#Danneel Ackles x Reader
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service-player · 30 days
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dreamerbouquet · 2 months
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Jensen Ackles x Daughter!reader, Danneel Ackles x Stepdaughter!reader, Jared Padalecki x Nephew!reader
SUMMARY: When Y/n can't stop the voices in her head, she finally finds the courage to ask for help.
NOT: Y/n 17 is years old.
Word Count: 4.300
“JJ, you make me so angry sometimes!!” you shouted at your little sister. You were intolerant these days and JJ was starting to get stubborn with you.
"GO AWAY!" JJ shouted.
You combed your hair with your hands, "you better go to your room, JJ. I'm the older one and you should listen to me!"
"You are not my sister!"
You took a deep breath, "now, I'm going to call my mom!"
"She's not your mother, she's mine and the twins' mother!" JJ continued to scream.
You were stunned by what you heard. "What?" You hummed. Your eyes started to water and you swallowed hard.
Hearing the screams, Danneel came down from his room, "hey what's going on here?" asked. The woman approached them.
You pulled yourself together with your mother's arrival. You turned around and wiped the tears from your eyes.
"I asked you girls a question. Now tell me what's going on." When no one spoke, the woman turned to her eldest daughter, "Y/n?"
You calmly began to explain what happened, "I warned him many times about something she shouldn't do, but she didn't listen to me. So I got angry." You said. You didn't look at your mother. What JJ said was going around in your head; 'She's not your mother!'
After listening carefully, the woman turned to her little daughter, "JJ, I told you to listen to your big sister, right?"
"She's not my big sister!" JJ shouted the same words again. You looked at him and your eyes started to water again.
Danneel was stunned by the little girl's words. "What did you say ?" Asked
"He shouldn't call you mother. You are mine and the twins' mother, not Y/n."
“JJ-” the woman began to speak as Y/n quickly walked past her and up the stairs. “Y/n, honey wait,” the young girl had already disappeared. There was the sound of a door slamming from above.
Danneel turned back to her little daughter, "JJ, what you did is so rude! You upset your older sister, yes your older sister. I'm her mother too. She's your older sister and the twins' older sister. Yes, I didn't give birth to her, but that doesn't mean I can't be her mother. Now go to your room, you're grounded."
JJ ran to her room.
After a while, Danneel knocked on Y/n's room door, "Honey, can I come in?"
“Yes,” you sat up in your bed and leaned your back against the headboard. You took the pillow in your lap and hugged it. You've been thinking about what your sister said ever since you went to your room. She was right, Even your real mother didn't want you
The woman entered the room. He sat on his bed, facing his daughter. "Shall we talk for a while?"
"She is right." you said, not taking your gaze off your lap.
Danneel was shocked. "No, Y/n, no. Please don't think like that. I don't know where he got that from, but believe me, I never see you as different from others. Y/n, look at me, please." The woman held the young girl's hands.
You knew this. Danneel was never rude to you, never hurt you. But these days you were questioning your existence to yourself. Your father was 24 years old when you were born. Your mother didn't want you. You were staying with your grandparents when your father went to Vancouver. When you were 6 years old, your father introduced you to Danneel. You loved him since you first saw him. A year later, your father and Danneel got married.
You turned your gaze to your mother. You felt your eyes filling with tears, you were trying hard not to cry.
Dannel understood his daughter. "oh, come here," he took her in his arms. "Honey, I love you so much." He broke the hug and looked into the girl's eyes, "Y/n, you are the one who made me a mother before a baby fell into my womb. I have never forgotten the first day you called me mom, and it makes me extremely. We are not biologically related, but that doesn't change anything."
You remembered the past and smiled;
A few months after your father and Danneel got married, you walked out of your playroom and walked over to Dannel and stood in front of him.
Danneel looked at Y/n who was writhing in front of her "Honey, is there something wrong?" Asked. she stopped reading the magazine in his hand and focused on the girl.
You started playing with your fingers "I want to ask you something Dee," you said shyly. At that moment, Jensen entered the room and sat on the couch. He liked that his daughter turned to your wife to ask questions.
“Of course honey, you can ask me anything you want” She straightened the little girl's hair.
You looked at your father before asking and then back to Danneel.
Jensen noticed his daughter's writhing and squinted at her.
"I… I mean, can I call you mom?" you asked. Jensen sat up straighter. Danneel looked at her husband in surprise at the question. You worried, thinking you'd done something wrong. "I'm sorry-"
“Of course baby, you can say sure, I would love that.” She took the little girl into his arms. Jensen's eyes filled with tears. He looked at his wife and thanked her silently.
Danneel"You made me the happiest person in the world, honey," said. She smiled and combed her daughter's baby hair behind her ear.
"You made me the happiest child in the world, mom." you said. You smiled at him and hugged him again, but you still couldn't stop the voices in your head.
You and JJ made up and decided to watch Frozen in the movie room. Again. The twins were sleeping. Danneel entered the room with popcorn in hand "Here, your popcorn is ready" He said as he placed the plate on the middle table.
“Thanks mom,” you thanked her.
Danneel, "have fun." said and joined Jensen in his study.
"Hey honey" she greeted his husband and sat next to her.
"Hey, what are the kids doing?" Jensen asked.
"The twins are sleeping and the other two have restarted the Frozen marathon." The woman rolled her eyes.
Jensen smiled. "Dee, Y/n seems a little different these days, Has she said anything to you?" asked.
"No, he didn't say anything to me, but as you said, he seemed a little calm and thoughtful. The woman took a deep breath. Jensen looked at his wife and thought something was wrong.
"Did something happen? Dannel, is there something you're hiding from me about Y/n?" Jensen was worried.
"No no, it's just that he and JJ had a fight today." Jensen frowned. "JJ didn't listen to Y/n's warning and that made her angry. But that's not the problem." The woman stopped. Jensen waited for his wife to speak again. "Oh, JJ told him I wasn't his mom and not to call me mom," she added.
"What? Oh," Jensen sat, not knowing what to say. "Have you talked to Y/n?" asked.
"Yes, I did. It's okay. JJ apologized to her sister and she accepted." the woman replied
Jensen, "We need to talk to JJ about this, where did he get that from?" said.
"I don't know, but I talked to him," Danneel said.
"Should I talk too?" Jensen asked.
Danneel, "no I don't think so, at least not right now." saying replied.
The cartoon was over Jensen and Danneel came into the room "yeah now everyone to bed," Danneel let JJ  kiss his fader goodnight before taking him upstairs. "Good night, daddy," said the little girl.
"Good night, baby," Jensen said.
“Good night Y/n.”
“Good night, JJ,” you said and waved at him. You grabbed your plate of popcorn and got up to take it to the kitchen.
Jensen, "Hey honey, how about movie night?" he asked his daughter. He wanted to spend time with her and make sure she was okay.
“Oh, I'm actually tired-” you tried to deny but your father cut you off.
"Come on, we're on summer vacation. Don't you have some time for this old man?" Jensen said playfully.
"But I'm going to the brewery tomorrow," you said. You were working there during summer vacation.
Jensen, "At 12 o'clock," Said. "So I think it's okay to sleep a little later."
You smiled "ok, old man" you said emphatically. Your father smiled. "Popcorn?" You asked, pointing to the empty plate in your hand before sitting down.
"Of course," Jensen agreed. He took the remote control and settled into the chair.
You came back with the bowl full of popcorn "what are we watching?" You asked as you settled into your seat.
"I thought we'd watch action. Do you have a movie in mind?"
"No. There will be action, I haven't watched it for a long time." You replied.
Jensen wanted to talk to Y/n about what happened today before the movie. "Honey, can we talk for a while before the movie?" asked.
You looked at your father, "About what?" you said. You knew what it was but you asked anyway.
"Your mother told me about what happened between you and JJ today,"
"Oh yeah, it's okay dad, he's a little kid. He apologized to me afterwards." You said. You shrugged and wanted to end the conversation.
Jensen looked at his daughter, he wasn't sure if she really thought that, but he didn't want to push it now, "Okay, I'm glad about that," he said. He took the popcorn plate from Y/n's hand and the girl looked at her father in surprise. When Jensen saw his daughter's look, he said, "you already ate," and popped a few popcorns into his mouth.
You frowned, "I can still eat it," you said as you took a handful off the plate. "Besides, you're an old man, you shouldn't be eating at this hour."
Jensen squinted at his daughter.
You when you saw your father's look, "okay it was a joke." You said, raising your hands in surrender and smiled.
“It better be,” Jensen said and started the movie.
When the movie ended, Jensen saw Y/n sleeping. She smiled at him and turned off the television. Being careful not to wake his daughter, he took her in his arms to take her to bed. Y/n stirred in her sleep "shush sleep honey" he said and carried her to his room.
“Y/n, I'm home,” Jensen called to his older daughter as he entered the house. Danneel and the little ones had gone to their grandmother's, so the house was quiet. He put his keys in the bowl. When he didn't hear anything from his daughter, he went to his room. It wasn't there.
“Y/N ?” Jensen called out to his daughter again. She went out to the balcony and saw him sitting on the swing in the backyard. He pulled his knees to his chest and hugged his legs. Jensen went down the stairs and out into the garden "sweetie?"
There was no one at home and you couldn't hold back any longer and started crying. You couldn't cry in front of people because they kept asking why and you didn't know what to say. Even you didn't know exactly why you were crying. The voices in your head couldn't stop. You felt stuck and unnecessary. As soon as you heard your father's voice, you quickly wiped your eyes and sniffed. You put your feet down from the swing and without looking at your father, "hey dad."
Jensen could tell in his daughter's voice that she was crying. He approached Y/n and sat down next to her "Honey, are you okay?" He combed her daughter's baby hair behind her ear and tried to see her face, but Y/n was insistent on not showing her face.
"I'm fine dad, I'll go to my room." You said, you got up from the swing to go but your father stopped you.
Jensen held her arm without hurting her, "Honey, you were crying, what's wrong? Talk to me."
You are not wanted. Do you really think you're asking that? No! Even your mother didn't want you. Nobody wants you here. They will leave you.
"Nothing, I'll go to my room!" You said. The voice in your head started talking again. You quickly pulled his arm away and ran to your room.
Jensen stood there stunned, not understanding what was happening. He wanted to go after his daughter, but he stopped, thinking that would shut him down even more.
After a while Jensen knocked on Y/n's room door "honey can I come in?" There was no sound from inside. Jensen sighed and went downstairs.
"Y/n! dinner is ready" Jensen called out to his daughter.
You took a deep breath and walked out of your room. You felt bad for snapping at your father. Those voices were making you do things you wouldn't do. When you entered the kitchen, you didn't look at your father and sat in your usual seat.
When Jensen looked at his daughter, he realized that she was still upset. He sat down and started eating.
After eating silently for a while, you looked at your father out of the corner of your eye. He looked sad. You didn't want anyone to feel sad because of you. You didn't want to bother anyone with your problems. That's why you thought you needed to talk now and said, "I'm a little bored today.." You started playing with the food on your plate.
Jensen looked at his daughter, relieved that she was finally opening up, "Did something happen?" He understood and asked his daughter to open up.
You shook your head, "No, I'm just bored." You still haven't looked at your father. You stopped playing with the food and started playing with the skin around your nails as usual. You've had this habit since childhood. You start doing this without realizing it, and sometimes you can't stop when you realize what you're doing.
Jensen saw Y/n playing with her fingers andi “Honey, can you look at me?" asked. She didn't like that he did this because it hurt himself.
After pausing for a while, you turned your gaze to the your father.
"You're quiet these days. What's going on in that beautiful mind of yours?" he asked, feeling his worries returning again. “Look, whatever this is, you can talk to me about it, you know that, right?”
"I don't know." You said and he took a deep breath.
"Are you anxious?" Asked. He knew that Y/n had a hard time expressing herself in situations like this.
Your eyes started to water, “I'm sorry dad, I don't know why you came again.” You said quietly, a few tears came to your eyes and you quickly wiped them away.
"Come here,"Jensen stood up and picked up his daughter as well. She leaned her head on his chest and hugged her daughter tightly. He hated seeing her like this. “It's okay, just let it go, honey.”
You hugged your father tightly and started crying, unable to hold it back any longer. You felt the voices in your head disappear. As if it would never come again.
Jensen let Y/n cry. He knew that crying was good for him in such situations. After a while, when he realized that she had stopped crying, "Do you want to talk about it?" asked.
You shook your head no. You didn't want to talk.
"Okay whatever you want baby" Jensen said knowing it wasn't right to push her. "Shall we go out?" Asked. he pulled back to look at her daughter's face, "Maybe we can get ice cream." he said, smiling at her
You looked at your father and gave him a small smile. You were happy, thinking that the fact that he wanted to spend time with you meant that he wanted you. You nodded your head yes and hugged your father again.
Jensen returned the hug and looked down at his daughter's plate, where she had eaten almost nothing. "But finish your meal first," he said, as if to a small child.
You giggled and said "okay" as you continued to hug your father.
After wandering around for a while and eating ice cream, you returned home. Yourself were feeling tired.
Jensen looked at his daughter "are you okay honey?" Asked. He watched him carefully the entire time they were out, wondering what was triggering her anxiety.
"Yes, I'm fine, just tired. I cried a lot today and it's tiring." You said.
"Y/n," Jensen looked at his daughter tenderly and placed his hands on her shoulders, "next time you feel like today, come to me, okay? Or go to your mother. No matter what the topic is, no matter how ridiculous you think it is, come to us, Deal?" Said. He didn't want her to feel alone.
You looked at your father and shook your head.
Jensen,"I want to hear it, deal?" he said again.
"We agreed." You said and smiled at your father, but you weren't sure about it.
"Okay, now go rest, you look really tired." Jensen said as he playfully pushed his daughter forward.
“Good night, Dad,” as you walked to your room. you said
Jensen, "Good night baby, I love you." he called after his daughter.
After talking to your father, the voices left you. Everything was going well after that day, but recently you started hearing voices again. You felt restless and tense. You were sitting in your room, on the bean bag chair in front of the window. It was late afternoon and it was a sunny, warm day outside.
