#Cute can also be a tad more serious okay
ineffablydelighted · 9 months
[Cute Omens #2]
Crowley: You can stay at my place, if you like.
Aziraphale: *glimpse of a smile* I don't... I don't think my side would like that. *regretfully looks away*
Crowley: *brows drooping* You don't have a side anymore... Neither of us do. We're on our own side.
Aziraphale: I mean... You're not... I know you're not wrong, but-
Crowley: If the Almighty really thought our existence and our actions to be against the Ineffable Plan, we would have been thunderstruck on the spot, right in front of everybody, don't you think?
Aziraphale: I... *swallows* I guess you're right...
Crowley: Compared to saving the World with me, dossing down my flat does not seem like such a crime, does it?
Aziraphale: Are you... *focusses on him* Are you... tempting me?
Crowley: *sudden smirk* If that is the story you want to tell them, I'll allow it, Angel.
Aziraphale: *mild blushing* Come on! Answer me! Are you?
Crowley: *sighs* Depends on the perspective, I guess. As a Demon to an Angel, I am not.
Aziraphale: What does that mean?
Crowley: Whatever you like.
*They exchange a long look*
Crowley: *aims a hand at Aziraphale's hair* *takes a strand and makes it slide around his index* Did I ever tell you how much I like those curls?
Aziraphale: *has forgotten how to inhale* Wh-What... are... you...
Crowley: *removes the hand* Breathe, Angel.
Aziraphale: *does what he is told* Oh, yes, good, thanks for reminding me! *embarrassed laugh* *face super duper blushy*
Crowley: *looks at the sky hiding a huge, victorious smile* *eventually cannot hold himself from chuckling*
*They look back at each other*
Crowley: *Tilts his head* So. My place?
Aziraphale: *looks away* I just realized: I've never even seen it.
Crowley: *Imitating Aziraphale with scary accuracy* What would my side say?
Aziraphale: *looks back at him with a scandalized gaze* Don't... don't do that!
Crowley: *changes the subject* The bus arrives.
Aziraphale: It only goes to Oxford.
Crowley: *stands* Not anymore. It will miraculously make it to Mayfair.
Aziraphale: *follows* *rearranges his clothes* Care if I...
Crowley: *raises his eyebrows* Oh? Sure.
Aziraphale: *Miracles the bus*
[Bus' title changes from 'Oxford' to 'Mayfair']
Crowley: Thank you, Angel.
[The bus arrives near them and stops.]
Aziraphale: Don't thank me, it is mostly selfish! *giggles and gets on the bus first*
Crowley: *astonished for a second* *gets in as well*
God's voice: And for the first time, they could sit in the bus... side by side.
Navigation time!
[While needing you to consider that, most of the time, the scenes are randomized and do no necessarily follow one another at all]
Previous - Beginning (same thing, actually) - Next
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atsumwah · 9 months
too pretty!
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featuring : matsukawa issei the loml <3
notes : you're jealous your bf is too pretty
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you're aware that your friends are very attractive. 
oikawa's somewhat charming personality easily grabs a girl's attention, iwaizumi's buff figure immediately turns heads whenever he enters a room and makki had this boyish ruggish look that somewhat looks cute to some people. it's normal seeing them being hit on by girls and sometimes it's like a form of entertainment for you.
but your boyfriend on the other hand, now this is new.
you've been together since high school. you've always found issei attractive. he's not a smooth talker like oikawa, but his attentiveness and response when you talk to him makes you feel seen and heard. he doesn't seem as built as iwaizumi at first glance, but underneath those baggy clothes hid something you're glad only you can see and touch. he's not as easy going as makki, but the way he spontaneously shows up at your house at 3 in the morning when you're upset tells you maybe he's easy going when it comes to you. 
so falling in love with him was inevitable because all the things he does with you and only you are attractive. 
but you're not the only one who thinks that anymore. 
see, after your boyfriend figured out his own style that weren't baggy clothes and instead fitted his physique and also found a way to style his usual mess of a bedhead into luscious curls, he suddenly became attractive to everyone around him. 
and it pissed you off. he was always attractive without the sudden change but now its like that's all people see. 
like when you visited oikawa and iwaizumi at the gym and the manager shamelessly flirted with issei the moment you left to greet them. or when you visited makki with him at the cafe he worked at and makki's coworker only paid attention to issei and completely ignored you. or when you were out grocery shopping and left issei for five minutes only to come back to a girl who had the audacity to ask if he was single.
so yeah you're pissed off. and there's only one logical way to fix this.
"what are you doing?" issei asks as you settle down on his lap and ruffle his already done up hair. "baby, i just fixed it."
"i know. i'm ruining it." 
instead of being mad his hair is being messy, he raises an eyebrow instead. "but then we're gonna be late."
"you'll go out like this then." 
he has this amused smile now. "okay, what's up with you?"
"nothing." you said, somewhat proud of your work. "just fixing you up."
"this is the opposite of fixing me up, babe." he took your hands and plants kisses across your palms, then he rests his own hands on your hips. "why are you making me look like i just made out with you? there are other ways to achieve that." 
in another situation you would cave in but you had a mission. "you're too good looking. i'm trynna make you look less good looking."
this time, he laughs. "gee thanks babe. i appreciate the compliment." 
"i'm serious." you pout, though issei just keeps on laughing. "you're too pretty and girls are swooning all over you and you don't even do anything about it."
"whoa what," he stops, eyes locking onto yours. "who's swooning over who now?"
"everyone is all over you. can't you tell?" you huff when you realize his bed head makes him look even more attractive. damn it.
"honestly no." he says simply. "and you're…jealous?"
"i'm not jealous. i'm pissed. there's a difference."
"pretty sure they're the same thing, babe."
you squish his cheeks, framing his face with your hands. "stop being so pretty."
he chuckles and brings his hands up to cover yours. "this is really bothering you, huh?"
"maybe just a tad bit."
"you know i only got eyes on you, right?" he takes your hands off and leans in so you both are nose to nose.
"i've been told so once or twice."
"once or twice?"
"maybe hundreds of times but who's counting."
"and you know im stuck with you forever, right?"
"mhm," you indulge him by wrapping your arms around him, "you better be."
"so there's no reason for you to get all jealous." he says, eyebrows raising up as if an idea popped into his head. "what if you just kiss me if that happens?"
"like stake my claim? what are we, animals?" 
"i mean that's what i've been doing when guys hit on you."
"it is? wait, back up, when has that happened?"
"you're delusional if you think guys don't hit on you."
"they don't!"
"yeah well they don't get the chance to do it properly because my radar is just too good."
"oh my god, you're serious."
"deadass. and lemme tell you, it always works." he says proudly. "i get to turn you into mush and also send a warning to other guys. win-win situation."
"i do not turn to mush."
"really now?" he wiggles his eyebrows. "want a reminder?"
you think you've indulged him quite enough so you flick his forehead instead. he winces. good.
"so you don't mind?" you said, narrowing your eyes playfully. "you don't mind me staking my claim on you next time it happens?
"baby, please, I encourage it." he says, almost too quickly.
you giggle, feeling some sort of satisfaction that your boyfriend is all on board with you staking your claim in front of people. it should make you feel shy or embarrassed but it kind of makes you feel giddy instead. but he doesn't need to know that yet.
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tempted to do a pt2 but it's just me reader making out w issei
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variousqueerthings · 10 months
okay I watched good omens s2 yesterday with my partner, and I was genuinely very surprised -- I think if you've grown up through superwholock/merlin/the 100/teen wolf type shows where (with the exception periodically of doctor who) you kind of had to make up the good show that something could have been in your head, that colours a lot of your viewing, and to be honest I thought season 1 of good omens was a fine little piece, honoured the book while modernising it somewhat, it was a nice, fun, low stakes time, with a couple of things I might have wanted a tad different but nothing overall awful.
so I was seeing all this meta and gifsets and discussion, while I was waiting to give s2 a watch with my partner and thought "ah, people have made up the good show in their heads again" not that I assumed s2 was going to be a bad show, but that people were taking extra deep plunges into possibilities, the way fandom does, and that was fine. I knew there was a big ol kiss, I had a sense of some kind of argument at the end, and that it was setting up a s3
I also knew that mainstream reviews were calling it (politely) self-indulgent and dependent on whether or not you enjoy david tennant and michael sheen having a good time for just under 6 hours
all in all, expectations of a somewhat mainstream show without too much to think about, a nice, fun low stakes time, moving on...
as it turns out it seems these things that were being written on tumblr were discussing the actual text of the show and not things you could extrapolate if you squinted and tilted your head a little to the left as I'm so used to doing, so in fact there is much to think about!
and my first thought was "this is like when you read early discworld books that ask a question like a joke, only to find that over time the answer to that question becomes very serious (and also can be funny at times of course)." how terry pratchett would pick and pick at tropes and notions and social ideas and go "oh now hold on, this seems strange..." starting way back when he thought it was odd that women warriors always seemed to be dressed in metal bikinis and then realising he hadn't done a good enough job of subverting the trope, simply by depicting it and calling it a bit silly
why do goblins always get treated as the villains? what's with this divine succession of kings business? where are the female dwarfs? who do we treat as disposable?
good omens season one went: "haha what if heaven and hell were intensely incapable, bureaucratic, corrupt, and uncaring of the work they did, and we took an angel and a demon and had them actually care? wouldn't that be... a bit silly?" (and it was)
good omens season two went: "what are the consequences for caring when the people who have power over you are incapable, bureaucratic, corrupt, and uncaring? what are the forces that supersede systems built on fear, ignorance, and violent conformity? can people change and break out of/challenge/break down these structures by caring?"
and this was set up with a neat little sleight of hand (to reference aziraphale's switch-and-bait in the episode with the nazi zombies), because the majority of season 2 does feel a bit indulgent: hey, remember those two wacky angel-and-demon characters? watch some more wacky things they did through the ages, watch them take a sojourn through 1827 Edinburgh and do a magic show during the Blitz, and... stop the death of Job's and Sitis' children (actually maybe that whole segment ought to have been what they call "A Clue")
see them try to figure out a kooky mystery, all the while setting up a cute little same-gender romance on their street. watch as everything points towards a happy ending that's all about the two of them realising what they've been to one another all these thousands and thousands (and thousands and thousands) of years- but hold on. lest we forget - and the show has made this point over and over - there are powerful people who control them, who hurt them, and who plan on hurting others, throughout the whole season, and as it turns out they know what they've been to one another for far far longer, and know how to pull their strings...
season 2 then, has to show us these things, not because they're indulgent (well, maybe occasionally, but the apology dance is still important), but because in order to make the ending a tragedy, we first need to understand, properly, the impact that they have had on each other. we need to understand that Aziraphale relied heavily on Crowley to be his moral compass and leaned on black-and-white thinking in order to deal with things, because if it's all grey then where does he fit and what has it all meant and heaven has to be the good guys, even as Job's and Sitis' children are ordered to be killed, it's all he ever had...
and Crowley was always an anchor, needed to trust that Aziraphale was different, needed to bend to every whim that Aziraphale has, because otherwise what's his worth in all this? After having been already deemed worthless by the heaven that Aziraphale needs to believe in?
and that, simplistically described, is the narrative that we're seeing in s2, and alongside that the ways that the changes they have upon each other are noticed, and monitored, and placed under suspicion, and finally... broken up, not by the clumsy, brute force that's been attempted over and over again, but by a promise to return into a violent, controlling system and to "make it better from within"
and all of this is wrapped up in two queer relationships + a third queered-within-the-text relationship that creates the inverse of how it ends for Aziraphale and Crowley (so far). queer love -- whatever shape that has -- is explicitly the shape of non-conformity within this narrative, including within the symbolism of angel-and-demon love of Gabriel and Beelzebub, which in the context of the systems created is considered queer (and one can argue till the cats come home about casting cis actors, about angel-and-demon notions of gender/romance/sexuality, but the "queerness" comes from building something non-conforming to the systems they exist in), and enforced by the explicitly our-world-definition-of queer romance that Nina and Maggie have going on (which, while less high stakes, still contains the background controlling relationship that Nina initially is in)
all of this to say, that I disagree that s2 meanders, or that plotlines happen for the sake of showcasing Aziraphale and Crowley without purpose, or that characters get sidelined (I'd say it sets up a whole host of interesting characters to further get into actually), or that it's strictly mainstream easy-access narrative that's just an excuse for the main creators and actors to get back together.
the love is the point, and this show takes its time to show the love (and the unequal boundary-setting, and the fact that one of them has an undiscussed tragic backstory, and the desperation to belong again, and the fear instilled by oppressive systems, and and and), so that we understand why those last 15 minutes happen the way that they do
it's sleight of hand, and like all good magic, you don't notice until it's happened
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beesspacedotorg · 5 months
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Summary: You get close with your new pack, especially the Luna. 5.5k words
Warnings: it's omegaverse. guys. it's omegaverse. there's gonna be omegaverse in it. reader is an omega, so is lino. there's mommy kink. towards lino. uh. there's s3x. what else. readers genitals and pronouns are not specified or elaborated on at all B). one (1) piss joke. poly ot8 and it's implied they all bone but there's no actual boning that happens. there's boning described once for two seconds.
Notes: I have almost all of the legendary fish in stardew. this was inspired by this ask that @hyunsvngs got like two days ago. it was also finished yesterday, but I was busy so I didn't post it. thanks to my friends who read it and gave me feedback. uhm. that's all.
Hyunjin is the one who finds you. You’re both in the same class at university, a filler class, something to do with philosophy, and you group up on a project to discuss the differences in the eastern and western versions of the practice.
“Do you think the whole ‘Alpha Mindset’ that’s going around these days could be a facet of modern philosophy, or is it just omegaphobia repackaged?” You’re dicking around on your laptop in class. After assigning the project, your teacher gave up on doing their job, which would be great, but attendance is still mandatory.
“Probably repackaged, hey I have a question for you.” Hyunjin sets his phone down when he asks, tilting in his seat to face you and your heart skips about seven beats in your chest.
He’s pretty, almost pretty enough that it’s annoying, that and he smells nice. It took you two weeks of classes to muster up the courage to ask him on a date only for him to say that he has seven boyfriends but he’d be more than happy to be friends. You would sell your soul to the nearest evil spirit to be lucky enough to have one boyfriend, much less seven, but you aren’t going to let a good opportunity slip out of your hands, so you took his offer of friendship even though you wanted- want- more.
“Yeah, what’s up?” You can feel that this conversation is bordering on serious, a topic that you and Hyunjin broach often. He’s the poetic type, and often you find yourself discussing the intricacies of human emotion with him. He seems nervous though, nervous enough that you temporarily pause Papa’s Pizzeria and boot up 2048 instead, giving him as much attention as you can offer.
“So. Okay wait. Give me a second, I have a list of questions to ask you. Seungmin made me a flowchart.” You smile at him, he’s cute. Seungmin is one of his boyfriends, Hyunjin spends more time than is strictly necessary talking your ear off about how smart and cute and talented Seungmin is. You’d be jealous if you hadn’t seen Seungmin pick Hyunjin up from school one time. Your pants filled with slick so fast you had to hide in the bathroom for half an hour pretending to be sick until you calmed down enough to head home.
“Okay. Uhm. Would you consider us to be good friends?” His voice sounds slightly robotic as he reads from his script and you laugh slightly before confirming.
“Oh, that’s great. Me too. Uh. Do you have a boyfriend?” He pauses. “Or a girlfriend, or a partner?” He adds those last two as an afterthought, rushing through them and you laugh again.
“You would know if I managed to pull that off, Hyunjinnie.”
“What about that pretty girl from your math class?”
“She only dates Alphas unfortunately.”
“Damn.” He doesn’t sound very sorry as he says it, but you can tell he’s trying to be nice. It irks you just a tad, but you think this conversation is leading up to something so you drop the irritation and motion for him to continue.
“Okay, if ‘no’, the next question was,” he’s mumbling to himself and you snort slightly. “Do you have a pack?” You blink. He’s never asked you this before and you shake your head. Where you’re from, people have moved away from forming packs, something about a post World War 2 culture shift and traditional values and homophobia and what not. Your generation is working to bring them back, but the only pack you have is your immediate family. You haven’t gotten close enough to anyone on campus to try and start one, and the one time you felt the need you were swiftly friendzoned.
“Ah. No. I don’t.” He hums sadly.
“Okay. Would you like one?”
“Hyunjin…” You’re starting to feel slightly defensive, and you’re not sure if you like where this is going.
“Wait. Wait. Let me finish.” He huffs. “I told Chan these questions would weird you out, but what do I know?” He sets his phone down and grabs the hand that was busy moving the 2048 tiles around on your computer screen.
