#i will get back to giffing jared in this
mlobsters · 3 months
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~one minute later~
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supernatural s1e13 route 666 (w. eugenie ross-leming, brad buckner)
swamp diving for a corpse laden racist truck, totally normal💁‍♂️
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daincrediblegg · 2 years
every day I look at that one gif of Valery bashfully smiling and every day I lose the fight to fucking keep it together because it’s literally the cutest fucking thing to ever happen in the history of television and you can’t change my mind
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prettypinkporkchop · 16 days
Hear me out, paul x reader, who's super oblivious like paul will flirt with them relentlessly, trying so hard to let them know he likes them, but readers just like "Yeah we just made out bet we do that some times because he's such a good friend🤭" and paul and the rest of the pack are just riping there hair out because omfg
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Your phone lights up on the table next to you. Quil is sitting beside you, eating sandwiches Emily made. You knew it's a snap from Paul, but you left it alone for now. The sandwich is too good. Quil side eyes you. "You gonna get that?" He raises an eyebrow. "In a minute." You stuff your mouth more. "You that boy is madly in love with you." He chuckles and looks at Emily for support. "Yes, duh, I'm his imprint. But, it doesn't mean he likes me like that." You roll your eyes. As Paul and Billy Black said, the bond could be anything. "Y/n, don't be dumb. He flirts with you so hard. It's pathetic." He laughs. Emily laughs with him. You ignore them, making Quil open your snap since everyone knows you don't have a pass code. (LOL me). Quil bursts into laughter and shows you what he sent you. You look and see the gif above. He just got off patrol. "He's just letting me know that he's about to be here!" You grab your phone and watch it in awe but try to be chill about it.
Later that evening, you sit in the back of Paul's truck, playing on your phone. Everyone is in the woods on the cliff. The pack is cliff diving. Emily and Kim are wedding planning for Kim and Jared. They sit on chairs right next to you.
You're jumped out of your phone when a pair of hands grab your thighs. Your eyes land on Paul's eyes. He smiles down at you and kisses your cheek. "Hey, pretty lady." He smirks. "Hey, Paul!" You pipe up. He sits next to you on the truck and wraps his arm around you, his hand gripping your waist. "You're driving me crazy today." He whispers in your ear. You giggle and face him. "I don't mean to." You aren't so sure what he means by that.
A couple of days later, you and the pack are playing in the water. It's a bit cold and you didn't pack any extra clothes. It was a last-minute fun thing. You step out of the water, shivering! Sam is sitting in the sand and calls out to Paul. "Lahote! She's cold!" You sit next to Sam and see Paul running up to you. He has the ball in his hand. The pack joins behind him. "Paul! You took the damn ball." Quil calls out. Dropping the ball on the sand, he grabs you and places you on his lap. Your shivering stops as you feel the heat going through you. You lay your head on his chest. "I should get you into my clothes tonight. That'll be hot." Paul laughs. The whole pack groans.
"So, is Paul your boyfriend yet?" Jared looks at you. Embry raises his eyebrow at you. "No, guys! It's not even like that. Boy doesn't like me.' You argue and throw the pen you using at Jared. You realize what you did when you look down at the paper that has the wedding stuff planned out. "Damn it. Jared, could you go-?" He laughs and shakes his head. "You're out of your mind." You groan and lean your head back. "Oop. Here it comes." Embry laughs. You feel a pair of lips on yours. You know who it is, and you grab his face. He pulls back, and you open your eyes. "Hey, my girl." He smiles. "Hey, my friend."
The guys start laughing. Paul pinches the bridge of his nose. "FRIEND ZONED!!!" Embry calls out. Paul starts to walk away. You get confused and walk after him. "Maybe he'll tell her." Jared looks at Embry.
He turns to face you and sighs. "Y/n, you do realize what we have, right?" He grabs your shoulders and looks into your eyes. "Yes. A bond." You reply. "You know everything. Do you... like me?" He asks. You blush and look down. "I do. But I get it if you don't like me back." He groans and grabs your face. "I'm in love with you." He crashes his lips on yours.
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trumpkinhotboy · 1 year
I’ll keep an eye on you
pairing: jacob black x reader
type: not requested
genre: a bit spooky, but mostly fluffy and comforting vibes
warnings: mention of blood and being chased after (but nothing too intense)
word count: ~ 2K
requests: open! for twilight wolfpack, narnia and harry potter
a/n: honestly, i’m really excited about this fic. i think it’s very sweet and comforting :3 my brain is bubbling with so many ideas lately so expect new pieces from me in the close future hehe. also if you have any requests feel free to message me!!
i recommend listening to a Twilight Comfort playlist while reading this. Hope you enjoyy <33
part II part III
*gif is not mine!!
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summary: After the reader survives an encounter with a vampire, they are still haunted by the memories of it. Luckily, they have a caring and protective friend who is always ready to ensure they feel safe and cared for, even in the middle of the night.
Wrong place, wrong time.
You squeeze your eyes shut, hoping to erase the terrible images invading your brain. For a week now, they have been omnipresent, taking up all the space in your mind. They are the center and focal point of your thoughts for days on end. As you open them again, your vision adjusts to the darkness just enough for your gaze to fall on a strange form crouched in the corner of your bedroom. You could swear it’s alive. Swear it’s stalking you.
You jump out of your bed to turn your nightlamp on. Your heart feels like it might spring out of your chest of its own accord. Your breath is short, and for a moment, you think you’ll never be able to take one that will actually get air in your system.
The menacing form in the corner turned out to be a pile of dirty clothes, but you knew that. Since that day, you feel irrational and paranoid. Everything feels like a threat, and you are now constantly looking over your shoulder, paying close attention to any suspicious sound or absence of it. You’ve talked about it with Harry Clearwater when you unexpectedly met at the Reservation one day. You did not hear him coming, and he had set his heavy hand on your shoulder to get your attention. Which resulted in a glass shattering scream for you and a bad fright for the poor man. As he invited you in for a calming cup of tea, you unloaded the weight on your shoulder to him. It felt good to talk about it, knowing you could never do so with your dad and your friends. He assured you that it unfortunately was a very normal reaction from your nervous system. You had faced the world's most dangerous predator and had survived it without a single scratch. Of course it would take some time for your traumatized brain to go back to normal. You could never take credit for the fact that you even had a chance to go back to normal, and would never attempt to do so. Knowing very well that without Paul, Jared, and Embry’s arrival, you would not have lived to talk about this encounter.
When you focus and let your mind drift off, you can live the event again, as if you were back in time. The paralyzing fear, the blood in your veins feeling like icy water. There was nothing to be done against a creature like that. You remember the horror you felt as everything became silent around you. You were headed to Emily's cabin, a simple, straightforward walk through the woods. The birds suddenly stopped singing, even the soft wind had died down. The forest knew it was in the presence of something truly horrible and had seemed to hold its breath, along with every creature. The color of its eyes was like in every legend you had been told; crimson red, like fresh blood. Not one ounce of humanity in those orbs, just a bottomless pit of cruelty and hunger. The worst thing was the pull you remember feeling for a split second toward that monster. You knew it was its sole purpose, but felt embarrassed you had fallen for it. Shivers crawled down your spine as you recalled its ethereal and hypnotizing appearance. It’s like you can hear again the faint swooshing sound it made as it sprang towards you. You remember sending out a quick prayer to literally any entity who would be listening right now, but the blow never came. Next thing you knew, three giant beasts tackled it to the ground, gnarling and dismembering it in a matter of seconds.
You open your eyes and shake your head to try and physically get those horrible memories outside of your skull. You lay back in bed, anxiously watching every corner of your room for some sign of danger. You left the light open, you knew there was no chance you could fall asleep without it. You tucked yourself back in bed and tried to calm your breathing. You tried every technique you knew, hoping sleep would grace you with its embrace, but nothing worked.
