#DIO x black!reader
El Dios de la Brisa (K'uk'ulkan x reader) (1)
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Summary: You are a passionate Marine Biologist who has lived in the Yucatan Peninsula for some time now. An accepted and welcomed member of the local village, you've been working through the heartache of losing your mentor and friend. You were not prepared for how your life would change and the discoveries you would make.
[Word count: 5,654]
. . .
There were many aspects of your profession that you adored. 
You loved the time you spent doing fieldwork, gathering information about the diverse wildlife that inhabited the oceans and letting hours pass you by while you swim among them. You loved aiding in the restoration of habitats and looking at problems from all the different perspectives brilliant minds brought to the table to find solutions. You adored rehabilitating injured animals and felt a great sense of accomplishment and pride each time you released an animal back into the water where it belonged.
All of that is your driving force behind wanting to make a difference and take responsibility for the planet we all share and have to take care of.
There were threats to that passion.
Phone calls.
“The funding that your mentor left you won’t last an eternity. Listen, I know you are grieving her loss. We all are. But you need to stop finding excuses to push aside the real work that needs to be done elsewhere. Your technique of lab grown coral has completely revived the coral reefs in Culebra. You really impressed everyone in Puerto Rico with that. We need you here.” Enrique sighed, you could hear him shuffling papers as he spoke. “You’ve taken all her things back to her family and gotten a look at what she was working on in Yucatán. It’s time to move on.”
“It’s really nice of you to call in every week to repeat the same thing. Really keeps the conversation interesting.”
“You always have to take things the wrong way.”
“I’m not taking anything any sort of way. I’ve already told you, there’s something interesting here that’s got my attention and I have no intention of leaving until I’ve understood as much as I can. Funding or not, I’ll figure it out. I always do. Like I did before her, alright? So, thank you for the call but I don’t need you worrying about me. You or anyone.” 
You didn’t enjoy being the sort of person that spoke to others like that but it’s what they brought out of you. You came from nothing and you had no one. Everything you had ever earned in your life you achieved through hard work and perseverance. You put yourself through school, through college, and with no help from anyone you managed to be taken under the wing of one of the world’s most brilliant marine biologists: Altagracia Alvarez-Delgado. 
Paralleled stories and a common goal had united the two of you and together a real change happened in the world of ocean conversation. Your mentor had a way of inspiring crowds with her mastery in storytelling and she could create empathy in the hearts of others that got them to care – to truly want to join the cause of being responsible, intelligent, beings that could change the planet for the better. For everyone. 
You had never admired anyone more. You never took a moment for granted, you never took her advice for granted, and you never took the many lessons you learned through her grace and humility for granted. You don’t experience loss when you don’t have anyone; her unexpected death sent you through a downward spiral you could not have predicted. It was in her honor that you traveled to her village to deliver the news of her passing and the last of her belongings. Her family had welcomed you, encouraged you to take up residence in her old cabin across the bay from the pyramid and gave you advice on how to find peace and comfort when you felt like you would never have it again.
It had never been in your plans to stay.
Now you couldn’t seem to leave.
You were naturally a curious person, always were. The draw to the sea called out to you like the hypnotizing melodies of a siren song. It didn’t matter if you never truly had a home because as long as you were by the ocean and allowed to get lost underneath its waves you would feel at home. There was something about the bay that called out to a part of you that was in tune enough to listen.
The first couple of months of living among the villagers you had taken to conduct undisturbed research of the area. Multiple times a day, Ines Delgado (your mentor’s mother), would spot your pack resting in the same place it always was in the shore line while you dove to the depths with your gear to spend time around the reefs and exploring the extensive cave systems. Each time you shared your discoveries with her over coffee. 
There is one thing you could not get over.
“Ines, sinceramente, he viajado por el mundo y he visto todo tipo de ecosistemas y hábitats. Con la forma que están los océanos ahora, muchos de ellos están en diferentes estados de sufrimiento, pero estos…los que veo aquí son casi perfectos.” You had told her both in a state of disbelief and admiration, knowing that whatever your mentor had started here was working incredibly well. “Lo que su hija ha comenzado aquí es brillante. Ella es brillante.”
(Ines, sincerely, I have traveled around the world and I have seen all types of ecosystems and habitats. With the way the oceans are now, a lot of the ones I have seen have been in different states of suffering, but these…the ones I have seen here are almost perfect. What your daughter started here is brilliant. She is brilliant.)
Shaking her head, her hands trembled slightly due to her age as she brought the cup to her lips to drink. “Es la protección de el que la ha guardado.”
(It is all due to his protection, that has kept it safe.)
“Quien es el?”
(Who is he?)
“K'uk'ulkan. La serpiente emplumada existe. Lo he visto. Inspiro miedo en mi, cuando lo vi. Estaba vestido en trueno y oro, plumas y perlas. Alas en sus pies y rabia en sus ojos. Espero que nunca lo tenga que ver otra vez. Mi niña, tienes que tener cuidado por dónde exploras cuando estás debajo de esas olas. Rara vez estás sola. Nada existe en el océano que la serpiente no permita.”
(K'uk'ulkan. The feathered serpent exists. I’ve seen him. He inspired fear in me, when I saw him. He was dressed in thunder and gold, feathers and pearls. With wings on his feet and rage in his eyes. I hope to never have to see him again. My girl, you must be careful where you explore when you are underneath the waves. Rarely are you alone. Nothing exists in the ocean that the serpent does not allow.)
You promised Ines you would be careful. In a world where aliens can snap their fingers and change the course of life in the universe it never hurts to be aware and respectful of the myths and the gods others believed in for you never know what you might encounter. You had smiled and taken her hand in yours when the words left your mouth and a promise to be extra careful was made.
It did feel as if you were breaking that promise now as you left behind your phone, not wanting to answer any more annoying phone calls, grabbed your pack and gear and headed up the trail to the base of the pyramid.
There was no escaping the heat. 
It was simply impossible.
There was little solace to find in the shade provided by the thick foliage of the trees and the ocean breeze did manage to move leaves in gentle sways enough to reach you but your prayers to Kinich Ahau sadly went unanswered as the heat of the sun did not lessen. There were guided tours around the pyramid during the busy seasons where tourists invaded the peninsula in hopes of seeing, but never truly appreciating, the history that can be found in this land. One of the guides had befriended you and had mentioned a cave opening surrounded by an arch of hieroglyphics that housed the clearest water in the area.
It was believed to be a gateway to an ancient city forged in the depths of the ocean where the sunlight could not reach and many who still believed in the ancient gods left offerings for K'uk'ulkan.
Not only that but there were said to be schools of fish that pulsed light like eye catching signals that were rumored to be found deeper within the system. It had been mentioned a while ago and you had always had it in the back of your mind to see if you could spot and observe the fish. 
What better time to do it than after a call reminding you that you might have to leave this paradise behind soon because of funding, of all things?
It had taken some time to reach your destination as it was not a well traveled path. Making sure you were hydrated and ready to go, you began to suit up. Your diving ensemble was state of the art. The suit itself worked wonders for helping you camouflage to your surroundings allowing you for the best sights of the marine life that happily swam around you after they got used to your presence. You didn’t have to wear a heavy tank that limited your time in the water thanks to the mask your mentor’s genius friend had invented and the fins you swam with actually worked pretty well when you were in a hurry.
Making sure your pack was hidden away in case someone else decided to explore the area, you carefully stepped into the water. The mask you wore covered your face entirely allowing you the luxury of not having to let your eyes adjust to the water. You did close your eyes for a moment, however, to take in how amazing it felt to be completely submerged.
This was home.
You were beneath a pyramid that was built somewhere along the 3rd and 9th AD by a powerful and rich civilization, miles away from where others would consider your actual home, sinking into an unknown darkness without any fear of what might be waiting for you. So many others would not find this particular situation comforting at all but you did.
The water called to you.
Like the soothing song.
This was home.
“Mi niña, tienes que tener cuidado por dónde exploras cuando estás debajo de esas olas. Rara vez estás sola. Nada existe en el océano que la serpiente no permita.”
(My girl, you must be careful where you explore when you are underneath the waves. Rarely are you alone. Nothing exists in the ocean that the serpent does not allow.)
Detaching the flashlight strapped to your thigh, you brought it up to shine at the cavern walls. You had been swimming for some time now, alone in the darkness, and though you had encountered some animals none of them were the glowing fish the tour guide had mentioned. What you had found, however, were intricate hieroglyphics that seemed almost untouched by time. Your eyes widened as you took in the absolute artistry in front of you.
How had they not been eroded by the currents after centuries?
You touched them and allowed your fingers to trace through the creases of the smoothly carved images. Had these been above water at some point? What did they mean? You could only make out a few images. Pushing back to get a wider view and moving your hair so nothing obstructed your vision, you listened to the sound of your own breathing as you moved the light further down; eyes eagerly searching for new wonders when suddenly your breath caught in your throat.
Eyes. You had seen eyes staring up at you and the moment your light hit them, whatever it was moved out of the way quickly. They weren’t the eyes of a fish, it looked human, it looked like a person.
You immediately moved your light all around you, twisting to see if you could catch a glimpse of what had run away from you. You had felt the water move and push against you as whatever it was swam away but it was back to nothing. It was just you in the darkness and the sound of your racing heart but you were no longer fooled. You were not alone.
Years of diving experience have made you become extremely well aware of your surroundings. You had to be when you spend as much time as you do in the ocean where the animals that lived there have evolved over millions of years to perfectly exist within the places you were not fully equipped to be in. That’s why you weren’t shrugging off what you saw as a figment of your imagination or a construct of your mind adjusting to the dark.
You saw a man. The eyes of a man.
And now you were seemingly alone but there was something there, something in the quiet shadows and you could all but feel his gaze. 
Movement came from underneath you and into the path of your flashlight calmly wandered a nurse shark. Large, brown, and gentle; most definitely a nurse shark. Your brain began to give you facts about how many different species of sharks are cave dwellers and how nurse sharks are most definitely one of many different kinds found in the peninsula. You tried to calm your breathing to the almost lazy movements of the animal before you who was not frightened at all. It was home, it felt safe.
Yet you could not just simply calm your mind enough not to worry.
There it was again. You could feel something beneath you. Remaining calm, you closed your eyes as tightly as you could, reminding yourself of so many different situations you had been in where the danger level had been much higher and never had you felt this much fear. Never once had you feared even the biggest ocean creature but a man, this man…
You pointed your flashlight beneath you.
Below, curling up ready to attack, was a giant serpent.
Its tongue extended past its wide open jaw and around the head sharp triangle-like spikes circled around it in layers like a lion’s mane. The light only reached so far but it was clear that it was posed in action and ready to devour you whole. 
Fear moved you before your mind could rationalize the giant feathered serpent to be nothing but a statue. You had never complained about the quality of the swimming fins you wore but quickly kicking your feet to get away from your perceived threat, you had moved too quickly right into a protruding hieroglyph that smashed into the shield protecting your face, your mask. You didn’t think that you hit it hard enough to crack but water began leaking into your mark by your eye, causing you to move both hands quickly to try and stop it. Your flashlight drops into the darkness. You cannot believe how unprofessionally you are acting and how stupid your decisions have been when you know better. She taught you to know better.
The water was now gathering beneath your chin. Your body was pressed against the cave wall, one hand trying to cover the crack in your mask while the other maneuvered around your bags around your waist to find something to fill the crack. Your hair bunched in front of you as you moved and during that movement something that went down to the cave floor and retrieved your flashlight.
You bet it wasn’t the nurse shark as the light turned off and the darkness did what the serpent wanted to do.
It swallowed you whole.
You centered yourself as much as you could and the water stopped as it reached your lips thanks to the plaster you had which you securely placed on top of the damaged part of your mask. It was not a permanent fix and you needed to get out of the caves. Now. Your heart was racing and you could feel your hand trembling as you gripped another flashlight from where they were strapped to your thigh but before you could turn it on strong hands grabbed your own and pulled you forward.
Instinctively, you thrashed against their hold hoping to escape but it felt like trying to pull your arms away from steel. You were pulled forward again and in the darkness your hands reached out and you felt…were those beads? A necklace? A chest? There wasn’t much time to determine what anything was before you were pulled further into the darkness. Whatever had you moved with the ease of an eel and the strength of a shark. It was disorienting being pushed around in total darkness with the water inside your mask splashing around, making you cough it out when your hazardous breathing accidentally made you swallow some of it. You could do nothing but let yourself be led.
You should’ve listened more carefully to Ines.
It felt like an eternity later but eventually you saw light. This cave you did not recognize but that mattered little as you were released and you began swimming towards the surface. You must be somewhere close to the surface as it seemed to be more than an air pocket where you were in. In the center was a platform, a perfect circle made out of stone that sat above the water and you gripped onto the edge with all your might ignoring the pain as you raised yourself onto it.
Your mask was the first thing to be removed as you moved to the center of the circle, coughing up water and breathing lungfuls of air. You were greedy after almost being sure breathing air was something that would never happen again. On your back, eyes facing the stalagmites reaching down towards you from the cave’s ceiling, feet still protected by the fins, and mask discarded next to you. You counted yourself lucky to be alive.
You had said it in your call to Enrique what seemed like forever ago even though it was just that very day. There was something about this place that refused to let you leave and your need to discover it, to understand it, had almost landed you a watery grave in the place you felt most at home.
Turning yourself onto your stomach, your wrists hurt where you had been grabbed and dragged through the water. Whatever it was, whatever that humanoid was, had the strength of a killer whale. You sat up and looked into the water. There was nothing there at first but then out of the water emerged a king.
You didn’t know who he was, what he was, but instinctively deep down you knew you were in the presence of something ancient, something above a human. It was like the water both clinged to him and helped him rise; a pure display of power just right there before your eyes. His hair was darker than the shadows of the caves, his neck adorned with gold and pearls, his eyes contained the rage of a summer storm, and on his feet…wings. 
Fluttering white wings. 
It can’t be…
He spoke in Yucatec Maya that much you were sure of. The pronunciation and formation of the words you were familiar with as the locals had tried to teach you one several occasions. It was too fast for your less than basic knowledge to pick out any words you knew but you did not need to be fluent in his language to understand that what he was saying certainly wasn’t good.
Then he surprised you.
“You have wandered around my home as if it belonged to you.” The anger in his voice was palpable yet he remained right where he rose from the water. “For many months, you pushed past the boundaries set in place and ignored the warnings to satisfy your own greed. My people have kept a close watch on you. You have trespassed for the last time, surface-dweller. What do you say for yourself?”
“I…” You struggled to find words, any words, in the presence of his might and fury. It may have been the incredible situation that you were in that made your mind override the need for survival with boundless curiosity and amazement. It was the only explanation you could think of for the way you sat up to look directly at him while your mind went wild processing and connecting what you now had knowledge on.
“It’s you. You’re…him. She was right. They were right! They truly had seen you. But the stories span hundreds of years, that must mean you’ve been alive for quite some time! A-and the reefs, the fish, they’re in abundance here. A thriving healthy community amidst so many disasters. If your people were watching me then-it was their work! I knew it! There was no way everything could be that pristine with the level of tourism, even with the help of the locals. It’s unfortunate to say that but it-it makes sense, you-”
He roared in Maya t’aan; though you may not have understood him exactly, you did understand context and his call for silence as his patience diminished. The cavern walls amplified his distaste as he stepped onto the stone circle before you. You bowed your head in fear of looking into his eyes again and kept your hands close to you in an attempt to stop them from trembling.
“My name is (Y/N) (L/N). I am a marine biologist and I never once intended to trespass into your territory. I have dedicated myself, my life, to the betterment of the oceans.” You explained through a shaky voice as he neared you, eyes firmly placed on the stone before you. “I may have wandered too close to places I should not have been at but I swear to you I meant no harm. Not to you, your people, or any creatures I may have encountered. Meent' uts, K'uk'ulkan.”
((Please, K'uk'ulkan.))
It felt to you as if an eternity had passed in the quiet that followed.
