#Demon Kogure
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How to potentially start a hilarious lawsuit.
They added a character named "Kogure" to the anime.
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brendenswan · 1 year
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Music Monday - Week 10
Demon Kakka, デーモン閣下
and Gene Simmons, The Demon
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417yuuya · 5 months
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my mother's hope mother's day present art to post. zeno robinson(and his acting character)
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oddygaul · 2 months
Quick Hits #1
Okay, if I’m going to keep doing this with regularity, and use it as the journal it was intended to be and not a half-assed review blog, I really have to let myself do incredibly short writeups now and then, and not get hung up on trying to have Real Takes on everything. Quick hits! Here we go!
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The Land Before Time
This was like, weaponized nostalgia for me. There’s the parts I expected to hit me like a truck, like Littlefoot’s mom dying and the scene where the T-Rex is battering down the walls of the big spiky tree. But then there were bits that fully activated every neuron in my brain that I didn’t even remember beforehand, like the way the sand is animated as Ducky’s egg rolls down the hill, Spike eating grass, or the iconic sequence of Littlefoot’s egg rolling away.
As is common with older children’s entertainment, I was pretty shocked how dark The Land Before Time was willing to get. It’s a weirdly common staple of kid’s movies to feature the death of a parent, but the sheer length of time Littlefoot is given to wallow in depression afterwards was pretty striking - this cute little dude is ready to give up and die for damn near half the movie’s runtime.
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Also, the backgrounds are fucking lit - it looks like the Phyrexians brought the glistening oil through this place, god damn. I love it, though - it makes the environment really feel like a place out of time.
Now, I do love the approach contemporary dinosaur media takes to provide a more realistic view of the world dinosaurs would have inhabited. Seeing the creatures of Prehistoric Planet roam through an Earth not so different from our own puts things into perspective, and helps us understand how dinosaurs actually lived. But there’s a certain charm to the old-school approach of Land Before Time or Fantasia, with their blasted rockscapes and murky horizons. It makes the setting feel otherworldly, like the dinosaurs exist in a totally different, impenetrable reality, which is pretty intoxicating for the imagination of a child.
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Stand By Me is an entire movie based around how seeing a corpse changed a group of kids. Meanwhile these mfs walk by corpses ten times a day and don’t give a fuck
I Used to be Funny
Loved all the acting and all the writing.
10/10 no notes
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Godzilla vs. Biollante
This is probably my favorite of the old-school Zillas I’ve watched so far - a pretty perfect blend of camp and dope shit.
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The human story is a bit of a mess - they touch on a lot of interesting themes, but never quite succeed in making them matter. It is also, however, absolutely chock-full of wild, memorable moments. The Saradian assassin dramatically showing up from off-screen nearly half a dozen times, the weirdly gormless, shades-wearing Colonel Gondo and his Big Damn Hero Moment with the bazooka, Demon Kogure’s baffling cameo, the kids in the Seasoning City Awakening Lab drawing their visions of Godzilla, hell, the totally unexplained psychic girl herself - a lot of weird shit happens in this movie.
Then the monster side is choice, too. I haven’t seen a better-looking suited Godzilla than this one - the movement is spot-on, and the catlike, double-fanged Godzilla manages to be menacing even in close-ups. Biollante is really great, too. I was sold already when she was just an imposing, eldritch rosebush, and then we get a whole crocodilian puppet, replete with dozens of swaying vines? Very cool.
Also, the soundtrack slaps.
