#Dancing lights
uwhe-arts · 7 days
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light traces . . . | uwhe-arts
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sshot · 6 months
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raenysart · 1 year
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Dancing Lights is a vain little guy
The Dragon Garden
Scorching Ray | Burning Gaze | Calm Air | Dancing Lights | Tireless Pursuit (soon) | ???
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"… I couldn't see anything but the scales on my back stood up…"
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dmagedgoods · 11 months
Owlcatober Day 18 - Dancing Lights: A Glow in the Dark
The chilly north wind mercilessly cut through the air and crawled under the soft, ornamented fabrics of his custom-tailored coat that was made to fit his body’s shapes in perfection but no match for cold autumn nights spent on a balcony of Drezen's citadel far from any warming fire. He felt strangely numb to the sensation. Visible puffs of air rose out of his mouth with each breath while his gaze wandered across the sleeping city. The silence in Drezen never became as full, as peaceful, and all-consuming as during those long nights at Heaven’s Edge that seemed to belong to another life. He had hated the quiet tranquility when he had been a child. Now he missed its calming embrace or at least …, well, every once in a sappy while. It was such a simple little spell. Effortless, a light emerged from his palm, warm and bright in the rough darkness surrounding him. His chest felt heavy while the magical lantern floated as light as a feather. He wished he could join its journey, just as weightless, just as free. He trembled. His heartbeat hurt in his veins. She had loved those lights. He remembered their reflection in her bright green eyes, his own wonder and excitement, his little hand warm in hers. The wind still tore at his coat and he flinched at the sudden feeling of warmth, of tightness around him. A familiar warmth, he realized almost immediately, a familiar tightness too – not limiting but welcome and protecting. Salvadore didn’t speak a word. He just stood there with him, held him close, and he refocused on his spell, the slightest bit calmer now. Another lantern gained its form in his hand, and he set it free, then another and a fourth. The flickering lights rose higher and higher into the dark, endless sky, all the way up to the stars, and they watched in silence, back against chest, as the magical flames grew smaller and smaller, dancing around each other in the cold, relentless wind. “Happy birthday, Mother,” he whispered quietly, and Salvadore pulled him even closer, steadying him far beyond any physical support. The lights were still dancing and they watched until they couldn’t see them anymore. Even long after they had disappeared from view, they didn’t move. Instead, they remained in their tight embrace, looking up at the stars that blinked down on them.
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parkerhowl · 2 years
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always been a big CR fan but never posted much about it. here’s a shadowgast bc why not
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sincerelynote · 6 months
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“Commission” I did for my sweet partner, he insisted on paying me but we have lived together for 5 years so it’s hard not to share our money for the most part lol. Anyway this is his current Baldur’s Gate character! She’s a Teifling Bard. It’s been fun watching his play though alongside my own. Speaking of which I really need to draw my own character 😩😎
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littlepawz · 1 year
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Those who do not believe in magic will never find it. 
~Ronald Dahl~
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You don't have to publish this, I just feel weird hopping into your DMs, so apparently asks are fine in my mind, idek, haha, but I need you to know I HAVE REREAD THE DANCING LIGHTS STORY SO MANY TIMES ashiofnhdasiofghdsifgbvibphigasbfdiousGBDFI IT'S SO GOOD
Okay, so I'm answering this for two reasons:
Anyone can hop into my DMs and message me at any time. I do not bite! I love interaction. Beware that I am older-sibling shaped, so you may get advice or what-not 😂 I also have a full-time job, though, so I may not always get back to you right away!
I'm tagging Carol (@clonethirstingisreal) because she adores this fic, too 😘
I love this fic for so many reasons:
- The plot, themes, storyline, and pacing are just fabulous.
- The characterization of Wolffe is great. I think I did a decent job balancing out his grumpy side, but also adding in those precious few moments where he's allowed to feel something other than grumpyness.
- The foreshadowing was okay, but it's hard to gauge foreshadowing as the authors 😅
- However, the conflict and tension were immaculate! I go back and read it, and my heart starts racing!
- I probably could have done a bit better with the world building, and the pacing at the very end was a little rough.
