#Derek Morgan request
chvoswxtch · 9 months
derek morgan masterlist
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»— anything marked with an astrik contains explicit content. minors dni.
»— all work is my own. please do not repost anywhere else without my consent.
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☾ series/multiparts
→ slumber party.* / let's play.* (derek morgan & aaron hotchner & spencer reid)
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sundrop-writes · 7 months
Hiii !! I wanted to request a reaction for Derek, Emily and Spencer
When Single Parent! Reader (GN is fine !!) has to bring their daughter to the BAU for a little bit and she won't stop following the Character around and doesn't want to leave "her new friend" when its time to go? Thank you sm in advance if you write it !! 💕💕
i might swing by later with a dif request, this was the first thing my sleep ridden brain blessed me with ;p
I love this so much (I have been in such a parent fic mood since writing the Dad Spence fic, Star thank you so much) - I think this idea is so adorable, I love it!!!
(I wrote Derek's part and then trailed off and left this in my drafts for a few days, so sorry if there's a huge disconnect between the characters' parts. Ooops.)
Requests are currently - OPEN
How would Derek Morgan, Emily Prentiss, and Spencer Reid react to your daughter becoming attached to them? (Derek, Emily, and Spencer x GN!Reader)
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Warnings: mentions of corporate/white collar crimes (embezzlement, etc.); mentions of the reader being threatened by white collar criminals, mentions of criminals threatening to kill a child; as it says in the title, the reader has a daughter but the reader's gender is not described in any way; surprisingly, for this one, I didn't give the daughter a name. idk, I think that's it. (Edit: now fixed so that the reader is actually fully GN and I am so sorry about the mistake before!!!)
It was a pretty basic case. You were an attorney working on a large company merger - you had found evidence of millions of dollars being embezzled, and when you had copied the files with the intention of bringing them to the IRS, you had started receiving threatening letters. It weighed on your conscience - you knew that the men who ran the company had more than enough money and resources to make you disappear, likely leaving your daughter an orphan, leaving her to wonder what had happened to you for the rest of her life. When you received another letter with photos of your daughter at her preschool attached, now threatening her - you had made your decision fully.
You took your files and evidence to the BAU - you had met Rossi at a seminar he gave, talking about how sociopathy is incredibly common in corporate circles - how sociopaths do very well in corporate jobs due to their driven, goal oriented, emotionless nature. And warning signs to look out for if someone is using those traits to cross into dangerous territory. It was a seminar you had gone to out of curiosity, but you were glad that you had taken his card and you were able to contact him now.
He invited you to the BAU, and the team offered to take your case - to find out who was threatening you and bring them to justice.
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Derek found you incredibly beautiful.
He was intrigued by your looks at first, and when Hotch mentioned that someone needed to interview you and get the full details from you in order for the team to get a better perspective on the case, Derek volunteered immediately. He hadn't gotten a full briefing - too eager to get to talk to you.
He came into the room with a bottle of water for you, looking to comfort you with his smile and his charms, and he was surprised when Penelope came back into the room and a small girl came barreling toward you, incredibly excited to tell you that she had gotten M&Ms from the vending machine (which Penelope had taken her to).
Typically, Derek didn't go for people who had kids. Any other time, with any other person - it would have immediately turned him off. It would have dampened your attractiveness in his eyes. He generally had a 'no single parents' policy, because he thought that dating someone with kids was just a lot of baggage. But seeing you - he was immediately taken with you. And seeing you with your daughter, somehow made you instantly more attractive.
And he thought the way that you scooped your daughter up into your lap and let her feed you M&Ms with her chubby little fingers was all too cute. It was unprofessional, but the case definitely wasn't the only thing on his mind that day.
Penelope took your daughter out of the room again while Derek interviewed you, and it was only when you spoke of the fear you felt for your daughter - the potential of her being her by the anonymous person, that you actually teared up. Derek couldn't help but to pull you in close, holding you tight in an effort to comfort you (secretly loving how tightly you hugged him back) - and it was in that moment that he vowed to himself that he would do whatever it took to protect you and your child. He would always keep the two of you out of harm's way.
And he certainly tried his hardest to accommodate your daughter when he found out that the two of you would be sticking around the office for the day - to ensure that you would be protected until the team found out who had sent the threats. He got her a kids meal with a toy when he ordered lunch, he knew there wasn't much in the office in the way of "toys" - but he swung by Garcia's office borrowed something she had that was fuzzy and lights up (with the promise of returning it) and he scrounged up a blank pad of paper and some coloured pens so your daughter could have something to do.
It wasn't surprising when she excitedly ran over to his desk and gave him a picture she had drawn of him - a very cartoonish muscled man with his same facial hair and an eggish bald head. His exaggerated features in the picture made you and Morgan laugh, and before you left the BAU for the day (when your safety was assured and the local police were on their way to arrest the men who had made the threats to you) - you found a different pen and wrote your number on the bottom corner of the picture for him.
He knew that something in you had changed him when he started thinking about taking you on a first date in the park - something your daughter could enjoy as well, rather than considering what bar or late night restaurant he was going to take you to.
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Emily was surprised by the entire thing.
She hadn't been around children since, well - she was one. Due to events in her past, and due to the way her mother treated her, she never imagined herself being a parent. Ever. She was someone who thought that she was just naturally terrible with kids, like her own mom was. She hadn't met the person she thought that she could settle down with, so she never thought that kids were in the cards for her. So it definitely caught her off guard when your daughter seemed to take to her like a duck to water.
It was in her natural instinct to comfort you. You were so shaken up about the whole thing, the anonymous danger lurking in your life - and she took some extra time to assure you that things were going to be okay, that the team was the best, and they were going to catch whoever was doing this.
She thought it was a natural kindness to get down on your daughter's level and ask what she was playing with, to compliment her cute little doll and then take her down the hallway to grab a snack to give you a few minutes to breathe. The little girl was sweet and Emily didn't mind spending some extra time with her.
On their way back along, your daughter plucked a crossword puzzle book off Emily's desk and asked what it was, and Emily explained it - so then she took a few minutes to find some crosswords for children online and printed them out, and when she came to delivery them, alone with some pens, your daughter enthusiastically asked if Emily would sit and 'show her' - and while you said that Emily was busy and had other work to do, Emily shrugged and said she had a few minutes to spare. Again, she thought it was common manners, sitting with the girl on her lap while she guided her through the puzzles, praising her intellect when she got the answers right.
She didn't see the way you were looking at the pair, pure affection bubbling up in your eyes.
When the day was over, and it was cleared as safe for you and your daughter to return home, the little girl let out a loud complaint that she didn't want to leave her 'new friend Emily' - and Emily couldn't have predicted the way that those words tugged at something in her chest. She didn't know what led her to kneeling down at the girl's level, promising to see her that weekend when she had a free day - that was, if you didn't mind. Getting nothing but a bright smile from you, and feeling a certain spark there.
(She had to resist the urge to punch Morgan in the ribs when she walked back to her desk to nothing but teasing, how she was getting 'the whole family package' on 'her first date'.)
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Spencer found the whole thing (secretly) adorable.
It is no secret that Spencer loves kids. He is very good with kids, and it's clear by the way he acts around kids that he definitely wants kids of his own someday. He hasn't met 'the one' yet - the person that he's going to have kids with. Whether that's through the natural, old-fashioned way or through adoption. But he did always imagine that if he raised kids of his own, it would be from infancy.
He never imagined that the person he was meant to be with would stumble into his life with a child that was already walking and talking - but when he met you and your daughter, it felt so right. Even if the circumstances were a bit dark.
He interviewed you about the whole situation, and when you apologized for crying and getting emotional, he was quick to assure you that it was natural - you were shaking, and though Spencer was usually someone to avoid touch, he found his need to hold you so overwhelming. He didn't regret his choice to wrap his arms around you when you hugged him back tightly.