He wasn’t unaware of the state of the surface world. To be prepared for your enemy meant keeping yourself knowledgeable on their movements, their advances, their whispers. The reports he had gotten from his Talokanil is that you had an understanding of the oceans in ways they had not seen other surface dwellers have before. The ocean creatures calmed in your presence, almost welcoming it, seeking you out when you entered their home. You did not seem hostile or aware at all of their existence yet you chose to explore many of the routes created to lead to Talokan. You could never reach it. Not with your mask and suit that would do nothing to protect you from the pressure of the deep or the frigid temperature.
Your good deeds preceded you and just as your curiosity led you, unknowingly, to them it was his curiosity to meet the one his scouts spoke of that had led him to you.
“I have many names. My people call me K'uk'ulkan, but my enemies call me Namor.” He spoke with a deadly tone, causing your eyes to close as your mind jumped to the worst. “You have caught my attention as many surface dwellers have not. You are not welcomed in these waters and it will do you well to remember my words. Nothing roams my oceans, close to my people, without my permission and you do not have it.”
There were many aspects of your profession that you adored.
Phone calls serving as reminders that your funding was running out was not one of them.
Being banished from the place you most loved by an ancient feathered serpent god was not one of them.
It had been a full moon cycle since that fateful encounter and you had taken a lot of that time to think about what the future held for you. It was difficult ignoring the call of the sea but that time had been spent being more involved with the village and carefully listening to all of the parts of their culture they chose to share with you. There were those that believed and those that did not heed the tales of the elders. You did your best to remain neutral but interested.
He had disappeared into the water after forbidding you from telling anyone of his existence and of what you had now come to know. Your mask had also mysteriously vanished. You had made it back to your cabin by the time the sun dived deep beneath the waves and for the rest of that night you could not sleep.
“Estos turistas! ¡No tienen respeto por nadie ni por nada!”
((These tourists! They don't have respect for anyone or anything!))
That’s how you had been woken up by a young boy named Mateo that you had befriended during your time in the village. He told you that there had been a big boat, painted in bright colors, that had been rented by some tourists a couple of times over; the boat was filled with men disturbing the wildlife and the boy had seen them wrestling a sea turtle out of the water. Mateo had shouted at them to stop from the shore but that did nothing as they did not listen.
The wind blew your hair behind you as you steered your boat in the direction of where the boy had seen the turtle go after it had been thrown back into the water. They’re fast swimmers and with only the light of the moon it would be a miracle if you spotted the injured animal but you had to try.
You were around the area of where the boat had last been seen by Mateo and looking back at the bay, you had moved farther away than they had been by a lot. But this is where your heart had guided you and you never doubted your instincts. You prepped the boat and lowered the anchor, quickly working on lifting the heavy ramp off the side of your little vessel preparing to have to lift a decent sized sea turtle. The bay was the home to many beautiful green sea turtles and though they were stunning, they were large heavy animals. Usually a rescue like this would be done by a team but it was just you.
You in the middle of the pitch black ocean you were told you weren’t welcomed in.
You were steady as the boat rocked and you held onto the railing of the steps leading down as you looked all around you and placed your hand in the water. This world had many living in it with special abilities forced to be kept secret for their safety. You did not believe you had any. You were sure there was nothing special about you until your early days on the field proved you wrong. You couldn’t communicate with sea animals but they did seem to come to you when they needed help. 
Too many things happened that had no real good explanation for you to brush them off as coincidences.
The ocean was a completely different world from the one you lived on, now more than ever you were aware of that fact. Regardless of what you believed was real or not, you knew you could not go searching for the injured one so you closed your eyes, gripping onto the side latter until your knuckles hurt, and called out to the animal.
You felt ridiculous.
You weren’t special. 
It wasn’t going to work.
Moments passed with no result and you had to fight the urge to just jump in the water, knowing the search would not be fruitful without your equipment. Your eyes watered and you scoffed at yourself becoming emotional. It had not been easy spending a month away from your research, away from laughing underneath the waves as fish darted around you and intelligent little octopi tried to steal your stuff. Just as it had not been easy to lose the one person who understood your need to be in the water.
A head with large eyes and hexagonal shaped markings popped out from the dark and soon the entire body came with it. The shell had been cracked, almost cut into. It wasn’t unheard of for tourists to try to remove the shells off the turtles to keep them as souvenirs and it angered you that it had even been attempted.
Your gasp of surprise quickly became gentle words of encouragement.
“Hi, beautiful, hello. It’s okay. It’s okay. You found me and I’m going to help you, okay? You’re a big girl aren’t you? I gotcha, beautiful. You’re so smart, all turtles are. I’m going to take care of you, let me just-” You had turned to face the deck and yelled.
K'uk'ulkan stood on the deck of your boat. Water rolled off his body and the moon silhouetted his imposing figure, allowing the pearls around his neck to glow on their own. The wings on his feet shook the moisture off of themselves and in his hand he held a scepter (or was it a spear, there wasn’t much light) crafted of gold and jade.
“You scared me! I didn’t even hear you-wait, your majesty, wait! I didn’t go back on my word. I need your help. Please.” You pleaded while frozen to your spot on the stern. “She’s hurt. She came to me for help. I can’t lift her onto the ramp and then onto the boat alone but if you could help me. Not for me. For her. Meent' uts, K'uk'ulkan.”
You had said it again. You had begged the god the same way you had done in that cave.
For the second time he was inexplicably moved to spare you.
The green sea turtle was young and healthy, you estimated around 200 to 250 lbs just by her sheer size. He showed absolutely no difficulty lifting up and placing the animal in the containment tub.
“I kept my word, you know.” You said as you quickly moved to grab a flashlight to inspect the shell. “I didn’t step into the water once. But this is my job, what I’m passionate about. I can’t just sit back and stay inside my cabin knowing there’s someone out here that needs me. If this gets me killed, so be it. Just let me make sure she gets treatment, an open shell like this is dangerous. I don’t want an infection to set in.”
You lost yourself in your work. Quickly diagnosing what you could without your equipment, writing it all down, and making preparations to get back to the cabin and contact the right people before you noticed that he was still there; watching your every move as you made it, concealing whatever he felt behind the strong confident body language of a god.
“You are different.” His head tilted to the side as he allowed himself to see you, to truly see you. “Her pain is soothed by your touch and you called out to her in the water. I saw you. How?”
“No, I didn’t do that. I was just, um, trying something. It’s a coincidence.”
“How did you know where to guide your boat in the darkness?”
You didn’t know what to say. 
“I’ve got good instincts. I have to take her back to land and call the closest rehab facility. Will you allow me that much?” You asked, not wanting to rush him and ask the deity that may or may not decide to end your life to leave so you could get the turtle to safety as quickly as possible.
He bowed his head in agreement and you did your best not to sigh in relief right in front of him. It was left unsaid but it was understood and this would not be your last encounter and that it would not be the last time the conversation was brought up. You didn’t think about that now, or you tried not to at least, as you started bringing in the ramp and calling up the anchor to start your return to shore. 
You had a job to do.
The god’s sentencing would have to wait.
You had caught the attention of a god unlike any on the surface world had before.
There were no early signs of how much your life would change in the simple refusal of leaving the place you were slowly carving out a home after a lifetime of denying yourself one. The things you wished you could change were how you had gotten there; you would do anything to bring back your mentor. The past could not be changed but the future could be forged into whatever you desired.
There were so many stories to tell of how you got to where you are and you intended to share them. It’s been a long journey to get here.
To your boat sitting alone in the middle of dark waters, welcomed, with moonlight shining overhead.
With you sitting on the stern, hand in the water, calling out to the depths to the king that had stolen your heart as if it had always been meant for him.
It always took a moment and you could not see into the inky black waves but you could feel him approaching and your heart melted when a hand took yours within the water and laced your fingers together.
“You came.” You smiled, using your other hand to move his hair away from those eyes you loved so much.
“I always will when you are the one calling. Join me. I have much to show you.”
((A/N: I'm excited to be actually inspired to write for the first in so many years! This is part one of many one shots that won't be tied to each other so they can be read in any order! If you got to this point and you want to talk about the movie, I'm just one message away! L'iik'ik Talokan!))
2K notes · View notes
s1ckh1mb0 · 10 months
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Toji,Dio,Eren,Gojo,Stu Macher
330 notes · View notes
gothic-thoughts · 7 months
Trying Something New
Part 1! Dio Brando x Black Fem Reader Smut
DomesticAU, MDNI
CW: afab parts, she/her pronouns, 😋-sitting, P in V riding, dirty talking, unprotected 🥧, overstim to crying, pussy drunk Dio(the dream)
TW: not proofread, sorry if I break ur immersion 🤷🏾‍♀️
Word Count: 2034
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The suddenness of his booming voice makes me flinch and yell out. I look over the back of the couch to see Dio adjusting his collar in the doorway. I clutch my heart, trying to calm it as I catch my breath while my boyfriend dramatically kicks the front door closed and proceeds to fix the stray blonde hairs in his face. 
“The hell is the matter with you?!”
“We need to talk. I have to ask you something.”
I exhale, “My nigga, you kicked open the door for a question? Wait, you left work--"
“Oh relax, I'm on break and have like...” He checks his watch, “Twenty minutes left, but never mind that."
I groan and facepalm, “What do you want?”
"My coworkers and I were talking about our partners in the bedroom, right?"
"Ion like where this is headed..."
"So I came straight home to ask why you haven’t sat on my face yet.”
My jaw dropped, and all I could do was stare back at his squinted eyes. He really don’t see how outta pocket that was? And...why is he angry? At a loss for words, my eyes dart all over the room until his groan of impatience finally snaps me out of my thoughts. I blink back at him to see his eyes rolling as he walks around the couch to meet me.
"Hello?!” He groaned, "I mean, you never even asked!"
“Sorry, I'm just wondering where that came from."
“Jackasses laughed, talking about how you've starved me.”
I stifle a laugh by biting my lips, “Uh...I'm...sorry?” I shrug.
“They said women love it, but you haven’t brought it up to me once!" He folds his arms, "Do you think I won’t do well or something?!”
“What, no! I just never really thought about it. In depth, anyway.”
He wraps a strong forearm around my waist and holds me close, looking down with his usual smug smirk.
“We’re trying it tonight.”
“Wha- tonight? That’s too soon!”
"How? I go back to work, you wash up--or whatever, I come back at 7ish, and you sit on my face to relax me from the day. What's the problem?"
"It's not like I don’t know how delicious you are, angel. I’m just saying, it would be a nice change of pace to be held down while I have my favorite snack. Besides, you weigh practically nothing to me."
I hit his chest, "Aight, damn! J-just to try, I guess."
His smug smirk instantly turns playful, causing me to roll my eyes. His face dips into my neck and squeezes me so tight that I hear his heart racing in anticipation. He chuckles in my neck before pulling away, locking those pretty amber eyes on me, and leans down so his lips hovered above mine.
"Oh...and another thing."
“What now?” I ask, exasperated, “Am I not flustered enough?”
"What, Dio?"
"When you sit on my face, I want you to use all that weight.”
I stammer, "What do–”
"Fucking sit on it, none of that trying to run like you do when we fuck."
"I know it’s our first time trying, but I want you to enjoy every moment."
After work, I was happily laid flat on our shared bed with (Y/n) bashfully straddling my head. She tried to stall by asking me if I was sure over and over, but I could barely hear her with my heart beating in my ears in time with the throbbing in my pants. Just by looking at how her pretty pussy twitched around nothing, I could tell she was just as aroused as she was embarrassed.
      She leans forward, gripping the headboard to try and steady her shaky hips. I could care less about her embarrassed whines when I hook my biceps around her thick thighs and pull her body down to meet my lips. (Y/n) squeals in shock, slumping forward and catching herself by palming the headboard as my tongue starts to caress her.
"Ah~" She whimpered, “W-were you even listening to me?”
“Not a word.” I lap over the length of her slit, "Not a fucking word."
“It does...feel...good.”
I smirk against her and rock her back and forth on my extended tongue, her hips twitching every time her clit grazes it. She groans, painted nails scratching down the headboard to thread through my messy blonde locks, making me hum at the feeling. 
I unhook my left bicep from her and pull my dick from my boxers, groaning vibrations into her as I start to twist my hand around the head. Her weight shifts off of my face enough for me to notice, so I quickly slapped her ass harshly, hearing her gasp along with the echo in the room.
“Where you going?" I mumble, "Spent the rest of my day thinking about this and I'm just getting started."
“Gonna fall, gonna f-fall.”
"I've got you, mmh~ Just relax and let me prepare her."
"What, you don't think I'm going to fuck you dumb after this?"
I close my lips around her smooth bud and suckle on it until she calls out my name and begins to grind herself across my tongue. My hips jerk upwards, wanting to be slapping against hers with every drop of nectar that spreads on my tongue, so I slip my hand back down to squeeze the base of my shaft.
"You really thought I was gonna let you be this wet and let it go to waste?"
Precum beads from my tip and runs down to my hand as I stroke myself to the speed she humped my tongue. I push it inside her clenching hole, moaning at the full flavor I missed from only licking.
"Yeah, feels s'good like that, fuck."
"Oh, so you like it when I make out with her, hm?" I growl between slurps, "I thought it was humiliating; maybe I should stop."
"No, n-no baby just-- ah~!"
She shivers over me trying to keep herself together but when I flick my tongue in and out to slurp better she squeals. (Y/n) tugs my hair as her nectar trickles down my chin and neck. I stare up at her beautiful face while it contorts between lip bites and silent moans as her back arches over me, hips grinding faster. 
“Mmh~ yeah, there you go. Make a mess, gimme something to brag about tomorrow.”
“Shit. Don't stop, oh god. I'm close, baby, so fuckin’ close. I'm almost—"
I grab both of her hips and slide her across my tongue faster than her brain or legs could process until they shake. She grabs my wrist in an attempt to stop me, so in retaliation, I shake my head from side to side, but I keep going until her back arches when she reaches her high over me, her squealing and juices echoing in the room.
I continued lapping at her sensitive clit until she was jolting and whining from the aftershocks, letting her rest when I grabbed her hips and moved her to my lap. She sighs, thinking I was giving her a break when I shove myself inside the soaking hole and make her gasp. I laugh when she buries her face in my chest, panting.
I chuckle, “Yes?” I mock her tired, dazed tone.
“N-need break.”
“Oh, I know you do. I’ll break you good, angel, don’t you worry.”
"I can't, my legs..."
"I know, I'll handle it."
My hands travel down the length of her back to grip her hips and lift her flexing entrance up and down my girth, leaving her to grasp at my chest with each plunge, loud moans hiccupping from her throat every time I hit that special spot. I look over her shoulder to watch the sexy brown skin bounce and jiggle, stretch marks reflecting light each time I slam her back to my hips, sweet nectar and spit dripping down my shaft. (Y/n) adjusted her legs at my sides and tried to bounce herself.
"Aw, you wanna handle it?" I ask, bouncing her faster, "You need your legs for that, don't you?"
"Body's so sensitive too, can't stop shaking when I touch you."
"F-uck, don't stop!"
"You're the most beautiful woman I ever laid eyes on."
My back arches and my thighs tense under her as she starts to bounce harder. My hips bucked up into her dripping hole at the rhythm, making us both moan out and toss our heads back. I giggle and smack her ass harshly to make her cry out before grabbing her sides to guide her up and down my shaft.
As she came, louder moans fell from her plump, wet lips, the sound of wet skin slapping resonated throughout the room, my heavy groans mingling with her whimpers—noises I could never tired of. I slipped my left into her hair, where I wrapped it around my hand and pulled back, angling her head back while her tits bounced above me. I didn’t give a damn about how much her slick made a mess out of my thighs with every thrust upward, it made it so much easier to fuck her into oblivion. 
"Ah yeah," I moan, throwing my head back, "I fucking love how messy and--ngh. This is my mess, right?"
"Mhm~ yes baby. It's yours can't t-take it." She sniffled.
