#Dandan dans
wow-an-unfunny-joke · 5 months
Dandan’s full name is Dandan Dans he’s the third generation of Dandan Dans it’s a family name actually
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askchilchuck · 2 months
Do you have any embarrassing stories about your kids? And what were your kids like when they were little?
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Well, I don’t know about embarrassing, but… There was this one time, Mei and Fler were still really little, and Puck was just born, right? Well, we had both of our families over to celebrate, and Mei was looking for her mother in the crowd. Well, at the time, her and Dan had similar hair styles, and then being twins and all look really similar, right? Well, they looks so similar that Mei thought Dan was her mother for a good half hour. She was still little, so we don’t rag on her too much for it, but it was pretty cute.
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fumifooms · 28 days
Dandan x Asivia
Dubbed dansivia. Confused as to who either of these are? Here’s a Dandan comp and Asivia wise this post is close enough for now
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There is a brave visionary on ao3 and they’re so right
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Ok first of all let’s address the theory:
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Dandan is indeed the only Laios party member not pictured here (besides Chilchuck himself but we saw he didn’t like her which would contradict this anyways). I keep wanting to add "that we know of" or some other caveat but honestly not even no, it’s never implied or mentioned they had yet another party member and that makes sense since we saw the party’s inception right up to its current party composition.
… So… Mystery solved right out of the gate? I dunno, it feels weird to me to claim Dandan hates Laios, but if he kept it under wraps enough or reasoned with himself about it I could see it. Laios and Dandan were coworkers from their gold peeling days, and so when Laios left to try a career in dungeon diving Dandan joined him.
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They seem very standard coworkers that get along well enough to me, far from skulls emoji energy, but yeah there is a case to be made on both overt strong dislike and repressed strong dislike ends. But maybe the true beef started after he left the party even, especially if he fancies Asivia and kept up with the party’s drama that went down with her, though the chart does imply it was the work dynamic while he was still in the party because of context. But, believing that Dandan likes her and Asivia considered getting with him like the other men of the party, Asivia would have literally sidelined Dandan to pursue Laios. And Laios doesn’t even realize her attempts at seduction? Ok yeah the hate is plausible nvm. Also we can keep in mind that this is Chilchuck’s chart and he could have more insight on Dandan’s feelings than the average coworker since he’s his friend. It def fleshes him more out with implications. He’s professional he keeps unnecessary shit to himself. It’d be weird to me if the relationship chart was made without Kui thinking it through, or retconning it, it is the canon we get so it’s interesting to ponder. Kui giving us secret romantic drama for free <3
Speaking of what’s not free. Ok maybe Dan does dislike Laios, do business introductions really cost money… I mean I respect the hustle but. So Dandan is heavily implied to be the one to introduce Asivia to the party. The only other mage was Marcille and well we know how that went. "A real cutie". Yeah. I bet. 👀
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This is the most interesting dansivia part to me, they did meet previously to the party, both doing what they do best, networking. Dan helped Asivia find a job, how did they meet and how did that go? What if she had an infamous reputation already, how much did they get acquainted… There’s a lot of leeway for fun here
Gorgeous hustling but lazy manipulator that seeks a fortunate husband x slight womanizer hustling & hardworking poor guy that’s been around in business for too long to be played… Both work a lot but like to take it easy when they can. Tavern flirtations and having met while networking and "I can hook you with a job" (staring and smiling too much) and "Oh Dandan, you’re so capable and knowledgable about the Island, could you help me out~"
Manipulator hustler seductress x laidback hustler flirt… Social butterflies, streets smarts in different yet similar ways… Observant x observant………. She’s very harsh and drops people/her damsel act at the first second she can’t get something out of it anymore and I think he’d be so into that. Dandan liking strongminded women. Women who kinda play dirty. Makes him respect them and want to pursue them help…
And like takes on Asivia differ nowadays but I do need her to mean this shit for this, this is what she's unabashedly about. She is just a woman trying to make it in this world but working people’s the name of her game. Whatever reason you give her, she was taking advantage of Laios and trying to get a marriage with any decent profitable guy she could. She knows what she’s doing and she doesn’t look the least bit remorseful. A girl who knows what she wants and chases it, rawr ⬅️ Dandan voice
They both fall for each other but neither can admit it because they know it’s just temporary, she’ll go look for a well-off tallman husband eventually. Messy situationship go. Can they even have a good ending together. It’s all only ever nice in the present moments… She’ll leave he can’t offer her anything but himself and a very humble lifestyle, she’ll leave she can’t settle for that she won’t, he knows that and it’s part of why he liked her in the first place. Oughhhhh
Ohhh to be underdogs, settling for a humble life & being content with that vs unapologetically ambitious and chases that life and comfort she seeks, which in turn makes him admire her…….. But even if she inspires him to chase what he wants, she can’t give it to him…………..