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pizzademucarela · 2 years
Takashi Utsunomiya, Demon Kogure, TMN, Seikima-Ⅱ on TV (Japan)
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onyomugan3 · 3 years
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davey-dammit · 4 years
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myself-85 · 6 years
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snesgsts · 6 years
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(1996) G.O.D.: Mezameyo to Yobu Koe ha Kikoe
pretty nice all-around
check out “Dolphin”
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flyingpochama948 · 7 years
Don’t think I ever considered a Hard Metal cover of Holding Out for a Hero in Japanese performed by a man but I’m glad someone did,
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Humane Society
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dailyjapanesemusic · 7 years
Demon Kakka - Miserarete
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shrinrei-shashin · 2 years
The many curses, ghost stories and urban legends of Yukiko Okada
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On april 8, 1986, 18 year old idol Yukiko Okada shocked the nation when she commited suicide at the height of her fame and popularity by jumping off the Sun Music building in Tokyo, Japan. The reason or reasons for her suicide are unclear, ranging from loneliness, stress, immense pressure and overwork, mental and physical health problems, a forbidden love affair and an illict pregnancy, with the most accepted theory being her unrequited love for actor Tōru Minegishi, who had rejected her. Notes were also discovered later which ended with “I wanted to see him again” and “My heart has nowhere else to go”
Whatever the case, Yukiko’s suicide caused an uproar in japanese society. Graphic scoop photographs were quickly taken of her dead body, brains strewn across the concrete, and printed in newspapers and magazines. A string of copy-cat suicides by jumping off of buildings were reported to such an extent that the term “Yukiko syndrome” or “Yukko-syndrome” was coined for the phenomenon
Yukiko’s sudden and tragic death made a massive impression on the people of Japan, and soon rumors began to spread that Yukiko’s spirit was not quite at peace...
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On June 18, 1986, the Fuji TV station was flooded with telephone calls from shocked viewers who claimed they had seen Yukiko’s ghost during Akina Nakamori’s performance of “Gypsy Queen” on Yoru no Hit Studio.
Sightings of her ghost included Yukiko in a yellow dress sitting and clapping amond the audience (actually guest Yoko Nagayama), Yukiko’s upper body emerging in one of the nearby light poles (actually just shadows and light reflections), her bloodied face showing up to the left of musician Demon Kogure (in actuality blurred red roses placed on the staircase). While others say her spirit could only be seen on the live broadcast and not in the recorded video
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Rumors started to spread that Yukiko’s spirit had perhaps been summoned due to the song “Gypsy Queen”, a song it was said Yukiko was originally supposed to sing but was later handed over to Akina Nakamori, who was also said to have been a rival of hers in the industry. To add insult to injury, it was alleged the song was recorded on April 8, the day Yukiko died.
The lyrics of “Gypsy Queen” does bear some eerie parallels to Yukiko’s fate:
1.   The two of us ended on page one hundred and twenty-five
 Yukiko Okada jumped off at 12:05 on April 8
2.  Halfway through our red-hot love 
 The cause of Yukiko Okada's suicide is said to be over her unhappy love for actor Toru Minegishi 
 3.  Grieving to the heavy sky casting a wine red tint on everything
Yukiko Okada commited suicide by jumping down from the 7th floor of a building (flying into the sky) and dyed the ground with (wine red) blood
4.  Sighs spill out onto my asphalt bed.
This one speaks for itself.
When Akina Nakamori three years later also attempted suicide, fortunately without success, rumors swirled that this was also the work of Yukiko Okada's angry spirit. 
Although it is worth noting that Akina on the contrary were on friendly terms with Yukiko, and even burst into tears when she heard the news of of her death death. This didn’t put a stopper to the ghost stories though, this time it was speculated Yukiko’s spirit saved her life instead 
Soon more legends about the restless spirit of Yukiko Okada appearing on programs such as "Pacific Saury no Manma" (where her ghost allegedly could be seen choking fellow idol and rival Seiko Matsuda) and "The Best Ten" quickly started to spread as well.
Another urban legend that quickly began to roam the nation, was that of the mysterious death of the man who photographed Yukiko’s dead body on the scene. It was said that the photographer even kicked her body unto her back for an even more graphic photo (this photograph is now said to be locked up along with other top secret documents in the Hochi Shimbum vault) Just one year later, the photographer died in a mysterious sauna or car accident, and people began to speak of the curse of Yukiko Okada.
This urban legend would eventually overlap with the now infamous “cursed Kleenex commercial”, which it was said this same man worked on, to the misfortune of it’s cast and crew who all allegedly went mad or died mysterious deaths (as well as anyone unfortunate or brave enough to watch it)
However, it did eventually turn out that the camera man who died in the accident and the man who photographed Yukiko’s body were two different people and the photographer is still alive and kicking to this day. That and the commercial was filmed in 1985, one year before Yukiko’s death.
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The number 4 is in Japan associated with bad luck and death. Yukiko Okada is famous for being intwined with this particular number. For example, her debut was in April, she committed suicide in April, she moved out of her production dormitory on April 4, and her new condominium room was Room 402. Most notably, a photo of Yukiko was taken of her at the premiere of Rocky 4. The truly ominous part is that is was taken the evening before her death.