"Too fucking good to let you go, my darling."
"I can't-- it's too much!"
Loose strands of my hair stuck to my forehead as I started to sweat, pushing her body to another orgasm, wondering just how much her body could take tonight. (Y/n) sniffles some more so I release her hair, allowing her head to droop forward to see her lashes clinging together by tears of pleasure as drool seeped from her mouth.
"F-feels too fucking good. Too good, baby, please."
“Keep your head down, I want you to see how pretty you look when you’re crying for me.”
"Ah, ah, hah~ P-please, I can't."
“Oh, fuck…” I growl, “Look at that pretty face."
(Y/n)'s breath hitched in her throat as she watched my eyes while I continued to split her open on my cock. The gasps falling from her lips made me moan just as loud as her as I began slamming up into her faster. I reach up to pinch and play with her nipples while her hole clenches around me again. My gaze scans down from her ecstasy tears to the chubby tum bulging slightly paired with each of her screams and whimpers.
"Quite the crybaby, but such pretty tears. God, you'll be the death of me.”
I pull her body down to embrace her so she can feel my hot breath down her neck, my teeth tugging at her ear while my hips buck wildly into her. My plump lips kiss and press against her neck while the veins of my cock rub against her pulsing walls with every thrust. My seductive words swirled her mind when her cunt squeezed me impossibly tight, and I let out a curse at the burning pleasure, my hips snapping ferociously upwards.
“That’s it, cum again.” 
“Can’t, too much!” She wailed, thighs quivering.
"Can't? But you're grinding down so hard, whore. Your sweet hole can't get enough."
More tears flowed down her plump cheeks, connecting at her chin, “I—fuck! ’S so-so-so good, ’m close again.”
She was a blubbering mess, torn between wanting me to continue fucking her senseless and not being able to keep up; the sight alone made my balls tighten, orgasm inching closer with every tear that slipped down her face. My body tenses, grip tightening while my other hand slips down to her clit, rubbing it faster until her entire body spasmed as another shattering orgasm rippled through her.
I groaned out, spurting warm ropes of cum inside her and painting her walls white as she trembled in my arms. Riding out our orgasm together while she pants and whimpers into my shoulder. Drool-stained lips peppered my shoulder and neck with wet kisses as my hips slowed to a halt.
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jojikawa · 3 months
𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝘽𝙧𝙞𝙙𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝘿𝙞𝙤: 𝙒𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝘿𝙤𝙚𝙨 𝙄𝙩 𝙈𝙚𝙖𝙣 𝙏𝙤 𝙇𝙞𝙫𝙚? | 𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙩 𝙉𝙞𝙣𝙚
🦋 — Read all the previous parts!
🩸— This is a dark romance with descriptions of violence, gore, racism, sexism, and NSFW themes. The reader is black in this AU but this story can be enjoyed by all walks of life. This chapter contains manipulation. (no smut, no gore)
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Art Link Dividers 3.3k words
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“(y/n), tell me, what does it mean to live?” 
You froze in the middle of your actions. “Dio, what are you talking about?” You furrowed your eyes with concern. He didn’t exactly adorn his typical cunning look, but instead, more sullen. His thumb rubbed your inner waist tenderly as he held you.
It had been an indeterminate amount of time since your lustful night with Dio. Being held captive here with a stand user warping the mansion to prevent your escape made you lose track of time. You had gotten Dio to soften up by offering your body to him from time to time. But sometimes, your body isn't enough. To him, you weren’t just a body; a means to an end for his sexual gratification. You were a person, with a mind, and he wanted to know your thoughts. Your personality and intelligence are why he’s chased after you for so long. After all, his goal was to make you more like him. Today, he humbly requested that you sit on his lap and feed him desserts in an attempt to bond with you. It was him trying to follow Pucci’s advice for being a good husband but failing to make any sacrifices on his own part.
“You’ve walked free for 100 years. I want you to tell me what it means to live.” He reiterated. “I asked Enyaba but her answer was worthless to me.” You raised an eyebrow at his choice of words. “Worthless?” You stuck the fork you had been using to feed Dio into the slice of cake you were sharing. A sigh left your lips. “Why didn’t you like her answer?” You tilted your head. Dio rested his head in his other palm. “Because, how would an old hag like her know what it means to live? I could just ask the undying beauty in front of me.” You expected his mouth to curl into a sly grin as usual. You expected his eyes to narrow at you like you were a piece of meat but—he didn’t.
Dio’s face was somewhat neutral as if he were trying to think. It was almost—cute. Perhaps, you should try to humor him…for once.
“To live is to be happy. To be free.” You told him, somewhat thinking of yourself. You were trapped and hopefully, he’d get the message.
His nose crinkled up upon hearing your words. You feared he didn’t like your answer either. What was he expecting? You gave context, hoping that it would make him feel a bit better since he wasn’t exactly getting what you meant.
“While I was by myself, I did things that made me happy. New things that I didn’t even know I could be good at. Like singing.” You smiled softly, thinking back to your days when you’d go by many different identities to keep making new music.
“Singing? How boring.” Your husband rolled his eyes and shifted his weight in his chair so that he was now looking away from you. Your smile faded and you furrowed your eyebrows at him. “What’s boring is being trapped in a coffin for 100 years at the bottom of the sea!”
“Well, Darling, I didn’t have a choice. You did and you chose to entertain others. I want to hear more about your gluttonous adventures.” Dio began to smirk. He seemed to only be interested in what he liked and not what you liked. It sort of made you sad causing your neutral mouth into a frown. Your relationship was always just you trying to appease him and then he helps himself to whatever he wants, whether it be other women when you deny him, your attention, or your body when you’d finally give in.
“They weren’t ‘gluttonous adventures’ okay? I just can’t control myself sometimes—it seems.” Your gaze shifted to the ground. You were somewhat ashamed of your behavior. The more you tried to stop yourself from being a monster, the stronger that monster became. You heard Dio ‘hmph!’ next to you. “Well, for starters, you can stop starving yourself and feed freely.” His eyes returned to you before he instinctively got angry. 
“And if you didn’t know, you can always feed like this…” He raised his hand to your neck. His large hand wrapped around your dainty throat. His claws entered your skin but it didn’t hurt. “…so when it comes to feasting on those beneath me, use your hands and reserve your lips for me.”
“You’re certainly one to demand exclusivity while you go around and impregnate other women.” You rolled your eyes, trying to suppress the newfound anger any time you thought of his unfaithfulness. Dio’s smirk returned to his handsome face. “Should I have punished you some other way? I would’ve taken your womb by force but…I already have it.” He chuckled darkly. He waited with anticipation of his first child with you. It would be just one of many and they would grow up to rule the world, just like him. He just hoped that they wouldn’t take after their stubborn mother. The last thing he needed were lions that had soft hearts like sheep. 
“And you’re oddly proud of taking away my autonomy.” Your eyebrows knitted together in frustration. You still didn’t like the language he used when talking to you…but that wasn’t a "you" problem. It was a Dio problem.
You had begun to lift yourself off of him only to be pulled back down. He secured his hand around your waist even further. “Oh, don’t you even think of leaving me yet.”
Dio leaned close. So close that his nose brushed yours. A smirk was plastered on his face and, for a moment, it seemed like he was about to kiss you…and you could tell he wanted to. His eyes were set on your plush lips that were already chapped from his excessive urge to press his lips to yours.
For a moment, it did seem like he’d kiss you until he pulled away. His eyes grew cold and he seemed annoyed that he needed to rip them away from your beauty. He looked around the room as if he heard something.
Enyaba suddenly entered the room. She mentioned something cryptic to Dio. Something about training the power of his stand. What power? The only thing you could call back to was your repeating actions the day you tried to leave him again.
His anger melted away before he released you. “I’ll come find you again.” He said as you got up from his lap. You wanted to ask what exactly he’d be gone for but you knew he wouldn’t answer you. The only way to find out would be to pry the information out of a servant..or use your stand on them.
You flashed him a charming smile. A smile that caused him to blush.
“Okay. I’ll be here waiting for you.”
Oh. So that’s what it meant to live.
Your smile. Your approval. Your happiness.
Your attention. Your body. Your mind. Your soul.
Your motherly instincts made you check on Petshop. The sweet bird was just as loving as ever. Although you loved him, you couldn’t help but wonder why Dio chose a bird and not something like a cat or…dog. It felt as though he was mocking you—almost. You felt like a small bird in a cage of bones. A trap with no return. But Dio’s gift to you was a large bird. One that was free and could fly wherever it wanted. It would go out every day but return back to you with free will. Just thinking about it made your eyes fill with tears.
But before you could cry…you noticed something particular about Petshop. On his talons were…ice shards? At first, it didn’t mean anything but then you remember that you were in the middle of Egypt. It was much too hot for ice to last, let alone form at all. The bird allowed you to remove them but you’d surely bring this up to Dio later. You couldn’t help but feel like he was keeping things from you. Pet shop was beautiful but you couldn’t help but wonder where he came from. It was also clear that Petshop wasn’t an ordinary bird. He was somewhat larger than any bird you’d ever seen and despite being gentle with you, it looked ferocious. It had to be a while animal…
It was enough faking your happiness. What you really wanted was to find out how Joseph and his grandson were doing. Judging by the obvious, the boys must be successfully defeating Dio’s minions. The only other people who were close to you and Dio in the mansion were Enyaba and Pucci. In reality, he was more of a “friend” to Dio than to you but he often extended his kindness to you as well. You didn’t have any friends here. Dio’s minions “worshipped” you but the person who ultimately listened to was Dio. Any one of them would turn on you at the drop of a hat.
Some time had passed when you were with Petshop. You were mesmerized by your stand. She was so beautiful and although she looked like a humanoid creature, it felt the same as looking in a mirror when you saw her. You wished that you could fully understand her power. Enyaba refused to help you by orders of Dio and he had isolated you so much that you didn’t get to exercise your power at all. 
That was until…
“Lady (y/n)…?”
An unknown person has entered Dio’s private study. Petshop’s relaxed body was not at attention, ready to attack anyone who dared come to hurt his owner.
You were lying down in Dio’s oversized armchair by yourself when they had come in. You sat up, unable to make out the figure in the darkness. The voice and build let you know that it was a man but it wasn’t anyone you had recognized. As the man got closer, he gasped upon seeing you.
“You’re just as beautiful as Lord Dio described.”
Your eyebrows knitted together. “Who are you?” You questioned, seeing the person who came from the dark. It was a tall man with white skin. He was paler than Dio and he had brown hair. His outfit consisted of a purple jacket and leotard decorated with a similar heart motif that your husband’s new yellow clothes adorned. The ones that Enyaba had just begun tailoring for him.
“Please, my lady, call me Vanilla Ice.” The odd man got on his knees, clasping his hands together as if he were begging for mercy. “Lord Dio has assigned me to be your personal servant from now on.”
Your eyebrows raised. “My personal servant?”
Petshop observed your body language before going back to rest. It seems Vanilla Ice wasn’t a threat.
“Why would Dio send you now? I don’t need to be served.” You crossed your arms. Somehow, you felt less sympathy the more often you saw Dio’s minions. Perhaps, you were jaded from knowing Dio all your life because you couldn’t understand how he was able to charm so many when he was barely charming in your opinion.
“I’m sorry, my lady, but Lord Dio insisted. I am not allowed to let you out of my sight.”
Your eyebrows knitted together. “Out of your sight? For what purpose?” You crossed your arms. “Explain yourself.”
Vanilla Ice began to sweat. You could see the droplets forming on his forehead. “M-My Lord has told me that I shouldn’t burden you with such details…”
“What? I just spoke to him. Take me to where he is right now.” You commanded, making the servant’s expression worsen. “But—” The man took a step closer to you.
“Lord Dio doesn’t believe you should leave this room anymore. He’s told me that you may be jeopardizing his future plans.”
He was trying to lock you away again, huh? Well, you wouldn’t allow that. Especially not in this hot Egyptian Heat. 
“I don’t care! Take me to him right now or I’ll find him myself.” Just as you finished speaking, you felt a sense of regret. You didn’t know this man. Perhaps, you shouldn’t have yelled at him…but what is done is done.
Unbeknownst to you, Dio was only just training to harness the power of his stand, but he was taking time to create insurance for you and himself, solidifying the chances of his return. He knew you didn’t approve of his relationship with Pucci. You’d never stop pestering him about it and he didn’t want to risk your stand undoing any progress he’s made in grooming the boy into doing exactly what he wants.
Vanilla Ice couldn’t help but get antsy. He felt as though failing Dio’s orders would get him on his bad side.
Upon taking you to Dio, you saw that this room was much darker than most. Enyaba was there as well. If you were being honest, you began to dislike her. She filled Dio’s head with disgusting thoughts of plot and murder. You felt as though any progress you made in your relationship with him was undone by her. It made you want to kill her. That feeble old woman. 
“Oh? And what is this?” Dio’s voice held an innocuous tone. He didn’t see upset that Vanilla Ice couldn’t so easily contain you. Around his hands were purple vines with thorns. They looked slightly out of place as if they weren’t real. At least, you hoped that your husband wasn’t actually sprouting vines from his forearms. “I am NOT letting you lock me up again.” You hissed as you pushed your way into the room, disregarding anyone who may be watching. No matter how angry you’d get, Dio hardly saw you as a threat. He could even admit that he enjoyed it when you clashed with him. The thought of a pretty rose poking him with thorns kept him on his toes. No matter what, you fueled his love for you and his ego.
Perhaps, Ice was the wrong person for the job. 
“That’s fine. I won’t lock you away.” Dio manipulated his voice to sound inviting. Maybe he made a mistake. The two of you were doing so well together. The vibes that surrounded his hands and forearms grew and they subtly made their way over to you. Instinctively, you took a step back, not yet familiar with the variety of stand powers due to Dio’s constant sheltering of you and withholding secrets.
You backed into the chest of a large man. He held you by your shoulders, not allowing you to escape. The vines wrapped themselves around your waist, pulling you closer to Dio.
You weren’t able to resist the sensation filling your body right now. It was from the vines. You reached down to try to remove them but that only made them hug your waist tighter. A smug look covered Dio’s visage. He waited until your bodies were only inches away before he spoke.
“What is your stand power? As my wife, you must answer and you must do it truthfully.” His hands settled on either side of your waist as the ethereal plants layered themselves around you. 
You had no idea what Dio was referring to…
You didn’t know what your stand did. You just talked to people and things happened.
Dio’s eyebrows knitted together slightly at your hesitation. He opened his mouth to speak but you finally spoke first.
“Mother’s Mercy can cause its targets to make better decisions.”
The man raised an eyebrow. His fingers squeezed slightly before pulling you a bit more forward. “What else? Is that it?” He asked you. Well, more so, he asked Hermit Purple. The stand was forcing you to give information. “Better decisions?” He repeated. In a fit of frustration, he let you go. He stepped away from you and his face became one of disgust. “How worthless.” 
A stand is a manifestation of the soul. You were his Queen, his Goddess who would rule alongside him. So, why has the universe granted you such a gentle stand?
“Enyaba, can I shoot her again? Would that give her a more ruthless power?” 
The old woman shook her head. “Shooting the arrow again would not have any chance of improving her granted abilities and it could disrupt the pregnancy.” She grumbled, pointing her walking stick at your belly. It was protruding a little bit. Weeks have passed since you got pregnant and now you are beginning to show.
“No, Dio, please. Not again.” Your voice was quiet as a mouse and you shook your head, recalling the pain you were in when you were first shot with the stand arrow. It felt like you had been boiled alive. The sensations were unnatural. Even with your vampire augmentation, you were unable to resist its torture.
“What good is a stand that makes my associates join my enemy? I should just lock you up and be done with it.” He began to pace around the room. “Show her out.” 
You felt Vanilla Ice tug on you but you didn’t budge. Snatching your shoulder away from him, you stepped towards your husband. “I am not going back to that room. I’m not staying locked up. I want you to stop this and call off your henchman from attacking Joseph and his grandson.”
