#Daughter of Mortis
winterinhimring · 1 year
So I recently saw a post with a screencap of this scene in it:
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And good heavens. Is this not a perfect visual metaphor of Obi-Wan's role in the entire Star Wars universe? Supporting the wounded Light, unable to stop her from dying, but still steadfastly good and patient up to and through the darkest hour, waiting (though he doesn't know it, yet) for that Light to be reborn in a padawan?
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spitzobsessed · 2 months
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"My brother, not understanding why his Sith Empire is loosing the war for the 3rd time in a row. - Me, who's been stealing (and redeeming) his best Sith this whole time."
In which Force Wielders aka Gods of Mortis had a more proactive approach to establishing Balance in the Force. Supposedly they're playing The Great War from SWTOR Era
this might have been inspired by a meme and 'They're only human' song
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phoenixyfriend · 2 years
Horrible modern fantasy AU idea: Winged Goddess Daughter loses her wings (her brother cut them off) and most of her power, cast down to earth and having to struggle to regain what strength she can to get back to The Realm Of Gods and stop her brother.
She manages to set up a place to bide her time, a little herbal-and-crystal magic shop (she's got enough power to invent a social security number and credit history for "Dorothy 'Dot' Morrison", but not enough to miracle a penthouse) in a slightly secluded park area near a mid-sized town with a history of witches.
Ahsoka wanders in one day, manages to endear herself to Dot, and now the Goddess has a sidekick. Not a worshiper, not a devotee, not an acolyte. Just a teenager who thinks she's Real Cool and is willing to go find Weird Plants and Glowing Rocks for a part-time paycheck, especially if one on the duties is Owl Care.
Part of me is insisting on an adoption plot but ehhhh I'm big on the Disaster Trio being family.
(It's a 'horrible' AU because it was inspired partly by a gorier, more actively violent version of the wing removal from Maleficent.)
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forcefatalezine · 1 year
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Preview of @madtiiger's ethereal illustration of the Daughter, plus a little about the artist!
Preorders for Force Fatale are open now through September 8!
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stealingpotatoes · 6 months
What do Luke, Leia, and more importantly PADMÉ (and the whole gang really) react to Anakin having siblings - and those siblings being literal Dathomiri Force Gods that Anakin also was instrumental in killing
can u imagine if they DIDN'T die tho
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(donation doodles! // tip jar)
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mandhos · 1 year
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pondhue · 8 months
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bolly--quinn · 11 months
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being a girl dad means that you have the privilege of knowing at least (1) beautiful woman who hates you
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So… remember all the way back in The Wedding Squanchers when Rick assumed that the wedding invitation was an invite to Birdperson’s ‘annual Oscars party’?
And then in Juricksic Mort Rick was desperate to host the Oscars and refused to take Curtis as a plus one?
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And notice the way Rick deliberately looks at Birdperson when he says ‘makes sense he recognises me, we both hosted the Oscars. It’s a pretty exclusive club’?
Now I’m not saying that Rick manipulated the President into getting him the Oscar host gig in hopes of impressing Birdperson… but that’s totally what I’m saying.
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gffa · 1 year
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Something supremely interesting is that the Daughter is missing from the monuments of the Force Overlords, but suddenly this is the first time we've seen Morai in the series. It's not the first time Morai was seen with Ahsoka, she was there in Ahsoka's Rebels episodes and the finale of season 7 of The Clone Wars, so it's not that Morai was here the whole time, she's been with Ahsoka ever since the Daughter sacrificed her life to save Ahsoka, but what does it mean that the Daughter's statue isn't here? All of them died, the Daughter, the Father, the Son, they all died on Mortis, but there were other examples of their influence or remnants living on--all three of them appeared on the Lothal Jedi Temple mural. So why is the Daughter missing from this planet? Are they just stone statues? Is that half of her in the rocks there (it doesn't look like the Daughter's hair, though?) because it looks like it could be a broken statue, just random rocks, or maybe transformed into something else. Is it that these are connection points to something with the Overlords? Is that truly them, in some form? Clearly, this is why Baylan is here, possibly to try to destroy the Force all together or something, but what does it mean that the Daughter is missing from the mural here, a mural that looks like it would have had to be thousands of years old, but the Daughter died within Ahsoka's lifetime???
