#Danish Jewellery Box
warwickroyals · 4 months
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Sunderland's Royal Jewel Vault (27/∞) ♛
↬ The Westminster Aquamarines
The Sunderlandian royal family has several magnificent parures of aquamarine jewellery. One of these collections, the Westminster Aquamarines, features some of the royal family’s oldest and most iconic jewels; uncovering their history takes us back nearly two hundred years. In 1830s, Sunderland was a lone constitutional monarchy in North America, bordered by the United States in the northeast and Mexico to the southwest. The early 19th century had seen the country’s steady expansion westward thanks to territorial acquisitions from the Spanish and British. This period of territorial and economic growth, however, was cut short by the early death of Sunderland’s Hereditary Prince in 1835. Hereditary Prince Frederick James was just shy of thirty, the only son of King Louis III and his beloved first wife, Princess Amelia of the United Kingdom. Freddie was also the only legitimate male-line grandson of King Louis II, as a result, his death complicated Sunderland’s succession. The question of who would succeed Louis III ignited a fierce rivalry among the King’s younger brothers, as they scrambled to marry and produce an heir to the throne. The Duke of Lennox and St. George, the King’s first brother and heir presumptive, married an obscure German princess. The Duke of Glencairn, the King’s second brother, married the daughter of a wealthy British statesman. But it was the King’s fifth brother, Prince Augustus, the Duke of Westminster, who looked for a bride closer to home. Lady Martha Whitley was twenty years younger than her husband-to-be, a descendant of the Prussian nobility that migrated to Sunderland following the election of Prince Heinrich of Prussia as King Louis I of Sunderland, Martha hailed from one of Sunderland’s oldest aristocratic families. Unlike some of her foreign, and significantly younger, sisters-in-law Martha was shrewd and held a deep familiarity of Sunderland's court life, this was reflected in her impressive jewelry collection. On her wedding day, Martha was gifted a small box of aquamarine pendants of various shapes and sizes. As Martha’s prominence at court grew, the aquamarines became known as the Duchess of Westminster’s Aquamarines. Over the years, the Duchess incorporated the aquamarines into a few pieces of jewelry including a necklace and a pair of earrings. The tensions surrounding Sunderland’s succession died down when the British-born Prince George of Glencairn became king in 1860. By then Westminsters had three children, Prince Louis, who became Duke of Westminster following his father’s death in 1877; Prince Thomas, and Princess Elizabeth Anne. The family was popular with nobility and the public alike, but they weren’t without their scandals. After Prince Louis enraged King George by marrying without permission, his subsequent children were declared illegitimate and barred from inheritance. Finding a suitable wife for Prince Thomas, now heir to the Westminster Dukedom, became a top priority. In 1876, Prince Thomas met and fell in love with Princess Marie of Hanover, a male-line great-granddaughter of King George III and therefore a British princess. The couple married in 1880, but struggled to have children. In 1887, their only surviving child was born in the presence of Queen Alexandra. The little princess, given the lengthy name Alexandra Anne Martha Georgina Dagmar Gloriana Marie, would be known to history as Princess Anne of Westminster. Growing up, Anne was placed in the direct care of her Dear Granny Martha.
My grandmother was magnificent. She was kind but strict, with old-fashioned ideas about how a princess should be brought up. - Queen Anne of Sunderland, circa 1953
The Duchess of Westminster had high hopes for her only male-line granddaughter. Indeed, Anne’s maternal cousins were well-connected to the British and Danish royals, as well as the Imperial families of Russia and Germany. By the time Anne was twenty, she’d been taken on several trips to Europe, excursions she came to loathe. Anne’s anxiety worsened when she was rejected by several families. After her mother died in Austria, Anne returned from Europe “alone and feeling rather sorry for myself”. Back in Sunderland, Anne made friends with her second cousin once-removed, Prince George, the Duke of Woodbine and eldest son of the Prince and Princess of Danforth. Over the years, the pair’s friendship developed into a romance and in 1911, King George allowed the couple to marry. That same year, the Duchess of Westminster died, and Anne inherited the largest jewel collection in the royal vault, aquamarines included. Anne and George married in 1913. Anne, now Duchess of Woodbine, was one the most dynastically important ladies at court and she set to work reworking her grandmother’s jewels into spectacular works of art. For King George and Queen Alexandra’s 1920 Diamond Jubilee, Anne commissioned Garrard to work the aquamarines into a parure that included a necklace, a choker, two brooches, and a pair of earrings. The parure paired nicely with the aquamarine Georgiyevna Tiara, which entered the family in the early 1920s. To this day, the Georgiyevna aquamarines are often mistaken for those of the Westminster set, showing how ubiquitous they’ve become with the main-line royal family’s collection. When Anne became Queen in 1930, she wore the aquamarines. Despite her overflowing jewellery box, the aquamarines were evidently her favourite and became synonymous with her name and legacy. The Westminster aquamarines have remained iconic long after Queen Anne’s time. Queen Irene became another famous wearer of the suite, wearing the choker as both a necklace and a headband in the 1980s. Queen Anne was an important figure to Irene during the early years of her marriage, and she wears nearly all of the jewels her grandmother-in-law left to her. In the 2010s, Tatiana, then the Princess of Danforth was seen in bits and pieces of the suite, notably the choker, signalling that the jewels will be carried on into the next generation.
Queen Anne of Sunderland, wife of King George II, wears the Westminster aquamarines with the Georgiyevna tiara for a promotional image, circa 1930
Queen Irene of Sunderland, wearing a powder blue satin evening gown along with the Westminster aquamarine choker as a headband, attends a gala dinner on April 30, 1984 in Auckland, New Zealand
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aneurinallday · 7 days
Green Eyes
Chapter 11: Before the Party
Christmas came nine months into Alec’s residence at Arrow House. The season was spent preparing for the Shelby Family festivities - almost every day, another truck would arrive bearing crates of drinks or a freshly cut Danish pine tree. Alec all but ran around the mansion, watching the servants put up tinsel and wreaths, helping to hang baubles on the trees, and darting in and out of the kitchens to taste the food.
“There’s a turkey and everything, Mister Shelby!” he said, bursting into the breakfast room as Thomas sipped his coffee and attempted to read a newspaper. “And hundreds of potatoes!”
“Good to hear.”
“Will there be dancing?”
“Yes. And music too. I’ve hired a band for the evening, but I want you to sing for my guests.”
“Me? Are you sure?”
“I’ll pay you.”
“No, no, Mister Shelby, I’ll do it for free. But…are you sure? You wouldn’t rather hire a professional singer?”
“You are a professional singer. And it’s your voice I want to hear.”
“I’ll do the best I’ve ever done. How many people are coming?”
“Maybe a hundred.”
“And am I going to meet your family?” Alec teased, “Or are you going to keep me locked upstairs where I can’t embarrass you?”
“You’ll meet them,” said Thomas curtly.
“How are you going to introduce me? As your lover or as your whore?”
“Depends who I’m talking to.”
Alec laughed.
“Come on, Mister Shelby, you need to give me more than that, otherwise I won’t be prepared. Why don’t you tell me who I’m going to meet?”
Thomas sighed and elaborated:
“My brothers won’t need any introduction - you already met them at the Arcadia. Finn’s the only brother you haven’t met yet, but he’s not important. Arthur’s bringing his wife Linda and their son Billy. She’s the Quaker type so she doesn’t drink. John’s bringing his wife Esmé and a bunch of kids.”
“You don’t know how many?”
“Last time I checked, seven. Three with her and four with his first wife, Martha. Martha’s dead so don’t bring her up.”
Thomas continued:
“My sister Ada is coming a bit later, and she’ll bring her son Karl and my son Charlie. It’s best you avoid Aunt Polly. She’ll disapprove of you.”
“Because I’m not a woman?”
“No. Because you used to work for Cobb’s Boys. She won’t take kindly to that.”
“That was a long time ago.”
“I know. But people don’t forget easily. Not in this business.”
Alec smiled and placed his hands on Thomas’s shoulders, massaging him through his jacket.
