#Deepwater wells Companies
markalison231 · 7 months
Best Oil and Gas Construction Company, well construction Company
iDrilling Technologies (iDT), recognized as a reliable construction partner for the oil and gas, Well construction sector. We stand out as leading Oil and Gas Construction Company, well construction Company. Best as Engineering services, Drilling Construction Companies, well integrity, Reduce conventional footprint, Global networking, Risk matrix, ERD wells, well performance analysis, HPHT wells, Onshore wells, water wells, Deepwater wells Companies, Hydraulics and hole cleaning, Stuck pipe prevention, Casing design and material selection, Loss circulation management, Well barrier software, Hydraulics and hole cleaning software Companies. Visit https://idrillingtechnologies.com/
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idrillingoil · 5 months
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iDrilling Technologies (iDT), is one of the trustworthy well construction Company, Oil and Gas Construction Company providing variety of engineering services, well integrity, Drilling Construction, Global networking, water wells, Stuck pipe prevention, Deepwater wells Companies, Risk matrix, Casing design and material selection, Onshore wells, Hydraulics and hole cleaning, well performance analysis, Well barrier software, HPHT wells, ERD wells, Loss circulation management Companies. Hit https://idrillingtechnologies.com/
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One of the world's largest oil companies is preparing to drill an exploratory deepwater oil well about 500 kilometres off the eastern coast of Newfoundland. ExxonMobil says the Stena Drillmax ship will drill a single well, which the company is calling Persephone, in about 3,000 metres of water. The well will be drilled in an area of the seabed called the Orphan Basin, which is north of the Flemish Pass Basin, where Equinor is considering developing the country's first deepwater oil production operation, called Bay du Nord.
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arrozaurus · 9 months
In many cases, climate change is further increasing the economic pressure on Indigenous communities to make quick-and-dirty deals with extractive industries. That’s because disruptive weather changes, particularly in northern regions, are making it much harder to hunt and fish (for example when the ice is almost never solid, communities in the far north become virtually trapped, unable to harvest food for months on end). All this makes it extremely hard to say no to offers of job training and resource sharing when companies like Shell come to town. Members of these communities know that the drilling will only make it harder to engage in subsistence activities—there are real concerns about the effects of oil development on the migration of whales, walruses, and caribou—and that’s without the inevitable spills. But precisely because the ecology is already so disrupted by climate change, there often seems no other option.
The paucity of good choices is perhaps best on display in Greenland, where receding glaciers and melting ice are revealing a vast potential for new mines and offshore oil exploration. The former Danish colony gained home rule in 1979, but the Inuit nation still relies on an annual infusion of more than $600 million (amounting to a full third of the economy) from Denmark. A 2008 self-governance referendum gave Greenland still more control over its own affairs, but also put it firmly on the path of drilling and mining its way to full independence. “We’re very aware that we’ll cause more climate change by drilling for oil,” a top Greenlandic official, then heading the Office of Self-Governance, said in 2008. “But should we not? Should we not when it can buy us our independence?” Currently, Greenland’s largest industry is fishing, which of course would be devastated by a major spill. And it doesn’t bode well that one of the companies selected to begin developing Greenland’s estimated fifty billion barrels of offshore oil and gas is none other than BP.
Indeed the melancholy dynamic strongly recalls BP’s “vessels of opportunity” program launched in the midst of the Deepwater Horizon disaster. For months, virtually the entire Louisiana fishing fleet was docked, unable to make a living for fear that the seafood was unsafe. That’s when BP offered to convert any fishing vessel into a cleanup boat, providing it with booms to (rather uselessly) mop up some oil. It was tremendously difficult for local shrimpers and oystermen to take work from the company that had just robbed them of their livelihood—but what choice did they have? No one else was offering to help pay the bills. This is the way the oil and gas industry holds on to power: by tossing temporary life rafts to the people it is drowning.
—Naomi Klein, This Changes Everything (2014)
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eyeforabargain · 2 years
Every Diva Needs Her Autobiography!
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“Come on in, angelfish! Come closer! It’s time you learned the full story of how such a fabulous woman came to be! Now, let’s see here... I grew up on the outskirts of Atlantica, the low rent district if you catch my drift. My mother... Now how shall I put this? She was a severe woman. In every meaning of the word. She had expectations and rules and you followed them. If you didn't, well... you just did with her. Actually, now that I think about it, Maleficent reminds me of her, and I'm not sure how I never noticed that.
