back in a ponytail or bun.
Sun-kissed skin, faint freckles.
Bright blue eyes.
He has a few minor scars on his arms and hands from his field work.
Lean “dad bod”.
Style: Classic, sophisticated, “professor core”; comfortable, knitted pullovers and cardigans, tweed suits; earthy colors but always with a pop of color.
Evander grew up in a small Greek town where he developed a love for history and archaeology at a young age. His parents (his mother being a history teacher, his father a librarian) were both supportive of his interests and encouraged him to pursue his passion.
He began his career as an archaeologist working on local sites and eventually landed a job as a field archaeologist.
He has worked on various archaeological sites around the world, including in Mexico, Peru, Guatemala, and finally Egypt. Some of his notable works include working at the ancient Mayan city of Tikal in Guatemala. After earning his first Ph.D. in archaeology, he worked in Egypt and spent several years working on various excavation sites throughout the country, including the famous Valley of the Kings, before eventually getting his second Ph.D. and securing a position as a lead archaeologist and Egyptologist.
After many years of working as a field archaeologist, Evander began to feel burnt out from the constant travel and after a… particularly dangerous adventure, he decided to settle down and start a new chapter in his life. He currently works at the local museum where he spends his time researching and cataloging ancient artifacts.
Evander's apartment is small but cozy. His  bookshelves are filled with antique tomes, archaeological texts, antiques, books, one shelf is designated to his extensive teapot collection. 
He has a green thumb and enjoys tending to a variety of potted plants, which are scattered throughout the apartment and even spill out onto his small balcony. There are herbs growing in the kitchen, small succulents on the windowsills, and even a few hanging baskets suspended from the ceiling.
His desk is always quite chaotic and a little cluttered with books, journals, and scrolls.
A few small trinkets and artifacts are scattered about the desk as well.
Evander's cat Cleo usually lounges on his floral couch in his living room. 
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ponyopk · 1 year
Character Lore: Grimoire Epitaph
Hello! I'm posting this from my computer back at home. I'm on kind of a pseudo vacation, bouncing back and forth from state to state. I noticed I've been quite lackluster on the character explanations, and I hope to make this the post that isn't that! This is one of my more recent characters, so I want you to give a warm welcome to...
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...Grimoire Epitaph! This character uses concepts from one of my friends, so some things might not be entirely accurate. After this is posted, I'll have to check in with them and make sure that I'm correct. I'll get into this concept soon enough, but in a separate post. Grimoire, assigned male at birth, is from an alternate version of Earth. Growing up in South Carolina, Grimoire was an outcast, the type of kid you'd call "The Weird Kid." His dad, Gryphon Epitaph, was a general in the United States Military, and served to make the country a better place, a place devoid of corruption and crime. Everyday, he would wear an eyepatch. If you asked why, he wouldn't tell you, no matter who you are. But alas, you can't have a world without crime. A group of universal bandits, known as Sym Poachers, hunted down Gryphon, as he had something they wanted. They surrounded him. But he knew this day was going to come soon. Gryphon returned home, and told Grimoire about The Eye. Under Gryphon's eyepatch is an item that is sought after, by the before mentioned Sym Poachers. The item are Symbol Eyes, and they grant unmeasurable power. They can only be created by a certain individual, who is not my character. People born with them are not as strong, as someone who steals it, or has it passed down to them. Gryphon knew he was being hunted by Sym Poachers, so he gave Grimoire his Symbol Eye. It's a heirloom that was passed down, generation by generation, and it has been passed down for the last time. Grimoire inserts the eye, and it fits itself inside. As a result of the eye, she becomes paler. For extra protection, Gryphon bestows his eyepatch to Grimoire.
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Gryphon tells Grimoire to run away as far as possible, and hesitantly, Grimoire follows his father's command. A while after this incident, Grimoire did some self exploration. He didn't exactly feel comfortable in his body, and so with the power of the Symbol Eye, she changed her body, to match with her visions. And on the topic of stylization, she puts a flower over her other eye, trims her hair, changes her hair's hue, and fashions her self some new and pretty boots.