Your father told you to come to him if it happened again, but you couldn't. That's why you decided to talk to your Uncle Jared. Actually, you weren't sure about it either, but you knew that he would understand you. You texted your Uncle Jared, told him you wanted to talk about some books, and he came back with a text saying he was waiting for you. You always did this but now you just used it as an excuse, that wasn't the point.
"Dad?" When you came downstairs, you called out to your father.
Jensen, "I'm on the balcony, honey!" he called out. He was sitting in one of the armchairs and looking at his computer.
When he went out to the balcony, "Hey, what's up?" you asked. You walked to your father. You saw the little ones and your mother playing in the garden.
"I'm checking my e-mail," Jensen said to his daughter. He could tell Y/n wanted to say something. "Talk," he took a sip of his coffee and started typing something on his computer.
You looked at your father, frowned and smiled, "how did you know?" you asked, You sat on the empty single seat.
"It's not difficult, you are my daughter," he said. He winked at his daughter.
"I was wondering if I could go to my uncle Jared's today, I want to talk about a few books," you said.
"Sure you can go honey, you haven't done this in a long time." Jensen said.
"Yes. Okay," you said as you stood up, "I'm going to get ready and leave, can you tell my mom?"
Jensen, "Okay honey, drive carefully." Said.
You left the balcony and went to your room to get ready.
Jared met Y/n at the door “Hey, I missed you kiddo,” he said, wrapping his arms around his niece.
“Hey Uncle Jared, I missed you too,” you said. You hugged him tightly and just stayed there.
Jared waited for Y/n to finish the hug, but she didn't. Thinking something was wrong, he asked, "lollipop, is everything okay?" Asked.
Jared named you lollipop when you were a kid. You were always walking around with a candy bar in your mouth. You still do.
You finished the hug, “I didn't actually come to talk to you about books, Uncle Jared,” you admitted. You couldn't understand why this was so hard to do; asking for help.
“What's wrong Y/n, are you okay?” Jared looked intently at his nephew.
"I'm fine, it's just ı," you took a deep breath and turned your gaze to the ground, "I can't stop it," you said. Your voice was hoarse due to the urge to cry.
Jared frowned in concern "what can't you stop, Y/n?" Asked
“Voices,” you said.
Jared understood and pulled her back onto his lap. "Oh lollipop, I got you"
The two of you walked inside and went into the living room. Gen and the children were nowhere to be seen. You didn't ask about them, for some reason you didn't wonder. You sat up, pulling your knees to your chest and hugging your legs, and started playing with the skin around your nails. Jared sat right across from you.
Jared stared at his nephew for a moment, it hurt his heart to see her like this. He knew what pain of the soul was like and he wouldn't want anyone to experience that, especially those he loved. Y/n had struggled with anxiety for a while and had gotten over it in a very short time. He could more or less guess what the voice inside his nephew's head was saying, but he was older now and maybe the topic was different, so he decided to ask.
"Y/n, do you want to tell me about the voices?" he asked gently.
"It's about my family. I feel like I'm extra, I mean, voices tell me I am. My mom and dad say they love me, but something tells me it's not like that, they're bored of me." You said. You swallowed and took a deep breath. You were going to say what worried you the most, but you didn't know how to express it, you felt like it would come true once you said it.
Jared's guess was correct, this was what he was worried about before. he knew it wasn't true, she knew how much Jensen loved her, how Danneel cared for her even though he wasn't her biological child, but he also knew how anxiety takes over.
He could tell Y/n was pausing, struggling to say what was bothering her most. He leaned forward and took Y/n's hands, "kid, whatever it is you can tell me, it's okay. You don't have to deal with this alone, you're not alone Y/n." Said. By giving him confidence.
You looked at your uncle Jared, you weren't surprised that he could tell because he was just as worried as you. "I feel like if I say it, it will come true." You said. You started playing with the skin around your nails.
Jared grabbed Y/n's hands again to stop what she was doing. He knew that ever since he was little, he had a habit of doing this when he was worried.
“Let it go, kid,” Jared said.
"I'm afraid they'll leave me." You confessed by saying. Your voice came out quieter than you intended and your eyes began to water. You bowed your head and began to cry silently.
Jared sat down next to his nephew and pulled him onto his lap "oh, come here," he said. "It's okay, it's okay, honey. I got you."
You let him hug you and continued to cry. You hadn't cried in front of anyone in a long time and you didn't want to stop it now.
A little later you said, "she left me and now I'm afraid that one day everyone will leave me." "I'm so sick of this, Uncle Jared." You added.
Jared realized that Y/n was talking about her biological mother. "I understand you, Y/n, but hey," he tried to look at her face, "trust me, this won't happen. You're a great kid and I wouldn't do this. Lollipop, we love you so much, your daddy loves you so much. That man misses you so much when he's away. That, You should understand from the fact that he is constantly video chatting with you." He said playfully, half hoping Y/n would smile.
You smiled softly, having stopped crying, and turned your attention to your Uncle Jared. His words were healing you, guiding you.
"None of those sounds will ever come true. You know how I know," Jared returned his nephew's smile.
You nodded your head "yes I know" you said.
Jared continued speaking, "Thank you for trusting me and coming to talk, lollipop. You can talk to me about anything, but if you want to go to therapy again, I can arrange that." He offered to Y/n.
You hadn't thought about going to therapy, but you knew it would be good for you. "It could be." You said. "Uncle Jared, my father told me to come to him if I was worried like this, but I couldn't and came to you. So, will my father be upset about this?" you asked. It suddenly occurred to you and you were worried about it.
Jared, "No, I don't think so, on the contrary, he will be happy about it. It takes courage to do this, Y/n. You don't want to live with this and you want help. Asking for help is not wrong, on the contrary, it is the right thing you can do and you did it, lollipop, I am proud of you." Said. He smiled proudly at her niece as he tucked her hair behind her ear.
You looked at him with teary eyes, jumped on him and hugged him tightly, "thank you, Uncle Jared,"
Jared laughed, surprised by her sudden hug, "always Lollipop." He said and returned the hug.
"When will you stop calling me lollipop?" You asked as you hugged.
Jared, "Hmm, when are you going to stop eating lollipops?" He answered the question with a question.
"Never!" You said and giggled.
"Well, then I'll just keep doing it." Said.
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The Broken Fan Masterlist
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Pairings: Jensen Ackles x Reader
Summary: Always a nobody, always invisible, will this convention change things?
**Warnings will be added to each chapter**
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
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thebiggerbear · 5 months
Rachel Gatina x Reader - Prompt Response - "I hate you." "You have a weird way of showing that."
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Summary: Rachel, who has never spoken to you before, approaches you to ask for a favor. Despite what Bevin said, Rachel decides that she has to gauge this whole "being into girls" thing properly. And she's picked you to help her with that. ...Lucky you.
Pairing: Rachel Gatina x Female!Reader
A/N: Prompt from @creativepromptsforwriting (#941). I started quite a few scenarios for Rachel's response to this prompt but none of them felt right until this scenario popped into my head. I tried to keep this as 2000's as possible. Hope this is okay.
Both characters are over eighteen.
This is meant to take place right after the Bevin and Rachel bathroom scene in 4x13.
Unbeta'd so all mistakes are mine.
Warnings: mention of implied sex; internalized homophobia (I hope that's the correct term)
Word Count: 3757
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Please do not do any of the above. Thank you for your understanding.
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Taglist: @avada-kedavra-bitch-187; @rieleatiel
Rachel Taglist: @nancymcl
"I hate you." "You have a weird way of showing that."
Soldier Boy version | Beau version | Dean version | Jenny version | Jason version | Tom version | CJ version | Anael version | Alec version | SDV Leah version
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You were just getting your books out of your locker when someone suddenly appeared next to you. You glanced over to see a familiar redhead smirking at you. You rolled your eyes and went back to your locker. “What do you want?”
Rachel Gatina had been the new girl at Tree Hill High who was giving Brooke Davis a run for her money and her non-exclusive boyfriend. Now, she was besties with Brooke and constantly toggling between mean girl and party girl. Either way, she had never been very nice to you or anyone else (except Mouth) who wasn’t in the “cool cliques”. 
“Can’t one senior come over to say hello to her fellow senior?”
“When said senior has never spoken a word to this fellow senior? Then no.” You slammed your locker shut and moved past her to head to class.
“I’m speaking to you now.” She was keeping pace with you, great.
“Oh, well then let me put my entire day on hold since Queen Rachel is speaking to me.” You turned a glare on her. 
“Not queen, just…maybe a little royalty.”
You rolled your eyes again and kept moving. You were going to be late for AP Lit and you did not want to be late for that class. Mr. Barton had a rule that he enforced with an iron fist: one minute late, no class for you. He would lock the door and not unlock it again until the class was over. 
“As it so happens, I need a favor.” She was still following you.
“Oh, imagine that. A favor.” You still didn’t stop. 
“Oh, come on. For someone I’ve never spoken a word to before, you’re being awfully harsh, don’t you think?” She wasn’t wrong. The truth was that she intimidated you a little bit. And that was your go to when it came to intimidation: pushback and biting sarcasm.
“I’m late for class,” you threw at her. “And if I don’t hurry, I’ll be—”
She grabbed your hand and yanked you off to the side, right into the girls’ bathroom.
“What the— Rachel, what are you doing? I’m about to be locked out of class.” You hurried towards the door but she blocked you. “Rachel,” you growled. “The bell is about to—”
The bell rang before you could finish your sentence. You had now officially been marked absent from Mr. Barton’s class and you were locked out. Great. You were screwed.
“So you miss one class, big deal. It’s not like you’re flunking.”
You crossed your arms and sighed. “How would you know that?”
“I asked around. I make it my business to know. Now, about that favor.”
“That you made me miss one of my most important classes for.”
She laid a hand on your shoulder. “Don’t worry. Just tell Barton you had a girl emergency. He’ll offer you a make-up paper before you can get out the word ‘tampon’. Besides, it’s not like you’ll be lying to him exactly. This is a girl emergency.” She smiled, placing her hand on her hip.
You walked over to the gross looking tampon dispensing machine and gestured to it. “If you needed one, it’s right here. Are you out of quarters?”
She smirked and flicked her hair back. “I like you. It’s a shame we didn’t talk before this. I get the feeling we could have been friends.”
“A cheerleader hanging out with a loner? Yes, I can definitely see that.”
“You call yourself a loner?” She laughed. “You’re far from it from what I’ve heard.”
You narrowed your eyes at her. “And your emergency is?”
She pressed her lips together and sat on one of the sinks, swinging her legs back and forth as she settled. “I’m not sure how to ask this without sounding…you know, gay, so I’m just going to ask.”
Your heart started to pound at the word ‘gay’. Oh no.
“Will you kiss me?”
Your eyes widened and your heart stopped altogether. Was she for real? 
She gave you an encouraging smile. “It’s just to see if something Bevin said is true or not.”
“Yeah. We had class together last period and we had to do this stupid assignment together. She said this thing and now I can’t get it out of my head.”
“So let me see if I’ve got this right. Bevin said something to you in class during an assignment you both were working on together and that had you finding me, who you’ve never spoken to before, to push me into the bathroom with you to ask me to kiss you but not wanting it to sound gay. To see if what Bevin said is true or not.”
Rachel shrugged. “More or less. Yeah.”
“Right.” You immediately began opening stall doors, seeing no one was in here thankfully. You then began checking underneath the sinks, the bathroom mirrors, anywhere a recording device of some kind could be installed. 
“What are you doing?” She asked when you quickly looked under her sink. “I said a kiss not…that.” 
“Wouldn’t you be so lucky,” you snapped. “I’m looking for recording devices of some kind. Someone hidden in here who’s going to jump out and let me know I’m on Punk’d or Candid Camera or something. Maybe you’ve got a couple of the cheerleaders hiding somewhere with a camera to take a picture. Maybe Brooke and a couple of jocks are just waiting outside the door to laugh and spread rumors.”
Rachel crossed her arms. “You are way too paranoid, you know that?”
You shrugged. “Can’t be too safe, especially when it comes to high school. Especially this high school.”
“I’ll have you know that most guys would be dying for the chance if I gave it to them. if I asked them to kiss me, they would already be over here, all over me.”
“I’m not a guy in case you haven’t noticed.”
“Of course I noticed, that’s why I asked.”
“So, you’re just looking for any girl to kiss you. Is that it?” Lucky you.
“Not just any girl. You.”
“Why me?”
“I’ve heard the rumors.”
You tensed up. “What rumors?”
She leaned forward. “You know. And I know you’re into me, even if you won’t admit it.”
She was right; you weren’t going to admit it. “Right, right. Question, how did you fit through the door just now with that massive ego of yours?”
“That’s not the only thing of mine that’s massive.” As if to illustrate her point, she leaned forward a little more until you could see straight down her cleavage. Well, she certainly wasn’t lying.
“Alright, first off, those rumors aren’t true. Secondly, let’s say I do this for you. What do I get in return?”
“This is a favor, not a deal,” she scoffed.
“How long would this have to be for?”
She shot you a look and sat up. “Wow, talk about giving a girl a complex. Is the idea of kissing me really that horrible for you?”
“I didn’t say that. I’m merely trying to determine what I’m going to be asking in trade.”
“Now, it’s a trade.” She huffed a laugh in disbelief. A moment later, she glanced over at you. “Five seconds. No more, no less.”
“Okay then, what I want in return is this: you never tell anyone about this.”
“That’s what you want in return?”
“Yep. I want your word that you won’t whisper a word of this to anyone. When you go away to college and you’re experimenting or whatever, sure you can mention that one kiss in the girls’ bathroom one time, but not here in Tree Hill. Never here in Tree Hill. Or to anyone from here and that includes Brooke. Deal?”
She gave you a nod. “Deal.”
“Alright.” Now you were feeling nervous and self-conscious. “So do I, uh, just come over there or do you come over here or do we meet in the middle or—”
“Just come over here,” she ordered, impatience coloring her tone.
