#Desk pads can save yo life
otterquirks · 6 months
Really am glad to have a desk pad to catch my coffee every time I spill it onto my desk... because it happens too often.
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drksanctuary · 1 year
A long awaited post by some! Warning: the accompanying fic while not NSFW is a bit on the mature side.
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@them-awesome-rarepairs I hope this doesn’t break any rules? (But I finally posted one one time)
ALSO Special thanks to @pardon-me-what-the-fuck for brainstorming the AU with me and also a thanks to @thinkingjasico , @iridisentry @yonemurishiroku @gutsybitsies @dead-immortal and ofc @thomas-life for the tattoo ideas!
Enjoy the ficlet below!
Tattoo Parlor- One shot
Nico enters through the small side door as he has many times before. But this time it feels different. This time, his shadow magic has taken him here. He usually has shadows take him to the underworld or to Camp Jupiter where he knows Hazel or Reyna will be there for support. But he had unthinkingly travelled here. To the small tattoo parlor/Magic shop, that one might almost miss it if they were scanned the row of buildings it was in. At this odd hour of night, when he knows it will be open but empty save for the owner.
Alabaster Torrington is at the counter, leg propped up, lounging back in his seat. He looks with furrowed eyebrows at his sketch pad as he taps his lips with his pen, a stray lock of hair that appears to have escaped his messy bun falls to his clavicle,tracing the curve his neck.
Nico hadn’t been sure why he'd come to this place at the beginning, but in appreciating Al’s form, neck and lips… Nico knows why his instinct had led him here now.
More specifically, he knows which instinct had led him here.
Nico has the urge to say something to knock the guy out of his concentrated trance. But he just stands there observing him as an unassuming shadow on the wall.
Alabaster mumbles to himself and makes a definitive mark on the page before placing the sketch pad on the desk and finally looking up.
“Gah!” Alabaster exclaims.
Nico grins at him, his smile woven with mischief.
“Di immortales, Di Angelo, you want me to die of a heart attack?” Alabaster snaps.
“That’d be no good, who’s gonna finish my commission?” Nico says, the side of his mouth curling into a smirk.
Alabaster deadpans. “Glad to know my skill with magic is the only thing keeping me alive”
“Isn’t it usually?” Nico says as he hops onto the counter. He folds his arms and flashes Alabaster another shit eating grin.
Al opens his mouth to respond in the contrary, but then, upon consideration, just says “good point” he mirrors Nico’s insufferable grin and adds “you asshat.”
I’d wear your ass as hat. Nico thinks to himself before replying with “it’s nice to see you too”
“Mmhmm” Al arches eyebrow at him before turning his attention back to his sketch pad.
Nico’s nerves feel like sand pulsing through him.How does one segue into asking someone to, how to put it delicately, wreck him with pleasure. He is suddenly very aware that he has no idea how to flirt.
“So…what’re you working on?” Nico says, feeling a bit defeated at his unoriginality.
“You’re latest commission actually”
“Dragon scales?”
“That’s the one”
“It’s a tough one though, might take me a bit more time.” Al glances at the calendar. “Granted I hadn’t expected you back for it for another week. Is there a reason you’re early?”
Nico’s stomach jolts. Flirting. Exe has failed to load and he just stands there like an idiot.
Alabaster raises an eyebrow. The one with the piercing in it. Nico remembers thinking about how hot that piercing was when he first saw it. He thinks it’s hot now. Focus Di Angelo! He thinks to himself. Don’t just stare! Apparently thirsty.exe is running just fine. Maybe too well.
Alabaster smiles warmly at him and it ruins his focus again, as now he’s gone from staring at Al’s eyebrow to staring at his lips.
“Y-yeah, no. Just the tattoo commission …that’s why I came” Nico lies. “But if you need more time…”
“I’d certainly appreciate it” Alabaster responds, leaning back into his chair and crossing his arms. “Perhaps I can help you with something else? Maybe touching up your ink-sourced tattoos?”
“My what?” Nico says, and instantly regrets how stupid he sounds. He had been only half paying attention as Al crossing his arms had accented his biceps and Nico had been checking them out.
“Ink sourced tattoos?” Alabaster says. “The ones that don’t draw energy from you directly, just from the ink itself.”
Nico smiles dumbly.
“Your failsafes?” Alabaster gestures to Nico’s jacket clad biceps.
Nico is slightly impressed that Alabaster remembers where all of his tattoos are. He has so many. But Nico supposes that it’s because Al works so hard on them that he remembers.
“Oh” Nico says, not hesitating at all to take his shirt off. “Sure. If you could”
It’s Alabaster’s turn to be distracted. No matter how much he’d worked on that torso he still very much enjoys the sight of it. His skin is soft between scars and his chest is beautifully muscled. He looks like the kind of demigod Ancient Greek sculpturists might use as a reference. Alabaster has, more than once, had to suppress the urge to lick those muscles when he got too close. How very unprofessional of him.
But he also enjoys Nicos company. He forces himself to focus on that instead. The son of Hades often tells him the stories attached to each meaningful Tattoo he has. AL loves hearing about adventures and meaningful events in Nico’s life. It was a life he’d left behind. Heroes never die, he thinks bitterly, but they do, however, fade into the background. Perhaps that’s the best way to keep people alive. He shakes his head and turns on his equipment.
Alongside Nico’s tattoos are scars that serve a similar function. The scars tell of battles fought. Of Battles not easily won. Battles endured for selfish Olympians who didn’t deserve Nico’s help. When Nico visits, he tells Al all about them too (sometimes needing some emergency healing as well). But that’s just fine. He’s not going to be callous about demigod life just because his side lost the war. Doing so would make him no better than the negligent Olympians he despises.
Besides, Alabaster is good at providing what Nico needs. Alabaster briefly wonders if those needs include…something more than healing. Something more than the niceties they go through. Something more than the conversations they have as friends.
Alabaster unmindfully traces his fingertips along one of the scars on Nico’s arms. Enjoying the sensation of Nicos skin against his fingertips until Nico tenses under the scrutiny.
“Sorry” Al says, “does it hurt?”
“Oh, -uh nope” Nico’s says hoping he’s not blushing. It doesn’t hurt at all. It feels really good but he can’t just say that….can he?
“Oh good ‘cause I was gonna say…” Alabaster says as he starts the tattoo pen “this is probably going to”
Nico smirks “I’m ready”
Alabaster works expertly. Nico can’t help but watch. Al’s non-pen hand is gentle as it supports his arm but exerts full and firm control over him when necessary; moving Nico’s arm into whatever position it needs to go. Nico hopes those hand skills are transferable to…other things.
“So…” Nico starts “I don’t usually hear a lot about you.”
Alabaster glances up at him. Nico’s eyes aren’t interrogating, only inquisitive. Calm down Torrington, war is long since over no need to be paranoid. Besides it’s Nico he’s….good.
“Listening is easier than multitasking by talking and working, but” he moves Nico’s arm so he can work at a different angle. “I suppose there’s also not much to say…I don’t go on as many adventures as you do”
“But you do go”
“On occasion, to find the odd potion ingredient, magical object or what not”
“Nice, like with this one?” He points to snake tattoo on his wrist.
“Ha, yeah…anything for my favorite customer” Alabaster says with a wink.
Nico again hopes he isn’t blushing “It was worth the extra I paid for it” Nico grins. “I’ve used it at least 3 times since I got it. Constantly saves my ass”
It’s certainly an Ass worth saving Alabaster thinks to himself and he smiles. How lecherous of him. Though did he see a slight blush in Nico’s cheeks when he called him his favorite ? Perhaps he imagined it.
Nico sees the slight grin, and assumes Al is smiling with pride, it’s a subtle smile but Nico notices it just the same. Maybe he can flirt. Or…well, maybe Al was just being polite.
“That should do it” Alabaster says, placing a healing rune index card on Nico’s arm and activating it.
“I am so glad that I don’t have to wait a normal amount of time for the tattoos to heal” Nico says with a sigh as the glow from the card fades and takes the pain with it.
“Magic is truly magical isn’t it?” Al says. His eyes glow slightly as he says it.
Nico hums in the affirmative more entranced by the glow than he’d ever admit. Or was it just those eyes? Nico’s not sure.
Alabasters gaze lingers on Nico’s lips . He saw the slight tint of green shine off of the white gold piercing. He suppresses the urge to kiss it.
“So… what about you?no stories today?” Alabaster asks. Clearly he needs to take his mind elsewhere. It didn’t do to have it be in the gutter when there is a client present. No matter how hot the client is. No matter how he looked at him with beautiful black, inquisitive eyes that seemed to eat up the light around them. Hungry for sights. Perfect eyes for a patron of a tattoo parlor. Perfect eyes for a son of Hades. Perfect eyes.
“Umm… I’ve actually mostly just been helping train some of the younger campers.” Nico says. Knocking Al’s mind back into the present and not the ethereal plane on which he was waxing poetic about Nico di Angelo’s fricking eyes. Not like they’d ever be for him anyway. Alabaster has to remind himself that he is just an exile forced to work the fringes of human and demigod boarders to muster up a living. Children of the big three did not regard such demigods like that. But Nico did always treat him respectfully. It was a low bar, but Nico far surpassed it. He likes that about him.
“That’s good” Alabaster says with a nod. And he does not add any comment about the camp even though the anger still burns within him. The Olympian safe haven…only safe for those who comply. But-
“There’s this 10 year old child of Themis who was attacked by an empousa at the courthouse”
“Hehe I imagine that’s where a lot of those blood suckers work” Al says with a raised eyebrow.
“That’s what I said!” Nico says with a laugh, unconsciously putting his hand on Al’s.
As cheesy as it sounds, Al feels a spark. It’s not a sudden jolt of electricity or his heart skipping a beat. It’s more like, an unexpected tingling sensation. Like being tickled. He’s tempted to hold Nico’s hand as it lingers but Nico retracts it before he can.
“Um…but anyway I’ve been training him with a sword, and he likes to call
It his ‘blade of Justice’ so that’s pretty cool” Nico’s blood rushes to his ears. He know firsthand how it felt to be touched unexpectedly. He mentally berates himself for doing it.
“Pretty cool” Al nods, and this time his response is genuine. He wants to curse himself for how he’d almost got lost in dwelling in the past again. But he is grateful to Nico for reminding him why the camp is good. Or at least better than it was for those minor gods children. It’s not the life he’d fought against Olympus for, but it was still better than what he’d had. He’s happy they have a home.
They belong there with a hero like Nico who can keep them safe in his capable hands. As he’s thinking it Al find’s himself reaching for those hands again. What was the matter with him?
He holds Nico’s hand before he can stop himself and is surprised when Nico doesn’t retract it again. He traces the skin of Nico’s hand that not obscured by the gloves, before looking up at him again.
“It’s good they have you to care for them” Alabaster says, voice soft but still deep and solid.
It makes Nico shiver. He knows Alabaster’s past. Minor gods’ children used to not have a place at camp. And if they did it was shoved into the Hermes Cabin.
“Well yeah..Demigods only really have each other in the end, right?”Nico says
Alabaster meets Nico’s eyes, something stirring within him. He’d said the exact same thing to Ethan back when…back during the Titan war. It was almost as if he was repeating Al’s own words to him. Maybe it’s something Al has said to Nico in the past without thinking it. Or maybe…maybe Nico just believes it. Maybe he and Al’s feeling on that matter align.
“Right” Alabaster says softly with a squeeze of reassurance to the hand that he is holding.
Nico’s heart flutters a little.
Alabasters eyes capture him, they engage him with such scrutiny. Thinking a million things at once, but at the same time…focused on one goal at a time.
“Like I said,.” Nico says “you and your tattoos save my ass all the time”
“Again, You’re welcome” Al says the side of his lips curling into a smirk. This time he gambles. With Nico’s hand in his own,he stands and leans in close, his face inches from Nico’s own their gazes still locked., “it’s…certainly an ass worth saving.”
Nico’s breath catches at the proximity. And Alabaster’s tone was…suggestive? Sensual even. Yes.
“Is that right” Nico starts, so glad he doesn’t have to give the cue, only take it. “Well…maybe you could…do more than just save it?” he says in a breathy whisper. His eyes trailing to look at Al’s lips, and then right back into those glowing eyes. He parts his own lips inviting Al to make the first move.
Al’s heartbeat quickens as he leans in to close the distance between their lips. This time it is a like an electric shock. A surge of sensation between the two of them. They both melt into it. Their breaths becoming heavier as the kiss deepens.
Nico’s mind becomes hazy and his body takes over, finally bringing to the fore, those urges he hadn’t been aware he was suppressing. He grasps at Al’s shirt with wild abandon and pulls him close, sucking on Alabasters bottom lip.
Al’s hand cards through Nico’s hair and pulls it. Asserting some control.
Nico moans and Alabaster notes the reaction. Mmm seems he likes that.
Nico tries to say Alabaster’s name but his voice just vibrates through their mouths as empty noise. He wants to be pulled again. He wants to be pushed. He…wants.
Alabaster can feel the cold of Nico’s lips ring, but the rest of Nico’s mouth is warm and inviting. And the sounds he makes are intoxicating. Al pushes Nico down against the chair with his upper body and positions his lower between Nico’s legs. Nico lets put a pleasured gasp before Alabaster reconnects their lips in haste. He plunges his tongue into Nico’s mouth, sliding it along the front of his teeth before delving further.
Nico moans again before meeting Al’s tongue with his own. Wrestling it. Prodding it. Trying to reach Al’s teeth.
Nico’s fingers move in a frenzy along Al’s back grasping cloth and scraping skin. It’s intoxicating.
When they finally release the frantic kiss Al stays close, both of them breathless, eyes locked with one another’s
“I’ve…wanted to do that for a while now” Alabaster admits
“Yeah?” Nico says. He gives it some thought. “Me too” he realizes.
Alabaster chuckles “I didn’t finish my question”
Nico smirks “Yesssssss” he says again in a warm breath against Alabaster’s ear, tugging at Al’s shirt to cement his desire.
Alabaster shivers. “Let’s go to my place.”
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hongism · 4 years
the little things - k. hongjoong
↣ pairing: hongjoong x reader; ft. seonghwa, san, mentioned poly ot8 x reader ↣ genre: sfw, fluff, slight angst, fantasy au, witch ateez au ↣ wc: 3.8k ↣ summary: a job doesn’t go as planned for hongjoong, and you’re left to pick up the pieces ↣ warnings: mentioned illness and death
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Hongjoong arguably has the hardest job out of anyone in the coven. You are well aware of that, and the pressure he feels from being the leader of the coven doesn’t help one bit, especially since the majority of the public eye’s judgment falls on his shoulders. He would never admit it out loud, but that pains him quite a bit, even if he is willing to take the judgment of others so his coven doesn’t have to. Seonghwa helps in those moments of weakness, lulling Hongjoong to sleep with a quick spell or trying a myriad of other things to calm the man, but it must be worse than usual for Seonghwa to call on you to help with the issue.
Hongjoong’s magic is draining mostly due to the fact that he is eclectic and likes to dabble in everything. Some spells take more out of him than others, some take no effort, and others require days if not weeks of recovery time. Now, however, there seems to be a different issue.
“A job went south.” That’s the only explanation you got from Seonghwa, but the small shake of his head told you all you needed to know. Because jobs don’t just go south for Hongjoong.
That is what lands you here — steps outside Hongjoong’s room with hand raised and ready to rap roughly against the wood several times. You aren’t sure what awaits you inside, but considering the very late hour, you are hoping to find Hongjoong asleep. The faint yellow candlelight filtering under the door tells you otherwise though, and that’s why you opt to knock rather than barging in unannounced.
“Come in.” Hongjoong sounds tired even in the two small words, but it isn’t the typical kind of tired you’re used to hearing from people. You are used to the exhaustion of the body, people coming to your door for sleep remedies, and nightmare potions meant to dispel the bad dreams that keep them up at night. The exhaustion in Hongjoong’s voice is one that resides deep in the body, one that eats away at the bones and muscles, breaks you down until you can hardly keep your head up. It’s nothing you can’t fix with a simple herbal concoction, but Seonghwa didn’t ask you to bring anything. He didn’t expect you to use your alchemy to fix Hongjoong, thus you’re going to have to rely on words and comfort instead.
You twist the handle as quietly as you can so that you don’t disturb the other sleeping men in the house. Sneaking in was hard enough, especially since Jongho was sprawled out on the couch with Yeosang’s lithe cat form curled up directly on his stomach, but you managed to get past the two of them with little to no disturbances. (And you delivered a few head scratches to Yeosang but that’s beside the point).
“Are you here to heat the tea again? I forgot all about it — oh.” Hongjoong’s thought falls short when he turns to face you, no doubt assuming that it was Seonghwa knocking for the umpteenth time tonight, but instead, he finds you with your hands tucked behind your back and lips stretched into a small smile. “What are you doing here? Did something happen back at the cottage? Did you come alone? Please tell me that you at least carried a ward or charm with you. That walk isn’t safe alone at this hour and I—”
“Hongjoong, darling, please.” Your smile stretches bit by bit as you move towards where Hongjoong is seated at his desk. Back hunched almost painfully, the man seems to be slaving over some old tomes, several books cracked open and laid bare before him, and your heart squeezes tight in your chest from the sight. There’s a barely touched mug of tea alongside the books, no doubt cold at this point, and the small lamp sitting on the corner of the desk illuminates the space.
The tension in Hongjoong’s shoulders remains even as you get within touching distance of him, and you dart a hand out to brush a few loose strands of hair off his forehead. The dark locks cave under your fingers, letting you tuck them back with little resistance. Hongjoong sighs from the gentle touches.
“Long day?” you murmur, despite already knowing the answer.
“Fucked up an important job,” Hongjoong sighs in response. He drops his head and faces forward again, staring down at the book before him. You take the opportunity to look in the same direction but you regret doing so a moment later because of what you see on the page.
Curing terminal illness with magic.
You tug at the back of Hongjoong’s chair, pulling him away from his desk with as much strength you can muster, but eventually he caves and assists you in pushing the chair back. You leave just enough room for you to slip between him and the desk before dropping your hands to his shoulders. No words come from your lips for quite some time; the two of you just remain in that position until tension begins to ebb away from Hongjoong’s shoulders. And the moment that begins to happen, you take advantage of it, dropping atop his lap with little effort and slipping your legs about his waist. Hongjoong’s hands secure at your hips.
Even the slight touch fills your body with energy — it’s weak and fragile, evidence of how much magic Hongjoong used today and how much he’s struggling to even stay awake right now — and you push yourself closer to him in attempts to offer at least some warmth and comfort.
Seonghwa would be better suited for this as a witch, or even San since the man is Hongjoong’s familiar, and yet you were called upon to help Hongjoong. You, the herbalist and alchemist with no magical ability in your bones. It’s a daunting task being asked to help Hongjoong without knowing what to do or having the skills that the others have. Still, you refuse to let that lack of confidence shine through in the slightest, bringing your hands up to cup Hongjoong’s sharp jawline and lift his head. He blinks back at you with wide eyes, dark orbs swirling with a mix of emotions that leaves a deep-seated pain in your heart.
“My love, what happened?”
Hongjoong blinks away from you. Before either of you know it, tears are springing to his eyes, welling them up with crystalline drops that glisten under the yellow lamplight. Not a single one falls quite yet; they still hold onto his eyelashes and waterline for the time being, but the moment he starts speaking, you know they’ll begin to fall. You wait as long as he needs you to, patient as ever as he collects himself and takes several deep breaths to calm down a bit before talking again.
“I promised his father that I would be able to heal him and fix him,” Hongjoong exhales against the exposed part of your neck. “I – h-he trusted me, and I… he died.”
Your arms tighten a bit around Hongjoong out of sheer instinct, and Hongjoong’s breaths tremble before he’s able to get his next words out. You don’t force him to continue the thought; you’ve heard enough to know how badly the job went and why Seonghwa was so concerned when he talked to you earlier. Your fingers brush over the base of Hongjoong’s neck, combing gently through the locks of hair the reside there in a desperate attempt to offer him some comfort.
You don’t need to ask what he’s talking about to understand. There can only be one patient he’s referring to – the young boy of about nine who suffered from a tragic terminal illness, one that left him bed-ridden for years before Hongjoong came along. It only took Hongjoong two weeks to get the boy out of his bed, and another three for the boy to walk around normally. Within two months, he could run and play outside once more, and in the third, the boy and his father were going on weekly fishing trips that always resulted in Seonghwa getting vast deliveries of black bass and rainbow trout. The young boy’s case has always been Hongjoong’s pride — the one job he never tires of, the one he would always return to, the most important one he’s ever had. There were no signs of things going south again.
“I-I wanted his father to be mad at me. Scold me and harass me and berate me. Call me a failure because that’s – that’s what I am, but h-he just… smiled. Told me not to take it too harshly. I was a last-ditch effort as it was. He didn’t expect anything to work and y-yet I was able to at least prolong his son’s death for a few precious months. He was grateful — grateful. Even though his son d-died. Even though I couldn’t save him.”
You pull back to look Hongjoong in the eye now. Dark eyes search yours, still glistening with tears that fall freely now, and they seek answers that you don’t have. All you can do is hold his face with the gentlest touch manageable and bring your forehead down to rest against his.
“Death… death is fickle, mio caro. She takes as much as life gives and is as elusive as a cloud on a clear day. We can’t control her no matter how much we try. While you have the ability to prolong her cold touch, no one can keep her away forever. You gave this boy months of life – a life he was able to cherish and use to the fullest. That was enough. You did enough.” You drag the pads of your thumbs over Hongjoong’s cheeks collecting the tears and brushing them away with ease. He leans into your touch, eyes fluttering shut as you trace faint patterns across his skin.
“I just keep thinking about the ‘what if’s. What if I had noticed the changes sooner? What if I had been quicker to help him? To find a solution or a spell or just… something – anything. Could I have given him more time? His father seemed ready b-but the pain in his eyes when I delivered the news is not something I could readily forget.”
“You don’t have to forget that pain, Hongjoong. No one is asking you to. But put aside the possibilities, and look at reality.”
“The reality is that he died.”
“But not because of you,” you counter with haste, gaze sharpening on Hongjoong a bit as he opens his mouth to protest. “Were you the cause of his illness?”
“Did you do everything in your power to help him?”
“Yes, but there is alwa—”
“Shush, darling.” You drop a hand to where one of Hongjoong’s rests against your hip, taking it in yours and lifting it to your chest. You place his hand directly over your heart and fall completely silent so that he can feel the steady thrum of your heartbeat. “Do you feel that?” You inquire once a few seconds have passed.
“That’s life, Joong.” A soft smile overtakes your lips. “Where there is death, there is also life. And we cannot focus on the life before us if we are too consumed by the cold touch of death. As much as you want to hear that you’ve failed or made a mistake or deserve to be hated, it is not what you deserve because none of those things are true. You gave that man and his son the most precious gift of all for those months: time. Time they spent together whereas before they could not.”
“Notre petite étoile is right.”
You don’t need to turn to see who’s just stepping into the room; the little nickname is enough to tell you who it is since there’s only one man in the house who speaks French and calls you by that name. Hongjoong looks up though, arms squeezing around your waist as he looks to where Seonghwa stands at the edge of the room.
“Are you two ganging up on me?” Hongjoong grumbles. You and Seonghwa merely laugh in response, the latter man coming closer to the desk. He pauses at the edge to glance down at Hongjoong’s mug of tea and wordlessly traces small patterns against the side of the mug. Before you know it, small wisps of steam curl into the air above the liquid, and Seonghwa has once again heated the tea. The smile he wears signals that it’s something he’s done time and time again tonight, but he doesn’t make it seem like a chore or a burden at all, hand reaching out to comb through Hongjoong’s dark hair. Hongjoong sighs into the touch. There’s a gentle silence that drapes over the room next – one that Hongjoong relaxes under with your scent and Seonghwa’s intermingling under his nose.
Seonghwa doesn’t stop his rhythmic motions until Hongjoong’s shoulders have dropped all the tension stored in them, then he moves around the back of his chair and leans over it. You aren’t quite sure what he’s up to until two fingers curl under your chin and lift your head to greet his.
“My little star,” he murmurs before dipping closer to press a soft kiss against your lips. “One for you, and—” Seonghwa pulls back to glance down at Hongjoong, finding expectant and wide eyes blinking back up at him, then he parts Hongjoong’s bangs and places a second kiss to the exposed skin of his forehead “—one for you, my sweet starlight. The sun will rise soon, along with our darling sunrise to do the yard work. You two ought to get some rest before the chaos begins.”
“I should get home so I can prep the shop for morning opening,” you whisper, beginning to pull away from Hongjoong inch by inch. You half-expect Seonghwa to be the one to urge you to stay with pleading eyes and lingering touches that most definitely hold a bit of magic to them, but this time, he doesn’t say a word. Rather, it’s Hongjoong who tightens his hold on you and clings to you as though he might lose you if he dares to let go. You don’t realize it right away – perhaps you’re too distracted by the haziness of the late hour or by Seonghwa’s presence in the room – but when Hongjoong’s hands move up to brush over your shoulder blades, there is a sudden sense of desperation in his touch. Seonghwa smiles from off to the side.
“I’ll tell the younger ones not to bother you too much. Sleep as much as you need to. Yeosang and I will take care of the shop, étoile.” Seonghwa turns on his heel and walks towards the door again, leaving you and Hongjoong to watch his retreating form in silence. Just before he disappears completely, however, he shifts to look at the two of you once more. “I could get used to such a vision in our home.”
