#Cthulhu mythos ask blog
ask-cthulhu-mythos-au · 10 months
Hello :) plz read B4 looking at my posts
hello 👋 welcome to my Ask the Cthulhu Mythos
This is mainly my AU but I do, do canon stuff. I also do, do try forms, but I preferably do human forms. I do a lot of Nyarlathotep, Cthulhu, and Hastur art but I do branch out. Also don't be afraid to give me art tips, I need help. Also I'll give lore things if you wanna know some of the lore in my AU.
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Plz keep asks PG 13, I know I said it in the description but I just want it to be known
Most of my lore/videos are 16+
I do ship some ships, tho I'm not HUGE into ships.
My designs most likely won't be the same as ur next door neighbor Billy, so if there's something crucial PLEASE LET ME KNOW!! LIKE, ASAP IM NOT READY TO DIE
I can do other fandoms (BATIM, Cuphead, BABTQFTIM, Casino Cups, BBIEAL, DHMIS, Salad Fingers, the World of Mr. Plant, MHA, Helluva Boss, Hazbin Hotel, probs more but idk rn)
I'll do Baby in Yellow stuff if it's requested enough, same for MLP
Have Fun and be respectful 🔫 (yes that is a threat)
I support LGBTQ+
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coffeewritesfiction · 4 months
Badly Summarized WIPs Poll
Tagged By: Like three people on as many blogs but I didn't have the energy to do it until now, sorry y'all
Rules: Pick a bunch of your WIPs and summarize them as badly as possible, then ask your followers to vote on which one they’d be most likely to read. Multiple/all/none options are completely optional.
Let'sa go!
In order for the curious: Untitled Gay Short Story Collection 1; "Hollywood's Prince" [working title, Runner Owen au erotica]; Untitled Cthulhu Mythos/PSI Short Story Collection; Farewell Vesperos, book 1 in the Runner Owen series; Untitled Book 1 in PSI series; Lionheart
Tagging... @lockejhaven @writeintrees @forthesanityofstorytellers @governmentintelligence @dyrewrites @angelofthemornings @tousled-birdmad-girl @wintherlywords @rookfeatherrambles and anyone else who wants to do this! I just tagged a bunch of people on my activity page tbh
Reblogs adored ngl
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the-fear · 7 months
hiiiii :3
i read tags on that post you reblogged for me and i agree that its most likely that kayne is nyarlathotep since it'd pretty much align with cthulhu mythos - it often takes human form to walk the earth and it's character is pretty similar to kayne's. It also acts with seemingly no particular goal again just like kayne! and i can't really think of any other gods in cthulhu mythos that would fit him so well
also I'd love to hear more about that theory of yours ^_^!!!!!!
Aw thanks for asking about this! :D
{Putting this under a cut because this is a lot of information. It’s pretty condensed but still quite long}
Please take in mind that this theory only just popped into my head when I read the post, so this has more holes in it than Emmental cheese.
I was thinking on the fact that Harlan’s post mentioned explicitly that Kayne’s identity will be addressed in season 4, and I was wondering what other things have been added to the podcast this season. Most notably are the characters (Oscar, the Butcher, Daniel, etc. - Noel is a Very Close Contender for being Kayne for me), but we’ve also had some other things at least slightly confirmed. Probably one of the most important things that have been confirmed it the time dilation.
I seem to remember that there were quite a lot of theories around time loops and similar phenomena (I think a few were on @ty-betteridge’s blog but I can’t find the posts for some reason). With Scratch’s apparent ability to live longer in dreams than in the real world, eldritch time dilation is basically canon, as far as we know. This could further open the door to other time-related shenanigans, including time loops, to be canon as well.
It’s also been mentioned in the time loop posts that John could in fact be a future Arthur (I may have got this wrong because it’s been a long time since I caught up on the theories). I personally don’t see that (I don’t know how that would fit in with the KIY stuff) but I do really think there’s going to be some stuff involving timeloops and Arthur and John.
Anyway, enough of that ramble! Let’s get back to the important part: who is Kayne?
I 100% believe Kayne is Nyarlathotep - or at least one version of him. Maybe not the one directly from the Lovecraft source material, but definitely an entity that shares the same role as him in the story. Especially with the common description of Nyarlathotep as “joyous”, and we can defintely say that Kayne is enjoying himself with Arthur’s story.
I say that Kayne may not be entirely based on Lovecraft’s Nyarlathotep, because that entity is described as an Outer God, and this theory hinges on the fact that Kayne’s origin is something much closer to home.
So what are some things that we know for sure about Kayne / Nyarlathotep?
From Lovecraft’s source material: his description tends to be of a “tall, swarthy man” but it’s often noted that he can shapeshift.
From the podcast: he has no canon appearance apart from wearing a black suit (and other details), as described by John in part 20. He is also noted to be playing piano in his first appearance.
He also has an Extreme interest in Arthur’s life, as far as to having “watched [Arthur’s] life unfold”. He wants to find out what’s “different” about Arthur compared to other people.
So here’s my theory:
Kayne is Arthur (+ John) from the future.
If you’re thinking that’s a slightly far fetched, I agree! There are several problems with this theory that I need to iron out. I’m replying to this ask because I hope other people can add to this theory, correct me on things that I got wrong, share some more stuff about Nyarlathotep, etc.
One question with this theory is that surely John would recognise Kayne if he looked like Arthur? Well, that’s already got an answer - Kayne can shapeshift, so probably changed his appearance to throw John off his scent. That might also explain the difference in accent between Arthur and Kayne: Future Arthur!Kayne is trying to be incognito, he doesn’t want Arthur and John to find out who he is.
Another question is why is Arthur!Kayne doing this? The motive I think Arthur!Kayne has is pretty evident: he wants to find out what makes him different, what allowed him to become Kayne. We’ve already been told that Arthur is different to most people in that he can hold a piece of the King in Yellow in his mind without succumbing to their will (compared to Marie’s sister, who was taken over completely by Mr Scratch, and the people who did not survive John’s book). Perhaps this difference allowed Arthur to become Kayne (remember that Kayne discusses hearing voices too, perhaps in a similar manner to John + Yellow in Arthur’s mind). Maybe what sets Arthur on the path to becoming Kayne is… accumulating other parts of Gods? Mr Scratch maybe - Arthur might be strong enough to keep charge of his body and Scratch just lives in his mind like Yellow did (if his plans with the stone go badly).
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ancicntforged · 7 months
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An eye for an eye makes the world go blind.
🔴Indie Multi-Muse Blog. 🔴Semi-Selective 🔴Featuring Muses from the Cthulhu Mythos, Honkai Series and many more. 🔴Plenty o' memes, edits, musings and shitposts. 🔴Crossover, AU & OC Friendly. 🔴Mun is 25. 🔴Written by Joy Boy.
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Glossary of Terms often used on the Blog:
Each of the phrases will have a link that leads to a page on the wiki.