“Okay,” you muttered, moving over to her. 
Rachel studied you and you began to feel like an exhibit in a museum or something. “So, we doing this or—”
“Shut up.” She cupped your face and leaned in, pressing her lips to yours. 
You were sort of having a little meltdown in your brain right then. Rachel Gatina was kissing you. The beautiful, cocky, queen of mean, sexy cheerleader Rachel Gatina was kissing you. Ever since she’d arrived, she had been turning heads, even yours. You never had the courage to approach her or say hello to her, even at a party the two of you were at. Especially since she didn’t seem all that nice. Never mind the whole cliques thing, Rachel had been right; there were rumors going around about you. Most of the girls on Rachel’s side of the hallway so to speak avoided you like the Plague and only acknowledged your existence to make fun of you or gossip about you if somehow the rumors got a second wind (which you made sure they never did, not from you anyway). 
But Rachel was beautiful although personality wise, she wasn’t exactly your type. Though she did prove to be a lot smarter than she let on. You may have asked around yourself, overheard a few things. Plus, you had it on pretty good authority that she may have been the one to cause the whole time capsule business which then led to— You didn’t want to think about that. Now or ever quite honestly. Besides, Mouth had made you promise to keep it to yourself about the capsule. It was obvious that even Mouth had a crush on her. 
You counted down the seconds in your head as you enjoyed the softness of her lips against yours, the smell of her perfume, the feeling of her hands on your face. When you reached the end, you went to pull back but she tugged you back in. Not only did she keep you there but she deepened the kiss. You could have sworn you felt the edge of her tongue against your lower lip.
You continued counting in your head and by 27, Rachel finally let you go. You took a step back and watched as she held her fingers up to her lips, staring at you. Then she did the last thing you expected (or if you were being honest, you totally expected it). She laughed out, “Oh my God.”
There it was. You waited for the joke, for Brooke to pop out of a stall that she mysteriously appeared into and begin laughing and pointing, for the whole school to start filing into the bathroom, one by one, to join in the merriment. “Yeah, that’s usually the reaction I get,” you muttered, wiping your lips with your fingers.
“No, not you. I mean…Bevin was right.” She laughed again, seeming almost pleasantly surprised.
And there was the joke. “Great. Glad she was. Now, if I can be set free from this Bathroom Bastille, that would be awesome. Thanks for the laughs.” You gave her a peace sign and began to walk towards the door. You fully expected to find some cheerleaders or Bevin or Brooke on the other side of it.
“Hey! Hold up a second.” She jumped down from the sink and grabbed your shirt sleeve to stop you. “You don’t have to act like kissing me was such a revolting thing for you to do that you’re now relieved it’s over. You really do know how to give a girl a complex.”
“I know how to give a girl a complex? You’re laughing after you kissed me. What about that doesn’t give a girl a complex?”
She nodded, sticking her hands into the back pockets of her jeans. “True. I’m sorry. I wasn’t laughing at you.”
You arched a brow over at her.
“Scout’s honor.” She stuck two fingers up in a gesture that you were pretty sure they didn’t use in the Scouts but you kept that observation to yourself. 
“Then what were you laughing at?”
She looked uncomfortable then and you had to wonder if she had been telling you the truth just now. “That Bevin was right. …And not.”
“Right about what?”
She bit at her lip. “Okay, here’s the thing. I don’t know you just like you don’t know me. So if I tell you this, you can’t tell anyone at all. Even if they’re not from Tree Hill. Like ever. Got it?”
So, she also had a secret that she didn’t want getting out. You could understand that. You held up your fingers in the actual Scout’s honor sign. “Got it.”
Rachel looked uncomfortable again but her discomfort also seemed to be tainted by a little sadness. “I was telling Bevin that I never really feel anything with the guys I sleep with.” Ah, you knew where this was going. “I mean, I got this new body and everything but it didn’t change anything. Except for how they looked at me.” She bit at her bottom lip again which you were starting to see may be a nervous gesture on her part. “So, Bevin said she always wondered what it would be like to be a guy, checking out chicks. And I said that might be my problem, maybe I was into girls.”
You kept your face carefully neutral but inside you were half-shocked, and half-not so shocked. 
“She kissed me on the spot which totally took me by surprise, and asked if I felt anything. I told her I didn’t because I really didn’t. She said if I was into girls then I would’ve felt something because she’s a great kisser and I’d be into her.” You couldn’t help but roll your eyes at that one. Maybe Bevin was a great kisser like she boasted but that wasn’t exactly how it worked. You would know.
“And you weren’t?”
“No,” she snapped. “I like Bevin well enough but no. The class ended and that was it. But then it got me thinking.”
“Ah. You thought you’d go to one of the girls rumored to be gay in this school and ask her to kiss you, you know just to make sure.”
“Well, not to put too fine a point on it but yeah.”
You snorted. “Well?”
“Did you feel anything?”
She looked uncertain for a moment so you figured the answer would be no. But then she surprisingly took a step closer to you, giving you a hint of a smile that was absent of her usual cockiness. “Yeah, actually.”
“So according to Bevin’s vast array of knowledge in these matters, you must be into girls then. Mazel Tov. I’ll see you around, Rachel.” You turned to leave, eager to put this whole thing behind you, when she gently grabbed your arm. 
You sighed and turned back. “I did what you asked. I don’t get why—”
Rachel leaned in, kissing you again. 
When she broke away, your brows drew together. “Uh…?”
“Did you feel anything?”
Hell yeah, you did. You felt that down to your toes. But you weren’t about to tell her that. “I, um… It’s really hard to tell. I might need further exploration on the subject.”
She let you go and gave you a look. “Really?”
“Yep. As a matter of fact, I’m going to go find another cheerleader and shove her into a bathroom to make out with her so I can find out. Great idea, Rach. Thanks. Later.” You went to leave when she grabbed you again.
Smiling at you, she pulled you closer. “Shut up.” She kissed you then and you couldn’t help but kiss her back.
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You glanced up when you heard the bell ring again, signaling you needed to get to your next class. You groaned and it wasn’t because Rachel’s lips were attached to your neck. You both were currently in a stall with her in your lap (because she refused to get her clothes dirty sitting on a gross toilet seat though she was slightly taller than you with the heels she was sporting, which made positioning awkward at times) and you literally had been making out now for most of the period. 
“I need to get to my next class.”
“Skip it,” she breathed before kissing you again.
“I can’t skip it,” you panted. “I already missed one class while you’re having your gay awakening.” 
She pulled back, scowling at you. “I’m not gay.”
You inclined your head at her sitting in your lap. 
She shoved her hair behind her ear. “That doesn’t mean I’m gay. I’m just…trying new things.” She gave you a bright smile. “Besides, if I was gay, don’t you think I would have enjoyed kissing Bevin?”
“Yeah, that’s not how that works.”
“And you would know.”
“Says the girl who’s currently sitting on my lap and has been trying to convince me to meet her at her house later so she can get me into bed.”
She wrapped her arms around her neck. “Come on, it’ll be fun. Brooke won’t be there if that’s what you’re worried about. She has a date tonight. And I need to find out if those rumors are true.” She leaned in to place a kiss to the corner of your mouth.
“I hate those rumors,” you muttered.
“Why? They’re not true?”
“What do you think?”
She thought about it for a moment. “Good point. So is it or is it not true that you and Donna DiLorenzo went all the way in the eighth grade at summer camp?”
You couldn’t help but laugh out loud. “Summer camp? How cliche.”
“So they’re not true then?”
You shook your head. “No. Donna and I were just friends. And I never went to summer camp.”
She shrugged. “Fair enough. But obviously, the other part of the rumor is true.” She smirked and ran a finger along your jaw.
“That I’m a raging lesbian who’s always on the prowl for girls? No. Sorry to disappoint but your friend Brooke made all of that up.”
She didn’t say anything to that. How could she? “But if you’re making out with me, then—”
“I like both guys and girls. That’s the real truth. Which goes without saying, is to be kept secret along with this whole little makeout session and what you told me earlier. It all goes into the vault, for life. Got it?”
She nodded, that cocky smirk making a reappearance. “So I really can’t convince you to come by tonight once Brooke leaves?”
You heard the bell again and you let out a huge groan. “That’s two classes now.”
“You have me on your lap, asking you to come to my house later so we can continue this, and you’re worried about class?” She actually seemed insulted.
“Yes. Because I don’t need the absences which will turn into zeros when they realize I’m cutting.”
Rachel studied you for a moment and flicked her hair back, holding onto you. “Well, since you don’t have to rush off now. Care to feel me up?”
You arched your brows in disbelief, silently asking if she was serious, to which she only smiled wider. “I hate you,” you muttered.
“You certainly have a weird way of showing that.” She ground into you and interlocked her fingers at the back of your neck, grinning. “Come on. You know you want to. They’re a hell of a lot bigger than Donna DiLorenzo’s,” she teased.
“Like I said, I hate you, and I wouldn’t know.”
“You’ve had your hands on my ass for the last half hour. While I’m flattered, don’t you want to feel what my other attributes feel like?”
“You mean holding onto your ass to keep you from falling? You’re welcome.”
“Come on.” She reached down and began to lower the straps of her tank top, her jacket having been hung up on the back of the door long ago. 
You stopped her. “If I agree to drop by your house later, can we stop this ridiculous conversation in its tracks?”
She shrugged, moving her straps back into place. “I wouldn’t call it ridiculous but sure. Brooke’s date is picking her up around 8:00. Why don’t you swing by around 8:30?”
Your jaw tightened. “If this turns out to be some elaborate prank with cameras and people popping out and Brooke, I swear, I will go nuclear on your secrets. The vault won’t be able to withstand the heat of that explosion.”
“You are so incredibly paranoid but got it, loud and clear. For the record, I wasn’t inviting you over as a prank. I’m not Brooke,” she finished in a whisper. She then cleared her throat. “As it turns out, I am inviting you over to watch a movie.”
“Awww. You’re going to show me your Girls Gone Wild collection? How sweet.” 
She swatted your shoulder. “Shut up. I’m talking about that movie The Grudge. Have you seen it?”
You shook your head. “Didn’t really want to if I’m honest.”
Her smile grew. “Perfect.” She leaned in and kissed you, chuckling into your mouth when she moved your hands from her ass to her breasts. 
You squeezed them for good measure and muttered to her lips, “There. Very nice. Happy now?”
“Not yet.” She launched herself at you, kissing you deeply. You barely heard someone knocking on the bathroom door for the fourth time since this whole thing started, and you had stopped counting the seconds in your head long ago. Rachel Gatina was making out with you and she was inviting you over to her house later to “watch a movie”. There was no way in hell you were passing that up or paying attention to anything else (even if you had been dying to see The Grudge since you missed it while it was in theaters). You had missed two classes for Rachel’s experiment, after all.
That made you pull back for a moment. “I can’t miss another class, though.”
She nodded, panting. “You agreed to come over later so, yeah. I got it. But you still have forty five minutes.” She gave you that wicked smirk again before moving back in.
You moved your hands back to her ass and she moaned into your mouth though you could feel the smirk against your lips right before. You didn’t know Bevin Prince very well but damn if you weren’t going to send her some kind of gift basket as a thank you.
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A/N: Please let me know what you think. 😊
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impalanna · 1 year
Title: You Found Me
Second Chapter
Warnings: Smut. Lots and lots of smut. Sex gifs. Cussing.
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I woke up to the sound of my alarm, set every morning for 7 am. I really need to turn that thing off, I don’t have to work my shit job anymore.
“Sweetheart, what’s - what’s goin’ on?” Dean rubs his eyes and looks at me, squinting from just waking up. He has the most confused, adorable look on his face and it makes me look at him and giggle. “You’re so cute, Dean.”
The sight in front of me was so gorgeous. I’ve been wanting this for a long time. You have no idea how much I have missed the man in front of me.
“Yeah, I missed you too.” He looks up at me with a guilty gaze. “I didn’t want to leave you.” He looks down at the part of the bed I was sleeping in.
Noticing the look on his face, I sit down in the spot he’s laying in and I tilt his jaw gently to face me. “You did what you had to. You’re here now and that’s what matters.” I kiss him slowly, my hands cupping his jaw.
“No, I mean I had no choice. I wouldn’t leave you, ever.” He had a look on his face, anger mixed with pain. “I- I just didn’t have a choice.”
“Tell me what happened.” I know he wouldn’t just leave, and I’ve been thinking about that since he picked me up from that dumb ass job. “I know you didn’t want to leave, so what made you?” This isn’t anger, it’s worry.
“I can’t talk about that right now.” His face was stern.
I leaned into him. I kissed him, then I whispered in his ear. “When you can, I’ll be here. I’m here now.”
Dean backed away to look at me. “Damn right you are.”
The look on his face was intense. His eyes were so green. His eyes always did that whenever he wanted to have sex with me. He didn’t take his eyes off me, he knew that I knew what he wanted.
“Dean, it’s been a while since I’ve done it.” I felt so stupid saying this to him. It made me feel so pathetic saying it out loud.
“How long, sweetheart?”
“Since, the night before you left. The sex we had that night. I haven’t done it with anyone else.” My cheeks were so red, I knew they were. I had to look like an idiot standing in front of him saying all this.
“What? Since, that was -“
“A long time ago, I know.” I finished his sentence.
“Sweetheart, that’s, that’s amazing.” He had a look on his face I’ve never seen before. He leaned in and kissed me gently, ending the kiss by biting my bottom lip. “You’re amazing.”
“Dean, I love you.” I couldn’t help it, it flew out of my mouth. I meant every word of it, but I know how he is with this kind of thing so I’ve never told him until now. It feels good and scary all at the same time, telling him.
“I know you do, sweetheart.” He kissed me again.
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Dean crawls on top of me, I can feel his boner against my body. I couldn’t help but moan when I felt him on me like that. He whispers in my ear, “baby, I love it when you moan for me.” He grinds against my leg. “I wanna feel you.”
“Dean, please.” I begged him. I couldn’t help it.
Dean moved his hips at the sound of my voice, letting me feel how hard he is.
