#Risk matrix Companies
markalison231 · 7 months
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idrillingoil · 5 months
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iDrilling Technologies (iDT), is one of the trustworthy well construction Company, Oil and Gas Construction Company providing variety of engineering services, well integrity, Drilling Construction, Global networking, water wells, Stuck pipe prevention, Deepwater wells Companies, Risk matrix, Casing design and material selection, Onshore wells, Hydraulics and hole cleaning, well performance analysis, Well barrier software, HPHT wells, ERD wells, Loss circulation management Companies. Hit https://idrillingtechnologies.com/
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universalitgirlsblog2 · 5 months
🎀🍓⚞🎀・◦・⚟ YOU ARE NOT A VICTIM.🎀🍓⚞🎀・◦・⚟
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You going to your job. Your job is your bosses imagination. He imagined a company that he wanted to create and then he put it into physical realm. So you are basically working towards your bosses imagination.
Countries are not real. We all collectively imagine a border but it's not real. It's all earth. Everything is earth but we imagine that those countries are separated.
Money is also imagination. It's just a piece of paper. We imagine that the amount of money in our bank is worth that much but it isn't. If tomorrow a big corporation says that the money in your account isn't worth that much or the money isn't in use anymore . It's not.
All this means that we all are living in a imagination. A dream . A game . Matrix. Whatver you want to call it.
We imagine everything we do. We imagine our future and dwell in our past which also doesn't exist. Future and past doesn't exist. Only this moment exists.
We can create this imagination or dream however we want it to be.
How do I want to create my game , my dream ?
How do I want my imagination to look like ?
Who do I allow into my imaginations ?
How do I behave ? Who am I? What does my character look like ?
Being a victim is the most comfortable thing because you don't have to do much. Your life is a circle. Everything just keeps moving in the same way , in the same circle. But this is comfortable for you. Why ? Because you know what is going in happen in the circle. You don't have to take risks. You don't have to deal with different people.
To take a leap of faith , you need to be brave. It takes guts. Everyone wants to blame everyone . At the end you will be left no one to blame but yourself. Your life is shit because of you. People don't care about your victim mentality. You know when they care ? When you get out of it. When your life becomes a success story. David Goggins is not David Goggins without his success. No one would care if he was the same guy before.
Everyone moves on and you will be left behind. NO ONE IS GOING TO SAVE YOU. WHY ? BECAUSE NO ONE CAN SAVE YOU. The only person that can save you is you. No one is going to make you change.
Everytime you learn something,it's one step forward because you have more knowledge but if you put it into practice, you will be 1 step back because you are not used to it. You still have to continue. If you feel uncomfortable and give up, you will be right back where you started. Stop abusing yourself by being in the same circle that you don't like. Stop abusing yourself by being the same person that you don't like. Look in the mirror , we don't have anyone to blame. As a victim it's easy to run away and be like " I tried I tried", You didn't try and you didn't try hard enough . Try again . Try again until you get there.
Alot of people when they come out of abusive household , later they will think that it's too peaceful . They will start to attract people that will give them that toxicity again because this is the only thing they knew. Realize that you are the creator of that drama though. You can choose to have a peaceful life. You can choose to have peaceful people around . If you can't find peaceful people , just be peaceful on your own for a while until you find someone that makes you feel peaceful.
Stop creating drama when it was never meant for you. Stop involving yourself in things that were never meant for you. Stop watching things that are so dramatic.
You have control who comes into your life , you have control about who you date . You have control about what you watch , listen to , what you read. You have control over what you put in your mind. Your mind isn't a dustbin.
If you decide to open the news and it's all negative and now your day is bad. Don't blame the news. Blame your eyes and blame your hands for putting that on.
"My friend , partner is toxic". Why don't you start looking at why you allow them in ? Don't you have control over who I allow into my life? Why don't you ask yourself ? What is it in you that you don't feel worthy enough of having people that actually respect you ?
What part are you playing in life ? You can cry all day about being overweight or underweight . Are you doing something to fix that or are you just crying all day ? What are you doing to fix your life?
When something wants something badly , they will get it done anyway.
Turn your mindset around. Set your mind on a plan and focus on it . The more you start going from complaining to gratitude, the more your life will change. If you constantly focus on what isn't there instead of what it is , you create more of that.
You are privileged and you want to talk about people in North Korea. They won't be able to see liz video or read this post since they don't have access to internet but you do.
This is how the world works.
Accept your past and start working on yourself. It doesn't exist. You only have now. Don't dwell on the future. What are you doing now ? How you are now will determine your future and not the other way around.
Everytime something good comes into your life. Do you ruin it ? What in life are you doing that sabotages you ? You have to ask yourself these things.
It's not fair what happened to you but whatver I do with it next , it's on you.
If you don't take care of yourself , you can't show up as the best mother , daughter, employee or boss. You don't feel good . You are depleted and depressed. If you want to perform the best you want to be for others , then you should think about you first and nurturing you first so you are happy. If you don't feel good in your life , it's okay to take a step back from everyone and focus on nurturing you . Put yourself first . No is coming to take care of you.
You deserve everything you want and you can get once you set your mind to it. Stop taking advice from people that you don't want to share lives with ,these people are miserable themselves.
🍓🎀 ⚞🎀・◦・⚟I LOVE LIZ SO MUCH. 🍓🎀 ⚞🎀・◦・⚟
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socoolinmypajamas · 20 days
Rayashki and Zeno: How a harsh environment shapes actions.
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Sometimes, a perception is taken as a principle. A "cruel reality" can be described as a negative perception of the material world, used to assert a situation. "Reality is cruel", however consists in using the previously descrived perception as a fundamental truth or a proposition in which to base the foundations of a system of belief, of behaviour or of a chain of reason. Both are heavily present in Farewell Rayashki, a story all about the strenght of the colective, the indomitable human spirit in the face of adversity and what shapes the actions of those who persue a goal. With that in mind, I wanted to write... Not an analysis per se, but rather to build some sort of structure or perspective (whatever you want to call it) through which the story can be analyzed.
Now, imagine a matrix diagram where the X-axis goes from "Gemeinschaft" (Community) to "Gesellschaft" (Society), two terms taken from german sociologist, Ferdinand Tönnies, and the Y-axis goes from "Deontic" to "Epistemic" in a mix between a Gretchen McCulloch's linguistic sense and a Józef Maria Bocheński's philosophical sense. If everything I just said made no sense, don't worry. Here's a (very) rough explanation of what I'll mean with these two dichotomies through this post: X-axis: A classification of societal ties. "Gemeinschaft" refers to personal, direct interactions with emotional relationships (such as families or small towns like Rayashki) formed by people who strive to archive the goals of a collective. "Gesellschaft", on the other hand, is about indirect and formal interactions, with more rational relationships (like a company or an institution like Zeno) in which everyone band together to persue personal goals in common. Y-axis: A classification of actions as both modality (McCulloh) and authority (Bochenski). Roughly: "actions based on interpretations and beliefs done by someone with an authority based on their ammount of knowledge and experience" (Epistemic)" vs "actions based on rules and/or desires done by someone with a role or position that gives them the power to enforce them" (Deontic).
Upper-left: Gemeinschaft/Epistemic
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Windsong's quest, mostly percieved as a fool's errand, is a classic underdog story. The lone reasercher who, disheartened by the lack of support from all the important academic institutions and societies, finds in the small town of Rayashki a more hospitable enviroment to persue her goals. She creats emotional conections with the community and soon finds more self-fulfilment in helping the townfolk than in other things like taking Zeno's offer or abandoning her studies, which are presented as more beneficial options from a rational point of view.
She confronts the notion of "cruel reality" and rejects "Reality is Cruel" as a principle. This action comes from what she knows (her study of ley lines) and beliefs (the people of Rayashki, the usefullness of her field of research).
Bottom-Left: Gesellschaft/Epistemic
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You'll think he should be at the opposite side of Windsong BUT Bertolt, as the classical evil guy in your everyday underdog story, actually rejects the notion of "cruel reality", and accepts "Reality is Cruel" as a principle. His emotional detachment from the people of Rayashki, their values, and even their very same idea of community, comes from his role as a member of Zeno, an institution that exemplfies the impersonal and formal relationships of the Gesellschaft. He doesn't see himself as the evil corporate guy who's there to destroy their dream for a greedy goal, but as the savior who comes to provide the light of rationality to this uncultured rural people who are willing to risk their lives for the sake of primitive traditions and values. He defines himself as a "simple representative of Zeno, bound by their rules and orders, working tirelessly to help people in a world wreaked by The Storm", a description that allows him to minimize his negative perception of the reality of others while justifying operating under the principle of Reality is Cruel.
