mmkin · 8 months
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Been a fan of Megaman since I was a kid, even more so after reading the Mega/Gigamix mangas. So here's some of my favorite Robot Masters!
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theletterwsartflap · 1 year
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My half of an art trade with @rhogeminid
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the-real-dwn-022 · 1 year
Apparently there'sss like, entire booksss on how to usse chopsticksss. Shadow wassss very impresssed when I proceeded to usssse them wrong on purpossssse.
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jashuon · 2 months
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DWN-024 Shadow Man
(C0mm for @starryidol )
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willows-arts · 2 years
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>[DWN-024's P.Kerog] offers you a gift! What would you like to do?
>[Broken Poinsettia] - A poinsettia that has seen better days. Many petals are missing and it seems the stem is broken from the trip the Petit Kerog took to get to you.
>[DWN-024's P.Kerog] offers you a gift! Do you accept? [Y/N]
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qui11en · 1 year
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"Afraid of the dark"
i remember wanting to experiment more with different brushes at the time of painting this up, hence the scratchier look. Also at the time I picked up the Mega Man Complete Works book was immediately inspired to use it as reference material
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melodic-mayh3m · 1 year
What's that crashing onto Shadow's head? A broom, apparently! With her weapon of choice back in one hand, Sam pointed to the side with the other, grinning. " dad told me to do it-- "
Wait what—
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There was a dull, metallic 'thud' as the broom made impact with Shadow's cranium. The hit didn't do much, though, other than cause the Wily Bot to turn around and blink in mild confusion. He looked down. Blinked again. ... Who was this child. Where did she come from. Why did she hit him with a broom. "What do you mean your dad told you to—"
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". . ."
Oh. He was pretty sure he saw what was going on here. Rude.
The kid would be scruffed, and a certian prototype would shortly be sent an image, followed by a message:
DWN-024 > DLN-000: I assume this one is yours. Come get your menace.
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masters-menagerie · 2 years
[DLN-000 > DWN-024]: Hey. You dtf?
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[DWN-024 > DLN-000] Care to elaborate?
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haunted-machines · 2 years
[DLN-000 > DWN-024]: Hey. You dtf?
Excuse him?? He doesn't even want to dignify this with a response.
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[DWN-024 > DLN-000] Absolutely not.
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magnetiix · 2 years
@masters-menagerie​ [cont from here x]
A small huff as Blues crosses his arms, though it seems he’s still somewhat pleased with Shadow’s reaction either way, based on the lilt to his signal.
[DLN-000 > DWN-024]: Shame. I’d have loved some quality time, but I guess I’ll settle for someone else.
A pause.
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[DLN-000 > DWN-024]: What about the other thing? Is that still a no?
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mmkin · 9 months
Forever Clockwork
I know there's been a lot of Arlong simping on my Tumblr lately (and that is continuing!) but in the meantime I interrupt your regularly scheduled programming to bring you some Dr. Wily simping. Arlong x Reader was the first reader fic I wrote, and now I wanna write about another villain getting some love. Link to AO3 as well as the story itself available under the cut. Please enjoy this beautiful Wily picture from @jennoirwolf and some beautiful Gigamix Wily. And yes, the second image is the same picture as referenced in the first chapter of the story.
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Forever Clockwork
Dr. Wily x Reader
I used multiple sources of canon for this – the games, comics, anime, TV series, and manga, so you can imagine whatever version you like, though my favorite visual of Wily is from the Mega/Gigamix manga (now that’s a silver fox!)
This story is set after the Stardroids arc (after Megaman 7 video game-wise)
Megaman does not belong to me and is the property of Capcom, Archie Comics, Hitoshi Ariga, other license holders/copyright holders, etc. Feedback is much welcome and appreciated.
You were one of Wily's students when you were at university. You considered yourself blessed that your last few years of pursuing your degree placed you under the tutelage of the illustrious Drs. Light and Wily. You were a great admirer of their work and ever since you were a kid, you'd always liked tinkering around with various machines, from helping your grandfather with his car to writing code for various projects.
