#Cult ment
motherspores · 3 months
"average minecraft player makes 3 cults a year" factoid a statistical error. average minecraft player makes 0 cults a year. Cults Joel, who lives in a cave and starts a cult every time he joins a new minecraft server, is an outlier adn should not have been counted.
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gender-mailman · 10 months
I've been a radqueer and in radqueer servers and tbh, you do not wanna fucking be in there. I've seen channels where adults simp for minors, people encourage others to touch children and groom them, minors and adults get into sexual conversations on vc, and a lot of stuff in that vein. Also, almost every radqueer discord server supports transnazi and transhateful identities. It's really fucking disgusting.
- 🌌🐱
Ew, sick /vneg
I hate radqueers so much, i have never been into a cult but i have seen vídeos abouts culto and i can say that, radqueers are a fucking cult holy shit
The shit they do and how they target kids with disorders, pwBIID, people with paraphilias is all fucking disgusting, seeing how they all normalize all this shit and then say that WE ARE IN THE WRONG, FUCKING GOD!
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unluckyxse7en · 10 months
Last thoughts but I'm gonna be honest. In terms of voting meta, Amane being voted innocent Might be the best choice here.
Because it shows her second chances CAN be given.
Who knows, it could go the wrong way bc now that we've hurt her, that's It. But - her lyrics talk about how she wasn't allowed second chances so now she'll do the same. So my reasoning here is twofold:
1) giving her a second chance is a way of leading by example, as well as showing that nuance and context affect how one's actions can be seen - as opposed to treating it all uniformly as black and white.
2) this distinguishes Milgram from the cult. Part of her aggression is seeing Milgram as like the cult, from a threat perspective. Obviously it's not the same, Milgram doesn't follow the teachings. But it will treat her the same way, is her reasoning. Distinguishing Milgram away from the cult lowers the threat rate to her, and may also mean she's less likely to hold Milgram (Es) to the cult standards - and maybe less likely to punish them as such.
I will say, I am biased to her situation, my kneejerk was to vote her innocent regardless. But, between my reasoning above, as well as honestly not knowing what happens when prisoners get two strikes (and wanting that Third Arc for each of them if only for full coverage and info) - I'm gonna take the chance.
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eyebaus · 2 years
can you list your ocs for the ask thing?
Ofaniel! Angel in the guise of a sky kid, theyre half seraphim and half ophanim.. very unstable. Avoids using their power if theyre aware of it at all thus being required to keep their emotions very Very stable.. they had a mission that was very important but ended up losing their memory of it as a result of an error during their transition.
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Deilis! Fallen angel, seraphim of the higher tier. They were fallen as a result of being tricked into exile by their fellow angels who didnt like how they had more empathy than what was considered pure (that n they were very different. Weird! Bad in the eyes of others.) They were Ofaniels mentor when Ofaniel was very young.. their separation hurt them deeply and they have a lot of bitterness and resentment held towards heaven and mortals due to how they were treated (kidnapped by a cult etc etc) Ofaniels essentially the one light they see in the world as good and theyd do anything for them.
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Hauyne.. this is a new one. A robot built by a vault spirit during the war of sky.. though whether they fought or not, they woke up in the ancient archives hidden in the vault.. with bits and remains of their fellow robots scattered around, lifeless and unmoving. They spent their first waking moments going through the archives, reading every documented event in there.. and gradually had to mess with their own system to make it so they could survive in the modern sky world instead of their scarce power source thus their rings. Theyre kind of a librarian there now, greeting any sky kid that manages to find the archives.. though that doesnt happen often. Also they speak like a villain but their intentions are literally just to live. So.
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Sieni n Nuriel ^__^ Sieni is a wasteland guide, their job is to monitor the forbidden areas of the wasteland that no moth can reach, warding the more dangerous dark creatures away from any opening that may lead to the main area of the wasteland. Despite having the form of a child of light, he’s.. very much Not that. Quite the opposite. He was found in Eden with a darkness stone lodged in his head.. and was found out to be a child of the dark, this lead to the downfall of who wouldve been his mentor and his main goal is to prevent events like that from ever happening again.. though he tends to come off as scary and distant.
Nuriel is a forest guider..! Though theyre part of a tribe of children with deeeep connections towards the megabird, essentially carrying out her duties kinda, Nuriels job is to help mantas in their little sanctuary space in the forest.. though they do tend to get distracted from their job to explore the other realms, also pretty air headed.. they tend to put their safety at risk to help moths.
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Host.. Bunny? Bunny. Honestly they just wanna find a meaning in their life, but for now theyre kinda just a retail cashier with their scarf working as a second pair of arms. The colors on the scarf represent the five beings within them that keep their emotional being in tact, Uni (red) Kiki (blue) and Meetl n motl (green) The scarf can end up having its own movement depending on which being is having more of an influence over them, if they have two pairs of arms that means one of those beings are doin that, not host. Should the situation call for it.. a situation host cant handle or when they just. Shut down, either Kiki or Uni are tasked with handling the situation, Meetl n Motl could hypothetically help but itd.. most end up with host rendered nonverbal.