“When you look at me, do you still see that boy from the Arcadia? The one with a sequinned dress?”
“No. I see that boy from Saltley. The one who wouldn’t give up. I see you.”
Alec hugged him tightly and kissed his cheek.
“I’m going out into the gardens,” he whispered in Thomas’s ear, “They’re putting lights in the topiary.”
With that, he hurried away. His excitement was exhausting, but Thomas didn’t have the heart to tell him to calm down.
For Alec, it was the first Christmas he’d ever celebrated in true fashion, with presents and decorations and a delicious feast.
But for Thomas, it was another Christmas without his Grace.
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No matter where he turned, all he could see was Grace. Memories of her were everywhere - the paintings on the walls, the dresses in the wardrobe, the jewellery boxes on the vanity table. Even one of the baubles on the tree had been hand-painted by her and Charles. He despised the sight of them, but the thought of parting with them was unbearable.
Passing Frances near the stairs, he stopped her.
“Have the family portraits taken down,” he ordered the housekeeper. “Hang the decorations up there instead.”
“Sir?” she said uncertainly. “Are you sure…?”
“Yes. Have them put in the attic. Carefully.”
“...Yes, sir.” For nine months, Frances had continued to watch Alec from afar with a mixture of sympathy and caution, as if she could see some part of him that Thomas and perhaps even Alec himself were blind to. But if she had opinions, she kept them to herself.
On the morning of Christmas Day, Alec woke early and couldn’t be calmed. Under the tree in the parlour was a pile of gifts, beautifully wrapped by the servants. He begged to open them, then sat on the floor with Clara on his lap, gasping on her behalf as he tore away the patterned paper.
“Look, Clara! What do you think of that?” he said as he unwrapped a porcelain doll with long hair. “Isn’t that pretty? Mister Shelby bought that for you.”
Thomas was sitting in a nearby armchair, smoking a cigarette, watching silently as Clara began to play with her new toys. The toddler - now fourteen months old - was wearing a pretty gown with an abundance of frills, and her hair was long enough to be gathered into little bunches. She’d taken her first steps, spoken her first word (“dada!”), and celebrated her first birthday under the roof of Arrow House.
“Aren’t these nice, Clara?” Alec rolled a toy car along the floor on tiny wheels.
“Ahh ba,” she agreed.
“Don’t forget yours,” Thomas reminded him, nodding towards the unopened presents still waiting.
“Are those all for me?”
“Hold her for me, could you?” Alec rose onto his knees, placed Clara on Thomas’s lap, then jumped up and hurried to unwrap his own gifts: a gramophone, records, and a new suit, each of which seemed to warrant a hug and a kiss for Thomas.
A few guests began to trickle in around midday, but most didn’t arrive until afternoon - the men in tuxedos and bow-ties, the women in the latest Parisian fashions. Young Charles evaded Thomas’s attempts at a hug, and joined his cousins and the other children in running about. Thomas took the blow on the chin and turned his attention to the next arrivals.
“You alright, brother?” Arthur met Thomas with a rough hug - he knew how difficult Christmas was for him these days.
“I’m alright. There’s someone I need to introduce you to.”
“Oh yeah?”
Alec was hovering nearby, watching them nervously, holding Clara in his arms. Thomas beckoned him forward. When Arthur laid eyes on the young man, recognition darkened his face.
“Who’s this, eh?” he said, even though he already knew the answer.
“You know who he is - let’s not pretend. He’s been staying with me since April.”
“My name’s Alec.” Alec dipped his head in polite greeting. The gesture wasn’t returned.
“You’ve come a long way from Saltley, haven’t you, boy?”
“Yes, I have. All thanks to Mister Shelby.”
“Well, at least you know which side your bread’s buttered on.” Arthur’s attention turned to Clara, and his tone audibly softened. “And who’s this young lady?” he asked, tweaking her cheek.
“This is Clara,” said Alec proudly, “She’s my daughter.”
“Your daughter, eh? Is that right?”
“...Yes,” Alec said hesitantly, as if unsure of what Arthur was trying to imply. Sensing that the awkwardness would increase the longer he stood there, he quickly excused himself from the conversation. “Forgive me - Clara’s getting restless.”
He beat a hasty retreat.
“Tom, what the fuck is he doing here?” Arthur demanded. “That boy works for Cobb!”
“Worked,” Thomas corrected him. “He got fired, remember? It was my fault. I’m making up for it.”
“By letting him in your home?”
“What choice did I have? He’s got a kid and they were barely making ends meet.”
“So buy him a nice house somewhere, don’t bring him into yours.”
“He’s not in our line of work, Arthur,” Thomas said coldly, “He’s a civilian. A nobody. He has no power to hurt anyone. What harm can he possibly do to me?”
“What if he’s got a motive?”
“He does have a motive - keeping a roof over his fucking head. If he knows what’s best for him and his kid, he won’t cause any trouble.”
“How do you know it’s even his kid? There’s probably loads of poor girls getting knocked up at the Arcadia - he could’ve taken it from any of them. Listen - ”
“No, you fucking listen. The night Grace died, I fucking died too. Alec is the only good thing that’s happened to me since then. He’s put his faith in me because he sees good in me. He’s given me another chance to do things properly, and it might be my last one. If you don’t like him, fine. But don’t come into my fucking house and tell me my own business. You have no right.”
“But Tom - ”
They were interrupted by John’s entrance - he was the last to arrive, wrangling his large family. Sensing the tension between his brothers, he followed their gaze across the room to Alec.
“Is that who I think it is?” he said. “Jesus, Tom.”
Thomas suppressed a sigh.
“We can talk about him later. Let’s get the picture out of the way first, eh?”
Family and friends gathered in front of the grand staircase, where a photographer was setting up his tripod and camera. With Arthur barking orders, the many Shelbys arranged themselves on the steps or leaned against the banisters, jostling for space, trying to hold the children still. Thomas stood back and watched the chaos unfold from a distance, but soon felt Alec tugging at his arm from behind.
“Mister Shelby,” Alec whispered, half-crouching in expectation of the camera flash going off, “Can I be in the photograph, Mister Shelby?”
Alec’s face fell. Before his mood could follow suit, Thomas quickly added:
“This one’s just for family. We’ll take your picture another time.”
“But you are my family, Mister Shelby.”
“Another time,” Thomas repeated firmly.
Alec reluctantly withdrew.
The Shelbys’ gazes followed him with suspicion. Thomas saw the looks on their faces - John’s knowing smirk, Aunt Polly’s sceptical frown, Ada’s brittle smile.
In that moment, he saw himself through their eyes. A bitter widower who sought solace in distraction. A sad and lonely man who could feel the prime of his life slipping past him, and would do anything to hold onto it. A pathetic and desperate man refusing to let go of the bright, shiny distraction that had dulled the pain of his widowhood.
The unwanted image took shape with dreadful clarity, and Thomas hated every inch of it.
His thoughts were interrupted by the photographer’s assistant, desperately trying to get everyone to look in the same direction while they straightened their outfits and searched for their best angles.
“Step this way, please, Mister Shelby,” he begged.
Thomas made for the empty space that had been reserved for him in the middle. Along the way, he noticed Alec standing half-hidden behind a curtain, holding Clara in his arms, watching sadly as the photograph was set up. Thomas changed course and headed straight for him.
“You. Get over here.”
Thomas grabbed Alec’s arm and pulled him towards the stairs.
“But Mister Shelby - ” Alec began.
“Be quiet.”
Thomas took his place at the centre of the family, with Alec standing at his side. There was no time for anyone to protest - the photographer was already counting down.
Alec glanced nervously at Thomas, then around the room, and seemed to realise the significance of his position. He straightened his posture, smiled, and held Clara higher to show off her pretty dress. He was just in time - the camera suddenly went off with a bright flash, causing John’s youngest to burst into tears while Esmé scolded the photographer.
Done, Thomas let go of his arm and stalked away through the dispersing crowd, leaving him standing alone and confused on the steps.