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starshapedspider · 7 months
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hold on to you and your friends’ old punk clothing so that you can pass them down to your half birdperson half mega bitch daughter in the future. you won’t regret it
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bolithesenate · 11 months
every once in a while i think about ✨them✨ again (usually when the og post gets a few notes again lol)
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Fox is getting carted off to the bunk he's literally not seen since the start of his career
and the Daughter is proud she's getting a good grade in girlfriend
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spitzobsessed · 3 months
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Child of the Force
Had the urge to give her horns because her hair and headdress could easily hide a pair, then it was a matter of doodling
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phoenixyfriend · 2 years
We can do author reveals for @spreadyourwingsexchange now! Mine was written for PaxDuane (@callacabforme)
Read on AO3
Jaster Mereel/Mace Windu, The Daughter | Winged Goddess/Jango Fett, Jango Fett & Jaster Mereel, Depa Billaba & Jango Fett, Depa Billaba & Mace Windu
Jaster Mereel, Jango Fett, Mace Windu, Depa Billaba, The Daughter | Winged Goddess, Morai (Star Wars)
Additional Tags:
Time Travel, Romance, Hard of Hearing Jaster Mereel, Asexual Depa Billaba, POV Outsider, POV Multiple, Dreamsharing, Age Difference, (But all are consenting adults)
Jaster worries Mace teaches Depa watches Jango lives
Jaster first notices something’s changed when Jango is fourteen. The shift in personality is sudden, but the kid is well into his teenage years and picking up more responsibility, even if it’s under supervision, so… maybe it’s normal.
Jaster keeps an eye on him, sure, but if it’s important, Jango will come to him, right? He’s basically an adult now, he can handle some things himself. Maybe it’s girl problems. Or boy problems. Or something.
He hopes that, if it is a crush, it’s not on Montross. Jango keeps staring at Jaster’s second, and it’s with a curiously blank look that Jaster can’t figure out. It could just as easily be… uh…
Actually, a crush on someone twice his age who is definitely going to reject him might actually be the best option. Well, no, the best option would be that Jango wants to learn a skill that Montross has and other people don’t, but both are still better than, say, Jango suspecting Montross of something, or Montross actually having done something, to Jango, that Jaster hasn’t noticed.
So really, Jaster is… it’s just Jango being a teenager, right?
He’ll keep an eye on it.
Jango will come to him when he’s ready.
Montross betrayed them.
Jaster hadn’t seen it coming. Jango had. That might be the only reason Jaster’s alive right now.
There were worse reasons for Jango to have focused on Montross as he had, but not many. Not many at all.
“Are you alright?” Jaster asks, clapping a hand on Jango’s shoulder. Jango twitches under the gesture, looking away from the empty space he’d fixated on. There’s something in his eyes that Jaster would have called unfamiliar a few months ago, but knows too well now. Jango’s always had eyes that are too old for his age, but it’s been more, this past while.
“I’m fine,” Jango says, in that rough and stilted way he’d picked up from… somewhere.
Jaster has the right to worry. He just doesn’t know what it is that he’s worried about, entirely. “Ready to tell me how you knew about Montross?”
Jango’s eyes flick away for a moment, and then back to Jaster. “I’d prefer not to.”
“I’m not a child,” Jango says, fast and odd and Jaster is begging the stars to tell him what it is that’s changed his son so much.
“You’re my child,” Jaster says.
The look Jango gives him is indecipherable, searching and sad and something that Jaster doesn’t have nearly enough information to really read. “I know. It’s just uncomfortable to hear.”
