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[Nickname: KRIST]
[Nickname: FLUKE]
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GAWIN CASKEY (as Pisaeng)
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yakdee · 1 year
Drunken Kisses & Mixed Feelings
Kawi has now kissed Pisaeng twice and each of those times he's been drunk.
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We know that Pisaeng was okay the first time it happened (eyes open; face relaxed),
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but something is different this time around. He's confused and conflicted (eyes closed; brows furrowed).
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Going back to the trailer, we see that they get into an argument after the second kiss. My guess is that Kawi getting drunk and kissing Pisaeng has happened more than a couple of times in this timeline (this might be especially true now that we know Kawi is an alcoholic who is very unhappy in his personal life).
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Pisaeng has been fine hanging out on the sidelines as Kawi’s friend and "comfort zone" but it’s really difficult to do that when Kawi keeps crossing the line. Pisaeng has had enough and it will all come to a head in the next episode and I am looking forward to seeing it.
As a reprieve from the angst, it looks like we might also be getting a drunken kiss attempt from Pisaeng after Kawi has asked to date him.
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Such a great callback to our runaway groom's first drunken kiss—the one that started it all.
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Is it next Friday yet?!
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thebroccolination · 2 months
Y'all are gonna get my raving thoughts about this series for the rest of time but especially while I'm trying to finish this video essay by the anniversary of the finale next month.
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I fucking love how they handle the money thing in this series because HOO boy is it fun to ponder and like any nuanced piece of art, Be My Favorite doesn't hold your hand and guide you to cemented conclusions. The audience gets to extrapolate and discuss and draw their own conclusions.
So what we know about Kawi's upbringing is that he grew up with a single parent who struggled with his health and finances. Poverty followed Kawi through university into his adult life until he went back in time and befriended Pisaeng, Sentient Green Flag and Professional Open Wallet.
In the beginning, Kawi has zero qualms taking Pisaeng's money. In fact, he shamelessly asks for it.
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To Kawi, money is happiness. Not having money has made his entire life difficult and empty and cold, and he's confident that having money will make him happier. So if Pisaeng has so much of it, why not ask? Pisaeng's just some rich jerk anyway, right?
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Then Pisaeng evades a conversation about their drunken kiss, and Kawi hops ahead to a future where he's financially successful and he's still not happy. And worse, he's taken everything else Pisaeng had to give him to the ruin of them both.
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So Kawi decides to go back and commit to a timeline without alcohol and without fame. To live life as his imperfect, awkward, flawed, and frustrating self, sober and scared and feeling so deeply unworthy of someone like Pisaeng who probably reminds him of his self-sacrificing dad who only ever cared about seeing his son happy.
Now, Kawi recoils from the money Pisaeng freely offers because he knows for sure that he has the potential to exploit Pisaeng to self-isolation and exile.
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It says a lot about the trust they build as a couple that after their graduation, Kawi is willing to live with Pisaeng in a place neither of them pays for given to them by Pisaeng's mother. He makes a wry jab about Pisaeng being a spoiled rich kid, but by this point, Kawi has lived in poverty and in luxury, and he finds his balance somewhere in the middle.
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By the end of the series, Kawi works as a lyricist in the comfort of a home he doesn't have to pay for. That it was a gift from essentially his mother-in-law means that he doesn't have to feel indebted to Pisaeng. They work separate jobs making separate salaries, and Pisaeng probably makes a more stable and higher income judging by the clothes he's wearing in episode eleven and the notoriously unreliable nature of creative work in general, but the fact that they don't seem to fight over money anywhere in the future we see tells me that Kawi insisting on a balance early on became a constant throughout their relationship.
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Kawi's growth as a character is clearest when we're shown how at peace he is with the simplicity of his life. He may be living with his rich boyfriend, but his life's pleasures are things like having his own money to spend, a job he enjoys, friends who love him, and a partner he adores.
As my friend Laura said earlier, "Money can't buy happiness but the freedom to pursue it."
And like, holy fuck is that a good message to get from media. Not the dismissal of money and the problems it can solve, but the acknowledgement that even when you have it, your choices are what dictate what kind of life you'll lead.
I fucking love this series, bro.
