#Dentists chelsea
chelseadentalclinic · 7 months
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Chelsea Dental Clinic offers the latest in dental technology and technique, offering cosmetic and restorative dentistry. It is our goal to offer a comfortable environment for each of our patients. In addition, we strive to make your experience customized based on your needs.
CONTACT US: Chelsea Dental Clinic 298 Fulham Rd., London SW10 9EP, United Kingdom +44 20 7349 8889 https://www.chelseadentalclinic.co.uk/
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mateojoseph453 · 8 days
Preventing Tooth Decay in Children
It's important to instill positive behaviors in our kids from a young age. This includes teaching them about proper dental care, which should begin early. Typically, children start getting their first teeth between 7 and 9 months old. Hence, it's crucial to start teaching them about good dental practices at this stage. As soon as a tooth appears, the parent must make sure the child is brushing their teeth at least once or twice a day. Naturally, the frequency of brushing will increase over time. If you are looking good Dentist in NYC Chelsea, we are the top dentist in this area.
The milk teeth are going to fall down and make place for the permanent teeth. When the permanent teeth start popping out, this is the time when the child should brush the teeth at least two times in a day and even floss as and when required.
Attending regular check-ups is also necessary and becomes a critical part of good oral health. You must take your child to frequent dental visits so that if there is any problem in the teeth at an early stage. The decay may look like nothing in the beginning, but as a parent, you need to be very careful about it.
If you see any dull lines on the tooth surface closest to gum line, it is a sign of decay. You must book your appointment with a dentist and seek help from Chelsea NYC Children's Dentistry and Chelsea NYC Pediatric Dentistry to make things alright for your child.
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periodicexaminations · 3 months
Dentists in Frankston Are Dedicated to Improving Your Oral Health
You want dentists in Frankston with the appropriate training and expertise when it comes to dental procedures on your oral cavity and teeth. To be able to provide you with the greatest results, a specialist orthodontist has undergone years of academic study after earning a dental degree. The best course of action for anyone looking to make sure they receive the greatest care possible in the region is to ask about or check online.
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This emergency dentist in Chelsea Heights will use all of their years of knowledge in the field to make sure you receive the best service possible at the most affordable cost. They are an established name to be reckoned with, having a solid patient base and many years of experience in the industry.
Carrum Downs Braces and Clear Aligner Services
The customers can benefit from stronger teeth and better oral health from dentist near Carrum Downs, in addition to having a gorgeous new smile and no noticeable metal brackets across their teeth when they get invisible braces installed. A covert substitute for metal braces in tooth straightening is Invisalign.
Because they are composed of soft, strong materials and are removable, the transparent and tooth-coloured braces will be more pleasant for youThey are a great choice if you wish to address a few dental concerns or difficulties. It assists patients in resolving speaking or eating issues caused by crooked or mismatched teeth as they develop, and it prevents undesirable behaviour resulting from an overcrowded jaw.
Get All of Your Dental Needs to be Met by a Frankston Dentist
You will be happy that you made the proper decision in searching for them since you will require the best individuals working for you to have the smile you have always desired. The best course of action for anyone looking to make sure they receive the greatest care possible in the region is to ask about or check online.
These experts will use all of their years of knowledge in the field to make sure you receive the best service possible at the most affordable cost. They have become a name to be reckoned with, having a solid patient base and many years of experience in the industry.
You want someone with the appropriate training and emergency dentist in Chelsea Heights when getting treatment done on your mouth and teeth, or if your kid or adolescent is receiving orthodontics. To be able to provide you with the greatest results, dentists in Frankston have undergone years of academic study after earning a dental degree. Contact us for a dentist near Carrum Downs.
