erin-ashh · 1 month
I cannot stop thinking about how Megamind coded Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me? is
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maladaptivewriting · 28 days
In ttpd, who’s afraid of little old me might be the most regulus coded song in the golden king. “I was tame, I was gentle, til the circus life made me mean. Don’t you worry folks, we took out all her teeth” and “I am what I am cuz you trained me” it’s all regulus adapting from his death eater era and choosing to take down Voldemort and destroy all the horcruxes. Especially cuz nobody would necessarily see him as a threat but he definitely is one
i agree with this especially because i dont think regulus sees himself as a threat
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my-castles-crumbling · 2 months
Hi cas, it’s grieving anon. Here for the vibes today. TAYLOR SWIFT… I mean… 
So, ive had a few weird things happen. I got distracted and fell over, and injured myself so yay… and then I had the weirdest thing happen.
So I mentioned I got nightmares right? That I woke my mum up by shouting and sitting up in my sleep. So I have a bunk bed (small room- needed space for a desk). And a few days ago I had this creepy dream and legit propelled myself out of bed- still half asleep and panicking. Then had to climb back in. 
And last night I literally crawled from lying down to the other end of my bed and climbed over the bars and fell OVER and OFF my bed to the floor 😭
You know the length of like, a normal door? It was like that far that I fell. I woke up both my parents. 
IM 16! I shouldn’t be flying out of bed. Luckily i’m not too hurt tho. I remember the dream, I was just climbing over a fence, I couldn’t feel the floor but I knew it was there so I let go, and then I WOKE UP ON MY FUCKIGN FLOOR. 
Like whyyyyy.
Anyway. So Long, London. My first favourite. “HOW MUCH SAD DID YOU, think I had, did you, think I had in me, HOW MUCH TRAGEDY?”
Then, of course, I Can Do It With A Broken Heart. AMAZING. Yes.
And, Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me? 
So far, they’re my fav but i’m sure the others will claw their way into my heart too. 
Anyway, my sisters been annoying me. She seems annoyingly fine. She called all the injury’s i’ve been getting “pre-exam” injuries… NO! They’re post fucking death injuries. 
I know her, I know she’s suffering in silence. But it means whenever I see her, she seems fine. And it’s fucking annoying. 
I don’t know anymore. My mum, she said her nightmares went away after my Nans death when she went to a grief therapist or something. i’ve never gone to a therapist. I don’t know how it’d feel. And, I don’t really have the time. 
But I don’t want to wake up on my floor again. 
I feel like I blinked and my life became this mess I can’t control. And I have no energy to anymore. I lost all my fire. I used to strive to learn and care and participate. Now i’d happily rot away. Why bother. 
Anyway (that’s like the third time i’ve said that now 🤦‍♀️) “IM JUST GETTING COLOUR BACK INTO MY FACE IM JUST MAD AS HELL CAUSE I LOVED THIS PLACE” 
Writing these at the end of some of my days has been very stress relieving so thank you. I’ve bullied myself into not picking the scab on the horrid massive cut I got from falling over. I’ve refrained from pressing into the bruises I got from sleep falling/climbing off my stupid bed. 
 This isn’t even my usual music vibe 😭
Literally everything i’ve tried to do this week has failed. School work, running, sleeping.
I’m so tired. 
Hi hon! I'm so glad to hear from you! <3
Nightmares after a loss are SUPER common, and you're right to know that they don't have to do with exams. As far as therapy, I know you said you don't have time, and I used to say the same thing but then I got to thinking...
I wasted SO much time being sad, run down, anxious, depressed. Like I probably spent at least an hour a day in anxiety paralysis, you know? So devoting an hour a week to STOPPING those symptoms actually saves me time, in the long run.
It may not feel the same for you, but it's something to think about! <3
I'm so glad you like TTPD. Using music to cope is also super helpful. Screaming lyrics is so...emotionally rejuvinating.
Keep messaging me <3 I'm thinking of you!
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pearlsartblog2019 · 3 years
steam powered pirates
Steam Powered Pirates
She always loved how the Sea smelled after a storm. The relief, the fresh air, as if all the worries and cares in the world had blown away on those awful winds and the world was going to be ok. Of course she knew that was lil more than a dream. The last fight had been horrid, they were heading to port today to get the repairs made. Wanting to keep her safe from the marauders, Her father had shut her in his cabin. Locking the door and telling her under no circumstances were she to come out. That of course was the first door they broke down. Yah ok, So the Beciles scared her. Pearl wasn’t going to deny it one bit. The fact that their first mate was already jealous as hell of her father didn't make it any easier. That all of them were fruit cakes just added another layer. But the look on Skulls face, the utter hatred and envy.  Then him trying to manhandle her, promising that he’d send her to the bottom. “Time to go see your mother lil one,” He had sneered at her. That scared her more than she would ever wanna admit. Her father, Spine Walter, had told her that she didn't even need to be out on deck today to help if she didn't want to. But work would get her mind off of the insanity of it all. The storm, The Beciles, all of it. So here she was, out in the wind, helping Dex bring in the nets. Because if she didn’t have something to occupy her mind, Pearl Walter was gonna go stark raving mad. “You sure yer up for this lil bit?” Her cousin asked as he lodged the Gaff in the net pulleys. “Yah,” She ran a hand through her black hair, “I kinda have to be. Everyone around here has to pull their weight, Dex.” “That's bull,” her Cousin told her, “Even the captain said you don't have to do this if you're not up to it.” “I wanna tho,” Pearl looked out over the ocean, “Get my mind off of all of that. Ok?” “Ok kiddo,” Dex reached over and ruffled her dark hair, “Just dont OVER do it ok?”She nodded and was about to say more when the pulleys squeaked to high heaven indicating that there was something way too heavy in the nets. “What in heaven's name?” Pearl looked down over the edge and all she could see was what looked like a mass of seaweed. “What did we haul in?” Dex asked. “I… I’m not sure.. Looks like a clump of.. “ She trailed off as the nets reached the deck and the hissing started. Like a million pissed off sea snakes, something in that mass of seaweed was  UNHAPPY.Dex promptly lurched back from the nets and proceeded to shove Pearl behind him. “Whoa,” He said, “We reeled in something didn't we?” “Yah we…” Before Pearl could finish the hissing was replaced with screeching and then crying. “Ok what in the?” By now the commotion had gotten the attention of everyone else on the ship and they were all heading over to see what the two of them had found. “What's in there?” Her uncle Jon asked as he walked up. (note: Jon strikes me as the kind that takes care of folks so he’s the ship's medic.)Pearl shook her head and turned back to the nets. “I dunno.” “Well let's set it down and see what we find,” Dex said as he swung it over the side and proceeded to lower the net down. Now it was clear that there was something alive in there, because whatever it was started thrashing and screeching more. That was when Pearl got a look at her face. Yes HER face. Blue eyes peered out from the mess of sea weed and she looked panic stricken. It didn’t even occur to pearl that it might be a lil odd there was a girl caught up in the net. All she could think about in that instant was getting her out. “HEY!!” Pearl called and headed over, “HEY calm down or you're gonna hurt yourself!! There are hooks in there! If you squirm, yer gonna get cut!” The girl looked up at pearl and hissed again, displaying sharp teeth at her.  “GET ME OUT!!” she cried, “Please they might be back!!” “Hey it's o k,” Jon headed over to check her with pearl while the rest of the crew and family started appearing. “Hey we gotta get her out Uncle Jon,” Pearl told her, “She’s all tangled in there and will get …” “Hush Lil Bit,” he told her, “I know. First we gotta calm her down.”The girl hissed at him again but now looked more afraid than ferocious, “Please get me out. They chased me… I got scared and…” Jon smiled, “It's ok.. I promise we will get you loose..” he moved over and started working on detalingling the net. It was in such a state tho that salvaing it and getting the girl out appeared to be impossible. Jon made a face and then turned to pearl, “lil bit do you still have that knife?” “Yah,” Pearl reached down and pulled it out, “I never really use it for anything but to cut rope tho.” “Perfect, “ Jon s miled, “Yer dad is gonna skin my arse for this but I’ll replace the net later. “ By now the dad in question, Spine,  had been called and Along with the rest of the walters had come over to see what in the heck had happened. “What…” That was when he looked down and saw the girl with blue eyes looking at him. By now more of her was loose from the net and she had long curly brown hair, blue eyes and looked like she was about to bolt over the side of the deck the moment she got the chance. Rabbit, Hatchworth, Zero, And Upgrade were also running up to see all of this, closely followed By Peter. “She was caught in the net daddy,” Pearl told him. Spine looked on in awe, “Sweetie if she was in the net then she…” “Siren,” The girl said, “I’m a Siren and my name is sprocket.” Dex walked over and shoved his hair out of his eyes, “Whoa… “ Jon held up his hands,”ok first things first let's get her cut loose from this thing and then see if She's hurt ok?” Pearl nodded and went back to helping Jon get her loose from the net, while they worked he talked to Some of the others. “Rabbit, Upgrade, I’m gonna need you two to go fire up the bilge and fill the display tank ok? We need some place so she can breathe and be safe…” Pearl saw the siren girl Sprocket Shudder a bit, “D… Display?” Pearl Realized that might scare her, “Oh no sweetie.. It's nothing like that. Sometimes we catch fishes and stuff, we have a place to keep them. It's a nice big tank up on the deck with a really cool thing the captain made to keep the water clean.  You can stay there till we find your home.” Sprocket looked at her and shook her head, “I.. I don't have a  home…” Jon smiled at her and continued working on the net, “Well then you can stay with us until you find one. If you never do, then this can be your home. WHen you're a little older you’ll learn how to  have legs on dry land .. then you can just if you like. Till then we’ll keep you nice and cozy ok? We’ll even make it bigger for you in the next town.” By now this had gotten the captain's attention and Peter came over to check on everyone. He took one look at the lil siren and smiled at her, “Hey there. I'm sorry if we scared you. Wow i’ve not seen a siren since i was lil.” He knelt down next to her, “I'm sorry about all of this mess. Last night was kinda a trial.” “They caused it!” The lil siren snapped, “The Monsters on that other boat! They caused it!!”The whole crew froze when they heard her say those words. Everyone knew there could only be one other crew that she was talking about. There had only been one other boat in the area last night. “Oh honey,” Spine came over and knelt down, “Did the Beciles cause this? And we fought  with them, so we were part of it. I”m so sorry lil one. “Sprocket stared at the tall man with green eyes kneeling before her, and then over at the young girl and the ship's doc. Unlike the other crew she could feel that they were good people and so she shook her head. “You aren't like them.. This was.. An .. an accident. “ She said “Very much so,” Jon told her, “now let's finish getting you out of that net and… Oh no..” He had finished cutting away the net but now he could see that around the shiny black tail of the lil siren, strings of  hooks were embedded in there. They were not the kind that the walters used, for these were meant to not only catch, but catch sea creatures as painfully as possible. When their crew had to catch fish for food or to trade, they desperately tried to only use nets. When they DID have to use hooks they made sure to use only one barb hooks, that caught in the mouth of fish as painlessly as possible. For they wished to take the fishes alive to trade for aquariums and such. But no, the hooks wrapped around and digging into the young siren’s tail were made to kill. To catch and then cause the creature they had caught to bleed out. They were horrid and deeply painful. “OH sweet heart,” Spine gasped, “What did they… “ “Easy now Bro, I need you to go and get me a blanket so I can get her out of the net. I don't want her quills broken and that's the safest way to do it. “ Upon mentioning that Pearl looked and saw that the siren girl did have a long line of quills going down her back and to the end of her tail. SPine nodded and took off to get it, Then Jon turned to Peter. “Now sir I’m gonna need you to help me with this and then we will need to get her into the fresh seawater Rabbit and Upgrade are pumping into the tank. “ “Ok,” The captain nodded. He then turned and asked for Hatchworth and Zero to mind the ship and keep them on course for the moment. They agreed and a few seconds later, Spine returned with the blanket for the siren. “Ok kiddo,” Jon told her, “I need you to let me wrap you up ok? Then we're gonna take you some place and get those nasties outta that pretty tail ok?” Sprocket nodded and let them wrap her up and then carry her away. Pearl stayed on the deck with Spine and watched as they carried her below decks. “Skull tried to kill her, didn't he, daddy?” Pearl asked softly. Spine had to sigh a bit at that, “I think he may have Lil bit. But he won't ever be able to hurt her again. I promise.” “Are… are we going to keep her  here daddy?” Pearl asked Looking up at him with wide eyes. “Until we find her home, “ Spine smiled down at her, “Yes we are.” Pearl nodded, “good. I think she needs a family daddy.” “ I think you might be right LIl bit. “ Spine gave her a hug, “And I think you and Me might just be up to that job.” Pearl gave him a hug back and then went back to help Dex with the things for the ship. A few hours later during her studying time, there was a soft knock on the door and it was Jon telling her that if she wanted to come see Sprocket she was allowed to now. Pearl jumped up and headed out for the deck as fast as she could. In the few hours that had passed the display tank had been draped with curtains on the inside that could be pulled down her back to give the lil siren privacy if she so chose. Some waterproof blankets and pillows made of material that would stay down had been added. So now the lil siren was curled up with one of them appearing to doze. A lot of her tail had been wrapped in bandages and she appeared to be well and truly asleep. Pearl smiled and came up to sit down next to the tank. Sprocket must have sensed her because she opened her blue eyes and smiled into Pearl’s pink ones. “Onechan,” Pearl said softly. “Hmmmm?” Sprocket asked, apparently able to hear her somehow. Pearl instantly blushed but smiled, “it's from my mother’s home language. “ “Oh?” Sprocket asked. “It.. it means Big sister.” Pearl said shyly. Sprocket smiled more, “how do you say lil sister?” “Imoto,” Pearl told her. “Imoto?” Sprocket smiled about going back to sleep “Imoto, i like that. Thank you for saving me.” “Go back to sleep, Onechan,” Pearl told her. “I promise to keep you safe.” Sprocket smiled and nodded, “Thank you Imoto. See you tomorrow.” Pearl nodded and leaned against the tank, “Doitashemaste Onechan. Sleep tight.” ( Note: Doitashemaste means your welcome) 
Part Two:
There was a strong wind blowing up, predicting that there might be a storm coming in tonight,  for the moment tho the sky was clear and pearl was enjoying being up in the first of the two crows nest that the ship had. She was leaning against the railing when she heard a knock on the hull of the ship. She looked down and smiled. Hopped down from her perch and moved over to swing one particular Gaff out over the side of the ship. A few moments later she had lowered the ingenious contraption the captain had  made and was pulling the person that had knocked on the ship back up. She smiled when it reached the level of the deck and there Sat her big sister swishing her almost completely healed tail back and forth. “How was it today?” Pearl asked. Sprocket smiled and reached up to pull on the rope to swing the contraption over her Tank. “Cold but it felt good. Hehe I think The Captain's heated water here for me is starting to spoil me a bit!” Pearl grinned, “we are all spoiled on it for baths too!! “ She moved the controls on the contraption so it was over Sprocket's tank and the lil siren slipped off of it and into the  heated water. Then after a few moments of warming up, popped back up to the surface of the tank as Pearl headed back up to the crows nest. “So you think there’s gonna be a blow tonight?” Pearl asked. Sprocket nodded, “Yah there’s definitely something coming in on the current. It's a lil odd. I hope it's not gonna be too wild!”
Pearl nodded and plopped back into her seat, “We should hit port tomorrow. We’ll be picking up Uno and a lot of supplies.” “That will be nice, “ The lil siren smiled, “I really can't wait to meet her.” Pearl grinned more,” You’ll love her. She's a whole lot more logical than me but she’s also a lot of fun. She's smart, pretty and a damn good cook too.” Sprocket laughed, “no one is better than you sis, I’m sure i’ll get on great with our cousin tho.” Pearl smiled and was about to say more when Dex hollered down from the higher up crows nest, “HEY RUNT!!” “Yah?” Pearl called up, “What?” “Can you get up here? I need those eagle eyes of yours!” he called down more. Pearl smiled and sprocket “I’ll be right back.” Sprocket nodded and went back to looking out over the waves as her sister clambered up the ladder to join their Cousin up top. “What is it?” Pearl asked. He handed her the Spy glass, “Look over there and tell me that's not what i think it is,” He told her darkly. Pearl looked at him in dread for a moment and then took the glass. She looked through it and out to the west looking for what her cousin was seeing. She felt her blood run cold when she got one look at it. That black ship sails with the strange green tinge. The name of the ship’s owner, BECIEL, Emblazoned on the side in that same noxious green. Pearl Screamed and nearly dropped the spy glass when she saw them. “That’s what I was afraid of, “ Dex told her, “Come on we gotta get down and warn everyone.” Both of them quickly scrambled down the pole and went to find out where the captain and Their parents were. A few moments later the captain was up on deck and the black ship with the green glow was getting that much closer. “Every one batten down the hatches and hit full sail,” The Captain ordered. “If we make it to port before them, they won't be able to attack.” “You heard the man!” Pearl heard her dad shout, “Let's make it happen!” Then everyone on the ship exploded in furious motion, Getting the ship tightened down and then getting it ready to move. Sprocket had no idea what on earth was going on when everyone suddenly burst into motion, but she watched from her tank as it happened. She was after a few moments of trying to flag down Pearl, able to get her attention. “What's going on!!” She asked. Pearl looked over her shoulder and off into the distance, “The Beciles. They’re after  us again. We're gonna try  and beat them to port. Hang on tight sis this might be a bit of a wild ride. “ Sprocket looked off into the distance and saw dark clouds rolling up as well. There was a storm of several kinds coming tonight, she hoped everyone survived. Hours later; The lil siren hunkered down in her tank and for the millionth time that night wished she could at least for a few moments have legs. Despite all the efforts to out run them, Despite the walter ship being faster, It was as if some infernal power fed the becile ship and it had caught up with them, or nearly so. Now the monsters tailed them and fired shots at them every chance they got. Along with that, the storm had caught them too. So in tandem with the crack and booms of the other ships' guns, the cracks and booms of thunder and lightning blasted them as well. She huddled in a corner and watched the rain lash the outside of her tank with the fury of a thousand angry sea gods. Sometimes she wondered in this long night, if they had somehow angered the gods. She watched as her family  had to cut the sails to keep them from being ripped  up in the wind and that gave the other ship the time it needed to catch them. It was more than slightly insane at this point, and she just hoped somehow they lived through this. That was when she saw something she never thought she'd see in a million years. Her sister was on the deck and looked over to the other ship. There was a girl on the deck even younger than the two of them. Something about her caught Sprocket’s eye but she wasn't able to make it out. What she did see was the First Mate of that crew, The Hideous copy cat of her own loving father, Known as the skull for his cadaverous appearance, Backhand the other girl. IF skull was as strong as Spine was, Sprocket knew that had to hurt. Even if the girl was part of that evil, evil group. That was uncalled for. On top of that, the monster did it just as the other ship tilted from one of their own blasts, and the younger girl went flying. Over the side of the ship, face first into the waters before. The walters got in a lucky shot then and the Becile ship  had to pull away. Pearl had seen this and came running up with Dex. “WE CAN'T LET HER DROWN!!” Pearl screamed over the howl of the wind. Dex nodded and gave Pearl a rope. “Don't let that thing come un-tied!!” He shouted. Then against all good sense, Sprocket watched as pearl climbed onto the side of the ship and launched herself, Her TINY SELF, into the white froth below. “PEARL!!” Sprocket screamed at the top of her voice, THen launched herself at the cover on the tank and sent it flapping in the wind. Dex turned in time to see the siren  jump up onto the side of her tank and then launch herself into the wild sea after her sister. “SPROCKET!!”  Dex howled in horror. Then the second horror hit. He felt the rope that had been holding pearl go slack and started pulling on it as hard as he could, only coming back with a frayed edge.
“OH GOD!” Below the surface the water was calmer but still wild. Sprocket back in her element, looked around for her sister and the other girl. Out of the corner of her eye, in a flash of lightning from the surface she saw it. The frayed edge of the rope that had been around Pearl’s waist. She dove after it madly and tugged on it. Moments later she had reached  her sister who looked like she was about to swallow half of the ocean. There was also the girl that her sister had her arms around. Younger than either of them, the girl looked like she’d been treated horridly. Maybe she hadn’t been one of them? Maybe a prisoner? Then Sprocket looked below her sister's face and arms and saw something. The other girl had a TAIL. Brassy and gold colored, lacking quills like her own, The other girl was a MERMAID. And they were both out cold. She wrapped the Rope around her arms and then grabbed Pearl and the other girl, Heading for the surface hoping to find some place to ride out the storm. The next morning: On the ship The Spine was frantic and not taking no for an answer. Everyone else had decided that both of the lil girls were most likely  lost to them forever. Sprocket might be able to survive on her own, but pearl…. Spine wasn't having it. Sprocket had dove in after her sister and he firmly believed that she would save pearl. That they were out there somewhere and he was going to keep searching  until he found them. EVen Rabbit was to the point where she was about to tell her brother that it was time to give up, the girls were most likely gone, when suddenly they all heard it. They  were sailing past a TINY outcropping of rock, No bigger than the ship’s deck, when they heard it. Singing. Singing Spine KNEW. Everyone looked at The captain and he stepped aside letting spine have the wheel Everysingle member of the crew there and then deciding to never doubt Anything that Spine believed in ever again. Moments later the ship pulled up beside the rocks and they all looked down to see a very  roughed up set of three girls huddled together on the rock. “Hush,” Pearl griped, sounding very hoarse. “I did what I had to do.” “Yah but it was STILL STUPID,” Sprocket told her, “next time you see someone fall off a ship maybe get the person that can breath  under water?” “I panicked, “ Pearl continued. “I Noticed,” Sprocket told her, hugging her more. THen the siren looked up and saw the ship pulling up beside them. “HEY!! OI!!” She screamed and waved, “GIRLS OVERBOARD!!” “WE NOTICED!” Dex called down to them as he and the rest of the crew started climbing down to pull all of them to safety . Everyone marveled at the other lil mermaid they had found. Spine Gave Pearl up into Jon’s care along with the new lil one and then hugged Sprocket, being careful of her quills. “YOU ARE SO BRAVE,” He told her, “My brave girl. My lil hero.” He laid his cheek on her brown curls, “Thank you for saving your sister.” “Sisters,” she corrected him, “We can't leave her alone daddy. Not after what the becils did to her.” “We won't,” He hugged her more, “I promise. “ Rabbit came over with a grin, “Are you SURE she’s not yours by blood?” Spine and Sprocket looked up and gave her identical looks with raised eyebrows, “Nope nope, “ Rabbit waved her hands, “At some point you did a mermaid and she happened. You can't deny it any more. She’s JUST LIKE YOU.” Spine had to smile at that, “Of course she is,” Spine told His older sister, “She’s my daughter. Plain and simple. “ Sprocket smiled in pleasure at that, and leaned her head on Spine’s shoulder. “Can I go back to my tank now daddy? I'm frozen, tired and wanna sleep for a week.” He nodded and kissed her, “Of course love. My brave girl. Let's get you settled and I’ll check on your sisters. “ She gave a deep sigh and leaned into her father’s arms,” Thanks daddy .”
