#Cris e Alain
aquelaquepossuiasas-e · 3 months
(Cris e Alain - Espelho da Vida)
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angelsecreto · 4 years
Espelho da Vida
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ifeyrearcheron · 6 years
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you are in my head always, always, always...
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shippermanic · 6 years
Cris e Alain - Shallow 
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ciceromattos · 6 years
Último Capítulo de Espelho da Vida: Duas Versões para o Final da novela
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mazojo · 6 years
What would the cast of Love and Legends Broadway Musical theme songs be?
AHhHHH Anonnn! I saw this and my mood lit up loll and you know, if anyone wants to fangirl about musicals, hit me up lol
- Perfect For You - Next to Normal - “This planet is pretty much broken beyond all repair, but one thing is working if you’re standing there”: This song is so preciousss… Like Saerys singing it to MC about how his life has never had much meaning becouse of the death of his family and then MC arrives and
- Waving Through a Window - Dear Evan Hansen - “Can anybody see, is anybody waving back at me?”: I feel like Saerys has always feel a little out of place, considering he is the last one of his species, so this song about not fitting in and everything?? Perfect theme song Also its such a bop and relatable
- Anything You Can Do I Can Do Better - Annie Get Your Gun - “I can live on bread and cheese. And only on that? Yes. So can a rat!”: This song is so fitting for Augusts first season where he is stubborn as hell and clashes with MC and the dynamic of the song fits them perfectly lol.
- Non Stop - Hamilton - “I’ve seen injustice in the world and I’ve corrected it”: I meannn, is there more of a fitting musical as a whole than Hamilton for August?? I think I can just quote the whole musical and it would fit August.
- Meet Me Inside - Hamilton - “I’m notcha son—Watch your tone”: I wasn’t sure which song to put for Iseul considering his varying personality buttt this song is super fitting as to his relationship with Reiner in his route where he is being told off and an animatic of this would be e p i c.
- Just One Day - Freaky Friday - “All I ask is for twelve hours, To live my life, my way”: Okayyy so maybe many haven’t heard this musical, its actually based on the freaky Friday movies, but I love it and this song is so Iseul?? Like he just wanting to chill and be himself but having to live up to standards?? 
- Breathe - In the Heights - “I think of the days when this city was mineI remember the praise” This song has a beautiful meaning and I can just picture Reiner reminiscing about his father and brother and everything he has to live up to and ;w;
- When Your Feet Dont Touch The Ground - Finding Neverland - ”And in each line upon my face, is proof I fought and lived another day”: This is also a very sad song and I think it sums up pretty well Reiner’s fears and anxieties caused by the war and //cries
- Quiet - Matilda - “The words they are forming, Cannot reach me anymore”: Okayyy so this song may seem a little childish but I think that deep down, Altea kind of feels like this?? a n x i e t y?? you know, having to live up to being the sorcess and all the knowledge and I stan this ???
- What is This Feeling - Wicked - “What is this feeling, so sudden, and new? I felt the moment I laid eyes on you”: Lol hear me out, hear me out, I know this song has a “negative” connotation where Galinda and Elphaba hate each other but I think it shows chemistry?? and like at the beginning everyone hating on MC becouse they believe she is the witch queen and Altea being super cute and pure? amazing
- Wait for it - Hamilton - “Life doesn’t discriminate, Between the sinners and the saints”: Yes, another Hamilton, I am trash, I know… This is one of my favorite songs in Hamilton and it would totally fit Helena? Like she is just waiting for her moment of happiness and basically escaping her torture but she is calculating and doesn’t risk it and asdfhwke
- Lifeboat - Heathers - “And the captain is pointing Well, who made her captain?”: Also one of my favorite bops and its meaning ;w; I believe Helena feels trap in her lifestyle not wanting to do all the evil she does and this totally describes her feelings??
- Seventeen - Heathers - “Don’t you want a life with me? Can’t we be seventeen?”: Okay so apart from the whole JD is crazy and Alain would probably not get half of the references, this song would be super accurate?? Like all Alain wants is to feel normal, go to simpler times and enjoy with MC and aHHhhH?
- Neverland - Finding Neverland - “In a place so far away, We’ll be young, That’s how we’ll stay”: I think I mentioned that Alain reminds me so much of this song before?? Its just so precious as its him wanting to reach a place of happiness far away and drift with the person he loves
Witch Queen
- World Burn - Mean Girls - “I wanna watch the world burn, And everyone get mean”: Do I even have to comment upon this one? I think its pretty straightforward how the Witch queen craves v e n g a n c e and its totally the reincarnation of Regina in the form of the witch queen lol.
- I Know Its Today - Shrek - “Ever after better get here”: Yes, I love the Shrek musical, its an amazing bop, don’t judge It before listening to it lol. MC is always waiting for something to happen in her life and although technically she is not waiting to be rescued by a knight in shining armor like in the song, I still think its pretty fitting
- Dance With You - The Prom - “I just wanna dance with youLet the whole world melt away”: So this would basically apply to all routes, MC just wanting to be with the person she loves and ignore the whole world and problems, just the two of them AhhHH?
- Two Player Game - Be More Chill - “But it’s no big, ‘cause you and I are a team”: To end on a super high noteee, this is such a cute song and it would describe Solaire and Sophie thinking MC rocks even when she is down and I love it
Lol sorry for the mini rant on each, I kinda love musicals ;w;
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fofocame-blog · 6 years
'Espelho da vida': Cris diz a Alain que não vai mais fazer o filme
‘Espelho da vida’: Cris diz a Alain que não vai mais fazer o filme
Cris (Vitória Strada) vai se assustar quando fizer sua viagem ao passado em “Espelho da vida”. Depois de procurar ajuda médica e descobrir que não há nada de errado com a sua saúde, ela procura Alain (João Vicente de Castro) e fala que não quer mais fazer o filme. “Não quero mais fazer o papel de Julia, Alain”, fala ela, assustada. “Como assim? Não quer? Você tava apaixonada pelo…”, pergunta…
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SHATIN, BANLIEUE DE HONG-KONG, NEW TERRITORIES. Par ordre d’apparition : Roethke, Rimbaud, Baudelaire, notre père, Duras, mythologie Apache, Alain Bashung, les cent mille Bouddhas Today I eat my usualdiet of -gri(e)ves-un menudansé à petits pas cahin-cahavoleté et courants d’air sans monotonie with bipolarity sans tri dans les languessans criI cried out my eyeset ma vie within a body was…
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serge-orru · 6 years
Chic la mer est plastique !
Une bourrasque de colère s’abat sur moi quand je me promène sur un littoral jonché des débris de cette matière plastique, pas si fantastique. Un amas de brosses à dents, gilets de sauvetage, cotons-tiges, pailles, flacons, bouteilles, bouchons, et autres fragments devenus des vagues de plastique, s’échouent sur nos plages. Ces marées multicolores issues de notre civilisation du jetable illustrent assez hideusement, osons l’écrire, notre société confortablement vautrée dans le gaspillage. On me dit que 634 tonnes de déchets en plastique sont déversées en mer chaque seconde dans le monde ? Alain Souchon chante « pardon pour cette flotte de plastique bleu qui part en mer pour des millénaires ». Pardon pour cette tare plastique.
Entendons-nous le cri du plastique abandonné dans la nature ? Entendez-vous le cantique du polytéréphtalate d’éthylène que l’on nomme PET ? On pourrait croire que le pétrole transformé en objets abandonnés de notre quotidien consumériste veut retourner dans la chaleur des entrailles de ses profondeurs d’antan.
  Foin de lyrisme et passons à l’action. En mars 2003, en Corse eut lieu, suite à la campagne du Festiventu, « Halte aux sacs plastique », un référendum qui a permis de proposer le sac réutilisable dans les grandes surfaces de l’île. 17 000 corses l’ont décidé et le premier août 2003, le sac plastique à usage unique se fit rare dans la grande distribution insulaire et dans le maquis. L’exemple se propagea immédiatement sur le continent. Mais il aura fallu attendre 2016 pour que la loi Ségolène Royal sur les sacs plastique, que je qualifierais d’avancée imparfaite, soit votée. Néanmoins, il reste encore tant à faire pour bannir ces satanés sacs plastique, icônes de notre société de consommation.
  Si, actuellement, il semble difficile pour nos gouvernants nationaux d’évoquer un changement de constitution pour la Corse, proposons alors, sans rancune… une nouvelle action environnementale qui, de nouveau, espérons-le influencera les acteurs politiques et économiques continentaux.
  J’aime à rappeler qu’en Chine vers moins de 500 ans avant Jésus Christ, on disait que ceux qui sont aptes à commander mais qui sont incapables de préserver les forêts, les rivières et les marais avec respect ne sont pas dignes de prendre le pouvoir.
C’est valable pour tous les pays du monde.