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amwife · 10 months
i’m five ft😭😭 uhhhhh
i’m BLACK 🖤💔 but east african like sharky aj chunkz darkest
i have light brown almond eyes (light eyes ayyy) and chubby cheeks. my hair is shoulder length but i have curly hair with hella shrinkage.
my lips are puffy and i have braces (i get off in two months.)
i wear acrylics or press ons but i don’t do any designs i just so reg colors
i have five ear piercings , my belly, and my nose
i’m lowkey chubby 😭💔 but i got that gyat and titties from my habesha genes😛😛
i love soccer, my fav team is chelsea, and i play captain for my high school. i think i’m smart?? i had perfect a’s last yr so i hope so😭😭😭😭
i had a tiktok that went viral a few months ago and ppl called me darkskin ice spice and said i was ‘cute like ice spice’ so do with that what u will!??!!
i can def dm a photo if u need but who do u think i would be best with from beta squad😭😭
i have vertigo and chronic heartburn so i spend alot of time in hospitals😍😍
the last sentence made my mouth fall open cs it shocked me for some reason 😭😭
i think likeeee chunkz imo. i said this to the last person who dmed me ab this but i promise ive got reasons🫸🫷
i think chunkz cs the hospital bit js kinda put it in my mind where hed be with u at all times nd visit u sm while ur in there, yk like hed bring u tons of flowers nd unnecessary balloons and just gifts overall. (and hed pay for it 🌚🙈🙈) same as the braces bit cs ik they r expensive (i think) nd mans would LOVE treating u like a big baby after any visit to the hospital or dentist, no matter how minor. hed buy all ur favs food and have like movie nights right after.
the piercings nd nails r the same tbh, hed buy u expensive ass shit like diamonds for your anniversaries, birthdays, etc. hed always pay for ur nails, if he could choose the colour every now and then, and would stay in the same room as ur getting ur nails done in js to stay close to u, no matter how boring it is.
(also sorry if this is inaccurate cs of the football team but ik nothing ab football nd their teams cs im frm new zealand and i lowkey thought u were naming a random girl! 💞😛)
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tobinheath · 11 months
Hi! I begin to think about my journey as a woso fan and realised that I started following you in 2015. I was going to start high school and felt a bit different from others and insecure. And your blog really made me smile! I remember when everyone tried to guess your name and the ship that shall be not mentioned. Then you started reblogging things about Arsenal and European football in general. Perfect! (Except I am a Chelsea fan hehe)
Anyways now I'm graduating from university as a dentist and feel really comfortable as myself. I just wanted to thank you for making me laugh and smile when I needed it. You really made my high school years. I hope you know how many others you probably also helped and entertained. You deserve all the best. ♥️
NO WAIT THIS IS SO CUTE!!!! Thank u my lil dentist 🪥 I’m so glad this blog made u smile!!!!! And all the crazy delulu the came with it. I hope you’re having a great time ily
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bradandchris · 2 years
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Wow. Chris never heard of Frank Sinatra before skimming across TIME Magazine’s 100 Skankiest People at the dentist’s office. Who knew there was a Kevin Spacey for the ladies? Well, Frank Sinatra was dead. Lol. Dead.
Oh. That could make for a good single. Chris could call the song ‘Not Kevin Spacey’ or maybe ‘Dead lol’. What about ‘No One Here Is Madonna (Still Mix)’ or ‘Point But Do & Do Not (The Sequel Mash-Up Part 4 & 9 But This Time 2 The Second Power Feat Annie Dope) Who wouldn’t buy that last track? Annie Dope didn’t even exist. Chris was THAT good at coining underground dance anthems.
Anyway, the track required itself to be something obviously super mainstream that lived underground adjacent but specifically not to the left. That area was already covered, remixed and put to bed by Ecnoyeb and her band The Living Mirror. Their album ‘Back At Me’ turned out to be about dirty penguins and therefore groundbreaking.
Chris was admittedly only vaguely familiar with the space. In reality, he and Brad existed in a gay bubble within a gay bubble with a foot in high fashion and a little known annex in Chelsea despite everything else being in LA. That was totally different. Still, it needed to be spelled out as most people were drunk or high when these things were referenced. The degree of difficulty in giving directions was exactly why their stomping grounds became so obscure.
BTW, it didn’t matter which foot was high just so long it was one. The person could also be high in totality as a foot would be included. Despite sounding exclusionary, the entire notion was actually cooperative as the last thing anyone needed was for some unassured queen to offend the neighbors in the bubble, bubblehood. Chris always liked to clarify these kinds of things to ensure the nuances of the underground culture didn’t get in the way of a good time.