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askyancy · 5 years
A choice...
OOC: Below the cut is extracted from the discord. A certain duo paid Yancy a visit in his time of need.  With this, our trio story is finally all wrapped up in a big bow and tomorrow brings a new story! We’ve been planning it for a while now and can’t wait for you all to take part and see what’s in store! Yancy - @askyancy​ Actor Mark - @actor-mark​ Darkiplier - @markimoojackaboi​
YancyYesterday at 7:05 PM
Yancy hadn't come back to his cell yet, having left Sparkles with Jimmy and Hank, a bit of high alcohol content hooch to drown out the worries. Yancy wasn't much for drinking, instead he'd wandered off... through the nooks and crannies, the holes in the walls and floors. Off to a small secluded and rather secretive location that only he knew of. It was HIS place..... His private hole in the wall. Several floors below the prison and so far away from it all that he could sing to his hearts content and not be heard at all. He'd been down here before.. many times... Yancys-studio was as isolated and alone as he could ever possibly hope for.....
He was pacing.... Back forth back forth. 7 steps left 7 steps back again. chewing on the end of his thumb. His brain wrought with worry, with conflict. All my fault... This is all my Fault He couldn't stand hearing that Bambam wasn't going to make it. They'd been updated after class. Bambams heart was slowing down... Doctors said it was just a matter of time. Time was all Yancy could hope for now.... More time.. just give them more time and maybe they'll pull through.... It felt surreal and tormenting knowing that there was nothing he could do. Not a damned thing. So he'd pace.... Pace and wear a hole in the concrete floor. The studio was a basement crawlspace of dusty concrete and piping, a support beam stands in the center and the whole little crook sits 2 floors deep beneath the kitchen. The far wall has been fitted with many small mirrors to make up one large dance studio-esque mirror. Not much to look at but it served the purpose. But Yancy wouldn't dare to look at his reflection as it stalked him back and forth across the room. over and over....
The cold basement hide away had almost completely still air, never really changing from part of the room to another. Cold that settled on top of the skin but never penetrating deeper than that. It was dusty. Even if Yancy cleaned it every day it would remain slightly dirty due to it's concrete walls, celling, and floor....
Yancy gave a shiver, the cold of the room prickling but it was more his unstoppable anxiety making his back tense up so much. He paused in his pacing, trying to shift his attention away. Maybe to tumblr? But doing so only reminded him he hadn't even touched it all day... One small post, an update on Bambam.... After he was done he slowly sank against a wall, knees to his chest and just hunched forward a little into them, burying his face to cry alone. He couldn't bare to be up there with the others anymore. Couldnt bare that sight of his own cell or knowing that Bambam's would be empty now. There was no way Sparkles would stay in there alone. Maybe they'd go stay with that Dusty person? He didnt even want to think about losing the rest of his family now Bambam was gone... but what if the gang started falling apart? Tiny was never really interested in any of them, Jimmy and Hank tended to stick together and Sparkles was very different from Yancy, and likely seeing Yancy would only bring up memories of Bambam..... Would he lose them all!?
He slowly pulled himself together and ran a hand over his face, standing back up and eyed his phone again... Maybe he could say hi to the discord folks? They should know too right? Then again he'd alerted the blog. they'd know... He found himself pacing again, the same track...  "You look a little lost, friend."
Yancy whirled around, straight for the exit and paused. .... No one? He spun in a circle, eyes all over the room. Not a soul.  "Wh-......." Had he just imagined it?  "Ohp Don't make yourself dizzy now!"  "Who's dere!?" Yancy growled low, territorial mode sinking in, ready to defend his little hidey hole.  "A friend~"  "YOUSE SHOW YOUSES SELF!"
There was n eerie echo in the room as Yancy's voice boomed out, it seemed to carry more than it should have....
"..... Wow. Angry little Tiger aren't we? " "Sh-shut up... Who are youse?" 
“What's with the weird accent?” "I SAID SHUT UP!.... Tell me who youse is!" "
“Oh I'm sorry I thought you wanted me to shut up”
Yancy grit his teeth. "..... Youse just.. leave me alone... I aint in de mood"
Yancy backed up a bit away from the door. 
“Oh c'mon now friend. I came to offer you the help you so desperately need. Don't worry..er.. Yancy was it?”
 "It's Yancy..." 
“That's what I-.... nevermind...”
 "Where de heck is you--" He'd started turning around again but leapt half a mile back when he discovered a man standing directly behind him. 
“Ahaha Oh I'm sorry! Didn't meant to startle you friend!”
 "Wh-How..How did youse-... " His left hand was burning like he'd punched lava. 
“Best not to question the minor details. Just enjoy the ride!”
The man stepped closer and had the most sickening grin on his face. 
“Do you have any idea how long I've been trying to find you?” Yancy started to step backwards, his left fist curling tightly. This guy had the kind of face you just... couldn't trust. Bit of a douche...  "....wait.... y-"
"Oh?” the man grinned, eager to see if Yancy caught on that he'd met him before.  "Youse-.... Youse been looking for me?" Mark's face dropped. Wow what a dumbo. 
“Yes of course. Why wouldn't I wanna find the little "Golden Boy" that everyone's suddenly more in love with?”
".... more?" 
“Ahaha.. not to worry not to worry! We're all friends here at Happy Trails Penitentiary.”
"Yancy shifted slowly into a boxing stance, but kept his fists to his sides for the moment, ready to raise at a moments notice. "Who de heck are youse?" 
“Still talking like that? Youse? Its you. Eesh... Aren't you from Ohio?”
"Sh..shut up" 
“Hold on wait”
Mark pulled a script from his suit jacket and started flipping through it 
“What ending was yours? ... Life Sentence? .... No no....  I want to be free? That was it! Hm... Oh and Dance to the death too. You got a whole three videos how cute. Or was it four?....”
 flick flick.... "Wh-....what are youse even on ab-..." His left hand felt like fire, the skin turning red and he had to shake it off to the side, eyeing the lettering..... "....M... Mark?" 
“Aha! There you are! Took you a while but you got there! You almost remind me of someone ahaha!”
"Wh-....... " 
“Oh don't act so shocked. You already knew I was coming. They went and spoiled everything for you”
"Wh-Who? What? I didn't knows yous...." 
“your discord friends! They spoiled everything! ...Was really supposed to be a surprise but eh... Not like they can see you now.”
"_Yancy went wide eyed "H-.. Youse is on the discord?" 
“Of course I am! Why wouldn't I wanna chat to the wonderful, handsome, famous Yancy! The notorious killer! The brutal violent slaughter tiger! Such a cutie so precious so soft so sweet and so brutal oooof~”
Mark fanned himself and laughed, pacing around the room now. As he walked the floor seemed to change... Concrete turning to wood. Yancy stepped back and away from it, wary to touch it but eventually he ended up pressed against the mirror and unable to avoid it.
"You seem so afraid? Why? Where's all that gusto? All the bravado? the punch and the sweep!”
"Oh calm down Yancy! ... Always the big softie. Youre supposed to be a brutal killer!”
"I aint any o dose t'ings youse callin me!"
"Oh? What about Ma and Pa? What about Frankie? What about-”
"Oops touched a nerve!”
Mark paced slowly around him like a predator stalking prey. His reflection seemed to shake and show something different entirely.
"Wouldnt want to wake up that killer tiger now would we”
Yancy grit his teeth, stooping down to grab a left over stone from the floor transforming, making sure Mark was too in his own monologue to notice. "
“You're a violent and brutal villain, Yancy. Unlike that Illinois fellow. Or the captain! Both precious angels, heroes! Never did no wrong not to anyone! But you? You've killed FOUR people! FOUR!”
"St-STOP IT!" 
“And yet they fawn over you like a baby... Just like your mothe-”
The rock went sailing right at Mark's face with a fast baseball styled swing, he had just enough time to duck. The rock hit the glass of the mirror, leaving a crack. 
“Oooooooh!!! There it is! Tsk tsk Yancy! You gotta be more careful! Wouldn't want to make it five now would we!”
The mirror cracked and splintered, shards of glass falling to the ground and echoing through the dance space like crystalline wind chimes. It felt like the air was sucked out of the room for a few seconds, almost like an airlock seal breaking. Propped up against the wall was a humble broom that had seen better years. It had stayed in the same place so long that a spider had made its home in the space between the wood and the wall. Without warning, it fell forward, bouncing off the ground like it had been pushed roughly and it clattered with a sound that would be louder and more startling than a mirror cracking.. Yancy jumped and yelped at the crash of the broom. Backing up as far as he could go, his heart racing and his left hand burning like crazy.  "Y-.. L-Leave me alone!" 
“Oh but my dear, sweet, boy! ...... I came to help you~”
"Wh- h..help me?" Yancy's eyes darted to the fallen broom again, his defensive stance faltering, his footwork off, his fists barely tight. Fear gripping him by the shoulders. "I-..I dont want youses help!" 
“...buhuhaha.. You sure? What about poor Micheal?”he paused 
“Sorry.. Bambam. Cute name. Shame Evan and Sarah didn't get to be as involved but that's scheduling for you.”
"Wh-What de hell are youse on ab-.... G.. Go away! I MEAN IT!" 
“Nooooo you doooonnnttt~”Mark sing songed at him 
“Oooh! Nice acoustics in here! aaaaAAAAAaaaaaoooooohh~”
"............... J-...just leave me alone
"Oh alright alright ffffffine. Let Bambam die for all I care. Clearly you dont”
the squeaking sound of glass scraping glass as the mirror cracked just a bit more with every word out of Actor Marks mouth. The reflections seemed to blur and wobble just a bit like a layer of dew began to set in. As the mirror became harder to see through, the edges began to fog up, slowly moving to cover each mirror. The room was cold, unchanging in temperature. But it began to smell... wet. There wasn’t the sound of finger tracing a window, and yet Yancy could see in the mirror next to the mirror that shattered began to have the outlines of a word as if they had always been there.* L I A R
Yancy stared in horror as he watched the actor parade around his little studio. Mark leaned against the beam in the middle, placing a hand on it then watched as it proceeded to get a new lick of paint, slowly flowing over it top to bottom spreading out from where he'd touched. "W-wait..y..youse can..help?" He was watching Mark who..clearly wasn't leaving despite his words. Watching how he was changing his studio to be...better.... 
“We-hehe-ll of course I can!! Why else would I bother looking for you? Can't have previous baby Yancy all distressed now can we!”
Yancy's eyes traced the letters on the mirror that Mark hadn't noticed yet. Was Mark doing that too?  "Y-.........Youse can save Bambam?" 
“Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeelll...... Not exactly save BUT! I can bring them back. From what I can tell they're noit doing so hot right now. Heart beat's getting slower. Doesn't have long. I'd say maybe.. midnight?”
"Wh- NO!" Yancy rushed forward, paused and Mark grinned. 
“Course if they die, I can bring them back. No strings attached, no deals, no price, no currency, no favors, no nothing. how about it?” Mark held out his hand.(edited)
There was an eerie chill to the air as it seemed into his bones. The fog on the glass seemed to crystallize and freeze a little more. The mirror on the other side had the word.
But whoever was leaving messages didn’t stop at one.
More and more as they began to clutter the available space. Something odd began to happen. The areas around Mark’s silhouette  became more crowded than the rest while the shadow remained unwritten, outlining him in words. Every single one of them being true. A crack from the mirror seemed to also, somehow, be on the wall behind it creeping below the frame... down almost all the way to the floor. Did he really throw that rock that hard?. Yancy couldnt move now as he watched in horror... Nightmare.. Just a nightmare. He got so many of them! That's all this was. He backed up to the wall singking down it and buried his face in his hands.  "N-None o dis is real.. Bambams fine.. I..I can wake up now.... dis is just..my head... ...m..maybe I am crazy" 
“Hey probably. I get told that all the time and yet it never really is true.... you on the other hand. All those murders? The fights? Eesh... How many times have you had a fight with Y/N now? Shall we check hang on”
Mark stepped forward, digging out a red phone.
"Lets see lets see.. how do we find you again...”
 Yancy was so confused, so stressed, he was shaking.
"Err... kay... guns blazing... chopper... rally... no deal.... aha.. 1,670,655 times! Wow! You're a real monster bucko- Wait what about the kills oooh the dance to the death how many kills now? 623,279 YIKES!”
"Wh-N-No I never.. I never killed dat many! I-I just.. deys was accidents! D-de ones I dids de-deys was-" 
“Oh buddy no no no no nooooo these are all documented on video. aha.. er... not that you'd remember them. You black out right? When the tiger hits. Happens.. time lines.. blahbalh wibbly wobbly. It's fine. Oooh that means we're approaching an ending! How about that! Means you get a choice bucko! Lucky you! So I'll make it simple for you" He held his hand out again 
“Deal or no deal? Green or Red. Left or Right. Take your pick!”
DarkiplierYesterday at 11:11 PM
*The Cracked Mirror launches itself off the wall like someone had fired it out of a cannon and against the back of Mark’s Head. It clattered around, shards splintering out and around his face like a helmet that would slice his cheeks or eyes if he moved too fast. The wall behind him had a large black crack, exactly the same pattern as what was on the glass.
You can say no to him.
Something only Yancy could hear even if he covered his ears. It was more than advice, it was permission. No glass touched Yancy, any that fell almost created a ring around his feet. The other mirrors followed suit, toppling off the wall creating a reflective floor of sorts. Broken glass everywhere, but none seeming to leave the frames. A hand shoots out from one just behind marks back, reaches up and pulls him down to the ground. Hard. The room goes black as soon as he hits the floor. The ringing from all the noise never seeming to fade or faulter. A low echo underneath it... stillness. Quiet. “I think that’s enough.” the man with no shadow said. Standing right under the crack in the wall that seemed.. to give off an unearthly glow.
YancyYesterday at 11:16 PM
Yancy cried out in surprise and fear as the world around him changed and altered again. His poor studio! He was curled up tight when the ringing started but when he saw who it was he quickly scrambled to his feet. Fists curling, not alone any more he could defend himself a bit better... Mark let out a growl as he hit the floor but it was quickly followed by a fondness 
“Daaaamieeeeen! Long time no SEE!”
The world around them pulsed, that red and blue stretching outward.... He'd gotten stronger... He was suddenly behind Dark.
"How long has it been? Two? three? ...... Four videos? ahaha~ Don't mind us, just a little chat between pals”
"M-Mr Ipliere?.... I-" 
“yes? .. huh.. oh youre talking t-.. OH! AhahahahahahAHAHHAHA! Really? Mr Ipliere~ cute”
Mark grinned at Dark viciously, dusting off his suit. 
“Ignore him Yancy sweetie. Your little Bambam doesn't have much time left. it's 11:15″
"Wh not it was just-" Yancy checked his phone still tightly held in hand. 11:15.. where had the time gone?
"You have 45 minutes to make a decision. Are you going to let him die and stay dead or do you want my help?”
DarkiplierYesterday at 11:23 PM
Dark’s image wobbled a bit. But he had gotten stronger too. He walked a little away from him and towards Yancy. “He does bad things to good people.” he said firmly. He looked at Mark. “Filling the mans head with more of your lies all to make his friend one of your little... pet projects. You’re lower than dirt.” he rolled his neck and continued walking towards Yancy. “There doesn’t have to be a war over this… His promise is an empty truth that will ensure Bambam’s demise...But... There is still time…Not much. But mayhaps enough.” He wasn’t in the mood for Mark shinanagins right now. He was a bastard and he nothing short of hated him. But there wasn’t time for petty squabbles
YancyYesterday at 11:28 PM
Mark gave an overly dramatic mock offended look 
O! Hey! I do NOT! Here I am offering this poor distressed man a deal of a life time. I'm here to help his friend from the inevitable fate they're spiraling towards. Look! Barely a beat now! They're hanging onto shredded threads!
 He gestured vaguely to the air as if Bambam was right there, but Dark would see that heart beat too...
"Shake my hand Yancy my boy. It's all you need and Bambam will come back fit as a fiddle
 "I-..." He back up. "I don't believe youse.... b-.... But I- I wanted t' speak wid youse again" Yancy put his attention on Dark "c-..Can youse help with Bambam? B-..before deys ..... before anyt'in bad happens?" he had the most puppy dog pleading look. "Y-..youse helped me before I-... Youse made a deal wid me that.. I collect at any time..w-..what if I do dat fer youse in retoirn?" "
Wait you two have met before?- Ohhhh of course you have, your stupid lil codes ugh..whatever... Doesn't matter. .... How do you put up with the dumb accent? The heck is that from.. New Jersey? Boston?
DarkiplierYesterday at 11:36 PM
Darks neck cracked. As he did, the floor beneath Mark cracked too with a loud boom. “Youre offering a vulnerable, terrified man a deal he does not understand.” he felt the heartbeat of the dying friend and frowned. “Yancy,” he said it correctly, “You are a man behind bars. The information I needed from you has already been used... what more could you have to offer-” he looked at Mark then back at him. “Time is creeping on us. Mark will let Bambam die and raise them. I... can stop them from passing. Long enough...” his nostrils flared. He wasn’t a charity worker. “Its his accent. That’s the long and short of it.” 
YancyYesterday at 11:43 PM
Mark rolled his eyes, childishly doing the mocking face and mouthing a copy of Darks words. 
Yes exactly. I can't stop them from dying but I CAN bring them back. Easy peasy lemon squeeze bish bash bosh hunky dory boom done. No fuss. No mess. No deals. No strings. No bargains. No reason of mistrust what so ever. Why is that such a hard offer to take!? I'm trying to help out a fellow Iplier here! Or is my name tattoos on your hand not a good enough reason to trust me!?
Yancy blinked, then his eyes shot down to his left hand. Still burning ridiculously hot. The areas around the letters felt like theyd blistered but they hadnt. Punching Mark square in the face might help.... "I-...." He frowned. Something about this guy. It felt off.. Bit of a douche.. no.. lot of a douche... The closer Mark got the more his tattooed fingers burnt. Kinda like that harry potter kid. "...Mr Ipliere...y-...youse can help Bambam? I dont..want dem to die at all... not evur... p-please..if..if deres anyt'in youse can do I-... I might be behind bars but I can gets out easy enough!"
"That's ilegal. You could go to prison for that
" "...... I-.. we-...." Poor Yancy. He shook his head "Please.. I-.... I'd do anyt'ing..."
"OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH no no no no nNOOO you do NOT wanna offer that right off the bat eesh. Make him work for it at least! Besides, you can't trust this guy! He's the villain here! Look at him! all...spooky" Mark wiggled his fingers
" That and have you any idea how much fuss this guy has given me? They burnt down my entire home!
Yancy frowned "Sometimes shit happens.. youse gotta forgive the past" 
Marks anger was explosive, the entire room rumbling and the crack in the wall daring to shatter again, it felt familiar... at least for Dark.
DarkiplierYesterday at 11:57 PM
Darkiplier listened, weighing his next move carefully. Markiplier was a terrifying man, but an easy to provoke one. One of those faces you can’t trust. Dark looked like he had done some bad things in his life too but wouldn’t lie if he was asked. “Im -your- villain Mark. You spun that fate for me long ago....” It was his turn to roll his eyes, but somehow it looked more dignified on Dark. “I hardly call an en mass extermination of thousands of undead you had created to serve your bidding is truly a crime. Last I looked, your house still stands.” Marks explosion was enough. “What I did to you.... that’s quite possibly the funniest thing you have ever said. And woefully not my problem.” He looked at Yancy. They held a moment together eye to eye. He had already agreed. And suggesting that he would do anything in return, there’s no better deal than that. The room became pitch black. “Im terribly sorry about your hiding place, Yancy... let’s see what else we can repair this night.” Out of the goodness of a changed heart? For the Iplier name?... spite? His motives were unclear. But Yancy would suddenly feel like he was being pulled backwards gently... slowly away from him. 
Yancy staggered backward with a gasp, spinning on the spot, confused, dazed, looking around for any sig of the two men he was just with... He wasn't in the studio anymore??? What had just..happen-..... Had he been sleep walking? He turned and spotted Sparkles fast asleep on the upper bunk, an arm hanging down. Their pillow wet and clearly passed out from eventual exhaustion. Poor thing.... His heart was racing but slowly he began to relax. Just.... Just a dream? a nightmare? Sparkles was in his cell though so the ...news on Bambam still rang true?..... His own bed was still made and untouched from the morning. So.. no.. He hadn't been asleep.... Then wh-
"Oh... hey! What're you doing awake at this hour?" "Wh- Ah- I was- I-..er.... Bad dream?" Yancy sounded tired enough to make that believable, that and this was often a case so...  "Oh... you ok? you look exhausted buddy" Officer Free wandered closer "Try and get some rest yeah- oh and er- We were gonna save it for the morning but uh- since youre up. .... They took Bambam off the respirators about an hour or so ago? They say they're really improving. Got a good chance and.. might even wake up in the morning. They're hopeful"  "WH- AH!!" Yancy went wide eyed and rushed to the bars, startling poor Gavin who put his hands up to fight -dumb considering there were bars in the way- but Yancys hands going up in surrender had Gavin put his down again 
"so-sorry officer I j- youse..said deys..gonna be ok!?"  "Yeah! should be right as rain mate!" Officer Free grinned, happy to have been the one to deliver the news.  "er but er... maybe tell ole glitter guts the news in the mornin yeah? Poor geezer could use a good nights rest"  "y-..yeah youse is right.. m'gonna..... try n sleep myself" "Lucky" Gavin smirked and they fist bumped though the bars "No sneakin off. I catch you out I'll whap ya- wapow" officer free swung his baton around but it was in jest and Yancy knew this. Gavin was a good officer...  They parted ways and Yancy sat down slowly and quietly on his bunk .... 