Dio didn’t turn to address you. “And why would I do that?”
“Because, they didn’t do anything to you, Dio.” Your furrowed your eyebrows. A “tsk” sound left his mouth once you said that. 
“Do you know what Jonathan did to me…?” His tone shifted. He sounded hurt but angered as well. Dio strode over to you and grabbed your delicate hand with force. He raised it to his neck and your fingertips tips grazed the scarred issue that kept his severed head on that stolen body. “He did this. On the night of our wedding.”
“What was supposed to be the most special night of my life that I waited years for…” He let go of your hand and you let it fall to your side. You couldn’t tell if he was being vulnerable or arrogant but it seemed personal. 
While Dio might've felt like you were the only woman to ever understand him, the reality was that you didn’t. You were just able to adapt well to his unstable personality. Perhaps, that’s why he clung to you like this. Maybe, he knew and simply didn’t care if the two of you understood each other. Maybe…all that matters to him is that he could be himself and you couldn’t run away.
“So, you’re going to kill a random child because you feuded with Jonathan?” Your thumb ran over the tip of your index and ring finger.
Already, you memorized the feeling of his scars. You barely touched them. You never wanted to even though it was clear Dio yearned for it. He was too prideful to beg for it too. You didn’t want to acknowledge the confusing reality that you could be having the child of Jonathan. It made your heart want to burst. It made you want to disappear.
“Jotaro Kujo isn’t a random child. I want to destroy what’s left of the Joestars…” He made Hermit Purple appear again. “And if my minions can’t dispose of him then what better way than to do it with Jonathan’s body?”
The stand snaked up your arm and you could feel its imaginary thorns sinking into your skin. “And if you love me, you’d understand. Do you love your God?”
The same sensation from before took control of your body. So many things ran through your head but you couldn’t form any speech. “E-Erm…” you purse your lips but soon find yourself unable to make eye contact with Dio. His face became increasingly more alert. His pupils retracted as his eyes widened.
Hermit Purple vanished. You couldn’t answer even while being forced to talk.
“Get her out of my sight and take her back to her room. If she resists, use force.”
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hey. thx for the wait.
i cant remember if someone else was supposed to be tagged so pls let me know if you're missed.
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sl33paholics · 6 months
dio angry fucking you… because a guy was flirting with you and dio gets mad and teaches you a lesson🤧
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Know Your Place!
Dio Brando x black!fem!reader
Warning(s): aggressive sex (with consent ofc), biting, gripping, choking, nipple play, rough kissing, bit of degrading, spanking....it's a shit ton of stuff alr? You'll see as you read.
OOOOOOOOOOOOO my first ever Dio request, out of all the characters from JJBA, I finally get to write this nigga for the first time. Kinda scared. Also, this is a modern AU as you said in your first request!
Words can't describe how much of an internal emotional turbulant this man felt when he saw a guy hitting on you while the two of you were at the shopping center.
He left you alone for a few minutes just to use the bathroom and came back to see a man, a lowlife, a pervert, a pig, a snob, an ugly fucker way too close getting his chance to holla at you. As if he waited or even followed the two of you to watch Dio leave your side to swoop in and take your attention away from him for a moment so that he could do something disgusting to you. He just couldn’t let it slide.
The blonde watched at you fluttered those lashes at him. Your glossy lip-liner lips curved into a pretty smile as you made conversation with this stranger who was now practically glued to you. You looked like you were in love with this fucker despite Dio being your boyfriend. It didn’t feel right. Could it be that you were humoring this man? Was it some sort of sick game for him? Was he trying to impress you so badly?
As if his body was acting on his own, Dio approached you two of you. His hand grabbed yours as he squeezed your small one tightly. The sharp gaze he gave the man in front of you was not friendly or soft. He knew what was going on and was ready to rip his eyes out with his bare hands if necessary. The guy backed off and sheepishly went his way. “We're going home." He'd say in that quiet voice of his, the same tone he used whenever someone tried to get too close. But this was different. There was something about Dio's eyes, the way they narrowed, and the way they glittered as if he would gladly rip out the stranger's tongue with his teeth, which made him seem so intimidating.
The ride home was quiet. He didn't say a word to you. You knew he was angry by the way he grabbed your hand. You're not stupid. But you didn't think it was a big of a deal. You were surprised when he didn't drop you off to your dorm, but instead, to the Joestar estate. Dio never bought you here unless an event was going on. Did this man forget to tell me that a party was going to happen today or what? You thought to yourself.
Man, you were totally wrong. Super fucking wrong.
You're now currently laid down at the edge at the edge of his king-sized bed, face-to-face, naked. The firm grip Dio had on your hips as he stared down at you with those dark chocolate orbs. All you need to know is the extent of how pissed off he was. His thumb gently stroked the sensitive skin above your naval. "This asshole dared to look at you," he whispered harshly, his breath hot against your neck, "and touch you." You could hear the venom dripping from each word Dio spoke, goosebumps appearing on your skin under his touch. Your legs raised up high with your knees bent to form a V, exposing the pink folds.
Oh my, the cold air in the room didn't help either. Your nipples were getting hard. As you felt the chills running through your breasts, the pain that came with it was creeping in.
Dio was enjoying watching you whine beneath him. His body slapping against your, his attention going to your breasts. A wicked smile plastering his face.
Dio's hand slithered over to one of your breasts, cupping it as he ran his thumb across its nipple. Your head threw back as he massaged the breast. However, he pinched your nipple as hard as he caused you to scream. Don't fucking move, (Y/N)." The words were stern and rough, making sure you stayed where you were.
Your back arched up with every pinch. It didn't help that the thrusting was beginning to become faster. Your mind was starting to cloud over with lust. You were losing control of what happened to you. You knew this could only end in disaster.
"Oh, if only you could see yourself right now. Such a whore. Like the slutty bitch you are." His words pierced your heart. They hurt more than any slap ever could have.
Dio pulled out, leaving you in shock. He moved your body further up on the bed as Dio got on top of you. You felt his hand wrapped around your neck. When the blonde thrusted into your waiting pussy, he gave your neck a good squeeze to make sure that your mouth stayed shut from a lack of oxygen. "No screaming. No moaning. No begging." The blonde wasn't taking shit from you. He didn't want to hear you protest.
Dio was jamming, no, drilling you at this point. His thrusts were getting sloppy, erratic, and rough. Dio's pace quickening and his breathing heavier. Every time he pumped inside of you, you could feel his cock twitch inside of you. Almost as if he was having trouble controlling himself. His breathing became heavy. The feeling was driving you crazy. You wanted him. More than anything.
His squeeze was getting tighter, and your eyes were rolled back. It was only until you had to scratch his arm for the man to realize that he had to snap out of his cloudy hated state of mind, removing his hand from your neck watching you gasp for air.
Dio got closer to your face, and the same hand he used on your neck was now cupping your cheeks and turned your head to face him. His lips pressed against yours. Dio's tongue tasted your salty lips and his own saliva sliding in between them before he sucked your tongue into his mouth. His tongue dancing with yours. Dio groaned with pleasure, and you couldn't help it. You moaned. That sounded so sexy coming out of your mouth. The trial of saliva against your tongue when he finally moved away. This was amazing. So intense and intimate, yet also so tender and caring, you thought. His taste was addicting. He tasted like peppermint, vanilla, and chocolate. Dio tasted like everything you liked. He smelled like the rain, like springtime, and most definitely, like sex.
All of this pleasure, all of this pain was worth it to be with him. To be in his arms. To be with him forever.
You felt yourself coming to your climax when he continued to stroke and massage your already wet and swollen clit. You were going to come any second now. You wanted to come again and again with him. With him.
And with that, you did, falling into his embrace after the two of you came together. Dio didn't bother to pull out. He wanted to remind you who you belonged to, as if that wasn't apparent from the moment Dio threw you on the bed earlier.
"My my...look at you," He'd say seeing your figure below him twitching and breathing heavily. "Your lip gloss has smeared across the pillow sheets and your pretty hair is all messy..." The blonde would say with a chuckle, you looked at him as if you wanted to punch the shit out of Dio. "Fuck you...you bastard...choking me as if I'm some fuckdoll." You'd say closing your eyes.
"Don't threaten me with a good time and new ideas, sweetheart. Take this as a lesson learned. You belong to me."
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dio-doflamingo · 1 year
· • . ° . nsfw drabble feat. nanami kento!
˚ ˚ · • . pairing ⇢ nanami, kento x black fem reader
↳ while I encourage anyone to read, I intend to write a black-coded reader unless stated otherwise
· • . ° . synopsis ⇢ you expected your boyfriend to be punctual, like always, but nanami missed your dinner reservation tonight! you had every right to be a little upset when you heard the front door open. and he’s ready to let you get it off your chest, among other things…
˚ ˚ · • . content warning ⇢ face sitting, fingering, spanking, squirting, slight praise
· • . ° . ( inspired by this corny ass tweet I saw a while back )
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· • . ° . AUTHOR'S NOTE ⇢ the way my first fic on here was supposed to be Castlevania related.. (imma still do it I just wanted to get this out my system first) I’ll call this a test run? 🫣 and happy black history month too
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You couldn’t really be mad at Kento, it truly wasn’t his fault that work kept him so late. You were just being a brat because you’ve been wanting to visit this restaurant for a good while. And the one time you try to have a nice outing with your boyfriend, leave it to none other than Gojo Satoru to fuck that up. When Kento is assigned to a mission (unwilling and without prior notice) with him, who highly suggested they split up so that Gojo can 'have a little fun', things were bound to take longer than necessary.
Your eyes glared at the clock as each second ticked by, slowly tapping your nails along your kitchen counter. It's been three hours since your boyfriend sent you an update.
my sweet love: Don't worry sweetheart, I'm okay. I'll make sure I get back in time for our dinner 🤍 (7:38 pm)
You tore your eyes away from the wall to uncork a wine bottle and pour yourself another glass. The sweet burn of the liquid rushes over your tastebuds and you tilt your head back to momentarily rest your eyes. The silence of your two-story complex engulfs you, and the irate thoughts you stifled begin to resurface.
I'd probably be on my third glass of Malbec by now. Eating paella and steak. Maybe some pasta. Kento and I would be on that gorgeous balcony sharing a fruit tart. Maybe crème brûlée. Enjoying the view of our city and each other's company after so long. I can't even remember our last dinner date. Fuck that mission. And most importantly, fuck Gojo Satoru.
The longer you thought about your night going to shit, a frown slowly stretched crossed your brown lips. A deep exhale escapes you as you take a generous sip, unconsciously gripping the stem of your glass tighter. Secretly, you're hoping to do the same to the six-eyed sorcerer whenever you see him. The sound of keys unlocking your front door reaches your ears and you lift your head and slide yourself off of the counter.
"Y/n honey, where are you?"
The warmth of his words made your heart flutter but it wouldn't rid you of your sour expression. Usually, when Kento arrives home, he is greeted with your beaming smile and a barrage of kisses as soon as he's setting his briefcase down. But your absence today throws him off a bit. Maybe she's napping? Or taking a shower?
He calls your name once again and you roll your eyes, realizing you can only hide from him for so long until he finds you himself. You take your time to finish your glass before setting it in the sink and shuffling your way to the front door.
"Y/n, are you home?"
Kento's tired gaze brightens as he sees you rounding the corner to greet him. You were only dressed in a powder blue robe but you looked so beautiful. An adoring smile stretches across his face and he opens his arms, ready to accept his usual welcome.
You approached him with your arms crossed before standing on your toes to peck his chin as you mutter a monotone "hello Kento". You didn't even meet his gaze before turning on your heels and making your way upstairs. He blinks and furrows his brows at the abrasive manner you greeted him in. You've never welcomed him home this way. It hurt him a bit, but a quick glance at his watch tells him exactly why you weren't exactly eager to see him.
Your lover runs a hand through his hair before sighing to himself. This is the first time Kento has missed any outing with you, and he can admit he does not like seeing you unhappy, especially with him. His feet slip out of his shoes and he makes his way upstairs to your bedroom.
Kento didn’t even need to say anything to you for you to see the exhaustion in the slouch of his shoulders and the heavy look behind his glasses. Your eyes quickly flit toward his figure before returning to your own reflection in the vanity mirror. You had spent so much time fixing your hair into an updo and getting a picture-perfect makeup beat, and you can't believe it was all for nothing. He walked to your vanity and pressed a quick kiss onto your forehead as he adores how you dolled up for him, even as you pout at him. Before you could open your mouth to complain at his slight dismissal, Nanami’s voice fills your ears.
“I’m sorry it took me so long to get home, sweetheart.”
You watched as he discarded his suspenders and button-up with his back turned, switching out his clothes for some sleeping pants. “But just let me get comfortable and you can tell me just how upset you are.” Nanami walked back over to you and leaned down, raking his eyes over your profile and humming to himself as he placed his watch and glasses on the vanity.
“You look so darling, y/n. You did this for me?” His amber eyes took note of your robe exposing your cleavage, and it made Kento’s dick throb knowing you wore one of his favorite lingerie sets. All for him, just for him. “Yes, my love, I was excited.” You grumbled as you relish in the feeling of his rough, slender hands traveling up your legs to slide under your robe and give a teasing squeeze to your inner thighs. Nanami lowered his head to your neck, knowing where to kiss and bite at to get you quietly whining and gasping in his ear.
His hands moved under you, grasped at your ass, and carried you to the bed to straddle him. You maintained a slight frown on your lined lips, contradicting the soft grind you’re doing on Kento’s bulge, and it made him smirk. “I’m sure you were so disappointed I missed our reservation. Probably extremely mad.” He swiftly brings his fingers to slide your robe off of your shoulders and expose your breasts to him.
He gently squeezes at them and you mutter a “sure was, actually”, the end of your complaint morphing into a light moan. Your nipples were hardening through the fabric of your sheer bra, and Kento couldn’t help but circle his tongue around your nipple, humming an “I bet you were” before placing it into his eager mouth. Your hips bucked into his at the sensation, the warm feeling in your lower area spreading heat throughout your body. Nanami groans against your chest at the friction before pulling his head away, leaving wet kisses and deep red marks across your collarbone and breasts.
"I was excited for our evening, too. I was thinking about you in that dress all day. I have yet to see you wear it."
Kento’s words vibrated against your neck as his lips continued their passionate assault. Your eyes shifted to the silk piece hanging on the door Kento had bought for you recently. “You know I hate doing anything to upset you.” You found yourself humming lowly into Kento’s ears and it only encouraged him to squeeze your ass tighter and roll his hips into yours.
“I don’t like seeing you upset, my love.” He lies back on your assortment of pillows, and with a quick lift of your lower half, Nanami is face to face with your lacy underwear. You barely had time to properly grab onto the headboard before you felt your panties get pulled to the side and two fingers spreading your pussy lips open.
A low moan slips from the blonde below you and you feel your insides clench at the sinful display. “Now, tell me what you were mad about, princess.” His hazy eyes stayed locked with yours as he ran his tongue through your sticky folds and you hunched over and planted one hand in Kento’s hair. Your eyes squeezed shut when you felt the fingers that spread you open start to tease your entrance, lightly slipping past the tight threshold.
“Fuck- I- I was upset that I did all this to get ready for you.”
Nanami hums into your pussy as he leaves light kisses on your clit before fully sliding his fingers into your wetness. He felt his cock leaking a wet spot into his pants at the way you clenched around his fingers. He could feel his entire length throbbing in need, but right now was not about him. He gently pumped his fingers all the way in and out, thoroughly amused at your attempt to maintain the ounce of composure you had left.
“A-and I cleaned the apartment. So I-”
A curl of his long fingers into your g-spot forces your next words to come out as a moan that makes Kento’s eyes roll back. Not like you’d notice with the way you just arched your back and pulled harshly at his honey-colored strands. “Yesss, Kento, that feels so good,” you panted, rolling your hips into his ministrations. When you looked between your legs, you saw a heavenly sight — Nanami with his hair hooked between your knuckles, irises cloudy with his desire, his cheeks and ears flushed, and his chin lathered in your arousal as he slurps away at you with no restraint. He groaned into your sticky mound as he pulled away to speak to you, a string of slick attached to his bottom lip.
