#Dan Hiroki x male reader
Dan X M!Priest Reader (2/3)
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"A priest would not be a priest if he did not tell his flock what is right and wrong."
If asked, you claimed to have never cared for justice outside of God's will. But revenge was a different matter.
He came at least once a month, the church's Ehud. The justice Hero. Your Devil. Preaching stories of missing limbs, melting throats, and semi-erotic despair.
His eyes would catch your own through heaven-bright cracks of the confessional box when you dared to look back. 
Dancing dark grey flames reflected nothing but mirth. The ash of hellfire that gathered at your feet during each visit.
 Perhaps that was why you felt hot every time he whispered, "forgive me, father, for I have sinned." 
"Tell me what you did this time." 
"Fufu...do you enjoy my stories that much? I'll tell it gently so you can savour it." 
Could he tell how you gripped your rosary? Could he tell how your breathing changed? Savour it. Savour him. 
Did the Devil not know how he tormented you so? 
His presence became second nature. He seemed always to know when you were there, and quickly, you both developed an unspoken and unwritten schedule.  
The other priests were relieved to have been freed from his presence and, at first, offered you comfort. 
They would say, "remember Psalm 73:26, God is the strength of my heart," or, "didn't the Lord also test Job? Maybe this is your trial." With cups of tea as an apology. Perhaps it was more faithful to call it a bribe. Yet, they always wanted to hear about his crimes. 
Eventually, they also settled into a routine—a tale before prayer or bedtime.
The stone saints stared down in displeasure. It's not your fault you were holier than them. No, you are holier then them. Even the Devil told you his sins. How could they not understand that? Why do they stare in disgust?
Comfort in the church came from clasped hands and a one-way conversation asking for judgement not to be too heavy. 
Yet, your solace arrived beyond a wall in the melody of a sleepy voice dripping vitriol. 
Somehow he scratched The mark of the beast into your heart. 
"Father, do you think I am obscene?" The Devil asked. 
"His grace can forgive all wrongs you commit, and Heaven restores you in life. I have no place to judge, only advise."
 Your soul felt tight as it stretched out across your excuses. 
"Fufu, I see your point. But I don't talk or act in sin. I do good deeds, not for guidance or approval."
The Devil was delusional. 
"Then why do you come to confessional?" 
"For a dear friend."
His cruelty was playful in a way, but it was still cruelty. 
Remember Proverbs 31:30, logic told you, but long pale fingers tore into your brain, and heavy-lashed eyes formed Cheshire smiles, watching its destruction. 
The Devil was a fallen angel—the ultimate tempter. 
The Song of Solomon played as you sweated through your sheets and sinned into your hand. 
It was cruelty and blissful pain. 
"Destroy the body and save the soul."
The message remains the same regardless of how much you candied your words. 
"How do you wish to destroy me, father?"
With your hands and teeth and tongue.
"You know what my favourite place to be is?" 
Behind a camera? On the other side of a knife? Perhaps sitting against cross-stitch wood.
"On my knees, worshiping. Would you like to see? I am always ready to accept God into my body." 
Let the Devil drag you to the very bottom if your destiny was to drown. Let him fill up your lungs until you choked on nothing but him. 
"I do not hope to turn again because I do not hope. And I do not hope because I do not resist. Let me see you."
A fellow priest once asked, "do you know the Devil?"
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boozenboze · 1 year
How do y’all feel about Hiroki Dan content... 😅
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3smo · 2 years
dan hiroki !
warning: dom reader. gender neutral. yandere-ish themes, but its actually really concerning bc it dan hiroki. good boy dan ☺? hes pretty possessive. finger sucking. voice kink. a little hair-pulling. fingering. blowjob kinda. readers a little shorter than him, only adds to his height kink. dan tries to get on top but it backfires.