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hearts4robs · 6 months
thanks to my girl Ro (@orchidsangel) for tagging me in this little game thingy !!
last song: Børn af Natten by Panamah (highly recommend🙏)
currently watching: Homocide (new netflix documentary, 5 episodes)
sweet/spicy/savoury: savoury !!
last thing i googled: “totgeschlagen totgeschwiegen danish meaning”
current obsession(s): photobooths, oranges, scarfs, rings, cowboy hats, converse shoes, food, amsterdam, ww2, batman/DC, mugs, poetry, old books, vinyls, rings, mixed metals jewellery, Leon Bridges, Perks of Being a Wallflower, orange related tattoos, food tattoos, tattoos that looks like it’s made with crayon, colourful kitchen tiles, stickers, old cameras, small tin boxes, camisole tops, marks/flea-markets and The Virgin Suicides
ppl i want to get to know better through this (no pressure tags) !! : @jasmines-library (i have not moots guys😞👎)
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aquitainequeen · 2 years
I assume you have a family heirloom with a fascinating story.
This actually made me sit and think for a bit, because while my immediate family does have some inherited things (mostly from the mother's side of the family) it's more linens and crockery and furniture and generally the stuff that's redistributed after a death rather than specifically left to someone. Dad gave some of his mother's jewellery to me and the sister when we were old enough to appreciate and take care of it, but if there were any stories to them we never learned them!
There is a family bible from the mother's side. I've only seen it once so far; one of our cousins in Kerry has possession of it after recently discovering it. There are names written in it from nearly two centuries back, including an ill-fated move to Liverpool in the late 19th century and the children that died there. It continues tracking all the way to the 1980s when that generation of the family started to be born. It was strange to see the names of my sister and I at the end of all this history.
The objects with the really interesting stories were things that my parents collected through their careers, like the forty piece set of Danish smoked glasses that Dad received in a box from a grateful patient; he threw the box into the boot of his car without realising what it contained, and yet somehow didn't break a single glass. Or the bladder stone the size of a tightly clenched fist that he removed from another (presumably incredibly grateful!) patient.
The things that have the best stories, however, are the photographs. It seems whenever we visit the family over in Kerry we're always turning up more photographs and sharing them with each other. Probably the oldest one we have is one of our paternal great grandfather, who was a regimental bandmaster in the 1890s. Dad sometimes reminisced about his grandfather sitting him on his knee and allowing his grandson to feel the scar on his neck, where a bullet grazed his flesh and nearly killed him. 'If that bullet had passed just a little closer to the right, I wouldn't be here, and your father wouldn't be here, and you wouldn't be here.'
Makes you think.
One of our favourite pictures is Grandpa (the mother's father) as a teenager, acting dead flash and cool and leaning against his elder brother's new car, his pride and joy - mere minutes before Grandpa pranged it against the curb while waving to a girl and burst a tire!
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calledda · 3 months
Bag for Good with Letters
So this bag is for Good, and you’ll find in it a box with letters for a train puzzle, and a book with words to all the letters, in Danish. So you can all practice together. Furthermore, we’ve put some really nice jewellery and a lovely long cardigan  from Primark, Video of the Bag for Good with letters is here, just push the picture   Things and stuff that people won’t deal with anymore – we…
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rjcustomcreations · 2 years
Heart Shaped Bandsaw Box with Detachable Base.
Nothing shows that special someone just how you feel like a beautiful Heart Shaped Keepsake Box. Display your affection anywhere and give your loved one an elegant place to store jewellery, trinkets, or any other little memento they may want to preserve.
Made of laminated Maple & Plywood and finished with Danish Oil. The perfect little gift for someone special. ❤️
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craft2eu · 4 years
Danish Jewellery Box: Köln & überall vom 02. 02. bis 18. 04. 2021
Danish Jewellery Box: Köln & überall vom 02. 02. bis 18. 04. 2021
Die Ausstellung “Danish Jewellery Box“ bietet einen eindrucksvollen Einblick in 50 Jahre dänisches Schmuckdesign anhand von rund 200 ausgewählten Arbeiten. Als dialogischer Diskurs sind zusätzlich einige Beispiele aus der Schmucksammlung des MAKK in die Ausstellung integriert. © Anne Lahn, Brosche “Flower Flashy Girl”, 2018 Schmuck als eigenständige Kunstform blickt in Dänemark auf eine lange…
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tiaramania · 3 years
Tiara Exhibition in Copenhagen
A new exhibition celebrating Queen Margrethe II of Denmark’s Golden Jubilee will be at the museum in Christian VIII’s Palace at Amalienborg.  ‘A Queen’s Jewellery Box: 50 Years on the Throne Told Through Jewellery’ will feature 200 pieces of jewelry that hold personal significance to Queen Margrethe.  It will be open from January 22nd (the original opening date was the 14th but it was pushed back due to the pandemic) until October 23rd and you can find out more about visiting here.  
Danish Pearl Poiré Tiara
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Baden Palmette Tiara 
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Turquoise Daisy Bandeau
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Dagmar Floral Tiara
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Floral Aigrette Tiaras
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Golden Poppies
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Naasut Tiara 
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everythingroyalty · 2 years
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The Danish design company Georg Jensen crafted a brooch for Queen Margrethe II of Denmark’s Golden Jubilee on 14 January 2022. The design takes inspiration from the Queen's motto: "God's help, the love of The People, Denmark's strength". The 18-karat gold beam represents the help of God, the golden heart symbolises the love of the people and the design's rounded shape is a reference to Denmark's unbreakable strength. Additionally, the piece features 50 grooves along the edge representing the years since the Queen's accession to the throne.
In connection with the presentation of the brooch, the Queen was gifted a special edition of the brooch crafted in 18-karat yellow gold, with the addition of a beam in white gold, and boasting a total of 135 brilliant cut diamonds. As seen on various members of the Danish royal family:
Queen Margrethe II at the official presentation of the brooch at Amalienborg Palace on 12 January 2022
Princess Isabella at the televised show in celebration of Crown Princess Mary’s 50th birthday on 5 February 2022
Crown Princess Mary at the opening of the Amalienborg Museum’s exhibition A Queen's Jewellery Box on 21 January 2022
Princess Josephine at Princess Isabella’s confirmation at Fredensborg Palace on 30 April 2022
Princess Marie at the opening of the exhibition Le Royaume des Clowns in Paris on 22 March 2022
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gabriellademonaco · 3 years
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Crown Princess Mary wore a gold version of the “Jubilee Jewellery” brooch by Georg Jensen at the opening of the exhibition “A Queen’s Jewellery Box”.
In connection with the 50th anniversary of the Queen’s accession to the throne on 14 January 2022, the Danish design company Georg Jensen announced a design competition with the objective of creating Georg Jensen’s next iconic jewellery at the end of 2020. A special edition of the brooch was presented to the Queen in the Great Hall of Christian IX’s Palace at Amalienborg on 12 January 2022.
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wondersofdreaming · 5 years
Barbie and Action Man
Characters: Chris Evans x female reader
Word count: 1.637
Warnings: Nothing but fluff.
Author’s note: Written for @thefanficfaerie’s ‘Heather’s life in song’ challenge. I live in Denmark, so there will be Danish text in this story, AND this is (sort of) a continuation of ‘Te in perpetuum et unum diem amabo’ - can be read as a standalone as well.
Danish - English:
Moster - Aunt (meaning mother’s sister)
Faster - Aunt (meaning father’s sister)
Dukker - Dolls
I do not own any of the characters in this short story besides the reader and her family, who are figments of my imagination.
Song chosen: ‘Barbie Girl’ by Aqua.
Feedback is appreciated.
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The trip to Denmark had taken nearly eight hours on a plane, from New York to Copenhagen. Your legs were in need of being stretched. Your sweet loving boy… no, fiancé was walking next to you. You were both tired, it was getting close to midnight.