I think some people may get turned off by it because Wolffe is a wolf, but it's really hard to explain the exact dynamic without reading it. I think some people thought he was a werewolf, some other mythical creature, or it was gonna have some squicky stuff in it.
But it's really just like it sounds, Wolffe is a wolf. He has a wolf spirit that resides within his soul that allows him to transform into an actual wolf. I won't spoil the details for those who haven't read it yet, but it's wholesome.
Sorry this got long, but I love this fic so much, and I'm glad others are discovering it and enjoying it as much as I do!!!
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clownpiss404 · 3 months
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Dancing Lights
My bard Sadie Andromeda and her imp son Molotov playing in some lights!
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kon4ka · 6 months
✨An observation for those who like to make beautiful screenshots in the dialogues of Baldur's Gate 3 ✨
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A few words about how illumination works in dialogues will be useful for those who like to make beautiful screenshots. By default, the picture of the dialogues, especially in the Underdark, is very dark, but I want to make beautiful screenshots. There are 2 main ways to add light to dialogue or a story scene (doesn't always work). 1) If you need Warm Light, take a torch/lantern in your character’s hand. 2) If you need Cold Light, cast the “Light” focus on your character’s weapon (“Create Flame” will not work, “Daylight” is too strong, I haven’t tested the Moon Lantern yet, but in theory it should act by analogy with the usual one).
1 screen - “Light” on Blur’s staff (my Tav) 2nd screen - no “Light” at all 3rd screen - “Light” on Khalsin’s staff. 4th screenshot - warm light from a torch picked up from Blur (by the way, if you throw a torch nearby, there will be no light from it). 5th screen - The "Dancing Lights" focus is cast next to Halsin. 6th screen - the companion stands with a torch next to him (similarly with weapons and “Light”). 7th screen - the situation is the same as in 5th screen but without a torch. 8th screen - “Daylight” on Astarion’s weapon, it feels like it illuminates not so much the character as the surrounding space. 9 screen - “Fairy glow” gives a weak pinkish light from below.
The general principle is this - what the character is wearing or holding affects other characters in the dialogue; everything that is part of the “movable” environment (a thrown torch, the “Dancing Lights” focus) is not displayed in the dialogues.
RU Пару слов о том, как работает освещаемость в диалогах, будет полезно любителям делать красивые скрины. По дефолту картинка у диалогов особенно в Подземье очень тёмная, а скринов красивых сделать хочется. Есть 2 основных способа добавить света в диалог или в сюжетную сцену (не всегда работает). 1) Если нужен Теплый свет - взять персонажем в руку факел/фонарь. 2) Если нужен Холодный свет - скастовать фокус "Свет" на оружие своего персонажа ("Создание пламени" не подойдёт, "Дневной свет" слишком сильный, Лунный фонарь ещё не проверяла, но по идее должен действовать по аналогии с обычным).
1 скрин - "Свет" на посохе Блюр (моя Тав) 2 скрин - вообще без "Света" 3 скрин - "Свет" на посохе Хальсина. 4 скрин - теплый свет от взятого в руки факела у Блюр (кстати если факел бросить рядом, то света от него не будет). 5 скрин - Фокус "Пляшущие огоньки" скастован рядом с Хальсином. 6 скрин - спутник стоит с факелом рядом (аналогично с оружием и "Светом"). 7 скрин - ситуация та же что и на 5 скрине но без факела. 8 скрин - "Дневной свет" на оружии Астариона, по ощущениям засвечивает не столько персонажа, сколько окружающее пространство. 9 скрин - "Фейское сияние" даёт слабый розоватый свет снизу.
Общий принцип такой - то что надето на персонаже или у него в руках влияет на других персонажей в диалоге, всё что является частью "сдвигаемого" окружения (брошенный факел, фокус "Пляшущие огоньки") - не отображается в диалогах.
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uwhe-arts · 9 months
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Happy New Year! . . . | uwhe-arts
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countercharmda · 3 months
Happy Pride to RenGale matching each others’ freak (Gale helping Ren film music videos w muppets of Q.ueen for the YouTube channel)
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marionsinspirations · 3 months
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aka-click · 2 years
I got pictures of the aurora borealis last night from my backyard. Thought I'd share.
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Long Forgotten Halls...
...and the steps it took to walk them
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