Hmmmm. You know what? Chris would float this song idea past his friend Miss Kitten. It sounded like her.
Chris then caught himself changing in the dentist lobby as if he went to the gym. ‘Ugh.’ Automation really was overrated. It inherently left people out, and this time it was him.
Now putting his clothes back on, Chris would credit the save to the mindfulness of the receptionist lady. She had an eye for Chris and wore a finicky retro pin-up cone bra. She was hot in her own light and definitely not Madonna. Nobody there was.
You know, Portugal was lasting longer than most expected. Chris would talk to Brad that night about a possible annex, annex across the pond. It might be a good investment. It was not difficult to imagine Madonna’s kids were not dying to get out of that house and had $$. Oscar de PayRenta may just serve everyone.
That’s when the receptionist informed Chris his appt was for the next day. She tried to tell him earlier when he was talking to himself in his undies and didn’t get thru. The underwear VURRRY cute and nothing incriminating said, so Chris need not to insert any worry there. The two others in the waiting area were fine. She saw they were half intimidated by his body and half shocked so came out to tap Chris on the shoulder.
‘Well, hello.’
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greyeyedmonster-18 · 2 years
blame it on the weatherman
( a title that i came up with while marginally intoxicated and has very little to do with the fic; please enjoy my submission for Banana Train Covid Fic Fest.)
rita skeeter/gilderoy lockhart
cw: this is absolutely wretched. cursed flirting. banana mouth juices.
Rain, Rita decided, was the bane of her entire existence. Anyone who claimed to love rainy, stormy, cloudy days had apparently never had to take a train in one, which ended in a late arrival to an important meeting and soaked suede loafers that were decidedly not the choice for the in-climate weather. She had somehow made it through her meeting, trying to muster a modicum of professionalism while looking like a drowned rat, umbrella left at home, blonde curls plastered along her forehead and mascara streaming down her face, and was now able to sit in her absolute misery on the train heading back to her overpriced flat, rain still pounding on the windowpane behind her head.
The train smelled of smoke and washed-up dreams as she ran over the points she had missed in the meeting and another lost freelance journalism opportunity. Though, it would’ve gone entirely differently had the weather been different. She was certain
Ms. Skeeter, I’m not sure your…style is the right fit for this newspaper. We have a very firm policy on integrity and… fact-checking. 
Blame her bad luck on the weather.
Blame my good luck on me. 
She tapped her red nails against her teeth like a keyboard for a moment before absently chewing on a corner, chipping off the polish as the train stopped to let on more passengers. She pulled out her mobile phone from the inside of her bag, starting to scroll through her emails to see if there were any open calls she had missed or if any other jobs had emailed her back, only to see the blue wheel turn and her screen remain the same. 
Just one more time to make sure, only half paying attention to the blue Chelsea boots that sat across from her. She paused her scrolling to let her eyes wander up trim calves trapped in tight black skinny jeans, continuing to a teal button-down shirt with an emerald green coat thrown over the top. The man's own blonde curls were perfectly coiffed, pushed back from his face, the umbrella he had remembered beside him.
His smile was enough to knock her out, fling her off the train and into oncoming traffic, it was so bright and brilliant. She attempted to return it, heart fluttering, certain she just looked somewhere between uncomfortable and unbelievably constipated.
“Excuse me, miss?” he said almost immediately
“I’m looking right at you, aren’t I?”
“Right, uh, hello.”
“You’ve got something on your teeth,” he said, and Rita immediately blushed, clapping her hand over her mouth.
Bad luck on the fucking weather.
She scrubbed one of her fingers over her teeth, pulling it away to see red pieces of nail polish now on the tip of her finger, grimacing slightly, “Did…I get it?” she asked.
The man merely smiled again, “Not quite, let me?” 
Rita leaned forward in her seat across the aisle, lifting her lips to expose her teeth, just enough for the other man to rub his finger across her canine tooth a few times before pulling away.
“See. All set,” he said, sitting back in his chair, and Rita did the same.
“Do you always stick your finger in strangers' mouths?” she asked. 
“Not a stranger if I get your name.”
She cleared her throat, “Uh…Rita.”