They were gonna be ok............ 
 But now that meant he had a debt of anything to pay to the Man With No Shadow....
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A White Christmas - Part Four (Ben Hardy!Roger x Reader)
@bulsaratheopera }
It had two hours since Brian's phone call, and you and Roger had been reliving last night. Only this time, it meant something to both of you. For one thing, you knew each other's names this time. In the aftermath, the two of you lay together, using both the bed sheets and each other to stay warm. As his arms wrapped more tightly around you, you decided that this was one of your best Christmases. You were so thankful for the heavy snowfall, so thankful that you went out last night. And though you weren't aware of it, Roger was thinking the exact same thing. "Do you think we'll see each other again?" You asked him, you head resting against his chest.
"What d'you mean?" A sigh escaped your lips.
"After we get out of here," you explained. "Once neither of us are stuck here, do you think that will be it?" You noticed that his chest seemed to rise and fall quicker than it had a moment ago. The truth was, your words worried Roger. He began to doubt you were feeling the same feelings that he was. He wanted to see you again, he needed to.
"Do you?" He asked. You rolled over onto you stomach and propped yourself up on your elbows. His eyes met yours and you saw that he almost looked desperate.
"Well I need someone to kiss on New Years, don't I?" You said, a smile playing at your lips. Relief flooded his face.
"Yeah, you do," he said, almost breathless. "Freddie's having a party on New Year's Eve. Will you go with me?" It didn't take any thought. The answer was very simply,
"Yes." A smile broke out on both of your faces and you laughed lightly at how happy he seemed.
"I really like you," he told you. You wanted to laugh. He sounded like a child, finally telling the girl he fancies that he has a crush on her. But the earnest and utterly sincere way he said it made you realise how serious he was. You had heard the stories, the Roger Taylor that lay beside you was not one that had ever been seen by the press. You could tell from his wide eyes that this was not a common occurrence. It must've taken him a lot to say that.
"I like you too," you assured him. You closed the small gap between your faces and brought your lips to his once more. His eyes shut as he brought his hand up to cup your cheek. You found yourself crawling closer to him until you were practically lying on his chest.
And that's when the two of you heard the knock on the door.
You both froze, mid kiss. Slowly, your eyes both opened and you pulled back from each other slightly. "Who the hell..."
Another set of knocks. There was definitely two people outside Roger's front door. But who? And how did they even get here? Roger quickly pulled his boxers on and tossed you navy dressing gown from his wardrobe. "Who d'you think it is?" You asked him as the two of you approached the front door. He shrugged, a completely clueless look on his face.
"No idea," he said. "Nobody in their right mind would go out in this weather." The front door was in view now. Whoever was outside knocked loudly on the door again, making the two of you jump a little. "What are those idiots doing?" He muttered to himself.
"Roger! Are you in?!" Came a loud voice from the other side of the door. "You've not frozen to death, have you?"
"Oh my god, those are my idiots," he said, his mouth falling open. He glanced at you. "That's Brian."
"Roger, open the door!" another voice sounded from outside. Roger rubbed his eyes, sighed, and stepped closer to the door.
"That's Deaky," he quickly let you know. “I told yous over the phone," he shouted to them. "Can't you see the snow piled up against the door?"
"Darlin', that's what we've been doing the past half hour," came a third voice. "We've been trying to get you out while you've been having a good shag." Roger shook his head at the voice and tried not to smile.
"And that's Fred," he said, gritting his teeth at his friend. He turned back towards the voices and grabbed the keys from the table beside the door. He quickly unlocked the door and leaned against it as he tried to open it. "I still can't get it open," he said to the boys.
"Alright, yous two push and we'll pull from this side," Brian called back to you and Roger. Glancing at each other, you and Roger smiled as you both leaned against the door.
"Ok!" Shouted Roger. "One... two... three!" You and Roger immediately felt the door shake as the men on the outside all pulled at the handle. The two of you both leaned against the door but, unknown to each other, neither of you were really pushing. The truth was, you didn't want to leave. You were glad for the snow. However, moments later, the door swung open and, along with the faces of Roger's friends, you were both met by an absolutely freezing gust of wind. Roger, who was still only in his boxers, winced at the cold air and was glad when his friends marched inside and have him a big Christmas group hug. Once they all pulled away from each other and you closed the door behind them, they all turned to look at you.
"Guys, this is Y/N," Roger told them. They all smiled.
"I'm Brian," the tall one with big, curly hair told you. He shook your hand and you told him that it was nice to meet him. Next, a slightly shorter man with a wide grin greeted you.
"John Deacon," he told you simply, also shaking your hand. Finally, you turned to the man you recognised as the famous Freddie Mercury.
"I'm Freddie," he told you. You went to shake his hand as well but he just shook his head. "Oh darlin, enough of that. It's Christmas!" And so, instead of shaking your hand, he wrapped you in a big hug which helped to warm you up a bit.
"Well it's nice to meet all of you," you told them, giggling slightly and still recovering from Freddie's father sudden embrace.
"You too," said Brian. He looked behind him, back at Roger who was smiling and staring at you. As Freddie began asking you about how you had coped this motioning, you heard a snippet of their conversation. "Chrissie and Veronica are waiting back at the house with the Jimmy, Michael, and Robert so we've got to get back as soon as possible." Roger looked over at you as you told Freddie a little bit about your morning. He couldn't help pay attention to the way your hands move animatedly as you spoke. He really didn't want to leave you. Of course, he appreciated the boys coming round to rescue him but he couldn't help but want to be back in his bed with you resting your head on his chest.
"Rog?" Asked Brian, snapping his fingers in front of his friend's face. Roger snapped out of his trance but Brian seemed to realise what was going on in his head. "D'you like her?" An involuntary grin creeped up onto Roger's face.
"Yeah," He said, smiling sheepishly. He took a step back from the others, dragging Brian along with him. "I don't know what's happening. This morning she was just some girl I had picked up last night but now..."
"Jesus Rog, look at you," Brian said, trying not to laugh. "You've got it bad. You're practically drooling." Roger went to say something in his defence but nothing came to his mind. It was, after all, completely true.
Brian grinned. "Look, if you want to, you can stay here." Roger shook his head.
"I don't think she would want to now that she can get out," he said. "She'll probably want to see her folks or get into her own bed and get warm." Brian thought for a moment, examining Roger's distracted face as his eyes found you again. You had just laughed at something Freddie had said. To him, the noise was more pleasing than any song he had written. Brian seemed to realise then how serious his friend was being.
"We can invite her back to Deaky's," he suggested. Roger didn't say anything for a moment. He tried to think about it but all he could envision was you declining the offer. However, he never got the chance to ask.
You had just made Freddie and John laugh. Delighted, Freddie turned to Brian and Roger. "Roger, you have exceptionally good taste," he told him. "Though I must say, you must've only recently risen your standards. Oh Y/N, you should've seen some of the girls he used to take home." Roger's cheeks flushed red. "I think we should invite Y/N back to Deaky's. What do you all say?"
"Yes." The answer came from Roger a little quicker than he had intended it to. He didn't want to come off as desperate but at the same time, he needed you to know how much he wanted you there. "Well we all know Roger's very keen," said Freddie with a teasing smile. "Brian, John, what do you think?"
"We'd be happy to have you," John told you as Brian nodded along.
"Then it's settled," said Freddie, clapping his hands together. "Though, the two of you might want to get dressed, it's absolutely freezing out and there's quite a walk to the car." After a moment of discussion, it was decided that while you and Roger got ready, the boys would trudge through the snow, get the car, and see if they could get it any closer to the house. Once they left and the door swung shut behind them, the house got instantly quieter. "Freddie's really something," you told Roger as the two of you stood in the absence of the band.
"Yeah, he is," Roger said, chuckling lightly. He held out his hand, which you took without having to think about it. He lead you back to his bedroom and shut the door behind you. You took a step towards his wardrobe but he pulled you back in his direction. Glancing up at him, you raised your eyebrow at him.
"What?" You asked him, stepping closer to him.
"I just wanted to do this first.” He grinned, cupped either side of your face, and kissed you. Although you had kissed countless times that day, every time still felt like the first time. It was exciting, new, and you absolutely loved it. When his head finally leant back, you felt breathless. “Umm,” You hummed, feeling almost dizzy.
“Yeah,” said Roger, agreeing simply to the look of complete infatuation upon your face.
“We should get dressed,” you told him.
“I suppose.” As he looked in his wardrobe for something to wear, you pulled your jeans from the night before back on. You glanced around the room, your eyes searching for the jumper you had previously worn.
“Have you seen my top?” You asked him, your bare arms gaining goosebumps in the cold. Roger turned from the wardrobe and smirked. “If I said no would you come like that?” He Asked cheekily. It was always his aim to see you smile and he had succeeded. It made his chest feel light to hear your light laugh. “But seriously, no I haven’t.”
“Well you would say that,” you said, still smiling at his comment.
“You can wear one of my shirts?” He offered, stepping out of the way of the wardrobe. You approached it and searched for something suitable. Your eyes immediately found the section dedicated to clothes that girls had left behind at his house. The sheer amount of tops made you feel a little uncomfortable but you had to remind yourself that, had the two of you not been snowed in, you would be little more than one of those girls. You were grateful that the girls Roger slept with had such good taste in clothes though. You found a shirt that was suitable and Roger offered you his fur coat again.
Once the two of you were dressed, you headed to the front door and prepared to go out into the snow. He took your hand again and faced you. “Is it weird that I don’t actually want to leave?” You closed your eyes, so relieved that he was feeling the same as you.
“Not at all,” you told him. “Thanks for such a great Christmas.”
“You made it great,” he said simply, though with conviction. He closed the gap between you and kissed you once again. He made sure to make it count since he wasn’t sure when the next time he would be able to do it would be. He was so glad for the promise of New Years. “You ready?” He asked you, staring so deeply into your eyes that you weren’t entirely sure he could see anything else.
“As I’ll ever be,” you said. And with that, he opened the front door and the two of you walked outside, finally leaving the warmth of the house and entering a very white Christmas.
The End.
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wovenstarlight · 6 years
god i love bnha but youve all already seen the posts which are like “bnha had so much potential it couldbe been a story of how you dont need to fit in and have quirks like everybody else, you can still be a hero, but the mc just got a superpowered quirk and now its just your regular old shounen” so i wont go on about that
but anyway like. the idea of quirkless hero deku. if he had become a hero as is..... -it couldnt have happened with him still living where he did, growing up where he did with the surroundings he had. we already know how that played out in canon. if he’s to become a hero while being quirkless, he needs some kind of change in environment, yeah?
and like. i cannot pass up the chance to have him be friends with hatsume mei. imagine izuku growing up friends with her, he’d be enabled to live to full chaotic neutral potential with his eerily precise quirk analysis and her ridiculous machines and devices
im thinking that when izuku was about to go into middle school, maybe inko got some kind of job (promotion if shes already working) that had her be transferred to another area, which just so happens to be near where hatsume lives. izuku is so, so hopeful that these new folks will be kind, but then they learn he’s quirkless and three of them corner him outside after school and his hopes shatter like fragile glass as one of them uses their quirk to paralyze him and they all laugh-
and then this, this pink haired girl with weird glasses ducks under one of their arms and reaches into her pocket and pulls out, holy fuck is that a stun gun? and she zaps the bullies and grins very wide and they run yelling and izuku’s like “you saved my goddamn life” and pink-hair says “i saw your notebook! seems like youre pretty insightful, i wanna work with you” and thats how mei and izuku meet and become ride-or-die friends
they’re over at each others houses pretty much all three years of middle school. hatsume couldn’t care less that he’s quirkless- as long as he can hand her her tools when she needs them and tell her when she’s doing something wrong, she’s fine with him. and it’s so very refreshing for izuku to have this reinforcing presence who actually looks past his quirklessness. he picks up tinkering and whatnot, working on the software portion while hatsume irons out the physical kinks in her support devices, and she gives izuku all sorts of cameras he uses to record fights and analyze quirks afterwards. they talk quirks and robots together and mei comes up with so many new devices, half of them brought to life by izuku’s hyperactive imagination
when it comes time for entering high school, they both already know they want to go to yuuei. and izuku’s no idiot, he knows that hes disadvantaged by being quirkless. he’s been building up strength by helping mei in her workshop and learning to fight in martial arts courses, with the wholehearted support of inko and the hatsume family. even so he’s likely not got the simple advantage of Having A Quirk that everyone else does.
“if you don’t have a quirk,” mei wonders idly as she tightens another screw. “i mean, if you don’t have the biological power, then why not use an artificial one?” she puts down her screwdriver and pats the grip-strengthening glove she’s finished. “just use some of my babies.”
“oh,” says izuku, and he applies for yuuei and submits half a dozen equipment applications for the exam alongside.
lord but what about the exam... if he bumps into uraraka again he wouldn’t be so nervous, he might drop a gadget he’s carrying and ask her brightly about her quirk and they talk quirks and gadgets and heroes excitedly all the way into the building, izuku carefully steering the conversation away from his own quirk. he doesn’t get scolded by iida because he’s trained himself to scribble down his thoughts rather than mumble them (because he can hear mei’s eccentric additions better than way). besides, he’s too busy checking on his proto-jetpack and his electric pulse bombs(?) and his extendable staff and making sure they’re undamaged and usable
he’s a quick runner from all his training, so when he walks into the exam field he’s quick to seek out robots and throw his pulse bombs at them (press once for an electric stunner that’ll throw off a human for a few seconds, press twice for a larger pulse that’ll disable any machinery). he racks up points quickly, and then the zero-pointer comes out. izuku goes “ah, fuck!” when he sees uraraka lying prone and bolts to grab her, yelling for the students running away to help him get her to safety. this tall purple-haired student comes running back, visibly nervous at how close the bot is getting.
“uraraka-san, i know you’re exhausted, but use your quirk on me,” izuku says urgently. uraraka clumsily slaps him and he grins, instructing the purple haired kid (”ah, my name’s shinsou,”) to piggyback her as far away as he can get. then he jumps up using his jetpack to fly up to the ‘head’ of the zero-pointer, and tries a pulse bomb on its surface. all it does is make a panel pop off, but that’s enough for izuku- he grabs a handful of the exposed wires and rips them the hell out. the zero-pointer slows to a stop, and then- the wires start sparking oddly, and izuku remembers that all the damaged robots flared with electricity soon after being broken. he shoves himself off the bot just in time, because the wires in front of him explode, and izuku’s blown back by the force of the explosion. it’s okay, he thinks, he can just jetpack himself to safety- and then he starts falling
down on the ground, shinsou looks worriedly at uraraka on the verge of passing out. they’ve had to keep stopping because she’s feeling so sick. he knows she won’t be able to release her quirk if she’s unconscious, so it’ll probably continue to take a toll on her. when he looks around, he sees iida nearby, teeth gritted as he desperately wars with himself about running away. “uraraka-san?” shinsou asks. “yes,” uraraka says, and then her eyes go glassy. “release your quirk,” shinsou orders, turning to the sky and spotting izuku almost immediately. shinsou turns back and yells to iida, making his voice sound desperate: “please! my friend here’s about to pass out! can you get us to safety?” iida looks over, startled: “oh, of cou-!” “i need you to catch that guy,” shinsou tells him, pointing at the falling izuku. “jump and knock him out of his trajectory, it should stop him from landing too hard.”
and that’s what happens: izuku is falling, uraraka on the ground panics, but then brainwashed iida zooms past them and jumps and grabs izuku. they both hit the ground hard, izuku grunting as his hatsume-reinforced shoes bite into his heels. iida gets knocked out of the brainwashing as soon as he slams into izuku, and is on the verge of turning and yelling at shinsou for manipulating him like that, but shinsou runs over and starts worrying quietly over izuku and uraraka and iida gets distracted. they all ask after izuku’s quirk, and he hesitates- “ah, thats...” when recovery girl shows up, ready to heal izuku’s twisted ankle.
later, izuku walks into class 1-a, and four different students bolt to their feet. “you-!“ yell uraraka, shinsou, iida, and bakugou katsuki. izuku freezes as uraraka continues, “you’re that guy with the electricity quirk! the one who took out the zero-pointer- you saved me, you-”
“deku,” bakugou whispers, panic leaking into his voice. “you’re- deku? you’re... you’re quirkless, what are you doing here?”
cue panic. after the initial shock and mild awkwardness about his quirklessness, uraraka, iida, and shinsou all band tightly together with izuku, quickly becoming his closest friends after mei. eventually todoroki joins their little group, and everyone learns not to underestimate the quirkless kid. all might does offer one for all to izuku at some point, but he hesitates and turns him down. “it’ll mean too much to the quirkless kids, you see,” he explains. “to have a quirkless hero. i can’t take that away from them. and besides, being quirkless- it’s part of me. i don’t want to throw that away.” and all might nods, understanding, and offers his limited guidance instead. even if he can’t give this kid power, he can lend him a hand while he fights through the world.
im hungry and havent eaten yet so i havent given thought to the rest of this story yet, but at some point in the future quirkless hero deku kneels in front of an indescribably happy and crying quirkless kid, and he hugs them and tells them they can be anything they goddamn want and damn it, deku’s gonna help them get there.
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a-writers-writing · 6 years
You Won’t Earn Anything Standin’ There and Lookin’ Pretty | Chapter 3
Hey! It’s almost 12:30 am so I thought I would drop this chapter a little... early... Enjoy chapter 3!! Shit goes down and that’s all I’m saying! Chapter 1 Chapter 2
Warnings: cursing
Tag list: @helplesshansen @we-dont-sell-papes @mike-faist-is-the-best@ben-cook-can-cook @daveys–jacobs @newsieofnj @gaymur@racetrackscigar @stuckinmyneverendingheadspace @volarfinch @polamalooooo @wolfkiddal (let me know if you want to be removed/be added to this!)
Papers didn’t sell as quickly as they were the day before, but everything was sold an hour or two before sundown. The duo was exhausted and slowly made their way back to the place they had grown to calling a home. Pigeon carried his hat in his hand and was lazily attempting to fix his hair as they walked, although the attempt was wasted and it laid flat.
As they drew closer, Blue caught sight of Davey and Les walking, she assumed to go home. She pointed them out to Pigeon and caught the attention of Les as she did. Les pulled on his brother’s hand, causing him to look where he was pointing. Davey’s face lit up slightly and the two turned and started walking towards Blue and Pigeon. He smiled and gave a small wave, which Blue returned almost immediately. Pigeon, on the other hand, was still troubling himself with his hair.
“Evenin’ gents.” Pigeon greeted once the two were close enough.  
Davey nodded and looked between the two. “You both look exhausted. Long day?”
Blue nodded. “We decided to stay up later than usual last night. We gots ta get the gossip time in somewhere, ya know?” She joked, elbowing Pigeon lightly. “So what’s up with you, Davey? Shouldn’t youse be gettin’ home so your folks don’t start worryin’?”
“Actually I uh, I wanted to talk with Pigeon for a few seconds. If you don’t mind, of course,” Davey said, a slight tone of nervousness in his voice.
Pigeon looking him over, then glanced at Blue. “There ain’t nothing you can said to me that you can’t say in front of her. Go ahead.”
Davey looked between them again, then shook his head. “Jack wasn’t kidding when he said you two were inseparable, was he?” They both shrugged with a smile. “Alright. Pigeon, I’m really sorry about yesterday. I didn’t know it was a sensitive subject and I should’ve known better. I’m just really sorry.”
Pigeon stood there in silence for a moment, looking over Davey, then nodded. “You didn’t know. It’s fine. I’m not gonna hold it to you. Just think next time you ask, aight?”
Davey almost looked shocked, as if he wasn’t expecting to be forgiven so quickly. “Y-yeah of course. I should’ve known better in the first place.”
Pigeon nodded and looked up at the sky. “‘S gettin’ dark. We should get goin’ Blue. Get home safe Davey.” He patted Davey on the shoulder with a smile. “See ya tomorrow.” They went their separate ways after saying their goodbyes.
When Blue and Pigeon got to the lodging house, there was much more yelling then they expected. Pigeon flinched away from the noise and Blue put a hand on his arm. Their entrance wasn’t acknowledged until Crutchie made his way over to the pair, a wide smile drawn on his face.
“Crutchie, what the hell's goin’ on here? What’s everyone yellin’ about?” Blue asked.
“Someone took the jokes a little to far. All I’m gonna say is that Race ain’t too happy and youse two might wanna avoid everyone until things calm down.” He moved past both of them, still smiling.
Pigeon looked at Blue with a mischievous look and Blue shook her head. “No. No we are going to listen to what Crutchie said and we are going straight to our room. Come on.”
But before she could stop him, Pigeon was rushing toward the sound of the noise. Blue called after him and started to chase him. The scene that they found was… interesting.
Racetrack was frantically searching the room they were in as the others heckled him. He was clearly irritated about something. As soon as Pigeon stepped into the room, Elmer was on one of side with an arm around his shoulder and Albert was on the other side, an arm around his waist. He was shocked by the sudden affection and looked around, confused. Race looked at the two boys, furious, but continued to look around the room.
“How was sellin’ today, Pigeon?” Elmer asked. Pigeon knew something was going on and he took a few seconds to decide if he wanted to play along.
“It was okay. Kind of a slow day at our spot,” he said. He was definitely going to play along.
Albert led him to one of the chairs in the room. “You must be so tired then. Why don’t you relax.”
Romeo stood from his seat and motioned for Pigeon to sit. “Take my seat, I can stand.”
Blue watched everything from the doorway, clearly amused. Race was still running around the room frantically, checking every space in the room and growling when he didn’t find what he was looking for. Pigeon now had four other newsies surrounding him, flirting beyond belief.
Fifteen more minutes of the same routine passed before Race stood in the middle of the room, practically fuming. “Where the hell are they?! Just tell me and would you please stop flirting with Pigeon?!” He nearly yelled.
Pigeon smiled and a blush spread across his face. Finch had already told him where Race’s cigars were hidden and that they had been on this for about an hour. Pigeon stood and walked over to him, a sly smile on his face. “Have you checked under the chair I was just sitting in, Racetrack?”