✿ disclaimer — I only write for characters 18+. if you don't like my content, please block me.
this most likely has lots of errors bc i was in a rush to finish this.
dan hiroki saw the way you looked at the cashier. your pretty eyes sparkled as you spoke, that contagious laughter that had dan smiling every time he heard it - it made him nauseous.
his eyes twitches. his stomach erupts in butterflies as he thinks of the things he could do to you.
he wasn't gonna take the life of the one of loves. at least, not again. but he's definitely not going to let this slide.
when you sat back down, he smiled at you, sipping on his coffee.
"is there a problem?" you ask in a concern tone. oh, how he loves that tone. he loves how gentle you are with him, or how you can easily get him drunk in love with anything that you do or say.
"no, everything's alright.." he replies, shutting his eyes like he was in peace. he wishes he could hear your voice every second, he'd never get tired. "can i stay over at your place today...?"
you nod, a smile on your face, dan couldn't help but replicate. "of course."
you're so easy...
"there's my pretty boy." you chuckle as dan stares at himself through the mirror. he turns around and smiles at you. you lean on the door frame, tilting your head.
he was wearing your biggest shirt as sleepwear, and he looked adorable in it.
the thing was: he had his own clothes in a drawer of yours, he just decided to steal your clothes instead.
he walks closer to you, taking your hand in his, raising it to his lips. he presses a gentle, lingering kiss on your palm.
"isn't it too early to sleep?" dan stares at you with pleading eyes, he shuts his eyes and lays his pink tongue flat against the base of your index finger and licks all the way to the top.
he lets his lips wrap around your finger tip, his teeth grazing you slightly. he opens his dark eyes, staring at your reaction.
your lips part as you look at him with such adoration, he can't help but get more turned on. you slip a second finger inside his mouth, pushing until they hit the back of his throat and made him gag, he lets his saliva run down your hand as his eyes gloss over.
he removes himself from your fingers with a pop! and tries to catch his breath.
"are you really going to sleep?" he murmurs. dan knows he got you, a smirk crawling on his face. "won't you play with me, (name)?"
"depends. what're we playing?" you ask, caressing his face, brushing your thumb over his lips. a shiver runs down his spine.
he may have been muscular and taller than you, but he's willing to submit to you as if it was in his nature.
it feels so nice knowing he was there to protect you and watch over you, and you still had the control in here.
"how about, hm..." he had so many ideas, but now that he's standing in front of you, his mind went blank. "you just touch me."
he suggested vaguely. you raise a brow, seeing as he didn't want to give you any details, you just went along with it.
your hands move from his jaw to his shoulders. almost as if you were tracing him. then they went down his spine, he shudders immediately, pressing himself against you.
"you're sensitive here, aren't you." you trail your hand down to his ass. dan jumps in surprise when you massage him. you lean against him and smile at his whimper.
he wasn't wearing anything under your shirt...
"i adore you," you whisper in his ear, gently running your teeth along the lobe of his ear. "i love you, darling."
dan sighs, softly giggling, his heart thumping wildly in his ribcage. he feels your smile grow, you move your hands to push his hair away from his face before you pull at the back of his hair, his head falling back.
tingles run all over his body, he suppresses a gasp. he distracts you by taking you by the wrist and pulling you towards your bed. "let me be on top today."
"when did we agree to this?" you tilt your head with curiosity. dan watches you bounce slightly as you're pushed to the bed.
"just now," he smiles slyly at you, your his shirt clings onto him as he straddles your hips, harden nipples poking through. "you know, i didn't appreciate the way you looked at that cashier today."
you steady him by holding him by his legs, caressing his inner thighs and slipping your cold hands under his shirt. dan was quick to stop you, grip on your wrist warning you to listen to him.
"so, you'll need to get punished today.." he murmurs, "i'm doing a good deed here, you can't stray away from me. you're all i have."
he lets go of your wrists and places his palms to your face, drawing hearts on your jaw with his thumb. he leans forward, in fact, it almost looks like he's riding you.