“I have a crush on you.” You blink, rapid fire. “And I would like to date you. And also so would my seven boyfriends. But we can get to that later. I got here first, I call dibs.”
In the version of this you tell your friends and family, you accepted immediately and you and Hyunjin went on your first date that afternoon. In reality, you stood up so fast you almost passed out and hightailed it to the bathroom to have a mild panic attack. Hyunjin was kind enough to grab your things and wait for you. He was also kind enough to wait the months-long process of you being generally distrustful of him and his intentions until you decided he was actually serious and that you wanted to give it a try.
Which leads you to where you are now, in the passenger seat of Hyunjin’s car, hands outrageously sweaty as you prepare to meet the rest of the pack for the first time.
“Listen, we don’t have to.” He says. “I’ve talked it over with the rest of them, it can just be you and I. I like you, I want to date you.”
“No, no. Even if it does work that way, I’d have to meet them eventually.”
“Yeah, but meeting ‘my boyfriends that you have no commitment to’ would probably be easier than meeting ‘my boyfriends who might also become your boyfriends.’”
“I can guarantee you it wouldn’t.”
“Jeeze. You should talk to someone about that.”
“Channie has good insurance.”
“I’m not legally dependent on him.”
He grabs your incredibly sweaty hand in his huge and not-so-sweaty one and holds it for the rest of the drive. When he pulls into the driveway he kisses said hand and bats the other one away from the door handle.
“Don’t worry. I got it.” Usually, he would just walk around the car to open it for you, today he bodily throws himself over the hood before doing a weird roll and a cartwheel. You laugh and he opens it and helps you out. He smiles.
You’re still laughing at him as he guides you to the front door and opens it, you’re laughing as he helps you take your shoes off, and you’re laughing through introductions.
“What’s so funny?” Jeongin asks, and you burst into more laughter as you remember the way Hyunjin chucked himself over the car. You’ve calmed down enough to tell him just as you hear yelling from a different room.
“Hwang Hyunjin! How the hell did you get dirt on your shirt? We told you to pick them up, not stop for mud wrestling!”
(You do, eventually, tell Jeongin what happened. He demands a live demonstration and almost cries at it.
“It’s just so dumb! He’s usually graceful and he just- How did he move his body like that?”
“That was the ugliest fucking cartwheel I’ve ever seen.”)
The pack is nice and touchy and, best of all, they want you around.
hi jisung
Jisung ??? Are you mad at me or smth?
hi jiji
Okay great
WHat are you doung today
And don’t say “your mom”
your mom
ah shit
uh. nothing. sleeping. eating. pissing.
In my mouth?
Ignore that.
Come over :D 
You can do all of that here
In my bed >:)
I was over there yesterday
Idc. I’m sending over Changbinnie with the car &lt;3
Good thing you’re just coming to hang out with me then
So, you like them. You’re comfortable with them, there’s only one problem.
“He doesn’t hate you.”
“How do you even know that?” Seungmin levels you with a stare.
“It’s physically impossible to hate you-”
“Not true.” Seungmin stares again. You stare back. He rolls his eyes.
“He doesn’t hate you.”
“He doesn’t talk to me.”
“He’s shy.”
“Well! So am I! Only one of us can be shy in this relationship and I call dibs!” Seungmin huffs and smashes his head into a pillow.
“Kim Seungmin, if you mess up my nest, I’m kicking you out.”
“This is my bed.”
“Not anymore.” He fixes the pillow and holds your face in his hands.
“He doesn’t hate you.”
“What if he does? What if Luna doesn’t like me?” Seungmin plants a kiss to your nose and lets you cry.
I’m the only one without a cute nickname
rectify that immediately
what should I call you then
Idk. I’ve never had to give myself a nickname.
a little puppy told me that you think I don’t like you
kim seungmin is dead to me
say your goodbyes
no need for that
I could smell your tears on him after you went home
I thought he scared you away
it took a very long time to get him to fess up >:)
what did you do
nothing he doesn’t enjoy
Luna is sorry
for making you think he doesn’t like you
come over tomorrow
I’ll make it up to you >:)
I’m not really up to boning rn, sorry to say
>:( that’s not what I meant
Jisungie says you like this game
Stardew Valley
he says it has multiplayer mode
I downloaded it on our switch for us to play together
just us
everyone else can suffer
just us?
unless you’d rather have company
I think Channie is free
chan is free you say >:)
Yah! I called dibs on you!
I’m kicking him out of the house tomorrow
Stardew with Minho is surprisingly fun. You put him in charge of fishing while you spend your days toiling in the mines. He starts beef with Harvey, the local doctor, after you tell him that Harvey is your go-to love interest when you play the game solo.
“He’s pixels! Code and pixels!”
“I don’t care! This stupid doctor wanders onto our farm and charges me money for passing out on my own land. And! He’s stealing my Omega. He needs to go. How do I replace him?” You let out a laugh and ignore the flutters in your stomach when he casually lays claim on you.
“Do you get this upset when Felix or Ji talk about their media crushes?”
“... I don’t see how that’s very relevant to the conversation.”
“You’re silly.” He huffs at you.
“Why is this fish ugly?”
“That’s a- You just caught a legendary fish. Do you know how hard that is?”
“It’s ugly. I’m selling it.”
“No, don’t! Let me buy a fish tank! We can display it on our farm!”
“Why would you want to display this?”
“You can only catch one per save file.” He rolls his eyes but dutifully places the fish in the tank when you return to the farm. You kiss his cheek and watch his ears turn red.
After that, spending time with Minho is easy. You can’t really imagine what it was like being in the pack without having his attention on you. Felix starts joking that he’s been replaced as Minho’s favorite. (He stops because it starts to make you mildly upset, but also because you’re pretty sure Minho sucked the soul out of his dick right after he first made that joke.)
It comes to a head around exam season, this time, you and Hyunjin don’t share any classes, and annoyingly, Chan is too busy to eat much less help you settle, so you end up floundering with anxiety and stress and lack of sleep.
“Jagi? What’s wrong?” It’s Minho, his scent lavender and undercut with something sugar coated.
“Everything.” Your head is in your hands and you’re shoving your palms into your eyes to push back tears. Minho hums, hand coming to the back of your neck to scruff you just slightly.
“What’s your schedule like right now?” You shove your calendar at him and he hums, considering for a second before he’s hauling you up by your armpits.
“Wait- I have to study. I can’t just-”
“You have to eat.” This is the harshest you’ve ever heard him speak to you, but strangely enough, you don’t feel scared. “You have to eat and sleep and maybe shower and cuddle with Luna because he misses you and then you can get back to studying. Yeah?”
His suggestion makes you whine and struggle in his hold a bit. His hand returns to your neck to re-scruff you.
“Settle. I’m not asking, jagi, I’m telling.” You huff and pout at him, but he’s the pack’s head Omega for a reason, and who are you to question his authority? So you listen, going limp in his hold and forcing him to bear your weight.
“I see why you and Seungminnie get along so well. You’re listening, but not without struggle, hmm? Brats. The both of you.”
“‘M not.”
“You are. But that’s okay, Luna will train it out of you some other time. You’ll learn to behave.”
You can ignore how his words sent a spike of heat to your belly, but you can’t ignore the way he smirks at the change in your scent.
“Oh? Do you like that?”
“... I thought I was supposed to be eating.”
“Nice subject change. But yes, you are. Sit there and let me handle it.”
He feeds you and helps you shower, despite your many protests that you’re gross and can handle it yourself he refuses to back down.
“Let me do this for you, hmm?” His eyes are soft. “I don’t have to if you really don’t want me to, but I want to take care of you. Let me take care of my baby.” So you do, melting under his soft gaze and softer words, and he must be doing something with his scent, because you feel mildly scent drunk as he drags you into his nest.
“I’m allowed in?” You’re surprised. You’ve never been in his room before, most of your hangouts happening in the living room or Chan’s room when he’s not home because Minho thinks it’s funny to bother the Alpha. So you’re slightly out of it and a lot surprised and Minho looks a little upset that you asked but he takes your arm and shoves you onto his bed, rearranging his nest around you before climbing in himself.
“Of course you’re allowed in. You think Kim Seungmin is allowed in here and you’re not? You think I let a sweaty, post-gym Changbin in here but won’t let you? You’re silly. Hush.”
“Okay.” He hums, satisfied at your submission and wraps himself around you. 
“Luna will give you a reward when you finish exams.”
“What if I don’t pass?”
“You still deserve a reward for trying.” He kisses your head and you fall asleep like that, curled around each other, comfortable in his bed and warm in his arms.
“I’m finished!” You wander into the house the next week, fully prepared to spend your break doing absolutely nothing.
“Yay! With what, exactly?” Changbin asks. You hang your self off of him, forcing him to drag you along as he putters around the kitchen.
“With exams! Didn’t Yongbokkie and Minho ban you from the kitchen?”
“Well, yes. But what they don’t know won’t kill them.”
“What who doesn’t know?” It’s Minho, and you giggle as you push your face in between Changbin’s shoulder blades. He’s so big and warm. You want to bite him and also want him to hold you against a wall for unholy acts. Your hands wander around while he’s stuttering out a lame excuse to grope his chest.
“Wh- Hey! I’m busy getting threatened here!”
“Yes. I’m busy celebrating being a genius. It seems we both have full schedules.”
“Celebrating,” Minho steps next to you and taps you until you look at him, cheek still smushed against Changbin’s back. “Are you finished with exams then?”
“Mhm.” Your eyes are closing. Changbin really is comfortable, he smells slightly like chocolate and raspberries, and you could do with a celebratory nap.
“That’s great!” You’re being tugged away from your napping spot. “Come, Luna promised you a reward.”
“My nap.”
“You can’t sleep standing, you’re not a horse.”
“You have no idea what I’m capable of.”
He crosses his arms after closing the door to his bedroom.
“Do you want to nap before or after your reward?”
“What’s my reward?” The sentence hasn’t been out of your mouth for very long before he’s cupping the back of your head and kissing you.
“Oh. Oh. This is a good reward.” He smiles against your mouth, gently pushing you back towards his bed.
“Yeah? I thought you’d like it. I can smell you, you know.” Your back is hitting the mattress and there’s a shirt by your head that you think Hunjin was looking for a little while ago. “When you stare at me for too long, I can smell how needy you get. We all can, but I called dibs.”
“Dibs?” Your hands are under his shirt squishing his pecs.
“Mhm. Dibs. Hyunjinnie got to date you first. Kiss and hug and hold your hand. But do you know what I get to do first?” You shake your head and he gives you a wicked smile before he leans down next to your ear. “I get to fuck you first. Not Channie, not our Alpha, not Hyunjinnie who found you first. Me, your Luna. I get you first.” You inhale, shaky, and your legs shake slightly with the way blood rushes away from your brain. You can smell how your scent spikes and you can smell how Minho’s spikes in return. He smells so good, you want to get your mouth on him, so you do. You pull him down until his neck is in reach and seal your lips around the scent gland there, licking the sweat from his skin and letting your lungs fill with nothing but him.
“Jagi,” his voice is breathy, he pulls your head away from his neck and you whine. “You’re gonna get yourself scent drunk and I want you to be present for the things I’m going to do to you. Be good for me.” You pout slightly at him but nod, you’ll be good for him, you’ll do anything he wants. But you want to kiss him again, you want to kiss him so badly that you think you’ll die without it. You throw yourself up, arms circling around his neck as you press your mouth on his and you knock him off balance a bit. You’re upset when he tilts, separating your mouths and you push and push until suddenly he’s on his back under you, but you’re finally kissing so you don’t care all that much.
“Eager.” He’s too busy trying to talk to kiss you and you nip at his lip lightly until he gets the message.
“You’re only getting away with this because this is the first time,” he warns. “Next time, I won’t be so lenient.” You think he might be lying, that he’d let you do whatever you want regardless of how many times you fall into bed together, but you aren’t in the habit of letting other people know you have an advantage so you let it go.
You’re grinding down onto him, chasing friction as your pants fill with enough slick that you worry you might be in heat, whimpering with every movement when he grabs your hips, stopping you.
“Minho, why?”
“Oh, don’t look at me like that. Don’t you wanna get your pants off? Hmm? Feel me bare?” And suddenly, you do. He’s so smart for knowing that, you think. You let him slide your bottoms off and tug at his until they’re gone and there’s nothing separating the two of you save for the fact that you can’t fuse into one person.
You settle yourself back over him and oh. Omegas are supposed to be small, in the dick department, and you suppose compared to an Alpha, he might be. But he feels so good against you, he’ll feel so good inside of you, that you don’t much care, pawing at him desperately. He chuckles and grabs your hand, flipping you back over so he’s on top again.
“Baby, don’t tell me you’re already gone?” You are. You’re so gone. If you’re being honest, you were gone the second he kissed you. He does it again and you whine into his mouth.
“Noisy little thing. Don’t worry. I’ll take care of you. Make sure my pretty Omega is all satisfied before you leave my bed.” He smiles and then he’s kissing his way down your neck and grumbling about the shirt you’re still wearing before his mouth is on the place where you’re leaking slick and suddenly your brain is falling out of your ears.
Your hands grab onto his hair and pull, hips arching up into his mouth. You think the sound that you let out could be heard from outer space, but in your defense, he’s good with his tongue.
“I knew you’d taste good.” You have no idea how he’s still talking, but the vibrations feel nice enough that you don’t want to stop him, that and you don’t think you could stop Minho from doing much of anything at this rate.
“We talked about it, you know.” You didn’t know. The pack talked about you? You quickly lose your train of thought as he slips one of his fingers inside of you. Small, he always says. They don’t feel small.
“It was all Jeonginnie could talk about during his last rut.” Minho huffs and you can see him roll his eyes despite the fact that yours are closed. You weren’t there for his last rut, too nervous and too busy with school to stay. It had caused quite the fuss and you had to spend extra time with Jeongin before and after to soothe him.
“Knuckle deep in Yongbokkie and all he could talk about was you. How good you’d taste, how warm you’d be. He’s lucky that Yongbokkie has the hots for you too, otherwise he’d be down one appendage.” The implication of the youngest Alpha getting his dick chopped off by Felix makes you laugh, but the knowledge that the pack desires you knocks the wind from your lungs. Either that, or the thing Minho is currently doing with his fingers.
He licks you again, and then places his mouth around your hole and sucks, like he’s trying to drink the slick straight from your body. The sound it makes is absolutely obscene, and your face heats at it, hands coming up to hide.
“No, no. Move your hands, jagiya. Let me see you.” He’s moving, mouth no longer on you and you hate it, but your embarrassment outweighs everything else so you don’t move your hands and instead shake your head at him. He pauses, hand stilling inside of you.
“No? Did you just tell me no, sweet thing?” You shake your head again.
“You didn’t? It seems like you did. Seems like you still are.” He’s laughing, or, he was.
“I thought you were going to be good for me. Do I have to turn this reward into a punishment?” That’s the one that does it, your eyes go wide and your hands fall from your face to grab at him, head shaking violently.
“No! No! Mommy, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it, I was just nervous, please. I’ll be good. I’m good.” It takes you a second to register what you’ve said, and when you do your hands move up to cover your face again. Minho catches your wrists.
“Mommy? Yeah? Am I your mommy, sweetheart?” He drops your wrist to cup your face and you’ve lost all coordination. He taps your cheek, just a hint of a slap, but it’s enough to have you looking at him with wet eyes.
“I asked you a question, jagiya. Answer mommy when he talks to you, okay?” You nod, still in a daze and he huffs and takes a hold of your hair.
“What did I just tell you, doll?”
“To answer you.”
“Mhm, and what are you not doing?”
“So what do you say to me?”
“I’m sorry, mommy. I’m sorry, please let go, it hurts.” He lets go of your hair and gently massages your scalp.
“Hmm. That’s better. And, it’s supposed to hurt, baby. That’s how you learn to listen to your mommy. That’s what a brat like you needs to learn their place.” You choke slightly on your own spit, hands coming up to rest in his hair, playing with it. He smiles at you.
“Good. Now, be good for your mommy, yeah? Be good for your Luna and I’ll make sure you get everything you need. Can you do that?”
“Yeah. Yes. I can.” He hums and suddenly his fingers are in you again and he manages to take one of your nipples into his mouth, and you’re already so keyed up that you feel slightly embarrassed when you’re cumming on his hand a moment later.
“Oh, sweet thing. Did I take too long? Hmm? Did mommy tease you too much?” You shake your head.
“No, ‘m sorry, mommy.”