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magicwhodreamer · 1 year
I just want to point out the way kawi is looking at pisaeng while pisaeng is not looking
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his eyes are literally saying "what did I do to deserve such an amazing person next to me" and this thought brings a smile on kawi's face
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this smile is so pure and genuine, his eyes are so pure and genuine (and may I add that this actor is phenomenal in communicating so many different emotions with only his eyes? I'll add it cause it's a fact)
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the way pisaeng takes care of him expecting nothing in return is what leads them to this moments. kawi just feels the need to cuddle and caress him because he finds him so adorable and he can't believe that someone that he considers so perfect and so loved by everyone would actually choose to love HIM
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basically this is the reason behind kawi's kiss. it's a thank you, it's an "I care about you even tho I suck at showing it" it's an "I'll give you this kiss because you deserve it and I really wanna give you one" it's just a drunken kiss, it's nothing but it's everything at the same time. amazingly shot and amazingly acted
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wanderlust-in-my-soul · 9 months
Top 5 shows that you enjoyed giffing this year
Shan, thank you for this question! 💚
Now I can come up with five more fantastic shows I enjoyed giffing this year, what makes things way more easy for me to decide on the shows! 😊
Basically, I liked every series I giffed... those I stopped giffing were the ones I lost interest in over the episodes. But there were some series which stood out for me, be it because of the story itself or because of how visually pleasing the show was.
So for this answer I'm gonna start with one of the most beloved shows of mine this year:
I Feel You Linger In The Air
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This show has everything for me. The love, the romance, the most saddest fuck this year, the intimacy, the cinematography, the story, everything was pure beauty and I enjoyed watching every piece of it so much. I am still waiting patiently for the special episode and I will wait for it till the end of my days.
In second I present you another beautiful series with two people who desperately needed to talk to each other about their true feelings:
Tokyo in April is...
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On a technical aspect, it was fun coloring this show. I like to destroy filters and make the sets look more natural. And with this show it felt like they used all the yellow or all the blue and sometimes it was impossible to make it look good, but other times I felt really good with my coloring. The other side was my personal and @nieves-de-sugui's love for this story that made it so enjoyable to gif the scenes we loved the most. Thank you again for all your requests! It really made the experience of this show a very special one!
Next in line is a show I didn't know I would love as much as I do. Like Last Twilight I went into this show without great expectations and was blown away by its perfection:
Be My Favorite
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The lovestory of Kawi and Pisaeng was one of the most beautiful written stories for me this year. From the first moment on I loved Kawi and his awkward and depressive ass. Yes, the drunken kisses weren't my favorites, but at least he finally came clear with his emotions and those two made the best couple and I lost it, when the series showed us how they live their happily couple-life. I want that with all of my favorite couples. The beginning of a relationship is always beautiful in those shows, but the life with the person you love the most and who loves you the most is something I really want to see from time to time. They will forever live in my heart!
Without many words we come to number four:
Kiseki: Dear To Me
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Taiwan and its lightning! Those gifs are so satisfying to make and to look at. The camera work and angles made those scenes so fucking beautiful and overall I enjoyed giffing this series very much. I could play with my coloring without ruining the scene too much, because it was overcolored from the beginning. And it felt good to clear those scenes up a little bit. A plus was the fact that I loved AiDi's and Chen Yi's kissing scenes and watching them doing exactly that over and over again wasn't the worst 😅
I end this top five which is a secret top ten with a series that touched many of us with its great storytelling:
The Eighth Sense
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JaeWon was the most depressed, most precious character for me this year. I thanked the series to show therapy sessions, it gave depression and trauma a face and him punching his "friend" was so fucking satisfying to watch! Sometimes it felt like a dream far away and other times it felt way too real.
Ask me Top 5 BL Anything from 2023
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ginnymoonbeam · 1 year
One of the BL tropes that I continually suppress my dislike for (because if I don't suppress it I'll never get to enjoy anything) is drunk kissing. I don't think it's always a bad thing, and it's certainly not unrealistic, but I hate how prevalent it is. I get it - so often these shows are about characters who aren't quite comfortable accepting their feelings, and alcohol gets them over the gap - but I wish it wasn't that way.
And that is why I love the way Be My Favorite is using drunken kisses. It's doing the same thing every other show does with them, but it is pointing right at them and saying "This is a problem you need to get past!"