You look back at the clock after a while. 1:15 am. It was too late for you to get out of bed, and morning was still so far away. You had school the next day and knew that if you spent one more night without sleeping, you wouldn’t be able to explain to your teachers why you dozed off again in their class without them calling your father.
In a last effort, you tried thinking about reassuring and comforting things. Curiously enough, one kept coming back to mind. A giant wolf, its fur a multitude of shades of brown and red. Its eyes were sweet and reassuring, containing a particular warmth. You looked at your phone, hesitating, but remembered his voice: “If there’s absolutely anything, call me okay?”
And so you did.
Twenty minutes later, you got a text. You quietly walked to your window, glad to see Jacob’s familiar shape outside your house. He was standing next to a tree, representing for once a friendly and reassuring shadow in the night.
He spoke quietly. “Having trouble sleeping?”
You nodded, a bit ashamed to admit such an infantile fear. Although, deep inside, you knew there was nothing childish about being afraid of the monster you had been warned about as a child, once you had come face to face with it.
“Are you sure you want to do this? I'd totally understand if you'd rather not stay. I mean it's late and you need to sleep. I don't know what I was thinking…”
“Don't be ridiculous." he cut you off. "I’m already here. And once you’ve been asleep for a long time, I’ll go home and catch up on my beauty sleep, okay?”
You knew it wouldn’t take much convincing from him, there was no point in lying. You needed him. You needed the reassurance and sense of security he always brought you.
"If you're sure then… but Jake. You won't leave too soon uh?"
You heard his low chuckle in the distance.
“I promise.”
You slowly and quietly closed your window. The last thing you would want is for your father to wake up and see Jacob standing below your window. You looked back outside, only to see a giant russet wolf had replaced your tall friend. He was standing under the covers of the woods. Forks was a tranquil little city, but you could never be too careful. He gave you a quick nod, encouraging you to go back to bed. You sent him a little thumbs up before heading to your fort of blankets and pillows.
As stupid as it might have seemed, you did feel a thousand times better knowing that Jacob was right outside, watching over you like a guardian angel. To your surprise, sleep quickly came to you, and you fell into its black hole without any resistance.
You’re in a dark forest, running and running and running. You can’t breathe, your hands are bloody, everything hurts. All you can hear is an echoing, cold, cruel laugh. You trip over a root and fall. Something is rushing through the dark woods, coming at you. You get back up and run in the opposite direction, but it feels like you’re not getting any further, like you're running in place. You scream for help, calling out for Jacob, Paul, Embry, Jared, ANYONE, HELP ME. But no one answers, you’re alone, and you’re about to die a horrible death. You trip once more, your leg hurts like hell, there’s no point trying to get up again. You turn around to try and decipher who, what, is running after you. Suddenly, in the dark void of the night, all you can see is that horrifying pair of bloodthirsty eyes. You let out one last scream as it sinks its teeth into your skin. //
“Y/n, y/n, wake up! It’s okay I’m here, Y/n!”
You try to run out of bed but feel a strong pair of arms holding you back. The embrace is warm and smells familiar, but you’re not controlling your limbs anymore. Your whole body is in flight mode. Luckily, the thing (person?) holding you back is strong enough to withstand it, and even though you try as hard as you can to run away, your feet aren't even touching the ground anymore.
“Y/nn, Y/n, shhh. It’s okay, I’m here, it’s me. It’s Jacob.”
You focus on the reassuring tone of the voice and try to convince yourself you're not in the woods anymore. You can see your surroundings poorly illuminated by your little mushroom night light. You're in your room, you’re safe, you’re okay.
Your breathing is still fast and shallow. You blink a few times. Sometimes, the vision surrounding you is one of the cold woods. On other, it's the familiar vision of your room. You slowly turn to face your friend’s face. His brows are furrowed, and his traits have worry written on them in bold letters. He scans you, not quite letting go of your body. Too scared you might start screaming and running again.
“Jake?” “Yes, hi. Welcome back. You really scared me there Y/n.” “What- what are you doing in here? What happened?” Your tone is feeble, and you feel exhausted. You look around once more, afraid this might be some other kind of twisted and terrifying nightmare.
“Am I still dreaming?” You dare to ask. “No, you are awake. We’re in your room. You asked me to come to keep an eye on you, remember?”
You nod, still unsure. What if this was a dream inside a dream? What if the warm limbs of your friend suddenly turned ice cold? What if you looked at him and his eyes turned red, fangs slightly poking his lips?
He can see doubt dancing in your eyes. You don't trust him, or yourself. He holds up his palms towards you, trusting you won't bolt and run.
“See for yourself. I’m real, you can touch me.”
You reach a hesitating finger, carefully poking his own. Seems real enough, feels real. It's warm, the skin is wonderfully tanned, familiar. You’ve seen those hands at work a thousand times. You know them by heart. You poke his cheek, and he gives you a tender smile.
You nod once more, letting out a sigh you didn’t know you were holding, as your legs start to shake. That's the thing about dreams, isn’t it? Even if it’s only happening inside your head, your body reacts to it as if it were actually living it. You look at your hands, feeling reminiscent of the pain as if you did scorch them in the woods.
He interrupts your thoughts with a low and soft voice. “Come back in bed. I’ll tuck you in.”
He wraps your hands with his huge ones. They’re warm and feel incredibly good. You let him guide you back to your toasty blankets, but instead of leaving, he takes a spot next to you, shielding you from the window.
“What are you doing?” You ask with a timid voice. “I’m keeping an eye on you, dummy.” Your feet are poking from under the covers. You move to offer him a bit of coverage, but he declines. He is already hot enough as he is, although he can’t deny that his heart seemed to grow a size or two at the kind gesture.
You wait a minute before asking how he ended up in your room. You're not sure you want to know, but curiosity wins over embarrassment.
His expression darkens for a second before he starts talking. “I was just keeping guard outside when I heard a noise. You were calling for me… I didn’t even think, I just got in. You were twitching in your bed. I tried to calm you down, I didn't want it to wake up Charlie, but nothing would do. I was about to forcefully wake you, but you ran out of bed and woke up by yourself.”
“Oh.” You finally let after a few seconds of silence.
Unconsciously, you're not sure, he took ahold of your hand and lightly played with your fingers. He finally lifted his gaze from your joined hands to look at you, all caring and reassuring. You slide in closer to him. All you want is to feel his comforting warmth and maybe offer him as much as you can too. You feel so bad for worrying him so much. He opens up his arms and cradles you in a bear hug. He won't say it out loud, but he's also in dire need of comfort.
You match your breathing to him, and for the first time in a little while, you’re not scared, not even a little bit. If only you could stay like this forever.
After a few minutes of silence, in which you almost fell asleep, you hear him whisper.
“I’m so sorry you had to go through that. I should have been there. I should have protected you. I’m so sorry, you don't even know.”
“It’s not your fault Jake.” You mumble, and realize you're telling the truth. These are more than empty words. Never has it crossed your mind that this might have been his fault.
“It partially is, if I didn’t drag you into all this you might have been far away. Safe, away from monsters most people don't even know exist."
“I chose to follow you into this Jake. I would be lying if I said this wasn't one of the most horrifying experiences of my life, but it was not your fault. Please get that idea out of your head, okay? I’ll get over it. I guess I just need some time, as Harry said.”
You feel almost fully awake again. He nods, but you know you haven't convinced him. The look on his face is one of guilt, one you've come to know more and more since you learned about his secret. He mindlessly played with a feather poking out of your duvet, avoiding your gaze. Once again, you realized how mature he looked, while still being so young. Too young to carry such heavy burdens. You wanted to hammer the idea out of his thick skull, but you knew there was nothing to do about it tonight. Jacob felt responsible for what happened to you, and convincing him of the opposite would take some time.
Your eyes focused on his tanned skin, and you suddenly became hyper-aware that he was in your bed while only wearing his jeans short.
You inched away of him. “Uhm, want a shirt? I’m sorry, I didn't even think that, since you were in your wolf form, you uh… wouldn’t have one?” You let out an awkward laugh. You were used to seeing him like this, but it was different when you were both lying in bed together in a space that felt so intimate.
