#Daring x Lizzie
angstintensifer · 5 months
Eah ships as Taylor Swift lyrics
Tags x @athena-xox @certifiedl0serloll @swxxtcidxr @faybellesbeauty @gumjester @mirrornetsblog @smileyfacemojisworld @selina2288 @dumbdolphin333 @direwolfrules @folksyfairy @forsakenostalgia @zvmz @dani9539 @raptorfae53 @shrekanie @mssagittarius @andromedavwrites
I hope you all enjoy, I added my fav ships x
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rebellore · 6 months
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Mattel was a bitch for ruining dizzie when this dialogue exists 😞
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yolouat · 3 months
It just doesn’t make any sense that Daring would cheat on Lizzie to me.
I’ve seen multiple people say that Daring invited Duchess out on a date in order to keep his reputation as the school’s casanova while Lizzie was hiding their relationship.
But if how he was perceived was more important than Lizzie to him, Why would he hide from sparrow the fact that Lizzie had agreed to go on a date with him in order to avoid humilliation?
I mean you would think that if he preferred his public persona over Lizzie he would’ve just told Sparrow and spared (pun intended) himself from having to wash his Grimmnastics uniform in front of the whole school.
Also Shannon Hale didn’t wrote didn’t write their scenes with such care only for Epic Winter and Kitty’s diary to ruin them like that.
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sadly-never-after · 2 months
I reread Kitty's diary because of a fic I am writing and I'm sick.
No but seriously as a first gen immigrant Lizzie is so dear to me and her relationship with Daring (& Duchess) is so fucking heartbreaking and I've been there, I've been there, I've LITERALLY been there.
(A guy who I reluctantly befriended and started trusting started dating my roommate three days after he and I stayed up till 03am in the morning having an extremely intimate conversation in which he ended up embracing me in an overly romantic manner. After that he ignored me for the rest of our remaining time together. Also I think he stole my necklace)
This is a silly doll line for children but Lizzie feels so weirdly realistically written when it comes to her experiences as a child-teenage immigrant-refugee. Her culture is alien and strange to others, she can't go home again, she comes off as hostile and mean-spirited purely because of linguistic differences.
And then Daring...
Iirc her official description on Storybook romance she explicitly states that she only wants to start dating when she is back in Wonderland. She knows how difficult a romance with an Ever Afterling would be. She knows that feeling of wanting to have someone from your own home, not due to bigotry but because there's a part of her that will never be understood by an Ever Afterling. And then she lets her guard down. Here he comes, Best Ever After Boy, guess I could try to be your Best Ever After Girl. He is acceptance of her host culture personified. He is the proof that she could thrive Ever After too. To top it off he laughs at her oddities with little mockery. Kitty comments on how she changes herself because of him. On how she almost starts hiding a part of her identity and heritage as a way of adapting and becoming (in her eyes) more suitable to Daring Charming.
And it's not enough.
I know a lot of people are really pissed at EAH for what they did to Dizzie and I get that but I kind of love that development for how heart wrenching it is. It is painful, and not even only for the Lizzie shippers but also for Duchess & Lizzie whose friendship was already unstable because of the events of NTP.
And the fact that none of the episodes or diaries in the future address this makes it even better/worse (depending on your liking of angst) because there's this apparent lack of remorse from Daring who doesn't seem to ever think back on their story. Tbh I think one way the writers could have gotten to develop a better darabella would have been to have her help him in some manner to acknowledge the pain he caused on Lizzie.
You are a teenage refugee. Your family and home is inaccessible. Your only friends are those who escaped with you. They are the remnant of your home. They are the only ones who understand. They are the only ones you trust. You deprive yourself of other connections because you've experienced the pain of rejection, you refuse to change but are forced to adapt. You begin to trust and perhaps to even love. And the two people you loved defrost your heart and proceed to shatter it.