When your daughter burst into the room (no longer occupied making paper airplanes with Emily and JJ), she was quick to ask why you were crying, extending out a small chubby finger to point at you, seemingly warbling with half-baked tears of her own at seeing you so upset. Spencer knelt down and assured her that everything was going to be okay, and then he moved to distract her by taking the little paper airplane out of her hand and telling her that he knew a trick to make it fly so much farther.
And he did. It was simple aerodynamics and folding techniques. And then they stood near the top of the bullpen, silently trying to get Morgan to look up by flying planes onto his desk - and the man couldn't bring himself to get too mad when he heard childish giggling coming from your daughter every few minutes.
You truly felt those butterflies for Spencer turn into more when he showed your daughter a trick that ended with a fake flower somehow coming out of his sleeve - something feathery and pink that he tucked behind her ear for her to keep, having her smiling and laughing brightly on a day where you had been wracked with worry, fearing for her life.
By the time the day was over and both of your safety was assured, you weren't surprised that she didn't want to leave him. And you made the bold move, telling him (rather than asking him) - that he should come over for dinner and a movie on Saturday, and then leaning over to gently whisper in his ear that the two of you could enjoy a another, more adult flick after your daughter was tucked into bed. Your daughter was too excited at the prospect of seeing Spencer again, tugging on his pant leg, waiting for him to agree - and he was speechless at the implications of what you had said.
He couldn't even think of the word 'no' if he tried.
So, it was a date, then.
Criminal Minds Masterlist
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ilovehugslikealotalot · 3 months
This is Her Trying
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sum: she sold out every value she holds dear, even a person. That happens to be you. So, one night after Voit’s little game, she speeds to your apartment in hopes you’ll still want her.
(is there a lot of music references? Yes.)
WARNING: BIG ANGSTY, smoking, some fluff?
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Emily saw this coming, with the way everything was happening. The BAU hadn’t taken up a case they couldn’t solve, it just seems that now they’ve met their match. Emily didn’t want it to be true, no, she just couldn’t accept that. She was too prideful to give up.
That also meant doing everything in her power to solve this case, even if it meant pushing the boundaries of the law. She hated that she even considered doing it, so why do it at all? That was a question she asked herself often. Sometimes she sat in her chair wondering if Hotch would be disappointed in her. Or if he would tell her that she ‘needn’t worry’ even though she should.
In the midst of all this ‘Gold Star’ business happening, she was also pushing you away. Not noticing the hurt facial expression you made at her clearly not wanting your presence. She pushed you away so much that she had forgotten how much peace you’d bring her. Even Rossi had warned her to go home but she never did listen, she did what she thought was best. But sometimes she couldn’t think for herself.
“Shouldn’t you head home to see the Mrs?” Rossi asked, driving them back after Emily had gotten arrested. The truth was, she wanted to go home, she was just too scared that you too would be disappointed in her, and she’d rather not have the person she loved the most think ill of her. “She knows I’m out, it’s fine..” The silver-haired woman grumbled, picking at her thumb nail again. Someday she’d get over the whole thumb thing but now was not the time. All that she was focused on was Brian Garrity being on the top of her list to be killed off if she ever did spiral into madness; which she was already on the brink of.
Dave looked at her with this face, it was his ‘I know you better than you think, please don’t lie to me right now’ face. Emily huffed, groaning as she flopped her head into her hands. “It’s been almost a week and a half, Emily. A hello or hug would suffice” He tutted, even after all these years he still had to teach her fatherly advice.
“She’ll survive, Dave, she’s not going anywhere” Emily seethed, her emotions slightly breaking loose, the Italian took note of her behavior. As he pulled back into the parking lot, he stopped the engine, turning to look at her with a soft expression.
“If I’ve learned anything from my marriages is, never make them wait for you. Because the hardest feeling is choosing whether to wait or give up” He says, exiting the car first to let Emily think.
The Unit Chief sat on the rooftop again, the cigarette she was smoking, balanced between her fingers. She only smoked when she was really stressed, that seemed to be almost every day now. You had told her to stop smoking but, old habits die hard.
Ever since that call she had about being on restricted duty she felt like she was completely under the water, she couldn’t breathe. The feeling on being dragged down over and over again was starting to get to her. This definitely wasn’t her first rodeo but it was starting to feel like her last. She kept telling herself to keep pushing and they’d solve this but maybe, for once, they’ve gotten a case they won’t figure out.
The BAU was crumbling around them, the public was already trampling on the name. But if they didn’t figure this out, what was the point of anything? What was the point of all this work if she couldn’t even save herself?
How could she protect her team when her choices were the ones hurting them? She’d been dying inside since Bailey’s death. She couldn’t give up now, she had to figure this out so he didn’t die in vain. But she wanted to give up, it was so much easier to lay down and die.
This isn’t how she imagined she’d end up. A broken marriage, at least she thought so, a broken team, a broken case, everything was tumbling down and she didn’t have the energy to build them back up anymore. She always wondered how some people could die with so much happiness accepting that they didn’t do everything they wanted to. That was one of the qualities that made you fall for her.
She didn’t stop till she got what she wanted. That’s how you agreed to go on one date with her. She was insistent that she was the one for you. At first you didn’t want to, not wanting to be with someone so ambitious since it could end badly, later she showed you that you were the only one she wanted.
Letting out a shaking breath, Emily looked below, the who-ing of the owls seemed to be her only company that night. The stars were shining above her, she was jealous of them. How could they live so peacefully without worry. They were taunting her with their beauty.
Almost like the first time you and her met. She smiled at the memory, her time of youth escaped her but she never seemed to forget it.
You were one of Garcia‘s friends, she met you during one of her baking lessons, and got to know you during one of her cooking lessons. You were skilled in both, your nimble fingers kneading the dough, your hands holding the sharp knife as you made precise cuts on the vegetables.
Emily could’ve never been prepared for the day you’d given Penelope a visit at work. She practically choked on her coffee the moment you walked in. You were stunning, your eyes soft like the morning rain, your face free from blemishes and impurities, even your hands looked extremely agile. Your presence alone cast an ethereal radiance around the room. “Hi, I’m Y/n Y/l/n, it’s nice to meet you…?”
Your brow arched, signaling her to introduce herself, Emily quickly stumbled to her feet with a goofy smile. She was enchanted by your shining grin. Internally, she was panicking so bad she couldn’t even think about what comes out of her mouth next, she was too busy staring at your tits.
“Prentits, Emily” she said a little too confidently, she slapped a hand over her mouth as Morgan barrel rolled on the floor in laughter. Rossi, JJ, and Penelope were snickering in the background. Hotch and Reid stood with shocked expressions, for once, Aaron had cracked a smile.
”I’m sorry! I meant Emily Prentiss, it’s nice to meet you as well” her voice got more silent with each word, the red hue over taking her face. You laughed, “it’s okay, Emily,” you leaned into her ear, “but next time just ask to look at them.”
Emily snorted to herself, still looking into the dark nothingness below her. A soft chuckle escaped her, even the darkness seemed more peaceful than whatever she had going on. In those few minutes that she had stared into the oblivion, she realized, it wasn’t too late to fix things. At least with you anyway, she just hoped that you’d still want her after everything she had put you through.
The guilt of leaving you alone for so long clawed at her. As she now hurried down the halls, she thought of you. That smile that could make her melt, the laugh that could infect anybody, and those arms that held her close when no one understood her.
Even in the car, the first thing that played was your favorite song. She slammed her fist against the console, the pain was agonizing but that was the least of her problems. Her fingers gripped around the steering wheel so tightly her knuckles turned white and cramped. As she speeded home, she realized that she dearly missed your lips. Your soft, delicate, and loving lips. Even the first time the both of you had said you loved each other, she knew that you were gonna kiss her in a way that was gonna screw her up forever.
At the door of your shared house, she felt a sinking feeling in her chest, her hands turned clammy. It was like she was sent back to when she was ask you out on a date again. Except this time she was asking for your forgiveness.
