darkovstein · 2 years
my spn era is tryna come back from its grave because of a random guy reminded me of casifer and I'm this close to flipping this damn place upside down.
I'm not gonna participate in the supernatural fandom of Tumblr just because (nothing wrong btw, I just don't want to), but if I'm gone for like days, then there's a chance I'm thinkin about sammy boy & castiel (sorry dean but that genital herpes guy & the bitch who's in love with dean is too tempting to not stan)
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miss-madness67 · 1 year
Daddy to the Rescue (Dean)
Prompt: Having a newborn is hard.
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A loud whine wakes you from your slumber. You ignore it at first, after all, it’s Dean’s turn to go. Nevertheless, after a few seconds, the crying continues and your bed’s companion doesn’t arise. It’s amazing how your husband can sleep through your baby’s cries, but wakes at the first sign of danger.
“Dean,” you mumble in your sleep. He doesn’t move. The newborn babe has been restless for the pasts weeks, no wonder he’s so tired. You nudge him, “Deeean.”
Finally, he shifts. “I got him -I got him.” He stands and leaves the room with a sleepy walk.
You go back to your pillow, ready to doze again. A minute passes, you adjust. Another minute. Great, now you can’t go back to sleep. Giving up, you decide to go to the kitchen to get a glass of water.
This routine has been going on since you gave birth. It’s been hard having a kid as a hunter. Even more so because it’s your first time. When you realized you were pregnant, you were scared about Dean’s reaction. Sure, you were married, but kids were another thing entirely. It turned out there was nothing to worry about. He loved the baby even before he was born.
After drinking some water, you go back to your room. On your way there, you cross the nursery’s threshold. You decide to take a peek. Your heart melts to the sight of your husband holding your son in a loving embrace. Dean is glancing down at him and murmuring softly. The baby in his arms has gone back to sleep with a peaceful visage. You walk forward. Dean smiles at you sweetly. The sleep still lingers in his eyes, but he doesn’t hesitate to kiss you once you’re within reach.
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cringemesstickles · 11 months
Tiny Tickles
(TickleTober Day 31: Aftercare, the TickleTober Finale)
Summary: Sam wants more tickles, but Dean thinks he needs to breathe (weechesters)
Pairing: none
Word Count: 300
A/N: Well friends, it’s been a pleasure. Tickletober went by so fast and I can’t believe it’s over 😭
I had lots of fun participating this year and I hope y’all had fun as well! Till next year~ 🧡🧡
Happy Halloween!!! 🧡🎃🧡
“Sammy, are you sure you want more?” Asked Dean, pausing his tickle attack on Sam to look at his flushed face. Sam nodded frantically, panting and giggling, brown curls bouncing with him.
“Mo, Dehehehee!”
Despite Sam’s pleas to keep going, his laughter was beginning to go silent and wheezy, and Dean could tell that it was time to call it quits. He slowed his fingers to a light spidery motion before stopping completely, sitting up and crossing his legs so that he could pull the giggling little boy into his lap.
“Deeean, mo tickles!!” Whined Sam, looking at his big brother with pleading eyes.
Dean chuckled.
“Later, Sammy. You need to breathe for awhile, alright?”
Sam pouted but seemed to accept it.
“Okay… pwomise tickles later?” He looked at the older boy with his signature puppy dog eyes, causing him to smile with endearment.
“Promise. Now how about you take a little nap? You can barely keep your eyes open.”
The toddler let out a big yawn, proving his brother’s point.
“Okay, De… love you.” With those words, he snuggled up to his big brother, gently holding the fabric of his sweater in his tiny hands, taking comfort in listening to the boy’s heartbeat.
Dean felt his chest tighten at the innocent words and he pressed a kiss to the soft curls of his baby brother.
“Love you too, Sammy...”
Once he had the kid situated, he started to brush his fingers through the soft brown hair, twirling a strand between his finger every now and then.
“What’s with the giggling?” Dean asked with a chuckle when the silence was interrupted.
“Tummy still tickly…” Tittered Sam.
The older boy shook his head fondly before sneaking a hand under his brother’s shirt, rubbing away the leftover tickles.
