#Deputy Dove Ash
derelictheretic · 2 years
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OC KISS DAY 3: Anya Cherkov & Dove Ash — Cheek kiss
Thank you @deputyash for letting me use your lovely lady for this! <3
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direwombat · 1 year
🐤? :D
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harmonyowl · 1 year
💭💭 for Grace & Dove, and for Blythe & Dove :3
Of course lovely! Thank you for asking! 💜
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Clink. Schick. Clink.
Why so shy all of a sudden dear?
Clink. Schick. Clink.
You've been such a bad girl—
Clink. Schick.
—haven't you, sweetheart?
'Sister Grace?'
Clink. Grace lifted her eyes suddenly from her lighter.
'Oh, Brother Will.'
Said man hovered in the doorway nervously but he didn't say anything, which caused Grace to raise an expectant eyebrow.
'B-Brother John asked me to come and get you to discuss those new security changes...' His voice trailed off slightly as Grace didn't say anything, but her jaw did clench slightly.
She did not get fetched like some dog. She would come when she was good and ready, when she wanted to.
Flicking open the lid of her lighter again, Grace lit it before snapping it shut.
Clink. Schick. Clink.
'I'll just,' he started to back away from the doorway once he realised he'd get no response, 'tell Brother John you'll be there soon.'
Opening the lighter again, Grace flicked her thumb and looked into the flame. She knew she'd have to go considering she suggested this meeting herself, but now that Brother John saw fit to come and get her she was going to make him wait.
The flame flickered a little, and the warmth reminded her of familiar amber eyes. She had seen those amber eyes display anger and fear before: fear was her favourite of the bunch, she did so enjoy the fear, however recent events might find some more exciting expressions—
My eyes are up here, Dove.
Tracing her bottom lip with her finger, Grace smirked and finally stood up. She couldn't keep being late for her own meeting, and besides, the only way to catch her little bird again would be to create another little trap.
I'll be seeing you soon, Deputy.
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With a sigh, Blythe sipped on her juice and watched everyone around her socialising. Her parents seemed to be having a good time, smiling and talking to people they knew from Eden's Gate.
At least they were being treated nicely she supposed, a wafer thin silver lining if she ever saw one.
Blythe took the opportunity to look around the house. It seemed like a cosy place, and Blythe thought that she wouldn't have minded spending a lot of time here if the person that lived here wasn't a brainwashed cult member.
Well at least the food here was good.
Taking another sip from her cup, Blythe felt that someone had come to stand beside her.
'It was nice of you to drive your parents here.'
Looking over, Blythe saw a slightly taller woman with dark hair had sidled up beside her with a smile, and based on Blythe's observations she seemed to be the host of this cook out. She just smiled awkwardly in response.
'Thanks for having us.'
The woman smiled at Blythe again, and there was something about it that made her profoundly uncomfortable. But then again, everyone here kind of did.
'You're the new deputy, right?'
Blythe had been fiddling with a loose thread on her dress as she watched the woman next to her, she hadn't stopped smiling since her approach, and Blythe wondered if this questions was the entire reason the woman had come over.
'Yes I am ah—'
'Dove. I'm glad to meet you.'
'Yeah, you too.'
Blythe didn't introduce herself back.
It looked like Dove might speak with her more, but the two people that had walked into her living room caught her attention and made her eyes light up, coincidentally, they made Blythe's eyes die a little.
John and Joseph Seed. Interesting.
Blythe observed Dove as she went over to the two cult leaders. She hadn't been sure what her role in Eden's Gate was, to be honest Blythe assumed Dove was just another member like any other. But the way she had walked up to John and Joseph so brazenly, and now as Blythe watched her speak to them both, Blythe suspected there may be more to this Dove than she first thought. And trusting her gut generally did her right in these kinds of situations. Finding out more about her might help Blythe with her investigation.
She wondered if she could call in a little favour down at Quantico?
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deputyash · 2 years
OC Quiz: Tragic Horror Tropes
Tagged by @statichvm @strafethesesinners and @shellibisshe to do this quiz. Thank you!
Tagging: @harmonyowl @teamhawkeye @glowwormsmith @cryptichobbit @ri-a-rose @derelictheretic​
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- Dove Ash - 
The one who opened the door
You turn the door handle. You call out, "who's there?" and the crowd has the audacity to groan, to get frustrated with you. As if the gift of hindsight was something you had. How the hell were you supposed to know you were born into a horror movie? No one bothered to tell you. Say, if instead this was an action film, or a fantasy, would they still be telling you how silly of a mistake it was to press further on your quest? They would've commended you for your bravery. You thought you were going to be saving a princess in a tower, not getting stabbed in the back by a killer in the shadows. How is that fair? It isn't, and none of that was ever your fault. It is not wrong to believe things are good. Your trust, your optimism, it shouldn't ever be mistaken for ignorance or stupidity. We need more people who open doors. How else are any of us gonna move forward?
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storm-of-silver · 1 year
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[Image ID: Art of a meme. Polarbear, a large white tom with tan spots, is punching Maia, a orange tabby molly. Slate, a calico tom with green eyes, is in the foreground, smiling and giving two thumbs up. Art by SageTheFox on TH. End ID]
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aboyshapeddog · 6 months
WIP ⚠️
Jacob Gives Staci The Boyfriend Treatment
Relationships: Staci Pratt/Jacob Seed
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Drug Use, Smut, Unhealthy Dynamics, VERY Dubious Consent, Dom/Sub dynamic, Bliss = Slutweed, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Intox Kink, Dark, Massages, Rough S*x, Daddy Kink (kind of), PWP, Violence
Staci wasn’t allowed to consider refusing the Seeds, ever; the thought alone was in a territory his brain was no longer wired to reach. So when the Herald of the whitetails offered him a lit joint (what the fuck), his only questions were internal.
“Finish this for me will you?”, Jacob’s grumbling voice brought him to focus, the thing hadn’t been touched. Staci couldn’t remember the last time he’d smoked either. The familiar and just as unfamiliar smell filled his chest, it made his stomach twist. “Yes Sir.” Staci agreed like his words meant anything, then he reached for it, whatever the fuck it was.
“Aht aht aht.” His hands were both held still by one of Jacob’s own, whose movements always seemed to be a step ahead of his somehow. Instead the larger man pinched the burning piece between two fingers and brought it directly to Staci’s lips.
His voice was low, “Show me you know what you’re doing first, Deputy”. Staci didn’t hesitate, he leaned forward, wrapping his lips around the end of it, looking down as he took a sharp pull, to save himself from the intimacy of connecting eyes. He coughed into his hand, and smoke puffed out through the spaces between his fingers. Jacob smiled and let out a short laugh, “Been a while?” the personable part of Staci wanted to smile too, he didn’t. The joint was pressed back against his lips, he caught Jacob’s eyes this time; they were calculating, observant in the same manner he used to track deer, fowl, and rabbits; prey.
When Staci inhaled this time it was long and slow, like a well deserved drag from a cigarette; his mother would be sick at the sight. He was reminded of the D.A.R.E. t-shirts she’d gotten them both after attending a program at his high school. The smoke curled in his chest, he let it idle there before blowing it out of his nose with practiced grace. Sorry Mom. Jacob’s grin then was something Staci recognized too - wolfish, wild, and fucking ecstatic, the cat that caught the canary, he could be sick.