Your parents greeted you with open arms and big smiles, led you to the car and drove towards your childhood home. Chris was standing in the middle of your old bedroom, which was filled with posters of boybands, pictures of yourself, your friends, and your old dog, Smoky. Your queen-sized bed was filled with pillows in all sizes and shapes. Even your old teddy bear was squished between the pillows. Chris picked it up and gave you a look that asked for the story.
“My grandmother gave that to me when I was five. I always had it with me wherever I went, and it brought comfort during the tough times. Especially after she died.” You told him, a sad look on your face, remembering the wonderful times you had with her.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you sad. I think it’s cute.” Chris said and hugged you from behind. He nuzzled his nose to the crook between your shoulder and neck. His beard tickling you, making you giggle.
“It’s alright. She would have loved you. Might even have pinched America’s ass a few times, just to make sure it was real.”
“Then I would have started wearing steel underwear, just to protect myself.”
You laughed, a sound that Chris loved to hear, it made his heart soar.
You both went to the bathroom across the room and brushed your teeth. Chris removed the comfortable clothes he had worn during the flight and went to sit under the covers of the bed. He was watching you sitting at your vanity, removing your makeup and jewellery. You watched him watching you through the mirror.
“Seeing something you like, Mr Evans?” You teased.
“Yes, you.” He chuckled. You raised an eyebrow, turned around to give him a questionable look. Sometimes you were wondering how in the world you had ended up dating him. How had he fallen in love with you?
“Ready to come to bed?” He asked, bringing you back to your bedroom. You nod and changed into one of his T-shirts and pyjamas bottoms. His gaze never wavering from you, as you went to lie down next to him. He pulled you into his waiting arms, hugging you tightly, his steady heartbeat slowly lulling you to a deep sleep.
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The next morning you woke up to high pitched screams. You ran downstairs only to be met by Chris lying on the floor, being attacked by your two nephews and three nieces. Your older sister, Mia, and brother, Alex, were hugging your parents.
“Moster/Faster!” The children yelled and went on to cling to you. You welcomed the hugs and cuddles, before long they would be teenagers and not wanting hugs anymore.
After having hugged your brother and sister hello, you went back upstairs to change into something more appropriate, a pair of jeans and a pretty blue blouse. Your mother had outdone herself at the breakfast table. It was filled to the brim with all kinds of delicious items. From waffles to pancakes to fresh fruit to oatmeal to scrambled eggs and bacon. Your younger brother, Charlie, came in through the door, his camera bag dangling from his shoulder, went through the greetings quickly and sat down on his spot, before you all dug into the food.
The children quickly got full and wanted to play. You lead them to the attic, trying to find the box of toys your mother had hidden away. The big wooden chest was sitting in the darkest corner of the loft. It was typical of your mother for putting things in the weirdest and scariest of places.
With the help from Chris, you managed to get the chest downstairs into the living room. Chris sat down on the sofa, your nieces scrambling to sit next to him, the youngest was placed on his knee, as your nephews helped you open the chest. Their eyes widened when they looked at the content.
“Dukker?” The eldest said with disappointment. The girls pulled a few of the dolls out. It was mostly Barbies from your childhood, but at the bottom sat the Action Man figures your brothers had collected over the years. The smile on your nephews’ faces came back full force, as they found all the extra gadgets for the figures. You went to sit next to Chris, while the children played. Soon the floor was filled with camouflaged clothes, miniature plastic guns and bazookas, and various vehicles.
“I didn’t know you played with Barbies as a kid.” Chris chuckled, as he pulled you closer to him, he kissed your temple.
“Don’t most girls? Mia and I loved to imagine how our lives were going to be through the Barbies. She wanted three kids, a loving husband, and big house. She got all tree and more. She also has an amazing career as an interior designer.”
“What did your Barbies want?”
“Well, they wanted a comfortable home, a dog, a wonderful husband, and the library from Beauty and the Beast.”
“And have they achieved what they wanted?”
You looked into Chris’ sky-blue eyes, they looked brighter with the midday sun shining into them. His brows furrowed, showing concern, he wanted you to be happy, wanted you to have everything you dreamed of.
“My Barbies? Not at all.” Chris’ face fell, so you continued, “But me, on the other hand, I moved into a comfortable home with a man, who is going to be my wonderful husband, and bonus, he has a dog that I adore. The library, well I don’t think our house back home will be able to fit all the books from Beauty and the Beast, even if we filled the house to the brim. I love the library you’ve made for me, it still has lots and lots of space for more books.”
“I’ll build you a bigger house with the world’s biggest library.” He whispered into your hair.
“I don’t need a big library. I just want to be with you.” You whispered back.
“What are you two whispering about?” Your sister asked, as she sat on Chris’ other side, your brothers plumbed down on the loveseat to the left, while your parents sat on the floor, playing with their grandchildren.
“Just talking about how we used to act out what we wanted in the future through our Barbies.” You told Mia.
“Oh, right. Do you remember that song we used to listen to while playing with those Barbies? Just because it fitted so well.” Mia asked. She pulled out her phone, went on Spotify to find the song. ‘Barbie Girl’ by the Danish-Norwegian band, Aqua, blasted through the little speaker on the phone.
“Yeah, now that I think about it, it’s the worst song ever to play with Barbies to as young girls.”
“Why’s that?” Chris asked, making your siblings and yourself snicker. You found the lyrics to the song and made Chris read it. He made a face.
“‘Hanky panky’? Really?” He asked.
“Yeah, it’s an anti-feminist song. That Barbie is just placed on Earth for Ken’s sexual pleasure. As a child, I just loved the colourful music video and the catchy tune of the song.” You told him.
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The afternoon passed faster than you liked, soon enough your brother and sister had to go home with your nieces and nephews. They left with the promise of coming by another day before you had to fly back to the states. Your nieces had clung to Chris like glue. He held all three girls in his arms while sitting on the sofa. Their parents had taken the girls as they had started to fall asleep, while he stroked their backs in a comforting way. Your ovaries were about to explode by looking at him taking care of your nieces, and the way he encouraged your nephews to be gentlemen was making your heart burst with pride and love.
As you walked along the beach that evening, your thoughts were far away, which made Chris worry. His brows furrowed, his jaw set, eyes were focused on your face that was overlooking the ocean. The sky slowly turning darker. The ocean breeze playing with your hair. As the sun dipped in the horizon, you decided it was now or never. Even though you wanted to wait for the perfect moment.
You pulled out a Barbie-like doll, you had hidden in your pocket. She was dressed in a green dress with white polka dots. You handed it to Chris, who just looked perplexed at you.
“Sweetheart, are you sick?” He asked nervously, looking at the doll in his hand, wondering what you wanted to tell him.
“No, but that doll and I have something in common.”
“Yeah? I need a little help here, darling. Give me a hint.”
You chuckled and lifted the doll’ dress, the belly could be pushed down, then it popped open and revealed what was inside. A small plastic baby.
“We’re both carrying a baby inside our bellies.” You whispered softly.
Chris dropped the doll on the sand. Chris’ face was showing utter shock. As he composed himself, he threw his arms around you and swung both of you around in the sand.
“A baby?” He asked quietly. You nod against his shoulder. “A baby!” He said louder, putting you back down, cupping your face, he breathed: “Our baby.”
He leaned down to give you a gentle kiss. His wish from when he proposed coming true.
He wished for you to want to marry him and start a family.
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Beautiful in White - Until We Meet Again - Part 11(Liam x MC)
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Pairing: Liam x MC
When King Liam manages to break free from his Marriage to madeleine and takes a trip to new York for the biggest UN event of the century. What happens when his suitcase doesn’t make it to new York with him. when a stranger comes to his rescue to find appropriate clothing for the Event. What happens when he meets the woman of his dreams but she already has a home along with a Multi-billion dollar business in New York. 
Word Count: 2,532
I always notice every single spelling mistake or issue after I’ve posted…so apologies in advance! 
Tags aren’t working so I will be tagging in the comments.
Straight after the wedding ceremony the guests were escorted to the Gazebo where the reception was to take place whilst Liam, Kayliegh and the bridal party went off to get their formal pictures taken. After spending the next hour getting their photos taken, they all headed for the gazebo where they were to have reception drinks followed the speeches then a three-course meal.
