ithring · 11 months
Headcanon: Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Murtagh is a man that has survived. It is not just a statement, he has survived more than most people will ever survive in their lifetime.
It is important to note that he has survived being a slave to someone and having no free will what so ever. Within Inheritance he breaks that cycle that was to Galbatorix, by being selfless and caring for another person. While that was growth it was a not completed cycle when it came to terms of growth. Spoilers under the cut for Murtagh, vague but still there.
In Murtagh, his will is tested yet again by Bachel. Bachel attempted to break him all over again, and attempted to get him to swear fealty to her the same way the king had but much, much worse. He would have been a corpse of himself and there would have been nothing left of who he was. She wanted to use him for her purposes. He did not give in despite the amount of torture that the witch made him suffer through. He was subjected to dreaming dreams that were nightmares and events that happened to him throughout his life that impacted him. They were memories that quite literally broke him open and he didn't talk to anyone about that were brought to surface. His mother calling him a beautiful boy, his father calling him a brat because he made noise playing as child before Murtagh accidently set fire to a wooden horse that ended with Morzan slicing open his back with Zar'roc. Bachel used these dreams and memories in an attempt to break him. It was an attempt to make him suffer, to make him be broken open and to lose faith in everything. The memories go deeper than just his father cutting him open with his blade. They are ones of Thorn suffering when he was a hatchling, and how he was brought up. There are memories of Tornac's death, the day that Murtagh escaped. There are memories of Murtagh's first kill, and how he had to do it to survive. These memories also highlight the amount of misery that Murtagh went through throughout his life. It is important to note that, Murtagh has learned to accept what has been done to him. He has learned to accept these events because they are apart of him. He has learned to accept he could not change his fate, that these things happened for a reason. Even though he hates what happened, Thorn chose him. Thorn has told him, he wouldn't have chosen another person. The dragon chose to hatch for him because they were meant for one another. This being said, Murtagh has survived over and over and over again, and went from a man in misery, to a man that gained his freedom because of his will to do things for himself. He does things now because it is his choice. He does not want anyone else controlling his choices or Thorns, and he will not allow that to happen anymore. This being said Murtagh I believe also shows the signs of complex post traumatic stress disorder. There is evidence from the memories within Murtagh of CPTSD, along with his behaviors with the book. However I will say this, he has learned to begin to cope with it on his own, and considering the day and age of the series, medical treatments we have is not avaliable to fix him like we would. Thorn is a huge reason that he has been able to manage things after everything has taken place. Even if he is a dragon, Thorn is his support system and someone that he can depend on no matter what. I will also say that the blood brother he made with an urgal is also a huge factory of him admitting he needs the help from people. Murtagh admitted he needed help in this one because he was drowning bad in this. He will always have this disorder, no matter how well he manages it. It is apart of him and it is not something that is diagnosed in his time but is a present thing and is apart of him.
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mayhemplus · 1 month
𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒔𝒂𝒍𝒂𝒅 𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕.
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blachernaepalace · 1 year
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i swear to god the epilogues/homestuck 2 crowd and their friends are some of the most self-righteous people to exist on the whole planet LMFAO
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Ya know how sometimes you go through a rough patch and you think to yourself, "That's okay, I have -insert thing- and that helps me cope."
Well, I'm going through a rough patch.
Sunday was Mother's Day, which in and of itself doesn't seem like that big of a deal, but you gotta keep in mind the anniversary of my mother's death is less than two weeks after that, and the thing that was helping me handle going to work/brightening my days knowing I'll be working that day... was Manager Cat.
So it's like a triple whammy.
And while, like, I'm okay as I can be expected to be right now... it's a lot.
It's a lot and I'm not going to pretend like I'm fine just to keep up appearances, at least not here or with my friends.
Still though, what are the odds?
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dcrlingmuses · 9 months
So I rewatched Arrietty with my friend on discord yesterday and
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WELL....I'm adding so many other muses for the new year. Why not her too?