"It was only the three of us back then: me, her, and my little skank of a sister, Morgana. Pretty sure mommy dearest turned daddy into a shrimp and gobbled him up when we were little. Anyway, we were always poor like the other Octopins, living like worms whilst the merpeople of Atlantica sang and danced all day. Oh how it disgusted my mother how much the Atlanticans hoarded for themselves. She pushed us so hard to be powerful enough to take everything that Atlantica had for ourselves. I rose to the challenge; Morgana never did.
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“Morgana hated me when we were little. And I know what you’re thinking, but this time, I actually didn't do anything to her... aside from being our mother's favorite daughter. It's hardly my fault that mommy loved me and not her. I earned that love fair and square, just like I’ve earned everything that’s come my way. If this world was a meritocracy, I’d be ruling it by now! Magic, however, wasn’t my only talent either. I always loved being the center of attention, and I knew how to command a room. It’s only natural that I found my way to the theater!
“Back in the day, there was a traveling theater company, the Deepwater Dramaturgy. They were the best of the best, so of course I had to audition and get my chance to perform on stage with them! Let’s see... I played the evil stepsister in Ashpuddle. I originally wanted to be Ashpuddle herself, but I quickly found that villains were more fun to play! Oh! I did Sir John Faltrident in Merry Wives of the Wadden Sea, and then the Nurse in The Shipwrecked Lovers! Now that's a fascinating role! I've often contemplated having a séance to talk to the actress who originated that part from beyond her watery grave, because I have lots and lots of questions for her. HA!
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“I have so many fond memories of the theater, but perhaps most importantly, it opened the doors to the palace for me. You see, King Triton had just lost his wife, and he had a castle full of little mergirls to entertain. So, he invited the Deepwater Dramaturgy to perform in the palace and keep the mood cheerful after the recent time of mourning. Well he took one look at my big beautiful self on stage, and he was absolutely transfixed! A little potion I slipped him helped matters along, of course, but I made sure that I was irresistible to a poor unfortunate widower.
“The two of us began our passionate scandalous love affair behind closed doors, and I had him hooked like a worm! He gave me a position at court to justify my presence in the palace, and I quickly set to work turning that ceremonial position into one of real power and influence. My mother was so proud of how far I’d climbed to get near to the top! Of course, Triton didn’t want to tell his pretty little daughters that he was seeing another woman so soon after their mother’s death, so he introduced me to them as their “Auntie Ursula.” Unfortunately, that’s where those nonsensical rumors about Triton and I being brother and sister cropped up. HA! I mean, really, we look nothing alike! Simple fools!
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“That’s about the time I heard the news my mother was floating on her death bed. I think seeing her favorite daughter get within striking distance of the trident and crown put her at peace enough to move on. I know she wanted to hold on a little longer to see my victory, but it’s for the best she passed when she did. Living through my banishment would have destroyed her! This way, I got to hold her tentacles while she drew her last breath and throw her a royal funeral after. Morgana had unresolved drama there, but that’s her problem. I don’t give her much thought, you understand.
“Living it up in the palace and enjoying the fantastical feasts and exquisite art was truly the life! Sadly, all good things come to an end. I knew I had to make my move on Triton soon, so I began cultivating a magic to hypnotize him into marrying me and legitimizing me as Queen of Atlantica in the public eye. That way I could bump him off in some tragic accident and take the crown for myself. But that meddlesome loud-mouth crab Sebastian caught on to my plans, and he blabbed about it to Triton. My spell wasn’t ready yet, so what was a poor girl to do?
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“Well, I figured it was time for a last ditch effort; I’d just take the trident and crown by force! When Triton came to banish me and cast me out, I attacked! We fought magic vs trident on the balconies of the palace, and though I put up a good fight, the power of the trident was too great for me to overcome. Triton defeated me, and OH the toll it took on my poor body! I could barely swim after that, but swim I did! I swam away from the palace and out of the kingdom a broken woman. Triton could have pursued and finished me off, but I suppose his weak heart kept him from doing that. 
“I fled to the Kingdom of the Octopins, my mother’s homeland. They’d been fighting border skirmishes with Atlantica for years, so they welcomed me as a hero for my attack on Triton. I was too injured, too weak, and my magic was no match for the trident’s power. I knew I couldn’t face Triton again. However, during our battle, I managed to siphon off enough trident juice to forge a second trident almost as powerful as Triton’s! I gave it to the leader of the Octopins and told his army just how to slip past the Atlantican’s defenses in the Sargasso Sea. The plan was perfect! They would fight and defeat Triton and put my skinny bottom on the throne! But you know what they say about the best laid plans. The great war hero Apollo spoiled everything by shattering the trident, and that was all Triton needed to drive my army back.