You'd made your way through high school, winning several respectable scholarships that got you into the prestigious university that, at that time, had both of these famous doctors on their faculty, since the doctors had their lab not far from the school.
Dr. Wily was known to be the tougher of the two, but you still considered yourself lucky to be his student, and you’d learned so much from him. Already, even before the first line of Robot Masters was finished, Wily was known as a bit of a troublemaker, but you liked that.
However, you didn't think he would go so far as to steal a whole line of Robot Masters and let them go on a rampage. And then create his own lines of Robot Masters, and then steal them from others like Cossack. It seemed like Wily had a one-track mind as you watched him from afar while advancing through your career. Sometimes though, you wish he hadn't disappeared like he did. He'd gone rogue not long before you graduated with your master's degree.
You'd tried a few different fields before settling in your current one, but you were feeling increasingly dissatisfied with your work for a company that specialized in private, personalized robots. And as you'd come to see, a big part of that was essentially companion bots. Specs would be customized depending on the type of companionship the client was seeking. Sometimes you rolled your eyes when you went over an order, but a job was a job. As much of what you did involved putting together hardware, you could spend long days – or nights – at the company lab. Then you'd drag yourself home. You've tried having a social life, but you have a pretty low social battery.
You plopped down on your armchair after a particularly stressful week. Perhaps it was time to consider a job change. You already had a solid resume, so you were confident you could find a job elsewhere Stretching out your arms, you see a shadow move, and give out a yelp, thinking you’ve surprised a burglar.
It reveals itself to be a robot – no, a Robot Master. Given that you study the Robot Masters others make, you quickly recognize a Wily number – DWN-024. Shadow Man. You stare at him as he inclines his head in a bow, the shuriken on his forehead flashing for a brief moment as it reflected your lamp.
“Doctor Y/n Lastname?" he asks. You're certain he knows perfectly well who you are, but this is a gesture of politeness. Already you find this robot charming. You nod in affirmation, your interest piqued. "I have been sent by Dr. Wily to offer you a job."
Holy fuck. You’d been seriously considering a job change, and one just fell in your lap! And from Dr. Albert Wily, of all people! You didn’t admit it to others, but you continued to follow his career even after he went rogue. And you most certainly didn’t admit that you had a crush on him back then, and still did. He had that silver fox appeal, after all. You stare blankly for a few seconds.
“Are you all right?” you hear the robot ask, and you turn your focus back to him.
“Yeah, yeah. It's just… I mean, I didn't expect to come home to this, you know? I'm not trying to be rude, you just caught me off-guard…!" You let out a nervous laugh. You take a deep breath, collecting yourself. So Dr. Wily wants you to come to work for him. It wouldn't be the first time he's worked with other people, although that didn't always work out for the best. So there's a lot to think about. You haven't built your own Robot Masters like Dr. Cossack or others did, so you have no robots to steal.
You look at the robot. He is a sophisticated piece of work, and your experience tells you that if you were to open him up, you’d likely find a design more sophisticated than whatever your current employer could offer.
“Do you need more information?" Shadow Man asked. You shrugged and nodded, and he rattled off a few things such as labs and equipment, amenities, and such. It actually sounded pretty nice, and certainly didn't sound like an offer that would be made to someone Wily intended to kidnap. You stroke your chin… are you seriously fucking contemplating joining forces with a mad scientist who keeps trying to take over the world?
“How is he?” you ask the robot. It dawned upon you that Dr. Wily must be listening to this conversation. The robot is silent for a moment, almost as if he’s listening for something.
Aha. Wily old bastard.
“You may see for yourself in person. If you accept, of course.”
