#Deathglare Drabble
pjsk-headcanons · 9 days
leans against a wall hey babes i am. clinically insane adn in need of medication. tis dice anon, 🎲 anon, outspoken hitherthee, howe'er you may refer to the most grandious of affairs~ i come baring headcannons for a very specific akinene drabbles turned bisexual polyamourus situationship mafia au that im writing and have put too much fucking thought into. if you have questions please yell at me i have so many thoughts and also if you dont know the general plot these wont make sense but wtv its not hard to find my main
ioris really gay for mio but its unrequited. aro queen. howe'er she was forced to join the mafia soo??
wwhen shiho shoots mizuki it skims their femoral artery so it looks far worse than it actually is and ena freaks out. she did make the "hand in ur gfs thighs" joke i mentioned though
even while bleeding out with another girl in their thighs* mizuki will simp over their gf duel weilding and trying to kill them (*for medical porpoises)
that haruka, an and kotaro gang-adjacent i mentioned is kinda canon,,, nagi died from cancer a la canon but taiga and ken were wrapped up in bullshi to try and pay for treatment
arata continues to insist his aim is FINE thank you very much
nenes mum divorced her dad when he went into proper PROPER debt the first time
nene has made multiple jokes about how a gambling addiction runs in the family. akito frequently makes jokes about how an alcholol addiction runs in the family. toya attempts to say that bisexual situationships run in the family and gets deathglared by his brothers
minori didnt die too bad no matter how much shiho will claim is was horrific and gorey
wowzers a lot of these arent even for our main characters. hm.
rui still secretly blames himself for getting nene into this mess though its entirely not his fault in the slightest. akito will blame himself for anything and everything and is convinced that every number on toyas kill count is his fault. toya and nene are just chilling
when they run away to the countryside an and akito swap jackets (the pre-anni ones) and both get really emotional over it
they all feel guilty about leaving everyone else to deal w/ their mess when they leave but like the fuck you gonn do. harumichi said kanto time its fucking kanto time
vbs miku knew about the mafia shit from the very begining and is sweating bullets the moment toya accidentally brings a gun into the sekai
wxs meiko also knows but like only through that one time nene started sobbing in the middle of practice. and n25 rin bc why wouldnt she
honami is very carefully ignoring how everyone she knows is in the mafia (nb saki jumped at the oppertunity and hit her head and passed out (tsukasa banned her from joining the mafia) (yes she tried to join the tonos w ichika and shiho) (yes i couldve put tenma!toya angst and i chose not to i have enough to work with with just aoyagi!toya)) and is happily living her gay little domestic life with kanade and mafuyu
toya somehow recovers from major bullet wounds in three days flat. maybe aratas aim is that bad. (he wasnt even trying to hit toya T-T)
if you know my main no you dont teehee. im not here/silly (i dont actually mind if yall know me)
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darkmatter-nebula · 1 year
Colli does this to bria and hunter is next to him
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Hi, my dear @enzotrinveewillow! 👋😃
Thank you for the request!
Bonus Points: Bria does get intimidated... but Colli is not the reason, lol.
Drabble: Too Cute To Be Intimidating
A certain small starboy with otherworldly fluffy lavender hair and a heart of gold had an encounter with one of his biggest bullies again. Bria! Colli tried to look intimidating... only to look absolutely adorable instead.
Bria did get intimidated, though. The reason was Hunter. The young Grimwalker was standing next to his floating little brother and gave Bria the deadliest deathglare he ever gave everyone. "Oh, shit!" She whispered as she decided to retreat.
As soon as Bria was gone, Hunter wrapped his arms around Colli. The kindhearted eternal child had a bright smile on his adorable multi-colored face as he happily cuddled close to his beloved big brother. Hunter kissed lovingly Colli's freckled cheek.
The most inseparable pair of brothers really hoped to see Bria never again. She always was very mean to Colli for no reason. The former Golden Guard absolutely despised her! As for Colli, the immortal celestial boy took softly Hunter's hand.
The End
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deathglare · 6 years
Submitted some of my short fics to AO3!
I want to preserve them in case anything happens with Tumblr. I’d really appreciate any support! 💕
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ask-mathew-swift · 8 years
For the prompt thing - number 3?
#3 - “We should get a dog.” “Absolutely not!”
Starring - Lord Hater and Commander Peepers
Lord Hater gave a pouty lower-lipped face at Commander Peepers, as he answered Hater’s question.
“Awww, why not?!” Hater cried, as he stomped the ground repeatedly.
“Because we already have a wild animal loose on the ship!” Peepers pointed at the acid puddles, all over the hallway.
“Captain Tim is not wild! He’s just… Roaming free…” Hater coughed, trying to hide his excuse.
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GO-ctober Prompt, 19
Inktober except without the ink, and with drabbles instead.
Prompt #19 - Sling
(previous | next | beginning)
(find it all on Ao3)
(Note: This is set pretty much years after the Apocanope, and they’re all settled, and being friends, and Crowley can, sometimes, in the quiet moments, even admit it’s all very nice and he likes it (and them), even if it feels out of character from time to time.)
“Oh, for fuck's sake.” Aziraphale and Anathema could hear the exasperation in Crowley's voice from the nursery all the way to the living room.
“I was just trying- this is very new, okay?” Newt tried to protest (he'd learned to be a bit more forward with the two powerful entities Anathema called their friends, but a deathglare from Crowley was still enough to silence him).