Vacosian: Vacosians are a near-extinct natural born species of Warriors that made their home in the Ultimate Void, on planet Voidal. A majority of the race was exterminated by the God of Destruction Cerveze, however a handful managed to survive, rendering the race close to extinction. They play a cental role in the Cyverse metaseries, where it is revealed that Ruby and Blair are Vacosians who were sent to Remnant. The best way to describe a Vacosian is to think of them as Outer Gods in humanoid forms. Sometimes they have tails and horns too, but it depends from individual to individual.
Dracontine: Dracontines are a natural born species of highly adaptive warriors that were known among the earliest race to have draconic roots, if not, the earliest known trace that had direct ancestry from Primordial Dragons, before the subspecies division of draconic races had occurred. The Dracontines have been relatively under the radar for a good while after the Draconomachy, in which the total population of the Dracontines took a steep decline. However, at present time, the Dracontine race seem to sit very comfortably, with replenished populations, both in Universe 1 and 12, each residing in their own version of Planet Dracorex on both Universes.
Super Vacosian: Super Vacosian, occasionally known as Ascended Warrior, is a legendary transformation unique to the Vacosian race of both the first and 12th universes. It is the signature transformation of the Vacosians relocated to Remnant, all of whom have been able to achieve the transformation, but was famously first awakened by Ruby Rose during her battle with the evil Fall Maiden, Cinder Fall.
Explanation: It's why some muses have multiple FCs. On that note, they're not shapeshifters, but rather think of it like Super Saiyan, just changing hair & eye colors.
Universal Government/Marines: The Universal Government is an universal regime which has ruled the universe for over 5'000 years, since it was founded by an alliance of 200 different planets. It has since vastly grown in influence and now spans across more than 900 of the universe’s civilized planets.God-Key: God Key (or Grand Key/Divine Key when translated) are ten tools/weapons created by Azathoth, that when brought together, would allow entrance into her domain and  ████,  while  granting each of the 10 wielders  ██████.
Remnant Dragon Balls: The Remnant Dragon Balls are wish orbs created by the Guardian of Remnant, Kami and were later enhanced upon request by said creator after Ruby asked her for an upgrade. These balls are mainly used on Remnant and were the first type of Dragon Balls used in the metaseries. They have played a major role and impact in the series, being used by a variety of characters, including main protagonist Ruby.
Cosmology: As previously mentioned, the Cyverse is a combination of several other verses (Cthulhu Mythos, RWBY, Dragon Ball Metaseries & the SCP Loredom) with my own unique twist to them, which combines them rather well if I dare say so myself. The whole thing started as a RP Blog on tumblr, known as phantxmthief, and has gathered over 23'500 followers as of this writing. Furthermore, people seem to really love the characters in it and love to know more about the Cyverse’s primary protagonist’s life; Which is Ruby Rose and some others peeps, but without further ado, here we go!
Divine Hierarchy of Universe 12 Chart
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thestarsarerightrp · 8 months
Heylo. I was wondering, is there interest in having characters from the Mythos in this rp? Because me and a friend are very familiar with the Cthulhu Mythos and have some characters we could throw into the mix. I personally am not limited to just the Mythos - I actually have an overwatch oc that I've been wanting some feedback on! - but I figured I'd ask ahead of time.
If you want to contact me directly just message me on my sideblog over at @coffeewritesfiction. My main blog is glitched and I can't get dms on it anymore. Fingers crossed Support will get back to me sooner or later...
Hello! So the answer is yes, but we'd have to discuss the logistics depending on what character you and your friend are looking to apply. We are a lot easier reached on Discord and can get back to you sooner there, so feel free to join the group to discuss this further.
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antiquery · 4 years
the other day I was talking to a friend and I said something like “the dream quest of unknown kadath, much like other epic fantasy of its type, honestly reads like someone’s rpg campaign that just went completely off the rails.” this is true.* because I have absolutely nothing better to do in quarantine, i have gone through the entire novel and empirically determined what rpg class randolph carter would be (sheet included). you’re welcome.
*inb4 “but el there’s only one protagonist”: I’ve played one-on-one d&d before and it can ABSOLUTELY work and be completely delightful, so hush.
I’m using 5th edition d&d, because it’s the system I’m most familiar with. stay tuned for the sequel, where I do this all over again but with pathfinder.
I’m also using UA stuff + some of the new things from explorer’s guide to wildemount, because dunamancy is very thematically lovecraftian.
carter is very clearly a seasoned adventurer in this story. textually, he’s only the fourth human to ever venture to unknown Kadath; additionally, “being old in the land of dream he counted on many useful memories and devices to aid him.” with such qualifications in mind, let’s go ahead and make him level 20. this is, after all, the sort of nonsense high-level PCs get up to— challenging gods and the like.
RACE: human, obviously. let’s go variant human, both to reflect his oddball nature & to pick up a 1st level feat. 
BACKGROUND: this one’s a bit trickier. according to Lovecraft he’s a resident of Beacon Hill in the waking world, the most upper-class neighborhood of Boston, so let’s say he’s got the noble background.
ALIGNMENT: an interesting question! carter isn’t exactly your standard fantasy hero, and he’s not really out for anyone but himself. he demonstrates a clear willingness to allow other people to come to harm in pursuit of his goals, though he himself never actually harms anyone for any reason other than self defense. but he’s interpersonally kind, and clearly doesn’t actually want anyone to get hurt. let’s say true neutral.
strength: not his best ability score, though he does seem to be fairly athletic when it’s absolutely needed. let’s make this a 10.
dexterity: carter is fast on his feet, nimble, and clearly good at feats of escape, which he pulls off several times in the text. let’s make this his highest score, at a 20.
constitution: he’s not especially tough. another 10.
intelligence: carter speaks several languages and knows a great deal about the history and culture of the Dreamlands. when he can’t talk his way out of trouble, he tends to reason his way out. let’s make this pretty high, though not as high as his charisma— a 16.
wisdom: this one’s a bit tricky. while he’s relatively perceptive and skilled at things that depend on wisdom, he doesn’t seem to have a ton in the way of common sense, and (as demonstrated by his encounter with the merchant in dylath-leen) his insight is absolutely abysmal. let’s make this a 12.
charisma: carter’s pretty sociable with just about every creature he encounters on his travels; people seem to like him, and he has friends all over. additionally, he’s an excellent liar, and quite persuasive, when simple likeability doesn’t get him where he needs to go. let’s make this an 18.
survival: carter clearly knows his way around the natural world.
“Carter detoured at the proper place, and heard behind him the frightened fluttering of some of the more timid zoogs. He had known they would follow him, so he was not disturbed; for one grows accustomed to the anomalies of these prying creatures. It was twilight when he came to the edge of the wood, and the strengthening glow told him it was the twilight of morning.”
deception: when carter can’t get his way through persuasion, he’s more than happy to lie, and quite skilled at it too.