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...she also gave herself some pretty nails. For a while, she went by the name Grimdwell, but after some time, she decided to return to her name Grimoire, as she thought it was cooler. Trivia: In her first design, she had goggles, a pearl necklace, short sleeves, and a second, more transparent layer of clothing.
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If it isn't already obvious, Grimoire is transgender, Male to Female. Grimoire is also pansexual.
Grimoire is a spin-off of one of my friends characters, Lulladora Burgers, who also has a Symbol Eye.
Grimoire's concept came to me while listening to the song C18H27NO3, by Team Grimoire. The artist's name is where she gets her name from.
Grimoire has a very confusing romantic and sexual life.
Grimoire is 662 years old.
In text where Grimoire is speaking, it is normally in all caps.
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The name Grimdwell comes from me misremembering the term "Gloomdwell." There is a more powerful form of Grimoire, which is called Grimdark. This is a real word, and totally not a reference to a semi-obscure, 8000 page webcomic, which you can read at your own time. cough cough https://www.homestuck.com/story/3643 cough cough
Her eyepatch and eye flower were design choices, based off of beatmap backgrounds for C18H27NO3 in the rhythm game "osu!". (The backgrounds in question:)
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majoyosei · 2 years
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New look and current info of Maho Ishimori, my MC from the otome game "Soul of Yokai" 👹
🌸 Name: Maho Ishimori 🌸 Other names: Yokai Queen, Lady Maho, My queen (Hayato) 🌸 Fandom: Soul of Yokai 🌸 Species: Human 🌸 Gender: Female 🌸 Age: 33 years old 🌸 Hair Color: Dark brown 🌸 Eye Color: Dark brown 🌸 Skin color: Pale ivory 🌸 Home Country: Japan 🌸 Current Residence: Yokai Village 🌸 Love Interest: Hayato, the Hanyō (Husband) 🌸 Children: Hanako, the Hanki (Daughter) 🌸 Occupation: Yokai Queen / Housewife 🌸 Personality: Cheerful, spontaneous, imaginative, anxious, temperamental, hot-headed, headstrong, sensitive, kind, reserved, lonely, strong. 🌸 Favorite food: Fried eggs with rice 🌸 Favorite animal: Wolf 🌸 Favorite Color: Lavender Blue 🌸 Favorite season: Spring 🌸 Symbol: Cherry blossom 🌸 Likes: Spicy food, iced tea, chips, plushies and cute things, keychains, bags, earrings, putting on makeup, drawing. 🌸 Dislikes: Bugs, crowds, bitter food, mochis and dangos, dirt, extreme cold, allergies.
🌸 Story: Born in Osaka, she travels to Kyoto in search of peace after a sad loss that causes her an illness difficult to cure. She is transported to the Yokai world by Yukio, becoming involved in the conflict between Yokais and their rejection of humans. After various events and difficulties, she manages to face the ghosts of her past with the help of her friends, learning to deal with her illness and helping to defeat Onimaru and the Lost Kami. In the end, she decides to stay in the Yokai world with Hayato, who becomes the first Hanyō ruler, whom she marries and has a daughter named Hanako. They work together to bring the Yokai into a peace era and improve their relationship with humans.
🌸 Trivia: - After Hanako's birth, Maho is unable to have any more children, due to an internal injury and the medications she takes. - In the Yokai world, Maho becomes stronger with the help of Hayato, her husband, as well as her friends, Karasu and Yukio. - She has a strange allergy to her hands, so she constantly hurts them. - She enjoys eating nikkuman with Hayato at a food stand that he showed her. - Her relationship with Hayato is very intense and passionate. - She likes to dress up, put on makeup and look feminine. She also likes earrings of different shapes. - She is short in stature. - Since Hayato is a Hanyō (50% oni / 50% human) and Maho is fully human, her daughter Hanako is a half-breed (25% oni / 75% human) with more human blood than Yokai. - Her name, Maho, means "true walk" and her surname, Ishimori, means "stone forest".
Without more to say, I hope you like it!!  💮
Soul of Yokai (c) Genius Inc.
