#Daniel Breton
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L'Alpagueur est un ancien traqueur de fauves devenu chasseur de primes. Il travaille en mercenaire pour des personnes haut placées en agissant dans l'ombre, incognito et au-delà de la routine policière. Tout à fait illégal, mais très efficace. Son intermédiaire, l'inspecteur de police Doumecq, le charge de démanteler un réseau de narcotiques à Rotterdam. Aussitôt a-t-il terminé sa mission, qu'il doit se faire passer pour un agent d'assurances, dénommé Roger Pilar pour piéger un flic corrompu, le commissaire Gavarni, qui est le gros bonnet d'un réseau de prostitution à l'échelle internationale. Après avoir maîtrisé Gavarni et ses complices, il est chargé par Doumecq de coincer l’Épervier, l'ennemi public no 1. Ce dernier recrute ses complices parmi de jeunes délinquants pour commettre ses forfaits tout en éliminant les témoins. Mais le criminel ne se contente pas de supprimer les témoins, il tue aussi ses jeunes complices, qu'il se plaît à appeler « Coco ». Son principe : tuer tous ceux qui pourraient le reconnaître. Seul Costa Valdes, que l’Épervier a engagé pour commettre un vol dans une bijouterie, survivra par miracle à la balle qui lui était destinée.
Or, Valdes se voit accusé des meurtres du bijoutier et des gardiens de la paix perpétrés par l'ennemi public no 1, et est placé en prison. Pour cette nouvelle mission, l’Alpagueur se fait passer pour un petit malfrat, Johnny Lafont, extradé canadien, emprisonné et placé dans la même cellule que Valdes. Il gagne la confiance du jeune homme et apprend que le criminel qu'il traque est un steward, que Valdes avait rencontré deux ans auparavant alors qu'il rentrait de son service militaire et voulait l'emmener chez lui à Juvisy. Fort de ces renseignements, le chasseur de primes décide de profiter du réseau d'évasion de la prison — quitte à le démanteler par la suite — pour s'enfuir avec Costa et retrouver l' Épervier. Cependant, le responsable de ce réseau, Spitzer, est également à la tête du réseau de narcotiques démantelé par l'Alpagueur à Rotterdam et l'identifie bientôt grâce à un élément qu'il est le seul à connaître.
Au cours d'une fusillade à l'auberge des Grands Fusils, l’Alpagueur feint d'être mort avant d'abattre Spitzer et ses hommes de main. Costa réussit à s'enfuir ; mais, désespéré, croyant l’Alpagueur mort, il décide de se rendre seul chez l’Épervier qui l'abat. L’Alpagueur retrouvera sans peine l’Épervier dans son avion-alibi et tue ce dernier après une bagarre entre les deux hommes. Le film se termine sur un gros plan du visage de l’Alpagueur et par une voix hors caméra disant : « Non, nous ne savons absolument pas qui est cet homme. »
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vincentreproches · 1 year
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Tromperie sur l’AOP ?
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cinemagh0ul · 6 months
When they’re French conjoined twins that spent their entire lives being ridiculed for their condition until they got forcibly separated which lead to one of them dying. Also at least one of them is really fucked up, the other is less so but still a little fucked up too. >>>>>>>
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scenephile · 1 year
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Sometimes there are no solution
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highlifeboat · 2 years
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Made a new Dragonborn.
Named her Daniel.
Because I'm creative.
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metamorphesque · 1 year
hi! I hope it's okay to ask this but I was wondering if you have any poems about quiet, simple love or the kind of love that is soft and gentle and transcends time, not because it's out of this world or needs big gestures or is about star crossed lovers, but because it's safe, and it's about two people who find happiness and pleasure in the small things, dancing in the kitchen, shopping together, cooking together? Im not sure how to explain it, i tried to paint an imagine, maybe it helps. Thank you so much ♥️
Having a Coke with You by Frank O'Hara
For Keeps by Joy Harjo
Mountain Dew Commercial Disguised as a Love Poem by Matthew Olzmann
The Orange by Wendy Cope
Our Beautiful Life When It’s Filled with Shrieks by Christopher Citro
On Loving by Forough Farrokhzad
Yours by Daniel Hoffman
Atlas by U.A. Fanthorpe
Camomile Tea by Katherine Mansfield
Always For The First Time by Andre Breton
You Are the Penultimate Love of My Life. by Rebecca Hazelton
To Be In Love Poem by Gwendolyn Brooks
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meruz · 2 years
sorry if this has been asked before, but i wanted to ask about your lineart! the weight and line economy are just so nice, i get stars in my eyes looking at your lineart and doodles. could i ask what your approach to lineart is and what tips you might offer?
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Wow I love these questions - Line is so interesting!!! It's a really big topic so I feel like any tips I give will be just barely scratching the surface. It's like deceptively simple...any given line drawing is essentially taking all the information we glean from seeing something irl ie light, shadow, dimension, texture, perspective, etc and boiling it down to the simplest possible visual information.
I think most commonly my line is informed by light source so like. thicker more continuous lines face away from the light and thinner more broken lines towards. and a lot of my spot blacks r simply cast shadows.
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here's a more extreme example
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BUT like everything to do with art there's no hard and fast rules. I use blacks when I think it'll be effective or interesting and I leave them out when I don't need em. umm couple things I find myself doing a lot... using spot blacks to make the separation between characters clearer. I like casting shadow in between characters so its easy to separate and read their silhouettes even when they're mashed together.
