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Hi everyone! What if Carrie wrote a letter to Dana about Brody? Lina imagines a wonderful Homeland Fan Fiction for us all. ENJOY <3
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gimmehomeland-blog · 11 years
Me on every dana scene
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podrickpaynest · 11 years
danabrody said: APRIL KEPNER?!?
NOT YET (i'm only starting season 5, because either i am not watching grey's for months, or i watch one and a half season on a weekend) BUT I WILL GET THERE AND I KNOW WHAT AWAITS 
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wasladyariannes · 11 years
Rule 1: Always post the rules Rule 2: Answer the questions the person that tagged you asked and write 10 new ones :) Rule 3: Tag new people and link them to the post Rule 4: Let them know you’ve tagged them.
I've been tagged by Rose. :)
Harry Potter is a lame answer but always true. It made my eight years old self love reading. :3 (I really need to reread the series ah.) And LotR because of reasons.
2. If you could live in any city, where would you want to live?
Dublin maybe. Or just anywhere at the seaside. (If I can say country, I'm saying Iceland. One true answer tbh.)
3. What's the best birthday you've ever had?
Omg idk. I'm not much of a bday celebrating person. This years's been pretty good, I spent it with my mother and sisters and my best friend so. :)
4. Favourite time of day?
Night. Always. Unless I have holidays or sth, then mornings are nice too.
5. What was the last movie you saw?
The Contractor (because Lena Headey lbr).
6. Favourite song of the moment?
Devil's Backbone by The Civil Wars. <33
7. What do you like to drink on cold winter evenings?
Tea. :3 But generally speaking I drink tea all year.
8. What would you like to have an affinity with?
Water, is that even a question. Tullys drew their strength from the water yo. Throw my ashes into the sea. Etc etc. Water (◕‿◕✿)
9. What would your dream job be?
Archeologist always was and will be the right answer. But I guess I would be fine by being a writer too. Or a librarian.
10. If you could have any superpower what would you want?
Omg maybe freezing time idk.
My questions!
1. What's the last dream you can recall having?
2. What show coming back you're looking forward to the most?
3. Favourite ice cream flavor?
4. Do you have any siblings?
5. What's the book you've read recently?
6. Do you have any phobias? (heights, spiders etc)
7. Favourite painter?
8. If you had to pick, what's you favourite movie genre?
9. Current celebrity crush?
10. One thing you wish could happen any soon?
I'm tagging Sam, Anna, Becky and Ewa. :3
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patrickstormborn · 11 years
danabrody replied to your post: top six happy endings moments
you don’t need to talk to me about grant, i get it
he's literally the love of my life i'm upset
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shittinggold · 11 years
B E C K Y (or you can do R E B E C C A if you like those questions better) :)
Thanks! I’ll do Rebecca, since I’ve already done E, K and Y.
R: Who was your first kiss?A girl called Helena, when I was 16. Still my longest relationship and the only girl I’ve ever loved.  B: 3 biggest pet peeves 
Hypocrisy. Like you could be the biggest dick ever and I can tolerate it, but if you have double standards I will always want to slap you.
People who object to bad singing. Yes, I know I I’m tone-deaf and talentless, but fuck if I’m not gonna bust out some tunes while I do the washing-up.
Talking during TV. I don’t even need to explain this one.
C: Celebrity crush? Just one?! Jennifer Lawrence would the the number one I think.
A: Are you a virgin? Nope.
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glorianas · 12 years
4, 8, 10?
(do you plan outfits?)
i get so excited about, sometimes i can't sleep bc the outfit i planned for the next day is so good
8 (tell me about the last dream you remember having?)
i honestly can't remember
my dreams have been really stressful lately though
i can't recall specifics
(what are you craving right now?)
not really anything atm
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“You are your father’s daughter.” What if Carrie wrote a letter to Dana about Brody? Lina imagines in her brilliant Fan Fiction. ENJOY <3
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danabrodyface · 12 years
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maryqueenofgays · 11 years
top 6 foods and top 6 tv shows
u don't just ask me what my top 6 foods are omg that is like a cardinal sin
chocolate anything tbh if i died by being suffocated or drowned in chocolate i would be v happy tbh
thai yellow curry is perf omg especially eating it on the beach
my friend taught me how to make this amazing bangladeshi curry so that because honestly mmmmm
ice cream ice cream i'll melt u down like ice cream
banoffee pie/banoffee in general tbh
i hope you appreciate just how difficult that was.
tv (this is based on my current spiralings tbh so yeah this varies a lot):
game of thrones even though it makes some horrible, horrible decisions still manages to do so many amazing scenes
orphan black
the walking dead
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From Brody to Bobby to Henry: With Father's Day fast approaching we visit Damian Lewis as an onscreen dad <3
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patrickstormborn · 11 years
top six happy endings moments
THE CURSE OF PENNY'S BIRTHDAY!!! and basically the part where they all walk in slow motion wow i just really love that episode.
basically the entire halloween episode. "the hottest guy here thought you were the hottest guy here." dave's austin powers is my favourite, and alex coming second in the drag competition omg.
when penny finds the cats in her home and then sees episodes of "the view" on her dvr.
when max went to get grant back on valentine's day!!!! also just grant in general ok.
EVERYTHING BRAD/JANE (dream team baby~) but specifically their argument about lying when they end up having sex on the table.
jane pepperspraying everyone on christmas/her birthday omfg.
UGH I NEED TO REWATCH HAPPY ENDINGS why was it cancelled i'm v bitter about this
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patrickstormborn · 11 years
top six dany moments
yO HOW CAN I LIMIT THIS TO 6 ((thank you!!))
"She could feel the heat of him between her thighs. Her heart felt as if it were about to burst. Yes, she thought, yes, now, now, do it, do it, take me, take me, FLY!"
literally birthing dragons and breastfeeding them omg
"Woman?" She chuckled. "Is that meant to insult me? I would return the slap, if i took you for a man." Dany met his stare. "I am Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, the Unburnt, Mother of Dragons, Khaleesi to Drogo's Riders, and Queen of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros."
leading her people through the red waste and vaes tolorro (basically dany's entire characterisation in acok is perfect i'm bitter that benioff and weiss made such a bad job of adapting her story ugh)
SWEARING VENGEANCE FOR EROEH. not because she's swearing vengeance, but because of this particular part: "mago and ko jhaqo will plead for the mercy they showed eroeh". at this point jhaqo is now a khal with twenty-thousand riders, but dany denies his authority and power and refuses to let it hinder her. "and i am daenerys stormborn, daenerys of house targaryen, of the blood of aegon the conqueror and maegor the cruel and old valyria before them. i am the dragon's daughter, and i swear to you, these men will die screaming."
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