Once everyone was seated, Drake was the first to make a toast.
“um…as most of you know, my names Drake also known as Liam's best friend and best man, I had the honour of being in the room when Liam and Kayliegh first met and I’ll be honest, I thought he was crazy, when he told us he was going to stay at her house without security or anything…I nearly dragged him out of there myself” he laughed “but the next time we seen him after it was at the UN party and let me tell you…the smirk that man had on his face!” the room laughed “I’m telling you! When we spoke to him that evening, he was smitten…I warned him, I said listen man, just be careful, this woman she’s been through a lot! And he assured me he would never do anything to hurt her, which everyone who knows Liam knows he wouldn’t! when Kayliegh left upset that night, without question without a thought he was hightailing after her. The whole plane ride home he wouldn’t take his head out of his phone, he was messaging her, video calling her. I have never seen Liam so caught up in a woman in my life. And I’m so glad that woman is Kayliegh because these two people are perfect for each other, I don’t think I’ve ever seen my best friend so happy. So…a toast to Liam and Kayliegh, may your marriage be long and happy, I wish you both all the best” everyone raised their glasses then took a sip of their drinks.
Allie was next up. she stood to her feet with her drink in her hand.
“hello everyone, I’m Allie, Kayliegh is not only my sister but my best friend.  We have spent the whole of our lives getting to know each other, we used to fight a lot…like ALOT” both Allie and Kayliegh laughed “when I was fourteen and you were seventeen and every time you left the house I would raid your things, especially your jewellery and shoes and I remember you were going out on your first date, and you had picked out your outfit like a week in advance, you were so excited to go, when it came to you getting ready for him to come and pick you up, you couldn’t find the shoes you had picked out…and that’s because little ole me got sticky fingers” everyone laughed “we were driving mom and dad crazy! You were shouting at me because you knew there was a 99% chance it was me who moved them, I was shouting at you because I had them but I had broken the strap on them so I refused to admit that I had done it…so I have something for you” Allie smirked as she lifted a box from beside her seat and passed it to Kayliegh, who opened the box then laughed as she lifted the small burnt orange coloured block heeled sandals from it, in perfect condition. “you little snake” Kayliegh laughed “thank you” she smirked “what I most remember about that night is watching you wait in the living room for over an hour when the guy didn’t show up…my point in telling this story is that you have had so many let downs in your life Kayliegh, every time you got knocked down, you fell harder, eventually you decided to focus on your work and only your work! You refused to let anyone get in your way, you stuck to it and became one of the most amazing women to walk the planet, you didn’t just achieve your dreams you built them from scratch, from the ground up and I have never been more proud of anyone in my life. It wasn’t long after you started your brand that Louis tumbled into your life…and after everything that happened with him, I wasn’t sure you were going to make it back from that one…it scared me a lot seeing you in such a bad place. When I was serving Liam and the rest of the guys that night in the restaurant, I knew something was there…as soon as I met him, you instantly popped into my head. when the opportunity arose for you two to meet, I couldn’t turn down a little matchmaking.” Everyone laughed “the second you guys met each other…oh my goodness I have never felt so much electricity between two people.” She smiled as she looked between both Liam and Kayliegh.  “over the past year and a half, you have become so much happier and that makes me so soo happy. I want to thank Liam…for being such an amazing person towards my sister, I couldn’t imagine a better partner for her to spend the rest of her life with. I love you both so much. To Liam and Kayliegh”
“To Liam and Kayliegh!” everyone raised their glasses before taking a drink. The next person to make a toast was Leo. He stood to his feet looking Liam dead in the eyes with a smirk. Liam had warned him prior to wedding not to embarrass him, but he knew his brother…he knew him too well. Leo was not going to pass the opportunity to make everyone laugh.
“Ladies and gentlemen, I stand here before you at my brother’s wedding, it’s clear that he’s come a long way. Once he could barely decide which pastry to have for breakfast…and now he’s the ruler of an entire kingdom,”
“well, it’s a lot easier to pick your breakfast when your older brother isn’t around to steal all the Danishes.” Liam laughed along with all the other guests. Leo smirked knowing Liam wouldn’t let him embarrass him.
“All jokes aside, it truly is an honour to be here tonight. When I abdicated the throne, I knew deep down that I was doing Cordonia a favour. Because I knew this man right here would be twice the king that I could ever be. But Liam, I knew it wasn’t a favour to my little brother. I knew I was putting a heavy burden on his shoulders and I hoped my little brother could find a way to wear the crown that wouldn’t crush him. From the night I told Liam that I was abdicating, I never saw him smile. But let me tell you, when Liam called me about this amazing woman he had met in America, I thought okay, cool he’s met someone, but I wasn’t too sure about it because as you all knew he’s a king…kings don’t usually get the whole love story, but then he wouldn’t shut up about her” he laughed “I could hear how happy he was in his voice! Tonight, I don’t see my little brother wracked with the weight of the world, I see Cordonia’s true king, and the man my brother was destined to become. Seeing him next to Kayliegh, any doubts I had about him being happy are gone. In the past I would have described my brother as the reserved one. the cautious one. the one who carefully kept a blank face. Kayliegh…look at the grin on his face!! look he’s even blushing because we’re all looking at him now”
Everyone laughed as Liam blushed
“honestly, I couldn’t be happier to see such a smile on his face, so thank you Kayliegh for it truly is the queen who makes the king! Cheers” he raised his glass followed by everyone else. once everyone had put their glasses back down Liam stood from his seat.
“well, I think it’s my turn” he smirked
“Ladies and Gentlemen, I want to thank you all for being here with us today to celebrate our wedding! I truly appreciate all of your support! I want to thank my new wife, Kayliegh. I always thought a long distance relationship wouldn’t work, especially with my status, it was out of the question, but then I met you and you changed my world, after spending those two days with you, I was smitten, there was no way I would have left without having some way of keeping in contact with you. Being so far away from you Kayliegh, made the time we actually got to spend together so much better and I am grateful for every second that we get to spend together. When you told me, you were coming to Cordonia for the first time I was elated! I was so happy I was finally getting the chance to show you where I live. You make me happier than I’d ever dare to dream possible, you make me a better king and a better man. I may be a king, but my greatest honour is to be the man you have chosen to stand by your side, for the rest of our lives. To Kayliegh…the Queen of my heart long may she reign!”
Everyone cheered as they raised their glasses then took a sip of their drinks as Liam sat down, he lifted his glass and clinked it with Kaylieghs “I love you” he smiled “I love you too” she leaned in placing the sweetest kiss on his lips.
Kayliegh then stood to her feet with a smile.
“hi everyone, most people who know me, know I don’t like speaking in front of people, I get very nervous In front of large crowds, so I’m going to keep this short and sweet” she smiled “I want to thank you all so much for coming to share this day with us, we are so happy you all could be here. I want to thank the whole bridal party; you all look AMAZING! If I do say so myself” everyone laughed knowing she was the one who made the outfits “no you do, you all look amazing! I want to say thank you to my sister, you are the most amazing person and I love you so much! And lastly I want to say thank you to my new husband, I love you so much, I couldn’t ask for a more amazing husband, you mean the world to me and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life by your side. To Liam” she raised her glass “the man who holds my heart” everyone cheered then took a sip of their drinks.
It wasn’t too long after that everyone was tucking into their meals. By the time it hit five thirty, everyone had finished eating and it was time for Liam and Kayliegh’s first dance as husband and wife. Liam offered his hand out for her to take as he stood from the table “shall we” he asked, “we shall” She nodded with a gentle smile as she placed her hand in his then stood from her seat. The two made their way to the dance floor, just as the melody started Liam gently took one of her hands in his, then he placed his other hand on the middle of her back whilst she placed her arm over his upper arm her hand on the back of his shoulder. She was practically leaning on his chest. The two swayed together as the slow song filled the room. With her head leaning on Liam’s chest, Kayliegh closed her eyes and listened to the music as they danced.