"i'm yours, and you're mine, (name). you only look at me. if that's not the case, then i'll kill 'em." you didn't understand what was going on, but nodded regardless. maybe it was the fact that the threat felt so real, or the fact that he was distracted by this that made you agree.
you took the chance to switch positions, laying him on his back. dan's eyes widen, his hair blocking his vision. "is that my punishment?" you tease, reaching over your nightstand to take out the lube. "i don't appreciate the fact that you think you can control me."
dan pouts, bottom lip jutting out slightly. its cute and it makes you want to smother him in kisses.
he doesn't realize you poured lube on your fingers until he feels the cold right at his entrance. "cold.." he whines quietly.
you grin at him. "you're not fighting back for dominance...?"
he stares at you with a frown, dark eyes not leaving yours until you decide to insert your finger inside him. his face twists with pain, eyes shutting close. you let your finger lie still, waiting for him to adjust.
he clenches and unclenches around you, a pleasured sigh emits from him. he gives you a small nod, his palm on his lower abdomen when you slid in and out, making sure to be slow and agonizing as you watch his expressions.
"don't worry, dan." you assure him, slipping a second finger in. you purposely avoid his prostate, making him whine at every drag of your fingers. "i won't look at anyone who isn't you."
"you're my everything," you pull your fingers out, before slamming them back in. dan squirms, thighs quivering and a loud moan erupts from him. "and i love you, so, so much..."
dan lets out trembling breaths. he pushes his shirt past his chest, holding onto it with his teeth. he's urging you to play with his leaking cock.
his teary eyes, his tiny whimpers, his shaking body... it was the cutest thing ever.
"i love your voice." you whisper, lifting his leg up so you could kiss his inner thigh. dan takes his hand and places it on your head, trying to make ground himself.
"and those cute noise you make everytime i touch a sensitive spot." you push your fingers to his prostate, holding his leg down with your free hand.
dan cries out loud, squirming around the bed and pulling at your hair. he pushes his hips down on your fingers to get more stimulation.
"even the way you get jealous is adorable. it makes me wanna eat you up." you pant out, moving your face so you were in front of twitching cock. dan shivers as your hot breath hits him.
"ack! (n-name)..."
he arches his back as you repeatedly slide your fingers against his prostate, not exactly hitting it but enough pleasure is brought to him that it makes him want to scream in frustration.
you place a wet kiss to his angry red tip, dan bites on his shirt even harder, not caring at the drool pooling around it. your tongue peaks out to give kitten licks to the slit.
his entire body was flushed in red. you couldn't help but just admire him. as if he was a painting. dan felt hot and exposed under your gaze. but he liked it, he liked that you looked at him like he was your dream man.
he locked eyes with you as you lick the base of his cock, slowly moving back to the tip, giving extra attention to the head. dan's whines are muffled, he makes sure to keep his eyes on yours, the eyes contact made him even wetter.
"(name), (name)...!!" you pull away from his cock, placing your lips to his hip bone. you bite down, leaving a purple mark in its place. he jumps in surprise, fingers wrapping through your hair when you place hickeys around his abdomen.
"please m-move.." dan gasps out. hips squirming around. you were so into it, you completely forgot about your fingers inside him. "please (name), wanna feel good"
"yeah?" his chest heaves up and down rapidly, the grip on your hair tightening. you thought of tying him up to keep him from pulling your hair out but decided against. "am i not making you feel good right now?"
dan shakes his head in denial. you're edging him and he hates it! just give him what he wants, won't you?
"no?" you tilt your head. his body convulsed under your hand, nipples erect and cock jumping, twitching. "very well then."
you take your fingers out - he groans in frustration, crying out when plunge them back in. you curl them to hit his prostate everytime you push them back in. he squeezes around your fingers, shutting his thighs around your head to keep you in place... or to at least block the offending hand.