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lomatechnology · 8 days
Explore Khmer General Knowledge: A Deep Dive into Cambodian Culture and Traditions
In today’s globalized world, understanding local cultures and traditions is more important than ever. For those interested in Khmer general knowledge, there’s no better way to immerse yourself in the rich heritage of Cambodia than through engaging quizzes and educational resources. In this article, we explore the fascinating aspects of Khmer culture and traditions and provide valuable insights into Khmer educational resources that highlight Cambodia’s history and societal norms.
The Importance of Khmer General Knowledge
Khmer general knowledge encompasses a broad range of topics related to Cambodia’s culture, history, and societal norms. By engaging with Khmer quiz questions, you can deepen your understanding of the country’s traditions, values, and significant historical events. This not only enriches your knowledge but also fosters a greater appreciation for Cambodia’s unique heritage.
Discovering Khmer Culture and Traditions
Cambodia’s cultural tapestry is woven with a rich history and vibrant traditions. Exploring Khmer culture and traditions through educational quizzes provides an interactive way to learn about various aspects, including:
Khmer Festivals and Ceremonies: From the Water Festival to Khmer New Year, each celebration reflects deep-rooted customs and communal values.
Traditional Cuisine: Discover the flavors and culinary practices that define Khmer cuisine, including dishes like Amok and Lok Lak.
Historical Landmarks: Learn about iconic landmarks such as Angkor Wat and their historical significance.
By participating in a Khmer general knowledge quiz, you can test your knowledge on these topics and more, gaining a comprehensive view of Cambodia’s cultural landscape.
Engaging with Khmer Educational Resources
Khmer educational resources are invaluable for anyone looking to deepen their understanding of Cambodia’s heritage. These resources often include:
Textbooks and Reference Materials: Books that cover the Khmer education system and the country’s history.
Online Quizzes and Games: Interactive platforms that offer quizzes on Khmer general knowledge and provide answers to enhance learning.
Cultural Workshops and Seminars: Educational events that offer firsthand experiences of Khmer traditions and practices.
Engaging with these resources can enhance your knowledge and appreciation of Khmer tradition and culture.
Fun and Educational: Khmer Quiz Questions
Quizzes are a fun and effective way to test your knowledge about Cambodia. Here are some examples of Khmer quiz questions you might encounter:
What is the traditional Cambodian dance form known for its elaborate costumes and graceful movements?
Answer: Apsara Dance
Which Cambodian festival is celebrated to mark the end of the rainy season and the beginning of the fishing season?
Answer: Water Festival
What is the name of the famous temple complex that serves as a symbol of Cambodia’s national identity?
Answer: Angkor Wat
These questions not only challenge your knowledge but also provide insights into Cambodia’s cultural and historical context.
IQ Teaser Khmer: Enhancing Your General Knowledge
For those seeking to further challenge themselves, IQ teaser Khmer quizzes offer a blend of intellectual stimulation and cultural learning. These teasers can include a variety of question types, from historical facts to cultural trivia, providing a comprehensive assessment of your general knowledge about Cambodia.
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tirangagames89 · 23 days
Tiranga Game: A Celebration of Patriotism Through Play
In a country as diverse and culturally rich as India, the national flag, known as the Tiranga, holds profound significance. Representing the unity and integrity of the nation, the Tiranga is a symbol of the collective spirit and shared identity of over a billion people. The tricolor flag—saffron, white, and green—evokes a sense of pride, patriotism, and duty. Recently, this iconic symbol has found a new expression in the digital world through the "Tiranga Game," an innovative way to engage with the values and spirit of the nation.
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The Genesis of the Tiranga Game
The Tiranga Game was conceived as a digital initiative to foster a sense of patriotism among the younger generation. With the advent of smartphones and the proliferation of mobile gaming, developers saw an opportunity to blend entertainment with education, creating a game that could instill national pride while being enjoyable and engaging. The game’s release was strategically timed to coincide with national celebrations like Independence Day and Republic Day, ensuring maximum impact and participation.
Gameplay and Features
The Tiranga Game is designed to be both fun and educational. It incorporates elements that reflect India's rich history, culture, and national achievements. The game is divided into multiple levels, each designed to represent different aspects of India’s journey as a nation.