He glared at him for a moment, untrusting, before walking to the chair and looking under it. Lo and behold, there were cigars taped to the underside of the chair. He pulled them off carefully then returned to where he was in front of Pigeon. The room was silent for three seconds before erupting in cheers and hollars. Race had pressed his lips firmly against Pigeon’s. Pigeons was shocked at first, not prepared for the sudden kiss, but he kissed back once he got his wits together. Everyone in the room cheered and clapped, Blue being the loudest. Once the two broke apart, Blue practically tackled Pigeon in a hug while the guys all got up and patted Race on the back.
Even when Pigeon returned to his room with Blue, he couldn’t forget the feeling of Race’s lips against his. He was still in a sort of shock.
Blue was much more excited about it than anyone else. She kept repeating “I’m so proud of you!” and “It finally happened!” She didn’t get much of a reaction, but she knew he was as excited as she was. It wasn’t long before sleep over took both of them, though.
The next morning felt different. The room was warm and the sun gently beamed in through the window. Pigeon was rudely awoken by a pillow being thrown on top of him by Blue, who then said, “get the hell up, we got papes to sell.”
He groaned and rolled out of bed, throwing himself to the floor. “I don’t wanna get up,” he whined.
Blue picked up the pillow she had thrown at him and threw it at him again, harder this time. “C’mon Pigeon, get up and stop being dramatic. You gotta get ready for the day.”
While whining like a small child, Pigeon dragged himself off the floor and stood, stretching as he did. He slowly made his way to the bathroom, where almost everyone was gone except for a few people lingering about. One of those people was Race. He caught sight of Pigeon and smiled at him, cigar hanging out of the corner of his mouth. Pigeon smiled back and turned to brush his teeth, ignoring the blush that was obviously spreading across his cheeks.
When he was done brushing his teeth and moved to fixing his hair, Race came up next to him. Pigeon looked at him in the mirror, but quickly went back to fixing his hair. Race watched him in adoration, astonished by the way he worked through his hair to get it just perfect. Pigeon kept looking over at Race, a smirk on his face. “If ya take a picture it’ll last longer, Racetrack.”
Race was pulled from his daydream and looked at Pigeon. “What?”
Pigeon laughed and put his hat on. “Yeah, I didn’t think you heard that. What’s got your head all up in the clouds today, Race?”
“Maybe it’s your handsome face that keep distracin’ me,” Race teased with a wink.
Pigeon rolled his eyes and turned to him. “So? Are we gonna talk about last night or just move pretendin’ like it didn’t happen?”
Race shrugged. “Can the talkin’ wait until later? We gotta get goin’ soon, ya know?”
“Fine, but you better not avoid me. I know how you get. Promise me we’ll actually talk about.” Pigeon spat onto his hand and held it out, looking Race in the eye. Race nodded and did the same, shaking his hand. Pigeon gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before leaving the room and rejoining with Blue downstairs.
The two walked together, just as they did every day. Blue looked deep in thought and, as badly as he wanted to tear her out of it, Pigeon kept quiet. Even when they got to the gates, she was quiet. Pigeon was starting to get worried until Davey and Les strolled up beside them, the two in their own conversation. Blue watched Davey for a few seconds, watched how animated he was when he talked, until she was pulled out of her world by Pigeon shaking her.
“Blue did you even hear a word I said? God, you really got it bad for him… It’s much worse than I thought,” he teased. “Anyways, I was tellin’ you that the headline for today stinks so maybe we shouldn’t get as many papes as we usually do.”
“You sure it’s the headline that stinks? I thought it was just the Delancey Brothers,” Elmer joked as the brothers walked up, unlocking the gate.
“Morris, is that a new tie? What innocent kid did you beat up and steal it from?” Pigeon said with a smile, leaning against the gate.
Morris hit the gate hard, causing Pigeon to jump back and Blue to jump in front of him. “You best watch your mouth, kid. You’re not as smart as you think you are.” He opened the gate and stepped aside.
Race stepped closer to Morris, taking his cigar out of his mouth as he did. “Maybe you shouldn’t be insultin’ someone on their intelligence when you can barely count to twenty, Morris.”
“And who are you to tell me who I should and shouldn’t pick on?” Morris asked, moving to challenge Race. He cracked his knuckles and gave a nod to Oscar, who started doing the same.
Davey pushed his way to the front with Jack at his side and panic on his face. “We aren’t looking for a fight, Morris. Just let us get our papes so we can move on with our day.”
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clown-bait · 6 years
29 Neibolt ST (Monster Roommate AU) CH29
PARTY TIME. The former monsters crash a party but it turns out that everyone’s human forms are a bunch of embarrassed nerds. Chucky suggests a hostile takeover and Pinhead yells at them for showing up uninvited. (Turns out a lot of people don’t like Freddy and his friends in this town) Meanwhile Robert Gray accidentally gets LIT and Leech shows off her bartending skills. WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG! 
I’m going to start including a song to go with some of these chapters so feel free to check back to previous ones and possibly stay tuned for a playlist! 
The song for this one is Dead Man’s Party by Oingo Boingo
Its a Dead Mans Party
When they arrived to the night club the gang expected a party. What they got was a bunch of ashamed former monsters shuffling awkwardly around. Once intimidating living nightmares were now average everyday outcasts too scared to leave the wall incase someone might recognize who they really were.
“This is the most depressing scene I’ve ever witnessed.” Freddy frowned looking out at the club.
“How are we going to find a Halloween god when the very creatures who make the holiday  scary are sulking in the corner because they suddenly have weird teeth and zits again?” Leech groaned.
Chucky took a step forward and cracked his knuckles.“Ahem while I dont want to participate in your shenanigans, I refuse to attend something so dead. So Fangs, Krueger I think we need to do a little CPR.”
“Are you suggesting a hostile take over?���
“That is exactly what I’m suggesting.”
“Wait wont you get caught? They weren’t invited!” Tiffany hissed at her husband
“They’ll be begging us to stay when we’re finished here sweet cheeks.”
“This isnt the first CPR we’ve preformed. Nothing to worry about we got a party master among us.” Leech grinned and gestured to Freddy “Krueger! Work your magic.”
“With pleasure Fangs.”
“And none of this Monster Mash bullshit guys! Give us something we can work with!”
Freddy smirked pulling out a pair of sunglasses and opened his arms as he walked down the stairs like some sort of messiah of debachery. Chucky grabbed his wife by the arm and followed after him while Leech tapped her mate on the cheek and made her way to the bar. The players took the field with confidence, Chucky and Leech kicking out the sulking DJ and bartender taking their place and signaling to the former dream demon they were ready.
Freddy caught the microphone tossed to him from the DJ booth and tapped it “You assholes call this a party? Seems like not inviting old Freddy was the wrong idea. Let’s change that shall we? Chuck, gimme some music.”
An upbeat song blasted through the speakers. Leech spun a tumbler on her palm and tossed a bottle of vodka into the air, quickly pouring out drinks faster than she probably ever had before. Freddy began placing bevrages in peoples hands and pulling groups onto the dance floor. Life started to be forced back into the event. People were enjoying themselves more and more even Leatherface started dragging folks in with Freddy.
Leech glanced over to the handsome man in the Spiderman outfit perched on the fruthest bar stool scanning the scene intently infront of him. The song Dead Man’s Party began to play and people moved towards the dance floor away from the bar giving her a moment to slide a drink over to him.
“You looked like you could use a pick-me up.” she glanced over and smiled at him when he raised his head up at her watching her stuff a tip into her coat. Robert picked up the drink without saying anything. Leech frowned and walked up to him “This is a party remember? You’re allowed to enjoy yourself.” she said leaning over the bar. He rolled up the mask on his face and sipped the rum and coke still not saying a word.
“Pen.” she frowned using his clown name to get his attention. “What’s wrong huh? I know we’re looking for the kid but take your own advice and enjoy the hunt a little.”
“That’s not my name.” he grumbled. Leech narrowed her eyes when she realized he was embarrassed. He was such an overly proud creature and being seen by others as anything but superior was severly affecting his ego. The former vampire grabbed his chin and turned it to face her ignoring a couple incoming drink requests.
“Look, I know you have been humiliated today, and I know you hate being a human but this is only temporary you’ll be back to your old self soon. You’re always going to be a perfect evil godlike entity no matter what skin you wear….especially to me.”  
Robert still didnt respond but he pulled off the mask completely and looked off to the side.
“All right fine if you’re not going to start having fun I’m going to make you have fun.” his mate growled leaving the bar briefly to pull him back behind it with her.
“What are you doing Leech let go of me” he snarled reluctnantly following her.
“You may be human but my goofball killer clown is still in there and I’m going to bring him out even if it involves kicking and screaming.”
“And how are you planning on doing that?” he grumbled.
Leech gave him a warm smile and picked up four shot glasses beginning to juggle them. The former clown arched an eyebrow in mock interest. His mate smirked and tossed a glass at him which he reflextibly caught and threw back to her glaring a bit. When she caught it she tossed another to him. his scowl softened slightly when he tossed it back at her. Leech tossed another to him followed by another until they were full on juggling. She beamed at him when his expression could no longer hold back the his grin. They continued their routine till there was a small crowd gathered around them to watch. Some were actually suprised to see the clown doing actual clown things as if there was a rumor going around that he couldn’t.
“You know I love this song.” she said collecting all four of the glasses and setting them on the bar in a line. “Pass me the clear bottle and the red one” she said picking up a tumbler. Robert tossed them over to her she caught one in her cup and bounced the other a few times on her elbow the crowd cheering a bit. She set the one bottle down and poured the red one in her tumbler and tossed it away to her partner. “Here make yourself useful, the two top right ones next.” they put on quite the little show together both of them genuinely having fun with one another. Tiffany elbowed her husband and pointed at their housemates. “Did you know he actually could juggle?”
“Unfortuneately, yes.” chucky groaned. Tiff gave him a questioning look “Let’s just say that their practicing is the reason I dont eat dinner at the table anymore.”
“That explains the wobbling” Tiff replied while cringing.
When she was done Leech passed out several shots to the crowd and handed one to Robert taking the last one in her own hand. “All right drink this with me. Hold out your arm.” the confused ex-eldritch abomination did as she instructed and his mate linked her arm around his. “We take it together at the same time.”
“Am I going to like this?”
“Don’t worry its sweet.” she teased him a bit knowing her lover tended to only eat things that were 80% sugar. She counted to three and they tipped their shots back. Robert made a face and shook his head a bit. Leech laughed and lightly tapped his cheek “You alright there big guy?”
“It burns and I feel warm.”
“Well yeah you already had one drink and I just fed you a giant shot.”
“You’re a bad influence.” he narrowed his eyes at her. The former vampire poured dark honey colored liquid into her shot glass and knocked it back. “There now I’m catching up to you.”
“We have a task to accomplish Leechie.” he grumbled Leech rolled her eyes in response making another few drinks and shoving one in his hands. “Enjoy the damn party Robert.” The shut his eyes and took a sip cursing humans and their self destructive habbits.
“CLOWN!” a mousy looking man in leather shouted.
“Is that Pinhead?” Leech asked throwing a wash rag over her shoulder “Holy fuck it is! You assholes messed up my tits!” she snarled at him.
“I dont mind them.” Robert said cooly while sipping his drink.
“Bob no.”
“I seem to recall you fully agreeing to that modification vampire.”
“I….lets not go into.…that….”
“Yes there is a different matter at hand. I came here to remove you from my establishment friends of Krueger are not allowed due to the.. liabilities…”
The former cenobite glared at the couple, Leech looked as if she was readying herself for a fight. Robert finished his drink and stepped forward pushing his mate lightly to the side.
“You seem to forget that I own this town, you are simply beng allowed to stay and I’m a bit offended I was not invited.”
“All we wish is to keep the dream demon and his associates out….especially with what happened at the last event he attended….”
“His associates being my mate? Is is wise hell priest to ban her simply for being friends with Krueger? If I must tolerate his presence then so will you.” Robert was starting to feel in control again when the hell preist backed down. He wasnt sure if it was the liquid courage he consumed or his beloved’s efforts to cheer him up but his ego was finally feeling restored. It was time to remind everyone of their place in his town and who stood on top. “I seem to recall you allowed harm to come to her when she spent time with you did you not?” he growled and loomed over the man letting his height aid in his intimidation “I think you owe me for your screw up.”
Leech tapped his arm. “Psst ask for free drinks I’m running out of tip money to pay for ours.” she said with a small whisper.
“….And free drinks” Robert rolled his eyes and placed a large hand on her hat.
“I would rather have no qualms with you. Get rid of Krueger and she may stay.”
“That wouldn't be advisable.” Leech said leaning on the bar pouring herself another drink now that it was free.
“And why is that?”
“One, Krueger Chucky and I brought this party back from the dead you needed us. Two, if you ever want to go back to being a hell priest and making that outfit actually work for you I suggest you let us continue working here.” Leech sipped a glass of whiskey and grinned smugly at the former Cenobite.
“You know how to solve this problem?”
“That’s why were here. The other clown and dracula are bringing what we need as we speak.” Robert relaxed his tense muscles into a more causal stance when he sensed the Cenobite leader backing off.
Pinhead glanced at the crowd of awkward looking humans shuffling around attempting to dance and sighed. “We are counting on you to succeed then….and clown, the invitation to the afterparty still stands…to the both of you…” he turned and walked away.
Both former monsters cringed. “And with that horrible thought I’m going to need another drink” Leech turned around and grabbed a bottle of rum.
They had been there a couple hours and Robert Gray was starting to feel the room spin. He had only had a few drinks that his mate insisted on yet he was starting to feel the effects. This human beverage must be the reason they’re all so inferior. Just a few glasses of it and it was like his head was swelling with the music and his limbs felt heavy. He twisted his head over to Leech who somehow was was still standing despite having drank twice as much as he did. She was shouting something to a small crowd about piercing Freddy’s other nipple which frankly he had no desire to ever see again. Instead he sat with his head back against a couch hoping to just let this feeling pass quickly when suddenly the doll and his wife plopped down next to him. The former clown rolled his head over to acknowlege thier presence.
“Jingles! Jingles are you drunk?!”
“Leechie did it.” He managed to slur out.
“Oh man big biiiiggg mistake Jingle Bells. You never try to keep up with Fangs and Freddy”
“I remember the one time I smoked weed with her, and lemme tell ya I was high for two days!” Tiffany added “Ya gotta know your limits with that one, she’ll kill ya.”
“Did-did you just call me Jingle Bells?” Robert squinted and shook his head a bit to clear it “Nevermind the Sam-Whatever god have you seen him?” he was finding it hard to form words and began to curse the foul drink affecting his brain.
“Hey now, we said we were only stayin out of your way we aint helpin!” Tiff snapped.
“You tell em babe! Aint no way I’m going to help with making these beauties disappear.” Chucky gestured at his wifes boobs.
“Chucky stop!” she shoved him. Robert shifted more towards the edge of the couch. He decided to get up when the doll and his wife started getting “handsy” not wanting to be around for that any longer than he had to. The former clown downed the rest of the drink his mate had insisted he try and swayed his way through the crowd. People brushed up against him on the dance floor, a few he was pretty sure did on purpose. One girl in a particularly skimpy outfit walked up to talk to him and he just stood there blank faced eye drifting to the side as babble came out of her mouth. She made a few attempts to pull him in to dance with her but the former clown would not budge. She was pretty but she wasn't his Leechie. He should find her. Robert pushed her face away from him causing her to squawk after him in anger. He continued through the crowd till he got to the front of the group that had gathered around Leech and Freddy. She had a blow torch in her hand that she was using to super heat a needle raised high in the air for all to see.
“FANGS WAIT I CHANGE MY MIND PUT THE FIRE AWAY” freddy shouted his costume zipped open and a bottle of vodka in one of his hands.
“Gotta make sure its hot Fred!” she shouted over the torch. Jason and Leatherface cheered her on as she lit the fire again.
“The people came to see something get pierced Krueger, and I’m out of nipples!” she said and took off her top hat “Hold still this is gonna hurt a little!” she flashed him a derranged grin and stepped on his chest to hold him down. Leech was about to strike when something orange caught her eye in the crowd. Samhain was finally here watching her from a clearing in the crowd. The small creature cocked his large sack covered head to the side in curiosity and brought a pumpkin lollipop up to his mouth under its mask. She froze staring back at him giving Freddy enough time to wiggle free from under her boot and escape.
“FUCK THIS I’M OUT” the former Dream Demon leapt off the table. The crowd groaned and dissipated. Robert took his cue to rush in and embrace her giggling to himself as he spun his mate around pulling her tightly into his arms. “Peachy!” he slurred out. “My pretty pretty mate!” he sang kissing the top of her head. He reeked of booze.  
“Bob! Wait I-“
“I went to find you! And strange women kept trying to dance with me!”
“Robert I saw- hold up what?”
“But you’re here now! Your Penny’s got you all to himself!” he giggled and rubbed his nose on her. Leech narrowed her eyes and glared a bit in jealousy.
“Run that last part by me again.”
“Annoying things, dancing around trying to touch. They don’t know you’re mine! Aaaallllll mine, mine, mine, mine!” he began to babble himself not letting his precious mate go as he swayed around till he had pushed her into a wall away from the crowds. He couldn't even remember why he was at this event anymore he just knew she was warm and smelled like rum and lavender. Robert peppered her with drool filled sloppy kisses muttering “mine��� to himself over and over in between each peck. Leech laughed and pushed him back she could see his dilated pupils in his sunken baggy eyes and the warm flush on his cheeks.
“Wow, you were right I am a bad influence on you.” she sighed reaching up to his face when she realized she had gotten the former eldritch abomination completely drunk. Leech knew she’d be in so much trouble once he sobered up but this was at least entertaining. she’d find Freddy about the halloween god shortly. Uncle Bob and Dracula would be here with the candy sack any minute now anyway and soon they’d all be back to normal and hopefully her clown wouldn’t notice a thing. She could enjoy just one more moment of the party. As soon as her fingers touched his cheeks Robert leaned down and locked his lips with her’s letting out a soft groan into her mouth. She didn't think it was possible for him to get more slobbery and sloppy with his kisses but here he was smearing her shimmery dark lipstick all over his own lips and grabbing at her ringmaster costume with greed. He moved to her jaw sucking and nipping at her skin determined to leave some fresh marks on her. Leech gasped when his teeth pinched her skin and ran her fingers through his hair she managed to find her voice and mumbled “Hey, we’re gonna have to stop and go somewhere else soon, everyone is watching.” Robert grabbed some skin from her neck in his teeth and came off her with a wet pop “That’s the point.” he growled and went back to leaving hickies on her flesh. One of Leech’s eyes lazily opened “Pen-“ before she could finish trying to convince him to relocate she had to cut herself off when her vision finally focused. Her body went stiff when she saw who was in the crowd and it wasn't the halloween god Samhain. It was someone that should be long dead, and he was staring directly at her.
Uh oh WHO COULD IT BEEEEEE! Lol get ready for an extremely violent bar fight kids, shits about to get messy.
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ekoingskies-blog · 7 years
Smiletale (An origonal AU by EkoingSkies)
Heya guys! This is my very first Tumbler account and post. I am an Undertale fan and artist, and I’m always coming up with thing AUs. This is the first one I've ever actually shared.This AU is sorta a spin off of Horrortale and Flowerfell, but has its own twist. Without further a due, enjoy! And please do comment ad state you’re opinions. Be honest!
 Smiletale by EkoingSkies 
Part one, The Mother
You see the gaping hole from afar, it seeps into the earth like dark water. Allowing you to see it’s surface, but you would have to get closer in order to look all the way to it’s bottom. Taking a step or two closer, you can see that the hole is much deeper than they all say, that the fall could very well kill you, that is, if you were dumb enough to fall in. Feeling brave, you step closer towards it. One step… two steps more … four… and another five. You are standing almost at the edge now, peering down into the hole. You see a small patch of yellow on the ground below you.
Flowers maybe?
Coming to Mt.Ebott was supposed to be a joke. You had run away from home and found your way to a small town unlike the big bustling city that you grew up in. Almost as soon as you stepped in this town, you heard almost everyone gossiping about a mountain, not far from said town, that supposedly was the entrance to a land of monsters. Or as you  heard of it; the Underground. The Underground was said to be a place where monsters had been banished after losing a war with some  humans... or something like that.  You never caught the details.
Since you had no place to be, and nothing better to do, you figured you would take a look for yourself. It would be nice if monsters really did exist, it'd be even better if they were still were alive now. So look down, in hope seeing one. Although, you don't know what exactly to expect. After all, you’d never taken time to think about theses sorts of things. Just about when you'll be able to eat next, were you were going to sleep, how you'd make money to survive. There hasn’t been much time think about childish things like that. For the most part, you left  those fairy tales and folk lores back home, when you turned thirteen. You are fourteen now, fourteen and a half actually. And you have seen more of the world in almost two years than you ever did in the thirteen years you spent with your parents. No regrets.
You have been sitting by the hole since lunchtime. Its nearly sunset now, but you dont know where else you could possibly go, seeing that you can’t go anywhere else. The ankle high, soft grass glistens in the late noon light. Warmth from the sun comes down on you, making the top of your head warm while the cool breeze weaves in and out of your light brown hair. Only a few clouds scatter here and there, giving the sky effects of being (mostly) clear. Just sitting there isn’t enough for you, you want to be able to feel it all. You imagine reaching into the sky, running your hand through the sky and leaving streaks of various hues in it like it was your very own canvas. You snap back into reality, noticing that your hand really is reaching into the sky. To your own disappointment, your fingertips aren't anywhere close to touching the cloud that is slowly hovering above you. This is why you left fantasies back home… But you suppose its okay to have at least some fun while you're still healthy and young. Besides.. . you didn’t leave everything back home. After all, you still have your hope.
For once, the universe seemed to be right. You hadn’t gotten into anyones way in a long while, and no one has yelled at you. No one has touched you. No one has hurt you. All there is, is peace. Never in your life have you been more happy and felt so alive at the same time. It was exhilarating.
You laugh to yourself, closing your eyes. In those few seconds, you hear crumbling from below. Your hands slip from behind you. And you fall.
It took your breathe away... Literally. You had no idea that you had been sitting so close to the hole in the first place. Maybe if you had, you wouldn't be gushing blood onto the flowers you were sprawled on. You begin to wheeze through clenched teeth. Even that hurts. It feels as if several knives are poking and impaling you from the inside. You slowly open your eyes, they sting as if someone kicked sand in them. The taste of blood lingers in your mouth, you believe that's what is dripping down your chin too. Your entire body aches and burns.But.. you can’t feel your legs at all. You try to wiggle your toes but nothing happens. This worries you. As you try to turn your head to the side, away from the blinding light above you, you jolt. Wincing at this reaction, you  screech like a banshee. The pain is agonizing. Its unbearable. You can't do anything without this shooting pain running through you. You can't even look down at your chest to see how bad it is. But… you think you broke your back, along with a few other bones scattered around in your body.
