#Danganronpa X Danganronpa Another: Symbols of Hope
summerotakuchan · 2 years
Danganronpa X Danganronpa Another: Symbols of Hope - Randomness - 4 - Makoto X Mukuro be like
To anyone who heard a dog barking in the video, yeah, sorry! My dogs are a little crazy, lol! XD
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Komanami Week Day 1: Confession
Summary | Lately, Nagito Komaeda has been noticing that Chiaki Nanami was talking to him less and less. That shouldn't bother him, right? Scum like he deserves to be ignored by an Ultimate like her. Well, what if his selfish heart isn't able to rest on the feelings bubbling inside any longer? With the assistance of the Ultimate Nurse, Nagito finds the courage to learn the truth of why Chiaki doesn't talk to him that much anymore.
❥ Pairing | Nagito Komaeda x Chiaki Nanami (ft. Mikan Tsumiki)
★ Word Count | 4,660 words
*Sorry for being late and if there any mistakes or errors. I was busy this week, so I didn't get a chance to properly edit this. Also, sorry if anyone is out of character. I'm not used to writing Danganronpa characters yet. Also, this is quite long, so grab some snacks and read if you have a lot of time. With that out of the way, I hope you enjoy!*
“Miss Sonia! I can carry your bag for you if you want!”
“Ah, no thank you, Soda-”
Nagito stared at the scene playing out in front of his desk. Sonia had just walked into the classroom, and Kazuichi was immediately all over her. It was nothing new. This kind of stuff happened every minute of every day, and yet, Kazuichi was never any closer to winning Sonia’s affections. Still, he was just so full of hope that Nagito had to respect his determination. After all, he was truly worthy of being called a Symbol of Hope if he refuses to lose hope.
Nagito rested his cheek onto the palm of his hand and sighed. Unfortunately, he didn’t have Kazuichi’s hope when it comes to romance. As if on cue, the door slid open and Chiaki came in the classroom with her eyes glued to her game console. Immediately, Nagito felt himself straighten up, a familiar feeling flowing into his chest.
BA-DUMP! BA-DUMP! Nagito felt the steady beat of his heart increase exceptionally as Chiaki started making her way to the desk behind him. His face grew hot and he took note of every single detail about her. Her pale mauve hair bouncing slightly as she walked. Her usually gentle pink eyes that were filled with a determined fire at the moment. The small pout that formed on her face as she mashed buttons on her console. It all caused there to be butterflies in Nagito’s stomach.
“Good morning, Nanami!” Nagito exclaimed, attempting to act like his usual self. “Today feels like a beautiful day full of hope! Wouldn’t you agree?”
Chiaki didn’t bother to lift her head up from her game to face him. “….yeah. Morning.” Without another word, she sat at her desk and continued playing her game.
Nagito sighed. “Guess my luck’s not helping with this…” he muttered. While it’s true that Chiaki didn’t talk that much in general, it seemed like, lately, she never said more than a few words when talking to him.
“H-hey, Nanami,” Mikan approached her. “I don’t mean to be bossy, but I would recommend looking up from your game every now and again. I-It’s just that I’ve noticed you hardly put it down, and that might hurt your eyes.”
Chiaki didn’t put the game down. “Don’t worry, Tsumiki. My eyes are pretty used to looking at the screen, so they hardly hurt. But, I’ll try to take care of my eyes if you’re that worried.”
“Ah!” Mikan gasped. “T-thank you for listening to my advice!”
Yep. This confirms Nagito’s suspicions. She talks way more to the others than to him.
Well, of course, Chiaki would want to talk to the other Ultimates instead of scum that only has luck. But, even though he should’ve expected and known it, Nagito couldn’t help the weird feeling in his chest. The suffocating tightness that seemed to squeeze the hope out of him every time he noticed how little Chiaki paid attention to him. It made him just want to pull Chiaki towards him and wrap his arms around her.
No. How dare trash like him even have such indecent thoughts about her. Nagito slammed his head against his desk, sighing.
“KOMAEDA!” Mikan yelped and ran over to him. “Are you okay?!”
Nagito lifted his head up to meet the Ultimate Nurse’s worried eyes. He smiled and dismissed her with a hand gesture. “Don’t worry, Tsumiki. I’m fine. Just…having a moment.”
He glanced behind him to meet pink eyes for a split second before they returned to the game. He frowned. Did she really not care whether or not he was okay? He suddenly felt a small weight pushing down on his chest, like a small boulder that couldn't crush him completely. He groaned. 'I'm not going to let this go, am I? Should've expected that from selfish scum like me.'
“Actually, Tsumiki, I do need your help…” Nagito looked down, his eyes on his desk. “But, I know that worthless trash like me is completely out of line to be asking the Ultimate Nurse for assistance. You’re completely free to refuse.”
“N-no! I'm completely happy to be needed!" Mikan reassured. “Thank you! I w-will do my best!"
Nagito sighed with relief.  “Really? Thank you, Tsumiki. We can talk about it during lunch if you don’t mind.”
“O-of course!” With an excited skip in her step, Mikan went over to her desk with a beaming expression.
The rest of the day went pretty uneventfully. Well, as uneventfully as it can be when you’re in a class full of Ultimate students with energy to kill. But, the “crazy” events went about as normal. Akane challenging Nekomaru, Hiyoko being a bitch to Mikan, Kazuichi being jealous of Gundham and Sonia’s “friendship”, and Ms. Yukizome trying to handle everyone. However, even amongst the normal chaos, Nagito found it oddly difficult to chime into the conversations or even rant about hope. His mind couldn’t stop bringing up Chiaki and he felt himself slumping in his seat more and more throughout the day.
Thankfully, lunchtime finally rolled around and he walked over to Mikan. “Is there anywhere we can speak privately, Tsumiki?” he asked. “I’m sorry for being demanding, but I’d don't want to be overheard.”
‘Especially not by Nanami,’ he thought as he looked over his shoulder to see Chiaki discussing something with Ms. Yukizome.
"D-don't worry about it!" Mikan quickly reassured.  “There’s an empty classroom on the second floor that’s p-pretty empty. N-nobody usually goes there.”
“Sounds great!” Nagito nodded, and with that, the two made their way towards the classroom. “I’m really grateful for your help, Tsumiki. I was struggling with this for a while now, and you asking if I was okay persuaded me to finally find the hope I needed in order to confront this problem. So, thank you.”
“There’s n-no need to thank me, Komaeda! I was j-just nervous about your health!”
“As expected from the Ultimate Nurse!” Nagito smiled as they approached the classroom door. He slid the door open casually and walked inside, Mikan following right behind him and closing the door.
“Um…so, what do you need h-help with, Komaeda?” she asked. “Is there something bothering you?”
“There is, actually…” Nagito crossed his arms. “Lately, I’ve been feeling weird…around Nanami.”
Mikan tilted her head. “Weird? Around Nanami? How?”