Bottom-Right: Gesellschaft/Deontic
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Evgeni is shown through the story as a leader of Rayashki who deeply cares about his community BUT is willing to destroy it for the sake of a rational goal: protecting the lives of the townfolk.
He embraces the notion of "cruel reality", and accepts "Reality is Cruel" as a principle.
But how is HE in the opposite side of Windsong, instead of Bertolt? In Tönnies dichotomy of Gesellschaft and Gemeinschaft, the relationships that are meant to keep people in communities and societies can also push them out: is all about wether the social ties become too tight or too lose to help us find self-fulfilment in them. Windsong found in a community what she couldn't find in society (validation and encouragment for her study of ley lines), while Evgeni thought he found in a society what he couldn't find in his community (a positive prospective for the people of Rayashki).
Upper-Right: Gemeinschaft/Deontic
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While Bertolt is a man of the world, trying to expand the benefits of globalization by placing the needs of bigger groups above those of the little ones, what Vila is persuing isn't just a goal to archive, but a dream to share. She didn't became a part of Rayashki only to build an utopia: everyone living there were already doing that and Vila found meaning in developing strong emotional ties with everyone as they strive together to work hard for Rayashki.
However, unlike Windsong, she accepts the notion of "cruel reality", even if she doesn't agree with "Reality is Cruel" as a principle. This one si a bit tricky to explain.
It all comes down to their experiences while chasing their dreams and how that shaped their understanding of what a dream is.
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For Vila, is something that kept her going. A cherished wish that inspired her to leave the rusalki and search for a new home. A goal she could share with the people of Rayashki. A hope to cling unto while she nourishes the sprouts of Rayashki while they are passengers of the ship called "St Pavlov's Foundation" while adrift in the vast sea of the outside world, so they can carry on the spirit of Rayashki. She accepts the "cruel reality" as something that could hinder her dreams, force her to adapt them, but never crush them.
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For Windsong, the dream was but a promise turned into a burden. It was not something that comforted her if held tight, but rather something it pained her to let go. Accepting the "cruel reality" meant letting something die, and for someone who was struggling in all fronts, it meant taking a toll way to big for her to handle.
As the last ley line hunter, the dream is but a gamble turned into an investment. The chance of failure is there no matter what. Only thing she can do, is to work hard to reduce it as much as possible. To her, a "cruel reality" is something that crushes dreams. Is not enough to reject the use of this perception as a principle: her own experiences taught her that the perception itself can be a cancer. She might have a tendency to put herself down, to have doubts on what she does and to even be "realistic" in any situation she encounters. But there's ALWAYS a part of her fighting her perception of reality from turning into a negative one even if she lacks the proper arguments or mental state to do it effectively. Vila noticed that from day one, and began to slowly share with her the tools Windsong lacked, helping her become a more confident and capable person, while inadvertibly gaining a trusty partner to rely on.
Their experiences shaped them into people who complement each other incredibly well. Leaning into each other, they'll plant their seeds of hope into a new generation. For the study of ley lines; for Rayashki; for those who live in a world affected by The Storm; for those who'll survive it. *** To anyone who'll read this... whatever the hell it was till the end, thank you for time! Feel free ask me anything, correct me, chew this to bits with your bare teeth, whatever you like. I just haphazardly wrote it because I love this game so much.
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a-d-nox · 1 year
web of wyrd observation: why barbie's wyrd web just makes sense
after going to see Barbie in theaters, i came home and was wondering what makes barbie - barbie? so i looked up the day she greeted the public. and i was super intrigued by her wyrd web.
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9 is representative of the hermit - the hermit is someone who can be alone comfortably, which is exactly the point of a doll. you can give barbie to a child/person and they can entertain themselves. 9-9 - one hermit is the doll and the other is the person playing with the doll! the hermit is meant to be a reflective card that asks you to do some soul searching as to what you want and need - playing with barbie is meant to showcase that you too can be whatever you want to be just like barbie. add in 18 - the moon, which is about "self-deception," or make-believe as we called when we were children. the moon is also meant to help you see the hidden aspects of yourself and what you want most. which again... is the point of barbie.
the truest barbie girl of the major arcana - the empress. barbie's highest self being the essence of "divine femininity" just makes so much sense to me. let's not forget barbie was designed for creativity inspiration while also showing the power of feminine energy. and she did that, just like the empress.
the Barbie movie definitely illustrated for me that the balance of femininity and masculinity is necessary for the success of barbie. if one entity has too much of the power (the whole board room being male, barbieworld never having a ken on council, etc.) then there will be issues in the "business realm" (which is the message of the lovers). in terms of love, while barbie doesn't need ken, it is important that they still respected each other and communicated in a healthy manner (which is definitely depicted in the movie). same can be said on the business end of things - barbie has "skinny, blonde bimbo" energy, so the company has to keep their products inclusive (keep evolving) or risk being cancelled.
the Barbie movie is a perfect reminder of the world card that is represented in her matrix - recognition for success, cyclic change, new chapters, etc. if barbie hadn't been a success, we would have never had one barbie movie let alone many (i could never forget the animation versions lol)! nor would we have collectable barbies! the collectable barbie is the energy found in this number - the world is literally a woman surrounded by a laurel (it looks a bit like barbie in her box, if you ask me)!
i think it is a little funny that the partnership number is 15 - the devil. barbie is supposed to be a feminine icon - she doesn't need a man to make her dreams come true (which is showcased in the movie). BUT YET WE HAVE KEN. ken is a destructive concept when thinking of barbie as strong and independent - it's contradictory to have barbie be an independent woman who doesn't need any one, but then make ken - her boyfriend ("patriarchy" lol - cause a woman needs a man to be accomplished in life *clown emoji*). it's the toxic contradictory energy of having a ken for a barbie that makes the devil an un-ironically perfect number for this doll.
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astrology-bf · 2 months
Professional Courtesy: A Shadowrun Story
(CW: Contains Violence/Death, Implied/Referenced NSFW, References to Dawntrail Spoilers)
Koana’s ears were splayed to either side in concentration as he made deft adjustments to his arm using a pen-shaped multitool, the lenses of his glasses zooming and enhancing as they needed in response to where his violet eyes were focusing. His prosthetic didn’t need any adjustment, as the metahuman kept all of his cyberware in peak condition, but working on it meant he wasn’t staring at the monitors he’d set up in his room at the abandoned shrine in Nara Prefecture their group was using as a hideout. The evening had been stressful enough without feeding his anxiety by worrying about Shizuka and Ifan.
The job had been quite simple considering the pay. Mr. Tanaka - the term used in Japan for those anonymously hiring teams of shadowrunners, such as Koana’s - had wanted one Ihara-sama of the Shiawase Corporation taken care of in a way that was spectacular and yet untraceable, specifically on the occasion of his upcoming anniversary at the company. 
As was the norm, no real rationale was given save the promise of a handsome payment: only when Koana did a little digging in the matrix did the team discover that Ihara-sama sold company secrets, and they guessed Mr. Tanaka was a higher up at Shiawase. Not that it made a difference, as none of them much gave a fuck about shaikujin of that sort; especially not Ifan, given his history at that same corporation.
Nonetheless, they had agreed to keep the casualties as low as possible. Shadowrunners they may be, but even Cass disliked unnecessary deaths outside those she was hunting. And so they made a simple plan: Ifan would dress up in black tie and infiltrate the party with Koana acting as his decker in the matrix, spoofing an invitation and looping the security cameras to make sure the magician went unnoticed. He’d tamper with the wards around the venue, and wait until Ihara-sama was at the podium accepting his commemorative award before disabling it. Cass would shoot her shot at extreme range, amping up the arrow with plenty of mana to ensure Ihara-sama left no corpse upon his passing, and then Ifan would raise the wards again and make his escape with Shizuka. The oni would have spent the time to infiltrate the venue by more traditional means, also with Koana’s help, and be waiting to extract Ifan before the four would rendezvous and make a break for it.
A simple enough plan, provided it went off without a hitch. It had done so to start with: Cass got in position, Ifan and Shizuka were dropped off in separate places, and Koana found a place to park the van above a facile cable he could tap for a direct hack into the building’s mainframe. The invitation was accepted, and all the necessary sensors and security cameras were looped or disabled. Ifan wouldn’t have a problem with the wards, of course… until he did.