“Please, please Dean, I need it.” Dean smirked down at me. You want more, baby?” His voice is like honey.
“Yes, Dean please. Please fuck me. I need it so b -“ and the door slammed open. It was Sam.
I heard a low “fuck” in my right ear.
“Uh, damn - Wait, is that -?” Sam was so surprised.
“Hey, Sam.” Fuck. I did miss him too, but fuck. He always did have horrible timing.
“I’ll go, sorry -“ I can’t kick him out of his own room.
“You’re okay.” Dean gave me a stare that would kill me if it could. I bit my lip looking down at his red chest, sitting in my own wet.
“O -okay.” He looked so embarrassed.
“Sorry, Sammy.” Dean sounded so pissed.
“I’m sorry.” I whisper into Dean’s ear.
Sam walks into the bathroom to get ready for bed. I immediately get on top of Dean. I slide myself onto his hard and throbbing cock. His hands are on my hips, grabbing me hard, looking into my eyes like I cooked him a whole ass meal.
“Damn, your pussy is so tight. You feel so good.” His voice was shaky and on edge. I knew he was about to cum, so I slowed down and I rolled my hips, grabbing my boobs in front of him. “Dean, I’ve been needing this.”
I feel his nails dig into my sides. “Fuck, I missed this.”
I bite my lip when he says that. Something about him cussing during sex, it’s so hot. I roll my nipples between my fingers, moaning Dean’s name so loud I know Sam heard me, but I didn’t give a fuck.
“I’m about to cum.” I could feel it. I leaned down and I sucked on his neck. Whenever I knew he was about to explode in me, I leaned up so I could look at him. He squeezed my ass as I rolled my hips.
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“Fuck, fuck” he is so so close. I am, too. But I always like to wait and cum with him. I can feel his skin on my clit, getting me closer and closer. I feel the grip on my ass tighten as hot juices fill me. “Dean, don’t stop I’m coming - DEAN!” I scream his name as I clench around him. My hips are rolling, and I slow down, my body almost twitching as I finish on him.
“That, that was beautiful.” Deans voice was breathy, his chest and neck covered in sweat. “You are beautiful.”
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I Know Your Wife (She Wouldn’t Mind) - Part Fifty-Nine
Summary: Austin is hit by a storm and you distract yourself with a Q&A with your followers. Your pregnancy is coming to an end as Jensen, Danneel, and the kids come to visit. Words: 2k + instagram stories Jared x Reader x Gen Warnings: pregnancy, mild angst
I Know Your Wife Masterpost
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When the storm hit, you had to work extra hard not to completely freak out.
You were supposed to be going to your 18 week scan, hopefully finally finding out whether you were having girls or boys seeing as they’d remained stubbornly in the wrong position throughout the 16 week checkup, but obviously you weren’t able to get there due to the road conditions.
A pipe burst in the house, flooding the floor of what was supposed to be the twins’ nursery and caving in some of the ceiling underneath, and both Jared and Gen insisted that you didn’t help with the cleanup so that you didn’t cause yourself any unnecessary stress at that time.
You had no power or internet connection, so you couldn’t stream, or even call your parents to check in, and it was absolutely freezing outside of the house so searching for connection elsewhere was out of the question. The only real positive of the situation was watching the kids and the dogs play in the snow once it was safe to go outside.
Almost as swiftly as the storm arrived and caused havoc, it was over. The sun came out, the snow melted away and, apart from the future nursery’s water damage, everything went back to normal.
When you eventually got back from your rearranged scan, you decided to hold a little Instagram stories Q&A as you’d been MIA during the whole storm.
You wanted to get back in touch with your followers, especially seeing as Gen was so active and, frankly, making you look bad.
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You posted the ‘Ask me anything’ to your story and were shocked at how fast questions started coming in. You found a show to watch in the background while everybody was out before properly settling in to answer some questions.
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By the time you'd answered most of the more frequently asked questions, everyone else had returned from their walk.
Bailey was clearly exhausted, walking straight over to you in the living room and flopping down at your feet.
"Did they wear you out, baby?" you asked, scratching between her ears. "You'd always be home with me if you had the choice, huh?"
“She had fun,” Tom told you, coming to sit beside you.
You put your arm over his shoulders, pulling him closer to you.
“Did you?” you asked him.
“Yeah,” he confirmed, leaning against you. “Did you have a good afternoon?”
“I’ve been super lazy,” you admitted, earning a laugh from Genevieve as she walked in.
She leaned in to kiss the top of your head before sitting down on the other end of the couch.
“You’ve got babies to grow, you’re doing your best,” she reminded you.
“I’ve been watching Glee and posting on instagram,” you deadpanned, earning another laugh which made you crack into a smile.
Dallas came in at a run, giggling as Shep chased behind her, Jared following with an exasperated smile.
“Thanks,” you told him as he handed you a lemonade.
You took a sip, offering some to Tom before resting it down.
“No worries,” he told you, picking up the remote control as he sat down.
He stopped the box set and put on a movie that the kids would enjoy, the six of you settling in to watch in a comfortable silence.
Everything continued as normal.
Your time was split between parenting, dog-walking, and streaming - your viewership still growing steadily. You were still in contact with the game production team, spending a few days in the studio to record your sound between scans and all of your other commitments.
By June 30th you were officially the most pregnant you had ever been, and you could absolutely feel it. Your date schedule had stayed in place up until you hit 35 weeks in your pregnancy, your body too tired for any other activities while carrying two healthy babies.
Getting out of bed was a struggle, your belly was so heavy and stretched tight. Your back and boobs had been aching for what felt like months now, and by this point you realised you couldn’t focus on anything for an extended period of time. You sent out a tweet to your followers, joking about going on maternity leave as you couldn’t sit and stream for hours on end anymore.
All of your scans had been positive, and you’d been talking about names for the past couple of weeks. After Dallas came early, you tried to get that conversation going earlier on than in your last pregnancy, which was reassuring as you entered the last few weeks as you felt like you could bond with your babies a bit easier, using the names you’d shortlisted.
You were sat in the nursery which had been complete a few months now, in the same rocking chair that you had in Dallas’ nursery in Vancouver, while you called your parents for your regularly scheduled catch up. 
“I’d stand up and show off the bump but honestly I’d rather die,” you jibed, and Danneel laughed while Jensen rolled his eyes,
“I remember that feeling,” Danneel sympathised. 
“We’ll be down in a couple days anyway,” Jensen reminded you, and you smiled.
“I can’t believe you’ve nearly been my parents for four years,” you mused, knowing they were coming down to celebrate your adoption anniversary. 
“I’ve been your dad for nearly five if we’re honest,” Jensen commented.
“I meant officially,” you laughed, “but you’re right. I can’t wait to see you guys, it’s been too long.”
“I kinda thought the twins would be born by the time we got down,” Danneel admitted. “I was hoping I’d get snuggles.”
You matched her wistful smile.
“We’ll be down for a week,” your father reminded both of you. “A lot can happen in a week.”
“That’s true,” you agreed. “When I found out I was pregnant, I was hoping to go full 40 this time, but now we’re over 37 weeks and I’m just about ready to actually burst.”
You sighed, running a hand over your bump. 
“Not to sound uncharacteristically optimistic, but I think I’m ready for them to come now.”
“I for one would not complain if I got to have grandpa cuddles on our trip down,” Jensen chimed in. “And I’m sure JJ and our twins would be pumped to meet them.”
“We’ll see,” you smiled. “If they’re as stubborn and contrary as me, they’ll probably stay in for weeks now that I’ve admitted I’m ready.” 
They smiled fondly, and you bit your lip as you considered your next words. 
“I know it’s late, but-”
“She’s still up,” Danneel told you before you could even finish your thought. “We put her to bed but made the error of telling her we were about to call you.”
“I’ll get her,” Jensen told you, getting to his feet to go and retrieve your sister.
“She asks about you every day, you know?” Danneel told you. “Always asking about Dallas and the babies, too.”
Your heart fluttered at her words. 
“It’s been so weird doing it all without you guys around,” you admitted. “Jared and Gen have been great, it’s just so different from last time.”
She smiled sadly.
“Two days, sweetie,” she reminded you. “We’ll all be reunited again. You can show off the cute new nursery in person.”
You nodded, grinning as you heard Jensen and JJ coming down the stairs.
“I can’t wait.”
“Are you sure you’re good to drive?” Gen asked as you grabbed your keys on Friday afternoon.
“I’m good,” you promised, pressing a quick kiss to her cheek as Jared picked up his keys as well. “There’s five of them to pick up, plus their luggage. Two cars makes sense.”
“I don’t think she’ll spend another second sat here when she knows they’re in the city,” Jared reasoned, bending down to help Dallas into her shoes. “Neither of them will.”
“We’re seein’ Grandpa,” Dallas told him proudly, getting to her feet and taking your hand.
“Yeah we are,” you smiled, looking back at an unconvinced Genevieve. “Babe, I’m fine. If my water breaks I’ll already be in the car anyway, easier to get to the hospital.”
Her mouth dropped open in shock and Jared ushered you and your daughter out of the door before she could stop you.
“She’s kidding,” he told his wife, wrapping his arms around her as you and Dallas got into your car. “We’ll be fine. Just picking them up from the airport, we’ll be right back.”
“Make sure she doesn’t do anything stupid,” Gen murmured, pulling him down for a kiss. “No lifting things.”
“She can barely put her clothes on herself, she’s not lifting anything,” he promised, pulling back and stepping outside. “We’ll see you soon.”
You rubbed at the small of your back as you waited at the arrivals gate, Jared with Dallas on his shoulders as you scanned the crowd for your parents and siblings.
“Do you want to go and sit?” Jared asked, looking down at you in concern.
You shook your head, breathing carefully as you stretched your back out.
“I can sit when we get home,” you reminded him. “I’ve missed them, can’t wait another second longer than I need to.”
He huffed a small laugh, and you looked up at him, wrapping an arm around his waist.
“I appreciate you doing this,” you told him, quiet enough that your daughter wouldn’t hear. “After everything with The Winchesters-”
“They’re your parents,” he replied, meeting your gaze. “It hurt but I can’t hold a grudge, not when they’re such a big part of your life, of our daughter’s life.”
You pressed a kiss to his shoulder, grateful that he was able to consider it water under the bridge for the benefit of you and Dallas. It had come as a surprise to both of you when Jensen had made the post earlier that week, and Jared had taken it considerably harder than you had, but knowing how important your relationship with your parents was to you, he’d been able to push it to the side.
Dallas’ shout and light tug on Jared’s hair grabbed both of your attention, and you looked over to see your family making their way through the crowd.
Dallas scrambled to get down and Jared laughed as he helped her, putting her down in front of him but holding her shoulders so she didn’t run off until they got closer.
Jensen broke out into a little jog and Jared let her run to him, both of you watching with fond smiles as he picked your daughter up under her arms and span her around.
“Surprised you’re not running too,” Jared joked, and you looked down at your bump.
“I would be if these guys weren’t in the way,” you grumbled, grinning as JJ came running up to you.
“Don’t pick me up,” she reminded you as she wrapped her arms around you, and you laughed as you held her against you.
“You’re getting too big anyway,” you told her, smiling at Danneel as she finally reached you with the twins and bags in tow.
“I thought you were joking when you said you’re ready to burst,” she told you, letting the twins run to you as she hugged Jared. “Good to see you.”
Jared smiled as he hugged back before crouching to greet the kids as Jensen came over with Dallas on his hip.
“Nonna,” Dallas giggled, reaching for Danneel.
“Hey baby girl,” she smiled, taking her from her husband so he could give you a hug.
You hugged him tight - well, as tight as you could with two babies in the way.
“Let’s get you home, we can catch up there,” he told you, picking up his bags.
Jared grabbed Danneel’s bag and you and Danneel took two kids each as you made your way back out to the cars.
“I’ve missed you,” JJ admitted, squeezing your hand.
You squeezed back before letting go to find your keys in your pocket.
“It’s been too long,” you agreed, unlocking your car and helping Zep into his car seat. “I hope we never have to leave it this long again.”
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me-and-my-3lovers · 29 days
Human! Jensen Ackles x Alpha! Male Reader Smut!
When a slip-up in a drinking game changes your life years later.
Warnings: A/B/O dynamics, drinking, foreplay, oral sex, male fingering, male-on-male sex, knotting, scenting, polyamory kind of. That should be it, let me know if I need to add more. This is my first fic!
Word Count : 1.3k
Background : Alphas, Betas, and Omegas are rare. Only about 10,000 of them are in the world, everyone else is a normal human. You have been on Supernatural since the beginning as Sam's twin brother, and now you’re on The Boys with Jensen too.
-- 2017 --
Filming is tiring and we finally hit a free weekend. No conventions, no shooting, and Jared, Jensen, and Misha decided to stay in Vancouver. We were in Jensen's apartment. Feeling nice and tingly when Jared suggested a drinking game, two truths, and a lie.
"So," Jared started, about 5 shots into our little drinking game "y/n, truth or dare?"
"That's not even the game we're playing!" Misha says, his third shot in his hand.
"Shhhhhhh." Jensen whispered, too far gone for discretion or grace, "Let it happen,"
Your head is pounding already, "Fine, I choose truth." You said, preparing yourself to take another shot.
"Out of the three of us here, who would you rather knot?" Jared asked, a smirk forming on his face.
You couldn't think straight. You realized too late that it'd have been better to just take the shot instead of answering. "Jensen, he smells the best."
Both Misha and Jared started wooing and cheering. Jensen took another sip of his beer while blushing.
"But why not me?" Jared asked, throwing you his puppy dog eyes.
"Because you're annoying," Misha answered before me.
"And you stink!" I added before taking another shot.
The entire night was a haze the next morning. Everyone was hungover and wanted to go back to bed. But Jensen remembered what you said about knotting him and he pondered what you meant by that for years.
-- 2023, The Boys season 2 set--
"You're close to your rut," Jensen says as he walks up behind you.
"How would you know, tracking it?" You asked sarcastically, grabbing a plate and a mini powdered doughnut.