She brought out her house keys, unlocked the door, and stepped in. The inside was still dimly lit so she knew you were awake, probably staying up late again. “Baby? I’m home!” Emily called out, shutting the door behind her, making sure to lock it before venturing deeper into the home. She heard shuffling from upstairs, it stopped for a moment before the sound of your footsteps made their way down. She was nervous, the smell of smoke on her clothes. It stood out from the scent of the rest of the house.
It smelt of you and your soft smelling vanilla perfume. You smiled seeing her, though the emotions in you remained conflicted. “Em, you’re home, I thought you were gonna be working late again” You chuckled lightly, nothing was funny. She messed up and you knew it, she knew it. So, why couldn’t you just go ahead and scream your feelings out. That’s what you wanted to do days ago, but not now that you see her face…you don’t feel so angry anymore.
“No, I needed to come home. I needed to see you, I’m-” Emily abruptly stopped her sentence to swallow the sound of her breaking voice, she never minded being emotional in front of you. Now, she couldn’t bear to cry in front of you. She felt she didn’t deserve to, you’re the victim here, after all. It was selfish to take that away from you. She was selfish. That’s all she had been for weeks now.
“I’m going insane, y/n. I don’t know what I’m doing anymore, I’m not alright.” She admitted it, she was scared and confused. She felt like some little kid in the corner after doing something bad and not knowing it was. She didn’t know how to cope with any of this. It was too big to do alone. She couldn’t ask you to help her, not when she’s already taken so much from you.
As Emily’s eyes began to sting, the tears pooling. Yet, she didn’t let them fall. She couldn’t, it wasn’t right. “You smell like smoke again, what happened this time?” You asked, brushing past her and walking into the kitchen. You fixed Emily a glass of cold water, “I messed up some case, I’m on restricted duty. The BAU is Dave’s now. I don’t know what I’m gonna do.” She said through a shaky sigh, leaning on the kitchen island, the marble cold to the touch. You were slightly shocked that she would actually tell you, most of the time she wouldn’t tell you anything. You understood that even knowing a little bit could endanger you both so you never pressed. “Have you eaten?”
Emily crossed her arms, sniffling and looking at her with a blank expression. You knew that look, she was trying to profile you. “Emily, if you’re trying to profile me, it’s not gonna work.” You said sternly, getting the ingredients out for beef and broccoli, one of her favorites.
“Okay, I’m sorry…” she replied, biting her lip. “No, I haven’t” she added after a moment of silence. You smiled to yourself, “Good, I haven’t had dinner yet”
The silence was oddly comfortable, it gave Emily a sense of false comfort. She watched you cook as she idly played with her fingers. You could’ve called it a night ages ago and gone to bed not talking to her at all. Instead, you chose to stay and make food. You always stayed silent when you were mad, you came from a home with screaming being the norm. You hated yelling at someone out of anger, you hated it with your heart and soul. Even now if someone yells at you in anger, the tears will pool and won’t stop streaming down your face. Your breathing turns shallow and the tightness in your chest the least of your concerns.
As you finished cooking the food, the steam drifted into the air, eventually filling up the whole kitchen. Both of you quickly ate the food, silently glancing at each ofher when the other ‘wasn’t’ looking. Emily didn’t know what to say, and you didn’t want to say anything.
The older woman went upstairs to change, and hopefully get a shower. It had been a few days since she’s had a good shower. One where she felt relaxed and fresh. You washed the dishes, humming to yourself as you thought about the situiation you were in. You wanted so badly to be angry with her but, there was something that kept you from feeling anything about what was happening. Your face would contort into an expression of anger but you didn’t feel it.
You completed the rest of the cleaning and headed upstairs, maybe you’d be able to get a good sleep tonight. You always slept best with Emily in bed with you, she just gave you a sense of comfort that no one else could give you.
Already in some pjs, you brushed your teeth and washed your face. With a heavy sigh, you pulled your body up to sit on the counter. You had grabbed your phone, scrolling on social media as you flossed with a floss pick. You heard the shower stop but you didn’t look up, too interested in a News article you read. It was an article about ‘Gold Star’. A case Emily was on, he was clearly dangerous and had already killed the spouse of one of his latest victims who was also a cop. That must’ve been why she’s been down at the office, at least, that’s what you heard from Pen.
“Damn it…” Emily muttered, pulling a silk robe over her thin pjs. Her hair was soaking wet, and her face free of makeup, she was looking for something. “Have you seen my towel?” She asked, looking at the rack then back inside the shower. You looked down and saw you were sitting on it, lifting a thigh, you grabbed it and handed it to her.
She smiled at you, drying her silver locks with the towel. Walking over to the sink, she began doing her skincare routine. You stared at her, a blank expression on your face, she looked so focused.
You felt the urge to reach out and touch her face when she finished, she looked like a supermodel in this light. I’m any light actually, she was a timeless beauty you couldn’t get enough of. That was when you felt it, the subtle shake of your hands, the sting of your eyes, the flips of your stomach, the drowning feeling, and the way you bit the inside of your cheek.
Emily looked at herself in the mirror before looking over at you with concern, your eyes filled with hurt. She hummed softly, placing a hand on yours, squeezing it as a way to ground you. “I love you, Emily Prentiss…so much that you piss me off,” You said with a hushed tone, as if you’d be scolded for speaking normally.
“I love you more, my precious girl” Emily kissed each of your knuckles, kissing up your arm as she moved to slip herself in between your legs. She eventually got up to kiss your lips, it was quick, a big dose of comfort, for Emily at least.
“Don’t say things that aren’t true…” You insisted, placing your hands on her shoulders, the robe damp from her wet hair. “You left me, for almost a whole week and a half with minimal to no contact, you didn’t even check in with me so I knew you were alive and breathing.”
Emily looked down in shame, she wished to take it all back. “I had to hold on to the hope that you were okay, and I had to get updates from the team, who you never seem to interact with anyway.” You sniffled, toying with her hair. “I know about this whole ‘Gold Star’ thing. The information went public, most of it anyway. So, please tell me what’s bothering you. Please…” You admitted, holding her face so she would look at you.
“Baby, Gold Star…he’s a dangerous man, after what happened with Don Bertoli” she paused, wiping her tears away, refusing to let them fall. She’s been doing that often now, you noticed since she was always comfortable crying around you. “I couldn’t handle you living in fear, I couldn’t handle us living in fear. A part of it was because I was so focused on this case, I hardly thought about anything else other than the case, and you. I know that sounds weird but, every decision I made was made because I thought I could protect you.” She kissed your palm, looking at you with the same adoration and love she had been for years, “If Don, this big muscular man, can’t stop him from killing his wife. How can I stop him?” She sobbed, hugging you close.
“Ever since this case even started, I changed so much. I hate it. I let a serial killer out of his cage to work among profilers like he meant something. I kept a secret from JJ that I shouldn’t have, I ruled over my team like a tyrant instead of working with them. I’m…turning into my mother, just like I thought I would. But the only question I have is…why haven’t you left me yet?” Emily sniffled, tears stains on your sleep attire. You pulled away from the hug and held her head, wiping away the tears with your thumbs.
She looked so fragile, like could crack of you touched her. You rarely saw her break, Emily was always the strong one even in the relationship. She took pride in opening jars, carrying bags, doing any sort of lifting. She also compartmentalized like her life depended on it because it kind of did.
”You are not going to be like your mother, you are my wonderful, amazing, ambitious, smart, hilarious, stunning, annoying wife. You’re my everything in one and I love you for it. I haven’t left you because I made a very important promise to be yours forever. I intend to keep that promise, no matter what. Also, last time I checked, you have the most awesome team. So, if you fess up and take responsibility, they’ll accept you. Remember that you have to earn that trust back but, I know you care.” Emily let out a choked sob, she loved you more than anything. What did she do to deserve you?
“When you were gone that long, I didn’t mind that much. Until you stopped texting me back, I didn’t hear from you for days. I panicked, thinking you were mad and I spiraled, every possible out come in my head played out beside for this” You said, tucking a piece of damp hair behind her ear.
