dcrlingmuses · 9 months
So I rewatched Arrietty with my friend on discord yesterday and
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WELL....I'm adding so many other muses for the new year. Why not her too?
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dat-lil-shark · 6 months
Now I wanna know what the scenes would look like in the pixie au where Bulkhead, Miko, Arcee, Jack, Megatron and Starscream got trapped in a cave
How it play out? How will Megatron and Jack talk about it? How does Miko and Bulkhead look in that cave scene SO MUCH QUESTIONS
So, I have originally thought about drawing for this idea but I got too many things on my plates lately that that plan is simply not possible. I also don’t know what to draw for it too so I’ve decided the best idea is to answer you straight on! Basically to answer some of them and to sum things up the best way as I can: Megatron was REALLY curious about how the Pixie’s mind works. For the longest time Megatron believes them to be simply mindless and primitive creatures like bugs, and couldn’t care about them less. But when he learned that Optimus seemed to be really fascinated by these creatures and grew protective over them, he gets more curious because he knew a simple bug or a rat isn’t enough to fascinate Optimus to that degree, so he wondered about the charms these creatures had that could make a fascinated child out of Optimus. He had his conversation with Jack because he wanted to see just how smart a Pixie is, how their minds work, and how much Jack knows about Optimus.
The results are more than surprising to Megatron, but not at all unexpected, as Jack made the exact decision Optimus would have, and he was aware of that. This not only showed that Jack have a sense of morality but also is capable of understanding and reading human minds, and this answered a lot of questions Megatron had. Would Megatron show empathy to the pixies from now on? No he would not. But was he very entertained by the results? Absolutely.
As for Bulkhead and Miko, things were way more dire on their side since both of them requires oxygen now and could suffocate. Bulkhead also later ended having both of his arms and two ribs fractured from holding up the boulder. When he had to be bedridden for weeks and had casts on both of his arms for an even longer time (Arcee commented that he looked like a Minecraft villager), and Miko insisted on staying by his side the whole time, to the point she eventually built a little nest on his cast. She felt really guilty for what happened to her giant friend, and also feared that she could be captured by that scary skinny giant (Starscream) if she left his side for too long again. Ratchet tried to pick her off like a mouse a few times cause he’s worried Miko’s present might hinder Bulkhead’s recovery, but Miko would hiss at him, even threatened to bite him, everytime, so he eventually gave up.
Starscream, on the other hand, had to be bedridden even longer cause he not only also got fractured arms and ribs from the boulder as well (Megatron only allowed some Vehicons to come and save him after Starscream was on the brink of death) he totally was also bitten by Miko like a bean bag. I might add that Pixie Miko have some poison like wasps, that’s why her colors are so bright, and she probably also didn’t belonged in the desert, maybe a jungle pixie or something that came here for adventure. So Starscream was totally messed up. Knockout even suggested to amputate one of his arms at one point based on how swollen it was from the poison, and it was only a miracle that SS ended up keeping it.
Yeah. I really LOVE asks like these, cause my Pixie AU is my favourite AU by far! So PLEASE ANON ask anything you like about this AU! The only thing I will NOT answer about this AU is anything scraplets related cause…. You know… AHEM let’s pretend the scraplets do not exist all together in this AU shall we?
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nkn0va · 7 months
Could we get please some headcanons about Ann and Haru with a s/o that no one thinks is her s/o and how the girls would react and deal with it? Like everyone, especially strangers as well as other models and high society folks, always think s/o is just a friend, family member, assistant, pity date, someone they pay to keep away suitors, etc. That they just don't think that a super model or rich heiress would date someone as average as her s/o?
Well I guess this ask was bound to hit me eventually, this took WAY too fucking long. This was frankly much harder to do than I was expecting but here's hoping this is even at least somewhat as good as the relationship HCs.
Ann Takamaki
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-This sort of situation would happen in a couple ways. If word gets out about your relationship at Shujin rumors quickly start that she was pretending to date you to make you feel better. And when you eventually start going to her photoshoots people start catching wind of it a lot of assumptions are made. You're a family member, friend, assistant, the whole shebang.
-At first you try not to let Ann know about this. You don't wanna add even more to her list of things to worry about, there's more important things she needs to be working on.
-Try as you might though, you can't hide it from her forever. Eventually at a photoshoot you end up accidentally looking a bit more...off than you intend to and she catches on.
-After gently prodding for the answer she eventually finds out. And oh boy, she is not happy. She will clear up those rumors if it's the last thing she does.
-From that point on, she makes a point to be extra affectionate in public. Whatever doubts people have about her actually loving you she will ward off with everything she has.
-If she ever kisses you in public and someone thinks she's practice kissing on a friend for an actual date there will be blood if you don't stop her.
Haru Okumura
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-It first happens when Haru invites you to a gala organized by Okumura Foods. You were rather hesitant to go at first since you weren't filthy rich, but against those eyes, you couldn't find it in you to say no.
-Against your better judgment, you dressed the best you could and showed up as Haru's plus one. The sheer size and glamor of the whole place takes you aback and you immediately start feeling self-conscious.
-It unfortunately doesn't get any better. You hear murmurs behind your back that people are starting to think that you're just some rental date Haru had hired to keep people away from making moves. It's not a completely misplaced sentiment considering what happened with Sugimura, but going from the son of a well-known politician to a seemingly completely average person only added fuel to the fire.
-This only makes you more and more dejected as the evening went on. Haru picked up on this pretty quickly. After some gentle prodding, you spilled the beans to her.
-She very quickly took you somewhere outside the immediate party area and gave you a soft but stern talking to. Frankly she feels a little insulted deep down that you'd let a bunch of other people's opinions of you sway your thoughts about how she felt about you.
-It's the old reassurance of love pep talk. A bit cheesy to be sure, but coming from Haru, something about her made it really seem like she meant it.
-You two eventually go back to the party with everyone else, and this time, Haru has much less inhibitions about showing those crusty old men that you're more than just a pity/hired date. Everyone's going to walk away knowing that you're the real deal as long as she has something to say about it.
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play-rough · 2 months
I know we're all here for babyzai angst, but I wanna talk about atsushi.
Do you think that there was a time that the agency didn't know he was a little? Like. Atsushi regresses a bit older than Dazai and with his childhood, I bet he got really good at hiding when he was small. I imagine for the first little bit of him working at the agency he sees Dazai and Ranpo and thinks that the agency already has their hands full with littles. And it's not like he's as capable as someone like Dazai or Ranpo. Why would he bother the agency with taking care of him too when he doesn't contribute all that much?
He'd get discovered by him slowly idk? deteriorating? like even though he's off the streets and out of the orphanage they'd see he'd have progressively worse bags under his eyes and he'd generally not look good. Until it all builds up and he has a meltdown when he's small. Or!! Ranpo would get fed up seeing him act like Dazai and spill the beans. Either way, Some good angst potential.
Bonus points if Dazai seeing this all go down has a little lightbulb moment about his own regression.
Littles are probably pretty common at orphanages, but I bet Atsushi definitely grew up feeling unloved or like he needed to be almost self sufficient when little? Orphanages are often understaffed and it’s canon that Atsushi’s was abusive, but even if it wasn’t I doubt there’s caregivers to go around for every kid.
So Atsushi thinks he’s okay most of the time, he doesn’t need as much help when regressing as Dazai or demand as much attention as Ranpo. He doesn’t want to add even more onto Kunikida’s plate, and he’s old enough to do things like get his own juice or play by himself while the baby naps.
And he even feels guilty when he needs something that takes up Fukuzawa or Kunikida’s time. They do eventually figure out that Atsushi needs extra love and thinks he’s not warranted the attention, and I always love big Brother Ranpo figuring out what’s wrong 😭
Dazai seeing Atsushi’s own negative feelings towards regression and making him realize things about his own behavior has been brought up before and i am a believer and a fan 😭✋ i love Atsushi having a positive influence on Dazai’s life 😭 it’s like a reverse at risk kids program where this sweet sunshine kitty has a positive influence on depressed ex mafia guy 😭
Atsushi is another character i think id have to lowkey brush up on before i write him im unfortunately just not as well versed in sskk 😭😭 must research like a scholar 🧐
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radioactivepeasant · 11 months
Snippet Thursday part 2: Blackmail Au
In which Jak has to learn how to properly take care of curly hair
It turned out that the king of the Wastelanders was a little less intimidating when he was arguing with Sig. For all that he retained his commanding presence, with or without his armor, the low stakes of the disagreement seemed to soften him into something more human.
"I'm just going right back to the city again tomorrow!" Sig complained, "I'll do Wash Day when I get back."
"The rot you will," Damas retorted, pointing a comb menacingly at him, "We both know you'd rather shave your head than bother with Wash Day. Just get it over with and you won't have to deal with it for another two weeks."
"Come on, man!"
"You're setting a bad example for Jak," Damas said smugly.
Sig's nostrils flared. "Ohhh you rotsucker. That's not fair."
"I don't have to play fair on Wash Day."
Jak and Daxter watched the back and forth with growing amusement, especially when the indomitable Sig capitulated with some very creative expletives. Why was he making such a big deal out of washing his hair? Daxter washed twice a week if they could get the soap for it. Jak...didn't wash as much, but he tried to at least rinse off the sweat.