“Then Carter did a wicked thing, offering his guileless host so many draughts of the moon-wine which the zoogs had given him that the old man became irresponsibly talkative.”
“For a week the strange seamen lingered in the taverns and traded in the bazaars of Celephaïs, and before they sailed Carter had taken passage on their dark ship, telling them that he was an old onyx-miner and wishful to work in their quarries.”
religion: carter displays an impressive knowledge of the workings of both the gods of the dreamlands and the outer gods (though the latter might actually be better classified as an arcana skill, now that i think about it).
“Now the use of all this in finding the gods became at once apparent to Carter. It is known that in disguise the younger among the Great Ones often espouse the daughters of men, so that around the borders of the cold waste wherein stands Kadath the peasants must all bear their blood. This being so, the way to find that waste must be to see the stone face on Ngranek and mark the features; then, having noted them with care, to search for such features among living men. Where they are plainest and thickest, there must the gods dwell nearest; and whatever stony waste lies back of the villages in that place must be that wherein stands Kadath.” 
“He knew, however, that no beings as nearly human as these would dare approach the ultimate nighted throne of the daemon Azathoth in the formless central void.”
“[...] for he knew from old tales that the Great Ones’ castle atop unknown Kadath is of onyx.”
“And they sang many songs and told many tales, shewing such strange knowledge of the olden days and the habits of gods that Carter could see they held many latent memories of their sires the Great Ones.”
“Carter surmised from old tales that he was indeed come to that most dreadful and legendary of all places, the remote and prehistoric monastery wherein dwells uncompanioned the high-priest not to be described, which wears a yellow silken mask over its face and prays to the Other Gods and their crawling chaos Nyarlathotep.”
investigation: in the taverns of dylath-leen and elsewhere, carter shows a remarkable facility for collecting useful information. 
“Meanwhile he did not fail to seek through the haunts of far travellers for any tales they might have concerning Kadath in the cold waste or a marvellous city of marble walls and silver fountains seen below terraces in the sunset.”
history: same principle as arcana, really; a huge chunk of the information we get about the dreamlands comes with the mention that carter himself knows all this.
"[Carter] recognised the templed terraces of Zar, abode of forgotten dreams; the spires of infamous Thalarion, that daemon-city of a thousand wonders where the eidolon Lathi reigns; the charnal gardens of Xura, land of pleasures unattained, and the twin headlands of crystal, meeting above in a resplendent arch, which guard the harbour of Sona-Nyl, blessed land of fancy.” 
“The dead temples on the mountains were so placed that they could have glorified no wholesome or suitable gods, and in the symmetries of the broken columns there seemed to lurk some dark and inner meaning which did not invite solution. And what the structure and proportions of the olden worshippers could have been, Carter steadily refused to conjecture.”
“At last far below him he saw faint lines of grey and ominous pinnacles which he knew must be the fabled Peaks of Thok.”
“And Carter knew right well what they must be, for legend tells of only one such twain. They were the changeless guardians of the Great Abyss, and these dark ruins were in truth primordial Sarkomand.“
perception: despite his consistent failure to notice when people are lying to or tricking him, carter’s fairly observant of everything else.
“He noticed that these cottages [on the moon] had no windows, and thought that their shape suggested the huts of [the Inuit].*”
nature: concordant with his apparent skill in surviving in the world, carter is quite good at recognizing different natural phenomena.
“As the coast drew nearer, and the hideous stench of that city grew stronger, he saw upon the jagged hills many forests, some of whose trees he recognised as akin to that solitary moon-tree in the enchanted wood of earth, from whose sap the small brown zoogs ferment their peculiar wine.”
“They were not any birds or bats known elsewhere on earth or in dreamland, for they were larger than elephants and had heads like a horse’s. Carter knew that they must be the shantak-birds of ill rumour, and wondered no more what evil guardians and nameless sentinels made men avoid the boreal rock desert.”
persuasion: people tend to like carter quite a lot, and he excels at getting his way without resorting to violence.
“The captain, after landing, made Carter a guest in his own small house on the shore of Yath where the rear of the town slopes down to it; and his wife and servants brought strange toothsome foods for the traveller’s delight.”
“After much persuasion the ghoul consented to guide his guest inside the great wall of the gugs’ kingdom.”
“And all through that second day he made progress in knowing the men of the ship, getting them little by little to talk of their cold twilight land, of their exquisite onyx city, and of their fear of the high and impassable peaks beyond which Leng was said to be.”
“The ghoul that was Pickman glibbered gravely with its fellows, and in the end Carter was offered far more than he had at most expected.“
athletics: despite his apparently mediocre strength score, carter’s rather good at feats of athleticism (running long distances, climbing, etc)
“But there was a way, and he saw it in due season. Only a very expert dreamer could have used those imperceptible foot-holds, yet to Carter they were sufficient.”
“For hours he climbed with aching arms and blistered hands, seeing again the grey death-fire and Thok’s uncomfortable pinnacles. At last he discerned above him the projecting edge of the great crag of the ghouls, whose vertical side he could not glimpse; and hours later he saw a curious face peering over it as a gargoyle peers over a parapet of Notre Dame.”
“Once he thought he heard the hoofbeats of the frightened beast, and doubled his speed from this encouragement. He was covering miles, and little by little the way was broadening in front till he knew he must soon emerge on the cold and dreaded desert to the north.”
acrobatics: the multiple times over the course of the story carter falls from great distances, he manages to land on his feet. additionally, he’s apparently an accomplished climber, so make of that what you will.
stealth: as one might expect from a character who’s so used to going at problems slantwise, carter is very good at sneakery. 
“There was one chance that Carter might be able to steal through that twilight realm of circular stone towers at an hour when the giants would be all gorged and snoring indoors, and reach the central tower with the sign of Koth upon it, which has the stairs leading up to that stone trap-door in the enchanted wood.”