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“Brute force had failed me twice. I knew cunning was the only way to get what I truly wanted. I set up shop on the outskirts of Atlantica in a sunken ship from the Kingdom of Malak. It was a homey little place to make my own, and the petrified remains of the crew gave it that deadly and lethal vibe that I love so much! HA! I believe I actually have Grimhilde to thank for that. I should let her know how much I appreciated it at our next luncheon. While living in exile, I found a couple young street eels named Flotsam and Jetsam who’d lost their parents in a shark attack. They were clever and ruthless, and I admired that about them. I put a roof over their head and taught them all about living the good life. They’ve been mommy’s little poopsies ever since! 
“The boys served as excellent spies to keep a magical eye on Atlantica, and they also were quite talented at luring unsuspecting merfolk into my clutches. It was hard being banished, but I found “gardening” to be very therapeutic! Having a collection of souls as a trophy for every deal well struck, making it so they’re powerless to do anything but to watch me continue to win? Mmm, just delicious! I eventually outgrew my little sandbox, though. I struck a deal with the King of Moray people to obtain the corpse of the Serpentine monster his people had put down, and I moved my lair to be inside the belly of the beast. Worked out perfectly!
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“I had a few run ins with Triton and the people of Atlantica over the years, but my plans were foiled again and again by Triton’s youngest daughter, Ariel, the little hussy. The girl had a fascination with human things and seemed to have a knack for getting into trouble, and that made her unique amongst her dull sisters. I knew if there was one weak link in Triton’s perfect little chain, Ariel was it. She would be my ticket back into power, and so I had my boys keep an extra close watch on her. And, wouldn’t you know it? The girl fell in love with a human prince! It was almost too easy! I didn’t even have to do anything. Triton practically pushed her right into my clutches.
“Ariel and I struck a deal. I would turn her human for three days, during which time she’d have the opportunity to get her prince to fall in love with her. All it would cost her was that beautiful singing voice of hers. I was sure she’d fail without much trouble, and then I’d claim her soul to lord over Triton. But the little tramp was better than I thought, so desperate times called for desperate measures! I turned myself into a beautiful woman named Vanessa and used Ariel’s captive voice to seduce and enchant her prince. Give the girl credit, she and her filthy friends exposed me and put a stop to my wedding to the prince, but they were too late!
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“Per the terms of our contract, Ariel was mine forever, and just as I knew he would, her dear old daddy came rushing off to the rescue. My magical contracts are unbreakable even for the sea king! He had no choice but to sacrifice himself to save his precious little girl. The sap! I took the trident and the crown at long last, and then I became RULER OF ALL THE OCEANS! ... That is, until Ariel and her sentimental fool of a prince interfered and drove a ship right into my belly! Oh the PAIN! Absolutely horrible what that big bad prince did to a poor sea witch. Where, oh where, is the justice in this universe?
“But, sweetcheeks, if you’ve learned anything from my tale, it should be this: you can’t keep a good witch down. I always have a plan B, even for death. Amazing how contracting your own soul back to yourself just shakes up the whole process. Your girl’s back and as gorgeous and fabulous as ever! And next time, I’ll finally get Triton and his little mermaid too!”
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qqueenofhades · 2 years
History class mainly skimmed over this, but uhhhh. Why is America SO reliant on opec in the first place? Can't we just drill our own oil, or switch to green energy? And why have some older people been comparing this to the gas prices in the 70s?
Hooo boy. "Why can't we just switch to green energy" is a GREAT question. The short answer to that, as it is with most things, is because capitalism sucks and will probably kill us. The longer answer is because oil and gas, and fossil fuels overall, are WILDLY profitable, much too embedded in political and financial systems around the world, and switching to green energy would require uprooting that insane money machine. Which, of course, nobody is going to do, and it goes back to the whole reason we can't fight climate change is because the rich people who are causing it don't want to make the necessary sacrifices to stop it.
Oil and gas is also often known as the "resource curse," in that countries whose primary export is fossil fuels are usually deeply corrupt, authoritarian, and designed to funnel all those profits into the ruling group/family's pockets, rather than reinvesting it in public and civic infrastructure. If you're interested in this, I strongly recommend Blowout by Rachel Maddow, which goes into the dirty (literally) history of oil and gas exploitation both in America and around the world. Most people know her as the MSNBC host, but she's formidably well-educated (including a doctorate in political science from Oxford) and it's an engaging, witty, and eye-opening read on any number of levels. It explores how American oil companies have played incredibly dirty, how oil is used as a geopolitical weapon (as we are all seeing in real time with Russia, a topic she also focuses on), and how regimes profit from that in corrupt and unethical ways. So yes, if you've ever wondered why we can't just switch to green energy, read this book. You will be both enraged and enlightened.