It starts with Pisaeng, in timeline 3, showing up to Kawi's room on the morning he's supposed to marry Pearmai and kissing him. It's not a good kiss or a good moment: Pisaeng looks agonized and Kawi is freaked out and feels violated (in a way characters on the receiving end of a forceful surprise kiss rarely get to feel - but that's another trope and another post.) We learn later that Pisaeng has known about his feelings this whole time, but stayed in the closet due to pressure from his mother, and this is him finally unable to bear it, breaking out with the aid of alcohol.
Then we have the very lovely journey of Pisaeng coming to accept himself, with the support he gets from Kawi and Max. No more drunk kisses from Pisaeng... but Kawi still has a long way to go. In the current timeline (#4, if you're counting), Kawi has drunk-kissed Pisaeng twice that we've seen, and I'd bet, as others have suggested, that it's happened more times over the years.
This show is not being coy about how much damage you can do, to yourself and others, when you refuse the truth of your feelings and only let them emerge when you're drunk enough to abdicate responsibility. Pisaeng hurt Kawi (and himself, and Pear) when he drunk-kissed him in TL#3. Kawi hurts Pisaeng when he kisses him drunk now, but won't reflect soberly enough to realize he loves him. To move forward, they each need to soberly, deliberately understand themselves, and move forward with honesty, courage, and kindness. Pisaeng has done that: now it's Kawi's turn.
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stupidiry · 1 year
It's just so funny if you take it from Pisaeng’s pov.
He confesses to Kawi,
Kawi says he doesn't like him but can be his friend
then literally kisses him the next day.
They let pass it as a drunken mistake and Kawi tells him he's still in love with Pearmai,
but according to the preview Kawi would ask him out the very next day.
So according to Pisaeg’s version, it took Kawi just two days to realize he's over Pear and ready to date Pisaeng 😭😭
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bl-bam-beyond · 1 year
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Episode 7
After a being beautifully serenaded by Pisaeng (GAWIN CASKEY aka FLUKE) Kawi is moved to kiss Pisaeng (again) and he's drunken (again) or is he? Is Kawi opening up to Pisaeng?
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An Epilogue of sorts. Pisaeng gives Kawi a charm as an anniversary of when Pisaeng confessed his love. Oddly it says YOU ARE MY FAVORITE (which was the name of this series when Krist was to co-star with Mike)
@pose4photoml @lutawolf @bengiyo @thewayofsubtext
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ellaspore · 1 year
I keep thinking about how growth is one of the major themes of Be My Favorite and while that’s something everyone does, it’s also something that’s prompted by our interaction with other people. For someone like Kawi that’s even more true.
At the moment Kawi is someone who isn’t capable of seeing or even knowing himself and what he truly feels. He has spent years building his sense of self on this fixation of what his mistakes and needs and wants are. And those preconceived beliefs are the same things that are holding him back right now.
There is a clear disconnect between what Kawi says and what his actions mean and this was even more clear this episode but as Kawi can’t see himself he relies on others to tell him the truth. That’s the role Max has been playing all this time, making Kawi question himself and face the truth of his feelings. And it’s this that prompted Kawi to search for Pisaeng last episode and kiss him in the end.
But the day after Pisaeng’s response was not to challenge Kawi and make him think about what this all means, but instead it was a reinforcement of Kawi’s false preconceptions because Pisaeng’s exact words were
“You don’t need to worry about this. Just forget about it. You were drunk. People have no idea what they do when drunk…What you should focus on is your Dad and Pear.”
And for someone as repressed as Kawi that’s just the excuse, the way out he needs to take all of this and put it away because “ If your life is going well, keep going” and he can still have Pisaeng there as his “comfort zone”.
And the scene above it’s exactly what makes the whole clusterfuck of the future happens.
Because as we can see then in the hospital it’s Pisaeng Kawi needs by his side and not Pear. But this behavior is never called out, never questioned, neither by Pear nor by Pisaeng and so the whole charade continues for years, thanks to the lies we tell ourselves and that others believe as truth.
This also prompts my belief that the drunken kiss at the end was not the second kiss of this timeline, but a pattern that keeps repeating, something that’s never questioned but always excused and that’s why things got worse. Because change and growth can only happen when other people question us and make us see where we are going wrong. 