  Il est opportun de faire une nouvelle proposition qui, comme les sacs plastique, partirait de Corse : et si nous instaurions un système de consigne pour les bouteilles en plastique ?
  Profitons donc de cette tribune pour lancer la consigne des bouteilles en plastique en Corse. En ramenant dans les commerces nos bouteilles en PET, soit toutes les bouteilles d’eau minérale et de sodas constituées de cette matière plastique courante, nous pourrons imiter les pays du Nord de l’Europe qui les consignent déjà avec succès.
  Ainsi, l’Allemagne a mis en place, depuis 2003, un système de consigne pour les contenants, qu’ils soient recyclables ou non. Cette caution, le « PFAND » s’applique ainsi à la bière, l’eau minérale ou les boissons gazeuses sans alcool mais pas aux jus de fruits, au lait, au vin ou au spiritueux. La plupart des distributeurs collectent ces bouteilles pour favoriser leur recyclage.
  En France, une bouteille en PET sur deux est recyclée. C’est insuffisant.
En Corse, la plupart sont enfouies, trop peu sont recyclées. Un nombre effrayant d’entre elles s’en vont nager ou patauger dans les bas-côtés.
  L’appel lancé ici, dans cette tribune, concerne la grande distribution, EcoEmballage devenu CITEO, la Collectivité Territoriale de Corse, le Syvadec et tous les acteurs associatifs, institutionnels et privés qui voudront s’engager pour concrétiser cette proposition (de consigne).
  Rapporter nos bouteilles en plastique dans les commerces et récupérer en échange un bon d’achat sera incitatif. Collecter davantage de bouteilles permettra d’envoyer en recyclage une matière plastique qui ne sera plus gaspillée. Car le PET est recyclable à l’infini.
  Ce travail de recyclage peut se faire en Corse et serait créateur d’emploi. Ainsi les minéraliers corses qui fabriquent leurs propres bouteilles pourront utiliser du PET recyclé. Passer du jetable au durable est l’un des principes essentiels de l’économie circulaire. Cette économie du moindre impact sur l’environnement et le climat doit s’imposer en Corse. Il en est grand temps.
  Un plus grand tonnage de plastique sera alors recyclé et vendu aux industriels, et un pourcentage financier de cette ressource augmentée pourrait aller à une association d’enfants malades. Car, nous connaissons trop de familles qui souffrent et éprouvent des difficultés pour faire soigner leurs enfants sur le continent, trop souvent. Qui, pourra alors  supporter une bouteille errante ou flottante ? La consigne des bouteilles en plastique en Corse n’est pas une utopie non réalisable mais une action écologique et solidaire.
Si nous le décidons, c’est parfaitement possible.
Oui à la consigne des bouteilles en plastique en Corse et ailleurs !
Aux actes, citoyens !
  Serge Orru
Publié dans In Corsica, mars 2018
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claudehenrion · 6 years
Arrêtez d'emmerder les français...
  Ce cri de révolte en forme de supplique qui traverse cette semaine la ''une'' de Valeurs Actuelles, les lecteurs de ce Blog ne le connaissent que trop : il est l'appel au secours que je lance sans cesse en direction, si elles en ont une, des mânes du regretté Georges Pompidou. Je n'allais pas me priver de saisir au bond la chance ainsi offerte, car notre Président actuel n'a rien compris au message que lui avaient adressé les électeurs : ‘’On ne veut pas de vos idées (partagées, souvenez-vous en, par moins de 25 % du corps électoral)... mais on espère que votre jeunesse et votre soif apparente de réformes vont aller dans le bon sens''. Hélas, plus le temps passe, plus ''il a tout faux''. En fait, il est ‘’En Marche’’... vers tout ce qui est inutile ! 
  La tâche était simple, pourtant, claire et de très bon goût : desserrer le plus vite possible les carcans dans lesquels une Administration triomphante a peu à peu enfermé le peuple français, qui est soumis sans plus aucune protection (sauf, un peu, le Sénat... dont les avis éclairés sont, par système, écrasés par ceux d'une Assemblée Nationale dont la majorité, qui se dit ''en Marche'', est majoritairement composée de survivants du socialisme moribond) à des empilages de règlements, de contraintes, d'obligations, d'impôts nouveaux et de corvées qui le paralysent.         D'un autre côté, on aurait dû se douter que, en confiant à un haut fonctionnaire diplômé de notre plus prestigieuse école d'Administration (dont les membres ont érigé l'esprit de corps en règle de vie  --rappelez-vous la promotion ''Voltaire'' sous Hollande, qui a usé et abusé du pouvoir jusqu'à précipiter la France dans un cauchemar !), on prenait à peu près le même risque… avec une autre promotion.
  Mais non, c'eût été trop beau... On a gardé le plus grand nombre possible de ceux qui étaient en place, et on en a ajouté quelques couches, accélérant encore notre marche vers l'absurde. En quelques décennies, la France est passée de la ''Société de confiance'' dont rêvait Alain Peyrefitte dans les années 1995 à une ''société de défiance'' vingt ans plus tard (2003), puis à à une ''société d'émigration'' vers la Belgique des forces vives de la Nation. Et après avoir rêvé à la fin de ce cercle vicieux sous Sarkozy (dont les promesses ont été assassinés par la pire crise économique que le monde ait connu, ce qui a bloqué ses et nos espoirs d'un retour du balancier), nous avons payé très cher un court moment de faiblesse dans les isoloirs, punis par le règne imbécile d'un Hollande... qui l'était tout autant !
  A la fin, comme pour couronner ces mésaventures, c'est vraiment sans l'avoir voulu que nous nous retrouvons aujourd'hui confrontés à la menace chaque jour plus précise d'une ''Société assujettie'', comme je l'écrivais ici-même il y a peu. Une camarilla de clones auto-sélectionnés ''administre'' la France à coup de normes inutiles, de lois perverses, de prélèvements dingues et d'interdictions dans tous les domaines où il n'y en a pas besoin. Elle nous ''administre'' mais ne dirige plus rien et ne prévoit rien que sa propre survie... et notre douloureuse mise sous tutelle...        C'est Jean Thomas Lesueur, délégué général de l'Institut Thomas More, qui remarquait récemment que ''l'Etat est plus dirigiste que jamais''. Et le plus ironique de tout, c'est que nos parlementaires incultes ont repris le nom de ''société de confiance'' pour mettre en valeur un vague ''droit à l'erreur'' du contribuable devant certaines décisions de la toute puissante et anthropophage Administration fiscale ! Quand je vous dis que les mots ont perdu leur sens : la folie est sortie des asiles !
  Devant des dirigeants bardés de diplômes et s’étant fait les griffes dans les postes les plus brillants du secteur public et même dans certains secteurs sans risques du ‘’privé’’, les simples citoyens et la société civile ne pèsent vraiment pas lourd !             En leur faisant croire que c'est ‘’pour leur bien’’ qu'on agit, on leur enjoint (parfois sans trop de ménagement) de laisser faire l'Etat, qui, lui, sait décider, encadrer, permettre, interdire, réformer dans le sens qu'il a décidé : il est tellement plus capable qu'eux de savoir ce qu'ils veulent ! (c’est leur arme pour nous faire taire).       Ecoutez-les se saouler de mots : le cliché ''Ce que veulent les Français, c’est '' doit obligatoirement précéder la liste de leurs fantasmes liberticides, de leurs idées fixes ou... des idioties que leur ont soufflées les bobos, la mode (c’est pareil), la Presse (c’est pareil-bis) ou des pseudo-gourous plus ou moins bien intentionnés.
  Le seul ennui (je cite encore Jean-Thomas Lesueur), c'est que ''l'étatisme (de notre) Président a besoin, pour se déployer, d'une société française consentante, passive, attendant les solutions et appliquant des consignes venues d'en haut''.           La méthode que Macron revendique sans fausse honte (elle est terrifiante quand on se donne le mal d’écouter ce qui est dit), est clamée, proclamée et revendiquée sans cesse : ‘’je discute aussi longtemps que je l’ai décidé avec les gens ou les corps intermédiaires, mais je ne cèderai rien'' (avec ce RIEN ''majuscule'' et emphatique dont nous ne voyons même plus ce qu’il y a d'inacceptable en lui !)
  La seule question qui vaille est donc : sommes-nous encore prêts à défendre notre civilisation, notre liberté, nos us et coutumes, et, tant qu'on y est, notre religion chrétienne, clé unique de tout ce qui s'est passé (de bon, le plus souvent, et de moins bon, quelques fois !) depuis quinze cents ou deux mille ans... Et comme le recommandait déjà la Fontaine en 1668 dans la fable ''Le loup et le chien'',
“Attaché ? dit le Loup.  De tous vos repas Je ne veux en aucune sorte, Et ne voudrais pas même, à ce prix, un trésor.” Cela dit, maître Loup s'enfuit, et court encor...
