#Dany is my queen
leesielex · 1 year
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Awww look. I got more Dany hate for a post that said Dany was Mother of Dragons. And so many of these trolls then theorize or fanfic that THEIR fave hatches their own dragons. Why would GRRM have TWO characters hatch dragons giving the same plot to both? Cersei is already becoming the mad queen with an attraction to wildfire, please tell me how it would make sense to have two mad queen stories in the same series too? Like How unoriginal and boring are you? Obviously you are at least as unimaginative as D&D, ya know the dude bros that claimed to read the books but didn't know Sam was a POV chap and thought a show where the confederacy won and kept slavery was a fantastic idea.
It also shows you completely miss the whole point of the series, that they all bring something to the table, that it's about the collective and greater good, that no one is perfect and it's about the struggle, the journey, the mistakes and learning from them. That they must put aside petty squabbles and the war for the iron throne to defeat the Others and save the realm.
Please tell me how they defeat the Others WITHOUT dragons? They don't. They all die. If you don't like fantasy with dragons then what are you doing here? If you so badly hate a woman with power &are a misogynist, just say that.
Seriously, show me a single character that has better judgement than Dany? That hasn't made a bunch of bad judgements, terrible decisions, been impulsive or let their emotions get the better of them, more than once, in the ASOIAF series? There isn't a single character in the whole story, especially those in positions of power like Stannis, Jon, but even Sansa and Bran that there isn't a list of poor judgements they have made that often result in the deaths of themselves, their loved one, or their people. (Except Bran but he is literally 7-9 in the books and has already committed 2 of the 3 abominations that skinchangers should never do). Like no one gets as much hate as Dany, no one is held to as high as standards as Dany and yet Dany is one of GRRMs fave characters, one of the key five, and the whole world of Planetos would be fucked w/o her and her dragons.
According to GRRM, Dany is a hero. “My own heroes are the dreamers, those men and women who tried to make the world a better place than when they found it, whether in small ways or great ones."
And from Fevre Dream, written by GRRM I never held much with slavery […]. You can’t just go… usin’ another kind of people, like they wasn’t people at all. Know what I mean? Got to end, sooner or later. Better if it ends peaceful, but it’s got to end even if it has to be with fire and blood, you see? Maybe that’s what them abolitionists been sayin’ all along. You try to be reasonable, that’s only right, but if it don’t work, you got to be ready. Some things is just wrong. They got to be ended."
And when asked if the dragons are like nukes-
"it’s often been said that the dragons are the nuclear weapons of my imaginary world. They are the most devastating weapon, and they cause great destruction, massive loss of life. but they’re not necessarily, you know, I mean, this is part of Dany’s storyline and the original novels."
Y'all either never read the books and are going only off D&D's fanfiction show, you haven't read the books in so long that you remember the show scenes better than the books and conflate the two, or you let the Internet forum hate of Dany dictate your thoughts without zero confirmation or critical thinking of your own.
So gtfoh with that "nuke" bs. Even GRRM backtracked on that recently. Prob cause he saw how badly D&D and so many of the fandom has misinterpreted this story due to misogyny and media illiteracy.
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lilyerida · 19 days
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The Princess That Was Promised
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mrxss · 5 months
Mother of thousands, in her womb lies the salvation of the world.
(open for better quality)
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long live the queen
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swordmaid · 1 year
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dany!! 🐉🥰
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catofoldstones · 2 months
Show Dany’s burning of KL has always been seen as a Mad Queen argument but I always thought of it as entitlement and rage emanating from that entitlement. The people of Westeros were supposed to welcome her and her armies, they were supposed to open their arms and open their forts up to the rightful ruler of their kingdom, they were supposed to vouch for her not be resistant to her rightful conquest, not attack her, provide her with what was hers all along, overthrow the usurpers in her name before she even came along. They were supposed to be on her side and they weren’t. They betrayed her. So she burned them and she took what was hers, with fire and blood. It wasn’t some of unreasoned madness but I feel wrongfully reasoned clarity.