“Well, before, I saw Nanami the same as everyone else. She’s another Symbol of Hope like the rest of you Ultimates, and I admired her and her kindness. I would’ve loved to be considered as her friend, but…I know that’s too much for scum like me to even ask. But, regardless, I just saw her as a great person who always, strangely, was always nice to me. But lately…things have been changing…”
“I’ve been seeing her in a different light lately. I’m beginning to find myself paying attention to every single detail about her. Like, every time Nanami’s awoken from one of her naps, she usually rubs her eyes and gives the person who wakes her up this cute angry expression.” Nagito felt his cheeks flush and his heart doing a happy little dance as the image flashed in his mind. “And…it makes my heart skip a beat. Honestly, so does everything else about her. The way she talks. The way she walks. Her small habits. Her flaws. Things that I’ve seen multiple times before and didn’t care about would now drive me crazy. Every time I’m near her, I find myself being even more happy and blushing. It’s honestly a little scary-”
“Komaeda! I think you’re in l-love with Nanami!” Mikan interrupted in an outburst. Nagito stopped speaking and looked up at her with a blank expression. He had been so caught up in his rambling that he had almost forgotten that she was in the room with him. He didn’t say anything as he took in what she just said.
Mikan began to tear up slightly. “AH! I-I’m sorry! Please forgive me for being so rude and interrupting you like that! I will take the p-punishment. J-just-”
"I know."
“Huh?” Mikan stopped apologizing to be met with a smile from Nagito. But…this smile was different from all the other smiles she’d seen. Nagito’s smiles were usually polite, small, and full of genuine appreciation. He never was the type to grin, and his smiles were usually as calm as he was. But, the smile he held…it was bigger than all the other smiles that crossed his face. It wasn’t a grin per say, but it still was a lot less gentle than his usual ones. His pale cheeks were flushed a bright red and his eyes held a soft, dreamy expression as he looked at the ground. Mikan wouldn’t be surprised if hearts formed in his eyes because the smile that Nagito had right now could best be described as…love-struck.
“I know that I’m in love with Nanami. I lay awake at night even more now because of it. Honestly, my luck can be so cruel sometimes. Of course my love for you Ultimates couldn’t stay in the admiring sense like I wanted it to be. I had to take advantage of that love to develop indecent feelings for Nanami. How selfish can I get?”
“Komaeda, calm down!” Mikan waved her arms in a panic. “Y-you can’t control how you feel.”
“But, even so,” Nagito ignored her as he looked up at the ceiling. “Nanami wants nothing to do with scum like me. It’s clear that she can’t even stand talking to me. She only says at most a few words whenever she does. Meanwhile, she says far more whenever she talks to the rest of you. We hardly spend any time together anymore. Not as much as we used to. She despises me and I don’t blame her. Who would ever want to spend time with trash? I just wish my heart could understand that.”
Nagito sighed as he turned to Mikan, his expression softening back to his normal tranquility. “That’s why I wanted to talk to you, Tsumiki. I need some advice about this. How can I stop myself from feeling this way? I don’t want to be jealous of you or anyone else when she pays attention to you. It’s completely outrageous of me to be jealous of you Ultimates just because I’m selfish enough to prevent Nanami from being happy.”
“Um…” Mikan had no idea what to even say to that. “I, uhhh…don’t know about stopping your feelings. B-But, I think I have an idea of helping you cope with them. M-maybe you should try talking to Nanami about this?”
“Huh?” Nagito furrowed his brow. “Talk to Nanami…? How would that help?”
“W-well…maybe it would help if you knew why she’s not talking that much with you. I don’t think she actually hates you, Komaeda. She may have something going on or other reasons for not talking to you. S-so, maybe knowing those reasons could help. Also, I know I have no right to say this, but…m-maybe you should confess to her?”
“Someone as lowly as me? Confess to Nanami?” Nagito stepped back. “That’s insane for you to even suggest, Tsumiki! I can’t just tell someone as amazing as Nanami about my selfish feelings towards her. She’ll reject me anyway.”
"Y-you don't know that!" Mikan balled her hands into fists in front of her. "I know it's hard for you to believe, but there is a possibility of her liking you back, too. You don't know what she thinks or what's going on in her head. B-But, I'm sure that she isn't unhappy when she spends time with you! You just think that way! B-besides, aren't you the one who always advocates for hope? Isn't it hypocritical of you to say that and then be so sure that you're going to get rejected?"
Mikan took a step forward and gave Nagito a determined glare as she pointed a finger at him. "So, go on! Confess to Nanami! H-hold on to hope!"
Nagito didn't say anything. He just stared at the finger that was pointed directly at his face with slightly widened eyes. But, this time, he was rendered speechless.
Mikan's expression softened slightly as she looked at the finger she was pointing, almost like she was noticing it for the first time. The realization of what she just did began to sink in, and she screamed.
“I-I-I’m sorry! I’m sorry for being so…tactless! I’ll take any kind of punishment! Y-you could draw on my arms if you wish-”
“No, no,” Nagito shook his head. “There’s no need to be sorry. I was just surprised at your sudden boldness, Tsumiki. I’ve never seen anything like it before.”
“P-please forgive me!”
Nagito chuckled. “I never said I had a problem with it. It’s actually quite refreshing to be scolded by you.” He paused for a second before nodding. “In fact, out of respect for you and your boost of confidence, I’ll talk to Nanami.”
“Huh?” Mikan gasped. “R-really?”
“Yep! I doubt that she’ll feel the same, but surely, with my luck, it won’t end too horribly. Besides, you’re probably right. Maybe figuring out why she doesn’t talk to me anymore will help.” He smiled at her. “Thank you, Tsumiki.”
“Of course, Komaeda!” Mikan bowed before smiling. “A-anything to help a friend.”
“A friend?” Nagito’s eyes widened slightly as he stared at Mikan.
Mikan’s eyes widened and she immediately began to backtrack, freaking out. “ I’m sorry! I d-didn’t mean to assume that you even wanted to be my f-friend in the first place.”
Then, Nagito did something that surprised Mikan. He smiled at her. “I’m glad an Ultimate like you actually considers me as a friend, Tsumiki. It’s an honor.”
Mikan’s teary eyes were as wide as dinner plates before she giggled. “Thanks!”
With that friendly end to the conversation, Mikan and Nagito returned to class a few minutes later and immediately were pestered by Teruteru and Kazuichi asking what they’ve been doing. After denying that they were doing anything suspicious, Nagito glanced over to where Chiaki was sitting. She had her eyes out her console-for once-and a small frown on her face as she stared at Nagito and Mikan.
He walked by Teruteru, ignoring his perverted theories, and went over to Chiaki’s desk. She seemed to realize that he caught her staring because she immediately darted her eyes away and back to her game, her cheeks slightly pink. Nagito had to fight back the urge to laugh at the adorable action and stood next to her desk.
“Hey Nanami, can I ask you something?”
Chiaki kept her eyes glued to her game, silent for a moment before answering. “Go ahead.”
