#Cyrano De Bergerac
undercovercannibal · 2 months
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asraeas · 2 months
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Cyrano and Christian + physical touch "Is there a version of life where two men can live as one person?" National Theatre Live: Cyrano de Bergerac (2020)
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gringolet · 1 year
rating whether polyamory would solve famous love triangle plots
Arthur/Guinevere/Lancelot (Arthuriana): no because Mordred and Agravaine would not be let in on the mutual consent and would still try to catch Guinevere cheating
Tristan/Iseult/Mark (Tristania): absolutely not because Mark is Tristan’s uncle
Tristan/Iseult/Palomides (Tristania): absolutely yes because between Palomides and Iseult all of Tristan’s most unhelpful impulses would be balanced out
Peeta/Katniss/Gale (Hunger Games): polyamory alone cannot defeat an authoritarian dystopia
Cyrano/Roxanne/Christian (Cyrano de Bergerac): solves every problem in the first 3 acts, solves no problems in the 4th
Wesley/Buttercup/Humperdink (The Princess Bride): while Wesley would be happy living as buttercups side piece, the problem is no amount of mutual consent will fulfill prince humperdinks emotional need to be at war. so no
Orsino/Viola/Olivia (Twelfth Night): most of it yes as long as Sebastian fucks that pirate
Heathcliff/Catherine/Edgar (Wuthering Heights): Technically yes but they all have so many emotional issues that new problems would immediately arise and Catherine would still die of being stressed out by the whole thing
Mark Antony/Cleopatra/Caesar (Antony and Cleopatra): well vibes-wise they were probably all fucking in real life and clearly polyamory alone did not save the Roman Republic
Menelaos/Helen/Paris (The Iliad etc): polyamory alone CAN stop the Trojan war as long as the Greeks know Menelaos tops
Florence/The Russian/Svetlana (Chess): polyamory alone cannot stop the Cold War
The Dutchman/Sente/Erik (The Flying Dutchman): solves every interpersonal problem but would actively damn the Dutchman to wander the seas forever
Mathilde/Julien/Mme de Renal (The Red and the Black): a rare case where polyamory would make everything WORSE! Fucking two people at the same time would make poor asexual Julien even more miserable and more people would die. Mme de Renal’s guilt would be even more destructive. Mathilde would suicide bait everyone else involved.
Raoul/Christine/Erik (Phantom of the Opera): probably not but i want to say yes because its such a funny concept
Jacques/Severine/Roubaud (La Bête Humaine): no! Jacques would just sexually commit TWO murders
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sezginer35 · 1 month
Iyi Akşamlar olsun..
Her sene bir defa paylaşmadan yapamıyorum...
"Cyrano de Bergerac", Edmond Rostand tarafından yazılan ünlü bir tiyatro oyunudur. Oyun, 17. yüzyıl Fransa'sında geçer ve baş karakteri, geniş burunlu ve mütevazı bir şair olan Cyrano de Bergerac'dır. Cyrano, kendine güvenen ve esprili biridir, ancak burun boyutu nedeniyle dış görünüşünden dolayı kendisini çirkin olarak algılar.
Hikaye, Cyrano'nun güzel ve zeki bir kadın olan Roxane'e olan aşkını ifade etme çabalarını ve bu süreçte yaşadığı zorlukları anlatır. Roxane, Cyrano'nun duygularından habersizdir ve Cyrano'nun yakın arkadaşı Christian'a aşık olmuştur. Ancak Christian, duygularını ifade etme konusunda beceriksizdir.
Cyrano, Roxane'e olan aşkını dile getirmek için Christian'a yardım eder ve onun yerine aşk mektupları yazar. Ancak, bu durum zamanla karmaşık hale gelir ve trajik sonuçlar doğurur. Oyun, aşk, gurur, onur ve sadakat gibi temaları işlerken, aynı zamanda mizahi ve romantik unsurları da içerir.
Eksik olsun..
Ne yapmak gerek peki?
Sağlam bir arka mı bulmalıyım?
Onu mu bellemeliyim?