Likewise, the history of oil development in America is fraught with misconduct and environmental disaster in any number of ways (especially the efforts to drill in the Arctic and other protected wildlife areas), the Exxon Valdez and Deepwater Horizon accidents, constant foreign interference and international meddling, and the unscrupulous manipulations of oil conglomerates like ExxonMobil and Chevron (themselves descended from John D. Rockefeller's Standard Oil, the first American mega-monopoly). So yes, it is a dirty industry in many, many ways. Again, read Blowout.
There were also many major energy crises and gas shortages in the 1970s, including rolling blackouts in both the UK and US. This is again being discussed re: the UK, since the Tories have systematically gutted all alternatives to fossil fuels and now are facing the prospect of freezing the whole country if Russia cuts off gas supplies this winter, especially since they're already in a cost of living and energy crisis. Also, the 2003 invasion of Iraq was widely perceived, among other things, to be an oil grab for the US, especially since Saudi Arabia was so involved in the 9/11 attacks and has never been what you could possibly call a reliable ally. But because the global economy is still so deeply run on oil, and domestic production of oil is an increasingly contentious issue due to, you know, climate change, America is still dependent on oil from abroad, including OPEC. So yeah. It is a complete mess.
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Brazil divided over oil drilling proposal off Amazon delta
‘A big fight’: potential new fossil fuel source causes rift in Lula government after green pledges
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A proposal to drill for oil in the sea off the mouth of the Amazon river has exposed a rift in the cabinet of Brazilian president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, lining up an important test of his pledges to halt environmental destruction.
National oil and gas company Petrobras has lodged an appeal after the environmental agency rejected its request to drill an exploratory well in the zone known as the Foz do Amazonas, or Amazon Mouth basin, some 175km from the country’s northern coast. 
The scheme has split opinion among Lula voters, and while the leftwinger has avoided taking a firm position, he has said he found it “difficult” to believe the activity would cause ecological problems given the 500km distance between the deepwater site in the Atlantic Ocean and the rainforest.
More than just a single wellhead is at stake. Environmental policy in Brazil draws international attention because it is home to a large portion of the Amazon river and its surrounding rainforest, a store of carbon critical to protecting the earth’s climate. Campaigners say the area around the proposed oil exploration site is ecologically sensitive and near coral reefs.
Yet industry figures argue that tapping the wider offshore region in which the block lies, known as the Equatorial Margin, is crucial to the South American nation’s continued status as a globally important energy producer.
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nancydrewwouldnever · 2 years
DM posted something about ghosted being Deepwater 2.0 is it true
Yeah, I saw that DM post, and I'll be frank - the fact that it came out during everyone being angry this week makes me a little sus of it. If it had been sent in a month or so ago, then maybe I'd be less leery of it. There were just a couple of small comments before this (and after that early screening) that made me stop and think, there might be some problems with this movie. (Like, you know, why haven't we gotten even a small blurb from the production company about the basic plot of the movie? Nothing that gives anything away, but just a vague blurb. Where is that?)
If the movie comes out and turns out to be good, I'll absolutely say, well, I was mistaken, egg on my face for believing misleading comments on the internet. I have nothing against stating when I'm totally wrong. I'm humble that way. (Yes, that's shade.)