“That's nice of you Y/n, but I don't think I'd actually fit into one of your shirts.” He snickers as you get up. You're still wrapped in a blanket as you forage in the pile of clothes next to your bed. You get out of it with a dark cotton t-shirt in hand. It's humongous for you, but you know it will fit Jake like a glove. Probably because it is one of his own.
“There, dummy.” You hand him the t-shirt before jumping back in bed to wrap yourself properly, like a human burrito.
He looks at the piece of clothing and then at you for a good 10 seconds. “You still have this?”
He genuinely looks surprised, but his expression seems mixed with a hint of… satisfaction?
You nod, your nose and eyes being the only part of your anatomy still out of the blankets. You still remember the day he lent you that shirt when you had been caught in the rain at La Push. You never returned it to him, loving the way the gigantic piece of clothing felt on you.
He didn't add anything else before putting the shirt on. “It smells a lot like you.” He adds, a slight tremor in his voice.
“That might be because I wear it a lot to sleep.” You shamefully admit. Your words are nothing more than a whisper, but you know he didn’t have any trouble hearing them. You pull the covers even higher, trying to hide the blush creeping on your cheeks.
“Is that so?” He's smugly smirking. No doubt anymore that he is satisfied with that new piece of information, which makes you want to crawl even further under the covers.
You mutter a quick 'dumbass' before turning away from him. He chuckled before grabbing and pulling you on his broad chest like you weighted nothing more than a feather. You and Jake have always been comfortable with physical touch, but you feel like this is special. You have never done this before. Fine the circumstances were a bit peculiar, but that did not keep you from relishing in the warmth he diffused in waves. You didn't even bother to fake protest. This, is all you need, and you will not be foolish enough to ruin the moment. He wiggles even closer, and you can feel his chest come flush with your back through the layers of blankets. He rests his chin on the crown of your head before lightly stroking the side of his full cheek on your hair.
“Little human burrito.” He mutters. His voice is barely a whisper. Its husky tone makes you shiver. “I’ll watch over you, now go back to sleep.”
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skyefullofdaisies · 7 months
A Destiel shipper asked me on Twitter today “why Destiel shippers are so disliked in the fandom but Wincest shippers are not given incest is morally wrong.”
She then blocked me before I could respond to her properly. In my opinion, Destiel shippers are so highly disliked because of how some of them act. Unfortunately that spills over to the ones who don’t bully, harass and scream at people who don’t ship it. The ones who just want to enjoy their ship and be left alone. It’s frustrating to talk to other people on various social media platforms about how Destiel is not canon and here comes a destiheller summoned from hell itself (I assume) to screech at you. No matter how many slowed down gif sets, supposed “parallels”, supposed bi-lighting & screen shots (etc) are put out there to make it seem like they are. To have a destiheller come from the void to bully/harass and scream at you that you’re a shitty homophobic person because you won’t validate their head canon fantasy is tiring. Hell, Jensen himself has said Destiel isn’t real.
That’s not to say that Destiel shippers don’t get harassed themselves. They absolutely do. It’s on all sides. I’m a Dean/Jo shipper and let me tell you, lol, that pisses off the Destihellers damn near instantly. I posted these screen grabs on Twitter:
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Apparently, these don’t count. You know why? Because Dean never outright says “I’m not gay or bi-sexual” to Castiel’s face. So, the very actor of Dean Winchester himself as well as the in canon on screen character himself stating he “doesn’t play on that team” mean nothing because it wasn’t said in a certain set of specific circumstances. What kind of logic is that? 🤣💀 I could go on like Destihellers accusing Jensen of having internalized homophobia lmao.
Anyway, back to the main point. Love or hate Wincest shippers they don’t insist it’s in the show when it isn’t it. They don’t harass people for not shipping what they do. They haven’t told me that they’re glad my Mom is dead over a fictional non-canon ship. They don’t do everything in their power to cut Sam out of everything to make it the Castiel and Dean show. Don’t shit all over Jared on Twitter. Don’t have a melt down when you acknowledge that Sam is the most important person to Dean. That Dean would choose Sam above anything and anyone else. That’s why they’re better liked, imo, across the board than the hellers.
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the cockles masterlist, part 6
now split in SIX parts for link limit reasons
WARNING: this post glitches and crashes on mobile. it’s recommended you view this on your desktop, or at least on your mobile browser rather than the app. if my desktop theme is hard on your eyes, try an extension such as Just Read or Reader View to customize the layout and colors.
if you’re still having trouble viewing, or if you don’t want to have to switch between the five posts, here’s all of the links compiled into a google doc.
welcome to the cockles masterpost, a labor of love/insomniac hyperfixation.
i recently wrote this cockles manifesto, but after it got a lot of notes and i kept adding more links to it, i decided i should just go through my 8 years of archives and compile all the cockles posts in a much more accessible and navigable way. after everything with the series finale and destielgate, i figured we could use some happiness, and it turns out there are a lot of people who’ve never heard the cockles gospel.
important disclaimer: yes, i do think that jensen and misha have a private romantic/sexual relationship, but no i do not, in any way, think that they have ever cheated on their wives. we think they are polyamorous, which is a real and valid thing, and misha is openly poly. some people love more than one person, and that’s okay. their families are close and we love and support all of them.
second important disclaimer: despite the amount of innuendo below, this is not about fantasizing about two hot guys fucking. cockles is about the joy of witnessing two people who love each other and make each other happy and are disgustingly cute together. we’re not fetishizing, we’re just appreciating what they publicly share with us.
third important disclaimer: because some of y’all don’t know, the cardinal rule of cockles is that we don’t talk to cockles about cockles. DO NOT leave any comments on their social media accounts implying anything. not even green and blue hearts. they know that we know, but it’s on us not to make it weird. if we’re too obvious and say too much, they might start sharing less. don’t say anything.
for the sake of my sanity, these are in no particular order.
last updated: 3/8/23
🐚 denotes new content
part 1 (That’s Suspicious, mishananigans)
part 2 (#pray4jensen, gag reel hijinks, some posts i’ve written about cockles and rps)
part 3 (know your cockles history, the intimacy)
part 4 (the glory of jibcon)
part 5 (just for cute)
the glory of jibcon continued:
jib11 opening ceremony whispers and giggles
jensen turning his back as misha walks up to hug him | more gifs | video
"just swallow it" "he's always giving that advice" | video
"[danneel] does refer to misha as her boyfriend. which is funny, because so do i." | more gifs | video | fan discussion of this moment
misha sitting on the floor to watch jensen sing, jensen getting shy
jensen serenading misha with "angeles" | video angle 1 | video angle 2 | video of jensen looking at misha, getting flustered, and stopping suddenly | more gifs | photo | misha sitting on the floor watching | another misha photo | the significance of ‘angeles’
"i think you look nice and dapper" ... "then [jensen] went in for a kiss and i was like, whoa!" "hey, when in rome!"
the destiel song they improvised together | video | gifs minus lyrics
big dad angry machine
"i've been haunted by those bear underwear for some time"
jensen "woo!"ing when misha mentions gotham knights
jensen's face going soft when he looks from jared to misha | video
after misha says a unicorn toy is vibrating "for her pleasure", jensen pretends to sit on it | gif
misha moves his chair further away, jensen scoots his closer | video | “what are we doing? am i coming over?”
jensen spinning the wheel then staring at misha for ten seconds straight | video | photos
jensen tells everyone to stop cheering for misha to sing after misha makes it clear he doesn't want to | gifs + bonus “there goes jared with his job security” 👀
jensen winking at misha
jensen saying he's going to plan a big birthday party for misha's 50th, which is more than a year away | video
"you're my canary" | video
whispers and laughing (feat. misha's missing tooth) | photos
"i love those dishes" "you love those bitches??"
misha hyping jensen's new album | video
"my caretaker tells me i had a very nice birthday."
jensen staring at misha’s ass when he bends over
"this is our song"
roasting jared for bragging sam is tougher than dean | gifs
jensen staring at misha before making a birthday wish
riffing on “the european version of spn”: one, two, three, four
chatting about taking their families to amusement parks, jensen refers to misha as ‘daddy’
jensen’s nickname kink in full swing at jib11
12 years of jibcon secrets
head-leaning selfie with briana buckmaster | edit
2023 jibcon11 tag

just for cute (continued):
adorable photo ops: 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92   93 94
2012 spn wrap party photo
300th episode red carpet flirting
"misha decided jensen was the gift" photo op
hand measuring photo op
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youcouldmakealife · 10 months
LBTE: Jared (132-133)
From the self-indulgent lows of finding out there's fic about you and your secret husband, to the legitimate lows of Bryce's final few months in Calgary.