“Hm?” You echo, confusion evident on both your features and in your tone.
“You being here often, Hongjoong distracted from work long enough to focus on something else, San sneaking up the stairs behind me and hiding outside the door while we talk.” Seonghwa cracks a smile and pushes the door wide open. A startled San pops out from behind the wood, broad shoulders curling inwards in his momentary shame, but Seonghwa doesn’t let that last long and brings a warm hand to the younger man’s waist. He doesn’t say anything else, slipping out of the room behind San’s form and leaving the familiar in his place.
“Come, come, darling.” Hongjoong motions for San to come further into the room as he nudges you up, and you quickly slip off the man’s lap to stand on your own feet again. The breath leaves your lungs in a huff as a pair of arms suddenly wraps around your body, squeezing you in a tight embrace. The lines of sinew and muscle could only belong to San though you never saw him move in the slightest. Still, his hold is warm and inviting, enough to easily pull you towards Hongjoong’s bed, one that’s large enough to accommodate more than simply two bodies.
“Missed you,” San mumbles into the crook of your neck. His cool breath tickles the hairs on your skin, sending rows of goosebumps over you, and San kisses them away as best he can. “Been too long since you stayed the night.”
“Hm, Hongjoong needed me tonight,” you sigh, watching said man adjust the books and papers on his desk. He leaves the lamp lit for the time being, but it’s evident that he’s preparing to join you and San in bed, and that’s enough of a welcome sight to cause some of your worry to melt away. San sits up all of a sudden, tossing the sheets back to slip under them, although you don’t join him in doing so quite yet.
“His emotions have been volatile all day,” San says under his breath. The hush over the room is not nearly enough to conceal his tone though. Hongjoong most definitely can hear his words, but he neglects to mention it for the time being. “Couldn’t do anything to fix or help.”
San and Hongjoong share in a special type of relationship, one that is more interwoven and connected than most simply because of San’s identity as a familiar. Not just any familiar but Hongjoong’s familiar, just as Yeosang is Seonghwa’s familiar. It allowed the pair to share a deeper connection, sharing of emotional states – when one feels pain, the other does as well, just as with every emotion from happiness to rage. Hongjoong, however, prides himself on being able to cut off his emotions and keep them from affecting San too badly; so if San could sense the distress today, Hongjoong must be suffering a lot more than he’s letting on. Thus, it’s no surprise that San showed up when he did or that he’s here to stay the night with the two of you. The bond they share provides more than just physical comfort; the bond of a familiar and his master is one that bears great emotional weight and connection as well. It’s something you’ve been a bit insecure about when it comes to both men, along with Seonghwa and Yeosang, but they never let those doubts linger for long.
You’re halfway through taking off your second shoe when Hongjoong finally approaches the bed. He pauses before you, setting the chamberstick on the bedside table alight with a small flame, then he slips down to his knees. Deft fingers work the knots of your laces apart and push the shoe away from your foot. His touch is too warm to be normal, and you only realize what he’s up to when a sudden wave of drowsiness overwhelms you. Hongjoong’s soft touch is the only thing that keeps you awake as he works his way up, pressing a trail of ghosting kisses up the inside of your calf and stopping at your knee. You can hardly keep your eyes parted but manage to see – or at least feel – Hongjoong crawl over you to get onto the bed and slip between your body and San’s.
“No fair,” you murmur, words slurring together a bit. Hongjoong huffs out a laugh before leaning over you to puff the candle out. Small billows of smoke fill the air around your heads, along with a pleasant scent of lavender.
“Forgive me for wanting my star to get some rest,” he chuckles as he settles back against the mattress.
“That’s Seonghwa’s line.”
“Yes, well, Seonghwa isn’t here to say it, is he?”
“I’m telling.” Hongjoong rolls his eyes – a gesture you can barely make out through the darkness – then he leans forward to peck the tip of your nose.
“Seonghwa doesn’t like it when people steal his nicknames.”
“Oh hush, you little brat. You’re worse than Wooyoung.”
“That’s more like it. Our dearest affectionate Joongie,” San laughs from behind Hongjoong, chin coming to rest on the length of the other man’s shoulder. His lips stretch into a grin, dimples flashing through the darkness, and you smile back at him softly. A hand touches your waist, and you almost think it’s Hongjoong but San grumbles something about you being too far away to cuddle properly and you know it’s him instead. You hum at the touch and settle into the warmth it provides. You nearly fall asleep right then and there, but you force your body to stay awake just a little while longer so you can press one last kiss to Hongjoong’s lips, then another to San’s.
“Okay, goodnight, my loves. I can’t keep my eyes open any longer thanks to Hongjoong.” You press closer to both men, wrapping yourself in the combined warmth of your lovers’ arms and the sheets, and Hongjoong tucks your head against his chest. His chin comes to rest on the top of your head. You’re already drifting off when you hear San’s next whispered words, ones meant only for Hongjoong’s ears but ones you hear nonetheless.
“I have a surprise for you tomorrow.”
“Hm? Is that your way of telling me to clear my schedule?” Hongjoong murmurs. The words send soft vibrations across your hair, and you instinctively tuck yourself further into his chest.
“Well, your schedule should be empty at night unless one of the others would be having you… preoccupied at that time.”
“As if you don’t intend to have me in that way yourself.”
“Only after the surprise,” San whispers, tone slightly offended, but you can also hear the affection in his tone.
“Then I’m all yours tomorrow evening.”
Those are the last words you hear out of either man; both fall silent after that and leave you with the soft heavings of their breaths above you, warm arms clinging to you as you drift off into a pleasant and peaceful rest. And as much as you protest the idea of intruding and living here with them, you have to admit that these moments make it worth it in the long run. The little things – the kisses and hugs, the sudden intrusions from your other lovers, the piling warmth, lingering gazes, soft smiles, quiet shared whispers. Perhaps you could get used to nights like these.
a/n: just another lil addition to the witchteez universe, i plan of having a drabble for each member then doing drabble requests after? i think? let me know if that’s something you want to see or if you have any ideas for the other members’ drabbles! i haven’t come up with anything yet so im quite open to suggestions!
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prettywordsyouleft · 4 years
To Be Continued - Part 5
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Summary: As an author, you had created Brian Kang for your current trilogy series to represent the ultimate man that everyone would love, along with Charli Evers - your female protagonist. What you hadn’t expected was for him to find a way out of the story and begin shaping up your world instead
Pairing: Brian Kang x female writer (ft. Park Sungjin)
Genre: writer au / romance / fantasy
Warnings: fictional characters coming to life / a bit of angst here and there / Sungjin as a cop (or does that only affect me?) >_>
Word count: 2174
Preview | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | Epilogue
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Somehow you had fallen asleep.
You didn’t quite remember when or how, but when you fluttered your eyes open, the sun was casting a warm light across your body. You felt entirely content, and as you stretched out your arms, you found no niggling thoughts or remnants of your cold.
Had it all been a dream?
Searching around yourself for any obvious signs, you slowly rose to your feet, scooting them into your slippers and wrapped your robe around yourself. Padding down to the kitchen calling out Binks’ name, you stopped when you realised your cat was already preoccupied.
With Brian.
You didn’t know what shocked you more. That it hadn’t been a dream after all, or that your cat – who normally went into hiding at the first sign of a male entering your home – was allowing Brian to scratch under his chin affectionately. The loud purr only indicated Binks’ absolute delight by the gesture, and you scoffed loudly, giving both men the notice of your arrival.
“Seems like you’ve made yourself at home,” you pointed out as you rounded the pair to head for the jug to brew some coffee. You blinked when Brian handed you an already prepared mug, still warm to the touch.
He smiled gently. “I was going to make you breakfast but you’ve beaten me to it.”
“You don’t have to make me anything,” you mentioned, a light cough rising in the back of your throat at the thoughtful offer.
You strangely felt wary of relying on Brian already. After his help from not letting you fall face-first to the ground last night, you were a little shaken up by how easily you wanted to enjoy your time around him. If you allowed your mind to wander, the idea of having breakfast together would become your new favourite thing.
You hoped to god he wouldn’t go into any domestic chores in front of you or it would be incredibly hard to rein in your desires.
Staring at the man, you eventually smiled. “Do you feel okay?”
“Fine. Why?”
“Maybe I should take you to see a doctor? Get you checked out, you know, make sure you’re really here,” you murmured and Brian’s concern soon erased, a smirk adorning his perfectly shaped lips. Ah, if you truly had created this specimen, you had done the best work of your life.
Brian was breathtaking. Perhaps you needed to go get your heart checked out too with how fast it started to beat.
“I’ll go if you want me to.”
“You will?”
Brian nodded as he continued to pet Binks. The feline seemed more than appreciative of your new house guest, winding himself back and forth against Brian’s outstretched hand. Finally, Brian glanced up at you, his eyes bright with joy.
You almost dropped the cup in your hand then. Grappling for it, and thanking yourself silently for draining the coffee before such a moment could occur, you laughed lightly. “Ha. So clumsy!”
“So I can tell. Are you normally like this, or is it just in my presence?”
“Are you generally this straight-forward?” you shot back and Brian cocked his head to the side, knowing full well that you should too know the answer to this question. “Right. Of course. It’s one of your charms.”
“Am I charming you, Miss Writer?”
“Okay! Time for me to get dressed and book you a doctor’s appointment. Maybe a joint one. I’ll need to uh, just check my own sanity out whilst I’m there.”
“Are general practitioners able to do all that in one visit?” Brian teased and you huffed at him before dashing down the hallway, closing your bedroom door behind you and raising your hand to your chest to capture your beating heart.
You willed it to slow down but it seemed out of your control.
“Just like the world and characters I’ve created,” you whispered, glancing at your door and biting at the bottom of your lip as a million thoughts raced through your head.
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You were surprisingly relieved that your doctor could see Brian as well. You had half-wondered on your drive over to the clinic if he was simply your imagination. You had often heard about writers having muses that seemingly became like imaginary friends to them over the years. Since you considered yourself a newbie author, you were certain it would take many more years before your muse stepped out from one of your novels like that.
And you certainly hadn’t expected Brian to become this real, if he were your muse.
So to hear Doctor Pritchard greet Brian and see her shake his hand – a little too long for your liking, admittedly – did ease some of your concerns about your well-being.
And solidified Brian’s existence further.
“So you want to get your friend here a general check-up?” the doctor enquired, and you nodded your head eagerly.
“Check him all over. Make sure he’s as perfect as I made – as nature created him to be,” you said with a little laugh, Brian’s lips curling up at your almost mishap.
“Well, I’m sure from what I see, there will be no problems along the way,” the doctor expressed, again concerning you with how her eyes lingered. Realising her unprofessional conduct suddenly, she cleared her throat and began her examination.
You realised you should have waited outside for this. It was all very straight-forward in the beginning. She checked his vision and hearing before looking into the back of this throat. And then she suggested he unbutton his shirt a little so she could listen to his heart. Brian didn’t hesitate, fingers nimbly popping open a few buttons. Even you heard the way the doctor gulped before putting the stethoscope into her ears and placed the other end upon his chest.
Brian shot you a small inquisitive look then, and you darted your gaze to the heavens, wondering why you were testing yourself like this. Keeping them there for the remainder of the examination, you waited for the results to garner your attention.
“Well Brian, aside from the old scars I noticed on your body, you’re in fine form. A wonderful state of health. We’ll need to get a blood test from you but other than that, I’m signing you off as perfect.”
“Really doctor, thank you,” Brian mentioned, oozing his charms so effortlessly. He seemed satisfied by the stumped look upon both yours and the doctor’s faces and got up to follow the nurse who had come in to take him off to get his bloods taken.
And then Doctor Pritchard leaned over her desk towards you. “Where did you find him?!”
“Long story,” you mentioned, realising just how ironic that statement was. Rubbing the back of your neck awkwardly, you then mirrored her action and leaned forward towards her. “So he’s fine?”
“More than fine.”
“I mean, as a person.”
Doctor Pritchard nodded. “He’s healthy, Y/N. You, however, look rough.”
“I had a cold. He helped me get over it.”
“I bet he did,” she mentioned with a sly smile and you gasped at her reaction. She grinned back at you. “What? I struggled! Next time you plan on bringing someone as gorgeous as Brian into my office, warn me first! I didn’t go to medical school for all those years to find myself drooling over a patient. It’s so unprofessional of me!”
“Imagine my surprise when I first--” You stopped, smiling at the doctor who seemed to understand despite not telling her the full story. You weren’t sure how to explain Brian’s existence to anyone yet.
“If you don’t snap him up as your own, Y/N, you’re a fool.”
“Oh, believe me, he’s mine. He’s definitely mine,” you told her, taking the script she had given you to help combat your low immunity before heading for the door.
You didn’t know what you were going to do with Brian now.
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“Do you want to go back anytime soon?” you asked Brian later that evening, the man marvelling the crook of his elbow where the nurse had taken blood from him. Leaning closer, you winced when you saw the small bruise rising upon his skin. “That looks painful.”
“She seemed to struggle, much like the doctor did.”
“Does it please you, having so many people fawn over you like this?”
Brian shook his head, though there was a small smile that played upon his lips as he did so. You rolled your eyes in response, and Brian chuckled. “In my world, everyone’s looking at Charli or Devon as beautiful and handsome. Not me.”
“Devon is your rival, so of course he’s seen as successful. Whilst the reader is meant to find you more amazing, just as Charli does.”
“Like you do too.”
“Okay, fine. I’ll admit it. You’re handsome. I made you that way because-”
“Because?” Brian asked, scooting in closer. You stopped breathing, or at least, it felt like you weren’t getting enough air with the way he was intensely awaiting your answer.
Blinking rapidly, you looked back at the TV you had aimlessly turned on. You didn’t watch TV all that often, far too engrossed in the worlds you created.
Yet, you hoped right now it could save you from having to answer him.
“Miss Writer,” Brian prompted, and you groaned.
“Don’t call me that.”
“What should I call you then?” he almost purred, and you leapt up from the couch, heading over to the kitchen to find something to do. You cursed under your breath when Brian followed you, reaching out for the breakfast dishes he had cleaned earlier to put away.
“Just call me by my name.”
“Y/N,” he said, and you hissed, shaking your head. Brian laughed. “What, that is your name!”
“But it feels too… intimate the way you said it.”
“How I said it?” he repeated and you nodded once, not daring to look in his direction. The air around you felt smug, however, and you knew he was pleased again.
The sheer amount of validation you were given him as a person would have been building him up easily. You knew it was one of his insecurities and without realising it, you were paying enough attention to him, much like Charli had begun to do so too.
You wondered if Brian was blurring lines within his own mind now about what you meant to him.
“Why are you here?” you asked softly and Brian’s humour softened, his dark eyes searching yours momentarily.
“I wanted to find out more about you.”
“But why? When you have Charli to concern yourself with?”
“You’re more interesting to me than her,” he whispered, blinking a couple of times when he realised what he had said. Trying to brush it off with a smile, Brian reached out for a bowl but your hand grabbed onto his wrist and stopped him from putting it away.
“You have a lot of questions about me today, Miss Writer.”
“I’m trying to understand how the man I created as my biggest self-indulgence for a character is somehow standing before me right now. I need to figure out how to accept or deny you in my world for my own sanity. I created you because you were missing from my world and now you’re here I…”
Brian placed down the bowl again and turned to face you, seeking out your lowered gaze. Hooking a finger under your chin to lift it back up to him, he smiled gently. “Now I’m here?”
“I’m worried I won’t want you to go.”
“Well, I don’t plan on going anywhere soon,” he told you firmly, nodding to emphasise it also. “I want to stay here in this world with you.”
“How is it possible though?” you breathed, and Brian shook his head.
“I’m not sure, but can’t we just focus on the fact that you see me and I see you, and this is what we both want?”
“You want to see me?”
“I wasn’t lying when I said you’re more interesting to me.”
You got caught in the moment. Brian’s thumb gently caressed your chin as he held your gaze fondly, searching for his own reason to like you. However, you were long gone. You had created Brian, poured so much love and attention into him that having him stare like this at you made you disregard everything.
Much as last night, you were uncaring of where he came from, or who he was meant to be with. Right now, you wanted to be the only person he ever looked at like this again. He made you feel special, as if you were carved out of the same stone of life and meant to be for one another.
You couldn’t tell who moved in first, whether it was you or Brian, but the angle he now held your jaw at was much closer to his face, ready for his lips to make an impact.
And just as you were certain that he was about to kiss you, the front doorbell rang.
Part 6
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
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queven · 4 years
Y’know Superman? This is an AU based on that
A/N: Me and my sucky titles. Prepare yourself for some heavy emotion 
“You!” a voice exclaimed angrily. Keith jerked his head up, his eyes meeting Lance McClain’s angry blue ones.
“How did you get an interview with Superman? He kept on refusing to answer me!”
That may have been Keith’s fault a bit. Okay, a lot. Their city newspaper, the Voltron Times, was looking for journalists to get an interview with the Man of Steel himself, Superman. Which was kind of lucky considering Keith is said Man of Steel.
It may have been cheating a bit, but Lance was already the best journalist on the team. Let Keith have a chance at getting the front page article, man. 
But now he had to deal with the angry journalist, who already declared a supposed rivalry with him on sight.
“Probably you were too forward with him. Maybe Superman is people-shy?”
Lance scoffed. “As if. He tried more pick-up lines on me than I’ve heard in my life, and that’s saying something”
“Pick-up lines?” Keith pretended to act confused. One of his favorite parts about being a crime-fighting hero was messing with Lance in his superhero identity.
“You know...like ‘You’re a knock-out!’” 
Keith snorted. Lance shot him a bemused look, tension easing from his shoulders, and then rolled his eyes. 
“Whatever. I hate that guy. Way too cocky”
Say what now? Keith thought Lance was into that stuff. It was easier to woo the dude with his own medicine while being the most famous hero in Altea City.
“Take that, Sendak!” Superman aimed a well-made punch at the mad scientist supervillain who was knocked off of his new death ray. Seriously, that guy was so predictable. Every time, he would make a new death ray, and Superman would knock him out or destroy his machine with his laser eyes, and the cops would arrest the defeated Sendak. He would break out of prison again, and make a new death ray, and the cycle kept on continuing.
Talk about stubbornness.
Speaking about stubbornness, Lance McClain was storming over to the crime scene, clutching his journalist pad murderously.
Keith might actually be intimidated.
“I heard you gave an interview to Keith Kogane, but not me? Why? We’re part of the same newspaper. What does his interviewing have that mine doesn’t?” McClain actually looked a bit distressed.
“Changed my mind after you left. Felt that if people wanted an interview, an interview they will get. So, when Keith came to me, I accepted” he shrugged, pretending to be nonchalant, while hovering in the air.
Lance pouted, crossing his arms slightly, and Keith smirked at the sight.
“Hey, don't frown, you'll never know who might be falling in love with your smile”
A startled look came onto Lance’s face, and then he screeched, stomping away from the crime scene.
Keith was hanging out with Hunk, Pidge, and Lance at the cafe downtown for lunch when the subject came up.
“Who’s your guys’ favorite superhero?” Lance asked, chomping into his sandwich.
Pidge and Hunk perked up, exchanging looks. “Superman, of course” Pidge answered,”Pretty sure you already know that based on our dissection board”
Hunk and Pidge had a big dissection board in Pidge’s room, trying to find out the origins and limitations of Superman’s powers.
“Who’s your’s, Lance?”
“Batman, duh”
“Duh?!” Keith yelled indignantly. Seriously, why did Lance hate Superman so much?
“Well, Batman, unlike Superman, uses his brain, not super strength and powers and stuff, to defeat the bad guys” Lance finished, looking triumphant as if he just destroyed a debate opponent.
Keith had to grit his teeth not to pounce on the annoyingly infuriating guy. He also cursed his mind for falling in love with Lance.
“Superman! Superman, wait up!” 
Keith recognized that voice, and smirked inwardly. Lance. The manager of the newspaper firm, Allura, got Lance on the case of writing Superman’s biography. Of course he perked up immediately at the chance of messing with the journalist again.
“Yes? Is there anything wrong? You already look perfect, no need to worry.”
Lance ran a hand through his hair, sighing. “I’m working on an article again for the Voltron Times, and I need to know your secret identity? Like so that we can do this interview thing any other time you’re not bugged by fans”
“Nice try,” he chuckled, having gone through this a lot.
“It was worth it,” Lance leaned back, a bit more at ease. “But seriously, what about I ask you a few questions now, nothing about your identity, I promise.”
Keith nodded. Sounded fair enough. Spending time and changing the opinion of the guy he had a crush on? Count him in.
“So, what’s your favorite animal?”
Covering his hands to stifle the laugh that came up was hard. Lance groaned.
“Jeez, that was all I could come up with, okay? I didn’t expect you to say yes!”
“Don’t you always have a backup plan?”
“Ye-wait. How do you know that?”
Oops. He slipped. “You’re pretty famous in Altea City, to be fair. Leading journalist. Smart and pretty.” Keith answered, lying through his teeth.
The journalist blushed this time, shuffling through his haphazard notes blindly. “So? Your favorite animal?”
“Oh my god” Keith was actually stunned. Nobody had ever tried to ask such a normal question to Superman him before. “Hippos. Definitely hippos”  
Lance’s lip quirked as he was trying to restrain a laugh. He jotted it down into his signature notepad, and put his pencil down. Keith zoned out, observing his hands.
“Keith?” Lance asked, trying to get his attention.
“Yeah?” Keith answered back. WAIT. No. Superman. Not Keith. Shoot. “Umm...I mean...who’s Keith?”
“Nice try, man. I’d recognize that mullet anywhere” Keith put a hand to his hair, feeling the loss of an elastic band. Whoops.
“When did you find out? About this?”
“Probably a long while back, when you first gave yourself an interview. That’s cheating, technically”
“Yeah, I also said that comment during lunch today to test my theory out, and you reacted like I thought, so I thought Hey, he’s probably just a crazy fan or something, but no. You’re Superman.”
“Say it louder so that Sendak can hear, yeah?”  Keith snarked, feeling a bit annoyed and panicked at this point.
“Can’t-I can’t believe this! Superman is also the coworker I’m in love with! This is your secret identity!”
“In love with?” He felt like hysterically giggling, because they were both so stupid. And in love. Yikes. 
“Oh my god, shut up, Keith! Or should I call you Super Keith?” 
“Keith Man”
“Super Mullet”
“I will fly off and ditch you right here, and right now.”
“You wouldn’t do that, Superman, would you? Man of Steel, defender of the weak.”
Keith’s stomach rolled like it was attempting(and failing) to do a somersault. “You won’t tell anybody, would you? You better not. People could get killed, Lance.”
Lance chuckled nervously. “Who do you think I am? Some kind of gossip?”
Keith gave him a flat look, and Lance sighed, offering his hand out. Spitting on his palm, Keith slapped it onto the other’s, grinning slightly when Lance winced.
“I still don’t know why you always insist on doing this, do you know how unsanitary it-wOAH!”
He flew up suddenly, cradling a kicking Lance in his arms, laughing. 
The next day, a newspaper was slammed onto Keith’s desk by a familiar tan-colored hand.
“Nice paper today,” Lance stated, coolly.
The main headline was in block letters, saying SUPERMAN SAVES LOCAL JOURNALIST FROM DEATH RAY. The big front page picture was of Keith carrying Lance, who was making a peace sign with both hands to the camera, grinning widely. The article, written by Pidge, was going on about how Superman saved yet another citizen from Sendak and his reign of terror.
“Congrats, man. Allura must be impressed.” 
“Yeah, she’s impressed all right. Forgave me for not getting an interview earlier and failing to figure out yo-Superman’s identity” he finished, awkwardly.
Keith raised an eyebrow. “Smooth”
“Shut up.” Lance grumbled, cheeks flushed. “She still says I need some info on him, so how do you feel about meeting up later for coffee? Incognito?”
“It’s a date,” Keith grinned. He could live with this.
Part 2(fluff)
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noocturnalchild · 4 years
Of Thieves and Poets
Warning : Mention of abuse, light depiction of wounds, hurt
Well, that was a hard chapter to write, mainly cause I’m still strugling with my English, and sometimes, ideas are here but I find no words to describe them as I want to !
Many thanks to a great friend who’s always been there to beta read my fics and correct the MANY language mistakes I’m still making,it’s a shame that I can’t tag her here !
Sara maybe you’ll never read this but I LOVE YOU ( this is me talking to myself lol)
Also many thanks to all who are sharing and liking my fics, I love you guys, you are the best !
All the poetry in this chapter is William Carlos Williams’ ! 
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Chapter one here ! 
Chapter 2 
Give me something to eat! Let me take you to the hospital, I said and after you are well you can do as you please. She smiled, Yes you do what you please first then I can do what I please
“Who’s she?”
The day Laura died, he wrote his most accomplished poem. It rested between her cold fingers, folded in a small sheet of damp paper and he briefly wondered if the dead could read. Heavy rain washed the sleepy city that day, and everyone said that they’d never seen so many white peonies in the same place before. He buried all his other poem books with her, tucked between her curls and the black and white satin.
He never made a copy.
Paterson didn’t write love poems anymore. But never were his fingers as ink stained, bruised and abused by so many hours spent writing as they were now, and never was his desk inundated by so many notebooks. They piled up in complete disorder, competing with books and tools, making the old wood squeak uncomfortably.