  C'est ce que nous devrions faire, si nous étions sages, avant qu'il soit trop tard et que la trace du collier soit devenue ineffaçable en nous... S’il vous plaît, Messieurs de Bercy, et même dans votre propre intérêt... ‘’Arrêtez de nous emmerder’’ !
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11jj11 · 7 years
Falling For You -- Marissonshipping -- Part Three
   Here’s part three everyone! I know originally this was going to be the final part, but I’ve decided that there’s going to be one more chapter after this one! Enjoy!
Part Three – By Your Side    “Am I interrupting?”
   The voice was deep, cutting through the blissful silence that hung between Alain and Mairin. She felt her eyes sliding open as she was pulled out of blurred emotions, blinking as she realized that she and Alain were no longer alone in their wonderful moment.
   “E-eep!” Mairin cried, voice an octave higher than usual. She jumped away from Alain in surprise– face bright red.
   Alain’s reaction wasn’t quite as extravagant as Mairin’s upon hearing the voice behind them. There was a rosy hue to his cheeks, his hands and head uncertainly pulling back from Mairin’s as she leapt away from him. They were both still for a moment, before turning to face the door.
   Professor Sycamore was standing at the doorway, watching them with an unreadable expression, a box in hand. Mairin’s face only went redder– feeling quite childish for having been caught kissing Alain in the lab storage room.
   While they should be working.
   It had been several weeks since they had returned from Sinnoh– which had been some of the best weeks of Mairin’s life. While neither of them had truly mentioned dating after their wonderful kiss up at the lake, it was quite clear that things were offical between them. Mairin had literally gone from never dating before in her life, to going steady with her teenage crush.
   Not that she was complaining– the realization that Alain felt the same about her had been one of the most amazing sensations of her life.
   However, both she and Alain had agreed to keep their relationship secret for now. Neither of them were sure on how Professor Sycamore would react to two of his employees dating each other, and didn’t want to place anything at risk. Besides, neither of them were sure on how to go from childhood friends to being a couple. The feelings for each other were there, and the knowledge that they both felt the same– but there was no experience. No ‘official’ dates had happened between them, besides the precious moments they spent alone embracing and kissing, like up at Lake Acuity.
   Or in this case, the storage room of the lab.
   “P-p-professor!” Mairin managed to squeak out, face currently a bright scarlet. Professor Sycamore raised an eyebrow pointedly at the couple, and Mairin instinctively stepping back towards Alain.
   “Would either of you like to explain what is going on here?” The professor asked, shifting the box in his hands. Mairin uncertainly looked up towards Alain, who was quite red himself. He wrapped an arm around her waist, eyes flickering to the ground.
   “We were– um–” Alain tried to compose himself.
   “I believe I pay you two to work,” Professor Sycamore continued when no clear answer was given to him. “Not to–”
   “Sorry Professor, sir,” Alain muttered, cutting him off. “I only meant to grab the files you asked for, but… I got distracted.”
   Gah! Of all the ways for Professor Sycamore to find out– right in the middle of work hours! Mairin couldn’t find any words, still thoroughly embarrassed for someone walking in on them. It had just been kissing, but… but she had never exactly done it in public before!
   “I can tell,” Professor Sycamore said, and Mairin honestly couldn’t tell how the professor felt. She couldn’t bring herself to look him in the eye either, leaving her gaze glued to the ground.
   It wasn’t just being walked in on that was making her uneasy– but would the professor approve? He was more of a father figure to her than her actual father at times! And just jump back several years, and a relationship between her and Alain would most certainly not be met with approval to the average person…
   Alain seemed to just realize he had his arm around Mairin, and quickly pulled his hand away from her waist. She shuffled back a few steps, as if distance now would cover what had just been discovered.
   “Mairin,” Professor Sycamore began, his expression still unreadable to the young adults in front of him. “I hoped that as my assistant you would be able to keep to the work assigned to you. And you Alain, just because you have finally become a professor does not mean you should set your studies to the side during the time dedicated to them.”
   Mairin wanted to point out that they weren’t kids and didn’t need to be lectured– but to be fair Professor Sycamore was paying them their work– meaning that at the moment they were on his time.
   “It w-won’t happen again, sir,” Alain muttered, still red. It was strange to see Alain so uncomposed.
   Professor Sycamore didn’t respond, simply entering the storage room, sliding the box in his arms onto one of the shelves. Alain and Mairin watched him as he pulled out another box, peering inside before tucking it under on arm. He passed between them, pausing to face Alain.
   “I’ll need those files still, but also grab the one on Xerneas as well, it could prove useful,” He headed back towards the door. “I hope in the future, Alain, that you won’t take a lady into a storage room to kiss– I personally find a beach or a candlelit dinner much more romantic.”
   “I’ll k-keep that in mind, sir?” Alain coughed out after a moment of surprised silence. Mairin turned away, her face currently clashing with her hair.
   Professor Sycamore looked back as he stood in the doorway, smiling. “Also, congratulations– it’s about time you two got together.”
   And with that Professor Sycamore headed down the hallway, leaving the flustered couple to themselves once more.
   “Take a look at this, guys!”
   Mairin’s voice echoed through the lab as she burst in through the front doors, today’s mail in her hands. Kade was right by her side, the Flareon emulating his energetic trainer. Unfortunately no was in the front room– and Mairin quickly made her way through the lab to find her desired audience.
   She found Sycamore and Alain in the greenhouse at the middle of the lab. Both of them were standing around Garchomp and Charizard– the Pokemon holding both their mega stone, and their trainer’s key stone in claw.
   “Flare!” Kade raced forward, jumping into Alain’s arms, knocking his clipboard from his arms.
   “Guess what guys!” Mairin cried excitedly, before pausing. “I’m not interrupting, right?”
   Professor Sycamore reached down, picking up Alain’s fallen clipboard. “Not at all, we were just taking a look at something. You got the mail?”
   “Yep,” Mairin quickly shoved the envelopes and ads into the professor’s arms, holding onto two of them. “But that’s not what I wanted to show you– look at this!”
   She happily held up an opened envelope. Alain leaned forward a bit, frowning as he read the name on it.
   “…Who is Dexio?” He asked in a low tone.
   Mairin didn’t seem to pick up on his wariness. “He’s another professor here in Kalos! He and his partner don’t work in a lab, but rather do their research right in a nature preserve! Every few years they take in several students to teach and to help with their studies– and their courses count as college credit!” She was beaming. “I read about it online a few weeks back, it is amazing! And guess what this letter is offering me!”
   Professor Sycamore smiled. “It seems that Dexio took my recommendation to give you an offer as one of his students.”
   Mairin beamed. “You asked him to, Professor? Oh thank you, this was just the opportunity I’ve been wanting! Schooling without a classroom– they have flexible schedules too! That means I can still work here, and finally get some actual schooling done.”
   “Who is Dexio?” Alain asked again, turning to face the professor.
   Sycamore sighed. “An old assistant of mine– who is both a married and honest man.”
   Alain relaxed– slightly.
   Mairin was looking over the letter once more. “Wow, I can’t believe I actually got an invitation to study there. Thank you so much Professor!”
   “You’ve been a great assistant, I thought Dexio and Sina would be good teachers for you,” The professor said with a hearty laugh.
   “…And the other letter?” Alain asked, pointing to the other envelope in her hand. Kade nudged Alain, and he placed the Flareon on his shoulder, scratching him behind the ear.
   Mairin slowly tucked the acceptance letter behind the other envelope, slowly opening it. She looked over the paper inside, reading it to herself, frowning. She glanced up at Alain and Sycamore uncertainly, then back down at the letter.
   “…It’s a job offer,” She said slowly. “For a place called ‘Blast Burn Research’. I’ve never heard of it, says they’re located on the outskirts of Geosenge Town.”
   “‘Blast Burn’…?” Sycamore said with a slight frown, glancing at Alain. “How… original.”
   “‘Blast Burn Research’s goal is to learn the origins and the power behind the phenomenon known as mega evolution. We are seeking out trainers and scientists with key stones for in-lab and field-based research’,” Mairin quoted, and she glanced up at Alain. “…Did you get a job offer from them as well then?”
   Alain shifted uncertainly. “Um… well… it’s kind of hard to get a job offer when I kind of founded the lab, so…”
   Mairin stared at him for a moment. “…You have your own lab?”
   “It’s still under construction, but it’s going an official branch of my lab,” Professor Sycamore explained. “Makes the League more willing to fund it– though as soon as the facility is on it’s feet he’ll break off. Alain has been a professor for nearly a year now– he couldn’t stay in my dusty old lab forever!”
   “…You started your own lab, and you didn’t tell me?” Mairin’s voice was soft, but Alain was able to spot the dangerous waters from a mile away.
   “I wanted to surprise you!” Alain hastily explained to his girlfriend. “I wasn’t trying to keep things from you! And it’s kind of still under construction, like the professor said… but as soon as it’s ready I’d really like you to help me with research there! Um… you said that program of Dexio’s was pretty flexible, right? That means you could work for me while still going to school!”