“What I mean is, I’m not going to tell you that this was okay, what I am gonna tell you is that I love you despite what happened.” You pressed a gentle kiss on her forehead, she was hurting, you could tell from her face and mannerisms. You felt like you had spent a whole lifetime memorizing everything about her. Sometimes, it scared you. You knew things about her that even her team didn’t know, for you knew they’d never know.
With that, Emily burst into tears, hugging you tightly, pulling you as close to her as she could.
You’ve missed her dearly, nothing in existence or nonexistent could keep you from loving her. You feel every emotion at once yet none could rival the pure love you felt for the woman. She’s gone through hell & earth to have you. Now, you were ready to do the same for her.
She’s saved you from a maniac serial killer once, the least you could do was be here when you needed her. You knew she’d return the favor, you preferred to have her be alright before returning anything. After all, you taught middle schoolers for a living, you had your moments but thankfully there was never anything much.
“I’m sorry, so, so sorry” She sobbed, her head buried in between the crevice between your neck and shoulder. Her body slotted so perfectly with yours that you were convinced she was made for you. “I forgive you, always”
You felt her arms tighten around you, she sniffled looking up into your eyes. Pressing a kiss to your lips, she played with your hair, twirling it between her fingers.
She didn’t know what was waiting for her in the future, she was unsure of a lot of things. One thing was certain, that you were hers, and she was yours. She’d find a way to cross realities if it meant being with you.
As the night went on, both felt as though they could stay their forever. Intertwined. Sewn together. Forevermore.
This is a nice appetizer for all the fics I’m about to serve to you guysssss. I hope you enjoyed restricted duty Emily :)
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benevolentbones · 2 months
met you first | spencer reid x fem!reader
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warning: slight angst, spencer feeling sad, awkward cute spencer
word count: 1.8k
summary: spencer tells the bau girls about a girl he met, morgan introduces his new girlfriend.
a/n: wrote this in one sitting at work, enjoy the angst. reblogs, comments and requests appreciated <3 comment to be added to my taglist!
the team was gathered at rossi’s mansion for his bi-monthly dinner party he liked to host. rossi was standing by the stove, tossing a pan of incredible smelling tomato sauce.
hotch was to his left, analysing every ingredient the older man added to the dish, trying to memorise it so he could recreate it for jack.
the girls and spencer sat at the island, jj and garcia were deep in conversation about how henry and will were doing, jj happily explaining that henry started to take his first steps.
spencer fidgeted with his hands, his leg bobbing up and down as he sat. emily glanced over to spencer, aware he felt kind of awkward and out of place, she decided to speak up.
“do you guys know when morgan is arriving- apparently he’s bringing his new girlfriend.”
this caused the other two girls to turn their attention to emily, spencer also looked up from his fixed gaze on the marble tiles.
“new girlfriend? i didn’t know morgan was capable of being with a woman longer than just one night.” garcia chuckled out, causing the group to laugh with her.
“it seems like everyone is coupling up nowadays…just you and me reid, you can be my wingman.” emily nudged spencer, causing the younger man to let out a breathy chuckle.
“actually…” he began, feeling his face warm at the thought. “i met someone..”
the looks between the girls ranged from disbelief to amazed. “tell us more- you can’t just leave it at that.” jj pushed, eyes fixed on spencer.
garcia nodded, the pink bows in her hair moving along with her. “spill the tea, reid.”
spencer felt his face grow warm. “i- well— i haven’t even asked her out yet— but she’s so…kind…and so funny and beautiful- god she’s beautiful..” he mumbled out, his mind wandering back to the first time he met you over a week ago.
it was a typical wednesday afternoon, spencer decided to drop by his local coffee shop before going to the bau, the team had worked a late case out of state and hotch had given everyone the morning off to refresh.
he stood at the back of the line, gently drumming his thin fingers over his satchel. the line moved pretty quickly so he wasn’t complaining, his brown eyes darted around the room taking in all the small quirks of the coffee shop.
his attention was caught when a little boy, no more than six years old, began crying in-front of him. he noticed that the young boy had wanted the last piece of chocolate cake, and the person before him had bought it.
the young teen boy at the counter didn’t know what to do in that situation, quickly grabbing his supervisor to deal with the crying boy and his mother.
that’s when his eyes landed on you, he deduced that you couldn’t be more than twenty seven. you had the company apron hanging loosely around your neck accompanied by a black name tag that read ‘y/n’.
“hey buddy what’s wrong?” you spoke, your voice soft and kind.
the little boys big blue teary eyes flickered to his mother and back to you. “i wanted the cake.” he mumbled out, clinging to his mothers side.
your eyes scanned the glass cabinet, noticing the lack of cake. your eyes flickered over the mother and the son, before nodding. “give me one moment okay bud?” the small boy nodded before you wandered into the back of the coffee shop.
not even ten seconds later you came back holding a plate with one slice of chocolate cake. the little boy’s face lit up instantly as you handed him the plate.
“i was saving this slice incase a very special little guy came in- and look here you are! i hope you enjoy it.” your smile was so warm, the kindness meeting your e/c eyes.
his mother thanked you profusely and paid, walking off to take a seat somewhere in the café. spencer was up next, he stumbled up to the counter as you greeted him with a smile.
“hi, what can i get for you today?” your voice was so melodic that he nearly zoned out.
“h-hey- can i get a black coffee with…..10 sugars.” he mumbled the last part, his eyes flickering away from you for a moment.
you let out a light chuckle, punching the order into your computer. “you’ve got a sweet tooth then i assume?”
spencer rubbed the nape of his neck, his eyes studying your pretty features. “y-yeah i suppose you could say that— um how much do i owe you?” he reached into his pocket to pull out his wallet.
you shook your head, moving to the left to start making his drink. “don’t worry about it…” you trailed off, his name not yet known to you.
“spencer…and thank you.” he felt a blush creep onto his face as he watched you meticulously pour his coffee into a cup. you began to add the sugars one by one when spencer decided to speak up.
“that was really nice of you- what you did for that boy.”
your eyes met his as you smiled. “i was saving that piece of cake for lunch but…he clearly needed it more than i did.” a soft chuckle left your lips and spencer could swear he felt his heartbeat triple in speed.
you finished up making his coffee, popping a lid onto the cup. as you went to pass the coffee, spencer’s fingers brushed yours causing a spark from the sudden touch.
“have a nice day, spencer..i hope to see you here again.”
he nodded, evidently flustered. “y-yeah me too..thank you.”
after that interaction, spencer went to the coffee shop every morning just to see you, it became part of his routine. some days it made him late to work he honestly he didn’t care, seeing you every morning was worth it.
spencer was brought back to the present by a nudge from emily, her dark eyes staring into his soul. “when are you going to ask her out?”
spencer shook his head. “i- i don’t know…i don’t want to mess things up..” he mumbled ouch scratching his neck.
“mess what up, pretty boy?” morgan chuckled as he finally walked into the room, all eyes flickered onto him. and a few steps behind him…there you stood.
spencer’s eyes instantly flickered onto your form, you were wearing a simple black dress, a change to your usual apron and baggy jeans. his heart swelled, he couldn’t believe you were here- why were you here?
then he pieced it together, just as morgan brought an arm to rest around your waist, pulling you close to his side. his heart sank, his features dropping slightly.
“this is my girlfriend, y/n.” morgan let out a small chuckle before pressing a kiss to your temple. you smiled warmly towards the group, though it didn’t quite meet your eyes, your gaze finally landing on spencer.
“hey sweet tooth- i didn’t know you knew derek..” you trailed off, there was something off about how you spoke, your voice not holding your usually cheery tone.
a few sets of eyes flickered onto spencer as he awkwardly adjusted his seated position on the stool. “y-yeah we work together.”
“how do you know each other?” morgan mused, his grip on your waist not loosening.