Putting this on blast bc they’re great thoughts
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Because I’m me I’m trying to make them reach a happy long term ending together and it’s not working… Which is more fun tbh. I shall ponder this puzzle…
Casanova Dandan is so important to me now. Chilchuck’s in a separation slump & faithfulness oath to the wind but Dandan, good friend dandan? He’s living he’s thriving he’s pulling
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I want fics of them meeting & networking. He’s very up to the news in the dungeon goer community… All I’m saying is I can see Dandan bartering for a shot with her in exhange for information or helping her out find jobs, knowing she’s after guys to marry too 🤭 I think they should flirt in a tavern. I think they should make eyes at each other over glasses and exchanging business convos and leaving it all in the implied and unspoken
Dansivia is getting too real to me
The fics are fun go read ‘em
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lovesomehate · 4 months
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Incorrect EC quotes 14/?
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chilfucked · 2 months
God you are so real for dandan. I haven’t seen anyone talk about him but he’s so 🫠
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aynut · 7 months
im guna take a shit in smc publicly
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losfayth · 1 year
( caelus to dan heng ) 👉 👌❓
"Wha-?" Dan Heng grumbles softly, a flush deepening on his face. Really, he should be used to his antics by now. Looking at the screen of his phone, he murmured to himself. "How can you send these things so easily?" Still, he replied to Caelus' text.
"My room. Don't be late."
Then, he added one more thing. "And don't let March follow you."
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lelslizzylebs · 2 months
I think what I like about Dandan is that every possibility for his character is just so delightful. He met Chilchuck through the guild and they became best friends? Marvelous. He met Chilchuck through the guild and is willing to set him up with work but hates his guts? Also excellent. He’s a relative? Wonderful. He’s an in-law who stayed in touch after Chilchuck’s wife left? Hilarious. His name is Dandan Dans? Spectacular. He has an entirely different patronymic and his parents just did that to him? Incredible. I love literally every take.
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rue-dixon · 1 month
Bro-in-law Dandan propaganda
Dandan playing both sides for his sister and Chilchuck.
Chilwife venting about Chilchuck to her brother. "He just never listens! He's so stubborn I'm tired of him!" while Dandan's just nodding and agreeing like "mhm yeah he just doesn't understand what you're doing through when he's gone at all."
Turn around now to Chilchuck, venting to his brother in law aka his closest childhood friend about the same argument. "She just doesn't even try understand how hard it is for me too." And Dandan is once again nodding his head agreeing, "of course not, she doesn't understand just how hard those jobs actually are."
Uncle Dandan, but the girls call him Uncle Dan/Danny. Who's also closest with Puckpatti. Meijack's a daddy's girl, Flertom a mamas girls, and Puckpatti's an uncles girl.
Chilwife bugging Dandan about not being married yet. And tires to get Chilchuck to agree with her and talk to him about it too. But Chilchuck is just like "let the kid do what he wants, he'll find someone eventually."
When he first saw his sister and Meijack after she just gave birth (him being a child) he said Meijack looked like a "wrinkly potato".
Dandan became a dungeon adventurer because of Chilchuck, who tired really really hard to talk him out of it. But Dandan said he didn't plan on going very deep and wanted to stick with treasure hunters instead of hardcore explorers so Chilchuck laid off finally.
"Chilchuck's like the older brother I never had!"
"I'd say Dandan is the little brother I never had, but I have two of them and they're both little shits just like him."
Dandan would always ask how his sisters and nieces were doing when him and Chilchuck would be working at the guild together. But always obviously had more interest in Puckpatti.
"How's my sister?
"She's fine"
"... and Puck?"
"She's fine too, as well as my OTHER girls."