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gaykingslayer · 7 months
people act like alicent and rhaenyra being the focus of the conflict is bad for faux feminism reasons and its so fucking stupid. “heurheur they’re just going to make it a misogynistic catfight like they did with sansa and daenerys”. big fucking news for you, women can be each other’s enemies and political opponents 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯 they can want each other fucking dead and that doesn’t make it silly, badly written or a ‘catfight’. also, daenerys and sansa weren’t queer coded and they had no compelling history at all so even comparing rhaenicent to that is an insult. get your lets braid each other's hair and call each other bestie hihi girl powah out of here.
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fromtheseventhhell · 9 months
The "Can I be a king's councillor and build castles" to "Lady of Winterfell and helping to rebuild the North after the Long Night" pipeline is real
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ffverr · 2 months
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I heard you guys like Emma Frost
(Click for HD!)
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amoratearte · 19 days
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No, no, my good knight, do not fear for me. The fire is mine. I am Daenerys Stormborn, daughter of dragons, bride of dragons, mother of dragons, don't you see? Don't you SEE?
Daenerys the Unburnt
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danieyells · 1 month
We know that Romeo only buys designer shit and is meticulous about anything that could even remotely concern his appearance, so you know he's really careful about what he eats. You might think he's all about fad diets or something, but he is very serious about actual valuable nutritional information and making sure it matches what he himself is supposed to eat and all that shit. No cutting corners.
So when Leo tells him Sho opened up a food truck he scrunches his face up. Sounds greasy. Sounds like trash street food. Sounds like he'd break out if he looked at it too long. No thanks.
"Aw, c'mon. Sho's really particular with his food, like super particular. I eat there every day and I haven't broken out yet!"
And he convinces him to give it a shot. ("If you break out or your skin gets greasy or anything goes wrong I will personally pay you back.") And Sho's like oh okay, Leo brought me a challenge.
Romeo figures Sho making Italian food will be stereotypical. Pizza, pasta, wine, what you'd expect to find in an Italian restaurant.
And then Sho comes over and asks what part of Italy he's even from. He starts mentioning dishes you'd have to have done your research to even know about(apologizes once or twice because "I know I'm not saying that right." "You certainly sound better than Taiga when he started.")
And then the food itself, of course, lives up to the name "Highway To Home". It tastes like the people they had cooking for them before his family went under's cooking. It tastes like his mother's cooking. It tastes like home and he doesn't know how Sho did that but it's extremely hard not to show how impressed he is. And since Leo's grinning at him like the little demon he is, a shit-eating "I told you so~" grin he really doesn't want to show how impressed he is.
Romeo pays Sho, compliments his cooking, grabs him by the shoulder, and says he expects that, at minimum, two dinners will be delivered to him in Sinostra a week. He'll pay, of course. Sho doesn't mind at all. Even asks him what he's in the mood for now and then and makes him particular dishes to exact specifications.
Leo complains about not getting a cut for giving him a dedicated new customer. Sho says he can have a cut when he delivers the food or helps out.
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anabimelo · 4 months
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gloriadenton · 1 year
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Midsommar (2019) | Yellowjackets (2021-)
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daenerystargaryen06 · 9 months
Sorry not sorry to all the Dany antis out there thinking my girl is gonna be a villain in the books, and not the hero she was written out to be. All these antis really do keep my girl Dany living in their heads rent free from all the times they post about her, and hate on her character. People are just mad Dany does it better than all the rest. And the antis hate on Dany is so misconstrued they actually have to give misinformation, and bend the text of the books to fit their agendas. Stay mad about her. Dany remains on top always.
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ser-zoras · 2 months
I really do believe that Daenys had that dream for Dany. Time is a flat circle, and the world was going to need her someday, so everything fell into place and let this family could pillage the world just so the last one, their last daughter, perfect, flawed, miraculous fifteen-year-old Daenerys could start to rebuild it. If she looks back she is lost because her entire family in all of their madness and cruelty was looking forward for her. They thought it was for them or their sons or their wives but it wasn’t! It was for her! It was all for her!
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