“You’re right, baby. I understand and I’m so sorry. You know we can always reschedule and go any time, right?”
Kento’s fingers continued to plunge into your soaking pussy as he spoke, your juices flowing into his palm. He was inching you toward your orgasm, and it was evident in your uneven breathing and mewls. Kento brought his other hand from your hip to slap your ass, taking a mental note of the surprised sound you let fall from your lips. “You know that, right, angel?” he asked once again, squeezing your soft flesh. You nodded repeatedly, tears beginning to grow heavy in your eyes with how well his fingers were fucking into you.
“Yes, Ken, I know, can you- just please- I’m so close.”
You could feel the grin spread on his rosy lips when he chuckled to himself. Kento didn't hesitate to place chaste kisses on your pussy before sucking harshly on your clit. Your hips jolted away from his face and you let your whines and jumbled praises fill the bedroom. Nanami quickly wrapped his arms around your thighs to lower you again. Another quick slap to your ass had you clenching tighter around his fingers. “You know how I feel about you running,” he grunted below you.
The knot in your lower stomach was a few strokes away from snapping. Your hips swiveled back and forth on his face, the slight tremble in your legs telling you your orgasm was surely approaching. “Ken, I’m gonna cum- fuck, I feel it.” Nanami’s fingers repeatedly curled inside of you while he licked and sucked at your swollen clit.
“Cum for me, baby. I’ve been waiting for this all day.”
His free hand replaced his mouth as he pulled back to watch your reaction. And a few circles rubbed into your clit combined with his words made you snap. You let out a shameless moan as your back arched and your head tilted back in bliss. Your orgasm washed through your every nerve and you felt your pussy convulse, squirting your release onto Kento’s fingers. You could hear a ragged moan slip from his lips, reveling in the aftermath of the mess you both created.
You forced yourself to look back down through your tears, trickles of your essence dribbling onto your boyfriend’s face and neck. And Kento looked in absolute euphoria, his low-lidded eyes focusing on the slick between your thighs. His brows furrowed with his mouth parted to capture as much of your juices as you’d allow him to. Your hips stutter as your orgasm subsides and Kento slows his fingers to slide them out of you. He gives you a few seconds to catch your breath, silently admiring the aftershocks of your nerve-numbing climax. He brings his soaked fingers to his lips and sucks them clean of your essence, and you can't help but bite your lip at his lewd act.
You lift your hips up to scoot down his torso, leaning down to press your lips onto his. You slipped your tongue into his mouth and he moans into the kiss, resting his sticky hands on your ass. Kento pressed your pussy into his throbbing bulge, sighing at the brief satisfaction. Pulling away from the kiss, you bite at his lip and say, “I accept your apology.”
Kento hummed, an adoring grin slowly spread across his face. He let his hands aimlessly roam over your backside as you gently wiped him clean. While you leaned over the side of the bed to toss the tissues, Kento decided to use the moment to his advantage. He lifted his hips up, pulled his pants down, and grabbed a firm hold of your thong before a snap! made your eyes widen a bit.
You direct your attention back to the honey-haired man, whose smile had morphed into a sly smirk. The familiar feeling of his swollen tip sliding through your lips and teasing your entrance forced a whine out of you. Kento's hands kept a firm grasp on your cheeks, guiding your hips into a slow grinding motion.
"If you'll let me, I'd like to properly apologize to you."
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© dio-doflamingo (2023) - translations, copies, reposts, and/or distributions of my work to any page/platform are prohibited. reblogs, not reposts, are appreciated.
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sleep-0-deprived · 1 year
My blog rules and info
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First thing I should say this is a 18+ blog and is targeted towards men and non female Identifying people.This blog will be mainly NSFW with the exception of SFW and blogs. I’m willing to right for any fandom and take requests as long as the characters aren’t problematic or genuinely bad people.
I will Not do! scat and I will NOT write any NSFW about any minors or age them up I personally don’t do that sorta thing and I won’t do any kinks dealing with bodily fluids or any fluids that aren’t cum or spit and possibly tears. and I’m not judging if that’s your kink cause I don’t kink shame to each their own it’s just not what I’m comfortable writing about!
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daikiswife · 9 months
Sometimes I think I'm maturing when I start having crush on non toxic characters, then I'm rewatching jojo ans simp on dio and all pillarmen
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hoetachi · 2 years
Hiii I would love love love more Dio x black! Fem! Reader. Literally anything would please me ☺️❤️❤️
husband!dio x black! reader
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“for someone who proclaims themselves as a ‘god’, you’re being very dramatic right now” you sighed tiredly as your fingers were knuckles-deep in damp golden curls as water drenched the front of the oversized t-shirt that covered you. today was wash day and yet your husband refuses to cooperate.
“i’m not being dramatic! you’re literally trying to kill me right now” he yelled as he continuously moved his head around, avoiding the water from his somewhat wet face. you haven’t even put the shampoo in yet, and he was already acting a car in a bathtub
“why beg me to wash your hair and you go and react like this? do you not trust me, my love?” you poked out your bottom lip as you gave your undead husband puppy eyes because you knew he couldn’t say nothing bad to that face. “i do… sometimes” he mumbled as he averted his gaze
you glared disgustingly, “sometimes? really?” you ready yourself to put away all of your hair essentials since this was going to be a losing battle and on you end. he grabbed your wrist quickly as he picked up on what you were doing and gave you an anxious look, “just… don’t get soap in my eyes, okay?”
a smile crept on your lips as you grabbed his cheeks, squishing his face slightly “would you feel better if i had the world help as well?” you asked sweetly causing him to nod his head while still in your embrace
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7inaa · 2 years
I love me a “move your hand” type moment
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El Dios de la Brisa (K'uk'ulkan x Reader) (2)
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Summary: You are a passionate Marine Biologist who has lived in the Yucatan Peninsula for some time now. After an encountered with a fabled god more information is learned about your past. The discoveries you make continue to unravel the world around you. This is only the beginning.
[Word count: 4,937]
For the past couple of nights you were having the same recurring dream.
Jumbled fragmented memories tried their best to depict a clear enough picture that you could make sense of. All you could remember from your dreams was that you were awakened by the sound of a haunting song that put you in a trance; the melody led you to the beach where the villagers stood like statues, unaffected by the song, watching as you walked into the sea covered in heads peeking out of the water. They covered the entire bay. There seemed to be more eyes watching you from the water than there were people in Mérida. 
You tried and tried but you could not remember what happened before it led you to such a scene or what happened after you walked into the ocean and the water rose over your head leading you into the darkness.
You did remember, however, that before the waves took a hold of you completely you looked up to see the mighty shadow of the king that flew imposingly overhead. His features were covered in darkness but he was outlined by the moon. In his hand was his spear, glistening with power. Though you could not see his expression you could read his satisfaction as the waves claimed you as their own.
Correction, as he claimed you for himself.
It was no surprise to see him in your dreams. He had easily conquered your thoughts even during the day. 
There were those that claimed dreams held meanings. You were never one to buy into it too much given that most of your dreams normally didn’t make any sense and it was logical that someone like him spent so much time in your thoughts that he could pop up in a dream or two. But you were not one to have the same dream over and over. Especially not the same exact dream, while only being able to remember the same exact things despite the fact your gut feeling told you there was a lot happening before and after the scene you could remember.
“¿Crees que los sueños tienen significado?”
(Do you believe dreams have meaning?)
You had been invited by a friend you had made in the village, Clara and her husband Jorge, to a fishing trip. It felt so nice to leave the bay and enjoy the open ocean while someone else was manning the boat. Together, you and Clara worked on preparing the nets you would be fishing with. They had been one of the first to approach you when you had arrived at the village and though you felt familiar to their culture thanks to your mentor sharing it with you they were the two you learned from the most.
The Maya had never disappeared despite what the history books liked to say. Their descendants were still living in their ancestral lands proudly keeping their traditions alive among the strong colonial and Spanish influence left behind. You had seen this long before you met the god their pyramid was dedicated to and you felt unbelievably fortunate to learn directly from them.
“Claro que si. Todos los sueños tienen significado, incluso los que crees que no. Mi gente cree firmemente en el hecho que los sueños son algo que tu alma puede ver venir.” She said kindly, moving from working on the net to preparing the bait that would be used. “Has tenido algo en mente por días, me di cuenta. De niños, los mayores siempre nos animaban a hablar de nuestros sueños. Nos ayudaron a interpretarlos.”
(I sure do. All dreams have meaning, even the ones you think don't. My people strongly believe in the fact that dreams are something that your soul can see coming. You've had something on your mind for days, I could tell. As kids we are always encouraged by the elders to talk about our dreams. They helped us interpret them.)
You took a look at Jorge before turning to her, putting your net down and leaning your elbows on your knees. “¿Puedes ayudarme a interpretar el mío?”
(Could you help me interpret mine?)
You felt nervous talking about it.
You knew she could tell. 
Growing up without anyone meant not trusting those around you with anything you considered personal. You had never had a sibling to talk about your dreams and aspirations to. You didn’t have a mother or a father to go to for comfort after a nightmare. It had taken you decades to find a friend you could fully trust and she was gone. You kept your personal life a secret from everyone, even the friends you were with now did not know much about who you truly were. You talked to everyone in the village; they knew you were a hard worker, they knew you loved the ocean, they knew you to be a respectful yet stubborn individual, they knew you to be closed off. 
Yet they still welcomed you like Altagracia had.
Perhaps they all shared that gift of being able to look further beyond what they simply saw in front of them.
It wasn’t only talking about yourself that made you nervous, it was also the subject. You had given him your word that you would not reveal his existence to anyone. Ever. He had been generous, trusting you enough to take your word as truth and allowed you once again to step into his oceans. And now you were going to speak about him in his waters. You feared betraying him especially when it wasn’t your intention. Some secrets that were better off staying as secrets. You knew this.
But you were having trouble processing all of this alone.
“Agradezco su confianza en mí. Si me lo permite, sería un honor escucharlo.”
(I appreciate your trust in me. If you would allow me, I would be honored to listen.)
You trusted your instincts. Clara had never once given you a reason to doubt her.
Framing it as a dream and only a dream, you began to explain what you could remember. 
Her hands moved purposefully as she separated the bait and prepared the hooks, eyes meeting yours to confirm that she was listening as she worked yet keeping them away to help calm your nervousness. It was not the first time that outsiders were enchanted by the ocean. The gods of her people were present, they had always been, and those who sought after them with hate in their hearts were struck down by their fury. You had not appeared to have come to their village with any of those intentions. You had come here to heal even if you had not known it at the time.
But it seemed that there was more at work here than healing.
You felt better after you were done though your hands gripped onto the net tightly. The ocean did not change around you. The sun continued to shine brightly, the ocean continued to be fairly calm and docile, the wind had not gotten any stronger in anger. You had described the king as a serpent rather than a man; detailing the colorful feathers of his headpiece to be the feathers covering the body of the winding beast that slithered through the air as if it were creating the ocean breeze itself.
Clara placed the last of the hooks in their bin and took a moment to think before facing you. There was a change in her kind eyes; the softness was still there but there was also apprehension. The serpent god was many things; a bringer of peace and founder of Chichen Itza, the one who was there at the beginning of time and put forth order when helping create all things, the one who fiercely protected those who inhabited the lands and dwelled in the depths of the ocean. His powers over creation also allowed him to destroy anything he pleased as there was nothing in the world that wouldn’t submit to his might.
“Es recurrente.” You spoke to fill the silence more than anything, her dark eyes pierced your own and it pushed you to speak without meaning to. “Cada noche…nada cambia. ¿Deberia estar preocupada?”
(It's recurring. Every night nothing about it…changes. Should I be worried?)
She took your hand in hers. “Tu alma siempre ha pertenecido al océano. No debes temerlo en sueños o incluso ahora. El dios que estás viendo es poderoso. Creo que este sueño es una representación de ti alcanzando un nuevo capítulo en tu vida. El agua es el elemento del cambio y K'uk'ulkan representa tu vida llevándote al océano para ser renovada. Le k'áak'náabo' a k'aaba'.”
(Your soul has always belonged to the ocean. You shouldn't fear it in dreams or even now. The god you are seeing is powerful. I believe this dream is a representation of you reaching a new chapter in your life. Water is the element of change and K'uk'ulkan represents your life leading you to the ocean to be made new. The sea calls to you.)
The moment she was done speaking, after speaking in her native tongue, the boat jumped, hitting a rather rough wave causing everything to be thrown around. You quickly moved to grab the hooks to distract yourself from how fast your heart was beating. You heard Clara ask her husband what had happened and he quickly replied that it was nothing but a wave and that he could see the other boats lowering their anchors. You thanked her quickly and nodded when she smiled and moved to help her husband but you could not forget the cloud of darkness over her eyes when you mentioned seeing the serpent god.
You trusted Clara but now you weren’t sure if her thoughts on your dream were true or if she had spun it into a positive tale for your sake. 
Your soul belonged to the ocean and your life was changing. That had been her interpretation. In your dream, you had felt his satisfaction in him luring you into the water. What did it mean? Why did you feel it in your bones that this was more important than just any dream?
“¿Lista para pescar?” Jorge grinned as he clapped his hands moving to help you arrange the nets. He was the most energetic man you had ever met, always smiling and joking, radiating pure eagerness no matter what he was doing. “Es diferente a lo que estás acostumbrada. ¿Estás segura de que estás lista?”
(Ready to fish? It’s different from what you’re used to. Are you sure you’re ready?)
“¿Lista? Estuve lista toda la mañana!” You grinned, focusing on the task at hand and leaving your dream omens for another time.
(Ready? I’ve been ready all morning!)
“¡Entonces vamos! ¡Tu primera lección de pesca como lo hace mi gente!”
(Then let’s go! Your first lesson on fishing, how my people do it!)
You couldn’t sleep.
Despite the long day out at sea fishing among the villagers, suffering the glare of the sun and feeling the exhaustion after a long day of work, the comfort of your bed offered no help to silence your thoughts.
The bottom of your dress brushed atop the sand as you wandered forward. You had been walking for quite some time. It didn’t worry you that it was after midnight and that you were walking along a new path away from the bay because above the treetops proudly stood a pyramid that would always serve as a beacon home.
You still weren’t used to that word. You don’t think you’ve said it out loud in a really long time despite feeling it in your heart. It just never felt right. When would it feel right? When you followed your dream and followed an unknown and powerful god into the water? That would never happen. You would never really have a home and that was okay. Not everyone needed one. Nomads existed in every culture, across all of time, as proof that not everyone felt the same desire to lay down their roots and stay in one place forever.
Because that was your desire, right? You didn’t want to stay. Or did you?
The frustration inside of you came from never allowing yourself to stay in one place for too long and now that you have you began to doubt everything. That much you knew. But then there was the unknown element of the absolutely alluring and dangerous man you had met that asked the same questions that made you run your entire life.
Answers to those questions only ever led to paths filled with pain. 
That’s why you had to run.
That’s why you were taught to run.
Heading out from between the trees, you walked towards a new section of the beach you haven't been to before. This one was rocky. There were multiple different rock formations alongside the water and it created perfect pools for little creatures to live in. You immediately headed over to see if you could find a hermit crab or a starfish. You loved those little guys.
“I really should’ve brought a flashlight,” You muttered as you looked around the ponds, lifting your dress so it wouldn’t get too wet. “I gotta come back in the daytime and take some notes.”
A noise from behind you caught your attention.
Your eyes narrowed as you turned around and scanned the area. It was a bird. It had to be a bird. But after midnight? That wasn’t common. Yet there was no denying what you were hearing, the consistently singular note chirping of a bird that you could not see. Stepping down from an elevated rock pool, you turned a bit towards the moonlight and that’s when you saw it. 
A Resplendent Quetzal.