But Pisaeng never confronts Kawi about this, both because he has himself convinced Kawi loves Pear and also because deep down he is afraid of Kawi’s answer. I think it’s pretty telling that Kawi and Pisaeng's relationship fell apart after Kawi and Pear broke up. To me, that felt like Pisaeng lived vicariously through Pear and Kawi’s relationship accepting that he never stood a chance and that’s the reason he was content throughout the years. I’m convinced this is also due to the influence his mother has had on Pisaeng, and the way she keeps questioning how others will see him. In this future timeline, he has now become a hermit and gave up the world around him.
In the end, to me it feels like at the moment both Pisaeng and Kawi are at an impasse. Pisaeng can now accept and love who he is but doesn't think the people around him will. At the same time Kawi now understands that people accept and love him but he himself isn't capable of it. Both Kawi and Pisaeng arrived at this point and changed their previous beliefs and got this knowledge from their confrontations with each other.
Growth should be done by oneself but it can only be prompted by other people challenging us on our wrongs wrong actions and beliefs and I hope that’s what Pisaeng and Kawi will keep doing for each other still.
(I wanna thank @lutawolf, the whole of the @coconuts-mafia and @akkrosu for screaming about Be My Favorite with me🌸)
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bengiyo · 1 year
Be My Favorite Ep 7 Stray Thoughts
I barely remember last week because I was so put off by Kawi’s mom using her queer employees to surveil her own son. Kawi managed to get Pear’s (hopefully not alcoholic) father to take care of his dad, and managed to reconcile with Pear about running out. He also reconciled with Pisaeng for being mad that he was just trying to help. Kawi also drunkenly kissed Pisaeng, but at least feels safe enough around him now to let Pisaeng change him and fall asleep in his bed. Pisaeng also heard Kawi mumbling about being a time traveler in his sleep.  
I like Pisaeng a lot. I like how he’s building a regular friendship with Kawi, and not letting Kawi spin out about the drunken kiss.
Max is a real one. He got a single text about the surgery and immediately replied that he was heading to the hospital after work.
Oh, man. So Kawi only message Max. Pisaeng arrived on his own, was asked to stay, and messaged Pear. Pear opted not to go because she feels like she’d be unhelpful. CRUSHED.
I’m really enjoying the time travel plot, because there’s something absolutely incredible about him thinking he’d solved all of his problems and then failing to return to the present.
Never mind. Clowned on instantly and now we’re missing Pisaeng context.
I’m sure they’re going to make me unhappy about the present, but Max looks good so I’m going to take what I can get.
Well, it wouldn’t be a GMMTV project without a whole singing number.
Max is not amused with Kawi these days.
His hands shake when he doesn’t drink? Um...sir…
Oh, time travel. Kawi not being able to save his dad is going to hurt me.
Pear is marrying Not? I hope he got better.
Interesting. Kawi is getting flashes in the present to remember some moments in the timeline.
Damn, does everyone know that Kawi is an alcoholic now?
Oh, good. Kwan is around. Please tell us wtf is going on.
Oh, no. Is Kwan crying about Not?
She is crying about Not! Come on, girl.
This fight is fascinating. Kawi as an entertainer can’t be publicly attached to someone. Wonder how many of the GMMTV actors and talents feel bitter about that, especially with the harassment their partners have received over the years.
I’m with Max. You should protect other gays from “straight” boys who keep playing with their feelings.
Okay, I really hate Pisaeng’s travel trailer. Why is the door not under the awning? This is terrible for sheltering against rain.
The camera crew said, “Yeah, we’re not getting in that water with them.”
Gawin has a great smile.
Okay, the interior layout of the trailer is fine, but where is Pisaeng’s truck? How did he even get this here, and where does he go for supplies?
It feels like Pisaeng has severed ties with his mom, but I feel kinda sad that he’s living as a hermit.
Okay, Kawi, you’re gonna have to stop kissing this man.
I feel personally attacked by Pisaeng for holding onto these feelings for so long.
Oh, lord. Now he’s gonna head back and date Pisaeng?? Y’all.
This episode was sad. Kawi is a drunk who has ruined every relationship in his life. Everyone he cares about seems to have had worse outcomes for their association with him. Only Pisaeng seemed moderately okay, but he seems like he’s chosen his own form of isolation. We need to get back to the past, Samurai Jack!!