You're tempted to call out your old mentor. But you smile and shrug. "Well, I would like to see how my old teacher is doing," you say, offering no commitment to the mil ob proposal. You offer Shadow Man a smile, fairly certain that he's video-recording you too. The smile isn't fake, though. You're secretly thrilled at the idea of seeing him again.
The robot offers his hand, and you take it, wondering how much of a gamble you’ve just endeavored on. Fortune favors the bold… at least, you hope.
You blink as you enter a well-appointed lab, and for a moment panic as you wonder if you should have put on some fresh clothes, the robot did sort of ambush you when you'd just gotten home from work… Just as you think to run your finger through your hair to try to look a bit nicer, your heart skips a beat as you see your old mentor.
He looked a few years older, but he was still as much of a silver fox as ever, a handsome sight in his dark clothing that was contrasted by his white lab coat and skeleton-themed tie. He approaches you, arms spread out in a gesture of welcome, like a host receiving a guest. It almost looks like he’s offering a hug. You wish…
“Welcome to my humble abode, Y/n,” he says. “Or would you prefer Dr. Lastname now?” he adds with a small smirk before he offers his hand for you to shake. You take it quickly, feeling the wiry strength in his grip.
“I’m fine with Y/n, though considering this is a job offer perhaps I should go by my professional name…” you shrug. “I can't believe I'm here. After you disappeared…" You shake your head. "I didn't think I would see you again. And believe it or not, I was a little disappointed at that thought."
You try to not blush, hoping he doesn’t read too much in your slip.
“You missed me?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.
Oh, crap. He read you like an open book. Play it cool, play it cool. You shrug and offer a small smile. “What can I say, you were my favorite teacher.”
He grins at that, and you feel your heart fluttering as if you were a silly little schoolgirl. Why the hell does this man have that effect on you? And despite the questionable morality of many of his actions, you do admire his moxie. He’s a stubborn old bastard, and you have to admit his plans for world domination suit him better than the standard mid-life crisis.
None of this means you’re not nervous around him. If you’d not wanted to come here, would he have kidnapped you?
That wouldn't be so bad if he treated you like a princess or something, right? Hah. Damn, you still do have that crush, huh?
“I know a lot of the students thought I was a bastard, so that’s refreshing to hear.”
“I don't know, many of the times you tore into someone, they deserved it, and it was entertaining to watch." Schadenfreude and all that. He laughs at that, and leads you down the building, passing a few robots at work and the like. The space has a lot of the things you'd imagine Wily to have, and you're not disappointed in the setup. It could be a lot of fun to work here… if you're willing to put yourself on the Most Wanted list.
Wily’s POV
It was nice seeing Y/n again. Y/n had been his favorite student and he had considered recruiting Y/n when he’d gone rogue back then. But she was so young and full of potential. He knew he was going on a risky path, and hadn’t wanted to drag her down with him. Oh, it was bloody tempting, though!
But now, she was old and experienced enough, and it seemed that one of his predictions about her had proven correct. She was bright and might not be satisfied in the usual industries that called for expertise in robotics, regardless of how well the job paid. If he was wrong and she eventually found something that made her happy, then good for her. But over the last decade, she'd bounced through several high-paying jobs. And well, he would be lying if he said he didn't find her attractive. She'd been pretty cute, in a nerdy chick way back then, and she still rocked the vibe pretty well. She trailed behind him, glancing over his projects and experiments with a knowing scientist's eye and curiosity.
“Oh hey, that’s neat that you have that picture,” she said as she gestured to a picture on the wall. Granted, it was a copy, but it was one of his favorite pictures, and added a nice touch to his workspace. She gave his tools a respectful berth as she approached the desk, looking at it. A young Dr. Light and Dr. Wily were standing with their first AI project, their arms crossed and up in the air in a symbol of triumph.
“It’s a pretty great picture, isn’t it?” he asked.
“Hell yeah.”