A smile formed on your lips as you watched the brightly colored bird fly overhead, circling you as it called out into the night, filling the silence and joining the sounds of the waves. It was beautiful! They were known for their stunning green, red, and blue feathers that looked iridescent in the light.
The resplendent quetzal was sacred to the Maya.
Venerated as the god of the air, symbol of goodness and light, it was their feathers and colors that were attributed to…
Green, red, and blue feathers adorned the body of the great serpent as it glided through the air; a god of the wind, sharing its glory and beauty just as this bird was doing with you. Another one of his symbols appeared before you. Was this a message? No way was it a coincidence.
You moved closer to the beach keeping your eyes focused on the bird until something else caught your eye. 
Being pushed into the sand by the waves was your mask.
Your diving mask.
The one you had lost when he left you inside the pyramid. It was as if the ocean was presenting it to you. Immediately, you looked towards the ocean. There was nothing out of place in the dark water but you did not let that fool you. You continued to look out as you moved to grab the mask from the sand. A part of you was beyond delighted to have it back! Diving had not been the same without it and you had not enjoyed having to go back to using oxygen tanks that limited your time in the water. Another part of you was apprehensive, not worried per say, just wondering why you kept being the target of the feathered serpent’s generosity.
The mask had been modified.
The edges were lined with a green stone (or was it a gem?). Jade, maybe? Jade held a huge significance in Mayan culture, it was more important than gold; often being associated with water, the stone symbolized life and death. You remember Altagracia once explaining this to you on a trip in China, as the stone held a great importance in their culture too. There were pearls scattered along it as well, different sizes and shapes. The inside remained the same, mostly, aside from it now having a mouth piece that was meant to cover the area from your nose to your chin. You had no idea what it was made of or what it was meant to do but the shock had not worn off yet.
You had your mask back. 
He’d given it back to you.
“A satal. Ba'ale' le k'áak'náabo' a k'aaba'.”
(You are lost. But the sea calls to you.)
His appearance did not surprise you. All of the elements leading to him making his presence known were there. Your eyes stayed attached to your mask, running your fingers along the new designs as he landed on the soft sand in front of you. When your eyes did look up you took the opportunity to really see the being before you.
He was beautiful.
The water that ran down his neck and shoulders enhanced the rich color of his skin. He was in his element; iridescent as the feathers of the quetzal, sacred. There was not a man more confident than the king before you who’s dark eyes held yours with a yearning to discover the secrets in you. His neck was adorned with gold and pearls and there was what seemed to be armor on his arms and legs made of the same things. He was enchanting as a siren. It didn’t need to be said and according to your subconscious that had created your dreams, you had associated him with one.
“Tech le k'áak'náabo'.” You replied quickly after he raised a brow at your staring, which didn’t do much to save you from embarrassment but you could see that your response surprised him.
(You are the sea.)
He had not been expecting you to answer him back in his language much less understand what he was saying but you were a quick study. Not only that those had been the exact same words Clara had told you about your dreams. Had he heard that conversation?
“Tene' tuukulo'oba' le k'áak'náabo' bey iik', ba'ale' ma' ya'ab ba'ax a u taasik waye'.”
(I am both the sea and the air but I am not what has brought you here.)
“That’s when you lost me. I’m not fluent in your language. Nowhere near it, actually.”
“I am surprised you know what little you do.”
“I tend to learn quickly, given if the subject interests me.” You don’t know why you said it like that and to save yourself from any further embarrassment, you kept talking. “I didn’t expect to see this again. The mask. I thought I had dropped it last time we met, well, not last time exactly. The time before that. After the cave. Oh! The turtle is doing really well, by the way. There’s a small facility in Izamal and they’ve been doing a great job. They don’t have many animals currently so she’s been the star of the show.”
He extended out his hand and instinctively you placed whatever you had in your hands into his. He examined your mask for a moment before removing the mouth piece that had been attached by his people and held it up for you.
“Should the hard surface ever be compromised, this will allow you to breathe underneath the water until you are able to reach the surface.” He explained before he placed it back inside and it seemed to readily attach itself. “I am glad to hear that the creature is recovering.”
“I was wondering what that was for. Thank you.”
“The markings around it will give you safe passage should you be at depths where my people may see you.”
“That is very generous. Truly. Dios bo’otik.”
(Thank you)
You had nothing to give and even if you did you doubt that there was anything you could find that would please a man like him. He had given away too much information about his kingdom, aside from that fact that it did exist and it was as vast as the oceans, but just by how he looks you knew that there was little he could want. 
The oceans had always held riches and they were all his.
Perhaps that is why you gestured to the place beside you on the beach where you sat. You did not have riches or great knowledge to share but you could guess that a man who took care of an entire empire rarely got a moment of peace. You had the sense that you were right when he wordlessly took his place next to you.
He glanced at the oceans sparkling in delight at having his attention while you looked around for a moment, noticing the silence signaling the bird’s departure. For a moment you did consider if you had even truly seen it. He made no mention of it.
“There are not many that inhabit this area. The closest village still sits a good distance away from the pyramid’s beaches.” He observed.
“My, um, mentor had a research cabin built not far from the bay. That’s where I spend my time. The locals are cautious enough to build away. I’m sure it would make storm season just that more difficult to deal with if they were this close to the water.”
They were cautious but not only because of the storms. There were many stories that this beach held. Stories written by the Spanish of a demon that came from the water and cursed the land as hellfire rained down and destroyed what they had built. Stories from the villagers of an angry god that protected the area, that flew above the waters and feared nothing.
“Do you not fear the storms?”
“There are other things to worry about.” You surprised yourself with your honestly and made a point to evade his gaze when he turned to look at you.
“What do you fear?”
You kept your expression neutral, a mask you wore that was well practiced. It concealed your thoughts well enough. You were sure that he was not one of them; he clearly wasn’t from your world but there was nothing guaranteeing that it was safe to speak to him. You didn’t know him well enough. You didn’t know him at all.
He read you easily.
“My people were from these lands. They also did not fear the storms. They worshiped the god of the rain knowing that prosperity and new life would come after each strike of the clouds that would produce the rain and the thunder.”
“They were brave.”
“To put your trust in something unknown to you is a symbol of bravery.” His eyes met yours this time and though his tone was purely conversational, the meaning did not go over your head. “This world has forced many to hide who they are. It has taken their identities from them, made them ashamed of who they are. My people were freed of that fate. We were given something much greater this land.”
“I can only imagine what it looks like.” Your smile was soft but full of wonder. “I used to dream of finding Atlantis as a kid. In one of the homes I was in I found a map of the world in the basement. I spent so many days that summer reading all I could about it at the library and then running home and circling where I thought it was. A world away from this one? What I wouldn’t have given to just…disappear.”
“My city is called Talokan.”
“Talokan.” You carefully copied his pronunciation and felt proud when he nodded, pleased. “Do you spend a lot of time up here? For someone who lives at the bottom of the ocean you seem to have a pretty good understanding of what happens on the land.”
“It would be unwise of me not to know the ways your world changes. Many things tend to stay the same from my experience. It is key to notice what developments there are.” He continued. “I am from the sea as I am from here. My mother was from the surface world. These lands were hers. The god of rain had spoken to our shaman and through his blessing we were able to discover a way to live within the water. I was the first child born to my people. I am a mutant.”
Your reaction had given him just what he wanted.
It was a confirmation of what he had theorized from the moment he began to understand your connection to his world.
“Don’t say that!” Your words were harsh and your eyes were wide, standing to look around you as if you had forgotten it was the middle of the night and no one but the god shared the beach with you.
Everything told you to run.
You had not said, thought, or even acknowledged the existence of that word in years when you thought you had finally gotten away from it. You had outrun it. You had traveled the world, hopping from place to place, leaving few tracks and enjoying the safety of the oceans for years. 
So many years. 
Anger and fear had kept you alive for a long time.
You were not going to consider how your actions were disrespectful. It didn’t matter. He had been kind only to take advantage of your curiosity. You could handle the questioning, you could handle the looks of suspicion, all of that you could remain neutral to but that word, that damned word, would always find you.
He stood and watched as you walked closer to the water and threw the mask into the waves. He could see how angry you were at your own reaction, at the fact you left your emotions slip. You were choosing to stand your ground and defend your reaction. He could see that when you turned to him, eyes raging, dress caught in the breeze, moonlight forming a halo around you; you were a sight to behold.
“You can take your mask and stay the hell away from me.” Your eyes were watering and that only added to your fury.
“They have made you run for so long.”
He took a step closer to you. 
He was being cautious not because he feared he would be harmed but because there was something growing inside of him from the first time he met you. He couldn’t explain what it was. It went beyond you being a mutant. That wasn’t important. He wanted you to understand that you did not have to live in that fear that others forced you to feel because you were different.
Something deep within him was answering to the pull that brought him to you.
You held a hand in front of you. “Stay away from me!”
The king stood still as the once gentle waves rushed forward. It wasn’t an attack and he would not label it as one but the water had moved forward aggressively only to pool at his feet before sinking into the sand and retreating. You seemed shocked by this too; quickly lowering your hand and turning to look at the pools you had been exploring that were now filled to the brim with water.
A little crab had been displaced from his pool by the wave and was making his way back.
He did not move as you quickly made your way back to the tree line and disappeared. Your expression had gone from anger, to shock, to fear at the mention of a single word. There was no more proof needed. It had not been a coincidence that night and it had not been your instincts either. The water did not only call to you but it answered your own call for protection, even if it was just a gentle push back; it had answered your call against him.
Your mask lay at his feet. Once again brought back to the shore.
He took it in his hands and admired the craftsmanship of his people. He knew you had liked it too, he had seen you admiring it. The inscription on the side held a message. He doubted you understood it.  Perhaps one day he would tell you or your curiosity would lead you to the answer.
The beach was soon left empty. 
It’s two inhabitants returning to their homes each with a chest filled with swirling emotions.
The god bowed his head in greeting to his people as he walked into his hut and laid the siibil (gift) he had made for you on the table that sat in the middle of the room. He had enjoyed the moment of peace at your side. But there was no time to focus on what was but rather on what will be. Tomorrow’s sun will rise and there is no guarantee you would be seen again. But there was a change in the wind and something told him, deep down, that you would be in Zama for many more sunrises.
He took the shell that had his paints and turned to the wall behind him.
This was only the beginning. 
(Author's Note: I did take inspiration from the movie and I've been doing quite a bit of research to try and be as respectful as possible! I had the reader wandering to water as Queen Ramonda expressed that's how she found peace (I thought it would be interesting to have the reader find the opposite of peace doing the same thing), Zama is where the pyramid is located (which is modern day Tulum outside of the MCU), and the Maya did use nets to fish and you could see the Talokanil using nets a lot in that glorious scene where Shuri got a tour in the movie. Next Chapter should be up in a week! Thank you for all your support and for reading!)
{Taglist: @lockleysgrl @violet-19999 @kawaiikibi @lilyevans1 @rando-norse @lwqfhp @bookfrog242 @cypherpt5fttaehyung @tahiraseoti @damnzelsoul @user12875671}
(A/N: Also, someone had asked me why I use the sun as my little dividers! The Maya saw the sun as a symbol of a new age; K'uk'ulkan brought the sun to his people, signaling that new age! Thought it would be nice to include it in!)
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s1ckh1mb0 · 2 months
Country boy dio! who only loves his sweetheart and their little family.
Who convinced you to come live with him on the farm. He spends every day workin hard on it. Dealing with all the animals, workin in that hot sun all day. Harsh tan lines turning his once pale skin a golden bronze. His blonde hair slicked back into his mullet. Sweat sticking to his skin from the past four hours of him barreling hay to keep everything in pristine condition so you didn't have to worry about a thing.
It had been such a long time since he had left his piece of shit to rot in his loneliness. Once his dear mom had passed and things started to get bad between him and his dad he left and didn’t look bad. He started doing any work he could to get. He went from dealing to helpin in some different shops doing just about everything. Within the years he had fucked up and had four kids. He loved them even if he knew he didn’t have means to care for them. He did his damned best to make sure they had what they need before he had anything.
Shit was hard for a hot minute. That was he stumbled across an elderly couple who were saying how they needed to get rid of their old farm but had no one that even wanted to look at it. He couldn’t help but jump at the opportunity. It was hard for the first two years but him and the kids had somewhere warm to stay. He ended up confiding in Jonathan who felt like it was his duty to help Dio. He ended up talking to some friends and spread word around about Dio’s work and soon enough people were coming to him for just about everything. Business was booming all year round.
He never expected any kind of success, just wanting to make enough to get by but this was amazing to him. But he did have a problem, having four little boys was not easy. Especially when he went out to the city to restock on stuff. Ungalo and Rikiel were both over hyper and god it was hard to keep up. They would run around the store like they would back on the farm. Dio would always scold them but this time he couldn’t because he was as actually glad they did since that led him to meeting you.
He had noticed they ran away once again and when he saw them they were in your arms as you asked them where their parents where. He was shook by your looks. The way your clothes fit, huggin you nicely. The books you were once holding now pressed against his chest. He could see the dermal piercings on your chest peeking out your shirt. It was so new to him and god be moved it.
He snapped out of it when he saw the boys pointing at him and he had to rush over while still holding Giorno and Donatello.
“M’ so sorry bout that. These two given me hell.”
“Don’t worry bout it, I got siblings I know how it is. You and mama must have your hands full.”
“Nah s’ just me.”
“Oh shit, my bad hun. Didn’t mean to like be insensitive.”
“No no, don’t worry doll.”
You smiled a bit at the name as you handed off Ungalo and Rikiel to him.
“I’ll see you around I’m hoping?”
“Yeah, most definitely.”
“Pa! S’ getting too hot out here. Come in the house!”
He turned around when he heard your voice. He put his pitchfork down and took in the sight of you standing on the porch. You looked so fucking good. Your curls were framing your face, your plump lips with a small frown due to you hating how the sun was beaming against you. Dio loved it though, seeing it bounce off your moisturized skin. And you of course weren’t by yourself no. You had his- you guys four little boys. Giorno on your hip, rikiel standing next to you and holding on your leg, and ungalo chasing Donatello all around the porch.
He wanted to marry you then and there. You accepted his four boys and raised them like you had given birth to them. And the boys loved you like no other. Often fighting with their papa to get your attention. Rikiel and Giorno were especially bad. They absolutely adored you. And dio hated to admit it but he sometimes grew jealous at how much you babied the boys.
He made his way over to you when he realized you were still callin out to him. A small smirk appearing on his face as he approached you.
“Miss me, doll?”
You didn’t even get to respond when Donatello and Ungalo tackled their father into a hug. They only 6 and 7 but they were damn big boys just like they daddy. He chuckled as he picked them up into his arms as if they weighed nothing.
“Y’ four bein good for ya mama/papa, huh?”
Rikiel was the first one to speak up, peeking from behind your legs.
“Ma/pa said you were gonna take us t’ the city! And that we were gonna see TiTi Erina and Uncle Jonny!”
Dio cocked an eyebrow at this which caused you to explain.
“Erina called earlier while I was cookin. It’s lil Lisa Lisa’s birthday tomorrow. Wan’ take the boys to see their cousin. Plus I could do some shoppin while we’re out there. Get the boys some new clothes. Same f’ myself. Like to look good f’ my man.”
Dio couldn’t help but chuckle at your last comment. He also took notice at how his accent was starting to rub off on you.
“Yeah alright, guess m’ takin you four t’ the city after all.”
Amid the kids cheering Dio had leaned down to plant a kiss on your glossy lips. But the kiss was cut short when a tiny hand tugged at Dio’s hair. It was none other than his youngest boy Giorno. The mini version of him, they were so alike even though he was only a mere two years old.
“Y’ lil brat, can’t hog ‘em all to y’self.”
He was only met with babbles from Giorno which made you chuckle.
“Protective jus’ like his daddy.”
“Hmph. Guess he is.”
His smile grew on his face as he watched you usher the boys into the house. God he loved you more than life itself…
Part 2 coming soon!