“I don’t want to talk about it,” Jango says, firm and final and frustratingly distant. “Please respect that, buir.”
There is no answer he can give that he hasn’t already. “Alright, I’ll leave it for now. Just… you’d tell me if something was wrong, right?”
His son looks away from him, and hesitates. He fixes his stare on nothing, ready to just go back to zoning out as he had been, and says, “yes, sir.”
“Right,” Jaster says, and they both know that he isn’t buying it. He sighs, pats Jango on the shoulder again, and heads for the door. “Get some rest, son.”
“Will do.”
The first time Jaster sees The Habit, he thinks it’s something else entirely.
He passes by the door to Jango’s room, and pauses at the sound of a single, agitated voice. The door is open just a crack, enough for the voice to escape, and Jaster steps back to look through it. The room is lit, and Jango is alone.
The boy is pacing, gesturing as he speaks and pausing every little bit. Jaster only sees flashes of this, because he doesn’t want to risk opening the door or invading Jango’s privacy even more, and Jango’s pacing is taking him all over the room. There isn’t an answering voice, and Jaster can’t see a comm from this angle, or even hear the low buzz of a response.
Jaster’s hearing is kind of a mess, though. He’s been in the vicinity of too many explosions for his eardrums to still be in top condition, and he doesn’t bother with the aides unless he’s doing diplomatic work. He’s sure as hell not wearing them in his own home if he doesn’t have to.
Would be nice to have them now, to figure out what the heck is going on with his son.
Jaster catches snippets of what’s being said, but between the lack of visual help and the fact that Jango’s speaking away from the door as often as not, it’s not much.
Jango doesn’t seem distressed, he decides. He’s probably either talking to someone on a comm that’s out of Jaster’s narrow line of sight into the room, or practicing an argument of some sort. Either way, he’s fine. Probably.
Jaster leaves him to it.
It happens again. This time, the door is fully open, and Jaster sees him argue with thin air, dropping names he’s never heard, like Kenobi and Boba and Windu and Tyranus. He seems to circle back to the same spot with his gaze, high up against the wall, and addresses it as ‘ma’am.’
Jaster knocks on the door, this time. It’s open, after all. Jango starts with surprise, and turns to face him. “Buir?”
“Heard you talking,” Jaster says. “Figured if it was loud enough for me to hear, then there was something wrong.”
Jango looks away, a flush rising in his cheeks. “It’s nothing.”
“Who were you arguing with?” Jaster prompts.
“It wasn’t an argument,” Jango says, too quick to be true. He won’t meet Jaster’s eyes. “And it’s… nobody, really. I’m just trying to get my thoughts in order.”
“Practicing for a debate?”
Jango snorts. “Something like that.”
“With…?” Jaster tries.
His son winces, looking away. “The New Mando types, mostly.”
Jaster frowns. “We’re on good terms with Adonai.”
This earns him a shrug. “I have concerns on some things I’ve heard. It might not come to anything, but it’s better to work out how to phrase things ahead of time, isn’t it? If I have to speak?”
Jango is not a good public speaker. Jaster is passable, at least, but Jango is… a work in progress.
“Practice is good,” Jaster tells him. “Maybe close your door next time, though. Keeps people from worrying.”
“Will do, sir.”
Jaster can’t help but ruffle Jango’s hair when he passes him, narrowly avoiding the offended squawk he gets for the act. It’s childish, especially considering how grown up Jango’s been behaving, and the return to something even slightly resembling acting his age is reassuring.
The way that Jango fights is controlled, but often uncertain. It often seems like he doesn’t quite know how to manage his own body, as if the size of it surprises him every other day. Jaster keeps an eye on it, but Jango had a growth spurt pretty recently, and that should probably be enough of an explanation, right?
Sure, Jango’s mistakes seem more like someone who’s adjusting to a smaller reach than they’re used to, not a longer one, but that’s… that’s…
It’s fine, right? Jango’s spending a lot of time practicing his forms, which is good, and he’s keeping up with his studies, doing well, even, and he’s been shining in missions and strategy sessions, keeping his calm when he argues for a tactic or insists on gathering more information or whatever it is this time. Jango’s fine.