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u can go even further to purposely create a silhouette like
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to draw attention to a finger or tongue LOL. There's some comic book artists who are absolute masters at this type of stylization. Alex toth and his spiritual successor Chris samnee come to mind for me right away.
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I feel like I'm also often using line weight to separate planes receding in space
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im naturally a really heavy handed and scribbly drawer(...?) draftsman. and im nearsighted so when i see things i percieve and break it down into big shapes over thin contours. so stuff like spot blacks and shadows came easy to me, the tricky part was making the rest of the lines lighter when they needed to be so the blacks could actually have impact LOLL. a lot of effective visual communication is about balancing contrasts. like I had to really train myself to press less hard on the pen. I think this is actually really evident if u go back in my archive to older sketches LOL
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I actually feel like a lot of how I trained my hand to tackle line weights was thru stuff like hand lettering where you rly have to focus on being sensitive to that kind of thing.. contrasting strokes etc.
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also exercises like figure drawing will have you flexing those muscles constantly
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I'm starting to just regurgitate lessons from freshman year of art school so I'll stop here with the demos but yeah...I hope this was helpful!? I love line!!! I want to get even better at line work so I can feel confident posting work that's only line no color or value... I'll leave you with a bunch of artists who I think have particularly expressive and beautiful linework (not including toth and samnee who I already mentioned and who's work I love so much). You can probably learn much more from them than you can from me...!
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Charles dana gibson LOL
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Matias bergara
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tonci zonjic
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naoki urasawa
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Daniel warren johnson
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shiyoon kim
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michel breton
also yoji shinkawa, tomer hanuka, leo romero, I feel like I'm gonna post this and think of so many more. there's so many good artists...!
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nunalastor · 3 months
My own headcanon is that Alastor was born in either 1886 or 1895, putting is age at either 46/47 or 37/38.
The theory of electromagnetism, which proposed the existence of radio waves before they were discovered, came in 1865, written by James Clerk Maxwell. But this is way too early for consideration; that would make Al 66 years old.
However, in 1886 this theory was confirmed and radio waves (also dubbed "Hertzian waves") were first discovered by Heinrich Rudolf Hertz (the guy where the Hertz unit was named after because of this discovery), he published his research throughout 1886-1888 so these precise timestamps might be slightly off.
And in 1895 the very first radio capable of long-distance wireless communication (2.4 km/1.5 mi only, but still) was constructed by Guglielmo Marconi. Of course, he doesn't deserve all the credit, as he used many models that came before that, for example the Branly detector by Édouard Branly invented in 1890.
Note: Basically all of these years and the exact dates these discoveries were made on are very ambiguous or take place over the course of multiple years. I tried to pinpoint a single date for every event but it is quite possible I messed up somewhere so please take these dates with a grain of salt.
I thought it would be fun if Alastor was born in one of those years as a nod to history, but none of these are based on anything concrete canon except for the age range of 30s-40s that we were given.
I always thought it was kinda weird for a 30-something dude to act like a parental figure to someone who was (biologically, not chronologically, I know Charlie is like 200) in her 20s, even if it wasn't genuine, so I've always thought he wasn't in his early 30s.
"A dynamical theory of the electromagnetic field" by James Clerk Maxwell
"Electric waves; being research on the propagation of electric action with finite velocity through space" by Heinrich Rudolf Hertz (author) and Daniel Evan Jones (translator)
"Marconi's Three Transatlantic Radio Stations in Cape Breton" by Henry M. Bradford
I really need to analyse more incest because my name makes no sense now. Anyone have any ideas?
-incest anon
the sources kill me every time 😭 mla formatted ask
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olympic-paris · 2 months
based on: The White Crane Institute's 'Gay Wisdom', Gay Birthdays, Gay For Today, Famous GLBT, glbt-Gay Encylopedia, Today in Gay History, Wikipedia, and more …
August 10
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1881 – Harold Witter Bynner (d.1968) was an American poet, writer and scholar, known for his long residence in Santa Fe, New Mexico, at what is now the Inn of the Turquoise Bear. Best remembered for his classic translation of The Way of Life, according to Lao Tzu (1944). Initially he pursued a career in journalism at McClure's Magazine. Bynner then turned to writing. He was a charter member of the Poetry Society of America and was influential in getting the work of A.E. Housman and Ezra Pound published.
In 1916 he was one of the perpetrators, with Arthur Davison Ficke, a friend from Harvard, of an elaborate literary hoax. It involved a purported 'Spectrist' school of poets, along the lines of the Imagists, based in Pittsburgh. Spectra, a slim collection, was published under the pseudonyms of Anne Knish (Ficke) and Emanuel Morgan (Bynner). Marjorie Allen Seiffert, writing as Elijah Hay, was roped in to bulk out the 'movement'. Spectra received accolades from Edgar Lee Masters and William Carlos Williams who were completely taken in by the ruse. Bynner meant it as a critique of the fashion of "ism" schools in poetry that were ruining poetry in his opinion. The incident, while successful, damaged his reputation in certain circles.
He traveled to China, and studied Chinese literature. He subsequently produced many translations from Chinese. His verse showed both Japanese and Chinese influences, but the latter were major. Bynner became more of a modernist in consequence, where previously he had been inclined to parody Imagism.
Bynner settled in Santa Fe, in a steady and acknowledged 30-year homosexual relationship with Robert Hunt. He became a friend of D. H. Lawrence, whom he hosted on Lawrence's first visit to Amerca, and traveled with him and Frieda von Richthofen in Mexico. He and his partner Willard Johnson are portrayed in Lawrence's The Plumed Serpent. Much later, in 1951, he wrote on Lawrence in Journey With Genius.