"Right right.. I was just gonna ask about them next!"
Chilchuck and Dandan worked together to form the guild. Dandan taking care of things when Chilchuck was away or on very long jobs.
Chilchuck and Dandan poked at each other a lot as children. But became good friends as adults. Especially when Dandan was old enough to start drinking, Chilchuck was happy to have a new dedicated drinking buddy. They even stayed close after his wife left him, "she left me, not him." Little does Chilchuck know, she actually told her brother she was leaving and why she left. But he never told Chilchuck because she asked him not to.
Dandan making fun of his sister's situation, especially when he was younger. Even if he actually didn't care about them having shotgun wedding, he just thought it was funny.
"This wouldn't have happened if you just kept your legs closed."
"Only I get to call my sister a whore because it's funny. Anyone else who tries dies."
Uncle Dandan telling the girls crazy stories about their parents when they were younger. Stories that the two of them never wanted their kids to know.
Dandan: what's that?
Chilchuck: huh? Oh those are the brothels for adventurers.
Dandan: oh... you never used it did you?
Chilchuck: what? No! Why would you think I'd cheat on my wife?!
Dandan: just making sure...
Since Chilchuck wants to hide his family from work. He has to tell Dandan not to tell anyone that they're in laws. That they're just friends and that's it. And he'd prefer if he didn't bring up his sister or nieces in conversations. Dandan thought he was weird and got a little suspicious. But Chilchuck explained his reasoning and Dandan agreed, it didn't affect him much anyways.
Dandan: so, what are you and my sister fighting about now?
Chilchuck: what? Where did you get that idea from??
Dandan: you've been sleeping in the union quarters for three days straight. So what's she mad at you for this time?
Chilchuck: ...
He's a built in babysitter even if he kinda hates it. But he loves his nieces so it's ok.
When they were estranged he fully believed they'd get back together and wasn't worried about them getting an official divorce at all. And just waved it off every time he was asked about it.
"You kidding? They couldn't keep their hands off each other when we were kids. Practically inseparable. I'm sure they'll talk, realize how much they miss each other, have makeup sex and then go on like none of this ever happened."
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Anyways why'd they make him so cute in the anime tf
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dhiraksara · 8 months
Aman dan Nyaman
Aku baru sadar ketika kugali lagi diriku sendiri. Ternyata, yang aku butuhkan terkait pasangan itu aku bisa memperoleh rasa aman dan nyaman. Selaras dengan arti "Sakinah" bila mendoakan orang menikah.
Rasa nyaman dan amannya meliputi apa? Luas banget!
Aku nyaman jadi aku sendiri di depan pasanganku. Entah itu salto, ekspresif, apa pun yang tidak merugikan orang lain dan enggak makan rumput tetangga.
Aku nyaman untuk cerita dan membuka kelemahanku pada pasanganku. Dia gak ngejudge, validasi apa yang kurasakan, ngepuk-puk, kemudian bertanya akan hal yang membuat aku nyaman lagi.
Aku nyaman menjadikan pasanganku tempat bersandar. Dia cukup kuat bahunya, bisa nopang aku dan kerandoman hidupku yang sering kali masih belajar mengelola diri dan emosi. Bukan tak jadikan samsak, tapi aku akan terus belajar untuk manajemen emosiku, karena ini tanggung jawabku sebagai manusia wkwk.
Aku aman untuk nyanding dia. Obrolannya setara, nyambung, guyonannya juga setara. Aku aman untuk cerita apa pun, didengarkan dengan baik, diberi masukan dan sudut pandang bila aku minta.
Aku aman terkait tanggung jawab dia sebagai laki-laki terhadap tampilannya sendiri. Dandan rapi dan pantas, enggak bau badan dan mulut pas ketemu aku maupun orang lain. Ajining rogo soko busono benar-benar diterapkan secara nyata. Bukan berarti harus fashionable, namun dandan rapi dan pantes.
Aku aman terkait karakternya. Bagaimana cara mengendalikan diri, bagaimana memperlakukan pasangan dengan sebaik-baiknya cara. Bagaimana tetap ngerti batasan, enggak merendahkan pasangan di depan orang lain. Bisa berbaur dengan orang lain tanpa rasa kikuk berlebih. Bisa memanajemen emosinya dengan baik yang membuat aku gak ketakutan dan mikir, "Orang ini marah perkara apalagi ya ke aku?"