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dayo-seign · 2 months
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they dancing ><
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coconuttiee · 5 months
i love dizzie so much man because daring thinks he knows everything there is to his destiny, he thinks that he was destined to find a sweet and kind princess he can sweep off their feet. but then he meets a princess that completely reshapes how he sees princesses and his destiny in general, he finally found someone who swept him off his feet for a change
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sugarshackpeasant · 3 months
i finally watched lizzie hearts first date and i’m kinda obsessed w them 🤭
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eichan2d · 4 months
Like to think that Daring told Lizzie about the bet, you know, after she asked him to keep the secret, he just couldn't lie to her, something like:
"I have some reputation as the Queen of Hearts to maintain" (or whatever she says).
Then he thinks for a second and says "I... Need to be honest, this all started as a bet, not as challenging me to date YOU" he rushed to clarify "But the first girl who entered the Cafe."
"Oh." It wasn't the reaction he expected, way less angry and more disappointed.
"But I really enjoyed spending time with you, more than with anyone before and I'm honest when I say I would like to have another date with you."
She reflected in silence for a second before answer "Then you'll have to redeem that bet in the next date." And so she rushed flustered back to inside the castle while he stayed in shock as flustered as her.
This was supposed to be more simple and ended up being a one-shot(? But the point is that I think this because of how she winked at him at the end of the webisode.
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Also they were so evil to do the Rosabella thing after the way he looks at Lizzie in this scene and smiles so genuinely while he is being humiliated!!!
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vivi-designs · 1 year
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DIZZIE daring and Lizzie
A moment in a wonderlandiful world
He was going to defend her against a creature and said be still my heart and lizzie takes it literally and it makes me laugh and he’s surprised that was her reaction and not swooning
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randombook4idk · 5 months
daring: oh please, i don't have a type
the type:
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sxthee · 4 months
Aside from always getting Shawn storylines, artworks and cards, I too, would like to manifest an Ever After High reboot/revival where LIZZIE AND DARING DO END UP TOGETHER.
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froggywentaprincin · 5 months
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rebellore · 5 months
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I’m at school :((((
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I love it when men are devoted
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sadly-never-after · 2 months
Mitski's Your Best American Girl is Lizzie about Daring after Kitty's diary
But, big spoon, you have so much to do And I have nothing ahead of me [...] Your mother wouldn't approve of how my mother raised me But I do, I think I do And you're an all-American boy I guess I couldn't help trying to be your best American girl
Mitski' Drunk Walk Home is Duchess about Daring after what I hope was an atrocious date
And I sit on the curb 'cause it's the prettiest night  With no one else in sight  You know I wore this dress for you  These killer heels for you  See the dark, it moves  With every breath of the breeze [Desperate Screaming]
Sir Chloe's Too Close is Sparrow to Duchess during True Hearts Day
You're so unsure You're so afraid Don't tell me to listen When you got nothing to say You get too close Take the one I love the most And I think it's time for you to go Make it so hard And you know you've gone too far I think it's time for you to go
Catabolic Seed is basically the Duchess Swan anthem particularly when it comes to her feelings towards her own destiny
And I always fall flat on my back Like an upside-down cat But is bad luck really such a crime? [...] If you won't be my valentine Could you at least give me a little bit of sympathy? [...] I can't run, I can't hide (And I will protect you) But you can't say I didn't try (Even if you won't protect me too)
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lantanasmuttyfanfics · 2 months
Dizzie angst? 🥺🥺
Look no hate to Dexven buuuutttt I’m kinda glad for a breath of fresh air and what’s better than some good angst
Anyway depending on how many new commissions I get will determine when I post my special announcement but as of right now it should be out by next Saturday
Hope you enjoyed and have a great dayy!!
Lizzie gathered her things before throwing a glare at Sparrow, shouting “of with your head!” As she pivoted on her heel, stepping on the glass of the broken beaker before she left.
Sparrow rolled his eyes while watching the princess leave. He scoffed, it wasn’t even his fault the piston exploded, Lizzie just didn’t know how to appreciate his music.
Stomping off, he made his way to the table his friends were sat at. He made a big show of throwing his things down as he shouted “I hate Lizzie Hearts!”
What he didn’t realize was that Lizzie had also been heading to a different table near by and heard him say that.
She paused hiding behind a pillar as she saw her boyfriend, Daring perk up. She thought he was going to defend her even if it was just a little.