“he comes to my coffee shop every morning.” i mumble with a smile, my eyes not leaving spencer’s form.
immediately emily knew that this was the girl spencer had been speaking about, to avoid further questions she spoke up. “god i need a drink- morgan pour me a glass of wine there would you?”
morgan nodded with a chuckle, pulling away from you and walking around the island to where rossi stored the glasses. spencer let out a small sigh of relief, knowing that emily had spoken up to draw away from the situation.
throughout the night spencer couldn’t help but steal glances in your direction, he was growing increasingly frustrated with the way morgan would rest his hands on you, how he would pull you closer to him every so often. he needed to take a breather.
when everyone was distracted his managed to slip out onto one of rossi’s many balconies. he pressed his calloused hands against the cool, stone balustrade. he let out a deep sigh, staring out into the dark night, rossi’s garden being lit up by the moon.
spencer heard the sliding door open and shut behind him, now aware of someone’s presence. “i’ll be in, in a minute..” he mumbled out, his voice low.
“hey..” you spoke, your voice traveling to his ears making his heart ache. he turned his gaze to you, you were now standing a foot away from him, leaning your back against the stone railing.
“i- sorry i thought you were someone else..” he mumbled out, not being able to draw his eyes from your moonlit body.
“are you okay…you seem off, spencer.”
he let out a small sigh, running a hand through his dark hair.
“yeah- im..im fine…i didn’t realise you were with morgan.” he muttered out, noticing the drop on your features.
“it’s…pretty new. i met him a few weeks ago..” you managed to whisper out, running your hand over your arm.
“a few weeks ago..” he repeated, which you replied with a curt nod.
you both stood in silence for a moment. you were aware of spencer’s crush on you..and you couldn’t help but feel something for him too.
spencer turned to face you, speaking up. “would things be different…” he trailed off, chewing on his bottom lip.
“…if i had met you first.” he breathed out, studying your features for any sign of hope.
you averted your gaze, your eyes staring holes into the ground below you. you knew in your heart the answer, things would be different if you had met him first. but you didn’t, and you couldn’t change that.
he nodded, knowing your answer. he let out a small breath, adjusting the glasses that rested on his nose.
you had only started dating morgan, you didn’t know where you stood with everything. it was all new to you.
“i’m sorry.” you mumbled out, a hint of sadness laced in your words. spencer shook his head.
“it’s not your fault.”
you paused for a moment, turning back to the door. “i’m..going to get back to the party, they’ll notice..”
he nodded again, your words stung, he knew there was nothing he could do but pine for you.
“i’ll be in soon…i just need to think..”
you shuffled away from him, pulling the door open.
“spencer?” you called out, your hand on the open door.
he turned back to face you, his eyes scanning your form as the warm light from inside the house lit up your soft features.
“i wish i had met you first.” you mumbled out, before slipping back inside.
taglist!! @0108s22m @rainoftearss @potatovoyager @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @luvmia222 @shardsofmarxx @silver138 @lover-of-books-and-tea @thedancingnerdmermaid @khxna @cynbx
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bunbunbl0gs · 11 months
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in love with spencer reid
criminal minds masterlist
join my tag list here :)
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moon-river-me · 4 months
A recommendation would be that the reader flirts with Spencer and he is very blushing because of it. The team would have fun with it haha.
Have a nice day!! 💖
ok so this is my first fanfic so i would really appreciate feedback(good and bad).
fem! BAUreader, awkward spencer reid, sfw. I imagined early seasons spencer but it is non specified.
551 words.
“Did you know that wearing a tie can reduce blood flow to the brain by 7.5 percent?” Ties. That was how this exceedingly embarrassing rant began, you did that thing you do were you randomly compliment spencer; he loves it and hates it at the same time. Which for someone like himself, a logical man who values concrete answers, does not appreciate. Spencer loves problem solving, he has always been an amazing problem solver, when there was an equation, there was an answer, when there was a question, there was an answer, but the random comments that never fail to tinge his cheeks a rose hue, Spencer Reid did not have an answer for that.
By now Spencer realized he has been spitting useless facts about ties for over 3 minutes, which resulted in his face turning an even brighter shade of red.
“Pretty boy, all she said was nice tie,” Derek’s belly laugh could certainly be heard through the entire bullpen. Great, and even bigger crowd for his humiliation.
You giggle, keeping your eyes directly on his, “no no I love your facts spence, as long as you don’t give me a statistic on coffee and its correlation to some unheard-of disease, I will happily listen to you talk.” You add a subtle wink when you finish talking. Spencer’s bashful expression morphed into one of shock.
“You do?” The pure confusion in his voice added to your melodic laugh.
“Of course Spence, it’s the best part of working here.” While light-hearted, he picked up on the truth behind your words, making a shy grin appear on his face. He pushed his glasses up before realising his hair had now fallen Infront of his eyes.
“Here let me,” and before he knew it, your hand was directly in front of his eyes, pushing his hair out of his view. Spencer couldn’t take his gaze away from you. You keep the silent staring contest between you going. You know you will win; you always do.
“Boy genius, you look like a tomato” Penelope states are she strolls past to Derek’s desk.
“Red? I- I am not red its just hot in here.” His voice goes up at least an octave, his hand automatically travels to his cheeks.
“Okay keep telling yourself that Dr Reid,” you whisper the last part so only he could hear. You hand goes and taps his shoulder, keeping it there for a second longer than what could be considered normal, before moving to your desk, which coincidently is directly opposite his.
“I wasn’t lying by the way. Your tie is really nice. Suits you.” You state nonchalantly, as if that sentence didn’t make Spencers stomach swirl and form knots.
“I like yours too! Wait no.” You were not wearing a tie. Great. His utter screw up made you throw your head back laughing, increasing greatly when you looked at his horrified face.
“Thank you, Spence.” Your laugh slowly morphing back into your staple giggle, “maybe I will wear one tomorrow, and then you can mean it.”
“I’m so sorry,” Spencer felt like a puddle on the floor, but the look of admiration in your face made that feeling run for the hills.
“Don’t apologise, it was very cute. you are very cute” You promise him, nodding your head to accentuate your point.
oh. oh.
ok so sorry this is so bad but feedback would be very very great thanks!! I have some Aaron Hotchner x readers' coming up <3
I did NOT proof read lets pray this makes sense :)
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etclouie · 2 months
Could you do Derek Morgan x Reader or Spencer Reid x reader where reader is a new member of the team but is scared of flying so the first time on the jet they need to comfort her? Obvi I know you have a bunch of stuff you are still writing but i think this idea could be cute. It honestly could be for each character and kinda like a head cannon list on how they would comfort reader. Thank you so much if you get to this!
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first time flier
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𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 summary: your first time flying was on your first out of state case, and derek helps you through your nerves (Derek Morgan x !fem reader)
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 warnings: none really, being scared of flying, female pet names/nicknames (angel, sweetheart etc), this is proper simple but can go deeper if people want
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 word count: 514
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 a/n: writing this for derek cause i have like no ideas for him at all
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 criminal minds masterlist | main masterlist
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you’d recently joined the bau, being the newest member on the team already had nerves flying, but when your first out of state case meant you had to fly you were dreading it. 
never having flown before, you were a nervous wreck when you were walking up the jets stairs. Derek behind you, and his voice flooding your ears. 
“what’s got you all shaky legged like this?”
his voice always held teasing, and normally you managed to brush him off but your nerves had you a nervous wreck as you finally boarded the jet. sitting in the closest seat, and rolling your eyes as Derek sat down opposite you. 
that all too familiar smirk plastered across his face as he continued his teasing, his arms laid loosely across the small jet table. 
“talk t’me sweetheart, i’m not gonna judge”
meeting his eyes with a reluctant huff, his smirk immediately faltering as he finally took notice of the distressed look across your face. 
all the signs were there. watching him piece together your situation while the rest of the team boarded the jet. 
first thing you done when you sat down was pull down the small window blind and then buckling your seatbelt, breathing shallow and your head lulled back trying to soothe yourself. 