Jacob released the deputy’s hands and moved to his large oak desk, grabbing a clipboard off the top and clicking a pen. he motioned with one hand for Staci to approach, and Staci, like a good dog, silently took his position beside and behind Jacob.
The large man scribbled on the sheet in front of him, every once in a while pausing to think . . . creating a brief permeating silence before the scratching would continue. Jacob held the joint in his left hand, lifting it into Staci’s space with one hand while the other continued to jot notes. Pratt had to lean down to get his mouth on the thing, so he leaned.
As he took another long pull, Jacob turned to look at him directly; eyes like dissection pins, the thoroughness of the examination made him falter. Staci coughed again, and Jacob scratched another note on the clipboard. They locked eyes and Staci felt a nail through his gut, Jacob was studying him.
Knowing Jacob, this could be like his own personal project ARTICHOKE. Staci’s thoughts were already racing; jumping off the springboard of paranoia, and here he was, anonymous test subject PEACHES directly under Jacob’s thumb. No, that’s what angels were for, come on Staci. He took another big hit. Jacob hummed to himself “Only You”, glancing back at Pratt every once in a while. Staci stared straight ahead.
The nervousness clawed at his gut like it could tear out of him and save itself from whatever fate awaited its owner, he couldn’t stop himself, “What’s in that?”. His voice was hoarse from the smoke and disuse but he kept it steady, he cleared it and continued “uh, Sir.” Jacob ashed it before turning to face the deputy, “Worried about something?” He chuckled, only waiting a moment before standing to his full height and sticking the blunt between Staci’s parted lips. “It’s a personal blend, a gift.” He spoke with the same nonchalance he used when noting ration cuts and delivery schedules. “You’ve been promoted to my personal food tester, Pratt.”
Jacob sparked the lighter underneath it again, watching the cherry turn bright red as Staci hesitated. Exhaled. Then inhaled.
They stood in silence, the sound of the second hand of the old clock on the wall struck like thunder in Staci’s ears. “Tell me, how are you feeling?” What kind of question was that. How should he be feeling? He was lonely, tired, hungry, he couldn’t remember being anything else since his arrival. “Sore.” Oh yeah, that too. Somehow while he was stuck in his own head, Jacob had closed the distance between them again, staring down at his deputy and taking in every minute expression. “Sore.” Staci said again, his words seeming less and less of his own volition.
The redhead turned his partner around, pulling the small man’s back to his chest, and firmly running his hot hands down the younger mans sides “Here?” he asked. The sensation sent shivers down the deputy’s spine, he could feel his muscles twitch under the contact. “Umm, no actually. More near my uh neck, and shoulders.” Jacob released his hold and went to note something on his clipboard, Staci charted every movement. Then Jacob’s hands were on his shoulders, thumbs digging into his trapezius, the pressure, pain, and relief almost made his knees buckle. Jacob noticed “Right here?” his question was more of an acknowledgment, but Staci answered anyways. “Y-yeah. Right there” his voice was as low now as it was rough, jesus did he really sound like that.
He should stop, he thought to himself, really, but god his mind was racing. When was the last time somebody had touched him like this, when was the next time anyone would take care of him again, if there was a next time. “Stop thinking so much Pratt, I can smell the smoke coming from your ears.” Was he that obvious? Staci relaxed into the other mans touch, taking another drag of the “personal blend” and letting his head loll to the side. The deputy allowed himself to be completely hypnotized, eyelids fluttering shut, and taking deep, heavy, breaths.
Jacob worked silently, a silence the deputy had come accustomed to, diligently massaging the tight tissue; stretching and kneading the others tan skin under his fingertips. Staci let out a breathy groan, shocking himself out of his trance. He shot up to perfect posture. Only to be shoved down into Jacob’s chair, “I said relax, Pratt.” And he did, taking another hit, fuck he was already so high he was laying back nearly boneless in the Herald’s arms. “Now-“ the older man started, continuing to massage as he spoke, “How are you feeling?”. Staci sighed deeply. Warm, fuzzy “Good” he breathed out, “A little uh lightheaded, and uh”, horny- his eyes flitted open. Not now, not with half a mind in front of Jacob. Mot like he could help it but holy fuck now was not the time. “Good?” Jacob responded, running his hands up and down the younger mans sides. Staci tried to ignore the way it tingled in his gut “Yes Sir, Good. Thank you, Sir.” Jacob smiled. “Good.” He removed his hands from Pratt, who promptly began tensing and relaxing his closed fists on his thighs, while Jacob made another quick note on his board.
He was back, again, in the blink of an eye, now sitting on his desk across from Staci. The mountain before him leaned down slowly, taking the brunettes ankle in his hand and unlacing a boot, then sitting himself back upright, bringing the socked foot into his lap. “How about here Pratt, this sore.” His voice was lower now too. “Yes Sir.” Pratt answered too quickly, wanting needing Jacob’s warm hands on him again. Jacob smiled. “Alright Pratt, that’s good, i’ll take care of you.”
Jacob slipped off the man’s jeans and continued his slow methodical journey of tenderizing every bit of meat on his body; cracking toes, and rolling his ankles, then firm squeezes up around his claves to the pits of his knees. Staci was in heaven. Sinking deep into his seat still smoking like a chimney, he was reduced to muted gasping and groaning through a fist over his mouth, while the joint burned down to the filter. Jacob, ever the observer, took hold of it when the stoner started burning paper, casting it aside to his pristine ash tray before getting right back to work. “How are you feeling now, Staci?”Jacob’s voice tickled in the deputy’s ear, he smiled and puffed out the last bit of smoke he’d been holding through his nose, “I’m-“ he interrupted himself with a short laugh “I’m excellent.” He smiled wide before adding “Sir.”
Jacob smiled back, nowhere near as lighthearted. “Excellent?” he asked, and Staci knew that smile; he’d been on the receiving end every time a food can had been placed just far enough out of reach. But right now, body and mind singing praises for the earth Jacob walked on, he cherished it. His body seemed to follow his thoughts without filter, leaning closer to the Seed as he nodded “mmhmm.” Jacob let him, leaning even closer so he could whisper in the younger mans ear. “Well isn’t that nice. Unfortunately I don’t think that’s true, Peaches.” He slid a firm hand slowly up the muscle of Staci’s thigh, inching his way in to press his open palm hard against the fat bulge in the Deputy’s briefs. Staci gasped loud, shutting his eyes as a wave of pleasure crashed over his body, “Fuckin- mierda.” he choked. “You’re telling me you don’t want any help with this, sweetheart?” Jacob tutted, grinding the heel of his palm against Staci’s hard cock. “Dios mio, please.” Jacob loved it when he begged, with those wide brown cow eyes, long dark lashes, and pretty pink lips always a little wet and raw from being chewed on.
