crevicedwelling · 4 months
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I found a better photo of the brown Ancylometes bogotensis male on a leaf! I’m not sure if I’ve ever heard a spider get called ‘majestic’ before but he certainly was. king of that leaf
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snototter · 1 year
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An adult male Brazilian wandering spider (Phoneutria fera)
by Oscar Mendez
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bansheehaunt · 7 months
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Tropical wolf spider
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cyanocoraxx · 25 days
wandering spider drama
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chronicas · 4 months
what’s the smallest spider and biggest spider species you know?
The largest species of spider is Theraphosa blondi (left) however if you’re curious about the largest “true spider” (araneomorphae) it’s the Ancylometes genus (right). I couldn’t tell you which species is the largest among the ones that exist in that genus.
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Extremely tiny spiders are often found, so it’s harder for me to pinpoint the smallest known spider, but the record holder for smallest is Patu diguna! At 2mm. I can’t seem to find any pictures without pulling out my computer, but here’s a spider in the same family to give a teeny bit of an idea how small they are! (Crassignatha danaugirangensis)
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rbade-art · 8 months
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the-final-sif · 2 years
For those unaware of the context of the twitter interaction with cc!Dream, Dream replied to a c!dream fan who he follows making fun of Inniters that claim that c!dream was beating up c!Tommy constantly/off-screen during Exile. His exact words were:
c!Dream liked the feeling of power and control that c!Tommy’s friend exiling him gave him. He wanted c!Tommy to feel so isolated that he eventually viewed c!Dream as his only friend, and would help c!Dream’s goals Would have worked if it wasn’t for c!Techno living nearby
Now, this is confirmation of what dreblr has said since back when staged finale was a theory. c!Dream's goal with exile was to further his own goals. The point of it wasn't to torment c!Tommy just for the sake of it, and it certainly wasn't that c!Dream had some sort of specific obsession over c!Tommy.
None of this is news to us, but it is very explicit in spelling out that Exile was not the endgame. Exile was just another step in c!Dream's plan. c!Tommy and control over him isn't c!Dream's end goal. c!Tommy was/is just yet another tool in service of c!Dream's overall goal. All of them need therapy.
Anyways, the tl:dr, nothing exciting, stuff we already knew. c!Dream's overall plan is, in fact, still what he's working for. Also cc!Dream found a spider and I've admittedly spent a lot more of my time trying to ID it than anything else today. I've been trying not to cheat, and so far I've come to the conclusion that it's either in Ctenidae or part of Amaurobiidae based on the groove it appears to have. Will update on this as the story progresses.
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dykegeology · 9 months
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paranines · 1 year
𝙎𝙋𝙄𝘿𝙀𝙍 - 𝙈𝘼𝙉 ( 2099 ) 𝘿𝙉𝘼 𝙈𝙐𝙏𝘼𝙏𝙄𝙊𝙉𝙎 ... ᵖᵗ¹
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   miguel o'hara was the head of alchemax's genetic department before and after his mutation .   he was tasked to lead a program dedicated to recreating the radioactive mutations sustained by peter parker during the golden age of heroes .   only one issue .   a hundred years have passed since then ,   and records of peter parker's powers have since been lost .   entailing that this project is entirely resting in the hands of miguel and his fellow geneticists to complete .   upon initial human experimentation it is discovered that the project is not in fact ready ,   as the subject was transformed into a grotesque creature with a thirst for the kill .   it was killed immediately .
   it is only after o'hara experiences an addiction to rapture at the hands of tyler stone ,   and a saboteur by the name of aaron delgato that the mutations can be proved to be successful .   unfortunately ,   miguel o'hara is the victim .  he is completely transformed ,   becoming fifty percent aracnid on a genetic level .   so which arachnid species is it running through his code ?
  the four families included in the experiment were araneidae ( orb weaver ) ,   ctenidae ( wandering spider ) ,   sparassidae ( huntsman spider ) ,   and most predominantly lycosidae ( wolf spider ) .
   to dive into specifics ,   let's begin with the orb weaver family .   it was commonly recognized that peter parker shot webs in order to transport .   however ,   it is no longer documented how this effect was achieved .   the spotted orb weaver was one of the concluding strands of dna added within the project ,   and was used to replace the agelenidae ( funnel web ) family strands after a particular weakness and lack of web mobility .   however, this test was only conducted on spiders and rats before the family was replaced .   the addition of the araneidae family improved webbing constitution ,   flexibility and quantity .   as well as ensured the production of webs ,   as ctenidae and lycosidae seldom produce anything more than silk for eggsacs .