“Gilderoy,” he returned with another smile, “I do stick fingers in the mouths of people I know,  however.”
“Strange hobby.”
“I’m a dentist.”
“That…that makes a lot more sense,” she muttered, looking down at her knee caps, for the first time noticing the run in her pantyhose just below the hemline of her tweed skirt. She pulled at the bottom of the fabric, hoping Gilderoy hadn’t noticed the way he had noticed chips of nail polish from across the aisle and the way he was probably noticing how much she had started sweating despite the weather outside. 
“Your gums felt very healthy, on the bright side.”
“At least I have that going for me…think I could put that on a resume?”
“Healthy gums? Absolutely. It’s one of the first things I look for when hiring. No need for a resume. I just need a smile.” 
Rita bit back the comment that hiring on smiles felt like a poor way to run a business and instead chose to stare out the window behind the man's head. Caught in the pouring rain, late to a meeting, torn pantyhose--she might as well have let a handsome man pick nail polish out of her teeth that day. Just as she was certain, her luck was turning around, that maybe a man on the train was smiling at her because he found soggy-cardboard-box couture endearing instead of just trying to prevent her from embarrassing herself even further. If Gilderoy's smile didn’t send her into oncoming traffic, another mortifying instance and another case of bad luck was certainly going to. Rita dared to focus back in on the man who was now eating a banana and looking expectantly at Rita.
Had she been staring too long?
Had he thought she was staring at him? 
Did he--
Gilderoy extended his hand across the aisle, giving her another smile.
And just as she did with the nail polish, Rita leaned forward and took a bite of a perfect strangers--well, perhaps not strangers, they were on a first-name basis and intimately involved via teeth picking-- banana. She choked it down, eyes watering, trying not to gag, having to finish chewing, gumming? Mushing? Remembering she didn’t particularly enjoy bananas and, for some reason, had accepted a bite from someone else. Her mouth was now coated in remnants of red nail polish and someone else's banana-mouth juices. 
“Do you always take bites of other people's bananas?” Gilderoy asked.
“First time.”
“You’re excellent at it.”
“I’ll add it to my resume alongside healthy gums.”
“I’d hire you, I think.”
“Are you looking?” she asked offhandedly, swallowing down her pride with the last bit of banana. If she couldn’t be a writer, she could at least work in a dentist's office alongside an obscenely handsome man with impeccable fashion sense. “Not that I know…anything about teeth. Other than…I have them.”
“What do you know about then?”
“I’m supposed to be a writer. Apparently, my work is what most papers call trite and frivolous, though.”
“A writer?” The man asked around a mouthful of his banana and leaned forward again, “Of all the happenstances…I happen to be looking for one.”
“A biography for your dental website?” she asked.
“An…actual biography?”
He leaned forward, smiling slightly, “Rita...have you ever heard of…a long-con?”
Blame my good luck on me.
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suckitsurveys · 9 months
Are you currently in love? I am.
Are you afraid of stink bugs? No.
What is the one room in your house you spend the most time in? The living room.
What do you think of your current president? I know I should be paying more attention but politics are just so mind-numbingly BORING to me. I don’t want to spend my time keeping up with it because it’s mostly just so depressing. I know enough to know that he’s doing at least somewhat better than Trump, but that isn’t really hard to do.
Is there one website you visit regularly, but would never admit to? Nah. Maybe certain fan fic pages hahahaha.
Do you own any pets? I have three kitties.
Would you rather have no legs or have no arms? I guessssss no legs.
Are you afraid of the dentist? I don’t like it.
Have you ever done anything illegal? Of course.
Do you like McDonald’s sweet tea? I’m not a fan of sweet tea. I like my tea as bitter as my soul.
Do documentaries bore you? Depends on the subject.
Are you usually happy or sad most of the time? I don’t know. I don’t feel one way more than the other honestly. I’m mostly content.
Does money make you happy? It does. Fuck capitalism but gimme all the monies thanks.
Have you ever had a storage locker? If so, what is/was stored in it? No.
How far away is the nearest capital city? 2 and a halfish hours. The capital of Wisconsin (Madison) is actually closer to Chicago than the capital of Illinois (Springfield).