Just because she said that their relationship had to be kept a secret doesn’t meant that she didn’t expect him to stand up for her at times like this, even if it was a little.
“She’s so entitled and acts like a snooty little princess and because of what!” Lizzie clicked her tongue, carefully watching as Daring straightened.
“I mean I see why you failed at getting her to go on a date with you Daring. She’s a nightmare!” Lizzie felt her blood run cold as she heard what her boyfriend said it return.
“I know right! Total nightmare, I mean talk about being a spoiled brat! How could she resist me!” Lizzie didn’t see it, but as the words left Darings mouth he silently winced.
“You know one time I asked her to move her foot so I can pass by and she yelled- ‘off with your head!’ Like just move your foot.” Everyone at the table laughed at Darings comment, the sound attracting attention from everyone.
“Sometimes I wonder if her voice ever gets tired of all that shrillyness.” As the comments and remarks kept coming in, Lizzie felt herself closing in.
But as she noticed Kitty approaching her, she took a steady breath and held her head high as she walked past Daring and his friends.
As she did from the corner of her eye she could see that fear and anxiety set into Daring, because he knew that she heard and he knew that she’d never forgive him.
But maybe she would have let him explain himself if he stopped his friends from laughing and whispering as she passed by.
Lizzie slumped against the well of wonders, her head buried in her hands. Sometimes when she was upset she’d sit next to the well of wonders and pretend she was sitting next to her mother.
With the curse on wonderland this really was the closest she could be to her mother, and to Alistair and Bunny she thought.
Generally she tried not to think about her mum or her two friends that were still stuck in wonderland. It only upset her more.
Her peace and thinking were suddenly broken when heavy footsteps approached her. “Lizzie?” Darings voice was hesitant as if she was one of those dragon he had to slay.
She gritted her teeth in annoyance at his disturbance, why couldn’t she just be left alone when she wanted to be?
Daring called her name again, this time sitting beside her but a far away distance. Lizzie caught herself before she could say ‘off with your head!’ His words ringing in her ear.
“Please just let me explain. Lizzie please.” He tried to grab her hand but she snatched it away, her anger simmering rapidly.
“There is nothing to explain you made yourself quite clear.” Daring flinched at her clipped, cold voice yet still continued.
“You have to understand that I had to.” As soon as the words left his mouth Lizzie’s anger reached surface level. The fuck did he mean ‘he had to’?
“I know you did not just say that.” Her voice was but a growl as she now stood, her figure imposing on him.
“You know I had to Lizzie! They would get suspicious if I defended you.” She knew he was right but that didn’t mean it didn’t hurt.
“The funny thing is- is that I felt like you enjoyed dating those things about me. You didn’t stop after the first comment or the second or-.”
“One comment wasn’t going to convince them and you know it.” The bite in Darings voice had Lizzie’s anger now tipping over the edge. She sick and tired of him making excuses for everything he did.
Even if ‘he had to’ say those nasty things about her, she didn’t understand why he was here making excuses for himself rather than apologizing.
It only made it seem that the only reason why he was even here was because he saw she was hurt by it. Lizzie doubted if he would even be here if he didn’t know she heard.
“You know what Daring I’m sick and tired of your- your attitude! You say I’m the entitled, snooty princess get here you are making excuses for yourself!” Daring went to interrupt but she threw him a glare.
“Maybe I wouldn’t be half as mad if you had apologized for what you said instead of making excuses because at the end of the day you could half done something to defend your girlfriend’s honor.”
As the words left her mouth Daring stood while taking slow steps towards her. He had a regretful expression on his handsome face, one nobody was used to seeing.
Lizzie let him take her hand in his own as he pulled her in. “I know. Lizzie you are right and from now on I promise to stop making g excuses for my actions and to defend you against any harmful actions.”
If only Daring Charming was better at keeping promises.
This is one of my favorite couples to write angst about idk it just works sooo well
Anyway was watching the Olympic ceremony thing and idk you guys I feel like they dragged it on for toooooo long but that’s just my opinion
Hope you enjoyed and have great dayy!!
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