"It's just washing hair, how long could it take?" he snorted as Sig dragged out a low stool in front of the sink in the corner.
"An hour at least," Sig grumbled.
"An hour? For hair?" Jak sputtered, "Why would you spend that much time on it?!"
Sig looked at him. Damas looked at him. After a moment, Damas sighed.
"Well, that tracks."
"What's that supposed to mean?!"
Damas reached up and fiddled with the crown piercings, sliding them out of tiny metal ports in his skull with a soft click one by one. He set them on the table and distractedly waved Jak over.
"Hair like ours requires more care than your friend there," he explained. "I somewhat doubt you like running around with your curls all knotted and broken together like that. Hasn't anyone ever showed you how to care for them?"
Daxter scoffed. "Self-care was never high on Samos's priority list of subjects to teach us."
Curious but cautious, Jak edged closer to the table to look at the jars Damas had set out. Oils, creams, some kind of soap. Were Damas and Sig really going to use all of these? He picked one up and examined it closely, smelling coconut.
"That's the last step," Sig said, plucking the jar from his hands unexpectedly.
Jak blinked. Without his hood and armor, Sig looked...weird. His hair was close-cropped, but not shaved; olive green coils somewhat smashed into the shape of his helmet. Daxter snickered from behind him.
"Hat hair!" he whispered.
Sig was not amused. He yanked open the first jar of oil and applied it liberally to his hair. "Just do as I do, cherry. No commentators from the peanut gallery."
Damas followed suit with an impish smile altogether out of place on his stoic face. "This is why I don't do helmets."
"Because your head is too fat for them?"
Damas paused in rubbing the oil into his locs to narrow his eyes at Sig. "I know how to override your door lock, you know."
"Oooh I'm so scared. Whatcha gonna do? Shampoo me to death?" Sig taunted.
"I could do that. Or I could add something to your ammunition pouch."
"Add what?"
"I'm not telling you."
"Add what, Daym?"
"You'll find out."
Jak raised an eyebrow at the two grown men behaving like, well, like him and Daxter. They seemed distracted, and he was curious, so after a moment he gave in and poured a handful of oil into his own hair. Presumably they'd wash it out next.
He was wrong.
Thirty minutes he had to sit with the oil soaking into his hair, bored out of his skull. No wonder Sig hated doing this! He couldn't even leave the room, because he didn't know where to find another sink! Equally bored, Daxter started rifling through Jak's jacket pockets until he came up with the bag of trail rations.
"Wanna play Kill-Grid?" he asked, holding up the bag, "Nuts versus beans?"
"We don't have a grid," Jak pointed out.
Sig leaned forward. "Kill-Grid? What's that?"
Jak shrugged. "It's a game we played a lot back in Sandover. You make a grid of sixteen squares. Twelve pieces on each side, the middle row stays empty."
Daxter opened the bag to see if there were enough nuts and beans to even play as he added, "It's...kinda like checkers. Except the board shrinks if a whole row gets cleared out."
"Yeah! If every piece in one row gets captured, you erase that row and make the grid even smaller. Whoever has the most pieces left when there aren't any more open spaces is the winner."
Just speaking about the game seemed to lift a weight from the boy. Damas saw life returning to his eyes, and he actually sounded like a fifteen year old ought to for a moment. Sorrow clawed at his guts like an animal trapped inside. This was his son, his firstborn, and a complete stranger. A young boy who seemed to only barely remember that he was meant to have a childhood. Who didn't even know basic self-care.
"Time's up," he said, gently interrupting the explanation, "Time to shampoo."
"Finally!" Sig huffed.
The chamber fell silent save for the sounds of water splashing and soap squishing into curls. Jak watched Sig with wide eyes, earnestly mimicking every step as best he could. Cross-legged on the rug, barefoot and barefaced, he looked...he looked like he belonged there. Like he always should have. Damas watched his lost-and-found child's face morph into surprise as he discovered how easily his fingers slipped through the tangles now. It wasn’t so very different from teaching Mar to wash his own hair. Just how neglected had Jak been? Damas couldn’t help wondering if Jak and Mar were on equal footing in their knowledge of how growing up was meant to be. It wasn't right for a boy to be so unused to kindness. It wasn't natural.
"Y'know," Daxter remarked, "I really didn't think your hair was that long?"
Jak shrugged helplessly and fumbled with slippery, wet hair, trying to put yet another round of oil into it. Before, it had brushed against his shoulder blades, bulked out with matts and snarls. Now it hung nearly to his waist, and he was getting tired of it sticking to his fingers.
"Ugh," he groaned after having to return to the oil jar yet again. "Sig, can I borrow your knife? I'm not doin' this."
Damas shot Sig a dirty look as the taller man snickered.
"What, ah, whatcha gonna do with it, cherry?"
Jak raised a brow. "Cut it??"
With some effort, he gathered up the thick hair into one fist and gestured to about three inches. "Look, that's gonna get tangled in my holster. I don't wanna deal with that."
"We have scissors, you know," Damas pointed out.
"Knife's faster."
Damas paused and blinked. Somehow, Jak had turned out more like Sig than Mar had, and Mar was the one who actually shared blood with him! As grateful as he was -- overwhelmingly, shatteringly relieved and grateful -- that of all the people to have taken Baby Heart under his wing, it was Sig, he could have done without Sig’s impatience for hair care being passed along.
Even so, there was no bite in his voice when he muttered to Sig, "He gets this from you, doesn't he?"
"I apologize for nothing," Sig joked.
He pulled his knife out and handed it over to Jak.
"Let Daxter do it, kiddo. He can see the parts you can't."
"Fair enough," Jak agreed easily.
"If I get buried in this stuff, I demand financial compensation," Daxter warned as he was passed the knife.
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"That's going to bounce up shorter than you think, you know," Damas commented. "Especially with the extra weight taken off."
"Hey, as long as it's not in my face or wrapped around my gun, I don't give a crap," Jak answered. He leaned back on his palms to give Daxter better access to the long curls.
"What was I supposed to do after the second oil soak? Is that it?"
"You can stop there," Sig begrudgingly admitted, "But in your case it...probably would be better to do one last thing of cream, since you don't wear a helmet like me. It'll protect your hair later."
Jak made a face, and Sig didn't blame him. As a boy, Sig had never been the most patient individual. He'd learned plenty of patience over the years, but when he was off-duty? He couldn't help some of the old instincts to just get it done and over with.
It was a good thing his mama couldn't see him right now. She'd box his ears and hold his head in the sink to finish the Wash Day herself. Selda had never let him get away with neglecting himself. Sig supposed he would have to start channeling his mother to ensure that Jak didn't continue to neglect himself.
Daxter set down the knife and examined his handiwork critically.
"Mm...well, it ain't stylish, but you don't look like you let a blindfolded batfinch style your hair, at least."
Damas made a little harrumph in the corner as he wrapped up his own application of a heated oil.
"Oh. Right. I need to change the batfinches' water tonight."
"Come again?" Daxter asked.
Sig picked up a wide-toothed comb and shrugged. "Damas keeps an aviary. He's got- what are you up to now, seven different species in there?"
"Ten, actually," Damas corrected. "The tavus eggs finally hatched. I had to get a pair of rock hens in order to hatch them, though."
"Rock hens? From the mountains?" Daxter asked, wrinkling his nose, "What's a rock hen got to do with peafowl?"
Damas’s eyes lit up with the prospect of actually talking about his birds.
"Rock hens will brood over anything even vaguely egg shaped," he said.
With a click he began setting his crown piercings back into their ports, gesturing now and then as he did.
"The incubators were hatching the peafowl eggs, but without other galliformes, the tavus chicks weren't surviving."
"You got them foster-moms," Daxter guessed, "Right?"
"I did!" Damas smiled. "They're doing quite well, so far."
Daxter stretched up over Jak's shoulder with a serious look. "We're gonna go see those birds, right?"
"After the flut-flut thing?" Jak teased him.
"They're already hatched! I don't gotta worry about gettin' mistaken for anybody's Ma this time!" Daxter argued. "Besides, I'm only goin' for you."
"Oh yeah?"
"Yeah, mister "I'm just good with animals"!"
Jak wasn't sure yet. Going to this guy's aviary -- which he talked about with the same enthusiasm Jak used to feel about his bug collection -- felt like it would lead the man to start acting more buddy-buddy with him. Jak wasn't interested in that. He wanted his little brother back, and then maybe they could talk boundaries. But...there were baby animals. And...
He really liked baby animals.
They didn't shy away from him, even when he was in his dark form. If it weren't for animals like the city yakkows and the crocadog, Jak would probably have believed what everyone said about his dark side being some kind of mindless animal.
"Hhh. Okay. We can see the tavus chicks," he agreed, rolling his eyes.
Damas looked so pleased that whatever was left of his intimidating image dropped and shattered on the floor.
If he could find something in common with this boy -- something other than their mutual protectiveness over Mar; a boy his age had no business being made a parental figure to his sibling -- then perhaps they could start over on a better foundation than "I thought you were in danger so I had you kidnapped from Haven City". Even if that had definitely been the right call at the time.
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paralyze-fic · 11 months
Chapter 25
After Aizawa-sensei and All Might had a little chat with my parents and the twins asked them for autographs, they left. My things were going to be taken tomorrow morning to my dorm and then, back to class.