“Oh don’t you look pretty.“ He admired with clear condescension. “I’m gonna need you to use your words, Staci; ask me to take care of you.” The poor kids mind must have been a soup, Jacob knew it. The way he blinked slow, his eyes seeming to get stuck on one thing or another for too long. But now, he was pink, in his cheeks and his fingertips, panting with his legs spread wide for Jacob; his eyes practically crossing as he made contact. “Take, take care of me. Please, Sir.” Perfect. “Atta boy.”
For Staci it was a blur, hot hands everywhere, manipulating his drunk feeling body. For Jacob it was tying his own neck with a lobster bib, pulling the smaller man’s briefs down and spreading his knees over his own. Jesus, Jacob thought, the poor mutt was leaking already. He didn’t hesitate, sliding his hand over the top of Staci’s cock, and twisting his fist over the dripping head just so- “Ahnnnn fuckingh Jake-” there it was. “That’s right, i’m gonna make you feel real good.” Pratt really knew how to whet his appetite. Jacob spit directly on Staci’s cock, and used his free hand to squeegee saliva straight from his tongue. Staci just took it, lying still while Jacob violated his mouth, it made Jacob hungry.
He pulled his wet fingers out of Staci’s mouth and coiled them in his hair, wrenching his head back so Jacob could lick the inside of his mouth. Staci stuck his tongue out for good measure. “You fucking whore.” Jacob panted wet breaths into Pratt’s mouth, “You take off your pants for every man that gives you a joint?” Staci kept his tongue out. “This is all it takes to get you swallowing my spit and humping my hand, a little brain buzz and a few minutes of the boyfriend treatment. You are pathetic, Peaches.” The Herald ground his cock against his the other man’s ass as he spoke. The deputy’s wordless whines dripped drool on his uniform shirt.
Jacob used his larger size to keep Staci pinned in place, one arm holding him tight, and the other jerking his cock at a torturously slow pace. Staci begged and bucked his hips, dizzy with endorphins, but his cries fell on deaf ears. Well, not literally. Jacob heard every halted “oh god” “feelssso-“ “mierda” and reveled in it. “please, uhn- Jay“ Oh he was perfect wasn’t he. “Jesus you’re a fucking mess.” The herald chastised like it didn’t turn him on even more.
“You like it when a big man takes charge of you?” He lined up a slick finger with the smaller man’s hole “Hmm Staci?” and shoved it in deep. “Yes. Yes, Sir.” Staci would be mortified at the degradation if he weren’t on the verge of exploding. Jacob thrust his finger in and out of the deputy, switching their positions again so he could slip in a second. Now he had the younger man balancing on tiptoes, bent over his desk, hard cock hanging over the edge. Staci’s legs locked at the knees to present his wet hole like breeding stock. The deputy pressed his forehead against the cool polished wood.
Jacob fucked two fingers in, curling them as he slowly pushed in and out of Staci’s tight heat. “Alright, yeah. I’ll be your Daddy.” Jacob grunted, starting to work his own cock with oil and line it up with his partner’s entrance. Then so slowly, pushing the head in. “oh fucking God.” Pratt whimpered, and Jacob just as slowly rolled his hips, fucking deeper into the smaller man with every motion. Staci whined when their hips met, gasping, and hiding his face deeper in his arms as the clap of Jacob’s hips against his ass echoed through the room. Fuck this was so dirty.
The herald started picking up his pace, and force, the kid had his fun, now it was Jacob’s turn. He grunted with every thrust, leaning down to squeeze the deputy’s cock as he bottomed out, slamming deep against his prostate. Moans were pushed out of Staci’s lungs now, with every connection of their hips his back curled, shoving his body forward like dead weight. Jacob was so deep it almost hurt, “W-wait can you, uh Jay-“ a hand was thrown over Staci’s mouth “Not now sweetheart, it’s Daddy’s turn” he sounded as sympathetic as he could manage as he pinned into the other man with reckless abandon. A gargled moan with drool slipped through his fingers, he smiled wide, and pressed a kiss to the deputy’s back. He fucked into Staci like a toy, gripping his hips and pulling them hard against his own. Staci’s legs trembled, switching from one foot to the other to keep his ass high enough for Jacob’s liking. “That’s a good boy.” Staci whined again, causing more drool to pool beneath Jacob’s hand.
“Just like that.” And just like that Staci was cumming, choking out a moan and fat white puddles between Jacob’s uniform boots. His legs trembled and he fucked into nothing as he eked out the last drops.
This was overwhelmingly ignored, save for a low whistle Jacob let out at the sight, and it sure was a sight. Staci collapsed in from of him, hair slick to his face from tears, sweat, and smothered drool. Jacob fucked him mercilessly, still tugging at his pink cock as it dangled between his legs. “Please Jacob it’s too- it hurts, please I can’t.” In lieu of a verbal response the other man bit him, hard at first, before licking and nibbling his neck and shoulders; it mixed the sensitivities excruciatingly. Then Jacob was growling right in his ear, “I’m gonna get every last drop out of you, then i’m gonna breed your little ass”. It was all so much. The larger man fucked continually, hard and deep, pin pointing his sensitive spots with every thrust. His hand too, twisted around the head of his cock, teasing the over sensitive slit like he meant torture another orgasm out of him. “Please, I-“ his mind went completely blank, knees folding and collapsing again into Jacob’s arms.
It wasn’t long before Jacob joined him, thrusts becoming more sporadic, and harsh before “Fffuck.” Jacob panted, now directly into Pratt’s neck as he crushed the poor man beneath him. Staci could feel the warm semen dripping down his thighs, it made him shiver. He felt disgusting, truly, but Jacob all over him and inside of him it felt so so good. The older man grumbled above him, lifting himself off of the deputy slightly, and slowly pulling out his cock. More cum on the floor, now dripping directly out of his ass and Staci could feel it.
Staci made to stand up himself but Jacob pushed him back down, and said“Stay.” So Staci stayed, until Jacob came back with a damp cloth, wiping him down thoroughly with a gentle hand. Staci didn’t dare utter a word.
They were both dressed in no time, Staci itching to run and hide in the nearest shower or cage for eternity. “Before you go..” Jacob started, “Yes, Sir” Staci was too eager again, “How are you feeling?” The question felt heavy without the lip loosening that the drug had given him, he really couldn’t say, he really shouldn’t say . . . “Sore, Sir.” came out again, and he was. Jacob scribbled down another note on his clipboard, seeming to finalize whatever assessment he’d been conducting. “Good.” In his experience, Good could also mean Dismissed; Staci walked to the door before turning around, and pausing, “I think the blend is good, Sir. If you want to try it yourself. Sir.” They locked eyes, reading one another for what felt like minutes, and there was that hunters look again. “I’ll make a note of that, thank you, Pratt.”
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cryptidclaw · 2 years
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Hawkfrost/Hawkstar redesign! I have decided for RoC Hawkfrost will become leader for a while! Instead of being killed during his fight with Bramble he is instead gravely injured and has to escape the fight. Ashfur is the one to find him and bring him to Mothwing to be healed. He then eventually becomes leader after his mother (Leopardstar)’s death. His leadership isn't very long though... I plan for him to be defeated during probably Po3. I'm tempted to have Mothwing kill him too bec she deserves it. 