   due to the sheer might of the latter and most predominant familial infusion ( lycosidae ) ,   the experiment warranted a species that would serve to neutralize the traits of the dominant genus .   with the complete extraction of the agelendiae family ,   one of the more robust and immobile arachnid species ,   it was left to the geneticists to add a spider far larger in mass to help the rats accommodate new bodily functions ,   as well as wane some of the more severe redefinitions accompanied with muscle growth and changes .   in order to accomplish this ,   alchemax researchers provided specimens of both the sparassidae ( huntsman spider ) and ctenidae ( wandering spider ) .   despite being athletic specimens ,   both the grey huntsman spider and the brazilian wandering spider are larger in mass than their counterpart of majority ,   thus may aid the muscles of the mutated to adapt to such athletic and lithe body alterations .
   the most dominant of dna strands within this recreation would have to be that of lycosidae ,   or the wolf spider .   deemed the athletes of the arachnid world ,   lycosidae was the primary candidate and base code for this project .   all other codes were implemented to both compliment and accentuate the features of both the rabid wolf spider ( rabidosa rabida ) and the dotted wolf spider ( rabidosa punctulata ) .   the former of which a larger species of lycosidae ,   and named aptly and appropriately for its erratic movements and hunting style .   the goal was to entirely replicate peter parker's physical abilities ,   relying on the genes of the formidable predator to do so .   the base of the experiment was conducted with dotted wolf spider strands ,   perhaps the more well distributed of the wolf spider family .   however ,   as time wore on ,   geneticists wanted to test how far they could take this accelerated athleticism .   they cut out the weak link that was the immobility of the funnel web family ,   as well as added strands of rabidosa rabida ,   which improved a great number of aspects within the subject's mobility .   however ,   it was soon discovered that the rats effected would die of implosion due to lack of ability to adapt to such powerful attributes .   to improve this ,   they attempted to add strands of snail dna ,   hoping to loosen muscles enough to help the body accommodate for the mutations .   this experiment failed greatly ,   and most subjects both did not survive ,  nor did they meet the criteria to even qualify for the next steps of injection .   with that ,   the team took a step back to analyze the situation .   thus eventually concluding that the best thing to do was utilize a weaker strand of dna of an equally as dominating arachnid ,  one with the body mass to harbor such abilities .   because of these strands ,   majority of the rats developed a larger inclination to hunt ,   and could not sit still .   some died of heart attacks and others flourished .
   with this success ,   the team decided to advance to human experimentation .   all except for miguel o'hara .
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excentricat · 2 years
David Bowie gets an entire genus of spiders named after him, including more than 100 species.
“The Bowie spiders are part of a family known as the Ctenidae, or wandering spiders, which mostly live in the tropics. They get their name from their behaviour, forgoing a web in favour of prowling forests for prey such as insects, reptiles and frogs.
To aid their hunting, wandering spiders have developed powerful venoms. One genus of the Ctenidae, Phoneutria, produces a venom which poses a lethal threat to humans, with males being more toxic than females.”
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crevicedwelling · 5 months
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these nice big wandering spiders (Ancylometes bogotensis) were a common sight at the last few sites I stayed at in Costa Rica. initially, I thought I was seeing multiple species, but apparently there’s a number of color morphs (I think? these seem to all be adult) in both sexes. my favorite was the all-black male with hints of blue iridescence.
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telodogratis · 2 years
Ziggy Stardust e i suoi 54 ragni
Ziggy Stardust e i suoi 54 ragni
AGI – Un nuovo genere della famiglia di ragni Ctenidae è stato nominato ‘Bowie’ in onore del defunto musicista rock/pop David Bowie, in occasione del 75 compleanno della leggenda della musica. Intitolando i ragni a una celebrità, l’aracnologo Peter Jager del Senckenberg Research Institute, in Germania, che ha effettuato la scoperta, ha voluto attirare l’attenzione sulla diversità ancora in gran…
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snowfoxorca · 3 years
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1. Agathina the Silkwing
2. Breeze the Skywing
3. Ctenidae the Sandwing + background practice
4. Archangel the melanistic Nightwing
5. Mercury the Ice/Sand hybrid
6. Tangerine the Rainwing
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animalids · 4 years
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Wandering spider (Ancylometes bogotensis)
Photo by Gerson A. Salcedo-Rivera
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ecuadorlife · 5 years
Wandering spider, Ctenidae
Wandering spider, Ctenidae by Andreas Kay Via Flickr: from Ecuador: www.flickr.com/andreaskay/albums
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