Our life in the dorms was going to be adventurous.
"That took me forever," I had just finished fixing my room how I wanted it, and after all that I was feeling a bit thirsty, so I went down to the common room where everybody was.
"Hey, (L/n)," I turned as I heard Mina calling me.
"Yeah?" I opened the fridge, got a water bottle out, and placed it on the counter while I grabbed an empty cup and filled it to half.
"We were gonna do like a room competition, wanna join?" A nod was my response to her, and she smiled happily.
I placed the bottle back in the fridge and drank my water before I walked out of the kitchen. I saw Katsuki whispering something to Eijiro, who simply nodded, and then Katsuki walked up to me.
"Come to my room later. I wanna talk to you." His voice came out in a soft whisper, and I hummed an affirmative 'yes', he turned around and hopped in the elevator.
Everybody started walking up the stairs to the second floor, where Midoriya, Aoyama, Tokoyami and Mineta's rooms were. All the while they checked the rooms and commented on them, I was trying to think of a believable excuse to leave early, like I was sleepy, felt sick or anything of that kind, but got nothing convincing enough, so I just had to tag along silently.
The third floor rooms they had a look of were; Ojiro, Iida, Kaminari and Koda.
On the fourth floor was my room, right next to Katsuki's. "We'll start with (L/n)'s room." At Ochaco's words, I opened the door for them to get inside.
I didn't really have much, a shelf was hung on the wall, books and manga filled them, on the desk was my laptop and some action figures, posters hung on the wall, a two-person couch, a black bean bag, the TV and a big stuffed teddy bear by the feet of my bed.
And let's not forget the air-con, the mini-fridge and the closet each dorm room already had.
"It's simple, yet cool, I like it," Uraraka said and I smiled at her. "Especially the bear. It's so cute."
"Thank you, Uraraka-kun. My siblings gave it to me," my phone buzzed and I stared at the screen. Katsuki was calling me. "Umm, sorry guys, I got to pick up this call, you can keep going without me." They all nodded and walked out of my room. I heard them saying something about Bakugou and Kirishima said he went to sleep.
I peeked out my door, waiting for them to get into the next person's room, which was Eijiro's. Instead of answering the call, I walked out of my room and knocked against Bakugou's door.
The sound of Katsuki's footsteps was nearing the door, and soon it was opened, quickly I walked in and closed it behind me. "What did you want to talk about, Katsuki?" I asked him as he sat down in his bed, I sat beside him.
He was looking at his fingers as he played with them. Katsuki wasn't answering, something I didn't mind, actually I took that silent time to look around his room. It was exactly like how it was at his home, just more like Bakugou now. Some All Might figures on his desk and a few posters of him on his wall, he had more things of the number one hero in his house though.
"Did I..." he began, snapping me out of my mental observations and I stared at him, "Did I end All Might...?" Slowly, he looked up at me, his red eyes glossy with unspilled tears. Instantly, I wrapped my arms around him and held his shivering body close to me.
"No, no, of course you didn't end All Might, Katsuki. Heroes have to retire at some point, and maybe he was getting hit by his age," I tried to add some humour at the end, but that didn't do the trick. "Katsuki, it's okay, don't beat yourself over that, alright? If it worries you so much, why don't we go and talk about it with All Might tomorrow? What do you say?" He shook his head and pulled away.
"It's just... if I had been stronger or quicker, nothing of this would've happened, it's my fault for making All Might how he is now." His hiccups were making their appearance, his sniffing getting louder and the shivering more aggressive. Katsuki was panting and grabbing his head, closing his eyes while crying.
I hugged him, but that didn't seem to be enough, so I lifted him to my lap. His trembling arms wrapped around my waist and he hid his face against my chest, both of his legs were around my hips, and he cried louder now.
I played with his hair, and slowly stroked his back and sides. I didn't say anything, I just let him cry as much as he wanted or needed. That was all I could do for him, seeing as my words didn't help his situation at all.
After a while, maybe twenty minutes had passed, his sobbing ceased and the crying stopped almost completely, some gasps leaving his lips every now and then.
"You feel better?" I whispered in his ear and he nodded, pulling back from my chest and staring up at me. My heart was thumping rapidly at our proximity.
"Yes, thank you (M/n)." Katsuki rested his cheek on my shoulder, breathing slowly and nuzzling my neck, making shivers run down my spine.
"Katsuki..." I called him without thinking.
He looked up at me again, his crimson eyes shining because of all the tears he shed, "Yes?" My hands reached up to his cheeks and I wiped his tears with my thumbs, slowly and carefully. Katsuki closed his eyes and leaned against my palms.
He was behaving like a dog, yet again, and I smiled at that. "You're so cute, Katsuki." I saw his eyes open wide at my words and felt how his face heated up, the warmth of his cheeks against my palms.
I couldn't focus, I was just acting on automatic, like auto-pilot mode, and I wasn't able to regain control of my actions.
Might have been his expression, the situation or all the self-control getting accumulated inside of me for these past months, but my hands pulled his face closer to mine, and as I closed my eyes, my lips pressed down on his.
They were soft, and wet because of Katsuki's tears, but it was so sweet. I wouldn't have changed this first kiss for anything else, because now, for at least a second, I felt like he, Bakugou Katsuki, was finally mine.
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ccasey0 · 5 months
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Here is my bunny oc
if you wanna give me some tips :3
ooo okay so there are a lot of ways to make an anthro rabbit look more Rabbit-Like.
starting with the feet! first of all, rabbits hve claws that arent retractable, so include those :) next, see the way you have made your feet they are flat on the soles and really short and simple:
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however, rabbit feet are much longer for more propulsion when leaping. there are two way to show this: stanign on the toes or standing on the soles. typically, rabbits will be on their toes when they are walking, standing, running, ect. but when they are resting/sitting they will be on their soles. as shown here:
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see how the feet positions change depending on what the rabbit is doing? try to show this when you are drawing the character, kinda like this:
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Hands! i got nothing to say except for add pads on the palms and beans on the fingers. also claws. example here:
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Now, ears!! the way you drew the ears they kinda looked like they were in a ponytail maybe? as if they were a substitute for hair. shown here:
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There are plenty of other ways to show the ears that will translate as more like Rabbit ears rather than just like hair. examples shown here:
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Tail! you didnt show the tail in your drawing since it was a front-on image, so imma just show different kinds of tails you can give her. first: realistic. a little scruffier and pointed upwards, like an actual rabbit's tail. fur will be the same color as the rest of the fur on the body on top and white on the bottom. example here:
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next: round/cartoon. totally white, fluffy little cottonball on the butt. the way pretty much every cartoon depicts it. this isnt realistic but a cute design attribute nonetheless. example here:
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last: hare. hares have slightly longer tails than rabbits. this isnt quite realistic most of the time when depicted in art, but it looks interesting enough. fur would be the same color as the rest of the body all over the tail, no white underside. example here:
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Eyes! Rabbits are prey, so they have to be able to watch out for predators on all sides. that's why they have eyes on either side of their head. try making the eyes on your character more wide set(kinda like those from asian have). y'know how people are always criticizing Usagi for having eyes too far apart. yeah, there's a reason for that design choice lol. anyways example here:
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Nose! just a little button nose. tiny upside down triangle on the face. simple as that :D example shown in the previous image
Body shape! yeah, i really dont have much advice for this one. if you want it to be realistic have thinner, bonier arms and legs with the same body shape you already have for her. here is your Og with the advice next to it:
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hair! yeah, this one is really just ideas. i sa you added fluff to the top of your character's head, but it look really choppy and more like a weird hat tbh(not trying to hate just stating my observations). try making more fluid and going on one general direction rather than all different directions. want some different options i thought up? first, fluffy: more rounded and floofy looking. i dunno how to explain it so example here lol:
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Next, scruffy: uhhh....i dunno how to explain this one very well either. curved points that go in mostly the same direction with a few outliers. example here:
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last, Human-like: this one is kinda self explanatory. give her human hair lol.
Clothes! okay, this is that last tip i promise. listen, i love the skirt. it's cute, it's personalized, its stylish......But give her shorts or pants. she is a rabbit, which means she will be super athletic and will definitely be jumping/leaping and all-in-all moving around a lot. so yeah, unless you want people looking up her skirt all the time you might wanna give her different bottom apparel. of course, feel free to give her a skirt or dress if you wanna! now, for a top i really like the one you already gave her. it's sleek and looks cool! however, might i suggest a slightly baggier shirt? simply because tight tops like that would be restricting for movement and definitely uncomfortable since she has fur. a baggy shirt would allow for looser movements and wouldnt compact her fur and make it uncomfortable. belt could go either way. keep it or dont, its your choice. it might hurt a bit when she wants to bend over or something(i know from experience lol) but it also wouldnt hinder her like, at all. good for carrying pouches and stuff, holding weapons in shethes, ect. i personally think it looks great. i have a few outfit suggestions that you might like, feel free to use/mix and match any of them. they are yours now :DD
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well, that's about all ive got for you. you dont have to use any of this if you dont want to. these are all just suggestions! anyways, have a good day! imma go hide in my cave now :)
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If you get this, answer w/ three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs. anon or not, doesn’t matter, let’s get to know the person behind the blog!