“Who’s she”
Only now he saw her fiddling with the framed photo he kept on his living room table, so that it was always the first thing he saw as he woke up.
Paterson didn’t answer.
Mina had her back turned to him. She couldn’t see the man’s eyes watering, or the frown of his brows, nor could she feel his struggle with his breath, repressing the tides of anguish that menaced to crash on him again.
“Gorgeous, dude! bet she gives great head” She turned to look at him over her shoulder, winked suggestively.
Beaming and smug at the same time, Mina looked like one who’s sure just dropped something so smart and funny, completely oblivious of the hands clutching on the cold marble of the kitchen counter. White knuckles, white pain…
“No complaints.“
Paterson’s reply of choice. Life was going on for everybody, for him too. Doc got a TV in his bar after all. Marie went to New York and Everett to LA. And he was still a bus driver, eating cereals every morning, writing in his yellow pages and sitting on the wet benches of Paterson’s waterfalls, so why would he complain?
“Go and freshen up, bathroom first door to the left”
“You’re no fun” She stuck out her tongue and left. Paterson couldn’t be mad.
Laura was laughing, straddling the arm of the sofa and eyeing him with mischief in her eyes. He couldn’t help but smile.
“Won’t ya help me with my clothes?”
“I can’t do much with a broken wrist”
“It hurts”
“Dude, come on, so prudish!”
Laura had a hand on her mouth now, in mock shock, her eyes were still laughing, and Paterson was confused, a pretty blush rising to his cheeks. He remembered now that the only clothes he had that might fit Mina were Laura’s, and even those were big for the bony creature waiting for his help in his bathroom.
“Hold… hold on a second”
Paterson drew in a shaky breath, fetched one of his sleep shirts from his bed drawers, strode to open the bathroom door and… oh God.
A trembling dry leaf stood before him. Only in her white crop top and equally white panties; Paterson imagined her cracking under the passers-by’s soles, giving in under their rough stumpings, each one leaving a stain on her weak frame. Paterson’s eyes descended to her bare thighs, and she kept her eyes on the floor.
“Jesus… Who… who did this to you?”
Her thighs were a hideous map, little red and yellowish scabbed dots and circles on tarnished, discolored skin.
She shrugged, eyes avoiding his. Why would he care, why was he so insistent, why couldn’t he just be like the others, why won’t he try something with her, on her, like she deserves… she would let him, this one, she would.
“Just help me with my top” a wobbly voice replied, but Paterson was already looking for something in his medicine cabinet.
“Sit on the stool there” His hands were shaking as he put the ointment and the bandages on the side and proceeded to wet a washcloth.
“Can… I?” He kneeled, and their eyes met. She kept silent and nodded and he thought the sparkle in her eyes was gratitude.
With infinite gentle touches, Paterson washed her thighs and legs, dried them carefully, applied the ointment and wrapped them in clean bandages.
Laura was watching in reverence. The scene exuded something religious; the saint washing the sinner’s faults. And none spoke a word.
Afterwards, Mina laid in white clean sheets, but for all the comfort she had, she couldn’t sleep the few hours separating the night from dawn. She counted the hours, watching the bus driver as he slept peaceful and soft; not so far from her spot on the sofa.
The domestic rituals, the warm clothes, the vanilla soap smell lingering, the nice buzzing of the fridge in a quiet space, and the dim light he kept on just for her… His… his kindness coiled her like sticky ropes. Mina was suffocating.
She got up, slid in her dirty jeans, but kept his shirt on, and with a final brush of his hair, she took his watch and slipped out of the quiet house, and the monsters took her in their arms again.
Recycled air and synthetic notes, shopping carts rolling and low, lustful giggles.
With his favorite brand of cereal in hand, Paterson’s food shopping was almost done for the day. He was just strolling, verses starting to form in the fog of his mind as he saw two forms melting in each other, just against one of the snack vending machines. A smile began to tug on his lips. Life was simple, young lovers making out in malls and supermarkets, in the streets and gardens; the boy handsy, in baggy jeans and a loose jumper, fake golden chains around black collar, the girl…the girl.
Paterson’s mind went blank, and verses fled away like frightened pigeons.
“Oi man, whatcha lookin’ at!”
The guy addressed a dazed Paterson, and the girl turned her head from off her lover’s chest.
In all the scenarios she imagined at night, curled up in the corners of the streets and between the brushwood of the parks , meeting him again while in the arms of another man was never on the list. It shouldn’t be like that, it wasn’t supposed to be like that. He shouldn’t think that she… but what was she anyway? She was everything he might think of her now.
He was so beautiful she wanted to bury her pain in his chest, between the threads of his regal hair. Curl all the hurt in a bundle and he would take it, in his large warm palm. He would know how to make it disappear, like by magic, vanish in thin air. With a touch of his finger pads, he could wash away scars; wipe away the purples and the blues and the burns. He was so clean she feared to touch him. He was so wholesome and she felt so queasy, so sickening she wanted to puke. Her hand skimmed the hidden pocket in her rat nibbled jean vest; the watch was still there, burning a hole in its worn fabric. She didn’t pass it on to Ian. It earned her new cigarette burns and a slap that made her nose bleed a little, but she had survived worse treatments.
“Who’s that, you know that guy? You do boring now?”
Carlos giggled, showcasing many missed teeth. He pinched her sides playfully, slapped her cheek playfully, squeezed her tits playfully, and she wished to die.
“Yo dude, wanna suck my dick? Ow no? Maybe a threesome? My chick here gives amazing head”
Oh, that again.
“See, not interested”
Carlos giggles sounded like gallows bells.
“I’m not your chick, for fuck’s sake!”
Mina screamed in frustration, pushed a stunned Carlos away, wriggled free from his sloppy hold, hand reaching out for salvation.
“I’m… I’m sorry!”
What she meant to be loud and clear, came out as a choked whisper.
But Paterson was already turning his back to her. This time he didn’t wait for her, not even a hum or a discarding hand, his long silhouette drawing away, swallowed by the light.
Life was going on, no complaints.
Mina was out, really out.
Even when she told him she wouldn’t play “pretend” with him anymore, Carlos still hung around for some time, and the money she could get from him she saved with scrutiny, starving herself to death. She never came back to the “pack”; her steps always took her to the quiet small house at the end of the stairs. She lurked there, watching when the lights went on, and stayed hunched behind shrubs and bushes, clutching the watch to her heart, listening to their combined tic tic tic… the mechanics soothed her, and she slept there every night.
Whatever happens, never sell the watch.
She started doing windshield scrubbing too, helped some nice grocery shop owners with their crates for some dollars, and by the end of the month she could buy a dozen cigarette packs and tissue boxes to sell in the streets. She was always hungry, but at least she could picture him in the back of her mind smiling, not disappointed in her anymore. He might not know, for now, but the thought was comforting. The thought was like a pier, supporting the bridge she was building towards him and she was sure she would reach him again, one day.
Sun benches at the curb bespeak another season, truncated poplars that having served for shade served also later for the fire.
It was Saturday morning. The rainy clouds of the day before blew over for a shiny crystal sun to come out. Excitement and expectations wired the air with buzzing electricity around Hinchliff Stadium. Kids and teens, middle aged and old people formed noisy groups, stomping on empty chips bags and placing bets.
Mina thought herself lucky when she laid hands on second hand baseball game tickets. Her wrist completely healed now, she roamed the area around the stadium, surfed the crowd, hands full, voice rusty from a cold she was nursing, over exploited vocal chords, yelling, trying to convince hurried passers-by to buy, by means of jokes and charms.
That’s when she saw him.
“Fuckin’ Carlos” a livid Mina stumbled a few steps backward, eyes seeking a gap between the crowds, quickly calculating her way out.
She could recognize Ian’s red sneakers anywhere. She thanked the heavens for his poor cover-up skills, giving her the high ground for a moment. She knew he could see her, but she took her chance. One group blocked his vision for a moment, and Mina took off her oversized leather jacket, let her hair down and started to walk slowly in the opposite direction.
She mentally counted to ten, chewing furiously on an overused gum, her hands started sweating. She knew that if caught this time, it wouldn’t just be cigarette burns on her thighs.
So Mina ran.
She ran aimlessly, not looking back, eyes closed and breath shagged. She could feel the adrenaline rush shot through her bones, just like every time she plunged her skillful hands inside the pockets of an oblivious passer-by, but this time there would be no euphoria of the gain waiting at the end of the road, just a sliced head.
Five minutes of sprinting and she couldn’t take it anymore, were her lungs that damaged? Fuck you Carlos, couldn’t keep his trap shut! Fuck! She was losing speed, she could hear Ian’s red sneakers batting the asphalt, tap tap tap, just behind. It was common belief that, at moments like these, the film of your whole life would flash back before your eyes, that the spool of all your wrongs would unfurl the threads that would wind around your legs and throat, choke you to death, drag you to hell. But Mina only saw two amber gems, Mina saw warmth and large, strong arms wrapping her in endless depths of comfort, and she felt peace descend upon her, Mina saw the future so she ran faster, and this time, with one destination in mind.
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vanaera · 5 years
Of Cliches and Romcom Tropes
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Synopsis | You find yourself literally living a classic Romcom trope by being the nerdy introvert in love with her unexpected friend, Kim Taehyung, your university’s golden theater boy and campus heartthrob. It only turns more disgustingly cliché when you learn he part-times as a prince actor in the same carnival where you work as a ticket booth attendant. Trusting on the clichés you’ve watched in numerous Romcom films, you embark on a plan to get your crush to like you back this Halloween. Pairing | prince actor!taehyung x ticket booth attendant!oc Genre | So much fluff, slight angst, humor that’s close to being crack Wordcount | 10,184 AU | Carnival Prompt | “You’re the most beautiful creature I’ve ever laid eyes on.” – “I bet you tell everyone that.” Warnings | None A/N | This is for @foreverpark​’s Halloween Writing Challenge! It’s my first time joining a challenge like this so thank you so much Sarah for giving me an opportunity to experience this! For my hons out there, here’s my Halloween fic for you! Please also check out Sarah’s fics and the other fics for this challenge, they’re all great! Happy reading!
               At every start of success story speeches, there is a ninety percent probability you will hear “Fake it ‘til you make it.” How Mark managed to chance upon an idea of an app, How Sarah snagged the director position she dreamed of, how introverted Kim developed progressive networks–it is an imperative that saying will pop out in every single one of these stories. Well, except yours, because it’s the other way around in your life. At times “Fake it ‘til you make it’ does makes a cut, but in most of your major life events where you desperately wished for it to work, it doesn’t really work. You know because you’ve long tried to fake you’re so invested in your part-time job, only for you to cry out at night that you didn’t want to do it anymore.
               Sitting on an uncomfortable stool with a small fan on your right as reprieve from the heat, you spend most of your day with cramped legs inputting number of tickets sold, handing over ticket stubs, becoming an instant customer service attendant, and smiling through clenched teeth at the people that stop by your booth. Working the most boring job in the carnival is not something you can fake to enjoy until you make enough savings for your college tuition. That is, until Kim Taehyung came.
               “Wonder boy” is an extreme understatement to describe that guy. Kim Taehyung is cute and has a model-esque body and his voice sounds so nice when he’s in his prince costume entertaining the kids who enter the Fairytale Land booth. Okay, maybe you’ve been staring at him too long than you’re supposed to when you’re at work. But in your defense, you’ve known Kim Taehyung long before you discovered he also part-times at the Enchanted Carnival–long enough for you to harbor a massive, embarrassing crush on the boy.
               Kim Taehyung studies in the same university as you and you first saw him the day you didn’t attend your history class just so you can prepare for your midterms in the said subject–the irony of college students’ philosophy. That day, you just entered a classroom you frequent for study purposes, knowing it will be empty during your history period. Except for that day because the moment you pushed open the door, a stable vibrato echoing within the rooms’ walls halts in an awkward coughing fit.
               Your anxiety-driven nerves immediately take over you. “Uhh, I’m sorry I just barged in I didn’t mean to interrupt you–”
               “No, it’s o-okay,” the boy coughs, hitting his chest repeatedly. “I was just su-surprised.”
               “I’m really sorry for interrupting you,” you take a step back, your hand grasping for the knob. “Continue on, I’ll just find another room–”
               “No, it’s okay, you can share the room with me.”
               “A-are you sure?” you squint, still rooted at the door. “You don’t have like, a class in here or something? You have a projector set up on the teacher’s desk.”
               “Nah, it’s just my prop when I do my final runs.” He walks to the projector and flips down its lens cover. A picture of a wooden fort set in what looks like cobble-stoned streets of 18th century France flashes on the white board. “See?” The boy turns to you, grinning. “I’m cutting just like you. No pressure, mate. Stay.”
               “B-but you’re practicing, I may distract you.”
               “It’s okay, I don’t mind some audience–unless, you get distracted from studying by music, then I’ll go and find–”
               “No, it’s okay,” you chuckle. “I don’t get distracted by music. I love music. Actually, I like listening to songs while I study so yeah, go on.” You set your papers on the nearest seat and plop down.
               “You do?” The boy asks and you find yourself smiling at his beaming face. You’ve never seen someone who smiles so bright like him on a constant-interaction basis.
               “Yeah, I do. By the way, what are you singing for?”
               “Oh yeah,” the boy scratches his nape, reds forming on the tips of his ears. “uh, this is for my Drama club. I’m still in the application process and we have this task to play and perform as a theater character tomorrow Friday. I wanted to do Jean Valjean from Les Miserables.”
               “Wow, that’s great,” you smile, “actually I’m studying for my History midterms, so yeah, your practice is very timely. You can be my background music,” you chuckle, “to give me the better feel of what I will be crying over later back at my home.”
               Taehyung laughs and you chuckle before going back on your own devices. An hour and a half passes with you flipping furiously through your reviewer in time with the instrumentals behind Taehyung’s velvet voice. When the bell rings and the afternoon class scheduled in the room starts to form a mini clique outside, you scramble out the door with a mess of papers pressed to your chest and a new name to mull over during your breaks: Kim Taehyung.
               Unlike what you predicted, that encounter was not the last you will have with the theater boy. You had a couple of classes with him in the next semester and he sat next to you in each lectures. You also became partners for a pair project in your Communication Theories class. Kim Taehyung became a regular presence in your college life that at the end of your sophomore year, you knew his dream of becoming a theater actor, all his likes, dislikes and insecurities, and even his secrets he said his friends knew none of like “Y/N, do you know I used to dream of becoming a Disney prince? Not used to, actually I still low-key dream of playing Shang from Mulan just so I can sing ‘Make a Man Out of You.’”                You never imagined you would hit up such a friendship with someone who’s the total polar opposite of you. Taehyung’s a social butterfly while you hate going out of your house. He knows almost three-fourth of the total population in the university with him getting to manage nine clubs while still maintaining his academics. In total contrast to you who never got to join any organizations, too afraid of making commitments you neither can fulfill nor prioritize over staying at home and reading your fiction books. Not to say Taehyung’s on the top of the strata with his handsome looks, blessed physique, impressive talent, and wide range of friends. While you’re someone who easily blends with the crowd’s background noise, with nothing too much to offer but a small group of friends and a fascination for critiquing movies–especially those that are really bad.
               You guess that people say, “Opposites attract” for a reason because when you and Taehyung move on to sophomore year, you find yourself crushing hard on the boy. However for you, the attraction is definitely going to be one-sided. You’re sure of it because how can Taehyung ever like you back? You’re the epitome of average-ness that you even became the stepping stone for the girls who want to snag a date with Taehyung. Of course you wouldn’t let Taehyung miss out on cute girls he can probably date when he can have any girl he wish to be with. And, you’re too chicken to act out even a hint of your feelings for him. Clammy hands, jumpy heart, and equipped with an instinct to run to the opposite hall when you so much as glance at Taehyung’s approaching figure, you are sure he will be the death of you. Everything turns worse when you learn he part-times this summer break in the same carnival you work pathetically.
               “Yo, Y/N, you work here, too?” Taehyung nears you, clad in a white polo dangerously unbuttoned down his chest, navy trousers that cinches his narrow hips, and brown combat boots. He is also wearing an unbuttoned red military jacket, its shoulder pads making his shoulders look broader than they’d ever been.  A rich red cape embellished with golden details flows behind him, complementing the gold tassels on his jacket and his golden crown that makes him look impossibly more ethereal. He fucking looks like a brunet Howl from Howl’s Moving Castle.
               You consciously glance down at your outfit: sweat-stained purple polo shirt with Enchanted Carnival’s logo embroidered on its breast pocket, tucked in generic black slacks that doesn’t fit you well. When you  reach up to tuck the stray strand of hair that escapes your ponytail, you’re reminded you’re still wearing the silly mandatory headband with pink bunny ears. Your face feels oily, your hair’s unwashed, and you just remembered you’re not wearing any makeup on. Great, you fucking look like all college students’ worst job nightmare.
               “Hey, you’re still there?”
               “Ye-yeah, uh, hi, Tae,” you smile awkwardly, snatching your headband off and hiding it behind your back. You tried to make yourself look less embarrassing but it backfired when all short strands of your hair messily spill down to your cheeks. You smile wider. Okay, this is the worst day ever.
               “I didn’t know you’re also working here,” Taehyung says.
               “Umm, yeah. I forgot to tell you, I’m sorry–”
               “No, no, no, it’s okay!” Taehyung waves his hands, laughing. “In fact this is great!”
               “Great?” You want to jump off from a cliff right on.
               Taehyung remains oblivious in your self-pity and just grins. “Yeah, it means I get to see you everyday even when we’re outside uni!”
               “We do see each other outside uni. I tutored you for six months straight in the library.”
               “Yeah, but I mean, it’s nice we get to be co-workers. It’s good to have a familiar face around so work wouldn’t be so boring. Say, Y/N, why don’t we have lunch at the cafeteria later? I have so many to tell you and–”
               “Yah, Kim Taehyung! You’re up next, what are you doing outside?” you glance behind your friend and see Jimin, dressed in the same uniform as you minus the silly headband, wildly waving for the boy in front of you. When Jimin notices you, he breaks into a smile, “Oh, hi, Y/N,” and then he returns to his agenda. “Taehyung come here quickly! The batch of kids is nearing the Princess’ Castle, boss is gonna chew us out if you didn’t get back to the booth in three!”
               Taehyung sighs and looks at you with shoulders drooped. “I have to go back now. Guess, I’ll see you later?”
               “Okay, later, then. Have fun, Tae,” you wave at him with a smile.
               When you head back for your booth, you cross your fingers and hope you don’t see him later. How can the universe do you this dirty by placing him so near you right when you are at your worst?
               At the end of the day, you learn the universe just does you dirty for the hell of it. Taehyung bounds your way for lunch break in his prince costume, grinning stupidly just when you’re about to sneak off to the comfort rooms. Nevertheless, you accept the lemons life is giving you and decide to relish in your crush’s presence as you joke over lunch. You just didn’t expect that day will start an unannounced routine with Taehyung eating lunch with you and him walking you home after your shifts for the rest of your summer break.  The seemingly grey area in your friendship with Taehyung turns more mind-boggling when the man keeps up with the routine even after the summer break has ended, with you two continuing your part-time jobs at the carnival every weekend.
               Truth be told, your set-up with Taehyung is a blessing in disguise. He may see you greasy-faced, constantly suffering at work, and daily pissed at your cramped station with poor ventilation but at least you get to see the man you fell in love with everyday. Not just the Taehyung who’s the campus crush and the talented actor every kid in the carnival loves. But the Taehyung who stays up with you until three in the morning talking about what you want for yourselves, who genuinely laughs at your puns and memes everyone else finds corny, and who tells you he’s enjoying himself in his job because finally, he gets to act like a Disney prince.
               So when you find yourself only falling for Taehyung deeper, getting over him becomes the last resort in your to-do list. You start to let yourself get ahead of you and assume that maybe, just maybe, there is a chance Taehyung likes you back. Or else he wouldn’t do all those things with you with his stare lingering on your face, and his hand brushing against your own on multiple occasions you swear are not conjured up by your lovesick heart. Right?
               With the Halloween season closing in and your part-time contracts at the carnival nearing its end, you are compelled to finally make a move on Taehyung. The carnival is the only place where your social and visual gap matters the least.  You’re going to get an answer from him before this perfect chance expires. All you have to do now is have courage for the things you’re about to do and you pray that this time, the universe lets you successfully fake it ‘til you make it.
 Plan 1: The Makeover Montage
               You’ve watched enough Romcom films to know that a good makeover montage creates an obvious statement that a woman is about to claim her man. And so, you started making your wallet cry and your fingers ache by splurging on cosmetic brands and watching YouTube makeup tutorials. You’re proud of yourself when by the time Monday rolls in, you are confident you can pull off the cat wing and coral peach color scheme you learnt in exchange of sleep-deprived nights.
               You wait by your locker and glance at your watch. 7:48 A.M. Great, just in time. You look down on your outfit: a white ruffled blouse tucked in a pink and yellow plaid skirt. Spending three hours planning today’s outfit was totally worth it, you mentally pat yourself.
               Three minutes pass and then the bell chimes. You stand up straight and crane your neck to look for your target. Amy from History, Dave from Economics, Amanda from the College Secretary’s Office, Jimin from Arts and the Enchanted Carnival–There! Kim Taehyung.
               Taehyung catches your eye and waves at you. He whispers something to Jimin before he bounds toward you. “Hi, Y/N. Didn’t know you’re an early bird now. I thought your first class today is later at eleven thirty?”
               “U-um, I have so-something to pass to Ms. Terry at the Department of Arts and Communication,” you laugh awkwardly.
               “Oh is that so? Wait,” Taehyung looks at you, eyes wide. “Is it a homework I may have forgotten to do at home?”
               “N-no! There’s no homework! It’s just uh–a follow-up on a project!”
               “A project? Did Ms. Terry announce any project? I’m sorry, I’m just confused because we take her class together and–”
               “It’s a personal project!” you interject with a grin. “I…uh, I’ve been working on it since last month. I forgot to tell you about it, but it’s not much, just a collection of…news clippings.”
               “News clippings, hmm, that sounds interesting. Tell me about it at lunch, I will go ahead now to my first period,” Taehyung steps back and makes a salute, his alternative of a goodbye wave to you. “Good luck with your project!”
               “Wa-wait, Tae!”
               Taehyung halts in his steps and looks at you. “Why? Is something wrong?”
               “I–uh, did you notice anything new today?”
               “New?” Tehyung tilts his head. “Is it a new promo for the diner we frequent?”
               “Uhh, no.”
               “Umm,” Taehyung bites his lip, “is it a new movie you sent to me in our Discord?”
               “Uh, also no. And, I will gush about a movie first to you in person before I send it to our Discord.”            
               “Oh, right,” Taehyung chuckles. “Is it a new book then?”
               “New supplies in the bookstore you love?”
               “A new flavor of coffee in the vending machine?”
               “A new–”
               “Goddamn it, Taehyung, you know what, just go to your class,” you purse your lips and Taehyung gawks at you.
               “W-why? Did I say something wrong, Y/N?”
               “No, it’s just, you’re so obliviou–UGH!”
               “‘Obliviou-ugh?’” Taehyung looks more confused than ever he’s been in his life.
               You take in deep breath and take it as a signal for you to retreat. “Don’t mind me it’s just my mood swing!” you holler as you turn your back and walk fast to the exit. Following-up with a faint “See you later!” to the bewildered boy by the time you step out the hallway.
               After what happened today, you guess Taehyung won’t easily notice your makeover with just one encounter. You decided to keep it consistent for the rest of the week, waking up earlier to curl your hair and apply makeup before going to your classes. And every day you kept trying something new – a change of shade in the lip gloss, a swipe of a bolder eye shadow, a shift from preppy to sophisticated clothing styles–Taehyung still fails to notice anything. Even when you turn up for your shift in the carnival with full-on makeup for the very first time, Taehyung just passes you by with his usual demeanor.
               “Hi, Y/N!”
               “Hi Tae!” You cringe at how chirpy you sound. “Umm, you look exceptionally good today!”
               “Yeah?” Taehyung looks at his clothes, the same Howl costume he always wears in his shift. “Well, I look like this everytime in my shift so thanks?”
               “But, have you noticed anything new today?” you bat your mascara-laden lashes for emphasis.
               “New?” Taehyung leans closer to you and this time you feel your heart pounding in suspense. Of course he’ll notice it now, you never wear this much makeup at work–
               “Oh, your ID lace!” Taehyung snaps his fingers, grinning. “Right, you changed your ID lace, how can I miss out on it? You always complain about the neon orange you used to have and now it’s black just like how you always want.”
               You balk at him. “Uhh, it’s still the ones provided by the staff. They just changed the color.”
               “Yeah, isn’t that great? You’ve always wanted a black ID lace! Remember when you used to tell me you’re gonna file a petition to change the neon orange lace to black? It’s finally black!” Taehyung claps you on the back and then makes his signature salute. “See ya later at lunch Y/N. And congrats to the ID lace!”
               You poke your cheek with your tongue in annoyance. You’ve done such a good job perfecting your makeup and all he notices is just your ID lace?! What the motherfucking–
               Okay, maybe Taehyung doesn’t get makeover montages. You cross Plan 1 out and step up to Plan 2.