“Nothing to be sorry for. Don’t worry so much. You used your brain so well this past week, let mommy do the thinking for you. I’ll tell you when to apologize, how about that?”
“Sounds good.” You’re hot, overwarm, and you're shoving your shirt off the rest of the way and chucking it somewhere. The shirt’s only over your eyes for a second, but somehow Minho has managed to coat his fingers in his own slick and shove them into your mouth. Your eyes roll so far back into your head you’re worried they might stick but he tastes so good that you would suffer blindness for eternity just to have this.
“Mommy, mommy, you taste so good-”
“Shh, I know.” He shoves his fingers far enough back that you gag a little and your eyes water and he coos and wipes at your tears with the hand that was in you, smearing slick across your cheekbones.
His fingers are out of your mouth and he’s between your legs, shoving them apart to get at your hole and then he's sliding in.
“Oh God.”
“Just Minho is fine. Or mommy,” he giggles at you, “since you seem so fond of it.”
Your glare slightly at him, less than pleased with the corny joke, but he shifts his hips and hits a spot that has you keening, arching up into him for more.
“There? Yeah? Jesus. You're leaking so much that I'd think you're in heat if you didn't know any better.” He's right, but it's unfair of him to single you out.
“You are too.” It comes out a lot more whiny than you wanted but he’s nice enough to look offended anyway.
“I thought I took care of your attitude. It seems I have my work cut out for me.” His pace picks up at that, and suddenly you don't have enough brain cells to think, let alone talk back.
You're not wrong though, there's slick everywhere. From you and him, it's soaking through the sheets, it's sticking your thighs together every time he thrusts forward, it's coating his hands and everywhere he touches you. It's loud, the slapping of your bodies accompanied by a wet squish every time either of you moves. It's messy and sticky and slightly gross and you want more. You want to be covered in him and he in you until you smell so similar not even the best drug dog would be able to tell you apart.
Your hands wander searching and searching until you’ve found the place where he’s leaking too and you're coating your fingers in it and smearing a hand over your chest before sticking them in your mouth. You hear Minho gasp and his hips stutter before picking back up.
“Dirty, that’s dirty, Omega. You want me to make a mess of you?” You nod. Of course you do. You want your mommy to do whatever he wants to you. He coos and guides your hand back to his hole, guiding you into fingering him while he’s rearranging your guts.
“Mommy, it’s- you’re so warm.” He hums at you, breath finally turning ragged.
“Yeah? You wanna fuck mommy sometime? I bet you’d be good at it. Such a good little Omega for me, for us.” You do. You would like to fuck him sometime. Anytime really, you bet he’d be so warm. Tight and hot and wet. You have him on your fingers now, but you’re too overwhelmed to really enjoy it the way it should be enjoyed, the way he should be enjoyed. You want to eat him out, drink his slick straight from the source for the rest of time. You wouldn’t need water or food anymore if you could just have him.
“Yeah, I would. Mommy, please. I’ll be good. I’ll do so good.” You’re babbling at him, out of it and barely able to speak. He has to strain to understand you properly.
“You would. Mommy knows you would. Such a sweetheart, you’d make your Luna feel so good, hmm?” And you tighten around him with a loud moan and there’s a bang on the wall connecting Minho’s room to Chan’s and Minho bangs back.
“Yah! Just because you’re too busy to get your dick wet doesn’t mean I am! Leave us alone and go jack off or something!” He huffs and looks back down at you, kissing your nose softly in a stark juxtaposition to the way his hips are probably bruising your own.
“Why don’t you go ahead and cum, baby? Hmm? Mommy’s right behind you.” He shoves his fingers in your mouth again and this time, this time, his fingers are coated in a heady mixture of yours and his slick and that’s what does you in. That’s what makes you cum so hard your legs shake and makes Minho take his fingers out of your mouth lest you choke. He follows not too soon after, and when he pulls out you can see the mixture of cum and slick slide out of you.
“Next time,” Minho’s looking down at it too, “I’ll make sure that stays in. Can’t have it go to waste, can we?”
Despite his earlier promise, he doesn’t let you nap yet.
“But you said-”
“I know what I said. And now I’m saying that you can’t sleep like this.”
He bodily drags you to the shower, again, and changes the sheets before he lets you lie down.
“My hair is gonna be so dry.”
“Where’s the stuff you put in it?”
“At my house.”
“This is your house.”
“I still rent an apartment close to campus.” Minho pauses, shifting so you’re face-to-face.
“Don’t. Come live with us.”
“There aren’t enough rooms.”
“If privacy is what you’re worried about, Luna will build you a room right next to his with his bare hands.” You giggle at him.
“Yeah. But I have to pay a fee for breaking my lease.”
“Luna will take care of it.”
hi minho what’s up
>:( still no cute nickname?
I feel like it’s inappropriate to call you mommy in a casual setting
oh >:)? that’s my nickname now?
if that’s okay
whatever you want
as long as I have a cute nickname before kim seungmin I don’t care
then why did you harass me about it??????!??!?!
kkkk I had to get you in my bed somehow
“Can you guys stop texting when you’re right next to each other? All of your weird flirting is really interrupting movie time.” Jisung is complaining from where his head is rammed into your stomach.
“Dude. You’re literally not even watching it.” It’s Jeongin now, reaching over to smack Ji’s head.
“And? You’re the one who’s always complaining about how loud they are.” This is news to you.
“Is it really that bad?” Your voice is small and immediately Minho’s hands are touching you.
“No. They don’t know what they’re talking about, they’re just mad that they haven’t figured out how to get you to make such pretty noises yet.”
The room erupts into shouts as people defend themselves from Minho’s claim, you smile at him and tuck yourself further into his side, kicking Jisung out from his spot in your lap.
“Hey! I called dibs on your lap! You can’t take that away!” He’s shoving at your knees, trying to shove them back off the couch so he can lay comfortably again.
“When did you guys even call dibs on all this stuff?”
“It used to be while you were on the drive here,” Felix says, “now we do it while you’re  getting a blanket from your room.”
“Do I get a say in this?”
“Sure. Just call dibs first.”
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mayaree-darling · 6 months
Hi i've been binging some of your fics recently and im in love! I saw that you had requests open so I was wondering if you could do scaramouche x fem reader but where reader dresses in jojifuku or other known as cutecore and scaramouche dresses in a baggy 'cool' way and reader gets made fun of for dressing differently?
of scary dog privileges & matcha lattes // scaramouche (modern au)
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pairing: Scaramouche x Cutecore!Reader
synopsis: look, you may be a cute ball of pastels that can test scaramouche's patience, but you're HIS cute pastel lover. but if anyone messes with you, it's okay - his hands were made to be thrown.
from aree: for @amia-69: thanks for requesting and i hope this was satisfactory. i had too much fun with this so i hope you don't mind if it's a tad long with more scenes than you requested. i also made this a bit more feel-good by being a little silly but it’s still mostly serious, i hope you don't mind!
content: slight stalking and bullying scenario (be warned if triggering); very annoyed Scara means swearing; i'm in silly writer mode rn so this is a mix of crack and serious writing; slightly unhinged reader but hey so is scaramouche; praying this ain't OOC; fully accepted this is cringe; fem reader
fic length: 4k~ (unedited)
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Scaramouche isn't dumb. He can tell anyone who sees him is asking it in their head.
How the fuck did you two end up together?
There was nothing soft looking about him besides the hair he inherited from his mother. He was his mother but with sharper lines, edges, and words. His eyes were almost a permanent glare if he didn't look bored or annoyed at everyone and everything. He always seemed to wear dark clothing, accompanied by the right amount of chains or belts here and there to complete the look, but they suited him nicely. If anything, he wore them best than most. If he wore anything less than clothes that didn't hang off his body  he looked uncomfortable. Didn't mean he didn't hear enough older people talking about his choice of clothes though.
So when he first stood next to you on the fruits and vegetables aisle at the grocery store, he realized how you two stood at different ends of the fashion spectrum. He was there with his mother for their weekly food restock and ended up getting left behind when he went to check something on his phone (typical. How may times had this happened?) When he blinked, gone was his mom, and there beside him stood you, looking at a bunch of melons.
"This shit's overpriced, the hell." you grumble it under your breath, but Scaramouche heard it loud and clear. The snort he lets out isn't unnoticed by you and you turn to him, eyebrows raised. You look at him up and down before your eyes land back to his, and he frowns.
Goddamn it, here we go. He's heard his mom talk his ear off about the clothes this morning and he wasn't gonna hear it from anyone else. He opens his mouth, ready to cuss you to next Tuesday, but you beat him to it.
"I like the eyeliner," Scaramouche stares at you incredulously, and almost as a final nail into the coffin that he heard you right, you nod in approval. You tilt your head to the side. "I gotta say though. I think eyeshadow would look a lot better. Maybe... red? Just a bit at the corners. It would look a lot nice with your eye color and would make them pop considering you wear a lot of dark shades."
Scaramouche gapes at you. He's used to getting cussed out or getting the occasional talking to about his choices in life, but fashion advice was the last thing he expected to get from some stranger in the fruits aisle.
"Thanks..." he eventually lets out. He finally takes a moment to look you up and down and wonders how the hell did he not notice you sooner when you stood out from everything like a sore thumb.
Scaramouche didn't know there were so many shades of pink in the world. Or maybe he never noticed since he never wore clothes like that, and if he was honest, he spent time with people who didn't wear that color at all. Seeing it now was like a jumpscare, just a lot softer considering it's not like you posed any actual threat but slightly still as surprising considering people randomly approaching him first was so rare. If you weren't wearing a shade of pink, you were wearing some pastel shade of another color. Pastel blue, pastel purple, white lace here and there. The skirt you wore was so frilly you looked like you were walking around with a pink cloud. You looked... soft. That was the best summary Scaramouche could put together in the amount of time he gave you a once over.
You looked like everything he was not.
"I like... the frills," he inwardly cringed the moment he said it, but he ended up just frowning at you. It was your damn fault for putting him in this position in the first place so why the hell was he the one suffering. It's not his fault he wasn't good at giving other people compliments.
You laugh, and Scaramouche wasn't sure whether he should be glad you didn't take it to heart or be offended that he actually tried his best to give you a compliment only to be shot down. "It's okay. You don't have to force yourself."
Scaramouche just frowned deeper. Now it feels like you're saying he can't give out a compliment at all. He looks you up and down again and just says what comes to his head on the spot. "You look like the cotton candy sold at the fair across the street. Actually, I think you're a lot more pink than that stuff, but still lighter? Can't tell accurately with how many shades you got going on."
He must've said something good enough for you because you're grinning at him the next second. "That's one of the nicer ones people have said to me."
Scaramouche looks at you in disbelief. "How is that even remotely nice?"
"Well, for one, I know you mean that sincerely. Second, I'll have you know I worked hard to get pretty vibrant pinks that weren't too hard on the eyes, so thanks for confirming that!"
"You made that?" You nod, and Scaramouche nods back slowly in approval, actually impressed. "Not bad."
Your eyes land on his watch and you jolt, looking at the time on your phone. You pick a random melon even when he sees you scowl at the price tag and put it into your basket. Nodding once more to him, you turn around and leave. But as he watches you round the corner, you're running back to his side once more before he can even turn away. The sudden look of alarm on your face, so different from the grin and laughter you had on earlier, immediately has him on edge.
"Please help me," you whisper, but there was no one else in the aisle besides a mother and her baby at the far end. He frowns and looks to the side.
"Do I look like I help people." it came out harsher than he intended, but didn't he give you more than he was already willing to give any other stranger? Now you were just taking advantage of him.
"I need a scary dog right now," you said it so casually and seriously he wasn't sure he heard you right. But your voice echoed correctly in his head and he actually takes a step away from you, face incredulous.
"What the fuck did you just call me?" he scoffs, not sure if he was supposed to be offended or it was a compliment from you in some weird way. "The pet shop is right next door. Go get a dog there."
"Please. You know what I mean." you look at him pleadingly and he looks away. No, no, he was not gonna break first. This wasn't his business to deal with. He's done enough for people for the day. Nope.
"Again, go look for that somewhere else. Don't you have a boyfriend to help with this kinda thing?"
You roll your eyes and Scaramouche has half a mind to smack you silly. "If I did, you think I'd be going up to strangers for help?"
"So this is a regular thing, huh?" he takes a step back and you take a step towards him.
"Of course not, you expect this kinda thing to happen sometimes. But I don't want to hide away just ‘cause some people couldn't stay away and mind their own damn business," you shuffle from one foot to another. You cast a hesitant look behind you. His eyes follow.
"What are you even-" he stops. In the corner where he last saw you turn, a hooded man hovered over the bread aisle. For a shelf that only had five pieces of loaves left he was taking his time picking, so that only meant one thing. Scaramouche watched as the man glanced over once in your direction before seemingly turning back to the bread with fake focus.
"I thought I was imagining it. But he’s giving me the evil eyes," your voice is a whisper again.
That's unpleasant. Scaramouche straightened his posture and looked at you directly. If it's a scary dog you needed then so be it.
"What are you waiting for, then?" his voice was loud, not enough to be too distracting, but enough to carry over to the asshole who decided to be a creep for the day. Scaramouche kept his eyes on you. "You need anything else? I got the car running. Let's go if you're ready."
You look up at him like he was a fucking hero and Scaramouche all but does his best to not look as pompous as he felt. He sees the guy step back a little from his view, most likely thinking twice about following you when you're suddenly with company. He all but stares the fucker down until he leaves his line of sight.
Scaramouche breathes a short sigh of relief and he sees you do the same. He wanted to leave it at that, but if the guy was planning to follow you around the mall, he'd probably stick around a bit more. So fucking annoying. Not you, though. Although you were a bit annoying, you've probably been through more today than he had. He takes your wrist lightly.
"Where to next? I have family waiting outside."
You smile, relaxed and familiar. He holds your wrist, but you guide him around the store for a few other things before heading to the counter. When you leave the shop, plastic bags in hand, he motions for you to head to the parking lot and you follow albeit hesitantly, only visibly relaxing when you see a woman standing by a car who looks eerily similar to your rescuer.
"Oh? You have a friend." Scaramouche bites back the retort that almost slips past his lips. What did she mean by that? Of course he had friends. He'd never introduce them to her and her to them but he preferred keeping those two sides of his life away from each other.
"She had a bit of a problem and needed some help," she looks at you once and back to him. She gives him a knowing look but Scaramouche could swear on his grave that what she was thinking was vastly different from what was really going on.
"I see. Will your friend be joining us for dinner?" she looks at you with a soft smile and you return it. Scaramouche has half a mind to facepalm himself, he thanks what shred of patience he has left that he doesn't because you give him a glance.
"Thank you for the offer, but I should really be heading home," you turn to him fully and take the plastic bags from him. "Thanks for... helping me."
He opens his mouth but before he can say anything, you give him a knowing nod before quickly walking away. He watches you walk a few paces before he hears his mom clear her throat. He looks to her, already scowling.
"Don't tell me you're just gonna let her go like that?"
"What do you want me to do?"
Ei sighs. "At least make sure she gets a ride? If you walked her all the way over here, I can guess you wanted to give her a ride home. But that's out of the question now."
"Why are you so invested in this anyway? I just met her today."
"Oh, really? I thought you already knew each other." Ei hums as she rummages her purse for the keys. "You look like a pair. Not quite sure what kind, but definitely a pair of something. I think she’s rather cute."
He curses silently before jogging to catch up to you. He finds you standing by the bus stop. When you turn to him, you smile.
"Thanks for helping me again."
"You know I was planning on dropping you off at your place, right? Thought that was kinda clear with what I said at the grocery."
"Nah. I'd bothered you enough. Don't wanna bother your sister either." you grin at him, shuffling from foot to foot again, now with a pep in your step.
"First off, that was my mom, not my sister." you repeat the word 'mom' silently before looking at him with barely suppressed admiration, and Scaramouche barely holds himself back from groaning. "Second, it's fine. You're not scared that guy's gonna follow you home?"
"I'll be in a bus full of people. If he tries anything I'll scream my head off." you laugh. Scaramouche can hear a shred of doubt in your voice, but he doesn't say anything else. There's a pause of silence before you look at him from the corner of your eye and hum. "Y'know. I don't know how to properly thank you."
He waves you off. "Forget about it."
"How about I treat you?" you turn to him fully, like he just didn't brush you off. "I know a cafe by the train station that makes really good matcha lattes."
"What makes you think I even like matcha?" he sighs, but he thinks about it for a second. And then another second. Scaramouche blinks before he turns to you with a deadpan face. "You're just trying to take advantage of my scary dog privilege or whatever you call it."