If you want to read along, the series page is here.
132. Addressing the Audience
Treating myself by breaking the fourth wall a bit.
Jared fucks up his ankle with the most perfect timing in the world — right before the Canucks are off on their first official roadie. A roadie that includes Edmonton and Calgary, among other cities. It’s not too bad, he’s assured repeatedly, all ‘could have been worse’ positivity that would bug him more if it hadn’t been so close — he found a rut and he went down like he was shot, didn’t even fucking know what was happening, barely managed to brace himself. He could have snapped his ankle, landed on his wrist and broken it or his arm, blown his knee out. He got lucky.
Jared has actually been supremely lucky on the injury front throughout his career. When he does get injured, it’s not for long, and often could be worse.
Being injured is frustrating. And boring. Jared’s bored. Jared’s bored, and mad, because the Canucks are in Edmonton and Jared is not, and he couldn’t even sneak his way on the plane because there’s no way he’s game ready by the end of the road trip, plus he has appointments and check-ins constantly so he can’t like, fly off to Calgary in the guise of being moral support for the team. If it was a little better he could have flown with the team, if it was worse he could have gone back to Calgary to recuperate. He’s in an annoying fucking middle as far as LTIR goes.
Jared is a worse patient than Bryce in every measurable way. He should have been reminded of this incessently when Bryce was recuperating, but the ones dealing with it were mostly Elaine and Stephen. Elaine's too nice, and Jared (mostly) knew better than to bitch about Bryce taking his injury poorly to a dude whose hockey career abruptly ended at the age of 21.
Julius plays a hell of a game — Jared is not sulking ‘like a scowly little baby’ that they can’t hang out after, despite what one Stephen Petersen says
Who do you believe, Stephen Petersen or a scowly little baby?
Would have won by more if I was there, Jared texts Julius, and gets an eyeroll emoji from him right around the time he would have gotten his second star of the game, wrapped up media, retreated to his stall. He texted Jared pre-shower. That’s touching. Jared’s touched.
Jared says this sarcastically but he is 100% legitimately touched.
“He’s sulking,” Stephen tells Gabe.
“I’m not sulking,” Jared mumbles.
“Couple more weeks,” Gabe says. “Just be happy you didn’t do it when we finally got to go somewhere warm.”
“You’re flying to my husband’s city tomorrow,” Jared mutters. “What the fuck do I care about the weather.”
“Our baby’s cranky, Gabe,” Stephen says, then, “Fuck off, you don’t hit the driver!”
Stephen’s baby has gone from infancy to a sullen teenager, apparently.
And yes, never hit the operator of heavy machinery, even if he deserves it.
Stephen bitches about it, but considering he’s the one picking Jared up and driving him home — he’s still not allowed to drive, which is annoying — Jared is pretty sure he doesn’t mind. It is literally within his control how often Jared’s there.
He’s onto you, Stephen.
By the time Stephen returns he’s googled their names together and found like — stories. About them. And gifs. And something called a ‘ship primer’ which has a lot of information about him and Bryce. Like, an uncomfortable amount. Like technically public knowledge but you’d have to be really interested. And puts together some pieces way more cleanly than Jared would like.
Twenty minutes could bring you very, very far down that particular rabbit hole.
“What do you mean ‘they do that’?” Jared says.
Stephen yawns. “A small contingent are convinced Gabe and Dmitry are dating, have been for like, a literal decade, I wouldn’t worry about it too much.”
And that doesn’t infuriate Stephen at ALL.
“I wouldn’t call Dmitry good looking,” Jared says. “And Gabe—”
“You say a single disparaging word about Gabe and you’re clomping home on that injured ankle of yours after I kick it,” Stephen says.
“—is very handsome,” Jared says, who is one-hundred percent Stephen would be petty enough to do it, and his painkillers haven’t kicked in yet. “Best looking Canuck by far.”
“Overselling it, Matheson,” Stephen says dryly. “Everyone’s fully aware you’re the prettiest princess of them all.”
Your occasional reminder that Jared is fucking beautiful, no matter how much he minimizes it.
“Pretend you never saw them,” Stephen says. “Pretend they don’t exist. Selective amnesia. That’s what Gabe does.”
“What do you do?” Jared says.
“Find it deeply offensive on Gabe’s behalf that anyone would think he would have such poor standards as to date Dmitry Kurmazov,” Stephen says.
Don’t talk to him about the Gabe Markson/Jake Lourdes fics in existence.
“I will confiscate that from you,” Stephen says. “That is going ten steps further down the road from googling yourself to read about your play. Don’t do it. Leave it to PR.”
“PR knows about this?” Jared asks.
Oh you better believe PR knows about it.
“Be like Gabe,” Stephen says. “Selective amnesia.”
It sounds like a good tack to take. One that Jared will probably be incapable of, but a good one.
“There’s probably more about you and Halla anyway,” Stephen says.
Stephen immediately following good advice with being a shit-stirrer. And he is correct on this matter as well. He knows a good bromance when he sees one.
Jared has forgotten everything. Jared has forgotten everything, so he is not obligated to tell his husband that there are stories about them, knowing that Bryce would panic, and he is not aware that E means explicit, as in explicit sex, meaning that people have written about fictional stories about him, Jared Matheson, having sex, and he is not completely enraged that there are, in fact, more stories about him and Julius than there are about him and Bryce.
Nothing Happened.
“How’s your morning babe?” Bryce says when Jared calls him over breakfast.
“Oh, fine, good, y’know,” Jared says. “I mean, not fine, injured, which sucks but like — considering.”
I think he does an admirable job not immediately blurting out ‘do you know people write about us having sex?’ frankly.
“I’m drinking from your Eeyore mug,” Bryce says. “If like. You want a pathetic image of how much I miss you. And Chaz threatened to kill me yesterday if I didn’t stop sighing.”
“I really fucking miss you, Bryce,” Jared says before he can stop himself.
“I really fucking miss you too,” Bryce says, and Jared’s eyes are stinging when Bryce has to hang up to go to work.
Oh boys.
133. Affliction
Jared’s back on the ice for literally one game before Bryce fucks up his shoulder. They’re cursed. They have to be.
“You play a high impact contact sport professionally,” Stephen says when Jared says as much, talking to Jared likes he’s a toddler. “Injuries are inevitably a part of it.”
“Cursed,” Jared insists.
Yes, it is that shoulder. Again. By the time Bryce was broken by a baby it was hanging on by a thread.
He’s a big sulky baby when he’s particularly sore, and Jared will never, ever tell him it’s kind of endearing because obviously he shouldn’t encourage that sort of behaviour.
He will no longer find it endearing later, so it is probably good he never did tell him that.
The Bryceless Flames fly into town. Jared gets dinner with Chaz and does not sulk through it, no matter what Chaz says. Chaz should appreciate his presence.
Everywhere Chaz goes, a big sulky baby can be found.
Jared thinks about that moment a lot in the coming months: Bryce and his bright eyes and the coiled tension in his body, the excitement to get back on the ice, to play his game, to help his team. Bryce like a little kid on Christmas. Bryce happy.
