#Kyrian hunter
accaliatheolofo · 1 year
Kyrian appreciation post. 😍
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You know what?
*Yassifies your CoN characters*
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moominmar · 2 years
shadowlands lore problems
So I started playing the Shadowlands expansion a couple days ago with my demon huntress and frankly I feel that WOW should have put more diversity in how the NPC dialogue in questlines should go.
So imagine this. You are a demon hunter who, like all Illidari, was locked up for 10 years by the Wardens after Illidan's defeat at the Black Temple. And now after battling Legion and still vehemently worshipping Illidan, you turn up in Shadowlands. Maybe you decided to help find your allies' leaders or maybe you were willing to show everyone what REAL sacrifice was.
You're sent to Bastion as a "soul" and that is wrong already because you're alive and breathing, you're still a demon-elf fusion, and you can still transform in and out of your demon form. And it's also wrong because even if "Bastion is a beacon for those who lived a life of service", your life was a path of vengeance instead.
Then the Eternal Watchers review your acts of service and they're ALL FAKE. You never fought the Burning Legion -- you were part of it! You never fought the Scrouge -- their end was not a means of defeating the Legion so it didn't matter to you. You weren't particularly invested in fighting the Horde either because your main enemy has always been the Legion. So now you continue on your quest to become a "kyrian" but it feels so wrong because the last humble acts of service you've done were back when you were a night elf -- something you have thrown away a long time ago.
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mamaowlcat · 2 years
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Finally got around to making a new lineup of my RP toons on WoW and uh.. hoo boy I did not realize I had this many characters. But here we go anyway. Goes: Name - Race/Class - "Title" 1. Auynta Sharpfang - Tauren Druid - "Druid of the claw" 2. Aniana -Zandalari Druid - "Gentle Giant" 3. Neja - Vulpera Beast Master - "Friend of the Horde" 4. Khalon Skullsplit - Frostwolf (AU) Orc Warrior - "Lone Wolf" 5. Savandice Illemus - Sin'dorei Demon Hunter - "The Silent Strike" 6. Akos Nightblade - Shal'dorei Assassin - "The Falcon" 7. Commander Kopin Blackclaw - Highmountain Tauren Warbrave - "The Bloody Black Bear" 8. Archmage Elaina - "Shal'dorei" Mage (Actually a Blue Dragon)- "Kind Soul" 9. Vyndus Bloodfury - Sin'dorei Demon Hunter - "The Fel Priest" 10. Ahn'luna - Zandalari Monk - "Disciple of the White Tiger" 11. Dark Ranger Vanorei Ebonbow -  Forsaken Quel'dorei Ranger 12. Jat'zul - Drakkari Voidweaver - "Caller of the Void" 13. Wicke - Forsaken Warlock - "Agent of Chaos" 14. Mercellia Brightblood - Sin'dorei Blood Knight - "Will of the Light" 15. Bloodbone - Laughing Skull (AU) Orc Headtaker - "The Breaker" 16. Rinka Fizzlebolt - Goblin Opportunist - "Crab Queen" 17. Timewalker Theldras - "Sin'dorei" Harbinger (Actually a Bronze Dragon)18. Shao Bramblefist - Mainland Pandaren Monk - "The Blind Monk" 19. Adjatay - (Zandalari) Kyrian Ascended (Decased, resides in the Shadowlands)- "Disciple of Courage" 20. Brunika Felmourne - Sin'dorei Demon Hunter - "Heartless Bitch" 21. Feiza - Farakki Wardruid - "Wild Child" 22. Eillowyn Morningrove - Sin'dorei Botanist - "Tree-Hugger" 23. Keahi - Vulpera Firespeaker 24. Elonore Graveheart - Shal'dorei Outcast - "Fel Queen" 25. Balthos Felmourne - Sin'dorei Demon Hunter - "Unapologetic Flirt" 26. Cusick Bloodhorn - Grimtotem Martyr 27. Inari - Vulpera Monk - "Disciple of the Black Ox" 28. Tikala - Dark Talon Soldier A Gold Star next to number means that character is a main A Silver Star next to number means that character is one I off-play A Bronze Star next to number means I want to do more that character
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noblehcart · 4 months
hii! just popping in your asks to telk you it's the first time in a long time I've seen someone with a character from the Dark Hunter series and I love that! (:
-waves- OMG HAI. Yes!!