Flag Hoisting Challenges: One of the core features of the Tiranga Game is the flag hoisting challenge. Players must navigate through various obstacles to reach the flagpole and successfully hoist the Tiranga. This level is symbolic of the struggles and efforts required to maintain the sovereignty and unity of the nation.
Cultural Trivia: Each level is interspersed with trivia questions related to Indian history, culture, and the significance of the Tiranga. Players must answer these questions correctly to proceed, thereby learning about the nation’s heritage while playing.
Freedom Fighter Profiles: As players advance through the game, they unlock profiles of various freedom fighters who contributed to India's independence. These profiles offer insights into their lives, sacrifices, and the values they stood for, providing players with a deeper understanding of the country’s history.
Patriotic Music: The game features a rich soundtrack of patriotic songs, including renditions of the national anthem and other iconic tunes that evoke a sense of pride and nostalgia. The music is carefully curated to enhance the immersive experience and reinforce the theme of national unity.
Customizable Avatars: Players can choose or customize their avatars, which are dressed in traditional Indian attire or uniforms of the Indian armed forces. This feature allows players to connect personally with the game, enhancing their emotional investment in the gameplay.
Multiplayer Mode: The Tiranga Game also includes a multiplayer mode where players can compete in teams to complete national missions or solve puzzles. This mode encourages collaboration and teamwork, reflecting the collective effort needed for nation-building.
Educational Impact
Beyond entertainment, the Tiranga Game serves as a powerful educational tool. By integrating historical facts, cultural trivia, and profiles of national heroes, the game helps players, especially the younger generation, to develop a deeper understanding and appreciation of India’s heritage. The trivia questions and historical narratives are designed to be both informative and thought-provoking, encouraging players to explore India’s history further.
The game also promotes the values represented by the Tiranga: courage (saffron), peace (white), and prosperity (green). By engaging with these values in a playful context, players internalize them in a way that traditional education methods might not achieve.
Technological Innovation
The Tiranga Game leverages the latest in gaming technology to deliver a seamless and engaging experience. The game’s graphics are designed to be vibrant and colorful, reflecting the hues of the Tiranga itself. Advanced animation techniques bring the avatars and environments to life, making the gameplay visually appealing.
The game also incorporates augmented reality (AR) features, allowing players to experience the Tiranga in their physical environment. For example, through AR, players can project a virtual flag onto their surroundings and interact with it, making the experience more immersive.
Community Engagement
One of the unique aspects of the Tiranga Game is its emphasis on community engagement. The developers have integrated social media features that allow players to share their achievements, custom avatars, and progress in the game with friends and family. This not only fosters a sense of community but also spreads the message of patriotism beyond the game itself.
The game has also inspired various online challenges and competitions, where players are encouraged to create content—such as short videos or artwork—related to the Tiranga and Indian independence. These challenges have gone viral on social media platforms, further amplifying the game’s reach and impact.
The Role of the Tiranga Game in Modern Patriotism
In today’s fast-paced digital age, the ways in which people express their patriotism have evolved. While traditional forms of celebrating national pride—such as flag hoisting ceremonies and parades—remain important, digital platforms like the Tiranga Game offer a new, modern way to engage with these values.
The game appeals to a generation that is increasingly spending time online, offering them a way to connect with their national identity in a format that is both familiar and engaging. It is a prime example of how technology can be harnessed to promote cultural values and national pride.
The Tiranga Game is more than just a mobile game; it is a digital manifestation of national pride and a celebration of the values that the Indian flag represents. By blending entertainment with education, it offers players a unique way to connect with their heritage and history. The game’s success lies in its ability to engage players emotionally, fostering a sense of patriotism that is both deep and enduring.
As India continues to evolve in the digital age, initiatives like the Tiranga Game will play a crucial role in keeping the spirit of the nation alive among the younger generation. By embracing technology and innovation, the Tiranga Game ensures that the values symbolized by the national flag continue to resonate with the people, reminding them of their shared identity and collective responsibility towards the nation.
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pratham-blog-post · 26 days
The Tiranga Game Celebrating Unity and National Pride through Play
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The Tiranga Game is a captivating and innovative concept that merges the thrill of gaming with the profound symbolism of India’s national flag, the Tiranga. This game is more than just a form of entertainment; it serves as a bridge connecting players with the rich cultural and historical tapestry of India while fostering a spirit of unity and patriotism. By delving into the mechanics, themes, and impact of the Tiranga Game, we gain insight into how this unique game contributes to national pride and educational enrichment.