Plan 2: The Assertive Approach
               If Taehyung can’t notice physical changes, maybe this time, he can notice behavioral changes.  In the films you have watched, you’ve seen countless protagonists be successful in catching the eye of their love interests by changing their flirting style. You’ve always dreamt of becoming like Julia Roberts in her hit romance films: confident, bold, and unafraid to make the first move. So this time, you get to finally be the woman of your dreams and you hope she can also entice the man inside your heart.
               You started your metamorphosis by sitting closer to Taehyung during lectures, leaning closely to him whenever he’s talking with you, closing the space between your faces with a mere inch of breath. You also let your hands do the speaking for you whenever you walk home from work, masking the frequent brushing of your fingers against his, an obvious open invitation for him to hold your hand, seemingly accidental. But whatever you do, Taehyung still can’t get any hint. He’ll just smile at you and proceed to what he’s doing without even a waver in his tone.
               Fueled with desperation, you decide to cross the boundary from subtle to blatant assertion in your lunch break with Taehyung.
               “Today’s a pretty beat day,” Taehyung remarks, taking off his sweaty cape. “Some teens decided to not go with the usual flow of the booth and visit the stops in reverse. I felt sorry for Jimin. He looked so stressed manhandling each teen out of the booth and giving them a stricter run-over of the booth’s rules.”
               “Yeah?” You slide closer next to his seat and cross your legs. “Then what about you, did the teens made fun of you? I heard from Seokjin that Lisa almost broke down when they poked around her unicorn costume.”
               “I’m glad I’m the last stop. Jimin already entered the booth when the kids made the ruckus at Lisa’s stop.” Taehyung sighs, running his hand through his damp fringes. “I couldn’t imagine myself dealing with such troublesome people. If I were in Lisa’s place, I would have already been screaming at them for being bastards at such a young age. It’s a relief, it didn’t happen. I would have lost this job.”
               “I’m glad, too, you didn’t get hurt.” You lean towards him, resting your head against his shoulder. You felt him stiffen in his seat and you smile. “I would have been so worried, you know. I don’t know what I will do,” you grab his hand, intertwine it with yours, and look up at him, “if I don’t see you around here anymore.”
               “Really?” Taehyung turns to you and you nod. He smiles. “Thanks, Y/N, for your concern. I would feel the same if you were to experience that. Oh, we should probably eat now, our food’s getting cold.” Taehyung immediately detaches his fingers from yours, leaving you gaping in your seat.
               Your lunch proceeds like usual and the awkward hand-holding you pulled off was never brought up again. Like Plan 1, you kept Plan 2 consistent for the week. However, Taehyung still remains painfully oblivious.
               Plan 2 is unsuccessful so you cross it out and decide it’s time to take your game to the full notch.
 Plan 3: The Vixen’s Touch
               If Taehyung can’t recognize physical and behavioral changes, he cannot miss out on a temptation handed over on a silver platter. Plan 3 is the ultimate overkill.  No one can resist the seductive vixen. You already braved through doing a Julia-Roberts-character. Going for the longest mile with Megan Fox shouldn’t be a problem. This is probably just your ego talking but you’re not gonna let the smallest bit of shame creep in to you now. Not now, when you’re putting all your cards on the table for Taehyung’s heart. This is all or nothing.
               You see, the Vixen’s Touch is the epitome of all Romcoms’ super power move. Just one scene is enough to turn the tables around and let the heroine achieve whatever outcome she desires. However, such great power comes numerous setbacks. One can only do a vixen move once and never more because if it’s overdone, it will lose it’s mystery, charm, and power–everything that makes it an effective Romcom move. So, you planned your Vixen Touch meticulously.
                You can’t do a Megan-Fox-move at school because you’ll attract too much attention, especially with Taehyung who’s already at the spotlight of social interactions. Instead, you will pull it off in the carnival, where you can have your crush all to yourself without worrying about ambitious bitches intruding your scenario. You’ll enter the Fairy Tale booth during your break time and sneak to the backstage from the “Authorized Personnel Only” door on the left of the second stop. From there, you will do Lisa’s advice to take a right turn and then a left.  It will lead to a connecting hallway that ends with the red curtains behind the Princess’ Castle. There, you’ll surprise Taehyung, who’s waiting for the princess’ cue, with a tingling touch against his spine and a sexy and breathy, “Hi, Tae.” Taehyung will be shocked and you’ll close the gap between the two of you. With the dark setting and the seemingly scandalous set-up, the thrilling mood will compel you to lean towards him and he will close his eyes and interlock his lips with  yours in a passionate kiss. If you make it fast to the connecting hallway, you will have enough alone time with Taehyung before the batch of people even reaches the third stop from the princess’ castle. You grin to yourself. Your plan has never been this perfect.
                Weekdays pass with you continuing your Assertive Approach. Taehyung’s still clueless, making the transition to Plan 3 much more thrilling. When Saturday finally rolls in, you set your game-est face on.
                It’s a week before Enchanted Carnival’s Halloween Party, which means the management is lenient on the part-timers’ work uniforms. After all, you only have one week left before you end your contracts. And so, you pull out your fanciest casual outfit–a little red dress with off-shoulder sleeves, partnered with fishnet stockings that go well with your black combat boots. You also perfected your makeup: eyebrows on-fleek, cat wings on-point, deep brown smoky eyes, and blood-red lips. To top off your look, you put on a thin, black choker. You smile at yourself. You did a good job making yourself look hot. You know it’s not just your ego talking because when you arrive at the ticket booth, Jimin compliments your look.
                “Yo, Y/N, I never knew you could look this pretty,” Jimin grins at you.
               "You also look good today,“ you return, taking note of how well his striped buttondown fits his frame. “I didn’t know today is leg day,” you add, admiring how his ripped jeans accentuate his legs you never knew were this muscular.
                Jimin smiles, “Say it for yourself, Y/N. You look a solid twelve.” He rocks on the balls of his feet back and forth. “I guess the management did a good job letting us wear our casual clothes. You don’t know how bad I wanted to take off our horrendous uniform whenever we work.”
                “That’s…highly inappropriate but I guess you do you,” you point finger guns at him. Jimin chuckles and waves goodbye to you, heading for the Fairy Tale booth. You seat yourself in your work station. Today’s a good start. You hope your luck continues until break time.
                Lunch passes by and so far everything’s a breeze. You haven’t seen Taehyung today, probably caught up with the kids who frequent his booth in large batches as Halloween approaches close. Nevertheless, it’s good news. Your surprise will totally knock him off his feet.
                The clock chimes two. Seokjin comes over and takes over the ticket booth as you take your break. It’s show time.
                Just like your plan, you head for the Fairy Tale booth in quick strides. Lisa manages the entrance to their booth today and she lets you in without any ado, already used to you and Taehyung crossing to and fro your respective booths. Greeting Val, the Elfen soldier of the first stop and Yeji, the mermaid from the second stop, you head for the “Authorized Personnel Only” door and push it open. It leads to a darkly-lit  hallway with a heavily carpeted flooring. You follow Lisa’s tips, taking a right turn and a left. True to her word, the connecting hallway ends with the thick red curtains. And there in the corner, is your dream man facing the curtains and waiting for his signal. You don’t hear any clamor of people nearing the Princess’ Castle, even the faintest of chatter inaudible. You thank the universe for this luck. You made it in time.
               The seconds seem to slow down into minutes as you stepped closer to Taehyung. Your heart pounds loud and fast against your ears. This is it. You’ll finally make Taehyung realize you have your heart laid out for him.  And if you’re lucky, he will also give his to you today.
                With a mere foot left between you two, you reach out for him.
                “Hey, Taehyung–”
                “What the fuck–”
                 Everything happens too fast.  Instead of Taehyung’s surprised face, a hard punch straight to your nose is what greets you. Intense pain spreads over your senses and you reel over, feeling your entire face on fire.
                 "Oh my fucking, God, I’m sorry!  Oh my God, Y/N, I didn’t see you–are you alright?!“ Taehyung catches your arms as you stagger backwards, pulling you to your feet to prevent you from falling.
                 You nod and waved dismiss-ally to his panicked state.
                 Just right then, you feel something wet trickle down your lips.
                 "Oh my God, Y/N, you’re bleeding!” Taehyung screams and he immediately leads you to a chair propped on the corner. He frantically pulls out tissues on the table nearby and dabs the wetness that seeps on your skin. “Shit, what are you even doing here?! I thought you were a ghost, I’m so sorry I punched you!”
                 You’re too dazed to register everything that has happened and your lack of response causes Taehyung to panic more.
                 "Fuck, Y/N, I’m so, so, sorry! Oh my God, this is all my fault. Just sit right there, I’ll call for help!“ Taehyung rushes to the end of the hallway and you hear him scream for Jimin. Pounding footsteps follow and then it’s not just Taehyung fussing over you, but also Jimin.
                 "Do you think it’s broken?” Taehyung asks Jimin, voice trembling.
                 "I don’t think so. She’s not bleeding that much. Taehyung, relax, I already called for first aid–”
                 "How can I relax when Y/N’s in pain?! Which I inflicted on her! You know what, let’s call the ambulance!–”
                 This is not what you planned for. This is not how you imagined you will spend your last shift at the carnival with Taehyung.
                 Wetness trickles down your cheeks and before Taehyung can rush over and wipe your tears away, the Carnival’s first aid team has already barged in and crowded over you.
                 You were led to the small clinic of the carnival where you were given a tissue to stick in your nose. The physician told you your nose was luckily not broken and your body has just undergone shock. Once the bleeding has stopped, you’re good to go. Seokjin also called you he already informed your boss about what happened, telling you he’ll take over your shift and you’re now free to go home. The next few minutes pass in silence and you sink further onto the foldable bed. However, the universe decides it’s not yet done fucking up your day when the door opens with a loud bang and there stands Taehyung, huffing and drenched in sweat.
                 "I’m sorry I only got here now. Boss scolded me for what I did to you,“ Taehyung sighs deeply as he sits on the chair next to you, leaning his elbows on your bed. “I’m really sorry, Y/N. All of this wouldn’t have happened if I didn’t overreact.”
                 "I-it’s okay, Tae. You didn’t know I was there.“
                 "What are you even doing at our booth? Much more creeping in the dark?”
                 You bit your lip and look away. “It’s my break, it’s just,” you sigh, “I thought of surprising you today and well, it didn’t go as well as I planned it.”
                 "Plan? For what? Is there something we’re supposed to celebrate today?“
                 You turn back to Taehyung and meet his eyes. His eyes are focused on your face, waiting for your answer.
                 Well, maybe not all Romcom cliches work just like how they appear to be in movies. Maybe not all romantic gestures need to be grand in order to convey the sincerity of one’s feelings. Maybe it could be as simple like this– two people staring at each other in a clinic, uncaring of the world happening beyond your little bubble.
                 And as you stare at Taehyung’s face and see the reflection of yourself through his eyes, confused and tired, you decide it’s time for you to finally say it. No more orchestrated pretenses. No more intricate plans.
                 "Today is our last day in our work and I wanted to surprise you by finally being true to my feelings. I no longer look at you as a friend, Taehyung. I’m in love with you.”
                 Taehyung doesn’t reply. He just stares at you. You slowly feel the air getting squeezed out of your lungs, and it’s not just because of your stuffed nostril. Another beat of silence passes and then Taehyung’s face falls as he gapes at you, confused, shocked, and for a moment you see disappointment flash across his face. “W-what? Y/N, when did you-I, I don’t know what to say, I-why now?”
                 You bite your lip, feeling the tears well in your eyes. “Why not now, Taehyung?”
                 "Because–” Taehyung sighs and he purses his lips, dragging a hand over his face. “Y/N, you’re my friend, but I–”
                 "You know what, Taehyung,  I get it,“ you turn your back on him, tasting blood on your lips from biting too hard to keep the tears at bay. You won’t cry because of him and in front of him at the same time. He doesn’t get to see you this weak. “You can leave me now.”
                 "But, Y/N, I–”
                 "Does punching me in the face not enough for you?! Just leave!“
                You hear Taehyung sigh. The mattress of the bed puffs up again as the weight leaves. A faint “I’m sorry” resounds in the stifling silence. When the door closes with a soft click, the tears finally fall.
You stifle your broken sobs on your pillow.
You’re back in your old cycle: Eat, sleep, study, and lie low at the background. You steered clear from Taehyung in your classes, seating far away from your usual seat. You neither stopped by his locker in the mornings, nor waited for him in front of your own locker for lunch. You even went as far as avoiding your common friends, the thought of people asking about what happened between you and Taehyung makes you reel back to the embarrassment and disappointment of that day.
As much as you wanted to hate Taehyung, you find it hard to admit that every single thing that has gone wrong points back to you. You assuming anything more than what you already have with him, you doing outrageously unnecessary things for him, you bending yourself backwards in your desperation for him – it has always been yourself.
You tried to stay as identical to the background as you can be, away from Taehyung and anything that is associated with him. Because as much as you feel like an empty vessel for every single day, you cannot find it in yourself to erase Taehyung from your mind. Even when his last words with you kept on re-opening the wounds you’ve been trying hard to stitch back together. And, you can’t have that. You can’t run back to him and let him kick you back to the curb. It’s time for you to learn your lesson.
But no matter how successful you were the past days in running from Taehyung, you know you cannot avoid him forever. Especially when Enchanted Carnival has required the part-timers to attend their annual Halloween Party tomorrow, arranged by their permanent staff. After all, it’s the day you’ll terminate your contract and receive your last salary for your job.
You have never sorely regretted your past decisions like this before. You’re love-fool state of mind back then has induced you to buy an expensive costume. A fancy dress that has a carnation pink rayon bodice and full skirt, layered with delicate purple cotton voilewhich looks like soft rose petals that perfectly cinch the waist. It has long, glittered see-through sleeves that ruffle at the end of your arm, and it is adorned with golden intricate curvilinear details that go around the bust area and matches the golden flower belt on the waist. It even came with a faux golden crown with a short pink veil attached to the back.  Yes, you fucking bought a princess bride costume just to match with Taehyung’s usual work attire because of course, Taehyung will come looking like a Disney prince. And now that everything you planned has gone downhill, the excitement is over and the only thing you feel is bitterness and a desperate wish to get things done and over with.
You reached the carnival at seven and by that time, the party is in full swing. Enchanted Carnival looks like a cirque-esque other-world. Small Jack o’ Lanterns replaced the usual light bulbs to light the carnival in an alluring tangerine glow. Signboards of “Happy Halloweens” range from small cutouts that hung from the poles, to gigantic illustrations pasted right on the walls of the some stalls. Pumpkin and ghost-shaped candies were sold at almost every corner and the people that pass by, carnival staff or not, embody the fantasy and surrealism of the carnival. You’ve seen pirates, sirens, faeries, and even witty realistic horror such as Jung Hoseok, the roller coaster attendant, wearing casual jeans and shirt with electric bills pasted on his chest and back.
“Hey, Y/N! I thought you weren’t coming.” You look to your left and see Lisa in a No Face costume. Seokjin follows close behind, dressed like Sokka from Avatar: The Last Airbender.
“Uh, yeah–I mean,” you clear your throat “how can I not come when I get to be paid at the end of the night?”
“Yeah, that’s the spirit,” Seokjin chuckles. “The salary is my only motivation when I lost a bet to Yeji and agreed to dress like…this.”
“Hey, Sokka’s not bad!” Lisa frowns. “Avatar: The Last Airbender is the best show ever and Sokka’s like a perfect ten.”
“Yeah, but it would have been better if you know,” Seokjin huffs, “I get to be Toph. So I can finally un-see Hoseok’s stupid’s antics, especially his dumb electric-bill costume tonight. It doesn’t get to be low-cost, witty, and funny all at the same time. It’s unfair.”
You laugh, feeling your jaw hurt a little from smiling so wide. It’s been a while since you smiled, with the past days spent crying and moping around in your room. You’re grateful for Lisa and Seokjin who tried to cheer you up throughout the night, distracting you from thoughts that revolve around Taehyung by pulling you into ride after ride, playing games in stall after stall, and stuffing your mouths with delicious treats.
You were having the best night of your life, until you find your group stopping in front of a booth – The 13th House.
You turn to Lisa. “Hey, you didn’t tell me a horror booth is included in our itinerary.”
“Because I don’t need to,” Lisa grins. “Horror booths are a classic! How can Halloween be Halloween without some spook?”
“Right, and relax Y/N,” Seokjin says, “It’s not like we’re gonna leave you. And trust me, it’s not that scary. I already visited this booth to prank Jungkook. Too bad I was unsuccessful that time with Jungkook already immune to jumpscares from manning the effects and all.”
Except it is scary. The 13th House is the only booth you didn’t dare to visit during your entire work period. Your remember how your legs turned to jelly the first time you saw its front: An old gothic mansion with dilapidated walls and broken windows, its wooden main door covered in bloody handprints, and its gray, dry lawn surrounded by amputated body parts. You know all of it were just manmade but it doesn’t lessen the creeps you get when every detail and props are fashioned too realistically.
Nevertheless, you went along with Lisa and Seokjin and get your ticket-bracelets scanned by the booth marshal. Even if you feel like running away the moment you hear the loud, sinister creak of the main door when you start for the first stop, you stood your ground and wear your big girl game face on. It’s your last night in the carnival, might as well do everything you were never able to do before.
The first half of your trip in the booth were somehow a smooth ride. Although you almost jumped at the scream of the bloody Victorian bride from the first stop, almost backed out on the second stop because of the swinging headless knight, and almost cried on the spot because of the wailing man with its guts ripped apart from the third stop, you’re still far from getting scared out of your wits.
That is, until you reach the middle stop.
The fourth stop required you to do an easy escape-room task with a ghost kid guiding you through a fake Ouija board session. You quickly finished the activity and the wooden walls shifted to reveal a small passageway with thick hanging cobwebs. Lisa leads the way and you find yourself gripping her hand and Seokjin’s tighter as you enter a dark hallway lit only by torches fastened to gray, blood-splattered walls.
And then, out of nowhere, foreign hands cover your eyes. You scream and thrash around but your suffering is only momentary when you find yourself back in the hallway with no looming figures behind your back. Okay, maybe it’s just part of the booth experience–Wait. Where’s Lisa and Seokjin?
“Lisa! Seokjin!” You call for your friends’s names.  They were just with you earlier. You were holding their hands for Christ’s sake! “Where are you, guys?! This is NOT funny!” You bite your lip and wring your hands in anxiety. “Guys, I swear to God, this is not fun–”
               The lights of the torches flicker. The background music starts to grow louder, and eerier as it now plays with Latin incantations. And then there’s a loud bang.
               The lights were blown out.  The blood-splattered designs on the walls turn neon. And, the rest of the hallway goes complete dark-out.
               “Holy shit!” You run, straight ahead. Heart pounding loud on your ears, you don’t think anymore and just run. Surely, there will be some end to this hallway, right?
               Except there’s none, because a forked path greets you just right when you thought the hallway is getting too long. The two paths stare at you, the neon designs on their walls starts to get disturbing with child-like drawings of disfigured people and morbid beasts.
               You slump on the ground. This is a complete nightmare. You wish you didn’t go with Lisa and Seokjin. You wish you didn’t let your loneliness get to you and spent the whole week crying about your crush who doesn’t like you. Because now you’re trapped in this hellish booth and you’re gonna die alone and pathetic. You didn’t even get to experience at least the “moving on” happy ending alternative of Romcom films. You didn’t –
               Just right then, there’s a flash of light from the end of the left path. A second later, a voice  echoes loud. You didn’t understand a word from the echo. Hell, you’re not even sure if it’s from a human. But at least it seems to have a light that is nothing part of 13th House’s props. Before thinking twice, you’re already running toward the direction of the light. You run and run and never dared to stop. The light’s getting near, you’re gonna get help soon! You won’t have to die alone because you’re gonna get out of here and–
               Light blinds you.
               "What the fuck-! I’m sorry!”
               You feel the light on your face dim down. And the moment you bring down your raised hands, you can’t seem to speak.
               Taehyung stands in front of you, flashlight in hand, and looking handsome as always. But, it’s not his presence that makes your heart still. Enchanted Carnival’s purple polo shirt, generic black slacks, and the silly headband with blue rabbit ears atop his head–Taehyung’s wearing the carnival’s ticket booth uniform.
               And Taehyung’s jaw is ajar seemingly for all the same reason. Pink princess gown and glittering princess crown–you were an open book to him now.
               "You…you’re the most beautiful creature I’ve ever laid eyes on.”
               All of a sudden, everything that has happened in the last weeks comes back to you and you feel your eyes stinging with tears as the dam of bitterness floods your chest. “I bet you tell everyone that,” you scoff, “since you’re such a disgusting flirt.”
               Taehyung’s mouth hangs in shock, “Di-disgusting flirt? You’re the only one I told you that!”
               You stand back to your feet and meet his eyes with a steely glare. “I find it hard to believe that, Kim.  Especially your type of guys.”
               Your eyes seem to do tricks to you when you see Taehyung wince at your tone, but that wasn’t for long because Taehyung now sounds defensive.  "What are my type of guys?“
               You scowled. "The type who leads on girls and cruelly rejects them after they’re done playing with them.”
               "What rejection are you talking about? I did not reject you! How could you-“
               "What else could your reaction mean when I told you I love you?!”
               "I was trying to move on from you, okay!“ Taehyung screams. "And that day, you just–dropped the bomb like that. How do you expect me to react huh? Especially, when I fucking spent one year trying to make you realize I see you more than as a friend and you just ignore me as if my feelings don’t matter to you.  And then, when I finally decide to move on from you, you act weird for a couple of weeks. And out of nowhere you’re telling me you love me. How can I even react properly? You didn’t even wait for me to process things,” Taehyung’s voice breaks, “You just up and go and shut me out!”
               "I liked you, Y/N. For so long. And you never turned my way–you wave off my advances as if they mean nothing to you, you keep on setting me up with other girls, and you run away from me whenever I so much glance at you. You don’t even let me see you properly when we’re at school. You hide from me and run away as if you’re gonna die just by being with me. And last week, you’re suddenly telling me you love me? So, how can I be a disgusting flirt when you’re the one who’s sending me mixed signals?!”
               "Mixed signals?“ you frown. "For the past year I’ve been your friend Tae, I tried to love you in my own way. I stayed up late with you as you told me all your problems. I’ve been there with you in whatever shenanigans you thought of. I spent almost every break I fucking have with you talking about whatever we want. They are blatant signals, Taehyung! So I’m sorry if I have to hide or run away sometimes, because if you didn’t fucking know, we don’t belong in the same world.”
               “What do you mean we don’t belong in the same world? Fucking hell, Y/N, you’re not an alien–”
               “In your world, I am! In your world, you are the star, the life of the party. People who belong in your world live their fucking fantastic lives as the star of their own stories. They achieve their dreams, they get whatever they want, people look up at them for being so great. But, people like me? We spend our fucking lives looking into your world from the outside. Pathetic side characters of their own pathetic lives. People just pass us by, some even run over us. No one even remembers our fucking name. So, even if these don’t matter when I look at you, I can only love you from afar because people will look at us and all these shits will come back for me.”
               “Jesus Christ,” Taehyung huffs, carding a hand through his hair in frustration. “There are no worlds separating you from me because people are just different!  And these differences cannot dictate who should belong with who because guess what? We’re the only ones who can let other people in or out of their lives.  So can you just stop for a second and see that there’s nothing that actually separates you from me? I thought you would already know this by now since we’ve been friends for so long.”
               You feel tears blurring your eyes and you look away from him. “But still, that’s not enough to explain all the shits that’s happened this past week. Okay, we may be different and I tried to express my feelings in my own way. But I tried to change it up, Tae. I worked so hard to pattern my advances to every Romcom clichés and of course they all went wrong when it came to you.”
               “W-wrong? Y/N, what Romcom cliches–”
               “The cheesiest Romcom clichés!”  You snap. “You know, the makeover montage, the Julia Roberts’ Assertive Approach, the Megan Fox Vixen Touch. You were telling me how oblivious I were to your advances but you never fucking noticed how  I changed up my advances just for you. You ignored how I dressed up pretty-to-the-tip for you. Even after I came to you and blatantly asked you if you noticed something new. You don’t take the cue when I freaking hand over my feelings for you in a silver platter. Hell, you even punched me in the face when I tried to be sexy!”
               “God, can you let it go? I already said I’m sorry!” Taehyung huffs and you look down on your feet. Taehyung sighs, “I was trying to move on from you during those weeks you’ve acted really, really weird. So obviously, I will be very confused. Secondly, Y/N,” Taehyung sighs, “Romcom clichés are called like that because they only happen and work the way they are portrayed to work, in Romcoms. Romcom is a film genre. Sure, they may reflect some aspects of reality, but Y/N, they are planned out, manipulated in a controlled environment. They’re not your life. Life doesn’t work that way.”
               “I’m sorry, I just–” you bite your lip but it’s not enough to prevent a tear slip from your eyes. “This is my first time feeling like this and I don’t know what to do. I absolutely have no fucking idea what I should do next and I–I’m just so sorry for dragging these shits up and made our lives messier than it should be. I’m sorry for probably making you feel guilty about yourself for this past week I ignored you like the plague. I’m sorry for being so stupid, I just–I’m so sorry, Tae!” your voice breaks at the end and before you know it, your tears have already consumed you to the ground.