The last one was defective somehow, and they’d nearly missed the window before something unexpected happened: Ifan had received assistance.
Koana didn’t know that much about this “G’raha” beyond Ifan having had a hookup with him in a bathroom in Nishinari-ku some days ago, but from the little that Koana caught - before they had to cut communications once he realized he was a hair’s breadth away from being traced - the man had apparently helped Ifan with disabling the last ward at the eleventh hour. Koana found it odd, but then again any corpo who was either brave or dumb enough to fuck a shadowrunner was the very definition of the term.
That the job had been completed hadn’t changed the fact that it was messy. Due to the risk from two close calls, the team agreed to maintain radio silence and make their way back in pairs; Koana picked up Cass and headed back to the hideout in the van, while Ifan and Shizuka would sneak back by other means.
His vision blurred behind his glasses in a moment of fatigue, and he paused and gave a sigh. Koana set the multitool aside and closed the panel on his arm, then reached up to slide his glasses off so he could rub his eyes. Much as he tried not to worry, and knew Ifan and Shizuka could handle themselves even separately, waiting for his partner and his friends was always the worst part of any job.
Koana never thought he’d be a shadowrunner. Many might have said his father would have been ashamed, but he knew better: when his superior at Aztechnology had made a bid to frame his baby sister for a thing that would have seen her SIN revoked, his father would have done exactly as Koana did and taken the fall instead. Even if it cost him both his life and everything he’d worked for over the course of it, his sister had the chance to get out by legitimate means and still lived comfortably - such as could be found in the Sixth World.
He was on the run, however, with jailbroken cyberware and hardly any friends that he could trust. Aztechnology’s reach was broad, and Koana needed somewhere they were less influential where he could lay low and build some sort of life. 
Japan was perfect. It had only opened up to foreign businesses a mere two decades prior, and while insular it had a growing population of metahumans that Koana could get lost in. The fact the country was extremely rich in tech was also quite attractive, both for his own interests and the prospect that his skills could come in handy. And that was how he met his team.
One only had to compare Koana’s room to those of his teammates to see why they had recruited him. Koana’s was packed full with monitors, hard drives, components, to say nothing of his video game collection. His teammates were all magically inclined, however, with Ifan being a practitioner of chaos magic, and both Cass and Shizuka being adepts. That was why they chose the shrine for their hideout; it stood atop a leyline or some nonsense that Koana didn’t understand beyond the fact it was a bitch to get a decent wi-fi signal, but apparently was useful to all three in their pursuits. They were extremely good at what they did, but no team is quite complete without some matrix coverage - which is where Koana came in.
They met through two men that apparently were friends of Ifan and who Koana were acquainted with from university. Ifan and the others had been hired to do a job in Yokosuka that required someone good at decking, and their mutual friends had recommended Koana. So they’d arranged a meetup at an arcade in the Ginza, where Ifan could see if Koana was a decent fit for shadowrunning.
It hadn’t been the brightest start. Koana was still smarting off his recent fall from grace and acted with about as much towards people he still thought of as criminals, while Ifan was reminded of the shaikujin that he despised in Koana’s attitude and bearing. Cass was similarly put off, given her history with Saeder-Krupp, while Shizuka was as always disinclined to open up to any stranger much less someone like Koana. But the three needed a decker, and to their delight they found out that Koana could do another thing they sucked at: drive.
Koana found being pressed into the role of chauffeur a little irritating, but he nonetheless appreciated that the three made every effort to ensure that their misgivings didn’t mean they treated Koana poorly. He was given his own room when possible, he was never once excluded from a fast food order, and when he needed a component or even fancied a new game he’d often find one of his teammates would have procured it for him. Cass was very frugal and seemed glad to have something to spend her nuyen on, and Koana learned that Shizuka was both helpful and quite sweet. Ifan too, was both kind and helpful; when he asked the three how they had met, both Cass and Shizuka had much the same experience of partnering with Ifan for a job and then finding him too good a friend to ditch. 
And he was a good friend. When their initial awkwardness receded, Koana learned a lot about him. He was from Adelaide originally, and had been reached out to in his adolescence by a jinn during a family trip to visit relatives in Syria; the firebringer spirit was the one who taught him magic, and apparently remained his mentor to this day. His family hadn’t been keen on either him being a magician nor his preferences in partners, and so he’d largely cut communication with them long before he became a shadowrunner. 
Ifan had gone on to study magic formally and then was scouted by the Shiawase corporation’s local branch in Sydney. That was why he was familiar with Japan, having lived a SINner’s life working at their magical research and development division at their headquarters in Osaka. He was very good at what he did, but for whatever reason he decided he would throw it all away and ditch his SIN. The circumstances of his leaving Shiawase were a mystery, even to Koana; those rare occasions when Ifan came close to speaking of the subject, the metahuman got the sense that his magician was at the risk of opening a very ugly wound.
Other than that, he’d shared everything with Koana. There were many nights when Cass would be on pilgrimage into the woods to seek Artemis’ guidance, and Shizuka would be in meditation as he considered how best to create his latest masterpiece, where he and Ifan would be by themselves. Ifan had his studies and experiments, and Koana had a healthy side gig of writing ilicit code, but unusually for a magician Ifan enjoyed video games as well as more traditional media. And as two men of similar persuasions in close quarters with video games, alcohol, and a proclivity towards not wearing pants are wont to do, their friendly gaming sessions soon became much friendlier. 
There wasn’t really any single point where he or Ifan knew that they were feeling things. It was more a gradual realization that maybe spending more nights in the same bed than apart meant they were something closer than good friends who got each other off, as was the case with both of them and Shizuka. So one day, while they cuddled while playing on one of Koana’s vintage consoles, Ifan had asked the metahuman quite sarcastically if he’d like to do something ‘real gay’ and be his boyfriend. And Koana had then rolled his eyes, and equally as sarcastically told him he already was. 
Koana slid his glasses back up his nose and glanced up at the monitors again. Still no sign of either his boyfriend or Shizuka, but at least Cass said that she’d go look for them once she returned from stocking up at the convenience store in town. 
He stood to stretch, then his ears stood upright as he heard the telltale alert from one of the motion sensors he’d set up. Koana’s gaze snapped to the offending monitor, and he gave a relieved sigh as he saw Ifan making his way up towards the shrine - even if Shizuka’s absence was notable. He didn’t waste a moment in stretching hastily as he made to greet his partner.
Ifan looked slightly out of breath as he approached the entrance to the shrine. He’d ditched the black tie suit he’d worn to infiltrate the party and was now dressed quite casually in sneakers, sweats, and a large hoodie in the fashion popular among young urbanites. The man didn’t appear to look overly worried, and in fact gave Koana a pleased and equally as relieved smile as he saw the metahuman walking towards him.
“Hey, you.” he hummed, ascending the last stairs and then holding his arms out for a hug. Koana wasted no time in going to meet him in a tight embrace, standing on his toes as Ifan craned his head down and met him in a very passionate kiss. The magician hummed contentedly into his lover’s mouth as he felt the decker’s hands upon his back and wandering down to grip his rear before their lips parted.
“Welcome back, cariño. You had me worried.” greeted Koana, ears twitching happily as his tail curled. He reached up to straighten his glasses, then glanced around. “Shizuka isn’t with you?”
Ifan shook his head, grimacing slightly. “They were doing enhanced screening for metahumans at the station, he didn’t want to risk the SIN potentially getting flagged right after a job. He’ll break silence if he’s in trouble, don’t worry.” He gave Koana a reassuring smile, but he obviously shared his partner’s concern for the oni getting home safely.
Koana returned the smile, then stepped back and began to head towards the shrine as Ifan followed. “Who’s worried? Shizuka is a lot more careful than you.” he replied, attempting to lighten the mood; which clearly worked somewhat, as Ifan snorted and stuck out his tongue.
“Honestly, I’m just glad it worked out. Tonight was a little messier than I like a run.” he said, giving a small sigh. Then he glanced at Koana and winked at him reassuringly. “Don’t worry about the close call on the trace. Not like I have room to complain given the bullshit with the wards.”
“It seemed to work out.” replied Koana. Then he eyed Ifan with a flat and knowing smirk. “G’raha, hm?” he hummed.
Ifan took in a long breath. His expression was sedate, caught midway between a smile and frown. “Curious man, that one.” he stated with a slow nod. As they reached the shoji screen that served as Koana’s door, Ifan paused and looked down at the metahuman’s violet eyes. “I gave him a card.”