“W-well…” Nagito heard a slight crack in his voice as he formed his question. He could feel his heartbeat grow faster and faster as each second passed. He tried to mentally tell himself to calm down as he took in a breath and let the question out.
“Is it alright if I talk to you after school? Near the fountain? There’s something that I want to tell you.”
Nagito’s tone was a lot calmer than he was feeling right. He can thank his luck for that. Chiaki didn’t answer for a moment, but her fingers had stopped pressing the buttons on her console. Seconds felt like minutes as Nagito waited for an answer before finally, she spoke.
He smiled. “Great! I’ll see you after class then!”
He walked back to his desk, letting out a sigh of relief. He looked up to see Mikan giving him an encouraging smile that he quickly returned. So far, things were going well. He just has to hope that it’ll go the same way when he actually confesses.
Meanwhile, behind him, he didn’t notice that Chiaki had placed her console down and was staring at him. She felt her cheeks flush as she played with the sleeve on her blazer, thinking back to his question.
‘What…does he want to ask me? Did he notice….?’
When lunch ended and class started again, it felt like time was going six miles an hour. Nagito kept staring at the clock every five minutes, hoping for a slight change in time. In the meanwhile, he could feel his stomach doing backflips as he tried to distract himself by his classmates’ usual antics. But, eventually, the bell finally rang and everyone left the classroom after saying bye to Ms. Yukizome.
Nagito immediately made his way towards the fountain, his heart pounding rapidly in his chest. For a rare moment in his life, he could feel his palms getting sweaty and his body trembling as he finally approached the stone fountain. The waters flowed gently down to the bottom basin of the fountain, like smooth, tranquil, waterfalls that surrounded the space in between the basins. He knew that Chiaki often spent her time after school hanging out with a friend playing video games, so this place was most likely a comfort to her. And he could definitely understand why. 
He sighed as he approached the fountain and placed his hand under the falling stream. The water felt cool against his warm hand and he felt the tension in his muscles fading slightly as the water soothed him. He took a deep breath and looked up to see a familiar plum-haired face peeking out of the bushes. Mikan gave him a weak smile and a trembling thumbs up. He smiled at her. At least he had some moral support with him as he went through this.
“So…why did you want to meet me?” a quiet voice asked from behind him. Nagito jumped slightly and turned around to see Chiaki standing there, looking at him with curious expression.
“Oh! Nanami! I didn’t expect you to come so quickly.”
She shrugged, eyes avoiding his. “Well…if it’s important then I figured I should be here as fast as possible.”
“R-right.” Once again, the crack in Nagito’s voice returned as he searched for the words to say. This was…surprisingly difficult. He had never done something like this before. Normally, he just tried to avoid this kind of stuff. But…he was here now…and Chiaki was standing right in front of him. So…he has to do it!
“I don't want to poke my nose in your business, Nanami, but...something's been bothering me lately."
“What is it?” Chiaki asked, raising an eyebrow. 
Nagito gulped, taking a minute to collect himself before blurting his question out. “Why aren't you talking that much to me?”
Her eyes widened slightly. “Huh?”
"I'm sorry for having the nerve to even ask this, but...lately, I've noticed that you hardly talk to me anymore. Back at the beginning of the year, you would usually have full conversations with me. But now, you barely say more than a few words to me. Actually, this is probably the most we've talked in a while. It's making me wonder if...you hate me or something."
Nagito looked at the ground, avoiding her eyes. “I know that I shouldn’t be complaining about this. After all, I know my place. But…I can’t stop thinking about it. I miss spending time and talking with you about video games or our days or whatever. I know I’ve done something to make you treat me this way, but I don't know what!"
Chiaki didn't say anything. She just looked down and kept her eyes focused on her shoes. Nagito couldn't read her expression because of the hair that was making a shadow over her face. Regardless, he took her silence as a sign to continue.
"I know that I'm asking for a lot, Nanami. But, I need to know what I did to make you hate me. I promise I'll leave you alone after you answer. After all, this is probably the most out of line thing that I ever had the balls to do. Talking to you like I'm on the same level?" He let out a sour chuckle. "How arrogant-"
"You've got it all wrong" was the small response that came from Chiaki's lips. Nagito stopped his rambling for a minute to look down at the girl in front of him. She had raised her head up slightly, allowing him to see the small flush of pink on her cheeks and her eyes darting to the side. Like she was trying to avoid looking at him?
"I don't hate you, Komaeda. I don't know how you jumped to that conclusion so quickly." She looked up at him and quickly continued, not even giving him a chance to respond. "Wait...never mind. I shouldn't have asked. But, that's not the point. I'm sorry that you got the impression I hated you. Actually...I should be apologizing for the way I've been acting..."
"You? Apologize?" Nagito questioned.
"For not talking to you anymore," she clarified. "I didn't want or intend to distance myself from you. It's just that..." Chiaki hesitated for a moment before sighing. "Well, I guess it's time I told you."
She took a deep breath and reached for Nagito's hand before grabbing it. He felt his cheeks heating up the moment he felt them make contact. His heart fluttered slightly as he looked down at her holding his hand. It...felt comforting. Her hand felt like it fitted perfectly in his and it felt...so right.
"The reason I wasn't talking to wasn't because I hated you or was avoiding you," Chiaki explained. "It was because I was always nervous when talking to you."
"Huh? Nervous? Why would you be nervous talking to me?"
Chiaki took a moment to answer, placing a finger on her chin as she searched for the right words, like a computer searching for answers. "I wasn't sure for a while. All I knew was that whenever I talked to you, I would feel weird. My heart would beat faster every time I was near you, and I would blush every time you got close to me. I found myself staring at you more often and getting flustered every time you complimented me. I was always nervous about how you would react to things I did or say. Yet, despite everything, I found myself smiling every time I was with you. I would enjoy the time we would spent together, and I would always be excited whenever I saw you. I could've been having a really bad day, but then you talk to me about a video game, and everything felt ten times better. It was like...I couldn't be logical or think clearly whenever I was with you, and it caught me off guard. It was so confusing."
Nagito's face was as red as Mahiru's hair as he took in what Chiaki was saying. All of the things that she was describing...no! There was no way, right? He may have amazing luck, but there was no way that he was THIS lucky!
"Then...I finally realized," Chiaki smiled softly, blushing. She looked up to meet Nagito's eyes. "I like you in a romantic sense, Komaeda. I was trying to figure out how to deal with it all and tell you, and that's why I stopped talking to you. It sounds dumb and I'm sorry, but I felt I needed a little bit of time to clear my head a little. And even now, I still feel nervous and all tingly." She let out a small giggle, which sounded like music to Nagito's ears.
"Y-you...like me?" That was all Nagito could sputter out.
"That's what I said," she nodded. "Actually, I was worried when you slammed your head on your desk this morning, but I turned away before you could catch me looking...which was dumb of me."
This was a dream, right? There was no way that this was real. There was no way that Chiaki Nanami actually returned his feelings. No way a girl like her would have a crush on a guy like him.