"Maybe? Who knows?"you grin mischievously. "I'm serious about treating you to a meal, though. I owe you one. If you want you can just take the meal and forget about ever seeing me again."
Scaramouche sighs. Surely, it wouldn't hurt...?
"Alright then. When's our date?" You blink at him in surprise before laughing.
When people ask him how you two got together, he says you treated him to matcha for saving your life and you just hit it off. When they ask you to confirm, you excitedly show a picture of the two of you in the cafe of your first date. Should anyone try to mention the foam of milk from the matcha latte gathered around the top of his lips or the cat ears you had graciously edited onto the top of his head, Scaramouche is quick to silence them with a murderous look, almost the very same one he has on in the picture.
Some might think why doesn’t he just ask you to stop showing the photo to people? It’s enough for you to confirm that you got together over drinks, end of story. But as he watches and listens to you recount how you met again, the smile on your lips and the laughter that slips past and the grin as you show all the pictures - he can’t imagine saying no.
Why would he make you stop when you’re so happy?
That’s what he thinks now, as he sees the frown on your face.
He thought people already understood. He let you tell the story over and over even though it got on his nerves time and time again because it made you happy, yes, but also so people saw who they were messing with if they ever even thought of messing with you. This city was a small one - if people didn’t know him from his mother, they surely have heard of him and his friends. This city was the kind where word travelled fast if you were even in any social circle. If not for that, they would have surely seen him walking around with you with all the places you wanted to see.
He underestimated how dumb people could be.
matcha | are you close? Scary Dog <3 | give me a couple of minutes. Just got out the bus matcha | ok | um not to pressure u | can you hurry | just a bit | sorry
Scaramouche rolled his eyes before frowning. He pocketed his phone and all but jogged to the park. From a distance, he could see two guys in front of the bench he was sure was where you were supposed to meet. It was the bench he and you stopped at to exchange numbers, so it became a place that meant a lot to you. When he was close, the group of guys looked at his direction, snickering, before heading to the next bench over. Finally, he has a perfect view of you, your head down, holding on to your drink and phone like a lifeline. His drink almost lay forgotten beside you.
He quickly grabbed the drink from your side and sat beside you. From the corner of his eye, he can see the group of guys stealing glances at the both of you, not even trying to hide their laughter and sneers. He’s gripping his drink almost as hard as you were.
“You’re here,” you smile at him, but as quickly as it’s on your face it drops back to a wobbly frown and you look away. “Sorry if I made you hurry, I-”
“What happened? Did they do anything to you?” his voice comes out in a rush but it’s soft, as comforting as he can muster with the situation at hand. He can feel his blood boiling, his senses on high alert.
“No, no, they were just being mean and annoying and I-” you shakily pocket your phone and hold on to his hand. He can feel you shaking and he grit his teeth.
“What did they do? What the fuck did they say?” he was gripping onto the cup so tight he would’ve been surprised that it hadn’t broken yet if he wasn’t so focused on you.
“Nothing important.” he squeezes your hand, not enough to hurt, but to make sure you know that he’s here now. You didn’t need to hide anything from him. You just need to tell him. You look up at him and purse your lips. “They just said-”
He hears laughter and immediately whips his head towards the two guys, feeling absolutely feral. The closest one sitting on the edge of the bench flinches for a second, before he meets his glare with a sneer.
“I was wondering what kind of parents would leave their little princess walking around alone like that,” the guy smirks and Scaramouche can feel you flinch under his touch. “But another kid just showed up to pick them up. Where are your parents, kiddies?”
The two guys laugh and Scaramouche can feel his teeth crack with how hard he was biting down. He stands up but you hold on to his hand.
“Just let it go. Let’s just get out of here.” you mumble to him, but the guys heard perfectly.
“Let’s just get out of here~” the other guy copies your voice, all high pitched and mocking and everything that Scaramouche knew you were very much not. “She dresses like a little princess and sounds like one. Aren’t you too old for that?”
They howl with laughter and slowly, Scaramouche feels you let go of him. He looks to you, concerned, but you meet his eyes, your face blank but he knows that look.
Go for it.
With quick strides he’s right beside their bench. They stop for a moment to look at him.
He looks at the matcha latte in his hand and sighs.
What a waste of a drink. You got it for him, too.
“What are you- ARGH!” Scaramouche shakes the cup empty of all it’s content, making sure that each of the guys’ heads had at least a bit of the matcha drink. But Scaramouche was sure he got them both - it was a large drink, after all.
“Pick on someone your own size, you lil’-” the man closest to him goes to stand, but just as he does, Scaramouche raises his own leg and drives a kick right on his knees.
The man screams in pain, forced to his knees and tending to his newly acquired wound. The other guy stands to try and help, but his form quickly falters as Scaramouche takes one step towards him, eyes blazing. The man doesn’t move, too frightened, as Scaramouche leans down to the man on the ground.
“There you go. Now we’re the same height.”
Scaramouche feels a pull on the back of his shirt and he’s ready to throw his arm back to punch when he sees you. He lets you pull him and you make a break for it as he hears the man crying in pain behind him.
Trees turn to buildings around you both as you leave the park and head to the city center, stopping only when you’re sure the coast is clear. You both take in large breaths of air after running for so long, but even the silence does nothing to make him realize the gravity of what just happened. That’s not the case for you, though.
“Oh, God, I didn’t think you’d do that. The drink, yeah, but...” you say between breaths. You take a shaky laugh and rub the back of your neck. “Was the kick really necessary, though?”
Was that necessary? Scaramouche knew the answer for himself. He walks closer to you.
Why would he let anyone destroy whatever you two had going on? You came as a pair.
"Scara, what are you-" he stops in his tracks and looks you in the eyes. There's a pause before he lifts his hand and flicks your forehead.
"Talk smack, get whacked."
"I didn't even say anything! And why are you hitting me?!"
There’s a pause as he runs his teeth over his lower lip.
“Hey… you.”
“Wow, I thought by now you knew my name,” you sneer at him. “You telling me you still don’t know it?”
He inhales before he says your name softly. You gape at him, suddenly aware of how serious he’s gotten. “You’re happy with… yourself, right…?”
“Of course I am. That’s not even worth asking about,” there’s a doubtful look on your face, but not because of your answer. Your apprehension stems from where this conversation was going.
“Keep being happy, then.” Scaramouche rubs the knuckles of your hand with his thumb before pressing a kiss to your palm. He smirks at you. “If anyone else says otherwise, a drink over their head and broken kneecaps are the least of their concerns.”
“Now, come on,” he doesn’t let go of your hand and you make no mention of it. “We still gotta stop by Nahida’s, right?”
“Your mom’s gonna kill us when she finds out what you did.”
“Nah. She’d be fine with it.” Scaramouche scoffs.
“Find out what?” Ei appears by the kitchen doorway and looks at you both expectantly. You turn to Scaramouche, eyes wide with fear, but he doesn’t flinch or even stop chopping the melon.
“I poured a drink over some guy who said Matcha was acting too much like a kid,” Scaramouche answers easily, passing you a melon slice. “Also might have broken their knee, but we didn’t get to see.”
“I’m really sorry, Ms. Ei-”
“That’s it?” Ei leans on the kitchen counter and to your surprise, looks at Scaramouche with disappointment. “You should’ve broken a bone or two more.”
You blink as they continue talking about how best to have handled the situation; all their solutions involved hurting someone.
Well, you guess Scaramouche must have had to got it from someone in the family.
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✨ Masterlist ✨
Taglist: 💛@wonpielle 💜@shikanosn
Disclaimer: Characters are not mine and belong to their respective creators. Their portrayal is merely my own interpretation of them and may not be accurate to their intended characterization. I stake no claim to the original works, only to the ideas and plot of the fictitious stories I’ve written them into.
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daisywrites101 · 3 months
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Dr. Robert Chase x GN!Reader
Request: hi!! hope you’re doing well :) i saw you were taking imagines for house requests… was wondering if you could do something with a gn!reader and chase. something fluffy and cute if possible, like chase realizing his feelings for his best friend (being reader) and him trying to figure out how to confess ^^ thank you! have a great day
A/N: I hope that this is what you wanted! I took your idea and just ran with it! I apologize that this took awhile to get out. Life has been crazy lately between school and just some personal things going on. Enjoy the story!
"You are so miserable." Foreman says out of nowhere. Chase looks over at him, clearly offended. "What are you talking about, Foreman?" Chase questions. "You clearly have feelings for L/N. Ever since they started here it's pretty obvious that you like her, and not just like a coworker type deal, and more than you liked Cameron, which says a lot." he says then looks down into the microscope.
Foreman wasn't wrong. Chase had hard feelings for you, when Cameron explained to Chase that their relationship wasn't passing friends with benefits, he moved on. Soon after that is when you started. Having a background in pediatrics and in pathology, House deemed you as necessary to his team. Chase and you had become close, becoming best friends quickly, and Chase falling for you even faster, and it became blatantly obvious to everyone around you that chase liked you, except for you, of course.
"I don't know what you are talking about. Y/N and I are simply friends, best friends even." Chase claims. "Whatever you say, Chase. But you're calling them by their first name, and not to mention that you care for them more than you did for Cameron when the two of you had the fling you had, makes it totally obvious to everyone around the two of you that you like them. I am surprised House has not said anything at this point." Foreman explains, and Chase knows that he is right. Chase has never cared for anyone like he cared for you. when he noticed that you were having on off day, he always would buy your favorite drink to help you feel better. He would spend time with you, both inside and outside of work. Whenever he got the chance he would pair up with you during cases, either sitting in with you while doing MRIs, or even just sitting in the lab running tests, just like Foreman and him were doing now. House allowed you to stay and monitor the patient, but he assigned Foreman and Chase to run the endless stream of labs. It made sense that you stay to monitor him, given your history in peds, but he wished that he was with you. You made him smile, no matter what you did. You made him feel warm inside, more than Cameron did when he was with her. He knew that he wanted to tell you how he was feeling, but he was not sure how.
"How would you suggest I go about telling them how I feel?" Chase asks Foreman. Foreman pulls away from his microscope, looking at Chase baffled. Chase keeps a straight face, letting Foreman know that he is serious. "Oh you're serious." Foreman states. "Um, yeah, I would like to think so." Chase adds. "Look, just plan something nice for them, or you can straight up just tell them." Foreman says to Chase, being blunt but also trying to give him some advice. Chase nods, thinking about what he could do. "Thanks Foreman." He says then goes back to running tests.
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Over the next few days, the case ended and the patient ended up having a case of sarcoidosis, and they received treatment. You stand in front of the mirror in your apartment. Your shirt hanging loose on your shoulders, and the waist band of your sweats fitting loosely on your hips. You stand there wondering if you look okay, as Chase had invited you to his apartment for a movie night. This wasn't an uncommon occurrence, but you still felt a tad self-conscious. What if you were dressed too comfortably? Should you change into something that fits, rather than something that is a few sizes too big? The thoughts are in your head are interrupted by a knock at the door of your apartment. You look over your shoulder at the clock on your night stand and it read 7:30 pm. He was right on time as always. You look at yourself one last time in the mirror, fluff your hair to make it sit how you would like it to, turn the nearby light off and head to the door. you open it to see Chase standing there. When he sees your face, his lights up with a smile, causing your own smile to form on your face.
“You ready?” Chase simply asks, hair falling in his face when he tilts his head slightly. You simply nod and he moves to the side so you can leave your apartment. You step out and lock the door behind you after you close it. Chase walks you to his car, and he opens the door for you, you climb inside and get closes the door behind you. He walks over to the other side, climbs in the car himself, starts it, and then begins the drive to his place.
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You arrived at Chase’s apartment and he walks through the door for you, so he is able to hold the door as you walk in. You slip your shoes off and walk into the living room. Your jaw drops when you see the sight in front of you. There is a large bowl filled with popcorn in the center of the coffee table in front of the large couch. There are also two glasses of wine, two more with water, and there are some of your favorite snacks on a platter. You walk further into the room and look around you in awe. There were fairy lights hung on the walls to make the lighting dimmer, and there were tons of pillows and blankets on the couch. You turn around and face Chase, and see him standing there with a bouquet of flowers. Chase was standing there sheepishly, looking extremely nervous, but happy all at the same time. He steps closer to you and holds out the flowers for you to take, which you do. "Y/N, I have wanted to tell you how I feel about you for a long time but could not find the way to do it.” Chase says then pauses for a moment. You’re so dumbfounded, and honestly can’t believe what you’re hearing. Robert Chase, the one who would tell you how he felt about Cameron, was now admitting that he loves you. “I put all of this together to show you just how I feel.” He comes over to you and takes your free hand in his. “I love you, Y/N. I have for a while now.” Chase finally finishes. You quickly press your lips to his, in a quick but gentle kiss, in which he reciprocates. You pull away with a smile. “I love you too, Robert.” You say and simply smile. “Now, how about we continue our plans for movie night?” You say with a smile.
For the rest of the night, you and Chase sit on his couch, the flowers he gave you lay on the table next to the now empty bowl of popcorn and glasses. The two of you are now asleep on the couch, your body curled into his while he has an arm around you protectively.
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faeirtopia · 5 months
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ʚɞ ; dating juan soto!
pairing! boyfriend!juan x fem!reader.
warnings! some descriptive mentions of sex.
juan is a very soft and cuddly boyfriend. will have to say clingy as well which means he will always want an arm around your or his large hand placed somewhere on your body, your waist his favorite.
does very cute acts of kindness and service for you such as; cooking you a quick but tasty breakfast. cleans up the kitchen or does the laundry that needs to be done. makes the bed especially when it’s a disaster after a long morning of sex with him.
although juan is very serious about you and your relationship, he’s silly! which you find adorable because he’s so cute while being silly and he loves to tease you a lot. also likes when you tease him.
it’s definitely a mutual agreement, he teases you and you tease him and he just really enjoys it. especially when the two of you start ‘roasting’ each other. I know it sounds childish but it’s fun for you.
he’s always jealous and no not in a bad or unattractive way but in a “you’re mine” almost pouty way. sees one of his teammates come up to you and get a tad bit too close? wraps his body around you immediately and places light kisses against your face. just to kindly show you’re his.
speaking of that he loves to show you off! especially when you’re just in normal clothes. let’s say a pair of sweats and a tee, he loves it and takes so many photos of you to send to friends or his parents to brag about you and how pretty you are.
don’t be too camera shy with juan, he’ll want to take photos and videos of absolutely everything the both of you do for memories that he can hold onto. he’ll joke that he won’t be able to remember so he needs to have it on video or some photos.
spoils you too much. wayyyyy too much and your room, closet, and bathroom ends up so cluttered with things that you don’t necessarily need but he buys for you anyway and hopes you enjoy it. just another act of kindness and service from juan.
loves to dance with you even if you can’t dance he’ll teach you everything about his favorite types of dances. most of the time he purposely pulls you close to him just to touch you and feel your body against his own. you have to slap his arm.
takes you out with him on walks through nature, to the beach, to the pool, or the parks! he loves those places and wants to enjoy them with you. especially the pool and beach! seeing you in a swimsuit does something to him and he loves it.
sex with juan can be a lot sometimes, he’s a needy man but will always make sure you’re the most comfortable and in the mood for it. if not he sweetly tells you it’s okay and steps in the next room to care for himself so you’re not upset.
morning sex, afternoon sex, after dinner sex, few rounds going into the rest of that night and definitely wee hours of the early morning sex.. which happen to be his favorite so the morning morning sex might be skipped from being so tired and sore from the night and early morning before.
“look at you, you’re so pretty baby. wooooooow!”
“turn around for me, let me see.” “my mi amor.”
“can I have you for breakfast?” “come here baby.”
takes charge and cares for you deeply, it’s not anything annoying nor is it in a controlling way but more so in a caring and respectful way. he loves you so much and wants the best for you always.
shares a playlist with you that he made. names the playlist after you and explains how the playlist makes him think of you and the amount of love that he has for you. he’s just very obsessed with you.
purposely smirks, bites his lip, subtly winks, and waves at the camera knowing you’re at home watching when unable to make it to away games.
“good girl.” “that’s my girl.” “good job baby.”
will do anything and everything for you like helping you put your shoes on, washing your hair and body in the shower, massaging your legs and feet, carries you around when you’re feeling down, brings you snacks and water in bed, in return? he must receive kisses from you because he loves it.