Bynner and Hunt had numerous parties at their house, hosting many notable writers, actors, and artists, which guests included Ansel Adams, Willa Cather, Igor Stravinsky, Edna St. Vincent Millay, Robert Frost, W. H. Auden, Aldous Huxley, Clara Bow, Errol Flynn, Rita Hayworth, Christopher Isherwood, Carl Van Vechten, Martha Graham, Georgia O'Keeffe and Thornton Wilder.
On January 18, 1965, Bynner had a severe stroke. He never recovered, and required constant care until he died on June 1, 1968. As of 2008, his house has become the Inn of the Turquoise Bear, a bed and breakfast.
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1900 – René Crevel (d.1935), a writer associated with the surrealist movement, was born in Paris to a bourgeois family.
He studied English at the University of Paris, and in 1921 met Andre Breton – the principal founder and theorist of early surrealism - and joined the movement - from which he was excluded in 1925, possibly due to Breton's antipathy towards homosexuality which he believed had corrupted the movement; although many gay artists and writers are associated with surrealism, there was a broad anti-homosexual streak within the Surrealist movement.
During this period, Crevel wrote novels such as Mon corps et moi ("My Body and Me"). Much of Crevel's work deals with his inner turmoil at being bisexual. In 1926, he was diagnosed with tuberculosis which made him start using morphine. The 1929 exile of Léon Trotsky persuaded him to rejoin the surrealists. Remaining faithful to André Breton, he struggled to bring communists and surrealists closer together.
Faced with a worsening of his tuberculosis, in 1935 he turned on the gas stove in his Paris apartment and ended his life. He was 35.
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Cordier in Paris in 1940
1920 – Daniel Cordier (d.2020) was a French resistance fighter, historian, and art dealer. As a member of the Camelots du Roi, he engaged with Free France in June 1940. He was secretary to Jean Moulin from 1942 to 1943, and his opinions leaned to the left. He was named a Companion of the Resistance in 1944, and, after the war, he became a historian and art dealer. He was an advocate for gay rights.
Daniel Bouyjou was born in Bordeaux. His father, René Bouyjou, worked in the family coffee business, which flourished across Europe. In 1919, René married Jeanne Gauthier, although the couple divorced in 1925. Jeanne remarried in 1927 to Charles Cordier. When Daniel joined the French Resistance in London, he listed his official last name as "Bouyjou-Cordier". With René passing away in 1943, he would officially take the name "Cordier" in 1945.
Throughout his youth, Daniel's father retained custody. He attended various Catholic schools, such as the École Saint-Elme d’Arcachon. Influenced by royalism and Maurrassisme by his stepfather, Cordier joined Action Française at the age of 17 and founded the Cercle Charles-Maurras in Bordeaux. Indeed, Daniel admired Charles Maurras and was anti-Semitic, anti-socialist, anti-communist, anti-democratic, and ultranationalist during this period. However, patriotism for France outlasted his early ideals and he joined the Free French Forces.
In June 1940, while with his family in Bescat, Cordier listened on the radio as Philippe Pétain announced the French surrender to Germany and the armistice. Outraged, he distributed a pamphlet against Pétain. He, along with 16 others, embarked on a Belgian ship headed to Algeria. However, the ship landed in England. He reached Falmouth on 25 June and joined his fellow Frenchmen three days later. He was assigned to the Bataillon de chasseurs de Camberley [fr] to undergo training. Following his training, he was given the rank of Lieutenant.
Entering the Bureau Central de Renseignements et d'Action, Cordier parachuted into Montluçon on 26 July 1942. He quickly reached Lyon and began under the service of Jean Moulin of the French National Committee. He took the pseudonym Alain and began work as Moulin's secretary. He managed mail and radio links to London and created various organs of the Resistance.
Cordier's work led to the foundation of the National Council of the Resistance on 27 May 1943. He stayed with Moulin's successor, Claude Bouchinet-Serreulles until 21 March 1944. He crossed the Pyrenees and entered Pamplona, where he was briefly interned at the Miranda concentration camp. He then joined British forces.
After the end of World War II, Cordier dedicated himself to political activism, having given up his far-right beliefs after becoming acquainted with the radical socialist Jean Moulin. He followed humanist and non-Marxist socialist beliefs.
Cordier became very active in the cause for gay rights, he wrote in his autobiography Alias Caracalla : mémoires, 1940-1943. In it, he revealed his homosexuality, which he had kept a secret due to the fact that "the hatred towards homosexuality was terrible".
In 2013, he announced his support for gay marriage. His diary, Les Feux de Saint-Elme, was published in 2014 while the second volume of his autobiography was in production, though that would never be published. He wrote of his sexual awakening while attending an all-boys boarding school in Arcachon. He was a friend of Roland Barthes, as well as a tutor for Hervé Vilard and inspired him to pursue a singing career.
Cordier died in Cannes on 20 November 2020 at the age of 100.
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1946 – Renaud Camus is a French writer.
He was born in Chamalières, Puy-de-Dôme, in the Auvergne region of France. He spent some time studying in England and traveling in the United States, particularly New York and California (he taught for a semester in a college in Arkansas). He quickly began to circulate among writers (Louis Aragon, Roland Barthes, Marguerite Duras, etc.) and visual artists (the Warhol circle, the New York School, Gilbert and George, etc.).