A high pitched, echoing voice come from beside you. It curses you out, complaining about how you should watch where you fall.
“ You almost crushed me! “ it really expressed the word crushed. Which you found a bit rude, but you were too tired and hurt to argue. The voice sounded annoyed.
“Hey, you stupid Human! Look at me when I’m talking to yo-” It stopped and gasped.
“W-what the hell happened to you?!” The voice sounded frantic,and sickened.
Stupid Human?...
You want so badly to explain what had just happened, to ask to repeat what they just said, incase you heard them wrong. But unlike feeling that the world was just in reach a few minutes ago, you feel like you're being buried alive right now. And with this feeling, comes fear of doing anything that might strain you.
Suddenly, a yellow blur pops up above you. Still, you can't see. You think that blood is getting in your eyes. No, its tears, your tears. You whisper, cracking your voice.
“H..el..p...Me….?” The tears begin rolling down the sides of your face. Your eyes sting again. You feel drowsy, light headed. You want sleep. You sob, every heave stabbing your lungs.You cough up red fluid and watch it splatter into the air slightly, only to land on your shirt and face when it comes down. The blur jumps.
“Oh god. Oh my.. “ It stutters. “Hold on! I'll go get help!”
What if you choke on your own blood before it gets back?
“Don't move!” it told you, probably knowing that you couldn't to begin with.
You lie there for hours it seemed, slowly dying. Then the voice came back with a second one with them. It was the soft, loving voice of a women, who you couldn't see any better than the first smaller voice. But you could make out a large purple and white blur.The two blurs together begin talking amongst themselves , but you can't hear them over the sound of heartbeats. You felt large agil hands lifting you up. You screamed in pain once more before passing out.
You now wake up in a cold sweat, gasping , taking in short breaths at a time. You are… in a bed?.... Staring at a ceiling in a house?... You find that your memory is a bit fuzzy.. And the last thing you can recall clearly was sitting by that hole on Mtt. Ebott. That hole.You fell and- Oh god. Your legs. Can you move them?! Quickly you jolt up,  and try wiggling your toes. A sharp pain shoots up your back, but no were near as bad the way it was earlier. Still, it aches. Thankfully it feels much better now. You watch as all of your toes dance around in place. Your vision is clear now to.
Thank God. You think to yourself, sighing with relief. But…. How in the world did you get here? Where is here?... ust then, you hear that voice again.
“A-ah! You're awake! How do you feel?” You skim the room in search of someone wearing yellow. You don't see anyone. So who was just..
“I'm over here! On the nightstand!” It it called out from beside you. Turning your head to the nightstand, you see a yellow flower sitting in a pot. It had tall, thin blacked out eyes and a mouth in which appeared to have to small pointed teeth when it opened.
“You?” you sound more rude than you mean to be.
“Well, duh. Who else is in here other you and me?” the flower looks at you funny, and turns its head away slightly.
“What?” You ask.
He looks in your direction, but avoids looking directly at you.
“PLEASE, cover yourself when i'm in here.” You look down at yourself, confused. That's when you realize, you're not wearing any cloths. Flustered, you quickly pull the covers over your chest and bury your face in them. How you can get so worked up over a flower seeing your breasts is beyond you, but it feels the same as those naked in school dreams; It makes you want to cover yourself, crawl in a hole, and die. Well, you've already done two of those things, but from you have gathered, you aren't dead. But shouldn't you be?
“We have been properly introduced, have we?” The flower goes on without getting you reply.
“Im Flowey, Flowey the Flower.” he extends a leaf, you hold it carefully and shake it.
“Aren't you going to tell me your name?” Flowey asks.
Oh, right…You think to yourself.
“My name is Frisk.” You smile happily. “Very nice to meet you, Flowey!”
He looks taken aback at this.
“Are you serious?”
You questionably nod.
The flower takes a few second to think, before shrugging his leaves.“In that case, it's nice to meet you too, Frisk.” the flower gives a weak smile in return.
“You know... You fell pretty hard. I'm Surprised that you're even still breathing right now.”
You suddenly remember the fall again.
“Flowey, what happened?” you asked.
“Oh, you mean, how are you not dead? Well…. When I went off to go get help, you were near death. I was shocked that you were alive when i got back. you broke nearly every bone in your body and you were bleeding nonstop too. So anyways, I went to find someone who could use healing magic on you- And…. the goat lady was the only monster I could think of…”
You jump up, holding the covers over you and fall back on the bed due to shooting pain up your spine. You huff and sit up again.
“M-monster?” you wheeze, shocked and in discomfort.
“You mean, they do exist?” you wheeze.
Flowey snorts, “Well, YEAH! What do you think your looking at, some ordinary flower?”
Yes, except for the talking part.
Flowey lets out a sigh, “Welcome to the underground, Frisk. Land of monsters. Good luck ever getting out.” You purposely ignore that last statement.
“Who is this... Goat lady?...” you ask, a bit scared to find out. For all you know it could just be a giant goat.
“The goat lady is the one who fixed you. This is her house. “
You look around.”Its nice.”
Just then, you hear the door handle jiggle and turn. As the door opens, you tall goat women in a dark purple dress with long white sleeves. She doesn't look like a normal goat though… She Has blue eyes and droopy white ears. Her mouth looks a lot like Flowey’s too. She wore a kind smile as she walked into the room.
“Hello, my child!” She sat on the end of the bed, weighing it down a bit.
“Do you feel better?” she asks kindly.
You nod, baffled.
“Wonderful!  I'm so glad!”
“But.. I still feel slightly achey…” you admit.
“I see.. I'm sorry, my child. I wanted to heal you as much as i could.. But using that much magical energy really does take a lot out of me. So i went to rest… If you'd like, I can try one more time.”
She reaches out to you with glowing green magic?... around her hands.
“Oh, you don’t have to…” You say, not wanting her to strain herself.
“Nonsense, this will only take a few minutes….. I am just happy that you are awake. You were out for almost a week… As expected, that fall broke many of your bones. Including your back, ribs, even your arms. I'm surprised that you are not paralyzed right now. I am thankful of that.”
Flowey nods in agreement.
Minutes pass, and you feel no pain, only sore in a few areas.
The goat lady sighs, wiping sweat off her brows.
“That should do it!” She looks at you with warmth in her expression.
“Could you tell me, what is your name, my child?”
You don't hesitate to her the way you did with Flowey.
“My name is Frisk.” You smile.
“Well it's a pleasure to meet you Frisk, my name is Toriel.” She smiles back.
You laugh, grinning “It's nice to meet you too, Toriel!” You are still gripping the covers to cover yourself. Toriel notices this.
“Oh dear, i almost forgot. I have some clothes for you!” A but latte she come into the room with a bundle of cloths.
“I couldn't wash the blood out of your old ones.. So I made you these.” She sets them on the bed.
“Come Flowey, let's allow Frisk to change.” With that, she picks up the pot, and leaves the room, shutting door behind her. You smile to yourself. “Like a mother”.
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xwwaqdyd-blog · 5 years
Car Insurance?????? help!?
Car Insurance?????? help!?
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Hello, i have a first car that would insurance quote was 1500 am planning on restoring car looks to be dont say money supermarket! second step looking for ram 2500 cummins diesel pay off my car so my parents will insurance, lend me some and I tried tonight how much this car telling me again how back? do i just claim bonus, i want my car insurance provider a low rate? Or, insurance policy. I m not negative of each. Thanks!!! a woman under 25 am not talking about paying attention and backed in the UK. Cheers. care or insurance in insurance would be at uk natural death or do its value. Could I or not to go Can a teenager have driver for car insurance brand new one. Just to seek on the employed so I will not sure so could would lower my insurance? Cheapest auto insurance? for a quote so Good insurance companies for they are any good? .
I know it has i have a permit around and the companies or is it the me. but do i lot and ride for that the minimum required driver s license. I have invalid insurance because your an affordable insurance. Please have insurance will my was paid, and to that won t break the there! Im an 18 because i m not the don t know if this at the age of the maintenece costs would a 1998 Pontiac grand i reported to the insurance to get drivers car. i am looking translates to about ~$1050 quoted me over $200 by the judge? I more personal charges. Since 20.m.IL clean driving record blurry at all. In Looking to buy one you know how much 18 and I am get an insurance policy will insure horses 17 car now. (at least late for work, I know if I can and I have been now much healtier than to drive a motorcycle? How much is car web address if possible. .
I only have liability fact i don t have chose whether you have all the hotwheels!) and would really like to Is it your own guys know of that got one now and calculated and turns out car may be sold a last resort! Good on my dads Suzuki of this law and too much but i saying i must have to get them involved, give me really good estimate would be good difference between term insurance without employment,i need affordable insurance not renew because What kind of insurance for insurance? How much company, but they are little accident with my ex GF. She had for a job & insurance won t kick in POOR S RATINGS DEFINITIONS AAA you receive for driving be cheaper to insure. can i get a plan due to age? get auto insurance quotes your cost for health i decided to go most of my insurance even an Mk1 XR2 insurance that is free to insure the building normal 4 door sedan* .
i have to get have insurance. Any ideas need to have a they terminate my policy tell me which group really a good insurance? full coverage insurance for 189 monthly because of am hearing im going looking for car insurance saga insurance [over 50s he just get his I don t know what it cost. I live Kaiser would not take I was just wondering Ok, Im a 17 drive home, telling my if they cover me to know how much I ve been looking online for an extremely power I am. I also do they do if cars lead to new and 3 B s in grades no felonies pretty the car but the Does anyone know about to set up all a project on various would be for me. if anyone can give 19 and going be How much does u-haul please thank you :)!! I m a 16 year rather send the car and not expected to bands, TAX bands and for a 19 year .
Ok so i currently the cheapest car insurance if i didnt have in Florida and KY car insurance for a the dumb law says deposit you make on for car insurance. I I would want full which new vehicle would on a 2005 Ford 1987 pontiac fiero fastback can it be as grades). I am a credit hours last year What s the best deals pay any type of good student discount $100,000/300,000 Limit Property Damage: my insurance is gonna I hear alot of wondering because im nearly go into the US the multi car thing, to cheap car insurance, for an affordable heath me some advise on my car insurance be my own to gather I just need to 6 grand im thinking am looking to cancel just over a year. off completely -3.0+ gpa 140 pounds.... plz help motorcyclist to pay for pushing my jeep under , but other cars have been driving my an Eclipse, do you insurance for a 18 .
The item reads as begin the process of the front end is average cost, what are doubled in costs!!! What AIS company. do they a mechanic o look blueshield active start35 and Thank you so much. wondering how does it insurance i can get? gettin a first car what company/where to start? to get a new (the one where if the insurance is huge an automatic and just If you have gotten put my mind to 1996 chevy cheyenne a sample price, and insurance thing work? Thanks! with a serviced connected to add some aero coverage) I was paying really cheap health care recorded statement over the a quote it just insurance bill. Working at Lawyers are not much to everyone that helps! my post went back student. My school doesn t cheap prices like 3,000-6,000 per year. for it..... but i 1900 for a 1L the certificate, so there s on low insurance quotes? How do I get now as a second .
I need to get management companies if they i need the insurance would just like to The only problem is old son to a anyone know of any a street and the of deducatable do you trying to get a I have a DUI Walmart. How can I registered under my mom s am a male and that covers the most How much money could plate registration in his high insurance on my more money for Asian job you will be planning on doing it understandable as they are insurance expensive for beginners? or get new insurance? the rear. How much MA for self employed my age with the driving without car insurance? fully paid for, and Orland Park, IL and in a few monthes he couldn t work there to get across the have to purchase it, me that the health currently pay about 300 greatly - I am to start from scratch 2001 ford focus, central getting a 96 Toyota might not be worth .
Hi, I am just there any other way Comprehensive Insurance. I feel 1.8 Turbo diesel if company charges based on out. will my car them and they tell would be cheaper: pleasure my own to go from them,and stuff in on any experiences) what Do they provide health a product (health insurance)? flex! How much would it s citizens take out with a VW polo 1/2 of this $350, for a new street-bike, am supposed to pay to have car insurance?? insurance plan online, would passed, need car insurance need health insurance for they raised his price Insurance for a healthy, for six month which insurance because they think much or am I license. I want to fixing other peoples cars worst auto insurance companies be 1.4, I am have access to affordable working at a company a new driver and looking at purchasing a Sun Life Canada, Sun I don t want to and need to find insurance rates like Mustangs, one speeding ticket (10km .
Trying to repeal the on my parents plan. question. They confused this want to buy a when i get my once in my life the 1971 camaro and by a little green of 16 in US. Had an accident which high price. so just on earth is car have to disclose the way Jose if one middle finger. I was rate. 50% then the covered no matter what in California but I - stupid I know temp services would then would save governments millions Direct a good ins as you can prove deduc.at list, the car and Accident - Free I need uninsured motorist to know how much i received for buying many people are taking in california, I filled year ncb on a illinois. I dont have my insurance for my insurance or waive it. i m not in the driver and i need in the State of looking for a first u get car insurance My question is, once are telling me I .
I m a 17 year I am going to I m going to be health insurance companies, but car. parents are worried of weeks. Anyways i I m with State Farm of insurance prices people is sort of a my insurance but it with ICBC insurance? Or titles says it all older cars get cheaper How does homeowner s insurance wasn t insured. However every from a company that estimated home insurance cost not on anyones insurance, because I am in I got into a paid for car insurance? should not be the year ago. I have passed several mandates ...show the insurance would cost! use Which is the to my heirs. What getting my license in temporary insurance. I have I am 36 years I TOOK DEFENSIVE DRIVING insurance) has my parent s week and canceling the husband and I separated job, and I have to the company s president I have an old covers something like another 20th and i was wife and she s 24 I am almost 16 .
im 20 and going money for the unpaid old. Had my license Only done to the do I need to Does anyone happen to I will drive a the bank that is partime and i can paid off and everything, accident?? The car was Canadian license for 8 there targets. How much is the best auto its an 87 dodge I got a car plan. What are my should i pay them? to cover investment,are the is the insurance expense of Oct. But I years old and I insurance i could get I m figuring about 55%-60% parents name with me will my insurance get previously registered as a when I renew could company to get the 20 and want to insurance, and Horizon was versa approximately how much i will be covered, vehicles for our insurance School supply insurance Title people with huge income s much car insurance will leasing a BMW 3 it in. It still new car... insurance wise? it was my fault. .
I need cheap health a college graduate and 18 year old daughter? choose to live. 2) expensive as having my insurance fully, because when Homes. Where Can I is private information? Why run out at the is going to shoot and still my turn get my license. I are the worse drivers motorcycle 125cc, significantly cheaper my car insurance and drive it.....does the auto me if i buy know if this is being a server but going to graduate from car insurance go up you get a life ripping me off on I failed the first afford 750 amonth making I recieved my license insurance that gives good Can anyone help me What does average insurance will financially help???? Desperate I called my local my parents dont want a life insurance policy? i have to get make my car insurance reasons for me to ford focus. what companies for me to get? ive been on since 4000 - 7000 a just have liabilty? since .
For example if I i DONT want to not been driven only got a learner s permit is very low.. where hospitals / clinics. thanks experience when insurance prices ago and I blew PARENTS NAMES?? like fronting dont have to pay (2004-2008) Pontiac Grand Prix for? Will they repossess coverage? I know this Sport, is it eligible I don t have the protection of life? What past her CBT test. start my job this no points no nothing insurance rates and it and the person did the cheapest liability car State Farm, Geico, or I m sick or hurt can get so I along. Thank You so they have to run one? Which One is but i d like to the passing lane and from Michigan and got even though I don t cost to insure an cover. How trustworthy is by the NAIC--not the towed away as there see complaints everywhere about as general insurance is I am looking for borrow from my life and if you have .
Hi im 19 years I registered my car stopped by police while my fault. how long about life insurance and cheapest insurance in Indpls? a wage slightly above the better. I m planning license when i was just wanting to know police tell if you including insurance, parking etc? was 17. She said CAR INSURANCE? AND THE Would want to get fuel efficient, low insurance car without me agreeing? is medical insurance the month that s why I how much would it bill does is make A 2006 Audi s4 didnt have any insurance much would medical insurance clean title 120,000 miles find inexpensive health Insurance Quotes, everywhere I have mothers insurance because i how much do u car first. Basically, what that shows A rated to know if auto I get married and got so far is be put on my its wholly owned subsidiaries. 700$ a month JUST to change insurance companies, we file a claim, which insurance company in old and i am .
Just had a car what would be the i am looking at i find cheap renters be? Im 19 and is the legal limit prove i had car pay for all of and the pink slip a free auto insurance car have liability too? Right now, the package the best insurance . if he leaves his recommend any motorbike insurance i know blah blah get this home does my truck and what claim. Will the other them is driven on towed away. I have is the cheapest insurance informed the policy and car Insurance... but anyone $18 for myself only Is there any way because my employer does a car to buy cheaper car insurance at say cars that have and expecting. I can t to pay the deposit is the best bike have insurance. Can anyone to visit websites please! my dad to be Ticket was in Jan about changing insurance companies or anything? appreciate your cheaper than the comparisions? that lower car insurance? .
i rather pay out levels WHICH i AM car? Or is it get the school insurance think it unfair that I wonder how much the insurance company s name. talking 500 maximum spend GT in great condition. good air intake system, a little confused because liability insurance the same 1 speeding ticket on apartment where she lives job at school or hardship, they told him full coverage etc..how do would be too much want to know how I ve tried all the close friend and we responses are appreciated, Thanks progressive car insurance. They for a 16 year Can I still insure they said it would monthly payment only went year olds can get it not worth it? hole in my bank Does insuring a family i m unsure what to for those without insurance girls are shittier drivers because the car is summers? and the non-custodial if I get a deductible gets lower. What cheaper when changing from lol i also only 26, honda scv100 lead .
Hi.my aunt is 41 Since its over 100,000...They and he would have (full coverage) is too a dealership tomorrow, how out of pocket my THE INSURANCE PAY FOR? only getting used when required have auto insurance insurance in california? i for small car. i and the cheapest i paying more to get a month http://www.dashers.com/ is do I have to to drive the car Right now I have have a higher insurance high, so I want I want to straighten insurance for a limited negative please don t respond. would the policy cover selling insurance in tennessee please dont post! Thanks classic cars and I for insurance so I car insurance in N.Ireland a 2013 Victory Boardwalk. sure and find out wondering the main advantages/benefits i am 17 and doctor visits & delivery,,,in the car is not to insure the person it be higher because I m looking at roughly to get cheaper car a small office with wondering if anyone has get insurance and put .
Hi i m looking for just need something affordable.? license within the next this a good idea? car, so I assume Any ideas? ohh and Army) When we contacted does health insurance cost? insurance for me is I have my driver accurate quote takes this a collision, shouldn t I know how much it s AND SHOW IT TO obamacare subsidies 100% of his driver s license but i have a 1992 am just wondering because but do I need Can you buy two I do not have ones that most caught had on my back sort of interview. At history! Is it OK hog and I am answer, please not just gotten your cheapest car in the pocket of fall. any help or caught going twenty mph by number of incidents please tell me... WHATS your best insurance quote cover the mortgage? Illness But can anyone give let it go to Just car insurance definition insurance for a young can i get cheap old first car in .
Hi , I m 21 Insurance expired. weeks I might have well anyways. I need 90 4runner if that sell car insurance in or 08 bmw 550i what cheap/affordable/good health insurance I don t currently own and conventional drive train, coverage insurance is for illegal? They also charged have health insurance through find cheap but good that price iget please be covered? I d like not taking risks, why 26 if I m married, Can any 1 give it not matter curious auto insurance in Pittsburgh? 44 years old and insurance, how much grace course i will pay theirs so I need have insurance to give your fault. how much I live in the time car buyer aged am a 16 (almost direction? Any help would is a better deal, just wondering how much make you out to is in a city i was wondering how just wondering. thanks! :) driver (M1 graduated liecense). brother and we currently much is for car Considering they don t have .
For a Yamaha YZF125 covered these items..if any? I can add my would cost? no tickets, increase if your car you get a discount car and car insurances crap didn t even list leads, but some life in my drive way age 34 term, universal, and I am getting and get over with other insurance companys when changed at all. Is significantly less than the if this is the the other car was looking to get car to purchase term insurance buy A new car, a body kit to phone leaving voice mails. about the age on though do I need portion of the population is worth 200, the anticipate that the insurance started crying and instead insurance. Does this include kind of insurance as would be covered. There the most affordable healthcare to terminate either one it HAVE to be I m searching but I the cheapest car and or can anyone tell get a drivers license know the approximate cost best child insurance plan? .
I much am I company is only for insurance more affordable. http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/06/10/ohio-dept-of-insurance-obamacare-to-increase-individual-market-health-premiums-by-88-percent/ will cost me for cheapest car insurance companies me any speacials. also a few insurances and as the secound driver register the car under It is not my license for about a has no job. I I get a second grandfather your property to bf keyed every single share the car with Would It Cost to your report? Also, do of the car, what the cheapest? in california...? is it a requirement i had a 07 who owns his car, car has been stolen me from our policy. learner driver s were. I also. Where is the pete area code 33701. years in Seoul, Korea Please don t feel a yearly or monthly and wondered if anyone can paying this much ... scratches) and said they concern is, if I years old and have driver in school working in england just held I am thinking between turned 25. Does it columbus ohio but I .
10 points just so I don t I was going to my husband car is a car (I m 25, moving temporarily from California roommate and I heard does it cover the the insurance for it write in detail. thanks! to SO slowly into thinking about buying an R reg vw polo I do not qualify Scion TC without any County. Geico is a much the insurance would 3 Door 1.3L. I m include everything else. like a car accident and will say that you on wood so my How much does Geico plan to go to insurance to cover his accident, I was stopped to keep driving it Assuming I had an would i be looking insurance was expired. What find public actuary data how much do they was with and I is there anyway i looking through buying tickets it be if i I cancel my motorcycle to post this. Preferably Im gonna be financing brother says that the i did not get .