“ohh you’re scared of flying?”
there was a twitch of teasing in his tone but he was primarily reassuring as he spoke, his hands reaching across the table to soothe his thumbs across your knuckles, gathering your attention onto him and nodding in response to his question. 
“it’s nothing to be scared of angel, yeah? i’ll help you through it”
his words only processing once he was sat by your side, taking your left hand into his right one and continuing to soothe his thumb across your knuckles. 
this was one thing you didn’t expect when you woke up this morning, the Derek Morgan helping you get over your fear of flying. especially not with him this close to you and holding your hand, this was a nice change compared to the teasing Derek you had grown familiar with. 
“thank you, for this and for helping me with flying for the first time”
glancing up at him to see his eyes already on you, his thumb stilling against your knuckles before a chuckle pushed past his lips. 
“your first time flying? shit, i thought you were just a bad flier”
that had a soft laugh leaving you, most of your nerves gone as you focussed on Derek’s distractions. his hand never leaving yours, even when Hotch began debriefing the case. 
you felt safe flying with Derek by your side, his teasing slowly coming back and holding your full attention with it. 
even on the flight home, he made sure to sit right next to you. nerves still there, but a lot less rampant than the flight out. Derek was there for you the whole time, his hand in yours once more; and even managing to get you to sleep. 
as long as you had Derek there, flying wouldn’t be that bad. 
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requests are open here !
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yourmomxx · 11 months
Heyyy omg I saw you looking for criminal minds requests. Would it be possible to request something for derek morgan?? Maybe a protective derek where he's freaking out after hearing that reader is hurt (reader can be bau as well or just regular civillian, it's up to you) and ends up smothering her. Thankyouu so much 🥺💞
a/n: I totally could see Derek Morgan do this, honestly, this is so good. Anon, thank you for your request, I really hope you like how it turned out!
"Derek, seriously, I'm fine!"
"Uh-huh, sure. Tell that to the x-ray the doctor made of your double fractured ankle."
You tried really hard, you did, but at the end, couldn't resist the urge of rolling your eyes.
Derek - your dear, caring, passionate boyfriend, who you loved endlessly (most times) - had acted this way for the past few days. Four, to be exact, four and a half if one counted the day he spent in the hospital with you, not leaving your side even to get coffee.
It had been, a few days ago, that you had broken your ankle.
Fractured, twice.
It happened while you were coming down the stairs, you'd slipped on a patch of the sleek wood and tumbled down the remaining three quarters to the bottom.
It was the most stupid and idiotic way to break a bone, honestly, but it had happened to you either way.
You'd known Derek was out on a case, somewhere in Milwaukee, you honestly didn't remember all the town's names all that exactly, which is why you had satisfied yourself with only sending him a quick text after an ambulance had shuttled you to the nearest hospital.
The doctors had told you that you would be fine, just that they were pretty booked this time of year and your treatment could take longer than usual.
It's why you stayed the night.
When you had woken up the next day, mind still a bit foggy and ankle swollen and hurting more than it would any normal day, you had never expected to actually see your boyfriend earlier than that evening.
But you'd been wrong.
Because there he stood, Derek Morgan, in all his tight-henley, muscular glory, talking with one of the doctors who'd briefed you about your condition the day before, an invested look on his face, just a few feet outside your open hospital room door.
The clinical, white sheets rustled as you straigthened yourself up.
"Derek?" The soft call of his name made your boyfriend look up, just as the doctor stepped away.
A smile played around his lips as he made his way over to you. You were still baffled about his showing-up, when he leaned down and pressed a greeting kiss to your mouth.
"Hey, sweet thing," Derek mumbled.
With a grunt, he sat down in the worn-out, yellow cushion chair and regarded you with deep concern in his dark eyes.
"How are you feeling?"
You tilted your head.
"Like I fell down the stairs and double-broke my ankle not even twelve hours ago."
Derek's mouth left a soft chuckle. You grinned.
"What are you even doing here, I thought you had a case?"
He raised his hands in a defensive manner. "Whoah, now don't be too excited." There was no bite behind his words, or the eyeroll you gave him in response.
"I'm serious, baby," You said. "You didn't have to be here, I'm totally fine."
Derek leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees. His gaze didn't leave yours.
"We closed the case about two hours after you sent me that text," He explained. "When I read what happened, I pushed everyone to pack their things just a bit faster than normal, we took the jet, and now I'm here." He opened his arms. "End of story."
You cocked an eyebrow. "How much faster?" You asked.
Derek weighed his head. "A lot faster."
You let out a laugh. "God, you are crazy," You breathed out, cheeks pushing your eyes closed with how wide you were smiling.
Derek reached out and took your hand into his, the warm weight laying comfortable in your palm.
"Only for you, mama."
His hand squeezed yours and you smiled.
Turns out that hospitals were the. worst.
At first the willingness with which all staff was tending you with, it felt like a blessing, for once not having to do the most mundane tasks by yourself - because honestly, who wouldn't want that? - but as time passed by, it all seemed to weigh down on you.
You were practically chained to a bed that wasn't yours, and therefore in no possibility as comfortable as the mattress you were used to. The clinical smell of sanitizer started burning in your nostrils, and your eyes felt blinded by the exact same shade of white that covered every wall, surface, and sheet in your sight.
You almost groaned when a white cast was put on your leg to stabilize it. Derek had just grinned at you and promised to bring Penelope over at some point, with a set of acrylics, glue, and rhinestones.
That's when it had started. The Doctor had told you to rest up for a while, don't put too much weight on your left foot where you had broken your ankle, and come in for regular check-ups.
You should've known then, that you were doomed. Because since you had left the hospital that afternoon four - three and a half - days ago, Derek had not once thought about leaving your side.
For anything.
Any. Thing.
He was being so sweet with it, of course, because Derek Morgan didn't know to be anything else, but over time, having this constant worry hung at you for tasks that should have been the simplest of everyday life was draining, and made you grow agitated.
If you needed to compare it, it felt like being sixteen and your parents checking in on you while you were at a friend's birthday party every hour on the clock, all over again.
You were standing in the kitchen right now, spatula in one hand, the other perched warningly at your hip, a pan on the stove ready to be heated up and a disapproving look on your face, staring down Derek Morgan who stood accross from you with his arms crossed and an almost stronger "Don't try me"-attitude than you had.
"Baby," You said, slowly dragging out each syllable. "I understand and do appreciate your concern, but I am fully able to cook lunch."
"The doctor said not to put too much pressure on your foot," Derek shot back. He gestured towards the kitchen island. "Scurrying around for at least half an hour without a break is what I call 'too much pressure'."
The only pressure you were feeling right now was the exasperated groan that you fought back of pushing out your chest.
"I feel alright," You reassured him. "And if I really feel like it's too much, then I'll sit down and take a break."
Derek shook his head. "Will you, though?"
You sighed and put the spatula in an empty space on the kitchen island.
As smoothly as you could, you walked over to your boyfriend, supporting the weight on your unmoving leg by leaning your hand on the kitchenette, as you had discarded your crutch on the other side of the room.
Derek raised his eyebrow at that.
Finally reaching your boyfriend, you put your unoccupied hand on his cheek and let your thumb softly stroke over the stubbled skin.
Derek ever so slightly leaned into the touch.
"I'm just worried 'bout you," Derek murmured quietly.
You nodded slowly. "I know."
You did. And you understood. With all the death and hurt he saw, day by day, night after night, how could he not be?
"But baby, you gotta believe me when I tell you that I can take care of myself. That I know my limits." You gestured around vaguely. "That I can cook lunch for myself and my beautiful, kind boyfriend."
A hushed laugh escaped Derek's chest. His dark eyes found yours and the glimmer in them softened, turned a whirl of worry into a smooth tide.
"You just gotta watch out for you," Derek said. "I know you like to push yourself, don't like admitting defeat."
His hand came to rest on your forearm of the hand that was still tenderly lingering on his cheek. The soft tickle of his thumb drawing absentminded circles seeped through the thin layer of your clothing.