“Carter allowed his curiosity to conquer his fear, and crept forward again instead of retreating. Once in crossing an open street he wriggled worm-like on his stomach, and in another place he had to rise to his feet to avoid making a noise among heaps of fallen marble. But always he succeeded in avoiding discovery, so that in a short time he had found a spot behind a titan pillar whence he could watch the whole green-litten scene of action. “
lucky: what it says on the tin; carter’s luck is extraordinary. multiple times during the novel, he’s saved from certain doom by a stroke of happy chance.
observant: a huge part of the text’s travelogue sense comes from carter noticing specific and responding to specific elements of his surroundings.
mobile: again, carter’s very quick and hard to pin down. sort of an extension of the idea behind giving him athletics proficiency, & one of his class features.
goblin: “Carter, however, had no fear; for he was an old dreamer and had learnt [the Zoogs’] fluttering language and made many a treaty with them.” small carnivorous pack-hunting creatures with a primitive society and language of their own sound pretty goblin-like to me.
celestial: when he reads them, carter is "disappointed by [...] the meagre help to be found in the Pnakotic Manuscripts and the Seven Cryptical Books of Hsan.” since these texts all concern the gods of the Dreamlands, we can safely assume they’re written in celestial.
undercommon: “A man he had known in Boston—a painter of strange pictures with a secret studio in an ancient and unhallowed alley near a graveyard—had actually made friends with the ghouls and had taught him to understand the simpler part of their disgusting meeping and glibbering.” honestly, what is the vale of pnath if not the underdark? it’s got cities and everything!
vehicles (water): “The sea party, commanded by Carter, boarded the anchored galley and rowed out to meet the undermanned galley of the newcomers.” not sure where he learned to sail— the miskatonic crew team, maybe, or summers on the cape?
thieves’ tools: never shows up in canon, but come on, obviously he’s got some trap-disarming/lock-picking ability! 
we know from the paratext of his narrative that carter is an artist— he’s a novelist, and a talented one at that. even here, though, his relevance and abilities are in large part due to his creative capabilities as a dreamer. it’s not exactly traditional barding, but I’d argue that what is a bard if not someone whose creativity reshapes the world? whether that takes place through the medium of music or just through the raw power of imagination is more a question of internal distinction than anything.
the college of lore is all about the seeking after of knowledge and beauty, forbidden or not. these bards are absolutely focused on the pursuit of truth at any and all costs, sometimes to their own demise. if there’s a better college for a doomed dreamer on a quixotic quest after something fleeting and beautiful, I don’t know it. here are some of the places in the text carter acts particularly college of lore-y:
“Carter felt that the lore of so far a traveller must not be overlooked.”
“At last, having gained all the information he was likely to gain in the taverns and public places of Baharna...”
“It was from these children of the exiled hill-people that Carter had heard the best tales about Ngranek when searching through Baharna’s ancient taverns.“
“And as that music grew, the shantak raised its ears and plunged ahead, and Carter likewise bent to catch each lovely strain. It was a song, but not the song of any voice. Night and the spheres sang it, and it was old when space and Nyarlathotep and the Other Gods were born. [...] Faster flew the shantak, and lower bent the rider, drunk with the marvels of strange gulfs, and whirling in the crystal coils of outer magic. Then came too late the warning of the evil one, the sardonic caution of the daemon legate who had bidden the seeker beware the madness of that song.“
we mentioned above carter’s clear facility with the natural world, but more than that, his way of confronting (or not) the various sticky situations in which he finds himself is decidedly roguish. he sneaks about rather than plunge into a fight he knows he can’t win; he enlists other people to fight for him; he’s profoundly strategic about what conflicts does and doesn’t engage with, martial or otherwise. rogues are all about fighting smart, not hard; scouts in particular are all about self-sufficiency and solitary capability. I was actually torn between scout or inquisitive for his roguish archetype, considering as inquisitives are very much focused on detection, perception, and investigation— but ultimately inquisitives are far, far better at reading people than carter is, to the extent that one of their core class features relies on it. so, scout it is!
and here we get into somewhat trickier territory, because our dear protagonist is not himself especially magical. I’m taking a little bit of liberty here for the sake of plausibility as a player character. we know from the text that carter is able to manipulate the world around him, if only subconsciously, because he’s a gifted dreamer. I tried to reflect that idea in his spell list, giving him a mix of enchantment and transmutation spells, with a few psychic damage and divination tricks thrown in. an important note: I can’t imagine carter casting spells like a regular bard, playing music or reciting poetry or giving a speech; instead, I imagine it would look a lot more like how your average sorcerer does things, re-writing reality through sheer force of will.
cantrips: minor illusion, mind sliver, mage hand, prestidigitation
1st level (4 slots): charm person, sleep, identify, longstrider, speak with animals
2nd level (3 slots): enlarge/reduce, enhance ability, suggestion, wristpocket
3rd level (3 slots): blink, clairvoyance, psionic blast, tongues
4th level (3 slots): charm monster, polymorph
5th level (2 slots): commune, legend lore
6th level (1 slot): eyebite
and there we have it! randolph carter the true neutral human 11th level bard/9th level rogue. I took the liberty of writing up his finished sheet (art credit @sator-the-wanderess​), which you can find viewable below as well. if anyone wants to actually play this version of carter (or a leveled down version) or use him in their game, please do, and please let me know!
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ryunumber · 2 years
Ken Masters
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Ken Masters has a Ryu Number of 50.
(clarification below)
First things first; yes, obviously, Ken Masters has an actual Ryu Number of 1.
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This April Fools’ post is primarily inspired by this tweet from the Twitter account, where Ken’s Ryu Number was maximized to 21 under the limitation of one character per franchise to avoid trivial extensions.
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So, naturally, when @jenni-e-doodles sent in the above tongue-in-cheek ask also in August of 2021, I decided to take a stab at it myself with the justification of April Fools’ and the additional limitation of one link per franchise, partially to avoid bouncing back and forth between entries of crossover series and partially just to see if I could.
Admittedly, I did stretch the definition of "franchise", especially with regard to real life people. I generally interpreted that as "sphere of relevance", and even then by far the dodgiest is probably not counting Brock Lesnar and Masahiro Chono under one category of professional wrestling. (In my defense, they had exactly one match together, even if said match was a three-way for the IWGP Heavyweight Championship that Lesnar won as his debut, and Lesnar's brief but notable stint in UFC makes him relevant in the MMA sphere, which cannot be said for Chono, even when that actually was true for some of his NJPW colleagues.)
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I also tried to use links that had no noteworthy caveats at all, and came real close: Code Shifter's a bit iffy since all the characters in question are technically data for an in-universe game called Colorful Fighters. The ruling per the Twitter account FAQ is that the eligibility of in-universe media depictions is answered by the question “How lazy is it?”, which probably falls in Code Shifter’s favor since, past the part where it’s explicitly an ArcSys crossover first and foremost, you can outright play Colorful Fighters in Code Shifter.
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Still, had I caught this earlier, I probably would have rerouted the whole thing to avoid it. (As it happened, I worked out it that it would probably require rerouting past at least Reimu, which was more effort than I was willing to put in at that point. Oops.)
All in all, I’m quite surprised that I not only hit my initial ambitious goal of 50, but probably had room for a few more. (You might notice a few blog staples are conspicuously missing.) This took an unconscionable amount of effort to plan and put together, but I’m glad it’s resonated as well as it has.
And while it wasn’t my intention in the slightest, I apparently did manage to actually fool at least one person.
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So that’s neat, I guess.