“Not sure if you know this But when we first met I got so nervous I couldn't speak In that very moment I found the one and My life had found its missing piece So as long as I live I'll love you Will have and hold you You look so beautiful in white And from now to my very last breath This day I'll cherish You look so beautiful in white Tonight”
As they swayed slowly to the music Liam leaned down and whispered in her ear “I love you so much”
“I love you too” she whispered in return.
Once the song came to an end the rest of the guests joined Liam and Kayliegh for the next song.
“do me a favour” Kayliegh whispered as she stayed leaning against his chest.
“Don’t move away from me for a minute” Liam looked down at her with a confused smile to see a tear falling down her face.
“is everything okay?” he asked as he gently wiped her cheek.
“yeah, I’m just…really happy” she giggled.
The couple spent the rest of the night dancing and drinking, and just being with their family and friends. By the time the end of the night came Liam and Kayliegh were both well and truly ready to be alone. They both approached their group of friends from across the room.  
“Kayliegh!!!” A drunk Allie called loudly with a laugh as they got closer. She ran over wrapping her arms around her sister. “I love you Kayliegh bear”
“I love you too Allie bear” Kayliegh giggled “I have to go speak with Bastian about something I’ll be back in a minute” Kayliegh stated before heading over in Bastian's direction who was not far from them.
“Your Majesty” Bastian bowed his head.
“oh goodness, I don’t think I’ll ever get used to that” she giggled
“I’m sure you’ll adjust to it” he smirked
“could you do me a huge favour Bastian?” she asked
“of course, anything”
“my sister, she’s extremely drunk, Liam and I are going to head out, but I know I’ll worry about her if I don’t ask, but could you get Mara to make sure she gets to her room okay? I would ask her, but I don’t know where she’s gone”
“of course, don’t worry about it, I’ll make sure your sister gets back safe”
“thank you so much Bastian”
“have a good evening, your Majesty” he bowed before she bid him goodnight then headed back over towards Liam and their friends.
“is everything okay?” Liam asked as he leaned down quietly asking in her ear.
“yeah, I was just asking Bastian if he could make sure Allie got to her room okay, she’s very drunk, I’ll just worry if I leave her here without someone to make sure she gets back okay.”
“Bastian will make sure she’s alright” he smiled as his hand gently landed on her lower back.
“are you ready to get going?” he asked her.
“more than ready” she smirked
“alright guys, we’re going to head out, but we’ll see you tomorrow” Liam smiled
“goodnight everyone” Kayliegh added then pointedly stared at Allie “don’t drink anymore alcohol, I’m cutting you off” she smirked
“boooo!!” Allie called
“shush, I love you, goodnight”
“ooo I love you too Kayliegh bear, now go get some ass!”
“Allie!” Kayliegh laughed as she blushed causing Liam to chuckle.
“come on, my love, let’s get some ass” Liam smirked as the two headed out.
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skippyv20 · 5 years
Beautiful!  Thank you😁❤️❤️❤️❤️
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Carl Fabergé was the greatest Russian jeweller and goldsmith of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. He is most famous today for the spectacular Imperial Easter Eggs he designed for the Russian royal family, but almost six hundred of his other creations are also represented in the Royal Collection. These include exquisite animal sculptures, cigarette cases and presentation boxes, as well as flower carvings, photograph frames and jewellery. Collected by the British royal family during and after his life, they constitute one of the most important Fabergé collections in the world.
Almost all the Fabergé pieces in the Royal Collection were acquired as gifts, exchanged by the Russian, Danish and British royal families. As a result, they offer an extraordinary insight into the personal lives of their owners. Queen Alexandra (1844-1925), the wife of King Edward VII, frequently exchanged Fabergé pieces as birthday and Christmas presents with her sister, Tsarina Marie Feodorovna of Russia. King Edward VII (1841-1910) meanwhile expanded the collection by commissioning portrait sculptures of his favourite pets and other animals on the Sandringham Estate.
After Fabergé’s death in 1920, royal fascination with his work endured. In the 1930s, King George V (1865-1936) and Queen Mary (1867-1953) purchased the three Imperial Easter Eggs in the Collection – the Basket of Flowers Egg, the Colonnade Egg Clock and the Mosaic Egg. Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother (1900-2002) also formed an outstanding collection of flower sculptures, ornaments and boxes. 
Colonnade Egg 1910
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Bowenite, four-colour gold, silver-gilt, platinum, guilloché enamel, rose diamonds | 28.0 x 17.0 cm (whole object) 
Imperial Easter Egg with rotary clock, pink guilloché enamel circle dial with rose diamond numerals, surmounted by silver-gilt cupid, six bowenite columns encircle a pair of platinum doves, the stepped circlular base with four silver-gilt seated female cherubs joined by swags; four bun feet.
This Imperial Easter Egg – which incorporates a rotary clock in its design, the movement supplied to Fabergé by Henry Moser & Cie – is in the form of a classical temple. The colonnade of pale green bowenite columns supports the pink guilloché enamelled egg, surmounted by a cupid. Below a pair of platinum doves sits on a truncated column and around the base four female silver-gilt cherubs hold garlands of roses in red, white, green and yellow gold.  This Easter egg is an allegory of the imperial family in 1910. The enduring love between the Tsar and Tsarina is represented by the pair of doves; their four daughters, Olga (b. 1895), Tatiana (b. 1897), Maria (b. 1899) and Anastasia (b. 1901) – collectively known by their parents as OTMA – are represented by the four cherubs; and the Tsarevich Alexis (b. 1904) is represented by the cupid. Early photographs of the egg and a description of it in a Fabergé album of the Imperial Easter Eggs presented to Tsarina Alexandra Feodorovna between 1907 and 1916 show that the cupid originally held an arrow in his hand to point to the hour.  The egg was the Tsar’s gift to Tsarina Alexandra for Easter 1910 and cost 11,600 roubles. In 1917 it was confiscated from the Anichkov Palace, and in 1922 it was transferred to the Sovnarkom. The dealer Emanuel Snowman brought it to London and, according to a manuscript annotation by Queen Mary in her copy of Bainbridge’s autobiography, Twice Seven, it was acquired by her in 1931 and given to King George V.
Basket of flowers egg 1901
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Silver, parcel-gilt, gold, guilloché enamel, diamonds | 23.0 x 10.0 cm 
Imperial Easter egg, basket-shaped, silver-gilt and oyster guilloché enamel mounted with rose diamond trellis and oval handle with four bows, blue enamel splayed base with rose diamond trellis. Egg contains wild flowers, leaves and husks of enamel on gold.
Commissioned by Tsar Nicholas II as an Easter present for Tsarina Alexandra Feodorovna in 1901, the Basket of Flowers Egg cost 6,850 roubles. The Tsarina kept the egg in her study at the Winter Palace. Each of the 50 Imperial Easter Eggs made by Fabergé was unique, its design and execution of the highest possible standard using the finest raw materials. The bouquet of wild spring flowers would have particularly appealed to Tsarina Alexandra, who owned several of Fabergé’s flower studies. Pansies, cornflowers, daisies, mock orange, oats and grasses are set into an egg-shaped vase of oyster guilloché enamel filled with moss made of green gold. The vase is applied with gold and rose diamonds in a trellis pattern. The handle is similarly set with diamonds and applied with bows. According to a description of the egg in an inventory of the Easter eggs kept at the Winter Palace dated 1909, the vase was ‘entirely covered with white enamel’. Due to damage sustained in the aftermath of the revolution, the base was re-enamelled in blue, possibly between Queen Mary’s acquisition of the egg in 1933 and a photograph of it published in 1949. A note of its condition made in 1933 records that the enamel on the leaves and in two places on the basket was damaged. The egg was exhibited at the charity exhibition held under the patronage of Tsarina Alexandra Feodorovna in March 1902 at the mansion of Baron von Dervis in St Petersburg. It was confiscated from the Anichkov Palace by the provisional government in 1917 and taken to the Moscow Kremlin Armoury, where it was valued at 15,000 roubles. In 1922 it was transferred to the Sovnarkom (the government of the early Soviet republic) and in 1933 it was sold for 2,000 roubles by the Antikvariat (the state-run organisation ‘for the collection and conservation of treasures’). According to her list of bibelots, Queen Mary acquired this egg in the same year, but no invoice for its purchase survives.