“Mhm.. hehe”
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normaltothemax · 4 months
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Hug My Muse 🫂 (jason m&m that lil shit)
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“—Fuck’s sake. Deeean…” No, he wasn’t whining. Jason didn’t whine. But he was protesting this hug. Mostly. He squirmed in Dean’s hold, shoving half-heartedly at him to try and get him off, huffing and scowling at the older man. “Get off’a me, you doofus.” There seemingly wasn’t even a reason behind it. Dean had just seen him and hugged him. It was ridiculous. That had been happening more and more after he’d come back the second time. Like Dean was sometimes afraid he wasn’t real and had to confirm it, or just got so relieved all over again upon seeing him. Maybe that was why Jason didn’t try so hard to break his hold; he knew Dean needed it. He really didn’t mind, anyways.
@therebetterbepie (x)
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salchat · 1 year
Street angel - chapter 4
"Mmf. Wha? Deeean."
"You need to eat, Cas. Come on. Up an' at 'em."
The angel glared at him. And Dean had to try hard not to laugh. His hair was sticking up like a fluffy black birds' nest, and although the scrape on his cheek and the shadows under his eyes weren't funny, the sulky, pouty mouth and bristling, lowered eyebrows definitely were.
“I know. I’m a big, bad meanie.” He stifled a yawn. “But you need to eat.”
The blue eyes narrowed. Cas cleared his throat and whispered, “So do you.”
“I’m gonna eat.” Dean waved toward the nightstand. “See - two bowls.” His rubbed eyes full of grit, and the weight of the last few days’ frantic search for his lost angel dragged at his shoulders.
Cas’s intense gaze flickered toward the food, then he looked at Dean and said. “Get in.”
“Bed. Get in.”
“Uh.” Dean rubbed the back of his neck. “Yeah, I figured I’d take the couch.”
“There’s room for two.”
Dean laughed, nervously. The hotel specialised in rooms with just one king size bed, charging by the hour - it was that kind of area. And he’d been trying to ignore the noises from the rooms either side, but it sounded like they were being used as intended.
“Get in, Dean.”
Cas didn’t need any blue fire in his eyes. And although Dean had defied that glare before, he was tired. And the bed did look a lot more comfortable than the couch.
“Okay - no need to go all Angel of the Lord on me. Shit. Sorry, Cas. I’m sorry.”
Cas’s glare had dissolved into loss and confusion, his eyes were suddenly glassy, his lower lip trembling.
Dean flung back the covers, got in, gathered his friend up and held him tight. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, Cas.”
The thick, dark hair was fluffy and tickly against his cheek and his friend - that he’d lost and then found - was shaking. And suddenly it seemed natural to Dean to turn his head just a little and place a kiss amongst the messy nest and then rub his face against it and then kiss it again.
“I’ve gotcha now, angel. You’re safe now.”
Read on AO3
Read on ffn
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cas-coding · 1 year
dean :)
dean <3
dean >:)
deeean :0
deeeaaan? :p
dean :3
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shallowstories · 1 year
Shouted conversations + bunker life + Please for the love of all that is holy, use your *inside* voices
Dean and Cas have started having shouted mini-conversations from across the bunker.
Come see THIS / come open THAT / do you think this box is cursed / hey Cas there's a piece of a BONE in here / Cas HEY CAAAAAS!
Sam is about to pop a hernia over it, actually.
Why the Hell had this started....and more importantly, why won't they stop?
They could text.
Or, like, go to the same room to have a conversation.
There is literally no reason for this shit, except to be annoying.
And whoa, is Sam annoyed.
When Cas comes back from the dead (again), they start it up again.
One night, Jack is seated across from him as they peacefully bask in the calm of the library. Until--
Sam just about falls out of his chair for how suddenly Jack belts it out.
A chorus of voice answers back, from two different entirely places in the bunker.
Sam decides that he really needs to invest in a good pair of earplugs.
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jazzypizzaz · 4 years
JO: Shut up. You carry all kinds of crap you don't have to, Dean. It kinda gets clearer when you're dead.
DEAN: Well, in that case, you should be able to see that I am 90%... crap. I get rid of that, what then?
JO: You really want to die not knowing? Dean.
