#Crisis of spirituality
mali-umkin · 2 years
49% of the French youth believes in astrology. This correlates with religious extremism, belief in flat earth, esotericism, tarot, superstition, conspiracy theories, etc. Less than half think science is a good thing. These are the consequences of indulgence towards pseudosciences. I'm done thinking it's not too scary if people keep this in the private sphere. These beliefs directly result in social isolation, belief in alternative medicines, refusal to get vaccinated and far right movements. None of this is trivial. And on a personal note, seeing people so desperate to cling on to such rigid forms of determinism is disheartening.
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cjoat-boost · 4 months
This all happened rather suddenly; I apologize, I’m at the crisis center as of late last night.
Please support me through here.During this process.
My Website Social Links: https://cjoatbysamwise.com/cjoats-links
My Website Paylinks: https://cjoatbysamwise.com/donate-to-cjoat
Throne: https://throne.com/cjoat
Benable: https://benable.com/CJOAT
Creative Dumpster: https://cjoatbysamwise.com/creative-dumpster
Wanted to let folks know where I am in case something happens…Living situation update.
Where I’ll go…no body knows…
Just need to…function
I’m keeping things up to date while during this situation. I have a lot of videos scheduled ahead of time, but this was rather sudden.
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canisalbus · 10 months
forgive me if this has been answered previously, but what were the circumstances around vasco finding out about machete's death? i'm heartbroken but fascinated to think about what his immediate reaction could have been
They don't live together, Vasco was at home in Florence at the time. Either someone who knew of their relationship managed to alert him of the murder, or he showed up in Rome to visit him just like countless of times before, and one time he was just gone. He would've missed the funeral for sure, and since Machete doesn't have family, his belongings would most likely end up escheated and subsequently liguidated by the church. He certainly wasn't remembed fondly, for the most part it was like he had never been there in the first place.
I don't want to get into the details but of course he was devastated. The threat of death was a constant presence in Machete's later years, he survived at least a couple of assassination attempts and his health kept getting worse. I think he tried to keep Vasco in the dark about how bad things were exactly, but Vasco didn't miss how his fear of death ramped up in intensity towards the end. So it wasn't a complete surprise when he found out they had finally gotten him. For a long time he had hard time not blaming himself for it, thinking whether he could've done something to prevent the outcome, whether his presence would've changed how things played out. Over the years he learned to live with the sudden and violent end of their relationship, but the first few years were extremely rough, the whole ordeal broke him in unprecedented ways and he never fully recovered to his previous state.
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immensity-to-dream · 1 year
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au where claw, not yet seeking world domination, is in the business of ousting and punishing fake psychics. suzuki sends serizawa to figure out if reigen's a fraud, but he forgets to factor in the power of gay tendencies. and also its the 1970s.
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fatedroses · 11 days
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That one teacher/mentor moment and Zenos feeling embarrassed for the first time in years (and reacting just about as well as you'd expect him to).
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its-simply-just-krys · 10 months
select the answer that best applies to you :
□ girl
□ boy
☑ a mystical ethereal being beyond one’s comprehension
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Characters who are so done with this shit. (Part1/?)
Kieta Hatsukoi
Semantic Error
Minato Shouji Coin Laundry
Love Mechanics
Behind Cut
History 2: Crossing The Line
About Youth
My favorite bl-tropes collection, in no particular order.
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yeoldenews · 2 years
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I know this is long, but I promise it’s worth the read.
Absolute literary masterpiece. Best thing I’ve read all year.
(source: The Macon Times-Democrat, December 19, 1901.)
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commsroom · 2 years
i can't stop thinking about eiffel's birthday. he's almost forty. there's no way he ever thought he would live to be forty, by bad luck or bad habits; he was facing twenty-six years in prison before he was thirty, he thought he'd die in deep space (in a multitude of ways), and even before all of that... i don't think eiffel ever planned to have a future, not really. he's almost forty. he's old enough to watch his daughter grow up. to get gray in his hair. to have all of the junk food he's eaten in his life finally catch up to him.
and on the other side of that, you know he teased minkowski relentlessly when she turned forty, with no foresight that it would one day be him. and he is so, so lucky she's not as petty as she could be. i don't think turning forty bothered her that much, but eiffel? oh he's going to have a crisis. he should get a motorcycle; he tinkers with it and shows it off and talks about it constantly, but he never learns how to actually ride it. he keeps putting that part off.
he's turning forty. i realize the implications of that really depend on how you feel about eiffel post-canon, in a variety of ways. but to me it's like a celebration of his long history of unlikely survival. it's so funny and heartbreaking and heartwarming in equal measure, and i think that's a very doug eiffel combination of emotions.
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Let’s Talk About: Earth Bending
Recently, I had some more insight into bending energy and I decided it’s finally time to write a #longpost. I’ve missed doing them.
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What is Earth Bending?
Earth bending is when you know how to manipulate your own energy and frequency to be able to match that of the earth (soil, sand, the ground). What you’re really doing is working with them on their level. It’s sort of like translating energy.
How do I learn how to bend earth?