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ejesgistnews · 8 days
Chevron Nigeria Limited Recruitment for Graduate. Details can be found here on Ejes Gist News. Chevron Nigeria Limited (CNL), a leading integrated energy company operating in Nigeria, is calling on qualified professionals to apply for various career opportunities in its joint venture with the Nigerian National Petroleum Company Limited (NNPCL). As a key player in Nigeria's oil and gas industry, CNL has assets on land, offshore, and deepwater fields in the Niger Delta region. CNL has long prided itself on upholding the values of integrity, trust, diversity, and ingenuity, and is dedicated to providing equal opportunities in its recruitment process. Chevron’s vision, outlined in its "Chevron Way" values, is to be "the regional energy company most admired for its people, partnership, and performance." Positions Available at Chevron Nigeria Limited Recruitment The company has listed a wide array of roles open for applications, including: Attorney Commercial Coordinator Communications Coordinator Communications Representative Data Scientist Decision Analyst Earth Scientist Facilities Engineer Financial Analyst Geophysicist HR Generalist HSE Specialist Petroleum Engineer Senior Facilities Engineer Senior Security Information Specialist Senior Wells Engineer Software Engineer Wells Engineer How to Apply for latest job Vacancies  at Chevron Nigeria Limited Recruitment Portal. Interested and qualified professionals can apply through the official Chevron Nigeria careers portal at careers.chevron.com/nigeria Apply Here . Just tap on above to Apply Candidates should ensure they meet the required qualifications and experience levels specified for their desired positions. Applications must be submitted by September 26, 2024, and only online applications will be considered. Candidates should provide active telephone numbers and email addresses for correspondence, and only shortlisted applicants will be contacted. Chevron Nigeria Limited Recruitment: What Chevron Offers Chevron Nigeria offers a competitive compensation package that includes medical benefits, health and wellness support, and hybrid work options. In addition, flexible work hours and generous leave policies are part of the company’s commitment to fostering a balanced work-life environment. CNL promotes professional and personal development through a diverse and inclusive workplace. Chevron Nigeria Limited Recruitment: Career Event As part of its recruitment process, CNL is organizing an optional online Career Event to provide applicants with valuable insights into positioning themselves for success in the job market. Registration details for the event are available on the application portal. This recruitment drive marks an exciting opportunity for qualified Nigerians to join one of the region’s most dynamic and innovative energy companies. Deadline for Application for Chevron Nigeria Limited Massive Recruitment: September 26, 2024
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consultant25 · 9 days
Maximizing Efficiency with Deepwater Drilling Consultants and Integrated Oil and Gas Services
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Offshore oil and gas projects, particularly those involving deepwater drilling, demand highly specialized expertise and a comprehensive approach to ensure success. Deepwater drilling consultants provide essential guidance, offering their technical knowledge to overcome the unique challenges posed by drilling in deep waters. These consultants focus on well planning, safety measures, and risk management, ensuring that operations are carried out efficiently and safely.
Key Benefits of Deepwater Drilling Consultants:
Expertise in Well Planning: Deepwater drilling consultants bring a wealth of experience in designing and planning wells that can withstand the harsh conditions of deepwater environments. Their expertise ensures that the wells are optimally positioned and equipped to maximize resource extraction while minimizing risks.
Enhanced Safety Measures: Safety is paramount in deepwater drilling operations. Consultants implement stringent safety protocols and conduct thorough risk assessments to protect both personnel and equipment. Their proactive approach helps in preventing accidents and mitigating potential hazards.
Advanced Risk Management: The unpredictable nature of deepwater drilling requires robust risk management strategies. Consultants employ advanced modeling and simulation tools to anticipate and address potential challenges, ensuring a smoother operation.
Integrated Oil and Gas Services:
Oil and gas integrated services take this a step further by providing end-to-end solutions that encompass all aspects of the project, from initial planning to execution and monitoring. ARiES One, a leader in this field, offers a range of integrated services designed to optimize drilling operations. By leveraging both deepwater drilling expertise and integrated solutions, companies can achieve improved performance, cost efficiency, and reduced downtime. Adaptability and Innovation:
This holistic approach also allows for better adaptability in dealing with unforeseen circumstances, such as changing geological conditions or evolving regulatory requirements. With a dedicated team of consultants and access to cutting-edge technology, oil and gas companies can trust that their projects will be executed seamlessly.
For any offshore oil and gas operation, having access to deepwater drilling consultants and integrated services is critical to staying competitive and maintaining operational excellence. The combination of specialized expertise and comprehensive solutions ensures that projects are carried out efficiently, safely, and with optimal performance. Embracing these services can significantly enhance the success of deepwater drilling ventures and contribute to the overall advancement of the oil and gas industry.