Chiaki's expression saddened slightly as seconds passed without him saying anything. She let go of his hand. "I understand if you don't feel the same way, and I'm okay with that. I'm happy to just be your friend if that's what you want. I just wanted to get this off my chest."
She was about to turn around before Nagito grabbed both of her hands. "W-wait, Nanami!"
He couldn't do it. He couldn't just stay in his place and push aside both his and Chiaki's feelings for the sake of hope. Was it wrong? Was it selfish? Was he out of line for preventing Chiaki from being with someone on her level?
He looked directly at Chiaki's face. Her pale eyes were staring up at him and her mouth was slightly open as she waited for his answer. There was a small spark in her eyes. An excited light that was dancing in them, tempting him. Reassuring him. Telling him to do it.
Nagito took Chiaki's hands in his. Even if it was selfish of him, he no longer cared.
"I feel the same way," he confessed. "I like you, too, Nanami."
The smile on her face could’ve countered any type of despair that was out there. Nagito felt her petite frame press up against him as she wrapped her arms around him. “I’m glad…”
He didn’t do anything for a moment. He just looked down at the girl as she lifted her head up towards him, his cheeks red. Then he returned her hug, and he felt everything else around him fade away into a peaceful silence. Nothing else mattered, or even existed for a few minutes. His inferior status. Despair. His awful luck cycle. It was all gone. All that mattered during that moment was the feeling of safety and comfort he got from having Chiaki in his arms. It was bliss. Until...
"Also, if we're going to be a couple, please work on your inferiority complex," Chiaki bluntly said. "You're just as important as everyone else. You're on the same level as me, and I'm not going to tolerate with you thinking otherwise."
"Uh..." All Nagito could do was stare at Chiaki with his jaw hanging. Okay, he wasn't expecting this....wait a moment...
"COUPLE?!" He yelled. "Y-you want to be a couple?"
Chiaki tilted her head. "That's what happens after a confession, right? The two people become a couple at the end. At least...that's how it works in dating simulators."
"I'm not opposed to the idea, but you're moving too quickly," Nagito said. "Besides, do you really want trash like me to be your boyfriend-"
"Yes, I do," Chiaki let go of him and placed her hands on her hips. "You're not trash and I do want you as my boyfriend. That's my choice!"
'When did she get so assertive?!' Nagito wondered as he stared with his eyes widened. 'It's kind of hot...WAIT! Don't think like that, Nagito!'
"And if you're worried about us moving too fast," Chiaki continued, thankfully snapping Nagito out of his embarrassing thoughts. "Why don't we play video games at my place this Saturday? We could go to a cafe beforehand if you want."
He smiled and nodded. "I'm completely fine with whatever you decide, Nanami."
She nodded. "Then it's settled. Our first date will be this Saturday." She glanced over at the horizon to see the sun setting below the trees that rested near the fountain. "It's getting late. We should really be heading home now. I'll see you tomorrow, Komaeda."
With that, Chiaki turned around to make her way to the gate, but she only took one step before suddenly stopping. And suddenly, before he could even realize, Nagito felt a soft pair of lips resting on his cheek.
He gasped and stared down at Nanami, who gave him a shy smile with rosy cheeks. All Nagito could do was brush his pale fingers against his cheek, the exact spot where Chiaki Nanami kissed him.
There was nothing but silence. Nagito just stared ahead at her with his hand on his cheek as he tried to wrap his head around what just happened. Chiaki must've felt awkward because she turned around and began walking away. "Good night, Komaeda!"
Nagito didn't respond. He just stood there, dumbfounded, as he watched Chiaki walk away. After a few moments, he felt his knees give out and him dropping to the ground. He didn't even realize that his knees were trembling when Chiaki kissed him.
Nagito just stayed there with a love-struck grin on his face. “I really am the luckiest guy ever…”
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pillow-anime-talk · 2 years
i love girls month ; sixteenth day.
synopsis: You finally got a day off and you were going to do one great NOTHING.
# tags: scenario; friendship; day off!au; chilling; lazy day; you’ll want to go to sleep after reading this; games, netflix, snacks; gossip; pure fluff; sfw
includes: gender neutral reader ft. saiko yonebayashi {tokyo ghoul}
author’s note: this scenario is literally me (sometimes)
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You and Saiko were in the middle of the third Netflix movie; previously you watched ‘My Neighbor Totoro’, then ‘Hotarubi no Mori e’, and now the second episode of the currently broadcast series ‘Spy x Family’ was on the big TV in the blue-haired bedroom. During each anime, you ate various types of snacks, both sweet, such as Oreo cookies or chocolate, and the more salty ones, such as paprika chips or those flavored with cottage cheese.
Despite simple, even boring spending time, you guys had a really good night. For the last four hours (including making a fort with pillows, watching and, of course, making food) you were talking all the time, and the background productions were just an addition; you gossiped about your work, colleagues, superiors, problems in the city, ghouls, your families and relationships.
At 9 p.m., twenty-one-year-old and then you went to take a quick but warm shower. Next, you both made some fresh tea and ordered a pizza, and then the Netflix account was disabled. Instead of the characteristic black and red icon, other colors appeared on the screen – those symbolizing Xbox and one of your favorite game.
First you played ‘Mario Kart’, then you did a few missions in ‘GTA V’, and at the very end, around three in the morning, the image of ‘Genshin Impact’ appeared on the screen of a thin black TV screen.
Somewhere in the meantime, you ate all your pizza, drank three fruit juices and two enormous cups of black tea with lemon and raspberry juice, and opened two more packets of chips and shortbread cookies with jam.
The room was a bit stuffy and really dark, but neither of you had the strength to open the window or turn on the lamp standing near the bed. Instead, you just turned off the television at one point and rinsed your mouth with water from a bottle on the nightstand. You also didn’t have the strength to brush your teeth or your hair, but it was understandable. After all, it was almost six in the morning, and you spent the entire previous day and this night in front of the TV and fatty food. Of course, you didn’t regret anything, you could say that it was one of the better days of your life, but fortunately or unfortunately the dream struck you more than Childe during the last fight with him.
“... Mm... When do you think we’’l get another day off?” You asked in a sleepy tone of voice, hugging one of the soft, colorful pillows lying on Saiko’s huge bed.
“Oh. I don’t know, but I hope it will be soon. I would like to watch something else or play more. One game is coming out soon and...” She started softly, but after a while you heard her breathing slow down and there was a blissful silence in the room.
You immediately followed in your friend’s footsteps, completely forgetting to set your alarm clock – but well, at most your mentor, Haise, will get a little upset (but hopefully not).
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previous day ; iki hiyori from noragami ♡ next day ; kiyoko kirigiri from danganronpa
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hopelesshawks · 3 years
WOAH WOAH is your MHA reqs open?? So I wanted to request a Todoroki x Reader Angst where Todoroki sees his s/o getting stabbed by a villain with countless sharp spears like in Chiaki’s death video in danganronpa along with 1-A and just loses it? I’m sorry I’m craving for angst rn ✨✨ also love your writing and remember to stay safe <33 💕💗
My requests are open yes!! I have actually missed receiving them (and tbf I’m prolly not getting them because I’m doing daily updates on History of Us hahaha). So thanks for the request anon. I’m also really touched that you love my writing 🥰 I hope this lives up to your impression of me!