I want Ivy and Dove to be his kits who were born soon after his death. I am unsure if I want Ivy and Dove to be Thunder Order cats or River Order cats, could be cool to have them be River Order main characters but it might get confusing/complicated. I want Hawk to be trying to control and manipulate his kids from beyond the grave just like what Tigerstar did to him, but Ivy and Dove break the cycle! 
Alsooo, Hawk and Ashfur are much more in cahoots in RoC! Ash continues to help Hawk behind the scenes after their act on Firestar’s life, and once Hawk becomes leader, Ash leaves Thunder to become Hawk’s loyal deputy. I'm thinking I may have Ashfur actually start the fire on Thunder Order’s territory too.. 
Still planning things out but I want Hawk and Ash to be two of the main bad guys in Po3! I just think they had the potential for it! 
Image ID below v 
[Image ID: A digital drawing of Hawkfrost/Hawkstar from Warrior Cats. He is standing with his right side showing, and he has a cunning, sly expression on his face, with his mouth open in a sly smile. He is a sleek, long furred, brown and white tabby tom with yellow eyes and blue irises. He has a mostly dark brown tabby coat, with some swirling markings on his shoulder and flank, he has white around his eyes, on his muzzle, on his neck, stomach, lower half of his back legs, front paws, and tail tip. He has a brown diamond/star shape on his chest and brownish pink scars on his side, on his chest going over his star, over his left eye and left upper lip./End ID]
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dhr-ao3 · 4 months
a poem of plum blossoms
a poem of plum blossoms https://ift.tt/9lXSiZM by honeymilkplanet "And like the plum blossoms that flower, year after year, despite the relentless snow of winter, into golden-hearted, rose-petalled sonnets of nature: here began a love that bloomed, through the blood and ash and fire of war, into a garden of eternal poetry." April, 1998. On that fateful night in Malfoy Manor, Draco - terrified and coerced - correctly identifies the Golden Trio. Harry Potter and Ron Weasley are murdered; Hermione, spared from execution, but angry and resentful, vows that - no matter what it costs her - she will have vengeance. April, 2003. The Second Wizarding War is, at last, at a tense, uneasy end. A furious Draco - elevated by his great betrayal into one of the Dark Lord's most trusted deputies - is ordered to marry Hermione, the deadliest soldier in the Order of the Phoenix, to secure a tenuous peace treaty between the Dark side and the Light. Hermione does not know that the husband she despises is haunted, as deeply as she is, by the bloodstained phantoms of the past they both share. And Draco does not know that the wife he is falling in love with - - plans to murder him in revenge. Words: 22573, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/M Characters: Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott, Neville Longbottom, Pansy Parkinson, Daphne Greengrass, Tom Riddle | Voldemort Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Neville Longbottom/Theodore Nott, Hermione Granger & Tom Riddle | Voldemort Additional Tags: Illustrated Fic, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Voldemort Wins, (sort of), Death Eater Pansy and Daphne (Because Voldemort is a Feminist), Tortured Poet Theo and Madly In Love Neville, Crazy Hermione and Crazier Draco, Dark Hermione Granger, Protective Draco Malfoy, Possessive Draco Malfoy, murderous Hermione, Hence: Domestic Violence (Due to Semi-Occasional Murder Attempts), Minor Character Death(s), Eventual Smut, Angst, Lots of Angst, Heavy Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, no beta we die on the hill of poor decisions, not exactly dead dove, But More Like Unconscious Peacock: Do Not Wake via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/VIBoGuM June 12, 2024 at 01:52AM
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exocynraku · 2 years
hmmm i saw a post from someone recently about them wanting the 4 prophecy cats to be from different clans (i think they were talking about lion jay holly and dove) so i thought id make a little thing for that
jay & holly are still born to leaf and crow, but crow takes holly to windclan and leaf keeps jay. crow convinces nightcloud to raise holly as her kit and she reluctantly agrees. jays story is pretty much the same lol. holly has a hard time fitting in to windclan cuz of her fur colour & thickness so she has some trouble finishing her apprenticeship. during this time, squilf & jay are attacked by ashfur after the forest gets lit on fire. squilf says jays not her kit and that hes actually leaf and crows kit, but she doesnt tell ash about holly. before the next gathering, jay finds ash at the lake (i think it was the lake? was it a river? whatever) and kills him. then, at the next gathering he announces what holly did canonically, BUT! someone puts the pieces together. breezepelt, who knew that holly might not have been nightclouds real kit, realizes he’s right, and that shes probably leaf and crows kit too!!!! crow confirms this, which only causes more problems. breeze & holly now hate crow for lying, and team up with nightcloud to yell at him lol. holly has a hard time fitting into windclan even MORE now that shes found out shes half thunderclan. jay also has alot of trouble doing his med cat duties, because it means he has to be near leafpool, who he’s rlly uncomfortable with.
lion is born to russetfur, of shadowclan. his story is about his identity as the son of a former rouge (fun fact russetfur used to be a rouge named red). he doesnt know this at first because russet doesnt tell him. during the time he doesnt know, he’s got a pretty big ego cuz omggg im the son of the deputy!!!! awesoem. until he finds out russet used to be a rouge and now hes like. omg im… the son of a rouge? who is now deputy?!?? he kinda freaks out about it for a while until shadowclan (all of them) explain ya russetfur was a rouge but shes proved herself as a good deputy & clanmate and now hes chill …… until he discovers his powers. the first time he found out and WHY he found out is because he accidentally killed russetfur during a training session. hes totally spiralled into depression now and questions his identity even more cuz hes now 1: the son of a rouge 2: the son of the (former) deputy AND 3: a murderer
dove and ivy are born in riverclan, born to dawnflower alongside minnowtail. (tumblekit and pebblefoot dont exist anymore LOL) dove & ivys story are like the exact same except theyre in riverclan now lol. ivy gets shoved into the df because hawkfrost convices her (which honestly makes more sense now cuz shes riverclan), and guess who she sees there? breezepelt….. and hollyleaf. (and all the other df trainees) holly and ivy get along well, and train alongside eachother. dove finds out she has powers, and befriends willowpaw. willowpaw discovers that there are other cats who have powers, and takes dove to meet jay, and then later on lion. they get their prophecy (its not the kin of ur kin one anymore tho its a new one) and meet at the gathering island whenever they can
everything is the same up until ivy finds out the df’s true plans, and tries to convince holly to stop going to the df. holly refuses, not believing what ivys saying, and wanting to say with breeze. ivy runs away, and tells dove the truth. dove then goes and tells lion & jay. jay goes and tells firestar, who tells the rest of the clans, who then start planning for the df’s attack
everything is the same until the battle, where ivy gets in a confrontation with holly. ivy shows holly whats going on, and she FINALLY realizes whats going on, and joins the side of the clans. she’s also able to convince the majority of the other windclan df trainees to join the clans…. except breezepelt. holly and breeze get into a fight, and holly brutally injures breeze, killing him, and sending him into the dark forest
after the battle is over, the clans have won. holly meets leafpool and jay, and helps crow and leaf become friends again. night breaks up with crow, and moves on, starting a new life with someone else. lion is able to overcome his identity struggles, and becoming a wonderful warrior. blackstar offered him the spot as deputy, but he refused, still not feeling he deserved it after what he did to russetfur
the 3 lose their powers, and ivy and dove repair their relationship, holly, leaf, jay and crow try their best to get along, and dove starts seeing tigerheart. avos happens, dove & tiger leave and come back with kits, dove moves to shadowclan, aaand thats it! this got way too long but. whatever
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derelictlovefool · 2 years
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Ao3! Kofi! Request Guidelines!