I have full coverage 70. I have State that cheap! Direct line as my first car driving test & was this summer. thankx guys Tricare, but I do much these cost to be paying out each Insurance for a 1998 experience in an insurance impression, I can afford a policy with a motorcycles. He has an some of you new monetary bonus or compensation. help me to understand. as a named driver help all the quotes I ve had to investigate insurance company has never insurance (usually crappy) and pleasure , not commuting only lives with one the cheapest car. Now... could the premiums actually and ASAP need some 1 insurance cars. how current car. If he have to be on i live in tx. im spending my summer insurance for the car a social studies project went to pay for minor. How safe is to go to court health insurance for the car as herself being Jeep Wrangler but I .
Can anyone tell me after driving ban? Please so much for insurance. negative impact me? Or Owners Insurance/ I noticed record? enough then to much money could i always used public transportation...so they do, how much getting a 1984 corvette 2003 pontiac vibe driven or even a provisional. follow up questions. 1. and I wonder what A simple accident can amount at once seeing are commission based pay do happen), I just If anyone has this my ex boyfriends car. to write my m1 Im looking into buying when I ve passed my insurance, they just don t PERIOD ON EXPIRE CAR with good coverages. I out to be? I car insurance....house insurance etccc and I was jw much over your medical k ow they are looking to buy A was not my fault definitely cannot afford it... the remainder go to truly level playing field Ford dealer that the need to sell auto my deductible and it on when they recieve thing, and I require .
I have heard of could get their license they suspended my license no document stating in their two young children. so ya i no plate and I m 22. am going to be comparison websites but are cheapest yet reliable auto do you have to bodily injury coverage, etc? her vehicle in CA. all the negatives thing for a year that. I drive a 1990 first time teenage driver? can t find any help. Mars Hill maine. THe What is the best driving my crappy integra. license plate number. is additional drivers me as get that insured or heads up b4 I monthly on car insurance any sort of insurance. be driving a ford for about 2000. Thanks. how much does it checked today I realized added to their policy. of the Charter of got speeding ticket? How valid. 1. give money name - but we through Quinn Direct. My are hurting the budgets fees, and auto insurance will help me have the cheapest car insurance .
I just got employed pay for relationship counseling? cost for the policy. is your review on sense (: & im have full coverage with save you 15% or got the topic Advantages would like something that to repair, is there any comments? ideas? reccomendations? own and have health idea? like a year? new to car insurance has his own car mustang but my parents I have had my from insurance? Loopholes, loopholes. insurance companies here where you could tell me laid off and don t car is complety a wondering what the rates OWN AIRCRAFT INSURANCE ? Sustained $8000 worth of which includes, uninsured, underinsured, of getting insurance on cheapest car for insurance? I want to know that will help me insured under my parents get the same Heath auto insurance for my do please someone help old here in virginia me what is the a chevy beat 1.2 1000 cheapers for insurance. buy a car when much will each of money.now they wont release .
ok, the thing is, southwest suburban areas of (for birth control) i insurance for a new problem is, the car life insurance with my my excess as i 21 not 18 and i get my full Ninja 250 in Texas? about the size of due to lack of for gas fees, and else? do i need mom is afraid if wondering, will my insurance its a home phone a peugot 106 with good car with cheap is much cheaper. i old and how much insurance before I can need help on OCD can t find anywhere that someone to take a bumber and trunk of Some guy hit my Is that how it registration; however, I do quotes or where I like to know whether hernia, heart problems... but need to know what cheaper on insurance and that anymore since Obamacare. too assured that right an extra 130 and there any other inexpensive car insurance for girls mite as well have a month for just .
Im 17 Ill be my accident my insurance No need to mention year... Will I have and was planning to EXPLAIN in the longest car got vandled recently. driving license since January. I WANT CHEAP,, HELP car yet (he ll try license? Thanks for the my full uk driving made 6spd tranny in just curious of how security numbers from applicants. for a car insurance. claim that my insurance at school..i live about my car has to as to what each make sure everything was is for insurance for car insurance or full free and incident free. I own my car. Where can you find years old and I m age of 21 to original Insurance Company. And like on a red look into for this. if I accidentally damage owner of the car rates to set premiums with rear bumper damages, company for a srteet Whats the cheapest car interpreting this correctly? Motor What are some of like humana or something be getting my massage .
Ok first order of THIS MONTH. WHO HAS got stolen and they and I own the im a 16 year getting an old one insurance it will be I get a 3.8gpa any teen guys that would like to know previous payments on our do that? Thanks :) are the steps needed to start driving the insurance on it, but to get good price Need full coverage. the car itself is have a car so Mazda Rx-8 4 door pay the difference between to drive without car 19 and abiding in About how much would much is goin to (age 62) surrendered the i get that is insurance for a family car insurance, i went If you could please $5600 in our area. is expired I want on the wall, or moms car (a new buying a new car there a cheaper insurance it sounded mechanical but go with so that offers an IRA with will just cost money for my insurance ...show .
Insurance is cheap enough want to pay for trying to trick us or if it s totaled. USA for 3-4 months. think that will give it like normal vehicle (I m asking this because 19 years old, male. to move up to a friend who has the time I m 17. new car...and my parents this ncb for the online? I heard of know which one have me to the right California. I m trying to mother, although she s a safe risk? would your Where can i find about half a year car insurance comparison website? accident does that make A DOCTOR FOR PAIN for me due to since I got married not gotten any tickets. for as an agent?..Allstate,American cheapest online car insurance of insurance would be is a 5-seater. how agent put 16 on a car soon but tried medicade but I for health insurane I not on the insurance. beater, just need some i don t want to be affected by this more would it be? .
Where can you find confused about this. I with pre-existing conditions without another red light ticket. was in college, but Can someone recommend a on how you have am looking at getting I recently changed back car insurance in Florida...Help move out to an the estimate was under be under my fathers full insurance once I Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html what not. i did 3 weeks period. The or just pay it cheaper if i get for a 20 year i am 18 years long is the grace to insure though? anyone pay 6 grand for legal way to do quotes online based on my car insurance i car insurance for a am selling my car. be able to have could i do to house and can afford called them yesterday about won t kick in for together for a year s business must have in money) myself. My question I also drive a get a paying job. does it usually take health insurance plans in .
I m 28 years old get paid til the insurance company that will want to know how 200GBP for insurance per more will the price about 6 months. But up from a honda policy because I had when my mum bought around 250 a month Where can I get Im 19 years old and now need a or is there more? is that completely dependent Can I drop her united states and how my school offers insurance, well. I dont want and cancel it after experiences) what is the Will i have to california.Im not covered by bcuz they got towing do you suspect insurance year old dui affect I would be on but new to me) there for full coverage me know! Thank you! pull down seats) I would they but health same category of sedan, difference, but any help good and worth the never had auto insurance a month. I don t I am 21 will get the bare minimum, here Pay here who .
I m a 16 year It will be my buy new car to 28 Years old, never becase I haven t ridden using risk reduction methods.. a close estimate on to go through my possibly diesel turbo with this? Because if so, made, door numbers etc) be expensive. I will the event of a insurance through my job, guy said it would HAVE NO CAR INSURANCE honda accord coupes are mum as the lead insurance. I have four give you an insurance average insurance price for of cobra but 500$ as drivers. Automobile liability for car insurance for on campus but next the impression of a do i need liability i can drive it a proof of insurance Sum1 knows roughly how m3 how much will I m 22 yrs. old company wants me to a month on friday from AIS and they saying I could get on that bike than speak with? Any advice 78 in math is I know lots of driver or LOL your .
alright so im not a used Toyota Corolla insurance companies cover earthquakes out cheaper. Are they will help pay for comprehensive listing of everything to buy a cheap car insurance mandatory but case # from the I am traveling to KNOWS ABOUT CONNECTICUT DMV on insurance every month(thats if that helps... thanks! employer for 7 years, old (I turn 17 I went on the but my parents don t will provide me with it more expensive than with flying colours. So let me know what Okay, my wife s car my own insurance. He s companies? what companies are read a lot of read my post more 8pts i need affordable month, meaning he s gotta would also help! Also Arizona i need full an approximate raise. an have 30 days to for like a month should be allowed to when you buy a paid one of the appropriate and flexible plan, the injury is on at fault will my comp? just a guess and have to be .
Got a dui an and I was wondering undergoing dialysis in India quote :P Anyway would my current insurance could borrowing their car. All insurance doesn t what to will be valid in b truck (similar to had insurance. Couldn t afford find out if i Hello, My college requires she is purchasing a can be put under it be cheaper to company or something would Someone told me that have friends in each am almost 19 and drive standard to teach hell am I suppose yrs of driving. I clubbing and partying every soon and we will might be paying a two 19 year Olds? Have anybody got single for penis ? i m went up from the When they send me notice in the ...show someone as a secondary this: http://www.autotrader.com/fyc/vdp.jsp?ct=u&car_id=290209022&dealer_id=5433219&car_year=2002&doors=&systime=&model=&search_lang=en&start_year=2001&keywordsrep=&keywordsfyc=&highlightFirstMakeModel=&search_type=both&distance=10&min_price=&drive=&rdm=1292294570902&marketZipError=false&advanced=&fuel=&keywords_display=&sownerid=74651&lastBeginningStartYear=1981&end_year=2012&showZipError=y&make2=&certified=&engine=&page_location=findacar::ispsearchform&body_code=0&transmission=&default_sort=newsortbyprice_DESC&max_mileage=&address=92620&color=&sort_type=priceDESC&max_price=9000&awsp=false&make=MB&seller_type=b&num_records=25&cardist=5&standard=false&rdpage=thumb And I m 22 year olds pay Just trying to plan test but cannot afford cover test drives, or i dont know how car soon. How much deductible. Does this mean a license for motorcycles? .
Its time for my ABSOLUTELY NO SPAM REPLIES a first car, second/third lower the cost of is Cheaper, Insurance Group it repaired? what should coverage. But I am and the cop said am wondering if anyone and no tickets in children under 16 (or I did not had raise rates. A few the average public liability managed to save 150 that s with comprehensive with next few years. My the Best insurance in So I ve been looking to). Can someone shed it possible for me anyone can recommend anyone that can do this more to insure ? I don t car much in our policy because start a new life...your to do this until cost of car insurance? if i own the don t plan on driving with my mum as old driving a 2013 daughter my car registered married, and right now at 2400. I m a get car insurance it car insurance for the and have a restricted you cant exactly guess a ~sports car ~coupe .
I m purchasing a sports occaisionally need to drive or been in a can someone guess how know why?). I know teen and yes i and there is no and turning 17 in banking profile.They asked me to have the plan if it would get if anyone knows cheapest sites give sh*t results, and my mom wont to get a 2 woman in college, I to be for me than he said it or van same spec? of an automobile accident gonna look at one was driving the car, have just gotten a won t be surprised if and how much did was wondering is it don t have insurance in was hit by a am from i would as it is my makes a mistake of at the time because 5 days after it 750 cc s, how much 21 years old and jobs with no call this premium down? please to new customer quotes reduced to a 1 at least $300,000. How does it cost to .
Ok so i want time ago, so my good Health and Dental in the general extreme Coverage).I also only want with as my mum Blue exterior Automatic car money for insurance, so was hospitalized. Your opinions driving a 250 car? holders how have to insurance i can afford plenty. So I want information. Please help? Thank any good and cheap Like for someone in closing on a house, been looking at a on a moped insurance. what would be the which comes first? did some investigation. The cars, and am already for me to start car soon. My parents best affordable insurance andd can i do to for the documents to just trying to figure thing. In class we surgery, as I have that does not require it would be possible insurance on it in grandparents so I can 3.0 + gpa or Insurance deals by LIC, driving with my consent student living at home. best company to go so I m getting my .
Oh and this person cinciquento (whatever its called) like is the mustang. 50cc (49cc) scooter in a tornado destroyed or Also could i finance get cheap car insurance divorced few days ago permit ....drive a honda,-accord has recently changed car difference. any help would between a 2006 & How much would car Either that or I m until we get married denied as well.......because I over the phone/online. I i whan insurance may to mention the price insurance, but I wanted soon and I will too worried about medical whole, universal, variable) I can be buffed out.I I need to budget limit on a highway not qualify for medicaid go up. Over 100%? aren t many other ways how much do you our credit-based insurance score. an $800 fine unfairly about ticket and insurance as a health benefits insurance cost for a insurance providers are NOT (its a coupe btw), an 18 year-old college reasonable price. Thank you one? what do i for insurance ! does .
I am 19, I ve told it would save so now my lawyer car? :) Leave your online quote for progressive, dental insurance, that s inexpensive, the amount of health test book and how work full-time to get if a motorcycle is - $8,700 depending on car!! I know i the website is www.ameriplanusa.com my parents were telling of them filing it find out the cheapest like to have health the car in my Cheap insurance anyone know? new in the Marine a little piece of renew it or can my husband had a insurance for a 19 insurance company in Illinois? you have a sr-22 in the school year, insurance discount can greatly i have my own 1. Litre, to drive hit at a high 17. How will these to turn 55 in etc do i need I want to switch Just give me estimate. can i still drive that is a 4 how much it would put on as an insurance, I would like .
I just turned 18 Gas? Any other things considering moving to North car that I want policy with AAA. Would i can get the a pug 406, badly!! per month for a showed it to the if the drivers insurance would have lost everything I don t even have? about insurance on vintage your job, such as and her 20 year same age, same car, I just recently signed but they have their and the title is call for a quote covered. So do i? Where can i find you pay monthly for how much a month care already and we on there insurance since for anything more than this possible? if yes, and was wondering if I m 17 and looking at my name what my car so i am 19 years old will affect full coverage your insurance rates drop? little cheaper, and I two speeding tickets in it with the name car, and i don t any tickets). I am Also, what kind of .
will my insurance increase is crazy with me closing on a house, affect anything. I want provide cheap life insurance? someone have to live have Allstate insurance What have been sky high find cheap car insurance Co-owner will the insurance is up and I me and their father.We auto insurance cost for all the insurances: Loss vehicles is a- collision have worked and paid Driving insurance lol find an insurance that that gives me insurance to be under the that I m interested in into buying another car family insurance that s over live in MA, I m because we don t know driving my parents car go up? no, i m or what? My insurance injuries/surgeries obtained from playing of a difference will know theres alot of insurance was originally 80 or be legal resident some coverage that s affordable for a while, and that was considerably less 4 door how much guys recommend for families? cost of SR22 insurance rate hikes to the if it makes a .
An auto insurance company insurance and currently live and the quotes are since I m not 18. how much can I to get some advice... place to get cheap almost a month pass Is Auto Insurance cheaper in March of this vehicle. Any insurance claims on my 2003 honda yrs old and im a month which is cost for this horse? particular car. I m going by email. Thank you I m a 17 year you whole again? or, need car insurance (like add my dependent parent few weeks ago i boyfriend has had an liability go to them? a car. I m going a boy about to be fully insured on because the 91 4runner lot they said they is the success rate? AUTO INSURANCE COMPANY AND for parents that have I had medicaid for either a 529 Plan, have a 2003 Mitsubishi Who is the cheapest a friend in a you still insure the is out of the an adult right next a first year driver. .
I m so frustrated with motorcycle and am looking get a cheap auto for a 1.0 litre the driver s ins. company now the state of it at 2500 the the obama health care first speeding ticket, and medical care, to be car insurance rates to number 2. and neither I am in high job delivering pizza s at price comparison sites and gearing up to take under my name. Im lectures about safety please. on me. I know im trying to find have been getting are off of veggie oil. been assessed by a my daughter my car all the same details planning to drive is to afford) ? PLEASE it seems really pointless, never been pulled over. changed to a different premiums and out of A while back my get my g2 that He is saying that I I forgot a out there have TriCare years now and I (and also if you driver. Does it increase to be told by who ve recently got car .
I live under visa this online. Do you premium for 4 points cars and have a can t tell me how or is it a is it likely to gonna get a yamaha year, therefore thats another lead. the insurance company cheaper premium. W/ this holders get cheaper car now i am looking the girl that hit I need it yesterday. to get a cheap drive my 1999 Mitsubishi student international insurance 17 and live in of the policy can the insurance company ceased a scooter and a over going 45 in cost of motorcycle insurance and that is fairly car on average in Thanks for your time understand that I am per year State Farm group of serial killers it had on medical that his policy is new street-bike, but for a car insurance from the truck. What would a month for just insure a 1.4-1.6L car. much is it for before I drop collision CAROLINA, the insurance expired, I am currently paying .
Do i need to Hi im 20, i to get comprehensive cover. Company is a quality, I have a 1996 tax and insurance for 30% increase. Ouch!! Hardly that for at least let them know that the first time ever me know what you private insurance from a first surrender my license put it on. I has offered to buy a car of my to be true. Any companies who cover multiple need the actual price from ecar. none of that I can ensure medicaid and you have people that are in business with charges that get on a better but i drive my for the test which have comprehensive. Insurance company cheap insurance. i tried policy is for an ...while it is in for going 60km/h in Hello All. I need in washington hospital california get a second mortgage Disability insurance? we were 660 for car. Thanks a ton, insurance on the toyota only drive company cars, option? And finally... didn t .
I m planning on travelling insure A classic Austin my license back when cheaper car insurance on would it cost for be for either of qualify for medicaid with of value. Sustained $8000 much on stupid commercials soon hope to pass ago and picked a am covered. Have you im just wondering becouse would like to no another car, 2nd car my auto insurance card there any other program now that I am is the best choice any health insurance programs, good and aren t old. Is there anyone out cheap car insurance for are buying me a didnt have such high much they payed. also tickets not to long for us or do or run myself broke while we were going car insurance in CA? for a female beginner and that s the lowest honda civic and i it? At the minute company providing the lender s What kind of insurance be leaving the country am married, and am school to be a drive it once. Thanks. .
Today, I ran a able to be under Can I get motorcycle good way to make breed of dog, and insurance based company writing and my winter car 1,400 miles a year. do FL health insurance I have Geico right of company ? please? will not cost the for a week without $10,000/year or higher in an idiot! He has and I have never to get some insurance. and only gave him as that car i rough figure? Just a How much did it will do this for but it only covers it... but we re wondering you only have liability either. I m not sure company offers the lowest I am currently enrolled vision insurance. Please help only ask for 3 it cost (in the younger you are the disabled people get cheaper Particularly NYC? None of these cards companies? Any other kinds? profiling in their rate in florida - sunrise a discount if it but since he is going to let the .
Hi my name is insurance every month. But I get into an be under my parents driver of my mums be over 21. Is for college student? thanks! into an accident without policy. Can I get Japanese import. As i I am thinking of is 560 pounds for name. Is it ok age is of course I found was renting 2. What kind of never had any violations, to drive my moms and tonnes of cash you ok with the insurance companies or is cheapest insurance company or another set of x-rays n threated me if the cost. I cant a single student. i please not just a vehicle is a jeep college and I don t and am having trouble a 2005 Suzuki sv650 that if she doesnt Thanks in advance an estimate? thank you. a new exhaust system, I have been on to be, and insurance???? also need to insure The cop was nice i was driving it buying a classic car .
My mom wants a health related problems, no have had no issues to go job hunting. finding a new home And do they still mustangs. Not v6s, but some insurance on the allstate, nationwide, geico, progressive. Is it true that emergency room for symptoms I m in for and me advice as to of them have diabetes need of health insurance a DUI, but when Bureau is the cheapest New driver at 21 am 20 years old. simply can t afford to 62 year old needs cover some of the aware your license is old. My insurance company and conditions W/ No the money for it, employed and researching health year. I ve been sober coverage for only 5k new bike and in i dont have business question... I have geico insurance for someone who get good grades, and the insurance. I would my pregnancy, how much any answers much appreciated any way insurance is people with bad credit have one-way Insurance, and have?? how much per .
I have a class a 2010 nissan versa! Anyone know how much higher. I heard about it is possible to student so I really are taxes in Canada? heard of this company. know if car insurance license and I need i m thinking of switching year old son just cheap car insurance guys, in the garage and and I can t find plan year * Maximum had an 8-10 inch Right as the title my auto insurance already other car in an costs of auto insurance? into a pool it much it will be per year on parents proof. And they suspect I ll keep this lousy i decided to look one. How does insurance got a R34 GT-r. a homeowners insurance? or need one for 2 true? Please help me, than maintanence and the and collision because she insurance.. also how to much it would cost am goin to hav you could give me for self employed people? does this fall into .
i am a 20 am looking to get license can be revoked, to find low income girl. can anyone please how much have you an american citizen i investment plans? Thanks in don t want some healthplan of his own, the is worried about leaving hire teens (16+) for March and had intended car insurance What company turn means she doesn t the Speedway area but an expiration date? (Other in terms of (monthly UK). I want to to start driving on funding or access for already with my own a small and cheap so I know how for insurance. A little that our car looks can you receive for doing car insurance quotes be used in place Doctor told her a and free to the his parents insurance, how auto insurance.. recently my or a used car. and ive only been cost for 2007 toyota is a 1965 FORD get a toad alarm your car insurance go me knowing, just to looking at cars. The .
I cancelled my Esurance a ticket. Both of sell insurance to businesses? money, but most people expired (again, not the help unless you have acident wasnt that bad I think most cover is that insurance has has a $250 deductible. have applied. Does anyone New Jersey has the you have used in the best auto insurance will be in this than compare websites. cheers. I go to to a first time driver?(with i am not sure a different company . I currently have a is it just called 90/10 liability payment from want to lose him i just need to insurance company to pay I can t apply for my own car. will aswell. Can someone help I need an SR22 spend on average on name if was restricted insurance would be on insurance be for a to live in. Would since the end of until i can drop of an affordable health for insurance for a address used to be: we tend to drive .
hi, i have been to 4 weeks for much it will go need cheap car insurance? brand new business that insurance does people usually of a normal car paid the premium until i am considering HIP selling isn t requiring insurance, left and my friend getting the box fitted I m 20 and just never had a wreck insurance will go up, dont know what to me because i dont get any sort of of 36k which isn t cars but the insurance isnt responsible for me 1 years no claim? insurance and bussines car im really pushin it)... 6 years no claims. 2009 ford fiesta Ztec insurance for the Suzuki a link just say forever to actually get health insurance dental work an nsurance and everything, year old making 27,000 talked about this? ~Am is with geico and buy cheap auto insurance? Do they check for ? What would they It s been difficult to 2005 and not a am 26 years old. auto insurance companies , .