“So's the baby, and you're gonna break her if you keep at it like that. And what you're doing is not new, we had those in Mesopotamia, you humans should know how to do it by now.”
Anathema gave Aziraphale a quizzing look, who could do nothing but shrug. Not a very re-assuring thing for a new mother to see (or hear) after leaving her baby alone with its father and a literal demon (even one she trusted without a doubt) for the first time.
“Here, let me do it. You have to pull it over this way, and then twist it.”
“That's what I tried to do!”
The voices from the nursery continued, and Anathema leant over for a whisper. “What exactly are they doing?”
“Oh, don't worry dear, I'm sure it's-”
“Tadah!” Newt came through the door with arms outstretched, a proud smile on his face. The baby swaddled in fabric across his chest gave a slight gurgling sound, as if to join in.
“Oh!” Anathema's worried face lifted. “You figured out how to use the sling!” They'd gotten it as a gift a week ago, and it had laid unopened next to the changing table ever since.
“There's not much to figure out, these things are old as anything.” Crowley came in after Newt. “You humans just forget some of the best basics and have to rediscover them all the time.”
“At least they're always willing to learn.” Aziraphale interjected as Anathema nodded.
“Exactly. That said, would you mind showing me how to do it too? In case Newt forgets again.”
“I'm a bit surprised, to be honest.” Anathema mumbled to Aziraphale as they were cleaning up the kitchen after tea. “I wouldn't have expected Crowley to be the one of you two to know about babies.”
They both looked back into the living room, where Crowley was swaying around with the baby in his arms while Newt was on the floor, trying his best to put together the crib Anathema's mum had sent over, and which they hadn't had time to built before the baby came (so far, she had been absolutely content to sleep in the large, flat, padded carrier his parents had gotten them).
“I mean, I know he's good with Adam and the others, but a baby is a whole different thing.”
“Oh, he's good with all ages, dear.” Aziraphale's smile was endlessly soft, and Anathema knew she would never see it on his face other than when he was talking about Crowley. “For as long as I can remember, Crowley's always had kids.”
A short pause, a questioning look, and Aziraphale was left stammering. “No- not like that, I mean, he hasn't had- only humans- I mean- he's always cared for children, is what I mean.” He cleared his throat. “I mean, I like children, too! But he's always been more, well, hands-on. Is that the right phrase?”
Anathema nodded. There was a lot to unpack here, but it was neither the time nor the place to ask her usual bout of questions about their past.
Their eyes went back to Crowley and the baby instead, who was currently busy covering Crowley's designer jacket with drool, and Aziraphale remembered Crowley in tunicas, in medieval gowns, in thick woollen cloth, in blazer and pencil skirt, always in the same pose, a quietly gurgling baby in his arms.
3 am, and the phone was buzzing. Aziraphale only grumbled as Crowley sat up to answer it.
“It's the witch, angel, I can't just ignore it.” He mumbled before tapping the green phone button (a sentence Aziraphale knew all too well by now, considering he heard it almost every other day, when Anathema called or messaged with questions, with worries, with anything she didn't dare bring up to anyone else). What followed was, as always, a series of hm's, aha's and okay's before he sighed and leaned back into bed.
“Is her belly really firm?”
Pause. An answer from the other end. Aziraphale could see a grin building on his face.
“Make her fart.”
“Crowley!” He could hear Anathema even through the phone.
“No, I'm serious. Get her to fart somehow. If that doesn't help, go to A&E, but I promise you it will.”
He hung up after a bit more from the other end of the connection Aziraphale couldn't make out, and snuggled back down into his angels side.
“Admit it,” Aziraphale smiled, even if being woken up at 3 am by a panicked mummy was not his idea of a good night. “You really like this.”
“Anathema coming to you with all her questions.”
“Well, I am pretty smart.”
“And you love helping out with the little one.”
“Well, she's a kid.” Crowley buried his face in tartan pyjamas, but Aziraphale could tell he was smiling as well. “What's not to love?”
“I know this is very last minute, but would you mind babysitting Mory tonight?” Anathema's voice was almost apologetic as she stood in the bookshop, the baby in one arm, a bag of supplies in the other. Newt, next to her, held a few bags more. “Newt's mum said she'd take her, but she got sick, and we can't cancel-”
Crowley'd already lifted the baby out of her arms. “You wanna pick her up later, or in the morning?”
“Oh, we'll come pick her up later, don't worry. And thank you!”
Crowley grimaced as she put the bag down to place a peck on his cheek. Aziraphale got a smiling wink. “We'll bring some of those pastries as payment, okay? And maybe some wine?”
Aziraphale smiled over the edge of his book at the little scene unfolding on the sofa in front of him. The baby had been fed (by Crowley), bathed (by Crowley, with a little help from him), changed (by Crowley), and was now soundly sleeping and snorting (on Crowley, who was lying on the sofa in his usual sprawl, only now with a tiny human on his chest, and Aziraphale was surprised to notice it was not that unusual a sight for him). The demon shot him a glare that very clearly said what he was not willing to say out loud, lest he wake up the baby.
“Are you gonna be able to hand her back to Anathema, dear?”
Crowley snorted and sat up, carefully placing the baby in her carrier. “I always give them back, don't I? No baby stealing from this demon.”