♡ — Fluff
♧ — Angst
♤ — Nsfw/Smut
◇ — Canon Typical Violence
□ — General, No Warnings
☆ — That special Enemies to Lovers flavoured spice
Last Updated: 21/09/2024
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— Fics involving my original characters [oc x canon & oc x oc works]
Resident Evil Village
One Man's Trash is Another Man's Treasure: Colvyr Covali x Karl Heisenberg — ♡
What's His is Mine and What's Mine is Mine: Colvyr Covali x Alcina Dimitrescu, Colvyr Covali x Karl Heisenberg — □
Alcina's Notes on Colvyr: Features Colvyr Covali, Alcina Dinitrescu and her daughters — □
Kiss on the Forehead: Colvyr Covali x Karl Heisenberg — ♡
Hope: Features Darius Lupan, Ethan Winterd and the Duke — ◇
Far Cry 5
SMFYaM CH1, CH2, CH3, CH4, CH5, CH6: Deputy Dean Sinclaire x Jacob Seed — ◇♤♧
Safe & Sound: Features Dove & Pheobe Ash (@/deputyash's oc's), Dean, Caleb, Charmeine & Ace Sinclaire — Single Parent Crossover AU □
The Angels Right Hand: Features Anya Cherkov, Faith Seed, Simon Dallas and Sharky Boshaw — ◇
Unwanted Visitor: Features Jerome Jeffries, Baptist!Dean Sinclaire and Peggies — Reverse Fc5 AU ◇
Misguided: Features the Seeds, the Sinclaires, Herald!James Rook and Marvin Brooks — Reverse Fc5 AU ◇
Not a Diva: Peggie!Dean Sinclaire x John Seed — ♡
A Glimpse: Deputy Dean Sinclaire x the Seeds — ◇♡☆
A Moment of Bliss: Deputy Dean Sinclaire x John Seed — ♡
Hard Decisions: Baptist!Dean Sinclaire x John Seed — Reverse Fc5 AU ♡☆
Ain't No Rest For The Wicked: Features Marvin Brooks, Deputy Dean Sinclaire, Deputy James Rook, Jess Black, Grace Armstrong, Earl Whitehorse and Peggies — ◇
A Mistake and a Saving Grace: Deputy Dean Sinclaire x Joseph Seed, Features Sharky Boshaw — ☆♡♧
Guilty Conscience: Deputy Dean Sinclaire x John Seed — ◇♡♧
Tired: Deputy Dean Sinclaire x Joseph Seed — No Cult AU ♡
Head For Breakfast: Deputy Dean Sinclaire x Deputy James Rook — ♤♡ [Consensual Somnophilia, Oral, Barebacking]
Dying Light 2
One Minute More Love One Minute More: Nikolas Reeves x Hakon — ♧
24/03: Nikolas Reeves x Hakon x Lawan — ♡
The Boy From Never and Ever [original fiction]
Scars & Ink: Nym Rosemerry x Eden Noble — ♡
May I?: Nym Rosemerry x Eden Noble — ♡♤ [Blowjob, Face sitting, Barebacking]
Day 1, 2 & 3: Wade Wilson x Dean Sinclaire — ♡♤◇ [Day 3: Praise kink, Butt plug, Oral, Handjob, Doggy Style, Overstimulation]
Day 4, 5 & 6: Heather Lucille Valentine x Deputy Dean Sinclaire — ♤♡ [Day 4: Thigh Riding, Handcuffs]
Day 7, 8 & 9: John Seed x Deputy Dean Sinclaire x Deputy James Rook — ♡♤◇ [Day 9: Thigh Fucking, Masturbating, Oral]
Day 10, 11 & 12: Mary May Fairgrave x Anya Cherkov — ♡
Day 13, 14 & 15: Faith Seed x Piper Vasquez — ♤♡ [Day 13: Dry Humping, Intoxication, Oral]
Day 16, 17 & 18: Karl Heisenberg x Colvyr Covali — ◇♡♧
Day 19: Cooper McCoy x Gabriel Stokes — ♡
Day 20: Rai Anderson x Casper Vasquez — ♡
Day 21: Michael Sinclaire x Alexys — ♡
Day 22, 23 & 24: Faith Seed x Deputy Dean Sinclaire — ♡♤◇ [Day 23: Intoxication, Strap On, Bareback, Public Play]
Day 25, 26 & 27: Jacob Seed x Deputy Dean Sinclaire — ♡♤◇☆ [Day 25: Public Play, Vibrator, Edging]
Day 28, 29 & 30: Joseph Seed x Deputy Dean Sinclaire — ♡◇☆
Day 31: Audrey Marshall x Deputy Dean Sinclaire — ♡
Under The Bleachers: Razahir 'Raze' Khemse x Salvador Hale — ♡
You Shouldn't Have: Razahir 'Raze' Khemse x Salvador Hale — ♡
Valentine, Bryne [original fiction]
The Rain Fell My Love and So Too Did We: Sybil Bryne x Eliad Bryne — ♧◇
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— Fics where the reader is the main character [reader x canon & reader x oc]
Resident Evil Village
Lunchbreak: Male!Lord!Reader x Karl Heisenberg — ♡
Tearful: Features GN!Reader and The Duke — □
Doll: Features GN!Reader and Salvatore Moreau — □
Dating Karl Heisenberg: GN!Reader x Karl Heisenberg — Headcannons ♡
Far Cry 5
Between the Pages: GN!Reader x John Seed — ♡
You're Important to Me Idiot: Male!Deputy!Reader x Sharky Boshaw — ◇♡
Hope County Residents Dating a Plus-Size, Pre-op Trans Man hc's: M!Reader x John Seed, Jacob Seed, Joseph Seed, Faith Seed, Jerome Jeffries, Sharky Boshaw, Mary May Fairgrave, Adelaide Drubman, Grace Armstrong, Eli Palmer — Headcannons ♡♤
Nights Like These: GN!Reader x Jacob Seed — ♡
Through the Pouring Rain: GN!Reader x John Seed — ♡
By The Fire: GN!Reader x Grace Armstrong — ♤ [Oral]
Good Boy: GN!Reader x Sharky Boshaw — ♤ [Praise, Doggy Style]
Intermission: GN!Reader x Nick Rye — ♤ [Public Handjob]
After Hours: GN!Reader x Joey Hudson — ♤ [Fingering, Oral]
You, Me and a Bottle of Whiskey: GN!Reader x Mary May Fairgrave — ♤♡ [Accidental Stimulation]
Caught Up In You: GN!Reader x John Seed — ♤◇☆ [Thigh fucking, Doggy Style, Barebacking, Creampie]
I Always Come Back to You Don't I?: GN!Reader x Eli Palmer — ♡◇
Tongue Tied: M!Reader x Faith Seed— ♡□
Dusk Till Dawn – Part 1: GN!Reader x John Seed — ◇♡
Ouroboros — Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6: GN!Reader x Wade W. Wilson — ♧◇♡
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frondscratch · 3 years
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no thoughts just a crowsquirrel au :)
not sure how original this idea is since im pretty new to this ship here is my silly little au:
squilf and crow are the parents of the three. idk leafpool is off w mothwing.
everyone in tnp journey gang is aware of squilf and crows feelings towards each other. feather does not like crow romantically and only views him as a little brother. same thing w stormfur and bramble in regards to squilf.
squilf and crow decide to break things off once they get to the lake but that does not last long. squilf gets preggers. since bramble is aware of their relationship he volunteers to be the three’s surrogate father so no one becomes suspicious.
ashfur is still a jealous creep. fire scene still plays out but ashfur kills bramble. crow comes in to protect squilf n the kids via plot convenience. holly kills ash and does the gathering reveal.