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mynewshq · 30 days
Oando acquires Nigerian Agip oil company
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Oando PLC says it has completed the acquisition of 100 per cent shares of Nigerian Agip Oil Company Limited. The company made this known in a statement on Thursday, saying “Today marks a historic milestone for Oando PLC as we proudly announce the completion of our agreement with Eni for the acquisition of 100 per cent shares of Nigerian Agip Oil Company Limited (NAOC Ltd).” According to a post on its X handle, Oando disclosed that the signing ceremony was held at The Peninsula Hotel in London.It said the signing ceremony cemented its position as Nigeria’s leading indigenous energy solutions provider. This strategic acquisition aligns with our commitment to driving Nigeria’s energy transition and bolstering our portfolio. “We are excited about the growth opportunities this presents for Oando PLC, our shareholders, and the Nigerian energy sector.“We look forward to leveraging the acquired assets to further our goal of providing efficient and sustainable energy solutions for all,” Oando disclosed. In a statement on its website on Thursday, Eni also announced the closing for the sale of its wholly owned subsidiary, Nigerian Agip Oil Company Ltd to Oando.“ The transaction, which received the approval of all relevant authorities, is in line with Eni’s strategy focused on the rationalization of the upstream activities by rebalancing its portfolio and divesting non-strategic assets. “The 5 per cent participating interest in SPDC Joint Venture) is not included in the transaction, as it will be retained in Eni’s portfolio. Eni will continue to be present in the country through investment in deepwater projects and Nigeria LNG, while also exploring new opportunities related to the agri-feedstock sector,” it clarified News HQ reported late July that Eni received the nod of the Nigerian Upstream Petroleum Regulatory Commission to sell its unit, Nigerian Agip Oil Company, to Oando. Eni had disclosed that the NAOC focuses on onshore oil and gas exploration and production as well as power generation. NAOC’s five per cent stake in Shell Production Development Company Joint Venture was not included in the transaction and will remain in Eni’s portfolio, the statement stated. “Eni remains committed to the country through investments in deepwater projects and Nigeria LNG”, it said. News HQ reports that a number of the international oil companies in Nigeria have divested to the deepwater. In September 2023, Oando announced plans to acquire the NAOC, but the deal was delayed due to regulatory approvals required. On July 3, the NUPRC announced that Oando had completed the acquisition of 100 per cent shares of Eni in its subsidiary, NAOC, adding that an announcement was imminent. A few weeks after,, the Italian oil company said it has obtained all other relevant local and regulatory authorities’ authorisations. “Having already obtained all other relevant local and regulatory authorities’ authorisations, this achievement will allow Eni to proceed to the completion of the transaction for the sale of Nigerian Agip Oil Company Ltd (NAOC Ltd), Eni’s wholly owned subsidiary focusing on onshore oil & gas exploration and production as well as power generation in Nigeria, to Oando PLC, Nigeria’s leading national energy solutions provider, listed on both the Nigerian and Johannesburg Stock Exchange,” it stated. Read the full article
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euro-industry-org · 3 months
17 new oil wells for Venezuela
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The first new generation oil well has been launched in the world's most oil-rich area. The oil well is operated by U.S. company Chevron and Venezuelan state oil company PVDSA. The well is the first of 17 wells planned for start-up. These wells are located in Venezuela's Orinoco oil belt.
The collaboration between US oil giant Chevron and Venezuelan oil company PDVSA has begun to bear fruit. "Petroindependencia, a joint venture between PDVSA and Chevron, has spudded the first of 17 oil wells scheduled to be installed this year as part of the 2024 drilling plan, the Venezuelan state-owned company said in a press release Wednesday. Petroleum of Venezuela (PDVSA) is trying to revive production in the Caribbean country with the help of private oil giant Chevron. It aims to end the decline of Venezuela's oil industry, which easily produced more than two million barrels a day in the early 2000s. Now Venezuela is struggling to at least reach the 800,000 barrels per day level.
Last February, the rig began work in the Orinoco oil belt - a vast area in the east of the country where the largest oil reserves are concentrated - under an operational plan developed by the joint venture, one of the measures to increase national oil production, according to a PDVSA statement. Venezuela is known to be the country with the largest proven oil reserves in the world. Proved reserves are the estimated amount of oil that can be extracted with reasonable certainty at present, both commercially and technically. Venezuela's proven oil reserves are 300.878 billion barrels, the largest in the world. Curiously, however, 90% of all these reserves are located in a stretch of land (it's a big stretch) known as the Orinoco Oil Belt (FPO).
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Pilar Martinez says, "We have an aging sector and we need to promote a different agrarian model." The Orinoco Oil Belt (FPO) holds 279,117 million barrels of crude oil. To understand the scale of oil reserves in the FPO, one only needs to look at the official Saudi proven reserves figures and compare them. The world's largest oil exporter (Saudi Arabia) has proven reserves of 266 billion barrels in the bowels of the earth. The US, for example, has barely 40 billion barrels despite being the world's largest producer. FPO reserves far exceed these figures.
The U.S. Geological Survey explained in its report on the area that the area, which does contain large quantities of hydrocarbons, covers about 50,000 km2 of Venezuela's Eastern Basin Province and contains hundreds of billions of barrels of oil, although recoverable are the 279 billion barrels mentioned above, which are proven reserves.
Chevron and PDVSA's first oil well
It is noted that the launch of the well represents an important milestone in increasing the production of this joint venture and reaffirms the commitment to help revitalize the Caribbean country's main industry, whose oil pumping grew 9.3% last year compared to 2022, to an average of 783,000 barrels per day. The CMI14 well is the first of 17 new generation wells planned in this year's business plan," the company said in a statement. These next-generation oil wells use more technology, are more efficient, reduce the risk of spills and, above all, are able to recover a greater percentage of oil reserves through various systems that sometimes go beyond vertical drilling.