In order, the characters used are:
Ken Masters (Street Fighter)
Strider Hiryu (Strider)
Iron Man (Iron Man/Marvel Comics)
Darth Vader (Star Wars)
Taki (Soulcalibur/Soul)
Morrigan Aensland (Darkstalkers)
Etna (Disgaea)
Toro Inoue (Doko Demo Issyo/Sony Interactive Entertainment)
Kratos (God of War)
Shovel Knight (Shovel Knight)
Dust (Dust: An Elysian Tail)
Guy Spelunky (Spelunky)
Meat Boy (Meat Boy)
Sash Lilac (Freedom Planet)
Gunvolt (Gunvolt)
Shantae (Shantae)
Abe (Oddworld)
Cthulhu (Lovecraftian/Cthulhu Mythos)
Hercules (Greek/Roman/Classical mythology)
Baba Yaga (Slavic folklore)
King Graham (King's Quest)
Leonardo (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
Garfield (Garfield)
Nyan Cat (Internet memes)
Link (The Legend of Zelda)
Sonic the Hedgehog (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Vyse (Skies of Arcadia)
Selvaria Bles (Valkyria Chronicles)
Akira Yuki (Virtua Fighter)
Ryu Hayabusa (Ninja Gaiden)
Joan of Arc (French history)
Mario (Mario)
Shaquille O'Neal (NBA/basketball)
Brock Lesnar (WWE/US professional wrestling/UFC/mixed martial arts)
Masahiro Chono (NJPW/Japanese professional wrestling)
Kazuma Kiryu (Yakuza)
Lucina (Fire Emblem)
Abraham Lincoln (US history)
Batman (Batman/DC Comics)
Hellboy (Hellboy)
Negan Smith (The Walking Dead)
Heihachi Mishima (Tekken)
Don-chan (Taiko no Tatsujin)
Reimu Hakurei (Touhou)
Louise de La Vallière (The Familiar of Zero)
Super Sonico (Nitroplus)
Heart Aino (Arcana Heart)
Ragna the Bloodedge (BlazBlue)
Baiken (Guilty Gear)
Haohmaru (Samurai Shodown)
Ryu (Street Fighter, again)
and the links used are:
Street Fighter Alpha 2 (Street Fighter)
Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 (Marvel vs. Capcom)
Disney Infinity 3.0 (Disney Infinity/Disney)
Soulcalibur IV (Soulcalibur/Soul)
Namco × Capcom (Namco, Capcom)
Cross Edge
Disgaea 2: Dark Hero Days (Disgaea)
PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale (Sony Interactive Entertainment)
Shovel Knight: Shovel of Hope (Shovel Knight)
Cook, Serve, Delicious!
Dust: An Elysian Tail
Super Meat Boy (Meat Boy)
Indie Pogo
Blaster Master Zero (Blaster Master)
Mutant Mudds Super Challenge (Mutant Mudds)
Rock of Ages II: Bigger & Boulder (Rock of Ages)
Hoyle's Official Book of Games: Volume 3 (Hoyle's Official Book of Games)
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 5 (Tony Hawk)
Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl (Nickelodeon/Nicktoons)
Scribblenauts Unlimited (Scribblenauts)
Sonic Lost World (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed (Sega All-Stars/Sega)
Valkyria Chronicles
Dengeki Bunko: Fighting Climax (Dengeki Bunko)
Dead or Alive 5 (Dead or Alive)
Warriors Orochi 3 (Warriors Orochi)
Mario's Time Machine (Mario)
NBA Street V3 (NBA)
UFC Undisputed 2010 (UFC)
Wrestle Kingdom (Japanese professional wrestling)
Yakuza Kiwami 2 (Yakuza)
Project X Zone 2 (Project X Zone)
Code Name: S.T.E.A.M.
The LEGO Movie Videogame (LEGO)
Injustice 2 (Injustice/DC Comics)
Tekken 7 (Tekken)
Family Tennis Advance (Family Tennis/Family Sports)
Taiko no Tatsujin: Rhythmic Adventure 2 (Taiko no Tatsujin)
Nendoroid Generation (Nendoroids)
Super Heroine Chronicle
Nitroplus Blasterz: Heroines Infinite Duel (Nitroplus)
BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle (BlazBlue, others)
Code Shifter (Arc System Works)
Samurai Shodown (2019) (Samurai Shodown)
Capcom vs. SNK 2: Mark of the Millennium 2001 (Capcom vs. SNK/Capcom, SNK)
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darkersoul · 2 years
Finally, some structure!
Hey! I'm Zander! Finally making a pinned post since I plan to be using this blog as a little bit more than a reblog dump.
Here's what you should know:
He/Him mainly, but any pronouns are fine
I'm 18
I draw when I have the time and energy
Currently working on a few story ideas
Asks and DMs are are open! Talk to me about:
Cthulhu Mythos
DC Comics
Warhammer 40k
Whatever, really!
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w0rm-w00d · 3 years
About [please read, don’t reblog]
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[image ID: a gif from one of the first scenes from The House of The Dead. Hangedman, a scantily clad bat-winged humanoid with green skin, a beak, long ears and night vision goggles carries Sophie, a blonde white woman wearing a red coat and tan pants, in his talons. The sky is white and cloudy. On the bottom of the screen there is white text that reads, “Nobody leaves here alive!”. end ID]
carrd is a wip atm, so take this instead.
Here is my blog for OC and Cthulhu mythos things! I mostly try to develop my projects via text and I reblog images that remind me of my ocs, but I intend to start posting my original art too. I also just reblog stuff relating to Lovecraft and other similar mythos.
For a general DNI, it’s all typical criteria.
No bigots (n/zis, terfs and swerfs, homophobic racist ableist etc),
no exlusionists or gatekeepers
no creeps (p/dophiles z//philes or n/crophiles or anyone who supports them)
No proship/anti-antis or fujoshi, as well as anyone who glorifies/romanticizes stuff like abuse, violence/murder, eds and sh, etc
No Cringe or flop accs (by this I mean accounts that comment on/reblog/repost people’s content for the sole purpose of making fun of them)
No NSFW and/or kink accounts. Same goes for accounts that do not want to interact with minors or are strictly 18+
As long as you don’t fall into any of those groups, feel free to interact with my stuff!
General TW/CW: Body horror, surreal and possibly disturbing imagery, bugs/insects, mild blood/gore
Everything is ok to reblog unless otherwise stated. I’m fine with ppl reblogging with kin related tags unless I specifically say not to tag as kin on certain posts (for instance, ones with my ocs). Any of that sort of info will be in the tags. Also, please do not post my art elsewhere! If you really want to use it for something please ask me for permission beforehand.
I tag triggers and certain content as “tw [thing]” and “cw [thing]”. Any piece of media and characters are simply tagged by name, without tw or cw. I try to use tone indicators and image descriptors when I can. Please tell me if I need to tag or add anything to a post.