At its core, the Tiranga Game is designed to celebrate the essence of the Indian tricolor, which comprises three horizontal stripes of saffron, white, and green, along with a navy blue Ashoka Chakra in the center. Each color and symbol holds deep meaning: saffron represents courage and sacrifice, white symbolizes truth and peace, green stands for faith and chivalry, and the Ashoka Chakra epitomizes the eternal wheel of law.
The game’s design is ingeniously crafted to incorporate these elements in a way that is both engaging and educational. Players embark on a journey through various levels and challenges, each representing different aspects of Indian culture and history. For instance, levels may include tasks related to historical events, famous personalities, and traditional festivals, all while weaving in the significance of the Tiranga.
One of the key features of the Tiranga Game is its educational value. It provides an interactive platform for players to learn about India’s diverse heritage and the historical context behind the national flag. This educational aspect is seamlessly integrated into the gameplay, ensuring that players not only enjoy themselves but also gain a deeper understanding of their nation’s legacy. Quizzes, puzzles, and trivia related to Indian history and the symbolism of the Tiranga are embedded throughout the game, making learning an enjoyable and immersive experience.
Moreover, the Tiranga Game promotes unity and national pride. In a country as diverse as India, where regional differences and cultural variations are abundant, the game serves as a unifying force. By focusing on the shared symbols of the Tiranga, it helps to bridge gaps between different communities and fosters a sense of collective identity. Players from various backgrounds can connect over the common thread of national pride, reinforcing the idea that despite differences, the spirit of India’s unity is a common bond.
The game also leverages modern technology to enhance its appeal. With visually stunning graphics, interactive elements, and engaging soundscapes, the Tiranga Game captures the attention of players of all ages. The integration of augmented reality (AR) or virtual reality (VR) features can take the experience to the next level, offering an immersive journey through India's cultural and historical landscapes.
Additionally, the Tiranga Game has potential applications beyond mere entertainment. It can be used as a tool in educational institutions to supplement history and cultural studies curricula. Schools and colleges can incorporate the game into their teaching methods, allowing students to explore and understand national heritage in a dynamic and interactive manner.
In conclusion, the Tiranga Game represents a unique fusion of entertainment and education, celebrating the national pride and unity embodied by India’s tricolor flag. Through its innovative gameplay, educational value, and ability to foster a sense of collective identity, the game stands as a testament to the power of interactive media in promoting cultural understanding and national pride. As players navigate its challenges and uncover the rich history behind the Tiranga, they are not only entertained but also enriched by a deeper appreciation of their nation’s heritage.
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thesockstreet · 2 months
India, with its vast coastline and rich culinary heritage, boasts a treasure trove of diverse and delectable fish varieties. Join us on a journey as we uncover fascinating and lesser-known facts about some of the unique fish enjoyed across the country.
Did you know? Basa, a popular fish in India, hails from the Mekong River and is known for its mild flavor and versatility in various cuisines.
Fun Fact: Pomfret, with its distinctive silver color and delicate taste, is considered a symbol of good luck and prosperity in Indian culture.
Trivia Time: Rohu, commonly found in Indian rivers, is not only a culinary delight but also holds cultural significance, often featured in religious rituals.
Distinctive Feature: Pabda, known for its long whiskers, adds a touch of elegance to Bengali cuisine and is celebrated for its tender, succulent meat.
Regal Status: Surmai, or King Mackerel, is a prized catch in Indian waters. Its rich, oily flesh makes it a favorite for grilling and frying.
Dive into the vibrant world of Indian seafood, where each fish has a story to tell and a unique flavor waiting to be savored. As you embark on your culinary adventures, remember that the sea is full of surprises, and India's lesser-known fish are a testament to the diversity that graces our plates.
Let the flavors of the sea enchant your palate and inspire your next seafood culinary masterpiece.
Explore our fresh selection now!