He laughed at that and continued along. He was not stupid enough to think there wasn't a possibility of her coming here just so she could try to steal something. She kept switching jobs, didn't she? Though he had to admit, if she turned out to be a thief, he'd be disappointed. No one was perfect, but surely she respected him too much to do that to him, right?
It was nice listening to her as she asked a question about this or that, and the way she asked seemed genuine, instead of someone digging around for information.
The picture you just commented on is a pretty famous one. It’s iconic in the robotics community given the work that Drs. Light and Wily did for science. Both of them were quite good-looking, but you think Albert has aged better than his old friend. And well, maybe that picture is what you use as the screen on your smartphone?
Are you going to change that before Wily notices? You're about to ask a question before Shadow Man approaches the two of you with tea. It honestly smelled pretty great, and you took the cup that was offered to you. The green tea is slightly bitter but has an edge of sweetness that balances it out nicely, making for a harmonious flavor.
“Oh, this is good,” you murmur as you finish it off. “Best cup I’ve had in a while, I think. You made this?” you ask the robot. He bows his head, and you smile. “My compliments to the chef.”
It seems like he’s genuinely happy at your compliment. He is an elegant robot, and maybe it’s because you’ve been more sympathetic to Wily than most – well, actually, pretty much anyone else – but you wonder about what he said in the past about robots having souls.
“So, how about it?" he asks as Shadow Man pours you another cup. You look down at the clear green liquid in your cup. You are well aware of his track record. He's more than just a man who marches to the beat of his drum. There's a chance this might not end well. But at the same time, he reached out to you. He has a bit more esteem for you than you had originally thought. You look up at him, taking in his lanky form.
Damn, but he really is a silver fox, isn’t he? Legal repercussions be damned – you tried to play it straight and narrow since you got your degree and look where that got you.
“What the hell. I’m in.”
His delighted laugh rings in your ears. And he does sound pleased as punch about it, as if you just made his day.
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machinesandman · 2 years
[DLN-000 > DWN-024]: Hey. You dtf?
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The moment that message came through, Shadow Man felt his internals spin in confusion. What the fuck? It was the other Blues again, and he was doing this- and it had immediately scrambled Shadow's signal reaction into shock, and then embarrassment. His heat spread rapidly over his face, could feel it.
[DWN-024 > DLN-000]: PROTO MAN?!
[DWN-024 > DLN-000]: Why would you send this to me at all, of all the things to send, you ask me THIS.
Why, was Shadow's communications signal flustered? Yes. Was the sound it gave off warbled from the confusion and embarrassment? Also yes. But he hadn't answered the question and didn't seem like he would be.
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the-real-dwn-022 · 1 year
Took Shadow down to the ramen place in the mall, I can't sssay I expected a powerpoint on how to usssse chopsstickssss
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asteroid---blues · 6 years
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"I love Shadow Man, I love Shadow Man so much, he’s the light of my life, I love him so much, I just love Shadow Man, I love Shadow Man I fucking love Shadow Man, I LOVE SHADOW MAN.”
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wearewilynumbers · 2 years
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It had been a few weeks now. A week since Shadow had his shoulder repaired. The DWN had spent this time in solitude, hiding in the shadows and mulling over what had transpired along with what he should do moving forward. 
He felt himself torn at impasse. Was Protoman now too dangerous to be considered a neutral party or would he still remain on friendly terms with the prototype? 
There wasn’t a second that went by in these that this question did not haunt him. Where it wasn’t clawing at the back of his processors, gnawing away at every thought. Worse still was even now he wouldn’t consult his brothers on this. He already knew what Gemini’s stance would be. 
Still there was a time to face choice and accept whatever consequences would come of it.  
[DWN-024 > DLN-000]: We need to talk. Coordinates are attached to this messages. Meet me there in an hour. 
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qui11en · 1 year
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"Afraid of the dark"
i remember wanting to experiment more with different brushes at the time of painting this up, hence the scratchier look. Also at the time I picked up the Mega Man Complete Works book was immediately inspired to use it as reference material
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