ALSO all the three have squilf’s freckles and holly n lion have her floppy ears. i hc firestar as a somali-scottish fold mix. jay has crows ears and looks the most like him. also jay stays a warrior and holly becomes med cat. holly has a power (she can feel other cats’ emotional and physical pain a la yellowfang). dove is the fourth cat instead of one of the three.
unrelated but brackenfur is deputy in this. bramble never becomes deputy and never becomes an abusive douchebag.
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derelictheretic · 1 year
Heyo!! @deputyash and I signed our Single Parent Crossover AU up for @group-oc-tournament and here is why you should vote them when the polls come out!!
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Dove and Dean are single parents who have overcome many trials and tribulations, it takes a lot to raise kids on your own, even before the County they live in fell under the rule of a religious cult.
Said religious cult took interest in both of them and their kids, which made a horrible situation all the more stressful. When they first ran into each other they were both on guard, Dean's oldest son Caleb standing in the middle of them being what ultimately diffused the tense meeting. It wasn't easy deciding to stick together, but with the looming threat of their kids being taken or hurt they agreed being allies would be beneficial.
So the little group formed, on a dark night with a shaky handshake and weary eyes. They found an abandoned house with a bunker and made base in it, Dove and Dean reinforced and barricaded it to the best of their ability and it's served them well since.
The kids, Phoebe, Caleb, Charmeine and Ace got along much quicker than their parents. As an only child Phoebe was ecstatic to be around them and Charmeine was happy to have another girl her age to play with.
Charmeine and Phoebe became a sort of glue for the group, the two becoming best friends and sharing their secret stashes of candy and pins. Their ability to remain optimistic makes the chaos more bearable for their parents.
Caleb, Charmeine and Ace warmed up to Dove very quickly, appreciating her motherly presence and seeing her and Phoebe as welcome additions to the family. Dove of course cares about them in turn, especially as time went on on and she took care of them when Dean was out trying to help rid the County of the cult.
Dean naturally takes care of Pheobe like she was one of his own as well, sneaking her any candy he finds while he's out.
Time passes and while tensions rise with the cult their little group only grows closer, Dove and Dean opening up to each other and even sharing tips they've learnt over their years of parenting. They become pillars for each other, the normalcy of being able to swap recipes and funny childhood stories much needed in the insanity they were living in.
In conclusion they are a sweet little found family in the midst of a holy war and they keep each other sane and safe and deserve your vote!!
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direwombat · 1 year
🖤 for Dove & Syb? :3
send 🖤 and my character will answer about yours.
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i feel like dove would have a capybara effect on syb. like one of those golden retriever friends they give cheetahs to help calm them f;lakjdfsadsf
repulsive / hideous / ugly / not attractive / unappealing / not unattractive / meh / no preference / ok / mildly attractive / nice looking / cute / adorable / attractive / pleasant on the eyes / good looking / hot / sexy / beautiful / gorgeous / hot damn / would tap that / perfect / godlike / holy fuck there are no words.
grating / irritating / frustrating / boring / confusing at best / awkward / unreasonable / psychotic / disturbing / interesting / engaging / affectionate (or at the very least warm) / aggressive / ambitious / anxious / artistic / bad tempered / bossy / charismatic / appealing / unappealing / creative / courageous / dependable / unreliable / unpredictable / predictable / devious / dim / extroverted / introverted / egotistical / gregarious / fabulous / impulsive / intelligent / sympathetic / talkative / up beat / peaceful / calming / badass / flexible.
how likely they would have sex with them:
not if they were the last person on earth and the world was ending / fuck no! / never / no way / not likely / not sure / indifferent / I’m asexual / maybe / probably / it depends (she's down if dovie is!) / fairly likely / likely / yeah sure / yes / would tap that / hell yes / fuck yes! / wishing that could happen right now / as many times as possible / we are already having sex.
level of friendship:
never in a million years / worst of enemies / enemies / rivals / indifferent / neutral / acquaintance / friendly toward each other / casual friends / friends / good friends / best friends / fuck buddies / bosom buddies / practically the same person / would die for them / true friends / my only friend.
first impression of them:
i hate them so much / i don’t like them / i don’t trust them / they annoy me / they’re weird / I’m indifferent / meh / they seem alright / they’re growing on me / truce / I think I like them / I like them / I’m not sure if I trust them / I trust them / they’re cool / they’re genuine / I think we’re going to get along / I really like them / I think I’m in love / oh fuck they’re hot / I love them.
current impression of them:
i hate them so much / i don’t like them / i don’t trust them / they annoy me / they’re weird / I’m indifferent / meh / they seem alright / they’re growing on me / truce / I think I like them / I like them / I’m not sure if I trust them / I trust them / they’re cool / they’re genuine / I think we’re going to get along / I really like them / I think I’m in love / oh fuck they’re hot / I love them.
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harmonyowl · 2 years
Cat and Bird
So I decided to write a companion piece to @deputyash's writing from Grace's perspective, so read her version here to get Dove's perspective. Thank you for writing it love! 💕
Pairing: Grace Seed x Deputy Dove Ash
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: Suggestive-ish content, Mention of blood
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The footsteps coming up behind him made the man flinch, dirt and stone digging into his trembling knees but he didn’t dare lift his gaze from the ground in front of him.  Soon a pair of heeled boots came into his view, then the legs crouched down until Grace’s face was at level with his own.
‘Now you seem like a smart man,’ he lifted his eyes up to her face and was met with a kind smile, ‘will you do what I have asked?’
He looked over to his left where his two companions had also been kneeling, bullets lodged in both of their heads and blood pooling around their fallen bodies. They had said no to her. He was very aware of the gun being held to the back of his head by her Chosen and he nodded shakily.
‘Good,’ Grace held the radio up to his face, ‘say exactly what I tell you and then we’ll send you off to John, nice and easy.’
She pressed the talk button and the static noise drew his eyes down, he opened his parched mouth to speak:
‘Deputy Ash, come in Deputy Ash…’
The Deputy was starting to twitch and Grace could see her head groggily move, anytime now then. Taking the final sip of her coffee she placed the mug on the table next to her and crossed her leg over the other to wait. Grace could see Dove try to move her arms against the rope and she smirked a little, finally Dove lifted her head to look ahead and her body froze when she saw her there.  Grace didn’t say anything for a full minute, just watched Dove dazedly look around, the last tendrils of Bliss still clinging to her as she became more and more visibly uncomfortable.