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percentstardust · 2 years
after the whole disaster that was the aftermath of losing his eye, aemond was walked back to his rooms by criston and alicent. helaena and aegon followed behind them out of concern for their brother but they were sent to their own rooms. criston had to eventually pick aemond up cause he looked like he finally was about to pass out and he couldn’t stand the pain any longer. they had to make a detour despite the fact aemond was on the verge of passing out to take him to vhagar for she could not be calmed down. everyone was afraid she would rip the castle apart so her new rider was presented to him in criston's arms with his mother by his side. he is barely awake but able to speak a little with vhagar to calm her down. he is taken to his room. alicent sent for a maester to bring milk of the poppy for him. he was given it and to make sure her son made it through the night, alicent stayed by his side ALL night. when they sailed home, he was given more milk of the poppy to ease his pain and he slept all of the way home. alicent would check in on him on and off, as to let him have privacy to deal with this if he woke up on the way home.
once home, he was administered it again because they needed to open his stitches and remove his dead eye. mind you, he is not given as much as a grown adult would be due to the fact he’s a child and there’s a high chance he could become addicted faster to it, so he felt this happening even if it was dulled down. he had to be held down for the maester to do this entire procedure because he eventually started getting violent. after it was done, he was given dreamwine to help him sleep. he caught an infection, which left him in bed for days. he was able to fight it off out either pure luck or the maesters medical methods. either way, he almost died because of this infection. he was taken out to vhagar several times to show her he was alive and not dead. she spent the entire time WORRIED ABOUT HIM. she would be seen flying over kingslanding CONSTANTLY. he was in constant pain and he would eventually have to take milk of the poppy or dreamwine to help. he would have to have his empty eye socket cleaned out on the regular, eventually learning how to do it himself so he wouldn’t have to rely on a maester. he would only allow alicent to help him, sometimes letting helaena or aegon help if he wasn’t in too much pain.
he had to learn how to function with one eye, which was frustrating as hell at first. it was harder to read, his reaction times were off when training, he ran into things a lot and over all had a hard time doing basic tasks that were not hard for him before. add this on top of him having chronic pain he has to deal with along with phantom eye syndrome, nerve damage, and his self esteem seemingly becoming worse than before, aemond was in hell. he overcame it, it just took a lot of work.
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fleetinglotus · 2 years
Teaser Analysis
Do note that everything is subjective, everything is what i really see from Wanderer’s teaser video. This is my personal opinion on things, do not reblog this post, you’ve been warn.
The Gnosis
He was created, moreso meant to house the Electro Gnosis, something that never truly escaped his mind, even after feeling discarded and having both his initial purpose, existence reduced to little. It all but explain the grown obsession in wanting it for himself, to rightfully house what was meant to be his ‘heart’. And yet, not once, but twice, it was taken away. 
Though shattered by this loss, after going to so much trouble for the Gnosis, there comes a time, within his journey as the wanderer, to eventually learn to let go and become the ‘heart’ himself. 
The plush figurine purpose
Foreshadowing, put in simply, it is a foreshadow sign. Unlike what is first seen from connecting with Haypasia’s consciousness, regarding his past, the little doll seems to simply be there but upon closer look, it holds a purpose indeed. Even if said purpose can be considered pointless, there is a tear shape near one of its eyes.
What i am saying is, it ties with the fact that he shed tears, expressed feelings ‘pon creation and did so in his Teaser, the exact same eye as the one to be found onto the small doll left behind by whomst had his childhood, his future taken away.
The child’s last words
‘‘What if, if hearts can be born from ashes’’, to me, i do not feel like its meant as a suggestion, a question. To me alone, for Wanderer alone, this implies forwards to a journey of self discovery, it doesn’t suits me to view this as redemption. To me, it is him, at present time, moving towards the future while also settling it once and all, with the past. 
Yes, in one way, due to where it is to be found, the Anemo Vision could be what had been once lost but i see more to this as well. The Vision is more meant to soothe such a loss, to guide Scaramouche forwards but to also confront past memories. If one would remember, Venti did mention how he can use the wind in the form of old memories and carry them, given this is how Razor was able to see the very family he once had, to know his parents were from the Adventurers Guild.
Him, finding a permanent heart, is not him taking a better turn. He has all rights to remain a brat while finally seeking back his original purpose in the ways he wants to, where he doesn’t feel like owing it to the world nor to the gods. Wheter alone or nay, he shall rise anew, become his own person after feeling unwanted for so long, feeling bitter & alone all this time. 