“Of course.” Aziraphale tried to return to his book, but there was something still stuck in his mind. A wrong turn of phrase he'd used weeks ago, a thought that had crept in.
“Have you ever... I mean... did you ever want one you don't have to give back?”
Crowley stared at him, which didn't make the situation any less uncomfortable.
“You know what I mean.”
“You're asking me if I want to have a baby? Is that really your way of bringing this up?”
“I was just- I was thinking about it, well, not it, more about you-” the stammering was not helping him get his thoughts out, and Crowley's amused smirk wasn't either, “I just realised that as far back as I've known you, you were always a caretaker in some way. You love children. It's not such a leap of imagination, isn't it? That you might want to keep one?”
“Aziraphale.” Crowley sighed, a short pause looking at little Morrigan still snuffling and moving in her carrier. “I do love children.” Another pause, before he looked back up again, a smile on his face that was luckily far less sad than Aziraphale would've expected it, albeit not a happy one either. “But can you imagine the chaos- logistics not withstanding, just, the whole implication of us – and the morals of it? Really, no.” Crowley ended his sentence, which hadn't really said much at all, but more than enough for Aziraphale to understand. He nodded. “I'm perfectly happy being the nanny.”
Aziraphale looked at him, as he brushed over the whisps of black hair on Morrigan's head, and he could tell. He was perfectly happy.
“Okay, so I have a question.” Anathema was bouncing the pram up and down, much to Morrigan's squealing delight. She'd just woken up, which was pretty much the only reason why she wasn't already on Crowley's lap, where she usually ended up during any of their meetings. “And I trust you'll tell me if it's really inappropriate, or insulting.”
“Sure.” She'd bombarded Crowley with questions ever since Morrigan had been born, and both of them with very different questions long before that, and only about 20% of those had been inappropriate, so that wasn't anything new.
“And we can absolutely change the wording if you want, besides, Newt and I don't really believe in the- the original religious aspect of it anyway, we don't need the whole ceremony, but it's a tradition, and I think it's a good one, and he agrees-”
Aziraphale sneaked a smile in Crowley's direction as she blabbed on, and was not surprised to see it returned. They both knew where this was heading.
“Anyway.” Anathema interrupted herself long before either of them could and picked the baby up out of the pram, handing it over to Crowley almost immediately. “Newt and I wanted to ask you if you would be Morrigan's godfathers.”
“You mean that's not what we've been doing already?” Crowley's voice was mocking in a way Anathema knew all too well, and she answered it with a grimace.
“You are impossible.” The grimace turned into a smile as the baby began slobbering over Crowley's hand holding her upright. “But I suppose you're right. We would just like to make it official, then.”
“We'd be honoured, Anathema.” Aziraphale tried to give the situation a bit more gravitas, which was a fruitless endeavour with these two. Anathema was already rambling, only spurred on by Crowley's nodding replies.
“But you have to know, we don't want it to just be a title-”
“Yeah, I agree.”
“You're already babysitting a lot, and we might have to ask for more favours in the future-”
“As always.”
“And we'd want you there for birthdays, too, and first school days and graduations and-”
“And she's going to bug you when she gets older, and she'll have a lot of questions-”
“Well, we're pretty used to that, she's your kid after all.”
A toothy smile, and Anathema finally stopped and sighed with a smile on her own.
“Alright. Don't know why I was so worried about all that.”
Later, as Aziraphale and Crowley were left standing in the door, waving after the pram rattling down the street, the angel couldn't help but smile as he took the demon's hand.
“Godparents. What a lovely surprise.”
“Not really a surprise, angel.”
“I know, but still.” He squeezed his hand, leant on his shoulder. “It's very sweet of her.”
“We'll get a chance to do it right this time, I guess.”
“Oh, dear. You've been doing it all perfectly well for centuries.”
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stephicness · 7 years
Fantasy Daddy Simulator -- Final Fantasy XV x Dream Daddy Headcanons (Part 3)
PHEW! I think this is my last installment for now in the FFXV x DDADDS headcanons for you all. c: I decided to just go with three of these dad dudes in this one, since there are a few that I thought about but ultimately decided to skip on. Need more information! Or some of them were briefly mentioned as it is in the other headcanons and that type of thing. Gosh, these were fun to write! Perhaps I’ll write more about these headcanons in drabbles or more individualistic headcanons about them. If you all are interested in either one of those. c;
For now though, enjoy the last part of the FDS headcanons, my friends! Thanks for letting me write and share these with you all~
Let’s add about 15-20 years on these boys. Give them time for the children to grow older.
Let’s also say they live in that cul-de-sac area just like from Dream Daddy.
And the children are just me throwing dumb thoughts your way. Because yay for thinking up of headcanons (and child characters unmentioned!).
Featuring: Nyx Ulric, Titus Drautos, and Dino Ghiranze
PART ONE – Featuring Noctis, Prompto, Ignis, and Gladio PART TWO -- Featuring Ravus, Ardyn, Loqi, and Cor
Nyx Ulric – Adoptive Father, Father of One Girl and Two Boys
Likes: Being the Hero, Smoking, Watching TV and Napping, Busting A Sick Dance Move Dislikes: Guys Hitting on His Daughter, People Who Yell at Him, Having to Pay Per View
Nyx Ulric is a man married to his job as a police officer. There’s nothing that could be avoided about that with Police Commander breathing down his neck about Nyx doing his work so he can go home to his kids.
