#Declare Independence
playypause · 11 months
#nw Björk - Declare Independence [AI] (UHD) [4K] [surrounded]
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eldritchjorror · 9 months
who up raising they flag?
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fleshosphere · 1 year
Make your own flag
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diablo1776 · 4 months
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nodynasty4us · 3 months
When a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.
United States Declaration of Independence (July 4, 1776)
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daisey14 · 4 months
cant stop thinking about this (from the 2003 script of national treasure)
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scribbydibbydoo · 9 months
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"Are you sure you're not, I don't know, hiding any bricks in those pockets as well? Just saying, there's got to be some reason why this is so difficult. I mean, I can understand how it could happen, you had to leave the house in a hurry, threw on the first pair of jeans you could find, forgot to take the masonry out of the pockets, it's a textbook mistake."
Version w/o blue cyborg stuffs under the cut!!! and also some extra little funnies
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i love his ability to hit the word limit no matter the situation i need him to get 'sploded in 3 seconds
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mayasaura · 4 months
I don't really know where this lands on the scale of basic to hot take, but I don't see the locked tomb as a very overtly political series. Like yeah, it has a lot of subtext you can interpret politically, obviously, if that's your jam. but to me, the series has always been an intimate exploration of existing as a badly uncomfortable and isolated person. there are a lot of different reasons people in the series are fucked up, but the important thing to me is that they are. and that they're being witnessed. To me it's a love letter to all the deeply fucked up people out there (esp the deeply fucked up lesbians) saying "you exist, and someone sees you"
Edit: Since apparently people are linking to this post to interpret and argue with it indirectly, let me clarify. I don't mean the story is apolitical. I mean that as I see the story unfolding, the central narrative is focused on the characters, and the heart of the narrative is human connection and character exploration. Of course there are political themes being explored—I've posted a lot about them myself—but that exploration is about asking a lot of questions I don't expect the series to necessarily answer.
Tamsyn Muir doesn't have the answer to colonialism. She does have the answer as to what will happen to two mentally unwell painfully lonely girls I suspect we've all grown quite attached to.
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ravewing · 7 months
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my partner told me to draw late 18th century anomalocaris so here we are
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lady-raziel · 3 months
I am kinda wishing America had a magic caveat to the presidency where the right person could take over after being deemed worthy by a mythical sword. Seems like kind of a useful thing to have right about now. Tragic that the Founding Fathers didn’t think of this
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okimightbecrazy · 1 year
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I couldn't resist
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usnatarchives · 6 days
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Ahead of our nation’s 250th anniversary in 2026, the National Archives is celebrating #Declaration250: the spirit of equality and liberty enshrined in the Declaration of Independence, 250 years of our nation’s resilience and pursuit of happiness, and our collective growth toward a more perfect nation.
As the home of the Declaration, we will be hosting exhibitions, special programs, themed events, civic education initiatives, and other activities, culminating with a special Independence Day celebration in 2026.
Join us on this journey: https://www.declaration250.gov/
📸: A Declaration250 logo on top of an image of the Declaration of Independence.
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Ok, she got Jefferson correct. She has the wrong age for Hancock. The other six didn’t sign the Declaration of Independence. And she left out the other 54 that did sign. Thirteen were 35 or younger which is only one more than she declared. The average age is just over 46. What is she trying to prove beyond her ignorance.
Dumb as a bag of rocks. It takes only a few seconds to google this.
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reality-detective · 1 year
Do you get it now?
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philosophybits · 6 months
Government exists but to maintain special privilege and property rights; it coerces man into submission and therefore robs him of dignity, self-respect, and life.
Emma Goldman, "A New Declaration of Independence"
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deadpresidents · 4 months
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"He is an old friend with whom I have often had occasion to labor on many a knotty problem, and in whose abilities and steadiness I always found great cause to confide."
-- John Adams, on Thomas Jefferson, 1784
"It is with much reluctance that I am obliged to look upon him as a man whose mind if warped by prejudice and so blinded by ignorance as to be unfit for the office he holds. However wise and scientific as a philosopher, as a politician he is a child and a dupe of party."
-- President John Adams, on his Vice President Thomas Jefferson, 1797
"I always loved Jefferson, and still love him."
-- Former President John Adams, expressing his fondness for former President Thomas Jefferson to Edward Coles, which ultimately led to the two former Presidents rekindling their friendship and beginning a remarkable correspondence that lasted until they both died, within hours of one another, on July 4, 1826 -- the 50th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence.
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