Symbolism behind the fire
The spiritual symbolism behind Fire, holds many meanings in different cultures. The most common is rebirth/resurrection, the history behind a Pheonix says it all. If the pheonix must burn to re-emerge once again, so too should he burn bright and free from everything that held him back for so long. Fire is generally a force of destruction, but with its destructive behavior comes a more mellow approach if learnt to be used safely.
Though a symbol of strenght and desire, the concept of purification is to be noted. In which case, like the Lotus Symbolism, i believe Wanderer will push forwards no matter what should lie ahead.
Also a ball of fire is what is seen being ripped from his body, a life force of sorts, a way for him to disconnect with his past self, or so i am to believe. 
Fire, in the end, is another form of Eternity, atleast on what i researched does it mentions that.
Ballerina’s reference
You can disagree for all you want because, again, this is all subjective from me but the ballerina is Lumine. 
Lumine is from the stars beyond, stars are typically known as guides amidst the darkest nights. Wanderer is the toy soldier, Lumine is the ballerina, a light to pull him from the shadows, wheter he likes it or not. Though he is bound to not admit it easily, he can finally turn to someone other than Nahida. Should he want to turn to others, its all on him, really.
Moreover, the child says how the toy soldier still had his eyes set on the other figurine. To me, it hints at how, since first encountering the Traveler, he actually kept tabs on the twins, but then again to say Lumine would make more sense but thats just my personal opinion.
Confrontation with the past
By the end of the Teaser, we eventually see him taking a step forwards and confronting what is left of the past, his past that continues to be a thorn on his side now. Albeit that freeing himself from the old times does not wipe clean what he has done all these years and that he does not have to seek apologies. 
To say sorry and claim to turning over a new leaf, far from suits a character like Scaramouche. He has no actual reason to apologize, any reasons to completely, utterly change himself. 
After all, its not like anyone is bound to ignore the many atrocities he commited. I think rather than being asked to apologize amount to nothing, would hardly mean anything to him. There is no benefit to be add from admitting his wrongdoings, for he does not have to owe anyone, what has the world owed him after all?.
What i am really saying is, this is a journey to self discovery, to unlatch finally from the past, to actually find a ‘heart’. I’m putting it down again, Redemption doesn’t sit with me right, every time i hear it, it leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.
Rebirth is not Redemption.
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ahotknife · 2 years
damn getting old sucks i just can’t have an eating disorder in my 20s like i did in high school... it’s just not the same... it’s starting to actually feel like there are health consequences... 
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ladysophiebeckett · 2 years
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mayhemchicken-artblog · 5 months
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in the hour or so it took me to draw this op turned reblogs off
EDIT: reblogs are STAYING OFF. op was right and correct and i have never regretted making a post as much as this one. if you want to reblog my art you can reblog something else from my blog. or commission me, lord knows i deserve financial compensation for the nightmare this post has put me through
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jplupine · 11 months
So apparently some people new to Tumblr think a repost and a reblog are the same thing, so when they see creators asking for people to not repost, they're thinking the creators are saying to not reblog 😭
Y'all, a repost is when you copy/download the work and create a new post using the work making it seem as if it's yours. A reblog is you using a site provided feature to share the creator's post directly from the creator so that it's still credited to them and they still get all of the traction/notes from the work.
Please, reblog fics/art/etc. that you enjoy! Reblogging is not reposting! Creatives need support too, and reblogging is a way to do that!
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dendrochronologies · 8 months
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maya angelou saying the funniest thing anyone has ever said about editing, which i can never let myself forget EVER AGAIN [x]
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morningsaidthemoon · 3 months
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might continue work on this one,, ✨✨
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alexbutrandomthoughts · 5 months
"Can't two guys be just friends?" If they stop looking at each other like that then sure
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gerrykeay · 6 months
did you know there's a day-by-day timeline of the plot in the dungeon meshi adventurer's bible and TODAY is when it all kicks off
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happy falin gets eaten and the gang starts eatin' day :)
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fleetinglotus · 2 years
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Additional muse: Hinamori (Akasha AU), Mini Durin, Tulaytullah's Remembrance Perso.
Tulaytullah Things - Profile / HC 1 / HC 2
Mahtab & Shahin - Profile
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