"wai- ah, too rough!" he babbles out, spitting his shirt out of his mouth. its covered in spit and all crumbled up but he doesn't care. he clenches and unclenches, leaking pre-cum. it pools on his abdomen.
the usual calm dan hiroki turns into a mess everytime. its very satisfying. he's always whining about it when you tease him, but anyone could tell he likes it.
he inhales sharply and jerks up, throwing his head back. he holds his breath as white shoots out of him. his hand shoots out to grip your wrist.
"uuu, it feels good.." he moans freely, puffy hole squeezing your fingers tightly when you try to remove them, before relaxing completely. he tries to catch his breath and released his hold on you.
you wipe your hand with the rag beside you, placing your hands on his waist, soothing him back from his high. his muscles twitch and tremble, "do you feel better now?"
he nods, a smile gracing his features and he looks at you with hearts in his eyes. it makes him look like an angel. even though he's far from it.
"y-yes, thank y-you..."
he pulls you into a hug. you slightly graze his nipples, he winces.
he loves you. he loves you. love. love. love.
but its wasn't love. it was obsession. poor dan doesn't even realize it himself :(
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3smo · 2 years
Dan Hiroki with male reader and 22? Congrats on 1k!
• "that's a shame. i thought you were my good little slut?" (#22)
warning: top male reader. voyeurism. cnc. i honestly think dan likes to be watched 😭. and this hasn't left my mind for a while. fyi, other men are sleeping with dan. just in case you wanted a warning.
430 words.
1k event!
dan's body moves up and down at the man's thrusting, his arms being held down by another's big, roughed up hands. his cheek hollowed as cum spurts past his lips, running down his chin.
cum drips out his used and spread hole, he gets flipped to his stomach only causing the semen to spill out of him even more due to the pressure added to his stomach.
you just picked them up as an experiment and at last minute and they were there, but even so, they seem to be giving dan a hard time. denying his orgasm, playing with him as they pleased. they followed your rules and are willing to stop if dan ever called out his safe word.
dan wails, shaking his head as they switch places, both men getting erect at the sound of his crying.
he looks over at you, sending you a desperate look; "(name), please! no, wait! wai-"
he gets cut off as a cock is shoved down his throat. the men laugh and praise him.
"it's just as you said, sir! he is a good boy!" "you're so lucky! i wish i had someone like this for me.."
uh what were their names?
you smile wildly, ignoring your own boner to carefully watch his expressions. salty tears pour out of his eyes as his cock is played with, his slick leaking below him. dan's eyes roll up in his head, the hard glare of your eyes trained on him only turning him on more.
"he is precious, isn't he?" you make your way to the bed, he swallows the mans cum this time, pulling away, smiling up at you eagerly. the man backs away, gesturing for the other one to do the same.
"very well trained, anyone would want him, but he's mine.." dan could only gurgle out a breathy moan, finally being able to reach for your hand. you place your fingers in his mouth, he willingly opens up, tongue lolling out.
you hold his tongue between your fingers before running your finger against the roof of his mouth. he shudders violently. "my good boy..."
he suddenly picks his hips up as cum shoots out of him, nothing but stunned whimpers coming from him. his eyes wide in surprise "just a little touch gets him this messed up..."
you signal for them to get back inside him. he cries when the men start approaching him again, shaking his head. "i can't! no m-more!"
"no?" you look into his eyes, kissing the tears away from his cheeks. "that's a shame. i thought you were my good little slut."
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3smo · 2 years
oooh what about dan hiroki with sentence 11👀
• "let's play a game." (#11)
warning: dom reader. gender neutral. guided masturbation. slight voyeurism. fingering. public sex? kinda (in a private plane).
431 words.
1k event!
"let's play a game," dan murmurs. a smirk crawls on his face at your curious look. "we'll call it 'how long can i go until you break'!"
you didn't understand what was going on until he reaches into his pants, fingers playing with himself. he smiles at you, holding back a moan. he sat across of you, legs up on his chair.