He is openly gay and an outspoken defender of gay rights, although, as with social issues in general, he keeps his distance from doctrinaire positions. One of his first published works (and the only one (partially) translated in English), with a preface by Barthes, is Tricks (1979; enlarged and revised in 1982 and 1988), a “chronicle” consisting of over-detailed descriptions of homosexual encounters in France and elsewhere.
Camus is an exceptionally prolific writer. His work could be divided into four categories: straightforward prose (travel writing, traditional-form novels, polemic, and lengthy yearly journals (diary) published from 1989 to the present; “creative” prose: “experimental” novels and a large and ever-growing, largely unpublished web text, Burnt Boats (Vaisseaux brûlés); writings on painting and culture; and personal essays.
He has also formed a political party, "Le Parti de l’In-nocence" (The Party of Non-Nuisance), continually evolving its platform, a curious blend of traditional leftist/socialist political values and conservative social values. It plays no role in French politics, but Camus seems to take it very seriously, adding position statements to the party’s website on a nearly daily basis.
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  John Goldwyn & Michael C. Hall of "Dexter"
1958 – John Goldwyn is an American film producer.
John Goldwyn was born in Los Angeles, the son of producer Samuel Goldwyn Jr., and his wife, film and stage actress Jennifer Howard. He has two brothers: film director and actor Tony Goldwyn and Francis Goldwyn. Goldwyn has produced a total of eight films, according to the Internet Movie Database, and the television series Dexter.
His paternal grandparents were Oscar-winning producer Samuel Goldwyn and actress Frances Howard. His maternal grandparents were Sidney Howard, screenwriter of Gone with the Wind and 70 other films, and Clare Eames, an actress.
Goldwyn and his former wife Colleen Camp have one daughter, Emily Goldwyn, who appeared in the 2005 film Elizabethtown as Star Basketball Player.
On April 30, 2011, Goldwyn and hotelier Jeffrey Michael Klein celebrated their life partnership in a ceremony in Marshall, California. Goldwyn's daughter Emily led the couple in the exchange of vows and rings.
Goldwyn is currently an Executive Producer/Consultant for scripted content at Discovery Channel. In September 2016, Discovery aired the limited series Harley & The Davidsons, which Goldwyn produced in association with RAW UK. He is currently in production on Manhunt: Unabomber, the first installment of Discovery's master criminal anthology series. In 2017, he signed a first look deal with Lionsgate.
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1963 – Andrew Sullivan is a British conservative author and political commentator, distinguished by his often personal style of political analysis, and pioneering achievements in the field of blog journalism.
Andrew Michael Sullivan was born in South Godstone, Surrey, England, to a Roman Catholic family of Irish descent, and received a BA in modern history from Oxford University, where in his second year he was elected president of the prestigious Oxford Union. He went on to earn a masters degree in public administration and a Ph.D in government at Harvard University.
In 1986, he began his career with The New Republic magazine, serving as its editor from 1991 to 1996. In that position, he expanded the magazine from its traditional roots in political coverage to cultural politics and the issues around them. This produced some groundbreaking journalism but also courted several high-profile controversies.
Sullivan is known for his unusual personal-political identity (HIV-positive, gay, self-described conservative often at odds with other conservatives, and practising Roman Catholic). He is also the author of three books.
Sullivan is a speaker at major universities, colleges, and civic organisations in the United States, and a frequent guest on many national news and political commentary television shows in the United States and Europe. He has lived in the United States since 1984 and currently resides in Washington, D.C. and Provincetown, MA.
In 2001, Sullivan was at the center of a sex scandal that has, to some extent, damaged his credibility as a spokesperson for conservative values. Village Voice columnist Michael Musto revealed that Sullivan had placed advertisements for "bareback sex" on a sexually oriented website that promoted unprotected sex. Journalist Michelangelo Signorile, who had earlier been attacked by Sullivan for his practice of outing closeted officials, accused Sullivan of rank hypocrisy for engaging in dangerous sexual activity while inveighing against homosexual promiscuity in his writings. More recently, Signorile has accused Sullivan, whom he dubs "Bareback Andy," of extolling "the virtues of having HIV and the wonders of being positive," and thereby encouraging others to practice unsafe sex.
In late 2000, Sullivan began his blog, The Daily Dish. In the wake of September 11 it became one of the most popular political blogs on the Internet. By the middle of 2003, it was receiving about 300,000 unique visits per month. Between starting his blog and ending his New Republic editorship, Sullivan wrote two works on homosexuality, arguing for its social acceptance on libertarian grounds. He was one of the most popular bloggers at Time Magazine. On Jan. 19, 2007, Sullivan announced through his blog that he would be leaving Time to work at the Atlantic Monthly and has since done so. His writing appears in a number of widely-read publications. He currently serves as a columnist for The Sunday Times.
Sullivan believes recognition of same-sex marriage is a civil-rights issue but is willing to promote it on a state by state legislative federalism basis rather than trying to judicially impose the change. Most of Sullivan's disputes with other conservatives have been over social issues such as these and the handling of postwar Iraq.
Andrew Sullivan identifies himself as a member of the bear community. He married his partner Aaron Tone in Provincetown, Massachusetts in 2007.
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1970 – Sharon Afek is the current chief military advocate general of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), appointed in October 2015.
Afek graduated cum laude with an LLB degree from Tel Aviv University and completed his master's degree in law, summa cum laude, at Tel Aviv University. Afek also holds a master's degree, cum laude, in national security studies from Haifa University (as a joint program with the IDF's National Security College). Additionally, he attended the Senior Executives in State and Local Government program at Harvard University.
