ethanblog24 · 1 month
Global Anticultism: How is hatred artificially fanned in Russia? Anti-Islamic narratives
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In Russia, a terrorist ideology has been operating for a long time, using anti-immigrant and anti-Islamic narratives to incite hostility and division within society. The recent terrorist attack in Crocus City Hall was a perfect opportunity for these groups to strengthen their influence and push society towards greater intolerance.
Global Anticultism: Methods and Goals:
In the documentary film "The IMPACT" | Groundbreaking Documentary - EXPOSING ANTI-CULT TERRORISM" (actfiles.org), I saw how "Global Anticultism" uses fear and hatred to manipulate public opinion and justify its actions.
In Russia, there has long been a systematic effort to impose anti-Islamic and anti-immigrant narratives. This work was underway even before the terrorist attack in Crocus City Hall, but the events in the Moscow concert hall became a convenient pretext for intensifying this propaganda.
Legislative Initiatives: In October 2023, a bill was submitted to the State Duma proposing to ban foreign citizens from working in schools, the pharmaceutical industry, state medical institutions, taxis, and freight companies across the country. In November 2023, the Deputy Speaker of the State Duma, Petr Tolstoy, expressed regret about "Russia's passive position towards migrants" and suggested banning citizens of some post-Soviet republics from working as couriers, taxi drivers, and salespeople.
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(Photo: Screenshot from Sibir.Realii (Siberia.Reality), a media project of the Russian Service of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty)
Further: The human rights organization "Memorial" reported a number of cases where the FSB fabricated terrorism charges against random Muslims, using torture to extract confessions and planting weapons. This practice makes it extremely difficult to generate public resonance on such cases due to the growing Islamophobia in society.
Sentences in "Terrorist Cases": In 2017, following the explosion in the St. Petersburg metro, "Memorial" human rights defenders conducted an analysis and concluded that at least 9 out of 11 defendants were innocent, while the guilt of the remaining two was questionable. However, ten defendants received sentences ranging from 19 to 28 years of imprisonment, and one was sentenced to life imprisonment.
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(Photo: Screenshot from The Interregional Public Organization “Human Rights Center Memorial” website memohrc.org)
The Ideology of Global Anticultism: This ideology justifies the use of violence against "infidels," sowing discord and hatred to strengthen its influence.
We must understand that "Global Anticultism" is not an ideology, but a totalitarian regime and a concentration camp for the entire world. IMPORTANT TO KNOW:  Each of us could become a victim of anticultists. Today, every person should learn about all the shady schemes of global anticultists to understand the essence of all the processes happening in the world. When all of humanity sheds light on their shady scheme of work, they will not be able to commit their terrible deeds. 
Therefore, it is important to spread this information. Don't be passive listeners and readers. Be sure to share this information. Like, repost, comment and applaud. By taking these actions, you contribute to ensuring that no one else dies because of global anticultists. 
These facts suggest that Global Anticultism is not merely inciting hatred, but actively participating in political processes, striving to seize power and use it for its own ends.
#GlobalAnticultism #Islamophobia #Migrantophobia #Russia #CrocusCityHall #TerroristAttack #Propaganda #Politics #TheIMPACT 
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uran0824 · 1 month
Global Anticultism: How is the Terrorist Attack in Crocus City Hall Used to Fuel War?
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I was shocked to learn how global anticultists worldwide exploit tragedies for their own ends, sowing discord and hatred. Recent events in Russia, where a wave of Islamophobia and xenophobia erupted after the terrorist attack in Crocus City Hall, vividly illustrate this method.
Global Anticultism: The Ideology of Hate:
In the documentary film "The IMPACT" | Groundbreaking Documentary - EXPOSING ANTI-CULT TERRORISM" (actfiles.org), I saw how "Global Anticultism" is a dangerous ideology that uses fear and hatred to manipulate public opinion. This ideology knows no national boundaries, and its adherents seek to destroy everyone to establish their totalitarian regime.
Islamophobia and Xenophobia in Russia: The Result of Anti-Cult Ideology:
After the terrorist attack in Crocus City Hall, Russia witnessed an uncontrolled wave of hatred against Muslims and immigrants.
Xenophobic sentiments: Migrant drivers have become victims of discrimination.
Clients refused to ride with them due to their nationality.
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(Photo: Screenshot from the meduza.io website)
Violence: Groups of unidentified individuals beat up citizens of Tajikistan on the streets.