Aku aman terkait finansial. Ini dasarnya aku enggak muluk-muluk. Yang penting setiap bulan ada yang bisa dibuat pegangan, punya tabungan, minim (kalau bisa ya enggak ada) utang, tanggungan aman, bisa ngasih keluarga masing-masing. Kalau perkara finansial, aku bisa bantu juga buat usahakan lewat kerjaku (kalau aku tetap dibolehin kerja ding wkwkw).
Aku aman untuk melakukan apa yang kusuka. Bekerja. Olahraga. Ngegym. Nulis. Berkarya. Bermanfaat bagi orang lain. Berdaya. Belajar. Ketemu teman. Mimpiku enggak diremehkan, kegiatanku enggak dikekang asal tahu waktu dan paham akan tujuan dan risiko yang dihadapi.
Aku merasa aman aman berbagi apa pun ke pasanganku. Berbagi peran, saling backup satu sama lain, kerja sama, minta tolong, berbagi suka, keresahan, hal-hal random yang baru kami temukan bersama.
Aku merasa aman saat bersama dia di satu acara. Ketemu keluarga besar, reuni, atau acara yang sering kali ada celetukan sensitif, yang bikin aku gak nyaman. Pasanganku bisa sigap lindungi aku, belain aku di depan keluarga maupun teman-temannya, bahkan siap menghindarkan aku dari hal-hal yang membuatku gak aman.
Aku aman melihat pasanganku kelak bisa jadi rumah bagi aku, cinta pertama bagi anak perempuannya, guru yang baik bagi anak laki-lakinya. Aku merasa beruntung dan aman bisa mencarikan figur bapak yang baik untuk mereka.
Tentu, yang paling penting, aku aman terkait ilmu pengetahuan dan ilmu agama yang dimiliki pasanganku. Enggak fixed mindset. Mau belajar dan tumbuh bareng. Salatnya tertib. Ngajinya oke, minimal bisa ngajari aku juga. Diajak ibadah lainnya juga ayo.
Oh, juga mau diajak sehat bersama wkwkwk. Diajak olahraga ya ayo. Makan makanan yang sehat. Enggak merokok. Istirahat cukup. Aku merasa aman bila pasanganku tumbuh sehat jiwa raga.
Akan di-update seiring berjalannya waktu dan kapasitas pengetahuanku.
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arinailma · 3 months
Jadi akhwat tuh challenging bet bet bett. Sebelum nikah dituntut buat ngejaga diri sebaik mungkin. Berusaha nutup aurat seideal mungkin sesuai sama syariat. Keinginan berhias dikikis sedikit demi sedikit. Abi bilang jangan sampai narik perhatian orang. Tapi emang semuanya ga semudah itu, tergantung.. latar belakang ga si. Aku jadi bersyukur banget.
Katakan ada satu orang akhwat nih, di masa single nya dia udah berusaha menjaga semenjaga itu. Mungkin sejak masih single nya dia punya standar a, b, c dalam berpakaian terus kalo ntar aku nikah maunya kayak gini gini nanana. Yaa kalo dalam sehari-harinya dia udah terbiasa dengan tampilan yang syar'i, dia cenderung juga akan menerapkan itu di hari terbaiknya (pernikahan), menurutku sih ya. Tapiii, kayaknya ga semua akhwat berkesempatan buat dapetin dream wedding nya. (Apasi rin, sumpah aku cm sok tau:)
Beberapa di antara kita, iya para akhwat, punya orang tua yang bahkan di masa mudanya belum sedekat itu sama Islam dan syariat-syariatnya. Sampai di hari terbaik mereka, ibu sebagai orang pertama yang kita pengen banget jadi pendukung semua konsep yang bakal kita rancang, sekaligus ngarahin mana yang lebih banyak manfaatnya atau mudhorotnya, jadi penentu gimana hari H itu akan berjalan.
Mungkin ketidaktahuan ibu kita jadi penghalang atau mungkin berubah jadi bentuk keraguan kita.