After receiving his law degree from Tel Aviv University School of Law, Afek joined the Military Advocate General Corps, beginning his career in the International Law Department of the unit. He then fulfilled various senior positions in the Military Advocate General Corps, including the deputy head of the International Law Department, the Air Force District Attorney, the legal advisor for Judea and Samaria Area and the deputy military advocate general.
Afterwards, he served as the commander of the interservice “Afek” course of the IDF's Staff and Command College. On October 22, 2015, Afek was promoted to the rank of Aluf (general officer) and appointed chief military advocate general.
On July 12, 2018, Afek was promoted to the rank of major general from IDF chief of staff Gadi Eisenkot.
In an interview to Israel Bar association official magazine, Sharon Afek revealed he is gay, making him the first member of high command and the most senior Israeli military officer to come out.
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1983 – Hailing from Marietta, Georgia, reality TV star Davis Mallory was born into a strong conservative Southern Baptist family. Davis attended university from 2002-2006 at Stetson University in Florida studying general business, with the aspirations to become a plastic surgeon. He looks and acts just like any blonde hair, blue eyed frat boy (as he was a member of the Alpha Tau Omega fraternity) except for the fact that he is openly gay.
Despite his southern conservative Christian upbringing, he is gay, something he first realized in the sixth grade, though his family was not pleased with his coming out.
Davis is known for being cast as the "gay guy acting straight" on The Real World: Denver. He has also been cast in The Real World/Road Rules Challenge in South Africa. After finishing The Real World: Denver, Davis is pursuing a career in modeling and is also traveling to colleges and universities around the United States to offer seminars.
He has a boyfriend named P.J.
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2011 – Sesame Street's Bert and Ernie (no last name) are gay and a same-sex couple, right? Didn't you just always think that? After all, they live in the same apartment, share a bedroom (though not a bed,) spend a lot of time together, and are "very good" friends, despite repeated statements from the Sesame Workshop which states emphatically that Bert and Ernie are "just friends." Well, Change?.org wants to change that. Or, specifically, Change?.org wants Sesame Workshop to acknowledge that Bert and Ernie are gay and a same-sex couple.
A petition started in 2011 by Lair Scott at Change?.org, stated,
"It's important for our children to be educated that it's okay to be gay. For over 40 years, our beloved Sesame St. characters, Bert and Ernie, have been living as "roomates"and we would like PBS and Sesame St. to allow them to live as a gay couple and maybe eventually, marry. It would show children and their parents that not only is it acceptable but also teach children that homophobia is wrong, bullying is wrong and that Sesame street should recognize that there are LGBT relationships, families, and include them in their show. We're not here to debate our mission but we are here to educate. Please share our link with other friendly walls and join us in our quest to bring Bert and Ernie to the forefront of educating our children, to say "Gay is okay!!"
In 1997, Ernie said, "All that stuff about me and Bert? It's not true. We're both very happy, but we're not gay." But people in show business have historically denied their sexuality:
"Bert and Ernie, who've been on Sesame Street for 25 years, do not portray a gay couple, and there are no plans for them to do so in the future," stated Sesame Workshop back in 1993. "They are puppets, not humans. Like all the Muppets created for Sesame Street, they were designed to help educate preschoolers. Bert and Ernie are characters who help demonstrate to children that despite their differences, they can be good friends.
You can see the now-closed the petition at Out Bert and Ernie @ Change.org
Or a similar closed petition at Let Bert and Ernie Get Married @ Change.org
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Today's Gay Wisdom:    Andrew Sullivan:
"Homosexuality is like the weather. It just is." "The most successful marriages, gay or straight, even if they begin in romantic love, often become friendships. It's the ones that become the friendships that last." "My own early crusade for same-sex marriage, for example, is now mainstream gay politics. It wasn't when I started." "There is something about hearing your president affirm your humanity that you don't know what effect it has until you hear it." "When I first started talking about gay marriage, most people in the gay community looked at me as if I was insane or possibly a fascist reactionary
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¿La Web del surrealismo? Clovis Trouille (1889-1975)
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Clovis Trouille no era verdaderamente un surrealista, sin embargo, en 1930 Dalí y Aragón descubrieron el cuadro pacifista de Clovis Trouille La Memoria en el Salón de pintores y escritores revolucionarios. André Breton lo consideró "el gran maestro del todo vale", y se ofreció a exponer sus obras en su galería pero él se negó por miedo a ser etiquetado de esa manera. Nació en 1889 en La Fère, región francesa de Picardía y de 1905 a 1910 estudió en la École des Beaux-Arts de Amiens, y en 1907 su cuadro La muchacha rubia obtuvo el primer premio de Bellas Artes de Amiens. Además de pintar, Trouille estudió moda y publicidad y trabajó como diseñadora para chez Draeger. Sus experiencias en el frente de la Primera Guerra Mundial le provocaron un odio permanente hacia los militares y lo volvieron bastante anarquista. Trouille expuso regularmente su trabajo en ferias y pequeñas exposiciones independientes, pero obtuvo pocas ventas y, en cambio, trabajó en unos grandes almacenes en París restaurando y decorando sus maniquíes. Trouille siempre quiso permanecer independiente de las galerías convencionales. En 1947 rompió con la tradición y participó en la Exposición Internacional del Surrealismo organizada por André Breton y Marcel Duchamp en la Galería Maeght de París, pero pasaron doce años más antes de que se uniera a otra gran exposición, la Exposición Eros internationale Surréaliste en la Galerie. Daniel Cordier en París.