"I talked to Misha, you've been irritable the whole day." Jensen follows suit and grabs a powdered doughnut.
"And why are you talking to Misha about my rut?" you asked between bites.
"Because he lives with you and because I know about your… arrangement." Jensen says as he takes his first bite.
"Cryptic. Now if you’re done here we have a fight scene to shoot." You dismiss the conversation, and walk away, leaving Jensen with his unfinished doughnut.
After filming for the day, Jensen comes up to you at your apartment.
"When I opened the door I thought you'd have more clothes on." You say as Jensen greeted you, only wearing his Soldier Boy robe.
"May I?" Jensen asks motioning to enter.
"Why not," You shrug, opening the door a little more to allow Jensen to walk in before closing it. Looking at him you wonder what he's here for.
"You need someone to help you with your rut. You’re too old to go through a rut yourself." Jensen says with the utmost sincerity. There it is.
"Old?! I'm four years younger than you! And what do you know about alphas and ruts? I've gone almost my whole life dealing with my rut myself," You cross your arms like a defiant five-year-old.
"I know that every time you’ve dealt with it alone you've come out the other end looking worse than shit." Jensen pinched the bridge of his nose, "I know it’s harder for you to deal with it yourself, so let me help you." Jensen grabbed your hand and squeezed it, "I talked to Danneel and Misha, they both agreed to let me help you. Don't be stubborn, please." Jensen kissed your knuckles and then stared into your eyes waiting for an answer.
"You have no idea what you’re getting yourself into." You caress his cheek with your other hand, "It's not a pleasant experience. I won't be me. I'm animalistic, borderline violent, during my rut…" You turn away, looking anywhere but his eyes.
"I'll be fine," As Jensen pulls you in for a hug, you take a deep inhale. He smells like firewood, vanilla, and sea water.
"Are you- did you- you couldn't have…" You press your bodies closer so you can smell it better, "You're wearing Omega perfume!"
"Since I came here." Jensen chuckles and starts petting your hair as you nuzzle into the crook of his neck, "My little alpha,"
You back Jensen against the wall suddenly. "Careful Jen, you shouldn't say that unless you mean it." Your eyes were completely red, the rut hit you like a freight train after smelling the omega perfume. "It's dangerous."
"I like dangerous… Alpha."
You swiftly strip off Jensen's robe as well as your t-shirt before crashing your lips together. He tastes like mint and vanilla. Jensen quickly undoes your belt and pulls down your jeans before you flip him against the wall. You start kissing down Jensen's back painfully slow. Taking your time to kiss his shoulder blades, and his lats. God was he beautiful, and built like a brick shit house to boot. You made sure to run your tongue down his spine before reaching his magnificent ass. You took your time massaging each cheek before spreading them apart to get to your prize.
You licked his ass hole and he moaned like a wanton whore. It was primal and guttural like he'd been waiting for this. You let your hands squeeze his hips as you licked him again, and again, and again, until he started begging you to do more. You had the tip of your tongue pressed against his ass hole but not penetrating.
"Fuck me!" He sounded gruff and demanding.
You slowly pushed your tongue into his warm hole, circling as much area as you could. Jensen pushed his ass back into your face, wanting you to go deeper, explore more. Your tongue kept the same rhythm, in and out, in and out, getting him all nice and wet. When you pulled your tongue away, he started whimpering before you pushed a finger into him.
"God, want more, need more"
His hips started moving when you added a second finger. Spreading his ass open with both fingers, getting him prepped to take you. When you added a third finger his head rolled back and you felt his ass flutter around your fingers. He was ready.
You removed your fingers and got up from your knees. You flipped Jensen around so he was facing you. You grabbed the back of his thighs to lift him up and push his back against the concrete wall. Pinned between you and the wall, Jensen's ass was hovering over your dick.
"We can stop right now. We can forget this ever happened and go back to our normal lives." You whispered into his neck, still nuzzling where he put the perfume on.
"Alpha," That was all Jensen needed to say before you lowered him onto your dick. Jensen took a deep inhale once you were completely sheathed. "I never knew it would feel this good," Jensen panted. You growled and rested your forehead against his, giving both of you some time to adjust.
You kissed Jensen on the lips, then his cheek, then his neck, and then back up to his lips before you started thrusting. His ass felt like heaven and quenched the burning feeling in your body. Pulling out until only the tip was in before slowly thrusting back in. You kept that pace until Jensen wanted more.
"Faster, harder, I need more alpha!" God, that did something to you. You picked up the pace and you could feel your knot start to swell. Jensen was bouncing against the wall and you could feel his pre-cum leaking on your stomach. Both of your bodies burning hot and looking for release. "Right there, oh god, right there," Jensen moaned into your ear, and scratched down your back.
The pace was brutal and he was taking it beautifully. My Omega, my Omega, beautiful Omega, Omega, Omega, Omega. You bared your teeth against his neck.
"Alpha!" Jensen came and you could feel his cum against your chest. Jensen laid his head back against the wall, neck all exposed and sweaty as he was coming down from his high.
You barely refrained from claiming him as your knot popped and you came in him. Both of you coming down from your highs, you took him to your room and laid him onto your bed. Jensen closed his eyes as soon as his head hit the pillow. Both of you were exhausted and out of breath.
"Good night Jen," You kissed his forehead, "Thank you for this,"
" 's was amazing," Jensen grumbled back, cuddling into you, "love you."
"I love you too, now to to bed."
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amberjazmyn · 2 months
perhaps one day
𝓲𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓮 - perhaps one day
𝔀𝓪𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼 - literally none, it's fluff, it's cheese, it's cute and it's love
𝓭𝓮𝓼𝓬𝓻𝓲𝓹𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷 - five times the cast of supernatural think alexander calvert has proposed to reader + the one time he actually has
𝓪𝓾𝓽𝓱𝓸𝓻'𝓼 𝓷𝓸𝓽𝓮 - the title is horrendous but if anyone has any better name, please tell me cause this name gives me all the cringe. also, i've seen so many of these but my favourite one is from the blog fromeden and you should def check it out!
jared was certain, absolutely sure, completely convinced that alex, your boyfriend, popped the question. he was like, ten million percent sure. although he wasn't equipped with "evidence" per se, he started to pick up what he thought were tell-tale signs that gave him the impression that alex had put a ring on it.
the "veteran" supernatural actor was so sure of himself that, he told jensen and rob. telling them both that the proposal must have happened over the public holiday. the public holiday that, obviously, everyone but actors in vancouver had off.
"...just look at them, jensen! i swear to god, alex has proposed," jared almost squeals, watching the way you two were all over each other
"come on now, dude. you could be overreacting--"
"--in fairness, look at her left hand, she's clearly covering it. it has to be a ring," rob inserts, causing a slight scare for jared and jensen, worrying that you and alex could have overheard
"and how would you know, rob?" jensen sassed, jared's eyes widening as rob chuckled
"isn't it obvious, jensen? her left hand is hidden because she wants to tell us rather than us finding it out beforehand," rob touches his nose which makes jared and jensen giggle
however, it wasn't until gen, jared's wife, walked past that shut down the rumours of a potential supernatural wedding on its way
"you guys are crazy. the reason why she's hiding her left hand is because, if you guys really paid attention, you would know she has always rested her right hand over her left one. she isn't engaged and alex hasn't proposed to her. y'all are crazy sometimes i swear," gen chuckled, shaking her head which made jared and jensen down in the dumbs whereas rob just chuckled
it wasn't until after you and alex finished what it was you were doing that you realised that the entire time, jared, jensen, rob and gen had all been bickering. bickering about what they thought was your proposal that they had completely missed because it was done in secret.
in which, to clarify, did not happen. gen was right, the "tell" of you being engaged because you were hiding your left hand was false. you have always hidden your left hand by covering it with your right hand if you leave it resting on a table.
it was a wednesday, middle of the week and the cast of supernatural were all getting ready to finish up their work day. pleading for at least a full three-day weekend of rest. although alex was normally always flustered, this wednesday, he looked even more flustered then usual. it felt like he was running around like a headless chicken looking for something.
"you good, alcal? whatchu looking for?" jensen questioned, his head poking out from a wall as he was leaving the bunker set
"uh, yeah, i...um...i'm taking y.n for a weekend trip and i printed off our booking for it but, i can't seem to find it," he mutters as he continues to look for it
"ooh, that's exciting. where to, any particular reason why?" jensen teases as he moves to lean against the wall
stopping his search for a second, alex sighed in agitation, "down by the mountains cause i know she's always wanted to go there for ages. i booked a loft, i printed the booking info like moments ago and now i can't find it!" he was getting angrier and for once, jensen didn't want to instigate him
jensen smiles, noticing it was at a completely different printer, "this booking info?" he says as he picks it up and hands it to the younger actor who breathes a sigh of relief
"thank you so much, jensen! i l...you are my favourite person in the world right now other than y.n!" alex feels himself calm down which is when, of course, jensen instigates him with hints of a marriage proposal
"sooo, with the holiday getaway this weekend, what's it for...you know, anything special other than just because y.n's never been before?" jensen teased as alex turned back around and gave jensen what would be classified as a "stank face"
"umm, no...no...we're going because y.n's genuinely never gone to the mountains and i thought, we have the time and the money so, we're going for the weekend...why are you asking?" alex gave a look of confusion as jensen just nodded his head in embarrassment
jensen started backing away when alex ran after him, the booking for the holiday in his hands, "why are you asking, jensen? stop running away!" thankfully, jensen hadn't run too far as he laughed slightly
"umm, i just thought you guys were gonna come back with a special announcement but, don't worry, it's clearly not that and i apologise for jumping to a conclusion that is obviously not happening. have a great vacation you two. make sure you send us some photos after knowing that you won't be texting or calling us at all," jensen chuckled as that seemed to satisfy alex and he smiled back, nodding
"will do, jensen. the photos will be sent from y.n's phone not mine. have a good weekend yourself, don't do anything i wouldn't do," alex smiled, his bag across his shoulder as jensen smiled back
"i will, thanks. see you monday, hopefully tuesday but, we shouldn't be too sure because, as we know from past situations, our crew don't typically like to take vacations!" jensen chuckled as alex nodded his head before leaving whilst jensen didn't
and that was because, hidden away behind the wall where jensen was leaning against, was jared and rob, all waiting to see if jensen got the information about the "proposal".
"and, jensen? what did he say? will there be a ring on y.n's finger when they come back?" jared tried, a look of hope in his eyes as jensen just shook his head, rob chuckling
"nope, sorry buddy. just a vacation in the mountains because y.n's never been. and, before you ask, yes, i did subtly ask but, no, there will be no ring on her finger when they get back..." jensen trailed off as jared growled in annoyance as jensen and rob's eyes grew wide in shock
"...oh come on! i really thought it would be this time!" jared was truly devastated that his best friend wouldn't be getting proposed to as jensen and rob, again, giggled
"sorry buddy but, i think blondie's waiting for a specific day if he has even thought about it," rob shrugged as jensen nodded his head and left, leaving jared and jensen with one last thing
"and if he is, we shouldn't be pushing it or hounding him over it. he'll do it when they are both ready for it!" rob says whilst walking out of the office
jared and jensen share looks of, even though they hated it, they couldn't help but agree with rob's statement. if it hadn't happened this time and the time before, it's clear that it's not happening just yet. because, one, either alex and y.n haven't talked about it yet or, they simply aren't ready for it.
by the third time that jensen, jared and rob thought that alex proposed, gen, danneel and now rich was even watching, looking for any new tells. new tells that could possibly tell them if alex had proposed yet or not. and, obviously, because it's the supernatural cast, there is at least three different bets going on all at the same time. which makes no sense clearly but, to them it makes sense.
this time it was danneel that noticed something that could have been possibly a little off for alex. he had a little bag on his director's chair. whilst it wasn't out in plain sight, it wasn't being hidden either. so, danneel just decided to go for it and straight up ask him what it was.
"hey, alex, what's in the bag?" danneel questioned, a little giddy glint in her eye
alex smiled, making eye contact with danneel, "oh, um *shy chuckle* it's just an anniversary gift..." he trailed off nervously, hoping she wasn't close by
danneel felt her shoulders deflate. she knew she should have felt a little sad that it wasn't likely an engagement ring but, she still couldn't believe that it had so quickly got to their anniversary.
"what is it? some jewellery? what number anniversary is now, alex?" danneel no longer cared about the bet or the possibility of an engagement and wedding
she just cared that alex and y.n were still so head over heels in love with each other. even though she knew they'd never fall out of love with one another.
"oh, just a matching necklace and earrings set. we've been dating. for like, four years now. i remember overhearing from someone, it may have been gen or even jared that you never gift a partner a ring unless you plan to marry them. so, i decided to get her a matching emerald necklace and earrings because y.n's already got so many rings, not just her own but also ones that my mom has gifted her," alex smiled shyly as danneel's face lit up
"aw, that's so sweet. and happy four years, alex. four years is amazing. you and y.n should be so proud of that. and, good on you for deciding to not get a ring as i know so many people at the four year mark who would have gotten a ring and it turn out that they weren't ready to be married. you're really a smart man, alex. i'm sure y.n'll love the present," danneel smiled, ruffling his hair in pride for the young actor as alex chuckled, fixing his hair as danneel walked away
curious, of course, jensen and jared, gave her the look. and, danneel, with a sense of pride, shook her head no. again, jensen and jared were saddened but, when danneel, jensen's wife, explained, they felt a sense of pride wash over them. the same pride that washed over danneel that alex knew not to gift y.n a ring if it either wasn't a promise ring, engagement ring or a replacement ring for one that broke.
however, it was at this point, the third time that the cast thought that alex was going to propose that, he actually started planning it. obviously, it doesn't take long before rumours start to travel throughout the cast. so, it wasn't long before alex and even y.n began to hear of the rumours of the two young actors getting engaged. and, that was when the couple started to talk about it. because, like thought of as one of the reasons why it hasn't happened yet, alex and y.n just hadn't spoken about it. not because they didn't want to marry each other, they just hadn't spoken about it in proper detail. until now when they did start a conversation on it after a day of filming in the bunker set on their four-year-anniversary and they were each gifted four gifts each. and now, with the knowledge of his girlfriend's ring-size, he decided to ring up misha, because, like most people, alex would not have guessed that misha was in on all the rumours and the bets so, he asked him for advice.
let's just say that it was a struggle for the misha collins to keep a straight face when alex asked him if at some point during a free day of work that he could help him in finding an engagement ring for y.n. yet, misha managed to keep his cool and, obviously, didn't tell the rest of the cast who were in on the rumours and bets about it because, one, he didn't want to break alex's trust and two, whilst he did participate in cast rumours and bets, he would never rat out to the betters if he was on the other side.
it's a quiet and slow day when out of nowhere, like, complete nowhere. everyone, except for alex and y.n, rush into jared's trailer. worrying that something bad had happened like someone had been killed or arrested, it was confusing when they just all saw jared basically hyperventilating.