‘I’m so glad you could stop by for a little chat, Deputy.’ Despite her voice being quiet, it seemed to hang in the dark room around them. Dove just scoffed in response.
‘It’s not like I had much of a choice.’ Grace just chuckled and moved forward in her chair, still snarky, very well.
‘Twenty-four,’ She pauses for effect, ‘does that number mean anything to you?’ Dove didn’t say anything, but her face showed how utterly confused she was and her eyes kept glazing in and out, this wasn’t exactly how she imagined her first interrogation with Grace to go. Her jaw clenched a little and her body started to tense, like Dove was readying herself for something; she was trying not to give anything away to her.
‘That, Deputy, is the total number of vehicles and properties that you’ve destroyed in the last five days alone,’ Grace tutted and shook her head mockingly, it was honestly quite a feat to watch this one woman undertake such destruction, John was definitely not impressed. ‘And who knows how many lives you’ve taken.’
Grace stands from the chair and walks closer to Dove until she’s standing right over her, making her look up, getting into her personal space. Dove just glared up at her defiantly, but Grace could tell the Bliss was giving her some trouble with holding her head up.
‘Would you like to explain yourself?’
‘Not particularly.’
Roving over Dove’s face Grace collected every bit of information possible, she was very confident despite the situation and seemed to be bordering on smug. The Deputy was proud, and Grace could use that in time. She wandered back to her chair and stood behind it, tapping her manicured nails on the metal back.
‘You’ve been a busy girl, haven’t you?
Unwittingly, Dove went to shake her head but she stopped with a groan as her head lolled back. Grace just sighed and sat back in her chair to wait for Dove’s attention to come back to her, but her eyes remained closed and her brow was furrowed in pain. Completely destroying her family’s hard work tended to leave one susceptible to injury.
‘Deputy,’ Dove’s eyes reluctantly opened again, ‘if you answer my questions, we can get you patched up. Sound like a deal?’ Grace pointed her hand to her longer table in the far corner that held her interrogation tools and the yellow first aid tin.
‘Fuck you…’ She just cackled, it was a mean sound, and made Dove flinch from how it pounded through her pained head.
‘In due time, sweetheart.’ Grace continued, she wanted to know how it was possible for one or two people to destroy so much in five days, but mostly she just wanted to see the Deputy’s tells. ‘I heard you were destroying my brother’s silos in the Valley. Would you like to tell me why?’
There it was again: pride.
‘Have you seen those things? They’re an eyesore. Not to mention they’re a danger to the people. I mean— they’re so explosive. One little grenade and they go up in flames.’
‘Oh, do they now?’ Only one little grenade? Good to know Deputy, thank you very much.
‘It’s my duty to keep the people safe and unfortunately they had to go.’
The cheeky smile would have been charming to Grace if Dove hadn’t been the biggest pain in her ass since the Reaping, but if she was trying to piss Grace off, she would have to try much harder. She was used to dealing with some of the most insufferable people on this planet, and she was also used to knowing how to bring them to heel when she wanted them to. Grace couldn’t help it, she stood from her chair and walked back over to lean down to Dove’s face, she reached for her chin and pulled her face closer.  Warm eyes meeting her own blue ones as she forced the Deputy to see nothing else but her.
‘Deputy,’ the title rolled out of her mouth, long and almost melodic, ‘What is it you and Jess Black hope to accomplish by breaking into the Gardenview Packing Facility and stealing the Project’s shipment documents? You know John is not as nice as I am when provoked.’
That got a reaction, a spark of anger, the Deputy seemed to take offence when her companions were threatened. Because that was a threat, and both of them knew that.  Grace moved her hand from Dove’s chin and tucked some hair behind her ear, face full of condescension, but she couldn’t help the smug smile that overcame her features at the Deputy being visibly affected by her touch. Maybe she wasn’t the only prideful one here.
‘What’s wrong? Why so shy all of a sudden, dear?’
‘I…I’m not.’ Dove stuttered and Grace just moved her lips around to her ear, so close she almost brushed her lips against them when she whispered.
‘You’ve been such a bad girl, haven’t you, sweetheart?’ Dove had completely frozen and Grace didn’t think she could sit any straighter, ‘you know what we do with bad girls, don’t you?’
Dove just stuttered again with an entirely red face, and when Grace moved her head back around she saw that the Deputy was entirely unsubtly looking at her cleavage. Well, if it worked to throw her off her rhythm…
‘My eyes are up here, Dove.’ When Dove’s eyes automatically snap up from embarrassment, Grace just clicks her tongue at her with a smirk and folds her arms over her chest to accentuate it further. ‘A little distracted are we?’
The Deputy tries to play it off nonchalantly but it’s too late, she was caught, and still looked clearly flustered by Grace still being so close. Once Dove’s eyes started to wander around, Grace grabbed her chin again and made her refocus, a smile that edged on mania spreading across her face that seemed to be a trademark for the Seed family. It simultaneously drew you in and unsettled you.
Grace was cut off by the door opening and Michael from one of her recon team’s asking for her, she just sighed deeply and returned her attention to Dove once he’d left. Releasing her chin she cooed sympathetically.
‘I’m afraid our little chat is being cut short.’
Dove just watched as Grace ran her fingers through her shorter hair, she could feel the grease and debris from whatever her last exploit had been before she slid them down to the back of her neck.
‘Don’t look so distraught, dear, you’ll see me again.’
She wasn’t sure why she did it, But Dove’s reaction seemed to be the answer to that as Grace leaned in and placed a light kiss on the corner of her lips. Dove didn’t reciprocate and Grace kept her eyes open to watch her stunned reaction with great amusement; she hummed against her skin when Dove’s eyes fell shut, she assumed unintentionally. As if it suddenly occurred to Dove what she was doing, Grace felt her start to pull away and she just chuckled and stood up to start walking away. Turning once she got back to her chair she pointed at Dove:
‘Don’t go anywhere now, alright?’
With a final look at her tools on the far table, Grace left the room and closed the door behind her. Michael was quietly waiting outside, shuffling in his spot and looking apprehensive. So this was bad news.
‘What is it?’ He moved in closer to her, wringing his hands a little before shaking them out.
‘There’s chatter of a defector.’ She froze for a moment before sighing, closing her eyes and rubbing them tiredly before she composed herself again.
‘Let Simon know and have him send out a team to retrieve them.’
‘And if we can’t get to them?’ Grace gestured for her Chosen, who was guarding the door dutifully, to follow her as she walked towards the stairs that would lead her higher in the farmhouse.
‘Kill them.’
Only when her Chosen had caught up beside her halfway up the stairs did Grace speak to her:
‘Kara, please start moving some of the essential staff away from the path out of here, I’d hate for the Deputy to kill them when she escapes.’  Kara frowned and grunted, and Grace looked over to catch her confused expression. “Yes, I’m sure our little bird is trying to use my knife to cut her bindings as I speak, or at least I expect her to be.’