I had never seen danganropa but I just looked up what you were talking about and w o w I am in ✨pain✨ 🥲 I’ve got you anon. It’s going to hurt but I got you. Did I drag out (y/n)’s last words? Yes. Would they realistically already have died before saying all that I have them say? Probably. But this is fanfic and if movie writers can do it then goddamn it so can I!
CW for angst, somewhat graphic description of major character injury and death (reader), non-major character death, and canon typical violence
Nothing has been the same since the fall of the hero commission and the loss of faith in the Symbol of Peace’s generation of heroes. It’s been two years since Shigaraki wreaked havoc and Dabi exposed Endeavor’s crimes. As pros unused to that level of violence retired or quit, hero class students have been forced to step up and fill in the spaces they left behind. As a result, even as their faith in the pros waned, the public started to see the students as a beacon of hope. All Might, they whisper, spoiled the current generation of heroes. They argue that Endeavor is now too old to keep up, that Hawks and Mirko are too burdened by their mentors’ failures, and all the heroes aged in between are too used to the relative peace of the golden era to be effective. These current students though? Students like the famous UA hero class A, now third years who’ve already seen so much? They are the new hope. They’d grown up in the fires of a post-symbol of peace era and as such they are the only ones who can drag society out of it. It would be flattering if not for the overwhelming pressure that comes along with it.
Shoto thinks he would have been crushed beneath that pressure if not for you.
The two of you had started growing close your first year during the provisional license exam make up classes. Spending so much additional time together over the weekend had allowed Shoto to slowly open up to you until a beautiful friendship had blossomed. Even still, both of you had secretly yearned for something more. It was only after the destruction of Jaku City and the Todoroki family secrets were aired to the whole of Japan that the two of you finally acted on your feelings. You’d been such a source of support for him afterwards that eventually he hadn’t been able or willing to hold back any longer and had confessed his feelings to you late one night in the dorms. The two of you have been together ever since and fully intend to open a hero agency together after graduation. He knows the two of you are still young but sometimes when he looks at you with your blinding smile or when you’re sleeping peacefully beside him, he swears he can hear wedding bells. If the civilians of Japan can consistently forget how young you all are as they urge you to take over for the pros, then it seems only fair he should be able to forget too.
His mother was ecstatic when he asked her about engagement rings. Endeavor had said it was too early, that marriage is too large a commitment to make at 18 years old, but Shoto insisted and eventually a compromise was reached. He’ll wait until after graduation but then he’s determined to make you his forever and always.
It’s an otherwise normal Saturday afternoon in the dorms when Iida and Momo get an urgent distress signal to gather the entirety of the class and head into the city. A large group of ragtag criminals, determined to become the next League of Villains, is terrorizing Musutafu and the number of casualties is climbing rapidly. The other heroes usually responsible for that area had been called away to handle a different disaster and all attempts made by the civilians to defend themselves had only led to more chaos. The entire class mobilized in seconds. Calls like this aren’t uncommon now. The villains have been banding together more and their bloodlust seems to have grown exponentially with civilians’ continued lack of trust in the current pros. By the time you all arrive to the scene there’s no time to waste. “Be careful,” you tell Shoto, carefully running a hand through his hair before resting it on his cheek. He brings his hand up to cover yours before promising, “I will.” He presses a kiss to your palm but before he can do more Bakugo sharply barks “Hurry it up lovebirds we got a fucking job to do!” before racing off. You both know he’s right. “I love you,” you tell Shoto. “Love you too,” he promises before you both steel yourselves and then take off into the fray.
It’s an absolutely grueling battle. Every time someone takes one villain down, another comes to take their place. “Pinky! On your left!” you call out, causing your classmate to sharply turn. Mina just manages to dodge a punch one of the villains throws her way and swiftly counteracts with an attack of her own, calling out a thanks. There’s no time to breathe though and almost as soon as you’re done warning Mina, you have to dive in to keep another villain off Ojiro’s back. It’s chaotic but slowly you’re starting to pick away the forces as many of the remaining villains start fleeing. Once it looks like they’ve all retreated you instinctively look for Shoto, having not seen him since the fighting had properly started. You catch sight of him and heave a sigh of relief. You call out his name to catch his attention and although he initially offers you a soft smile you notice his eyes suddenly widen. “(Y/n) behind you!” he calls out.
Every moment after that seems to happen in slow motion.
You turn around just in time for a spear to fire clean through your shoulder, knocking you off balance. You start to fall backwards but before you can even hit the ground at least a dozen more rise up from the asphalt and impale your body. You hear Shoto’s broken cry of your name but it sounds so distant to you. After a moment stuck in place the spears suddenly drop back into the ground. Shoto is next to you in a second, pulling your broken body close as you bleed out. One of your other classmates tries to call for medical support but all he can focus on is you and the sheer amount of blood you’re losing. Shoto knows his training. He knows that when a victim has been stabbed it’s crucial to put pressure on the wound to stop the bleeding, but how can he when there’s so many fucking wounds. “You’re going to be ok. You’re going to be ok. You’re going to be ok.” He says it over and over again like a mantra. It’s both a plea to you and a desperate attempt to deny the harsh reality that the love of his life is bleeding out in his arms.
You press a bloody hand to his cheek, looking lovingly up at the man you’d do anything for, and shush him quietly. “Sho,” you rasp, voice already weak as your body tries and fails to cope with your injuries. “Don’t,” he warns. “Sho, baby, look at me,” you try again but he shakes his head, shutting his eyes tightly as tears start to run down his cheeks. “Please?” you ask and he can’t deny you, never could, so he opens his eyes and looks down at your glossy ones as you fight to stay awake just a little bit longer. “There they are. I always did love your eyes,” you tell him wistfully as your thumb strokes his cheek, smearing your blood there, though you don’t seem to notice. “You can’t leave me. You have to be ok,” he whispers but you shake your head. You can already feel yourself fading and with medical attention still several minutes out at least you know there’s no fixing this. “I need you to promise me something,” you tell him. “Anything,” he replies immediately and it brings a sad smile to your blood stained lips. “Promise you’ll find someone else after me,” you say and the scandalized look on his face would have probably made you laugh under different circumstances. “You’ve got too much love to give to let it die with me,” you tell him but he shakes his head again. “I could never love anyone else like I love you,” he swears and he means it with every fiber of his being. You chuckle wetly. “You always were stubborn. Fine, then promise to never forget me,” you compromise, tears welling in your own eyes now too. “I couldn’t even if I tried,” he swears before leaning down to press one last kiss to your lips. He can taste the tang of iron and feel your tears and his mingling on your cheeks. “I love you,” he whispers against your lips as he pulls away, but for the first time since he first said the words to you, you don’t say them back. “(Y/n)? Baby, I love you,” he tries again, pulling back to look at you properly now. Your eyes remain shut, your hand falling limp from his cheek, and when he looks to your chest the rise and fall of it has ceased.