               "Oh shit Y/N, don’t cry.” Taehyung panics as he kneels next to you. You shield your face from him with your hands, but Taehyung pries them away and cups your face in his large, warm hands. You feel the pads of his fingers wipe away your tears and when you look up at him, Taehyung’s face is too close to yours. Too close that you can practically see the deep, dark circles under his eyes despite the darkness. The thought that you caused him this made you tear up more.
               Taehyung goes frantic. “Y/N, do-don’t cry. Shit, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you cry. Y/N, I’m sorry, I’m so so sorry–”
                 “C-can you just h-hug me?”
               “O-okay,” Taehyung hesitantly loops his arms around your shaking frame. “Thi-this is fine with me.”
               You close your eyes and lean on your friend’s chest. You don’t care if Taehyung’s shirt get wet with your tears. He’s partly at fault for making you cry. But still, you squeak out a muffled.  “Thank you, Tae.”
               Taehyung hums. “It’s okay.”
               Amid this night’s horror and breakdown, silence, for the first time in a while, envelops you in comfort. Even with no words, Taehyung easily dries away the tears. He just pats your back and rubs soothing circles on your tensed muscles, leaning closer to you when you hug him tighter.
               “I hate fighting with you, Tae.”
               Taehyung turns his head closer to yours. “Are we already fighting?”
               “W-well yeah,” you hiccup. “Somehow.”
               “Okay…Next time we’ll understand each other better so we don’t need to have unnecessary fights like this, okay?”
               “Okay,” you mutter. You sink deeper into Taehyung’s arms and he holds you tighter in his embrace.
               Even if you can’t see his face, you know Taehyung’s smiling.
               It doesn’t take long for your sobs to die down that you’re now slowly disentangling yourself from him.
               “Are you okay now?”
               “Y-yeah. Thank you.” You lean your back against the wall and Taehyung sits next to you. You look at him and he smiles at you. For a moment you stay like that, staring into his eyes, falling deep in the little world you’re sharing with him. And then, it hits you. Taehyung’s still here. Even after you blurt out every insecurity and self-doubt you have that others may find petty and invaluable, Taehyung’s still here. Even after he voiced out his disappointment of you and things you’ve done him wrong, Taehyung hasn’t walked out. He didn’t run away, he didn’t leave you. Taehyung stayed.
               And so, you take the cue the universe is giving you and put all your cards on the table again. You cross your fingers as you ask the question that has plagued your mind ever since Taehyung confessed he has long liked you. "Tae, Ha-have you already moved on from me?”
               Taehyung sighs and for a second, you don’t breathe. But, you don’t have to hold it for long because when Taehyung looks at you again, a soft smile is on his face. “Unfortunately, no. Because even after all the shits you put me through, you still occupy my heart–and mind.”
               “S-so, can I kiss you?”
               “I’m the one who’s supposed to say that, but, ye-yeah you can kiss me. Anything for you, Y/N.”
               You close your eyes and lean forward. Your lips meet his in a soft peck and everything suddenly stops. You don’t feel the perspiration on your back from all the running in the booth. You don’t think about the dust and dirt soiling your dress. All you could feel was Taehyung’s soft lips. All you could taste is the sweetness from the crumbs of cherry tart left on his lips. All that fills you nose is Taehyung’s smell that’s so naturally his and his ocean mist spray you gifted him on his birthday. All you could hear is the loud pounding of your heart, and even with your eyes closed, Taehyung’s face is all you could see.  And, you can’t think of anything but Taehyung–him and him alone.
               The world suddenly moves again when Taehyung leans deeper and interlocks his lips with yours. You immediately let your heart take over. You mold yourself closer to him, kissing him with every ardor you’ve kept locked in yourself for so long. You fist his shirt and Taehyung caresses your cheeks and puts his hand on the back of your neck as he kisses you deeper. You loop your arms around his neck and return the vigor of his kiss. Teeth bumping, fingers reaching and clutching onto anything, sloppy interlocking of lips–you don’t care. Even if you have your first kiss in a gloomy, creepy horror booth, nothing else mattered but the boy in front of you. Taehyung’s here and he’s finally in your arms. You don’t have to long for him from afar anymore because now he’s here with you and he’s not leaving you. He’s finally yours.
               The same thought probably runs into Taehyung as you feel him grin into your lips before kissing you again. And even when the creepy background music of the booth starts again, you can only focus on the gentle way Taehyung’s thumbs coursed over your cheeks while tenderly pecks your lips as your kiss comes into a close.
                As you draw back a little to look at your friend, your crush, and now your lover, Kim Taehyung, in the hideous purple uniform you used to wear in the ticket booth with silly rabbit ears perched atop his hazel locks, you can’t help but smile. Taehyung may be the center of the world while you watch him from the side, but at the end of the day, he’s right. You’re just two people who are happy being with each other. There’s no boundaries, no walls separating him from you and you from him. You just have to see him for what he is and take the leap. You don’t need to re-enact Romcom clichés just to bring him towards you because he’s never been away from you from the start.
               Taehyung leans his forehead on yours and smiles. “I love you, Y/N. I’ve waited for so long for this.”
               “Me too,” you grin, “And, I love you too, Tae.”
               Taehyung chuckles and presses another peck on your lips.
               Just right then, you can feel a vibrant white light on your face.
               “Yo, lovebirds, are you finally together?”
               You turn to the direction of the voice and it’s Jimin. Behind him are Lisa and Seokjin, walking from the right pathway while making kissy faces at you.
               It all clicks in: Lisa and Seokjin hanging out with you, leading you to the 13th House, and disappearing like smoke the moment you reached the longest hallway of the booth. It’s to get you alone with Taehyung and finally talk everything out before you leave your part-time jobs.
               You frown at your friends. But, before you can voice out how can they just up and leave you like that, Taehyung beats you to it.
               “Jimin, you bastard! You pushed me towards the backstage passageway, shoved a flashlight into my hand, and just left me in the middle of this fucking scary booth. Is this how you treat your best bud?!”
               Jimin laughs. “But at least you got the girl!”
               “Yeah,” Lisa says. “Watching you two stupidly tiptoe around each other for so long started to make me sick.”
               “And we know you two can’t sort out your stupidity alone, so we decided to give you a little push.” Seokjin looks at Taehyung. “Quite literally in your case.”
               Taehyung scowls and opens his mouth but Jimin cuts him to it.
               “Thank me later, lover boy. It’s time we get out of this booth. Jungkook’s gonna piss me out for practically renting the 4th stop without paying.” Jimin heads to the right path where he came from. “So let’s take our exit now so you two can finally ride together into the sunset.” He turns to you and Taehyung and smirks, “Well, literally and figuratively.”
               Taehung attempts to hit him but Jimin scampers away and hollers, “You’re welcome, bro. And you too, Y/N!” Lisa and Seokjin laugh as they follow Jimin, leaving you and Taehyung walking at the back.
               Taehyung turns to you. “So…are you free tomorrow? I realized I haven’t taken you to a date yet. Like, a date date”
               “Yeah, I’m free. But, where will we go?”
               Taehyung rubs his nape. “Well, I don’t know yet…I’m sorry I asked you when I don’t have any plans yet, I just want to be with you tomorrow–”
               “It’s okay,” you smile. “We can meet at the carnival, then.”
               “The carnival?”
               “Yeah. Not as the prince and the ticketbooth attendant or vice versa. Just Taehyung and Y/N.”
               Taehyung smiles. “I would like that. Pick you up at your house on five?”
               “That’s alright with me,” you lean into his arm and look up at him, “boyfriend.”
               Taehyung blushes and you giggle. You let him hold your hand as you make your way out of the horror booth to spend the rest of Enchanted Carnival’s Halloween Party with a salary waiting for you, happy and giddy, and most importantly, in love.
               In every success story, there is a ninety percent probability you will hear “Fake it ‘til you make it.” Sometimes, it worked out for you, but most of the time, it didn’t.  Like how you tried to use this tactic to get your crush to like you, your plans don’t usually go the way you expect them. But it’s okay, because life doesn’t work that way. It took you stressful planning days, frustrating reactions, and tearful nights for you to realize that life is not always a stage where people can just “fake” everything ‘til the script is fulfilled. Roles can be changed and mistakes can happen. What’s important is: You may have not “fake it ‘til you make it,” but at least you worked for it ‘til you made it.
A/N pt. 2 | I wrote this fic after having a massive eureka moment and I haven’t edited this out yet because it’s 2 A.M. and we die like brave men here. Anyway, planning this story was really a challenge! This is the first time I tried this AU so I researched stuff and had to like, fix and re-fix some of my plot points as I write through. Second, I wanted to incorporate the adorable prompt in a completely unexpected way so I hope it did what I intended for it to do. Also, I enjoyed making up the names of the Romcom clichés OC used. They are literal Romcom clichés but I can’t find what they’re officially called (aside from Makeover Montage) so I just made the rest up AHHAHAH. I hope you enjoy reading this story as much as I enjoyed writing it!
All Rights Reserved © Vanaera. Reposts, modifications, and translations of content are not allowed without direct permission
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fan-wicktion · 4 years
Sparrow - The Final Chapter (15)
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warnings: bad language, angst, smutttt
a/n: I am here to finish this. The final chapter!!! I’m so grateful to all of you for supporting me this whole time, even though I am so sporadic. ♥️
SUMMARY: You are an assassin who stole a kill from John Wick. You royally piss off the High Table during a trip, and Winston orders John to hunt you down and bring you back in order to kill you. John finds you (of course), and you both accidentally end up bonding a bit on your travels back to New York. A call from Winston breaks the daydream, and you attempt to escape John’s captivity. He catches you.
John tosses you back in your room. Considering the circumstances, it might as well have been a prison cell. You couldn’t escape this building without him knowing. Even if you managed to flee, he would catch up to you eventually.
Seething, you stalk back and forth in the enclosed space, hot tears staining your face.
Paid for the whole fucking building, huh? Your eyes lock on the lamp by the bed. Shouldn’t be a problem if—CRASH! Your boot collides with the ceramic surface, sending shards everywhere. A strange thrill grips your stomach as you survey the wreckage. Rage.
You’re a wildcat caught in a trap. A tornado confined to a room. Who fuckin cares anymore?
A primal shriek of fury rips out of you and your fist breaks through the drywall. Panting, you shake the bits of wall off your knuckles and fondle the hilt of one of the knives strapped to your thigh.
“STUPID—” Thud. The blade embeds itself in the opposite wall.
“JOHN—” Your fingers wrap around air, and you realize you’ve run out of knives.
“GrrRRRRR!” Pulling at your hair, you give up.
Your body slumps onto the bed in physical and mental exhaustion. Weakly, you punch at a couple pillows before sobbing yourself to sleep.
You refuse to look at John or speak to him at all on the ride to the airport, and the silent treatment continues on your flight. You sit as far away from him as possible, glaring out the window.
To his credit, John makes no attempt to interact with you…which is…fine…
Except you almost wish he would. Wish he would act upset at all, or angry even! Yell at you, fight with you, drag you in screaming or…or save you.
But he doesn’t do any of that. He just sits there silently at the front of the plane, hands in his lap. Doing nothing.
Fuckin asshole. I never should have trusted him. He never cared about me…he just wanted to bring me in. He—
A lump threatens at the back of your throat. No. I won’t cry anymore. Time to take it like a fucking man. You decide at that moment that there will be no hysterics, no crying or begging from you. You’d rather take a bullet to the brain with dignity than flounder like an apologizing idiot in front of Winston. Maybe even get a few wise-cracks in just to piss him off…
Plus, who knows. Maybe you’ll find a way out of it.
The glow of the streetlights dance off the wet pavement in front of the Continental. Your sleek vehicle pulls up to the steps. You climb out behind John, the dull ache of acceptance sitting heavily in your chest. At the top of the stairs you pause, turning to look out over the city. Your home. Yeah, New York was a rat-infested hellhole sometimes…but it was your rat-infested hell hole. Ugh. Why’d I have to go and be a little shit head and get myself killed?
John catches your arm just as you’re turning towards the door. What’s this? Our daring escape?! He leans down and whispers in your ear:
“Trust me.”
What?! The click of cool metal around your wrists adds to your surprise.
“ExCUSE ME—??” So much for escaping into the sunset.
John jostles you through the door, and you do your best to walk gracefully while handcuffed. You can feel the eyes of a hundred assassins on you as you make your way through the lobby, a few wolf-whistles punctuating the light chuckling. You should be self conscious, but honestly? This is legendary. You manage to squeeze in a couple winks and bows as John drags you to the elevator. At least I’ll die a legend.
As the doors slide shut, you sneak a glance up at Mr. John Wick. His brown eyes are steely and staring straight ahead, jaw set menacingly. He seems so cold and aloof that you wonder if you were imagining things earlier. ‘Trust me’? What does that mean?
A shaky bundle of nerves forms in your chest, banging about your ribcage as the floor numbers fly by. It settles into a hard knot somewhere deep in your stomach.
Ding! The elevator stops.
Without looking at you, John grips your arm and steps through the threshold. You try not to stumble as he drags you forward. Your eyes lock on to a behemoth wooden desk. Oak? Maple? Why is this what I’m focusing on right now?! Shifting your gaze upwards, you see the short, grim figure of the man who wants you dead. Winston.
You lift your chin and stare down your nose at him.
“Hey there, big guy.”
John’s grip tightens fractionally around your bicep; Winston chuckles darkly.
“Ah, Sparrow. Always such a…joy…to see you. Couldn’t fly out of this one, could you?” He rounds the desk, leaning on it casually. A quick glance at John, and next thing you know you’re on your knees before him. You shift your weight slightly, cursing the handcuffs. If I could just—
The back of your head brushes the cool metal of the gun. Oh.
Every nerve in your body is aflame, screaming FIGHT OR FLIGHT? FIGHT OR FLIGHT? FIGHT? FLIGHT? SOMETHING? ANYTHING? Your fingers tremble as you realize there’s no way out. Nowhere to run that you wouldn’t be found. No safety. No life. No options.
“You know, John volunteered to do this. Said he’s really enjoy finally putting an end to all of your nonsense. Ha! I can only imagine the trouble you’ve put him through. I would feel bad but, well, he deserves it.” He laughs, taking a sip of his expensive-ass liquor.
Volunteered? You swallow the lump in your throat and glare up at Winston. “So, you didn’t like what you saw, hm? Why don’t we recreate my little photoshoot, just you and me?” And the bullet to seal the deal.
He scoffs. “Sweetheart, there are rules. And they must be followed. I don’t need unprofessional amateurs sullying the craft. The behavior you displayed cannot be tolerated by me or the high table. It is necessary for me to uphold these traditions, or we will crumble into a band of mediocre thugs. This is much more than just a photo, darling.”
You roll your eyes. “Oh, fuck off. You just wanted to see me on my knees I bet.”
Winston doesn’t acknowledge you, looking at John instead. “Good lord, is she always like this? I see why you wanted to off her yourself.”
The corners of your eyes prickle with angry tears. Angry with Winston, angry with John, angry with yourself. How could I let this happen? How could I trust—
“Go ahead then, whenever you’re ready Mr. Wick.”
The safety comes off with a sickening click.
You feel the air move behind your scalp. You throw yourself out of the way just in time to watch John step around you, leveling the barrel of his gun at Winston’s forehead.
Winston slowly sets down his glass, raising his hands slightly in surrender.
“John, what’s this? Don’t tell me—”
“Listen to me.” John’s voice is low and menacing. “I’m done. I want out. I’m sick of living like this. I want a life, do you hear me?” You can practically hear how hard he’s clenching his jaw.
“Well I hardly think—”
“I SAID, do you hear me?”
“Yes, but—”
“I’m buying my freedom. And hers. I think you oughta comply.” He kicks a heavy briefcase over to Winston and it jingles ominously. Gold coins? Holy shit— “Let’s not forget all I have done for you.”
Winston takes his time staring at the case, then locks eyes with John, seemingly weighing his options. On one hand, he had all the power. He could refuse. On the other…was John Wick. The Baba Yaga. The angel of death himself.
He sighs. “Have it your way John. We’ll see if it sticks this time. I’ll speak with the High Table.”
You feel your entire body melt with relief, muscles you didn’t realize you were clenching quivering in release. John eyes Winston critically, then stoops to pull you to your feet.
“Hey, I—” You try to form a sentence to thank him, but the words won’t come.
“Don’t,” he grunts.
Glancing at Winston, you have the urge to stick out your tongue and gloat, but decide not to press your luck. You nod at him and follow John out the door.
John strides towards the sleek Mustang waiting at the curb. Unsure, you trail behind. Is he expecting me to like, go home?
Judging by the look he gives you as he yanks open the driver’s side door, you guess you’re supposed to get in. Is he mad? He looks kinda mad…
You climb in to the passenger seat, noting his white-knuckled grip on the steering wheel.
“My apartment’s right around the co—EEP!” Suddenly, you find yourself in the backseat. How did—
John’s frame looms above you. He leans down, so close his beard tickles your cheek. One hand snakes up to grip your jaw.
“I’ve waited so fucking long for this,” he turns your face towards his, and locks eyes with you for the first time in over 24 hours. Raw need grips your core as his animal desire envelopes your mind. Grabbing fist-fulls of his sleek hair, you pull him towards you. Your teeth crash together in a desperate kiss, hands hungrily undoing belts, buttons.
“Think you can handle this, sweetheart?” A cocky grin interrupts you tugging his bottom lip.
“You’re on, old man.”
He cocks an eyebrow at you and slides his hand down the front of your underwear. The pads of his fingers glide over your soaking slit, and a low groan escapes his lips. You yelp as he tears your undergarments off completely, shoving your pants down around your ankles. You’ve managed to free him of his pants as well, and gasp as you unveil his throbbing cock.
You start pulling him towards your entrance, but John snatches your wrists and pins them above your head roughly. He holds them there as he grasps his length.
“No, baby. After all you’ve put me through? I’m in charge.” He lines up and thrusts into you abruptly, causing you both to moan loudly. “Fuuuckkk.”
After all this time waiting, fantasizing, pining over and hating him, feeling John Wick fill you up with his thick cock was nearly too much to handle. You could feel every vein, every inch of his dick against your walls, stretching you out.
The long-held tension between you snaps, and you’re all over each other. He pounds you into the back seat of his car mercilessly, pinning you with one arm, the other alternating between slapping your ass and fingering your mouth. You wail and moan, crying his name over and over as spit coats his fingers and your own face, and your wetness coats his cock. The entire Mustang is rocking, windows steaming up, and you know—you know—people can see exactly what’s going down. You don’t care. Somehow, knowing the entire Continental is watching John Wick fuck your brains out makes this entire situation a thousand times hotter.
John takes his spit-coated thumb and begins rubbing quick circles over your clit. The building heat in your core intensifies, sending you over the edge. Your orgasm crashes over you, and you feel yourself clenching around his girth. John growls with pleasure, bearing down and increasing his speed. His hand finds its way back up your body and around your neck as he chases his own climax.
The pleasure of your orgasm and the lack of oxygen makes you see stars. John pulls you into a filthy kiss, and you climax again. Your throbbing hole sends him over the edge, and you feel his warm cum fill you up. He nips at your neck playfully while you both lay there, panting.
“I was going to wait until we got home, but I couldn’t fucking resist any longer. You drive me so crazy that I think I hate you,” John mumbles in your ear. You grin mischievously.
“Hate me enough to fuck me harder next time?”
He yanks your head back by your hair. “Fuck you. You know I’ll destroy you.”
John slides his length out of you with a groan, admiring the slow leak of cum from your pussy. He pulls up your pants, sternly ordering you to keep his seed inside you for the ride back to his place. You both emerge from the back of the car very ruffled, and you nod at the doormen cheekily as you climb in the passenger seat once more.
You gaze at John as he speeds homeward, his cum leaking down your leg, and can’t help but think your future seems pretty damn bright.
Thank you all again for all the support and love! ♥️
Taglist:  @chicksamwitch @mikaneonox @onebatch–twobatch @fandomwritrix @littledeadgirlwalking @minsugagenius @10yz @where-did-the-good-ones-go @catsmieow @xrevoltx @kezzasaurus-rex @homesoutofhuman @lunilate @coolbreezeinkeanureeves @urlil-brat @lustforfern @yeet-me-out-tonight @weird-civilian @92lnbr @wangdeasang @a-really-bi-girl @paanchu786
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adarlingwrites · 4 years
noun: formal release from guilt, obligation, or punishment
The Capital Wasteland lauded the Lone Wanderer as a hero, a Messiah, a savior who’s willing to give her life for the Good Fight. Beyond the legends, the propaganda, and the mythification that surrounded her legacy, there is only one person who knew her bare soul. She gave him his absolution, and now he will fight for hers.
January 10, 2278.
Hannibal Hamlin just arrived a few moments ago, after Cross did. He sees me, smiles, and shakes my hand.
“Charon. Good to see you again, friend. How is Percy treating you? Has she found a solution to your contract yet?”
“Good,” I tell him. “We’re working on it.”
“That’s good to hear.”
The back door swings open, and DeLoria arrives with the dog. Dogmeat bounds towards me, and licks my hand after I ruffled his fur.
“Yo. I’m here. Where’s Percy at?”
“She’s retrieving a few things from the house. She’ll be here soon,” I tell him. “Are you sure you weren’t followed?”
“Yeah. I had the dog with me to keep watch.”
Just a few moments later, we heard the back door opening once again. Gob exclaims something I couldn’t hear, and Percy comes into view, dragging a missile launcher with her. It’s the one we found on the first day that I started serving her.
“Sorry I’m late. Had to double check a few things. Paladin Cross, this is for you.”
DeLoria’s jaw drops at the sight of the weapon. Cross carries it with ease, and thanks my partner.
“Holy shit, Perce. Where’d you even get that?”
“Doesn’t matter. Anyway, these arrived just in time, Charon. Moira had a hard time procuring them, so let’s put them to good use,” Percy turns to me, handing me a package.
I look inside and smirk.
“As you command.”
Nodding, Percy sets the map Doc Church drew out for us on the bar top.
“Here’s the plan.”
It was near midnight when we finished our meeting.
“Let’s go home,” Percy tells me. I follow her.
After cleaning up, we went into Percy's bedroom, my bedroom now too, I suppose. I lay awake next to her that night, thinking back to the days we spent with the Abolitionists, and their influence on me.
Right after that incident with Harkness, Percy runs into an escaped slave in the city, Mei Wong. She gives Wong some caps so she can buy a weapon. Then, that’s when we learned about the Temple of the Union, and met Hamlin.
November 11, 2277.
Staying close to Percy, we walked on, accompanying Hamlin and the others to the Lincoln Memorial.
Nearly two centuries ago, my first mission occurred here. I think I was… fourteen. Or fifteen. Fuck, my memories from before the Great War are still hazy, but I know it happened. Under the orders of our contract holder then, our unit was tasked to suppress protesters gathering at the memorial.
I remember everyone’s actions.
Vanth, our sniper, did not hesitate to open fire, making rubber bullets rain on the crowd. She didn’t even aim it to the ground; she aimed at the people. Everyone followed suit, save for me who stood there, mortified. I only got moving when my electric collar went off.
Magwayen did the best she could to avoid casualties. I followed her. The others did not. At the end of the day, Mag treated the wounds on my back. Whip marks. Punishment for being too soft.
The next day, I went harder on the people. I remember the smell of tear gas. Mag became distant since then.
I’m certain that if hell exists, I would go there, regardless whether hurting all those people is my will, or not. My hands killed them. I’m a murderer.
I’d never thought I’d come back to that place and do something right for a change.
I watched as my mistress helped the Abolitionists return the statue’s head back where it belonged. Smiling, sweat pouring from her brow, Percy approaches me, and tells me to enjoy the rest of the day while she talks to Hamlin.
They talked for hours. Occasionally, Hamlin would look at me, a certain understanding in his gaze.
I brought my mind back to the present. I figured out earlier that Percy must’ve spoken to him about my contract. Heartbeat slow, Percy sleeps next to me, and I look at her unmarred face. As gently as possible, I brush a lock of stray hair from her face. This angel… she’s doing everything she can to free me from its hold, huh?
Maybe it’s time.
I think I can manage it.
If I survive tomorrow, I want to come out as a free man.
After planting a light kiss on her shoulder, I closed my eyes.
January 11, 2278.
Today’s the day.
The sun’s setting on the horizon. DeLoria walks in front of me, obviously nervous as hell. We approach Paradise Falls’ entrance, where a guard asks us to halt and state our business.
“Yo, is this a place where I can sell people? My friend gave me this piece of shit here and I don’t want anything to do with him.”
The guard looks at us with scrutiny. DeLoria looks like an absolute dick, wearing shades and a set of ill-fitting armor. Only an idiot would buy his disguise, but I guess the guard’s one after all.
Good for us.
Behind him, Percy emerges, and snaps his neck. He lands to the ground with a thud. The others approach; Hamlin and Simone from the Abolitionists, and Cross from the Brotherhood. The paladin hefts the rocket launcher, and as Simone kicks the gates open, all hell breaks loose.
Crouching, Percy disappears again, and the only thing giving her away’s the silver-white outline of her stealth field. The Abolitionists provide Cross some cover fire as she fires the missiles at the slavers.
Now, my turn.
DeLoria follows me close by, and we approach the slave pen.
“Remember the plan,” I tell him. “Watch my back as I get these gates open.”
“R-right,” DeLoria stammers, taking a steadying breath. “Shit, shit. What have I gotten myself into, man?”