What was the last movie trailer you watched? The last one I recall watching was Dumb Money, but I know there were some before Bottoms but I don’t remember which ones.
Are you expecting anything in the mail? No.
Have you ever broken any bones in your feet or hands? I broke my wrist if that counts as a hand bone.
Do you remember the first house you lived in? I do. We moved into the house my dad still owns when I was 5, but I remember the apartment we loved in before that.
Have you stayed up past 3 in the morning this week? Nope.
Is there anyone you know by the name of Frank? Yes.
Are you currently in a smoking environment? Nope.
Do you ever not speak to someone because you’re afraid you’ll annoy them? Eh, that’s on them, bro.
Have you ever known a guy who caused a lot of drama? Most men I know have caused drama in one way or another.
Is there anything you’re saving up for? Eh.
Have you ever punched someone and broke their nose? I’ve never punched anyone to begin with.
One word to describe your most recent ex? Irrelevant.
Do you like snow? When I don’t have to drive in it.
Can you tie balloons? I can.
When was the last time you were at a pet store? Last month.
Do you know anyone who is terrified of dogs? I don’t think so?
What’s your favorite horror movie? I’m not a huge horror movie fan.
What cover do you think is better than the original song? I’ve never met a cover of Chelsea Hotel #2 I didn’t like.
What’s a TV show you have gotten into recently? I’ve just been watching House Hunters lol.
What is a food you think is nasty that most people enjoy? I don’t know. I like a lot of “gross” foods.
Was the last person you hung out with single? Nope.
[TW: ABUSE] Have you ever been in an abusive relationship? Not really.
Do you like drinking diet sodas? Nope. If I’m gunna have soda at all I might as well go for it.
Who was the last person that cried in your presence? My niece.
What was the last thing someone gave you? Ummmm my sister made me a sandwich for our apple orchard trip if that counts lol.
Who is the person you often go to for venting? Here or Mark or Sarah.
Was the last person you kissed male or female? Male.
Who were you with the last time you went swimming? I was with Sarah. We went to a beach in Maine when I was out there visiting her.
Do you say “I love you” even when you don’t mean it? No.
Is it hard for you to be “just friends” with the opposite sex? Nah.
Do you prefer wheat or white bread? Wheat.
What’s your opinion on fast food? It’s fine in moderation.
Have you ever dated anyone while they were in jail? No.
If you’ve ever babysat, do you like it? I don’t mind watching my nieces from time to time.
Do you get a lot of spiders in your house? Yup. Basement living perks.
Name two of your favorite things as a child. Playing on the swings and Pokemon.
Do you own a pillow pet? I did.
Have either of your parents gone to jail? I imagine they were both arrested at some point. They were both hippies lol.
Do you have OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder)? I don’t think so.
Do you know a hoarder? My grandmother was.
Do you think homosexuality (anything besides heterosexual) is a choice? Absolutely not.
Do you have any interesting scar stories? Nah.
What’s a reasonable amount of time before two people get engaged? Whenever.
Do you hate the texture of meatballs? No, I actually love meatballs.
Do you get migraines? I do.
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chelseadentalclinic · 9 months
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Chelsea Dental Clinic offers the latest in dental technology and technique, offering cosmetic and restorative dentistry. It is our goal to offer a comfortable environment for each of our patients. In addition, we strive to make your experience customized based on your needs.
CONTACT US: Chelsea Dental Clinic 298 Fulham Rd., London SW10 9EP, United Kingdom +44 20 7349 8889 https://www.chelseadentalclinic.co.uk/
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mateojoseph453 · 1 month
Building Healthy Smiles with Trusted Pediatric Dentistry
In the bustling heart of New York City lies Chelsea, a vibrant neighborhood brimming with diversity, culture, and a strong sense of community. Amidst the lively streets and towering buildings, one essential aspect thrives—the well-being of its youngest residents. At Chelsea NYC Pediatric Dentistry, we're dedicated to nurturing healthy smiles and instilling lifelong dental habits in our young patients.
Pediatric dentistry plays a crucial role in ensuring optimal oral health from an early age. The formative years are pivotal for dental development, and our team at Chelsea NYC Pediatric Dentistry understands the importance of gentle, compassionate care tailored to children's unique needs.