So I got this ask twice, so I decided to cheat the system a little but by answering it twice
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I am a very short bean. Like 5 ft BARELY! I'm that creature you see in Walmart who is staring at a wall cause they're too short to get a jar of apple sauce but is too awkward or weird to ask for help like a flipping adult human
I'm a bit chubby. Growing up I was very thin to the point many asked me to my face if I was suffering either abuse or a ED which sucked a lot, and I really hated the fact of shopping purely cause everything would be too big on me. It wasn't until I graduated high school that I finally was gaining some weight and I'm honestly really hella proud of the fact my body shape has change. Yeah I'll deal with the occasional buttface who dare try and judge my jeans or whatever but hey, I love this body and it's little jiggles!
I have two fur babies who I feel like I value their lives more than me. I have a Pitbull-Mastiff mixed dog who's always a huge puppy who just wants to climb into bed and cuddle like the best pillow ever and a Pomeranian-Shin tzu mix who is the toughest boy around but will climb on your lap and lick you nose if you're crying while watching a season final episode, they're my perfect lil and big guy duo!!
Now onto the tagging!
I tag thee:
@annoyinglyshinycherryblossom, @oya-oya-okay, @blondeaxolotl, @crazyyanderefangirlfan, @gay-salt-amber, @simply-one-hell-of-an-otaku, @nullbutler, @imviotrash, and you know what I wanna add another tag since this amazing bean tagged me before so @yourneurodivergentlady I chose you!
See yall in Pt.2!!!
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redfolder · 8 months
As someone who saw Lord of the Rings for the very first time as an adult: I thought it kinda sucked. I'm mostly complaining in this so do feel free to move along if you don't want to see that kind of negativity and keep enjoying your day ;)
My biggest complaint is definitely the (in my opinion) atrocious camera work. It felt like something between video game cut scene, a docuseries and a goddamn soap opera and I thought there were a ton of emotional beats that didn't even get a chance to land because whatever they were aiming for with the camera just really didn't serve their narration. It was truly immersion breaking for me which is a relatively new experience for me because I don't tend to notice camera work - but this one was (again, in my opinion) so terrible that I kept laughing because something was weirdly absurd.
Another point, that I think MAY tie in with the first one is that at times it felt like I saw actors doing their lines on screen rather than seeing characters in their environment. That was kinda ass.
The pacing felt really really off. I just watched the third movie and a really egregious segment was, to me, reforging that old sword. I don't remember the name but the one Aragorn's ancestor used to chop the eye guy's (sauron? Saruman? I think it's sauron) hand & ring off. I wanna say... Elrond? reforged it which seemed like it should be this crazy thing cause I guess it's been a minute? Sean Bean's family was keeping Aragorn's family's throne warm for a while, no? And now they just kinda bang it back together with barely any buildup and the scene itself lasts like 13.8 seconds. Idk it felt off. There's more examples but as I said, that one seemed particularly egregious.
Something I really struggled with was emotional investment. The only people I had ANY emotional stake in by the end were Sam and Gimli. Gimli won me over pretty much immediately and Sam really grew on me over the course of the third movie but I didn't end up really giving a shit about anyone else. I thought Frodo was an incredibly unlikeable protagonist (something I'll touch on again later, wait a sec!), Gollum was like. Kinda cute I guess at times? and all the others were so incredibly boring that I didn't really care all that much. If Frodo had died at Mt doom... I mean, yeah, I would've been sad, but for Sam. Not for Frodo. Idk
I do have two opinions I've been told will be incredibly unpopular and I can't even really back them up with anything but: 1) the second movie seemed... Kinda unnecessary? And 2) I personally dislike the music. Don't get me wrong, I think it serves the function it's supposed to serve but I just. Didn't like it. I think both of these points are largely due to cultural osmosis: the second movie was apparently a lot of context for the uruk-hai (btw I have some questions about how orcs reproduce because wtf was that) and defeating the guy in the other tower (if eye guy is sauron I believe it's saruman?) but I can barely recall what even happened. I know the living trees were a thing but I thought they were gonna join for some epic battle at the end or something and it just kinda led nowhere in my opinion. So I guess I already knew enough context that the movie was trying to add? The music, I've been told is so amazing so many times and I just thought it was really underwhelming. Idk if that's fair to the movie. But... Eh. It was okay I guess. Not my taste for sure.
Which brings me to my conclusion: I think if someone wants to like Lord of the Rings, one might have to read the books. I assume in the original story, Frodo isn't just a useless sack of potatoes who has apparently zero stamina or likeable traits but rather genuinely suffers from the negative effects of immediate proximity to the ring. I also assume he acts a little more like he might like Sam. I also assume they, despite the insane length of the movies, left out a TON of stuff that would've provided context, added likeability and maybe improved the pacing. Also I can't get annoyed at the camera work if there's no camera. Anyway. My main point here is the one I'm trying to make with Frodo: it seems like the prolonged proximity to the ring should really fuck him up and I assume the books explore that and I ALSO assume that something similar is true for all the other complaints I have about the actual content (of which there are several but I'm trying to give my opinion specifically on the movies). And I'm kinda disappointed by them - I don't need a movie to be GOOD - I want to be entertained and I did not feel very entertained. It felt more like homework. I believe that the story itself is good but I truly do not understand how the movies ended up being seen as this iconic and this beloved in the cultural context. There were charming moments, sure (honourable mention to viggo mortensen's toe and sam telling frodo "I can't carry it for you but I can carry you") but overall I really don't think I ever need to watch them again. Which sucks. I wanted to like them
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grokebaby · 1 year
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Hmmmmmm my oc of choice uhhh (<- is fatally indecisive)
Let's go with Delilah bc she deserves a bit more spotlight!!
(BTW for any future asks please send the question itself as well, ty!! /nm)
2 = What's your oc's orientation + their thoughts about it?
Delilah is an ace lesbian!! I like to think she'd be very gentle and tender if she were to get into a relationship but it's really hard to get close to her and she has little time anyways to focus on her personal life. She loves being an aunt though! I think nearly all the people close to her are allosexual so by comparison she might feel a bit isolated sometimes and lacking someone to talk and relate with about asexuality. That, and the Pride district demons tend to be really invasive or crass if they feel like throwing nasty comments so it's something Delilah has to keep close to her. She has thick skin yeah and doesn't think of herself as the type to need lots of support but it can definitely frustrate her that her aceness is really invisible in her day to day life. Obviously Deirdre and Lassi for example are very supportive to her but they're both kinda slutty so they wouldn't have common ground with her on that, which I can say from experience can feel really isolating. Obviously not saying aces can't be slutty but Delilah herself is sex neutral to averse, leaning more on the latter usually.
She's not terribly interested in dating though and/or has given up things like that due to her profession but Her identity as a butch lesbian is meaningful to her especially since she's a trans woman, so it's definitely been a journey for her. It's hard to put exactly into words rn but ykno how your orientation still affects your personal life and feelings about other people even if you weren't actively on the dating scene? That's true for Delilah as well. I sometimes think she might also be gray or demiromantic as well but regardless, having a partner isn't relevant to her life situation rn and I don't think she could see herself trying to seek one anyway anytime soon. She's content with having her family and (very very) few friends. She's very introverted.
5 = how did you figure out your oc's identity?
Uhh I think it all came soon after I figured out her being a trans woman? I kinda simultaneously decided both she and Xerxes should be trans bc fuck yeah!!!! Lesbian was just bc. Vibes. And butch women go brrr and she had the perfect vibe to be that but her being ace does have some deeper thought behind it. Since she is a butch transbian I kinda wanted some spot of her character to be subversive and I know there's a bit of a gross stereotype around both trans and butch women that portrays them as inherently more sexual and perverse (glances hatefully at terfs), so I wanted to make her ace. I know and see the infantilism often aimed at ace people and I think we need more hardass cool ace characters. Obviously you don't wanna go too far in the other direction and imply asexuality makes someone cold and jaded but you get the point I'm trying to make with this (Tangent: wow I'm just realizing the dumbass shit ace people have to put up with, simultaneously being portrayed as innocent baby beans and also socially awkward cold jerks. Aphobia is a hell of a thing we just can't win can we)
Since she has an overall air of being strong and intimidating, and people could make assumptions about her sexuality based on that, I wanted to do something different there. I personally think aceness adds more interesting depth to her character as opposed to if she were allosexual. I feel like it all ties into an interesting complexity with her strong exterior and soft interior that I just really like. Queer women by beloved
Besides all that, I tend to lean towards making more aro than ace characters since I'm personally more aro than ace, so ykno, wanted to balance it out
Wanna Send me more?
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lilleputtu · 11 months
Get to know you- Sims Style
@pudding-parade tagged me in this, lets goooo!
Answers below the cut!
What’s your favorite Sims death? Sims 2 ... honestly not sure. Maybe Cowplant? Sims 2 cowplants are the superior cowplants.
For Sims 3 it's definitely the jellybean bush from Supernatural. I love the ghost colour, its silly, it reflects how i feel about jelly beans 10/10 no notes.
Sims 4 i wanna say Spellcaster Overload? Splosions!
Alpha CC or Maxis Match?
Maxis adjacent cartoony is generally what i gravitate towards, though especially for Edona's Glade, I'll just grab whatever I like.