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A spirit photograph, or psychic photograph, showing a young woman with what appears to be a giant, floating red eye to her right is said to depict Yukiko Okada the day before her death. What appears to be a giant red eye speculated to be the God of Death, ominously hoveri by her, waiting for the fatal hour it will take her soul to the spirit world. The photo turned out to actually be from a book collection of psychic photography from 1985, a whole year before Yukiko Okada killed herself.
Other sensational urban legends about Yukiko abound, like how singer and actress Erika Sawajiri is Yukiko Okada reincarnated as she was born April 8, the same day Yukiko committed suicide, as well as for her supposed love for older men, how Yukiko’s fans scooped up her brains and took them home and even ate them, how in Seiko Matsuda’s 1986 album "The Tears of the Puppet", you can hear the voice of Yukiko saying "thank you", perhaps Yukiko thanking Seiko for writing songs for her, how if you set a picture of Yukiko as your phone background you can hear her cry through the reciever, how according to a psychic a female ghost, speculated to be Yukiko, “very beautiful during her lifetime, and she was pregnant when she died, and she was very angry" haunts singer Minami Takahashi who was also born April 8, and how the japanese tv guide magazine “The Television” always poses their front page artists with a lemon as a protective charm against Yukiko’s ghost and curse.
To be honest, the whole concept of Yukiko Okada’s ghost / curse brings up mixed emotions in me. On one hand the idea of the restless, angry spirit of a beautiful girl who died tragically definitely captures one’s imagination, and it is an interesting reflection on society’s enduring fascination with celebrity, youth, tragedy, death and the paranormal, all in one package. On the other hand, the fact that the tragic death of this unhappy girl was turned into such sensational stories can be considered disrespectful, even expoitative in a way, to the memory of this talented, hardworking girl.
Akina Nakamori herself probably put it best with her response to the uproar; "Yukiko-chan is a lovely girl with a kind heart. I don't think she is like that."
Whatever your views are on the matter, what can not be denied is the massive impact Yukiko Okada’s tragic end had on Japanese society, an impact that can still be felt to this day, ghost or no ghost.
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irisviel101 · 2 years
I rewatched a few episodes of Inazuma Eleven last week, there was definitely way more trauma and dark stuff in the show than I realized before.
Off the top of my head, we have:
Season One:
Raimon getting annihilated by Teikoku (that's so common in the show though, so does this even count? I feel like it should)
Gouenji and his sister's storyline (I think that counts)
Kageyama literally trying to kill Raimon by dropping construction beans on them
Kidou seeing his teammates getting brutally injured and hospitalized by Zeus
Aki and Domon's flashback and memories of Ichinose's "death"
Zeus Jr High being encouraged to drug themselves to become inhumanly strong
You cannot convince me that Raimon was not messed up after the match with Zeus. They were literally being beaten up until near the end
Season Two:
All of season two is like one big trauma factory for these kids. This was probably the darkest season of the series.
Aliea Gakuen destroying various schools
The team getting beaten up by them under the guise of a soccer match (again and again by nearly every team)
Fubuki's backstory and his whole character arc (DID, PTSD, his insecurity of not being good enough, his self-destructive fixation on being perfect, it's also implied that he wished Atsuya was the one to live instead of him)
Gouenji being blackmailed by the aliens and his sister being threatened which is why he has to leave the team and go into hiding
Kazemaru and his extremely slow breakdown until he leaves the team
The whole Dark Emperors thing
The Aliea Gakuen kids being used by Kira in a fight they have nothing to do with
Kageyama manipulating Sakuma and Genda into destroying their bodies to mess Kidou up. The Shin Teikoku episodes were dark and scary af
Kogure's backstory of being abandoned as a kid and his behavioral and trust issues surrounding that
Rika is implied to have issues surrounding her parent's divorce (in the English dub, she mentions that her dad just straight up walked out on them)
Hiroto's story is pretty messed up as well. Kira renames him to replace his son because he looks a lot like the original Kira Hiroto, and Hiroto has clearly internalized it and devoted his woke life to make Kira happy even at the cost of himself. Then, Kira uses him and the rest of the Aliea kids to get revenge on the government for Kira Hiroto's murder, actively using Hiroto's toxic selflessness to his own advantage and manipulating him and the other kids to fight this war for him. Then, Kira forces Hiroto to release the limiter, knowing that it can cause severe and even permanent damage to these kids. There are many instances where Hiroto falters when faced with extreme violence only to end up following his father anyway because he feels like he owes it to him.