But the thought of that was really nice, Nyx thought to himself. To be able to go home and see his kids, kiss his spouse on the cheek, and just be able to have a good family life instead of going back to his crusty apartment. Not that he’d have a spouse anytime soon. Unless their name was the LPD, that is.
However, when he found himself investigating a series of domestic violence calls to a single address, he knew that the married life was a lot harder than it looked. He arrived and managed to get the parents away from the children, arresting both parents as the little girl held her face to cover her black-eye.
After having taken the kids back to the precinct, he was supposed to get their statements and then find a guardian who would take them. But no guardians were known in the area, and it seemed like the kids were refusing to go in the first place. The only one who could calm them down was Nyx.
So Commander Fleuret let out a sigh and asked Nyx if he can let the kids stay at his apartment to calm down and avoid being scared at the police station even more than before. Nyx agreed, but he’d need to clear out all of those empty beer bottles in his place first. Oops. Those aren’t for kids!
Eventually, he and the children bonded by making pillow and sheet fortresses in the living room so they can sleep, learning more about their situation from the eldest son and how they just wanted to get out of there to make sure their little sister wouldn’t get hurt anymore.
Sympathizing with them, Nyx promised to make sure he’d find them a place far away from their abusive parents.
Nyx, however, after the few days of keeping an eye on the kids, refused to let them go to any shelter or home. But with how bad his apartment really was, he’d have to get his act together to give them a better place. So with what money he had saved for that new car he really wanted, he put a down payment to rent an actual house for himself and the kids, asking if they would want to come live with him now that he actually had a new place.
And so, with their agreement, Nyx became their adoptive father. One step closer to that fancy dream. Now he just needed a spouse of some kind. Could you rent one maybe? Wait, no. That’d be called hiring a prostitute. Oops. Oh well, he can just ask Uncle Libertus and Auntie Crowe to drop by and make the family a bit bigger.
Speaking of Libertus and Crowe, they visit often enough with the others from the precinct for the kids to consider them like their aunts and uncles. Even Tredd comes over to steal some food, but finds himself bonding with the youngest boy and giving him pointers on how to actually be good at doing, well, anything (unlike his dad).
Despite him having two sons and a daughter, he hated to admit it, but he spoiled the living hell out of his daughter. He and his sons both did. He’d keep every cute photo of her in his wallet next to his boys’ photo with their soccer trophy, pointing at the photo and going ‘THERE’S MY LITTLE GIRL. And my boys.’
Nyx would also volunteer to chaperone every school dance too – especially the ones where he knew that his little girl had a boyfriend to go with her. So you would literally just see Nyx, standing bodyguard position in the corner as he and his boys stare down the Amicitia kid when his hands wandered too low on her sides.
He wouldn’t change this life for anything in the world. Because after being able to bond with the kids he rescued and protected, he knew that there was something out there worth fighting for.
 Titus Drautos – Widower, Father of One Girl
Likes: Reading Smutty Literature, Kicking Ass, Boxing, Cosplaying Dislikes: Guys Staring at His Daughter’s Ass or Boobs, Insubordinate Punks, Hearing ‘Are We There Yet?’ Whenever He Drives
He’s an older guy, he’s not afraid to admit that. But regardless of how old he is, he’s still able to get out his baton and beat you to hell and back. It’s how he managed to become the Chief of the Police, after all, and he runs the police department well.
He’s a grumpy old bastard, even more so after his wife passed away from sickness, so don’t you dare try to piss him off unless you really want to get beaten up. He doesn’t really care if you’re a perp or a cop. If you get in his way to get the job done, guess who’s going to have a taste of some Drautos-brand beatdowns?
Of course, there is one person in the world that he’s got left that does know how to calm him down, and that’s his daughter. Tall with eyes just like her father. And also, buxom enough to draw a lot of attention whenever she decides to drop by the police department and say hello to all of the officers.
Drautos shoots a lethal glare at them all when their eyes lock onto her for too long before he and his daughter go out to dinner, and he makes sure that none of those slimy guys gave her their phone number. If anywhere was going to date his little girl, it wouldn’t be anyone he knew directly.
Or if he had it his way, his daughter wouldn’t date anyone no matter what.
His daughter had grown up to be a rather successful writer, one who graced the world with her popular novels known as The Glaive of Kings, inspired by those who she met in her real life.
The books became so popular that she often is invited to be guests at conventions and events that make her father really proud of her. His baby girl being a successful author!
Though when he finally did decide to read her books, he was shocked to see just how profane they all were. Violence, sex, scandal – and where those two men doing it on top of a burning citadel?! He had to close the book, red-faced as he stared at his eager daughter looking for feedback.
But despite his first initial shock, he’s his daughter’s number one fan and sometimes helps her promote her books by building a full-replica model of the evil General Laucag’s armor. He wore it for a few days to Insomnime, claiming that he was on a ‘business trip’ instead.
His lie was short lived as Officer Ulric and his partner Officer Ostium arrived at the convention to make sure everything was peaceful and well.
They recognized Drautos’s daughter, asking her how things were. In which she gladly replied, ‘Things are great! My father’s been really raking in the crowd!’