Bryce stops smiling when he gets back.
Wow, chill with that scene transition, Satan.
It’s this ugly feedback loop, where the worse Bryce plays, the worse the media and the fanbase lands on him. It gets into his head. Bryce is shaken, you don’t need to be married to him to see he has absolutely zero confidence in himself right now, will pass instead of shoot, hesitate just long enough for the puck to get taken away. He gets a few, a player as talented as him is always going to get a few, but every time it seems like his offence is coming back it slips right through his fingers.
It is always stunning, how much an elite player can deteriorate in a perfect storm. It can honestly go from 'people fight over rights to me on their fantasy teams' to 'this man cannot hockey'.
And it’s fucking killing Bryce, he’s angry and sad and empty and numb at turns every time Jared talks to him, and Jared lets him vent, listens when Bryce needs him to listen, says all the reassuring things that are cliche because they’re true. All players have slumps. He just needs to get his confidence back. He needs to stop overthinking things and just go out and play hockey. Things Bryce’s coach is telling him, things Chaz is probably telling him. He must be sick of hearing them by now but he never cuts Jared off, lets Jared say them, maybe because he knows it makes Jared feel a little better, because at least saying something isn’t doing nothing.
Trade deadline day’s always an anxious one, but Jared feels genuinely sick going into it.
We just spanned over two months in one paragraph, because this is an Upper Case Series, and things would get downright lowercase if we hadn’t. Plus, you know. It’s just going to get worse, so.
Bryce has a no-move clause in the back-end of his contract, but it doesn’t kick in until the offseason, so he could be headed anywhere right now.
Not anywhere, anywhere, but it’s a 15 team no trade list at the moment, so half of anywhere. And huh, interesting fact about that upcoming no move clause, huh?
It’s a 3 team trade list, otherwise NMC, which I'd say is almost unrealistically pro-player, but a) Bryce left a not insignificant amount of money on the table at the time to secure it, because he was all in on Jared Matheson long before Jared was comfortable acknowledging that, and Jared should be settled into his team/career at 22 and b) the RL San Jose Sharks had like five players with one of those at one point. Sorry for any pain that any Sharks fan just experienced. You’re already suffering enough this season.
Chaz was the only fucking guy on that team that gives a shit about Bryce. So now it’s going to be nobody. Nobody in Bryce’s corner, nobody to hang out with on roadies, or team dinners, nobody to invite him over so he doesn’t go back into that shell he keeps hiding in, shutting out the world like it’ll help.
Bryce still has Ashley when in Calgary (they in fact hang out MORE after, because they're both pretty lonely), but yeah, he’s now completely at sea in that Flames room.
“Did you punch through our wall?” Jared says.
Bryce’s silence is sheepish.
“You’re lucky you didn’t break your fucking hand,” Jared snaps. He’s probably going to have to ask his dad to fix it, because fuck knows he doesn’t trust the discretion of some random Calgarian contractor not to spread a ‘Bryce Marcus Punched a Wall (We Presume Because He Wanted to Be Traded, That Ingrate)’ to add fuel to the fire. “Are you icing it?”
“Yeah,” Bryce says. “I just — he was literally the only good part of playing for the Flames right now. Everything else is shit, and it’s just — fuck.”
Obviously not an IDEAL way to react (especially because injuring himself at this juncture would be brutal), but considering where Bryce’s head is right now, it could have been much worse.
“Can you like, tie me to your bed and refuse to let me leave at the end?” Bryce says.
Look, he’d never refuse to report, but he thinks ‘kidnapped and tied to bed’ would make it not his fault. Also it sounds fun.
Bryce looks — rough when he gets to Vancouver, empty-handed slump shouldered at Jared’s door. It’s kind of a shock. Like, Jared’s seen pictures, clips of play, seen him on video calls, but it isn’t until he’s within arms reach, face to face, that he can see how washed out Bryce is, exhausted, like some kind of source of — light or something has burnt out.
He is already so burnt out at this point, and he still has the rest of the season and postseason to go.
What they do is a lot more violent than a hug, though that’s the closest word Jared can think of, Bryce breathing fast in his ear like he just got off a shift, Jared’s ribs aching, Bryce crushing the breath out of his lungs, and Jared doesn’t give a fuck, he doesn’t, he holds on just as tight and he lets it hurt for as long as Bryce needs it to.
It’s so blindingly obvious Bryce adores Jared. Less obvious the other way around, even though we’re in Jared’s head, but man, Jared loves Bryce so fucking much.
“I need you to be like, within arm’s reach until I have to leave,” Bryce says. “I know that sounds pathetic, but—”
“It doesn’t,” Jared says. “I can do that. Like, maybe not during the game, that’d raise some eyebrows, but—”
Bryce’s laugh sounds torn out of him. Jared wants to burn the entire city of Calgary down. He’ll tell his family to get out first.
“I don’t want to do this anymore,” Bryce says, voice so small, and Jared holds on tighter.
So fucking much. (The Mathesons and Murrays appreciate the heads up.)
“And if someone notices you just ghosted?” Jared says.
“Mom lives here,” Bryce says. “Can just say I fell asleep at her place. I doubt they’d get all worked up.”
“But if they do?” Jared asks. Usually that’d be true, but Jared is extremely aware how thin the ice Bryce is standing on is right now. Bryce is aware of that too.
Jared got a midnight knock on the door from his coach due to bullshit politics, so not an invalid concern on his part.
“I literally don’t care, Jared, if they’re going to act like I’m a fucking problem child I’ll be a fucking problem child,” Bryce snaps.
This has been Bryce’s attitude for so many situations in his life (with the Flames, with Calgary media, with Dave, with the camp, preemptively with his mom very briefly in his teens as a sort of 'will you still love me if I am a total douchebag to you?'/too cool to be nice to mom thing but it made her sad and that made him sad so he stopped real quick) and it really doesn’t do him any favours.
“I just want to have like, one night where I get to be with you and just be me and not to think about their bullshit and I just—” Bryce says. “Can we have that?”
“Yeah,” Jared says. “Of course.”
“Thanks,” Bryce says. “Thank you.”
“Stop thanking me for being like, a bare minimum husband,” Jared says.
“You’re a maximum husband,” Bryce says earnestly.
“Okay but like am I allowed to make fun of you right now?” Jared says.
Bryce’s eyes narrow.
“Because that was like the worst fucking—” Jared says, and laughs when Bryce bites his shoulder.
The emotional range here from Bryce being angry and clipped, to unironically calling Jared a maximum husband, to biting him. And Jared going with Bryce when Bryce needs it and taking the piss out of him for being soft. He’s gotten so much better at teasing Bryce without trodding on his feelings at this point.
Jared skates over to centre ice, but Bryce isn’t looking at him, doesn’t see him, and after a moment, feeling awkward, he skates back over to Gabe.
This is quietly one of the saddest sentences to me. Also really says something about just how bad Bryce’s headspace is right now, because that man has an internal Jared alert system installed by this point.
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supernaturalconvert · 2 months
for the record, i did not tell you to kill yourself and genuinely apologize if you took it that way. i’m blocking you now, i hope you reflect on your behavior toward my joke post about jared stan’s and recognize the hypocrisy and type of weird behavior in it. have a good day/night 🩷🩷 /gen
Your joke post was trying to mock Jared fans for being celebratory about his birthday and you put it into his tag.... So you very much did want to be found.
I found your post and as per your request gave you the attention that you were craving.
At the very least if for nothing your post was unnecessarily mean so may be before telling others to reflect on their behavior kindly reflect on your own....
The world is not a one way street, you will get back the energy you give out. If you can joke, I can too and that's what my gifs were aimed at apart from calling you out.
Happy blocking and hopefully you stay in your lane now.
