#DHMIS Fanfic
picafreesita · 5 months
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ultimateloserboy · 11 months
hey dont hug me nation im bored we should have a comeback november or some shit. since it takes like seven years to finish a season (no hate i think its actually nice they take their time but anyway) we should just start making up new bullshit episodes. lets post old wips and unfinished oneshots like theyre sneak peaks or cut content. lets make bullshit creepypasta episodes like fucking yellow.exe or red guy fucking drowns. lets make up a holiday episode like “christmas ikea adventure: the lawn chairs revenge” i dont fucking know lets just do it guys i think itd be fun!! it will keep us sane and warm so we survive the cold, bleak famines of winter.
at first i was just gonna ask for fluffybird fanfic but now i think itd be fun if we just started making up “lost episodes” or even just bring back some old aus! i know its probs not gonna happen but i think the idea is silly :33
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cherrygummycandy · 2 years
Roommate wanted
DHMIS main trio x Roommate!Reader
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(I lied, I was going to post a different pic but forgot I had this in my drafts!)
Bright colors shine through the windows of the small pink house, cascading off the checker print tiles. This light however, was suddenly dashed with a grunt from a green feathered bird as he slammed shut a curtain. "Ugh, can't the sun move somewhere else, it's ruining my light..." The bird grumbles, readjusting the mirror he has set up on the kitchen table. "Y'alright?" A tall red man asks absentmindedly from the other side of the table, not bothering to look up from his paper. "No! I'm not alright. I'm trying to brush my hair, and the sun is blinding me." The third and final member of the table perks up at this, now interjecting.
"But, you don't have hair, you're a bird." The yellow boy says, head tilted in confusion as he shovels cereal into his mouth. "Feathers are hair for birds, idiot." Duck snaps, The yellow one looks down sadly at this, a slight whine as he goes back to his cereal.
After a few minutes, Red sighs and puts down his paper. "Y'know, I thought something would have happened by now." He says. Duck's brow furrows as he looks up from his mirror, setting down his comb. "You're right, I'm bored. Someone do something. Call someone." He orders. "Call someone? Do we have a phone?" Yellow asks. "Nah, I think that electric person took it a few days ago, remember?" The three shiver at the memory of the small electric girl, and the sounds she made when they swapped her batteries. Duck snaps out of it first, and throws his mirror off the table. "Well, find something to do-" "What's this?" Yellow interjects, picking up the newspaper.
"DON'T INTERRUPT ME!" Duck screeches, only to be ignored by Red. "It's a newspaper." "But what's this say?" Yellow points to an ad, that reads 'Roomate wanted, apply at address below'. Red takes the paper from him, looking closer. "S' a roommate ad. Y'know, for people you live with, like us." He explains, before pausing. His eyes narrow. "Huh. This is our address." Duck snatches the paper. "Our address-" He looks up, even more annoyed. "You put out an ad for another roommate? Am I not enough?". Red shakes his head. "I didn't put out an ad, and he probably didn't either." He glances at yellow. "I don't even think he can read." Red continues to examine the ad, trying to ignore Duck's squabbling. In all this noise, Yellow seems to be the only one to hear a knock on the front door. He hops down from his chair, and heads out of the kitchen. "Where's he going?" Duck asks. The two follow him and peek around the doorframe, watching as he opens the door.
"Uhm, hello?" You greet, looking down at the odd yellow fellow. "Hello!" He greets you, staring up at you blankly. You wait a few moments, but he doesn't go on. "Oh, for god's sake-" A green bird in a tweed jacket pushes him aside with a grunt. "Who're you?" He asks, eyeing you up and down with furrowed brows. "I'm Y/N, I saw an ad in the paper." You reach into the bag hanging at your side and pull out the scrap of paper. "Yeah, says here 'Roomate wanted'.". You try to hand the bird the paper, but he swats it away. "We've seen the ad, we didn't send it! Go away!" He squawks, attempting to shut the door. A red foot stops it from closing all the way, and a much larger red figure looks down at the bird. "Hold on now, come on. You wanted something to do today, maybe we could use a new roommate." The red man proposes.