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twowink · 2 years
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assorted enstars social media hcs
also i couldnt find a good few messages to sum up this bit too but me and my friends discussed what the most and least discourse-y units would be (crazy:b and undead . everyone else has some weird discourse attached . undead fans arent normal At All but theres not much to argue abt over them i think . switch fans are the normalest (and also most transgender i choose to believe.) but anti-exfine fans are the reason theres switchcourse )
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jemandthesingalongs · 11 months
oh my god you’re so right for all your wynne feelings like…. people really do think every mage should be like. dismantling the system with their bare hands and it’s like. that’s not how it works!! and calling the MAGES part of a cult?? Out of everything?? what on earth… and yknow what if she is trapped in a cult like. free her. Christ FJDJDJJDJ
I hope you don’t mind me taking this reply as a further excuse to ramble about Wynne dslkfdsf...
But yes, it’s always struck me as strange Wynne is never given the same understanding as Anders, or really any other mage character that’s been in the Circle. Anders is the one I focus on because he’s the most developed and there is Something Different that I can’t just put my finger on about him vs Wynne. A true mystery.
After skimming her page for answering purposes, and they are actually so similar.
I learned she never even had a name herself, she was also named for where she was found! Just like Anders! Both of them taken in young, no true names, and alone. They took different paths with how they coped with this, Wynne turned to the Maker and by extension took on the belief that mages need to earn their place and help humanity, and Anders tried to escape several times. Both of them even took on romantic partners, and Wynne even bore a son from it (and the heavy implication/confirmation? that, Rhys’ father was a templar SO).
Of course, this doesn’t matter in the slightest since it’s not so much similar backstories as just, hating Wynne because? She’s a woman? Not actively trying to free mages with explosions? Old? Upset you because she made you mad about your love interest? All of the above?
And I’m not against disliking her character, but Wynne, along with characters like Aveline and Cassandra never get the mountains of meta concerning their worldviews, their place in the world, and the wider implications of their writing and flaws. Wynne stood out to me more because, well, she’s a victim too. Just because she’s not “actively fighting” doesn’t mean she’s not, and in fact pretty much states in Asunder that she knows it’s either accepting your fate within the Circle or fearing a mass genocide.
And guess what happens after DA2 lol!
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genderrevealparty · 1 year
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oc-aita · 4 months
AITA for not wanting to reconnect with family members?
I (24NB - they/them) grew up in a cult. Yeah, shocking, but not the point. I escaped the cult when I was 17 and haven't looked back. I won't go into all the details of how I got on my feet but some important details are I've medically and legally transitioned (I changed my first, middle, and last names and legal gender) and I'm in a band with three of my friends (all 20s, they're only mentioned so initials and genders aren't important). I assumed that even if I did see any family members again, they wouldn't recognize me, which was fine by me.
However, I know now that at least two of my family members have also escaped the cult, and one is actively looking to reconnect with me. I'll get into the second one later, but let's call the one who's trying to reconnect L (22F).
L and I were never particularly close. Our family was huge (I have 5 uncles and 4 aunts excluding those who married into the family, at least 2 dozen cousins from those blood relatives, again excluding distant relations) and while we got along well when we did interact, we never got enough one-on-one time to develop a close friendship. Almost all our interactions were in crowds of family members. In short, I have nothing against her, I just don't really care about her the same way no one really cares about any other stranger they pass on the street, y'know?
But L doesn't seem to feel the same way, since she found out my new name and my band somehow, and has come to some of our shows trying to talk to me. I always got out of it, but when she couldn't talk to me in person she decided to DM me on social media. That's when she told me about our other family member who escaped, T (24FtM).
T is an even more distant relation than L. Like really distant. He's my aunt's husband's brother's wife's sister's child (I think). That sort of distant. I've definitely met him a few times, but if I don't care about L, a direct cousin I hung out with semi-frequently as a child, then I definitely don't care about T, who I only ever saw during holidays, weddings, family gatherings, etc.
T has not reached out to me online or tried to find me in person, but according to L he's also interested in reconnecting with me. I haven't responded to L's DM since I really don't know what to say, and don't want to give her false hope if I decide not to reconnect.
On one hand, I feel bad for leaving them hanging. I can imagine how they'd want to hold on to any family they could, and I feel like a dick for just not replying to L. However, I don't think it's wrong to want to leave that whole chapter of my life in the past, especially because these are more distant relatives who I don't feel any strong connection to. Additionally, none of my friends know much about my childhood or my pre-transition self other than I'm no-contact with my family because of issues in my childhood and what my AGAB was since they helped me transition, and I don't want L and T to come into my life bringing up information I don't want to share.