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yakdee · 1 year
Drunken Kisses & Mixed Feelings cont'd
In my last post, I talked about how Kawi's penchant for kissing Pisaeng while drunk might lead to the argument that prompts Pisaeng to say this line:
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To my point, @captain-xandis dropped an absolute gem of an analysis in the tags about this scene:
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#i totally think this is why kawi stops pisaeng from kissing him in the past #their argument in the future might go along the lines of 'every time we've kissed you were drunk' or something like that #and kawi not wanting to make the same mistake again will only kiss p when they are both sober
This sent me spiraling so I'm hopping back on the meta train once more. Wanna come with? Stand clear of the closing doors. The next stop is...
Why did Pisaeng go AWOL?
Max tell us that Kawi knows/is the reason why Pisaeng goes off-grid, but we never get an exact answer. So here's my two-point theory.
Emotional Exhaustion
In the scene before the second drunk kiss, Pisaeng remarks that Kawi hasn't been free to hangout in last three years? Well, that got me thinking. During the last three years, has Kawi only gone to find Pisaeng when he's drunk and in need of comfort (and kisses)?
Being someone's "comfort zone" can be emotionally exhausting, especially when there is no reciprocity and the comfort-seeker is your longtime crush who is currently in a relationship with your childhood friend. Needless to say, the internal conflict and resulting emotional toll is strong in this one, which brings me to the second point.
We know from the 8-year flashback scene (anniversary of Pisaeng's confession) and Pisaeng recalling the day Pear broke up with Kawi that he goes to their apartment often (he even has a key card) which is why this look between him and Pear gave me pause.
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Pisaeng's facial expression goes from slight shock to what looks like guilt when he realizes that Pear is leaving. On the other hand, Pear's body language (the way she releases and tightens her grip on the suitcase handle) tells us that she's angry but not surprised by Pisaeng showing up at this exact moment (the fact that she's standing between the two of them in this scene also says a lot).
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Then we see her facial expression. She is visibly angry but there's something else. She definitely knows about Pisaeng's feeling for Kawi and their more-than-friendship situationship (her knowing about Kwan and Not alludes to the fact that she's always aware of what goes on behind her back).
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And if that wasn't enough, when Pear leaves the apartment Pisaeng ends up being flanked by Kawi on all sides but is closer to a larger-than-life picture of Kawi while the real Kawi still remains (romantically) out of reach like he's been for the past twelve years.
It's no wonder our boy needed to get away. It no wonder he was feeling conflicted during that second kiss. It's no wonder that he will finally reach his limit and cut Kawi off?
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And as @sparklyeyedhimbo points out in their post, it's no wonder Kawi is so distraught when returns to the past and is determined to "set everything right" because he simply cannot bear the thought of losing Pisaeng again.
Is it next Friday yet?!!
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sparklyeyedhimbo · 1 year
pisaeng: it's a crime me sitting here unkissed lets change that
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oh god not another drunken kiss- thank the lord kawi
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lili-sideblog · 1 year
Gonna be honest, but I feel quiet uncomfortable with people putting all the blame on Kawi about Pisaeng having an enduring unrequited/onesided feelings towards him. I'm not saying Kawi can't be blamed for this but there is a possibility that this is not all because of him. Pisaeng did not want to talk about the initial drunk kiss, he made excuses for Kawi to not talk about it. And it really seems when Pisaeng arrived when Pear and Kawi was broken up, he was all smiley and and only became awkward when he felt the mood in the room. It also looked like he's happy even with the flashback when he gave Kawi the necklace for the anniversary of his confession which was rejected. Because ngl who does that? I want to know what goes on inside Pisaeng's mind all those years that the man he's in love with was in relationship with someone but he still stuck to him. Did he ever try to move on and find another person he can fall in love with? Did Kawi actively tried to stop him from moving on and finding someone else he could fall in love with? What made them stick together despite all this complications and why did Pisaeng only tried to distance himself when Pear broke up with Kawi? You would think that if he managed to be patient for that long he'd grab the chance. Or maybe he did. Did he feel some sort of responsibility over that? In that year after Pear broke up with Kawi what happened to both Kawi and Pisaeng that Pisaeng felt like he needed to distance himself. And the preview definitely felt like the drunken kiss was not well received in the aftermath.