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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National Save the Eagles Day
With eyesight that is eight times better than humans, majestic eagles build their nests on top of high cliffs to get the best vantage point. And with a grip that is up to ten times stronger than humans, eagles are incredibly powerful. Both of these attributes make them amazing hunters. But there was one point when these birds almost became extinct.
National Save the Eagles Day is here to raise awareness about and promote the plight of these marvelous birds.
History of National Save the Eagles Day
Native to North America, Bald eagles were on the endangered species list for several decades but, thankfully, they were saved from extinction and removed from the list in 2007.
While bald eagles and golden eagles are the most well-known in Canada and the US, there are 60 different species of eagles that live all over the globe, many of them in Eurasia or Africa. These birds of prey have large wingspans and spend a lot of their time looking relaxed as they glide effortlessly throughout the air.
National Save the Eagles Day was founded by the local community of Ridgefield Village Park and the Bergen County Audubon Society in an effort to rescue one particular couple of eagles whose habitat was at risk.
When these two eagles, named Alice and Al, built their home in Ridgefield overlooking Overpeck Creek, there was some concern about health risks that might be involved and a development corporation decided to remove the eagles. However, the local community was unhappy with the solution and they decided to organize a way to allow this eagle couple to keep their home. And they succeeded!
Even though National Save the Eagles Day was originally established around a specific set of eagles, it has now gained traction and the celebration has spread!
National Save the Eagles Day Timeline
1782 Bald Eagle is adopted as US symbol
With anecdotal accounts of upwards of 100,000 nesting eagles, Americans choose this as a symbol of freedom.
1971 The Eagles band is formed
A frontrunner in American country rock, this band originally consists of Don Henley, Randy Meisner, Glenn Frey and Bernie Leadon.
1978 Bald Eagle is declared endangered
Under the Endangered Species Act, the US government works to protect the bald eagle, which has only 500 breeding pairs left on the planet.
2007 Bald Eagle removed from endangered list
While still protected, the Bald Eagle emerged from the endangered list as their populations had recovered significantly to more than 300,000.
2015 Save the Eagles Day begins
Founded in an effort to save a particular pair of eagles that were nesting in New Jersey, the first Save the Eagles Day is celebrated.
How to Celebrate National Save the Eagles Day
Get involved and have fun with National Save the Eagles Day by trying out some of these fun ideas:
Go Eagle Watching
Heading out early in the morning to go eagle watching might be the perfect activity to do in celebration of National Save the Eagles Day! Of course, it depends on location, so some people might need to turn it into a road trip to get to a good park or another place that is known for eagle watching.
Eagle watching requires some patience and dedication, but it can also be very satisfying. Head out early because eagles are the most active in the morning, from sunrise until about 10am when bald eagles are likely to be hunting and feeding.
While it might seem odd, some people don’t realize that, in some locations like Washington state, eagle watching is more likely to be successful in years that end in even numbers. This is because “even” numbered years tend to have higher populations of salmon that are swimming upstream. In addition, they may be most prevalent in certain areas in the month of December. And they also seem to enjoy hunting more on days that are cloudy!
Learn Fun Facts About Eagles
One cool way to celebrate National Save the Eagles Day is to raise awareness by learning and sharing some bits of trivia and fun facts about these fascinating birds.
Unlike most species, the female bald eagle is slightly larger than her male partner.
Sadly, most eagle related deaths are caused by humans, including impact with man-made structures, gunshot and poisoning.
While hawks have a strong cry, eagles actually sound a bit silly. Because of this, most films and television shows replace the actual sound of eagles with that of hawks.
Eagles can dive up to 100 miles per hour when hunting and they fly at about 30 miles per hour when traveling casually.
Make a Donation to Save Eagles and Other Wildlife
One superb way to be involved with helping out on National Save the Eagles Day is by making a financial contribution to a charity that helps to protect and rescue animals that are in danger. Consider learning more about one of these charities:
American Bald Eagle Foundation. Working to protect and preserve the habitat for bald eagles, this organization educates and also performs research activities to better serve the needs of these eagles.
American Eagle Foundation. This organization is similar to the one above, but it works to meet the needs of not only the bald eagle but also other birds of prey as well. Their mission is threefold: to conserve, educate and protect.