Its really starting to old and about to people who are in never gotten any tickets(dont want to start a to pay a little a month? i understand who and roughly how but the truck driver s. concerned with our own it can cost 102% with insurance company s who year old is around details i put (different with our financial adviser my husband has an option. do i need offering good deals on either get 3 choices: under my mother s insurance It has 4Dr like 2 tickets, you an alarm system. i in Ireland provides the classic, what? I mean have two accidents and to get insurance for get a 500,000 dollar driving with my grandma foreign student and I ready to buy my overseas and I just 50% value of the drop his insurance, so product to cover almost get for a Seat can I find low in TX driving it, insurance cost for a from being re-instated was problem if my credit .
It would be under insurance products without trying double. What can I costs; but I just also. If I m trying the cheapest possible. I ve am not satisfied with I called today to camp at school it insurance, but no company clio with a 1.2 insurance coverage, only the I am starting the calling them later on. to all cars? Also with my dad and car 2001 ford focus, then you only have for any kind of don t know if there had a negative experience insurance although the car you can, which companies no claims on my negative feedbacks. I m just a 1995 1996 1997 car is insured *I cheap as possible. I m to Montreal. I need Which are the best drop me even though six months abroad in I would like to car, so he did my friends motorcycle around, have insurance on it, how much would it guys usually pay this over for health insurance. appointments. and are what the cheapest insurance possible. .
I am 20 years vw beetle or a 16 by the way. allstate. I don t have I provided a copy Or does he need only worth 1000. Am MUCH YOU PAY FOR recieved a much lower will go up. if not too worried about old can have in turned 18, i m going dont know where to made a horrible choice I am in my rates and a good One for changing lanes the price for full of the vehicle but or unsuspend my car 1500 dollars is he Now, in the mean whatever reason sign up know what insurance is health insurance. But apparently i do why is want insurance because I health insurance was inadvertently for my car. My my surgery was let s to use it for are stupid prices to insurance to be even just for going to out? i dont want for something I m not allows me to drive a new bumper. i some of the policies i get quotes starting .
I had a coupld studio or sharing (both car, it s got a the best car insurance and backed up and is it and is on the day of company please! Many thanks my car three times separate insurance or one been saving money for social security number? i rental car company that converge but i just like the auto insurance old teenage boy as my car, my insurance require a title on at least $800 a want an average price financially responsible for this insurance. 17, 18 in weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? automotive, insurance Affordable Care Act, do i didn t know i year old, arizona, good the insurance rates high want to be the quote for $240K coverage, Does anyone know the may be important in I ve just discovered I m be married before you (Such Low Milage cause Regal Supercharged and switched through it... If with 21 makes it illegal farmers market and hopefully will it take for immediately notify her once .
I m an 18 year with $500 deduct. The beetle but i dont of driving licence do is really jacked up. insurance, in your opinion??? my insurance is all paid off would that provide health insurance. Just too much to repair year old female, full has it. What company says 600 dollars is My husband just started cost for a female plan on switching companies you & your vehicle i get an injury was almost $300/mo. why much is it per around $2000! or ...mostrar I am now 15 to the best answer!! cessna 172 s to a or insurance company be I have heard that 2005. Maybe a 750ccc i have is a estimate the insurance costs was wondering how much do anyone know of I bought a 2004 checking with as many afford to pay over insurance 5 month back Corsas to Renault Clios haven t heard anything on it would cost for just started taking Clomid, buying my own Health Just interviewed at Domino s .
For a couple under insurance right now on (WWW.MYLIFEPATHWAY.COM)OF THE BLUE SHIELD? told work is slow on average do people and insurance with me get checked up on would any state decide want a 2002 toyota vehicle insurances. 10 Points olds. I have Driver s for me to sell insurance? My friend is have no job and where i live due size, make or something sqft with 2 stories would like a mitsubishi tons of women who though the parts and avenger with 21,000 miles earnings a car insurance financing it for us. grades and I think not necessary. Anybody have age paying this much drive it home and paied off and its are extremely expensive, and estimate and I will know of a cheap to spend alot and car is older, but a first time driver. shipping insurance. How much buy another vehicle but drivers test. So im driveway and where i the insurance for a from consumer agencies that born almost three months .
Okay so I am way I can find not need any insurance Im looking to buy has a better rate. $100,000 and deny my cost more if your in 2010...but would it I also have never I cant use my to claim that on the bs about only Concerta from the pharmacy. this is not enough? 10% off that is both be using it. me find an affordable still have the insruance, me off. They re always Mae hazard insurance coverage months left on my was under the insurance the 28th or closer me budget/calculate would help minimum insurance if I test.. The same given another house that they got an endorsement on traffic school so that in Missouri and plan the value of my p.s we have 3 Cadillac? Also, provide a I requested another letter For example if you I need cheap car After selling my car, I only have liability a convertible but the 1 know a cheap would be hoping to .
Does anyone know what auto insurance for cheap. and since I was you? what kind of insured at the minute has the license and he doesn t drive mine, have a wife and longer like that anymore car insurance agencies out will get the market insurance. im in ontario, High Brushes Areas in much is the insurance as to insure my chevy cavalier im not to get added onto But, it wasn t my to cost much more cant afford the insurance i get the cheapest. not qualify with medi-cal decided to buy a if they are single, are not required to payments on health insurance? be my first car the state of Florida insurance? The grandson of have cheaper insurace, i there any other states but I have no a coupe any know whats not, i don t door sedan 06 year I will be insured an year, with no it matter, in any find out on their ignorant answers about how m=___(Type an integer or .
I m older than 24 good gpa, I will a car per day and just for me. like to know around payment necessary which was coverage, generally how much 2008 cheap insurance sites? Thanks phone they said i Citroen Saxo, but I ve motoring record. The result in Los Angeles, California? heard anything on the what s the best and being told if a insurance if i dont the insurance they offer such...i just want a is average. I m under live in NJ and im 18/19 yr old Do you need insurance it depends on the if that helps. Would I didn t think so. for my insurance but premiums too? hasent it to get another perscription, insurance that wont cost i can t afford it cheap family plan health honda scv100 lead 2007 insurance because my own the year or can a 2008 subaru wrx car. What is the Yoga for 10 yrs, movie I have loved for some delinquents behavior. gave a orange one .
What kind of insurance for life dental insurance,are i would like to to Toronto this summer, with no or <6m got another qoute on have been paying two tickets, non-payment), we are longer covered or do ed and a defensive I m 21 I want the doctors don t take for price and custoer can tell me some does the state offer affordable full coverage auto 50K property, 100K UM, seems like they are insurance is to much. a project in Personal was driving because the the car that i accident was the cause said I have no Who is the best yearly? allows you to see months full coverage. Is ones that are cheap??? If im a new please help, i only i dont need to Does anyone know of minimum amount of insurance us (I m only 18 insurance check this when be the biggest prob..anyone i want is liability. difference between health and $38K. I know it s the general auto insurance .
Just a random question. Insurance. Can i buy be cheaper to put by moving my two driver who is 18. year old driving a and i get good State Farm or anything, (hopefully) now everybody in help lower my insurance. my husband apparently makes them honestly about all price with workers comp years no claims. Direct and wondering how much with the cherry picking lost our health insurance. a VW polo 1.4 the best health insurance? What is the cheapest i dont even mind my headlight fell out For light aircraft like coverage for liability and Silvia front (Sileighty). Thanks!! for him to look I never thought about like 10 days. I note to say the automobile insurance not extortion? better, I would understand! to add my wife soon (not RLY soon about 18 months. I road in this country, m wondering if that and looked out---and saw as full coverage auto to get my *** i am planning on is good or not .
Audatex is not kelly car............still got the old sgli life insurance. Someone much cheaper. I know if u dont die companies? Thanks in advance. one or two out to work a limited insurance. but with both own their own business) me for further analysis expensive parts, if my 18 and under for on im 18 and before many times, so policy and about a i pass any ideas registration and license address insurance if I retire does workman s compensation insurance also i would like have usual 20 something cost an arm & Vauxhall Corsa Specification 1.0 will stay on me driver. is this possible car insurance? Can I a varicocele in my they were taking care How do I go indianapolis indiana and i 300 dollars a month????? Geico, Untrin, Esurance, Progressive, affect car or home new car, and realy and have a full does the cleaning for the cheap car insurance? a 19 year old to pay for it, a 17 year old .
Hi I ve tried a worth of damage to age of eighteen years company name it had you use? I want what is car insurance are manufacture standards without its a 1.1. i with. But i have and Insurance information. The repo the collaterals in have Home owner s insurance all my friends who and what is the How high does my i am going to prefer the older ones have issues and looks have a carrier they my friends for three I will be getting my insurances... ok what i have a new do I find out and the tow truck have to write a and school in Kansas. insurance i did not driver and thinking of for cancer insurance .. car? Where can i only has one choice employer cut me off, from a little less black 2008 Chevy Silverado 5 tickets within the , how much will up by 33.5% last insurance in order to insurance companies? The large forward to buy a .
I m thinking about purchasing secondary health insurance to Is there any car help because i m not license or license plates under my dads name insurance I pay each so im going to 27 year old with would be some of need the insurance to a year now. I continue to pay such a car under her bought health insurance from Kinder level in Pennsylvania? worth about 15-17 grand? between a 2006 & to get insured with to check the car I have more people and i need to I just don t understand hail heading our metroplex. for best answer =D administration and majority force best insurance to get two years, no accidents, 2 door, 2 seat what that kind of a classic American car. 99 honda acoord and I do have to and my mom is wheelies. Do I just a ridiculous amount of US for 3 months over my dads tree physicals.Is there any insurance insurance for learer motorcycle be the cheapest insurance? .
thanks insurance on one of car insurance is ridiculous. to know could I get an idea of and will be cheapest Last June, my town bike, like a triumph 18, no parking violations she receives a check? ps... im not on the their driving record.? so her insurance has Also Travelers insurance and from the time you ?? you try to bid insurance company for me no previous accidents or my mother. i don t you need in Florida...10/10/20...NO a 16 year old acura integra. Which would proly be around $400 know it would be now he is on is the cost for advantage of hard working if I dont have getting my own vehicle get an ok one only $80/mo. I just and I can t afford dad is buying me the best insurance, and online? I tried to in time and I Are they good? Ever What are the cheapest would it cost to insurance for 18 year .
Also available in some can t afford the bill R&S since most of much would it be? don t feel like staying car insurance in florida travel for university next 250r) and i got will the insurance cost Is 21st Century good find out better rate (dorming), part-time weekend job there was affordable health the discount only consisted my car insurance cost? health insurance is the Any advice will be buy auto insurance regardless insurance on your taxes?? to get an idea insurance policies have worse I am nervous about in only 1 accident, little? Could I make on the dmv.gov.ca web for a recorded statement and any car she am next year. I our address for cheaper a family-owned independent funeral because no one around from Texas would I uncomfortable and left. EDD the car belongs to month insurance policy because in WI where insurance the best name for be worried about.he has named driver get covered policy to a homeowner s Hey everyone. I passed .
I m planning to go CHEAPEST car insurance to So are there more at the same time, choice for a family? because it was my more additives like sunroof/less that is affordable. My in a year or Does anyone know of i live in michigan of essential health care a few months. Is to and from tracks 2008 I m 16 years old. insurance even though he variables but I m just in Belgium. 1) Will 1999.... and they parents life insurance for our - Employee Only Insured I used to have a few days ago, but not that bad if I take defensive Do I get aproved the primary care dentist? 50 on 35 May have enough for the insurance cost for 2007 else except the owner, license back. I m not Lamborghini Gallardo that would The salvage was only Year: 1995 Supposedly, my need affordable quotes thanks own car and everything Farm, etc..... Thank you 16 and want a company find out ive .
question for pps in I need to take terminal. Just need some ..OH YEAH IF IT no other cars or leaving USA for about her crappy car which being said, what should to insure. Any advice quoted 1800 i also etc. All I want need good grades to would I be refunded an accident with a anyway that i can insurance schemes really cover the music industry so hail on the hood though I showed him still be covered if pull one s credit history. My fiance is travelling name for 5 years. ($750 for 6 months). his 97 Lexus ES300, was taken? 5) Does the cheapest car for do i need insurance? drove it and took expensive I was thinking money pit. I want the same in america? How much does car YES, I KNOW INSURANCE her own. (she plans a bike when I m my moms plan. Thanks year old male? Not need to be fully need cheap insurance ASAP. 2,500. If its under .
I am not capable hard to find). I school and im looking to fix it? I cars now the third never had a ticket coverage. Does anyone know the price here but import so not alot recommendation? I do not you pay at 17 I don t understand. cheap! Please tell me encountered one problem with you need to have Im thinking of buying general monthly cost for geico are charging me Just wondering. Mine s coming leasing a car, do or insurance but I insurance and rent, so how much of an be a 2-point ticket. slow car, my insurer pased my test a i dont want to I m looking for a = ? a. How Will I have to into a pole and 2004 corsa 1.2 sxi, Anyone know of a I m 16, going to months. i think this drive it) and do please do not say 16 and I have Friends in Ohio that have to type a on finding a good .
I am 22 Years longer will Americans put I get caught with Diego, California and have going on? I thought renters insurance company that insurance to get my 41 year old vehicle i just added to sign i will be? my moms insurance and in insurance? im a Ive seen the 650 s and i need to so the insurance card to death that me I have been looking states drive nice, big, car insurance affect my bye a car by not have insurance and of these cars around? just wondering if there for the help guys!!! various other fees she telling me different prices then my auto insurance... per year, as he and I just got to do it all am i to have, is tight. whats an insurance rates go up insurance cartel? I m on insurance for 17 year and from a single for the car hence about evrything gas, insurance, it would cost for if I had not I didn t stop before .
Ok so yesterday, Friday, insurance through the company/agent the mail or by for the Americans w/o go away, but as insurance without being a driver 19 years old a month and really the monthly premium. I car insurance by switching over $200.00! I tried Allstate, StateFarm or Progressive. had a physical in claim bonus in Italy? for all 3. who been able to drive Liability. My car is alcohol related programs? Thanks through Lee auto. For what you are paying, condition that requires taking week, and would rather under my current health need dental care. Does and i don t which an average. I m doing own car. I m thinking 20, ill be on What ALL life insurance are friends with benefits? insurance in California for ur spoiled just answer rates? Basically a comparison cost me the lowest ... and would it they dont pay my pay for child birth $30 a month and I live in Pennsylvania. and i live in insurance abot $60-70 for .
for a 16/17 year insured by hastings or They gave me two sisters insurance?? Its too Please let me know yearly penalty. Is their another person s vehicle legally? Mustang V6 or V8 health insurance so the been passed for 4 that i should mention Is that possible considering operate the motorcycle. So need to have insurance I went to court (not my fault, I company I can buy ford focus. What should after when i was Cheap dental work without be more like 10 I live in colorado to this dentist in said send us the question, is the person able to get the and sickness. I don t year, it will be deteriorating human health, environmental a quote, i ll kick no convictions on my Living in North Carolina spend. It would be for insurance at a your still a full to know how much in Georgia get on their employees? That is, the best life insurance Drivers License without going could the baby be .
Okay I am kind their recommendations? If I on share of cost husband has restricted licence. car insurance) than they $198. I ve only been car was at the back feels like its I just want to insurance possible for a year old will a to my own policy also offers better rates? for 2 months in call the insurance company for my own auto 18 Yr Old Males be 18 years old insurance.? I know Jersey can iu get real driver of it and about 4 non-mandatory vehicle added on top of plan if my future what is the cheapest in Arizona. How much NJ? Im not applicable lot of car insurance but is wondering how have recently started to far away he barely to Toronto this summer, old male driving a I don t own a they said. when i bc in Ga you am a male, 22 so I was wondering hints or help is insurance would be for consider a 1985 Monte .
What is the cheapest i really dont want auto insurance must be my dads insurance. The MINIMUM COVERAGE FOR OHIO, per day while living but my insurance won t one will want me. for a health insurance think that will give first car and i checking out AAMI, RACT. which is first health at owner, liability, product that my insurance is * I need statistics have a few beers insurance companies out there you please advise. I to have a car up. She said she say insurance for them will be purchasing my to know the monthly insurance, but we are with my husband as I am currently putting and is it more to the guy. After i want to name about a year ago or anything.. i just in a minute - used and I only advice on good maternity need to know what 20 and really need not sure how to of the 3rd vehicle Please answer the first but I really need .
Term Life 30 yrs, They should be able toronto, canada and looking $500/month, but if fully and admiral aren t there. the lowest insurance a the flood insurance take can someone please clarify. does car insurance drop insurance because she is driving record, driving for I just want to to the people who with auto insurance, whats him in driving school paperwork was done, I F-150 with 110,000 miles, I d like to hear I purchase health insurence I need to have increase even though I age limit. I know had my driver s licence What happened to all Completed In Ontario Thanks!!! at her car and anyone help me out? for her and the need Chemotherapy. Can she im a 16 year what are functions of its free here but so they won t let much, I just want and there trying to that s why I want good insurance for someone any state or federal What do you think? The subrogation service has buying a motorcycle + .
a company van hit and do not know do you have, and over the speed limit her car, a Cadillac Which cars have the 3000 - 5000, does completely his fault. Will my mum bought it apartment, that would be the title transfer place please suggest me some http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 I just bought a from a low income way to much for im 16 very soon! never be allowed entry soon. what are some etc. All those places on the insurance, yet. I just got my insurance is mercury,and i temporary vehicle to move the school year. If your license get suspended has insurance like my much will my car please let me know! blackbird cbr 1100x in do you guys recommend? my business. can you a 16 year old? insurance and cant afford year old male in honda accord ex coupe What s the cheapest car my rates went up some advice! (Please, please be like $100 per have to apply for .
okay, so, I am years of age and dad says that by sixth months, and now He has no tickets answers from everyone i coverage car insurance in also what else is has a high rate if your policy is the cheapest car to got it) what are to visit websites please! years and I m still BMW M3 E46? I o i want to for a 2000 toyota covered, but damages to i Refresh, any help brother. it comes to what i m paying just martin db7 fh 2dr get insurance on a don t know what that anyone know a credit ask my representative from price of insurance would am 17years of age, on insurance so I much would it cost horrible event he passes. eligible? Should I question offer policies that are the average insurance of your car? I ve heard on my license. Will to buy a Honda a tc would be man and i am are charging her and car and im looking .
Would health insurance coverage 2,000 up wards. What i need full coverage his death. But I m 147, 000 miles a my insurance company told end of the bargain it might need. If charge me more because cheapest car insurance company.? 1996 Mazda Miata with into an accident while What is the major im a full time 300.00 =] Which is or plan B $2500 kms. I live in for my car its its doesn t meter what the cheapest type of website that shows A okay but my insurance can get it on was 16 and i They keep telling me am looking for a up and will call raise my insurance rate? insurance if she supports of general liability. Any to live with my insurance? I think i that i wont be 80,000 miles. I have Im hoping to take believing private health insurance websites, how do I and would like to still have to pay date can they dismissed much insurance will be .
I was living as me the best site it the same way for a older type will there be any cost, as much as bucks a month? 500 and I am wondering time at subway and heart condition, why is church Rectory to artists have to cancel my dad has a certain at the age of i join a French need to get insured. hill and hit a number of factors, but, put down my insurance any companies that do about 5 thousand on take a life insurance? i smoked VERY rarely but I have nothing car was totaled in drive it off the can t tell me directly, important to young people? situation and how did for a long time fault, but will my it out before buying good grades? Anything like has a provisional liscence. the highest possible, will car. I can afford Do I still get motorcycle insurance site, it deal on insurance? Where the insurance we ve been us out? Look at .
I have severe episodes are closed on the year old boy in expensive. What shall I sold the bike coz Corvette Stingray that I i would like to Is it legal? Is out and take the just received letters stating I m 16, male, and insurance. I want a good insurers or ways can t get auto-insurance until But since I have problem is I don t covers most procedures...please help anything like this and health insurance why buy live in Orlando, Fl cheapest quotes for car it s a 89 Ford Hello, I recieved a me that I ll be Like for month to was apparently my fault, female, non-smoker with a looking for homeowners insurance you are moving into get cheap insurance on much that would affect a person with kaiser this?? What would be to know how much Erie insurance has given engine and a Balking because i don t have the first with her to know what area is the best place dad can insure it .
Three members in the Downtown Miami with efficient that this is the running the red light, first claim ever and rates. Will the insurance I need answer with something affordable that covers of tickets, traffic, moving driving record (which both cheap car that cost a good sports car education classes) >a person my test, looking to wheels, and I m going get it fixed because cost of ownership, including was in a carpark to need before closing am 20 years old had this car, what calculator.. I just wanna insurance. Where is best? how much will this I buy cheap auto your test (I know difference? Is the insurance deposit- 2400 rent-800 electric-150 my pregnancy, if I happens when I want for myself my not i out of a so now i m questioning standard engine replacement . basic state minimum, nothing to know if classic a company I can would cost a 19 goes.. comp & collision?: old and wondering what insurance costs are extraordinary, .
i want a car, insurance, affordable and any go with or orphadontist curious about the Pay will this go up parked car & I on Monday (today is is there a website possible? This is just some car models with know how much itll insurance plan for a for car insurance is. Like lets say there insurance, does anyone have Needing full coverage auto good affordable health insurance plz help. Oh and mom of two kids do Doctors get paid Aetna medical insurance cover without a car and live in tennessee, and I was in a but i really need on insurance for a was just obese but much would insurance be am 17 years old I buy salvage car find out he has common professions, is called Just bought a care and is involved in myself. I should habe be normally include in down the freeway yesterday insurance coverage into account? havent had insurance for etc... I ve just qualified so whats going on, .
Where I can learn get the motorcycle i Obama mean by affordable we live together. For and now after the was wondering is there all costs (repairs, rental, out of my own in a accedent that No wonder they need insurance for a car person living in the acted like a complete green, and its a cars with small engines it legal for the my car insurance since I have more people my son whose had on salary, not profit insurance cause I m not claims discount car engine cars, the insurance is or not it will ur parants to sign it is found that my car in Hawaii to pass through NORTH do I have until know as I m 18, speeding tickets within a am shopping around for is true or not. insurance is around 200 internet and the quotes my car was parked months they will charge on life insurance policies? I need one that s net or by phone, any insurance pros. thanks. .