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starsunderwaterr · 1 year
Comfort with the Idols + Agents! (pt. 1)
Hey guys! I really do apologize for the late posts. Trying to manage my time better. Not even gonna hold you all, my week's been pretty ass, and I think I can speak for all of us when I say that we could all use a little bit of comfort from our favorite cephalopods. Enjoy guys, love you ♡
I'll just be doing Squid Sisters for this part bc I am currently on a plane traveling home and I am off the extremely desired two hours bro
All characters are 18+
Minors DNI
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Girlie knows exactly when you’re upset
She can just read you that good because she’s the same way way herself
She can tell when you’re upset based on your body language, and she’ll do her best to be there for you
She’ll start by sending a few texts, but of course, it depends on the situation
‘Heyyy!! I noticed you were really off today and I just wanted to make sure you were feeling okay!!! (≧◡≦) ♡ let me know if there’s anything I can do to help!! ♡ ♡’
She doesn’t always want to press, but if you let her in, she’ll be all over you (in a good way)
Anything you need, she’ll get, and she means it
Water, candy, your favorite takeout place, a gun
In all seriousness, if you ask her to come over, she will bring a whole bunch of your favorite comfort things, go on a whole spending spree just for you so that you can feel better
She's definitely gonna make you something hot and warm, grab a blanket, and sit down with you on the couch to talk
Will take your hands and hold them with such gentle care omg>>>
Her hands are also super soft???? Like, girlie takes such good care of her skin
So she's holding your hands and she's just looking at you in your lil sad burrito
The softest voice, "Hey, it's gonna be alright. Tell me what's going on..."
You can't help but tell her, she's just so comfortable to be around
Halfway through telling her, you burst into a sob, and instantly her arms are around you
Will hold you gently but securely so that you feel safe
Will rub your back and kiss your head
Is like,,,, scarily calm but genuinely worried about you, especially because it's not every day that you break down in her arms
“It’s okay to cry, (Y/N). Just let it out. I’m here.”
Her voice is always so gentle and calming, and she’s surprisingly a good listener when things get serious
Holds you until you tire yourself out, and even then, she’s not going to let go unless you make the move or say so
And she’s really going out of her comfort zone for you, since she gets extremely antsy after sitting for long periods of time, so she really does care for you
Will stay with you for however long you need, grabs you anything you ask for
Will try to sympathize with you through her own stories and whatnot
“You don’t ever have to hide it from me because eventually I will figure it out anyways!”
Okay nah but like why is it actually cute when she threatens you like that
Causes your chest to swell just a tad
Will literally stare at you before saying like the sweetest/most adorable thing ever
"You know I'm really happy I met you. I know I don't say it enough but thank you for being my friend and so much more."
Will literally bring you to tears like-
You had a bad day but your girlfriend just swoops in and brings you a care package, cuddles, AND A HEARTFELT MESSAGE LIKE HUH??????
We fr love Callie, she a real one <3
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So, Marie is observant, but maybe not in the way you'd think
She will notice changes in your behavior, but she doesn't say anything until it concerns her (AKA when she can get enough evidence to tell that you are not normal HDSHHHD)
Will notice you get either really quiet or way too bubbly (even if you are naturally)
Eyes you suspiciously and will stare into your soul before then having her aha moment
“So there is something wrong, you just didn’t want to tell me.”
You can’t really keep a poker face after that, I’m afraid
She’ll stare into your soul and glare at you (lovingly, of course) with her arms crossed over her chest
“Come on, (Y/N). Can’t fool me with that crap.”
Will soften up though once you respond, especially if you try to push her away or get snappy
“You don’t have to tell me, of course, but… I am worried about you.”
If you want your space, she’ll leave you be, but she’ll check up on you after a few hours
She knows the importance of and loves her alone time, so if you want it, she will, by all means, give it to you
After a few hours, she stands in the doorway, knocking softly on the doorframe, “Hey (Y/N)?”
Marie is usually very dry and nonchalant, but she has some care in her voice
Will look at you with soft, saddened eyes as you’re in your little sad burrito, trying to remain as gentle as she can be
Walks over and just scoops you up, even if you're heavier than her, SHE'LL MAKE IT WORK OKAY-
Holds you in her lap and will cradle you close
and yes her face is bright red and she's embarrassed but she's doing this for you bro
Will gently stroke your head and kind of hum gently as she does
I see Marie as a sort of grandma type (I mean, Callie calls her one all the time-) so I can see her literally holding you and crotcheting or something while you just relax against her
Will occasionally mumble something about a stitch pattern and kiss your head, or she'll talk quietly with you as she does it and holds you
Might crack the occasional joke to try and cheer you up
Will be stitching you a little cat/bunny hat, will look back at it, then at you, then back at it again, then back at you and just-
"Yeah, you'll look reallll ugly in this.-"
Will give you a look like YOU DID SOMETHING LIKE WHAT-
It works tho bc girlie gets you giggling out of pure confusion and caught-off-guardness (yes, that's a word bc i said so)
She doesn't actually mean it tho, I mean, come on, you're her partner of course she thinks you're gorgeous
Obvi if you're really upset she won't say that, but her dry and emotionless humor is a love language she uses to try and cheer you up
She loves you fr fr <3
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tiedankelstotheocean · 4 months
Man Suang Live Reaction
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That creepy guy from the beginning I'm kinda glad he's dead.
Wan you poor dumb boy why did you pull the knife
The intro song is epic
Damn Be on Cloud can you say Production Value!! The extras and the market sets!
Yo looser your creep nephew wasn't killed by them.
TTTTOOOONNNNGGG!! Looking fine baby that opium pipe is beautiful.
Poor Wan I want to give him a hug.
Ohh that reaction is Wan related to the Chinese gangsters.
Again Production value come through!
God even laying there Apo is beautiful.
That scene was a tad overacted.
MIIIILLEEEE or should I say.... CHATRA!!
Kitty!!!😻 Also Mile is beautiful
The dance teacher is so pretty
Oooh I see Chatra is interested... A self-trained dancer
Sir you're supposed to be undercover what see you fighting?
Tong look at you. I need him to play more serious dramas, look at him he's so elegant.
So Tong is Khun Hong.
I like the lord he's quietly menacing. Though leave Khem alone.
Look at him dance.
Right Miss pretty teach he's wonderful
Go Chatra with the drums.
You know they said Chatra acts sort if regal what if he's related to prince in some way. Maybe he's the prince?
Yay the official dance
Hey the other dancer is pretty.
Yes Lord be smitten
Yeah baby boy you can do as you please. Shes right and you're undercover again!!!
Oh why are there so many creeps around our pretty boy??
Kitty, cheer him up.
Oh my god it's happening!!
You did a good job today 😭
You did a good job again 😭😭😭😭
You know for now hit him (but don't you're undercover)
Yes no whoreophobia in this house
Oh you didn't just hit Wan that's my child. Fuck them up.
Yes Chatra!!
Miss teach make them walk through coals.
Oh look it's our boys.. So cute
He is charming right.
Ok who the fuck is in charge of this translation copulate, bollocks? Even for someone who spent 6 years in Scotland it's a bit eh.
Okay Chatra is definitely important
Okay this scene is cute but the pacing feels a tad off.
Ok we're back the pacing feels right again cute but I'd have shortened the scene and skipped to this part.
Yeah I loved this scene if have played the other scene with the treasure a lot more serious
Okay Chatra might not be trusted.
Oh I have the same coffee shot cups. They're great for Ethiopian brew.
Investigation time
Oh my god well that's a gruesome way to go.do we think Khun Hong is behind this?
Yeah now he isnt!
Poor Wan
Okay I want Bas to play a very serious drama I mean breakbreak and crying serious.
Poor wan again dude please calm down
Oh no Wan.
But seriously I want Bas in a serious drama Make it happen BOC give him something to cry in.
Also why Wan what about Khem?
You know nothing Khun Heng!
BOC give Tong the Leading man status.
Noooooooo Khun Hong!!!!
Khun Hong 😭😭😭😭.
Chatra!! What the fuck?????????
Goddamn Chatra!
I mean you couldn't have said that before pulling a gun on him??
Oh god no.
Yeah Wens gonna loose it.
Tiang you bitch I know you're somehow involved in this.
I really like the villain I want to see him in more things.
Okay Tiang may not be as involved as I thought but he's still a bitch that killed his brother (and father).
TOOOOOONNNNNGG. Yes baby girl!
But that looser ass bitch up.
Yes plans plans baby
Yeah great fight a tab over acted again (some strange director decisions here).
Wan, please don't betray Khem both sides are shit here.
Apoo god he's so pretty here.
Way to make an entrance baby.
Yeah the rose is hitting me hard now
Are you sure that the ciggies aren't laced with opium? Wan seems to loose it whenever he smokes
Yes Tong for the drama!!!!!
Oh no Wan please.
Hahahhaba that superhero ass battle stations pose.wtf was that?
Ok mr overactor. Tiang pleasr leave.
Ahh the one-handed gun operation I lothe well comeback.
Not Hong leave Wan be!
No wan I want to give him a hug 😭😭😭😭😭
And a happy ending was had (for some baby boy wan well)
Well I am to drunk to write more so lookout got my final thoughts and writing tomorrow but I'll leave you with that Bas surprised me the most and I want more of him!!!
Night everyone
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honeydew-sillies · 1 year
"Takenaka's Cure for Boredom"
A Mob Psycho tickle fic !!
word count: 2,446
a/n: I've had this sitting for around almost done for a bit and figured I'd cut it off where I did so I could finally post it! Will hopefully write a sequel eventually... no promises. Shoutout to these two for being my favorite ever. Next on the agenda is Takeritsho... mwahahaha !!
warnings: none aside from light swearing!
Momozo felt the sly grin on his face grow ever so slightly larger. Across from him sat Kageyama Ritsu, both sitting on the latter's bed.
They had been doing their individual homework together the whole afternoon, Momozo texting the other that his weekend tennis practice had been called off. Well, "doing homework;" it was more so Ritsu trying and failing to get Momozo to pay attention to anything other than his phone, and in turn also getting distracted.
(He didn't normally have too much of an issue focusing, but it wasn't Momozo's fault the kid never took any breaks.)
The distraction currently being the way Momozo had confidently stated "I'm bored," before setting his phone down, shooting a glance at the younger boy sitting next to him on the bed, and slowly bringing his hands up as "claws," inching in Ritsu's direction. As he seemed to have made a very ANNOYING habit of doing recently.
"Don't what?"
"Do not tickle me! Takenaka I swear to god-"
As selfish as it may have been, Momozo always relished in how skittish he could get the "Mr. Student Council, Straight A's, Mature and Serious Pretty Boy," which was a facade that he had seen through almost immediately. And not because of his telepathy. Ignoring the part of his brain that groaned at how grossly cheesy it was, the older boy enjoyed being able to see this side of Ritsu.
"Okay, so you're telling me that you really do not want me to tickle you? Is that right?"
The brunette bit back a fond laugh as he watched Ritsu squirm ever so slightly. He noted the small smile that the other was trying very hard and failing to bite down, the way his cheeks were already a lovely shade of pink, and how he was very clearly hesitating in confirming that he most definitely did not want to be tickled right now. Momozo quirked up an eyebrow as if to say ‘I know you’re lying.’ He did that often.
This kid was so easy to read it was almost annoying at times. Almost.
"Hey! N-no fair, you can't use your telepathy, that's cheating!"
Momozo barked out a laugh, grin widening. Normally, he would've grown irritated at the accusation; but with Ritsu, it was far too much fun messing with him for Momozo to be angry. Poor kid just gave himself away, too.
"How many times do I have to remind you, I'm not using my powers. People can say a lot with their eyes and body language. Plus you’re, like, super easy to read."
He watched Ritsu swallow as the boy realized his mistake, once again floundering for any attempt at control over the situation. If Momozo didn't immediately shut down the train of thought, he probably would've said it was cute. Gross.
"W-wait, but my eyes were-"
"Saying that you want me to tickle you? Yeah, I picked up on that."
Growing impatient, Momozo dashed forward on the mattress while Ritsu was still taken aback from the "matter-of-fact" statement. The shorter of the two let out a yelp, scrambling to get away from his assailant, but to no avail. Not only had Momozo had a head start, but he was also just a tad stronger than Ritsu due to his practicing for club and his height. …At least Ritsu liked to tell himself that.
Momozo put on an innocent smile at the friend underneath him; Ritsu's head had found its way to his pillow on the way down, with Momozo resting his hands on either of Ritsu's sides as he kneeled next to him, towering over him just enough to keep him in place. And as much as a show the raven-haired boy made of squirming around, it was clear to both of them that he really wasn't trying to get away. Plus, if he did want to, he had the strength to do so at any time.
"Takenaka!" Ritsu very nearly whined, biting his lip as the wobbly smile on his face became more prominent.
Ritsu threw Momozo what was apparently supposed to be a sharp glare, though there was no clear malice behind it. Embarrassment, maybe, but not anger.
This was so unfair. It was so… childish. Definitely not something a serious, mature and perfectly ordinary middle schooler would spend time doing. So why, Ritsu asked himself, was his stomach filled with a buzzing excitement? Why did he already feel the giggles bubbling up in his chest, and why was it fun? Why was he having fun?
Normally, the only person who could ever get away with and actively tickled Ritsu was his older brother, Shigeo. And occasionally Sho, which was becoming more common, though that was embarrassing just to think about. Momozo has been a… new addition to Ritsu’s “I actually enjoy your company more than an acquaintance” list.
Which had, once again, somehow turned into his “you’re allowed to tickle me without getting telekinetically slammed into a wall (on purpose)” list.
What’s worse was Momozo’s telepathy; it had unintentionally caused Ritsu to allow himself to be more honest with the brunette, which meant not being able to keep up his totally serious and responsible front all the time. The invisible threat of his thoughts and emotions being free to read created a nervousness in Ritsu, making him state more things outright instead of trying to cover them up like he normally would.
Which also meant revealing a more playful side not often seen by anyone, other than his older brother and family.
Hence the situation at hand.
“L-let me go!”
Speaking of telepathy, the more excited a person got usually meant the louder their thoughts got, both subconscious and not. And esper’s thoughts tended to stand out more to Momozo’s hearing in general, though he wasn't sure why. Probably some sort of weird power energy thing.
At least he wasn’t doing it on purpose when he heard ‘Oh my god just do it already this is awful this is so embarrassing he's so-’
“You could very easily get away if you wanted to, Kageyama.”
Ritsu let out an indignant growl. It was anything but intimidating.
He flusteredly spat out, “You’re so annoying!” and what Momozo also hears is ‘Please don’t make me admit it-’
He sighed almost fondly; he had been pretty mean, what with knowing how much anticipation got to the other boy. Maybe it was time to do what he had actually planned to after getting bored with his phone and work…
Ritsu let out another squeaky yelp as he finally felt the hands around his sides squeeze firmly, the hypersensitivity from being on edge having built up to the point where he couldn’t stop the first surge of laughter to cascade from his lips. It was slightly high-pitched, but still boyish and sporadic and somehow so perfectly Ritsu.
But if there's something else that is most definitely Ritsu, it’s being stubborn as all hell when he feels like it. So, instead of fighting back (which Momozo would make a point of bringing up later), the younger boy smacked a hand over his smiling mouth, muffling his laughter as he instinctively squirmed away from the fingers kneading into his sides once more. He tried weakly to roll from side to side in an attempt to dodge Momozo’s hands, which followed him no matter where he went.
“Aw c’monnnn, it’s no fun if you don’t laugh…”
Ritsu shook his head, shoulder bouncing ever so slightly with the laughter that was being held back.
Okay, new tactic, then.
Momozo took a moment to focus more than he had been previously, staring at the boy underneath him with a menacing grin as he projected his own thoughts:
‘I know you want to laugh. Come on come on come on just laughhh you are so boring-’
Ritsu jumped from the startle (he would never quite get used to that power), and let out a few muted giggles behind his hand, narrowing his eyes at the other boy as if to challenge him. He thought back, loud and clear,
‘Eat shit-’ Before very clearly stifling a laugh at whatever look just crossed Momozo’s face.
“Alright, jackass. If you want to be like that then…"
At first glance, most if not all people would not expect Takenaka Momozo to be a “playful” individual; he was cocky when comfortable, sure. Stand-offish, socially anxious, and hardly ever outright playful. In the same way the telepath was allowed to see a realer version of Ritsu, Ritsu was shown a different side of the former as well. And, in all honesty, he regards this fact fondly.
…Except right now.
The raven-haired boy only had time to exclaim a quick “NO!-” before he fell into louder laughter, audible even behind the hand clasped over his mouth. The cause of this laughter of course being the fingers that were once kneading into his sides moving to massage his lower ribs instead; even being so kind as to pay special attention to the sweet spot between the two lowest ribs, causing Ritsu to arch his back upwards and let out what could only be considered a squeal. His face was most definitely burning up now.