Venezuela is looking to capitalize on the just-emerging technology of a leading company in the sector, such as Chevron, to revitalize oil production in a country that was once South America's largest oil producer. Currently, the oil throne in the region is undisputedly held by Brazil, which produces more than 3 million barrels of oil per day thanks to deepwater oil production.
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atlanticcanada · 4 months
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entrepreneurgulf · 6 months
MANHAT: Floating Farm Solutions and Sustainable Water in UAE with Patented Deepwater Technology
Initiatives that are taken toward a sustainable future of the Earth are the approaches and steps taken to make efficient and responsible use of the available natural resources so that future generations too have enough for use in their own time. These are called Sustainability initiatives. They can cover actions that are specifically targeted to an area such as – Climatic Changes, Water and Energy Saving, Waste Disposal and Reduction, Solar Systems, Reforestation Practices, and many more. For the biodiversity and ecosystem as well as its inhabitants, adopting suitable actions and practices for a sustainable future can be very essential and quite important. 
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The actions and practices of Sustainable Water Solutions and Sustainable Water Management – SWM, include the need to mindfully and responsibly make use of water for its various purposes without interrupting or halting the consumption of it for future generations. No living being or thing can live without water. Water is a sustenance that is an integral part of living. Although water makes up most of the Earth’s surface composition, it is still a limited natural resource in the world. Today, countries and cities are already suffering from low-quality, contaminated, and depleting water resources that are needed to meet people’s daily needs. Initiatives in sustainable water are the actions and practices required by humans to responsibly use water so that availabilities do not impact future generations.
Another initiative that is taken towards sustainability practices is Floating Farms. It is a recent innovative method for using water sustainably. Floating Farms are farms and crops that are grown on man-made platforms or floating riverbanks over the water surface, especially in an area where the water body is saturated, marshy, and flooded. With integrations of solar energy and irrigating technologies and tools, the crops grown on floating farms collect, process, and reuse wastewater for farming, agriculture, and consumption. 
Therefore in this article, we will be covering important areas of sustainable water initiatives and floating farm solutions by discussing the fascinating journey of Founder – Dr. Saeed Alhassan Alkhazraji, who built a ‘deep technology startup’ business and company that designed the world’s first patented technology for water sustainability, in the United Arab Emirates for naturally distilled water, at MANHAT.
About Founder – Dr. Saeed Alhassan Alkhazraji:
Having a Master’s Degree in Chemical Engineering and a Ph.D. in the same field and subject, Dr. Saeed Alhassan Alkhazraji gained much experience in his studies and work, which eventually helped him to build Manhat from the ground up. Established and hailing from Abu Dhabi, The United Arab Emirates – the founder is currently a Professor at Khalifa University. 
“Manhat – Make Water, Naturally.”
Dr. Saeed Alhassan Alkhazraji was the first recipient of the inaugural “Sheikh Mohamed Bin Rashid” award for “Scientific Excellence” in 2017. Being highly educated and well-versed in his field, the founder was very much inspired to design and build a deep technology tool for water distillation and purification as a sustainability initiative. With water scarcity being a global concern and a huge problem in today’s society, addressing these challenges was the only goal that Dr. Saeed Alhassan Alkhazraji saw. 
For more interesting insights and content, visit Entrepreneur Gulf. 
The word ‘Manhat’ was put together after much thought and discussion and is based on the 5 elements of nature – FIRE, AIR, WATER, EARTH, and AETHER. The name “Manhat” was procured by Dr. Saeed Alhassan Alkhazraji and Co-Founder – Mr. Vishnu Vijayan Pillai. 
“Nature has given us the blueprint to produce water.” – MANHAT. 
MANHAT is a deep technological innovation that was founded by Dr. Saeed Alhassan Alkhazraji in the year 2019. Its headquarters is established in Abu Dhabi, UAE. Water Management Solutions UAE has started to address and acknowledge the dire need and requirement to sustain the use of water as it is a rapidly depleting natural resource. A patented technology built and designed to act as a floating farm technology and as an innovative tool for sustainable water production and usage, MANHAT has managed to surpass and become a solution in solving world problems. The deep technology is designed to produce water in sustainable ways and methods so that the evaporated water contributes toward zero carbon footprints, zero electricity used, and zero Brine developments. The sustainable water that is collected and processed is used as it is for farming, agriculture, and consumption. Having reached a Technology Readiness Level 6 (TRL6) MANHAT is all set to redefine sustainable agricultural and farming practices and solutions.