Defenders of Wildlife. This organization works to protect and help out all wildlife, including the bald eagle which is the only eagle that is unique to North America.
National Wildlife Federation. This is another charity dedicated to protecting and helping at-risk wildlife, including birds of prey.
Listen to Songs by the Eagles
In honor of the day, how about queuing up some music that was made by the classic rock band themselves, the Eagles? With more than twenty albums to their credit, as well as some video albums, there’s plenty of options for listening to this trailblazing country rock band.
Check out one – or several – of these favorite songs by the Eagles in celebration of Save the Eagles Day:
Hotel California (1976). One of the most famous songs by the band, this interesting tune tells a strange story that has been said to be about “excess in America”.
Take It to the Limit (1975). From the album, One of These Nights, this song is all about the encouragement to keep on trying, even when life gets tough.
Peaceful Easy Feeling (1972). From their debut album, this song’s lyrics are about a girl the singer is interested in, but he’s decided ahead of time that he’s not going to let her disturb his “peaceful, easy feeling”.
Take It Easy (1972). Written by Jackson Browne as well as Eagles band member Glenn Frey, this was the first single released by the Eagles and its message is about not getting “too big too fast”.
National Save the Eagles Day FAQs
How do eagles fly?
Eagles are able to fly through the air primarily by their ability to soar.
What do eagles eat?
Eagles typically have a diet of small mammals and birds, such as rabbits, grouse, gulls and more.
What saved the bald eagle from extinction?
Captive breeding, habitat protection, law enforcement and reintroduction efforts helped minimize the risk of extinction for the bald eagle.
Do eagles eat hawks?
Eagles who prey sometimes will eat small hawks or baby hawks after attacking their nest.
Do eagles mate for life?
Usually, bald eagles mate for life, making them loyal spouses and parents for their average 30 years of life.
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bytesizetrivia · 5 months
Trivia Facts On The Liberty Bell’s Silent Resonance
The Liberty Bell, an iconic symbol of freedom nestled in Philadelphia, has a rich history dating back to 1753. Despite being silenced by an unsuccessful crack repair in 1846, the bell’s influence resonated across the country through exhibitions until 1915. Today, attracting over 2 million visitors annually, this enduring emblem of American independence serves as a poignant reminder of our nation’s struggles and triumphs in the pursuit of liberty.
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enquiringangel · 1 year
Which of the Lost Boys do you think is the most likely to…
Be mistaken for a celebrity?
Have visited the most states or even countries?
Have a collection of books that they may or may not have read entirely?
Speak a foreign language fluently?
Identify types of flowers?
Have the most body count?
Be a sadist?
Be the best at math?
Give someone the wrong directions (intentionally)?
Be an extra in a zombie movie?
Have read a Harlequin book?
Win at trivia?
Give the best hugs?
Fall from the tree?
Enjoy pineapple on their pizza?
1. I don’t really know. Maybe Paul? He looks like he could be mistaken for a member of some hair metal band no one’s ever heard of
2. Dwayne. Hc is he used to ride the railroad all over until he wound up in San Francisco where he met David.
3. I don’t think David was very literate when he was human so reading is something he doesn’t take for granted. They do all read, especially on slow, rainy nights during the off season. But Paul has a short attention span (it’s the adhd) so he tends to abandon books partway through unless they really grip him.
4. I’ve never really thought about it. Hm. I can’t picture any of them being truly fluent tbh, but they’ve probably picked up a few things here and there.
5. Marko. He’s pretty arty and flowers have lots of symbolism.
6. David. He’s been around long enough to have…got around.
7. They can all be pretty sadistic when killing, but I think Marko might enjoy that kind of thing a bit more than the others
8. None of them, lol
9. David. He likes messing with people.
10. Marko. He would want to be a zombie.
11. Dwayne. He probably critiqued it too. I’m picturing him frowning down at the page like, “Her tits did what? That’s…not even how tits work.”
12. They collectively have a lot of knowledge about a lot of things, so it depends what the trivia involves.
13. Dwayne. He just looks like he would give nice hugs. (The whole thing with him never wearing a shirt makes it extra nice lol)
14. What tree? If there is a tree they probably try and make each other fall out of it on purpose. I am picturing Paul being pushed here.