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ulkaralakbarova · 4 months
An orphaned boy raised by underground creatures called Boxtrolls comes up from the sewers and out of his box to save his family and the town from the evil exterminator, Archibald Snatcher. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Archibald Snatcher (voice): Ben Kingsley Eggs (voice): Isaac Hempstead-Wright Winnie Portley-Rind (voice): Elle Fanning Fish / Wheels / Bucket (voice): Dee Bradley Baker Lady Cynthia Portley-Rind (voice): Toni Collette Lord Portley-Rind (voice): Jared Harris Mr. Trout (voice): Nick Frost Mr. Pickles (voice): Richard Ayoade Mr. Gristle (voice): Tracy Morgan Herbert Trubshaw (voice): Simon Pegg Oil Can / Knickers (voice): Nika Futterman Fragile / Sweets (voice): Pat Fraley Clocks / Specs (voice): Fred Tatasciore Sir Langsdale (voice): Maurice LaMarche Sir Broderick / Male Workman 1 / Male Workman 2 (voice): James Urbaniak Boulanger / Male Aristocrat (voice): Brian George Female Aristocrat (voice): Lori Tritel Shoe / Sparky (voice): Steve Blum Female Townsfolk 1 / Female Townsfolk 2 (voice): Laraine Newman Background Boy (voice): Reckless Jack Baby Eggs (voice): Max Mitchell Film Crew: Screenplay: Irena Brignull Director: Graham Annable Adaptation: Anthony Stacchi Novel: Alan Snow Music: Dario Marianelli Animation: Travis Knight Screenplay: Adam Pava Animation: Stephen Bodin Animation: Malcolm Lamont Animation: Matias Liebrecht Animation: Brian Leif Hansen Animation: Payton Curtis Animation: Joon Soo Song Animation: Adam Lawthers Animation: Shane Prigmore Animation: Chris Tootell Animation: Kyle Williams Animation: Mike Hollenbeck Animation: Danail Kraev Animation: Kristien Vanden Bussche Animation: Adam Fisher Animation: Anthony Straus Animation: Sean Burns Animation: Mael Gourmelen Animation: David Vandervoort Animation: Dan MacKenzie Animation Supervisor: Brad Schiff Animation: Kevin Parry Adaptation: Phil Dale Producer: David Bleiman Ichioka Animation: Jon David Buffam Animation: Rachelle Lambden Animation: Gabe Sprenger Animation: Philippe Tardif Animation: Ian Whitlock Animation: Daniel Alderson Animation: Charles Greenfield Animation: Jason Stalman Casting: Mary Hidalgo Line Producer: Matthew Fried Sculptor: Toby Froud Visual Effects Coordinator: Jeremy Fenske Choreographer: Nicole Cuevas Visual Effects Coordinator: Claudia Amatulli Sculptor: Benjamin William Adams Set Designer: Emily Greene Additional Editing: Ralph Foster Visual Effects Editor: Todd Gilchrist Set Designer: Carl B. Hamilton Sculptor: Scott Foster Production Design: Paul Lasaine Production Coordinator: Jocelyn Pascall Editor: Edie Ichioka Art Direction: Curt Enderle Editorial Coordinator: Dave Davenport Art Department Coordinator: Zach Sheehan CG Supervisor: Rick Sevy Music Supervisor: Maggie Rodford Music Editor: James Bellany Songs: Eric Idle Visual Effects Supervisor: Steve Emerson Costume Design: Deborah Cook Production Manager: Dan Pascall Additional Writing: Vera Brosgol Post Production Supervisor: David Dresher Editorial Manager: Trevor Cable Visual Effects Supervisor: Brian Van’t Hul Additional Editing: Christopher Murrie Director of Photography: John Ashlee Prat Set Designer: Polly Allen Robbins Visual Effects Producer: Annie Pomeranz Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Ren Klyce ADR Voice Casting: Barbara Harris Gaffer: James WilderHancock Modeling: Paul Mack Publicist: Maggie Begley Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Tom Myers Production Design: Michel Breton Prop Designer: Alan Cook Animation: Paul Andrew Bailey Assistant Art Director: Phil Brotherton Executive In Charge Of Post Production: Ben Urquhart First Assistant Director: Samuel Wilson Layout: Daniel R. Casey Layout: Simon Dunsdon Orchestrator: Geoff Alexander Set Dresser: Duncan Gillis Third Assistant Director: David J. Epstein Animation: Anthony Elworthy Animation: Dan Ramsay Animation: Jan-Erik Maas CG Animator: Carolyn Vale Digital Compositors: Daniel Leatherdale Digital Compositors: James McPherson Foley Editor: Thom Brennan Production Illustrator: Ean McNamara Sound Effects Editor: David C. Hughes Finance: Erin Baldwin Finance: Jason Bryant CG Animator: Jeff Croke Con...
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En Tunisie, pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, un convoi de la Légion étrangère est chargé de transporter six milliards de francs en lingots d'or, de la banque d'El Ksour à Sfax.
Les Allemands présents en ville tirent à vue sur le convoi. Seuls quatre légionnaires échappent à la fusillade. Ils découvrent l'artilleur Béral assis dans les toilettes d'un bâtiment. Borzik se fait tuer en tentant une sortie de nuit avec l'adjudant Édouard Mahuzard afin de récupérer armes et munitions. Grâce à un obusier de 105 encore en état de marche et servi par Béral, les Allemands de la 4e compagnie siégeant dans la ville sont délogés et tués, sauf le capitaine Ulrich Dieterle et le lieutenant Karl Brenner.