good thing it’s midnight because i need to LIE DOWN. im done for the night. good fucking god
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i-have-faith · 4 years
5x04 the end when dean’s just like 😒
😠ur the same thing only bigger 🙄 the same brand™️ of cockroach 🪳🪳🪳 ive been 🥾 SQUAshing my whole life🤷‍♀️ an ugly🤮 EVIL😡 belly-to-the-ground👎 supernatural😭 PIECE OF crap💩💩💩 the Only difference between them💀 and you☠️ !!! is the size of your ego🤢😬
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hurt-paradise · 6 years
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love this video <3
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estrel · 3 years
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same wip but i got impatient and started coloring (:
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starrose17 · 3 years
*whines* Ohhhh, heartbroken Dean in Gilmore Girls, yes he was the perfect boyfriend Rory you are crazy to leave him look he's got tears in his eyes DELICIOUS PRETTY ANGSTY JARED 😍😭😍
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kaywinchester · 2 years
anon request: I've read all of your fics and I love them all! Can you please write a dean x sister fic where she is a literal toddler?Like dean and her are just playing and he unknowingly says something that he doesn't expect a toddler to get affected by? that makes her sad and she just runs and stays with sam. And eventually dean confronts her and talks to her? Maybe he could have said that they weren't buddies anymore (playfully of course) but the toddler sister takes it to heart?Thanks! Have a nice day byeeeew
Word Count: 716
Dean’s age- 19 Sam’s age- 15 y/n’s age- 5
A/N: a little au setting where the winchesters grow up with a little sis on the road :3 also hello! I know it’s been a while, I have a few requests to work on and I feel bad I haven’t gotten to them yet but ya know, life lately. Hope everyone is doing well! :)
“Deeean, Deeeaann!” y/n’s little voice echoed through out the room.
“Hey, sweetheart, what’s goin on?”
“Can you play horsies wifth me?” y/n asked sweetly as she held up her toys.
Dean sighed “Yeah, c’mon let’s go ahead.” He sat down.
Having a toddler in the Winchester’s life wasn’t always easy. Sam and Dean wouldn’t trade their little sister for the world, but to have John always in and out during the weeks and leaving y/n in the care of her brothers wasn’t fair to them. 
“Okay, you can be this brown horsie wifth white spots.” y/n held out her plastic toy horse in Dean’s face.
“Wow, this one has really soft hair!” Dean said with a little over excitement. 
“She does, the farmers brush her haiwr every day.” y/n smiled. “Okay, let’s go wriding now.”
“Giddy up horsey!” Dean said as he controlled the toy horse next to y/n’s 
“Dee, no. I have the faster horse, you can’t go in front of me.” y/n put her hand in front of the toys. She always liked to have some sort of order to her playtime, a sense of control which she probably got from Dean. 
“Well I’m older, so my horse is gonna be a little bit faster.” Dean sighed.
“Nuh uh! I have the black horse, like daddy’s car and it’s way faster.” y/n argued.
“I guess we can’t be friends anymore if you think you’re gonna beat me in this race kiddo.” Dean joked. 
Y/n paused and looked at Dean with serious puppy eyes. “You said we’ll always be fwiends.”
“I don’t think that’s the case anymore.” Dean shrugged.
y/n dropped her horse and stood up with tears forming in her eyes. Dean looked up and saw that y/n took him seriously. “N-n-no, y/n/n....”
She walked away to look for Sam who wasn’t anywhere in the motel room, which meant he was outside doing homework on the picnic table as he normally would if it was a nice day.
y/n wasn’t tall enough to look out the window, instead she reached up and turned the doorknob with both hands and spotted Sam outside. Dean was quick to watch her movements as he didn’t want to let her out of his sights. He watched as she ran to Sam who spotted her troubled face.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” Sam hunched over to her level, looking like she was about to start crying.
“Dee s-said I’m not his fwiend anymore.” she said through staggered breaths, looking up to Sam.
He lifted her up onto his lap and glanced towards their motel room to see Dean standing in the doorway with a frown. 
“What do you mean? Dean will always be your friend.” Sam reassured as he fixed the hair that was in her face.
“Does that mean you’re not my fwiend...” y/n hiccuped.
“No, no. I’m sure he didn’t mean it.” Sam sighed. It was these moments that he tried to be the best brother he could, he and Dean both. It wasn’t fair to y/n to have to rely on both brothers like parents. 
They each had their own lives to focus on but they knew their situation was different because of unfortunate circumstances. So they did their best to be there for their little sister.
Dean walked over to a grumpy looking y/n. “Sweetheart, I was just joking. You know we’re best buds, right?”
“You’re not vewy funny.”
Sam gave a snarky look to his brother, who shot back at him with an eye roll. 
“You’re right on that one, I’m not very funny.... But, I’m sorry kiddo, can I have a hug?” Dean pleaded.
“Do you pwomise? You’re my fwiend forever?”
“I promise y/n/n.” 
y/n held out her pinky. “I pinky promise too.” Dean smiled. “Now how bout you get back in there, you have a race to win!”
y/n giggled and hopped off Sam’s lap after he placed a kiss on her head, almost forgetting completely what had upset her in the first place.