“Wow, was that a squeal dude? Forgot how ticklish you are…” Momozo noted nonchalantly, the teasing lilt in his normally aloof voice driving Ritsu mad.
“Shuhut UP! I’m nohot even thahat- NAHA-!”
Whatever Ritsu was about to say was very rudely interrupted by another even higher-pitched round of laughter. Momozo was quick to disprove Ritsu’s claim by turning back and squeezing one of the latter’s knees; he narrowly avoided being kicked while Ritsu’s torso leapt forward instinctively before falling back against the bed. His body had very nearly gone limp, as it did when worse spots were targeted.
Ah, right, he really didn’t have much of a tolerance to strong tickling. Momozo smirked.
“Not even that huh? Didn’t catch that.”
The slip of the nickname went unnoticed by the laughing boy, and if Momozo’s chest fluttered just the tiniest bit, he ignored it. Instead, he opted for being nice enough to move from the bad spot, bringing his hands up to skitter his short nails over Ritsu’s stomach through his unfortunately thin long sleeve t-shirt.
Ritsu fell into a fit of incredibly bubbly and distinguishably not serious giggles, legs instinctively kicking as he shot his hands out to hold Momozo’s wrists now that the dam of laughter had already been broken. However, that was more so to steady himself than to really fight back, and both boys knew this; it was already too late for him to put up a fight, and he was definitely laughing too hard. Ritsu naturally refused to acknowledge this. Momozo, on the other hand…
“Stohohop looking ahat me like- like thahahat!”
“What’re you gonna do? Push my hands away?”
"Shuhut UHUHUP!"
"Hm, that was kind of rude." Momozo responded calmly as he casually massaged the small bit of pudge Ritsu always had on his tummy that he "definitely should have grown out of." Not that he had time to think about that currently, though, considering the endless waves of giggling laughter that made it hard for him to form any coherent sentences.
The brunette continued to attack his friend’s stomach with no signs of letting up any time soon; he switched unpredictably between squishing around the softer area and spidering his fingers, sneaking his hands just the tiniest bit under the end of Ritsu’s now rumpled up t-shirt to scribble over the spot just beneath the shorter boy’s navel. A spot that, without fail, always made him kick and hiccup-laugh like there was no tomorrow.
At this point, Ritsu's thoughts had turned into a sort of jumbled and mostly incoherent mess, which wasn't anything foreign to Momozo. Sometimes thoughts were less of… thoughts, and more so feelings. And the only intense feeling radiating off of Ritsu was 'It tickles it tickles it tickles so BAD-'
The ticklish shocks running through Ritsu’s body were the only thing he could focus on as he shook his head back and forth, feeling how his cheeks were burning up and how the butterflies in his stomach just refused to let up. It was like an unbearable but pleasant electricity coursing through his nerves, starting at his stomach and spreading through his body before all collecting at one point in his chest; the place where the uncontrollable laughter flowed freely from his mouth.
Despite his brain’s natural reactions to the sensations, Ritsu really didn’t mind the feeling. In all honesty, he quite enjoyed being tickled; it allowed for a certain sense of vulnerability he had always had a hard time showing, a way for him to feel comfortable enough to laugh and smile freely. Though his stamina could only last so long, especially as someone who isn’t fully used to being tickled.
The younger boy didn’t seem to notice at first that the ticklish sensations on his stomach had ceased, catching his breath as he let out the rest of his breathy titters.
After a moment, Ritsu glanced up and made eye contact with Momozo, who to anyone else would have seemed bored; but Ritsu wasn't anyone, and caught the small smile still resting on his lips, likely mirroring his own unconscious one. A smile he quickly tried to cover up by glaring daggers at the boy above him.
What he would've give to wipe that stupid smile away with-
"You good?" Momozo asked, thankfully cutting off wherever that train of thought was headed.
Ritsu broke the eye contact bashfully, needing to look at anything other than the stupid genuine expression on the boy leaning over him because that's embarrassing and this is embarrassing.
Speaking of embarrassing, he quickly pulled his hands away from around Momozo's wrists, opting to cross his arms instead and pretend he didn't look like a toddler pouting at the moment.
"Alright, solid answer."
"So are you going to get off of me now, or what?"
"Dunno." Momozo shrugged. Ritsu bristled.
"What do you mean you don't know??"
"Do you want me to?"
"...You're a jerk."
The brunette couldn't help but chuckle. While his boredom had most definitely been cured, he knew they were both having far too much fun to go back to focusing on homework anyway. Well, Ritsu probably could, 'Like the nerd he is.' Momozo noted to himself.
He was pulled away from those brief thoughts by Ritsu's suddenly much less flustered tone of voice (which definitely couldn't be good) as he asked,
"Hey Takenaka."
Ritsu grinned.
"I'm bored."
In the moment it took the latter to realize what Ritsu was getting at, he was already too late.
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magicalyaku · 2 years
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Time for my October books! The month started out great but then I had to slow down because I wanted to draw my calendar and am absolutely unable to only spend half the day doing a thing I like. It's either all or nothing. So I purposefully chose books I expected to be "ok" instead of "omg I need to read more like right now and never stop". It worked. uAub
Aces Wild: A Heist (Amanda DeWitt): First book of the month and easily one of my favourites this year! It was so much fun. So much fun! The plot was good, Jack is a great narrator, the other characters are good as well. And the ace reprentation? Loved it. It’s there without taking over the story which is the way I like it best. There’s also a tiny bit of romance (again without taking over the story) and it’s the cutest. But to be honest, I was hooked from the author’s note in the beginning already: “This is not a love story” OK, sign me up!! 8D
A Taste of Gold and Iron (Alexandra Rowland): Decisions had to be made. I'm usually all in for illustrated covers, but ... not this time. 8D I chose the ornamented version and the first time I openend the book I broke out laughing. Is the illustrated cover version like this, too? Because the ornamented one has pink endpapers. It looks so serious on the outside and then inside is nothing but PINK. Blinding pink. It's glorious. It also inevitably reminded me of the last time I saw this much pink in one place: I work at a printhouse and we make a lot of wedding invitations. Some time ago I processed one that was all pink, inside and outside, everywhere and ... it was for a gay wedding. Inbetween its serious story the book was surprisingly funny, too. I'm so glad that a certain character did not die because in other books his type would be the one to. Even funnier the author herself wanted to end him in earlier drafts but her friends stopped her! Thank god they did! I had a great time reading this. It also made me want to reread Captive Prince because I crave this kind of fantasy.
The 99 Boyfriends of Micah Summers (Adam Sass): Right after I decided to reign in my reading in favor of drawing time this came in from the library. Perfect! It was pretty okay. Cute, easy, very predictable. Very. I told my friend pretty early on what I expected to happen with breakups and jealousy and drama and who's endgame etc. aaaand except that one character not turning out as evil as I thought I was spot-on. 8D It has some "rich (white) kids with nothing else to do but obsessing over love" vibes but it kinda knew and dealt with that. So all in all, I liked reading it but I had no problem putting it down to get to working.
Camp (L.C. Rosen): Chosen for the same reasons as Micah. I even read it in German for easy comfort (and because "support your local market"). I really liked the translation! Other contemporaries I read in German (like Loveless or Red, White & Royal Blue) often felt a bit awkward trying to emulate colloquial language (present tense is not a friend of German literature I think 8D), but the translator here did a really good job. I liked Camp a tad more than Micah, probably because the characters were more interesting. It also had more things to say.
City of Ghosts: Bridge of Souls (VE Schwab): The final volume of the series. It was alright. I'm glad it ended the way it did but I would have been ok with more drama. Are there still books out there who take the hard route? Remember the ending of His Dark Materials? (obviously spoilers) Lyra and Will? Separated forever? My heartbreak? I remember. I'll always remember! I like my happy endings and all but I'm pretty sure the reason why I'm so attached to Will and Lyra is because they never got one. 8D Anyway.
Empress of Salt and Fortune (Nghi Vo): I listened to the audiobook while drawing. The 2,5 hours seemed like something I can handle (I'm bad with long audiobooks) and I can't listen to creepypastas all day. It's not told in the usual story format which made it a bit harder for me to be invested but it was interesting enough. I'll probably listen to the sequel as well at some point.
That's it! All in all I'm satisfied with what I got. All the books were decent to topnotch, my calendar turned out well and November is going great at the moment. Look forward to next month, there will be foxes and tea. uAu
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peaceteaa11 · 2 years
My Rockstar
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Part Five of My Rockstar
Pairing: Eddie Munson x OC Henderson
Rating: clean some smooching nothing you haven't read before.
Warnings: Kissing, jokes about sex, cuteness, a possible build up to jealousy.
Summary: It's time to leave Hawkins and embark on a new adventure. What does tour have in store for Eddie and Indie? As a fanfic writer I see jealousy and drama on the horizon. xxx
A/N: Soooooooooo sorry this took so long guys! I really do love this story and was kind of feeling the pressure on this one! I don't wanna disappoint y'all!! But I hope its good! More parts will be coming later. I am really busy but I promise I'll make time for writing because I really do love it! Also a requested oneshot (smut) will be on the way either this weekend or early next week! I ONLY PROOF READ ONCE THERE WILL BE MISTAKES!
Word Count: 4k
I'm on the highway to hell *Heavy head banging*
─────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ──────
"Are you sure you're gonna be okay?" I glance between my mom and brother and they both smile happily back at me.
"Indie, go live your life, you don't have to take care of us. That's my job." My mom giggles as she pulls me into a bone-crushing hug. "Just use protection and remember that traveling can be hard on relationships." She whispers into my ear. I pull back and scrunch my face up.
"Ew. Mom. Don't say that." I giggle and she smiles fondly at me. I turn to my brother and he stares at me with a giddy smile.
"I'm gonna miss you Dusty." I frown and he soon mirrors my face. He rushes into my arms and I squeeze him tightly.
"Don't worry about me, sis. I'll be okay. And I'll make sure to visit Wayne every Friday just like I promised." He mumbles into my shoulder and I nod hugging him just a tad tighter. When we pull away I place a small kiss on his forehead and he sniffles a bit. I quickly put on a smile to try and keep away my own tears.
"Here, I'll throw that in Eddie's van." Sailor beams as he roughly takes my backpack off my shoulder. All my other bags had been packed the night before and this one just a few of the basics. Sailor skips down the front steps and over to the van, tossing my bag inside through an open window. I sigh shaking my head and turning back to my family.
"Thanks again, mom for coming home early. I... I didn't wanna leave without saying goodbye." I feel tears welling up in my eyes at the thought of it all.
"My sweet girl. I just want you and Dusty to be happy. Whatever it takes for that to happen, I'll do it." She smiles brightly and pulls me in for one last hug.
"My love... I'm sorry to interrupt, but we have to hit the road soon. Especially, if you want to say goodbye to everyone else one last time." Eddie's voice is soft and sweet as he walks up the stairs from behind me. I pull away from my mom to look at him and nod slowly.
"O-Okay." I sigh softly.
"Eddie." My mom sings sweetly. "Come here." He walks closer and she pulls him into a tight hug as well. I stand there smiling at the two of them. Eddie wraps his arms around my mom and snuggles into her.
"I'll take good care of her. I promise." He sighs sweetly.
"I know you will." My mom laughs and she pulls away. She pats his cheek lightly and grins up at him. "You always have. Just use protection." She says again.
"EW! MOM!" Dustin shouts and stares at her disgusted.
"Come here, Henderson." Eddie chuckles and pulls my brother into a hug as well. "It was good seeing you. Don't you ever change, okay?" Eddie says seriously as he pulls away from my brother, holding onto his shoulders. "Promise me."
"I wasn't planning on it." Dustin smiles widely and I can feel my heart warm in my chest, watching the two boys I love the most have this pure moment together. "But..." Dustin's smile fades into a serious glare which causes Eddie to raise his brows. "If you hurt my sister... in any way. I will hunt you down like a demidog and burn you alive." Dustin ends his threat with a fun-loving laugh. He shakes his head as if he joking but speaks once again. "I'm so dead serious man, I'll murder you." His face falls into a serious scowl and Eddie looks over at me. I smile sweetly and Dustin laughs.
"I promise, I won't do anything to hurt her, Henderson." Eddie chuckles nervously. Dustin nods and his lips form a smile.
"Good good."
"Dustin. Your sister is more than capable of taking care of herself." My mother scolds softly.
"Mom, he's just doing his brotherly duties." I giggle and Eddie makes his way to my side. He wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me gently into his side.
"Yes, yes, well, there's no need. It's Eddie. He's loved you forever." My mom laughs and both me and Eddie blush deeply.
"Uh... how did you-" Eddie starts and my mom flashes him a knowing smile.
"Eddie, darling, you grow up running around this house with Indie. I saw the way you followed her around and how you looked at her when she wasn't paying much attention." My mother chuckles and I look up at Eddie whose face is a deep red.
"Right." He mumbles embarrassed.
"Okay, we should probably leave." I hum softly. Eddie looks down at me and smiles.
"Right." He repeats again causing all of us to laugh.
"I'm really gonna miss you guys." I bite my lip a bit to keep the emotions down. "I love you so much."
"We love you more, Indiana." My mom hums and pulls Dustin into her side.
"Promise you'll call?" Dustin mumbles through a few tears.
"I promise, Dusty." I smile and he nods.
"Okay... you ready, my love?" Eddie looks down at me and I nod. "Bye guys." Eddie smiles sweetly. We all wave to each other a bit before Eddie and I make our way to his van.
I buckle my seat belt and look into the back of the van where all mine and Eddie's stuff is stored for the road. I look over at him and find his eyes already on me.
"I love you." He smiles and leans over toward me. I meet him halfway and our lips meet for a brief kiss. He pulls away and shouts a bit. "WOOOO!" I giggle at his enthusiasm. "Let's hit the road, my little rocker." He smirks and I roll my eyes as he puts the van in reverse and backs out of my driveway. The rest of the band follows behind us in their van as we go to make rounds for saying goodbyes.
Leaving everyone was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. Chrissy especially. She was so happy for me but crying through our entire goodbye. Eddie promised her that he would fly her out as much as she wanted which seemed to calm her. Robin and Steve were just as sad but they seemed to handle it a little better. Robin did however threaten to kill me if I didn't call and write to her. Saying goodbye to the kids was hard too. All of them are like little siblings to me and seeing them upset was so hard but again, they seemed happy for me more than anything else. Having Eddie next to me through it all to remind me why I was leaving was probably the only reason I actually got through all of the goodbyes. But I'm excited to see what life is like with Eddie and the band... there will definitely never be a dull moment.
"Stop touching my food! Indie made this for me! You said you didn't want any pasta!" Sailor shouts as he slaps Taylor's hand away from his plate. I laugh sipping on my tea as the boys all shovel down food before their first show back on the second half of the tour.
Living on the tour bus with them is definitely something I am going to have to get used to. At least in the house, there was more space, here they are always on top of one another. Luckily, they did all agree to let Eddie and I have the big bedroom at the back of the bus. Usually, they used that for storage but once I moved in they were all more than happy to help me feel more at home. They really as some of the sweet boys you'll ever meet.
"Sailor. Don't hit him. Here, I'll fix you a plate, Taylor." I giggle and set my glass down, walking back into the kitchen area to heat up more pasta for Taylor.
"Thank you! At least some people are sweet on this bus!" Taylor wails dramatically. I roll my eyes and turn on the stove again to warm the pasta in the pot when I feel two arms snake around my waist.
"You're too nice to them, my love," Eddie whispers in my ear and I smile. I turn to face him and he quickly presses his lips to mine as soon as he can. I smile into his lips and he pulls me into his chest. When he pulls away he nudges his nose against mine and sighs contently. "I love you." He closes his eyes peacefully. Not a day has gone by since we confessed that Eddie does not remind me of his love for me. I smile up at him. "You excited for your first show?" He smirks, opening his eyes.
"Eddie. I've been to your shows before."
"Yeaaaaahhhh." He whines a bit and places a quick kiss on my lips. "But not as my super sexy girlfriend. Before you were just my super sexy best friend. It's different." He chuckles and I shake my head at his goofy smile. "And you'll be right up front. I'll be able to look at you the whole time! I'm practically creaming myself just thinking about it." He smirks nudging his nose against mine once more.
"You're a perv, Munson." I giggle and he nods.
"Yeah, yeah, come up with a different comeback, sweetheart." He teases softly. "So... wanna help me get dressed? Maybe I can help you too." He smirks.