Grace stopped at the top of the stairs causing Kara to do the same, ‘do give her a good show when she comes through, and-’ she stopped Kara as she went to leave, ‘I want eyeballs on her at all times when she gets out. I want to know where she frequents, I want to know her habits, who she talks to most, what she does when she’s injured, and in what region of Hope County she’s in, got it?’
Kara nodded and left in the opposite direction to carry out her will. Grace walked towards the security room and unclipped the radio from her belt, setting it to the right frequency.
‘Come in, John.’ She didn’t have to wait long.
‘Gracie, what can I do for you?’
‘Some more of your silos are about to go up in a spectacular blaze courtesy of our dear Deputy, my estimate would be the ones that are furthest away from Crane’s Farmhouse.’ There was a pause from his end.
‘What makes you say that?’ Grace hummed with a wide smile.
‘Oh, I just poked a little bit and the Deputy is going to want to antagonise me back. She’ll be with someone non-stealthy, Boshaw or his cousin, you might be able to catch her if you send some extra people.’ There was another pause but it was much longer this time, Grace hoped that meant he was taking her advice. How many times did she have to be right before he just took her word for it?
‘Alright then, maybe you should warn Jacob that Jess Black no longer has her Deputy leash.’ Opening the door to the security room Grace walked up to one of the monitors, she watched a black and white video of Dove cautiously opening the door and peeking outside before darting down the hallway.
‘Hmm, that’s a good idea, I’ll radio him after this. Oh and John-’ Grace’s fingers tapped the space next to the release button for the front door, just waiting for the Deputy to arrive, ‘we need to talk in person about some security changes.’
And with a smile, Grace just sat back and watched Dove scurry through her interrogation outpost every step of the way.
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deputyash · 1 year
Maybe I can't find it but what is Dove's relationship with Jacob? Have you written about them at all? 🤔😋
Hello! I don’t know if you’re the same anon who sent in an ask about Dove and Jacob previously, but if so, sorry for not responding in a timely fashion. I got super busy this last week! I’ll write out a more well thought out response here in a bit that I’ll post to the other Dove/Jacob ask I got, but here’s some initial thoughts I had.
I don’t think I’ve written much regarding Dove and Jacob yet. It’s definitely something that l’ll have to think about more since in my WIP for Dove’ main storyline, she doesn’t interact with him a whole lot. However, I imagine Dove would be quite stand-offish and in some ways stubborn around Jacob. She’d want to prove him wrong and do things on her terms, not his. I also think she’d be a little scared of him initially since he has the whole conditioning thing going on and the idea of accidentally hurting a loved one is terrifying to her, but she’d start to fight back a little more after awhile.
As far as a romantic relationship goes, I’m not sure if Jacob is typically what Dove would be interested in. Sure, they have some commonalities like being outdoorsy and being fiercely protective over their families, but I think Dove might be too empathetic for Jacob lol. He’d want her to be ruthless and she just wouldn’t do that (excluding conditioning anyways). At best, I can see them eventually coming to a mutual understanding of each other and have a degree of respect for each other (honestly probably more Jacob towards Dove than vice versa). If they came to this understanding then maybe, maybe something could happen between them, but I doubt it. Haha
Thanks for the ask! :)
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pinksparklelps · 3 years
Rant about Squirrelflight Dovewing and Briarlight
Under cut because this is gonna be long
I wanna talk about bluefur/star or gray wing next ill decide later
Squilf is amazing and deserves better. As a kid she was stubborn and knew what she wanted. She went on the great journey with bramble because she wanted to and was a great help. She provided some comical scenes too, like when she got stuck in the fence. Watch moonkittis video leafpaw calls
Later on, at the new lake territory she was given her warrior name and as far as i know shes one of the only cat with the suffix flight and thats really unique.
Bramble and ash are terrible to her. She has/had every right to just not take a mate like mousefur. Or in bluestars prophecy when bluefur didnt ever think of taking a mate, most likely accidentally getting kits. Ill talk about bluestar later. Squilf has every right to leave bramble too. Hes terrible to her, threatening to replace her deputy position, refusing her want to help one of the sisters, scolding her for petty things, ect.
Shes taken in jay lion and holly to help her sister because of how much she loves her. (And because she was lied to by starclan) that was a great sacrifice for her to make, especially with leafpool still in the clan, seeing her kits everyday knowing she cant raise them herself. She loved the three, even during the time they despised her for the secret. Shes so nice and breaks the code because its morally right to help a dying cat, because its morally right to help a struggling clan.
She deserves so much better than how shes been treated, this being why im writing my squirrelstar story to get her and some other cats out of horrible situations.
Shes been through quite a lot. Being told how special she was at such a young age, having to live with that heavy weight on her shoulders. Like being told how gifted you are in school and later on struggling (its happening with me its not fun). She had no say in being chosen by starclan and ivypool hated her for it. She was young and told by important members of the clan (jay and lion) that they need to keep it secret. Its normal to be jealous but ivy took it a little too far. But it cant all be blamed on her. The dark forest manipulated ivy with her relationship with dove. Ivy was also young and impressionable, being told to hate dove for something she had no control over. Dove and ivy can both be seen as victims in the books.
Another relationship problem, dove and bumble. Bumble tries and tries and tries to get dove as his mate despite how much she doesnt want it. Other cats also pressure dove that she should just be with him. Shes had so much trouble in thunderclan that shadowclan is a better environment for her.
Im glad she went to shadowclan. Tigerheartstar isnt the best cat either, but shes in a place where she can actually be herself and voice her thoughts. She had the free choice to choose a mate rather than being pressured into it. Shes such a caring mother as well, looking closely after shadowkit with his seizures and visions. But she still gives enough attention and time to her other kits as well.
Dove had a tough childhood, practically not having one at all because of the burden of her powers. Props to her for escaping a harmful situation and being able to do so without lashing out at everyone.
Briar oh briar. Love her so much.
Shes such a bundle of joy and is so helpful. She loves the kits, playing with them, keeping twigkit busy, helping alderpaw at times, ect. Shes also amazing for jayfeather. Im so happy when books two characters can interact completely platonically. You always see a girl and boy in books being nice and boom! Theyre dating now. But jay and briar have nothing between them. It could be because of the code but i like to think its just cuz they just like being friends.
Jay is so nice to briar. After the tree event, he reassures her, gives her tasks to make her feel happy to be doing something, letting her know she doesnt need to be useful she just needs to be. She feels terrible taking food without hunting and jay tells her that doesnt matter. The elders dont hunt and they get food. The queens and kits dont hunt and they get food. So why should she be any different?
She learns again to be happy with just living like before she was paralyzed. Shes so caring and happy and such a contrast to jay. She makes the medicine den such a lively place. And her death was so sad. Her burial was so emotional to everyone, even causing jayfeather to not be able to finish his sentence.
She was an amazing cat who was helpful no matter if she could use her hind legs or not. Just existing in the books was the best thing shes ever done. I hate having disabled characters be seen as useless or just be killed off quickly.
Briar was such a fighter and was so happy and it even broke me when she died. I love her so much because she was just herself.
I have strong thoughts about the fictional kitties
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