One of my bestest and most dearest friends of all time @myhiraeth got me sucked into the series as she writes Styxx ! Which spiraled into reading a chunk of the books (mostly the beginning ones but i'll catch up sometime soon lmao). I looved the backstory Sherrilyn crafts for her characters like Julian, Kyrian, Valerius, Zarek and Aricles!!!
Hands down my favorite of them all is Styxx however. He has my heart and #1 spot of book boyfriend ( otherwise known as if i could marry one and divorce is not an option ).
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katoteros · 2 years
Libro 2 [Acheron siente a Artemisa en la boda de Kyrian y Amanda]
Los hombres intercambiaron una mirada de perplejidad antes de encaminarse en grupo a la puerta principal, donde estaban alineadas siete furgonetas de UPS.
Uno de los conductores se acercó a Kyrian.
—Buenas —lo saludó—. Estoy buscando al señor K. Hunter.
—Soy yo —le contestó Kyrian.
—Bien. ¿Me dice dónde podemos dejar la mercancía?
—¿Y qué es la mercancía?
El conductor le entregó un albarán con los nombres de todos los que enviaban los objetos.
—Wulf Tryggvason, Zoe, Blade Fitzwalter, Diana Porter, Cael, Brax, Samia, Arien, Kiros, Rogue, Kell, Dragon, Simon, Xander St. James, Alexei Nikolov, Badon Fitzgilbert…
La lista seguía y seguía con los nombres de los Cazadores Oscuros.
—¿Sabes lo que te digo, Kyrian? —comentó Acheron entre risas—. Que vas a tener que comprar una casa más grande.
—Sí —afirmó Talon—, pero mejor espera a que tengas hijos. Te apuesto lo que quieras a que recibirás el doble de cosas.
Todos estallaron en carcajadas.
Amanda se acercó a Kyrian y lo miró a los ojos mientras él la rodeaba con los brazos.
—Creo que tus amigos Cazadores van a echarte de menos. ¿Estás seguro de que no te arrepientes?
Kyrian le dio un ligero beso en la mejilla.
—No me arrepiento en absoluto. ¿Y tú?
Acheron observó cómo los recién casados se perdían en el interior de la casa cogidos del brazo.
—¿Apostamos adónde van? —preguntó Talon.
Ash se echó a reír.
—Nada de apuestas. Ya lo sé. —Se dio la vuelta para mirar al conductor y le dijo que dejara los regalos en el salón—. Creo que como regalo de boda voy a contratar a una compañía que se encargue de desenvolver paquetes.
Nick soltó una carcajada.
—Voy a decirles dónde colocarlo todo para que Kyrian no se cabree.
—Te ayudo —le dijo Talon.
Ash vio cómo Nick corría delante de los conductores mientras Talon los seguía a un paso mucho más tranquilo. Permaneció un rato escuchando la oscuridad y los sonidos de la noche que tan bien conocía. De repente, percibió un ligero estremecimiento a sus espaldas.