Koana blinked at that, tilting his head as he raised both his left ear and eyebrow. “You think he has potential?” he asked.
“Maybe.” answered Ifan, noncommittally. “He’s clever, clearly likes the thrill. We’ll see if he can work out the formula, but he strikes me as the kind of person that still has things to lose… Not ideal in our line of work.” Then he paused again, and snickered before smiling down at Koana quite flirtatiously. “And here I am, a shadowrunner with someone to lose. Funny isn’t it, mi amor?” he asked.
Koana’s ears flicked in delight as Ifan used his mother tongue, and he stepped forward to slide his arms around his partner’s waist. The danger now receded, the lingering excitement of a completed run came to the fore. Clearly Ifan felt the same, given the way he pressed forward against the metahuman with an increasingly lust-filled gaze. 
“Cass around?” asked Ifan, already grinding his hips up against Koana’s lower abdomen as the decker’s groin was equally as furiously ground against one of his thighs.
“She went to get a few things. It’s just the two of us for now, cariño.” huffed Koana, pupils widening as both his ears splayed. 
Ifan nodded and let out a huff, his cheeks already darkened to a ruddy bronze. “Good. Because after tonight, I’m going to need you to fuck me so hard they hear it back in Osaka.” he stated as his fingers dug into Koana’s back.
The metahuman felt his ears and tail both shudder. He returned an equally as hungry glare as he reached up to slide his glasses off, before he reached stepped back and reached up to fist his prosthetic hand around the tie of Ifan’s sweatpants, using it as leverage to drag his partner back into his room.
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Bpp, what's your take over this Scooter Braun // all his artists leaving // HYBE situation? I just read that HYBE paid $1 trillion USD for Scooter's company to get Ariana Grande and if she leaves that deal is worthless. What do you think?
I’m watching this with interest, but I really have no idea what’s actually going on or how it’s going to play out (it’s been 24 hours and reports are still unconfirmed from all parties). Right now the implications here are all negative, obviously, but if it’s in fact true that Ariana Grande is no longer affiliated with Scooter Braun and by extension HYBE America, and Bang PD’s investment is rendered useless as a result, a big part of me would be a bit happy. To be honest with you.
I mean, I’ve felt for a long time that Bang PD’s business moves in recent years have shown an arrogance that’s disproportionate with the results. I’m very curious to know what kind of risk matrix he uses to filter deals and arrive at valuations. Because just like the SM acquisition he was attempting this year, and just like I said back then, Bang PD seems to discount intangible and social costs significantly more than I think is prudent.
Getting into business with disgusting unscrupulous characters, and acquiring businesses with horrible company cultures, doesn’t seem to be a headwind for him going by the fact that he partnered with Scooter and was going to absorb SM Entertainment despite both entities’ long and notorious track record of being bottom barrel filth. To be fair, it’s normal in business to discount reputational risk when evaluating a deal, but Bang PD seems to either have an information disadvantage, or a massive inflated ego to go ahead with certain things he’s done.
It’s why I was so cautious about the SM deal when he was pursuing it. Though acquiring SM made pure business sense looking at the numbers, (the company was basically dirt cheap, many of the synergies were obvious and Bang PD did wisely backstop his fiscal exposure), he seemed to have no idea that acquiring a company like SM would be bad news in every possible way and would likely leave him with more liabilities than assets in the most realistic scenario. Or that he’d end up at par in the best scenario. I mean, imagine if he completed that acquisition and then the CBX - EXO - slave contract news broke, the FSS announced the multiple raids and inquiries on SM that followed, and he still had to comply with American SEC rules.
It would be the clusterfuck of the year. Like, it was bad news every which way you looked at it. The only thing that made me not worry is that at the very least, for SM he’d be paying chicken change relatively.
That’s not the case for his deal with Scooter, and like I’ve been saying, Scooter has always had very limited utility. The only time he proved worth the money was in 2020 and 2021 when he helped facilitate the promotions and distribution for Dynamite and Butter with many of the tools he brought out again for Seven. But in terms of A&R, Nicole did a much better job than anything Scooter has done, and she did it without a $1 trillion *Won acquisition.
When HYBE lost her to Columbia Records in May this year, that gave me pause more than anything else that’s happened so far.
Anyway, Bang PD could use the reality check. If this in fact turns out to be a gaffe, it would be one of the most expensive and embarrassing ones he’s made recently. And a part of me hopes it happens because he’s gotten very comfortable in recent years. Whatever good eye he had to find people like Nicole in the first place, he needs to find it again. The tannies will be fine though. HYBE is so cashed up that even if they lost 50% of their value, they’d still be in better shape than at least two Big 3 companies. Plus soon the boys will be doing the military service and will hopefully be shielded from the worst of the fall-out.
But we’ll see. :)
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theweredrifter · 14 days
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FULL NAME: Gabriel Fitzgerald • AGE: 30 • DATE OF BIRTH: 11/22/93 • PLACE OF BIRTH: Perth, Australia • GENDER: Male • SEXUAL ORIENTATION: homosexual • OCCUPATION: homeless drifter, verse dependent • ETHNICITY: Australian/Canadian
FACE CLAIM: Dacre Montgomery • HAIR COLOUR: dirty blonde/brunette • EYE COLOUR: Blue | Deep gold (when influenced) • HEIGHT: 5'10 (1.78 m) • TATTOOS AND SCARRING: N/A • DISTINGUISHING FEATURES: light eyes, warm to fair toned skin, and injuries as a beast, are transferred to the human form.
ALLERGIES: wolfsbane, heavily scented products applied to skin • SLEEPING HABITS: inconsistent due to stress • EATING HABITS: meat-based, scavenger, verse dependent • MENS HEALTH: circumcised • ADDICTIONS: cigarettes, but is mostly verse dependent • ALCOHOL USAGE: recovering alcoholic, verse dependent • PRESCRIPTION MEDICATION: N/A • DIAGNOSED ILLNESS: OCD, anxiety, and most recently depression
POSITIVE TRAITS: physically and verbally affectionate, understands the importance of rest, will try most things once, adventurous, spontaneous, very goofy, acts of service, very sociable once he gets to know you, compassionate, considerate, romantic, thoughtful, intuitive, accepting regardless of race, nationality or orientation, food motivated
NEGATIVE TRAITS: can become possessive, doesn't like to share, can be self serving, impulsive, masked crippling anxiety, can be naive at times, chaotic good, poor self image, perfectionist, risk taker, can express bouts of su*cidal thoughts, and depressive episodes, copes with a lot of jokes and a inflated sense of self (or through addictions), lacking in self confidence and struggles with his own identity. Selective hearing.
FEARS: never returning to a point of normalcy, never gaining control of his beast, unable to control or stop the human flesh cravings, of being alone emotionally and in a literal community sense, being unable to be around people for prolonged periods on the off chance a random trigger will make him shift and harm an innocent, the inability to have a stable life, not knowing the future, and that his beast will completely consume him. • QUIRKS: Will sometimes bark instead of curse, be it at people, a situation or an object, will make faces in the mirror if no one is home or he thinks no one is around, very particular about his appearance and his home
FAVOURITE FILMS: Alien Vs Predator, The Matrix, Bill and Ted adventures, The Mummy, Die Hard, Big Daddy
FAVOURITE TELEVISION SHOW: Fraiser, The Walking Dead, Golden Girls, history documentaries, conspiracy theories, Mission Impossible, Sherlock Holmes (BBC edition), The Squid game
THEME SONG: Fade to Black - Metallica or The Animal I have Become - Three Days Grace
Prior to his infection, Gabriel led a very normal life and was a caring, compassionate individual. His pursuit within the beauty industry landed him a promising modeling agency. However, this required him to take a leap of faith and leave home to another another part of the country away from Perth. To his dismay, he doesn't understand the culture and struggles to make connections with the given barrier. On the upside, he's been told he has a calming, nurturing disposition. He says he's naturally that way thanks his mom for how she and his father raised him. During an outing with a fellow of the community in early Feb, Gabriel was bit by a bat on the forearm while enjoying holiday festivities with company during a leisurely stroll down a bago vineyard maze. Unsure if he was bit at all, he thought nothing of the unusual contact other than the bat mistaking his waving limbs for food or an unseen obstacle. Continuing about his life and career as usual, he started to get sick in the following weeks and got progressively worse. Thinking it was the flu or a very intense cold, treatment wasn't sought until the infection had spread too far and Gabriel was finding it hard to function, let alone drive.