Why Choose Chelsea NYC Pediatric Dentistry?
Expertise in Pediatric Care: Our experienced team consists of highly skilled pediatric dentists who specialize in catering to infants, children, and adolescents. We prioritize creating a welcoming environment where children feel comfortable and at ease during their dental visits.
Comprehensive Services: From routine check-ups and cleanings to specialized treatments such as dental sealants and fluoride applications, we offer a comprehensive range of services aimed at maintaining and enhancing your child's oral health.
Emphasis on Education: We believe that education is key to fostering good oral hygiene habits. Our team takes the time to educate both parents and children on proper brushing and flossing techniques, the importance of a balanced diet for oral health, and the prevention of common dental issues like cavities and gum disease.
Child-Friendly Environment: Our dental office is thoughtfully designed with children in mind. Colorful decor, interactive waiting areas, and kid-friendly amenities create a positive and enjoyable experience for our young patients, helping to alleviate any anxiety or apprehension they may have about visiting the dentist.
The Importance of Early Dental Care
Early dental care sets the foundation for a lifetime of healthy smiles. By introducing children to routine dental visits from an early age, parents can instill positive attitudes towards oral health and establish habits that will benefit them for years to come.
Regular dental check-ups allow our pediatric dentists to monitor your child's dental development, identify any issues early on, and provide timely interventions when necessary. Preventive measures such as dental cleanings, fluoride treatments, and dental sealants help safeguard against tooth decay and other common dental problems.
Moreover, early dental visits serve as an opportunity for parents to receive guidance on oral hygiene practices, nutrition, and habits that can impact their child's oral health. By working together as a team, parents and dental professionals can empower children to take ownership of their oral health and make informed choices that promote overall well-being.
Chelsea New York City Pediatric Dentistry, we're committed to nurturing healthy smiles and fostering a positive dental experience for children in Chelsea and beyond. Through expert care, comprehensive services, and a child-friendly approach, we strive to make dental visits a positive and enjoyable part of every child's journey to a lifetime of optimal oral health. Join us in building healthy smiles that last a lifetime!
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periodicexaminations · 5 months
Urgent Dental Matters? Meet Your Emergency Dentist in Frankston
When it comes to dental emergencies, swift and expert care can make all the difference. Your lifeline in urgent dental matters is the Emergency Dentist in Frankston. Let's explore the crucial role these professionals play in providing immediate solutions to dental concerns, ensuring your oral health remains a top priority.
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The Immediate Response You Need
1. Prompt Care for Pain Relief:
Dental emergencies often come with unbearable pain. A Chelsea dental clinic understands the urgency of providing immediate relief. Whether it's a severe toothache, sudden trauma, or a knocked-out tooth, their prompt care is designed to alleviate pain swiftly.
2. Addressing Trauma and Injuries:
Accidents happen, and when they concern your teeth, you must act quickly. An emergency dental clinic in Melbourne is equipped to handle dental trauma and injuries, whether it's a chipped tooth from a fall or a dental emergency resulting from a sports injury. The Expertise to Handle Varied Emergencies
1. Toothaches and Infections:
Persistent toothaches or infections require urgent attention to prevent further complications. Emergency Dentists in Frankston diagnose the root cause and provide immediate solutions, which may include pain management and prescription medications.
2. Lost or Broken Fillings and Crowns:
The sudden loss or breakage of fillings or crowns can be uncomfortable and compromise your oral health. Emergency Dentists address these issues promptly, restoring the structural integrity of your teeth and preventing additional damage.
The Convenience of Immediate Appointments
1. 24/7 Availability:
Dental emergencies don't adhere to regular office hours. In Frankston, Emergency Dentists are available 24/7, ensuring that you have access to immediate dental care, whether it's early in the morning, late at night, or during weekends.
2. Efficient Booking Process:
Scheduling an emergency dental appointment is streamlined for your convenience. The efficient booking process ensures that you receive prompt attention without unnecessary delays, prioritizing your oral health when time is of the essence.