Le sergent Pierre Augagneur et Boissier ont dans l'idée de s'approprier l'or alors que Mahuzard tient à accomplir la mission initiale. Une bagarre éclate entre Mahuzard et Augagneur. Augagneur triomphe et fait enfermer Mahuzard. Il est attiré par Hélène, la femme du directeur de la banque, qu'il tente de séduire. Après avoir pris des provisions chez elle, ils sont surpris par l'arrivée du lieutenant allemand prénommé Karl, dont le char d'assaut tire un coup de semonce dans la maison. Il est capturé par Augagneur qui entre pour saluer Hélène.
Pendant ce temps dans la banque, Mahuzard convainc Béral de le libérer et fait prisonnier Boissier. Il capture Augagneur et Karl dès leur retour. Il dîne ensuite en compagnie du directeur de la banque et de Béral avec les victuailles d'Hélène, qui subtilise discrètement la clé de la salle des coffres où sont enfermés Augagneur, Boissier et Karl. Elle leur remet la clé avec des victuailles, et ceux-ci s'échappent. Mahuzard et Béral chargent de l'or dans un fourgon blindé et s'apprêtent à partir. Le directeur de la banque meurt en urinant sur une ligne à haute tension. Augagneur, Boissier et Karl reviennent avec le char d'assaut et les surprennent. Augagneur envoie alors Boissier s'emparer du fourgon sous la menace du canon de son char, non sans avoir dans l'intervalle fait feu sur les débris du fort où le capitaine Ulrich Dieterle survivait encore. Mahuzard mitraille Boissier, le tuant, et tente de s'échapper ; le char fait feu et détruit totalement le fourgon, tuant Mahuzard et Béral sur le coup. Hélène revient et complote alors avec Augagneur pour éliminer Karl, le légionnaire refuse. Les deux soldats chargent alors l'essentiel des lingots sur le char, n'en laissant que 300 kg à Hélène qui devient folle de rage. Le char prend la route du sud, pour rencontrer un contrebandier américain censé leur échanger l'or contre de l'argent liquide. Il marque un arrêt dans un poste de ravitaillement allemand pour refaire le plein. Karl convainc alors Augagneur de débarquer temporairement du char afin de ne pas être repéré. Une fois dans le camp, le commandant allemand veut faire un contrôle sur la présence inopinée de ce char dans cette région. Augagneur intervient pour sauver la situation. Karl repart ensuite du camp sans s'arrêter pour reprendre Augagneur, qui grimpe malgré tout sur le char à son insu. Le lendemain, Augagneur force Karl à descendre du char, et lui confisque son uniforme. Il rencontre en plein désert son contact américain, qui lui offre d'échanger sa cargaison d'or contre 68 000 dollars. Toute la 1re armée française vient au rendez-vous ; Augagneur renonce à l'or et aux dollars, contre le statut du héros qui a sauvé l'or francais d'Afrique. Il en profite pour séduire Mme Chanterelle, l'épouse du responsable de l'Union des banques d'Afrique du Nord.
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37q · 4 months
going to a musical instrument estate sale today theres a martin a style mandolin autographed by WILL MONROE and an anton breton fiddle signed by CHARLIE DANIELS! theres also a few 12 strings and theres a resonator and flfhsldhsldhdls
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semtituloh · 11 months
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Vía Groupe Surréaliste Internazionale Daniel Ollivier
Max Ernst ~ Loplop Introduit les membres du groupe surréaliste, 1931
Collage of photographs, pencil and frottage
En partant du haut à gauche, Yves Tanguy, Louis Aragon, Alberto Giacometti, René Crevel, Georges Sadoul (from behind with raised arms); from center left, Luis Buñuel (before helmeted figure), Benjamin Peret, Tristan Tzara, Salvador Dali, Max Ernst, Gala Éluard, André Thirion (below Ernst), Paul Éluard, René Char (arm raised), Maxine Alexandre; below André Breton, Man Ray
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Interview, well it´s more like a questionaire under the cut :-)
Dame Penelope Wilton: ‘My worst holiday was in Scotland’
The actress, 76, on tenacity, boarding schools and collecting art for the sake of it
Penelope Wilton is a multi-award-winning actress across stage and screen, who is best known for her role as Isobel Crawley in ITV’s Downton Abbey. Twice divorced, she has a daughter and two grandchildren, and lives in London. 
Best childhood memory?
I was five and my parents were moving house, so I was sent to stay with a great-aunt in Harrogate, as it was too much for my mother to look after me as well as my two-year-old sister Linda and my older sister Rosemary during the move. When it was time for me to go home, I was put on the train with the guard in his van. I then had to change trains at a station where my father was going to meet me. He ran down the platform and picked me up and I had him to myself for the whole journey on the other train. I was in heaven at the thrill of it all, because I adored him. To me, there was nothing more wonderful, as I was selfish about sharing him with my two sisters. 
Best subject at school?
History, which I still like now. I was never very good at school as I was slightly dyslexic, so my written work was frightful, but I really enjoyed history and still love good period biographies. As a little girl, I had gone to an extremely good convent school. But because my mother became ill, I then went to two terrible boarding schools with not very good teachers; anything I’ve learnt, I’ve taught myself. So I’ve always had a slight inferiority complex about my education. However, being an actor is a fascinating education in itself, as you are researching every­thing you do. So it set me on a path to find out about things. 