Do you cheat your sims weight? Kinda? Sometimes? Usually when it changes in a way I don't think it should, which is mostly in sims 4. Sims 4 metabolism is whack and i really don't think it should be like that.
Do you move objects? yes. yes of course. thats how game do.
Favorite Mod? I am bad at picking favourites, especially since it totally depends on what i want to be doing and such. And then of course there is the mods that make the games playable, like NRaas and stuff. I do love things that add more craftables and foods and such for all the games, so that's like, a whole category?
First Expansion/Game Pack/Stuff Pack? For sims 1 it was Superstar, Sims 2 the first one I owned was Free Time, Sims 3 I got World Adventures asap and with Sims 4 I grabbed Get To Work first.
Do you pronounce live mode like aLIVE or LIVing? aLIVE. it's like a livestream or a tv show. it's live!
Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? I don't really have a fave for sims 2 rn, because my fave (Cattie Peach) is born in game. Though I do love her made in CAS mom Elena.
For sims 3 it's gotta be Varuna, really proud of how she turned out.
And for Sims 4, I guess I am the most attached to Jewel? Her or one of my TTRPG characters i made to have a way of visualising how i think they should look.
Have you made a simself? Nope! I think I tried once, but i can't get it right and I really don't see the point for me.
Which is your favorite EA hair color? Sims 2 I mod the EA hair colours away, so does not apply. I like the soft blonde in Sims 3, and i love both the blue and green in Sims 4!
Favorite EA hair? Again, don't use em in Sims 2. I do like that one Island Paradise Waterfall Braid for Sims 3, and plenty of others, but that one i actually remember. For Sims 4, there is so many of them, I have lost track. There is plenty I like! Maybe the twin braids from Snowy Escape?
Favorite life stage? Really vibin with the teens in Edona's Glade right now. But that's because of the characters, not because of the lifestage I think. Generally there is the most to do with YA/A sims in all the games, so really, it's not that they are my fave, it's just that there is the most content to play with.
Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? Gameplay all the way baybeeeee
Are you a CC creator? Kinda? I've got a few mods I've shared, and i used to do a lot of recolours for sims 4. Like I don't consider myself one, but I have indeed created CC before.
Do you have any Simblr friends or a Sim Squad? Not really? Like I have people on here I like and interact with, but its not like... a friend group? I am very bad at reaching out to people, it's the anxiety about being annoying, so I mostly stick to myself.
Do you have any sims merch? Nope!
Do you have a YouTube for sims? I have a youtube, where I did a Sims 4 BaCC back in like 2016. I've unlisted those videos, but left the playlist up. But I am currently posting my Twitch VODs there. So it's not for sims, but there is some sims there.
How has your “Sims style” changed throughout your years of playing? Well the biggest change is I went fantasy medieval for sims 2. That and i've moved a little away from basic EAxis style sims? Also compared to my childhood there is more storylines and drama. And more longlasting saves.
Who’s your favorite CC creator? I don't have a favourite CC creator. Picking favourite people is weird so I refuse to.
How long have you had Simblr? This blog has been around since May 2013, and I think i started posting sims things on it within that year, so if you go by a definition of "A Simblr is a blog with sims things on it" then for over 10 years. I personally don't consider this a simblr. it's my personal tumblr, and it has a lot of sims stuff on it because thats what i feel like posting, ya know?
How do you edit your pictures? Generally I just slap some brightness and a lil bit of saturation over it and call it a day. Sometimes I don't do anything.
What expansion/ gamepack is your favorite?
For the sims 2, Open For Business is just... so good. So essential to how I play these days with Edona's Glade. Free Time also though. So those two in combination.
For Sims 3, I love World Adventures. I just love the tomb puzzles.
Sims 4 I am honestly not sure. Like a lot of them I am like "yes, i use this, it's alright", there isn't really a stand out one for me. I do quite enjoy the Milestones from Growing Together, and i think they did a pretty decent job with the supernatural focused gamepacks, but none of them are like "YES, THIS ONE". Might just be because sims 4 and how i want to play dont quite get along.
I am gonna tag... @clouseplayssims , @bastardtrait, @cas-sims , if yall want to that is of course!
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khizuo · 1 year
is it possible for me to be vegan when im so picky? i hate most all beans due to texture issues etc but i really wanna be vegan, im just worried I will hate most of the things and struggle to get enough calories
Hi anon! I'm really happy you want to make the choice to go vegan. While I personally never struggled with picky eating, I know that many vegans have, and it's totally possible to be vegan with food-related sensory issues.
Disclaimer: I am not a dietitian, I am just some vegan on the internet reading the opinions of other vegans on the internet. Please do not take any suggestions I make as some sort of vegan nutritional law and make sure to do your own research and, if you need further help, talk to a trusted medical professional (like a vegan dietitian).
Here are some suggestions that I've picked up from my personal research:
If you can identify any foods you like that are already vegan, make note of them and look out for them! Even if that list is tiny, it's a great starting point. Remember, vegan food isn't just vegetables — consider doing some research onto accidentally plant-based processed foods you can find in a store, too!
If there are foods that you like that aren't vegan, try making vegan substitutions for the animal-based ingredients. Some swaps are pretty easy to make—dairy butter for plant-based butter, for example. Some may be a little more difficult and require more experimentation. I can't promise you that every vegan substitution will always taste exactly the same as the non-vegan version, but, keeping that expectation in mind, I think they still may be able to help with the cravings for those foods, and lots of meat/cheese substitutions are pretty good. Also, the options and recipes out there for foods often conceived of as 'non-vegan' (i.e. burgers/cheese/creamy pastas/desserts) are endless. As with everything, take it slow and find what you like!
If cooking is a pain, try looking for convenient vegan foods. I'm personally a big fan of the vegan Nongshim ramen as a quick meal. Lots of store-bought breads are accidentally plant-based—add some nut butter for protein and that's a meal for me. If you're a soup person, look for for vegan ready-made soups.
Take supplements if you need them! Lots of vegans take a B12 supplement. Consider adding protein powder to some dish that you like if you don't like beans and you're worried about your protein intake. (Of course, please stay safe, do your due research, and talk to a doctor or dietitian if you can.)
Finally, this isn't really a tip, but I do want to say that not liking certain foods is something that's perfectly fine. You might try something and dislike it and that's okay. Vegans have no obligation to like every vegan food ever and diet culture can go to hell.
Above all, make the transition in a pace that is sustainable and healthy for you. It's much better for you and for the animals if you make a slow, sustained shift rather than trying to go vegan overnight and getting overwhelmed. Make gradual swaps, do your research, talk to a trusted medical professional, try to cook some vegan versions of your comfort meals, and of course, stay educated on animal liberation and anti-speciesism.
Below are some articles that I read that were helpful when researching this topic:
Here is a pretty straightforward article with tips on going vegan as a picky eater. Fair warning that parts of this article promote the anti-fat and ableist misconception of "vegan for weight loss/health", which is of course harmful diet culture stuff unrelated to veganism's literal stated intent. Fat vegans and disabled vegans are awesome and a vital part of the community. I really wish there was an article with this information out there that didn't promote these ideas, but I couldn't find one, so I will share this article with this heavy disclaimer. Take the good tips and leave the rest.
Here is an article by a vegan woman with ARFID about accommodations she's made to make eating more accessible for her. I know that ARFID is an eating disorder and not every instance of picky eating is ARFID, but I'm sharing this because I still think it was quite insightful and because I'd love to hear more from vegans with ARFID, as someone who doesn't have ARFID myself.
Also, not an article but I read a lot of stories from vegans on reddit who shared their experience going vegan as a picky eater. I'm sure there are also vegans on tumblr who also have food-related sensory issues, and if anyone who has wants to share their experience or add on to this post please feel free. As stated above, I personally did not really struggle with picky eating when going vegan so I'm very much open to receiving constructive criticism and other additions to this post.
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iridescentlemoncandy · 7 months
Video Call: Exclusive Eight Treasure Rice Pudding
Lunar New Year 2024 Call from Osborn
Heh, I've been gone for thirty minutes and you still haven't woken up.
No worries, you are free to sleep in on the first day of the new year.
As soon as you open your eyes, you should also be able to try grandma’s eight treasure rice pudding that you’ve been craving.
Where am I? Obviously, I’m making all effort to grant your wish.
You mean it as a casual remark rather than a wish?
“First we’ll start with the candied mix trails on top, then move on to the red bean filling, and finally the hot and fluffy glutinous rice.” Your eyes were beaming as you spoke these words.
You just don't have "really wanna eat" written across your face.
Troublesome? Absolutely not. The recipe isn't too complicated, as I've checked. We didn't have any red dates at home, so I had to go get some.
But please be advised, this is my first attempt at making this. So, you can't hold me responsible if it falls short of your expectations.
I’m doing my best to replicate your grandma's recipe, but I can't promise it will have the same flavour.
We should savour our unique flavour together… hmm, as expected from Xiao Xiaowu. Keep going, I’m listening.
But what should I add to make it our special eight treasure rice pudding, though?
Glutinous rice, desiccated coconut, butter, a little bit of pineapple chunks, strawberry and blueberry, and rose confit for an extra special touch?
Mmm, its vibrant colour means that the new year will be full of excitement, and its unique flavour indicates that each day will bring fresh surprises.
The image is so lively; I love it.