Sam watched her run back to the room with excitement to resume playing. “You know she’s gonna be the boss when it comes to her horses.” Sam laughed, turning his attention back to his book.
“I won’t overstep next time....” Dean smirked as he turned to follow y/n back inside. 
@jackjackljaqui ​@hunting-the-grievers @susan-is-in-the-house@flirtyonsie @mersuperwholocked-lowlife @justsomedreaming 
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Coming soon via @deancashorrorfest​
Title: On the Cutting Room Floor
Author: callsigntango (tumblr: withclawsandsympathy)
Artist: @spiffyflypie​
Rating: Mature
Pairings: Castiel/Dean Winchester
Length: ~24k
Warnings:  Graphic Violence, Blood and Gore, Body Horror, Minor Character Deaths, Memory Loss, Graphic descriptions of rotting and moldy food, Arachnophobia 
Tags: Canon Divergence (with AU elements sprinkled in liberally), POV Dean, Spiders, seriously there are a lot of spiders in this i cannot stress that enough, Feelings of being trapped, Horror, Psychological Horror, Intense descriptions of how much it sucks to work in the tv news industry, hey wait did i mention the spiders
Posting Date: October 13, 2022
Summary: In an Arachne hunt gone wrong, Dean "wakes up" in an AU-style world as what he'd gone undercover as for the hunt: a journalist, with no memory of his actual life. He’s paired with the worst diva he’s ever had the pleasure of enduring, a ruthless, arrogant hotshot by the name of Bela Talbot. But when the pair shows up to cover what should be a routine story on a suspicious death in Kansas, the world around Dean starts to unravel in horrific, painful ways.  The appearance of a man claiming to be an Angel sends Dean into a tailspin -- but just as something about Cas begins to spark very real memories in Dean, Cas seems to be losing his own grip on what's real and what isn't. And as they struggle to free themselves from this distorted web of reality, something sinister is lurking just beyond their reach.
The rest of the world seemed to have fallen still. There was no more rustling of papers in the deputy’s hands, no more breeze shifting through the grass, no more din of conversation from startled, scared rookies around him. Time hung heavy and frozen, and every one of Dean’s breaths felt wrong somehow. As if the very air in his lungs was stolen.
“Deeean,” the whisper came again, more insistent. More desperate. Dean glanced down at his feet.
Glanced down at the corpse lying in the grass. Had it just…
Dean crouched to get a closer look. Surely the whisper couldn’t have come from this thing. He didn’t need to check for a heartbeat to know this half-eviscerated, blood-drained body was dead.
“Dean.” The lipless, lifeless husk of a human fucking spoke, and Dean fell back on his ass in fear.
“What the—” Dean didn’t get a chance to finish the thought. The world flickered and melted around him, the once-frozen scene melting into a frenzy of fangs and limbs and motion. The grass beneath his hands squirmed and scuttled, erupting into a throbbing, thrashing mass of large, pale yellow spiders.
Dean scrambled to his feet in a panic. The palm-sized spiders shivered and shook and skittered across the body, with more legs poking out of the corpse’s wounds and empty eyes and mouth, hauling out more thick, pale spiders from within it. The mass of huntsmen squeezed through eye sockets, burrowed into wounds, and sank their fangs into decaying flesh. Several of the spiders began to sprint up Dean’s legs, and he swatted at them with terrified, wild swipes of his palms.
But just as suddenly as the spiders had appeared, they vanished, leaving a manic, near-hysterical Dean the sudden spectacle at a crime scene. No one else had moved, or seemed to have noticed the spiders. Mary was still looking at him with a cold suspicion. 
No. Not at him. Through him. Behind him.
“Dean?” The voice was more real this time. Spoken aloud rather than a whisper in his thoughts. And it was just as uncertain of this situation as he was.
Dean whipped around. Though the spiders had disappeared into thin air, something else had appeared just as suddenly and inexplicably. No, not something.
A man – a scruffy, disheveled man in a tattered trench coat – was hunched next to the body, staring at Dean in shock. The trench coat was stained with dark, inky blotches. Blood was smeared across his palms and dripped from his mouth, the bright red droplets streaking down his chin. Dark circles hung heavy under the man’s eyes, deep purple marks that stood out against piercing blue irises. He looked half-starved, deprived of sleep and sanity, staring right at Dean with the same intensity as a hungry wolf. “Dean, where are we?”
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cas-coding · 1 year
dean. deeeeean. deeeeeeeeaaaaaan. deeeeeeeeeaaaaaaann. deeeean! deeean! dean! ddddddeeeeeeaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnn
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