“Hey. Do it for the kids.”
The younger man nods at me, bravado coming back. “Yeah! For the kids!”
As soon as I unlocked the gate, DeLoria tossed a bag at the adult slaves. “Here, protect yourselves. Run for it!” he yells.
I moved on to the next gate, where the children stayed. They huddled together, looking at me with fear. But when the gates swung open, they reluctantly approached. Next to me, Percy emerges from thin air. The kids looked at her with awe.
“Hey. Your friends from Lamplight asked us to help you. Follow the guy with the nice hair, kids. We’ll meet you outside.”
The children followed DeLoria, while the other slaves joined the fray, exacting retribution on their captors.
“Charon, you know what to do,” Percy tells me, squeezing my arm, and disappears once again.
I take out the contents of the package Percy gave me the night before.
C4 explosives.
Time to blow this place up.
I started at the clinic. An old slaver lies dead on the floor. The vault next to the cash register is already looted. Must be Percy’s doing. She’s still thorough. I placed one explosive under the desk.
After that, I went to the slaver barracks. The place is deserted, bottles lying about.
Then I heard a click of a gun behind my head.
“Hold it right there,” a familiar voice tells me. “Wait a minute, it’s you! Hah, the zombie- ugh!”
A shot resounded through the building, and the slaver’s body thumps against the floor. I look behind me, and Percy stands there, 10mm in her hand. Her stealth armor helmet pops open and she smiles at me.
“C’mon big guy, let’s get a move on.”
She watched my back as I installed another explosive, and we ran back out to face Paradise Falls’ leader.
Eulogy Jones.
I kick the door to his pad open, and he sits atop the bed, looking far too relaxed for someone whose base is being torn to shreds.
It’s almost as if he was expecting us.
Two female slaves jump at Percy and before I can save her, Eulogy Jones shoots my calf, and I kneel, groaning in pain. I can barely keep my eyes open as one of them searched Percy for my contract, and handed it to Eulogy.
No, no! Not this shit again!
“Good girl, Clover,” the slaver croons.
Then, he turns to us.
“Ah, I knew the two of you would show up here. Welcome.”
A look of horror crossed Percy’s face as she heard shouts outside. Bloodied slavers barged through the door, and one of them was grabbing DeLoria by the collar.
“Butch! Where are the others?!”
“They got away, don’t worry about- ow! That hurts!” One of them kicked the greaser.
“Not for long,” he tells the greaser. Then, he turns to my partner.
“Word travels fast in the wasteland, you know. It didn’t take long for us to figure out what you’re up to, my dear. The two of you haven’t really been subtle about it. Paradise Falls has contacts everywhere. It didn’t take much for one of them to strong-arm Church into telling us what you’re up to.”
“Bastard!” Percy spits. “What have you done with him?!”
The two women restraining her keep her down as she tries to wriggle free.
“Let’s just say that Jotun sent him into an early retirement.”
That dangerous look, the one that frightens me, is back on Percy’s face. Her mouth is pressed into a tight line, trembling in her fury.
“And you,” he turns to me. “Who would’ve thought that you’d be back here, fifteen years later, Charon? Or should I say, Artyom Volkov.”
In the corner of my eye, Percy is looking at me with uncertainty. “Artyom Volkov?”
“That’s right, Miss Zhou. That’s your bodyguard’s name, before he was brainwashed into submission. There are a lot of things that you don’t know about him. Did you know that aside from helping us acquire new merchandise in the past, he was a war criminal, before the bombs dropped 200 years ago?”
“Liar. Charon can’t even remember most of his life before that. How could you know such a thing?”
“You never bothered to learn his history? My dear, I simply asked him all those years ago. Artyom here probably locked those memories away when I sold him to Ahzrukhal. Fifteen years is a very long time and you’re bound to misplace some memories, but I suppose someone as young as you wouldn’t know.”
Percy is breathing hard, looking at me with those wet and wide eyes, and I couldn’t look at her. The entire ordeal felt like peeling gauze off a wound that didn’t quite heal, or my skin being charred by hellfire from an atom bomb.
“Charon, tell me he’s lying.”
I can’t answer her. She’s no longer holding my contract.
“Answer her, Charon,” Eulogy orders me, and I comply, bile rising to my throat.
“He’s not.”
My new master steps closer, and grabs my partner’s jaw.
“I could put you in the pen as breeding stock, like this boy here,” Eulogy said, motioning to Butch.
“But you know, you remind me of my Clover here,” he continues. “Crazy girl, and I’m an expert on crazy girls. I just know you’d be crazy in the sack too. You just need to be housebroken.”
“Fuck you,” Percy spits.
“Soon, babe, soon. Now, Charon, take Miss 101 and her friend here to their new quarters.”
I feel it, the ghost of an electric shock shooting upward to my brain again.
But I can withstand it now.
Percy and Butch look up to me, and before the burn can incapacitate me again, I whip out my shotgun and shot Jones in the head, twice. One to kill him, another out of spite.
My shotgun clatters to the floor, and the shocked slave girls couldn’t do anything as Percy escapes their grasp and takes back my contract from Eulogy’s dead hands. 
“You disobeyed another order,” Percy gasps, looking at me with a soft look.
A piercing shriek filled the room as the girls lunged at me, but Percy shot one of them in the head. The other one who got too close, she whips with her pistol.
“Whoa! Whoa whoa whoa, Percy wait! These girls are slaves too! We can’t just shoot ‘em,” DeLoria exclaims, rushing over to the fallen girl. DeLoria attempts to help her up, but she scratches his chest, kicking and screaming, and she turns to me, manic.
“You son of a bitch! You killed daddy! You killed Mr. Eulogy, you killed him, you killed him! I hate you, you fucking shuffler!” she shrieks, like a petulant child. A deranged, petulant child.
Percy knocks her out cold. “You’re welcome to carry her, Butch, if you care so much.”
Limping, I place the last C4 explosive while Percy loots the place clean. Then, she comes and wraps her arm around my waist, supporting me, holding me like she did the first time I ever got injured in her employ.
We hear heavy footsteps, and Cross comes into view, offering us a helping hand. Behind us, DeLoria carries the unconscious slave girl in his arms. I’d never thought I’d see the day when he’ll care for anyone other than himself.
I’d never thought I’d see the day that I would be free from my contract either, but here we are.
“Percy, I think I’m ready.”
My partner looks up to me, her eyes glistening in the moonlight.
“You guys go on ahead,” she tells Cross and the others. “We just have some unfinished business to attend to.”
We sit outside Eulogy’s pad, her back against my chest, and Percy fishes my contract out of her PipBoy glove. Her glasses are fogging up as it starts snowing again. I dug in my pockets, and after palming through crushed cigarette boxes, I found a lighter.
“Charon, are you sure about this?”
I nod, trembling as I hand her the lighter.
“Do it.”
I expected my skin to be set ablaze as the fire ate the edges of my contract, or for agonizing pain to shoot up my spine and kill me in an instant, but instead, I stared as my paper soul went up in flames without eliciting a single reaction.
As the paper turned to ashes, I sat with my partner in silence.
“It’s done. Charon, your contract is gone- Charon, no!”
I never noticed my hand reaching for Percy’s pistol involuntarily, aiming it to my temple, and firing.
When I opened my eyes, Percy was on top of me, breathing hard, her small hand restraining my arm in a surprising show of strength. She wrenches the pistol from me and throws it a few feet away from us, then she looks me in the eyes, her glasses slipping off of her face and landing on my chest.
I can feel her breath on my lips.
Burying her face in my chest, a sob wracked her body. I held her as tight as I could.
“C’mon, let’s send this place to hell.”
Reunited with our companions, I hand Percy the detonator.
Paradise Falls is no more.
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bvidzsoo · 5 years
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 Author: bvidzsoo
 Warnings: none
 Pairing: Byun Baekhyun x female reader
 Word count:  10, 127
 Summary:  You and Byun Baekhyun had known each other since the moment you were born. But a new year at Hogwarts brings new surprises. So what happens when Baekhyun becomes the new Seeker for the Gryffindor Quidditch team and starts forgetting about you and your friendship?
 A/N: Hey! My Baekhyun one shot is here and omg it’s 3 am and I’m supposed to wake up at 5 am haha, don’t let this flop just because once again it’s long, enjoy now!
     Byun Baekhyun and I had known each other since the day we were born. Our parents grew up together and even live next to each other. It was destined for us to be friends and therefore, Byun Baekhyun is my best friend I never imagined I’d have. He’s amazing...he knows when to make me laugh, when to pull me away from a fight, when to save me from my boredom and the most important, he knows all my secrets...because best friends aren’t supposed to keep secrets from each other. And because no one is perfect, there’s one major flaw Baekhyun seems to have...his huge pride. He might be nice and amazing but sometimes his mouth asks for a beating. He can gloat about himself for days and turn a blind eye to those around him, sometimes that person being me. He’s not uncaring, just too full of himself that he won’t see people need him too to listen. But knowing him for my whole life, I know when to tell him to stop and control him. 
Like right now, keeping a grip on his sleeve as we push our carts towards the big red train. It’s another year at Hogwarts, our fifth, and to my utter happiness, I was chosen to be a Prefect. I wasn’t expecting it, but at the same time I was. I’m one of the best students in our year so it shouldn’t have been a big surprise. Baekhyun knows already as I raced to their house to share the news with him the day I got the letter, but I decided to keep it as a surprise from our other friends.
“Yo, Baekhyun, hurry!” The deep voice of Park Chanyeol startled both of us as his head was stuck out the opened window, grinning widely towards us.
“Yes, you better hurry!” Baekhyun’s mother yelped, eyes cast at her Muggle wristwatch “The train leaves in five minutes!”
“That’s plenty of time for us to get on, mom” Baekhyun huffed as our luggage was transported onto the train, flying in the air before disappearing inside the train.
“Y/N” My father’s soft voice gained my attention as I turned to look at him, “You’ll have to spend another Christmas at Hogwarts, but do send us as many owls as you can. And your present will be in the Common Room before you can blink”
“That’s alright, dad” I smiled at my parents, a little sad that I had to part from them for so long, but then again...Hogwarts is just like my home.
“Have a good year, and don’t do anything unaccepted” Mom winked at me as I quickly hugged them both and rushed up onto the train as steam filled the air, the train ready to leave.
“They act like they won’t see us for years” Baekhyun huffed, gripping my hand as we made our way down the crowded corridors. 
“You know it’s because they love us, stop being like that” I squeezed his hand, getting an eye roll in response.
“I bet you’ll be a sappy parent too” An annoying grin graced Baekhyun’s pretty lips but before I could curse him, the compartment door to our right opened and there stood Chanyeol with Joy in toe.
“There are the lovers” Chanyeol gripped Baekhyun before pulling him inside, a huff leaving my lips.
“Seriously, will you stop calling us that?” I glared at Chanyeol while closing the door, “It’s been five years, seriously…”
“If he hasn’t stopped, do you think he will stop now?” Joy asked, her hands on her hips as a big smile appeared on my lips.
“Joy!” I exclaimed, pulling her into a tight hug.
“Y/N!” She shared my excitement as she patted my back, slightly towering over me with her height.
“So loud” Chanyeol muttered with a glare, taking a seat beside the window.
“You know…I haven’t missed you at all” I stuck my tongue out as I took my seat beside Chanyeol.
“Liar” He grinned back, pulling me into a side hug.
“I did not miss your loudmouth” I shrugged at him as he only chuckled and pulled out a little bag.
“And here I was waiting for you with a little surprise” Chanyeol faked a sigh as my eyes widened, eyeing the familiar bag.
“Are those--”
“German candies?” Joy shrieked, snatching the bag from Chanyeol’s hand, falling back onto the seat beside Baekhyun.
“And they are not for you” Chanyeol said with a glare, leaning forward to snatch the bag back, “I brought them for Y/N, if she wants to share them, she will”
I smiled brightly at Chanyeol before accepting the little present, giving him a grateful kiss on the cheek, “You are the best!”
“Hey!” Baekhyun exclaimed, pushing his round glasses up the bridge of his nose, as he threw Chanyeol a small glare.
“And that’s how you get someone else’s girl” He winked teasingly at Baekhyun before I nudged him with my elbow in the stomach. He whined as I shared my candy with Joy who wouldn’t stop giggling.
“How was summer?” Baekhyun asked after a big yawn, me sending a disgusted look at him as he didn’t bother to cover his mouth, “Mine was boring, the old same. Staying home, practicing Quidditch and sometimes going in town to those Muggles”
“Am I boring?” I scoffed, making Chanyeol chuckle.
“You kinda are” He whispered, earning a loud laugh from Baekhyun, to which I could only glare at.
“Anyways, my summer was nice, unlike Baekhyun’s” I threw him a sweet smile before looking at Chanyeol, “We went to France, it was really magical”
“I keep telling mom to take me there and she won’t” Joy grimaced as she popped a gummy bear in her mouth, “So I had to spend summer in Scotland with my grandparents, which was surprisingly fun. There’s a new boy in town, quite handsome as well”
“You find a boy every week, Joy” Chanyeol and Baekhyun chuckled, bumping their fists.
“This one is different” She hissed at the two annoying boys.
“You said that about Minseok last year too?” Chanyeol scratched his chin, grinning when Joy’s cheeks changed to a reddish color.
“Merlin curse both of you!” She snapped at the two amused boys before looking away, eyes on me only. I chuckled quietly, looking at Chanyeol as he cleared his throat.
“I traveled across Germany with my father once again and thought of your liking of these sweets, so yeah...I really didn’t do anything new” He shrugged and I smiled, offering him some candy.
“You know the Seeker of the team graduated last year?” Joy spoke up, turning to Baekhyun, “Are you going to tryout?”
“I was just about to tell you” Baekhyun smiled that charming smile, his glasses falling a little lower on his nose, “I’m pretty confident I will make it onto the team, I’ve been practicing for years now”
“He’s really good” I said nodding with a smile, Chanyeol humming beside me as he popped a chocolate frog in his mouth.
“Anyways, I have some news too” I stood up, pulling out my robe from my little purse, “Look!”
I pointed at my Prefect badge, Chanyeol’s eyes budging while Joy smiled brightly.
“I told you you’d make it!” She chuckled, happy for me ��Congratulations”
“Oh no, I can’t tell you anymore when I want to prank someone” Chanyeol’s eyebrows furrowed as I chuckled, leaning closer to his ear.
“What others don’t know, can’t hurt them” I winked as I pulled away, a big grin forming on his lips. I pulled on the robe, smiling back at an already smiling Baekhyun.
“I’ll go to the Pefect’s compartment now, see you at Hogwarts!” I waved as I left my friends behind, feet padding quietly down the corridor in search for the Prefect’s compartment.
     After arriving at Hogwarts yesterday, we had the feast and I took care of my Prefect duties before joining Joy, Lisa, Yuna, Su in our dorm, sharing stories of our summers. In the morning, we got our schedule for the year before making our ways to class. We had Charms first, happy to know that I didn’t share only two classes with Baekhyun. Since we got to class a little earlier than usual, I dragged Baekhyun to the front and took our seast, Professor Flitwick sending us a smile.
“Hello, Professor” I greeted respectfully while Baekhyun lay his head on the desk, round glasses almost falling off.
“Hello, Miss Kang” The Professor greeted back, already blind to Baekhyun’s antics, “How was your summer?”
“Quite pleasant and yours?” Students started to fill the class and Flitwick rose to his feet.
“Very good, very good” He nodded, eyeing all the students. We were sharing class with the Ravenclaws, the Gryffindors happy to be out of attention range of Flitwick, if only it was that easy. The Professor rose to his stool, that made him taller, before welcoming everyone to another year at Hogwarts, telling us his expectations of us and our grades. More simply put, the same thing we’ve been hearing for five years now.
Cushions appeared on each desk as Flitwick grinned excitedly, “Today we’ll be revising the Banishing Charm, please, what is the incantations name again?”
Lot’s of hands shoot up in the aur, a victorious smile appearing on Flitwick’s lips. Baekhyun groaned beside me as I tried to raise my hand higher than the other straight backed sitting Ravenclaw’s. I nudged Baekhyun as he pulled the cushion and placed it underneath his head.
“Miss Kang?” Flitwick pointed his hand at me and I sat up straighter.
“It’s called Depulso, Professor” I answered steadily, Baekhyun nudging my leg underneath the table.
“Very well, ten points to Gryffindor” I smiled as the professor turned to the groans of Ravenclaw’s, as they weren’t chosen.
“No need to be sad, you’ll get the chance to earn some points too!” Flitwick was quick to exclaim as he brushed his hands together, “We’ll be practicing the spell for a little time to make sure everyone still remembers it before continuing with our lessons”
“Baekhyun, get up” I muttered as I picked up my wand, nudging his head softly.
“I know the spell, Y/N, let me sleep” He muttered back, voice muffled by his arm.
“You were supposed to sleep last night, I just earned us ten points, I suggest you do something productive so we don’t lose those points, Byun” I muttered sternly, making Baekhyun groan.
“You are giving me a headache, I swear on Merlin’s beard” 
“Merlin had no beard, get--” I gripped the edge of the cushion before yanking on it “Up!”
“Auch, Y/N, that hurt!” Baekhyun exclaimed, rubbing his temple and pushing his glasses up as the other students glanced at us.
“Ah, Mr. Byun, I see you decided to join us” Professor Flitwick said with a sarcastic smile.
“Yeah...I did” Baekhyun muttered with a grimace, pointing his wand at me.
“What are you doing?” I asked, slightly alarmed at his actions.
“I should just banish you instead, what do you think?” Baekhyun started grinning, leaning closer to me as my eyebrows furrowed.
“I do not agree with that at all” I answered warningly, pointing my wand at him as well. You never know when Baekhyun does something, he’s too sudden.
“I think I’d get us more house points” He kept on taunting, making me huff. I sharply pointed my wand at Baekhyun’s cushion, which was close to his elbow.
“Depulso!” The cushion flew off the table, joining the other cushions already on the floor. Baekhyun gaped at me as he looked at his elbow, thinking I’d direct the spell at him.
“Next time it really will be you” I warned, turning around as Flitwick made his way down from his tall stool, smiling at the students. Baekhyun huffed before sending my own cushion down on the floor, no words leaving his lips.
  I pulled my green coat tighter around me as the September breeze was colder and harsher than before.
“If I catch a cold because of you, Byun Baekhyun, you are spending your time with me in the infirmary” I warned as we made our way towards the Quidditch grounds.
“Not really, Madam Pomfrey will just give you one of her magic potions and you’ll be better than before” Baekhyun laughed, dressed in his Quidditch uniform, as I sent him a glare.
“I should be studying in the warm library for our O.W.L’s but here I am…” I muttered more to myself, but Baekhyun heard me nonetheless.
“Bloody hell, Y/N, it’s the first day of the semester and you want to study for the O.W.L’s already?” His eyes were wide as I just shrugged, gripping his arm before he could go falling to the ground, seeing he stumbled into a rock.
“And you will study with me, Baekhyun. You dragged me to your tryouts, I drag you to my study sessions” I let go of Baekhyun as he steadied himself, not missing his small smile. I was always more aware of our surroundings out of the two of us.
“Of course, love, anything for you” Baekhyun grinned before speeding up, leaving me with my mouth open and air stuck in my throat. Love? That’s a new one. I huffed before hurrying after him, going to the stands and taking a seat as the team and those who were here to try out gathered on the field.
Oliver Wood gave out instructions, letting out the Golden Snitch before all those who were trying out for the Seeker position rose into the air, Baekhyun’s eyes landing on me to wink before they were back on the cloudy sky. I smiled before hiding it behind my red scarf, taking my book from my purse, about Muggles, and starting to read as brooms whizzed past me.
     Baekhyun was ecstatic about the tryouts last night, telling everyone how he made it into the team for sure. I could only shake my head at him in the Common Room as he bragged to some boys from a year bellow, all paying attention to Baekhyun like their lives depended on it. And it only got worse in the morning when Wood pinned a parchment on the board, in the Common Room, with all the new members on the team, Byun Baekhyun having become the new Seeker for the Gryffindor Quidditch Team. I was, of course, happy for him but I had to hear him brag to every single person, for my happiness to last for a long time.
The four tables in the Great Hall were filled with food for breakfast, the hall slowly filling with more and more students as it got closer for our first classes. Baekhyun was half sitting half standing beside me, the bench between his legs, as his hands gestured faster than his mouth was working.
“And then--you know how cloudy it was yesterday? The clouds were almost black! And the wind was really strong, once it almost knocked me off of my broom, but despite that I stayed up in the air, watching closely for the snitch!” I quietly munched on my toast as the audience around us clung onto Baekhyun’s words, eyes wide and heads nodding whenever Baekhyun asked them something rhetorical.
“And there were like four other people trying out for this position, not like they stood a chance against me, I’ve been training for this before I could even speak--anyways, there was a bolt of lightning far in the distance, lighting up the dark clouds and--” I choked on my pumpkin juice as Baekhyun’s wild hand smacked against my back, startling me. I started coughing loudly as all eyes fell on me, Baekhyun fell onto his butt finally sitting down properly, worried eyes on me as he leaned closer.
“Y/N, bloody hell, Y/N don’t die on me!” He started panicking as I tried to breathe as much air in as I could, my nostrils burning a little, “Are you dying?!”
“Shut up” I croaked out as I finally stopped coughing, picking up the glass of pumpkin juice and taking a small and careful sip.
“She didn’t die” Baekhyun chuckled, patting my head before turning back to his impatient audience, students of all years gathered around us by now. I made eye contact with Joy from across the table, who’s eyebrows were furrowed as a blond haired girl kept on leaning over her, hair dangling onto Joy’s plate. Chanyeol was listening closely to Baekhyun’s words, even if he heard it already many times.
“So the bolt of lightning hit, right? And then I saw a flash of gold beside a guy who was trying out for the Seeker position, he didn’t even hear the Snitch beside him and he wanted the position?” Baekhyun laughed amused, shaking his head as his audience followed him with laughter, “And I flew, knocked the guy off his broom of course, and caught the Snitch. And it only took an hour, Merlin, just one hour!”
The audience ‘awed’ as Baekhyun stood again with a proud grin, his eyes falling on me as I raised my eyebrows at him, “Ask Y/N if my story is true? She’s been there for the whole tryouts, she’s seen it all”
Once again the eyes of his slowly becoming fans were on me and I put on a sweet but fake smile, “He’s not lying. I did see everything, the team is for sure going to win this year”
Baekhyun’s audience cheered, disturbing the other students around us, but the blond haired girl’s eyes seemed to stay on me for longer before Joy glared up at her and pushed her back, the girl huffing at her. Baekhyun suddenly stood up, gathering his books as I eyed him suspiciously, gripping his wrist before he could bolt.
“Be quick, love, the boys are waiting for me” Joy’s eyes widened as Chanyeol snorted into his pumpkin juice, my eyes narrowing at him.
“You promised to study with me, it’s today. Meet me after your last class in the library, okay?” Baekhyun smiled at me sweetly as I reluctantly let go of his arm, not before calling out for him again, “Baekhyun!”
“Fine, I promise!” He widened his eyes at me before running off to the other end of the table, bumping his fist with a few boys from the Quidditch team.
“He barely made it into the team and he already has fans?” Joy scoffed as she eyed her plate with disgust, “I think I’m finished, wouldn’t want to eat some blonde hair too”
Chanyeol and I chuckled as I turned my head to gaze at Baekhyun before I departed for my first class for today, one I don’t share with Baekhyun, Herbology.
  My classes were over for today and I walked to the library alone, having lost Baekhyun in the mass of students eager to go back to their dorms and relax a bit. I pushed open the doors of the library, making sure I was quiet, and nodded at Madam Pince who usually wore a glare but always offered me a small smile. I walked over to my usual seat, by the window, and slowly unpacked my Potions and Arithmancy books, opening the parchment with my homework. Knowing that Baekhyun is usually late, I started first with the Potions homework, knowing he’d definitely need help in Arithmancy, as it is not his forte. After a few minutes of me writing my homework, there was some movement from the other end of the table and I looked up, thinking it was Baekhyun, but I was surprised to see a Ravenclaw boy. Kim Junmyeon. He offered me a smile and walked closer, leaning down to whisper, “Do you mind if I sit by?”
“Of course not” I smiled back and Junmyeon thanked me before going back to his bag and taking a seat, at the end of the table. I looked down at my parchment, a little embarrassed, always having found Junmyeon quite handsome. And his intelligence only made him more attractive. 
And getting lost in solving my homework, I once again lost track of time, but I did not miss Baekhyun’s absence. He never missed out on something he promised to do. I felt a pang in my heart, something I never experienced before. He promised, Baekhyun never breaks his promises to me. Deciding he wouldn’t show up, since he didn’t even bother to until now, with the moon shining, I made my way back to the Gryffindor Common Room, soon having to attend my Prefect duties.
     The days seemed to pass faster than I could blink, and soon, we found ourselves at the first Quidditch match of the year, Gryffindor against Ravenclaw. Baekhyun had been speaking about it for the whole week, always being either too busy with practice or too tired for him to spend time with me like we used to earlier. But I tried to understand him, it’s not like we were tied to each other, we both had our sepparate lives and it was okay to have a little space from time to time. Except, this time, it felt like a bad kind of space.