Hitomiko's coaching style is not very good either. I like that that's the point and it's used to give her cgaracter development, but one of her strategies was to remove all defense abd let Endou take dangerous shoots over and over again to show him that he needs to get better, something he could have figured out on without that too. Also, Hitomiko puts Raimon through so much without even telling them why they're fighting in the first place, which is kind of like using them in her own fight, like Kira Seijirou did with Aliea Gakuen.
Just the fact rhat these are children fighting actual terrorists
Raimon's mental health in this season was in a pretty bad state
Endou's depression period
Season Three:
Kidou's character arc with Kageyama
Fudou's backstory
Almost everything Kageyama does to Inazuma Japan and Orpheus
The Kingdom's plotline of them being blackmailed and their families basically being held hostage
Ichinose still having damage from the accident in his past
Kageyama's death
The entirety of the heaven and hell arc. Haruna was almost sacrificed and Rika was almost married off to a demon
Literally everything Garshield does in this season. Blackmailing children, human experimentation, plotting to take over the world, confining The Kingdom's real coach etc.
Daisuke's backstory with Garshield, especially when you consider that he spent forty years in hiding and had to fake his death and let his family and friends think he died for so long because of his altercation with Garshield
And these are just what I can think of at the moment. I'm pretty sure I missed a few things.
The point is, Inazuma Eleven has a lot of dark stuff in it, especially when you stop to think about the stuff the show didn't explicitly point out.
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maerrybom · 4 years
Believe Me
this takes place on chapter 5, so if you haven’t reached this part yet there are some spoilers?? basically, maye comes back emotionally & physically tired from a solo mission after tailing chisei to paradisio and all that stuff happens,, just read please
Maye’s Route
“...What’s this for?”
Johann held out a glass of warm milk to Maye who stared at him and the drink in his hand, confusion evident upon her features. The girl sighed and silently accepted the drink from her senior. As she wrapped her gloved hands around the glass, she felt the warmth soothe her weary senses. Maye just returned from a solo mission Caesar assigned and told her to find out information about the situation outside.
“It’s chilly tonight. You look cold.” Johann commented.
Maye stayed quiet, looking at the drink in her hands with a crease forming between her brows. Takamagahara bar was closed early for the night, so there weren’t any customers in sight gushing and clinging affectionately onto her seniors.  She felt her head pound angrily, and the idea of blacking out on the couch bar sounded perfect right now. She originally planned to do that but she saw Johann sitting by the couch as she sluggishly entered the bar. She didn’t expect this since it was already late at night and didn’t think Johann would stay up for her (let alone make her milk too).
And from what she’s gathered, all she’s done was manage to beat up a couple of gangsters, set everything on fire, killing an innocent demon woman in love and somehow became in charge of a gang. Then, she was also ‘reunited’ with the man who betrayed their friendship and put them into this situation in the first place:
Chisei Gen.
After the pink-head defeated Kogure Sakurai, Maye went towards the spot where the woman was once were and silently prayed for her. Chisei spared a glance at her first before standing up from his position and made his way to leave the fallen Paradisio.
“Without me, you would’ve been a goner, High Patriarch.” Maye spat, turning her head to glare at his back.
“If you just wanted me to thank you—”
“I don’t need your sh!tty thanks,” Maye said bitterly. “I don’t want to be thanked for being a sacrifice for your clan.”
Chisei turned around to face her as he sensed the younger burning holes at the back of his head. Maye’s emerald eyes ignited with silent fury and he almost felt his soul quiver at her intense stare. The man thought he was staring at the eyes of a murderous dragon, standing away from each other like predator and prey.
“Tell me who you are, High Patriarch.” Maye took a few steps closer to him, standing some feet away from each other. “Are you a friend or a foe? Are you really the Chisei Gen you were meant to be? Because all I see is a liar, a hypocrite—a coward.”
Maye continued to glare up into his dark amber eyes, eyes that she once admired, trying to search for the answers but to no avail. Huffing past him, she started making her way to leave this place as she had little patience for him. But, a large hand grabbed onto her wrist and forcefully pulled her backwards.