"I have to feed to kids, darling." I tease turning away from him and he groans.
"Forget the kids, my love. Let me have my way with you for a bit." He pulls my back into his chest and places a few small kisses on my neck. "Please. I'll make it worth your while." He hums against my skin.
"Eddie." I sigh softly as he drags his lips up and down my neck.
"Guys! Mom and dad are fucking in the kitchen!" Devin shouts in a squeaky voice and all the other guys start to laugh. "Again!"
Eddie groans in my ear and turns to face the boys. "Shut the hell up." He scowls at them but they still continue to laugh. I giggle along with them and Eddie hides his face away in my neck.
"Mom, can I please have my pasta before you fuck dad?" Taylor bats his lashes at me with a pouty grin. I roll my eyes and scoop several giant spoon fulls of pasta onto a plate. I wiggle free from Eddie's arms and he whines a bit. I glance back at him to see him pouting.
"Here." I set Taylor's plate down in front of him at the table and he grins. I pat his head as he starts to shovel down the food. I make my way back to Eddie who is turning off the stove. When I'm in his reach he grabs my hand and drags me to our bedroom. He slams the door behind us and smiles at me.
"Come here." He grins widely and pulls me into his chest by my waist. "Wanna make out?" He chuckles and places a soft kiss on my cheek. "Because. I kinda think we should make out." He leans in to connect our lips when I pull back a bit.
"Shouldn't you be getting ready for your mmph-" His lips silence me and he smirks into a kiss. I giggle into his mouth and he pulls away. He groans a bit and grabs both sides of my face.
"God. I never get tired of how you taste." He chuckles and places quick pecks all over my face. I giggle in his grasp and he nudges his nose against mine. Suddenly, the air between us becomes serious and thick. Eddie grunts a bit as he sucks in a deep breath. "Can you do my eyeliner... ya know like you used to for my old gigs? It always made me feel... more, I don't know, confident." He smiles sweetly and rests his forehead against mine. His bangs tickle my lashes.
"Anything for you," I smirk and start to pull away when he flashes me a cheeky grin.
"Anything you say?" He chuckles and raises a brow as his eyes dart down to his jeans.
"Eddie Munson," I warn playfully.
"Indie Henderson." He mocks my tone.
"Just go sit on the bed." I roll my eyes and pull away to find my makeup back.
"Yes ma’am. Don't have to tell me twice." He chuckles darkly and I hear the bed springs shift beneath his weight. When I turn around with eyeliner in hand Eddie is leaning back on his palms lazily, waiting for me to join him. I giggle at the look of boredom on his face. It took me no more than two minutes and he has already drifted into his own little world.
I walk over to the bed and quickly straddle Eddie's lap. The sudden contact of my body weight on his lap pulls him back from whatever he was daydreaming about. He shivers a bit and immediately his hands find my waist. He looks up at me and his eyes shine a bit.
"Where did you go this time?" I ask softly as a wrap my hands up in his hair and tie it out of his face with my hair tie.
"Mmm. We were in Paris." He hums dreamily. As I look down to him once more. I shift my hips trying to get the best angles on his face and he groans.
"We?" I ask.
"Mhm. You're always there. No matter when or where." He chuckles and I pinch his cheek a bit.
"Stay still, baby." I hum placing a quick kiss over where I just pinched. He leans into my kiss and sighs.
"Mmmm. I love when you call me that." He stares up at me as I carefully trace his lower waterline with the black pencil.
"Look up," I smirk a bit knowing that he is waiting for me to say it again. He whimpers and I giggle. "Look up, my pretty boy." He hums happily and looks up toward the ceiling.
"This view is not as good as the one I had before." He jokes.
"Mhm. So. What were we doing in Paris?" I ask curiously. I move to his other eye tracing the lower line again and he winces a bit. "Sorry."
"S'okay." He chuckles. "We were fucking." He smirks and I push his shoulder a bit. He shakes his head as I pull the pencil away. His eyes meet mine and he blushes. "I'm just kidding. We were... we were. Well, I was proposing. It's stupid I know. We just started dating but like. I've loved you for years so to me it doesn't seem that crazy. I know to you it must-" I quickly cut him off with a kiss and pull back to look into his eyes.
"I think about that too sometimes. Except were in Scotland by a castle." I giggle as his eyes ignite.
"Mhm. Now close your eyes. I need to do the top and how would you feel about a bit of a wing?" I smirk softly but Eddie stays serious.
"I don't want to close my eyes. I just want to look at you forever." He hums.
"Eds. Please? You need to get ready soon and..." I lean down toward his ear and kiss his neck a bit. "If you close your eyes now and let me finish this maybe we'll have time to make out."
"Fuck. You're right." I pull back just in time to watch Eddie's eyes snap shut and squeeze tightly.
"Eddie, baby, relax your eyes!" I giggle and eventually, he listens.
I never could have predicted how chaotic the boys are backstage. It is truly something the marvel at. I smile brightly, seated in a high foldable chair, watching the stage crew chase down Sailor and Taylor for dressing. I giggle when Sailor cries out in protest, something about the pants being too tight.
My eyes shift to Eddie. He's the front man so he's been pretty busy ever since we got here. Basically being ripped from my arms as soon as we stepped foot on the premises. I can't help but blush when I rake my eyes over his frame. A pair a black jeans perfectly ripped at the knee, a studded belt wrapped loosely around his waist, his boxers still peaking out a bit. As my eyes climb I find his v-line, completely exposed. Only a leather jacket and black cropped tank hang around his shoulders. I feel my face heat up. I quickly look away and lock eyes with Gates who is lounging across the way. He smirks at me sending a knowing wink. I blush even deeper.
"Hi! You must be Indiana. Let's get you into the pit. People around going to start coming soon. So if you want a good spot like Eddie requested we should leave." A deep female voice comes from right beside me. I jump up out of my seat and meet her eyes. She is gorgeous. Long black hair hanging past her butt and bright green eyes, her eyes are almost feline. She is wrapped in a tight leather dress and she smiles softly at me.
"O-oh hi. Yes I-"
"Great let's go. I don't mean to rush you, but I am a busy woman managing five men." She hums turning on her heels.
"Oh. You're their manager?" I question softly and she nods.
"Only when they are backstage. My brother handles all the important stuff. Shall we?" She says staring down at a clipboard, back to me.
"Um. Can I just say bye to Eddie first? I really wanted to-"
"No. Sorry. He is too busy. Come on." And with that see takes off. I glance over my shoulder at Eddie and frown as he chuckles shaking his hair around. My eyes shift to Gates who shooting me a questioning look. I shrug.
"I love your outfit!" A smaller girl in a loose band tee with Eddie's face across it shouts at me over the loud pre-concert chatter. I turn to her and smile widely.
"Thank you! I love your tee!" I grin brightly and she blushes.
"Oh yeaaaaa. I'm like one of their biggest fans. It helps that I'm like in love with Eddie. What about you? Which is your favorite?" She laughs and scoots closer to me in the pit as someone bumps into my back. This is definitely different from small town Hawkins, Indiana. I free like I'm suffocating.
"Oh uh, I really like Eddie too." I grin back and she nods happily.
"He's so dreamy isn't he?! And-" She leans into my ear and I smile at the thought of having a friend throughout this. "I've heard he's a legend in bed. So many fans talk about it! Maybe we'll get lucky tonight!" She pulls back and shoves my shoulder playfully. I feel sick. I smile through my queasy stomach.
After a few more meaningless conversations the lights go down and I feel my stomach erupt into butterflies just like when I went to his other concerts. I feel like I am explode. Then the band comes out, Eddie last, and the crowd, mainly females, goes wild.
"I love you Eddie!"
"Let me have your babies!"
"Eddie! You're sexy!"
The shouts come from all around me. I feel like a fish out of water. When I had seen Eddie with Chrissy sure we danced and did our thing near our seats but this was crazy. Everyone was jumping and the music hadn't even begun yet. Then Eddie takes the mic. The girls around me fawn over his voice as he thanks everyone and begins to chat. He seems so carefree. So beautiful. Just like high school. So different. I smile softly as I stare up at him. His eyes rake the crowd until they land on me. We lock eyes and he smirks.
"He's totally looking at you!" The girls from earlier squeals grabbing my shoulder shaking me. Eddie winks at me before moving on. The rest of the night was filled with stolen glances on his part and openly staring on my part.
At some points there was lots of shoving and elbowing as people jumped around. One hit me so harshly I was sure it would leave a bruise but I didn't mind. The guy apologized and even bought me a drink to make up for it during intermission. And once I got over the weirdness of having her openly wanting to fuck my boyfriend, the girl and I got pretty close and friendly as well. Her name was Kay. Sweet girl. Still in high school.
After the show. Everyone was clearing out while I tried to remember how to get backstage. My eyes land on some security guards as I weave through a hall. I walk up to them and they glare me down.
"If you don't have a pass. You're not getting backstage." The one huffs. Obviously they must have been having lots of issues tonight. He seemed rather angry.
"Oh. I uh, I don't have a pass. I'm Indiana." I smile softly. "Indiana Henderson, Eddie's... friend?" I trail off not sure if I should say I'm his girlfriend or not? Was it a secret in public? I am truly unsure. The guards look at one another and then back at me before speaking up again.
"ID?" The other guard questions. I frown.
"I left my stuff backstage." My hand on the back of my neck I feel so embarrassed. This is awful. Of course they can't just let me backstage on my good word that I am in fact me.
"No ID. No entry." They both growl at the same time. Squinting as if they are waiting for me to give them a problem. I sigh.
"Yea, okay. Sorry. I should have grabbed it on my way out. Not your fault!" I smile brightly trying to calm the nerves in my stomach. "Uh. Could I just, stand here with you guys though? I don't really know where else to go." I do my best puppy dog eyes at the two men who share a nervous glance before obliging.
"So... then Steve actually almost beat Billy to like a pulp." I shake my head explaining my life to Georgie and John. We had been talking for about forty minutes now. They were actually quite nice when you got the know them. People were still trailing out slowly.
"Well good. This Billy kid sounds like a real asshole." George says.
"Oh he totally was. Not so much anymore. He got his act together after uh... a near death experience." I smile.
"What kind of-"
"OH MY GOD! IT'S EDDIE!" I sharp female voice shouts and I hear a rush begin. I look down the hall over George and John's shoulders to see Eddie rushing toward us. His eyes wide and face stricken with worry. I turn my attention away reluctantly and towards the advancing crowd of fans. Several other guards nearby rush over to help contain everyone.
"Indie!" I hear my name fall from his lips. I turn to face him and he's basically on top of John's back.
"Eddie. Back up please." John grunts trying to keep Eddie back, me caught somewhere in the middle. I smile at Eddie and his features relax a bit.
"Right. Right. I just need my girlfriend first." Eddie chuckles. Both John and George share a glance then turn to me.
"We apologize! We-"
"They were just doing their jobs." I smile brightly as Eddie grabs my hand. We slip past both men and Eddie pulls me into his chest. He kisses the top of my head. Suddenly the crowd erupts in a different kind of chatter and cheers. I turn to look at them. Some girls are crying and some are bright red. I feel Eddie's fingers nudge my chin as he lifts my gaze back to him.
"Did you enjoy the show?" He hums softly pushing hair from my face. I nod with a wide smile. "Good. Come on. We've got an afterparty to attend." He grins placing a quick kiss on my lips before starting to lead me down the hall.
─────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ──────
Here is the long awaited part five... My Rockstar will return.
taglist - @iwillbiteabitch @and-claudia @ruinedbythehobbit @luvmybbies @wannabeyousobad @llodinsonll @tlclick73 @i-love-ptv @mischiefmanagers @tvserie-s-world
Thank you for all the love and support it means a lot!!!
Peace and Love, Babes x
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libertys-lovers · 2 years
*stares at you with my Big ol' eyes* It is now YOUR TURN, TELL ME ABOUT YOUR BELOVEDS please!
How about.. [Basic Braining] for your new boi and [Hollis's Classroom] and [Cruller's Correspondance] for him and Sasha? 👀☆
*stares at you back with my yippee eyes*
IF YA SAY SO, BOSS!!! >:3 (thanks for the ask btw!!!)
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Basic Braining ~ I gotta describe Jack as if I was describing him to someone who doesn’t know his source.
yes… YES!!! I MUST introduce y’all!!!
So this is Jack, and he’s from a YouTube series called Spooky Month! In that top right gif I have, Jack is the man on the left!!! He’s a police deputy in a town that has all SORTS of wild shit happen. Like, right now he’s investigating a cult with his sheriff buddy (that’s John, the dude on the right). But like, Jack’s a real sweet and sometimes awkward fellow, who just happens to be the worst damn driver known to mankind (/hj). He takes his job seriously, but he’s still a newbie and it definitely shows. He’s real strict with people he deems as troublemakers, but he also does genuinely care for people’s well-being! He also has random bursts of feral violence!!! At least they were used to save the town… kinda-
Hollis’s Classroom ~ Outside of music, what do I associate Jack and Sasha with?
With Jack, I mainly associate him with the color blue (for reasons I’m sure you can understand from looking at his design). I’m also doomed to forever associate him with turtleneck sweaters and donuts, lmao. As for Sasha, I mainly associate him with dark greens and aliens! I kinda associate Milla with him too, just as I associate him with Milla! Those two were made for each other man, they’re so cute 🥺🥺🥺🥺.
Cruller’s Correspondence ~ How would I describe how Jack and Sasha speak? Do they talk to me any differently?
Well, I’d say Jack has this cute, gentle lil voice, though it gets firmer the more serious he gets. Sometimes it has a rasp to it, which just KILLS me 🥰🥰. I’d say he’s pretty polite, albeit straightforward when needed! Sasha, meanwhile, has a low-key deadpan voice; that’s the best way to describe it. He has this lovely lil accent and definitely speaks at a lower pitch. His voice is just pure silk to listen too~ He’s definitely straightforward and honest, but he’s still kind!
I wouldn’t say the way they talk changes that much around me! I feel like Jack’s voice stays at his higher register more often when he’s around me. He has this tendency to lightly scold people when they’re not taking care of themselves; that’s one of the times when his voice gets more firm. But if he notices me not… exactly taking great care of myself (mainly me not going to bed at proper times), he’ll still scold me a bit, but it’s definitely in a gentler tone than he’d give to people like John! I feel like Sasha’s voice emotes just a tad bit more around me, usually during his infodumps or our softer, intimate moments. But it doesn’t really change that much nor that often, and that’s perfectly okay! That’s okay for both of them, really! No need to change something when it’s already perfect, ya know?
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themarginalthinker · 3 months
For Jack: 23, 18, 13 58. For Kenzo: 56, 51, 43, 37. For Cole and Jay: 1, 19, 21, 32 :>
OKAY HERE WE GO PEOPLE all of these are ocs for oc projects! If you have any questions, please feel free to ask!
23. What do they feel guilty for, even if the other person doesn't remember: Jack as a character both feels a lot of guilt, and almost none at all, at times. I think Jack tries to justify his actions to himself, and will usually do the right thing, but when he messes up, moves on fairly quickly. There are times when he does feel guilty, and it's usually when the other person is doing something for him, but he's not reciprocating. (Such as telling truths, or revealing deep secrets.)
18. Who do they love, 100% unconditionally, if anyone: Kenzo :3 of course. Though, it certainly didn't start out that way. First it was just 'that weird friendly book nerd with the cute but annoying spirit cat, and then became...well, spoilers, but they ended up together, and let's hear it for ace attraction, baby! Jack will also kill for his friends. (pleas ask him to kill for his friends......)
13. When do they fake a smile, and how often: Usually when he absolutely must - Jack HATES playing politics and trying to play nice for people in positions of power. (I apologize for the alliteration). His fake smiles fail most charisma and bluff checks, to say the least. However, he's very good at hiding his real emotions, or at least obfuscating them enough to put people off the trail.
58. How many hobbies have they attempted? Is there a common theme: Ehhhhh Jack, despite being my slightly adhd baby, doesn't pick up hobbies that much in my mind? The most I can see him do is whittling/little carving projects when on long trips. He makes little sphere shaped animal trinkets for the funsies, and often just leaves them random places. He does like to tinker though, so I can see him, after the events of Quillguard, getting more invested in combining magic and mechanical creations. Jack seems to like small, intricate parts - he'd probably like puzzles or Rube Goldberg marble-track art pieces.