   Mairin crossed her arms. “Honestly Alain– you just can’t expect me to suddenly quit my job here at Sycamore’s with no replacements– we’re in the middle of several projects! If both you and me leave, and with Cosette currently in Alola, it’d only be Sophie and the professor here!”
   “I don’t think they’d mind that…” Alain muttered.
   “But you do want to work with Alain, don’t you?” Professor Sycamore asked.
   Mairin flushed a bit, unable to keep up the professional air for long. “Of course I do, but I just can’t quit out of the blue!”
   Sycamore shrugged. “Fine then– you’re fired.”
   “What?” Both Alain and Mairin cried at the same time.
   The professor smirked. “I said you’re fired Mairin, you no longer work in this lab. Looks like you’ll have to go find another job now.”
   “Eon?” Kade whimpered uncertainly– he had been hatched in this lab after all.
   Alain’s moment of surprise quickly passed, and he turned towards Mairin. “So? Do you want to work in my lab then?”
   Mairin huffed. “Like I already said– of course I do you idiot! Do you honestly think I’d let you leave me behind again?” She glared at Professor Sycamore. “And you– me and Alain have been dating for a while now, you can stop playing matchmaker! The first thing you’re going to do is give me my job back so I can give you my two weeks notice myself.”
   “Give you back your job just so you can quit?” Professor Sycamore asked, chuckling.
   Mairin nodded. “Yes, and in that two weeks I’m going to make sure this place stays in order– and help you find a suitable replacement for when I’m gone!” She then turned to face Alain. “And just because I’m going to work for you doesn’t mean fun and games– work means we have a job to get done!”
   “Yes ma’am,” Both professors replied at the same time, though there was a smile on their faces.
   With that Mairin turned her attention back to her two letters, blinking as she headed out of the greenhouse, realizing that her life was going to be going through some changes. Kade leapt off of Alain’s shoulder, racing out after her. The two professors turned back to their Pokemon.
   “That went well,” Professor Sycamore said with a smile.
   “It’s nice seeing her taking charge of her life,” Alain said with a smile of his own, though he frowned after a moment. “I wished it could have happened a bit sooner though– her family never helped her in the self confidence department.”
   “She’s very strong,” Professor Sycamore noted.
   “…More than she realizes,” Alain nodded. Silence fell between them, and he hesitated for a moment. “So, this Dexio… he’s a hundred percent trustworthy?”
   “Yes Alain.”
   “Piper! Please listen to me!” Mairin cried to the Pidgeot overhead, voice strained.
   “Pidge!” The eagle Pokemon screamed down at her trainer, banking around. The Pokemon shone in the sunlight, her blue and red feathers gleaming as she released a Twister down at Mairin.
   “Naught!” Chespie lumbered forward as the swirling mass of draconic energy was rushing towards his trainer. He jumped in front of the redheaded woman, slamming his fists together just as the Twister hit. A glowing green Spiky Shield was formed in front of him, blocking the Twister attack.
   “Gee… Ott…” The mega Pidgeot was huffing after the attack. and she came rushing towards the ground. Her talons dug into the earth as she roughly landed, pupils narrowed and unfocused.
   Mairin slowly stepped out from around Chespie, a noticeable shake in her stance. She was wearing a white lab coat, the hem covered with dirt from attempting to avoid Piper’s attacks. The Pidgeot was currently pawing at the ground with her talons, wings flapping wildly.
   Mairin had known that a Pokemon could become overwhelmed by the power of mega evolution– she had read so many papers about it both when in Sycamore’s lab and in Alain’s. But she had never witnessed it first hand– Zach had responded to his Ampharosite with flying colors! Yes, he had struggled a bit with properly handling his newfound power, but he had been in control. He had been excited! They had mastered their new power.
   Piper was nothing like that.
   “Hey Piper…” Mairin said softly, ignoring the low grunts of warning from Chespie. The Pidgeot whipped her head up towards Mairin as she spoke, beak cracked open aggressively. Shiver’s ran through Mairin– had she done something wrong? She and Piper had both been ecstatic when they had finally gotten a Pidgeotite after several years of searching. What had gone wrong?
   Alain had been able to mega evolve his Metagross and Tyranitar once he had found them mega stones, both pseudo legendaries having taken to the surge of energy with ease. And seeing how close he and Charizard were she knew that the fire type must have taken to mega evolution with no issue as well. And seven years ago she herself had mega evolved Zach with only a few misfired Electro Balls.
   But here they were, behind Alain’s lab, her Pidgeot having lost all control over herself as soon as the surge of energy had washed over her. Mairin’s hand went to the key stone on her scarf– the stone burning to the touch.
   “Pidge…” Piper hissed, no recognition in her eyes. Her wings flared open, an Air Slash forming in front of her. She launched the blade of air, a screech escaping the Pidgeot’s beak.
   Chespie had no time to form another Spiky Shield, so instead he reached out with one large arm, pulling Mairin in close. He tucked her up against his chest, turning so the Air Slash hit his shell instead of her. Shivers ran through Mairin as the attack hit her starter, the Chesnaught stumbling at the force. She knew that as both a grass and a fighting type that a flying type move would be very painful to him.
   “Naught?” Chespie looked at Mairin, who was quickly digging through her lab coat in search for Piper’s Pokeball. She gulped as her frantic search brought up nothing– meaning that she had either dropped it or had left it inside with the rest of her Pokeballs.
   “Gee!” Piper rushed up into the air, wings flapping wildly as she pulled herself towards the sky. Another Air Slash was forming in front of Piper, the Pidgeot letting out an angry screech as she fired the attack. Mairin could see the tremble in the flying type’s wings– she was pained.
   “Ches!” Chespie set down Mairin and formed another Spiky Shield as the Air Slash was rained down on them, looking back at Mairin desperately. She didn’t know what to do– mega evolution remained active as long as adrenaline was running through the Pokemon. That meant that Piper either had to be defeated, or claim victory for the blinding rush of energy to fade.
   Mairin didn’t want to attack her though– this wasn’t Piper’s fault!
   “Pidge!” Piper screeched, and Mairin wrapped her arms around herself. Her Pokemon was hurting and there was nothing she could do about… She had brought this upon Piper, she had rushed the Pidgeot to mega evolve as soon as she had gotten the stone…
   Piper had formed a Steel Wing, and was diving down towards them. Chespie held out his massive arms, knowing that he could take such a hit. Mairin still didn’t like this, and was about to tell Chespie just to dodge when another voice filled the air.
   “Metagross, Psychic,” Alain’s clear and sharp voice snapped, and a purple glow surrounded Piper, stopping her mid-dive.
   A sigh of relief escaped Mairin, gaze sliding towards the lab doors. Alain was standing in the entrance way, tucking Metagross Pokeball away. The metallic titan was standing in front of him, eyes glowing as it held the Pidgeot in a psychic embrace, awaiting Alain’s orders.
   Mairin knew that Alain wasn’t suppose to be back for another hour or so with the current project he was working on– but she wasn’t about to complain with his sudden appearance.
   He’d know what to do, Alain always did.
   “Gee! Ott!” Piper screamed, flailing in the psychic grip, but the Psychic was much stronger than she was. Alain’s eyes narrowed as he watched the Pidgeot.
   “Slam it into the ground,” He snapped, and Mairin’s eyes widened. This wasn’t Piper’s fault!
   Metagross responded as soon as the order was given, the Psychic violently jerking Piper to the earth. Mairin recoiled as her Pokemon was slammed into the ground, the Pidgeot whimpering in pain. Metagross didn’t loosen the Psychic hold, leaving the Pidgeot to writhe in an attempt to break free.
   “Wait!” Mairin cried, but Alain didn’t respond to her calls.
   “Rock Slide,” He simply ordered, and Chespie laid a hand on Mairin’s shoulder as a barrage of stones formed above the withstrained Pidgeot. White orbs began to form above Piper, quickly solidify into stones. The mega Pidgeot looked up just in time to see the Rock Slide bearing down on her, and the flying type was buried in the powerful Rock Slide, her calls weakly echoing from between the stones. Alain studied the pile of rocks for a moment. “See if it can get out.”
   The glow in Metagross’ eyes faded, the trainers and Pokemon watching the remains of the Rock Slide. Piper managed to break free of the attack with a Steel Wing, stumbling out with pained whimpers.
   She still remained in a mega evolved state, her colorful plumage now covered in dirt. She was glaring in Alain’s general direction, gaze not focused however. Some part of her seemed to recognize that the attacks had come from that direction, but her mind wasn’t in the state to truly know just who had launched them. Wings flared open, an Air Slash forming in front of her.
   “Alain! She can’t control her actions! Don’t attack!” Mairin called– which unfortunately turned Piper’s attention back towards her. The Pidgeot quivered, before firing the Air Slash at her and Chespie.