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gothic-thoughts · 7 months
Date Night
Nanami Kento x Black Fem Reader Fluff
DatingAU, DomesticAU
CW: disrespectful waiter, jealous Nanami, Nanami spoiling you(😫)
Word Count: 1043
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The elevator doors open, anticlimactically releasing a few people before revealing my beautiful date. She was slightly taller now, courtesy of the blue heels that matched her knee-length dress. My lips parted slightly, knees weakening as she looked up from her watch, displaying the purple lipstick that compliments her bracelet. She grins brightly and strolls out, readjusting the purse strap on her shoulder.
"Take a picture, Kento." (Y/n) giggles, "It'll last longer."
"I was considering it," I chuckle, "I was just wondering how you manage to look so beautiful on every date we've been on."
"Black girl magic."
"Well, tonight, I have some magic of my own."
I take out a small box and open it, displaying the golden necklace I bought; my way of making our relationship more official despite it only being our 2nd date. She gasps, mouth remaining open as she gently takes the box and pulls out the chain, finding an elliptical pendant with "Darling" engraved in tiny diamonds.
"Kento, oh my god." She all but whispers, "Already? I mean, you don't think--"
"It's too soon?" I finish, gently taking the necklace to put it on her, "No, I don't."
"I mean, I'm not denying but more gifts? I feel bad, you already gave me flowers on our last date and we're at another fancy restaurant."
"Who said pretty women stop getting pretty things?" I wink, holding out my arm for her, "Shall we?"
After ordering, the waiter gently sets (Y/n)'s food down with a wink in her direction before setting mine down more roughly. I raise my eyebrow at him as he walks away but ultimately refocus on the beautiful woman before me, copper skin glowing in the warm light of the place when he returns with a bottle of wine. 
"More wine, beautiful?"
(Y/n) chuckles, caught off guard, "Uh, yes, thank you."
He looked her in her eyes as he slowly poured the crimson liquid into the stemmed glass, a flirtatious smirk was very much present on his lips before fading to a grimace when he reluctantly filled my glass. I'm noticing a pattern. Am I inconveniencing him? I shake my head from my thoughts again and sip my wine, watching (Y/n) as she blissfully took another bite.
I smile softly, “Seems like you're enjoying yourself."
"It's so good." She groans, throwing her head back slightly, “I heard the food was delicious here, but I never had it."
"I know, my love. I have pages and pages of texts with you gushing about it." I chuckle, "That's why I scheduled a reservation."
"But I never thought you would, much less for a 2nd date." She looks at me with awe, lowering her fork, "Thank you so much; you didn't have to do this.”
“No need to thank me, love. All you have to do is ask."
"But I didn't even ask, Ken."
"Then I guess you don't have to ask." I wink, "Maybe I would've spoiled you like this anyway."
"On our 2nd date?"
"This could be our 10th date and that wouldn't stop me from treating you like the royalty you are."
The upper portion of her cheeks pools with dark red as she plays with her necklace. She's just so....god I hope I don't get a call. After talking and laughing with her for about half an hour, our bold server returned and placed a platter of slices of various cakes in between our empty plates. Oh great. Maybe I'm just being a bit jealous. How could I already be acting like this when we met only a month ago? Maybe cuz I know I could be called away for a damn curse at any minute.
"Uh..." (Y/n) pointed to the cakes, "We didn't order this."
He winks at her yet again, "It's on the house, ma'am." 
"Oh..." She looks at me worriedly, "Are you s--?"
"No, it's fine, gorgeous. Thank you, my date and I appreciate it. We'll take the check now though."
And another eye-roll. I mean, it's only natural for him to stare; she's the most stunning person in here. But I don't like him flirting with her like I'm not sitting right here. I think his nickname even made her uncomfortable. I look up at her to read her face only to see her take a bite of strawberry-topped cake with a satisfied moan. I smile when noticing the frosting at the corners of her mouth, but it fades when the waiter takes out a napkin.
As he reaches for her face, I stand abruptly and delicately wipe away the frosting at the edge of her mouth and I wink at her just to see those chubby cheeks flush for me. I glare at the waiter as I set the money on the check before firmly taking my date's hand and quickly guiding her out the restaurant. In the parking lot, she tugged on my arm forcing me to stop walking and look at her.
"Ken, I'm alright."
"I'm sorry, he was going to touch you and I just...You noticed, right?"
"Yeah, at first I thought he was being sweet but then he was doing a little too much. Especially with all the winks and stuff."
"He couldn't take his eyes off you for more than a second the whole time."
"And believe me, I know I've done the same but it's different. Of course, I would spend as much time as possible focusing on my date."
She steps closer, "Nanami...."
"But when I do it, I look with awe at how charming you are. The worst part about it was he was so obvious. It was like he trying to pretend I wasn't there."
(Y/n) grabs my tie, and my eyes widen as her lips softly link with mine. She makes me moan in surprise when she tugs downward, pulling me closer to her shorter stature to deepen the kiss. My hands rest on her waist before I slide up the left one up her back to hold the back of her neck before she pulled away with a smile.
"I know, that's why I shut you up."
"I'm sorry, jealousy's not something that usually consumes me like that."
"You wanna...." She walks her fingers up my chest, "Go somewhere reserved?"
I tuck a strand of hair behind her ear, "I think some alone time could clear my head."
"You think it's quieter at my place or yours?"
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jojikawa · 8 months
𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝘽𝙧𝙞𝙙𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝘿𝙞𝙤: 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝘿𝙖𝙧𝙠 𝙐𝙧𝙜𝙚 | 𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙩 𝙀𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩
This is a dark romance with descriptions of violence, gore, racism, sexism, and NSFW themes. The reader is black in this AU but this story can be enjoyed by all walks of life.
This chapter contains smut and NSFW descriptions. Slight gore warning.
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Art by: Umikochanart dividers
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Even to this day, Dio doesn’t know all of the secrets of the mask. His knowledge was exclusively surface level: The mask is activated with blood and unlocks the part of the brain that allows mortals to achieve Godhood. Almost every day he discovered new things about himself, the effect it had on his mind and body… and lastly, the effects it had on you. You’ve had a lot more time to adjust to your life as a vampire while Dio was stuck in a coffin.
The poor man had such a hard time controlling his hunger and it wasn’t like he gave a damn anyway. He drained pretty women—and men, that he hated, whenever he got the chance. He’s a God, why not feed whenever he wants? Although, he rarely saw you feed at all. He would be lying if he said he never had fantasies of you feeding on young women he favored. Unfortunately, Dio wouldn’t really see you indulge in your vampirism at all. You just read books and did anything except for what he wanted. How much can one person really read? He missed those days when the pining was mutual. He missed being about to make you blush and hide your face. He missed overloading your young mind with anxiety whenever he would kiss you. To this day he blames Jonathan for his shortcomings…even if it had nothing to do with him.
He made the decision to give you space. It may have been a bad idea but at the moment he didn’t know what else to do. Dio was on the cusp of madness, fighting hard against the violence that would ensue if he were to force you to love him. The world has done him so much wrong but the one thing he wanted to believe was true was your love. All the bad things you’d were things he never wanted to take as the truth. You were just angry. You’re always just angry. The fact that he felt insecure around you was baffling.
Perhaps, giving you space was a mistake. His bed was cold and empty without you. Since the moment you’ve arrived, you’ve given him the very warmth he lacked. The feeling of loneliness made him bitter. The kind of bitterness that turned into anger and would make him grit his teeth, clench his fist, and narrow his eyes at the nearest victim.
Dio’s mansion was big. Not nearly as big as his stolen castle from 100 years ago but he knew how to navigate it well. While looking for you, he couldn’t smell your scent at all. It was a sweet smell he memorized so that he would be able to find you in any situation…unfortunately, all he could smell was blood. It was fresh and the mere lingering scent made him lick his lips and smirk. Were you feeding? How adorable…but without him? That’s a hard pass. 
He followed the trail, coming across things he did not expect. He found…bodies. Dead bodies. He recognized them too. They were some of his human servants—no, all of his human subjects. Bloodless and twitching with delight. They would surely die very soon.
When Dio found you, your back was turned, still dressed in black silk sleepwear. The room was dark, hiding the monster that you had become. When you didn’t reply, he could only grin. Now, he understood. “You aren’t as good at controlling your hunger as you think you are.” He reveled in the feeling of you being dependent on him.
“I don’t care.”
Dio chuckled to himself. No matter how you chose to speak to him, he only found you adorable. The best thing he could think of to describe it was one love for a pet. You bother your beloved so much and when they bite you, you don’t even feel angry.
“I see you’ve put your stand to good use.” Dio stepped over the bodies and kneeled down beside you. “It looks like you’re able to influence the actions of others or at the very least—their feelings towards you.”
“I don’t care, Dio.”
Dio’s expression fell for a moment. It’s been so long and you still haven’t warmed up to him since he lied. Not even Petshop fixed things permanently. The bird adored you and you spent a lot of the day taking care of them…all while ignoring Dio. You gave into his touch. You’d let him hold you and kiss you wherever he’d like but you still weren’t all there. It was like you’d disassociate and he didn’t enjoy it if you weren’t present.
“Enyaba told me that she overheard you having words with Kakyoin before his departure to kill Jotaro Kujo.” His arm snaked under the back of your knees and the other around your torso as he picked you up bridal style. “Is that so?” You uttered flatly. “And, word has gotten to me that Kakyoin has failed to kill Jotaro and the two have become fast friends.”
You couldn’t see Dio’s face but you could tell he wasn’t exactly happy at that fact. The subtle tonal shifts in his voice showed you that he was mildly annoyed.
But that was surprising. Kakyoin joined Jotaro? Because of your stand?
Dio wanted to be angry with you but his soft spot didn’t allow it. Instead, he wanted to get to the bottom of this issue with your stand. He composed a test. Dio took you to where he was supposed to be meeting his new subject.
The Mansion twisted in shape, the walls and halls becoming unfamiliar, never allowing you to navigate them without the help of your possessive husband. Where you arrived was unknown but it was near the entrance. There, in front of you, was Enyaba but she wasn’t alone. Next to her was a tall man. He was big but not the same build as Dio. He has silver hair that seemed to stand up on its own. “Dio, what is this?” You clung to his shirtless body, earning a smile from him.
“Enyaba, please, tell me who this is again?”
The old woman cackled to herself with a particular bow and arrow in hand. The same one she used on you before.
“This is Jean Pierre Polnareff. He has become our new associate, whether he wants to be or not.”
“Polnareff, eh?” If Dio wasn’t holding you, he would be stroking his chin mischievously right now. “(y/n), use your stand power on him. Whatever it may be.”
You furrowed your eyebrows. “Why?”
“I want to see if Polnareff too joins Jotaro.” 
“And if he does?!” 
Dio chuckled at your aggression. He often found your attitude endearing. “And if he does, he will perish along with the rest of them.”
You narrowed your eyes even further. “I am not doing this.” You wiggled your way out of Dio’s arms. He let go of you, almost dropped you but you landed on your feet. “This doesn’t feel like royalty. These people don’t feel like servants to me. This is a cult.”
“But, mademoiselle,” The Frenchman intervened. “I chose to follow Dio by choice. I do not mind this rite of passage if it means—”
“Oh, I know you didn’t.” You turned to Dio. “When is this supposed to end? Johnathan is dead. Erina is dead. I don’t understand why you need to still go after that family.”
“Polnareff, Enyaba, you’re both dismissed.”
And just like sheep, they left.
Your arms were at your sides. Your clawed hand clenched itself just a little, readying you for whatever might possess Dio to act out in response to you questioning his motives. Although he was frightened to most, your fear for him dulled. Your disagreements with him evolved into just wondering what he’d do next.
The pit of anxiety suddenly blossomed in your stomach. He opened his mouth to speak but none of what he was saying to you could be heard. The deafening static of your mine filled your head and clouded your eyes. Dio was the source of your stress; the source of your undying body and insatiable hunger. You failed to resist acting on your own, feeling the need to protect yourself by inflicting pain before it could be inflicted upon you. You wanted to erase him.
You blacked out.
Sinking your teeth into him wasn't something completely foreign. Dio believed it to be a sign of uncontrollable love. Only he would allow his blood to be drawn by you…usually, if it were more…consensual.
His blood barely touched your tongue before he used The World to pry your sharp talons for nails out of his body.
“How many people have you killed?”
You flinched. “Wh-What?” His voice brought you back to reality, blood pooling from small wounds in his shoulder blades and running down his arms. They sealed themselves before he repeated himself. “How many people have you killed in your lifetime?”
“I-I haven’t killed anybody.” You shook your head in disbelief, showing genuine fear all over your face. Dio’s face remained unchanging. “But you have. Several of my servants, actually. Don’t tell me that it’s already left your mind.”
Your expression visibly changed to one of sorrow. “I didn’t…”
Dio’s lips went from neutral to a twisted grin. “So, that’s how you’ve stayed fed all of this time. I figured that such unladylike behavior wasn’t foreign to you, given your response from before…but now, it’s as if you have no recollection of it. Interesting.” he chuckled to himself, using his free hands to explore your body. He loved the pain inflicted on him. It was sexy, after all. He loved how the humanity left your eyes when you would taste the blood of others. He loved your embarrassed expression that washed over your face once you’ve gotten enough blood to stave off the hunger. It was like an urge you couldn’t control. Your primal instincts would take over and Dio enjoyed the idea that at any moment, you could kill him. Just like how you killed those poor non-stand users.
“Stay in denial all you’d like—in fact, I like it much better that way.” His arms fit perfectly at the curve of your back. The smell of the sanguine fluid pouring out of his wounds was intoxicating. He wasn’t healing himself on purpose. He wanted to entice you with his body. You felt him pull you closer against him, it filled your body with warmth and lust. You hated him but you wanted him too.
Buried deep inside of you, was a naive part of you that wanted to love Dio. The part of you gave your first kiss to him—the part of you that longed to have someone love you back, regardless of your upbringing or background. Who was lucky? You or Dio? You wanted to believe that Dio was lucky to have you, given how rotten he is but…could anyone else want you like this? You were a monster.
“I accept you for who you are and whoever you’ll turn out to be.”
You were speechless. You didn’t know how genuine his love for you was; if you could even call this love. Would you feel better if you just accepted him and his way of expressing himself?
You thought of Jotaro and his family. You thought of Joseph. And lastly, you thought of your child with Dio.
The feeling of his hand rubbing your cheek tenderly almost made you shiver. He could be so nice when he wanted to and you craved his gentle touch. Although, his words and actions felt oddly familiar. It was almost like Deja Vu. Was he…re-enacting the love interest’s actions from the novel you were reading before?
The Immortal Knight held his Immortal Princess in a time of uncertainty.
Those are the first words that came to your mind. You didn’t doubt that Dio accepted you but you stayed silent anyway. Never in your life have you met someone like him.
His fingers made your way to his chin and tilted your head up just a bit. Your face was once again filled with innocence and wonder. Dio wanted nothing more than to soil it. Your whole being was that of a beautiful virgin. His hungry lips pressed to yours. He tasted the lingering blood on your lips, making his kiss all the sweeter. You could sense the desperation within him.
“You will be mind forever.” He muttered between your lips. His tongue wormed its way into your mouth. Any small movement you made caused him to hold you even tighter; it was as if you'd disappear if he didn’t.
After such a tender moment, Dio returned you to his room, although he wasn’t interested in going back to sleep. The delicious stench of blood made him want to breed your beautiful body. This time, he would fuck you and you’d enjoy it this time. Then he’ll know he can conquer you any time it seems like you’re staying away. 
To be honest, you wanted him too. His blood. It was almost like your relationship was transactional. Dio was grateful that his wife was a gorgeous gluttonous monster and you were grateful you had such a willing meal. You didn’t know why Dio’s blood seemed better than the others. It was most likely because it was Jonathan’s body you were harvesting from. Although, your hunger was different. It is clear to him that your hunger was amplified by the pregnancy symptoms.