The Mosaic Egg and Surprise 1914
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Gold, platinum, enamel, rose and brilliant diamonds, rubies, emeralds, topaz, quartz, sapphires, garnets, moonstone | 9.5 x 7.0 cm (egg) 
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Imperial Easter egg with an overall mosaic pattern, made from gold and platinum, pink and white enamel set with rose diamonds, rubies, emeralds, topaz, sapphires and garnets. Borders of pearls and larger diamonds. Moonstone finial with Tsarina’s initials. The egg contains an oval surprise with sepia profiles of the five Imperial children. Technically one of the most sophisticated and extraordinary of Fabergé’s Imperial Easter Eggs, the Mosaic Egg retains its ‘surprise’. It takes the form of a medallion painted on ivory with the portraits of the five children of Tsar Nicholas II and Tsarina Alexandra on one side and a basket of flowers and their names on the other, on a stand surmounted by the Russian imperial crown, held within the egg by gold clips.  The egg was the Tsar’s Easter gift to his wife in 1914, but the original invoice was destroyed and the cost is therefore unknown. The Tsarina’s monogram and the date 1914 are set beneath a moonstone at the apex of the egg. It comprises a platinum mesh into which tiny diamonds, rubies, topaz, sapphires, demantoid garnets, pearls and emeralds are fitted – perfectly cut, polished and calibrated to fill the spaces. This extraordinary technical feat is all the more impressive because the platinum is not welded but cut. The five oval panels around the centre of the egg feature a stylised floral motif, replicating the technique of petit-point.  In the list of confiscated treasures transferred from the Anichkov Palace to the Sovnarkom in 1922, the egg is described thus: ‘1 gold egg as though embroidered on canvas’. The designer, Alma Theresia Pihl, was inspired to produce the needlework motif when watching her mother-in-law working at her embroidery by the fire. Alma Pihl came from a distinguished family of Finnish jewellers employed by Fabergé. Her uncle, Albert Holmström, took over his father August’s workshop and was the workmaster responsible for the production of this bejewelled egg. The egg was confiscated in 1917 and sold by the Antikvariat in 1933 for 5,000 roubles. It was purchased by King George V from Cameo Corner, London, on 22 May 1933 for £250 ‘half-cost’, probably for Queen Mary’s birthday on 26 May.
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Gift Bags Given to 26 Oscar Nominees
Here’s what the nominees received in 2018:
A 12-night trip to Tanzania for two, courtesy of International Expeditions, reportedly worth $40,000 (about £30,000)
A 7-day, 6-night trip to the Koloa Landing Resort in Hawaii, including ziplining, a helicopter tour, and a catamaran tour
A week’s stay at the Golden Door spa in Escondido, California
A stay at the Avaton Luxury Villas resort in Halkidiki, Greece
An ethically-sourced diamond necklace and pendant from Luxura Diamonds
A donation of 10,000 bowls of dog food made in their name, at a reported value of $8,000 (about £5,800), plus several bags of Halo pet food
A year’s supply of Healing Saint products, including a skin serum and a hair follicle stimulant
A bracelet with tanzanite stones from Safi Kilima Tanzanite
A levitating Bluetooth speaker from Shop Modern Innovations
A 10-piece marble makeup brush set from Inception of Beauty
A Chao Pinhole Gum Rejuvenation procedure from Dr. John Chao
A commissioned original work of art from Reian Williams Fine Art
Two skin laser resurfacing treatments from Nurse Gigi
10 personal training sessions from Alexis Seletzy in Los Angeles
A DNA Head to Toe laser skin treatment from D. Thomas Clinic
A private Lotte Berk Barre Method class for the star and up to six friends from Esther Fairfax
A year’s supply of DNA-based skincare products from ALLÉL
An eye cream and an eye treatment mask from MZ Skin
A supply of Jarritos Mexican sodas for an event of the star’s choosing
A genetic testing kit, which measures health, traits, and ancestry from 23andMe
An electric toothbrush from Quip, which can cost up to £100
A “Gigantote” bag from The Green Garmento
Two bottles of Southern Wicked Lemonade Moonshine
A lifetime supply of foundation and moisturiser from Oxygenetix
Two luxury soy candles from Charleston & Harlow Candle Co.
A handmade Positive Cube from Bangarang
A wooden crate filled with California oranges, plus a gift card for EpiFruit
Jewellery made in Ireland from Liwu Jewellery
T-shirts and sweatshirts from Happiest Tee
A cosmetic clutch from MYO Cosmetic Cases
A box of jewelry-themed Chocouture chocolates from Chocolatines
A portable phone charger to promote the NeverMissed dating app
A Don’t Step In It board game and a Jenga Pass Challenge game from Hasbro
Colour-changing lipstick from Blush & Whimsy
A cleanser and mask from Paiva Aloe, Gorgeous!
Make-up primers from Look Fabulous Forever
Underarm sweat patches from Dandi Patch
A chemical exfoliating product from Oumere Skin Care
A 2-tier gourmet pretzel gift box from Posh Pretzels
False eyelashes and equipment from LE CÉLINE Eyelashes Equipment
Reusable face and eye makeup wipes from Face It
A challenge coin from Justice for Vets
A CD and a book about facing your phobias from Kalliope NYC
Weight loss supplements from Hydroxycut Organic
Personalized skincare products from Proven
Pepper spray from Pepperface
A Tyffyn lunchbox from Vaya
An anti-aging supplement and facial product from Youth Blast
A water-bottle “sleeve” from Wetsleeve
“Red carpet ready” bath bombs from PETA
Slimmax Detox Tea from Quincy Herbals
Hair care products from Totalee Hair
A “Celebrity Creative Kit” from 99 Creative Wows – Words of Wisdom for Business
Activated charcoal toothpaste from My Magic Mud
A dog leash from Safety Dog Leash
Maple syrup from Rouge Maple
Three flavors of lollipops from Delicacies Candy & Confections
A copy of Cook Yourself Happy: The Danish Way by Caroline Fleming
A copy of Curlee Gurlee, a children’s book by Atara Twersky
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kentonramsey · 3 years
Apparently, A Lot Of People Want To Buy Your Designer Trash
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PARIS, FRANCE – MAY 11: A passerby wears a gray jacket and holds a white Chanel shopping bag, in the streets of Paris, on May 11, 2020 in Paris, France. (Photo by Edward Berthelot/Getty Images)
While luxury spending plummeted when the pandemic first took hold, the desire for designer goods never went away. Which might help explain the curious rise of the fashion packaging market. Over the last year-plus, a certain subset of ingenious COVID-era sellers not only listed their designer bags, shoes, and garments for cash, but also the boxes, dust bags, and tote bags that their treasures arrived in. 
According to Money, a credit broker in the U.K., the practice is not only common but head-scratchingly lucrative. In April, Money ran an analysis of empty luxury brand packaging for sale on eBay. What they found will have you pulling any burnt-out Diptyque candles or Tiffany-blue jewellery boxes out of the recycling bin. According to the company’s report, watch boxes from brands like Rolex, Omega, Tag Heuer, and Seiko fetch an average resale price of £126. Of course, a Tag Heuer watch could set you back £913, but £141 — Tag Heuer watch boxes have an average value of £149 — is hardly chump change. 
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A post shared by Louis Vuitton (@louisvuitton)
Shopping bags and shoeboxes from fashion brands like Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Dior, and Chanel, also command top dollar on sites like eBay and Poshmark. Say you recently bought a pair of Sophie Turner’s slipper boots from Louis Vuitton, which cost £835, you could sell the box they came in for an average price of £74, according to Money. Since you get a fancy shoebox no matter the shoe model, you could, instead, purchase a lower-priced pair, say Louis Vuitton’s £400 pool slides, and get back a good chunk of your investment by reselling the box. Nike, Christian Louboutin, Saint Laurent, Fendi, Breitling, and Cartier, too, made Money’s list of the top 20 most valuable luxury brand packages. 