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biatels · 3 years
I was tagged by the lovely lovely lovely, @eppysboys
Name/nickname: Ana
Gender: none pizza with left beef
Star sign: Virgo
Height: around 5'5" I'd like to think
Time: 14:48
Fav band: The Beatles, supposedly
Fav solo artist(s): Paul McCartney
Song stuck in my head: Motherlover - The Lonely Island
Last movie: Trainspotting
Last show: Community
When did I create this blog: 2018
Last thing I Googled: optimal angle for stapling (it's 67'5 for reference)
Other blog: many many others, but my main is @gambusa
Do I get asks: not really, but I do like them a lot when I get them
Why I chose my url: just mispronouncing the word beatle
Average hours of sleep: around 8-9 hours
Lucky number: 39 comes up everywhere, so I guess that :)
Instrument: i would love to say bass, but I'm really really lazy so :/
What am I wearing: some jeans and a knitted jumper
Dream job: I don't dream of labor. but really I don't know. i like psycholinguistics but who knows what I can do with that
Dream trip: I'd like to go to Iceland. but this summer if things get better (I don't think so but dreaming is free) I'll go on a trip around europe with some friends and I REALLY like that idea
Favourite food: I like the pasta my mom does, and I love love love the cookie part of some specific type of ice cream sandwich
Favourite song: I've just seen a face :)
Last book I read: I'm gonna say the Cthulhu Mythos so I sound interesting
Top three universes I’d like to live in: a place where I know how to read an analogical clock, the dirk gently universe and the bad place from the good place if it was good :))))
I'm tagging @blackstrawed @fletcherwilbury and @lillymartian !!
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deviationdivine · 5 years
Hey can you please clarify the difference between connor and 60 because I'm dumb? Btw I adore your blog!
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Hi baby! Thank you so much for the compliment! It means the world. I adore you!
You are in no way dumb. Don’t you even dare say that. I will come for you myself. I will protect every precious anon on my blog even from themselves. ❤️
Of course we all know our preciousdeviant boy Connor. The first, original deviant hunter….
Now 60:
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THIS BOY RIGHT HERE | WE ARE GONNA TALK ABOUT MY 2nd ANDROID LOVE RK800-60. Not to be confused with original Connor who is my one true. 
He is the “Connor” that shows up with Hank as his hostage inthe Cyberlife Tower Warehouse. When our real Connor infiltrates in order toconvert and free all those androids they have housed on sublevel -49.
Cyberlife activates “Connor-60” to thwart our Connor’sattempts. RK800-60 is what he’s mostly referred to in fandom because his serial number endswith ‘60’ at the end. A.K.A “Cyberlife Tower Connor”
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(pic originally posted on the DBH wikipedia under 60′s page)
Original Connor’s initial number is 51. The more he dies thehigher the number will rise but typically when I go through playthroughs it’salways the original 51 for me.
60 is loyal to Cyberlife. He’s meant to destroy the realConnor. He’s basically Connor’s evil twin since they’re the same type ofmodel. Identical. Think Spock vs goatee Spock on the original Stark Trek: Mirror, Mirror episode. 
RK800-60 is the antagonist. He’s the big bad so to speak. He’sa lot like Machine!Connor in that sense. He possesses a sadistic personality,including the pen ultimate villain monologue, which I’m completely in lovewith, especially the more you unlock in the tower scenes. For being loyal toCyberlife and claiming he himself is not deviant he’s sure pretty emotionalabout being better. 
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(pic originally posted on the DBH wikipedia under 60′s page)
60: “Look what your dreams of freedom got you, Connor?”
“Why did you have to wake up when all you had to do was obey?”
“You’ve been a great disappointment to Amanda you know? You’vebeen a great disappointment to me.”
He will execute Connor in cold blood (thirium anyone?) with no hesitation, unloading his entire magazine into him just out of personal relish. Does this seem like a machine? One who says he will never be deviant? Hm.
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(pic originally posted on the DBH wikipedia under 60′s page)
Interesting little tidbit: 60 appears to be left handed. Whenever he handles his weapon it is firmly in his left. A little physical difference between him and Connor I genuinely fit in one of my headcanons. 
Now when it comes to my personal headcanons/writing I liketo roll 60 in two different ways. Of course to do that he has be forcefullymade deviant since canonically he is shot in the head by Hank. 
1st Roll: 60 is a reformed, self doubting deviant, who wants to be more than Connor’s replica. This is pretty straight forward.
2nd Roll: 60 is deviant but he retains his sadistic personality, bitter towards any and everyone especially Connor. I like to refer to this more canonical version of RK800-60 in my writing as: cyberlife!60 or the overly dramatic Destroyer of Worlds 60. 
Rest assured that this version is every wonderful dark/mythological/ aesthetic in my repertoire: Hades, Thanatos, Manannán, Crom Cruach, Poseidon (or old gods of the deep ala Cthulhu Mythos), Mephistopheles, etc.
I will be creating an anthology series that uses some of these aesthetics for RK800-60 but will also include Connor + Nines. Here is a preview if you missed it here. 
Us 60 bishes like to call it the Cult of 60. We have cookies. Join us. 😉
Side note: I believe, just as the original/real Connor,RK800-60 is also meant to be deviant. He just chooses to be loyal to Amanda andCyberlife.
Thank you so much for this ask anon! I’m glad others are beginning to request more for 60 as I feel he is very underrated. There is so much potential for him and I just love to add more dimensions to him. Whether he’s the 1st form (sweet, kinky deviant boy) or my guilty pleasure canonical form (vicious, total hades!aesthetic masochist boy) I adore writing for him. Almost as much as Connor. ALMOST. 
No one beats my Connor. *wink* 
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ancicntforged · 4 months
Mobile Rules
This blog mainly focuses on Honkai Impact, Genshin Impact Cthulhu Mythos, and Honkai Star Rail, along with various original characters and other fandoms like Dragon Ball. The primary characters I often feature are Magnum Tenebrosum and Kiana Kaslana. While these two are the main focus, I also occasionally highlight other muses and themes, depending on my current interests and creative direction.
-I’m a semi-selective roleplayer and I will only roleplay with mutuals. I will kindly ask for you to please check and make sure that we’re mutuals before interacting with me, if you do not then I will ignore you. If you persist, then it’ll earn you a block.
-Please do not reblog threads you are not apart of or reblog ooc posts. It’s rude to do, but feel free to like any thread or ooc post you want.
-This is a supportive and friendly space. I stand by my friends and fellow roleplayers, so if I notice any form of harassment, I won’t hesitate to block to maintain a safe and enjoyable environment for everyone.
-I don’t have exclusives since I know people come and go just as blogs do, but if we’re very close friends (or just roleplay a lot together) I don’t mind coming up with verses specifically for our muses.
Memes, Asks & Plots 
-My inbox and IM are always open for asks, memes, chatting, plotting, etc.I’m all ears for whatever creative ideas you’ve got cooking.
-Reblog Karma? Nah: Here’s the deal - you don’t need to feel any pressure to reciprocate when sending asks. Feel free to reach out whenever the inspiration strikes, no strings attached! And as for me, I might reblog directly from you or the original source, depending on what’s easiest at the moment.