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greysbikes · 2 years
Legion crazed mage drops dalaran
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Bad Boss: You're occasionally sent to execute your own soldiers for failing, such as killing captives taken by the Scarlet Onslaught in Dragonblight.Badass Long Robe: For casters most of the times.Badass Crew: When you team up for a dungeon or a raid.Badass Cape: Most of the capes in end game are elaborately woven and are often knee-length.Any guild that specializes in high performance/professional PVP or PVE and delivers can qualify.Armies of Legionfall, a coalition formed by members of all the class orders.Badass Adorable: Playing as a Vulpera, a female Gnome, or a female Pandaren is the easiest path to this.Back-to-Back Badasses: When two of you team up.Their methods might be dubious, but the ends - to the Kyrian - justify the means. Notably, a quest in Bastion reveals that the reason the Kyrian * the spirit healers keep telling you that 'it's not your time' is because the player characters fight the good fight and are able and willing to continue fighting against foes who would upset the balance between life and death.He notes that they had an immortal soul, just like his. This point is noted by Illidan during the Demon Hunter starting experience if the player commits suicide to open a portal.Back from the Dead: Which is one of the reasons why the players could overcome anything: THEY.Furthermore Warchief Sylvanas includes the Speaker of the Horde (you) in a meeting with the other leaders of the Horde. In Battle for Azeroth you represent your entire faction as you work to recruit the Zandalari and the Kul Tirans into the Horde and Alliance respectively.Because of this, most of the neutral class factions cut ties with the major factions and because of your legacy and credentials, they all unanimously agree that you should be the one in charge, making you the de-facto leader of your entire class. Whatever forces remain decide to fight each other instead of the Legion to the point of lethal stupidity. In Legion, the Alliance and Horde get wrecked by the Burning Legion.After the garrison is completely upgraded, you're promoted to the rank of General. And then in Warlords of Draenor, you're made Commander of a garrison in Draenor.It was even more so before when to gain the highest ranks you had to have the largest amount of honor at the end of a week, and then you had to keep killing just so you could keep it. Asskicking Equals Authority: Through the PvP system, you can gain ranks from Private to Grand Marshal in the Alliance and Grunt to High Warlord in the Horde, depending on your number of victories in Rated Battlegrounds.After Cataclysm, they began to gain more importance to the point of being considered the greatest saviors of Azeroth. Ascended Extra: Despite being the player characters, the role of the adventurers were limited to being simply Elite Mooks and had no real importance.Ambadassador: You are the representation of your nation and your homeland in Azeroth.The Alleged Boss: In Legion, technically they are the heads of their respective classes, they are still sent on missions that should be done by subordinates.Individual media: Warcraft III Heroes | Film characters | Hearthstone characters | Warcraft characters in Heroes of the Storm ( Assassins - Warriors - Support) Other factions: The Old Horde/Iron Horde | The Scourge | Sylvanas and her followers | Knights of the Ebon Blade | Illidan and his followers | Garrosh's Horde | Pandaria | Other mortals | The Void (The Old Gods) | The Light | Eternals | Shadowlands (Death) | The Titans (Arcane) | The Burning Legion (Fel) | The Dragonflights | Wild Gods The Horde: Orgrimmar (Orcs) - The Darkspear Tribe (Trolls) - Thunder Bluff (Tauren) - The Forsaken (Undead) - Quel'Thalas (Blood Elves) - Bilgewater Cartel (Goblins) - Huojin (Pandaren) - Thunder Totem (Highmountain Tauren) - Suramar (Nightborne) - Zandalari Empire (Zandalar Trolls) - Voldunai (Vulpera) - Other (non-playable races) The Alliance: Stormwind (Humans) - Lordaeron (Humans) - Gilneas (Humans/Worgen) - Kul Tiras (Humans) - Other Human Kingdoms - Ironforge (Dwarven Clans) - Gnomeregan (Gnomes) - Quel'Thalas/Telogrus Rift (High Elves and Void Elves) - Darnassus (Night Elves) - The Exodar (Draenei) - Tushui (Pandaren) - Vindicaar (Lightforged Draenei) - Mechagon (Mechagnomes)
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huntersbrotherhood · 4 years
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¿Quieres ser una de las gemelas más conocidas de la saga? Kyrian espera a su mujer Amanda.
PB: Megan Fox
Se pide una prueba de rol enviada por MP.
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Kyrian: Why are there 6 people outside who say they're waiting to meet with me?
Nick: So you know how you love me because you haven't had a single meeting with anyone since I became your assistant? That's because every time someone calls and requests a meeting with you, I always schedule it for March 31st.
Kyrian: Why?
Nick: Because I didn't think March 31st existed.
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accaliatheolofo · 2 years
Made a meme for @alexandra-scribbles
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Do you guys
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Do you guys think they've explored each other's bodies
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Kyrian of Thrace/Kyrian Hunter from Sherrilyn Kenyon’s Dark Hunter Series
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Kyrian: Ash? What did you want to be when you grew up?
Acheron: Not fucking this.
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darkhuntersanctuary · 7 years
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The dreaded, I wrote my book so long ago that technology has since changed :) When I first wrote this scene, they were using VAX notes! And who caught the typo?
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cyborgraptor · 4 years
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taking out the trash
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fangirl-overload13 · 7 years
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This is all of my Chronicles of Nick/ Dark Hunters art so far. If you have any requests let me know.
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