They both turn and stare at the armor-clad, sword-wielding behemoth of a general standing next to her before they felt Drautos’s deathglare through the suit of warbola and PVC armor. If they spoke of this at work even a little bit, they’d be worse than fired.
So they simply backed away, allowing Drautos and his daughter to take photos with the fans. Man did that armor look cool though…
 Dino Ghiranze – Divorced, Father of Three Boys, One Girl, and Too Many Dogs
Likes: Jewelry Making, The Latest Gossip, Hanging His Kids’ Art On The Walls Dislikes: Uncreative Minds, Picking Up After the Dogs, People Cutting Him Off On The Sidewalk (Cause He’s Walkin’ Here!)
What has two hands, access to all sorts of creative juices, and a studio dedicated to making his jewelry and miniature metalwork sculptures? Dino does! It was unfortunate that he decided that his metalwork and passion for making jewelry was more important than his wife, but it was all okay, he supposed.
Because in the end, the kids all wanted to stay with him anyways.
He’s a bit more of the struggling father compared to the others, mostly because he had quit his job as reporter to pursue jewelry making full-time and decided to try living off the idea of taking on commissions to provide for himself and his four kids.
Despite it being rough though, he’s been doing well with his business, getting commissioned by people (including the rich eris of the Fleuret family at one point) to craft two wedding rings. That handsome sum of money was enough to afford his house’s rent for an entire year!
It’s those types of commissions that’s able to get Dino by in terms of rent, and they actually come a lot more frequently than he anticipated. But that’s all the better, because then he was able to work as he could and then spend time with his children and teach them all about the craft.
Not like they really wanted to know about it, except for maybe his daughter, but he didn’t really mind it because all of them became artistic in some sort of way.
His eldest son is a ceramicist, learning the art during his high school days and just having a natural knack for it ever since. His other two sons (identical twins) both decided to become painters and drawing media artists, and they’ve been working on a comic book together to one day beat out the famous Glaive of Kings book and TV series.
Dino’s daughter and the youngest in the family is still trying to find his knack of things, but really likes the idea of doing what his dad is doing. It’s mostly just him stringing beads together and saying that it’s a pretty necklace, but Dino adores it anyways, wearing them all with pride whenever he can.
He’s proud of his kids’ artworks, always displaying them around the house in what he calls ‘La Gallaria della famiglia Ghiranze.’ Basically, the family gallery. His eldest occupies the kitchen with all of the dishes and platters he throws, his twins litter the walls with paintings and drawings framed and taped on walls, and his little daughter gets her brothers and father to model for her.
Of all the things though, Dino could do without the random dogs that his children like to collect. Strays, adopted ones, dogs who just wandered into the wrong part of the neighborhood and crossed paths with the Ghiranzes, they all for some reason end up at Dino’s house.
There were a few times that the Amicitias’ dog ended up at Dino’s house. So when the girls asked if they saw Behemoth around, Dino assumed it was the Saint Bernard that the twins literally rode home one day.
Nope. Instead, it was the wiener dog that his daughter stole to get revenge on one of the Amicitia boys putting gum on her bracelet. Dino apologized to the girls before giving them back their dog and apologizing on behalf of his daughter.
He gave her a high five when nobody else was looking though. Way to really stick it to the man!
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darkmatter-nebula · 2 years
Colli protects palismen with Bat Queen.
Hi! Thanks for the request!
Drabble: Palismen In Distress
It was a quiet afternoon on the Boiling Isles. Unfortunately, it was not meant to stay quiet. A certain kindhearted celestial boy with otherworldly fluffy lavender hair was protecting Palismen with Bat Queen.
Some bad people tried to take them, to sell them to the Night Market. It didn't take long for Colli and Bat Queen to defeat them. Before they ran away, one of them managed to injure Colli's arm. The man was confused about the dark blue blood.
Bat Queen, who was very protective of the starboy, was not amused! She gave the attacker a very deadly deathglare, which scared the man, and he ran for his life. "Are you ok, Little One?" "I'll be fine! Don't worry, Bat Queen!"
The End
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darkmatter-nebula · 2 years
Hello! Is there any possibility that Colli did came to canon Au? Because of curiosity and ser the whole Mess it is
I don't really understand this question. Do you mean if Colli ever visited Canon!Collector's Universe? Because, so far, he didn't. It's always Canon!Collector who comes through the interdimensional rift to visit the lavender haired starboy.
But, I can write a drabble for you about this scenario!
Drabble: A Not So Good Trip Into The Colliverse
It was a quiet evening on the Boiling Isles. The interdimensional rift appeared. But, this time, Colli decided to visit his counterpart. The sweethearted starboy with fluffy lavender hair floated up and flew through the rift. Unfortunately...
"Look! It's The Collector! Let's kill him!" A tall man shouted. He binded Colli with thorny vines and approached him. Colli was confused and terrified! To Colli's horror, the man raised his sword and was about to strike him down! "STOP!" Collector came to Colli's rescue. "If you even harm a single hair on his head, I'm going to destroy you all! He didn't do anything wrong, not even in his own Universe! He is innocent!" The white haired little god spoke dangerously calm.
"Wait! Two Collector's?" Tarek, who wanted to give Collector a gift, was confused. "Another Great Huntsman!" Tarek spoke up again, clearly excited. "No! I already told this to the Titan Trappers from my Universe, I am not The Great Huntsman! I never hunted anything! I'm not a killer! I would never kill!" Colli explained, clearly frustrated.