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sophfandoms53 · 10 months
Okay time to get sappy a week after the finale LMAOO
As always, The Tag is my favorite part of the season and if we get good feeds along with it? A feast. And a majority of this season was like that, and I shall highlight some of my favorite memories from throughout the season and the tag that I will always be thinking about in years to come
- This is the funniest one for me, but us being locked out of the tag during reilly’s eviction and how we discovered that just minutes before the episode started, but that didn’t stop us from live blogging anyway LMAOO.
- And then they had the AUDACITY to announce the pressure cooker was finally coming back the following week and we couldn’t even properly celebrate together so we were all just screaming into the void😭 (or the nether region lol)
- That random vegan person who dropped the season bc Felicia asked for real butter lmao??
- Omg that chipmunk account we all thought was ohthecleverness and y’all called it the squeakuel and i think this person vanished from the tag
- It was magic to watch that in real time with each other. The shock we were in that the hgs broke an hour and then come to find out they almost broke the original record by mere MINUTES.
- The panic every time someone we liked dropped. The collective “CORY NO”’s live rent free to me.
- Us STRESSING so badly when Cameron wouldn’t let go and then America threw it to him😭 truly was magic tho
- Watching Cory go from someone the tag tolerated to being the IT boy of the season and the tag, iconic, that speech and debate boy had those hgs clawing walls
- Cory shutting down any misogynistic or problematic comment from anyone (the 21 turned 22 year old being the most responsible person this season should be studied)
- Corswhores that’s it LMAOO
- Cory suffering from the second juror curse
- America truly being one of us
- Cirie a queen to watch live
-omg that time Cirie said “I ain’t never played with people this stupid before.” SHE WAS AHEAD OF HER TIME
-Izzy deserved sm better from the edit, you could not escape this girl on the feeds
-The episode edits sucking for a vast majority of the season and for the houseguests (i swear i’ve never seen a season’s edit and its feeds be completely different from each other before how tf did that happen)
- Our collective hatred for the multiverse twist
- Everything about Felicia really, the FBJ remix, her and Mr B (smooches), even tho she was pawned all summer watching her game was so fun
- Us being split just like the house during the Izzy flip (we managed to stay more civil than twitter ever did, as we should)
- Two hours of Jared forcing everyone to go in circles, Cory reaching his limit, Jag coming in, Cirie coming in, Bowie just sitting there
-“Who the fuck is for real for real???”
- This exchange kills me everytime idk why
Cory: You also told me seven deadly sins was fake.
Jared: Who THE FUCK told you that???
Cory: YOU DID.
Jared: You wanna know why I told you that?
- Jared’s “YOU must’ve misunderstood.” about Matt, and then Cory’s immediate “WHOA, WHOA, NO.” Lives rent free
- “Jared, you have been yelling for forty minutes.”
- That gif of Cirie face palming as she listened to her son completely obliterate their games
- Cory’s face palm image
- This happening on a hot dog bed
- Mecole, America, and Blue all getting ready downstairs while this was transpiring upstairs LMAO
- I can literally quote and go on about this fight for hours, and im so mad i cant go back and watch the unedited version anymore (UPDATE SOMEONE UPLOADED IT ON YOUTUBE LETS GO)
- Y’all remember that assignment i did about this fight? Not only did i get a perfect score but i also got a bonus point and my prof wrote a note that i was so descriptive he wanted to watch LMAO
- The post season being less chaotic than the actual season is such a funny ending
-everyone joining cameo???
- And lastly, How did your game change for, I’m gonna say the better, when you joined the Mafia with Matt and I :D
Alright all of that highlighted, despite the chaos and the exhaustion of this 100 day season (BB gods never do this to us again oh my god) it’s been such a pleasure to open up the tag and read my morning newspaper the last three months LMAOO.
This has been the most active I’ve been in the tag thus far and with a season this all over place, it was a trip. But, truthfully, I’d do it again. You guys always make all the nonsense worth it because despite the different sides we’ve been on all season, we know this show is a train wreck and that our real enemy is always production 😭
Thank you guys again for such a lovely community these past few months, and we shall be back in few weeks tragically 🥲🫡💙
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TWS; Raw meat gifs, talking about the flesh and Jared Hopworth, at some point mentions of EDs and recovery from them, spicy and sappy headcanons for Jared simps.
Let’s talk flesh avatars, mostly, The bone turner; Jared!
Before we begin, Quick lil reminder that;
CANON JARED HOPWORTH IS A FINE ASS MOTHERFUCKER- What I mean is Alex stated that canon Jared is quite attractive/good looking?
2. ALEX. WHY?!
And Lordy lord it pains me to see “ugly” Jared fanart. The fanart is alway pretty no matter what we do, like goddaym but yeah-
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Like I can imagine a relationship with him?? And what it’d be like? And I what his relationships are like with other avatars?
For example, for you simps;
Jared in a romantic relationship;
Constant compliments on your physical appearance and asking if he can help with any insecurities? Like;
“You’re gorgeous/Handsome, darling. Your mussels hug your bone structure perfectly, it matches with your soft personality.”
“What’s wrong honey? You want to clear up your acne and scars? Let’s see what we can do to help with that, yeah?”
But not like in a gross why which comes to my second point!
TW for mentioning EDs for this point; Will promote fitness and good health! In a non icky way, as an avatar of the flesh and a gym owner, he wants everyone to have their preferred body types if they have one! And he’s a Gardener and a butcher, so he knows what is good to eat for the body to stay healthy and be ticking properly!
Basically I can see him cooking you both lunch, and it matters what your diet or food goals are because he’ll eat the same as you to not make you feel lonely, and he’ll use everything from his own gardens and butchery?
He could also help you gain weight if that is your goal or help you recover from an ED and show you how to exercise in a healthy way or how to control binge eating better. He will also help you get a feel of some control back into your life!
You plus size and happy with it? He’s happy for you and happy with you!
Thin and your happy with it? AGAIN! happy for you and with you!
If you have any body type and your comfortable in your own skin? he’s extremely happy for you and proud of you! And he won’t let anyone tear you down.
Like holy shit you’d transition 100x faster and he’s definitely either Trans himself or a big AF ally, idc what y’all say he’s pro-trans rights in every part of his being.
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moving on to the sappy and spicy headcanons;
DINNER. DATES. with home cooked food from Jared or joint running days if you like going running! Or dates in his garden looking after the plants!
I see him extremely affectionate Like I said before he would give you a lot of compliments, he would be the best cuddler in the world, sadly, not a lot of kisses because I see him as a man with many teeth, some poking out from within his cheeks, or at the edge of his lips and this will cause him to be scared of hurting you if you were to kiss him
Like size difference? Being manhandled?Well so does he! He’s probably taller than you no matter what you do, thankfully he shift his body to be… smaller in places so he won’t break you literally and metaphorically-
Will use cannibalism as a motif for love sayin stuff like “I could just eat you” “I don’t wanna just be with you I wanna be a part of you” n stuff like that
And that is all for today :)) thank you for coming to my lil reminder TMA fandom…
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wen-kexing-apologist · 9 months
7 Days Before Valentine Ep 6: Stray Thoughts
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First of all, Sunshine, @respectthepetty and I are on the way, we've got bats with your name carved in them, so I'd advise you to start running.
Sunshine is one of the characters I hate the most this year, especially as a main character/protagonist. But I do think they are doing an incredible job with his characterization in that this is a man with no one in his life, he doesn't interact with his parents, he has no friends, and based off the way he behaves you can tell exactly why. This is the most impulsive, self-absorbed man I've seen in quite some time.
Sunshine reminds me of the guys in my life I've known who are deeply in need of help, but turn everything in to a joke and absolutely, willfully refuse to talk about anything real. Sunshine absolutely, willfully refuses to pause for long enough to actually think about how terrible of a person he is and how much he is harming those around him as a result of that.
I don't even think Sunshine knows what he wants. He had a chance in his previous wish to just completely try again, in the best possible scenario where marriage equality has been passed and Rain doesn't know who he is, Sunshine has a clean slate, but that isn't good enough, so he ruins society, and that doesn't work, so he hurts Rain in the most fundamentally cruel way by removing his best friend from existence. Sunshine is hurting Rain so that he can be in a relationship with Rain, which is all I need to know to decide that Rain and Sunshine better not fucking end up together in this.