Devastation claws up through him like a rabid animal, tearing him apart as his whole world shatters around him. He feels his grief like a physical ache in his chest, radiating out to each of his limbs as if every cell of his body is violently rejecting the fact that you’re gone. “Todoroki-kun?” Midoriya asks cautiously, putting a gentle hand on Shoto’s shoulder. Shoto’s head snaps up as he cradles you closer, as if scared your body will be taken away from him too. Before Midoriya can say whatever he was going to, Denki’s voice cuts through the tense silence. “I got him!” he crows, shoving the villain down to the ground in front of his classmates. Shoto’s eyes land on the villain and instantly his grief twists into a searing rage. He gently lays your body down but his eyes are cold and lethal as he stares down the man that took you away from him. Midoriya realizes what’s happening a beat too late and by the time he reaches out to grab Shoto, the grief stricken man has already launched himself at the villain and grasped hold of him. His right hand closes around the man’s throat, ice wrapping around it like a vice grip. He’s vaguely aware of his classmates calling his name but he doesn’t care. This man stole the love of his life from him. For that he will pay. Before Todoroki can finish the job he’s suddenly being yanked back by Midoriya and Bakugo. “Let go of me!” he demands as he fights against their hold, ignoring their warnings and empty platitudes. He manages to wrench his left arm free for a brief moment and that’s all he needs. His flames shoot out, preventing Midoriya from getting a good hold of him again, and the man who murdered you goes up in flame. His howls of pain echo around the buildings around them but the sound is music to Shoto’s ears. Let him suffer. It’s a fate he deserves.
His classmates watch on in stunned horror until the villain is burned down to ash. As his flames die out so too does all the fight seem to drain from Shoto as the crushing grief returns. Bakugo let’s him go once it’s clear he’s not a threat anymore and Shoto uses his freedom to drag himself back over to your lifeless body. It’s not fair. You’re so young. He’s so young. Why was this fight even you all’s responsibility in the first place? He’s been excitedly planning his proposal to you for weeks. Now he’ll have to plan a funeral. The thought makes him physically ill and he has to turn to the side as bile climbs up his throat and he retches onto the asphalt beside him.
How is he supposed to go on without you?
Midoriya returns a hand to his shoulder as the paramedics finally arrive. It’s too late. Far too late. One of them approaches cautiously and like a dog protecting his master Shoto immediately lashes out. “Don’t you fucking touch them,” he warns, eyes cold and voice lethal. The paramedic jerks backwards, his hands up in surrender, as he cautiously looks to the other class A students for advice. They have none. They’ve never seen Todoroki like this. They can’t even begin to imagine what he’s going through. It’s Eijirou who steps up in the end. He approaches Shoto carefully, as if his classmate is a feral animal, before kneeling down to his level. “They need to take (y/n) to the hospital on that stretcher over there,” Kirishima tells him carefully, jerking his head in the direction of the waiting ambulance. “Can you carry them there for the paramedics?” he asks. Shoto stares at Kirishima blankly as if trying to process his words before slowly nodding. “Ok. Let’s go then, yea?” Kiri asks. Another nod in response before Shoto carefully gathers you into his arms. He ignores the way your body has already started to go cold as he carries you over to the stretcher. He tries to pretend they’re just rushing you to the hospital, that they’re speeding you over to recovery girl and in a few hours time you’ll be tired but cheery, teasing him for being so worried about nothing. But as he lays you down and then watches them zip you up into a black bag, he knows it’s a hopeless fantasy. You’re gone and you’re never coming back.
A few days later he sits in a black suit with a black tie and a silver chain carrying an engagement ring around his neck. He leans against Fuyumi, who sits on his left side, while his mother grasps tightly onto his right hand. Behind him Natsuo rests a steady hand on his shoulder. His father hovers nearby, unsure how best to offer his support or if his support would even be welcome. They are the only thing that keeps Shoto from falling apart. When the time comes, he stands on shaky legs and approaches your open casket. At first he’d been insistent he wouldn’t look, but his mother had argued his last image of you shouldn’t be your broken body, riddled with holes. So he looks down at you, pieced back together by some mortician, lying motionless in the nicest outfit you own and he traces every detail of you. He tries to patch over the memory of you broken on the ground that haunts him every night since it’s happened with this image of you now. He pictures all of the good and beautiful moments you’ve shared together, let’s them swell in his chest until they’re too large to contain and pour out of him through his silent tears. He leans down and presses a gentle kiss to your too cold forehead and mumbles to you again his final promise:
“I love you, (y/n). I’ll never forget you.”
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precursorgod · 2 years
dc x danganronpa crossover
villain monokuma traps a bunch of heroes from tim and steph's generation in a death game.
i havent got much for this other than a very clear idea of tim's execution.
An unmasked Robin is in a fighting cage with his bo staff. The cage is surrounded by a crowd of jeering Monokumas. Overhead are a set of massive LED screens announcing the fighters and displaying the ring. Back in the trial room, Spoiler clutches a green domino mask to her chest.
The door to the cage opens. A Two Face animatronic with a Monokuma head enters the ring. It flips its coin. Scarred side. The Monokuma audience roars its approval.
Robin and Two Face-kuma fight. Robin wins with a final, crunching blow to the head of Two Face-kuma. He is not without injury. At least three bullet grazes are visible and bleeding.
Overhead, the LED screen changes to a Robin symbol. Next to it, the words KILL COUNT appear.
Next up is Scarecrow-kuma. Robin slaps on a rebreather and Scarecrow-kuma throws out a gas canister, sending the crowd into a further frenzy.
Robin wins, but his rebreather is knocked off his face at the last second. While Scarecrow-kuma with a broken neck is dragged out of the cage, Robin administers the antidote to himself. The camera zooms in on his face. His pupils are extremely dilated, almost beating out the blue of his irises.
Robin keeps fighting Rogues. His injuries accumulate. The ROBIN KILL COUNT rises.
Finally, the Joker. Robin doesn't bother looking up to check the ROBIN KILL COUNT.
His left arm hangs uselessly at his side and his body is a mess of bruises and cuts. Only one eye remains. He lost his backup backup rebreather several fights ago.
One way or another, this will be his last fight.
Robin and Joker-kuma fight. Robin wins, but Joker-kuma has the last laugh. There is a crowbar sticking through Robin, right where his spleen is.
Robin collapses to his knees. A shadow falls over him.
Robin looks up. He can't see clearly, but is that...
Batman leans closer. His left eye is a jagged red slash and the other half of his cowl is white.
Robin's face wipes clean of hope. All that's left is a deep, irreparable despair.
As Monokumaman's fist draws back, Robin closes his eyes and giggles.
Crunch! Smash!
Robin is dead.