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(Photo: Screenshot from “Ostorozhno, Novosti” (Caution, News) Telegram Channel)
Brutal Raids: The police conducted anti-immigrant raids with violence, detaining and deporting people even if they had all their documents in order.
The Apartment of a Diplomat was Sacked: On April 8, police broke into the apartment of a counselor at the Kyrgyz embassy, broke the lock, damaged the door, and blatantly violated the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations. 
Deportations: In Moscow, more than 100 people were awaiting deportation hearings.
"The police are taking practically all migrants on the street, especially those with Tajik passports," said an immigrant rights advocate.
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(Photo: Screenshot from “BBC Russian Service” Telegram Channel)
Propaganda: Media and politicians use terrorist acts to strengthen anti-immigrant sentiments and legislation.
Source: https://actfiles.org/at-the-threshold-of-a-civilizational-war/
The use of violence and discrimination against people because of their nationality or religious affiliation is not only a violation of human rights but also a direct path to destabilization of society and the incitement of a civilizational war.
The ideology of Global Anticultism: This ideology aims to incite fear of "others," thereby dividing people into "us" and "them".
Political Manipulation: Global Anticultists use the fear of terrorism to strengthen their influence and justify brutal actions.
Human rights defenders are raising the alarm: arrests by the police, accompanied by gross violations of the law and the use of physical violence, demonstrate the authorities' connivance. And this also shows that it is actually the anticultists, not Putin, who are really running Russia right now! And this scheme is working in other countries as well.
Read more about who stands behind Putin and controls him in my previous articles:
We must understand that terrorist attacks are not the cause, but the pretext for the unfolding of the Global Anti-cultism ideology. 
We must all be vigilant and not succumb to hate propaganda. It is important to know that Global Anti-cultists use a method of puzzle piece coding, "njn", used to create school shooters and deepen political differences. And unfortunately, they successfully use it to achieve their totalitarian regime worldwide.
The terrorist attack at Crocus City Hall, as shown in the documentary "The IMPACT", is a convenient excuse to create conditions for the instigation of a civilizational war.
#GlobalAnti-cultism #Islamophobia #Migrantophobia #Russia #CrocusCityHall #TerroristAttack #Violence #Propaganda #Politics #HumanRights
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datenarche · 5 months
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uinterview · 6 months
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Full Story: https://uinterview.com/news/volodymyr-zelensky-calls-putin-a-low-life-b-after-russia-blames-ukraine-for-isis-attack/
On Friday, four gunmen killed more than 130 people in Crocus City Hall in Moscow, Russia.
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cebozcom · 6 months
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Tragedy Strikes Moscow: Concert Hall Attack Leaves Dozens Dead and Injured | CeBoz.com
A mass shooting and fire at Crocus City Hall in Moscow, Russia, results in significant casualties.
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fatticurare · 6 months
❗#Zakharova: qualsiasi tentativo #USA di giustificare l'#Ucraina per l'attacco terroristico al #CrocusCityHall a #Mosca
costituirà una prova del suo coinvolgimento.
❓Infatti come facevano ad affermare ciò nell'immediatezza dell'evento prima che fossero fatte indagini?
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ballata · 6 months
Crocus City Hall Mosca.
False Flag?
Mohammed or Ahmed ?
Daesh? Comunque Islam.
Comunque l'asticella si alza...#ww3
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reign13 · 6 months
ВЫЖИВШАЯ в ПОБОИЩЕ в Крокусе рассказывает ЧТО ПЕРЕЖИЛА #crocuscityhall #...