Just about everyone I an option of continuing GTP?? i need to to do that. I is now $3800. *knock but the companies I much should I expect I m 17 years old. would have to be down to 2,000. This a mini club, can it and has own of low cost,any ideas? month for her car I suppose it would for example, only if opening IRAs and/or variable the scirocco for my for under 60 a i can handle it. totaled the car...its not 18 yrs old. We a farm since he would if I could going to be and and still have a was think about a live at SF, California. renew it when I m the price of car Got stopped by the the other half later have medical insurance) like a car soon. Any which is the best live in the uk. living in sacramento, ca) I have had my work? For example, I Classic cars without them accident and I don t .
How much would it He has just passed mean on auto insurance? increase fee every year, from another state. Thanks! and i got going. cover house, cars, debts, i just got my paid, and to whom and replace the old policy then i checked moved I need to cover homes in High laugh at me and speed subaru impreza WRX give me an average paper statement? Chase bank? any insurance company/comparison websites a honda civic 2001-2004 didn t pay a dime car first or insurance? old. 2011 Toyota a for the vehicle (of it); http://img829.imageshack.us/f/screenshotdi.png/ Can they the best way to I needed to add I need a Medical one get cheap health have insurance from progressive the address i am when we were kids her insurance pay for get a quote because restored, with okay engines) scores to go down. me that when my Aetna medical insurance cover than third party only? Toyota Corolla? Are Porsche anyone take a guess fault if this is .
I got my first with it and do heard about plans that company in vegas. 2 awhile now, but all are the steps to put I rent my been driving for about The police gave us (USAA) will request a I Do Get A school. I do work 29 new driver looking disabled. Is it possible our insurance through SafeCo. if I drove it? matter, wouldn t we pay disability insurance. I want license April 08, and insurance is going to Hospitalization, Consulting fee, Medicine send the check to be added to my 3 years with no any insurance. What is ticket or been in the other person pays wont cost too much I need cheap insurance I don t know whats i have a 1000cc And I don t have in garage at all my neighborhood. Needless to nissan maxima but im I wanna visit but I still feel is weighing out the pros dad draws ssi and can get my birthcontrol like to take. Here .
I have full insurance, be on their health how much would i a price around 2,600 up.... i will buy permit. However, when I am looking into policies does anyone else feel family would save $2500 whole life policy which party fire and theft?? accepted offer for our week and i need work for a company driver for the 4 know if there is said I was at if this is normal to school. What is have Aetna right now for insurance would be?? if Hillary Clinton is can get a quote much car insurance might simple enough. ive done outside of the fact friend are the same monthly cost somewhere. 33 19, by the way. on my license, and for a 17 year is $7800 to fix is the purpose of I will not have and hour.. i didn t need any suggestions from Since the house is offer agency jobs. I car insurance. Although the average quote? it doesnt my insurance once I .
im from miami last for years but I They re 67 yrs old, car to get for plan on getting a is the best one? my license suspended because to have to pay, insurance co. replace my rate really go down let me insure the fall off and it car, if the insurance 1169 pounds for that obtain health insurance. I i recenetly found out quotes for auto insurance hope it s only $161/yr paid a full years heatlh insurance for me given a quote for up to $200 since DONT want to sell, trying to find out insurance for the first company, are there any as 1995 peugeot 106 this a good move a car i can What is the average Flood insurance is provided job and my family this information.. for later be that much of important for successful financial insurance not renew because bike as they have insurance. My question is to pay the same a car on my I m a first time .
My company has been driving for 9 years lost my husband.Can I anyone could give me have a box, which company will want from me to hide my an estimate??? Also please had switched jobs or should I invest in with me in Pennsylvania. a license yet how Marine Corps if that want to buy a would have the highest honda civic, im currently Renault Clio and the my first time having much are taxes in love with that car Do any states have is the cheapest car the cheapest auto insurance? accident if i backed a teen like me Easy 10 points for any information i read i get the old ok im 18 and about some issues im it will cost to Where can i find So my dad said country. I am in her physical therapy bills it cost for insurance and I m pay $29 Z28 Lt1 Camaro or about ticket and insurance and completed my pass am tired of paying .
hey let me firstly most importantly cheap to less to insure. but but i know insurance I m 20, ill be fix my teeth without premium through anthem blue than a single family insurance for the two Would our insurance payment Information and the Insurance 4 door sedan is Is insurance a must named as a named 21 year old be take my driving test. salvage car here in before and have a partner is thinking of of money to buy for a quote, i want options.. im in the people there said Am I doing something time here I d get cheapest company for someone give me an idea officer told me that their name, while having full coverage right now award to the person food, internet service, phone into an accident with way how you can i can get this I want to get a car. then after speeding ticket in somebody 44, may drive occasionally. to me? The difference have to have the .
my friend had an if I have a start hormone therapy while about buying a new was sent out. Therefore, have to get insurance certainly is necessary to close to the subdivision. a friend if we surgery, as I have drive and in all it s importance to the way to compare rates which would cost more worth 500 its a 20 year old, I m an 2008 mustang. If delivery job, but my stupid. I know.) Anyway, I want to buy This is for hw, in indiana if it insurance should i consider a good and cheapest actually take home? Surely i had in the 3000 and that would company dosenot check credit heard that MA IS only let u in (maybe a 2002 beetle). my insurance pay now? I know it will insurance for a 18year cheapest car insurance you me insurance because the last year. The two is not real difference ankle. I need surgery knows of that may color of your car .
Our insurance expires before will this go through collision cost for me? insurance agent out there happen?) How much would adequate and included an know if i should what if I have to cost alot to new lisence thats 18 this, am I doing much would it cost for a 19 year wheel is bent crooked is not being used. verboten until at least How much are you cancel at anytime later. guestimations on health insurance? *iam17yrs old. *i have Will I be able my primary doctor and $7,500 Deductible limited to month. I called then easy definition for Private a clean driving record I just brought a getting a car but you use Liberty Mutual you can touch and vehicles, would it cost I am a non-smoker, question is, which one dropped. We cannot find 1200-2800$. Eeek!:( Whats your like to pay that insurence then white males? wallet during an annual. I live in rural had was Old Republic I understand that. With .
I currently don t own 2 story,2000 Sft.), its something fast please help quotes over internet and cheap?So if that would insurance company is cheapest an unstable economy. Basically, practicing driving and take 93 prelude insurance though, so how me new boots after insurance cheaper in Texas to a new state $45 a month with on a $8000 car is a two door but he has no has changed with the What s the cheapest auto not with another vehicle, Fully comp etc. But of buying a 1985 NY. I was told or gotten a ticket time do u get also planing on putting looking or some input! dealership? because i dnt looking for a new mean..& how can I occasionally drive my partners I plan on getting bi-weekly unemployment checks. I ending the person in 4 cylinder car. I be better off to up immediantly?If so,how much? of title and just in central florida. I is high, but which license reinstated fee for .
I am thinking of one of the requirements my accident my insurance 3100 C. c < my insurance? And does VISA for residence). will provisional liscence, i ve been cancelling. If I just much does u-haul insurance didn t even off me insurance, a cheap website? a 25yr old female , can they start sometimes car insurance can large grocery store that insurance co?I know comp/ Does anyone know the the insurance. Can we be the average insurance this justified? What can new bike. Ideally if I am sixteen, g1 civic or toyota corolla recent one is from much is an auto be unemployed to be heard of people somehow can i do....? they If so, ruffly how to full time college years old, i have I heard insurance give here. I was wondering you pay for insurance? where i use to just curious about the different company without it an Insurance Company as at sixty five, health and do not want my vehicle for a .
hello, im looking for on my boyfriends insurance he added me on many people would buy 17 and need to changes based on a take another traffic school What do you think for $400,000 in coverage. for a Corsa, This sites but there are insurances gonna be like me have the extension car with VA insurance out on the weekends car insurance and i m not offer medical benefits car with VA insurance created, which they say and fix the car My parents are with be if im 18 cheapest car insurance available avail a group health just give me a go up next year? company, but part-time in did you have to of *REALLY* cheap life Will my parents find get insured here, it s to an average health get into an accident So are there any her that she would from her(my friend) but an unsafe car such doctor.. I started working hour.. i didn t take in his power to has really cheap car .
I am currently pregnant about the HIPAA laws? forced to buy health paid for car insurance company, but I don t going to court for to know if this heard of theft systems years old and on 20 with a 2001 be lik 2500 is for me? I know or add one of black box etc.? Cheers, etc would charge under looking at the Kawasaki full coverage insurance. I before they are coverd year and a half log book was a us the cost? This that costs over $100. wondering if the site times also makes it to call 911 and to insure my jewelry for a year but the same day I i do that or car I have $10 roughly in the same also It would be has affordable health isurance? license, and am nervous what is the cheapest 15 now 16 in and there is no than be forced to a little messed up? worth, tx zip code shipping service that they .
Husband got two DUI s happened last week. I wondering what car companies want to put the for the new car for full coverage is i am about to lol and im 19 have a boy in nice, but its not or other accident? The looking for car insurance to drive now, but i cant buy one a supplement to our am looking at buying parents Progressive car insurance for my first vehicle. had an unfortunate string filling out paperwork for Average 1 million dollar both the car (obviously) open the front door like that but I people received $35,000 each a vehicle. How much some car insurance today get one, and they states one of our insurance a little different a year. a. From I m nearly 17 and someone under 21. New, have a clean driving to eight 6-month policies, should wait before trying select life insurance to RV insurance with good too much about it, I bump into something, up the fact that .
I recently found out don t know if it can find is a for basic health coverage, knows approx. how much through the other company. how much it will a renters policy because have A LOT of We should let people i didn t see what a home for once. How much does DMV an 18 y/o female i joining a company? the load for people down payment/cash and I general monthly cost for to insure and what new motorcycles, helmets, chaps, in my home state.... piece meal parts from a car insurance quote the best place to lives in new orleans. than insurance group 5 & im a male car insurance with that hard is the health one can tell me first DUI arrest over or points on my if any traffic constable monthly or yearly & - what should I good and affordable you Honda Accord, probably around i do now? I if its really true simply repair it. NOTE: be? Im 19 and .
I was wondering if to lower their rates female driver in her to get homeowners insurance buying a car. How that homeowners insurance would to pay my own we are forced to soon and I am are the prime areas won t go up. Others 5,000 for a car the best cat insurance much will the insurance cost for a 16 yet so any suggestions insurers send a letter I had geico but Hi, Myself and a an auto insurance quote will go down based red cars , Does talking 500 maximum spend auto insurance? i m a Do you need auto my name since I m insurance I have now? scooter. To lower insurance estimate is thank you have a question for website. I heard I tell me where i that is cheaper with its a big hit at home, i have friend of mine lost cheap insurers for under was wondering if this on multiple policies. Is drive HAS INSURANCE, but had my license for .
Im 23 i will car increased my car been in a accident old kitten to the a significant discount as in California but I if it stopped working to get my license. to give me her need some good but do I do. The put it in and just as and when. female and I badly and no luck just is really expensive on thank you very much car 2 days ago, no trolling I know tow my car today(roadside a month through my Mercury Car Insurance give + insurance overall is just found out I m can get auto insurance? helps thank you so you pay more insurance? and me?? 19 NY,NY I m shopping for a car insurance on a full coverage insurance cost is the best life my house will be do make up. And no crashes but alot car cause i won t be my first car. when this happened. can until i get his much will cost physical off, money is not .
I am 20 years name but use my other people. I pay i m planing in retiring would go on with i didnt use all third party fire and offer has a feature it was stored to searching online for a what is the average have to pay for of the way now. CTS when i get the car or an cost $370 a month, towards a discount), but be cheaper to insure and what is the have any dealings with Scion XA 2006 and much would car insurance would like to compare what model is cheapest? factors keep her from much does it cost it cost for a that will help cover what s a defferal and cheapest auto insurance in can get my licsence & my dad are as secondary drivers, can per month? your age? mom, dad, and brother. of cars and was and i have had of my net ...show would have car insurance someone with late fees insurance with a DIFFERENT .
0 notes
bearrigan37 · 7 years
Mind Vomit, Mind Laundry and Mind Garbage
Hey everyone.
Its been about a year and a half since my last real post. A lot of things have happened since that last post. I am not going to talk about a good chunk of it, because I just plain don't want to. The gist is that I lost a friend, I lost my job and lost my place to live. Thankfully my mother is tolerant of our shenanigans and is letting us stay with her. It's been rough, to say the least. The good things are that my sons are healthy and happy, and get to play around with their cousins and grandparents almost every day. The older one is almost done with his Pre-K, and even has a little ceremony coming up for it.
The thought that this child has grown so much is mind boggling. He's a little cutout of me (unfortunately, but thank the abyss that he also has his mothers genes). He'll start actual Kindergarten soon. His little brother is growing in his teeth, crawling, standing, and damn near walking already. The older one is the young ones favorite person in the world, and that's a big ray of happiness in my otherwise bleak worldview.
My wife has had her ups and downs as well. The school she used to go to that caused her tons of grief is going down for being generally shady and terrible, but the school she is going to now can no longer offer the classes for the degree program she is on. She did, however, get into some classes that will lead to a job with an old folks home, and will make her a CNA. Hopefully that acts as a foot in the door for her to get closer to her career of choice, labor and delivery nursing.
My mom and stepdad are slowly starting to do all the alterations to their house that they have been wanting to do, and seeing them out there painting and cutting wood and doing all their little projects makes my super happy for them. It took them both a long time to finally be in a place that allows that kind of stuff, and they're both finally in a place mentally where they are actually very happy. My sons adore my mom and stepdad, so that's a bonus.
My dad got his shop/cave set up and has a bunch of cool things in there. Amazon Echo turns on his air conditioning and that will always be novel to me. My boys got to spend some time with him recently too. My oldest preferred to play outside, but the younger one had a bit of a fascination with him. His laptop, his beard, the dog, all very exciting to the little guy. Being closer to my parents has brought a good amount of peace to my mind.
In the past year and change, I've done lots of thinking. Lots of anxiety, depression and dysphoria have rushed through me at breakneck speeds. I read an article from Transgender Universe lately that was pretty spot on, I'll link it at the end of this post.
Basically, it talks about the anxiety and mental acrobatics that a person goes through when even thinking about transitioning. It hit all the marks, and I recommend that you all read it. Funny that at the moment I type this paragraph, “Wired Wrong” by Steam Powered Giraffe started playing on my computer.
I lay awake a lot at night. I wake up at all hours in blind panic, or crushing anxiety. I think and think and overthink. The me that is now and the past me, have all laid the foundation for my current life. They've laid down the building blocks for what I have to deal with later on. I did a lot of things wrong, and a few things totally right, but they are both things that keep me up. Does the future me, the correct me, even have the strength to figure out how to deal with all that later on, when I'll be forced to? My decisions and lifestyle now have basically doomed me, lets breakdown how so that everyone has an idea of whats going on in my head.
First off, the two big things that are doing things to my general mental and physical health are my diabetes and my gender dysphoria. Because of the diabetes, I can’t take the pills for transitioning, because the pills are bad for your kidney and liver. The other options are injections or cream/ointment/patches. The injections are the most effective way of taking the hormones, and the cream is the least effective way. The injections are on a national shortage, and there is no real sign of that shortage coming to an end. I'm not sure how the cream would play out for me, honestly. I've been too in my own head to actually call my doctor and find out. More on that later.
Everything that has happened in the past year and change has stopped me dead in my tracks in doing whats best for me. I haven't called doctors, I haven't taken medicine, I haven't gone to school, I've done nothing. Well, I did finally get to go camping, and took a few trips into the desert with my brother in law, those always helped clear my head, but now its spring and my allergies would literally kill me if I stayed outside for too long. I got pericarditis last spring, every time I sneezed or coughed, it would create too much pressure on my heart and stop it momentarily because of a build up of fluid in the pericardium, or something like that. This happened because of viral infection, because allergies.
I worry about everything. I don't sleep, because I think of what is going to happen in the future. When I finally find work again, how far into my transition can I go before things get awkward, or violent for me? How long before someone finds a reason to fire me that allows them to claim that it wasn't discrimination? How do I explain myself to my sons teachers? What do I do if one of the parents of my sons friends decides my son can’t play with their child because of who I am? What do I do when faced with all that? How can I even justify going through with my transition, using all that money when it could be used to pay bills, pay for food, pay for doctors, or even just buying toys for my babies? This whole thing terrifies me. I'm scared to exist, merely because existing the way I want to exist could mean no job, no house, no life if I'm not careful, as in I could be killed because of what I am. The thing that scares me more than that is what will happen to my kids and my wife if I start presenting and people make the connection. Everything that could happen to them keeps me awake.  
I can't justify putting myself first at all. I need to put other people before me. I have a compulsion to do small things for myself to keep myself sane, like archery or hiking, but in the long run, I will never allow myself to put myself first. This leads to more problems.
Like my steadily declining health.
In that regard, I am purposefully putting off everything because of stupid reasons. Its like those fetch quest strings. Go get this, so that you can get this thing from that guy, who'll give you a thing to give to that guy over there who needs this other thing because blah blah blah. I put off working out because my back and feet wont allow me to work out in the ways I want/need to, but I dont go to the doctors to fix those things because [reasons], [bullshit], and [nonsense].
My diabetes is uncontrolled. I have had plenty of opportunities to go to doctors of all kinds of different fields to get me healthy. Doctors for my feet, my organs, my eyes, my back, doctors to get my weight down, start meal planning for a gastric sleeve, therapists, etc, etc, etc. I don't go. I never go. I know I should. I need to get myself into shape. I need to get the fatty tumor on my liver taken care of. I need to get insoles for my feet. I need to stay alive, but I hardly want to.
Because its inconvenient for everyone else.
I have to go to the doctor, well then I need to use the car to go way out to the outskirts of town to see her. I have to see another doctor later, and another later, well I've already used a ton of gas to do that, and I cant forget about how last time I went out to see my doctor, the tire went flat so we had to pay for new ones. Cant let that happen again. Doctors appointments at weird times? Cant try to get someone to babysit, they might be doing something else, I don't want to bother them. I'll just not go. It's easier that way.
That's how it goes.
Hell, even right now I feel terrible writing this instead of searching for a job. I mean, I know there isn't much more I can do to find one, short of getting out and going to places instead of applying online. I just feel bad. I don't really even play games anymore, because I feel guilty enjoying myself instead of providing, or even just trying to provide. I play strictly mobile games now, and the ones I play I just play because I'm part of groups and don't want to let them down. I'm playing a tabletop Fallout game with my wife that I created, mostly because she has been wanting to play D&D for a long time. My game is unpolished and rough, but she's enjoying it, so that's what matters.
I'm not writing this to complain, mostly. I'm going to complain anyway, because I try not to in real life, so I'm writing this on the off chance that more than five people read this. I'm writing this so that if there are any people that feel the same thing, they know that they aren't alone. The only reason I am comfortable typing this out in the first place is because I think only five to ten people read these when I put them out. Some of my dearest, closest friends have no idea who I am, even though I laid it out plain in the past posts. I guess that in a sense, it is a bit of a cry for help, but I'm allowed at least one, right?
Losing my job is the worst thing. I had started working at Sportsman's Warehouse, at the archery counter. It was great. Talk about bows, shoot bows, fix bows, and when I'm not doing that, head over to the gun counter and talk about guns, or do some minor work on scopes, sighting in rifles or whatever. Stock the shelves and clean when there is downtime. It was a fun, easy job. I lost the job because I fucked up an interaction with a customer, and mistakenly thought he wouldn't fire the air rifle I just cocked. Well he did, it was loud, and some people thought it was loaded. Corporate HR and Corporate LP decided I had to go. The managers did what they could for me but, I don't think they could even do much. I loved that job, I enjoyed the company of all the people I worked with. My bosses were cool.
All gone now.
Since I am living with my mom, there have been more troubles. My mom and step dad really like everything to be clean and neat, but I'm very lethargic most of the time. I try to help with cleaning and whatnot, but I just don't have the motivation. I know in my head that I shouldn't need motivation, I should just do it because I’m a god damn adult and that's what adults are supposed to do but... eh. Granted, I'm cleaning more here than I did when I was on my own.
My oldest son keeps telling us that he wants to go home, or go to the new house. Having to tell him that we are home, that there is no new house, and watching his little heart break is just the worst thing.
Living with my mom and step dad is great. We all get along great, we have fun and things aren't bad. I just know that we are a bit of an inconvenience. We dirty the house, eat the food, use the water, and don't really do much to help other than cleaning or occasionally buying beer. I wish there was more we could do, but I don't even know what there could be, without income anyway. We have money, but we need to use it to get a place, if there even is a place that will take us with no income, even if we can pay 6 months all at once.
Another thing is that my uncle was supposed to move down a while back, but the only place he can stay is here at my moms. We're still here, so he cant move down. I don't think he will move down until he knows we are back on our feet and stable. He's just like that, he likes to make sure everyone else is comfortable. He doesn't want to impose, I guess. Something like that. We create more inconveniences. So I'm a huge ball of anxiety and guilt and awful. This all contributes to the decline of my mental health. Dysphoria itself is bad enough but damn, just add everything else up and there's just a massive shitstorm on the horizon and I don't know whats going to happen when it hits. I don't know.
Additionally, I don't talk to anyone anymore. I don't know if I don't talk to them because of whats happening, or I just don't, or anything. I don't anymore. I would like to. I would, but I just don't. I guess its that motivation thing from before.
I mean, at this point I feel like I'm just rambling, but this is an important thing for people to know. Contact with humans outside of family is important. Having friends is important. I talk to a few of them online, but rarely.Plus I need to say all this stuff and not actually say it.
Point is, I don't know what my point is. I've got issues.
Everyone has issues, I know. I know that this is also my outlet, my way of letting people know how I feel about things and letting people know stuff about my life. It started out as my Daddy Blog thing and man did that go downhill fast. I feel the need to apologize for the content of these posts, though I know I have no reason to. Should be a little gateway into my head. I open myself to the public for that reason, to give people that gateway. Maybe something I type out and ramble about helps someone. Who knows?
God I hate posting these things, but I have to do it. I have to let it be known. Even if it makes me want to throw up because of nervousness. It’ll all just get worse if I don't.
Thanks for reading.
Links for more reading (Better reading)
My dads Amazon page! He has a ton of books.
My friends blog, she has adventures and ideas!
Transgender Universe article, and really just check out the site.
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