When you know how to control your own energy, then you know how to filter outside energy. This process of learning to control your energy is part of how you become an expert of your own energy, from there you can feel which energies aren’t yours and you can feel things come through the frequency line you create. Your hands may tingle when you do this as energy transfers. When you create that connection, you can talk to the earth.
You can feel its energy and listen to what it yearns for. Maui is yearning for joy. It wants its people to find joy on its shores, it needs aloha and its ohana too. I felt it there. On Oahu, the land yearns for water. In some places it felt so dried, I was brought to tears just to water it.
How do I get on the same frequency?
You can create such a powerful connection with the elements when you ask them questions. They hear our cries all the time and we never ask them about themselves. It’s a one sided dynamic. You have to form a relationship with the element.
I stick my hands in the dirt and I ask questions. I caress and play with the sand. I spend time with it and learn about what it wants and how I can help tell people.
My gift as a communicator isn’t just in public relations but also in hearing things people can’t always hear. Talking to that which people think isn’t sentient. How cruel. To diminish the ocean or the sand in that way. Just because things don’t express themselves in a human way, doesn’t mean they aren’t sentient or communicating. That’s how I’m also able to talk to animals and find their frequency. It’s like a radio tuner and you have to get it to the right place for the clearest signal.
Tips for strengthening your bond with the earth:
—bury your hair
—bleed into the soil (a little like a pin prick)
—remove invasive plants
—caress and play with it
—laugh and talk with it
—help it heal (ie plant native plants, help restore the soil, bring the water back)
**do this at a place you spend a lot of time enjoying, give back to that which gives so freely to you**
—Go spend time pouring your love, your life force into it
—plant beautiful plants in an aesthetically pleasing way, help the land gain its confidence and pride back
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The Land Feels Too
When land is stripped of all its uniqueness (native/endemic plants) and nutrients, it too feels defeated and sad. It needs to be brought back to life as well, made excited, so it can pour out to us like it so wants to. Right now the earth can barely hold itself together.
I saw this post from a Lahaina Strong Activist, Paele, and he said that West Maui is not in a place to lovingly open its arms to tourists when its arms are so tightly wrapped around the community. And that sat with me.
Mama earth wants to abundantly feed us, and block hurricanes and care for us. To let us eat fruit and look at her beauty all day. But capitalism has crippled her, broken her spirit, made her devoid of light. It’s our job to lift her up. We need her as much as she needs us.
So I can just move earth around and stuff? Like in Avatar?
Earth bending at this point in time is only to be used to send healing and loving energy to the heart of our mother Gaia. That is the only channel that is open to human kind at this point in time because, the earth is not strong enough to support other bending. She has to be healed first.
This channel was opened in 2022. The pandemic allowed her to regain enough strength to open the channel again, but it’s a pretty dire situation. To be totally frank. She’s very resilient but it needs so much from us. So much to balance all we’ve taken.
This channel is what allows me to hear her more clearly and to translate it. I realize now, I’ve always felt the earth but I never could quite translate it. Like I knew not to step on graves or instinctively how to talk to the wind. But it’s much clearer now. 2/22/22 Tuesday was the day the floodgates of energy opened. Access to magic was heightened for everyone after the collective uplifting during the pandemic.
Spirit was preparing me for a while because 2022 was a big year magically. Mathematically things aligned that’s how we had that wowza Tuesday. I don’t know much about math but spirit is urging that this is tied to sacred geometry and other magical math. I don’t have a math brain so I can’t quite explain it. People with math brains translate numbers, I translate energy and frequency. There are different energetic/soul expertises.
So right now, earth bending is being used as a tool to give voice to the earths desires and wishes. It needs intervention. When the earth tells you what it needs, it’s your job to work to take that action.
What Else?
Energy vortices are merely places where the land still has a strong life force. This is what I meant when I said some of us incarnated to hold the frequency. I’ve been sent to energy vortex locations all my life because I can plug into the energetic life force grid and power surge it, boost it. Which it needs because it’s not running at full capacity and it needs some help upgrading. That upgrade comes through conservation. Basically the energy expands, becomes stronger as the land functions more circularly. Right now it’s a straight line of extraction with barely anything coming back into the land
What can I do to help even if I can’t bend earth energy?
—get involved with sustainability based volunteering (physically caring for the land)
—lead neighborhood cleanups
—pick up trash at your local park
—ask your county parks about how you can plant more native plants in your favorite public park
—grow your own food
—work on healing your heart chakra
Also I want to state that I think a huge key in healing the land is found in indigenous cultures and the way they lived in harmony with their land of origin for so many years. I believe indigenous knowledge about the land is the only way we can save the earth.
I also want to state that this is a spiritual way to assist the earth. There is more than spiritual work that needs to happen to help her heal. But this is a way you can help spiritually/energetically.
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khaosritual · 5 months
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Don't listen to existential depression, it's just the venom that your religion stung you with when you left it to try to get you to stay/come back, just like an abuser gaslighting their victim that they're "nothing without them".
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ascendingaeons · 5 months
On Faith in Gods and Oracles… And When You Just Can't
This won’t be easy to write but I feel it is important that I do.