Jaster watches him test the weight of a practice sword, swinging it in a set of forms that look more Jedi than anything, but still decidedly Mandalorian, and still testing and hesitant and almost as if he were… trying to reverse engineer lightsaber forms.
Jango’s never met a Jedi. Jaster would know.
Even Jaster’s only ever met two. Jedi are rare, especially outside the Core.
With a stifled noise, Jango takes on an odd jump, awkward and high and decidedly not designed with armor in mind, and lands surprisingly well. Jaster looks at the sharp grin and the confident way his son rises to his feet, the kind of competent that Jaster should be proud of, should be happy with, should support in all ways.
And he worries.
Jaster makes a habit of passing by Jango’s rooms when they have downtime. He’s not hovering, and he’s certainly not suspicious of his own son, but he’s… a parent. Right. He’s a parent, and this is normal for an unsure parent who wants to figure out what their child is going through without prying too much.
Jango has many one-sided conversations. He never has them in public, certainly, and he definitely doesn’t seem to be noticing or reacting to things that aren’t there, but Jaster starts thinking more and more that it’s something to look out for. It’s never big things, not really, but there are moments where Jango just… isn’t right.
It’s been six months, maybe more, when Jaster does roundup after a mission and finds that Jango is at the very edge of the meadow they’d landed the gunship in, right at the treeline, and holding a conversation with a convor.
People have conversations with animals all the time, Jaster thinks, just a touch desperately. One of their medics has a tooka that she talks too like a baby, every day. One of his snipers carries around a snake whenever they’re off duty, wearing it like a scarf and asking it ‘do you believe this shit?’ whenever something even slightly inconvenient happens. Myles wrestles with his father’s akk dog every time he visits home, with the ever popular ‘who’s a good girl’ dropping from his mouth as easily as kisses for the mutt. That slicer that joined up a few months back treats zir carnivorous rabbit as a coding partner, explaining problems in the program until the process of talking it through has led zir to an epiphany.
It's normal to talk to animals. Loads of people do it.
Sure, Jango seems like he’s having more of a business negotiation than a pet conversation with the bird, but it’s still normal, right?
Even if the convor, seemingly wild, nods to something, waits for Jango to raise his arm, and then delicately hops on.
Jango talks to the bird in quiet murmurs for another half hour before they part ways, and Jaster doesn’t know what to think of it.
So his kid is weird, practicing arguments and reinventing lightsaber forms and talking to animals, all normal things done in a decidedly odd way. It’s fine. Jango can be as weird as he wants, so long as he’s being safe, or as safe as a mercenary can be, and working towards being happy. He’s got an injury right now, a large cut that needed stitches and cracked ribs that needed taping, but he’s fine. Jaster almost even believes it.
And then someone shows him a security feed from the galley, something people barely ever look at, even on duty, and it’s Jango. He’s having a meal, alone, in the early hours of the day cycle. Nightmares, maybe, or just an awkwardly shifted internal clock. It’s normal.
It’s normal, it’s all so normal, until he tries to reach for a bowl, stops with a wince as he strains his stitches, and instead floats the dish down.
“So,” the soldier says, low and slow, “did you know?”
“Not this,” Jaster says. He wonders how much of the last months—almost a year now, if he’s being honest with himself—can be explained by this. “Don’t tell anyone. I’ll handle this.”
“As Mand’alor, or as a father?” the soldier asks.
“As a father,” Jaster says, “and if that doesn’t work… we’ll see.”
(Continue on AO3)
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poopoorev · 7 months
I honestly wish we had gotten more bird daughter scenes 🥲
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cameronthecryptid · 6 months
I love Tomodachi Life because only in there can these people be in loving relationships and marriages
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Panty and the Batter are just dating but in my mind they’re good as married
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