According to a Danish Mathematical Economics student named Christian Bendsten — who is currently listing a Rick Owens tote bag, which comes free with any purchase from the brand, for £68 on Grailed — this phenomenon isn’t new to the pandemic era. “[Resold packaging] really started with things like Chanel coathangers, [and evolved from there],” he tells Refinery29. On Grailed and other sites, he often sees listings for Dior and Louis Vuitton chains that come attached to duffles, as well as Carol Christian Poell garment bags and Supreme stickers. Some of the items being sold are useful, like his Rick Owens tote bag, while others are strictly marketing add-ons, like the stickers or bag chains that brands typically give away for free with purchases. 
“You attain some of the clout that you would have from wearing the actual brand, without having to spend excessive amounts of money.”
– Christian Bendsten, Grailed seller
What gives them value on the secondhand market, according to Bendsten, is the brand name: “You attain some of the clout that you would have from wearing the actual brand, without having to spend excessive amounts of money.” Carrying around a Rick Owens tote bag, or having a big Chanel shopping bag in the background of your Instagram photos, automatically gives off the perception that you purchased items from the fashion houses.
Poshmark seller Stephanie C. agrees with Bendsten, attributing the demand for designer packages to the rise of influencers. “It’s become quite trendy for them to have [designer boxes and shopping bags] in the background of their photos,” she tells Refinery29, “even if they’ve never shopped at those places.” According to her, these items are all just social media window dressing. 
Bendsten sees luxury packaging as an introduction to high fashion, likening a designer dust bag or shopping tote to diffusion lines, like MM6 Maison Margiela or the now-defunct Marc by Marc Jacobs. These brands are easily recognizable, he says, but can cost a fraction of the price of a mainline designer item. With a Chanel shopping bag, you get the clout without the hefty price tag. It’s not dissimilar to the way lesser-priced beauty products can function as gateways to a brand. Maybe you start with a Gucci perfume before you work up the courage (and the funds) to invest in a Jackie bag or a pair of loafers. An £59 expenditure is a lot easier to justify than £599. Plus, according to Money, you can make £16, by selling the bottle once the perfume runs out. 
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jeremystrele · 4 years
13 Of The Best Bedside Tables!
13 Of The Best Bedside Tables!
Lauren Li
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The Tuck Bedside table from Jardan. Photo – courtesy of Jardan.
Though isolation might be starting to really test us now, if you’re lucky enough to be able to work from home it’s sheer bliss to wake up without an alarm, make a cup of tea (or even better; have one brought to you) and linger in your cosy warm bed just a little longer in the morning with a bunch of magazines. Or let’s be real… an Insta scroll!
But with all this additional time spent at home, you may also be looking around and thinking that your bedroom could do with a spruce up. You’d love a neat spot for all those mags, books and cups of tea because the last thing you want to see is clutter on your bedside table before you go to sleep at night. A bedside table makeover is a brilliant place to start. Here are a few tips to find your perfect bedside solution.
There are a few questions you need to ask yourself when searching for your perfect bedside table; how much storage do you need? Do you just need a surface to charge your phone and that’s about it? Or do you need your bedside table top to fit ten books, a lamp, jewellery, glass of water, plant, glasses, picture frame, hand cream and a cup of tea? Do you want a drawer, or even a few drawers?
A bedside table with one drawer seems to suit most – there is ample storage, but still a lightness to this sort of design.
Finding a bedside table that is the right height alongside the bed AND that fits into the space is harder than it seems. A small bedside table next to a high bed can look out of scale and it’s also impractical to use. The top of the bedside table should be around the same height of the top of the mattress, give or take 15cm. Could your bedside table be rectangular, round, or maybe even oval? A round shape is wonderfully soft and gives some breathing space around the bed.
Sometimes when we’re looking for a bedside table, we should actually be looking for a side table. If you don’t need a drawer then a side table will suit you perfectly, and can allow for a more expressive piece. It could be a sculptural side table, something rustic or an elegant marble table. You can go for aesthetics rather than pure function.
Also, don’t forget that you don’t need to match the bedside tables and lamps on both sides. Mixing it up is a way to bring loads of personality to the room and create visual interest. Even consider a lovely dining chair (with a flat seat) as a bedside table for a super casual look!
One last thing to note…
If you still struggling to find your perfect bedside table… there is a secret weapon out there that allows you to find the perfect height and proportions, in just the right finish – a custom made piece!
There is another world of possibilities that custom made furniture can bring. Consider working with a local cabinet maker to design a set of bedside tables to your specific requirements. It could be integrated into the bedhead with a wall light over. The possibilities are endless! There are SO many great local makers to consider – we could write a whole other story on this! But as a starting point, check out Anthony Kleine of AKWT, Dustin Frische of Softer Studio, Just Adele, Made by Morgen (also listed below), and any of the furniture makers listed here!
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1. Jardan – Tuck + Noah
Gorgeous timber detailing combined with a functional design means the Noah bedside table from Jardan is… pretty much perfect! RRP from $1816
The Tuck bedside table gives a feeling of lightness to the bedroom. The open design offers a leather sling shelf with options for timber or marble top. RRP from $1658
2. Tide Design – The Tuki
The Tuki by Tide Design has a lightness whilst still providing functional storage. It’s crafted by solid timber in Melbourne and available in a range of beautiful timbers. RRP from $1460
3. Made By Morgen – Lil
Influenced by Scandinavian craftsmanship, this solid American oak bedside table has subtle curved edge all around. Made in Melbourne by Made by Morgen. RRP $1795
4. Beeline Design – Cuba
Gorgeously handcrafted in Melbourne by Beeline, this cute bedside table has lovely natural leather detailing and also comes in two sizes. Ticking all of the boxes! RRP $888
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5. HK Living – Webbing
These Webbing Bedside tables by HK Living of The Netherlands are sure to add loads of personality to the bedroom, plus heaps of bonus storage! From House of Orange. RRP $1295 (for the set of two)
6. Blu dot – Lil Something
This circular side table with a handy little storage cubby is such a great, unique piece that is the perfect balance of style and function. The name says it all – it’s the perfect lil something! RRP $599
7. Mustard Made – The Shorty
A perfectly compact yet providing plenty of storage, The Shorty bedside table draws on a youthful locker aesthetic and comes in loads of gorgeous colours. Available from two sisters and their thriving business called Mustard. RRP $252
8. Grazia & Co – Leo
A beautifully simple design; a single drawer and shelf under, the Leo bedside table is made in Melbourne by Grazia and Co. It’s available in a range of chic colours and timber finishes and comes in two sizes. RRP $790
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9.Hans Wegner from Great Dane
An iconic design by Hans Wegner, this petite bedside table is elegant and timeless. Available from Great Dane. RRP $2100
10. Curated Spaces – The Chub
The Chub stool is an expressive piece, perfect for those that simply need a surface for a few books and a glass of water. It’s playful form and curated colours combines function with aesthetics. Made in New South Wales from Curated Spaces. RRP $390
11. Future Collective – Cave Side Table
The Cave side table is hand carved out of aerated concrete giving it an individual organic aesthetic. Available from Future Collective. RRP $785
12. Kartell Componibili from Space
The great thing about this classic design is not only is it an affordable designer piece, you can keep stacking more elements to it as you need them. It’s a great bedside solution but it can also be moved around to any area of the house. Made by Kartell from Space Furniture. RRP $465
13. Montana Furniture from Cult – Dash + Dream
You’ll find a mind-boggling combination of configurations and gorgeous colours from this Danish brand Montana. The Dream Bedside Cabinet features a draw and a handy storage area underneath, in a super sleek silhouette. Available from Cult Design. RRP from $940
When space is tight and storage is needed then consider a wall-mounted bedside table, like the Dash Bedside Tray. There are so many stunning colours to choose from too. Available from Cult Design. RRP from $900 
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