He carried you to his nearby sitting chair. There was one in almost every room he spent time in. This one was different, though. This was for lap sitting. It was rare for you to stay with Dio in one place these days but he wanted to change that. You brought him so much relief when there was no other option to satiate his sex drive.
Dio held you between his legs, an arm underneath your thighs while his free hand covered your eyes so that you couldn't see what he was up to. But you felt it. His fingers traced your clothed cunt lightly, sending sensations to your stomach that burned with anxiety and delight.
“D-Dio…?” You felt the tips of his claws slice the fabric before he slid his fingers inside. He started with two. By instinct, you grabbed his forearm, trying to push him away. He resisted, not budging at all. “Dio!” You squirmed under his touch, attempting to remove his hand that was obscuring your vision. “Aw, don’t try to act so innocent now.” He smirked down at you and kept you close to his chest. “You’ve already opened your legs for me before.” He chuckled at the lewd memories. “You practically threw yourself at me, begging for me to fill your womb.” The rumbling of his voice in his chest gave you a sense of joy. A part of you felt safe. Although Dio was infatuated and obsessed, he was always here. For you.
“I’ve wanted nothing more than to please you, (y/n).” His digits curled inside of you, scratching your pelvic wall. You trembled and moaned at the contact. It was a mixture of pain and pleasure. You clawed at his hands, drawing blood from him but it wasn't enough to deter him from keeping at it. Nothing you did would turn him away. “My (y/n).” He sighed into you, taking in your natural scent. His primal instincts were screaming at him to ravage you.
“If fucking me is what you want then j-just get it over with!” You squeezed your eyes shut, accepting that you couldn’t break free, and tried your best to endure. “Aw~ And so soon? I’ve only just started preparing you. I can tell that I am the only man who you’ve allowed to touch you this way. Such a loyal girl you are.”
The World revealed itself, aiding Dio in holding you down once your stand came out. You never originally planned for it to show itself but it was like a reflex at this point. His stand held you by your ankles, preventing you from closing your legs over his hand. Dio made himself comfortable, resting his cheek against your temple. “Resist all you’d like. I enjoy the idea that you want to run away from me but you can’t.”
Your juices coated his fingers, overflowing and dampening the fabric of the chair beneath you. “D-Dio, please!” You cried out, your body jerking in different ways due to the sensation. “You were made just for me.” He whispered into your ear. “Leagues above the common whore.” He sped up his pace. Your clawing at his hands ceased, and you gripped his wrists, squeezing them tightly as a way to maintain your bearings in this situation. “—Dio, I’m going to…”
“Shh…” He hushed you. “You don’t want young Pucci to hear his Goddess spouting such filthy speech.” He felt your fluids slicking up his fingers. He could smell it too. It was an odd sweet smell that tempted him to give it a taste. The World let go of your ankles, turning its attention to your top that was still intact. It made no expression as it used its hands to tear the front open, exposing your chest. Now, he could see your tits bounce as he tortured your cunt below. Your whining and buckling only fueled him even more. 
Your core was getting hotter and at any moment, you felt like you could squirt all over him…but he wouldn’t let you. His pace was fast but inconsistent, now allowing you to ride your high long enough to cream your juices. Why was he putting you through this? Well, because he enjoyed the idea of being the one to soil your innocence, obsessed with the idea of being your first everything and being the only person able to make you feel good. You imprinted onto him with your kindness and gentleness while you were both human and now all he wants to do is imprint onto you. Even if it meant just being able to satisfy you sexually, he would take it. As long as you needed him.
Dio’s hand lowered from your eyes to your mouth to prevent your moans from alerting any nearby guests. It was surely an indecent sight. You saw The World in front of you. It looks you in the eyes, its face unchanging as it places its hands on your breasts, kneading them in a massage-like manner. The pleasure was overstimulating! Your eyes became glossy from the unbearable feeling. You tried to cry Dio’s name but you couldn’t.
“Should I allow you to cum now, my dear?” His hand removed itself from your mouth and his fingers grabbed the sides of your face so that you could speak. “I-I…” You were unable to form words.
Your husband smirked. “Go ahead then. Release all over me so that I can release inside of you.” The World’s fingertips proved nimble when it began playing with your nipples. All of these sensations were lick electroshocks, powering your core and making it hot. You were unable to control yourself. Your body tensed up before a warm liquid spilled onto Dio’s hand.
You sighed, your whole body was tired from trying to break out of his grasp. There was no time for you to relax before you were being flipped onto your stomach by The World. You knew fingering you wasn’t all Dio wanted but did it have to be so soon?
What was left of your clothing was torn off and your naked bottom was brought to Dio’s clothed pelvis. You felt how hard he was underneath. The precum leaked from his garments, staining your skin as he readied himself for you.
“You have no idea how much I desire you.” He said, finally unsheathing his cock from his bottoms. He pushed your head down so that your ass stayed up. His member was burning hot and the cum leaked out even more as it rested between your cheeks. The veins pulsated on your soft skin. 
You were unable to form words. He’s never handled you like this before. Despite the both of you being over 100 years old, your sexual chemistry was rather novice. In reality, this was just some guy you dated for a little while in your childhood. How could his love be of such burning passion from such little time together? Even after his century-long slumber, the first thing he did was locate you.
Dio placed a hand on your hip while the other grabbed a large chunk of your ass. He spread them apart, watching the leftover vaginal juice mix with his leaking fluid. The man seemed to have a hard figuring out which hold he wanted to ravage first.
Then he got an idea.
You felt the pad of Dio’s thumb place itself right on your asshole and without warning he pushed himself into your vagina. He found a way to stimulate both holes at the same time. 
“D-Dio!” He had only just begun but you felt like you couldn’t take it. You were still so sensitive from his previous antics. “Who do you think you are? Denying your husband your body. Careful, I’ll split you in half.” His cock slid in and out with ease because he had already fucked you open with his fingers. All you could do was hold onto the arm of the chair for dear life. Tears pricked the orders of your eyes, threatening to spill out from all of the pleasure. This time was so much more different than the other times and was much more enjoyable than your first time together.
Your walls squeezed him so much that he became intoxicated with lust. Little by little, his cum leaked out, helping his cock become more slick with both of your juices. You held onto the arm of the chair for dear life as he tore up your insides. If you weren’t mistaken, you could feel him in your stomach.
With every movement, his grip on you grew stronger. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as your cunt threaded to explode with cream at any moment. Dio’s hand that lay on your ass snaked its way up to your neck. He pulled you up so your back was now up against his chest.
The man felt your walls pulsating at his thrusts. He became like a feral animal, the way he fucked into you. It became so much that you couldn’t hold your moans in anymore. Dio’s confidence had been restored when he knew he could still dominate you with little effort. It was then that you felt your insides getting extremely hot. You felt a grunt emerge from his chest. He was cumming and coating your walls. Your adorable yet sexy mannerisms were too much. You take dick way too well.
For a brief moment, his vice grip finally loosened up. Your womb was already aching as it dripped with his fluid. Despite moving the least, you were tired and out of breath. On instinct, your hand raised to your lower abdomen. You audibly sighed as you stood up straight and turned around to Dio. He didn’t seem to be trying to clean himself up at all.
You looked down at his, still throbbing, hard cock. “Oh, Dio, don’t tell me—”
“I want to do missionary too.” His eyes narrowed at you and his lips curled into a grin. You physically cringed. His sex drive was probably worse than your hunger for blood. You can’t imagine what he might’ve put those poor prostitute women through. Your legs were still trembling from the previous activities.
It didn’t seem like you had a choice once Dio carried you over to a nearby sofa. He laid you on your back, immediately slumping onto you in a tired mess. “Dio—Ah!” You squeezed your eyes shut as you felt him enter you one last time. He lazily pumped his load into your womb and you felt his heavy breath against the crook of your neck. A deep groan escaped his throat as if he exerted all of his energy so quickly.
Your eyes opened a bit, staying half-lidded. Even though it was clear that your husband was tired, he kept going. He was like a machine…or, more accurately, has become sex addicted. You caught a glimpse of Dio’s shoulder. You saw a star-shaped birthmark. It all came back to you that this was Jonathan’s body that he stole.
‘I’m sorry, Erina.’
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sl33paholics · 1 year
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His Favorite Out of Them All
Jonathan x black!fem reader
Warning(s): Adultery, smut, slurs mention, discrimination, racism ( it's the 1800s we're talking bout idk what you expect), degrading, Dio being Dio
Song: Body Party by Ciara
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You were pinned against the wall heavy breaths escaping your mouth, feeling the rough hands of the person you served for carefully undoing your outfit, the reek of alcohol wrapped around your nostrils. This was wrong. This could get you fired. But you couldn't resist the temptation. Your eye darts around the room and your stomach feel butterflies, you'd never thought this was the way your virginity would get taken. How did it even get to this point?
You were hired to serve the Joestars not too long ago, your parents were stoked to hear that you were going to be working for them and put you under strict training to make sure you wouldn't fuck up and ruin their family name as if it wasn't already difficult enough for them to make ends meet, this was an opportunity you couldn't fumble on.
Meeting the Joestars was a huge deal. Picking you up from your old-run-down house that was somewhat stable enough, George Joestar was surprisingly polite allowing you to hug your parents one last time before being escorted to the horse and buggy. The trip felt long, hearing your heartbeat, sitting in silence, and tightening up your posture to impress the man in front of you. Upon arriving there he promised you "If you ever need anything let me know.". He introduced you to his 2 sons, Dio and Jonathan before letting you see the rest of your employees.
But working there for the first 4 months was a living hell. Your workmates wouldn't listen to you for help, purposefully making a mess and pinning it on you to clean it up, and oh let's not forget about the slurs they would say without a shame in the world. Not only that, they would comment on your features. Plumpy lips? Gross. Slightly bigger thighs? Lose some weight. An ass not small like theirs? What a cow. It didn't help that Dio, a guy you were also serving, would encourage their behavior to a degree. He'd tease you about the things the women would mention, enjoying the sight of you on the verge of tears. You had to power through it, you didn't have an option. Would you rather go back to living in a rust of a house or resume working with these terrible people? Thought so.
It was the week when the Joestars won the rugby game for their school, to celebrate, their father held a party at the infamous mansion. A busy week indeed, you worked your ass off ignoring the offensive comments your co-workers would say, your main focus was to get it over with and head back to your room. On the day of the party, the living room was packed, giving you much anxiety to the point where your arms were numb. "You! Fetch me a drink and a cheese platter, will you!?" "Yes, sir." Just stay calm and serve the rich white folks, they'd leave you alone! You thought to yourself. Mama always told you to appease the higher-ups if you don't wanna be thrown behind bars over something so small.
You walked around and see the man himself, Jonathan, stumbling on the stairs. "Be careful, sir!" you hurried over and helped him to get to the top, he was quite heavy, but you had the strength to make sure he wouldn't trip and fall over. "Room...my bedroom, please." you slowly took the Joestar over to his bedroom and closed the door behind you two. "Mr. Joestar, are you alright—" his big two hands pinning you against the wall, catching you off guard but your fight or flight instincts kicked in. "You're so beautiful, (Y/N). I would never understand why people tear your kind down..." his thumb caressing your cheek before bringing his face closer to yours. "You deserve someone who can give you what you need, not just money..." "Sir, I—" Before you could finish speaking, he pushed his tongue against your lips and tasted you. His tongue moved inside, licking and sucking on your lower lip, your cheeks, and neck until his fingers reached your shirt.
As if you couldn't breathe for a second, you held onto him feeling your legs getting shaky. The room abruptly became smaller, you couldn't focus on anything other than Jonathan, his warm breath, the way his eyes glistened under the lighting of the lamps, and the soft touch of his fingertips against your hips. As soon as he felt that your body relaxed, he kissed you deeply. He began to undo your uniform, the once knot behind you was now gone as it began to slowly slip off your shoulders. Jonathan's hand traveled down, stopping for a second at your waist before he started to kiss more fervently down your chest. The feeling of lust mixed with a sense of anxiety, apprehension that this would all end up in a disaster.
Your uniform was now on the floor. Jonathan couldn't help but stare at you, the way your white bra and panties were hugging you. The way you glowed in the dimmed room, what an extraordinary sight. Your heart beat rapidly, beating so hard you thought you might pass out right then and there. With no words left to say, he picked you up bridal style, the smell of your vanilla scent intoxicating. He carried you into his bed, laying you down gently before climbing on top of you. One of his hands ran down your thigh, your skin hot under his hand. Another hand trailed along your body, your back arched slightly as he rubbed his thumbs against your breasts. He brought his lips next to your ear whispering, "You're so beautiful…" "Sir…" you breathed out quietly.
So suddenly, he began to rub your clit through the fabric before rubbing your walls too. This sensation, this overpowering feeling, was driving you nuts. "Sir, you...you're engaged..!!" You let out a low moan when you felt him rub faster, and harder, you could barely handle it anymore. Your panties were now off and as well as your bra, laying naked in front of Jonathan. "(Y/N), my woman," Jonathan's voice turned husky, a bit rough and rough sounding as if he had been smoking for hours. Taking off his clothes, he placed them on the side of the bed, you looked at how well-defined his muscles were, and how he was hard as a rock. "Please tell me what you want, (Y/N)." "I want…a man like you," your voice was shaky but firm. "Please, sir, show me how you feel."
Oh, how painful it was at first. Like a shockwave went through your body feeling the tip ripped through your hymen. He reassured you, adjusting to his size and whatnot. After a few minutes, he began to move, little by little all of him was going inside of you. It took several tries for him to finally hit the spot you needed. "Oh god..!" you moaned loudly, quickly covering your mouth. You felt his pace increase, you weren't used to this type of pleasure and his thrusts made you weak in the knees. Jonathan moved your hand away "Let me hear your voice dear, I doubt the guests can hear you scream with the music blasting in the hall." Jonathan was sloppy, he began to get cocky. He pulled out before flipping you on your stomach, lifting your ass in the air before shoving it back in, making you scream "JONATHAN!" The 6'5 male kept slamming into you, the sight of your ass jiggling each time he trusted drove him insane, something he couldn't get from Erina.
It was almost like he wanted to punish her.
With each thrust you took Jonathan grew angrier, you were still screaming into the sheets as he entered you again, he pulled out, slamming himself back in harshly, pushing you so far past your limits he broke through, your whole body shook uncontrollably with pleasure. Leaning over, he grabbed your breasts and started to play around with them roughly, making sure that you knew he enjoyed watching you squirm underneath him.
"You're taking me so well," he praised you, kissing you on the neck. Your pussy was being punished by his aggressive, throbbing cock. "Sir, I think I'm going to cum!!" you whined, your head thrown back, your teeth biting the pillow. "Do it then, love, come on," Jonathan ordered. Your pussy squeezing tightly around the tip of his cock. "Yes yes darling," Jonathan continued to thrust violently while his hand continued to slap your ass, causing the vibrations to send tremors throughout your body. Juices falling out and finally climaxing, you couldn't help but scream out in ecstasy.
Stars. You were seeing stars as you stared at the ceiling of the room. You looked around and see Jonathan cleaning your body up with a wet rag. What an amazing experience but you couldn't help but feel regret rising in you. "Why the sour look?" Jonathan asked you, wiping off your stomach with a towel. "I uhm, I'm sorry. It's just that you're engaged and—" "We don't have to talk about it," Jonathan assured you. "What?" "Listen, (Y/N), you're my main focus right now. Erina doesn't have to know. Sure, we're having a bit of issues here and there but trust me, I wanted you ever since you came here." he wrapped his arm around you pulling you close to him as you laid your head on his shoulder, nuzzling your nose in his hair. Jonathan was so sweet, loving even. How was it possible for him to be in such a position of power?
He kissed the side of your face, softly pressing your lips together. "You are the most captivating woman I've ever caught a glimpse of, and I promise to always adore you. That's something that I'll do with my whole life."
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dio-doflamingo · 9 months
When you’re delusional, every character is still alive n thriving and it’s canon because you said so 🤭👍🏾
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