By the time he'd received medical attention, it was too late. The infection of rabies not only spread, but was reacting strangely to his 'hybrid' chromosomes. For observational purposes, Gabriel was held in a CDC captive containment before the sickness took him and altered the state of mind, and corrupted the very fibers of his DNA. Safe from harm and safe from harming others or infecting them, the newly cursed Were was told the bad news of what happened when he finally woke up. Footage of his change frightened him, and for awhile he contemplated how he'd cope with this new illness. He was reassured by medical professionals and other staff who study his disease that it is possible to live a normal life. Continuing to receive a lot of therapy, he returned to the community as if nothing happened.. though he carries less of his joy to be inclusive out of fear of his new condition and will recluse more often than not.
In the confines of his apartment, trying to cope with the new feelings and cravings of a werewolf without putting himself or others in harms way- it dawns on him what of his lover? Feeling a false sense of safety to go to them, he is met with a horrific scene of blood and body parts, or half-consumed ones scattered around the apartment- and the smell. The suppressed memories resurface to the forefront of the conscious mind, an unknown trigger- he'd changed, and ate the one he loved. Overcome with grief, he withdrew deeper into himself, rather than outreach to the help he was offered by the smaller secret association branched from the CDC for people of his condition. Now with the police on the lookout for him after it was a confirmed werewolf attack, he struggles with his own demons while running from being captured..
Want more? Check out the story development tag!
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eaglesnick · 1 year
“Water is life's matter and matrix, mother and medium. There is no life without water.”
Albert Szent-Gyorgyi
Remember headlines similar to this?
“England’s rivers, lakes and streams ‘among worst in Europe’ amid concern over sewage and farm pollution.”  (Independent: 15/09/21)
And more recently:
“Sewage entered rivers and seas on average 825 times a day last year Water companies released raw sewage into rivers and seas in England for more than 1.75 million hours last year. (BBC News: 31/03/23)
Does our Tory government care? No, not one jot. This is what we read in the media today.
“Michael Gove is set to announce a weakening of water pollution rules placed on housing developers in England, in a move that has angered groups across the UK’s green economy.”  (edie.net: 29/08/23)
Gove is doing this to encourage more house building which up until now has been supposedly held back by anti-pollution laws and the cost this has for housing developers. From now on the building industry will not be held accountable for increases in nitrates and phosphates into out waterways.
In October 2021 the Tory government published a paper entitled: Nitrates: challenges for the water environment.  In it they listed the dangers of too much nitrate in our waterways:
Risk to human health
Eutrophication of lowland surface waters (Eutrophic waters are often murky and may support fewer large animals, such as fish and birds, than non-eutrophic waters.)
Acidification and eutrophication of upland waters
Adverse impact on Groundwater Dependent Terrestrial Ecosystems.
In short, nitrates poison the water both above and below ground and can be a risk to human health as well as to birds, animals and aquatic life in general.
In December 2022, the government published another report:.
It found that phosphates cause eutrophication in the same way nitrates do:
“Eutrophication increases the cost of drinking water abstraction and treatment, adversely affects angling, water sports and other recreational activities, and causes the loss of sensitive plants and animals in rivers and lakes.” (Environment Agency: Phosphorus and freshwater eutrophication: challenges for the water environment./ December 2022)
So, we have a government who knows the dangers of increasing the levels of nitrates and phosphates in our waterways yet they  decide to relax laws controlling these chemicals  regardless of the environmental consequences.
The answer is, as is so often the case, “follow the money”.
Craig Bennett, Chief Executive of the Wildlife Trust had this to say on the Today programme this morning.
“I've been at the last few Conservative Party conferences over the last few years, and when you walk into the exhibition space, the biggest, fanciest exhibitions are by the big house building organisations. The most lavish parties and receptions put on at the Conservative Party conference over the last few years have been from the house building industry. They seem to have plenty of money when it comes to them lobbying, and guess what? - we discover this morning that money talks.”
To back up this claim, we find that in 2021, "property developers gave Tories £892,00 in the first three months of that year. And in May this year we read that:
“Millions in Tory donations at risk as property developers hit back. Housebuilders and developers - who in the past have accounted for around a fifth of all donations - have turned off the taps.”(Independent: 30/05/23)
There is a sneaking suspicion that the relaxation of water pollution laws has more to do with Tory Party funding than the housing shortage. Given the housing industry is one of the Conservative Party’s biggest donors, is it any wonder that under the new law, developers will no longer have to dip into their profits to offset nutrient pollution from new homes.
And just to prove the Tory Party has a sense of humour, not only will our waterways be more polluted than ever before but:
“Scrapping housebuilder water pollution rules in England to cost taxpayer £140m”  (Guardian: 29/08/23)
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Radio play isn't really the members choice.
My guess is HYBE's International distributor, Universal Music Group (UMG) have done a marketability feasibility study of all the members and most likely believe JK has the best chance based on various matrixes. So have informed HYBE of such and both have made the decision that for JK there will be a radio push//
Completely agree with it’s not member’s choice. We all know this needs money and company should be willing to do that, it’s completely business choice
second part sorry totally disagree. As a market researcher for a company l would say even UMG did a research they know ML popularity will make it work with radio play regardless the genre. Ex CT a OST surviving in x’mas week and still chart in hot 100. Also bunch of other US artists did well regardless the favourable genre or popularity level purely due to radio play and playlists
It’s not UMG’s call, it’s Hybe and what they want and amount they willing to spend on artists they manage. Best example is how Hybe new groups rocking in int charts due to playlists payola and radio play. And they reach higher chart positions in beginning of their career which bts got long time to do. Which proves Hybe pay regardless the popularity level if they want to and accordingly planned business Any bts member with good tactical promo, playlists and radio play would do better especially members who has army streaming support. It’s just whom Hybe trust more, who they willing to spend money on, who has been helping company narratives, who has been obedient to company.
As a long term jk bias l don’t hesitate to say this. Jk isn’t the person he used to be before 2017. He grew in to a person who understands the idol business, kpop companies, management and it’s politics also find a way to corporate and negotiate in his favour. He knows without giving he can’t expect anything in return from company plus no pain no gain. Which helped him to get constant projects, collabs and promo from 2018 including screen time and positive narratives which helped his journey to success. Rest is all his pure talent that make it work
sorry this gotten so long. I hate to see when ppl go like he has been getting promo and now solo era he gets even more promo and push. SO WHAT? Man has suffered enough, gone through so much pain, compromised his relationship with tae, even now let scooter handle his career!!!! So many risks. It’s his moment to shine and he paid the high price for all the promo he gets for years
I didn’t write this to shade tae but l have to tell it’s kpop, heavy politics and bias choices. How tae has been, Tae’s personality, ethics, strong stand and non negotiable nature not helping him and his career top of that his unstoppable stand on tk. Even with his high popularity and social standing (which Hybe didn’t spend anything to boost or uplift rather tried hard to dim) their not willing to take that risk nor forgive him for being non negotiable throughout the years especially involving himself with company asset jk.
last but not least, even we like it or not it’s on Hybe and bang’s hands and they decide and finalise who gets what, it’s simple as that
Look I understand all of that and I agree with a lot of what you say, other parts not so much, but I have to quibble over the HYBE / UMG relationship and the notion that UMG has no say...
Technically in the USA and most of the rest of the world, BTS and the individual members songs/albums are currently done through UMG's Interscope label, and therefore that label is responsible for the marketing and promo for markets outside of the Korea where HYBE is responsible. Those labels will set marketing budgets based on expected returns as the international distributor for BTS, not HYBE directly. So they have to have some say in how that money is spent in partnership with HYBE. So to say UMG makes not decision is probably false.
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Quantitative Risk Management
By. Jacinda T. Thomas, Masters of Science in Wealth Management { An American in Switzerland }
#jacindathomas #wealthmanagement
Today we dive into the world of Quantitative Risk Management. Let's see how interesting this can be.
While reading the first paragraph I immediately thought: insurance company. Although it discusses that Quantitative Risk Management is used for Project Management.
I wonder if more of my reading will reveal this.
Quantitative Risk Analysis in Project Management
Quantitative risk analysis in project management is the process of altering the effect of risk on the project into arithmetical terms. This arithmetic information is often used to control the cost and time contingencies of the project. The purpose of project risk management is to recognize and minimalize the effect that risks have on a project. The challenge with risk management is that risks are indefinite events. 