Also, as a note, L is not harassing me or anything. It's not like I get to blacklist people from my band's shows, and she hasn't pressured me to DM her back. If you think she's an asshole for something else, fine, but she's not an asshole for trying to talk to me.
So, what do you think tumblr?
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trans-leek-cookie · 5 months
yes. he did. he went on an island that i cannot think of the name of and had a bunch of his fans on there and tried to make a cult
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gender-mailman · 6 months
Stares at you with autistic eyes <- loves OCs and learning about my friends' OCs
Daughter(Lucy): she is the devil, literally, the how she was born is that a couple really really wanted a child, but they were both infertalel só they went to a place where one of their friends said that could help, it was a cult, they said they could but with one condition, they had to birth their Lord or they would kill the couple since now they know too much, the couple tought and agreed to do the ritual
The woman layed on the pedestal and after some chanting, she felt something kicking her stomach and she birth Lucy. The cult said that the couple now needs to stay with them só that they could teach their Lord how to behave
After years, shes now 18 and ready tô manipulate people to gain even more power by sucking their souls + gaining more people to control
Basicly, she is the reason all of this is happening
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unluckyxse7en · 10 months
Can someone analyze the balloon in Amane's second mv? Because the pattern on it is linked directly to the girl, not the adults, and when Amane goes after her target that symbol is on the flag.
I feel like since the symbol appears to be a unification of the teacher's four colors (with pink turned red - maybe bc that is the one who got killed like a lot of people are assuming?) It COULD be representative of the cult and teachings themselves, and how the girl+adult with her are Fully indoctrinated - and how later, when it's on Amane's flags, Amane is leaning into those teachings and beliefs Fully herself.
However, if the balloon is meant to indicate a Target for her - which wouldn't inherently make sense on the flags, but does directly link the girl to Amane's frenzy - that changes the tone a LOT.
I'm still leaning towards it being the former but I'm not positive so hearing more thoughts on it are welcome.
(Also separate note but the pink v red thing could be a Very interesting detail in terms of less murder-y symbolism - pink could be considered a "washed out" red. So if it's the adult who she probably killed, who broke the rules, you could make an analogy there about the hypocrisy and false colors/pale imitation of the cult's teachings. )
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cxsmicvega · 1 year
(pic under cut so no spoilers)
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JUST A LIL GUY......LIL MAN.........ABSOLUTE BABY BOY............
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dragunova · 1 year
like. ngl while i dont interpet n corp as bad faith as most i still find it.. unsavory for the game to encourage spending money on a real life issue like cult violence
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cidnangarlond · 1 year
we've gotta start fighting celebrities and even internet personalities they're not exempt from this that refer to their fanbases as cults I've had enough of it
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lockandkeyhyena · 2 years
whats the. augh whats the fuckin word/term for when a child is revered by a cult as like a reincarnation of god or whatever, like that cunt from midsommar
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jemandthesingalongs · 11 months
3, 18 and 23 for dragon age violence!!
👋👋👋 tysm!!!
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr - Dragon Age
I won't screenshot it, while I could find it, I'll just describe it: the "Circle of Magi is a cult" and the flanderization of Wynne's character because of it. This is not in defensive of the Circle, or claiming Wynne has no faults or issues with her writing, but I felt that was such a stretch, and using this read of the Circle to further mischaracterize her lmao. Wynne is a pretty complex character that, I've speculated with this fandom, give her such a bad faith reading despite the fact she's as much a victim as other mages are, is because she's not a 20-something white guy you can kiss so they don't give her the time of day. Wynne is a 60~ year old woman that has not left the tower in literal decades, and is only permitted to leave to go fight in a literal war. She has a child that was taken away, and she's just left to live with that, and has canonly! thought about what kind of person they grew up to be (which is tackled in Asunder but prior to that). She has seen countless mages go missing, and can only imagine what befell them, mages she's likely trained! herself!!!! (I think also reducing the Circle and its host of problems down to "a cult" erases the nuance of why it exists, both in lore and out of lore writing wise. And...attaching "Cult" to a fictional group without much nuance as well.)
18. it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on... - Dragon Age
No idea if this counts, because it's not even a fully realized character, but "Tabris", not the Warden but wherever the Tabris family got their name from. Lore implies an Emerald Knight, or a carryover from a Dalish clan. Like Whats Going On There. If that doesn't count, then The First Warden because my god that guy is up to some shady shit, what's he gonna DO.
23. ship you've unwillingly come around to - Dragon Age
I had to think about this, and don't have any major changes in ships, but...Oghren/Warden? Specifically Amell/Surana? Maybe? I've thought about the dynamic of two people stepping foot into a whole new world and trying to find common ground and learn together. Maybe romantic, maybe platonic, I just really liked the idea. I also saw Wynne/Shale once, and that's a great one.
🔥 choose violence ask game 🔥
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