scavengedluxury · 6 months
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Fortified evangelical church, Cristian, 1909. From the Budapest Municipal Photography Company archive.
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constanzarte · 5 months
Fieles hasta la muerte: ¡Christianae ad Leones!, por Herbert Gustave Schmalz
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soledadenlaluna · 4 months
Te amo porque en tus ojos descubro el universo, y en tu voz, la melodía que calma mis inquietudes
Contigo, cada día es un nuevo amanecer,
y cada noche, un suspiro de amor eterno.
Te amo porque en tus caricias hallo la paz,
y en tus besos, la promesa de un siempre.
el motivo de mis sueños, la inspiración detrás de cada uno de mis latidos.
Te amo porque en tu risa florecen mis esperanzas,
y en tu abrazo, el mundo parece perfecto.
en tu piel encuentro mi hogar y en tu alma, el eco de mis más profundos deseos.
Tus palabras son la poesía que mi corazón recita,
y tu amor, el fuego que ilumina mis días.
Te amo porque contigo, la vida es un poema sin fin, una danza de estrellas bajo el cielo infinito.
Eres el sol que disipa mis sombras,
la luna que embellece mis noches.
Te amo porque en tu ser habita mi felicidad,
y en tu amor, la plenitud de mi existencia. Eres mi todo, mi siempre, mi destino,
y te amo con la fuerza de mil tormentas y la calma de mil mares.
Te amo.
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aembarcar · 11 months
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✝️ Benditos Domingos....
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clarkkantagain · 11 months
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samsdei · 1 year
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Gabriel Guevara
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vintagedollhunters · 9 days
Sexy Allan? Ohh he’s a little dark sided 🤭
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callmeanxietygirl · 5 months
Entre 1992 y 2013 el fotógrafo argentino Martin Weber, nacido en el exilio en Chile, viajó por varios países de América Latina para llevar a cabo un proyecto fotográfico. Éste consistía en retratar a personas de varios países latinoamericanos sosteniendo un pizarrón en el que esas personas escribían cuáles eran sus sueños (sus anhelos). El proyecto se materializó en el libro "Mapa de Sueños Latinoamericanos" que resultó ser una radiografía del dolor y las esperanzas del continente americano.
En 2007 Weber llegó a una comunidad de Medellín en Colombia. Allí conoció a Cristian, un adolescente de 15 años que iba todos los días a su escuela. No para estudiar, sino para comer. Su cuerpo estaba lleno de cicatrices: marcas de balas y puñaladas, evidencia física de peleas callejeras entre sicarios. Tenía una mirada opaca.
Le dijo al fotógrafo que si lo hubiera visto por la calle le habría robado el equipo, y que si se hubiera resistido, probablemente lo habría acuchillado.
Como parte de su proyecto, Weber antes de fotografiar a Cristian le pidió que escribiera en el pizarrón. Éste escribió: "Mi sueño es morirme". Meses después de haberlo fotografiado, el cuerpo de Cristian fue encontrado baleado a las orillas de un río.
Weber le preguntó cuando le tomó la fotografía por qué ese sueño. Cristian le respondió que porque no tenía hogar y hacía cosas malas.
Weber escribió: "Nuestro destino sólo se puede cambiar si nos permitimos imaginar uno diferente del que nos ha sido dado"...
#reflexion #interesante #sorprendente
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No toda las infancias son felices, estables, con lo mínimo como un techo y comida.
Ojalá , algún día... No exista más Cristian en el mundo. . .
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redowlwho · 8 months
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7rashstar · 6 months
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averyxmontgomery · 2 years
Who: @cristian-valdes
Where: All-Night Diner
Storm be damned, Avery was out in it, trying to track down her girlfriend the moment cell service had been knocked out--both out of worry for Ophelia's safety and because she needed to ease Ophelia's worries about her own well-being. Prior to separating that day, Avery had told Ophelia that she was going to her house to work on the cover a bit more and that area happened to be the heaviest hit by the storm. She needed to let Ophelia know that she was ok and the thought of going even the next few hours not knowing was driving Avery crazy.
Not to mention everyone else she needed to check up on...
Nevertheless, she had just passed the All-Nighter Diner when she found herself roughly grabbed and dragged into the 'safe zone'. In his defense, she was putting up quite a fight, trying to leave his grip so she could keep searching, but Avery wasn't as strong as the man who had caught her. "Let me go!" she demanded.
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screamqueen-slater · 1 year
Closed for @cristian-valdes
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You didn’t have to be the true crime expert that Kalina was to know that moving in with someone you barely knew was a huge red flag. However, with her apartment and disarray and the offer coming from someone who had helped put out the fire she figured it was safe to say yes. Besides, if anything happened, or would be obvious know who did it. Since moving in, though the transition was relatively easy. She kept to herself mostly, but today she felt like she wanted to do something nice for the man who let her stay as a guest. She walked in through the front door after waking up pretty early and brought in a couple bags of food. “ I wanted to say thank you for letting me stay and I figured I could cook but one fire seems like it was enough in this town this week”
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chrisreds · 2 years
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El Señor está con nosotros. No temamos porque está con nosotros. No nos desamparará. Nos rescatará. Muchas pueden ser nuestras aflicciones. Pero de todas ellas nos librará el Señor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #god #cristian #jesus #jesucristo #iglesia #church #dios #amor #cristianos #cristianos #alabanza #Adoración #familia #family #padre #madre #joven #frasesdedios #biblia #bible #cielo #diosesamor #adoracion #cielos #heaven #parati #foryou #familia #padres #hijos https://www.instagram.com/p/Cmy4QxyLid7/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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aembarcar · 5 months
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next-pres · 30 days
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Blog Introduction
Good evening everyone, Welcome to my blog, I hope to use my platform in order to spread joy and christ throughout the internet. I know more then most that theres a lot of kiddos out there that are going through a rough time, some needing a friend or just a support system. To the kids who see that as true to themself i have good news! Each and everyone of us have our own gaurdian angel following us on a day to day, they protect us from danger and help us through times of hardship and all we have to do is belive in them. If you simply believe in your gaurdian angel your realize that: Your Never Really Alone. Doesn't that sound awesome!? A friend that will never ever leave you, that you can rely on as much as the sun in the sky? But enough about that, I'll introduce myself so you know just who is running this blog. My name is Alice! I'm a 19 y/o girl with the heart of a kid, I like reading, baking, anything sweet, and most of all I love god, When i get older I'd really love to become a nun and devote myself compleatly to our lord. Unfortunatly, I'm very very sick and I most likely wont ever be able to achieve that dream, but im not sad at all, I know that god has a higher plan for me, something that doesnt require me to leave my house. I belive that this blog is the plan, This way i can reach countless amounts of people through the internet without eve leaving my house. Your probably wondering through, "Hmm i dont know Alice, How do you know that god made you sick?" Well reader, I actually have a secret I'd like to share with you, I've actually met my own guardian angel! Isnt that amazing? One night when i was sleeping, I felt something touch my leg, but when I woke up I saw a beutiful entity with a silver halo behind her. I was confused and scared at first, but she touched my face and told me to not be afraid, that god had a plan for me, and that they would be watching over me and protecting me from now on, even If i cant see it. Then it left me with a pendant of a star that i now cherish, keep it on at all times, even when i sleep haha. I'm lucky that my Gaurdian angel came to me that night, She must've known how sad i was and took it upon herself to greet me. I know theres a lot of kids that are in the same situation as me, and even if your not I hope you all get to meet your gaurdian angels like i met mine! Well thats it for me today, Keep faith and stay holy everyone!
-Alice, Signing off :)
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