In the management of projects, organizations try to lessen their revelation to these indefinite events through risk management. This is typically done through a proper management process which consists of the following steps: design risk management, recognize risks, achieve quantitative risk analysis, design risk rejoinders, and control risks.
Quantitative Risk Analysis vs Qualitative Risk Analysis
Quantitative risk analysis is objective. It uses provable data to examine the effects of risk in terms of cost overflows, scope slinks, resource depletion, and schedule interruptions. Qualitative risk analysis, on the other hand, tends to be subjective. It focuses on identifying risks to measure both the probability of a specific risk event happening during the project life span and the effect it will have on the whole schedule should it occur. The objective being to determine sternness. Outcomes are then documented in a risk assessment matrix to communicate unresolved risks to shareholders. Eventually, the drive is the same: the difference is that it takes a more logical, data-intensive method.
Quantitative risk analysis relies on precise statistical data to create actionable perceptions. Instead, they used a more subjective, qualitative approach to risk management, which had one key benefit: it was faster and laid-back to apply. Unlike quantitative analysis of risk, which relies on robust risk models, a high capacity of data, and in some cases, expert software, qualitative risk analysis can be achieved at any phase of the project.
Nonetheless, quantitative risk analysis is fundamental, both in its accuracy and as a way of steering further analysis on existent risks. This comprises: quantifying probable consequences, clearing up any persistent ambiguity neighboring the outcomes of your original qualitative analysis, setting attainable aims in terms of schedule and cost, and Evaluating the possibility of fruitfully accomplishing these objectives. High-risk businesses in particular- mining, construction, oil and gas, anything that shows a very real hazard to the wellbeing of frontline workforces on a day-to-day basis- rely deeply on quantitative risk analysis. Luckily, as technology advances, so too has the way we achieve quantitative risk analysis. New gears are accessible to aid improve the legitimacy of your risk analysis and comprehend the stages required to moderate possible problems.
Quantitative Risk Analysis Techniques/ Methods
You will be required to comprehend and acquaint yourself with this quantitative analysis of risk techniques for the PMP certification EXAM. The following are some of the techniques:
Sensitivity analysis: A quantitative risk analysis and exhibiting technique used to aid determine which risks have the most probable effect on the project. It scrutinizes the level to which the ambiguity of each project element affects the objective being scrutinized when all other indefinite elements are held at baseline standards. The typical presentation of outcomes is in the form of a tornado diagram.
Expected Monetary Value (EMV) analysis: An arithmetical method that computes the average consequence when the future includes scenarios that may or may not happen. A common use of this technique is within decision tree analysis.
Decision tree analysis: A schematization and calculation method for gauging the consequences of a chain of multiple choices in the presence of ambiguity.
Simulation: A simulation uses a project model that interprets the reservations quantified at a detailed level into their probable effect on objectives that are articulated at the level of the total project. Project simulations use computer models and evaluations of risk, usually articulated as a possibility distribution of possible costs or durations at an exhaustive work level, and are normally performed by using Monte Carlo analysis.
Empirical Methods (benchmarking): these techniques use historical projects to determine factors that drive risk. These factors are then applied to a prospective project to determine the contingency-based characteristics that are shared with the historical projects; these methods include:
Factor rating 
Quantitative Risk Analysis Examples 
Here are two examples of how to determine the EMV of a risk.
Example 1: 
Assume you have bought an off-the-rack software, though you have risk linked to customization. There is a 60% chance that you will have to do only a little customization, which would bring the total cost to $ 120,000. And there is a 40% chance that you will have to do a lot of customization, which would bring the total cost to $160,000. To calculate the expected value, add the values of each alternative.
EMV= probability x cost = (60% x $120,000) + (40% x 160,000)
=$20,000 + $ 40,000
EMV= $60,000.
Example 2:
A company may have a risk probability that may result in the laying of workers. In this case, there is a 50% chance that you will keep the staff which would bring the total cost to $100,000. On the other hand, there is a 50% chance that you will lose staff which would bring the total cost to $200,000. Calculate the EMV.
EMV= Probability x cost = (50% x $100,000) + (50% x $200,000)
= $20,000 + $40,000
EMV= $60,000
Quantitative Risk Analysis Benefits & Limitations
Some of the advantages of quantitative risk analysis are: to determine the likelihood of accomplishing a particular project objective. Quantify the risk revelation of the project, and determine the scope of cost and schedule possibility that may be required. Risk is organized by their financial effect, possessions by their financial value. The outcomes can be articulated in detailed management terminology. The safety level is better determined grounded on the three basics: accessibility, veracity, and privacy. A cost analysis can be executed for choosing the best-suited procedures. Data precision progresses as the organization increases the experience.
On the other hand, Quantitative risk analysis has limitations: the approaches of calculation are complex and without an automatic tool the progression can be really difficult to compute. There are no values and generally accepted information for executing this method. The values of risk effects are founded on the subjective sentiments of the people involved. The process handles a long time. The outcomes are offered only in monetary values and are hard to comprehend by persons without experience. In general, the process is very complex.
If the outcomes of quantitative risk analysis are well comprehended and the right procedures are executed, the organization will not only vanish from the market but also advance and more easily gain the targeted outcomes. Risk identification should be done with greater maintenance, and all risks must be recognized and treated cautiously. The estimation and calculation of probable threats, susceptibilities, and possible harm are very important. After this valuation is done, essential controls should be applied in terms of cost efficiency and level of risk reduced by the execution. To recognize the most suitable controls a cost analysis has to be done. Its outcomes aid managers implement the most effective controls that bring the greatest profit to the organization
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A random gif that popped up. I guess Angelina is kinda over this Quantitative Risk Analysis, sorry boo, we gotta keep learning more, let's see if investopedia has something to say. We'll also see if we can find a video or two to make this less boring Angie :).
Now, here's a university series on Quantitative Risk Analysis?
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mlmscriptsoftware · 2 years
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The top programmers are offered by MLM Script in Chennai to clients who are working on MLM software projects. We offer cutting-edge services for all types of software solutions for multilevel marketing. There are numerous multilevel marketing (MLM) plans available, including the International Binary Plan, Binary Plan, Board Plan, Breakaway Plan, Forced Matrix Plan, Matrix Plan, Stair Step Plan, Step Plan, Auto Filling Plan, and Unilevel Plan. In addition to focusing on developing solutions that were created based on our clients' IT requirements, our development and support engineers are working toward achieving 100% customer satisfaction. Through our consultant assistance system, our customers can get in touch with our programmer. MLM software is a potent tool for people starting a network marketing business. 
Multi-Level Marketing is currently king when it comes to passive income. The heart of every successful MLM business is its MLM software. It can be challenging to choose the best MLM programmes for your investment portfolio that also meet the demands of your company. Choose MLM software not solely based on its usefulness. It is strongly encouraged to follow the most recent network marketing trend before purchasing MLM applications. Of course, choosing the top MLM applications for your investment portfolio that meet the requirements of your business is a challenging task. 
1. Identify the Business Challenges
This will save you from overpaying and obtaining applications that fall far short of what you need. You must list all of the issues that your MLM business is now facing and assess whether the chosen MLM programme can address each one. Make a list of the app's needs that you need, then compare it to the MLM software that you want to purchase.
2. Select the Appropriate Budget
This is the cardinal rule when making a large purchase, and we will abide by it here as well. The costs at which various MLM software development firm app developers sell their products on the market vary greatly. 
The product you select must be reasonably priced and have all necessary characteristics. The simplest method to achieve this is to make a list of the companies you require and ask for an estimate based on your requirements. This is how to locate free MLM applications. 
3.Analyze the Software Performance in-depth
The majority of MLM technology companies offer free trials and demos before making a purchase. Make a list of trustworthy companies, then visit their websites. Make your final choice after giving the features a test run to determine whether they are sufficient to help you manage your business. Make sure the products function properly in real-time as well.
Searching online for customer reviews of the applications you want to buy is the most effective approach to achieve this. Examining former users' successes is a great approach to learn about some apps. A real user would be honest with you about the software's issues, especially regarding whether or not they were fixed. 
4. The Reputation of MLM Software Providers
select a reputable vendor wherever possible. You can do this by browsing the internet and getting feedback from former customers. When you start looking for MLM apps, you'll see that lots of software manufacturers boast about their offerings' incredible capabilities. If you select the wrong programme, you risk losing your career. Therefore, always choose a highly regarded, trustworthy dealer.