15. Marko. He seems criminal enough for that. David just flicks it at people.
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talk-today · 1 year
What is a Hen Party? Celebrating the bride-to-Be
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A hen party, also referred to as a bachelorette party in some countries, is a tradition preceding the wedding that celebrates the bride-to-be's final days of being single. This special event brings together the friends and family of the bride for a night or weekend filled with enjoyment, bonding and often a hint of mischief. Let’s explore the essence of a hen party, its roots and how it is celebrated.
The Origins of Hen Parties
The tradition of hen parties has origins dating back to Rome and Greece. During those times both the bride and groom would celebrate separately with their friends before getting married. However the modern concept of a hen party as we know it today emerged during the century. In the United Kingdom these celebrations were initially known as "hen nights".
Other Names for Bachelorette Parties
Different cultures and regions have their own terms for hen and stag parties. For instance, in Australia, they're called "Hen and Buck Party". In the US, they're known as "Bachelor and Bachelorette Party". South Africa has a tradition called "The Kitchen Tea", while Canada celebrates "Stag and Doe" parties.
The Purpose of a Hen Party
The primary objective of a hen party is to honor the bride-to-be and provide her with an enjoyable experience leading up to her wedding day. A hen party offers her the chance to unwind, have a time and make lasting memories with her closest friends and family members. Moreover, it serves as an opportunity for everyone in the bride's circle to come together and develop bonds.
Activities and Traditions
Hen parties can range from simple sleepovers to extravagant week-long getaways. Some modern hen parties even include dancings and signings. Brides-to-be would visit female relatives and offer sacrifices to the goddess of virginity, symbolizing their transition from girlhood to womanhood.
Important Elements of a Hen Party
Hen parties can take forms. Be as unique as the bride herself. However they typically include these elements:
Guest List:The guest list usually consists of the bride's friends, bridesmaids and close family members. It is crucial to consider the bride's preferences when finalizing the guest list.
Activities: Hen parties offer a range of activities to choose from, such as spa days, afternoon teas, dance classes or more adventurous options like zip lining or paintball. The selection of activities often reflects the bride's interests and personality.
Decorations: Decorations play a role in creating an ambiance. They may involve banners, balloons and table settings that match the theme or colors chosen by the bride.
Games and Challenges: Incorporating games and challenges into a hen party is quite common to keep things entertaining. Hen parties offer a range of activities from trivia quizzes, about the bride to scavenger hunts and embarrassing dares.
Gifts: Attendees often bring gifts or tokens of affection for the bride. These gifts can be sentimental or humorous depending on the dynamics of the group.
Dress Code: Some hen parties have a dress code or theme that participants are encouraged to follow which adds an element of fun and unity to the occasion.
The Irish Dance Party is a dance and singing group in Ireland, in the centre of Dublin, that offers an experience combining entertainment and culture. They provide an opportunity for bride-to-bes and their visitors to engage with the vibrant Irish heritage through dance and music. Their dance and music sessions can be a fantastic option for a memorable and enjoyable hen party.
At The Irish Dance Party, participants, including those attending hen parties are encouraged to join in the fun and learn dance steps from experienced instructors who are passionate about sharing their knowledge. This creates an opportunity for the bride-to-be and her friends to bond while being active together.
During the dance sessions there is music playing traditional Irish tunes, which adds to the atmosphere's authenticity and liveliness. Skilled musicians showcase their talents with instruments such as the fiddle, accordion and bodhrán. The sessions are designed to be enjoyable and light hearted promoting lots of laughter and a sense of connection among the participants.
The Irish Dance Party doesn't have a package for hen parties, their interactive dance and music sessions can offer a unique and unforgettable activity for hen parties or any other group event. It allows participants to engage with culture in a fun way making it an excellent choice, for those wanting to add some charm to their special occasion.
A hen party is a time for friends and family to gather, share laughter, stories, and create lasting memories. Whether it's an afternoon tea, a night out on the town or an adventurous weekend getaway, the key to a successful hen party is ensuring it reflects the personality and preferences of the bride, while providing everyone involved with a truly unforgettable experience.
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