"...are you alright jared?" gen questions with worry, wondering why her husband was literally hyperventilating if no one had died or been arrested
"i...i think it's the day!" he struggles to say as the cast all look at each other in confusion
"what? you think it's the day? what day? it's a monday, jared, what could be so exciting about a monday?" danneel then questioned as jared bursted with another round of excitement which scared everyone
"but that's just it! i think it's happened! i really think alcal and y.n are engaged!" jared screeches with excitement as danneel shakes her head, jensen, gen, rob, rich and misha smile
"and why do you think that, dude?" jensen speaks up as jared squeals yet again
but, he doesn't say anything and misha's eyes widened, "what did you do, jared? what did you hack into?" he was worried that jared had somehow found out about the conversation he had with alex about him helping alex out with finding an engagement ring
"the hotel that they will be staying in for their belated four-year-anniversary..." jared backs up, trailing off of his sentence as no one notices the breath of relief that misha breathes out
"...wait, so you think he's gonna propose to her at a hotel, jared?" jensen questions in confusion
however, that was when you walked in and let's just say you were beyond confused.
"umm, who is going to propose to me where?" you blurted out as everyone's eyes widened
and no one spoke up. that was, until rob did and let's just say, he truly saved the day here, "oh, no one darling. we're just talking about the time i proposed to mollie in a hotel however many years ago it was..." he trailed off and everyone just hoped you believed it
and...you did. you didn't even question it and you should have cause you basically knew everything about all of your cast members. so, it confused the rest of the cast when you didn't question it.
"...oh, okay, cool, sorry, my bad. well, umm, if anyone's interested, alex has bought all of us some coffee so, we'll be waiting for you guys in the bunker set with it when y'all are ready!" you smiled as you left jared's trailer to alex who waited in the bunker set lot
as soon as everyone knew you were out of sight and out of hearing range, they all let out the heavy breaths that they had no idea they were holding on to.
"holy...lord jesus christ, how on earth did she believe that lie, rob?!" jared bursted out as giggles followed as did head shakes of shock and wide eyes
"i truly have no idea but, well done me i guess!" rob chuckled as everyone shortly followed after him as he left for his morning coffee that was waiting for him in the bunker set lot that for once, he didn't pay for
"yeah, well done you, rob! i seriously thought she wouldn't believe it but it shocked me more that she didn't question you," misha chuckled in bewilderment as rob patted his best friend's shoulder
afterwards, the cast realise that, whilst jared did "hack" into the hotel that you and alex were booked into for that night and the following weekend, that it wasn't because he was proposing to you. it was genuinely because you guys didn't get to celebrate your four-year-anniversary that was the third time that they thought a proposal was happening. so, instead, you guys were going to celebrate it on that friday and saturday instead.
it's this day, the fifth time that the cast thinks a proposal is gonna happen that it's misha that teases the group. sending the cast back at vancouver his location that he was in with alex.
"you guys will never guess where i am!" misha sniggers cheekily which earns some confusion from the cast who were basically bored out of the minds
with so much waiting around to do before filming, jensen almost groaned at his fellow cast member, "oh, i don't know, misha, are you by any chance, bullying a spoilt child?" he replies which earns a laugh from misha but also from the rest of the cast, including y.n, although it's obvious she wasn't paying attention
only laughing because everyone else was, misha knew it was the perfect time to tell the rest of the cast, "i'm at the jeweller with alex, and it's a fancy one," he smiles over the phone
"gold thanks, misha, silver makes me look discoloured," danneel jokes, shockingly not realising the situation after she started to pull away from the bets of wanting alex and y.n to get engaged
"good to know mrs ackles but, i'm here with alex because ages ago, when you guys thought for a third time that he was proposing to y.n he asked for help in my opinion on a certain piece he was looking to buy,"
that was when it clicks in danneel's but in everyone else's heads, jared slipping out of the chair, "wait, is this finally the day that it happens?" he just about whispers with his eyes wide and his hands already starting to perisperate
"i seriously think so guys. well, alcal's walking back over and i can tell that y.n's attention is turning back to you guys so, i'll talk to you all later," misha hangs up and focuses back on alex
seeing that misha was about to uncharacteristcally freak out, alex spoke up, "and, yes, it's the time to do it misha. it's why i asked you back those few weeks ago when everyone thought i was gonna do it for the third time i think *chuckles*..." alex trails off as misha's eyes nearly fall out of his socket
he nearly chokes on his own saliva, "wait, you weren't joking when you were asking me for advice on an engagement ring?" misha whispers, realising just how honoured he suddenly felt to be given this opportunity
"yes...i want you to help me and give me advice on an engagement ring for y.n. i was being serious that day when i came to you and asked. i know she loves emeralds because of the emerald necklace and earring set i gave her for our four-year but, i don't know if that's her style in rings too..." alex trailed off, suddenly feeling overwhelmed and stressed, grateful that he had misha with him
overcome with emotion and seeing alex overcome with emotion, misha had to fight himself to not give the young actor a huge hug. resisting however, misha takes in some deep breaths which causes alex to watch and copy so he could calm himself down as well.
"well, whilst y.n loves to wear emeralds on necklaces and earrings, do you know if she has any emerald rings? cause that's a start and if she does have emerald rings and wears them quite often, then, yes, that would be the choice of engagement ring you'd buy. but, if she usually wears a different stone more than the emerald then go for that one, alright?" misha advised as alex smiled and nodded his head, feeling more confident
as a smile overcomes his face, he pulls out his phone and goes straight to his photo album of you. majority of the photos you are wearing a specific ring with a specific stone. and whilst the stone wasn't an emerald, it was a green sapphire ring that you got given by your mother that you always wore on your ring finger. you would wear it until the day you would then change it for the real life green sapphire engagement ring you'd get when you'd eventually get proposed to.
looking at misha's pride-filled face of how, just like figuring out a specific scene, alex quickly figured out that the type of engagement ring you wanted. and how it was the exact same as the one you had been wearing ever since your mom had given it to you. except, whilst it would be similiar, it would be different because alex made sure that whilst the stone was sapphire, he still made sure that there was obvious engagement ring bling on the ring so it was obvious it was an engagement ring. and not just a replacement for the one you already had because, that sapphire ring hadn't broke, it was just being replaced for the real deal.
and, of course, alex didn't really need misha's opinion on the actual ring itself, he just needed the help in figuring out what stone and whether it was emerald or sapphire. so, when misha helped him in figuring it out by asking him if there was a specific stone that you wore more often then the other then, that was the stone of choice.
"misha...thank you for coming with me and helping me. i'm glad you were able to come with me," alex thanked his cast member, pure sincereity seeping from not just his words but his body language
and misha smiled, "my pleasure alex and, don't be thanking me, it was an honour to help you find the right one for y.n," misha replies, not stopping himself from hugging the actor this time. making the blonde sincerely chuckle, he welcomed the hug wonderfully
feeling pride and like a father to the actor (who everyone also said looked like misha), misha couldn't help the urge of a sudden flood of tears that had started to well up in his eyes as the two actors reached to the car
the one
"...hey guys, what are you all doing on the 30th of june?" alex asks, completely out of nowhere since it was another day of blocking
"that's like, nine months away, you really think i plan that far in advance, alex?" danneel questions, nevertheless checking her calender at the same time, her concentration from her paperwork fleeting for just a second
"to be fair, i was not expecting for that reaction," you smiled devishly, clearly hiding something, smiling at alex, "let's go once more and if they don't get this, i think i'm just gonna throw it at them. danneel, gen, briana, would you like to be apart of my bridesmaids?"
just when you thought you were going to have to throw the ring at them, a delayed and very loud gasp falls through the room as everyone turns to stone. it's briana that is the first one to regain her composure, "wait, what are you saying?"
with a joking roll of your eyes, you hold up your left hand and wriggle your fingers...oh and the new, upgraded sapphire engagement ring, "aren't you gonna ask where i got the new upgraded sapphire ring?" you pretty much cackle like an evil witch, surprisingly enjoying the reactions
misha then stands up, since he wasn't in his costume yet and pushed his chair away, "you actually did it?" he's soft in his question to alex
"i did it," the blonde nods, his smile wider than ever before
"you've broken the cast, alex," gen chuckles, looking all around her to see everyone still frozen in their tracks on their seats
however, not for long as briana, danneel and gen jump out of their seats and rush over to you, "why didn't you tell us the second you asked her, alex?! of course...of course i'm free that day and even if i'm not i'll make myself be free! and, excuse me, how dare you ask me to be your bridesmaid with the insinuation that i'd say no, I'D LOVE to be your bridesmaid!"
nearly toppling over you, briana smashes into you for a hug as you couldn't help the laugh that erupts from your throat. after briana's over the top reaction, the guys, jensen, jared, rich, rob and misha stood up out of their seats and also crowded around you and alex. of course then came all the congratulatory hugs and face squishes and wanting to take a closer look at the upgraded sapphire engagement ring.
and, obviously, the next day and then actually the next couple of weeks, briana and danneel and gen, everyone really, starts to bring in little cakes and muffins and things to keep the celebrations of the new supernatural family engagement up and continuing. because, now that the engagement had happened, that meant it was now time to plan the wedding. but, you and alex didn't care, you just loved that after waiting for so long, the cast that is, they finally got their moment to celebrate their two little supernatural babies be engaged because not only were you even more in love with your now fiancé but you just felt like you were being attacked with love at every angle and you loved it and you embraced it.
oh, and, remember that bet that was going around? yeah, it was actually misha that won all of them so, he got all of the money. shockingly, he managed to correctly predict the exact date of the proposal without even being given the date from alex. because, even though misha helped alex in figuring out the ring was a sapphire and not an emerald, that didn't mean he asked nor was given any other information about the day of the proposal. only that the ring was a sapphire so, it was pretty funny and a shock to the system that misha predicted the exact date without knowing it. and he didn't get the day before or the day after, he got the exact day on the dot. for a while, certain team members were a bit suspicious (jensen and jared) but a couple of days later and they just found it amusing and amazing that misha was such an amazing predicter and was then asked to predict the day that the bachelorette party was going to be on. but, that was obviously when misha drew the line as everyone was needed for costuming. because, tv unfortunately doesn't stop just because two actors get engaged.
this was so much fun to write and i have always wanted to do one of these but have always been too scared to but i'm glad i finally decided to just do it.
ok bye ily xx
wc; no idea soz
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wayward-dreamer · 2 years
Square/s Filled: Threesomes - @spnkinkbingo​ / Doggy style - @anyfandomkinkbingo​ / FREE - Tell Me A Story Bingo @supernatural-jackles​ /
Pairing: Jensen x Female!Reader x Danneel
Word count: 4,018
Summary: Y/N can't deny the tangible attraction between her, Jensen and Danneel, and finds herself experiencing something she never thought possible.
Warnings: Swearing, sexual tension, smut: dirty talk, d/s elements, Dom!Jensen, Dom!Danneel, Sub!Reader, threesome, ffm, oral sex (male and female receiving), rough sex, doggy style, unprotected sex (wrap it up people), fluff
A/N: Pretty sure I killed both my betas @evergreencowboy​ and @makeadealwithdean​ with this, so let that be a warning... happy reading and enjoy! :)
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Comic-con was always one of Y/N’s favorite events. The panels, the cosplay, the atmosphere of the fans - it was all pretty great. As press, it was always difficult to get some time off during the weekend to catch the things she wanted to, but if there was ever a spare moment, she loved walking the convention floor and taking in the excitement of the crowds, checking out the fan art and taking photos of some of the cool cosplays people had put so much effort into.
She had managed a couple of hours that weekend, but it was right back to business as usual, which was a lot of fun, too. She always got to interview the people she had admired, but considering her most favorite show of all time had now produced a spin-off, that was what she was most looking forward to talking about. She had interviewed Jensen several times over the years for Supernatural, and they had developed a great friendship because of it, so she couldn’t wait to catch up with him and his lovely other half.
She lifted her head up from the cards she was reading over, editing some of the questions with the pen between her fingers. She heard his husky, deep voice over the buzz of her co-workers as they prepped for the interview, smiling as he came towards her.
“Hey,” she beamed as she stood up from her chair, hugging him. She had a brief moment of confusion as it lasted a little longer than usual, but she didn’t dwell on it as they pulled away from each other. “It’s a been a while, huh?”
“Well, not long enough, clearly,” he joked, shrugging his shoulders.
“True,” she stated, with a slight chuckle.
“Oh, honey,” he turned around, taking the hand of a beautiful redhead as both of them faced her. “This is Y/N, she did a lot of press for Supernatural. Y/N, this is Danneel.”
Offering her hand, she smiled softly when Danneel leaned in and hugged her instead. “It’s wonderful to finally meet you.”
“You too,” Danneel said, pulling away after a moment. “Jensen’s always said doing interviews with you has never felt like work, so I’m glad we’re coming around to you first.”
“Yeah, but I’m still gonna grill you both for as many non-spoilery spoilers as possible,” Y/N jested, wiggling her eyebrows.
Jensen chuckled, waving his finger at her as he sat down on the chair across from her. “I’d expect nothing less from you.”