5. Watch for speed 
MLM software that takes a long time to launch is not something you want to utilise. Speed is a crucial component of MLM software. It will need to manage huge amounts of data and files quickly. Because of this, be sure to get MLM software that employs cutting edge technology. 
6. Invest daily time in your business.
Make an effort each day to establish healthy routines. Every day, it will interact with at least 1 or 2 users on your network. Call them, write them a letter, or leave a remark on their social media posts. Try to convey your caring or existence to them in some way. You may streamline your business's expansion efforts with the use of MLM software.
Presenting your business opportunity or products to at least one member of your network each day is an excellent practice. Continue improving yourself and your attitude of progress. You will achieve through educational webinars, training, and posts that will aid in your personal development and broaden your vision. 
One of these positive traits can help you succeed in MLM recruitment. Progress is perfection since it allows you to get better after you completely maintain these positive practices each day. Using a multi-level marketing platform, you can easily monitor your company's steady progress. 
7. Keep an eye out for Reliable Customer Service
Speaking and selling can be challenging, and the only way to take your prospect's needs and desires into account is to genuinely inquire about them. Many marketers fail to ask the right question and don't listen to it. You can assist your customers with their problems by using a multi level marketing software. Reliable merchants usually provide excellent assistance and after-sales service. Avoid choosing companies that provide a tonne of amenities at absurdly low prices. They can be trying to stay in the lead or bluffing, depending on the situation.
Instead of asking the correct questions about their future, they focus more on learning about their benefits, products and services, and how amazing their firm is. 
You can properly track consumer complaints by using an MLM programme. You will be able to better comprehend them and approach presenting and using your business opportunity once you start asking the right questions. 
8. Develop a business vision.
One of the key characteristics of successful entrepreneurs is their ability to develop big ideas, work tirelessly to nurture them each day, and remain committed despite the challenges they face. Consider crazy ideas and prioritise enormous accomplishments. Have a bigger objective and a bigger game's road map.
Make the decision to be simpler and more efficient, and decide to hire more people and grow exponentially. To put it another way, some people are unable to sponsor or obtain people because they are unable to manage or direct them. You must possess leadership skills. 
Although not everyone is born a leader, you should develop your leadership skills and begin to gain momentum if you want to be able to inspire and guide more people. An MLM software programme can assist you in expanding the scope of your MLM enterprise.
[INDIA] +91 - 9790033533
Skype: hemabalan2004
Phone: +91 9790033633
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wtmit · 5 days
In the fast-paced world of multi-level marketing (MLM), success hinges on streamlined operations, efficient management, and reliable tracking of networks. This is where MLM software plays a crucial role. Designed to manage, automate, and optimize every aspect of an MLM business, MLM software ensures that businesses can scale, handle complex networks, and empower distributors with the tools they need to succeed.
At MLMSoftwareMax.com, we specialize in providing robust and customizable MLM software solutions tailored to the unique needs of your business. Whether you’re a startup looking to launch your MLM business or an established company seeking to streamline operations, our software can help you reach your goals with ease.
What is MLM Software?
MLM software is a comprehensive platform that automates and manages the various aspects of a multi-level marketing business. From tracking sales and commissions to managing distributor networks and downlines, MLM software serves as the backbone of your MLM operations. It simplifies the administration of complex compensation plans, ensures accurate commission payouts, and offers transparency to both administrators and distributors.
Key Features of MLM Software
MLM software offers a wide range of features that empower MLM businesses to run efficiently and effectively:
1. Network Management
MLM businesses often have intricate network structures involving multiple distributors, downlines, and levels. MLM software provides powerful tools to manage these networks, track performance, and ensure that each distributor is positioned correctly in the structure.
2. Commission Tracking and Payouts
One of the most critical aspects of MLM is ensuring that commissions are accurately calculated and paid out. MLM software automates this process, applying your specific compensation plan to ensure that distributors are rewarded fairly and on time.
3. Compensation Plan Support
MLM businesses operate on various compensation plans such as binary, matrix, unilevel, and more. Our MLM software supports all these plans and allows you to customize the plan to meet your business needs.
4. Sales and Inventory Management
Our MLM software comes equipped with inventory tracking and sales management features, ensuring that your products are always available for distributors to sell. This reduces stockouts and helps manage demand.
5. Distributor Dashboard
Empower your distributors with a user-friendly dashboard where they can track their sales, commissions, and downline performance. This feature helps keep distributors engaged and motivated to grow their network.
6. E-Wallet and Payment Integration
Our software comes with integrated e-wallet functionality, allowing distributors to securely store and transfer their earnings. We also offer seamless payment gateway integrations to handle transactions efficiently.
7. Analytics and Reporting
Make data-driven decisions with real-time analytics and detailed reports on sales, network growth, commissions, and overall business performance. These insights help you identify opportunities for improvement and growth.
8. Lead Management
Our MLM software offers lead management tools that allow you to capture, nurture, and convert leads into active distributors or customers, ensuring that you have a constant stream of prospects to grow your network.
Why MLM Software is Essential for Your Business
Running a successful MLM business without the right software can be overwhelming and error-prone. Here’s why investing in MLM software is critical:
1. Automation of Complex Processes
Manual management of large networks and commission structures can lead to errors and delays. MLM software automates these processes, ensuring smooth operations and reducing the risk of human error.
2. Transparency and Trust
Transparency is crucial in MLM. Distributors need to trust that their commissions and downline performance are accurately tracked. MLM software provides transparency by offering a clear, real-time view of all transactions and network growth.
3. Scalability
As your MLM business grows, so does the complexity of managing it. MLM software is designed to scale alongside your business, allowing you to handle larger networks and more distributors without any operational bottlenecks.
4. Efficiency
MLM software reduces the time and effort required to manage day-to-day operations. From automating commission payouts to managing sales and inventory, it streamlines your operations, freeing up time for more strategic tasks.
5. Increased Distributor Engagement
With access to real-time data and performance metrics, distributors are more motivated to grow their network. MLM software provides them with the tools they need to succeed, including a dashboard where they can monitor their earnings and sales progress.
Types of MLM Compensation Plans Supported
Different MLM businesses operate on different compensation plans, and our MLM software supports a wide variety of them:
1. Binary Plan
The binary plan allows each distributor to have two downlines, creating a left and right leg. Commissions are based on the performance of both legs, ensuring balanced network growth. Our software helps track the performance of both legs, ensuring accurate payouts.
2. Unilevel Plan
In the unilevel plan, each distributor can recruit an unlimited number of downlines, with all recruits placed in the first level. MLM software manages this structure, ensuring that commissions are calculated based on the number of levels and direct recruits.
3. Matrix Plan
Matrix plans involve a fixed number of recruits per level, forming a structured hierarchy. MLM software manages the placement of recruits and tracks the matrix’s performance, helping administrators maintain the integrity of the plan.
4. Hybrid Plan
For businesses that use a combination of compensation plans, MLM software allows customization and configuration of hybrid models that suit your specific requirements.
The Benefits of Choosing MLMSoftwareMax.com
At MLMSoftwareMax.com, we pride ourselves on offering top-tier MLM software that is reliable, scalable, and easy to use. Here’s why our clients choose us:
1. Customizable Solutions
We understand that every MLM business is unique, which is why we offer customizable software solutions that are tailored to your specific needs. Whether you need a particular compensation plan or custom features, we’ve got you covered.
2. Seamless Integration
Our software integrates seamlessly with your existing systems, including payment gateways, e-commerce platforms, and customer relationship management (CRM) systems, ensuring smooth and uninterrupted business operations.
3. Top-Notch Security
We take security seriously. Our MLM software uses advanced encryption techniques and secure data storage to ensure that your business data and transactions are protected from threats.
4. 24/7 Support
Our team of MLM experts is available around the clock to provide technical support and ensure that your software runs smoothly at all times.
In a competitive and dynamic industry like multi-level marketing, having the right tools is key to staying ahead. MLM software from MLMSoftwareMax.com provides everything you need to run a successful MLM business—from network management and commission tracking to inventory control and distributor engagement.
If you’re looking to take your MLM business to the next level, our MLM software offers a comprehensive solution that will optimize your operations and empower your distributors.
Get Started with MLMSoftwareMax.com Today! Website: https://www.mlmsoftwaremax.com/ India: +91 76669 47770 USA: +1 646 583 3162
Discover the power of MLM software and transform your business with MLMSoftwareMax.com!