Beyond Immediate Care: Preventive Guidance
1. Post-Emergency Follow-Up:
After addressing your immediate dental concerns, an Emergency Dentist in Frankston provides guidance on post-emergency care. This may include follow-up appointments, recommended treatments, and preventive measures to safeguard your oral health in the future.
Don't let dental emergencies compromise your well-being—meet your Emergency Dentist in Frankston for swift, expert care.
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waglifeornolife · 10 months
England lost
Chelsea lost
And I’ve just lost a filling and have start my Monday with an emergency dentist app.
Happy fucking Sunday 😂😂😂
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Greater Michigan Oral Surgeons
The state of Michigan is home to a large number of outdoor recreational activities, including boating, fishing, hunting, camping, hiking, snowmobiling, and skiing. However, it's important to know the risks involved in these activities to help prevent accidents and injuries. The following tips from greater Michigan oral surgeons can help you stay safe while enjoying the outdoors.
The term “oral and maxillofacial surgery” refers to the diagnosis, surgical and adjunctive treatment of diseases, injuries and defects involving the bones, teeth, face, jaws and associated soft tissues. General dentists often refer their patients to an oral and maxillofacial surgeon when surgery falls outside the scope of their practice. Oral and maxillofacial surgeons have an additional 4 to 6 years of hospital-based surgical training after dental school, called a residency program, where they gain hands-on experience performing complex procedures in a medical setting. They are also trained to administer anesthesia.
Dr. Mason is a greater Michigan oral surgeons who is passionate about helping his patients improve their smiles and lives through oral surgery. Whether his patients need to replace missing teeth with dental implants, need their wisdom teeth removed in Midland, or have sustained a facial trauma, he takes the time to listen and understand each patient's individual concerns.
She and his staff work hard to make every visit as comfortable as possible, and they go above and beyond to ensure that their patients have a positive experience from beginning to end. She enjoys the opportunity to make a difference in his patients' lives, and he believes that this is what makes the oral surgery profession so special.
As an oral and maxillofacial surgeon, Dr. Chelsea has extensive training in the diagnosis and treatment of conditions affecting the mouth, jaws, face, head, neck and skull. His specialty is in the extraction of impacted and unerupted wisdom teeth, which develop during your teen years. When left inside your mouth, they can push other molars out of alignment, cause pain and swelling, or become trapped beneath the gums, resulting in cysts or tumors.
You can turn to dentist Chelsea Mason and her team for the highest standard of dental treatment for your entire family. Dr. Mason treats pediatric, adult and senior patients. To make dental care more comfortable for patients who are nervous about dental procedures, Dr. Mason provides nitrous oxide relaxation gas and sedation dentistry.
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salonshop · 1 year
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A.A.M. Bos, Carole Prentice, Dr P Colonial Road 20 April – 2 July 2023 Pah Homestead 72 Hillsborough Road, Auckland Tuesday to Friday, 9am – 3pm Saturday and Sunday, 8am – 5pm Ever wondered what’s at the end of Colonial Road? It’s not a carpark or failed monument to imperial ambition but more a surprising, self-determined community of seabirds living in sight of the city. A.A.M. Bos’ film Colonial Road (2020) is an intimate, uncensored, harbourside view of the lives and crimes of The Real Shags of Chelsea Heritage Estate. Colonial Road is a three-artist exhibition including new work by Northland-based painter Carole Prentice, exploring family history and personal connection with place. Featured on the ground floor in the elegant Conservatory is another indoor garden landscape by Dr P, where, this time, her non-standard domestic exterior imagines an avian Breakfast Room just prior to the arrival of the morning mail. ‘The most well observed, sensitive and compassionate picture imaginable’ – Ted Coubray, Romantic and Sea-Girt North Shore (1928) Please note: The exhibition by Dr P in the Conservatory is open for three weeks only, closing Sunday, 14 May 2023 Colonial Road is accompanied by an exhibition catalogue, co-published by Mokopōpaki and Pah Homestead Colonial Road (2023) ka puta mai i Colonial Road (2020) ki Mokopōpaki, Ākarana