"dan.." you warn, looking around you. it was 'sleeping time' for everyone. you'd have to be very quiet.
but it seems as if he didn't care, his slender finger pushing inside him. he whines softly, shutting his legs, as if that was gonna stop the stimulation.
you knew this was all an act of his. dan hiroki admits he can't please himself unless its you, he's trying to challenge you.
it hits you; that's the game. he wants to see how long it takes for you to give in and touch him.
"let's see who loses, my love." you take you out your phone and play around with it. dan tries to fake his moans, seeing if you'd actually pay attention to him.
a minute, two, three. you made no move and dan couldn't even get hard.
he swallows silently, eyebrows knitting together. he takes his fingers out, whimpering softly.
you raise a brow. that sounded more like him. you sigh, putting your phone away. he's staring at you with puppy eyes, biting his lower lip. "you started this and you can't even finish it?"
dan bows his head, embarrassed at himself. you pat your lap, motioning him over. "come 'ere."
he stumbles over, the usually composed detective was nowhere to be seen.
"i don't want to dirty myself, so you'll just play with yourself for now." you pulled dan's pants down, slightly past the back of his thighs, using a blanket to cover the two of you. he whines softly, wanting you to touch him.
you click your tongue, taking his hands and guiding them down to his puffy hole. you were surprise to feel lube slicking his inner thighs. "you planned this?"
dan lets his hair cover his eyes, lips thin and shut. you take his middle finger, slowly pushing it inside him. dan makes a little noise as you give him a reassuring nod. "there you go,"
you whisper praises in his ear, watching the blanket lift up by his boner.
"look at that!" you coo in awe, palming him over the thin blanket. dan's breath hitches, hips stuttering into you. a loud whimper leaves him and you freeze when one of his coworker's coughs.
"keep quiet, honey, you wouldn't want to get caught now."
in the end, it was a tie.
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Hiroki Dan X F!Lawyer Reader (Pt.1)
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If this does well, or it is requested, I can do a male version or gender natural version.
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You just graduated from law school and passed the bar after your 3rd attempt (a miracle since it's touted as one of the most challenging exams in the world) and have been hired by a high-end law firm (a place you have been interning at since your second year of your JD) 
Only 18% of lawyers in Japan are female, so you feel a great need to prove yourself in this male-dominated field.  
After a series of minor cases, you win a big criminal suit against a doctor for medical fraud. (weirdly, he went missing a couple of weeks later...)
Proving yourself to the partners, you get placed on the team for a defence case regarding a high-profile yakuza member with deep pockets.
These battles are not your favourite. They're dangerous, time-consuming with little reward and generally wholly morally bankrupt. You have to keep reminding yourself that at the very least, you get an hourly rate with a possibility of a win bonus. Innocent until proven guilty. Well, at least for the rich, you burgundy came to understand.
Every time you look into the mirror, you appear different from what you remembered. Your nose is slightly smaller. Your eyes are a bit more tired. You start to forget yourself a bit more during this case until it is always a stranger looking back. You don't like looking at yourself in the mirror. You start to avoid your reflection. Your co-workers claim everyone has growing pains.
When the police set up an interrogation time, you and the head lawyer sit in, so he has the right to confer with counsel. You are basically there to take notes. 
You get there early in the morning with coffee for the two of you in an attempt to butter up your boss. It does not work. 
You sit down, and there are two detectives at the table. A woman like you, which you are happy to see (girl power!) and a gorgeous man with the ugliest ceramic mug you have ever witnessed. He stares at you, and you can't help but blush. 
They introduce themselves as Ryo Mamiya and Hiroki Dan.
The handsome detective is a marvel to watch against your boss. Both men are obviously intelligent and can keep up with each other. Ryo also seems much more quick-witted than her cutesy appearance would have suggested. You continue to take notes. 
Your client knows he's going to get away with this scot-free. People like him always do. He's powerful in the underground with connections to the police force. The integration is more of a formality to pretend they did something. You know it would wreck your career if you said anything, but you can't stand the smug look on the man's face.