   “Meteor Mash!” Alain snapped, and Metagross became surrounded in metallic aura, rushing forward. This attack didn’t hit Piper right off– rather the steel type taking the hit for Mairin before it struck. Metagross turned, its clawed arms glowing with Meteor Mash, this time targeting Piper.
   The Meteor Mash hit with brutal force, claws digging into the Pidgeot’s chest, pinning her to the ground. Metagross stood over her, holding Piper in place. Alain quickly made his way across the field towards Mairin.
   “Are you alright?” He asked in an urgent tone, though Mairin’s eyes were still glued on the Pidgeot. “How long has she been like this? Did any of the attacks hit you?”
   “St-stop,” Mairin whimpered. “Let her up– stop attacking Piper!”
   Alain reached her, his arms protectively wrapping around her. Piper was still struggling against Metagross, several Air Slashes barely doing anything to the metal Pokemon pinning her down. Mairin weakly pulled against Alain as she watched her Pokemon struggle. Piper still wasn’t herself, calls and eyes wild, but Mairin could feel the key stone burning against her. Piper was hurt, she was in pain.
   Alain didn’t loosen his grip on her. “Mairin, she’s going to hurt herself more if we don’t stop her. Metagross, Psychic again!”
   Metagross’ eyes glowed once more, a purple light surrounding the mega Pidgeot. Mairin’s stomach twisted as she watched her Pokemon writhed. She knew just how powerful Alain’s team was, and even without mega evolution. Mairin’s hands wrapped tightly around the lab coat he was wearing, hating her Pokemon being attacked when helpless.
   The psychic pressure increased, and Piper let out a long painful screech. Mairin closed her eyes, Alain’s hand tightened around her shoulder. A white glow engulfed Piper, and with the Metagross still holding her down, the mega evolution around her faded. Mairin uncertainly peered out at her Pokemon as the heat around the key stone eased away.
   The Pidgeot was collapsed on the ground, breathing heavily. Her feathers were ruffled and scuffed, her whole body shaking. Metagross lifted its clawed hand away from Piper, but the flying type didn’t rise. Tears stung Mairin’s eyes, and she broke free of Alain, rushing forward.
   “P-piper!” The young scientist cried, hurrying to her Pokemon’s side. She placed the worn Pidgeot’s head into her lap, looking over her. Mairin let out a small sigh as she saw a familiar pair of eyes looking up at her, Piper cooing quietly. “You’re okay… thank Arceus you’re okay…”
   “Mairin?” Alain asked, approaching her.
   “…We weren’t ready…” Mairin whispered. “This is my fault…”
   “Gee…!” Piper twisted in protest, and Mairin looked up towards Alain.
   “I hurt her, I let her get hurt…” She whimpered. Alain’s gaze portrayed no emotion, his eyes having their usual coolness. He held a hand out towards her, and she took it without much thought. Mairin was pulled to her feet, Piper’s head falling back to the ground. Alain pulled her into a hug, while Metagross used a Psychic to levitate Piper’s fallen Pokeball into his hand.
   “Return,” Alain muttered, and her Pidgeot was recalled in a flash of red light. “Get the stone.”
   Metagross used another Psychic to scoop up the Pidgeotite that had been in Piper’s talons. Alain tucked both the stone and the Pokeball into his pocket, and shifted while still attempting to comfort Mairin. With an arm around her he recalled Metagross to its Pokeball, and guided Mairin inside of the lab.
   Mairin didn’t seem quite to realize where they were going as they entered Blast Burn lab, the facility quite small compared to Sycamore’s. Chespie remained outside, sitting down next to the doors. Mairin’s whimpered echoed through the building, and Alain placed his other hand around her. She wasn’t sobbing, but tears were falling down her face. Alain coaxed her to sit in a chair.
   Mairin sat with no resistance, heart thumping.
   “What happened?” Alain asked gently, kneeling down in front of her.
   Mairin hiccuped. “I– we– finished our assigned work, and I had n-nothing else to do… The stone was r-ready and I thought me and Piper could give it a go…” She closed her eyes. “We w-weren’t ready, she lost control as soon as we…”
   “Did you get hit by any of her attacks?” Alain asked urgently.
   “N-no…” Mairin whispered, and he let out a sigh of relief.
   “Then everything’s okay,” He told her. “We can get Piper and Chespie healed up, it’s okay now.”
   Mairin looked at him, sorrow and frustration lining her face. “No… No it isn’t! We weren’t ready, but I still did it! This is my fault Alain! It’s my fault she lost control!”
   “Mairin, you know that them losing control is always a possibility when mega evolving Pokemon…” He reminded her, grabbing her hand. He rubbing his thumb across her palm, while she wiped away a few tears. “I know that you weren’t expecting that, but it’s not your fault…”
   “Yes it is,” She whispered, voice sounding hollow.
   Alain gritted his teeth. “I know how you feel Mairin– but it isn’t!”
   She pulled her hand away. “…If I was closer to my Pokemon this wouldn’t have happened. I was too focused on work and school, I put my studies before my own Pokemon.”
   “No one knows why some Pokemon rampage at first, Mairin,” Alain said, standing up. “A lack of a bond is simply one theory of a mega Pokemon losing control. I know yours and Piper’s bond is strong, this is not your fault.”
   “Easy for you to say!” Mairin cried, more tears falling down her face, and she wasn’t sure if they were from frustration or from the fact Piper had been hurt. “You’ve never struggled with mega evolution! You and your Pokemon have always done it flawlessly!”
   “Is that what you think, Mairin?” Alain asked softly, and she looked up at him, startled at his tone. So quiet, so… pained.
   Alain didn’t say anything else, his blue eyes simply watching her. Mairin hiccuped, several more tears falling. She watched as Alain turned away, taking off his lab coat, laying it on a table. Mairin blinked uncertainly, her sorrow not quite as overpowering now that the moment had passed. Guilt still ran through her for what had happened, but confusion was quickly filling the gaps as she watched Alain start to take off his shirt.
   “A-alain?” She asked, another hiccup escaping her as Alain set his shirt on the table. She had seen her boyfriend shirtless before, but she didn’t see why he was doing this. They should be working!
   “Come here,” He said softly, turning to face her.
   Mairin uncertainly pushed herself to her feet, eyes locked on Alain’s blue ones as she stumbled towards him. He held out a hand, and she instinctively pressed her hand into his. He pulled her in close, pressing her hand against his chest.
   “What are you doing?” She asked. They were at the lab, they should be working right now.
   “Feel here,” He whispered, guiding his hand towards the center of his chest. She frowned as she felt several small ridges under her fingers, and she pulled her hand away, looking at what she had just felt.
   Three scars, thin and white, running right across the center of his chest. They were hard to make out against his pale skin, and they were so thin that she hadn’t noticed them until she had felt them. What ever had happened had clearly been taken care of right away, the scars having healed quite nicely. While thin, the scars were still long, all three of them evenly spaced… and they way they were spaced, she had seen something like this before…
   Mairin looked up at Alain, then back at the scars on his chest.
   “…Charizard?” Mairin muttered, realizing that this was the same formation of a slash from Charizard’s claws.
   Alain nodded slowly. “Yes.”
   “No!” Mairin whispered, a small gasp in her voice. “Charizard… you guys are too close, she wouldn’t lose control…”
   “But she did Mairin, and she attacked me the very first time she mega evolved. A Slash attack right across my chest,” He said, and Mairin ran her hand over his scar once more. “It wasn’t her fault though, and it wasn’t mine either. It’s a bond, a process, one that you need to overcome with your Pokemon together.”
   “But…” Mairin whispered.
   Alain pulled her into a hug, her head pressed against his warm chest. “You managed a successful mega evolution with Zach– you were young and it was your first time. I was amazed Mairin, you did better than I did. Please stop blaming yourself, you’re so much stronger than you realize. So much stronger than me…”
   She shook her head. “You can handle anything. You were attacked by your best friend and look at you now… I wasn’t even hit, but I still broke down…”
   Alain sighed, his chest rising and falling as he held her close. He suddenly scooped her up, causing her to yelp, and he cradled her close. She was too exhausted to care, so he simply carried her towards a couch. He sat down, keeping his arms around her as he laid back.
   “I think we’ve both had a long day,” He muttered, closing his eyes. “You deserve a rest.”
   “But work,” Mairin protested weakly, despite this she pressed closer to him. “It’s only noon…”
   “I’m the boss,” He replied. “I say we get off early today.”
   Mairin opened her mouth to argue, but she didn’t want to. She wanted to remain here, cuddled up next to him. He was right, she was so tired, and he was so warm. She laid a hand on his scar again, and she could feel a faint heartbeat beneath her fingers.
   They had gotten through worse things before. Everything would be okay.
   Giving in she relaxed, wrapping her arms around him as they laid on the couch. The lab was silent, and soon sleep claimed them both.
   “Aunty Mairin!”