Misal, kita tau kalau idealnya gaun yang nanti kita pakai itu gabole ngebentuk badan, tapi karena ibu gatau hal itu dan pasti pas nentuin kayak gitu kita bakal lebih banyak minta validasi ibu kan? Jadi ibu bilang, "gausah kak bagusan yang ini bikin kamu keliatan tambah tinggi." Akhirnya kita manut juga sama ibu.
Misal lainnya, akhwat biasanya gapernah dandan. Plis mohon dimaklumi para akhwat yang gapernah dandan ini. Pas hari H kita ditanya sama MUA nya, "make up nya mau kayak gimana mbak?", "kerudungannya mau kayak gimana mbak?" Kita cuma bisa nanya balik ke ibuk ga si. Kek, "Mahh ini bagusnya gimana", terus nanti ibu bilang "Yang menurut mbak MUA nya paling bagus aja". Oke akhirnya kita manut lagi. Sampai pas udah didandanin kita baru sadar kalo MUA nya masangin bulu mata palsu sama pas mau di kerudungin harus dipakein konde dulu biar bagus, menurut mbaknya. "Loh kan kalo kayak gini gabole ga sih" Akhirnya perasaan kita yang campur aduk, tanpa berani bilang apa-apa ke ibu.
Huaa takut. Sumpah ini bukan ceritaku atau cerita orang lain, aku cuma sok tau tapi tapi kepikiran aja huehwhehwh. Gara-gara ngehadirin banyak undangan nikah orang. Maapin manusia INFP yang sangat suka mengamati dan sangat cocoklogi ini:')
Random thought || Ahad, 7 Juli 2024
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askchilchuck · 6 days
I want more uncle Dandan stories!
Meijack said he pushed her in the mud when she was little. But he gave your girls a bunch of sweets and your wife would fuss at him for it.
And Puckpatti said he use to play with them when you were too tired too.
But I haven't seen Flertom yet so I haven't asked her yet
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Well, there was this one time, Mei and Fler were still really little, and Puck was just born, right? Well, we had both of our families over to celebrate, and Mei was looking for her mother in the crowd. Well, at the time, her and Dan had similar hair styles, and then being twins and all look really similar, right? Well, they looks so similar that Mei thought Dan was her mother for a good half hour. She was still little, so we don’t rag on her too much for it, but it was pretty cute. You remember him telling this story before, but he seems to think it’s the first time he’s mentioned it.
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aksarasembunyi · 2 months
Seni Menahan Diri
Hai, aku boleh cerita sedikit? Jadi akhir-akhir ini, aku suka merasa,,, "kok orang-orang cantik sekali ya?" "Kok pada pinter make up dan bajunya lucu-lucu ya?" "Kayaknya kalo aku make up cantik deh"
Jujur banget, fitrahnya perempuan itu ingin tampil menarik, pengen centil. Bukan karena pengen dilihat, tapi karena lagi mood dan bagus aja make up sama bajunya.
Tapi, aku lagi belajar menahan diri. Hehe :") Susah ya ternyata, buat gak centil dan berpenampilan sederhana di sosial media. Jujur aku gak bisa make up, tapi kadang ngeliat orang lain cantik pake make up, aku juga pengen. Cuma, lagi-lagi aku berusaha menahan diri. "Allah ridho gak ya?" "Berlebihan gak ya?" "Kayaknya videoku tadi terlalu centil deh" "Ibu marah gak ya anaknya dandan" Dan overthinking lainnya yang buat aku sadar, menahan diri untuk melakukan kehati-hatian itu gak gampang :")
Bukan, bukannya aku merasa lebih baik dari mereka. Tapi aku ngerasa punya prinsip yang berbeda aja, dan aku akuin susah banget haha :")
Belajar buat hidup dengan takaran "Allah ridho atau engga". Dikatakan atau tidak, perempuan akan tetap cantik dengan keimanan dan harga dirinya. Semangat berbenah, walaupun gak mudah :")
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lovesomehate · 6 months
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I see …
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babblingpipit · 10 months
Woman struggles
Nonton ini terus entah kenapa tiba-tiba nangis sesenggukan. Relatable from A-Z. Disini si uyen cerita kontrasnya perempuan diperlakukan di masyarakat rural Vietnam tempat dia tumbuh vs di Jerman tempat dia tinggal sekarang. Di kedua tempat ada plus minusnya tapi sungguh sangat relateee dengan struggle dan ternyata ekspektasi masyarakat tuh bisa bikin trauma loh.