The Flowers
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gif by @save-the-data
Okay, I don't know why, but the way Jared talks about his flowers is making me this of this book I read years ago called Daughter of Smoke and Bone where the main character is like living in the real world but has connections to this other fantasy world, and she goes to her friend to make wishes (for example, she wishes that her hair would naturally grow blue) and she only learns way later that every time she makes a wish the wish is paid for with (I think?) someone's tooth. And she realized that people, creatures, etc had died or been tortured to have their teeth removed so that she could make silly little wishes.
I don't know that I want this, I don't know what it would do or what it would say, but for some reason I cannot get it out of my head that these flowers with names that Jared talks about so lovingly are actual people's souls. Especially after that one rose fucking screamed when Sunshine dropped it.
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gif by @save-the-data
The back half of last episode and the first half of this episode were really heavy on the theme of conformity. And I don't think I have a lot of words for it right now, but it is feeling very much like metaphors for externalized/internalized homophobia and the closet. Like how the little girl draws this picture of herself in a pink dress and writes SOS, while walking neatly in a line, in the same boring uniform as all the rest of the kids. Like the vibrant ecclectically dressed property manager, also choosing to conform when she goes out in public because she doesn't want to be stared at. Like the busker getting hauled away/punished by the police for breaking free from society's order. Like Jared, bright, happily, bubbly, and (in my opinion) visibly queer man being terrified of being hauled away to be "corrected". And this is all stemming from snap decisions Sunshine is making out of petty bullshit with almost zero intelligent thought behind his wishes.
How I want this to end
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gif by @pharawee
I think I want Sunshine to wish Q away from existence. Q's job is very clearly weighing on him, and he deserves rest. For fuck's sake, his clothing gets darker every episode Sunshine needs to accept that Rain is gone from him, that he fucked up and can't go back, and I do not want Rain getting together with someone that really seems to disregard the harm he is causing.
Anyway, I am really enjoying this show, but it is slow as fuck and if it wasn't filmed, written, and structured like a play I don't think I would have had as high a tolerance for it's pacing.
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prettypinkporkchop · 2 months
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Jared cameron x fem reader
"He's just a young man! He's showing off." Embry laughs, grabbing a muffin off of Emily's table and eating it.
"Being an imprint, I figured he'd be more loving." You frown and cross your arms. "No, trust me. He will be. He just wants you to really understand what we are capable of. It can be dangerous." He raises his eyebrow with a mouth full of muffin.
"Woowoo!" Three dudes walk in and sit at the table. Paul, Quil, and Jared. Jared sits next to you and grabs a muffin. "Embry, you totally missed it. Paul totally lost it." Jared laughs. "Dude, she pissed me off." Paul growls.
"What happened?" You ask, looking at Jared. He smiles down at you and wraps an arm around your shoulder. "Something you should never do. Bella slapped Paul, and he phased, almost attacking her."
All the guys start laughing.
You huff and get up to walk out the door. He doesn't show affection it's just things like, 'We could hurt you.'
'Stay away from us when we get rowdy.'
'I could hurt you at any time.'
You walk to your car, passing Bella and Jacob as they're talking. You get in the drivers seat and begin to cry. You just want to be like Sam and Emily, or Paul and Rachel. It's not fair! You crave his lips, but he doesn't give it to you.
Your door opens, and you look up to see Jared, he's looking at you with genuine concern. He bends down and puts his hands on your arms. "Baby, what's wrong?" That was the first time he's ever called you baby. It made you blush, and it felt amazing.
"How come you don't act like you love me. All you do is show off, brag, and tell me how you guys can hurt me. I understand by now! Have I not shown you? I'm never around when you guys are doing whatever wolves do." You sob.
He pulls you out of the seat and wraps you in a tight hug, holding all of your body. His warmth spreads all over you. "I'm just scared. I love you. I don't want you to be subjected to all of this. You deserve a normal life. But, I refuse to let you go. So, all I can do is keep you on guard. If I show you my soft side, I'm scared that will make you too comfortable and end up like Emily.'' His voice cracks, showing that he's upset.
"I love you, Jared." You look up at him. "I will always be careful. You can protect me, and you will. I won't get hurt. Just please, love me.'' You almost cry out. He grabs your face and presses his lips on yours gently. You wrap your arms around his neck and pull him tighter. His lips are full and soft. The kiss is so perfect, you could stay like this forever.
He pulls away and puts his forehead on yours, staring into your eyes. "I'm yours." He says. You smile at his words. He pulls away, grabbing your hand and leading you back inside. At the entrance, he turns to look at you like the gif above.
"I don't mind PDA." He admits, signaling he wants you all over him in front of the pack.
He sits back down at the table and pats his lap. You gladly take your seat, and the boys look at you two smirking. "Jared, your thoughts are loud." Paul points out. "Yeah, yeah. Keep them to yourself, Lahote." He holds onto you tighter.
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ladyofthelake · 4 months
Not talking about anyone here on tumblr with regards to this incoming rant just to make that clear you guys are awesome <3
Okay but on x some Jared fans really are getting on my nerves saying shit like how they miss him and using words like devastated because they aren't hugging him 24/7 and they've literally just been to a con
and Im here grieving my soul cat I FUCKING MISS HIM everyday is Hell without him I wish I could hug him like these Jared fans are gonna keep getting hugs from him because they go to every con
and I dunno but crying over inconsequential shit like oh I didn't hug my fave actor today I only hugged him last week sadface
the privilege is gross and it just really makes me feel shit barely anyone cared on X about when I posted about my cat dying all they care about is bragging about their cons and saying shit like this
and I'm not even jealous I don't care about hugging Jared if someone said I could right now that he's here I wouldn't care, even if it was Colin I wouldn't care right now, I just want my cat back the one who loved me unconditionally and so many people irl don't understand how much pets mean to someone
and like the girl at work who said nothing when I said my cat had died and tried to shove her puppy pic in my face and I told her as politely as possible (because all I want to do is cry) that I wasn't in the mood to look at the pic and I also said to her my life is shit right now and she said nothing to comfort then went on about how she's going on holiday to France next week. Cool. I don't fucking care. I've lost my soulmate and am shattered.
I think people need to relaise sometimes someone needs space and as long as they're not being an asshole about it its okay to not wanna talk or socialise. People go on about mental health but rarely actually help someone who is going through a rough time.
ugh this is why grief is the worst my mood is bad I miss my cat so much he always made my day and I'm lost and just so tired of seeing privileged people moaning about nothing when I've lost a piece of my heart
Just wanna say everyone on tumblr has been super lovely to me about my cat Sam and ily guys <3 and this is my home and seeing merlin gifs made me happy today even if Im still kinda taking a break
but x truly is a dumpster fire
Tumblr is my home always
also this is me venting and being in a heartbroken state at 3am
people are allowed to feel things and stuff of course, it just hurts me more right now because of everything so yeah ignore and hope you guys are doing good xx sorry if I have missed any notifs
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theviridianbunny · 11 months
WIP WEDNESDAY (01/11/23)
*running to tumblr* oh my god how is it wednesday alreay- byt ANYWAY HELLO happy wip wednesday -!!! - @wanderingaldecaldo tagged me in her post - so now it's time for me to happy yell
SO BUNNY- What've you been up too this week? (spoiler: it's been mostly a yelling about blorbo week for me)
WORLD BUILDING (with the help from @another-corpo-rat )
as mentioned in last weeks WIP wednesday post- me and Tate have been world building and makin fun AU's with our babes (Viridian and Victoria) - we've been putting the blorbos into a blender and putting that belnder on full speed
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for the first time in years - the red rabbit stood equal to the viper. - og post here
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snippit from a drabble including our girlies - the fic concept revolving around Viridian and Rouge sneaking around Adam Smasher's hideout - Victoria is there, at the hideout- but she is well out of sight- looking through cams at her old 'saka colleuge- she notices how Viridian is without Jackie at this time- Victoria knows Viridian is strong on her own- but Jackie compliments her - they work as a unit.... So, Victoria leaves Viridian a lovely email just to toy with her <3 (spoiler- it's not a lovely email-it's actually rather jaring because Viridian has so many bad memories of Victoria - Victoria is a villian in Viridian's narrative and we are living for it >:3 ) The drabble will eventually refrence the mini-fic Tate wrote for me (run rabbit run)- Poking at ideas of in the past- Viridian not getting out of an ice break in time - Victoria realising that the red rabit is back in the game after years of being off of arasaka's grid and network.