Collector freed Colli from the vines and healed the wounds that the thorns left. "Colli, I'll bring you Home, ok? I'm sorry about the whole mess!" Before the Star Twins flew through the rift, Collector gave the man who dared to hurt Colli, the deadliest deathglare he ever gave anyone.
Back Home, Colli still couldn't believe what just happend! The lavender haired celestial boy began to cry. Collector immediately wrapped his arms around him. "I'm so incredible sorry!" The white haired little god said softly. The crying exhausted Colli and he fell asleep in his counterpart's arms.
The End
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deathglare · 7 years
UNFINISHED (If someone else wants to continue the story, please go ahead!)
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Commander Peepers becomes the talk of the ship once his diary is discovered, and he must do everything in his power to prevent the news spreading to Lord Hater.
((Just something I wrote for fun while on a long car ride! Probably filled with errors, but it was fun to write regardless!))
Commander Peepers scribbled anxiously in his diary, his red glove clutching the pen tighter as he continued to write. Lord Hater was most definitely asleep — Along with a majority of watchdogs — but the Commander wanted to take extra precautions as to not arouse suspicion. His lights were turned off, and he lay under his blanket beside his flashlight. If any emergency were to occur that required anyone barging in to his room, all it would take was a swift motion to click the flashlight off to appear as though he was sleeping. The Commander, ever since the defeat of Lord Dominator, hasn’t been able to bring himself to sleep. It was odd, to say the least, that after defeating what kept him up for months, a new problem started gnawing at his stomach the same day. It was a feeling he couldn’t, and wouldn’t dare to try and describe. All he knew is that they were connected to Lord Hater, and if he wanted to continue to be a productive commander, he’d have to destroy whatever feelings plagued his vision.
“Dear my very manly, very evil logbook meant for only the most crucial details involving my life…”
Peepers muttered quietly under his breath, without even realizing he was doing so. “It is to my great misfortune that I must bring up my feels dealings with Lord Hater once more.” Peepers took a moment to give the word ‘feelings’ a few more hashes through it, his gut feeling like it was twisting. That was not the correct word, it was just an easy mistake brought forth by his exhaustion. Clearly. “It appears as though I can’t stop thinking about him in ways indescribable by even the smartest watchdog: Me. It’s like hatred, but not really at all. It’s miserable and…” Peepers shuddered a bit as he continued to write, the tip of his pen pressing harder in to the paper. “… Happy at the same time, which only makes it twice as more miserable. Every time I close my eye I see him conquering plants, or shouting threats, and so on. I’ve noticed that, peculiarly, I hate not being around him more. And certainly not the good kind of hate.” Peepers felt his heart beating faster, a feeling of dread laying heavy in his chest. The more he wrote, the more obvious it became, and the more denial he forced himself to feel. “Surely all second-in-commands feel fondly of their boss in the same manner. It is nothing significant or worth worrying about. Perhaps all this spawned from the pride I felt at seeing him act all tough and brave and strong when—” Peepers’ pupil shrunk in realization. There was no denying it, and absolutely no possibility of ignoring it any longer. The pen barely contained any pressure as he sloppily wrote, barely allowing himself to look down at his own writing. He couldn’t help but mutter out the words. “I appear to have a certain endearment to Lord Hater.” Peepers wailed in despair, his current thoughts outriding his goal to keep quiet. He slammed his eye repeatedly against the cover of his diary, in some hopes to knock the feelings out of him. It was ridiculous, embarrassing, and worst of all, the exact opposite of evil. Hater would be ashamed of him, but nowhere near as ashamed as Peepers was with himself. “Uh, sir?” Peepers frantically waved his arms as he panicked to switch off his flashlight and shove his diary under his pillow. Afterwards, he ripped his blanket off his eye to face whomever entered his room. “WHAT!?” Peepers shouted irritably, quickly blinking away the wetness in his eye. Several watchdogs were standing at the door of his room, peering in. Peepers blinked again, this time in confusion. “We heard you yelling and—” “NO YOU DIDN’T!” Peepers shouted before he grabbed his blaster and threw it at the door. It slammed it shut, knocking over at least two watchdogs in the process. Peepers glanced at his alarm clock. 7:00 AM. “Oh grop!” Peepers quickly scrambled out of bed, frantically reaching for his helmet as he slipped in to his shoes. “I lost track of the time!” In a matter of seconds, Commander Peepers was ready. He quickly opened his door and pushed the crowding watchdogs aside, rushing to catch up on his duties. With as much effort as he could, he left his feelings in his room and focused on his job.
“Greetings, dear viewers! Today, there has been an overwhelming request for today’s special topic involving none other than our very own: Commander Peepers!” Andy the watchdog held his microphone proudly as he spoke. “Lately, our commander has been reported to be, and I quote, ‘Not himself’. It’s got every one of us watchdogs talking and curious.” Andy began walking down a hallway, his eye not leaving the camera. The watchdog carrying it kept it as steady as possible as he followed him. “Rumors have been spreading throughout the Skullship! But today, dear viewers, I will get to the bottom of all of it, just as you requested! Dangerous? Of course! But not so much so that I would consider not satisfying my dearest, special viewers!” Andy halted in front of a door, and gestured to it with his hand. “This is the Commander’s room! It is time that we begin investigating!” Without a moment’s hesitation, the watchdog entered the room, walking lightly on his feet. “There isn’t much to search in here…” Andy stated as he glanced around the surprisingly empty room.