Bir ağaç gövdesine dolanan sarmaşık gibi
Önünde eğilerek efendimiz sanmak mı?
Bilek gücü yerine dolanla tırmanmak mı?
Herkesin yaptığı şeyleri mi yapmalıyım Le Bret?
Sonradan görmelere övgüler mi yazmalıyım?
Bir bakanın yüzünü güldürmek için biraz şaklabanlık edip,
Taklalar mı atmalıyım?
İstemem! Eksik olsun!
Her sabah kahvaltıda kurbağa mı yemeli?
Sabah akşam dolaşıp pabuç mu eskitmeli?
Onun bunun önünde hep boyun mu eğmeli?
İstemem! Eksik olsun böyle bir şöhret!
Eksik olsun!
Ciğeri beş para etmezlere mi “yetenekli” demeli?
Eleştiriden mi çekinmeli?
“Adım Mercuré dergisinde geçse” diye mi sayıklamalı?
İstemem! Eksik olsun!
Korkmak, tükenmek, bitmek…
Şiir yazacak yerde eşe dosta gitmek.
Dilekçeler yazarak içini ortaya dökmek?
İstemem! Eksik olsun!
İstemem! Eksik olsun!
Ama şarkı söylemek, düşlemek, gülmek, yürümek…
Tek başına.
Özgür olmak.
Dünyaya kendi gözlerinle bakmak.
Sesini çınlatmak, aklına esince şapkanı yan yatırmak.
Bir hiç uğruna kılıcına ya da kalemine sarılmak.
Ne ün peşinde olmak, para pul düşünmek,
İsteyince Ay’a bile gidebilmek.
Başarıyı alnının teriyle elde edebilmek.
Demek istediğim asalak bir sarmaşık olma sakın.
Varsın boyun olmasın bir söğütünki kadar.
Yaprakların bulutlara erişmezse bir zararın mı var?
Cyrano De Bergerac
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cyranoaimaitleshommes · 2 months
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Le triangle.
Kickstarter du projet ici !
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cobragardens · 9 months
HOLY SHIT Y'ALL Megamind is literally a retelling of Cyrano de Bergerac. It is so obvious. I am so stupid. I can't believe I didn't notice this until now. I even thought about a week ago that it was a cute touch they had named the female lead Roxanne! 😫
But yeah so there's this guy who's crazy smart and bold and stylish and good at flair and Presentation! but he lacks the confidence to court the girl of his dreams, whose name is Roxan(n)e, because she's made it known that she's with his rival. Also he has a disproportionately large facial feature!
Instead of fessing up he disguises his appearance so he can woo Roxan(n)e with his voice and words and intellect, pretending to be a new suitor. He doesn't confess his deception until Roxan(n)e figures it out herself and confronts him, and he dies at the end of the story in one final, tragic display of daring and panache.
And then someone looked at that and asked the obvious question "Yes but what if he was also an alien mad scientist supervillain with a minion who's a fish in a mechanical gorilla suit?"
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historical-beauty-lily · 11 months
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Cyrano (2021) dir. Joe Wright
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Vincent Price - Rosemary Clooney Show (1959)
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firenati0n · 6 months
wip wednesday :) <3
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hello hello :) thank you for the tags @kiwiana-writes and @orchidscript <3 ate your snippets UP!
here's a wee bit of something new i am affectionately calling "queerano de bergerac" aka a Cyrano AU aka henry is paid to write love letters to alex on behalf of a girl and you can only guess what happens next <3 this is so silly and i kind of adore it. I shared the snippet that comes right before this linked here.