If Pisaeng is actually suffering all those years, which I do think he suffered but probably not all the time because there is something that kept him having feelings for Kawi. But he only decided to distance himself after Kawi and Pear broke up. I'm hoping we delve more in this current alternate timeline just to find out about this before Kawi went back again to the past to try to fix things again
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we-prance-at-dawn · 1 year
I was just thinking about Kawi’s alcoholism. Yes,  it’s probably used as a coping mechanism for many things but it also just occurred to me that he’s able to show his true feelings for Pisaeng whenever he’s drunk. Pisaeng gave him that out when he excused his kisses the first time.  Makes me wonder how many drunken kisses Kawi has given Pisaeng in that span of eight years.
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iguessitsjustme · 1 year
Be My Favorite - Episode 7 Thoughts
This is probably the earliest I’ve watched any of these episodes after it aired. But I purposefully scheduled nothing this weekend so I could catch up on shows and maybe write a little bit about them. So we’re starting with BMF. I got my snacks, I got my drink, I’m ready to goooooo
-I would like the thank the previously on for reminding me that Kawi and Pisaeng kissed because I genuinely forgot about that. Whoops
-The further we get into this show, the more fitting I find this opening. I still love it. GMMTV either has openings I love or openings I hate. There is no in between. And it doesn’t necessarily correlate to whether or not I like a show.
-I don’t blame Pisaeng for telling Kawi it was a just a drunken kiss and cutting him off to tell him not to worry. Kawi has been very clear that he cannot have feelings for him because he’s straight.
-Max is a good friend. So is Pisaeng.
-I say it at least once an episode but I love Pear. I adore her. I know some people might not like that she decided to finish with her class after learning that Kawi’s dad is getting surgery but she knows Pisaeng is there and also she has spent the better part of 7 episodes giving herself and her kindness away to everyone else. She’s allowed to focus on something she wants and needs. She knows that Kawi currently has someone there to offer support so she doesn’t put her life on hold. Max is also waiting until he finishes work because sometimes we can’t just drop everything and run to be with someone. It’s great when we can but life is still happening and Pear will be there when she’s done. The important thing is this time, Kawi is not alone. That’s the best gift we gave himself from this time travel. 
-Oh no. Please no singing. Don’t do this to me. You are not on my list of people allowed to sing in BLs. I’m cry. Oh thank god. It wasn’t actually singing. Praise bless. 
-Oh Pisaeng has now seen the time travel. I think???
-Oh that opening song was slowed waaaay the hell down at the beginning of part 2. What’s gonna happen here? Something sad I bet. 
-Max. That style suits him well. 
-Is Kawi going to know this song? Does this mean that he gets his memory of those 12 years when he time travels? What’s happening here? This is one of my problems with Jittirain stories. There’s a lack of consistency in her world building. Let’s say for the sake of argument, this was a song that Kawi wrote as a teenage me so he knows it, but if he didn’t have memories and knowledge of those 12 years, he wouldn’t have known how it changed during production or what arrangement to use. And based on his reactions to his trips back to the future in previous episodes, he doesn’t have memories of those 12 years. At least not right away like that so I’m having trouble following how he knew to sing that song in that way. That’s why Jittirain shows can’t hold up to shows like 1000 Stars or Bad Buddy. The little details don’t matter in Jittirain shows but those details are what make a difference between shows that stick with you and the mediocre ones that you forget about once they’re done airing. 
-Max is tired. Always tired. And me too. 
-Also Kawi knew the song but didn’t know that place was his???? Also unsurprised that he seems to have turned into an alcoholic. 
-exCUSE THE FUCK OUT OF ME. Pear is marrying Not??? Someone rescue her. 
-So he has snippets of memory? Then how did he know that song right away?
-Oh so Not is an asshole. I’m shocked. 
-I’m fully onboard the Max and Pisaeng ship. Leave Kawi and just love each other. 
-Pisaeng is adorable. Honestly him, Max, and Pear all deserve better. 
-Ew. Sing your feelings trope. Gross. But he’s actually playing the guitar. That pleases me. 
-Now go back to the past and save Pear from Not. Dear gif someone save her from that bastard. 
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