"What, No! There's three of us! Just three of us!" The bird exclaims. Once more, the two characters argue back and forth, leaving you confused and feeling awkward on there doorstep. "I'm Yellow. It's nice to meet you, roommate!" The yellow man says, extending a hand happily. "Wha- Oh, no! My name isn't roommate, my name is Y/N." You correct, shaking his hand gently. "So Roomates your last name?" Before you can respond, the duck coughs loudly to get your attention.
"Alright, Roommate. We have decided to allow you to stay here, as long as you're entertaining to me." Duck says. "No, I made the decision you could stay, I pay the rent." Red says. "Do you?" He rolls his eyes. "We've got a spare room, upstairs, to the left. You can set up there." Red offers. "We can have bunk beds!" Yellow exclaims, and Red shakes his head. "No, they'll have their own room." Duck nods in agreement. "But... how can you have bunk beds in two different rooms..." Yellow trails off.
"Thank you! I'll go drop my stuff off now." You thank them and head past the duck, into the house and up the stairs. "You think they'll last?" Duck asks, glancing at tred. "W-what?" Yellow asks, worry evident in his voice. "I mean, anyone new we meet pretty much leaves at the end of the day, so they probably will too." Red shrugs. "I mean, I guess it's possible. Just enjoy it while there here." He heads back into the kitchen. "But, I don't want them to leave, I like Roommate." Yellow whines. Duck only scoffs. "Please you just met them." He moves to follow Red, before stopping and turning back to say,
"and there name isn't roommate."
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francarieq · 5 months
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PSPS a little gift for my coolest moot: @spookythesillyfella ‘s AU FANFIC!! you guys should check his work out; it’s absolutely amazing!! xx A VERY BIG “would recommend” for u digitaltime lovers out there!! (and for u guys who’s interested w vampiress) 🗣️⭐️ this was based off chapter 1 of the fic 🥳🥳
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spookythesillyfella · 5 months
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man writes a fanfiction . makes art for said fanfiction .
hi yes this is tony lore . and digitaltime . rolled up into one .
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persy-r-bozo · 2 months
I hope this works.
"A Crow-Like- Things Morning Routine.
A Small Duck fanfic.
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Duck Wakes up! like he does every day.
+ 8 pages (including cover) + Slight Swearing + Surrealistic
+ Google Doc. (Viewer Only)
I hope i did this right.
this is the first time i ever written a fanfic before. so i hope i did this sharing thing right, (and that my info/writing is safe) ALSO sorry if my grammar sucks (I'm dyslexic but i tried my darndest (^_^;)
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hotpinkboots · 2 years
Can I request a teacher reader x red guy? Like the reader actually feels sorry for the crew and actually slows down and they all actually have fun? Like the reader actually cares for them and tones it down for them
~ℝ𝕖𝕕 𝔾𝕦𝕪 x Teacher!Reader Headcanons~
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OH THAT'S SO CUTE 😭 Yes they deserve a break, help 'em out 💜💜💜
ℝ𝕖𝕕 𝔾𝕦𝕪
~WOW he appreciates it so much.
~Red automatically thinks "Oh no.." when you decide to show up with your song, so then when you notice that he's kind of dreading it and the other two guys aren't really into it, you decide to actually make it a fun experience!
~Giving them their own solos in the song, of course- letting them actually explore around new areas that you take 'em to without trying to force them along, trying to be sure that nothing violent happens...
~Like, imagine them actually having fun during what usually ends up being their hell?? WOOHOO
~Red definitely appreciates it a lot. He's a bit on guard and weary, waiting for something, anything bad to happen- But it never did.
~After the fun little adventure, he makes sure to thank you and tell you that they had some fun.
~Maybe you can come back in the future and help out if they get into a sticky situation...
Rules/Masterlist (Scroll Down For The Masterlist)!
Join my chat/roleplay server! Here, you'll be able to roleplay, make new friends, and get updates on my fanfiction and upcoming videogames!:
~Love, PinkBoots
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marsupials-of-mars · 7 months
 Since the events of episode 6, Duck has picked up on a change in the red one’s behavior. Specifically, towards him. While the beast’s internal workings befuddle him, he’s intrigued by the prospect of developing their relationship (whether Red wants to call it that or not). But how is romance meant to be properly navigated? Maybe he can get some guidance from a couple new educational friends?