“But somehow you know you are in love with him? I’m not judging you,” He absolutely is. “I’m just trying to understand.” “I guess…I can’t stop looking at his curls in class. They’re so glossy and bouncy. He keeps gatekeeping his curly hair routine and I’m so mad at him for it! And I love to hear what he has to say whenever he raises his hand. He always has great things to add. I think of him when I wake up and when I go to bed and—” “I’m not sure if all of this constitutes being in love, though.” Henry rubs harder at his temple. The headache is slowly but surely making its way to his left side, and he’s getting irritated. “No, it’s definitely love. I think about him all the time! It’s definitely more than a crush. I’ve had crushes before and they’ve all stopped because the guys are so dumb. But Alex…Alex is so different.” Amber has a dreamy expression on her face. Henry doesn’t want to discourage her, not when she’s willing to pay him for something he could do in his sleep. So, he continues.  Henry grabs a pen from his backpack, uncapping the lid with his teeth. “Okay. Okay. There’s some stuff we can work with here…how you want to see only him, how you think he’s interesting and popular…that you think he’s smart and cool…we’ll just have to tweak it a little.” He’s crossing out parts of the letter in red and adding in a few words here and there. He can salvage this. Amber is quiet, which Henry knows is deeply concerning. “Have you ever been in love, Henry?”
sorry if i missed any posts already due to timezone and dashboard fuckery! but no pressure tagging @ninzied @inexplicablymine @anincompletelist @myheartalivewrites @suseagull04 @priincebutt @sparklepocalypse @kiwiana-writes @onward--upward @nocoastposts @user-anakin @wordsofhoneydew @littlemisskittentoes @happiness-of-the-pursuit @matherines @lizzie-bennetdarcy @celeritas2997 @sherryvalli @gayrootvegetable @ssmtskw @affectionatelyrs @tinyarmedtrex @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @14carrotghoul @orchidscript @rmd-writes @dustratcentral @eusuntgratie @magicandarchery @leaves-of-laurelin @songliili @cricketnationrise @msmarvelouswinchester @leojfitz @whimsymanaged and open tag for anyone else wishing to share (pls tag me so i can see and read and eat it up!) have fun :)
xoxo roops
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It always surprises me that there are no first in which Erik berates Cyrano de Bergerac for "whining about his nose. Atleast he HAS a nose!!"
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ninadove · 1 month
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— Cyrano de Bergerac by Edmond Rostand (Acte II, scène 8) [FR] [ENG]
Part 1 🐈‍⬛
Part 2 🐉
Part 3 ⬆️
Alt text below the cut!
FRENCH: Et que faudrait-il faire ?
ENGLISH: What would you have me do?
SCREENSHOT: Felix confronting Adrien about his inability to defy his father [S4 E23: Risk]
FRENCH: Chercher un protecteur puissant, prendre un patron, // Et comme un lierre obscur qui circonvient un tronc // Et s’en fait un tuteur en lui léchant l’écorce, // Grimper par ruse au lieu de s’élever par force ?
ENGLISH: Find a powerful protector: and choose a patron, // like the dark ivy that creeps round a tree-trunk, // and gains its support by licking at its length, // to climb by a ruse instead of rise by strength?
SCREENSHOTS: Gabriel handing Colt the Peacock Miraculous + Colt, transformed, holding Felix’s amok [S5 E24: Representation]
FRENCH: Non, merci.
ENGLISH: No, thank you.
SCREENSHOT: Felix wearing his amok for the first time [S5 E24: Representation]
FRENCH: Dédier, comme tous ils le font, // Des vers aux financiers ? Se changer en bouffon // Dans l’espoir vil de voir, aux lèvres d’un ministre, // Naître un sourire, enfin, qui ne soit pas sinistre ?
ENGLISH: Dedicate, as others do // my poetry to bankers? Become a buffoon // in the base hope of seeing a less than sinister // smile quiver on the lips of some minister?
SCREENSHOTS: Kagami abandoning her foil after her defeat against Adrien [S2 E6: Riposte] + Matagi Gozen shooting arrows at Kagami [S5 E19: Pretension]
FRENCH: Non, merci!
ENGLISH: No, thank you!
SCREENSHOT: Argos destroying his fan to protect Kagami from Tomoe [S5 E19: Pretension]
FRENCH: Calculer, avoir peur, être blême, // Préférer faire une visite qu’un poème, // Rédiger des placets, se faire présenter ?