Andy walked towards the bed, which was left in the center of the room. It wasn’t made.
The watchdog gave a quick glance around the room, double checking to make sure he was the only one there before he began pulling at the blankets. His hands gripped something peculiar, and he quickly pulled it out for inspection.
“A flashlight! Perhaps our Commander has developed a fear of the dark?” Andy pondered a minute as he continued to examine the object.
“Nah, that can’t be it.”
He stuck his hand back in to the blankets. After just a few moments, his fingers slid under the Commander’s pillow and he felt another object. Immediately, he pulled it out. Bingo!
“Aha! All our answers might be answered in this… Diary?” Andy questioned, holding it up closer to the camera.
Without thinking of the possible consequences, the watchdog began flipping through the pages.
“Now, we don’t want to invade all of Peeper’s privacy. We’ll just skip to last night’s entry, and see what we can get.”
With book in one hand and microphone in the other, Andy stopped at the previous day’s date. He mumbled out the written words as he read, carefully searching for evidence. When his pupil reached the final sentence of the page, it shrunk before looking back up at the camera.
“Commander Peepers has a certain endearment towards Lord Hater! Could this be w—”
“ANDY!” The watchdog quickly turned, tossing the diary up in to the air in shock. Commander Peepers was standing in the door way, his eye bloodshot in anger. Though frightened at first as the commander began approaching him, the watchdog quickly tried to regain his composure for the sake of the show.
“Commander Peepers, sir! What exactly did you mean by a certain endearment?”
Peepers’ pupil shrunk as Andy held out his microphone towards him.
“I.. YOU…” Peepers stuttered in anger, shock, and embarrassment. His fists were clenched and shaking. “GET OUT OF MY ROOM AND DELETE THIS FOOTAGE BEFORE ANYONE SEES IT!! BY THE TIME I’M DONE WITH Y—”
“Oh, uh, this is actually broadcasting live across the Skullship! It is Live-Friday, after all!” Andy “winked” at the camera.
“I… Live F-Friday?” Peepers looked at the camera, his pupil even smaller.
“That’s right, sir! The Eye on The Skullship’s Live Fridays, where every Friday the show is live! We just started doing it last week!”
“So you mean to tell me that right now, who knows how many watchdogs are watching this, and saw you… Reading that?” Peepers pointed at his logbook.
“That’s right sir! All for the sake of the watchdog’s curiosity!”
“ANDY!” Peepers quickly reached for his diary, holding it close to his chest.
“Sir! One time I saw you and Hater walk in to the smooching room together! Is there a relationship budding!?”
Peepers turned around to see a crowd of watchdogs outside of his room, all either staring at him or the camera. Andy wrapped his arm around the watchdog who had spoke out before holding out his microphone once again to their commander. The watchdogs then began speaking of other instances involving Hater and Peepers.
“Wha— NO!” Peepers shouted, quieting the chattering watchdogs. “I couldn’t believe that we had six smooching rooms, Lord Hater was simply showing me that they existed! There is NOTHING going on between us!”
The watchdogs were quiet for several seconds before Andy asked another question.
“Do you wish there was?”
Before Peepers could respond, another voice shouted out above the rest.
Peeper’s felt his stomach drop as Wander appeared from the middle of the crowd, a smile taking over the majority of his face.
“Oh grop, no.” Peepers squeaked out in disbelief.
Wander yelled out a “yee-haw” before running out in to the hallways.
The watchdogs watched him run off before turning to Peepers.
The commander held out both of his hands, signaling for them to all stay in place so he could speak.
“Weddings have cake!” A watchdog shouted. Not a second afterwards, the watchdogs began running with Wander.
“NO!” Peepers quickly ran after the group, frantically trying to raise his voice over the cheering and chatter.
“Commander Peepers! I bet our viewers are just DYING to know what flavor cake you plan on having!” Andy fell back from the crowd to run beside his commander.
Wander appeared from seemingly nowhere and got in between Peepers and Andy’s microphone.
“Well, I was thinking about having a layered devil’s food cake with buttercream icing, custard filling, and some luster dust! Hater does love his glitter!”
Peepers shouted loudly over the two. “THERE WON’T BE A WEDDING! THERE WON’T BE ANYTHING!”
Wander’s smile didn’t falter. “Sure there will! When Hater finds out how you feel, he’ll realize that you two have always been close, and you two will fall in love and get MARRIED!”
Peepers came to a halt, grabbing Wander by his arm. He continued running forward a bit before he bounced back, much like a rubber band.
His immediate reaction would’ve been to threaten him, but he knew that it wouldn’t work.
“Listen! You have to use your banjo or something to stop them!”
Wander tilted his head in confusion. “Why? Don’t you want Hatey to know how much you care about him?”
Peepers blushed and screamed in fury. “I DON’T!”
“Well, why not?” Wander asked. His genuine sound of confusion was infuriating.
Peepers took a deep breath, trying to remain calm.
“You trying to pair us up is just as crazy as trying to pair him up with Dominator!”
“Aw, C. Peeps! This is way different!” Wander wrapped his arm around Peeper’s shoulders, leading him forward.
“Sylvia helped me learn that you can’t force love.. But you and Hater are already in love!”