"But taking breaks is okay. There's a difference between being weak and just taking care of yourself."
Derek dipped his knees slightly when he noticed your gaze flashing to the floor, to catch your attention again.
"And I have never, not once in the time I've known you, known you to be weak. Alright, sweetheart?"
The warmth was radiating off his strong body, and infiltrating every single one of your concious senses. Unaware you were doing it, you leaned closer to him. The breeze of his cologne wrapped around you in pure comfort.
"Alright," You said. "Alright, I promise I'll take care."
Derek held your gaze. His fingers pushed a loose strand of hair away from your forehead. "That's all I wanted to hear."
The quick peck you pulled him in for by the neck quickly turned into an open-mouthed kiss, Derek's tongue circling yours for the briefest of moments, before finally gaining dominance.
You attempted to press further into him, but your hard time keeping balance wouldn't allow it.
He pressed one last, small kiss to your nose before backing away.
You smiled at him cheekily, still supporting yourself on the cold stone of the kitchenette, and laboriously turning around to finally get to make the food you'd fought so hard to be able to cook.
"At least let me work the stove."
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spideyswebhead · 2 years
hi indie, can you write a derek morgan fic where they meet at the bau for the first time and the team finds out she used to be a model who was semi famous but she only did it to get herself through school, maybe their on a case and someone recognizes her at the police station? (she/her pronouns please and thank you)
Another Life | Derek Morgan
I love this prompt and it's been so fun to write about! I hope you enjoy it and I did the prompt right. And first time really writing Derek so I hoped I did that right too lol
I did randomize the fake name for (Y/N), so if that happens to be your name I will be impressed and also apologize.
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If you want (Y/N) to have your name instead, on laptop/pc download "interactive fic" and change (Y/N) to your name instead.
Pairing | Derek Morgan x Reader
Summary | An officer revealed a different side of (Y/N)'s like and she becomes nervous for everyone's reaction and teasing that could come her way. Especially Derek's opinion of her.
Content | Reader being nervous Derek will think less of her for modeling, it's brief.
Word Count | 1.0K
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(Y/N) followed everyone else into the police office, listening as Hotch introduced all of them until he got to her, gesturing to (Y/N) for the detective. “This is agent (L/N),” Hotch tells her, (Y/N) put on a friendly smile as she shook the detective’s hand. Barely seeing one head snap up from one of the desks and look at her, she glanced at them, seeing a look in their eye she couldn’t identify, but decided to ignore it and put her full focus on the detective in front of her. “Nice to meet you.”
“Thank you for coming, we have you set up over here.”
Throughout the day (Y/N) felt like she had more eyes on her. A curious look at first, like they were trying to figure something out, but it would disappear when she would catch one officer looking at her. Then she noticed the looks had become whispers when her back was turned but when she would turn around they would immediately stop, it was becoming really annoying. Why the hell were they looking at her?
“Is there a problem?” (Y/N) finally just said to one officer who tried to look busy after whispering to his co-worker.
He seemed to jump when (Y/N) called him out, looking like a kid caught red handed in a cookie jar as he stared at (Y/N). “I’m sorry,” He squeaked finally after trying to find his words. “But are you Elizabeth Bird?”
The officer started rummaging at a desk and pulled out a glossed magazine page, (Y/N) eyes widened in horror as she immediately recognized the cover. A similar one stuffed in a box hiding somewhere in her closet. “I heard your name and I immediately recognized you, I’ve been trying to figure out if it is you! Because I’m such a huge fan of your work.” He held out the photo of (Y/N), years younger and barely dressed in the photo. Horror washed over her body and completely froze.
“Now what is this?” Derek took the photo from the officer as he looked at the old photo, Emily coming over to peer over his shoulder to examine the photo. “Sugar, when did you do this?”
“Oh God, please stop looking.” (Y/N) whines as she tries to snatch the photo from Derek’s hands, but he just lifted it higher and stepped away from (Y/N) grasp. “C’mon, Derek! Please!”
“You look amazing!” Emily exclaimed as she got a better look and (Y/N) groaned in response.
“C’mon, when did you do this?”
“It doesn’t matter, give it back, Morgan!” (Y/N) was able to grab the page and she balled it up and tossed it at the officer, who jumped and tried to catch the crinkled page. Looking disappointed on his page being ruined, but (Y/N) could care less about the officer's feelings. She took a breath and turned away from Morgan and Emily, who seemed to be trying to make light of the situation. And saved by the bell, Garcia called Emily and the attention was off her and back to the case.
She had hoped everyone would forget about the little information that had come out about her past. It’s not like (Y/N) was ashamed of it, she loved that little moment of her life and she did. She loved looking at those old photos she had kept all these years, glad to have some photos of herself back then and it was a crazy confidence booster too sometimes. The toxic environment wasn’t worth it and not something she missed. But it was the view of all her co-workers, especially Derek. She didn’t want him to think of her less because she posed for magazine’s when previous relationship’s have judged her on some level for doing what she had to to get herself through school. And their relationship was going so well, she didn’t want this to get in the way of their relationship.
She was surprised when Derek sat with her on the plane and she prepared herself for the jokes going to be thrown her way. Nothing happened though. “Really, nothing?”
Derek looked at (Y/N) and raised his eyebrow to her, holding back a smile to her. “What, sugar?”
“C’mon, I know you have something to say. Someone always does.”
“About what? The picture?”
“What else would I be talking about, Derek?”
“I have nothing to say, sugar.” It was quiet for a moment before he continued. “Well, mainly. Why?”
“I needed money for college, saw an ad and got into the work. Got a whole agent and everything. It paid for all my debt too so that was a bonus.” She grinned at that fact and Derek's eyes widened at that.
“Damn, sugar.” Derek laughed, impressed. “You gotta get me into the business.”
(Y/N) smiles and leans forward. “If you want to get into the business, you need to figure out how to pose first.” 
“What do you mean “figure out how to pose”? I am great at posing!”
“Are you?”
The look of how offended Derek was caused (Y/N) to start laughing, feeling more at ease that her team knows about that little side of her life. Maybe she could show more of her life without worry of judgment for once in her life, showing how proud she is of her work.
“So you aren’t offended I did this work?”
Derek almost laughed at that comment, holding back when he saw how serious (Y/N) was about this. “Sugar, I could care less. I’m more surprised you never told me about Elizabeth Bird!”
“It’s cause-” She faltered, beginning to wonder if she should get into this now. “Some people haven’t in the past. I worried you would be the same.”
Derek softened at that and placed his hand on her own, giving a little squeeze. “I don’t mind. And I get to see those photos now instead of all those people. Their lost.”
“What makes you think you’ll be seeing my photos?” She raised an eyebrow up to him.
“I saw one photo. I gotta see the rest of them now, you can’t hide them from me anymore, sugar.”
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jugheadthelesbian · 3 months
could i request hc for reader x morgan, maybe something where the reader has super sensitive skin and she has maybe like an eczema flare-up and he comforts her? sorry i'm in hell rn 😭🙏
hi lovely, i hope u feel better and that sweet boyfriend morgan helps u!! ☺️🩷
🩷 first off, he would call off work just to take care of you. you tell him it’s not a big deal and youre fine but he calls Hotch and tells him that he can’t come in today(bonus if you also work at the BAU and you both take time off)
🩷 he runs an oatmeal bath for you, complete with one of those bath trays that he puts snacks and your favorite book/an ipad with your favorite show on
🩷 he washing all the bedding because he wants everything to be soft and fluffy on your sensitive skin
🩷 he gives you LOTS of kisses and cuddles and basically does whatever you want to do, even if that’s lay in bed and cry over the awfulness
🩷 he puts lotion on where your flare-up is at and lets you wear his clothes, that are super baggy on you
🩷 lots of words of affirmation to make you feel more confident, like “damn, mama you look good in my clothes” and stuff like that that’s so over the top but it does help!! 🩷 he cooks for you very frequently and doesn’t let you help him because when he’s cooking, he’s in the zone
🩷 he is a sucker for old fashioned romance stuff, drive-in movies and diners and such, and is such a gentleman(HAVE U MET HIS MOM??)