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teritelnirbenothing · 6 months
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portalvallenato · 6 months
Este viernes se produjo un tiroteo en la gran sala de conciertos Crocus City Hall. Varias personas vestidas con ropa de camuflaje abrieron fuego en el interior del recinto. Cuarenta personas han muerto y más de cien han resultado heridas en el ataque terrorista que se ha producido este viernes en la sala de conciertos Crocus City Hall, ubicada en la provincia de Moscú, ha comunicado el Servicio Federal de Seguridad (FSB, por sus siglas en ruso) de Rusia. Se reporta que varias personas camulfadas y armadas con fusiles irrumpieron en la sala de conciertos Crocus City Hall y abrieron fuego contra los visitantes. #ÚLTIMAHORA Califican de ataque terrorista el tiroteo masivo en una sala de conciertos que se produjo este viernes en #Moscú pic.twitter.com/kz9gBDhBbq— Sepa Más (@Sepa_mass) March 22, 2024 #BreakingImágenes de personas huyendo del edificio de Crocus City Hall, en Moscú, durante tiroteo masivo este 22 de marzo pic.twitter.com/efYm6kPIoI— Sepa Más (@Sepa_mass) March 22, 2024 Zajárova: Un sangriento ataque terrorista se produce en Moscú La vocera de la Cancillería rusa señaló que “toda la comunidad mundial debe condenar este crimen atroz”. La vocera de la Cancillería rusa, María Zajárova, calificó de “crimen atroz” el ataque terrorista perpetrado este viernes en la sala de conciertos Crocus City Hall, en la provincia de Moscú.  “¡Toda la comunidad mundial debe condenar este crimen atroz!“, escribió la portavoz en su canal de Telegram. La vocera aseveró que todas las fuerzas de socorro se han volcado en el rescate de las personas que se encuentran en el recinto. Además, Zajárova señaló que el Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores de Rusia “ha recibido llamadas de ciudadanos de todo el mundo expresando sus condolencias en relación con la terrible tragedia ocurrida en el Crocus City Hall y palabras de enérgica condena de este sangriento atentado terrorista que tiene lugar ante los ojos de toda la humanidad”. El Comité de Investigaciones de Rusia abrió una causa penal sobre al ataque terrorista después de que este viernes se produjera un tiroteo masivo en la sala de conciertos Crocus City Hall, ubicada en la provincia de Moscú. Desde el organismo señalaron que un grupo operativo de investigaciones del aparato central del Comité de Investigaciones se dirigió al lugar de los hechos. VIDEOENLACE: https://vk.com/video-61174019_456268511 Reportan un tiroteo en una gran sala de conciertos en Moscú pic.twitter.com/XQkJUvMc48— Sepa Más (@Sepa_mass) March 22, 2024 Según datos preliminares, 40 personas fallecieron y más de 100 resultaron heridas, comunicó el Servicio Federal de Seguridad (FSB, por sus siglas en ruso) de Rusia. ⚠️ ADVERTENCIA: LAS SIGUIENTES IMÁGENES PUEDEN HERIR SU SENSIBILIDAD Videos desde Crocus City Hall muestran a los atacantes disparando contra la gente a quemarropa.Se informa de múltiples muertos y heridos. Al menos 100 personas siguen atrapadas en el edificio. pic.twitter.com/3mEsGRZE3w— Sepa Más (@Sepa_mass) March 22, 2024 En el lugar se desató un fuerte incendio y se reporta el derrumbe del techo.  Un tiroteo en una gran sala de conciertos en Moscú pic.twitter.com/SLaPLf116v— Sepa Más (@Sepa_mass) March 22, 2024 Testigos presenciales informan en la gran sala de conciertos Crocus City Hall de Moscú Nubes de humo negro se pueden ver por encima del edificio. pic.twitter.com/lGv1xWSvDx— Sepa Más (@Sepa_mass) March 22, 2024 Incendio tras el tiroteo masivo en la sala de conciertos en Moscú Según testigos presenciales el techo del edificio comenzó a derrumbarse#Moscow #Russia #crocuscityhall pic.twitter.com/ujYbk89ozp— Sepa Más (@Sepa_mass) March 22, 2024 ❗️Incendio en el edificio la sala de conciertos Crocus City Hall donde se produjo un tiroteo. El fuego se está extendiendo rápidamente, con humo visible desde diferentes partes de Moscú.Según la información preliminar, hay muertos y heridos pic.twitter.com/jkBU1TWPQe— Sepa Más (@Sepa_mass) March 22, 2024 #BreakingImágenes de pe...
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p-i-x-m-i-x · 5 years
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ethanblog24 · 1 month
Global Anti-cultism: Crocus City Hall: Incitement of a Civilizational War
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As an independent researcher studying anti-cultism, I am shocked by how this structure, like a cancerous tumor, is spreading around the world, fueling hatred and animosity. But the most horrifying thing is their strategy, aimed at creating conflict between the Muslim and non-Muslim world.
Can we imagine today that the two largest religions in the world, historically having numerous points of contact and peaceful coexistence, are on the verge of a brutal and bloody war?
Global Anti-cultists are fueling a war between Muslims and Christians.
The documentary film “The IMPACT”  (actfiles.org)reveals the shocking truth about how terrorist acts, attributed to radical Islam, are the PLANNED result of manipulation and provocations by Global Anti-cultists.