56: If they're scared, who do they want comfort from? Does the answer change depending on the type of fear:The first person he goes to isn't actually a person at all! It's Yuna, his little spirit cat! She's been with him since he was a young child, and has acted as his guardian, helper, and companion for well over a decade now. Yuna isn't just a friend, either, she's also capable of some serious offensive magic (though, to enact it, Kenzo must be pushed to the limit of his own abilities, and she's acting more like a flight/fight response.)
The next runner up would probably be Articulate the wyrm. As Kenzo's legal guardian, he knows that if he's got a big problem, he can always turn to the old dragon for advice, and Articulate will usually offer an amount of comfort where he can. Though, given his age, his own duties, and his lack of...human...ness, Articulate is sometimes a tad awkward, and is more like 'pat pat, there there, boy' with Kenzo.
The newest person this list is...Jack. :> Though, for Plot Reasons, Kenzo finds some things difficult to discuss fully with Jack.
51. What's a phrase they say a lot: I'm not actually sure lol. I don't think we've written enough of him to say with that specificity, (a crime!) however, I do think something he starts off his sentences with a LOT, is "You know..." bc just like Articulate, he's a little reader.
43. What do they commonly misinterpret because of their own upbringing/environment/biases? How do they respond when realizing the misunderstanding: Kenzo, despite his usual calm, serine nature, is actually a fairly anxious individual inside. It doesn't come out a whole lot thanks to his various coping skills and strategies, and also tendency to be one step ahead BECAUSE of that anxious nature, but sometimes, he encounters something or someone who will take him back to a very, very bad time in his life, and it spooks him. He will then avoid the person or situation, and sometimes this causes conflicts. There is also, despite Kenzo's general intellectual abilities and objectivity, a very small proclivity for being TOO objective. Or. At least thinking he is. Once he believes he's got an answer for something, he usually thinks it's the RIGHT answer for the thing, and it will take a very large shift in evidence or justification to change that.
He also has the tendency to completely remove himself from the situation if he learns he is, in fact, wrong about it. He won't engage with it anymore, choosing the total opposite of thinking he's completely right - simply not acknowledging the thing At All.
37. What's a secret they haven't told serious romantic partners and don't plan to tell: Wouldn't you and the rest of the cast love to know ;) But, one that's a little less plot-spoilery is that he knows a bit more about Briar's identity than he lets on.
Cole and Jay!
1.What is a lie they say most often: For Jay, it's literally "I'm fine." Jay is not fine. Jay is the opposite of fine. If 'fine' were the sun, Jay would be in the Oort Cloud. But he's sitting on it though. He can be Not Fine once they're out of this fucking mad-scientist test tube lab.
For Cole, it's "She'll never forgive me." Yes, this is still a lie. Because in reality, it's him who will never forgive himself.
19. What would they do if stuck in a room with the person they've been avoiding: Cole would attempt to just not speak, look-at, or interact with the person in any way, shape, or form. Mostly because he knows the moment they try to interact with him, it's over. They're Having a Conflict, because he can't not respond, which is WHY HE'S BEEN AVOIDING THEM.
Jay would try to keep interaction to a minimum, but also can't take the fucking silence, so he may actually try and resolve things, but is so fucking awkward about it. He'd keep testing the door handle just to see if it magically opens this time.
21. What common etiquette do they disagree with? Do they still follow it: Cole will not take his shoes off indoors, unless he's in his own room, or staying for longer than an hour. You can vacuum the carpet, his shoes aren't dirty, what's the fucking issue. He will be made to take them off if you hit him WITH a shoe first.
Jay stands too close to people in lines at stores and the like. He doesn't seem to know he's doing it.
32. If they committed one petty crime/misdemeanor, what would it be and why: You assume either of these boys have only ever committed one crime lmao. I suppose the LEAST of the Things they have Done, would be something quite small. Jay has stolen from the store before, though usually nothing very big. (Mostly because he knows he can get away with it, and even if he IS caught, the penalty would match the value of the item, and he's not willing to potentially pay more for something he didn't want to pay for at all.)
Cole has - done graffiti in the lab, stolen and snuck back to his cell everything from pipettes to whole pieces of equipment that cost more than a good car, stolen a car, ATTEMPTED to steal a car, attempted homicide (not a misdemeanor, but he didn't manage to do it, so it counts), faked his own identity multiple times, and changed the gender signs on the restrooms.
He does it because are YOU going to stop him?
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chocolatespyro · 8 months
uh bot interview and III 15 spoilers below keep reading don't kill me btw <:) (I talk a lot)
Watched the bot interview uh... a bit ago. Not terrible and there was a moment or two i liked
Also is AE watching my goddamn blog bc i brought up the fact that Bot was tired in the trailer and episode and they gave an explanation for it IHFDHJFJHIH.
Like it wasn't very serious of a point but I appreciate it at least. Also the thing abt Bot looking into writing horror based on their trauma thing is accurate imo
I like that we get to see Bot have more appreciation for Cabby esp after the stuff that happened in ep 14. I think having this interview happen before the episode would've helped the apology a tad and gave it much more emotional punch, but it's nice that Bot at least feels more sorry than we get to see in the episode. I feel like the episode itself suffered without it. Not saying it would've been perfect but it would've put it in a better light
The little message at the end was cute. Bot def isn't the perfect rep but it was cool to hear that at least.
Anyways, complaints are stuff that have already been said about Bot ofc and don't exclusively apply to the interview. But I still have other small stuff.
Maybe the fact that I would've liked to see more discontent from Bot towards the Nickel and Balloon stuff before the interview, maybe even some self-awareness of how ridiculous the conflict has gotten would've been really funny and relatable. Like Bot snapping for a second and asking them to shut the fuck up bcus they've been at it for like 3 hours straight LMAO
Also the. The jokes about Bow watching Family Guy. keep em coming please ii fandom it's funny lol.
I'm wondering if they're also technically referencing their own show here in a meta sorta way bcus Inanimate Insanity doesn't have the perfect track record of being respectful to groups of people in their representation. I was tempted to call this hypocritical but I find it kinda more ironic, maybe? Maybe I'm patting AE's back here too much idk.
I think it was way better than the last 2 interviews and it's nice to see Bot a little more fleshed out even if it's not perfect and I would've preferred they did this more in the actual show.
Maybe I'm a tad biased bcus Bot would def be a fav for me bcus I really dig the idea of someone being brought back in a fucked up way like that, but meh.
Also since it's been a bit and I've calmed down a while ago since it happened, I still think the Bot apology by itself is still really "whatever" and still has most of the flaws I talked about that one time, but I'm not really that upset abt it anymore and I still consider it a step forward, at least. A very weak step forward, but sure. Still waiting for that TT apology tho.
I think it'd help if I didn't come in with any major expectations and didn't look at ii neg immediately lmao.
Don't get it twisted though, I'm not saying this show is perfect or that even the interview was perfect, or that people shouldn't be angry at certain actions taken in the episodes. AE's still got a long way to go to win back the favor of a lotta fans, if they can win them back at all at this point.
Ofc I'm mostly in it for Cabby but I'm interested in the direction the show goes as well, good or bad.
yeah uh if you're reading this still for some reason I hope you have a good day okay!! People care about you.
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annab-nana · 3 years
All A Game - JJ Maybank
You were a kook dating the hottest pogue so you should have guessed something was up, but you never would have thought that your relationship with JJ was a joke.
Requested by @rochyu 💙
A/N: just to clarify, this is based on a scene from the movie “after”, so if it seems familiar, that is why
Warnings: some curse words; angst
Word Count: 2.0k+
Laughter sounded throughout the closed restaurant as you, JJ, and all of his friends—who you too have become quite close within the span of your relationship—were hanging out with cold fries and watered-down drinks before you on the table. These moments were the ones you held close to your heart. They just felt so warm, something you never ever felt with your friends at the kook academy. Your only kook friends that you ever felt a genuine connection with were Rafe and Kelce, but they always tried to come to your rescue even when not necessary which while endearing was a tad annoying. They probably hated you now that you were fraternizing with the enemy so to speak.
The pogues made you feel so at home in a place that despised you and you had actual fun with them. Between surfing, fishing, little adventures, and late nights like tonight at The Wreck, you grew close to them, called them true friends but boy, were you wrong.
There you sat, a wide radiant smile on your face. JJ’s arm was slung around your shoulders as he cracked more jokes. Pope was on your other side, his dorky grin put on display. Kiara and John B sat on the opposite, giggles flying from their lips alongside quick remarks to add to the banter. Another warm moment that would be your last. Your last moment in their presence and you would miss it. You would be savoring it now if only you knew.
“I gotta wring it out. Be right back,” JJ announced before pressing his lips to your temple—the last kiss from him you would receive—and standing up to leave.
“Ew,” you scolded while wiping the kiss off that you’d wish later on you could do with every part of you he and those damn heavenly lips had touched, “don’t kiss me after talking about that.”
“C’mon princess, don’t do that,” he pouted at you as he blew you a kiss and disappeared into the men’s restroom.
“You two are gross,” John B commented, his facial expression showing his disgust for the interaction he had witnessed.
“Like you don’t mack on Sarah every fucking chance you get,” you quipped, earning some laughs from Pope and Kie. “Anyway, I’m in love with him so say all you want. I don’t care.”
As soon as the words left you, the air was thick around you as the tension grew. You felt Pope stiffen next to you and watched as John B and Kie showed similar blank expressions.
“Is… everything alright?” you questioned with a nervous chuckle. Kiara’s eyes flitted to Pope’s for a second whose eyes widened at what she was insinuating before they jumped to John B’s. “What’s going on?”
“I-“ she sighed while she unlocked her phone, “y/n, there’s something you should know about JJ.”
“O-okay,” you stuttered out in a small voice, worry filling your veins only to heighten when you heard his voice.
“Woah, who killed the mood?” the blond joked, trying to lift the spirits of the group but based on your worried expression, Kie’s eyes never meeting his, and Pope and John B shaking their heads, he realized something serious was going on. “What happened?”
Kiara finally revealed what she was looking for on her phone. It was turned sideways so you all could see the video better and front and center was JJ Maybank. She had not played it yet, but you could tell by his surroundings that it was from the night you met him. It was at that party where Sarah drunkenly introduced you to John B. The other pogues were there too but you had no knowledge of them at the time. That’s when you saw him, blond hair a mess but still cute and bright blue eyes that you found captivating. He saw you too and introduced himself before trying to make a move on you. You, of course, rejected him because he was known everywhere for his infamous one-night stands, and you weren’t here for that. You desired something more that at the time, you didn’t think he could provide. He then went back to his friends, the ones you sat around today.
“Kie,” John B warned as she shot a sharp glare at JJ and played the video. You saw yourself in the video looking up at JJ. It was the exact moment you had met him, and Kiara had filmed it.
“Aw, it looks like JJ Maybank just got his first rejection,” Kie spoke from behind the camera while JJ turned around with an amused smile on his face. John B was laughing behind the phone as well, probably heavily intoxicated on alcohol and Sarah.
“You don’t think I can make it happen?” JJ teased, blue eyes going to each of his friends who stood behind Kiara while he quirked a brow teasingly.
“Make what happen, JJ?” Kie asked before she hiccupped. She’d had a few prior to this as well.
“Make her fall in love with me and then,” he paused then snapped his fingers, “turn it off.”
At that, you felt the tears well in your eyes, but they were also glued to the screen in front of you. You saw the smile he wore after he spoke such a damaging statement and it cut you deep inside. As for everyone else, they were watching you. The video stopped mere seconds after he said those painful words and your eyes lifted from the phone to its owner.
“It was all a game,” Kie’s voice spoke to you while wearing a pitiful expression on the face you thought was of a friend, but she didn’t feel like on right now. None of them did. Though she repeated what you already knew, thanks to the video, you could not believe it. Your focus faltered to the table as you tried to calm the thoughts running through your mind. Every moment you shared with him was nothing. It was all meaningless. It was all a lie. He never cared about you and slowly, that was tearing you up inside.
“Y/n?” JJ’s concerned voice entered your ears. How in any way did he have the right to be concerned for you? This was his mess after all. He did this. You didn’t look up from the table. “Y/n,” he tried again, this time reaching for your hand, but you shrugged it off. “Y/n, please, you have to believe me,” he said while you tried your hardest not to look at him, keeping your gaze trained on the table. He leaned in to be a little closer to you.
“Y/n, that was before everything, before I got to know you,” he desperately tried to get you to understand his side of things. Instead of turning to him, you turned to Pope. His big brown eyes scanned your face, seeing how you were breaking, and he hated it for you. His face showed sympathy, but he was in the wrong too, just not as bad as JJ.
“Is that true?” Your voice broke at the last word, and you despised yourself for it. You could see the little line of tears blurring your vision at the bottom, but not one had dared to fall. Pope looked down for a moment. He did not want to be the one to tell you, but his silence answered your question. Your eyes found John B and Kie next. “And all of you knew?” Back to the table your stare went when no one spoke.
“Y/n,” JJ’s shaking voice sounded on your left. Finally giving up, you let your eyes meet his. What a bad idea that was? Once you caught sight of the beautiful blues, it felt like you were drowning. It was like the water was clogging your ears because you saw his lips moving. You knew he was talking, but no sound was coming to you. Through your blurring vision, you saw that he was fighting off tears too, but what did he have to cry about? He broke yourheart, absolutely wrecked it, and here he was with tears in his eyes. Why couldn’t he just turn it off like he said he could? God, you hated him so much right now. Through the deafening silence, you scrambled to stand as JJ did the same with you.
“Y/n, wait,” you thought he said. That’s what it looked like he said, but you would not know. And you wouldn’t be there to find out either as you took off running for the exit. Once outside, the rain could be heard but also so could JJ.
“Y/n, wait,” he tried again but you kept walking. “Y/n!”
“None of it was real,” you paused to breathe as you faced him, “I actually thought… I thought that-” Your words were cut off by that feeling of your chest tightening as the emotions swirled inside you. That gummy feeling rose to your throat and blocked you from speaking for a moment and JJ noticed this. He knew you now. He knew how you looked when the world was crumbling all around you and that’s how you looked right now. He hated that he was the one who had caused this. “You’re just a liar.”
“That was all before,” he tried to fight, tried to get you to fucking understand but it was too hard. It would never make sense to you and how could it?
“Before what?” you inquired. You were emotionally drained and honestly so done with this situation that you knew you should have seen coming. Love can blind you sometimes though.
“You snapped your fingers and turned it off?” you asked after cutting him off. Guilt was written all over his face and you watched as he thought about what to say next.
“You said nothing could change the way you felt about me.” Yes, JJ, but that was before I knew you were playing some game with me! That’s what you wanted to scream at him. God, you wanted to scream at him, but you didn’t have it in you at the moment.
“Then, I guess we’re both liars,” you stated, plain and simple. You watched as his head hung low and you decided you were done with this, turning to leave. Nothing seemed to be on your side tonight because you had come with everyone in John B’s van after he picked you up so now you had to walk home in the rain. Luckily, The Wreck was between your land and theirs so it wouldn’t be a long trek and the rain masked your tears so to onlookers, you were just walking alone in the rain. Not as sad as you would seem if they had known what was really happening but still pretty pathetic. Your feet took you into the land of the kooks and surprisingly to Tannyhill where Rafe sat outside in his truck.
“What were you doing alone in the rain? Shouldn’t you be with those demons?” Rafe teased, attempting to get you to smile but failing miserably.
“Don’t talk about them,” you barked before letting out your next word a lot more silently and vulnerably, “please.”
“Are you okay?” Anytime someone asks that when you are trying to fight back tears, it always breaks the dam.
“No,” you muttered, but he was quick to pull you into his arms to comfort your sobbing state.
“I’m so sorry, y/n.” You laughed after that. It was funny hearing him apologize on a pogue’s behalf. “What’s so funny?” he asked, a little laughter in his tone as well.
“Nothing, just you’re not telling me ‘I told you so’ or whatever,” you told him honestly, but he was just glad to see you smiling again.
“Wanna go inside? I imagine you’re cold.” You nodded in response as Rafe turned off the vehicle and reached for the door to leave, but you grabbed his arm to stop him.
“I- uh, sorry. I just wanted to say thank you,” you muttered before he shot you a smile and hugged you again, his lips finding the top of your head in a friendly manner.
“Anytime, y/n.”
tag list: @tovvaa @killingbxys @moniamaybank @makebank @saharamae21 @x-lulu @taylathornton @mxltifandoms06 @dpaccione @bibliophilewednesday @rudybarnes @dpaccione @marjorie189 @vintageobx @cognacdelights @saraxthompson @astronomical-parker @ilovejjmaybank @drewstarkeysbitchh @maybanksslut (strike through means I couldn’t tag you)
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