Taglist: @bicon-crange @sherbetyy @its-mayo0
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sycoraxophone · 1 year
*dj khaled voice* another one
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cocoalatez · 2 years
Wrote a oneshot for @bunnieswithknives two of us au
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marshart · 1 year
Chapter Four Things :-)
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picafreesita · 5 months
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ultimateloserboy · 11 months
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edit i dont think i specified on this post properly that you dont have to actually make an episode guys just the concept of one. it can be a drawing or a oneshot or whatever. and it can be REALLY stupid and unserious. but if youd like to take it serious and make a full episode i encourage that cuz that would be cool as hell!!!!!!!
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cherrygummycandy · 2 years
Roommate troubles
A Dhmis x Roomate!Reader Fix
(An: this is a sequel to another Dhmis roommate fic on my blog. Hope you guys enjoy, it's not my best work as I have a bit of a stomach ache rn. Enjoy!)
You slide out of your brightly colored bed, feet hitting the floor as you trudge over to your dresser. As you look in the mirror, you think about the past few weeks you've spent here. Despite the eccentric company, you've really grown to like the place. After dressing and brushing your hair you head out of the door. You immediately hear squabbling coming from the kitchen, and as you enter the room you see your three roommates engaged in some sort of debate. "I want tha' color cereal..." Yellow says, pointing to a coupon featured in the morning paper. "No! Rainbow Rocks are for babies, idiot. I want Morning Bran." Duck snatches his paper and points to a much blander looking image of an old man with a bowl of brown mush. You cringe internally at the picture. "I don't really like cereal. What about bagels?" Red asks, only to be met with a "BAGELS?!" from Duck.
"Morning, guys." You say, strolling over the table and plopping down in your designated chair. Initially, Duck had gotten into a spat with you over adding a chair to the table. "There's three of us, they don't get a seat yet! The floor is plenty comfortable..." You chuckle at the memory. "What are you guys arguing about?" Red sighs. "We just got the coupon book in today, tryna' make a grocery list." He explains, handing you the book. Flipping through the pages quickly, you see a few coupons that interest you. "So, were trying to figure out what were gonna eat for breakfast?" Red nods.
"Y/N, can we have tha' color cereal?" Yellow asks, leaning against your shoulder and pointing to the coupon. "What? Why are you asking them? This is my decision!" Duck exclaims. "No, it's not. The other one said we'd take a boat!" Yellow whines. "Vote. I said we'd take a vote." Red corrects. "I mean, I like-" You look closer at the coupon "Rainbow Rocks? Huh." You lean back in your seat, having put in your vote. "Alright, but can we get bagels next time?" Red asks as he begins to cut out the cereal coupon.
"Wha- You're just gonna let them make the choice?" Duck squawks, slamming his coffee cup down on the table. "Well, it's two to one, we're taking a vote, y'know?" Red responds. "No, we're taking a boat-" "ITS NOT CALLED A BOAT ITS VOTE!" You let out a small huff of laughter. Your tall, red roommate wanders off to check his account balance, (though you have no idea where the money comes from, you don't think any of them work). The grumpy little duck-man grumbles something about 'giving you too many rights' and disappears up the stairs to sulk in his room. This leaves just you and the odd 'little yellow fellow', as you so lovingly call him.
You grab an apple from the bowl on the counter and take a bite, while absentmindedly scrolling through your phone. You feel a pair of eyes on you, and look up to see yellow staring. "Do you need something?" You ask. "Did you make dat'?" He points to a small, braided thread around your wrist. "Hm, oh yeah. I braided it and put some beads on it." You hold out your wrist and let him get a closer look. "Do you braid other things?" You nod. "Yeah, sometimes I braid necklaces, or my hair." You explain. He looks at you, wide eyed and amazed. "Can you braid my hair?" He whispers with wonder. You laugh a little, finding his curiosity endearing. "Yeah, sure! We can head up to my room, I'll let you choose some beads if you want!" He gasps, and quickly races up the stairs to your room. You follow him up, and open the door to your bedroom.
You rifle around in your dresser, looking for your box of hair accessories. Meanwhile, Yellow wanders around your room, his hand reaching out to touch various things on your floor and bed. You flop down onto the edge of your mattress and pat the spot next to you, opening up your hair care box. Yellow hops up beside you, and looks at all the glittery clips in your box. "Can I have this one?" He holds up a bright pink butterfly, with glittery little antennas. "Of course, do you want any beads in your hair?"