A.A.M. Bos lives in Auckland. His work investigates marginal urban ecosystems and habitats. Although the artist loves and admires the birds he photographs, A.A.M. Bos does not tweet. Or do Facebook. Mokopōpaki exhibition history: Colonial Road, 2020; Domestic #3: Ahimaru, The Dutch Embassy, 2019; WARY—A Survey, 2018; Whio: Blue Duck, Other Perspectives, 2017. Carole Prentice is a baker’s daughter from Panmure. She received a Bachelor of Fine Arts in 2001 from Elam School of Fine Arts, University of Auckland. Her paternal great grandfather, Jean-Baptiste Grondin, from the French overseas territory of Réunion Island in the Indian Ocean, arrived in Auckland in 1884, the same year Chelsea Sugar Works began operating a refinery on the North Shore. Carole says her love of ‘something a little sweet’ is inherited from her exotic French ancestor and their shared cultural passion for patisserie and all matters choux. Mokopōpaki exhibition history: Colonial Road, 2020; Household Hints: Ahikaea, 2019; Nīkau Delicatessen, 2018; Korekore Whakapiri, Other Perspectives, 2017. Dr P aka Cushla P is not a doctor or a dentist. Disregarding her mother’s sound career advice, she is neither a lawyer nor a plumber. Dr P is an occasional writer, indoor landscape garden designer and General Secretary of the Mokopōpaki Exhibitions Committee (MMPK). Mokopōpaki exhibition history: Colonial Road, 2020; Domestic #3: Ahimaru, 2019; This Joyous, Chaotic Place: He Waiata Tangi–ā–Tahu, 2018. Image: A.A.M. Bos, Avian Shits, 2023
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acommonplacepage · 1 year
Her real identity was no more my business than it was that of her clients. But almost two years later, I listened again to my tapes. In one section, late in the interview, in a part I hadn’t transcribed because it wasn’t important, she unguardedly said her daughter’s first name.
I got out my files. For some reason, I still had the model releases I had gotten the women to sign for Paolo that night. Jocelynne had signed only her first initial and had scrawled out her real last name in a nearly illegible hand. I could make out the first letter and a few possibilities for the next four. But if the daughter’s first name was real and the Texas A&M story true that might be enough. I went to the Texas A&M web site and began typing in names. Within five minutes, I had found Jocelynne’s daughter. I went to Facebook and there she was. She looked like Jocelynne, the wholesome co-ed version. She looked sweet. She had posted hundreds of pictures of herself, mostly wearing Aggie Sprint wear and posing with an arm around friends. Looking through her friends list, I found her little brother. She had recently written on his wall: “Congrats to my favorite Little League pitcher—you rule little bro!!!”
She was friends with her mother, so I found Jocelynne, too. Her name, obviously, was not Jocelynne. She was wearing normal clothes and sunglasses, but she looked the same. Her Facebook page was public too, so fifteen minutes in, I also had the name of her ex-husband and the names of her real-life friends. Not Cherry Pie and Exotique and Candee Gal but Lori and Chelsea and Jeanne. I was looking at pictures of the most normal family in the world: carving pumpkins, opening presents at Christmas, cheering at Little League games, striking goofy poses at the beach. I went on the Web and found her address, the books she was reading the clothes and hairstyles she had pinned on Pinterest, the home decor she liked on Houzz. Her ex-husband really was a dentist. She really had a dog.
The whole story checked out. The desperate housewife, the soccer mom, Belle de Jour—it was all true.
Company Town by Ginger Strand in Tin House, 2013 Fall
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queenofgraveyards · 1 year
ok that made me picture this - for whatever reason they’re having to go into work separately. she ends up being super late (obv bc of some crazy elaborate story that would truly only happen to her) and he’s so worried he’s being snappy and yelly with everyone at work and he sees her walk in and stops like mid meeting just to hug her (not even kiss, just hug) and then i want him to cry
that is so fuckin cuuuuuuute!! he’s such a big baby that he’d never let them go to work separately unless it was something really serious (but honestly not even THAT serious like she just had her six month dentist check up or something haha) and yeah it would be something crazy like her almost getting hit by a police car or something dumb that only ivy could be involved in and he would just be such a fucking prick to everyone and Chelsea n niall would just be 😒 at each other across the room bc they’re used to him being a CHILD
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