ENGLISH: Calculate, show fear, grow pallid, // prefer to make a visit than a ballad? // Get myself presented, write petitions to the king?
SCREENSHOTS: Gabriel hugging Adrien as part of a ploy to akumatise him [S5 E10: Transmission] + Antichat and Nightormentor [S5 E24: Representation]
FRENCH: Non, merci! // Non, merci! // Non, merci!
ENGLISH: No, thank you! // No, thank you! // No, thank you!
SCREENSHOTS: Felix resisting akumatisation [S4 E9: Gabriel Agreste] + Flairmidable fetching Ladybug’s yoyo [S4 E24: Strikeback] + Felix clutching the Peacock Miraculous [S4 E24: Strikeback]
FRENCH: Mais… chanter, // Rêver, rire, passer, être seul, être libre,
ENGLISH: But...to sing, // to dream, to smile, to walk, to be alone, be free,
SCREENSHOTS: Paris empty under the light of the Red Moon [S5 E18: Emotion]
FRENCH: Avoir l’œil qui regarde bien, la voix qui vibre,
ENGLISH: With a voice that stirs, and an eye that still can see!
SCREENSHOTS: Felix confessing to Kagami in the sewers [S5 E19: Pretension] + Felix reassuring Duusu they will get their happy ending [S5 E24: Representation]
FRENCH: Mettre, quand il vous plaît, son feutre de travers, // Pour un oui, pour un non, se battre, – ou faire un vers !
ENGLISH: To cock your hat on one side, when you please // at a yes, a no, to fight, or – make poetry!
SCREENSHOT: Felix (disguised as Adrien) smirking as he prepares to beat up the Punishers [S3 E23: Felix]
FRENCH: Travailler sans souci de gloire ou de fortune, // À tel voyage, auquel on pense, dans la lune !
ENGLISH: To work without a thought of fame or fortune, // on that journey, that you dream of, to the moon!
SCREENSHOTS: Argos explaining his wish + preparing to snap Red Moon [S5 E18: Emotion]
FRENCH: N’écrire jamais rien qui de soi ne sortît, // Et modeste d’ailleurs, se dire : mon petit, // Sois satisfait des fleurs, des fruits, même des feuilles, // Si c’est dans ton jardin à toi que tu les cueilles !
ENGLISH: Never to write a line that’s not your own, // and, humble too, say to oneself: My son, // be satisfied with flowers, fruit, even leaves, // if they’re from your own garden, your own trees!
SCREENSHOTS: Felix playing with his plush rabbit [S5 E24: Representation] + Kagami sketching Felix by the pool [S5 E 26: Recreation], both times in a garden
FRENCH: Puis, s’il advient d’un peu triompher, par hasard, // Ne pas être obligé d’en rien rendre à César,
ENGLISH: And then should chance a little glory bring, // don’t feel you need to render Caesar a thing,
SCREENSHOTS: Adrien lying to Kagami about losing his bracelet, which she holds behind her back [S4 E2: Lies]
FRENCH: Vis-à-vis de soi-même en garder le mérite,
ENGLISH: But keep the merit to yourself, entirely
SCREENSHOTS: Argos drawing a heart on Kagami’s window, causing her to giggle + Argami kissing as the sun rises [S5 E24: Representation]
FRENCH: Bref, dédaignant d’être le lierre parasite, // Lors même qu’on n’est pas le chêne ou le tilleul,
ENGLISH: In short, don’t deign to be the parasitic ivy, // even though you’re not the oak tree or the elm,
SCREENSHOTS: Argos joining the heroes’ team [S5 E26: Recreation]
FRENCH: Ne pas monter bien haut, peut-être, mais tout seul !
ENGLISH: Rise not so high, maybe, but be there all alone!