“Listen to me once, Maye.”
Chisei looked straight into her eyes with a serious look on his face. Maye just wanted to scream and yell at him to unhand her, but she didn’t have the mental energy to do so. Their faces were only an inch apart, feeling each other’s breath linger onto the other. As the sun and the moon stared into each other’s eyes, it felt like they were having a silent conversation, seeming so close and yet so far out of reach.
“I have a duty as a man,” Chisei began. “My duty is to protect the Hydra clan and get rid of every potential threat that wishes to destroy the foundation we built. If it means I must use every friend or foe, I will do so with no question. And if I had a choice to do it over again, I would have done exactly the same thing with no regrets. This is all for the sake of the clan, Japan and the entirety of mankind.”
“And what do you want?”
Chisei gave her a look of confusion.
“All you’ve said is for the benefit of the clan. Do you not wish for anything yourself?”
“You don’t understand,” The grip onto her wrist tightened. “Dreams are nothing but self-inflicted illusions. I don’t have time for silly nonsense—”
“Just like how you don’t have time for Erii?” Maye cut him off, forcing her wrist out of his grip. 
The man knew she was testing his patience by questioning his values and beliefs, but he couldn't give her what she wanted. Maye had something he couldn’t have: free will. It was one of the many qualities she had that he truly admired her for. She was everything he wanted. A dream he wished for.
“What? Nothing else to say?” Maye raised an eyebrow at him before turning away from him. “Before you are the High Patriarch, you are a brother, a son, a human being—you are Chisei Gen. You are the only one who can dictate how you live your life.”
Without looking back, Maye left the room as Chisei watched her go with a solemn look in his eyes. He didn’t have the strength to stop her from leaving again. He looked down at his hand that grabbed her wrist, feeling its warmth leave his palm into empty bitterness. 
Even though he believed they had the same goal, to fight for humanity, but yet again they were still too different.
Present Time
“My mother,” Johann’s voice snapped her back to reality. “used to heat up a glass of milk when I was a child. I didn’t like or dislike milk, but it made me warm inside.”
Maye peered over to look at him and saw a subtle smile gracing upon his soft features. Johann looked so gentle; a rare sight she wasn’t used to since he always wore a cold, blank stare and looked stiff all the time.
“Something so simple, so small...It meant so much to me.”
It was Johann’s turn to look at the other as their eyes matched. It was difficult to tell what each other were thinking—perhaps, they were similar.
“That’s...Nice.” Maye whispered, tearing the grim look in her eyes away from his. “Thank you for telling me...And for the milk.”
She wasn’t sure what to say because she doesn’t remember having a mother or having a family even. Maye then raised the glass up to her lips and took a sip of the drink. The instant sweetness and richness of the milk coated her senses into a heavenly rush. She felt her irritated nerves calm down and set her heavy mind at ease.
“I hope you’re not using me to practice how you interact with your customers, Ukyou.“
Johann chuckled at her remark, “of course not. You’re not a customer. You’re different.”
Maye quietly enjoyed her milk while Johann continued to speak.
“I heard Caesar assigned you to an errand and I’m not sure what happened, but judging from your appearance it seems like you went through a lot.” Johann commented, “you don’t have to tell me anything. I know everything went by too fast, especially since you’re only a freshman.”
The girl nodded slowly, closely listening to him. Johann then reached his hand out towards her, causing Maye to look at it weirdly.
“You can always depend on us,” Johann said, kindness in his tone. “You can always depend on me.”
Hesitance apparent on her features, she looked at him and looked back at his hand. Maye avoided physical touch as much as possible in fear of accidentally destroying someone into pieces, even with her special gloves on that were made to cancel out her EX skill: Destruction. It was an instinct to pull away if someone tried to reach for her hand, but Johann offered his instead. Johann knew of her fear, but he was, in his own way, telling her to trust him and gave her the choice to take it or leave it.
Mustering up the courage, Maye slowly lifted a gloved hand and laid it carefully onto his palm. As she did so, Johann gently intertwined their fingers together and gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. The action caused Maye to sigh in relief as she smiled at him thankfully, returning a soft squeeze to his hand.
“You’re not alone anymore Maye.”
And no one made the move to let go.
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