You grip your pen a bit too tightly, and Dan notices. He smiles. You know he agrees. He has to; he's law enforcement. Yet, there is something more than general detached dislike behind his eyes for the "businessman."
Maybe he was baleful. Maybe he was arrogant. But he was anything but compliant to your client's bullshit. You don't want to admit it, but it was an attractive look. 
You feel a thrill when his right eye twitches. You remember a quote you heard long ago: The tiger springs in the new year. Us he devours.
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Dan X M!Priest Reader (1/3)
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You have been called reverential since a young age. Quite, but always watching with a bible in hand. Parents loved you. Children said you could hear evil and refused to play with you.
You were raised catholic in a small American town, where cows outnumbered people, and folks still listened to the radio. A bite mark of midwestern values. 
The church you spent most of your childhood and training to become a priest was small but comfortable. It was a place where the wooden beams would crack during the hottest parts of summer, and one would expect to pray with the angelical chorus of crickets into the night. 
The crows would rest upon the roof like gargoyles, watching as the doors consumed and spat out residents throughout the day. They would caw as you walked past, and you would claim, recited ancient Latin parables. Perhaps, it was a warning. 
One day, a young girl was taken to the church, convulsing, foaming at the mouth and spitting out vile. The parents claimed she was possessed after using an old Ouija board. The eldest Father, the only one allowed to perform exorcisms, started to set up what he needed to complete the ritual. 
But you recognized something was wrong. The girl's pa smiled strangely. Too many teeth and it didn't quite reach his eyes. The girl wasn't possessed, her dad was, and she had been poisoned. You told the Father. He didn't believe you until the girl went into cardiac arrest and her dad bit off the nose of a fellow priest. You wondered how much his medical bill would cost and if the church had shared insurance. The Father apologized. You tried to smile but ended up laughing. 
The Father then claimed to have recognized the talent in you. One not many possessed and even less utilized. 
During prayer, he would whisper, "it's in the eyes, you see. The eyes, I can tell. Do you see? Do you feel it?" You felt nothing. He quickly trained you in the practice of exorcisms. 
Who knew one could be this talented in ridding demons? The Father bragged about you often. Matthew 12:26
You tried to keep to yourself. Eyes down and bible in hand still, you chanted hymns under your breath: There is a fountain filled with blood Drawn from Immanuel's veins/ And sinners plunged beneath that flood lose all their guilty stains.
Chaos seems to be a second skin to you. The possessed and their families flocked to the church; the quiet never settled with the screaming in the basement. The screaming never ended. The old folks claimed you were letting demons into the town. You smiled as pleasantly as you could and blessed them. 
The others whispered of you accidentally going missing. Perhaps adding a new scarecrow to the field. 
One demon claimed that the Devil lives in Toyko. You have always wanted to meet him. so you asked to transfer there for a year. The Father agreed, and the other priests are happy to see you go. Luckily you have been studying Japanese during mass.
Japan is hard to get used to. The customs, the interpersonal expectations, and the food are very different. The lack of Catholics is also strange to encounter as well.
The church is larger and, in your own opinion, a bit uglier. The Saints' faces stare down in judgment. You swear they sneer when you blink back at their stone eyes. It's not your fault you're holier than them, and you remind them that jealousy is a sin. You plan to rid all sins from this earth.
The lack of exorcisms is a nice change as well. You have to save your energy for the big event after all.
You perform confessional the most out of all the other priests. You hope the Devil comes to confess his sins. You were promised he would be here.
One day while making tea, a priest comes in. He looks rather stressed. You know it's polite to ask, "what's wrong?" So you do.
"I have confessional today," he moves closer to you, fiddling with a rosary, "every time he shows up. I don't know why it's always me. I can't stand it. I feel like I'm going crazy."
"Isaiah 41:10: fear not, for I am with you. Who has caused you so much stress?"
"A modern Ehud. Our very own justice hero."
"Pardon me?"
He rubs his eyes in frustration. "Have you not heard. He's practically a celebrity here."
You obviously haven't. You stare at him pleasantly.