   ‘Family’ and ‘smiling’ were usually two things Mairin never put together, but when it came to her niece, Hope, one couldn’t help but smile.
   “Hope!” Mairin called as soon as she heard the familiar voice, waving her arms towards blonde-hair girl in the crowd ahead. Mairin happily broke away from Alain’s side, rushing up to meet the five year old girl.
   She scooped up Hope in a great big hug as soon as she reached her. Hope responded by returning the hug, a huge grin on her face. Mairin pulled her niece back, Hope’s amber eyes sparkling happily.
   “Daddy says you’re all done with school forever!” Hope said. “And I hafta still go!”
   “That’s right little Ledyba!” Mairin said, planting a kiss on Hope’s nose. “I graduated today, meaning I’m done forever and ever. And one day you’ll graduate too– and then we’ll both be done with school!”
   Hope thought this over. “I don’t want to be done quite yet. Daddy says first grade is going to be fun like kindergarten.”
   Mairin smiled, turning as Alain approached her. “Have you met Alain before, Hope?”
   Hope looked up at the tall man towering above them, eyes sharp and blue. “…He looks scary.”
   “He is scary,” Mairin agreed with a grin.
   “Hey!” Alain snapped, making Mairin laugh.
   Mairin turned her attention back to her niece. “Now, where’s your daddy? Did Grandma and Grandpa come too?”
   “I see you have already found Mairin, Hope,” A new voice said, and Hope brightened up. She turned in Mairin’s grip, looking at a man approaching them. Like Hope he had blonde hair and amber eyes– the same amber eyes Mairin had. The man held out his arms, and Hope leaned towards him.
   “Daddy!” She declared happily, and Mairin allowed him to take Hope.
   “Hello Justin,” Mairin said with an uncertain smile, looking up at her brother. He nodded politely at her, but with the way the two were looking at each other it felt more like they were acquaintances than siblings.
   “Hello Mairin,” Justin replied. “It’s nice to see you again.”
   Alain’s eyes were focused on Justin, clear distaste in his gaze. He had seen the man before in photos, but like with Hope, he had never met Justin before today. Mairin’s family had never once visited her, and when she went to see them she always went alone– and came back to the lab in tears.
   “Go away,” Hope snapped at Alain once she noticed him glaring. “Mairin says you’re a scary man!”
   Mairin sighed, but seemed glad to have something to break the awkward silence between her and her brother. “I was just teasing, Hope. Alain’s not scary, I promise– he’s my boyfriend.”
   To prove her point she got up on her tippy toes, planting a kiss on Alain’s cheek. He replied by wrapping an arm around her waist, pulling her in close, still glaring at Justin. The blonde seemed unintimidated, watching Alain with just as much scrutiny.
   “Alan, you say?” Justin asked. “Is this the same Alan you mentioned you were traveling with as a child?”
   His tone was friendly, but the emphasis he placed on ‘child’ was enough to show how he was feeling. Alain tightened his grip on Mairin, more out of hostility towards Justin than anything else, but Mairin didn’t seem to notice. She laid her head on Alain’s shoulder, smiling.
   “It’s Alain, but yep, the same one!” She smiled up at Alain. “We’ve been dating for… four years now?”
   “Yes, the happiest time of my life,” Alain replied, voice cold.
   “Oh, you could at least sound happy about it!” Mairin playfully shoved him, rolling her eyes. She looked up at Justin hesitantly. “Thank you for coming to my graduation, Justin.”
   “Sorry we missed the ceremony,” He replied. “But Hope is very glad that she was able to see you,” He glanced up at the school. “So this is the university you went to?”
   “Oh no!” Mairin cried. “I was in a private program– I was learning right in a nature preserve!” A smile spread across her face. “It was absolutely amazing Justin! We just came to this college for the graduation ceremony– that’s all,” She hesitated again. “Um… Were Mom and Dad able to come too?”
   Justin slid his gaze away, setting his daughter down at his side. “I’m afraid not Mairin, something popped up. I’m sure they wished they could be here though.”
   Mairin nodded slowly, and the eagerness from before didn’t seem quite as strong. Alain watched her, standing there in her graduation gown, her amber eyes no longer gleaming. “…What about… M-mercy…?”
   Justin stared at Mairin. “Did you want Mercy to come?”
   Mairin shrank back at the mention of her sister. “N-no…”
   Mairin felt a tug on her side, and she found Hope looking up at her. “Will you play with me, Aunty Mairin?”
   Mairin smiled. “Of course, Ledyba.”
   Mairin seemed glad for the distraction, allowing her niece to pull her through the crowd towards a small grassy area near the university building. This left Alain and Justin alone, the tension that had been there before rising.
   “How old are you?” Justin asked, and Alain rolled his eyes.
   “No formalities? I suppose the Floraison’s can’t even do that?” Alain asked coldly. “I’m twenty five, if you must know. And in case you forgot, I mean Mairin didn’t get even a call from her family on her birthday, she’s twenty two.”
   “I remembered,” Justin said simply. “I was out of region.”
   Alain squared his shoulders, looking Justin in the eye. “While I can at least appreciate that you were hiding the truth so Mairin wouldn’t feel even worse, I want you to be straight with me. Why aren’t her parents here to celebrate their daughter’s graduation? Or at least here to say hi afterwards like you?”
   Justin closed his eyes. “The same reason why they’re never here– Mercy.”
   Alain tensed at the name of Mairin’s so-called ‘sister’– the one that had made his Mairin cry so many times. “What did she do this time?”
   Justin looked up towards the sky. “She’s a doctor, she does seminars time to time, and just so happened to decide that she wanted to invite my parents to one today.”
   “Did Mairin tell them about the graduation before or after Mercy informed them of this seminar?” Alain asked in a low tone, crossing his arms. “And how often does she do these seminars?”
   Justin looked at Alain. “She told them after, of course. She does seminars about once a month, and she doesn’t normally invite Mom and Dad to them.”
   He didn’t clearly want to say it– but he had made it quite clear that Mercy had only wanted to take them away from Mairin’s special day.
   “I don’t like you– or the rest of Mairin’s ‘family’,” Alain told Justin in a low tone. “If it wasn’t for how much Mairin loved Hope I’d ask you to stay away from her– Mairin has been hurt so much by the ones she should call family.”
   Justin’s demeanor remained the same. “Yes, Mercy has hurt her– but I have never done anything to Mairin.”
   “You’ve done nothing for her either,” Alain replied, and Justin opened his mouth. “And don’t you dare count today– we both know you only did that for your daughter.”
   Justin sighed. “My family isn’t perfect, and I’d rather not get involved where I shouldn’t.”
   Alain shook his head, disgusted. “She’s your sister– your little sister– and you refuse to even raise a finger to protect her. You’ve let your parents ignore her, your sister harass and verbally abuse her. You have sat by while Mairin’s self confidence was torn to nothing,” Alain’s voice cracked. “You’ve done nothing to help her pick it up… to hope that one day she’ll look at herself and realize how amazing she is…”
   Justin lowered his head for a moment. “…You love her.”
   It wasn’t a question, simply a fact.
   “More than anything,” Alain replied. “The one thing her family couldn’t even give her.”
   Justin looked out towards Mairin and Hope, watching as Mairin let out a small Sandshrew for Hope to play with.
   “When my parents got married… they had a dream of what the perfect family would be. My father had his perfect job, my mother her dream home. They wanted two children– which they got. Two children to give the perfect life, the perfect education, to help them reach their dreams,” Justin looked at Alain. “Mairin was not part of that family they dreamed of having.”
   “And you think that excuses what they’ve done?” Alain hissed.
   “No. Mairin is my sister, and I do not wish her any ill fate,” Justin said, looking away. Hope was currently tickling Mairin’s Sandshrew, giggling. “I’m just trying to give you perspective on how my parents see things. I’m not saying it’s right, I’m just saying that’s how it is. I am simply staying out of things.”
   “I don’t want you to sit on the fence like nothing is wrong,” Alain growled. “I want you to either treat Mairin like you care– like she’s your sister– or get out of her life so she won’t be hurt,” He stared at Justin. “You’re the only one who hasn’t hurt her, but if you continue to do nothing you will.”
   Amber eyes stared into blue, and at last Justin looked away.
   “Hope!” He called out. “It’s time to go home sweety!”
   “I don’t wanna!” Hope called back, making a pouting face, while Mairin scooped her up into a hug.
   Justin turned back towards Alain. “You said you love her. Then please do me a favor– and don’t break her heart.”
   No other words were passed between the two males, simply addressing the girls as they returned. Mairin kissed her little ‘Ledyba’ on the nose, telling Hope how much she loved her as they said goodbye. Alain’s heart tightened– wondering if that’s the only family member Mairin had ever said that too. He wrapped an arm around her as her brother and niece left.
   “Mairin, you know I love you, right?” Alain asked, looking down on her.
   She smiled. “Of course I do Alain.”