The key is to make sure it's sweet enough; only then will it have that festive vibe, right? I see your point.
I still recall the promise we made last year: I'll learn to cook some new foods for you.
This year's treat is eight treasure rice pudding, while last year it was candied fruit. They're both pretty sweet.
You wanna try brown sugar caramel rice cake next year? Sure thing. I'll pound the rice cake and make the caramel by myself.
Is it not excessively sweet? Well, this is nothing compared to having you right next to me. It’s already beyond the limit with you by my side.  
Alright, I’m all set here. I'll be home in no time.
Happy new year. Let’s look forward to our first meal together this year.
source: 萧逸Osborn·102糖果屋
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shaaaaaaar · 1 year
hi it is 1 am and i am here to complain
i’m really fucking tired of people treating me like i’m soft or fragile or innocent/naive, that kinda stuff. it’s been a thing for most of my life no matter how much i try to prove its not really true, and its so frustrating. because i’m easily startled and i have anxiety, i’m some fragile boy meant to be protected and whose too soft for stuff.
most people don’t actually mean any harm with it. the concern is good willed and comes from a place of kindness, but ends up feeling condescending. i’ll be shielded from anything mildly scary and i won’t be told specifically why but it’s pretty easy to deduce that it’s because the tone is horror or it’s mildly violent or whatever. the sensitivity is appreciated, but it often is either over exaggerating things i’ve said i don’t like (for example i don’t particularly like gore but that’ll be overblown to like. someone avoiding telling me about shit like yandere sim. because people die. exclusively me.) or shit i’m fine with but there’s a darker tone so “he wouldn’t like it”. a lot of the time it doesn’t feel like there’s consideration for me specifically and instead an assumption of me not liking darker-toned stuff.
a lot of the time people treating me softly comes off as patronizing. something that really sticks out to me is i was asked recently to hold onto something while a person left for a moment and got told that the thing i was told to hold was there to protect ME. the legal adult. an inanimate object. another one is i’ll be told for HYPOTHETICALS i’m not allowed to have sharp objects because “i don’t trust you to not accidentally cut yourself”. i’ll be told i can have blunt objects, but nothing sharp. i’m always characterized by being weak-willed or the anxious one and… it gets very tiring. especially when none of this treatment is given to anyone else, only me. it gets noticeable.
another part of it is i tend to be less harsh on people. i try not to be too judgemental and harsh on people, maybe to a fault (i’ve got more shit to work on than that). so when i run into assholes, i’m treated like the innocent “too sweet for this world” guy because im… not a dickwad to people? i had a friend group once who all became friends bc they made a groupchat to complain about basically an entire community of people. i had nothing to add with complaints (even if i did wanna rant to the extent they did, i barely knew the people they talked about), i was just willing to listen and found it morbidly interesting. hindsight 20/20 i should’ve figured these guys were assholes (and christ they were assholes) but that isn’t the important part. in that friend group i was ALWAYS treated like the little innocent bean and if i knew something mildly fucked up it was a shocker. which got exhausting.
at the end of the day its because i have anxiety problems. that’s the smoking gun. anxiety has always been a part of my life and mine is considerably worse than a lot of people’s nervousness. with my friends i’m the guy who has “more anxiety problems” and i don’t like being boiled down to that sure but i agree that i have a lot. but frankly, being treated like i’m weak actually makes me feel more anxious. because it leaves me feeling pathetic and humiliated. being treated like i need to be protected only serves to make me feel either defenseless or disrespected. i’m well aware that i’m not a weak person. i’ve been aware of this for a long time.
yes, i am a more sensitive person. sometimes i’m pretty fragile. i get nervous very easily and treating me more gently isn’t exactly bad because the gentility is mindfulness of my sensitivity. there’s a line, though. because at some point it stops being sensitive and becomes being patronizing. it stops being mindful of my anxiety and becomes making me all about my anxiety. cradling someone with anxiety, or at least cradling me, isn’t the solution to anything. it makes things worse and only serves to solidify the notion that i’m weak. to be blunt, being sensitive, being anxious, hell, being fragile, doesn’t mean being weak. it doesn’t mean i need to be protected and my world needs to be baby-proofed. i mean hell, i spend a lot of my time trying to push myself outside of my comfort zone because what’s the point of baby-proofing? nothing will change.
ironically i have no clue how to go about actually telling people this (despite the fact i’ve had the intention to find some opportunity for months now) and somehow i’ve ended up on tumblr at 1 am rambling about it. which isn’t solving anything. i really do need to go about that because it’s important
ok it’s 2 am now so i’m leaving bye
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snexy-the-snail · 2 years
Wait wait wait. The Iruma-kun fandom ? You're into it ? If so I'm gonna have to request some Dad Kalego because boi ! Our precious blue bean needs one trustworthy adult who'll know what to do. Kalego not letting Iruma getting into danger is what sold his character to me.
(Personally, I’m dying to see his reaction to Iruma being human- But yesss i’m a slut for dad figure not realizing they have a kid and said kid oblivious as well)  
Kalego sat in his office staring at the blue haired demon- no human in silent shock. Iruma only seems to get more anxious with each second passing. How had he not seen it? Every weird quirk the boy had, the lack of horns and fangs- He had thrown the kid off a cliff. A spike of guilt hit him hard at that memory. The boy had been terrified and he had.."A-ah Kalego- sensei?"  
He turns his attention to the human in front of him. The stupid self-sacrificing human who had constantly been throwing himself into danger.  
A soft squishy little thing not meant to be thrown around by this world. He grits his teeth and stands suddenly the feeling of a fierce need to protect clawing at his chest. "Who else knows?" He demands to look down at the boy. A flash of fear from the boy making his stomach twist. When he doesn't receive and answer he slams his fist down on his desk. "I said who else knows!"  
Iruma flinches back, his eyes wide and filled with fear and hesitancy. Kalego could practically hear the little heartbeat pounding in his chest. The small thing needed to be safe he needed to be tucked away from this cruel and dangerous world.  
"J-just Grandpa, Opera-san and..and Balam-sensei." Iruma squeaks out, watching Kalego anxiously. "I-I ah..I know I'm not supposed to tell anyone sensei was really worried about anyone finding out and I know why but I just- you're my teacher and my..my familiar so I thought you should know too." The boy finishes squeezing his eyes shut, his head bowed slightly and his hands gripping his pants like he expected the demon to lash out and gobble him up right there.  
"I pushed you off a cliff." Kalego watches his student tense, cautiously meeting his eyes. "E-eh? Well yeah but you didn't know that I didn't have any wings."  
An exhausted sounding sigh escaped the demon as he looked at Iruma. A human. It was a miracle that the small thing had made it this far. He had done so many things that would've killed a human. The protective feeling itched at his mind, his scowl deepening  
“The point is you would’ve been killed you senseless idiot.” It made sense why the idiotic head of the school had those cutesy little lessons be mandatory, even then he wasn’t doing his grandson any favors. “Not only that if someone got a whiff of your wound you would’ve been killed. Do you understand that? How close to begin torn apart you were?”
The color drains from the boys' face those stupidly innocent eyes peering up at him. Guilt clawed at his chest, but the boy needed to know how dangerous it was. Young demons didn’t understand the full truth behind eating humans and... neither would Iruma. His anger fades when he finally takes a good look at the boy, tears slowly dripping down his cheeks, his lip trembling ever so slightly.
“I... I know. and I’m sorry for worrying you Kalego Sensei, but..but I needed to help Sabnock and the Guardian's baby- and! and I don’t wanna worry Azz or Clara because that just adds a ton of stress onto them-” the child kept ramblings, tears still pricking at the corner of his eyes. Kalego wasn’t sure what was being said, finally he gave into the instinct screaming at him.
He lunges forward his entire being demanding the safety of this odd demon hatchling, more so when Iruma flinched. Kalego wasn’t a parental creature, he never saw himself settling down with a mate and having hatchlings. Still a soft warble escapes him as he presses his forehead against Iruma’s.
There was silence from his student, Kalego taking it as a sign to continue. His wings flare from his wing base before folding over them in a swift motion. It was out of character for him this whole thing was. He had never felt this unbearably heavy feeling of parental instinct before.  
“You. You need extra lessons, not only about basic demon history but on culture and customs. It’s a miracle you haven’t been killed yet.” He pulls back, trying to shove those ridiculous feelings away. Iruma wasn’t his hatchling- just a student he needed to pay special attention to.
“You..you’re not going to eat me?” The boy asks meekly, his eyes wide with confusion. For the love of- did this stupid little human seriously come here expecting to be eaten? “I certainly want to.” He growls, frowning when the boy tenses up in the chair, but he didn’t run. No self-preservation.  
“At least I’d know where you were, and none of that ridiculous display of self-sacrificing behavior.” He continues half trying to jolt a reaction from the boy. “Tch, it’s obvious Balam hasn’t told you.” He was surprised the demon hadn’t swallowed the boy himself, he knew his friend to be oddly protective of the human species..then again, he was probably terrified of scaring the boy.
“He um..told me not to tell anyone and to use better perfumes.” Iruma squeaks, playing with the edge of his shirt. Kalego lets an exhausted sigh out as he pinches the bridge of his nose. Looks like the duty of telling the boy fell to him. Wonderful.
