wormyclem · 8 months
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Really like how this was rendered ^-^
Idea based on a tweet I saw, but I don't have saved :'o
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thorki-stony · 1 year
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Izuku sending a nice message to Toshi to know what he thinks for a new photo-shoot ;)
(someone forgot Bakugou was there too :D)
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sugarbunnydeku · 1 year
every time i see hate in the dekumight tag it just inspires me to draw/write more dekumight
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shouta-edits · 5 months
Can I get a yandere moodboard for All Might x Izuku Midoriya (my hero academia) with themes of admiration, yandere obsession, and almost a teacher x student kind of relationship?
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yasashii-kimochi · 10 months
MHA 398 spoilers with a Dekumight flavor. Toshinori is thinking about Izuku in his last moments, meanwhile Izuku thinks about Toshi while fighting against Shigaraki. They're definitely in love with each other.
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mary-peachy · 2 years
listen to me the most romantic part of DekuMight is that it's going to END. Toshi is old and damaged and he's probably not long for this world, whether he dies in an ill advised battle or just succumbs to his injuries, he's going to die way way WAY before Deku. And Deku is going to have to LIVE without him after that. He's going to have to spend the rest of his life knowing the best relationship he ever had is behind him.
Everything Deku experienced with Toshi, the things he learned about life and himself, the moments of pure joy and contentment and even the fights, no one is EVER going to understand what those meanT to Deku. All anyone else is going to see is some young dumb kid who got involved with someone way too old for him and ruined his life about it. Anyone who didn't know them personally, who didn't see what they were like together is going to immediately assume the worst about the relationship; Toshi was his mentor, he was old and damaged and he selfishly took advantage of Deku's hero worship.
And nothing Deku says will convince them otherwise, will be able to come close to explaining what they were to each other. Because yeah it WAS a little fucked up, Toshi WAS his whole world. But he was Toshi's world too. Toshi was the beginning of Deku's everything and Deku is the last good thing Toshi's gave the world. They are so intrinsically involved its impossible to separate them from each other even in death.
It was unhealthy, it was ruinous, but it was perfect and Deku wouldn't change it for anything. What they had was special, once in a life time. Deku will be content with loneliness for the rest of his life because he already got his happily ever after and it's over now, he's fine with that. Because sometimes what makes something perfect is that it ends.
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haptronym · 9 months
I saw that someone who ships Deku and All Might together is following you. Just thought I'd let you know
Oh, I think I've heard of that kind of shipping before!
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wormyclem · 2 years
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Joined BNHA fandom again,, , ,Lord help me.
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hello, I just wanted to clarify if the quotes you post tagged #dadmight are really daddy kink dekumight or not?! Cause I see mostly shippy out of context quotes on your blog
If you are interested in reading the full context for the quotes, you can check the source linked in each post right above the tags.
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eloarei · 1 year
I will start this ship meme off with a bang: Midoriya Izuku x Yagi Toshinori ;3
"Hey, Elo, do you ship the thing you've written like 300k words about?" 😏
Ship It? Yes. (Although less fervently than in years past.)
What made you ship it? -- Literally the hair eating scene lmao. But also like... The way they animate Izuku's eyes when he looks at All Might, especially in the opening themes? Come on. He's just overflowing with pure adoration (built on old hero worship, but grown stronger), while All Might is staking all his hopes on Izuku. It's like... the starting premise of the entire series.
What are your favorite things about the ship? -- The mutual dependence on each other; the enthusiasm they have together; the way Izuku still loves him even in his weak form, no hesitation. The way that they're intensely important to each other. From a fic perspective, they have such an intense vibe and so much potential; the hurt/comfort potential inherent to their "problematicness"; the potential for "us against the world"; the constant moral dilemma of wanting to be good moral people while desiring something that could be seen as harmful; the future-fic potential of All Might wanting to stay in Izuku's life but not wanting to "drag him down"; just... all the dynamic, full of love and hope and guilt. ...I may not have been actively into this ship for years but I could go on lol
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship? -- the shippers are pretty split in what kind of things they like, but as for me, don't fucking come near me with daddy kink 😂 don't. Go ahead and lean into the student/teacher, or the mentor/trainee, or the boss/underling, or whatever, but 🚫🚫🚫no daddy kink🚫🚫🚫 lmao. Also while I'm fine with underage stuff, I don't like to get kinky about it. It's like, yeah okay they're into each other *despite* the age difference, but not because of it. They can feel guilty, or even neutral about their feelings and actions, but I don't like them being creepy about it (unless for comedic purposes, in which case anything goes).
Thanks for the ask, Angel! It's nice to think about them again lol.
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kunshi-junzi · 2 years
Treat 🍭
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Good kids deserve sweets! 🍭🍬
A bit late, but...
Wanted to draw these two for the longest time and finally did it 😭 Had so much fun drawing their costumes ❤️
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spiral-hands · 1 year
So like. Vigilante! Deku and his lil malewife Yagi making him lunches huh? the current anime arc has them so close I'm Looking 👀 they are so into each other and had a fight and Agh.
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sinqueen69 · 2 years
deku x all mighty
Manipulation is a fave headcanon of mine for All Might because of power imbalance and age difference and such lol
SIZE DIFFERENCE!! Buff!Might loving to watch his partner's squirm and sob as he ruins their holes because he's so damn big so anyone they sleep with later will never match up
Deku has a big praise kink and never once questions what All Might wants him to do because it's All Might
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mary-peachy · 2 years
I think it’s so important for Toshi to have self esteem issues and think that he is not only a monster for loving Deku but also not even attractive enough for Deku to love him back. He just sees himself as this beast preying on poor little Deku. It doesn't matter how much Deku loves him back or forgives his evils (real or imagined) Toshi just sees himself as this rot clinging to Deku's vitality.
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haptronym · 9 months
The person is not shipping them as father and son but as a romantic couple.
Buddy. Pal. I promise you, I know what Dekumight is.
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wormyclem · 2 years
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Scribbles because I'm too lazy to do digital !
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