SCREENSHOT: Felix standing to a much bigger Gabriel, surrounded by amoks and akumas [S5 E24: Representation]
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reallyhardy · 1 year
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matatapos din itong ating laban
magwawakas din itong sinimulan
uuwi rin tayo sa ating mga minamahal
na naghihintay nang kay tagal
mula sa buwan: an original filipino musical retelling of cyrano de bergerac set in 1940s manila.
livestreaming with english subtitles march 24th-26th, tickets available at mulasabuwan.com/tickets ✨
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theimpossiblescheme · 2 months
Never off my bullshit about these characters... please know that I am constantly thinking about Le Bret's absence from the last act of the 1950 Cyrano movie. How Carnovsky's Le Bret was such a secure anchor for Ferrer's Cyrano (how Cyrano always managed to find him in a crowd full of strangers and how Le Bret ran to find him even with an army of cutthroats on his heels), how the last time we saw them together Cyrano had saved Le Bret's life at Arras... and how Le Bret only reappears when Cyrano is about to die, with Ragueneau taking over his role as confidante. I am constantly thinking about what could have kept them from each other's side, when they had been so inseparable before. I am thinking about ways the director and actors must have justified it and wondering about how they could have broken my heart more than the original play already did...
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lestatslestits · 11 months
If I had gone to the theatre in 1897 and experienced Cyrano de Bergerac for the first time with no warning, I would have been diagnosed with female hysteria on the spot because of the way I was acting
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CYRANO, as CHRISTIAN: I can gladly die knowing that it is
my words that make you tremble in the blue
shadow of the tree. For it is true,
you do tremble. You do.
ROXANE: Yes, I do
tremble, and I weep, and I am yours.
I love — you have made me.
CYRANO: Ah! To die!
Death is all I need now after this
summit gained. I ask one thing—
this one goes out to my melodramatic OT3 truthers
why did they replace the jasmine vine Cyrano kisses with him squeezing Roxane's actual hand. AND. AND. have Christian embrace him at the same moment. as Roxane tells Christian/Cyrano "I am yours. I love — you have made me." Kevin Kline's little moan. hi for the love of god hello is this thing on. when I catch you David Leveaux. David Leveaux when I catch you
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smallblueandloud · 1 year
i've been thinking a lot about cyrano de bergerac adaptations recently
because, okay, a lot of times your weak point is gonna be the central conceit -- the letter writing. what kind of situation do you need for your cristian to agree (to ASK) a guy he barely knows to spearhead his courtship?
i'm not nearly enough of a scholar for this, but i've read that the original play existed in an intellectual era that meant it was actually plausible that roxane would reject cristian if he wasn't well-spoken enough. but that's really hard to transfer to the modern era! especially because you want your audience to be FOND of roxane, instead of kind of. side-eyeing her as a snob.
roxane (1987) gets past this by... well, first off, being the kind of nerdy movie that snobs enjoy, but secondly by making christian awkward around women -- SO awkward that he freezes up around them, which also very neatly explains the letters thing.
because that's the other problem! why have letters when you can have text messages or even dates?
the letters have to come from the inability to woo in-person -- the issue is that modern AUs don't have the built-in reason that a courtly-love story does. i haven't seen the half of it, but i know it's set in a high school, and damn what a good way to work in the letters thing. Talk About A Context Where You Don't Control Who You Spend Time With !
back to cristian and cyrano. the main choice to make, with regards to the letter-writing conceit, is who brings up the idea. in the play, it's cyrano -- hearing cristian's dilemma, he recognizes it as an inverse to his own. it's a very crafty (and self-serving tbh) choice, and it leaves room for cristian to doubt the arrangement and even try to take control pre: balcony scene.
iirc roxane (1987) has christian suggest the scheme -- implying that he doesn't care HOW roxanne falls in love with him, just that she does. (this is either naive or purely an attempt to have sex with her, depending on how you read the movie.) i've never been a fan of this choice. i think a big part of the appeal of cyrano are his flaws, including him butting his nose (ha) into something that he really shouldn't be involving himself in. on the other hand, roxane DID ask for his help... he's a layered guy in terms of morality, okay.
anyway, i guess it depends on how you want to characterize both your cristian and cyrano. how does your cyrano's arrogance manifest? how much agency do you want to give your cristian -- and, again, what kind of guy lets a rando take command of his own budding relationship?
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