“I’m excited, Baekhyun had been bragging so much about himself…” Joy shouted over the loud voice, “I want to see him playing”
“Oh, he’s good, I’ve been to a few practices” Chanyeol grinned, raising the banner for Baekhyun high up in the air. It was Baekhyun’s name, colored in Gryffindor colors, and a broom that was charmed to move.
“Really?” I asked confused as my eyes found Chanyeol’s, “He told me no one from the outside is allowed to practices”
“Oh that’s weird...last week the Hufflepuff team was there too...and Baekhyun’s little fan club too” My eyebrows furrowed at Chanyeol’s words as Joy turned to look at him as well.
“Fan club? Baekhyun has a fan club already?” She asked confused, eyebrows furrowing.
“Yeah, he is pretty famous” Chanyeol shrugged as Madam Hooch made her way onto the field, whistle raised to her mouth as the two teams, Ravenclaw and Gryffindor made their way onto the field. The captains shook hands before the whistle was blown, both teams pushing off, flying up in the air. The audience started cheering loudly, each for their supported house as Kim Jongin, a Hufflepuff and the announcer, spoke into the microphone. 
For the first few minutes, it was like a cat and mouse game, both teams trying to score while the Gryffindors were sending their bludgers mercilessly at the Ravenclaw’s, who’s defence was better than last year. The Golden Snitch was nowhere to be seen as Angelina scored for the Gryffindors, the supporters going wild. Joy’s shrill voice didn’t do good to my ears as I preferred to cheer more calmly while keeping an eye on Chanyeol, who was jumping up and down with the banner in his hands. The game went on like that, Do Kyungsoo, a Ravenclaw, was almost smashed into a scoring goal while trying to avoid a bludger.
“And there she is! Kang Seulgi--Ten points to Gryffindor!” Kim Jongin’s voice disappeared by the loud roar of the Gryffindor’s as Seulgi scored once again for Gryffindor.
“We are so beating everyone this year!” Chanyeol exclaimed excitedly, those who heard him cheering even louder.
“Wait until they find the Snitch” I chuckled, eyes landing on Baekhyun who was focused, eyes searching as he was waiting for the Snitch to appear. I smiled as I joined the others cheering loudly for the new Seeker, excited for my friend. It was always his dream to join the Quidditch team, I couldn’t help it but feel proud of him.
“There goes Kim--oh. Oh! Byun Baekhyun! He’s suddenly started moving and--Alec Gregorovics is going too! The Snitch, they had seen the Golden Snitch! Now it’s only a matter of time until one of them catches it and--” Everyone held their breaths as Baekhyun and Alec raced broom to broom after the Snitch, Alec trying to push Baekhyun off a few times, trying to gain an advantage. But Baekhyun started suddenly diving towards the ground and I stood up, hands clenched together.
“What is he doing?” I asked, voice coming out panicked as I watched Baekhyun speeding closer and closer to the ground.
“Catching the Snitch!” Chanyeol’s voice came out squeaky as he was barely able to contain himself.
“Byun Baekhyun has caught the Golden Snitch!” Kim Jongin hollered into his microphone as Baekhyun took a sharp turn, hand raised as he raised back steadily, “Gryffindor wins the first match of the year!”
The audience cheered loudly as I smiled widely, clapping for Baekhyun as a big smile adorned his lips, flying around on his broom, showing off his victory. I chuckled when he winked at a group of girls and loud squeals erupted in the stands. 
“Well, I gotta run!” Chanyeol exclaimed, pushing his banner in Joy’s hands, “I have to set up the Common Room”
“For?” I asked as Joy and I stood up, watching Chanyeol as he clumsily almost fell.
“We are celebrating tonight!”
  And that we indeed were doing. The Common Room was filled with Gryffindor’s of all ages, those of legal age drinking some punch while the others limited themselves at the pumpkin juice. I sat quietly in front of the fire, watching the others as they danced around, currently waiting for Joy to come back with some snacks. Baekhyun was nowhere to be seen yet, having probably not returned from the Quidditch grounds. Half of the team was here although already, celebrating their victory.
“Here” Joy smiled as she joined me, handing me some sandwich.
“I thought you were bringing snacks?” I asked with a chuckle as I eyed the sandwich.
“I got hungry upon seeing the food so...we aren’t eating snacks anymore” She shrugged as she took a big bite of her sandwich, making me laugh. The door opened and in came Baekhyun, being carried on Chanyeol and Yuto’s shoulders as everyone started cheering and clapping loudly. I grinned standing up, pushing the sandwich into Joy’s hands making her smile at me, before taking off towards Baekhyun. He was laughing, his round glasses close to falling off his nose, Chanyeol still clinging to his shoulder, even after putting him down, as he spoke to some sixth years.
“Baekhyun!” I called with a smile, Baekhyun’s head turning sharply in my direction. A big smile graced his lips as I walked closer to him.
“I told you, didn’t I?” He asked me smugly, opening his arms. I chuckled before running up to him and hugging him, his warmth enveloping my whole being. If someone asked me where my favorite place was on Earth, I’d have to say it’s in Baekhyun’s arms.
“I knew you’d win for us, Baekhyun” I chuckled, whining a little when he squeezed me too hard.
“That’s expected from you, considering you are my best friend” His eyebrows were playfully furrowed as I pulled away from the warm embrace, narrowing my eyes at him.
“That show off dive was unnecessary, you could have collided with the ground!” I exclaimed, taking the effort and pushing up his glasses for him, which were about to fall any minute.
“I had it calculated, don’t worry” He chuckled, winking at me.
“Well, I guess you can bask in your glory tonight” I shrugged, looking around as Baekhyun smirked, leaning a little closer.
“If you don’t mind love, there’s someone looking for me right now, see you around” He winked at me before taking off, leaving me alone staring after him. I tried not to feel hurt or like someone stepped on my heart when I saw Baekhyun heading towards the blond haired girl that we saw in the Great Hall. Convincing myself that it was just some childish feeling, afraid that I’d lose my friend, of course, I forced a smile on my lips before joining Chanyeol and his tall friends.
     I was never expecting Baekhyun to stop his bragging after winning the match, but what I truly wasn’t expecting was the masses of girls that seemed to come up to me and ask me what Baekhyun’s favorite color was or what his favorite meal was or where he liked to spend his time and the list goes on. However, what really did it was on a Wednesday morning when I was walking to the Great Hall alone, Joy already left with Su, and half asleep, when black and green robe flashed in front of me and I accidentally collided with a smaller body than mine.
“Watch it, Kang” The feminine voice hissed at me and I narrowed my eyes in the dim light of the hall as I gazed at the girl. Dark brown hair, honey eyes, fair skin and a funny accent...this must be a Zhang.
“You blocked my way, Zhang” I told the girl in front of me lazily as she crossed her arms in front of her chest.
“Anyways...Where’s your friend?”
“Which one?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Byun, of course” Zhang huffed and my jaw clenched.
“Listen, I don’t mean to come off rude or anything...but I’m not answering if you want to ask about Baekhyun, go and ask him yourself, okay?” My voice came out harsher than I was intending to.
“Oh, look at that…” Zhang snarled, eyes glaring at me, “The little best friend is jealous now? Took you long enough to realize you’ll never have Byun for yourself”
“Excuse you?” I asked offended, hoping she wasn’t implying what she was implying.
“You’ll always be” She stepped closer, trying to intimidate me, “the best friend”
I chuckled as she glared at me for another second before turning around and storming off. Nope, I’m definitely not doing this anymore. Whoever wants to find out something about Baekhyun can either ask him or Chanyeol or even Joy.
My mood was worse than usually as I entered the Great Hall, I even succeeded in knocking someone off their feet.
“Merlin, I’m so sorry!” I panicked as my eyes fell on the Ravenclaw boy on the floor, those having seen us now laughing, “I wasn’t looking--”
“It’s my fault, don’t worry” Junmyeon chuckled as he looked up at me with a handsome grin, “I should have made sure no one would enter while I stop in front of the door”
I chuckled, extending a hand for Junmyeon to help him up. He took it with a grateful smile, his hand smooth and warm, making me blush as he gripped mine firmly and rose to his feet.
“I hope next time I won’t be the one knocking you over” Junmyeon winked at me as he let go of my hand, a laugh leaving my lips.
“Yes, let’s hope our next meeting will be more peaceful” Junmyeon showed me his charming smile once again before walking off, leaving me with a small blush. I quickly hurried to the Gryffindor table, taking my usual seat.
“What was that?” Joy nudged me teasingly, lips in a mischievious grin.
“Don’t” I snapped, back to my bad mood. I’m still pissed at Baekhyun. His fangirls won’t let me live. 
“While coming here the Zhang girl stopped me and--”
“Lea Zhang?” Joy asked with her eyebrows raised, “Yixing’s twin sister?”
“Yixing?” My eyebrows furrowed as Joy chuckled, shaking her head.
“Yeah, Lay’s real name...you didn’t think his name was actually Lay?” Joy laughed as I narrowed my eyes at my toast, genuinely thinking Lay was his real name.
“That’s...not important right now!” I exclaimed, looking back at Joy pissed, “Lea stopped me just to ask me about Baekhyun, I swear on Merlin’s name if one more girl comes up to me and--”
“She asked you what?” Joy cut me off bluntly, a sleepy and messy haired Chanyeol making his way towards us.
“I don’t know, Joy” I rolled my eyes, looking around the table. Where is Baekhyun? He was supposed to come with Chanyeol. But once my eyes fell on the other end of the table, they fell on the boy I was looking for. Right, why am I even surprised? Baekhyun won’t even sit with us now that’s he’s always hanging out with his Quidditch teammates.
“How can you not know?” Joy scoffed, returning me to our conversation.
“Morning girls” Chanyeol muttered with his raspy morning voice, sitting a little bit too hard down, knees smacking against the table.
“Morning” Joy quickly said before turning back to me expectantly.
“I stopped her before she could ask me” I shrugged at Joy as she rolled her eyes.
“Where’s Baekhyun?” Chanyeol’s narrowed eyes turned towards us as he stopped mid-bite. Joy sighed, pointing to where I looked a few seconds before, making Chanyeol sigh.
“Why?” Joy snapped, referring to our previous conversation about Lea.
“I swear on Merlin’s beard…” Chanyeol mumbled with a big sigh, “Ever since Baekhyun made it onto the team...he won’t even have breakfast with us anymore. I’m lucky if I get to say goodnight or good morning to him…”
“Suck it up, Chanyeol” Joy snapped, becoming irritated with our giant’s constant interruption of our conversation. Chanyeol pouted as I smiled at him sadly, understanding his pain.
“Before you throw a fit, Joy, I didn’t let Lea ask me anything about Baekhyun because I’m fed up with all the girls constantly asking me about him. What am I? His diary?!” I snapped, throwing my toast angrily back on my plate.
“Well, you could make connections nonetheless--”
“Morning guys” Baekhyun’s melodic voice interrupted our thoughts. Chanyeol’s head whipped up at the speed of lightning as he grinned at Baekhyun with his mouth full of food. I continued staring at my food, still angry at him even though it’s not exactly his fault.
“Morning” Joy greeted him back with a small smile before going back to her opened Charm’s book. I felt movement beside me before a warm breath was blown on my exposed neck.
“You won’t even greet me anymore, love?” Baekhyun’s low voice sent shivers down my neck before I turned towards him.
“Morning, Baekhyun” I greeted back seriously, his lips forming a small pout. I almost scooted away at the close proximity, always feeling a little uncomfortable if he came too close.
“Are you mad at me?” He asked, eyebrows furrowing as he searched my eyes.
“No, of course not” I huffed, shaking my head. A small smile appeared on his lips as he nodded.
“See you in class” I was taken aback when he kissed my temple, leaving me with a strangely quickly beating heart. I swear on Merlin’s name, my body has been acting weird ever since we returned to Hogwarts. But I will forgive him for sitting with me in class.
  My good mood came crashing down when I walked into Defense Against the Dark Arts class and saw Baekhyun sitting at the front, at our seats, with a blonde haired girl. The same girl from the party and the same girl who was so interested when Baekhyun was telling his story. Anne Kim. I don’t like her.
I took a deep breath, trying to calm my sudden anger, looking for another seat. How amazing, we had to have this class with Slytherin’s as well...I swear, Merlin wants me dead today. Spotting an empty seat on the left side of the room, the Slytherin’s side, just beside the seat I used to share with Baekhyun, I tried not to stomp down the little path between the desks as I made my way towards the empty seat. I failed in not stomping, however, as heads turned towards me curiously even Baekhyun’s when I slammed my books on the desk a little too harshly. The Slytherin boy looked at me amused while Baekhyun confused, as I took my seat.
“If that isn’t Kang Y/N” The Slytherin boy chuckled beside me, turning his body towards me in his seat.
“Yeah, it’s me” I muttered, jaw clenched as I could still feel Baekhyun’s eyes on me but I refused to look at him.
“Well, I’m sure I haven’t introduced myself properly before but I think you know who I am--”
“Yes, Zhang, I know who you are” I snapped, turning towards the boy who was smirking at me. Lay Zhang or Yixing Zhang, whatever.
“Oh no, calling me Zhang is quite--dangerous” He chuckled as I rolled my eyes, turning back to the front, praying for the professor to enter the classroom already.
“Problems in paradise, darling?” Yixing asked in a sing-song voice making my eyebrows furrow.
“What do you mean?” I asked while glancing at him.
“I hear things had been a little rough with lover boy over there” I followed the direction of Yixing’s head nod, my eyes falling on Baekhyun. I clenched my jaw once again as I saw the blond girl leaning closer to Baekhyun as he laughed at something she probably said...or he said since he’s a narcissistic bitch. 
“Things are just fine, thank you” I said while sniffing aggressively. A cute laugh left Yixing’s lips, attracting unnecessary attention, as he leaned closer to me.
“Is that jealousy I see, Kang?” I bit my lower lip while glaring ahead, stopping myself from answering back.
“Oh it’s something else, perhaps...a little crush on lover boy--”
“I swear on Merlin’s name, Zhang, if you don’t shut it...I will hex you!” I snapped lowly, turning towards Yixing with a hard glare. He laughed again and raised his hands in a surrendering way before turning to the front as if nothing happened. Little crush on Baekhyun? Yeah, right…
     Weeks passed, the weather changed into a colder one and soon we were nearing the middle of October. Days at Hogwarts seemed to pass slowly yet they passed quicker than when I was at home in summer vacation. My days were harsher and lonelier. After sitting with Yixing in DADA class Baekhyun seemed to forget about me. At first, I was confused, I tried spending time with him but he always seemed to be busy with Quidditch or some mysterious reason he didn’t want to share with me. Then after a while he stopped talking to me and started avoiding me like I was the plague, I saw him spending more time with the blond girl, Anna Kim. And the final stage that broke me was when he stopped greeting me altogether, acting like I didn’t exist when I was around. It was as if all those years vanished, like we were never friends, to begin with. It hurt me, a lot, because he was the only person I could really rely on. Joy and Chanyeol were amazing friends, but they weren’t Baekhyun. And in my sorrow, trying to get over the loss of an amazing friend, I found myself spending more and more time at the library with a certain Ravenclaw. Junmyeon was friendly, he paid close attention to details, never broke off my sentences, he was calm and waited patiently for me when I was explaining something, he was organized and neat…and the total opposite of Baekhyun. And as Friday was approaching, so was the Hogsmeade trip. I was surprised when Junmyeon asked me out on a date but I didn’t see why I shouldn’t say no, so therefore I agreed.
We were in DADA class, our last for today, and everyone was excited as we were duelling today. We had class with the Hufflepuff’s but our professor teamed up those who he thought were on the same duelling level. I was excitedly waiting in line, the desks and chairs having been pushed to the back of the class for more space, as the professor called out our names.
“Park Chanyeol and Park Chaeyoung” Chanyeol grinned as he walked over to the fellow Hufflepuff girl who sent him a small glare.
“Park Sooyoung--”
“It’s Joy, Professor” Joy cut the professor off rudely, earning a warning glare before he continued.
“Park Sooyoung and Kim Jisoo” Joy and Jisoo grinned at each other, Jisoo being a Gryffindor as well, as they walked over to a spot they chose.
“Byun Baekhyun and Kang Y/N” For a second I thought Baekhyun would be paired with Seulgi, sharing the same surname, but I was surprised to hear my own name. I gulped as Joy and Chanyeol watched me warily walk to the middle of the classroom, Baekhyun’s eyebrows slightly furrowed as he stood across from me. I refused to look at him as I twirled my wand around in my hands, his eyes on me tempting me to send a glare at Baekhyun for his insistence. He really expects me to act all friendly after a whole month of not even speaking to each other? Oh no, I will show him today what he deserves for the way he acted towards me.
“Okay class, I chose two students for today do to a demonstration for us before everyone starts. It was a random choice, I found most interesting I must be honest, so...Miss Kang and Mr. Byun, you may start with a small demonstration” The professor offered us an excited smile and I looked at him with one of mine, just more evil.
“How much time do we have?”
“As long as you take, but not more than ten minutes, please” He smiled delighted at us and I nodded, looking back at Baekhyun with an evil grin. He gulped uneassily, getting his wand out. We bowed at each other, making eye contact as I quickly racked my brain for all the spells that could be used in dueling. 
Before Baekhyun could even open his mouth to throw a spell at me, I was already shouting, “Everte Statum”, Baekhyun being sent flying back as it took him by surprise. The class gasped as I gripped my wand tighter, Baekhyun’s eyes narrowing at me as he raised to his feet, pushing his glasses back.
“Stupefy” But I was expecting it, knowing Baekhyun too well, and I blocked the spell already shouting my own one.
“Aqua Eructo” Water shot out from the tip of my wand, bending to how I controlled it, heading towards Baekhyun quickly but he was quick to dodge the water.
“Incarcerous!” Baekhyun shouted, voice coming out stronger but his form faltered for a second, when my own spell met his halfway.
“Relashio!” I grinned at Baekhyun as he seemed lost, probably forgetting what other spells could be used in duelling. That’s what he gets for avoiding me and not studying with me. I took my chance for a revenge, standing confidently, wand pointed at him.
“Oppugno! Avis!” Green birds were heading towards Baekhyun, attacking him as he tried shielding his head from the sharp beak of my birds.
“Incarcerous!” The birds disappeared as ropes shoot out from my wand, wrapping themselves around Baekhyun’s legs and with a yank, binding his body together. His eyes snapped at me but I wasn’t done yet.
“Stupefy!” He was sent flying back and I watched as he hit the ground with a big thud. The class gasped as Baekhyun groaned loudly, the professor’s mouth opening, but I wasn’t done just yet.
“Expelliarmus!” It was my final and killer spell, Baekhyun’s wand flying from his hand to the ground in front of my feet. I grinned and turned towards the professor who was watching us stunned.
“I believe that was bellow five minutes, professor” I showed a fake smile before walking to the end of the line, the professor clearing his throat.
“Yes, very good, spectacular in fact. I haven’t seen such duel in quite a while...Thirty points to Gryffindor” I smiled as Joy nudged my side, mouthing a ‘I thought you’ll kill him’, making me chuckle. Yes, I did kill something...and that was his pride as we watched Baekhyun get up and snatch his wand with a glare towards me. 
  The class took an end and I felt butterflies erupting in my stomach as I thought about my date with Junmyeon approaching quickly. He didn’t tell me where we’d go but I do have an idea, not too fond of it. But as long as we have a good time, the place won’t matter. Making my way out of class, Joy and I laughed as we discussed what I should wear.
“Y/N!” A male voice called out, not as deep as Chanyeol’s. I almost stopped but furrowed my eyebrows and kept on walking.
“Y/N!” Baekhyun called out again, pushing his way through the mass of students as I sped up, Joy walking behind me.
“You won’t speak to him?” Joy asked quietly, making me shake my head.
“I have nothing to speak with him” I snapped, feeling hurt that I had to hurt his pride in order for Baekhyun to speak to me.
“Don’t touch me!” I snapped, yanking my arm out of Baekhyun’s grip. His mouth fell open as he gapped at my aggressive response to him, never done something like this before.
“I don’t have time right now” I interrupted him with a glare, Baekhyun gulping as he pushed his glasses further up his nose.
“Listen, I just wanted to speak with--”
“I have a date in a few hours, Baekhyun, I have to get ready” I flashed him a fake smile as Joy watched us with furrowed eyebrows, glancing at me uneasily.
“A date?!” Baekhyun gaped, mouth once again falling open.
“What? You thought only you could go on dates?” I chuckled before turning around and walking away with Joy who was furiously whispering about Baekhyun’s weird behavior. That’s no weird behavior, he probably just wanted to tell me how much I hurt his pride and how it’s unacceptable.
After getting ready for the trip to Hogsmeade and leaving with the rest of the students, Junmyeon was quick to find me and my hand in his, swinging it back and forth. I giggled at his antics but found it weird. I wasn’t sure about my feelings for him. Sure, he’s handsome and smart and I have a small crush on him...but it doesn’t go beyond that and it concerns me that if I tell him this I will break his heart.
My fears became true when Junmyeon stopped in front of Madam Puddifoot’s Tea Shop, grinning down at me.
“Are you ready?” He asked with an excited voice and I could muster up a small smile and a hum. Junmyeon pushed open the door for me like a real gentleman, unlike Baekhyun who would have walked in first and wouldn’t have bothered to keep the door for me as well. Once inside, the sight of couples at every table made me a little sick...plus the all pink room. Everything was pink, making me quite uncomfortable, as the tables were round and twinkling bell that signaled a new customer didn’t help either.
“What would you like to drink?” Junmyeon asked with his eyebrows furrowed as he surveyed the place.
“Coffee will be alright” I offered him a smile as he pointed at a pink table more towards to the middle of the room.
“That’s our table, go and sit while I buy our drinks” I nodded quietly and quickly walked to our table, mentally preparing myself for what was to come. First of all, I had to give time for my eyes to adjust to all the pink in this room and pray that I won’t have nightmares of pink. Since there was no long line, Junmyeon was quickly back with our drinks, him having chosen tea.
“Lovely place, isn’t it?” He asked with a grin while sitting down.
“Thank you” I muttered as he handed me my coffee, I took a small sip.
“A little bit too...pink for my liking” I answered as kindly as I could.
“Ah yes, that’s a bit off throwing but the good side is that everyone in here is either a couple or close to become a couple so...you don’t have to be shy about anything” Junmyeon enthusiased about this place more and I could only chuckle, praying we’d leave as soon as we finish our drinks.
“Snogging so openly makes me quite uncomfortable” I muttered, eyes going to the table on our left...then to the table from the window, the one beside it and then the other beside it...I think you get the idea, “Especially when so many are doing it”
Junmyeon laughed at my words as he sipped on his tea, sitting up straighter, “Well, ignorance is bliss...So just try ignoring them”
“It’s not me who ignores people usually” I muttered with a grimace, my thoughts taking me to Baekhyun.
“I know I never asked, mostly because I didn’t want to seem like I was prying, but I haven’t seen you around Byun Baekhyun lately...Anything happened?” Junmyeon asked in a curious, inoffensive manner. I sighed as I placed a hand on the table and started playing with the little spoon placed in a china plate.
“He apparently doesn’t have any time for me anymore, with Quidditch and all...fifteen years of friendship gone to waste, I--” I bit my lower lip, stopping the sudden tears. I never really said it out loud before, refusing to believe such thing...but it is real. Fifteen years of friendship gone to waste because Baekhyun couldn’t put his big pride aside.
“That’s a lot of years” Junmyeon muttered stunned, eyes a little wide, “Well, to be honest, it’s Baekhyun’s loss. Leaving such a beautiful and nice girl like you...I’d never”
I chuckled as I looked away, feeling my cheeks heating up. However, I thankfully controlled my reaction before giving it away, but I wanted to stand up and run away the second I saw Byun Baekhyun and Anna Kim sitting three tables away from us. Anna was sitting closer to Baekhyun, almost on him actually, and Baekhyun was telling a story that seemed to be unfinished as his eyes found mine. I gulped, quickly looking away from them, wishing I never saw them.
“Something wrong?” Junmyeon asked concerned, probably seeing it from my reaction, as he was about to turn around. I quickly leaned over and gripped his hands that were resting on the table and smiled.
“No, nothing, don’t worry” I chuckled, removing my hands from his embarrassed.
“Well then…” He cleared his throat, looking suspicious, “What are your plans for this Christmas?”
“Oh, the same old” I shrugged, playing around with my coffee, “I’m staying here at Hogwarts”
“Really?” Junmyeon exclaimed, face lighting up, “Me too!”
“Oh, I haven’t seen you around in previous years” I said with a smile, eyebrows slightly furrowed.
“Yes, I go home each year but my parents won’t be home this time and I don’t want to spend it with my grandparents, they are horrible” Junmyeon shuddered and I chuckled, “You spend it here always?”
“Yes, my parents work at St. Mungos and their shift won’t end until the third day of Christmas” I explained sadly “So therefore it’s better to stay here with friends rather than leave and be home alone”
“I see” Junmyeon nodded, a thoughtful look crossing his face, “We can spend it together this year!”
“Definitely” I nodded with a grin, sipping on my coffee when there was movement from the table where Baekhyun sat at. Junmyeon just gulped down his tea when Baekhyun and Anna stopped at our table, Anna smiling sickly at me.
“Hey” Baekhyun greeted, eyes falling on me after he sent a glare at Junmyeon.