"Really? Americans, I guess. Oblivious to the world around them," he sighs and sits down in the chair across from you, leaning on the table, "Ok, so, he's this fellow, young, I think-sounds it- and he spouts off some pretty gruesome nonsense. Claims to be doing good deeds by killing criminals or something like that. I try to block him out, to be honest. It's…not pretty to listen to. I don't know if he's serious. I really hope it's some prank." By the look in his eyes, it's evident that he doesn't believe that.
However, you perk up. A man who claims to kill criminals, not only that but tortures them for their sins? AND he's coming to the very church you have been sequestered in? Maybe your conversations with the dammed worked.
"Lay your burdens down upon me. I can talk to this 'justice hero' for you, seeing how much it bothers you, friend. Take it as a thank you for greeting me so kindly into your church."
He quickly agrees, and later you make your way to the confessionals buzzing with excitement for the first time in years.
People come and go. Someone cheated on a test. Another on a husband. The same old. You wonder if the priest was just trying to get out of work. Until you hear a soft sleepy voice recite, "forgive me, father, for I have sinned." It's him.
He whispers to you about a crime. A teacher and a young girl. Fire and burning flesh that sizzle and burst like witches dancing.
"What mortal else who hears shall claim he was born immune to the demon of harm?"
He asks if you are American.
A screen separates you, but you turn your head and see him staring straight at you. Well, at least his eyes. They're beautiful. God, they are beautiful. Wasn't the Devil a fallen angel? Why wouldn't he pick a vessel to reflect that?
You realized you wanted to possess the Devil.
You remember a quote you heard as a child as his eyes crinkle into a smile. "Evil in the name of good is still evil. And when you dance with the Devil, you seldom get to pick the tune."
"Shall we dance?"
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3smo · 2 years
Would Dan like riding or would he be a pillow princess 🤔
like him riding someone?
dan is a pillow princess who tries to act like he isn't one but ultimately, it just comes out without meaning to.
hmmm, i do think he likes to please, and be pleased. he likes to fall into despair, but he also likes it when he makes someone feel good as well.
so for instance, if you were someone who isn't sensitive - dan makes it his mission to make you feel good, whatever you like he's up for it, even if it mean doing the work, or getting on top. kinda like a service sub.
in another's perspective, even if he was riding, he'll get tired pretty quickly so you would have to hold onto his waist to move him. dan's body would completely submit, laying his chest to yours to feel more comfortable. at times he would push his hips back for more stimulation, but apart from that and kissing you, that's all he does.
but he is willing to be overstimulated, edged, etc., until you feel satisfied. so... the work is left to you in the end.
more dan content.
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Can you please make Dan X male reader who keeps being abused by his own family for being "weak"?
Sure! I did take some liberties in the prompt (as I usually do ngl). This is more of a basic premise, and introducing of characters. However, I hope this fulfills your Danny needs ;))
Dan Hiroki x M!English Reader
TW: mentions of suicide and abuse
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Everyone has or claims to have a first memory. Maybe it’s being placed in a pram, falling out of a pram, or being pushed around in a pram. Perhaps it is something nonsensical you’ve convinced yourself was a past life, like running on a battlefield and being shot in the head. It could be a smell, taste, or a feeling. Yet, for you, it was none of these things. Your first memory was only a single word. Weak.
You were the firstborn son of a noble family who still owned an estate. Your father came from old money and was a well-regarded businessman who dabbled in the stock market. Your mother was a former television actress. A mary-go-round of nannies and butlers raised you.
Your mother wandered the corridors like a ghost, passing through doors aimlessly and seemingly avoiding you at all cost. A doctor would come in occasionally, and a maid would bring you in to say hello. The last time you saw her was a rainy Monday afternoon, the raindrops incessantly tapping against the windowsill in an uneven tune. She hugged you for the first time in months, claimed she would be going away soon, and wished she could miss you.
Your mother killed herself the next day.