In the trial room, Superboy holds Wonder Girl as she sobs. He's not holding tears back so well himself.
The unbreakable glass wall separating the trial room from the execution grounds lifts. Spoiler is the first one to run out. She picks up a discarded Robin shuriken and stabs Monokumaman in the neck. The animatronic shuts down, finally stopping its beating fists and she shoves it away from Robin.
Robin's face is beyond recognition, but the memory of his smile as he handed her his mask and passed onto her his hopes and determination to get everyone else out alive is forever seared into her memory.
She never even knew his name.
They never even knew his name.
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avas-wonderland · 2 years
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I was bored, and decided to try and kill some time by listening to Vocaloid’s “Ghost rule” song, and this idea came to mind. I also happen to have my own AU for Danganronpa called Danganronpa X Danganronpa Another: Symbols of Hope and I had the thought of “what if Sasha was a character in the AU?”, and this was the result. Also, Sasha’s necklace is called “Electricity of Marianne”. (Also, I just found out that I ship myself with Makoto!)
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rickyriddle · 6 years
My top 10 yuri ships
Hi everyone! Here’s my top 10 favourite yuri ships in anime and manga (as well as Japanese game). Keep in mind that it’s my personal top 10 and I’m not saying those ships are better than the others, just that they are those I prefer.
10. Kaguya X Mokou (Touhou Project)
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My favourite ship in Touhou Project. I have a thing for love/hate relationship as well as rivalry. Those two are immortals and keep trying to kill each other due to an old grudge. How romantic. But as immortals, they can understand each other since they are going through the same thing, and know they won’t end up alone. My main reason to ship them is that I find the concept of them being together really hot (and one of them as firepower so it’s fitting).
9. Yoko X Aya (Kiniro Mosaic)
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Ship from one of my favourite slice of life anime. Yoko and Aya are the typical “shoujo manga couple” with the tsundere girl to shy to admit her feeling and the dense guy. But not as typical, since they are both girls. Aya, better known as Ayaya (or Gayaya), is so memeable. Her love for Yoko can be both cute and funny, and I do hope one day Yoko will realize her feelings and reciprocate them. They are what I prefer in Kiniro Mosaic, their episodes are those I enjoyed the most.
8. Otoya x Shiena (Akuma no Riddle)
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I hesitate to put this one since I’m more obsessed about it than actually liking it, but I guess that I can’t just write so many fanfics about them and not put them on my top. I’m truly obsessed and fascinated by the possibility of this pairing. I must admit that I have a fascination for psychopaths, and a relationship with one of them intrigued me. So to see a normal girl like Shiena being paired with a psycho serial killer like Otoya is like a fantasy to me, it’s satisfying my dark fantasy. I like to imagine how they could actually work as a couple. So unhealthy and dark...Ah, not that I approve such relationship, but it’s fine in fiction. If you’re interested, here’s an analysis I made for them: OtoShie analysis.
7. Komaru X Touko (Danganronpa) 
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A relationship that truly touched me. They are so good for each other, they support and help each other. I honestly ship them either romantically or as friends, I just want to see them together. Just seeing pictures of them together is enough to light up my mood. Touko has a hard time trusting others because of her past, so it’s moving to see her open up to Komaru and eventually see her as a close friend. And Komaru is just so sweet and adorable. Please Touko, forget about Togami and just go with Komaru, who respect and treat you well You deserves better than that rich prick!
6. Sakurako X Himawari (Yuru Yuri)
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What’s better than a tsundere? Two tsunderes being tsun-tsun for each other! My favourite thing in that anime is actually those two and their interaction. Individually I don’t really like any of them, but together they are just gold. We know they actually like each other, but they can’t help but being rival. They used to be really close as kids but ended up fighting growing up (probably because of Hima’s boobs, they start all of this). But the rare sweet moments between them are what truly matters, and I hope for actual development for them.
5. Homura X Madoka & Sayaka X Kyouko (Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica)
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Two ships for this positions since they are from the same anime and I can’t choose one. We can’t deny Homura’s love for Madoka, it’s pretty much canon with the third movie. Just how far she went for Madoka’s sake, the sacrifices she made, the pain she underwent. I wish for a happy conclusion for them, but I feel like it won’t be the case. As for KyouSaya, I like how both of them is tomboyish, it’s rare to see that type of yuri ship. They started as enemies to eventually friends, I liked the evolution of their relationships and they truly shine in the third movie. Again I wish them a happy conclusion. But it’s PMMM, so I doubt it will happen ^^’
4. Nanoha X Fate & Vivio X Einhart (Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha)
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Again, two ships at the same position for the same series, because I couldn’t choose. NanoFate is a classic in yuri, they are basically canon. I mean, they live together, sleep in the same bed, bath together, and adopted a girl they raised together. Everything about their relationship is perfect. They start off as enemies but learn to understand each other and eventually become close friends, and it continued to evolve as they grow older. Vivio and Einhart are kind of a mirror of their relationship but softer. They started as rivals and ended up friends, and their ancestors knew each other (they were a couple I think). There’s a good romantic potential with those two, sweet yet spicy. You know what they said. As mother as daughter.
3. Sumireko x Banba (Akuma no Riddle)
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Another one from AnR, my otp, SumiBanba! With both Banba’s personality, Mahiru and Shinya. They are the combination of my two favourite type of ships: Overly cute and dark. Most of their interactions are so cute and fluff, yet since they are both not exactly sane (and Banba being clearly insane), there’s a potential of darkness with that ship, given Sumireko’s obsession with power. The potential of her abusing her power with Banba is strong, yet there’s also the potential for them to help each other with their respective issues. This relationship as both the potential to be good or bad, mostly depending of Sumireko’s action. If you're interested, I made quite a long post to analyze their relationship: SumiBanba analysis.
2. Hibiki X Miku (Symphogear)
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Those two...I love them so much! They are so cute and fluff. They both have a strong bond with each other, they are calling each other sunshine and bright sun. They are so much acting like a married couple, even their VA agreed. I mean, they have bunk bed yet sleep in the same bed, while holding hands and cuddling. They are so perfect for each other, they compliment each other pretty well, Hibiki being more immature and Miku more responsible. And it’s pretty obvious that Miku does love Hibiki, it’s even confirmed in the OVA. But as Hibiki’s friend told her once, she’s as dense as a harem MC. Let’s hope they got actual romantic development in the upcoming season 5 (urgh only airing in April...)
Before I reveal my number 1 yuri ship, here are some ( a lot) honorable mentions...
Honorable mention
Every ship in Akuma no Riddle
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Nana x Junna (Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight)
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Shirabe X Kirika (Symphogear)
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Shinobu X Alice (Kiniro Mosaic)
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Zuikaku X Kaga (Kantai Collection)
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Haruka X Michiru (Sailor Moon)
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Minami X Yutaka (Lucky Star)
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Haruka X Yuu (Sakura Trick)
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Mahiru X Hiyoko (Danganronpa)
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Akko X Diana (Little Witch Academia)
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Croix X Chariot (Little Witch Academia)
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Miu x Nanano (Koihime Musou)
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Yuuna x Tougou (Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru)
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And the number 1 is...