Giggling and light conversation spills out into the hallway from your room, and enters the cracked door into Duck's room. "Ugh..." Duck groans, covering his head with a pillow. 'Can't they keep it down?' He thinks, before chucking the pillow away. The pillow doesn't even hit the ground before he's stomped out of his door, and down the hall to your room. He peeks in through the door and almost shouts, before he sees what's going on. Yellow is smiling and yammering on about an ad for chips he saw on TV. Normally, Duck would tell him to shut up, but he's far too distracted with you. Your gently braiding a small strand of Yellow's hair, nodding and occasionally responding to what he's saying. Duck doesn't understand why, but watching this sweet scene makes him feel sick. Watching all your attention go towards that stupid little yellow creature (who not to mention forgot the computer password), makes his eyes roll in disgust.
"What are you doing?" Duck says, slamming your door behind him. He folds his arms as he looks over the two of you. "I'm braiding Yellow's hair, he wanted to see how I did it." You explain, your eyes not leaving the blue strands of hair in front of you. "I'm pretty!" Yellow exclaims, tossing his hands up in the air. "It's stupid, you know? No one cares what your hair looks like..." Duck tries to take a dig at Yellow, but only gets a glare from you. "Leave him alone, he cares what his hair looks like," You turn back to Yellow, who looks back up at you. "And I think you look very nice." You say, rubbing his head softly. Yellow doesn't seem to know how to respond, only staring up at you with that same wide-eyed gaze from earlier. "Really?" He asks. You tilt your head, a little confused as to why he seems so shocked at a simple compliment.
"You do?" Duck asks, his smirk suddenly dropping. 'Yes, I do." You reply, sounding a little meaner than you meant too. "Well..." Duck stammers a little, unsure how to respond. "What about me?" He exclaims. "What about you?" You ask, turning to him with a confused look. "I'm pretty, I'm the prettiest one in the house! Have you seen my jackets!?!" Duck begins spiraling, and you can see if you don't say something, this won't stop. "I mean, I'm-" "You're very pretty too, Duck." You say. He stops, before shaking his head and coughing awkwardly. "I know, I just... needed to make sure you knew." You shake your head a little. Duck only stares at the floor and blushes slightly, before hurring out of the room. "Is he okay?" You ask Yellow, who just shrugs.
"Do you think I could do your hair sometime?"
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meerlichtz · 2 years
Drowning Lessons
Chapter one
Duck watches Red clean the dishes and his heart clenches.
He’s filled the sink up to the brim. Absentmindedly, he grabs another plate, pushes it down and gets to scrubbing. Water spills over. Red pretends not notice, or perhaps he really doesn’t.
Duck is afraid that this is exactly what love is going to do to him.
Or: Duck, Red guy and Yellow guy escape the loop. This makes nothing easier.
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broken-glass-puppet · 2 years
Yo, can I get uhhh Red Guy general dating headcannons?
(Feel free to ignore!)
Yeah totally
So my man is very quiet at first
So after he developed the fellings of LOVE hes like "mmh my stomach is felling strange? Maybe it's because I didn't eat anything?" But bro is just felling silly for you
So if you want to have something with him you are going to declare your fellings first
After that he will do little steps in the relationship, like holding your hand and giving you kisses in the hands and forehead
He is warm by nature, so you will definitely no need of. A blanket during winter
When he is more confident during your relationship he will flirt a little and maybe even kiss you
He's a little jelaous (normally by duck or some teacher) so expect jelaous cuddles after the session of learning
A little subjective under this so be careful
He likes to kiss your neck like a lot
Probably will touch you more if someone he doesn't like is close to you
Favorite part of your body: thighs, chest and hands
Pet names: darling, love and if he's felling flirty good boy and sweet heart
Sexuality headcanon: pansexual or omnisexual, he/it pronouns
He is a teaser
Also service Dom, will praise you like crazy during the ya know
"mm speak up sweety, c'mon be good for me" "oh look at you, being a good boy for me huh?" "Yes you are doing so good my love keep going" "what a mess you are"
After care? Yes
He has a dad body type and no one can convince me other wise
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