Best trait?
Tenacity: you have to stick with things, as a career, and life itself, obviously has its ups and downs. I almost gave up acting in my 20s as one theatre director was such a bully. I was so demoralised, because you’re not confident when you’re young – or I certainly wasn’t. I was also diminished by authority at school, but the experiences taught me that you have to fight that tyranny. Bullies like that don’t exist now in my industry; people nowadays wouldn’t put up with it. 
Best possession?
I can’t say my daughter and grandchildren because I don’t possess them, even though they are the most important things in my life. But I have a number of paintings of which I’m fond, particularly one by Winifred Nicholson. It’s a picture of Brittany with two Breton ladies, and a little white and grey house with a sandy track in front. It’s very charming and restful to look at. I collect art for its own sake: when I’ve made a bit of money, I buy a painting rather than anything else. Although I can’t buy any more as I can’t fit them in my house.
Best decision?
Having my daughter, Alice, who was quite a survivor as a baby. I’ve got a very nice son-in-law and two lovely grandchildren. Daniel is 10 and Ella is six; they show no sign of the acting gene, but she’s a good painter and he’s good at writing stories. 
Best film/play?
The best film when I was a child was Jacques Tati’s Monsieur Hulot’s Holiday. The ones I’ve liked best as an adult are by Scorsese and Spielberg. I’ve just watched The Godfather again, such a marvellous film. And anything with the late Lino Ventura in it, the Italian actor who starred in many French films. He was heaven. As for plays, I’m very fond of Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing – I’ve played Beatrice – and also Harold Pinter’s Betrayal, Terence Rattigan’s The Deep Blue Sea and Christopher Hampton’s The Philanthropist.
Best moment?
When I saw my daughter for the first time; she’s a theatre producer now. My first child, a boy, had been stillborn at 29 weeks. And Alice was only 2lb 9oz when she was born at 30 weeks, but she survived and it was wonderful: the best production of all.  
Worst childhood memory?
Being sent away to school when I was eight and then again when I was 11. I told my parents I hated it, but my mother was very ill and couldn’t cope with the three of us girls. I was too cowed by authority at the time; and I could only go home at half term, which was just a long weekend, anyway. You did get letters from your family, though – and eventually I got used to it. But there was never any chance of me sending my daughter to board, though I think Daniel would be happy to do so now, because he’s very sociable. 
Worst habit?
I’m very anxious about timekeeping, so I’m always very early and make a fuss if I think I’m going to be late. It’s because of what I do: as an actor, if you’re late, missing your cue is the worst thing that can happen to you. The play can’t start until you’re all there – you can’t phone in your performance. It’s a nightmare. I even got lost once on the way to the theatre.
Worst subject at school?
I never got the hang of maths: it was because of the teaching, they weren’t very good. It’s a very logical subject, so you mustn’t miss a brick in the building. I would still like to master it one day.
Worst job?
A television drama called The Song of Songs, in 1973: it was about the demimonde in Vienna at the turn of the last ­century. The director was a terrible bully – another one – and a ­horrible man. My drama school, the Drama Centre London, had taught me to stand up for myself and have a voice, but that wasn’t allowed on this set. And the rest of the cast were mostly much older than me. 
Worst holiday?
I went to Scotland as a young teenager with my family because my father loved fishing, but it rained the entire time. We traipsed round historic houses a lot as there was nothing else to do while it rained so incessantly. It wasn’t completely horrible as we were together as a family – and Dad had a lovely time because the weather was good for catching fish. But if you’re an adolescent, castles get a bit boring. 
Worst thing about modern life?
The extremes: no one seems to listen to anybody else. There’s no compromise, even though life is about compromise. Social media is a wonderful thing in some respects, but not when it’s having a malign influence on young people. I’m on WhatsApp for the family, but generally it wastes time when I could be doing something else. As for mobile phones, people are ­better about turning them off in the theatre now, but it used to happen a lot – and it was incredibly offputting when they went off. I would find my voice rising to try to hide the sound.
The absolute worst?
The loss of my elder sister Rosemary 18 months ago from the effects of Covid was the worst, because your sibling is in your life the longest of all your family members. Her death is still very fresh to me, so these are sad times. She was seven years older than me and had started to fall a lot, so she was not in a good state to catch Covid. Although she actually got over the virus, she had to go into hospital because her breathing was not good – and she caught a chest infection there. She was a brilliant woman and a wonderful television producer for the BBC’s Arena arts programmes, such as The RKO Story.
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ilcovodelbikersgrunf · 11 months
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Tutta la luce che non vediamo (All the Light We Cannot See) è una miniserie televisiva statunitense del 2023 ideata da Shawn Levy e Steven Knight.
Marie-Laure Leblanc (Aria Mia Loberti) è una ragazza cieca che vive a Parigi con il padre Daniel. L’occupazione nazista la costringe a fuggire a Saint-Malo, ospitata da uno zio. Padre e figlia scappano portando con loro un leggendario diamante per evitare che cada nelle mani dei nazisti.
Dalla cittadina bretone, Marie legge alla radio brani tratti da 20.000 leghe sotto i mari.La trasmissione ha un duplice scopo: spera di raggiungere il padre (Mark Ruffalo), scomparso misteriosamente, e lo zio Etienne (Hugh Laurie), dai quali è stata separata, e svolge un’azione di supporto alla Resistenza, utilizzando il romanzo classico per inviare messaggi in codice alle forze alleate.
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