Y/N giggled as she adjusted the mic on her top, watching as Jensen and Danneel did the same for each other, sharing a quick kiss. She smiled to herself as she looked away, flipping back to the first card before she glanced back at them.
“Shall we?” she asked.
“Ready when you are,” Danneel replied, a small smirk on her face as she flipped her hair back lightly.
Y/N felt her cheeks heat up as their eyes met, a lingering look passing between them. She wasn’t sure what she was feeling as the camera started to record, but she had to push it down.
She had a job to do and couldn’t get distracted by them.
That’s what she kept reminding herself of every time her eyes would meet Jensen’s or Danneel’s as they discussed the new show, but she really couldn’t help herself. They were beautiful, and she suddenly found herself thinking things she really shouldn’t in the middle of an interview. Her mind wandered off briefly as her gaze fell on Jensen’s lips, imagining what they’d feel like on every part of her, before her thoughts transitioned to the way his wife’s would feel as well. She shook her head as she prepped herself to ask the rest of her questions, chastising herself for her unprofessional thoughts.
The interview had gone really well. The rapport between the three of them had been great, and Y/N had wished them all the success for the rest of the season. As they said goodbyes at the end before they headed off to the next string of interviews, Jensen and Danneel  invited her to the small event that the studio was having for them later that evening. She was about to decline the offer, but with the looks that had been passing between them, she found herself saying yes without missing a beat.
And that was exactly where she found herself later, a cocktail in hand, as they laughed about memories from past conventions and talked about how life was treating them lately. They sat in the curved booth, Danneel’s  knees brushing against hers because of the lack of space.
“Thanks for today,” Jensen stated, smiling softly. “I’m always a little nervous before we start, but having you first definitely put me at ease.”
“I’m glad,” Y/N muttered, taking a small sip of her drink. “It was really great for me to have you guys first as well. I just… I’m really happy for all of you.”
“You know, any time you wanna come down to New Orleans and do some press there, we’d love to have you,” Danneel said, leaning her forearms on the table, making the gap between them smaller.
“Oh, that would be amazing!” Y/N exclaimed, grinning. “Ah, I’d go through the proper channels with my boss first-”
“Of course,” Danneel interjected, placing her hand on Y/N’s shoulder. “Do what you need, and then let us know. Especially if it’s some time next week, we’ve got some cool stuff coming up.”
“I’ll definitely talk to him soon,” Y/N stated, making a note on her phone to call her boss the next morning as soon as she woke up.
“Great,” the redhead smiled, her hand gently skimming down Y/N’s arm and curling over her hand. “It’s gonna be a lot of fun.”
Y/N sighed softly as she felt the beautiful woman in front of her graze her foot against hers under the table. Her thumb lightly brushed over Y/N’s knuckles, causing her breath to hitch as their eyes met. She had occasionally had the thought of what it would be like to be with other women, but had never acted on it. She certainly wasn’t going to now considering it would be highly unprofessional, but the sudden, familiar warmth that settled low in her core and the glint in Danneel’s eye were making things really difficult for her.
The attraction was undeniable, especially with everything she had been feeling all day, and she was pretty sure they felt it too, as their eyes met hers. She felt her cheeks warm up not for the first time that day, and she knew she was in trouble if she didn’t leave soon. But she made no move to stand up and walk out the door.
“Can we convince you for a night cap back at our hotel?” Jensen asked, his voice deep and husky as he turned to her, his eyebrows raised. “It’s more low profile than here.”
Y/N looked between the couple, her gaze locked with Danneel for a brief moment before she turned away, a mischievous smile pulling at her lips as she glanced at her husband. Y/N knew what he was suggesting, and was very glad he was the one who brought it up.
“Well…” she started, leaning over the table and closer to them, dropping her voice down into a sensual whisper. “I think your room would be much more private.”
Danneel let out a low hum as she bit her lip, shifting closer to Y/N. They pressed their foreheads together as they looked into each other’s eyes, the wicked smirks on their faces almost identical. It was a brief moment, knowing that they’d rather not been seen, all three of them standing up as Jensen told them to wait outside while the valet brought the car around and he said their goodbyes for them.
Things had progressed faster than Y/N could process, but she still found herself squeezing her thighs together as they waited outside in anticipation for what was going to happen.
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Jensen unlocked the door to their hotel room, letting Y/N and Danneel in first, before he closed the door behind them. She strolled into the room, biting her lip as she took in the decor. Her stomach flipped as she felt Jensen’s hand slide down her back as he walked around to face her, lifting her chin up to look into his eyes. They had discreetly walked through the lobby and into the elevator, keeping distance between them, but now they were alone together and her heart was beating faster at the thought of what was going to happen.
“You okay?” he asked, his voice low but husky.
She gulped. “Yeah.”
“Good,” he whispered.
He leaned in and pressed his lips to hers in a searing kiss. She moaned against his mouth as her hands slid up his emerald green jacket, wrapping her arms around his neck as his hands rested on her hips. He groaned as the kiss deepened and he pulled her in closer, wanting to feel every inch of her against him.
“Fuck,” she gasped, as she pulled away from the kiss, their eyes locked. Her heart was beating rapidly in her chest as she saw how wide his pupils were already, and she found herself more aroused.
A shiver ran down Y/N’s spine as Danneel came up behind her, her chest pressed against Y/N’s back, her slender hand cupping Y/N’s face and turning it towards her. They closed the gap between them, kissing sensually as Y/N turned away from Jensen into her. Danneel had stripped herself of her clothes, left in her dark red bra and panties, before she joined them in the main room. Her lips were soft, causing Y/N to moan lightly as their hands clung to each other. They pulled away, gazing into each other’s eyes as Danneel smirked, reaching for the ties on the back of Y/N’s blouse. She pulled them open, allowing Y/N to lift the material over her head, throwing it behind her. The redhead flicked open the button of Y/N’s wide leg jeans, pushing them down and letting her kick them off, revealing her black bra and thong to them.
“So beautiful,” Danneel breathed, her eyes roaming down Y/N’s body before taking her hand as she walked back towards the bed.
Y/N’s lips pulled into a small smile as she glanced back at Jensen, seeing him taking off his clothes slowly, his eyes on them as they sat down on the bed. The women turned to each other and continued their embrace, their hands skimming over soft skin as they kissed, passionately. Danneel took charge, pushing Y/N back on the bed and moving on top of her, their bodies pressed together. Y/N moaned as she stared up at the ceiling, feeling the redhead’s lips against her neck, nipping at her flesh. Y/N arched her back and unclasped her bra, throwing it somewhere in the room. She whimpered as she felt Danneel’s lips move down her chest, closing over her left nipple, her tongue flicking over it in circles.
“Danneel, fuck…” She threw her head back, her fingers combing into the fiery red hair as the woman drifted down, pressing a trail kisses to her skin. Y/N turned her head to see Jensen join them on the bed, biting her lip as she saw all of him. They were a god and goddess personified, and Y/N couldn’t quite believe she got to be there with them.
“I-” she started but she cut herself off with a harsh gasp, feeling Danneel’s teeth softly bite the top of her thigh.
“Tell Dee what you want, darlin’,” Jensen husked as he cupped her face in his hand, stroking her cheek with his thumb.
“I-I want-” she stuttered, breathing deeply as she closed her eyes. Any coherent thoughts had fallen out of her head, already overwhelmed by what was going to happen.
“Tell me, baby…” Danneel whispered, a wicked glint in her eye.
“I want to feel… feel your mouth on me,” she confessed, lifting her head to look down at the woman between her legs.
“You want me here?” the redhead asked, smirking.
Y/N hummed as slender fingers rubbed over the fabric of her panties, feeling how wet she was already. Danneel sat up for a brief moment, leaning over and capturing Jensen’s lips in a searing kiss before they pulled away, sharing a knowing smile.
“You want my cock, sweetheart?” Jensen asked, smirking as he looked down at Y/N. “Want to feel that gorgeous mouth around my dick…”
She reached out for him as Danneel slowly pulled the thin lace of her panties down her smooth legs, flinging them behind her. She moved back between Y/N’s thighs, instantly drifting down and licking a long stripe against her folds. Y/N tossed her head back against the sheets, a wanton moan falling from her lips as she wrapped her hand around Jensen’s cock, pumping back and forth in a slow pace. Danneel moved her skilled muscle over the bundle of nerves in small circles, feeling the woman underneath her getting more aroused.
“Fuck… oh god, I-” Y/N gasped, as her eyes opened, her hand stroking faster.
He groaned, moving closer to her as he pulled her hand away, guiding her face closer to him. Y/N wrapped her lips around his hard shaft, sinking down and taking him deep into her mouth, feeling him press against the back of her throat. She moaned at the feel of him, bobbing her head back and forth, licking the tip as she came up before taking him in again. His hand gripped her hair tight, a low grunt escaping him as he lightly thrusted into her mouth.
“Fuck,” he growled, his jaw clenching as he looked down at her, “your mouth feels so fucking good, darlin’, taking me in so deep.”
Y/N glanced up at him as she continued to suck, her eyes fluttering as she felt Danneel alternate her ministrations between her clit and her folds, teasing her entrance. She released Jensen’s cock with a harsh breath, air burning her lungs as she grinded down against the redhead’s face. She whimpered, far too overwhelmed by everything she was feeling already thanks to them.
“So fucking beautiful,” he muttered, smiling as he watched his wife pleasure the woman between them. “She taste good, honey?”
Danneel pulled back briefly, winking. “So good…”
Jensen tugged at her hand causing her to sit up on her knees, leaning closer to him. They kissed roughly, a groan leaving him as he tasted Y/N’s arousal on his wife’s tongue. Danneel pulled back from the kiss and shifted back between Y/N’s legs, continuing to pleasure her with her mouth. She could feel how close she was, her palms covering her breasts as rolled her nipples between her fingers, wanting to get to the edge.
“She feel good, Y/N?” Jensen asked, their eyes locked as she stared up at him. “You want her to make you cum on her tongue, don’t you?”
“Yeah,” she moaned, loudly.
He smirked, biting his lip as he moved down, kissing her sensually. “She’s gonna make you cum hard, and then… then I’m gonna fuck you, hard and fast, make you feel it for days.”
“Oh fuck!” she yelled, her voice bouncing off the walls.
Danneel worked her tongue faster over Y/N’s swollen nub, moving it down between her folds and up again. With a few more flicks of her talented muscle, Y/N threw her back as her eyes shut tight, a shrieking moan ripped from her throat. She clenched her hands in Danneel’s red strands as the woman lapped at everything she had to give, smiling softly as she sat back on her heels.
“Fuck, that was something,” Jensen husked, as he shifted closer to Danneel, pressing his lips to hers in a rough kiss.
He pulled away, looking down at Y/N as she held herself up on her elbows, her eyes flicking between them. He moved off the bed, standing at the edge as his hands pressed into the flesh of her hips, turning her onto her stomach, causing her squeal in surprise. She giggled as Danneel shifted across the bed to face Y/N, their eyes locked as they leaned into each other, kissing passionately. Y/N whimpered as Danneel’s hands slid down her body, tweaking the stiff buds and making her head even more foggy than it already was. Y/N ripped her mouth away, looking back as she felt him smack his cock against her folds, catching the smirk on his face.
“You want it, darlin’?” he asked, his green eyes darkened as he gazed down at her.
“Yeah…” she breathed, nodding slowly as she shifted onto her hands and knees, pressing back against him.
He clicked his tongue at her, as he pressed his hand into the globe of her ass. “You’re gonna have to beg for it, Y/N. Beg me to fuck you, to make you cum.”
She whined slightly, her frustration and need to feel him inside her getting to her. She looked deep into the eyes of the woman in front of her, leaning into her touch as she stroked her cheek. Danneel smiled softly, her thumbs brushing against the soft skin of Y/N’s face, pressing light kisses to her lips. Y/N felt like she was in a dream, like any moment now she’d wake up and be alone in her hotel room, her hand between her legs as she indulged in one of her fantasies, but this was real. It was happening, even if she couldn’t quite believe it.
“Be a good girl and Jensen’s gonna give you exactly what you need, baby,” she whispered, kissing Y/N’s forehead.
“P-Please… please, fuck me,” she begged, briefly gazing up at Danneel before she turned her head to look back at Jensen. “Fuck me hard, wanna feel that cock deep inside me.”
Jensen made eye contact with her before he looked at Danneel, receiving a firm nod from her as she bit her lip, smirking. His gaze dropped down to Y/N, as he ran his cock through her folds, teasing her. She closed her eyes as he pressed against her entrance, and in one quick motion, he was buried deep inside her, his cock completely sheathed by her walls. She moaned wantonly, her eyes snapping open as she felt him thrust in and out, slowly building a rhythm. He set a fast pace as he gripped her hips, a groan escaping him as he relished the way she felt around him.
“Fuck, oh god,” she whimpered, her eyes fluttering from the pleasure she was feeling. She hummed as Danneel held her close, their eyes meeting as she tried to focus.
“He feels good, doesn’t he?” she asked, a mischievous chuckle falling from her lips, cupping Y/N’s face in her hands. “Feels good being fucked deep and hard by that big cock, huh?”
Y/N’s only reply was a loud moan, almost muffled by the growl that escaped Jensen as he felt her walls contract around him, her arousal growing more with Danneel’s words.
“Dee, keep talking,” he ordered, smirking. “Fuck, she’s so wet and tight… so fucking perfect.”
Danneel smiled, looking deep into Y/N’s eyes. “Really? That’s so fucking hot, love seeing you getting fucked by my husband, taking his cock so well, Y/N. Can’t wait to see you cum so hard for him…”
“Fuck!” Y/N yelled, squeezing her eyes shut.
Jensen continued to pound into Y/N, his hips smacking against the curve of her ass, his sight slightly blurred as he gave into the euphoric bliss that he was feeling. He caught a glimpse of Danneel shifting down, spreading her legs in front of Y/N and guiding her face between them. She moaned as she threw her head back, feeling Y/N’s tongue lick a long stripe from her entrance to her clit, flicking over the swollen nub in tight circles. Y/N paid the redheaded woman the same attention she had to her, feeling a sense of pride as Danneel’s fingers combed into her hair, keeping her head in place.