🩷 if you also work at the BAU, he gets you flowers for your desk every week and experiments getting different types of flowers and profiling your reaction to figure out which are your favorites(because asking you is not fun) and your favorite day of the week becomes Mondays because you love seeing what new flowers he got
🩷 yall would definitely get in trouble for pda in the office, because it usually isn’t a problem as yall are professional on the field and the other members of the team dont care, but occasionally Strauss or other superiors come into y’all’s office and Hotch has to give obligatory PDA warnings
thank u for the request!! if u like these, please send me requests in asks ✨ i had so much fun with these!! i 🩷 morgan so much
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frankiebirdsedits · 22 days
icons of the team in 3x17 - valhalla
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got a request? send it here !
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alastxrs · 6 days
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springtyme · 10 months
My requests are currently open for Peaky Blinders and Criminal Minds ♡
Tommy Shelby Arthur Shelby John Shelby Alfie Solomons
Spencer Reid Aaron Hotchner Derek Morgan Emily Prentiss
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benevolentbones · 3 months
master list ⭑
requests are open! please feel free to give me a prompt ⭑ (all characters)
spencer reid ⭑
newcomer part 1 & part 2
kids table part 1 & part 2
clumsy part 1 | part 2 | part 3
jealous much?
beach day part 1 & part 2
me before you
your type
break up
surprise surprise
green dress
please don’t tell
lit club
silent support
met you first
elle greenaway ⭑
stubborn girl
aaron hotchner ⭑
love sick
emily prentiss ⭑
missing you
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narcissuslecter · 8 months
hey babes, it's ur fave will graham smokes truther, internet menace, writer who never publishes anything!
do y'all want like. unhinged headcannons??
very unhinged, incredibly niche, crackfic, gay as hell, a little autistic headcanons?
will take requests obvi, law & order: svu, hannibal, criminal minds.
(characters i take requests for in the tags!)
give me ur wildest requests! i need to write more, submit them in my askbox!
angsty barisi fic chap 1 coming soon??
be gay, see u next time <3
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reveseke · 11 months
Unreasonable for the time
–Criminal minds; BAU x unsub! male! reader – Requested(link) by @jaythes1mp, also tagging @lovelybeardedsuit – not the proudest moments for me with writing, i'm painfully aware it's not excalty what you requested but loosely around it if i can say so? went in for romantic feelings and came back by admiration and appreciation pipe(?). also apologies it's taken me quite the while to write. - warnings; uhh smallish nitpick at grotesque description maybe? human taxitermy + (aspiring/well known) artist/taxitermist reader. evidence withholding is mainly used as a tactic of sabotaging. The reader has burns on his hands for some reason. nothing really, lemme know if i missed something. – oh, also since i don't write for Rossi or the women of the BAU team romantically you have to suffer with mainly Reid, Morgan, and Hotch being unreasonable. there's no real ending here either, i wrote it in one sitting brain on speed dial bc i got fed up with drafts. i'll see myself out now. – WC; 1,255 k
the case was supposed to be an average one, but that hope turned to ash as the team had a look at the case file. There had been a surge in numbers when it came to cold cases dropping like flies every now and then over the past few months. two to three new victims, unable to be connected due to them being in different states over the lines. the team wasn't sure what to make out of the situation as they tried to gather everything they needed.
Sweet talking one up, a well dressed man greeted the woman with an open smile as he led her to the shop. tallying up how many he had already collected and how the cat she had brought would be a fine one to mount.
the victims were often found frozen in one place, not literally just mounted and taxitermed. their limbs were broken in several places, often they had a crown made of bones adorned upon their heads-later on those bones weren't theirs but a combination of every victim–as the victims were often laid naked or with a small coverage upon their bodies. Reid had pointed out that they all shared the crown, and often were gutted inside out with their organs removed and replaced by ones made out of clay or glass.
Penelope on the other hand had analyzed the often seen carved or burned into the skin of the victim a signature of an artist. she had spoken about how familiar it looked to her, but she just couldn't find anything with it. maybe the tech could have seen it coming if she had looked to her left in the office she was so often occupied in and decorated with silly things she found joy and comfort in.
that one particular small glass item, even if it seemed so meaningless always carried R/n passion in it as he continued on working with what he had been given. He had to show them, the corruption of the world nobody seemed to understand that wiped the earth off its goodness.
looking at the crime photos and notes that had been sent over and already thought about by the various police who worked on them. the team couldn't help but to wonder whether it was all or if there was more they never found. Hotch spoke along JJ and Prentiss with the victim's families mosty, as Garcia went down the histories and records of the wretched beings along.
Derek had gone to the mortuary, the tech had called them up with a finding from inside the victim's throat and stomach. it was ultimately the only organ that had been left untouched, the stomach of the victim that had been filled to the bring with papers. written and forced down his throat the crimes he had committed with the same symbol that finally started to click as the others saw it.
And Reid had been sent off to the most recent crime scene. to see what would have made the placement of the police significant to the crime. they had seen a pattern in how the unsub placed his work. often it was around the places that matched up with the most vicious parts of their histories. sometimes the vicious part was all about things they did that the public never knew about.
Watching the press conference in his shop, writing down the phone number that had been laid out for anyone to call if they needed to report something suspicious. oh, how he loathed them for overseeing it and doing so little, trying to bury him down so the world never never saw his work. that work R/n bled for, burns adorning his own hands as he scoffed wiping sweat from his brow.
he still couldn't understand why they wished to silence him. ripping the flesh that he had to mount by his own hands and with the assistance of scissors as he opened the chest of the victim in his hands. with glue and wire he rewired the rib cage's bones and broke down the cartilage that held it together on the front of it.
it felt like they were missing something obvious, looking through the files and the reports Reid had asked Garcia to look into the pasts of the victims.
he was a whore, merely someone who slept his way to his position but even R/n had to admit he was a handsome one. he wasn't a model for no reason, but his upbringing while not entirely his own fault didn't slip past him. he didn't care, she had to bleed for her crimes. and hey, they don't speak of true beauty without the pain of it.
it felt surreal to hear the man's voice in the playback video of the stream that he did. Hotch looked forward as he discussed it with Rossi and Garcia. asking the tech to send the video to his tablet so he could show it to the others, as it showcased how the young man was quite literally speaking of his newest victim as an upcoming collab. As Garcia had worried her mind around the signature she did end up recognising as one of the uprising artists' signatures.
it came as a shock to her to learn that he was quite literal with what he meant with his art, he wasn't just showcasing an opinion anymore, it was a question of morals. and neither were the others ready to admit to it, none of them had properly met the man but the way he had made a name for himself really screamed that of innocence, they always felt like something was missing. endangering the case, multiple people had been withholding information due to finding it difficult to actually think such a sweet person would be behind this.
Morgan never told them about all the papers that had text in them that the techs found in the stomach of the multiple victims. how if composed right did end up with a message that sounded that of utter nonsense. in truth it did showcase lots of how his own mind worked and how he had been struggling with it. he intended to turn his pain into art, literally by showcasing what happens to those who lie within this life.
Reid had withheld the history connection between the victims and him, how they had all either known each other or ran into each other at some point in life. he had told Garcia that he would tell the others about it. he never did.
one may call him an utter madman at this point, he was getting sloppier with what he was doing in the first case with the victims. many who viewed his art either were creeped out about the surrealism of it, or either seemed to understand that the man was merely showcasing his emotion fueled art. one finds something as that undescribeable, and others as the most touching thing ever.
yet to all even through his faults none of them found him to be possibly guilty of what had happened. It was unreasonable Prentiss had argued with Hotch about it, before for their unresponsiveness and denying the artist of being the unsub.
none of them really felt ashamed of it, but it did make a surprise for each of the three men that they held the same opinion of the young man.
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