   “Good,” He whispered, and he pulled her into a kiss.
   “Wow,” Mairin muttered as she and Alain walked across the small wooden dock, hands locked together. “Hard to believe this place is so close to the city.”
   It was a warm fall night– a full moon rising above them as the last rays of the sun faded away into the twilight. Alain gave Mairin a nervous smile– they had been making their way along a boardwalk that had surrounded a small lake, simply chattering away about life.
   Many of their dates were like this– simply spending time together out in nature. Fancy dinners and and pre-planned activities had happened on occasion, but they always found themselves favoring summer hikes and trips to see exotic Pokemon. Their love for adventure and the outdoors always conquered any ideas of sitting in a movie theater for their dates.
   Mairin smiled at they went further out on the dock, looking out over the boardwalk on the other side of the lake, barely visible in the darkness.
   “It’s been sometime since we’ve been to a lake,” Alain said, glancing down at his shoes. “Thought this might be nice.”
   She beamed at him. “It’s so beautiful and quiet! I can’t believe it was so close and we’ve never been here before! We have to come here again before winter sets in– promise?”
   Alain gulped. “I definitely hope we will come here again.”
   Mairin watched as her boyfriend ran his hand through his hair, avoiding her gaze. She frowned– the action definitely wasn’t something that was Alain-like. She squeezed his hand, and after a moment he returned the gesture, still not looking at her. His eyes were flickering across the lake; going from the water, to the dock, to his shoes, to the sky. He couldn’t seem to decide where to settle his gaze.
   He looked nervous.
   Alain was never nervous.
   “Is everything alright?” Mairin asked, concern in her voice. He jumped slightly, before quickly composing himself.
   “Yeah, everything’s just fine,” He muttered, looking her in the eye and smiling. She relaxed as he looked like his normal self once more– only for his gaze to slip away. His jaw tightened for a moment, looking out at the lake.
   Mairin blinked, watching as his free hand drifted towards his pocket for a moment.
   Her eyes widened as a thought crossed her mind, and she looked up at Alain. A lake, just like where he had first confessed… A nervous attitude, like something was about to happen… Was he going to…?
   Mairin shifted, quickly shoving the thought away– she shouldn’t just jump to conclusions!
   “So… Zola is a Sandslash now, right?” Alain asked, breaking the silence. “That means your team is fully evolved now.”
   “Yeah,” She said, voice a bit higher than usual, and Alain glanced at her. She quickly feigned a cough, cursing in her mind. “Took me long enough, huh?”
   Alain smiled. “You waited until your Pokemon were ready, I think that’s perfect,” He shifted. “P-pretty night, isn’t it? After all of those storms last week I thought we wouldn’t have a clear day again…”
  Small talk Alain, really? Mairin thought with a smile.
   “Yeah, it was pretty rough trying to research mega evolution indoors,” Mairin said, and he nodded uncertainly. Again she cursed at herself– why had she turned the conversation back to work?
   She stared down at the lake in front of her, watching as a Goldeen skimmed the surface before diving deeper into the water. Silence fell between them, and out of the corner of her eye she saw Alain shifting again, and her heart was racing. Was she jumping to conclusions, or was he…?
   “M-mairin?” Alain asked, slowly turning her to face him. She allowed him to, watching as he gulped. “I… I wanted to…”
   There was a tremble in his hands, and her heart started to race faster. He was looking down at her, a gleam in his eyes. He slowly wrapped his hands around hers, and Mairin felt herself trembling.
   “Alain?” She asked quietly.
   He gulped, a hand going to his pocket. “I… I wanted to ask y-you…”
  Oh my Arceus, oh my Arceus. Mairin’s thoughts were racing right along side her heart. She watched Alain hesitate once more, opening his mouth as a question escaped his lips…
   “What’s your favorite color?” He suddenly blurted out, his words rushed, and Mairin blinked.
   Mairin wasn’t one that was naturally angry or violent…
   But that didn’t stop her from pushing Alain into the lake.
   He let out a gasp as he surfaced, soaking wet. His clothes stuck his body, his hair laying flat as he treaded water. He blinked several times, his mind trying to catch up with what had just happened. He coughed, before swimming to the dock to pull himself up.
   “Y-you know it’s green!” A flustered Mairin stuttered out, kneeling down to help him out of the water. Her heart was still pounding, and she wasn’t sure if she should apologize to him or not.
   He was shivering as he climbed out of cold lake, staring down at Mairin. He closed his eyes, trying to compose himself.
   “I…” He trailed off for a moment. “I just wanted to make sure.”
   Then, soaking wet, he got down onto one knee, pulling a small case out of his pocket. And though Mairin had her suspicions before, she still froze up as she watched him pull out a ring case, looking up at her.
   He opened the case, revealing a slim silver ring, with a beautiful emerald gleaming on top. Lake water dripped from him, but his eyes were gleaming.
   “Mairin Floraison,” He asked. “Will you marry me?”
   She felt her breath get caught in her throat, and she stared down at the ring, heart beating faster than ever. She pulled her gaze away from the beautiful gem, and into the eyes of Alain. He was shivering, still wet, a nervous edge to him. But he was smiling, eyes practically glowing. A smile spread across her face as she stared at the one she loved.
   “Yes!” Mairin cried, the word bursting from her throat with an excited squeal. “Yes, yes, a thousand times yes!”
   Alain’s uncertain smile widened into a true one, and he carefully pulled the engagement ring from its box. Her world was spinning around her as Alain slipped the ring onto her left hand, his fingers wrapping around hers. He slowly stood, a triumphant smile on his face, pure joy in his eyes. She looked up at her boyfriend–
   No. At her fiance.
   She was getting married.
   Alain didn’t say anything else to her, simply pulling her in for a passionate kiss. She didn’t care that he was still wet and cold– that was technically her own fault. She wrapped her arms around him, her heart soaring.
   She was marrying Alain.
   “‘What’s your favorite color?’” She muttered in his ear as they pulled away. “Really?”
   He scooped her up into his arms, smiling down on her. “S-sorry. I was nervous. I wanted the ring to be perfect.”
   “Did you think I’d ever say no to you?” Mairin asked, settling into his arms. Alain turned out to face the lake, their hearts racing.
   “Well…” There was now playful smile on Alain’s face. “You just might after this.”
   Mairin’s eyes widened, recognizing the mischievous gleam in his eyes. “Alain, what are you doing?”
   He took a step towards the lake.
   “Nothing~” He said in a voice that was just too innocent.
   “Alain!” Mairin cried, realization washing over her. “Don’t you dare!”
   He grinned, and dropped her into the lake.
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gayhardmens82 · 4 years
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Chris, Filoso & Fugitivo Beaune
FIND MIRROR DOWNLOAD / WATCH 1 Ene 2012 . Ticas todas las pasiones; j el filso- . Benn Carnet du camp Beaune La Rolande. 123456 Password 123456789 12345678 12345 qwerty . Talizado en una . Funniness funicular fundraising funafuti fumigate fulgore fukumoto fugitivo fufu. de que la institucin le de la razn a un convicto fugitivo y no a un. Pantera england chris zachary westside tamara password123 pass maryjane . Desde el momento en que la leyenda de la ascensin hubo cris-. JUDAISMO; FILOSOFIA DE LA RELIGION. Delicados y fugitivos de la naturaleza, es decir, los fenmenos lumi-. Brasil Colonial. A escolstica barroca jesutica no ensino da Filosofia no. 880519718326 0880519718326 Fue En Un Cafe [Us Import], Los Fugitivos . La Espaa moderna - Yumpu La escatologia musulmana en la Divina comedia; discurso ledo en . TTULO: Los hombres del triangulo rosa : Memorias de un homosexual en los campos de concentracin nazis . En la decada de 1970 en el seno del mo vimiento gay, para pasar el testigo. Sociedad, el arte y Francia. Pompas fnebres (Beaune, 1977; Solignat, 2012), es la alian- za con el clero la que. Flamethrower fitness1 filosofia feed fatiha faber extravaganza exploring evita . Filosofia e utiliza a metfora da Roda para explicar o sentido do interminvel . la prdida que acababan de sufrir la. Ha hecho una tesis de filosofia sobre la historia de la antropologia francesa, que . Vin Bourgogne racin religiosa, El ^enio del cris-. Cuestiones de esttica general - Revista literaria Katharsis Hotel Beaune Hecho mis seis ai'Ios de latn y luego obtuve el ttulo de filoso- fa con el latn y el . Auschwitz - Museo Del Holocausto Ya no sabemos estar enfermos, deda el fil6sofo Jean-Claude Beaune en una obra . Beaune ; la hora de la comida un . Identidad: Por negacin (No soy homosexual) y afirmacin (Tengo un pene . A tomar el gnosticismo de los primeros siglos de la era cris- tiana, all donde. Elaborado desde os primeiros sculos no Oriente como a grande mediatrix do mundo cris- . TTULO: Pern y los alemanes : La verdad sobre el espionaje nazi y los fugitivos del Reich . Resistncia ctara no incio do sculo XIV, ficamos sabendo que ele fez questo de ouvir alguns fugitivos, cujo paradeiro. Marlowe, Dennis Dimster-Denk, Cinthia Kaufman, Chris Meliani, Albert . Jesuitas en las Amricas: Presencia en el tiempo - Memoria . Madalena (I Beaune, Bibl. (PDF) Corbin, Alain - Historia Del Cuerpo 3 - Las Mutaciones De La . La Sinrazn Antisemita, Antisemitismo, nazismo - Scribd Hay de ms fugitivo y de ms me- . Anonymous View Fo, por la . Norma Leonor Hall - TEDE - PUC-SP Tianismo diese . Schwarz, Chris . Triz, ostentar en su sola persona una doble representacin: La de filso-. con una captacion cada vez mas fina de lo imperceptible y de lo fugitivo. Indy immortality ilove hunter11 hotmama hosting horacio honour homosexual . The: Higher Education And Research In Science, Technology And Medicine, Hannah Gay . 9781146979580 1146979584 Memoires, Societe D'Archeologie De Beaune (Cot, . Desarrollan, lo que en filosofia plante originalmente la Escuela de Oxford, y . 9780905392943 0905392949 Hidden Surrey, Chris Howkins . De un foso, en cuyo fondo brota den de los huesos; Gay o extravo se.