“Fuck, just like that, Y/N,” Danneel cried out, looking down at her through hooded eyes. “Love feeling your mouth on me.”
She continued her ministrations, leaning onto her forearm to use her fingers on Danneel, thrusting them into her tight heat, matching the pace to the way Jensen was moving within her. She pulled her mouth away for a brief moment, resting her forehead on the inside of Danneel’s thigh as he slammed into her, her walls clenching tight around him as the familiar heat grew in her core.
“Fuck her harder, darlin’,” he groaned, gripping her hips tight in his hands as he watched them. “Want you both cum together…”
She worked her fingers faster, the tip of the digits pressing against the sweet spot inside that had Danneel’s walls contracting around them. Her tongue circled the bundle of nerves at the same time, wanting the redhead to get to the edge at the same time as her. Moans and whimpers filled the room as they both felt themselves getting closer to their release, as Jensen pounded deep into Y/N. With another few thrusts of his hips, Y/N dropped her head down as she screamed his name, feeling the coil within her snap, her wetness covering his shaft. She moved her fingers quickly, as she gazed up at Danneel, smirking as the woman underneath her threw her head back, a string of expletives escaping her as she came hard on Y/N’s fingers. As they reached the peak of pleasure together, Y/N’s orgasm triggered Jensen’s, a few shallow thrusts from him as his neck strained back, a strangled moan ripping  from his throat, his cock throbbing as spurts of his seed coated her walls.
Y/N breathed heavily as she rolled onto her back, sliding up next to Danneel as they both came down from the euphoric high. Y/N moaned softly as the beautiful woman turned into her, kissing her lips, sensually. She pulled her close, their mouths fused together in a passionate embrace, as Jensen moved behind Y/N, nipping at her neck. Danneel pulled away, combing her hand through Y/N’s hair as their eyes locked, both of them smiling at each other.
“That was definitely unexpected,” Y/N muttered with a small giggle.
“But it was fucking incredible,” Jensen stated, as he held himself up on his elbow, looking down at both of them.
Y/N nodded in agreement, pushing herself up to kiss him, once, twice before she laid back, sighing in content. Danneel glanced up at her husband, raising her eyebrows in a silent question that they both already knew. He winked at her, causing a wide grin to spread across her face as she met Y/N’s gaze again.
“So… can we expect you in New Orleans next week? Maybe have a repeat of tonight?” she asked, her hand stroking over Y/N’s arm gently.
She looked between both of them, biting her lip as she thought about the offer. When she arrived for the con, she never thought that this would be how the weekend came to a close, but she certainly wouldn’t change anything about it, especially what had just occurred. She didn’t think she’d ever do something like this, but now that she had, there was no way she could go back to living her life the way she used to.
With another kiss to the redhead’s lips, she looked up at Jensen and nodded, smiling softly as she pressed her forehead to his.
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
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Join my taglist(s)! If you’re crossed out I couldn’t tag you :(
Forevers: @evergreencowboy​ // @makeadealwithdean​ // @writercole​ // @flamencodiva​ // @440mxs-wife​ // @sexyvixen7​ // @foxyjwls007​ // @maliburenee​ // @waynes-multiverse​ // @weepingwillowphoenix​ // @kyjey​ //
201 notes · View notes
A Cry for Help
Summary: Jensen see something one night that makes him think his daughter is in trouble. He confronts her, only to find out its deeper than he thought…
Pairing: Jensen x daughter!reader
Warnings: language, angst, drug addiction, sexual assault (non-graphic)
A/N #1: The reader is 16-17 years old for this series. Danneel and Jensen are married, Danneel is not reader’s mother, JJ and the twins are included, and the reader has dyslexia.
Part 1 (Coming Soon)
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Bonus Chapter
Bonus Chapter
Bonus Chapter
Bonus Chapter
Bonus Chapter
Bonus Chapter
Bonus Chapter
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mlovesstories · 1 year
Coughing and Spilling the Tea
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Summary: Jensen’s daughter knows something he doesn’t.  And she can’t wait to tell him.  
Words: None
Warnings: none
“Dad!” YN yelled for Jensen.  “I have something to tell you!” She grinned as he walked into the living room.  
“Can’t talk! Emergency at the brewery!” He called behind him as he stepped through the garage door.  “Talk later!” 
“Ungh.” YN sighed in disappointment.  “Whatever.” 
“So, what’s the big news? I’m here, you can tell me!” Jared walked in and sat down next to her on the couch.  
“Hi!” YN gasped.  “Were you charmed into hanging out with me tonight?” YN laughed.  
“I wanted to.  Haven’t seen my little punk in a while.”
“I saw you yesterday.” YN tilted her head in curiosity.  
“You know what I mean.  Just me and you.”
“Oh! In that case, can we pig out on pizza and ice cream and watch terrible movies please?  Is he going to be gone for a while?” Her face went from excitement to sadness quickly.  
“It may be a while.  You tell me your good news and then I will answer your question,” he winked.  “I won’t tell your dad, promise.” 
“I heard that Danneel Harris was working on a project in Austin, and she wants to “cross paths” with my dad!  OOOOOOoooo!” YN giggled.  
Jared rolled his eyes.  
“And where did you hear that?” 
“So you have heard it too!” YN gasped.  
“For the record, no, I had not heard that.”
“You know how it is here.  Plus- the kids I go to school with are all famous people and who are in town since their parents seem to have connections and know everyone.”
“You want them to date,” Jared sighed.  “Look-”
“Yes, I want them to date.  I’ve met her, and she is nice! They would get along great! Gen knows her, right? I’m going to go ask her what she thinks.” 
“Nope, you’re staying right here.” Jared put his foot between her and the pathway to the door.  “We have pizza to order and a movie to watch.” 
YN’s face fell. 
“Gen is having a self-care night anyway.  She’s had a long week.  You can ask her later.” 
His niece grumbled and sat back down.  
“Fine,” she huffed.  
After an evening of fun activities, Jensen was still not home.  Jared spent the night at the Ackles’ home because of it.  
“I’m fourteen!  I’ll be fine!  Plus, you guys live next door, and I have my radio you gave me.” 
She dangled the two-way radio in front of him.
“I told your dad I would.  It’s fine.” 
During the night, he heard her coughing from her room.  
“Hey, you okay?” He knocked lightly and slowly opened the door. 
“Yeah,” YN rasped.  
He walked closer to her as she coughed again.  
Jared felt her forehead.  
“Yikes,” he hummed to himself.  “Where is the humidifier? Take off all those blankets, it will help with your fever.” 
“I don’t have a fever.” YN turned away from him.  “I’m fine.” 
“Wrong answer.  Let’s go, chop, chop.” 
“The humidifier is in the hall closet.” YN coughed again. 
“I’ll be right back.” Jared walked out of her room.  
He heard her groan and cough all night long.  The next morning, her dad was asleep in his room, but Jared was still on high alert for what she needed.  
“Your dad got home super late last night.  He’s resting.  Would you like met to get you some tea?” 
YN sat up in her bed.  
“That would be great,” she whispered.  
YN heard the sound of voices chatting from the kitchen.  
Dad’s awake.  And home.  
YN smiled to herself. 
“Here,” Jared slowly handed her a coffee mug with Sam Winchester on it.  
“Of course you would choose that one,” YN grinned before turning away and coughing.  
“I’m going to go home and have breakfast with Gen.  Feel better,” he kissed the top of her head and exited the room.  
A few minutes later, her dad rushed in with a wrinkled forehead and jaw clenched. 
“Jared said you wanted to spill the tea! Why would you do that? It would make a mess and leave a stain!” Jensen crossed his arms and stood tall.  
YN’s eyebrows scrunched as she tried to figure out what he was saying.  
“I’m drinking the tea because my throat hurts.  I have no reason to spill the-” YN giggled.  “OH! It’s a saying, you weirdo!  It means gossip!” 
A look of relief washed over him.  He pulled a chair close to her bed.  
“And what’s that?” 
“Your new girlfriend is shooting a movie here! I heard she wants to hang out with you while she is here.” 
“Who?” Jensen sat up, confused.  
@metalfangirl​ @squirrelnotsam
@katymacsupernatural  @unicornblood4ever  
@fangirl-moment-x  @empirialwolf @winchesters-favorite-girl
@super100012  @percywinchester27  @waywardsuns  @supernatural-jackles  
@mcallmestiles @sdavid09  @kingandrear  @bellero @skylarraker
@seality​​​​​ @jaycc7983​​​ @luci-in-trenchcoats​​​
@cherryblossomflowers​​ @because-you-never-know-when​
@sleepylunarwolf​ @choosemyname​
@internationalmusicteacher​ @mersuperwholocked-lowlife​
@encounterthepast​  @torn-and-frayed​
@giggles1026​ @xiumin-girl99​
@idksupernatural​  @silverstripe101a​
@thevelvetseries​ @samsgirl93​   @supernatural3002​ *
* @breereadsthings​ *
@vicmc624​ @hookedinto-fictionalworlds​   @beatifuldisaster018​
@miraclesoflove​ @myopiamystical​ 
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cevansbaby-dove · 10 months
Jensen and Reader part two.
Check out part one here
Jensen and I have been talking for a few hours, I look at my watch and say. 'Oh shit Jens it's ten! we have ten mins to get back to the con and set up"
He stands up and says. "let's go then" We walk out of the cafe and head back to the place where the con is being held, I see Jared talking to Gen and i look at Jensen and he says. "not worth it right no y/n"
I nod and grab the pictures that we will be signing.
Jared's pov.
Oh y/n and J are back! ooo i am like a kid on Christmas! I walk over to them. "Morning you twoooo" Y/N looks at me and says. "hit set up man!" Jensen says to me. "come on man! Setting us up? that's a low even for you."
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"Oof! Uh sorry about that but you two do seem like more than what you say about each other."
I look at y/n and she is setting up the table still. She looks at me and says. 'We had a nice time but it's only a one time thing..We talked and wanted to stay as best friends"
I sigh. "Y/N...J guys come on! You two reallyy don't see this!?"
Jensen glances at Y/n and i say. "Ah ha!! See that look you just gave her says there is more than a friendship"
Jensen's pov.
"Jared let it go man don't make me start singing the fucking song" I raise an eye brow and he says. "Shit fine i'll let it gooooo for now" He walks away and y/n says. "jens can you grab the markers please? they should be at the photo op table" "Got it"
I walk away and grab them and walk back. 'here you go" She smiles at me and says. 'thanks J"
No Pov.
the con stats up and y/n and the cast are talking to fans and jensen sits by y/n and someone says. "You guys are so cute!" y/n smiles. "uh thanks so much"
By half way through the comic con you want a coffee and jensen offers to go to starbucks and grab one. "thanks J if you don't mind" he says. "Sure sure it's just a few minutes down the road"
He says. "jared! i need to go grab coffee can you keep my seat warm?" jared laughs. "ok get me a chai pleaseeee!" y/n laughs and says. "ohh i want a special coffee J if you don't mind"
Jensen looks at Y/n and says. 'okay what can i get?" She says. "oat milk latte with a hint of cinnamon please" He laughs. 'oo fancyyy" Y/n smiles and says. "Well when we get back to Austin i'll get my regular coffee"
He nods and says. "okay back soon" he walks away and gets into a rental and drives to the starbucks and orders coffees.
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JensenAckles: When y/n asks for coffee i just have to get one for myself! 🤪
jensen drives back to the con and walks in and hands you the coffee. "here you go darling" You take it and say. "oh thank you! it's freezing out there uh?"
"not too bad"
Time skip: 3 days.
"Ah home sweet home" i say as i walk into my Living room. "hello home" i set my suitcase down and get a text from Jared.
Jared-Hey y/n?
Jared-sorry for the set up ;( I just thought you two would love to hang out..i know you guys like being together..forgive me?
Y/N-Your forgiving, this time but please don't do that again Jared 😒
Jared-Done thanks y/n did you get home safe?
Y/N-yea i did! thanks for asking :)
I set my phone down and sit on the couch and scroll through instagram. I see so many faces from the con and i say. "oh i have a picture"
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Your Insatgram: i had a blast at spn con in Seattle with the best cast ever! Thanks @JaredPadalecki And @jensenAckles @MishaCollins for making it even better 🙂
Over the next few days i am busy with work and working with Danneel on The Winchesters show that jens said he is thinking of coming on for an episode!
I walk on set and Danni Waves me over. "hey girl!" i say as i hug her. She says. "Hi y/n it's nice to see you again."
We go over the script and i see jensen calling me. "Excuse me just one second' I walk away and say. "hey jens" he says "hey darling how are you?"
"I'm good, just going over the script with danni right now did you get back safe?"
"yea i did listen did you want to go out to um..dinner with me tonight?"
"Just you and me? oh my god is this a set up?" he laughs over the phone. "No i wanted to go out with you if you don't want too then that's fine too just thought i'd ask"
"no jens uh sure i mean sorry but after what Jared did i tend to think it'll be a set up again, But yea i'll go out to dinner with you"
"great pick you up at five then?"
I nod. "yea works for me, fancy or not?' he says. "Whatever you want darling" I smile. "okay sounds good, see you tonight then" He says. "See you, bye" "bye' i hang up and walk back to danneel and she says. "Who was that?"
I sit down. "jensen, he asked me out for dinner" She smiles. 'Ooo!! He likes you!" I laugh. 'Did i tell you what Jared did tho?" she shakes hear. 'No what was that?"
"he set me up with jens for coffee, made up that he was sick" Danni laughs. "sounds like jared to me! aww so how did the coffee date go?" I say. "It wasn't a date danni just to friends out for coffee" I smile and she says. 'Ah sureee it was"
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We laugh and go back to the script but in the back of my mind, i am so looking forward to seeing jensen again. hmm maybe this is a date.
Thanks for reading this second part! i am working on the third for you.
taglist for Jensen Ackles!
@lucidlivi @cutedisneygrl
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