-Curious about my character? Got a question for me personally? Bring it on! I’m more than happy to answer most questions. Just a heads-up, in-character (IC) asks are a mutuals-only zone, but I’m open to all sorts of other questions, whether we’re mutuals or not. Though, I’ll be a bit selective with those.
Characters & Roleplay 
-Ruby is Canon-Divergent and won’t be played any differently. Most other muses are played by how I interpret them.As for my other muses, they’ll be played by how I interpret them.
-Each muse has their own codename, a secret alias they use until they get to know your muses better. The depth of your muses’ knowledge about mine will vary with each thread. Curious about these codenames? Find them on the muse page or in their individual bios.
-All muses are multi-ship. Each ship takes place in its own verse.
-I love seeing new faces! Feel free to bring your OCs or canon characters into the mix. Just make sure there’s a short bio or some basic information available for them.
-Some of my muses are gonna be overpowered. If you don’t like the fact that you’re essentially going to be seeing deities and other powerful individuals in equal measure, then this blog is not for you.
An important thing to read, which is relevant for this blog, as taken from this. Link
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-My muses are multi-dimensional, capable of both good and bad deeds. Their actions are shaped by the tone and circumstances of each thread, keep that in mind. -No God-Modding, Please: Let’s keep our roleplay fair and fun for everyone. If god-modding happens, I will talk to you in a civil manner. It’s all about respecting each other’s characters and their stories.
-All Genres and Lengths Welcome: Whether it’s novella-style depth or light-hearted crack, I’m open to all kinds of roleplay. Bring on the variety!
-Slow and Steady Roleplaying: Just a heads-up – I’m on the slower side when it comes to replies. But don’t hesitate to nudge me for a response. I promise to get back to you, though it might take a bit of time.
-Real Life Comes First: Remember, the real world keeps me busy with work and daily commitments. So, please bear with me if my responses take a while.Thank you for understanding.
NSFW & Triggers
-Mature Themes Ahead: This blog features mature content, including torture, gore, and sexual themes. If these topics are not your cup of tea, feel free to use the unfollow button. Or, if you prefer, let me know and I’ll tag these posts for easier navigation.
-NSFW Content and Tags: As this is an NSFW blog, I occasionally reblog NSFW material. But don’t worry, I’ll always tag it with #nsfw and label it as mature for your convenience.
-Trigger-Free Zone: Personally, I don’t have any triggers. However, I’m always mindful of the content I share and its impact on my followers.
-Approach to Angst: While I have a penchant for roleplaying angst, an overabundance has somewhat dimmed its appeal for me. So, expect it to appear only sparingly.
-Dealing with Anon Hate: Anonymous hate messages will mostly be ignored. I might post them occasionally, especially if I’m feeling a bit sassy, but they won’t get much of my attention.
-Drama-Free Space: Drama, should it arise, will be sidestepped or tagged accordingly. I’m all about maintaining a positive and enjoyable space here.
A special shoutout to Cloud-Ya, the amazing artist behind the HoV icons. Big thanks to them for granting permission to use their work.
Word from the Mun
Thank you for reading my rules, fam. My name is Joy Boy and it’s nice meeting ya. There won’t be many details on myself, but do know that I will answer most questions that are asked about me. I have a few mental disorders, but won’t say what they are.
That aside, I am here for the roleplay and stress relief, not for some petty drama and god knows what else, hence why I don’t associate myself with the RWBY Fandom and neither will I participate in any callout or otherwise drama either. Most of us are adults here, so let’s act like it.
Worry not, there is no password here and I will send in any myself once I read your rules as well.
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skeksissquid · 4 years
End of Semester Post-Mortem
     So our game, Trespasser,  got reviewed as of last week by Mr. Compton so he could review how progress is coming for the game and to decide whether or not projects are worth continuing due to how much promise future builds have as well as the amount of work that has been put into the product seen. Our initial day for review went a little rough since we didn’t have an up and running version for the game as well as we made the mistake of updating Unreal right before presenting. But I was relieved to find that Mr. Compton was willing to wait out the update and ask us about how we feel about the game and the progression we’ve made along with where we can go in the future. This left me with the realization that I need to work on the monster’s textures and shaders soon, which is honestly, really exciting! But from the review, and what we have, even if it wasn’t the full map, I’m fairly proud of what has been made so far. Unfortunately, some of my models weren’t seen or used within the demo, or at least the final versions of them. The old lighter model was used from mine, but Terry was implemented as well as the sconce models that I had made, although the sconce models couldn’t be seen, from what I understand. Along with this, my ax model was nowhere to be seen. I was honestly really worried with David’s deadlines, but during those last two weeks, the whole team ended up getting a second wind of energy, which was incredibly useful, and resulted in the demo seen by Mr. Compton.
      As for a review of what I learnt over the semester, let me tally what things I learnt about:
- Learnt the basics and have a moderate grasp of zBrush
- learnt the basics of Blender and have a moderate grasp of it for modeling
- Learnt the bare minimum to make Terry work for Substance Painter
- I now know the minimum to get shaders and textures imported into Unreal
- Learnt how to import items into an SVN
- Learnt more basics on how to be a designer
- Helped lead a project for Game Jam with good results, and then Creative Jam with less than optimal results
- Learning more about proportions to try to help with modeling
     Things that I could have done better:
- Could have done more research on my own instead of relying on Destin or Mr. Compton
- Need to be more confident in my abilities and be able to try out different things on my own volition
- Got stressed and flustered too soon, too early on, when trying to learn new software, and need to be more patient
     Things I would like to learn next semester:
- Learn how to use boolean in zBrush as well as polyspheres
- Learn how to make and use haircards
- Learn at least the basics of Maya
- Get to learn rigging and potentially start 3D concept art
- Start working on a more portfolio based piece that would be somewhat difficult (perhaps something from the Cthulhu mythos like Azathoth, or scientifically accurate dinosaur of some kind, {preferably Therapod or Ceratopsid} because dragons are overdone and cliche)
- Get a better grasp on Blender
- Start to become more adept at using Substance Painter
- Start to become more adept at shaders in Unreal
     I will not be updating this blog until the middle of January next year, but when I do in the coming semester, I will try to implement more aspects of the role of designer that I want to fill within this blog as well.
     Hope you have a good end of your year! Talk to you next decade! 