“Demons eat humans.” He starts off seeing the boy tense again, his cowlick seeming to straighten a bit. “You’re aware of that, but it’s more than that. Demons aren't like you humans; we have a pouch of sorts.” He pauses to let the boy absorb the information. “Now humans are an easy source to heal from, so what better way to become practically invincible than to hold a human in your pouch? There were also cases of human hatchlings being adopted by demons this way, it got..messy, so precautions were put into place and stories were twisted to prevent the mess from happening again.”
“S..so you want to...put me in that pouch Kalego-Sensei?” Iruma asks- it was a genuinely innocent question that made all his parental instincts surge to the surface. “It would certainly keep you out of trouble.” He snaps before composing himself with a deep breath. It wasn’t Iruma’s fault the poor thing didn’t even know half the things he should.  
“It...it won’t hurt you, will it? Im..im a little big to fit.” the comments quietly, his eyes flinching to his middle nervously. “Even now you’re worrying about others you ridiculous hatchling!?” He snaps, that ugly protective feeling ripping through his chest. “I could tear you apart right now, I could keep you from your beloved friends and grandfather and yet you are worried about me.” He snarls, baring his teeth at the boy.
He’s expecting some reaction, fear, tears *something* and yet those blue eyes just stared back at him with just a hint of surprise. “U-um...Kalego-Sensei are..are you..are you concerned about me? Because you shouldn’t be I’m fine I swear.”  
If this boy kept it up, he would be ending up in his gut. “Yes, I am concerned about you. You the human that throws himself into every dangerous situation, a human that regularly goes up against demons who could snap him into a twig, a silly little child who has no idea how much danger he truly is in.” Which each word he gets closer to the small thing again, the parental feeling roaring at him.
“You are a hatchling, a mere baby compared to me and everyone around you due to your species. You could die at any moment just because a demon went into their evil cycle.” He slams his hands on either arm of the chair Iruma was sitting in, peering down at that child.  
There was silence between before Iruma’s eyes watered again. The boy’s shoulders tensed up as he grabbed the fabric of his uniform. The soft warble escapes him again before he can think properly, this time Iruma responds to it, much like a demon hatchling would by lightly pressing his forehead against his. He could feel the tremors wracking the boy's body, guilt washing over him again.  
“You’re ridiculous.” He murmurs, proceeding to let a cautious croon out. It was odd not hearing a responding noise. His hatchling wasn’t a demon however, he wouldn’t ever respond the way he expected.  
He sighs and slowly pulls away, before awkwardly lifting the boy up by his armpits and shifting him against his body. It felt wrong, but the boy responded this time, his face buried in his chest as he let out pitiful sounding sobs out.
“What am I going to do with you?” He closes his eyes, once again folding his wings over the shivering body. “I..I’m sorry...I didn't mean to..to worry you Kalego-Sensei.” Iruma finally manages to choke out. Of course, he would take the blame-even if it was right this time.  
“That ridiculous grandfather of yours hasn’t done you any favors..But I promise to keep you safe where he fails.”
That promise had been made several weeks ago, and Iruma, to the boy's credit, had tried staying out of dangerous situations. Since then, the ridiculous protective feeling had been growing stronger, it came to be a problem when Clara had accidentally cut Iruma’s hair with a sharp object.  
“Look what you’ve done! You hurt Master Iruma you reckless brat!” Asmodeus snaps at the green haired demon before turning to Iruma who laughs nervously as his friend grasped his hurt hand. “Iruma-Sama are you alright? Let me see how deep it is.” The human opening his mouth to speak, Clara interrupting him before he could get a word in.
Clara shoves her hand into her pockets promptly bringing out bandages. “Here Iruma Chi- I didn’t mean to.” She whines, her tail whipping behind her anxiously. Asmodeus snatches the offered bandages, focused on making it better. Kalego however couldn’t take it anymore. The hatchling was hurt, he was hurt, and his blood scent would be in the air soon enough. He knew full well the stupid little thing wouldn’t fight if his friends turned on him.
“Enough. I will take it from here, get to class.” He snaps, resisting the urge to snarl at the two demons. The last thing he wanted to get out was him showing parental instincts to a student. “But-” HE cuts the pink haired demon off immediately, “Now Asmodeus.”  
“I’ll be okay, I promise Azz.” Iruma reassures, and only then did the demon nod slowly. “Very well, I will see you in class then.” And with that they were left alone, Asmodeus dragged Clara from the area.   The second the two were gone Kalego gripped the back of Iruma’s shirt, lifting the human up much like a kitten, the boy also lifted his legs up much like one.  
“Ah..um.. Kalego sensei?” He squeaks, the demon's attention snapping back to the small creature. His instincts roared to life again, his eyes narrowing before taking an annoyed breath in. “Why must you make every little thing complicated?” He growls. Now he would need to make up a lie of why the boy wasn’t in class, then deal with Balam about swallowing the human, god he would need to deal with the annoying human being tucked away too, “Sorry? Can I um..go to Balam sensei? Or Grandpa if it’s annoying.”  
Kalego growls information as he feels an odd warming sensation in his fingers, the human slowly being adjusted in size. “No. That’s not what’s going to happen.” When had he become so protective of the little troublemaker? Just because he was human? Iruma was really a clueless little thing. They had this talk a few days ago and yet he didn’t seem to recall. It was only until the boy seemed to notice he was dangling more he connected the dots.
“O-oh am... are you gonna..Kalego sensei are you going to use the um..pouch you talked about?” Iruma squeaked his eyes wide. The expression made him sigh in exasperation.
“How have you survived in this world for so long? You're completely oblivious.” He mutters beneath his breath, cupping a hand under the boy as his form continued to shrink. Something small enough he wouldn’t be noticeable tucked away but large enough the boy wouldn't feel like he would be forgotten inside. The last thing he wanted to do was traumatize the human.
“I guess I'm really lucky?” Iruma responds, cautiously grasping onto the fingers gripping the back of his uniform. The boy seemed to relax when a hand came to support his feet. It was surprising how...trusting the boy was. “Luck might have something to do with it.” He agrees, looking at the boy sitting in his palm. Before he could even think a soft warbling croon escaped him, Iruma's eyes widening in recognition and letting a rough sounding whine out. Someone had been doing research and even if it wasn’t perfect his instincts roared inside him, his pupils dilating slightly.
“Did..did I do that right?” The boy squeaks, trying again. The rough sounding whine was imperfect, but it made every parental feeling inside of Kalego twist inside him. “It’s rough.” He mumbles lifting the boy above his mouth. There was a brief pause where Iruma lifted his feet up nervously before lowering them again. “o-oh..sorry. It’s um... it’s a little hard to do.” The boy admits quietly, a small squeak escaping him when Kalegos’s lips parted.
“Then practice more, I’m sure you’re capable of doing it correctly.” Seeing the human’s eyes widen at the rush of warmth was adorable, mostly because there wasn’t a hint of fear in them. “You’ll be fine, do not kick me.” It was a small attempt of reassuring the boy, which seemed to work as there wasn’t any flailing as he lowered the boy inside his mouth being cautious of his fangs. He made sure to cradle the small frame on his tongue, waiting a second before sealing the human inside.
The moment was silent before tiny hands started to poke around, a sense of curiosity slowly radiating from the small frame inside of his jaws. He let a soft sigh out before starting to slick Iruma up for the trip down. He closes his eyes focusing on the flavor of the small body, enjoying the satisfaction of his instincts being soothed.  
A squeal suddenly sounded from between his jaws, his eyes snapping open as Iruma squirmed around, shoving at his tongue with another squeal. Laughter. Was he somehow tickling this small hatchling? A brief feeling of deviousness washes over him before he starts targeting the seemingly ticklish spots on the boy, a wonderful sounding bought of laughter sounding out. He continued his relentless attack before letting the boy have a rest, small giggles occasionally escaping the boy.
After a moment he tilted his head back, waiting for the feeling of small feet at the entrance of his throat before swallowing thickly. After the second swallow he pressed a finger against the boys form his collar bone. down until the boy slipped under his collar bone.
A warm weight squelched into his stomach, a squirming child moving around for a few moments. Probably getting oriented. “Ah..um Kalego- sensei.. This is safe right? Sorry it’s just um..it’s a little scary, not that I don’t Trust you! It’s just a stomach and humans can’t exactly do this.” The voice was muffled slightly and yet he could hear it as clear as day. A small sense of guilt washed over him as he sighed, pressing a hand to his middle. “Yes-” He cuts the little nervous ramble off. “It’s completely safe. Now get settled down, just because you’re inside doesn’t mean you can ignore the lesson. We both know you have a lot to catch up on as well.”
There was a small shift in weight before he felt the boy fully settle down. Oddly enough against his hand, which he didn’t think would make the boy comfortable. “I will tell your friends that you went to the nurse's office.” HE adds on with a sigh. This didn’t mean he was going soft, it just meant he was indulging in his instincts, nothing more or less.  
There was silence as he started back towards their classroom, the royal one the boy had managed to get them. Admittedly it was much nicer than the original classroom and the fledglings were working hard to keep their earned room. Just as he was going back to the door a small voice piped up.
“Kalego sensei?”
He pauses his hand brushed against the door handle. “Yes Iruma?”
“Thank you for um..looking out for me, I appreciate it.”