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khadija05 · 9 days
How does HACCP certification impact consumer confidence in Qatar?
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HACCP Certification in Qatar significantly influences consumer confidence as it pre-guarantees all food products are manufactured under high safety standards. This certification represents that the products have been manufactured setting up, implementing and maintaining a food safety system to prevent all kinds of biological or chemical contamination in order not only to reduce risks for consumers but also as part of implementation level 1 (PLA) and matrix investment. The food purchasing consumer, has a concrete sign that what they buy is perfectly safe for consumption and meets the quality criteria.
HACCP certification in Qatar can help to improve brand reputation and consumer trust in a market where food safety is important. When companies demonstrate that they are visibly complying with the principles of HACCP, this can set them apart from their competitors and increase consumer confidence in terms of food safety – ensuring repeat business for years to come.
In Qatar’s competitive food industry, where consumer trust is crucial, HACCP certification serves as a powerful tool for maintaining and boosting confidence in food safety
Contact Qdot team to provide you best quality services:
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esgtrends · 16 days
Biodiversity: The Hidden Threat to Investors
“Biological diversity means the variability among living organisms from all sources, including inter alia, terrestrial, marine, and other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological complexes of which they are part; this includes diversity within species, between species, and of ecosystems.”
United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)
Biodiversity Loss Is One of the Most Pressing Global Challenges of Today
Biodiversity provides for healthy and resilient ecosystems with a wide range of “nature’s contributions to people,” such as clean air and water, raw materials, soil fertility, protection against flooding and erosion, and climate regulation. Since the 1970s, biodiversity worldwide has changed rapidly at an alarming rate. Today, 25% of the world’s species are endangered and around one million species are on the brink of extinction (IPBES 2019). According to the World Economic Forum (2024), biodiversity loss and ecosystem collapse rank third of the top 10 global risks by severity for the next 10 years.
Role of the Financial Sector in Biodiversity Conservation
The financial sector’s connection to biodiversity is profound. As nature approaches a pivotal moment, businesses and investors increasingly understand the need to address nature alongside climate change as systemic challenges. This realization has led to calls for the widespread establishment and execution of a nature-positive economy. Consequently, investors and financial institutions are urged to prioritize long-term sustainability over immediate financial gains. Furthermore, the financial sector has a critical role to play in supporting companies to achieve a more positive impact on nature.
Challenges in Integrating Biodiversity into Financial Decision-Making
Incorporation of biodiversity considerations into decision-making processes is crucial for the financial sector to effectively mitigate the associated risks while identifying opportunities within sectors. However, integrating biodiversity considerations into financial decision-making presents a unique challenge.
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Beyond Reported Data: Integrating Biodiversity in ESG Evaluation
When considering biodiversity, investors must move beyond reported data to effectively integrate it into their investment strategies. Recognizing that biodiversity has historically received less attention in ESG evaluations, at Inrate, we decided to address this by explicitly incorporating biodiversity into our Impact Matrix to ensure its accurate reflection in our ESG impact ratings. While factors such as pollution, land use, and climate change are already acknowledged as negative influences in our ESG Impact Rating, the recent increase in discussions about biodiversity loss prompted us to review our approach. This effort involved not only identifying indicators directly linked to biodiversity but also ensuring that existing indicators indirectly affecting biodiversity were properly classified and considered.
Read More : https://inrate.com/blogs/biodiversity-the-hidden-threat-to-investors/ 
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mlmsolutioncompany · 21 days
MLM Software Company in Brazil: Empowering Your Business Growth
In today’s fast-paced digital world, the multi-level marketing (MLM) industry continues to thrive, offering entrepreneurs and businesses unique opportunities to grow and succeed. Brazil, with its vibrant economy and burgeoning entrepreneurial spirit, has become a hotspot for MLM businesses. Whether you’re launching a new MLM venture or looking to optimize your existing operations, partnering with a reliable MLM software company in Brazil can be the key to your success.
Why Choose MLM Software for Your Business?
MLM businesses rely heavily on complex structures, with multiple levels of distributors, compensation plans, and extensive networks. Managing these intricate systems manually is not only time-consuming but also prone to errors. MLM software simplifies these operations, offering a comprehensive solution that automates and streamlines processes, enhances efficiency, and ensures accuracy.
A specialized MLM software company in Brazil can provide tailored solutions that align with local market needs while ensuring compliance with Brazilian regulations. This is crucial for maintaining a smooth operation and avoiding legal pitfalls.
Key Features of MLM Software
When selecting an MLM software company in Brazil, it’s essential to consider the key features that the software offers. Here are some critical elements that a robust MLM software should include:
1. User-Friendly Interface
The software should be intuitive and easy to use, allowing both administrators and distributors to navigate through its features effortlessly. A well-designed dashboard that presents key metrics and analytics is essential for quick decision-making.
2. Customizable Compensation Plans
Different MLM businesses use different compensation structures, such as binary, matrix, or uni-level plans. The software should offer the flexibility to customize these plans to suit your specific business model, ensuring that your distributors are motivated and rewarded accurately.
3. Secure Payment Gateway Integration
Efficient and secure financial transactions are crucial for any MLM business. Look for software that integrates seamlessly with reliable payment gateways, supporting multiple payment methods, and currencies, including the Brazilian Real (BRL).
4. Automated Reporting and Analytics
Accurate reporting is vital for tracking performance, identifying trends, and making informed decisions. The software should offer automated reporting features, providing insights into sales, commissions, and network growth.
5. Compliance and Legal Support
Operating in Brazil requires adherence to specific legal and regulatory frameworks. The software should help ensure compliance with local laws, reducing the risk of penalties and ensuring smooth operations.
6. Mobile Compatibility
With the increasing reliance on smartphones, having a mobile-friendly MLM software is crucial. It allows distributors to manage their operations, track their progress, and communicate with their network on the go.
Benefits of Partnering with a Local MLM Software Company
Choosing an MLM software company based in Brazil offers several advantages:
1. Local Market Expertise
A Brazilian MLM software company will have a deep understanding of the local market, including consumer behavior, regulatory requirements, and business practices. This expertise ensures that the software is tailored to meet the unique needs of Brazilian businesses.
2. Customization and Support
Local companies are more likely to offer personalized support and customization services. They can quickly respond to any issues or requests, ensuring that your software is always aligned with your evolving business needs.
3. Language and Cultural Compatibility
Working with a local company means there are no language barriers or cultural misunderstandings. This ensures smoother communication and a better understanding of your business goals.
4. Faster Implementation and Upgrades
A local partner can implement the software more quickly and efficiently, reducing downtime and ensuring that your business remains operational. Additionally, they can provide timely upgrades to keep your software up-to-date with the latest features and technologies.
Finding the Right MLM Software Company in Brazil
When searching for the ideal MLM software company in Brazil, consider the following tips:
Check Their Portfolio: Review their previous projects to assess their experience and expertise in the MLM industry.
Read Client Testimonials: Look for reviews and testimonials from other MLM businesses to gauge the quality of their services.
Evaluate Their Support Services: Ensure that they offer robust support services, including training, troubleshooting, and regular updates.
Consider Scalability: Choose software that can grow with your business, supporting an expanding network and increasing transaction volumes.
The MLM industry in Brazil is booming, and having the right tools is essential for staying competitive. Partnering with a reputable MLM software company in Brazil can provide your business with the technology and support needed to thrive. With the right software, you can streamline operations, enhance distributor engagement, and drive business growth, positioning your MLM business for long-term success.
Contact Us :-
MLM SOFTWARE Company In Brazil
Visit Website — https://www.mlmsoftwarecompany.in/mlm-software-company-Brazil/
Mobile no. +91 9582569545, +91 9953119957
FAQs about MLM Software Companies in Brazil
1. What is MLM software, and why do I need it for my business?
MLM software is a specialized platform designed to manage the complex operations of a multi-level marketing business. It automates tasks such as commission calculations, payment processing, network management, and reporting. By using MLM software, you can enhance efficiency, reduce errors, and provide a better experience for your distributors.
2. How does MLM software help with compliance in Brazil?
MLM software developed by a company familiar with Brazilian regulations will include features that ensure compliance with local laws, such as tax requirements and consumer protection rules. This helps you avoid legal issues and operate smoothly within the country.
3. Can MLM software be customized to fit my business model?
Yes, most MLM software solutions offer customization options. You can tailor the software to align with your specific compensation plan, branding, and business processes, ensuring it meets your unique needs.
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