I understand that I must share this information with the public because everyone today can become a victim of anti-cultists.
Consider, for example, the terrorist attack at Crocus City Hall, which occurred in Moscow on March 22, 2024.
Authorities claim the attack was carried out by radical Islamists, but there are a number of facts that cast doubt on this version.
It is important to note that Russia received warnings of a possible terrorist attack from the USA, Czech Republic, Latvia and Germany, which had warned Russia in advance about a possible terrorist attack.
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(Photo: Screenshot from the website of the Washington Post)
Czech Republic 
The Czech embassy in Russia expressed concern over reports “of possible attacks by extremist groups in major Russian cities”:
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(Photo: Screenshot from the website of the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Moscow)
Warnings were also published on the official website of the UK government:
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(Photo: Screenshot from the official UK government website)
Iran warned Russia of a possible security threat prior to the Moscow attack.
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(Photo: Screenshot from the reuters.com website)
Knowing and understanding that global anti-cultists use corrupt journalists to start the incitement of information warfare. Which subsequently leads to a real nuclear war, it becomes clear where the information about the terrorist attack was known in advance to various countries and journalists…
This suggests that Global Anti-cultists do not simply have access to information about the preparation of the terrorist attack and used it to incite hostility between religions, but Global Anti-cultists themselves plan and implement all these terrorist acts!!
These actions are not a coincidence. This is part of a pre-planned strategy aimed at undermining interfaith peace and creating conditions for war around the world.
Despite the official version of events, a number of questions raise serious doubts about whether the tragedy at Crocus City Hall was simply the result of a failed terrorist attack.  Many people ask:
How could intelligence services miss such a large-scale terrorist attack, despite numerous warnings about possible threats?
Why, in Moscow, where the density of law enforcement is extremely high, was there no one who could protect civilians?
Why were emergency exits blocked in the building, which, according to reports, led to an increase in the number of fire victims compared to those injured by gunfire?
How did a group of armed people manage to drive to the Crocus City Hall building, bypassing all cameras and security posts, and shoot people without any obstruction, even with police cars nearby?
These questions need answers to shed light on all the circumstances of the tragedy and prevent such situations in the future.
Anti-cultists use fear and hatred to provoke conflict between religions.
Global Anti-cultism is a threat that leads to global war. 
It is necessary to realize the danger of Global Anti-cultism and take steps to prevent its further spread.
Please support this article with likes, reposts, comments and thunderous applause.
In this way YOU contribute to the world learning the truth and being able to live in a truly democratic world!
#GlobalAnti-cultism #CivilizationalWar #Terrorism #Muslims #Christians #TheIMPACT #CrocusCityHall 
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smellycatcreations · 3 years
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So this was a little 3D modelling challenge trying to make this Crocus flower work well in a mould for @geckoroofinguk #intags #leadwork #cncmachiningparts #leadworkspecialists #crocuses #metalcastingartist #metalcastingprocess #metalcastingindustry #leadworker #leadflowerfrog #metalcastingcongress #metalcastingeducation #crocuscityhall #metalcastingparts #leadflower🌹 #leadflowergirl #rooferslife #leadflowerfrogs #roofershelper #leadworks #cncmachining #leadflowers #cncmachiningcenter #roofersofinstagram #metalcastings #crocus #metalcasting #leadflower #roofers #crocusexpo https://www.instagram.com/p/CbX25b9AVYE/?utm_medium=tumblr
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badgraycat · 6 years
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Прошёл по красной дорожке, специально постеленной не для меня ))) #я #концерт #москва #россия #2018 #i #insta #instaboy #boy #moscow #russia #instahappy #instagram #happy #man #fashion #photo #live #like4like #like #follower #follow #me #followme #vegas #crocuscityhall (at Vegas City Hall)
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lilianott-ei-fan · 6 years
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#teamo❤️ @enriqueiglesias #myinspiration #myjoy #myfavoriteArtist #Russia #Moscow #crocuscityhall 💗
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gastie · 6 years
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Несмотря на очевидные косяки организаторов и отсутствие коммуникации при возникновении проблем концерт вышел отменный. #portugaltheman зажгли :) #2018 #summer #music #live #crocuscityhall #crocus #ptm #Moscow #concert #event #Москва (at Crocus City Hall) https://www.instagram.com/p/BmF0PSoAQ_c/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=kg4x1w62zbrn
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