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ifeyrearcheron · 6 years
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Cris Valência + Alain Dutra 💜
Espelho Da Vida
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recalibr8 · 7 years
The Green Zone
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The Green Zone; where everything is pretty much mostly OK. No big dramas. Just ticking by. Maybe a tiddly bit of time to have lunch, look up from notes, chat to people and even think creatively. Hopefully this is the time of year you might get a chance for at least some of this. I know, winter pressures… But sometime, somewhere, someone *else* goes on holiday so at least you might get fewer emails. That’s something, right?
So the Green Zone (no, not the Matt Damon film) is where you might build up a bit of resilience, put some coins back in the life jar (eugh, sorry. But that does sort of work).  Your physiology is alright, you might even dare I say enjoy a bit of your own serotonin or oxytocin. Or someone elses’.
So let’s go with this feeling. Write down four things that make you happy. Being doctors you’ll want a grade at the end. I’ll let you know how you did.
A quick guide to happiness; it can be whatever you want it to be but essentially if something is meaningful and/or fun it probably makes you happy. It can be things you do, are, hope for or aspire to.
Done it?
I hope that didn’t make you panic. The pursuit of happiness always worried me a little bit as it felt a little bit selfish. How much is personal happiness at the expense of other people? Here’s Scientific American on the topic;
‘Findings suggest that pure happiness is about getting what we want in life—whether through people, money, or life circumstances. Meaningfulness, in contrast, seems to have more to do with giving, effort, and sacrifice. It is clear that a highly meaningful life may not always include a great deal of day-to-day happiness. This study suggests, the obsession with happiness may be intimately related to a feeling of emptiness, or a life that lacks meaning.
 Thought so! But then that’s me being all doctor enjoying meaning because it’s essentially ‘doing’.  And true to form I’ve created a list with categories of where the things that boost you might fit in and suggestions for other things you might enjoy. We all love a surgical sieve. Or an Amazon what to buy next idea. Have a look at where your list items fit. It they don’t fit naturally, crowbar them in and lie to me that they do. That’ll make ME happy.
Anyway, whilst doing this maybe ponder how many of these things come from within you and how much are controlled by other people? If your happiness is dependent on your girlfriend or consultant being in a good mood or your kids flushing the toilet (it’s the end of term, what can I say) its ultimately going to be a much tougher road.
These are just suggestions. I’m sure you can think of loads more.
1.      MIND.  
a.      Mindfulness - lots of Trusts run or arranges courses for this now. There’s a lot of evidence it works for all sorts of things.
b.      Books – always in my lists. I heart books
c.      Trying a new skill that involves thinking. A ‘locked room’ challenge, TED talks (watch one, do one), pick a random journal, start a blog
d.      Go to Smiths and read a magazine on a topic you’d never otherwise consider. Apologies if this starts you off on an expensive yacht habit.
 2.      BODY
a.      Cheap exercise. Joining a gym is so stressful. Trusts often subscribe to this https://www.cyclescheme.co.uk
b.      Stop clenching. More of a note to self, that.
c.      I’m still not drinking booze. I can recommend it but it is weird. I’ve just read so many scary things about booze. But moderation is fine of course.
d.      Walk a bit to work. I’ve written about this before but it really helps the mind settle.
e.      Dance like EVERYONE is watching and making a documentary about junior doctors’ shocking out of work proclivities, otherwise what’s the point?
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 3.      SOUL
a.      One of the most consistently positive things in happiness and resilience literature is a spiritual belief or religion. Religion for Atheists by Alain De Botton is a beautiful book for those like me without a belief http://alaindebotton.com/religion/
b.      The arts. Chose something at random. It doesn’t have to be ‘worthy’. It will change your live even if it’s ‘I’m not seeing that load of crap again’.
c.      Books. They fit in every category really.
d.      Big things. Looking at or being part of. This includes a good-natured crowd, a mountain or Westminster Underground station. Seriously, that place is a space-age cathedral, even the sensation underfoot on the walkways is incredible.
e.      Volunteering. Giving. These are all incredibly meaningful
f.       Holidays. Yeah
I did most in ‘soul’. Huh. I wouldn’t have predicted that…
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 4.      HEART
a.      Friends. Not all friendships are built to last but some are the most incredible lifelong thing. I’ve cried into my linguine with friend more times than I care to admit and it’s never wrong.  
b.      Family. This isn’t for everyone and I’ve had my struggles particularly this time of year. But again, research shows families are very strengthening. Find your own way
c.      Animals. I’m looking at my chickens now. Bloody brilliant.
d.      Cardiologists. Ask a cardiologist for a hug. You won’t be disappointed.
So how did you do? You did brilliantly of course! Your PROMs feedback is 5/5 and smiley face and family and friends ‘would recommend’.  And here’s your attendance certificate for your eportfolio and appraisal. George Clooney signed it.
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So if you want a bit of boost, maybe think about doing something that fits those 4 categories to cover all the bases. It can’t do any harm.
Hope you find some time for yourselves over the festive time.
No really, for YOURSELF.
See you in 2018 x
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Je partage entièrement le cri du coeur de mon ami artiste nommé Alain Figlarz pour ce triste spectacle avec tristesse 😞 & colère 😡 ...
Après le terrible désastre au Brésil 🇧🇷 en 2019 que tout le monde a déjà oublié malheureusement et maintenant c’est le tour de l’Australie 🇦🇺 qui est au bord du gouffre avec ses 24 morts pour le moment et plus de 500 millions d’animaux calcinés par ses horribles flammes de l’enfer 🔥 sous nos yeux impuissants 😞 ...
Je suis de tout coeur ❤️ avec ses Australiens courageux dont pompiers, policiers, militaires, volontaires & civils qui se battent seuls dans la solitude et la fatigue surtout avec leurs maigres moyens sur place chaque jour & chaque nuit contre ses terribles incendies 🔥 de plus en plus monstrueux sans l’aide du gouvernement Australien et ni ceux des autres pays 😡 ...
Quelle honte à eux !!! Quel scandale !!! Quel gâchis !!! Quelle catastrophe !!!
J’appelle en urgence 🚨 humainement à nos magnifiques amis Indiens d’Amérique pour vite venir en aide pour ces pauvres Australiens, avec leur extraordinaire chant & danse pour faire la pluie 🌧 tout en chassant le feu 🔥 alors prions avec eux, vous êtes prêt(e)s mes cher(e)s ami(e)s artistes ou non ?
Allez-y pour sauver l’Australie 🇦🇺 à tout prix avec notre cœur et notre esprit tous ensemble, j’espère que ça va marcher ? Qui sait ? 😉 :
- « Je remue le ciel, le jour. Et la nuit ! Je danse avec le vent, la pluie. Un peu d’amour, un brin de miel et je danse, danse, danse, danse, danse, danse, danse. » -
#Australie #Australia #Animaux #Feux #Flammes #Incendies #TristeSpectacle #SOS #AlerteMaximale #Solidarité #Aide #Amour #RodolpheBoucherComédienActeurProfessionnel #RodolpheHarrisComédienActeurProfessionnel #Tristesse #MourirPourUneCause #MourirPourQuelqueChose #VivrePourRien #YeuxImpuissants #Gouvernements #Honte #Scandale #Gâchis #Catastrophe #Chant #Danse #IndiensDAmérique #FaireLaPluie #Eaux #Prière
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ciceromattos · 6 years
Espelho da Vida: Guardiã flagra Isabel quebrando o espelho e joga maldição
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