You were young enough not to understand what it truly meant to die but not young enough that you wouldn’t remember her. You had thought of her passing like a cassette tape, and even if you didn’t like the ending, you could simply ask a maid to rewind it to the part before everything went awry. But she couldn’t, and your father didn’t seem to care one way or the next.
A month passed, and he quickly remarried your latest nanny—a pretty young twenty-something who had just graduated from college.
At first, she was sweet, if not overbearing, but when you had refused to call her mother, she had quickly changed.
The abuse started small. Snarky remarks about how you were little for your age. How helpless and pitiful you looked. How you didn’t compare to your father, and maybe he should get a test to ensure legitimacy. Then it exalted to the occasional slap and pretending you didn’t exist. You become a nobody within your own home.
When you turned thirteen, you were one of the only children happy to be told they were attending boarding school. During the summer before you left, you had packed your bag on the first day of June and silently stared at the suitcase during those hot nights, reminding yourself you would be freed soon.
Despite your stepmother’s claims that you were a failure, the academy was a rebirth. You became a house captain and were an active member of the rowing team. A star pupil. The poster boy of “What to be and how to be it.” Your teachers adored you. The students looked up to you and regarded you as someone worth your name. You were not that broken-down actor forced to play the role of the leftover child. You were someone better. Someone not weak. Someone worth being alive.
Yet, you always dreaded the rolling in of summer when you were forced to leave the tall ivy walls and the midnight study sessions in the library. Your father was conveniently always away on business.
You would try to hide in your room during most of your visits, but your stepmother would always corner you, the servants turning a blind eye in fear. She would whisper, “Y/N, your father tells me your mother killed herself because of you. She couldn’t stand having such a weak, pathetic child. A parasite. Even the rope that bitch hung herself with was stronger than you.”
Sometimes, the servants would find you during the early hours, as the sun forced its way upon the red sky, staring at the giant oak tree that haunted the estate. You would grip the branches and hang there like your mother did years ago, seeing how much strength it took to snap a branch. The wood would sink into your skin, and over time scars developed upon your palms. It took an entire night for anyone to notice her dead, and one day you would also try to hang from that tree for the same amount of time. You would not be weak.
Year 10 was when everything changed. You were fifteen, studying for your A levels in preparation for Cambridge when you saw him.
A Japanese boy was sprawled across the grass with no shoes and a dirty rumpled uniform. In his right hand, he held a novel called The Exorcist by William Peter Blatty. His left pushed back black hair that continuously fell into his lovely face. What he was doing was unrefined, improper, and completely captivating. He looked like wildness contained and modelled into flesh, barely attached to the world, with only the pages of his book saving him from drifting away.
A professor had caught you gaping, and in humiliation, you quickly left before anyone else could notice.
You remained restless with the thought of him. That was until you were summoned to the headmaster’s office the next day.
All that glitters is not gold, and all that shines is not divine. No, it can be something much more valuable and rare, like the dark rhodium of the wild boy’s eyes watching you as you entered the meeting.
You learned he was named Dan Hiroki, a transfer student who was only here for a couple of months and the son of a high-ranking politician in Toyko, apparently sent away after some unknown scandal until everything calmed down.
“Y/N, you took Japanse for langues, didn’t you?” The headmaster asked you.
“I have rudimentary understanding, sir.”
“But enough to get by?”
“I could hold a conversation if needed.”
He smiled and adjusted his glasses, “Good lad, as head boy, I would like you to help Mr. Hiroki feel welcomed to our campus. Show him some English spirit. Sound good?”
You looked to Dan, his eyes pinning you down and your hands sweating. You would not be weak.
“I would be honoured.”
Dan smiled softly, and for the first time, you heard his voice. “I look forward to getting to know you, Y/N.”
As if being plunged into a pool of dark water, ready to drown at any minute, you couldn’t help but sink. Maybe your family was right. Perhaps you were pathetic. But it wasn’t until summer you would learn the price you would pay for any good deed.
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