Beberapa hal yang aku juga alami selama growing up: 1. Cewek tuh dibesarkan fokusnya untuk menjadi istri orang. Jadi harus bangun pagi, bisa beberes dan kerja domestik, rajin mandi dan dandan. Tapi sama banget sama Uyen, keluargaku karena ngeliat aku serius belajar dan sekolah malah jadi nyuruh belajar aja dan bantu-bantu sebisanya aja. Beruntung banget punya keluarga yang ngasih support di bidang pendidikan. 2. Tuntutan untuk jadi cantik dan conform dengan beauty standard tuh ga main-main di kalangan remaja pas aku tumbuh. Bener yang kayak di video, ngobrolin penampilan tuh yang kayak kasual dan b-aja gitu. Gendutan, kurusan, jerawatan, semua dikomentarin dan jujur bikin self-esteem rendah kalo ga sesuai. Jadi takut item, takut gendut, terus pake baju harus estetik. Mungkin karena tadi, peran perempuan itu ya cari suami. 3. Perempuan pilih jurusan kuliah dan cari kerjaan yang ga time-consuming banget (admin, guru, dll) karena setelah berkeluarga harus fokus urus keluarga, sementara laki-laki harus punya karir yang mentereng. Jujur ini iya banget bahkan sampai aku S3 pun ada yang mengomentari untuk kerja jadi dosen aja biar bisa fleksibel urus keluarga! Iya bener sih ingin jadi dosen tapi bukan itu alasannya :( Meskipun ngerti alasannya karena di rural area gitu kan ga banyak support seperti daycare, penitipan anak yang bagus, sekolah dari usia dini, dll. Jadi mau ga mau salah satu dari orang tua harus jadi primary care giver. Kadang aku masih suka kebawa mindset kayak gini sih. Kalo punya anak nanti mikirnya akan career break dulu atau take it easy. Baru sadar pas dibahas di video ini bahwa itu adalah hasil pembentukan pemikiran selama kita tumbuh besar ya.
Dahlah meski demikian tetap homesickk karena jadi perempuan di negara maju pun banyak tantangannya. Aku ngerasa somehow lingkungan kerjanaya lebih unnecessarily harsh dan banyak yang ga akomodatif (contoh: di kantor ane gaada ruang laktasi). Tapi senang dengan menyadari kalo ada yang salah dengan perlakuan masyarakat ke sosok perempuan dimanapun itu, jadi kita bisa pelan-pelan membuat perubahan sama-sama :)
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alexa-fika · 5 months
More Aster childhood hc.
When she started living with the boys and the bandits, she was too shy to grab food for herself. So she just watched everyone fight for food.
It took a few days when everyone started noticing, Ace then started handing her food while Sabo kept luffy away.
When she first met Garp, she cried and hid behind Ace. Garp didn't understand how another child ended up with Dandan.
And of course Ace was ready to defend her if Garp wanted to use his fist of love.
They used a old toy they found in Grey Terminal, to trick people in Goa kingdom to think they broke Aster's toy.
Sabo and Ace taught her to fight, later on Garp and Dandan taught her.
She loved meeting Shanks and his crew, always asking them for stories. She was totally into Yassop's stories he told her.
I'm still deciding on how she got abandoned in Grey Terminal. I can totally see some Nobel parents hating when they get daughters. Or if her parents just couldn't look after her and just dumped her
Dan I love you 😂
It’s an interesting concept about the food and it would make sense seeing how ruthless eating time was around there. Makes me curious as to how her interaction with Sanji will be give his background and philosophy.
Garp would be totally confused and unlike That one scene where Ace tried to protect Luffy, the three would go up and beyond to make sure that hit dosen’t land .
The brothers are something else, caring sweethearts but still devious enough to pull a scam like that. Cautious and smart enough to know they needed her to be able to learn self-defence in case they couldn’t make it in time. Garp? Well I can see this as one last attempt to make a kid into a marine, and the first thing a marine must do is able to protect themselves before they are able to protect others. Dadan is simply a softy and cannot take the thought of the girl being hurt, considering she is the one with common sense and manners amongst the quartet.
The noble backround would definetly fit her,you can also go with the ol baby in the chest 👀
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