GIF MAKING (and fic planning)
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SOOOOOO i finally sunk my teeth into the phantom libery DLC (i'm having so much fun-!! even if my baby pc is struggling with areas) - Having the DLC also means.. I can play around with model swaps and other things in AMM !! These gifs were taken from swapping out Reed for Jackie and Viridian for Myers!!!... The gifs will serve as inspo for a fic (that I will probz never get round to writing-) but the premese is Jackie and Viridian are the two are stranded in dog town (in my canon Jackie lives and goes to DT with his girl during the events of PL)... The two are met with very tough choices - and they argue - and in the moment viridian says she wishes she and Jackie never everr took the Kompeki heist all that time ago- if she and Jackie had never took it- there'd be no Johnny- no bio chip- no time bomb in the ex corpos head. No agreement with songbird- no rescuing the presedent- She'd have a chance to live with Jackie instead of knowing she's going to die - she says in the moment of arguing that jackie should just go- leave her- as the biochip is eating at her psyche. at the emotional height of the argument- Jackie blows a fuse and walks out on viridian. The two rarely argue so when they do it's all the more intense - He stays away for a few hours- trying to process everything viridian said to him. But then after the hours pass- he returns to the building he and her were hiding in- Viridian just about asleep on an old mattress- she looks like she's been crying- she looks so vulnerable and - emotionally wrecked- jackie comes and sits by her- trying his best not to wake her- he slips off his valentinos bomber and drapes it over her and presses a kiss to her forehead. He tells her as she sleeps that They'll endure - they'll survive. They'll get through this hell. Jackie will be with his girl until the inevitable end of all things... (i'VE HAD A LOT OF FEELS ABT THESE TWO)
Tagging (with no pressure as always): @withoutyouimsaskia @halsin @aggravateddurian @dustymagpie @daedricshrine @mrdekarios @togepies @another-corpo-rat @sankttealeaf @thedeadthree @gortash @heywoodvirgin @chessalein @chipped-chimera @dreamskug @itzsassha @imaginarycyberpunk2023 @vrovij @enverflymm and you! what have y'all been up too this week?
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To me, great actors to me are those that always sells the role and can play a variety of characters, which is what Jared Padalecki has done with Sam Winchester and with the many characters created on the same show.  Whenever Jared plays not!Sam, he disappears and takes Sam with him, leaving us with a new character that we find fascinating even as we eagerly wait for the return of Sam.  I really love it that Jared acts the hell out of the role but is almost never guilty of overacting.  There is something about Jared that is simply compelling and makes me want to see watch him, which is not easy with a character such as Sam Winchester who is the show’s everyman, the straightman that doesn’t get the funny, snarky lines that always goes to the archetype bad boy with heart of gold.  But Jared made Sam Winchester a compelling character, that’s a huge testament to his skill and talent.
When I joined the SPN fandom in 2014, I was beyond thrilled to learn that I was not alone in my thinking, far from it.  So much so that I started an “Acting” tag to collect critics’ and fans’ insight, reviews, and reactions (including Jensen’s!) to Jared’s amazing acting.  These are some of my favorite reviews:
“Jared has many skills that are incredibly rare in an actor, skills that are apparent to even me, a person who is about as skilled in theater as a fish is on land. As said before, Jared is routinely paired with actors and actresses who are not only extremely good at what they do, but also have three times the experience that he does and each time, Jared holds his own. And not only does he hold his own, but he has chemistry with every single one of them. He listens, he reacts, he responds to what’s going on around him, to the actions of the people he is working with. He’s always present, always alert, always changing and adapting, taking risks and putting so much passion into each of those risks that they nearly always pay off”  -(X)
“For the time being, this means we get to see Jared Padalecki playing two roles simultaneously: Sam (as usual), and whenever Ezekiel takes over to talk with Dean. Season 8’s finale was stolen by Padalecki’s amazing acting, and it looks like he just might take Season 9 as well.” - (X)
“To me, Jared was the one who set the “Lucifer might actually be female all along” mindset. The way he softens his face, the way he uses language, the way he likes things cleaner and prettier and appreciates the world for beauty, while still having a certain underlaying rage that seeths and boils more than overtly strikes and lashes.- (X).
“Jared is absolutely stunning at “silent acting” which he’s doing in most of these gifs, actually. From Gilmore Girls to Supernatural, Jared’s characters don’t have many lines (Sam has 15% less lines than Dean!) and it’s amazing that instead of letting his lack of lines put him on the back burner, he uses his time on screen to portray his character’s thoughts—even when he can’t voice them.  eternal applause!“ - (X)
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inacatastrophicmind · 2 years
Hi! Just wanna say I'm a big fan. Long time follower. I was hoping that you might have some info on Misha saying he thought about giving up acting after SPN due to abuse and mistreatment on set?
I'm just curious about the issues. I know there were "pranks" that got out of hand with Jared (and jensen once or twice) and just general devaluing of him/Castiel. I know there is a video going around but I can't seem to get it to play.
If you have knowledge I'd love to hear it, I'm a huge fan of Mishas work (both SPN and elaewhere). If you don't or don't wanna get Into it I respect that!
Hope you're well!
Sorry for taking so long, I saw your ask before I went to work and I couldn't answer until my shift finished.
You're refering to this video, if I'm not wrong. As you say, you haven't been able to watch it, but basically, what Misha says in it is that he hadn't thought about acting again after SPN and that he's glad to be part of Gotham Knights and that working on it has made him feel excited about acting but also proud of what he makes and happy for the appreciation he has received.
In last year's JIB he said that he wasn't supposed to work on any show, here you can see the gif:
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He wanted to take some time and be with his kids. When he told Jensen about Gotham Kinghts and how he could play Harvey Dent and how he wasn't sure about it, Jensen told him that he should consider it, because it was an important role. And as Misha has stated on some interviews, his kids were excited about it and wanted him to play that character, so in the end, he agreed to it. He wasn't supposed to, because he wanted some time off, but in the end, he agreed, and that seems to have been a great choice, because as he has stated, he's really happy, excited and proud about working on Gotham Knights.
Misha hasn't explicitly stated anything about being burnt out by working on SPN, but it is true that J*red could be a fucking asshole, not only to him, but to everyone in the SPN cast with his pranks. We all know that Jensen took part on some of those, but they never went as far as J*red's (that we know of). There's also the fact that over the years Misha was unappreciated. The network and TPTB never truly realized that Misha played an important part in SPN's success. Again, Misha has barely said anything about it, but there were some ugly details over the years, like how during s9 or s10 (I can't remember exactly), they didn't tell Misha until almost the last day of shooting that he would be coming back for the next season. Also, let's not forget about the whole finale thing and how they forgot about Cas. They keep telling us it was a covid thing, but they brought back Jim Beaver, who belonged to the vulnerable population, but not Misha, and also let's not forget about the whole bridge thing where there were tons of people without masks on and not keeping any safe distance in between one another.
There are more examples of this mistreatment, like how they forced Misha to work while he was sick during the begining of s7 and only stopped filming because Jensen told everyone that they needed to stop for Misha's sake.
There are more instances like those, but I can't remember anything else. Still, it's nice to know that Misha is being treated right in Gotham Knights and that he seems to be so happy, proud and excited about it.
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