Kalego let a small sigh out cupping his hand to his middle again, relishing the perfect feeling of having the troublesome hatchling tucked away safely. “Don’t expect me to coddle you. You will need to grow strong to protect yourself.” There was silence again, so he opened the door, striding inside to his desk.  
“I promise you Kalego Sensei that I will rank up and get stronger. I won’t disappoint you.” A brief smile twitches at the corner of his lips the statement. He could practically see the determined look on the child’s face. He didn’t doubt the small human either, Iruma worked  hard to get where he was now and with proper guidance, he didn’t doubt the boy would do great things.
“I know.” He murmurs quietly before clearing his throat and addressing the class. He would need to speak with Balam and the idiot chairman about Iruma but for now... He had a class to teach.
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yoichichi · 3 years
Sitting on Karasuno’s Lap
Karasuno(sep) x reader
warning(s): reader insecurity about size, v slight timeskip spoilers Kageyama being grumpy and stupid and some grammar issues prolly 😬 i think that’s about it but lemme know if you think I need to add anything else!
a/n: got a request for reader being apprehensive about sitting on the boys from karasuno’s lap cause of their size so this is what that is! I hope this comforts u anon ily :(
And lemme say this: all these boys would most definitely love to be smothered and cuddled under their s/o pls they quite literally live for it <3
characters: daichi, sugawara, asahi, tanaka, noya, tsukishima, yamaguchi, kageyama, hinata
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I really feel like Daichi’s the kind of guy who loves picking up his s/o when they hug
He always does the classic bear hug grip around your midsection and then before you know it he’s squatting a little and lifting you up - ur size does NOT matter, if he can get your feet off the ground even a little he’s cheesing big time
He just thinks it’s so cute when you squeal or laugh and smack his arms, and you always get a hearty laugh out of him after before he grabs your face - kind of aggressively - and is leaving silly slobbery kisses all over it :((((
So basically there’s no way you can escape his infamous hugs
Because of this he’d also definitely love for you to sit on his lap too!
And because he’s always lifting you when you least expect it, when you mention why you’d rather not sit on his lap he’d respect your answer and reassure you it’s not a problem,,,, while also kind of being >:( and passive aggressively explain why you most definitely wouldn’t crush him
Now next time he comes home to you, not only is he lifting you, but he’s carrying you to your bedroom to cuddle, and then maybe you’ll sigh and give in to sitting on his lap <3
He’s generally more of a lay down cuddly or holding hands in public kinda guy
But there was something about sitting down on the couch after work and seeing you come out of the kitchen with a big smile on your face that just made his heart melt and shoot his arms out with grabby hands
Of course you oblige and sit next to him and start playing with his hands, waiting for him to talk about his day, but then he’s looking at you like :( and tugging at the hem of your shirt
“No, I want to cuddle.”
When you look at him confused he groans and tugs you onto his lap with his face buried into your neck, and almost instantly you can feel him relaxing into the couch
As soon as you think he’s relaxed enough, you go to move off him, anxious you’ve been sitting on his lap too long, but when you go to move he grabs on tighter and looks up at you like 🥺
You realize that maybe he’s just fine when he pulls you father into him - if that’s even possible - and starts to drool cause he’s passed out from being so comfy <3
It’s pretty common for Asahi to come home from a long day at work and then rest his head on your thighs while you play with his hair and let him talk about your day
It’s something he looks forward to when he’s driving home :(
Being held and comforted by your s/o is absolute heaven to him, so when you walk through the door with a big sigh while you’re rolling your shoulders, his first thought is to return the favor !
The two of you are standing in your living room now with your head in his chest while he’s rubbing your back, periodically kissing the top of your head
“Wanna sit down angel?”
When you agreed you didn’t know that meant sitting on the couch with you straddling his lap, his hand still holding your head in his chest
But before you can protest and squirm away he’s kissing you and humming while he’s still rubbing your back and soothing you :(((
This baby wouldn’t even give you a second to think about your insecurities:(
He’s gonna assume somebody’s said something about you almost immediately
Cause he just can’t grasp that you yourself have decided you’re too big for him
He just kind of looks at you like 🧍🏻🤨 uhhhh sit tf down I’d like you to cuddle me please 🤨?
“Tanaka, I’ll crush you.”
“Yeah, that’s kind of the point babe! Smother me ☺️❣️” really does not get the message here
Once you explicitly tell him you think you’re just too big to sit on his lap he kind of freaks
Like full on grabbing your face and shaking his head trying to do anything to convince you, you most definitely are not too big to sit on his lap
Once he convinces you he’s kissing you everywhere until you giggle cause he hates seeing his baby upset :(
I’m so sorry but at first he doesn’t even comprehend it’s an insecurity you have and thinks you’re nervous about it because of his size
“Wow, never heard ‘tiny but mighty’ babe?”
Like noya baby pls, this ain’t about you 😭
Is quite literally begging you to sit on his lap at home until you get frustrated and tell him you’re worried you’ll “crush” him because of your size - not his
He’d be kind of caught off guard at first but within seconds he’s reassuring you that’s not something you need to be worried about at all, not with him
Very similar to Yamaguchi he’s gonna convince you to give in and then absolutely smother you with affection afterwards
He’s now made it his goal to change your mindset about your size and add some more positive connotation - baby boy loves you :(
Will not take no for an answer either 😭
LIke he’s sitting there looking at you thinking you’re commenting on his body type like “what, you think I’m built like a string bean so I can’t handle you sitting on my lap 😐.”
AGAIN, this isn’t about you babes
So once you explain to him that no, it’s not about him it’s about you, he just:
“That’s stupid.” LIKE he’s very upset that you feel that way and doesn’t know how to express to you that you aren’t gonna crush him so the only way he knows how to tell you that is that you’re stupid for thinking that way 😭
He’d try to be physically reassuring afterward though
Kissing your forehead and telling you how it makes him sad you think that way, and why don’t you just sit on his lap so he can prove that’s not the case
You’re upset and uncomfortable at first, not really being able to relax, but after some lovin from tsuki and distraction you relax into him and bit and get comfy
He definitely makes it a regular thing so you can feel more comfortable with him :(
One of the most reassuring for sure!
The moment he felt your unease or a hint of apprehensiveness at the idea of sitting on his lap he’s investigating
Holding your face in his hands and asking you what’s wrong like 🥺
When you tell him you’re insecure about being too heavy to sit on his lap he’s definitely heartbroken, but knows this isn’t about him
So he’s quickly leaving really light kisses on your cheeks and hands promising you that’s not the case whatsoever all while he’s slowly coaxing you onto his lap
Once he’s gotten you to actually do it he’s all smiley and blushing - he’s smiling so big you can actually feel it when he’s kissing you
“Mmmmm, wanna nap?”
Just overall very affirming and attentive to your feelings :(
If you acted any bit shy or insecure about sitting on his lap he’d be ~so so confused
He’d be home from a long day of practice and flop down on the couch and all he wants is to be smothered by his baby 😭
He’s grumpy and just kind of grunts when you sit down next to him to talk about your day and ask about his and he just kinda reaches out to you and starts grabbing at your hips and you’re like 😳 uh yes?
You wouldn’t be budging and he’d get this pout and be all “sit on my lap 😡 I wanna cuddle”
Him asking for affection so bold like this isn’t always common for him so you don’t wanna say no BUT you’re also insecure about being too heavy so you just kinda pull him towards you and shake your head
“Why don’t you lay on me instead? I’ll play with your hair hmm?”
He’d just kind of look at you like ..... but I want you to lay on me and I can play with your hair
But unsurprisingly the 6’2 beefy professional volleyball player is stronger than you so he just stands up and PICKS you up instead and then carries you to the bedroom where he flops down with you laying on him
At first you’re kind of frustrated and insecure cause you didn’t tell him why you were avoiding it cause you didn’t want to bring it up but then you hear Kageyama sigh and start rubbing your back from his spot underneath you and you soon realize this mf just passed out
Surely if he’s ok with you LAYING on him maybe sitting on his lap next time won’t be so awful
Another confused baby but actually realizes somethings wrong 😭
Y’all are having a simple movie night with some pals all cuddled up on the couch and he notices there’s not too much room there, unless you sit on his lap of course, which he obviously likes the idea of
The movies playing so he tugs on your shirt a little to get your attention and whispers to you about sitting on his lap
But instead of happily hopping on like he imagined, you look away and shake your head, mumbling something about paying attention to the movie
There’s people over so he knows now isn’t the right time to pry, but he can also tell when you’re even the tiniest bit upset so he’s not gonna forget to mention something to you later tonight
You two would be getting into bed that night when he’d bring it up
“Hey, did something happen today?”
You’d tell him no but unfortunately for you he doesn’t stop asking different kinds of questions until he gets you to talk about it
When you mention that you’re insecure about being too heavy for those kinds of affection he would get so so sad, like looking at you like this ☹️ nearly tearing up
Cause he just sees it as him not doing his job as your s/o to make you comfortable and happy with him - even if that’s not actually the case
He won’t stop asking always for you to cuddle him like that but he won’t pester if you say no - you will see him get a lil pouty though
I hope you guys enjoyed!!
requests are open ( I miss hq pls feel free to send some in :((()
taglist: @plutowrites @sweet-darling91
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