1. Bernkastel X Lambdadelta (Umineko No Naku Koro Ni)
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Those two. Words are not enough to describe how much I love them. They are everything I love about a ship, they are cute yet dark, love/hate, and rivals. They are actually lovers, friends, enemies, rivals and opponents. Yes, they are canonly a couple. They are immortal witches who deeply love each other, yet also try to kill each other from time to time to pass time. Lots of candy and sugar symbolism with them, as well as stuff like “I’ll impale you to my bed and kiss you each morning and night” or “I’ll gouge your eyes so you can only look at me and put them into my tea”. So romantic, so fucked up. I love that. Despite all the creepiness, they do honestly love each other, they just have their own way to show it. I guess it’s normal when you’re a 1000 years old witch.
And this was my Top 10 yuri ships. If there are any yuri ships you like that wasn’t in my top or in the honourable mentions, don’t hesitate to share it with me and I’ll tell you what I think. Thanks for reading and seeya! :)
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ladykailolu · 7 years
@amamis-eyelashes @goth-albino-angel
I just had a x-over imagine with Danganronpa and the Fire Emblem Awakening game: Imagine the nDRv3 kids living in the future filled with despair and monsters b/c an evil dragon god of despair (with the help of Junko) killed off the DR and SDR2 kids as they were the symbols of hope and the only ones who could stop it. So, the nDRv3 kids travel back in time to the point in history where the dragon god wasn’t awakened within the Ultimate Tactician to warn the others of the impending doom. However, time traveling is wonky at best, and some of the nDRv3 kids travel farther back in time than intended and have to wait for the others. Furthermore, they all end up in separate locations scattered about like leaves floating on an ocean.
What makes this more tragic is that each of the nDRv3 kids knew either a DR or SDR2 kid and were friends with them. But they had to witness the death of their friends due to the zombie monsters that roamed and destroyed their home world. For example, since he was young, Shuuichi was the student of Kyouko, learning detective work and skills from the best detective in the world. When she was killed by a sudden ambush of monsters while investigating a possible lead to quelling the dragon god’s powers, he was devastated and left alone (his uncle was also killed too in another monster raid). He took up the role of detective and pursued her work until he found the answer--they need a relic shield and five magical pearls in order to have the power to defeat the dragon and possibly save their world. So, he shares this information with the others, and for the most part, they are successful in gathering the relic and pearls, but they became separated! 
Some of the girls (Yumeno, Toujo, Yonaga, Shirogane, and Harukawa) have been captured and imprisoned by the monsters, set for execution once they’re no longer useful. They had two of the pearls needed to defeat the dragon and were on their way to deliver them to the group trapped in a castle before they were caught.
Some of the boys (Gokuhara, Momota, Hoshi, Amami, and Shinguuji) have managed to escape from being imprisoned by the monsters, but not for long. Unfortunately, they fucked up big time and lost one of the pearls needed to weaken the dragon while escaping a hot pursuit of monsters. In a narrow rocky path, Amami and Momota stay behind the others to fend off the monster attacks. To buy the others more time to escape, they make a last stand by cutting the ropes to a bridge--their only way to escape. However, another ambush of monsters surround the other three boys, and it is here where they understood that hope was lost for good, but if they could just save some of their friends...
The last group (Ouma, Akamatsu, Kiibo, Chabashira, Saihara, and Iruma) are trapped on the rooftop of a castle, waiting for the others to return with their respective pearls. Ouma holds the last pearl and relic, but it’s absolutely useless without the other parts. However, the more time they spend waiting on the others to return, the more they realize that something horrible has happened and the despair begins to set in. Here, they are confronted by large numbers of the monsters and the Ultimate Tactician Despair themself. They were just no match for the former Ultimate Tactician’s master strategies...
(and don’t even get me started on what happened to Amami’s siblings when the monster raids happened. It isn’t pretty. In the end, they sacrificed themselves just so he could survive long enough to regroup with the others)
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summerotakuchan · 2 years
Symbols of Hope: Talentswap Edition ~ Part 2 ~ (Kyoko & Tsurugi)
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summerotakuchan · 3 years
Symbols of Hope: the Animation scene - Morning meeting
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summerotakuchan · 3 years
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(Toko Got her this one she was in the hospital)
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summerotakuchan · 3 years
All visions in SOH (The Manga)
1: Teruya Ōtori (Makoto's Dream (Vision in the mnaga))
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"Mai-Mai, Big-Bro Mako…I'm sorry! But I'm only doing this to protect you two…"
2: Akane Taira (Mondo's vision (Manga Only))
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"Don't give up, Mondo…because I won't either!"
"And to Araka-Chan and Mondo…all I ask of you two…is to forgive me…"
3: Utsuro Maeda (Mukuro's memory (Manga Only))
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"As long as Mukuro, Yuki, and Katsuo are all okay…this will all be worth it…"
"And Mukuro, Yuki, and Katsuo, if you three can hear me…I'm sorry…"
4: Yamato Kisaragi (Makoto's 2nd vision (Manga Only))
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"Even if I fall into despair, Kat, if you can hear me…I love you…no matter what…"
5: Rei Mekaru (Byakuya's vision (Manga Only))
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"Torture me as much as you d**n want, as long as Kuya-Kuya is out of harm's way, then I’ll be fine!"
"Kuya-Kuya…forgive me…"
6: Tsurugi Kinjo (Kyoko's Vision (Manga Only))
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"Yoko-Chan, if I EVER become a criminal…protect Tsukira-Chan with your life, and Tsukira-Chan, if you can hear me…I only ask of you to forgive me…"
In Kindness, there is Evil; In Evil, there is Kindness
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summerotakuchan · 3 years
(This is for you, @shslfanfictionwriter @s1eepymushr00m and @itssweetlikesaccharine) Symbols of Hope Randomness - Number 3 - "Are we gay!?" "Y-" *Screams in gay panic*
This isn't anything to do with any new headcanons, I just wanted to do this becuase Makoto & Teurya are the best, and they deserve the world!
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Sayaka: "Apology accepted; Goodnight!"
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summerotakuchan · 3 years
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"I love you, Saya-Chan! You're my best friend!" - Kiyoka Maki, Ultimate Sniper
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summerotakuchan · 3 years
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“sweetheart can you please wait over there whilst we talk?”
“…….Yes papa….”
Mr.Fukawa, don't even think about it
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summerotakuchan · 3 years
Remnants of Despair (Class 79th): #1 - Yamato Kisaragi (Ultimate Despair Inventor)
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"Mato-Mato Ma!~ I'll make your heart go mato-mato ma into despair!~" - Yamato Kisaragi (Remnant of Despair)
Name: Yamato Kisaragi (如月 大和)
Gender: Male (🚹)
Talent: Ultimate Inventor (Former), Ultimate Despair Inventor (Current)
(Info will be updated if needed)
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