Peepers shuddered at the “L” word. Before he could respond, Wander continued.
“Dominator and Hater barely spent any time together, it was silly of me to think that they could’ve gotten married after a music number when they weren’t  even friends yet… That’s how Sylvia explained it, any way. What you and Hater have is definitely special, it’s easy to see why the watchdogs are so supportive!”
“They’re only supportive because they want cake!” Peepers argued. “Lord Hater and I are buddies, I admit that, but we aren’t, and CAN NOT be anything more than that!”
Wander stopped walking, and Peepers shoved his arm off.
“But why?” Wander’s confused face returned. “You two already spend every day together, and you’ve got significantly closer than when I first met you two! Plus, the two of you would be ADORABLE together!”
“Why is this so hard for you to understand!?” Peepers shouted. “Hater does NOT like me in that way!”
Wander’s confused face turned to one of worry. “But how do you know that?”
“It’s obvious!” Peepers couldn’t believe that he had to explain this. “If he already did, he would have told me!”
“And what if he thinks that way, only with you? I know Hater tends to usually be more forward with who he likes… But that’s what makes you special!”
Peepers groaned.
“PEEPERS! The watchdogs won’t stop barking at me!” Lord Hater came running down the hallway, a crowd of watchdogs following close behind him. They were all yelling loudly, and nobody could really make out anything they were trying to say.
“Oh grop, I completely forgot!” Peepers quickly stood up and ran towards the crowd, quickly trying to formulate a plan in his head as he confronted them.
Hater quickly ran to Peepers before standing behind him, glaring at the watchdogs who started chasing him.
Hater, without thinking, grabbed the journal from Peeper’s arms and threw it across the hallway. “FETCH!”
The watchdogs were quiet for a moment and looked at each other. Peepers looked to Hater.
“Sir, they aren’t—”
Before Peepers could finish, the watchdogs ran after the journal. They wanted to find the page that Andy read.
“Phew!” Hater smiled at himself for his clever plan. “What do you think that was all about?”
Before Peepers could think of a response, Wander ran up.
“Hater, C. Peeps has something to tell you!”
“WANDER!” Hater turned towards him, his fingers already sparking with lightning. Peepers turned his attention to the group of watchdogs that had started running back, much louder than before.
Wander began running in circles, with a screaming (and very angry) Lord Hater following close behind him. The group of watchdogs split: One group went after Hater, and the other went after Peepers.
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deathglare · 7 years
Fanfics Currently in The Works:
1. The Girlfriend - Fed up with Hater's inability to concentrate on missions, Peepers disguises himself as a girl in order to help sway Hater in the direction of destruction.
2. The Competition - Commander Peepers and Captain Tim engage in a silent battle to be in Hater's arms while he sleeps.
3. The Stupid, No Good Feelings - When Hater finds out that Peepers might have a crush on him, he starts to wonder about their relationship.
4. The Diary - The way Peepers has been acting around Hater lately has every watchdog on the Skullship talking. Andy is determined to give the watchdogs what they want, and goes searching for the answer.
5. The No Good Do-Gooders - Upset that their evil missions are cutting his time with Peepers, Hater starts to wonder if they should change their career path. Which ones would you guys like to read sooner? Each one has been partially started!
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deathglare · 7 years
"Peeeepers..." Hater grinned as he prodded his commander with a long finger. "Open your eye..." "Sir, please. I'm trying to sleep." Peepers groaned, his eyelids still stubbornly stuck together. "Peeeepers, I know you're hiding something..." Hater said chuckling, giving Peepers another gentle jab with his finger. Peepers gave a tiny laugh before slapping Hater's hand away. He was ticklish on his sides. "Go to sleep." Peepers groaned. "Peeeeeeepers.... C. Peeps... Peepie Pie..." Hater cooed. He wrapped his arms around Peepers and pulled him to his chest, holding him as if he was a teddy bear. "Siiiir..." Peepers whined, but didn't resist. "We can make a deeeaal...." Hater held Peepers' hand in his own, gently caressing the back of it with his thumb. "What?" Peepers groaned. "If you open your eye, you can kiss your favorite electrical skeleton man, who also just happens to be the greatest in the galaxy..." Hater said, gently cradling Peepers' head in his palm. Peepers cursed himself inwardly. That was an offer he could never refuse. Slowly, Peepers opened his eye less than half way to reveal a distinct, large heart in the place of his pupil. He glanced away from Hater, but kept his eye open. Hater got in to a fit of giddy little chuckles and pulled Peepers closer. Whenever Peepers got like this it always helped put Hater in a good mood, because he knew it was because Peepers genuinely loved him. "Now I get my end of the deal." Peepers said, his eye still close to being closed as he grabbed Hater's face. Hater couldn't stop staring at his heart eye, and couldn't stop the giddy laughter that seemed to stem from the butterflies in his stomach. How long they'd been together didn't matter, because Peepers was still able to make him feel like this after all this time. "Sir, stop laughing so I can kiss you!" "Oh, right! Right! Sorry!" Hater was able to stifle his laughter as Peepers gently pulled him in for a quick kiss. Both of them seemed satisfied now. Peepers cuddled closer to Hater, giving a quiet sigh as he closed his still heart-shaped eye. Hater smiled as he held his tiny boyfriend's hand as they both drifted in to sleep.
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