Vision Statement – “To deliver sustainable water technologies for water and food security.” UAE and the world have recognized that by the year 2040, the population growth will have increased two-fold with the equally depleting quantity and quality of safe water resources. Aiming and heading for Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) – MANHAT, as the world’s 1st deep water technology designed, has proposed that – “we would want to build and nurture a society where there is a better water future and food security for everyone, to provide communities and businesses value through our unique technology”. MANHAT was recognized for its global efforts and accomplishments by being awarded the “FUTURE100 Winners” by The Ministry of Economy, UAE, and the Government Development and Future Office in the year 2023.
Visit More : https://entrepreneurgulf.com/manhat-floating-farm-solutions-and-sustainable-water-in-uae-with-patented-deepwater-technology/
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infinitiresearch · 6 months
Well Testing Services Market - Analysis, Size and Forecast 2024-2028
Originally published on Technavio: Well Testing Services Market Analysis North America, APAC, Europe, Middle East and Africa, South America - US, Canada, China, Russia, UK - Size and Forecast 2024-2028
*Introduction:* The Well Testing services Market is poised for substantial growth, with forecasts indicating a significant increase in market size by USD 2.69 billion, at a CAGR of 6.69% between 2023 and 2028. This article delves into the market dynamics, key trends, regional analysis, and challenges shaping the trajectory of the well testing services industry.
**Market Overview:** The onshore segment emerges as the fastest-growing segment during the forecast period, driven by factors such as accessibility and cost-effectiveness. North America, particularly the US and Canada, dominates the market, fueled by investments in deepwater exploration projects and regulatory support for offshore drilling activities.
**Key Trends:** The adoption of Internet of Things (IoT) by the oil and gas industry is a significant trend driving market growth. IoT enables real-time monitoring and automation of well performance, enhancing operational efficiency and reducing risks. Additionally, the rise in deepwater and ultra-deepwater exploration projects underscores the industry's strategic shift towards untapped offshore reserves.
**Market Dynamics:** A key driver propelling market growth is the surge in deepwater and ultra-deepwater exploration and production (E&P) projects. However, the growing demand for renewable energy sources poses a significant challenge to market expansion, as initiatives to harness clean energy gain traction worldwide.
**Customer Landscape:** The market research report provides insights into the adoption lifecycle of well testing services, from innovators to laggards, across different regions. Understanding key purchase criteria and drivers of price sensitivity assists companies in formulating effective growth strategies.
To Learn deeper into this report , View Sample PDF
**Conclusion:** As the well testing services market witnesses unprecedented growth, stakeholders must navigate evolving trends and challenges to capitalize on emerging opportunities. By leveraging technological advancements and strategic investments, the industry can drive innovation and sustainable growth in the years to come.
For more information please contact.
Technavio Research
Jesse Maida
Media & Marketing Executive
US: +1 844 364 1100
UK: +44 203 893 3200
Website: www.technavio.com/
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Rigs report: deepwater discoveries explored in Namibia and Brazil
Off Africa, Galp and partners National Petroleum Corp of Namibia and Custos Energy are in the process of commercial evaluation of oil discoveries, while Brazil’s state-owned oil major Petrobras reported another oil discovery at a well in the Equatorial Margin
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Last October, Brazilian federal agency IBAMA issued Petrobras an operating licence to drill two oil and gas exploration wells in deep waters in the Potiguar Basin on the Brazilian Equatorial Margin. Under the same environmental licence, Petrobras intends to drill Well 1-BRSA-1390-RNS (Anhangá) in the POT-M-762 concession, located 79 km off the coast of Rio Grande do Norte, next to the Pitu Oeste well.  
The Anhangá well was drilled with Ocyan Drilling’s NS-42 drillship. The resulting oil discovery is located near the border between Ceará and Rio Grande do Norte, about 190 km from Fortaleza and 250 km from Natal, at a water depth of 2,196 m on the Brazilian Equatorial Margin. 
This is the second discovery in the Potiguar Basin in 2024, but Petrobras cautioned both discoveries require further assessment. The company said it will continue exploratory activities in the POT-M-762_R15 concession, aiming to assess the reservoirs’ quality, the oil’s characteristics, and the technical-commercial viability of the accumulation. 
In the North Sea, Vår Energi made an oil discovery in the Ringhorne Nord (wells 25/8-23 S and 25/8-23 A & B), north of the Ringhorne Øst field, in the Balder area off Norway. The wells are located in the Vår Energi-operated North Sea licence 956 and were drilled with Odfjell’s Deepsea Yantai semi-submersible rig. 
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