In February I had a crisis of faith, not only in the Netjeru and Vanir that I devote myself to but in my divination too. I’m still trying to rebuild which is part of why I am working on this blog. I deleted my previous one around that time.
I have practiced divination since I was 13. I started with playing cards, palmistry, and simple augury then moved on to runes, dream interpretation, and shamanic channeling. Since childhood, I have had dreams of events that I would live out later in life and that continues to this day. I had one of those moments the other day driving back from work. Those moments are milestones, moments that were always supposed to happen—what I consider fixed points on one’s timeline. I have put more than half of my life into practicing and understanding the Web of Wyrd. I’ve worked with my guides and given myself to the shamanic current even when they contradicted what my ego perceived. My rune readings have always manifested as described, one way or another; their warnings have always been worthwhile.
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For the past few years, I’ve been doing readings on a subject that I won’t go into. I’ll simply say that it has everything to do with my life going forward. I’ve worked with runes and tarot; the results always remain consistent. I’ve received guidance while in shamanic trance as my husband recorded what I said. The outcomes of these readings have gradually come to pass but the timing was not as promised. Eventually, that started to break me. My husband was the one who continued to have faith when I could not.
I had a breakdown because of everything going on in my life. I gathered trash bags and started to throw away all of my statues, offerings, ritual tools, and crystals. I deconsecrated them first for, at the very least, I still had love for my Gods. I carried the 50-pound Serqet statue that cost me $1,400 to the curb to put with the trashcans. That was when things started to go wrong.
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Tarot spreads would produce gibberish. We weren’t sleeping well and the cats were stressed. I didn’t realize that the presence of the Netjeru was bringing order and peace to my house. They were what allowed me to go into such deep altered states and made my readings so concise. Without that, there was chaos. By that time, I regretted my actions. I started to rearrange my office, not sure what to do. I still had my runes and looking around I saw one of the offerings I made to Set. It was a pumpkin I bought at Michael’s painted to look like a galaxy superimposed with Ursa Major. I saw it in the store and thought, “the Thigh of Set… He’d like that.”
I consecrated that offering as a vessel for Set and prayed to the Netjeru. I apologized over and over, begging Their forgiveness and welcoming Them back into my life and home. The answer I got was this: “There is nothing to forgive and We never left. Of course, We want to stay with you but We can only be as close as you allow.” I believe it was Aset voicing the feelings of a large number of Netjeru.
After that, I drew three cards to see if the problem was resolved. The readings made sense again and the house was calm. Since then, I have tried to rebuild my faith in the Netjeru. I’ve made no attempts to work with the Vanir. My practice of divination and shamanism has become nearly nonexistent. Instead, I’ve been working on other areas of my life. Despite my avoidance, I’ve been noticing synchronicities several times a day for months. Little things are telling me that all is happening as it should, that the outcome I was presented is still on track… A “bright new sunrise.”
Things have happened in my life that produced what I thought was an unshakable faith in my Gods and oracles. They have never—not once—steered me wrong. Sometimes they told me things I didn’t want to hear, but they never led me astray. Despite that, I have surrendered to the dark night of the soul in ways that I am trying not to be ashamed of. I want you to know that no matter how dark things get, no matter how abandoned or lost you may feel, you are not alone in your fight. You can rebuild if you so choose. Or you can start a new adventure. I’m somewhere in the middle of those two paths, for the first time in a long time finding myself at a crossroads.
I am choosing to believe. I am choosing to embrace change.
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doomsdayrave · 5 months
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You're a ghost driving a meat-coated skeleton made from stardust, riding a rock, hurtling through space.
Fear Nothing.
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Philosophy and spirituality >>>>>>> therapy and psychiatry.
Bc the first two support and encourage our individuality.
The second two are like: be yourself, but not like that.
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saint-ambrosef · 2 years
I'm interested in your new theory on abusive priests and post-Vatican II Catholic culture, could you elaborate on it?
oops I forgot about this!
Following Vatican II and the later 60's, there was a huge number of people who left the religious life and priesthood. Belonging to either vocation became a somewhat rare occurrence, and so the average person's direct and personal experience with the priesthood diminished significantly.
The Church, suffering for a lack of priests, in its desperation began admitting men who perhaps would not have been otherwise accepted into seminary.
Meanwhile, because the average layperson now lacked casual relationships with priests, they began perceiving the now-foreign priesthood with a sort of mythical air. They were no longer regarded as normal people, but almost inhumanly holy by virtue of their vocation alone.
So then you have a lot of men in the priesthood who should never have been admitted, and a whole lay population that subconsciously believes priests are borderline infallibly holy men who can do no moral wrong (because only really holy people would do something as extreme as join the priesthood, right?).
The disastrous result is a whole lot of people not looking too closely at their priests, assuming they are spiritually above reproach and dismissing warning signs. And when the abuse scandal comes out, a whole lot of people's world is rocked to discover that priests are not the inhumanly pure ideal they'd thought. Their trust in the institution is shattered.
Anyway, that's my theory on how post-Vatican II church culture contributed to the abuse scandal getting so far out of hand.
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