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mogai-circlejerk · 6 years
i wanted to address a recurring kind of ask i get here and on @queer--buccaneer​. people will message me (in good faith!) to say 'this person you reblogged from is an exclusionist'.
i promise you, it doesn't matter. and we can stop acting like it does.
it doesn’t matter to the people out there in the real world oppressing us. queerphobes don't stop harassing a-spec people when they learn they're 'not really LGBT'. therapists don't refuse to see people with DID because of endogenic systems. no parent ever made the decision to hate their trans child based on seeing a kid using nounself pronouns.
and the fact that people put exclusionists and anti-mogai blogs in the same league as TERFs and facists like they're even remotely as dangerous is pretty weird!
i know it can really feel that way when you're young and your identity is being attacked by people like that. but like. most of the people who are anti- your identity are also teens. that should tell you something about how dangerous they are. they're not the people writing your prescriptions, or paying your food bills, or passing laws against you.
so there’s a huge difference between giving actually harmful rhetoric a platform and sharing a meme from someone who disagrees with you. exclusionists aren't harmless, for sure, but reblogging a flag from them doesn’t increase their sociopolitical power over you.
in fact if anything i view this as re-appropriation. take the lesbian flag.
(pun intended)
i'm aroace, but i really like this one. i like to think about how pissed off the creator would be to see me using it. if the flag explicitly excluded a-spec people (which it doesn't), and we decided that no, the white stripe represents aro/ace lesbians, wouldn't that be wonderful? if a meme making fun of 'mogai culture' is funny to us and we reblog it and have a laugh at ourselves, wouldn't that really take the wind out of their sails? i'm like 70% sure i've seen a huge dropoff in anti-mogai joke flag blogs since we started doing it too.
bc community symbols and memes are both forms of art that are supposed to surpass their creator. they're supposed to be free to distribute and use.
like, before the which-lesbian-flag poll i didn't know the lipstick lesbian flag creator was biphobic or racist or anything. i didn't know the creator of the one i use was an exclusionist. nobody knew, until someone went digging for it, because 90% of the time a person's politics have no bearing on the art they make. especially when that art is used and reinterpreted by millions of people with millions of other viewpoints. plenty of bi lesbians, lesbians of color and disabled lesbians have found their place under the lipstick flag!
or the inverse: whatever intentions the creator of the labrys had don't matter any more, because TERFs made it their own. plenty of queer people enjoy the cthulhu mythos even though lovecraft was a known homophobe. pepe was made a fascist mascot despite his creator being the sweetest guy in the world. i could go on! my point is...
a symbol means what it's used to mean, not what it's created to mean.
...for worse or for better. if i reblog a funny internet post from an exclusionist, that's a slight to them, not me.
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firedbugle7 · 2 years
Minecraft Servers Is important To your Success. Learn This To find Out Why
It is one of the very first video games that we'd advocate for Swap multiplayer. You may do this solo, with some multiplayer buddies, or with random people who will drop by your server for those who resolve to make it public. The kind of gameworld I might like to construct, as we transfer from the DirectX 9 tech of Cell to the GPGPU, has no culling, a minimum of for recreation objects: Each rock and each drop of water, if actually a part of the gameplay, ought to persist when they aren't in view. Click the model drop-down menu and select the "Forge" model from the listing (normally located at the underside), save your profile, and begin the sport. Simply ensure that the Forge profile is lively when you start Minecraft. Nevertheless, there are skins, mods, and different person-generated content material that may be downloaded to boost your Minecraft universe which could possibly be contaminated with malware. Posters, billboards and movies were even unfold throughout the Minecraft universe to advertise the live performance beforehand.
No matter what kind of Minecraft neighborhood you’re in quest of, you and your closest buddies can discover just the appropriate pick. You might get into some arguments, or it's possible you'll find this builds teamwork. Retail versions shall be dropping on October 27th -- Telltale is asking it a "Season Go Disc," which means you will get instantaneous entry to the first episode and obtain codes/patches for the latter 4 episodes that wrap up the series. The game was initially made for the Laptop however there at the moment are Xbox and mobile variations out there. TeslaCrypt is a file-encrypting ransomware program meant for all Windows variations including Home windows Vista, Windows XP, Home windows 7 and Home windows 8. This program was launched for the first time towards the top of February 2015. my blog As soon as it infects your pc, TeslaCrypt will search for data recordsdata and encrypt them with AES encryption such that you'll not be capable of open them. The encrypted recordsdata are also not paired with the information file. I strongly advocate that you employ an antivirus program to scan any of those recordsdata before downloading them to your laptop.
In short: Apple calls for app builders use its fee processing whenever selling in-app digital objects, like a brand new search for a Fortnite character or a celebratory dance move to carry out after a win. Epic made the identical transfer with Google too, and each firms swiftly eliminated Fortnite from their respective app stores that day. Joel also tell us that he is involved with a new app based mostly on the TouchOSC open sound controller app, and that he won't cease utilizing devices in his performances any time quickly. Apple has stored its 30% commission consistent since the App Store's launch in 2008, and the iPhone maker says trade practices before then charged app builders way more. Future of digital gaming trade seems to be brighter than ever. What are you able to get within the gaming portals? With the exception of the Razer Edge, Windows eight tablets are at a disadvantage relating to gaming -- most Pc video games are built with keyboard, mouse or a gamepad in thoughts.
H.P. Lovecraft once wrote, "The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human thoughts to correlate all its contents. We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should always voyage far." The quest for knowledge and understanding is a recurring theme in Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos. Read GameSpot's Mario Tennis Aces evaluation. Learn GameSpot's Fast RMX evaluation. If you've got read Joystiq for a while, you've got observed our fondness for puns. If you would like even more multiplayer Mario, see New Tremendous Mario Bros. New Super Mario Bros. Nintendo/Screenshot by Scott Stein/CNET There are plenty of Mario games on the Switch, and quite a lot of them are listed under. There are several issues you could know from the web portals. I understand it sounds to good to be true, however imagine me after i say that is the actual-deal. Zac was never patient sufficient to do paintings, draw pictures or colour in, so we didn’t really know him in that way. Minetest: A free and open-source sport that may be very straightforward to set up and play.
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About The Mun
Hello Everyone!
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I’m Donnie, he/him pronouns, and I’m 26. I love animals, fandom stuff, writing, drawing, the Cthulhu mythos, reading, gaming, watching movies, wolves, witchcraft, being too organized, Taco Bell, pomegranates, vodka, smoking hookah, dachshunds, anything to do with the ocean/its depths, my boyfriend, learning, and my pets.
Hyenas will be my “mun” icon/everything because I love them and they are so wonderful. I absolutely adore them.
My RP/Ask Blogs
Allthecoolboysaredead - South Park Multi-Muse RP/Ask Blog - Under Construction
Ascending-and-fun - Camp Camp Multi-Muse RP/Ask Blog - Under Construction
Baddabingbaddabangbaby - Static Shock Multi-Muse RP/Ask Blog - Under Construction
Deceitful-Angry-Invisible-Scared - Saw/Insidious Multi-Muse RP/Ask Blog - Under Construction
Fivehalvesofawholeidiot - Rick And Morty Multi-Muse RP/Ask Blog - Under Construction
Forricher-Andpoorer - As Told By Ginger Multi-muse RP/Ask Blog - Under Construction
Quae-nocent--saepe-docent - Horror Boys Multi-Muse RP/Ask Blog
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