“Oh hello, I didn’t see you” Junmyeon offered a polite smile at the two students, Anna returning one while Baekhyun ignored him.
“Come on, Baekie, we have to go now” Anna pouted, latching onto Baekhyun’s biceps. I looked at Junmyeon with a raised eyebrow as he contained his laughter.
“Yeah, let’s go” He muttered lowly, sending a glare my way before basically dragging Anna out of the Tea Shop.
“Baekie” Junmyeon repeated, laughter erupting from both of us. Well Baekie, seems like you got yourself some stupid witch.
     Time passed and here we were, nearing Christmas quicker than ever. In fact, Christmas was just today. Joy and Chanyeol left three days ago, leaving me alone. Well, not completely alone as Junmyeon would stay and from our dorm Lisa stayed behind too. I spent my time with Lisa usually, going on strolls around the castle if it wasn’t too cold or with Junmyeon in the library reading or outside playing in the snow. Junmyeon and I agreed that even if there was a small attraction between us, we wouldn’t work out, so therefore we became good friends. He was there when I felt alone and I was there when he needed a study buddy. All was going well as we had breakfast in the Great Hall, me deciding to sit at the Ravenclaw table seeing there were few students, the meal being more delicious than ever.
“I could eat this food all day, if only we had this always…” Junmyeon muttered as he eyed his chicken, making me giggle.
“Yeah, they are pretty good but they still don’t top the homemade food” I muttered while sipping from the pumpkin juice.
“My grandma makes the best pancakes!” Junmyeon said quietly, staring at his food as if he was remembering the taste of pancakes. Junmyeon comes from a Muggle family, the reason why he stayed back, he told me later, is because his grandparents aren’t fond of magic and always take his wand away when he spends time with them...and thanks to that, Junmyeon already learned wandless magic, of course not as powerful like with a wand, but just so he could annoy his grandparents.
“I would love to taste those pancakes one day” I muttered dreamily, wondering what they taste like.
“Yes!” Junmyeon nodded eagerly, looking at me with wide eyed “You must come over this summer! Bloody hell, you are a Pureblood, probably not knowing what half of the Muggle things are...imagine my grandparent's frustration with you! Fantastic!” 
I laughed as Junmyeon went on ranting about his grandparents and everything we could do to frustrate them. So it was set, I would visit Junmyeon and his grandparents in the summer vacation, staying over for a week.
After breakfast both Junmyeon and I retreated back to our Common Room, Junmyeon wanting to share the news with his grandparents while I wished to read. Of course, we did not forget to gift each other and Junmyeon brought a cute scarf with the Gryffindor colors but with a small Raven in the left corner. I bought him a book he said he didn’t have but wanted to read, called Hamlet from a Shakespeare called man. I should read it too once he finishes it.
The Common Room was quiet and vacant, a rare sight for the Gryffindor Common Room, the one that always held so much chaos. Curled up in front of the fire on the sofa, with the book on my knees, I read quietly, feeling a little lonely. I wish Joy would have stayed with me this year or...I wish Baekhyun and I would be still friends. Then I wouldn’t be sitting here, reading, and bored. 
There were loud thuds of footsteps as someone made their way down the stairs from the boy dormitory. I didn’t bother looking who it was, as I’m not really interested in what’s happening around me. I couldn’t help but look though when the sofa dipped beside me and someone sat, a little too close for my liking. Baekhyun’s anything but innocent eyes were watching me, eyes falling on the book. He stayed quiet as I closed my book and rose to my feet, wanting to leave.
“Merry Christmas!” He said, almost shyly, as I froze. I couldn’t believe my ears. So after months of ignoring my whole existence, he finally speaks to me.
“Seriously, Baekhyun?” I scoffed as I gripped my book tighter, wanting to keep the words back but not succeeding, “After months of ignoring me and avoiding me like I’m the plague...you come and just casually tell me, Merry Christmas?”
Turning to him angrily, I watched as he rose to his feet, hands behind his back, “I know I--”
“You know nothing, Baekhyun!” I exclaimed, all the pent up feelings surfacing, “You started ignoring me out of nowhere, without an explanation! We’ve been friends for fifteen years Baekhyun and then you just break off all contact you have with me? Do you know how that felt?! It felt like someone ripped my heart out and broke it in two and then threw it on the ground and stepped on it thousands of times to make sure it hurt more each time! But you have time to spend time with-with Anna Kim?! That stupid witch who runs after every boy's wand as if they are toys! Is that how much I mattered to you Baekhyun? I can’t believe I wasted my time and feelings on a narcissistic, prideful bitch like you!”
Baekhyun’s eyebrows were furrowed as he stared at the ground, glasses dangerously close to falling off once again. My hand itched to push it back for him but I mentally scolded myself. Get over it, Y/N, you are no longer friends.
“You...called me a bitch?” Baekhyun looked up at me, pushing his glasses back and running a hand through his messy hair.
I scoffed, my glare deepening, “Is that all you heard?”
“No, of course not!” He exclaimed, stepping closer to me, “Listen, I’m very sorry for everything. I know you probably won’t forgive me for another half a year but I need to tell you for once. I was caught up with Quidditch, I really was. I barely had time to study because I was pushing myself to become better, you know my dream is to become a Seeker. I have to do everything I can to become noticed by big teams. I barely had time for myself let alone for you! And Chanyeol, didn’t he tell you the messages I kept sending through him?”
My eyebrows furrowed as I took a moment to think, “No, he never told me anything”
“That stupid giant” Baekhyun rolled his eyes, looking pleadingly back at me, “I swear on Merlin’s beard! I asked him daily to update you about what was happening with me! I thought you started ignoring me because--because I wasn’t a good friend to you anymore! It had me worried and then Anna started showing up everywhere and she wouldn’t leave me alone for a second. She followed me even to the men’s bathroom! And I promised to go on a date with her if she left me alone after...but that date turned into more and now she thinks we are dating…”
“But you are not?” I asked curiously, hopeful.
“What? No! Of course not!” Baekhyun shook his head with a shudder. I sighed, biting my lip as I continued looking at him. I missed this idiot so much.
“I forgive you just--please don’t ignore me from now on. Even if you are busy, make time to tell me ‘Oh hey, Y/N, I’m probably dying but don’t worry, see you tomorrow at breakfast’, okay?” A grin broke on Baekhyun’s lips as he nodded quickly.
“I will sit with you from now on at meals...the boys from the team are quite lame and idiots” Baekhyun said with a shrug and I rolled my eyes.
“Of course, no one can be like Byun Baekhyun” Baekhyun started grinning before I killed his joy, “Not even himself”
“Here” He handed me a small gift box, revealing his hands from behind his back. My mouth fell open as I took the present, having bought nothing for him.
“Oh, but I--I bought nothing for you” I muttered embarrassed, not expecting to restore our friendship. Baekhyun grinned before leaning close enough to make me uncomfortable.
“Don’t worry” He muttered before closing his eyes and pressing his lips against mine. My eyes widened at the motion, never expecting it from Baekhyun. But my heart started beating faster and the butterflies in my stomach were stronger than with Junmyeon. The kiss was fast and more like a peck as Baekhyun pulled back with a prideful grin.
“It’s enough gift if you don’t slap me” He said cheekily, making me chuckle.
“Don’t tempt me, Byun Baekhyun” I warned him as I started slowly opening the gift box. 
Yes, Byun Baekhyun, don’t tempt me to kiss you again.
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aalissy · 5 years
I liked this prompt! I’m still hoping we get another Valentine’s Day episode hehe! Dark Cupid was one of my favorites <3. Lemme know what you guys think about this chapter though :D
Ladybug winced at the reporters gathering around her after she just saved another citizen in need. An awkward grin formed on her face as they began shouting question after question at her. Turning away from them, she quickly attempted to zip away on her yo-yo when one question struck through the noisy crowd.
“Do you have a valentine yet, Ladybug?”
The superheroine could practically feel her cheeks turning a deep red as her mind began to wander. She sighed dreamily with the thought of Adrien clear in her mind’s eye, “Not yet,” she murmured quietly. With that parting shot, Ladybug was off. She began swinging from rooftop to rooftop before she landed back at her balcony. Calling off her transformation, Marinette quickly opened up her trapdoor and flopped onto her bed with a happy giggle.
“What’s got you so happy?” Tikki chirped as she floated nearby the squealing girl.
“Just thinking about Adrien being my Valentine,” her eyes seemed to gaze off far into the distance, looking like she was deeply lost in thought.
“Well, you made him the card for a reason, right?” the kwami said excitedly, “Why don’t you give it to him?”
Marinette blushed before she shook her head furiously, “I can’t. I missed my chance at school today and Adrien’s father keeps him locked away on Valentine’s Day. It’s to protect him from the crazy fangirls.”
Tikki pouted, “Oh, I see.”
“Yeah,” the fashion designer sighed before shrugging, “But there’s always next year.”
The two sat in comfortable silence for a while as Marinette worked on her homework. With a slight shiver, the blue-haired beauty snuggled further into her warm covers in an attempt to warm up. Her thoughts ended up back on the track of Adrien as she doodled his face on her homework. Groaning at her lack of awareness, Marinette quickly erased the drawing and didn’t notice when her kwami’s face lit up with an idea. “I’ve got it, Marinette,” Tikki shouted excitedly, “You may not be able to give Adrien your Valentine’s Day Card, but I know someone who can!”
“Who?” she frowned.
“Ladybug,” Tikki enunciated pointedly.
“What?!” Marinette screeched, “Surely you must be joking?! I’d have to talk to Adrien and then I’d end up stuttering or trip on my face or-”
She was cut off by the tiny bug glaring at her, “You’re a superhero, Marinette. You just have to wait for Adrien to leave his room, slip inside and leave the card with no one the wiser.”
“I-I um... are you sure? I figured you wouldn’t want me to use my powers for such a silly thing like this,” her index fingers tapped together nervously.
“You worked so hard on that card today, Marinette. I don’t want to see all that hard work go to waste. Besides, you do so much for Paris, I think you’re allowed to do some silly things,” Tikki winked.
Marinette gulped before a determined expression twinkled in her eyes, “You’re right! I’ll leave the note tonight and tomorrow I’ll ask him if he got my card!”
“That’s the spirit, Marinette!” Tikki cheered with her.
Marinette was infused with a rush of power as she became Ladybug with a joyful shout. The superheroine then quickly began racing her way over to Adrien’s mansion, her mind filled with thoughts of what would happen tomorrow. Finally arriving, Ladybug suspiciously scanned the inside of his window for any sign of the model. Thankfully, he wasn’t there, and she slipped in silently. Ladybug then began her slow tip-toe over towards his desk. She froze in her tracks, however, when the door to the bathroom began creaking open. Her eyes darted around the room and she fervently wished for a Lucky Charm to get herself out of this situation. If Ladybug hadn’t already been frozen from the sound of soft footsteps padding towards her, she would have frozen by the sight that greeted her. Adrien had obviously just come from a shower as he walked out of the room shirtless, with only a towel wrapped around his waist. He was using another smaller towel to dry his messy blonde locks before he froze at the sight of her.
“Ladybug?” his head tilted to the side in confusion.
It was a few minutes later before the superheroine managed to snap her jaw closed from her open-mouthed gape. It was another few after that before she managed to sputter out, “Adrien, what are you doing here?”
“Uh, I live here,” Adrien blinked innocently at her.
“Oh, right, right,” Ladybug merely nodded dumbly.
“What are you doing here?” a small smile was beginning to form on the boy’s perfect features.
What are you doing here? Her mind began to think frantically as she avoided her gaze from the beautiful boy. The card, a voice that sounded suspiciously like Tikki snapped her back into action. “I... uh... you, I mean, card.”
“W-what?” Adrien frowned at her.
Instead of stuttering again, Ladybug thrust the pink card out in front of her, her face mirroring the color of the gift. Adrien’s eyes widened in shock before their gazes connected. His emerald green eyes staring directly into her embarrassed bluebell ones.
“Hold on!” Adrien also snapped himself back into action, “Let me get dressed really quickly and I’ll be right back!”
Fiddling with one of her pigtails she watched him dart over to one of his cupboards before racing back into his bathroom. When the door firmly shut behind him Ladybug buried her face within her hands, “Idiot! What were you thinking!? ‘Oh Adrien, what are you doing here?’ ‘Well, you know, I just come here every now and again seeing as how I live here.’ He must think you’re a crazy stalker!” With a frustrated groan, she flung herself onto his couch. Casting a longing glance over to the still open window she thought about taking off and avoiding the entire awkward conversation. Her mind made up, Ladybug stood up and decided she would just have to avoid Adrien for the rest of her life. With a quick nod, she began walking towards her escape before a voice stopped her in her tracks.
“Ladybug? Where are you going?” She whipped around and stared at Adrien who looked like a kicked puppy.
Mourning the loss of his shirtless body, Ladybug chuckled nervously, “I, um, was just going to close this window. Don’t want to let all the cold air in,” the heroine firmly shut the opening, glaring as she made her retreat from her only escape.
“Oh, good. I kinda thought you were maybe leaving,” he glanced up from underneath his lashes, rubbing his neck nervously.
“Oh no, not at all!”
“So um... what’s this about a card?” Adrien plopped onto the couch and patted the space next to him.
“I made you a card for Valentine’s Day,” Ladybug winced subtly as she sat down besides him.
“Really?” his eyes brightened.
“Yeah,” she smiled as she looked at his happy expression, “You weren’t here so I was just going to leave it on your desk before heading back home...”
“Well I’m glad I came out in time!” Adrien scrambled onto his feet, slipping slightly, “I also made you a card!” he rushed over to his desk before furiously rummaging through its contents. He rushed back to her, wielding a pink card in his hand. Ladybug stared in shock at Adrien who was blushing a light pink as he handed it to her. “I didn’t think I’d be able to give it to you of course,” he began rambling as he scratched the back of his neck nervously, “But I figured on the off-chance I saw you today, I may as well make you one.”
“Thank you,” Ladybug squeaked out happily and clutched the card to her chest.
“C-can I have my card now?” Adrien stuttered slightly.
“Oh, right,” the superheroine chuckled, “Here you go.”
The model smiled at her adoringly as he took the card graciously and murmured his own thank you. He ran a hand through his still wet hair and Ladybug tracked the movement dreamily. She didn’t realize he was reading the card until after she was pulled into a warm hug. The heroine’s eyes fluttered closed as she breathed in the scent of his fresh shampoo subtly. “That was beautiful,” Adrien murmured into her ear, “Thank you again.”
“Mhm,” her head bobbed continuously before he pulled back and stared at her eagerly.
“Well?” he questioned.
“Well what?” Ladybug asked in confusion.
“Aren’t you going to read my letter?”
“Oh, right,” her cheeks flushed before she glanced down at the card in her hands. Her blush deepened as the poem read almost verbatim to the one she had found last year. Could that mean... She glanced up at the model in shock.
“Did you like it?” his boyish features stared at her hopefully.
“Did I like it?” Ladybug’s hand covered his own, “Adrien, I loved it. This was beautiful.” Feeling bold from his words, she wrapped him up in a warm hug, “Thank you so much.”
“Y-you’re welcome,” Adrien stuttered happily.
She pulled back slightly to place a delicate kiss on his cheek. When she pulled away, Ladybug blinked up at the boy, “I’m so glad I got to keep your card but I kind of need to go now. I only intended to be here for a few minutes to drop the card off,” she chuckled nervously.
“But it was worth it?” Adrien’s hand grasped onto her own as she began walking towards the window.
“Definitely worth it,” the heroine reassured him. I’m going to be up all night reading this letter again and again. Unbeknownst to her, her plans were the same as the boy’s standing before her.
“Goodbye, Adrien,” she said softly before taking off into the cold night.
“Bye, bugaboo,” he whispered after her retreating form.
Marinette squealed to herself when she landed in her bed. She clutched the letter to her chest as she read Adrien’s lines over and over again. “Thank you for convincing me to do that, Tikki,” she breathed out happily.
“You’re welcome, Marinette,” the kwami beamed, “Which was better though? Seeing Adrien shirtless or knowing he wrote you a letter?”
“Tikki!” Marinette squawked, throwing a pillow after the retreating bug.
“Only teasing, Marinette!” she called up from the girl’s desk.
Rolling her eyes at the kwami, she turned back to her letter and began reading it happily once again.
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leigh-kelly · 6 years
A continuation of NYU!AU
Santana gets her period again and she’s absolutely miserable. She knows from living with another woman that not everyone feels incapacitated by it, but she does. This one is particularly bad and she struggles to get out of bed and go to class. Every second that she doesn’t have to be somewhere, she’s curled up in bed with a heating pad, only getting up to change her tampons or refill her water bottle.
Brittany is absolutely amazing about it. She brings Santana chocolate and ice cream and salty snacks. She snuggles Santana when she’s feeling affectionate and gives her space when she feels like she needs it. Brittany even sneaks Santana food out of the dining hall when she’s feeling too crappy to go and get it. As bad as Santana feels, having Brittany be Brittany just makes everything feel a little better.
“Cuddles or space?” Brittany asks, sitting down on the edge of the bed.
“Cuddles would be good.” Santana smiles a little and Brittany gets under the covers with her.
“Still no better?”
“No. I talked to my mom while you were eating and she thinks I really need to see the gyno about it.”
“She’s probably right, babes. This is the worst I’ve ever seen it, it you and you almost didn’t go to class this morning.”
“My cramps are just really bad. I couldn’t sleep last night.”
“I know, you were tossing and turning and you got up three times.”
“I’m sorry I kept you up. You have a late class tonight...” Santana purses her lips and Brittany kisses them.
“Don’t be sorry for me, you’re the one who’s not feeling great.”
“I guess I thought this was normal until I was living with you. Your periods are a breeze.”
“I mean, mine are unusually light but yeah, being stuck in bed like this is totally not normal. If you want to make a doctor’s appointment, I’ll definitely come with you so you don’t have to go alone.” Brittany promises.
“This is going to sound so dumb but my mom always finds my doctors for me. I have to talk to her about how to use the insurance website.”
“I would have no idea how to find a doctor either. I think we’re only half grown up even though it feels like we’re more sometimes.”
“I’m just glad I have you. Before we were together I’d lay in bed and try to will a chocolate bar to come to me from the other side of the room. You take really good care of me.”
“We totally take care of each other. I have to leave in a few minutes to go to class though.”
“I really have to read some of Moby Dick today.” Santana sighs. “That’s what I’ll probably do while I wait for you to come home.”
“And call your mom about finding a doctor?”
“And that.”
Brittany refills Santana’s water bottle for her before she leaves for class and she kisses her goodbye. Once she’s gone, Santana is at least glad that she doesn’t have to get out of bed to read and she rolls over, grabbing the book from the desk next to the bed. She reads for awhile before she takes some more Midol and then she calls her mom, figuring she should try to make an appointment before doctor’s offices close. She doesn’t want to go while she has her period, that feels completely mortifying, but maybe if she can get an appointment for next week it’ll be good.
”Twice in one day.” Santana can hear her mom smile through the phone. ”Brittany must be busy.”
“She’s in class. I talked to her about the gynecologist thing and she said she’ll go with me. You know I’m kinda nervous but just having her in the waiting room might make it better.”
”You’re always so nervous about the doctor, you’d think your Papi wasn’t one. But I’m glad she’ll go with you, I don’t like the sound of you when you lay in your bed and cry in pain.”
“It’s just really bad, Mami. I know it sounds like I’m being dramatic...”
”Mija, I’ve seen you suffer with it. I should have encouraged you to talk to the doctor when you had your first appointment. But now it’s effecting your life more greatly.”
“Can you help me use the insurance website to find a doctor here?”
When her mom helps her, Santana realizes how easy it actually is to look up doctors by specialization and after she hangs up with her, she calls three places until she can finally get an appointment for next Wednesday. She writes it down in her planner and goes back to her book, hoping she can at least get a chunk of it done before Brittany gets back and all she wants to do is cuddle and watch Brooklyn Nine-Nine. She really isn’t a Melville fan so the reading goes slowly and she’s only about halfway done when she hears the key in the lock.
“Guess who’s the best girlfriend ever?” Brittany holds up a paper takeout bag and Santana smiles at her. “Moo shu pork and egg rolls.”
“Britt, you didn’t have to do that.”
“Obviously I wanted to. I was totally craving egg rolls anyway and I figured they’d make you feel better.”
“I love you a lot.”
“Duh.” Brittany laughs. “And I love you too.”
Brittany brings the bag over along with plates and forks and she turns on the TV so they can watch while they’re eating. When the show is over, Santana notices that Brittany is quiet and she nudges her with her elbow, wanting her to talk.
“Sorry, class was just kind of crappy tonight.”
“What happened?”
“It’s just the usual thing when I’m in a class that’s not a math class, I have trouble making sense of things. I raised my hand and said something kind of stupid and immediately knew I was wrong.”
“Britt, you’re like, an actual certifiable genius. But I’ll help you with studying if you want.”
“You have so much to do and you’re not feeling well.”
“Honey, I always have time for you. I don’t want you to feel bad about your classes.”
“I just wish things came more easily.” She sighs. “When I’m doing math, I feel really smart but everything else brings me back to high school where I was the class idiot.”
“You’re not an idiot. If you put math problems in front of me, I can’t solve them to save my life, but I can analyze a book like crazy. That’s why we have majors.” Santana plays with Brittany’s fingers. “This is the last class you have to take outside of math.”
“You’re right. I know you are, I just can’t help but get bummed out.”
“C’mere.” Santana stacked the plates on the desk on her side of the bed and opened up her arms for Brittany. “You’ve taken care of me for the past three days, now it’s my turn to be the cuddle giver.”
“You’re still feeling crappy.”
“And I feel better when I’m hugging my girlfriend.”
For a long while, Santana just hugs Brittany. When she was in high school, she’d always thought that the popular girls were like Teflon, but having Brittany, she’s learned that they have a lot of feelings too. When she knows that she absolutely has to go to the bathroom, she kisses the top of Brittany’s head and wriggles out from behind her. She takes the dishes with her and washes them before she goes into the bathroom and does everything she has to do to get ready for bed. Brittany isn’t far behind, waiting outside of the bathroom when Santana comes out and Santana kisses her lips when she sees her there before reheating her heating pad and getting back into bed.
Brittany holds her from behind when she gets back into bed and rubs Santana’s lower back where she always gets really crampy. They don’t say anything else, they’re both really exhausted but they fit together in just the right way that each of them knows they have a person who loves them so deeply, who takes care of them, who cherishes them.
In the morning, Santana gets up first. Although she knows she should be doing work, she logs into Tumblr and makes a post about how much she loves her girlfriend. She knows that Brittany checks her blog and she just wants to give sort of a public shoutout to Brittany for being so extra amazing while she’s been grumbling in bed. Santana thinks she feels it more because it’s something she never imagined she’d have but Brittany is real, Brittany loves her and she wants the world—or at least her followers—to know that she loves Brittany too.
“Why you up so early?” Brittany mumbles. “It’s Friday.”
“Just making a post about how I love you extra this week. Don’t worry, I didn’t include a picture with you drooling on the pillow.”
“I do not drool.” Brittany throws the pillow at Santana. “You’re the one who drools. Last week, my shoulder was totally soaked when you took a nap on it.”
“Psht, whatever.” Santana laughs and hits post. “Your shoulder is comfortable.”
“You’re in a good mood this morning. Are you feeling better?”
“I took three Midol at like three am so they’re still kicked in. But I think I’m getting there.”
“Do you wanna have a picnic in the park today? Now that it’s warmed up, everyone is doing it and I’ve been kinda wanting to take you.”
“I’d really love that. I need to read for a couple of hours before we go though.”
“Yeah, cool.” Brittany nods, grabbing her pillow back and rolling over. “Wake me up in an hour? I have to study.”
Before Santana starts her reading for the day, she decides to take a shower. She just wants to feel freshened up and she soaks under the hot water for a long time before drying off and pulling on jeans and a t-shirt. She’s glad the bed is so big because when she sits back on it, she doesn’t disturb Brittany’s sleep. She reads for a little while and then she wakes Brittany up. Even though she’s grumbly, she gets out of bed and brushes her teeth and the two of them quietly go about their work. Santana really appreciates that, how Brittany is never a distraction, and at noon, she puts her book down.
“Artie texted me.” Brittany tells Santana. “He wanted to know if we want to meet up with everyone later to go to some concert in Brooklyn. I told him no.”
“You didn’t have to do that, Britt. I know I’m not feeling great but you can do things that I don’t want to do.”
“I’m just, like, not into that scene anymore. Everyone gets wasted and I really don’t want to come in to you drunk at two in the morning.”
“Are you sure? You used to love that.”
“I don’t think I ever loved it, I think it was just something I did because everyone else was doing it. You taught me that I don’t have to do things just because other people do, you never care.”
“I don’t.” Santana shakes her head. “But no matter what, I want you to be happy.”
“I’m really the most happy spending time with you.”
“I haven’t been great company for the past few days.”
“I still like being around you.” Brittany shrugs. “There’s only so many days before it’s summer vacation...”
“Can’t you use your math genius skills to invent a teleporter for us?”
“I wish. I’m trying to convince my parents to move next door to your mom.”
“I hate my mom’s neighbors, I would really like that.”
“You have to work at camp this summer? You can’t just spend the whole summer with me?”
“I totally wish I could.” Santana sighs. “But it would disappoint my mom. She only has, like, this summer and next summer with me before I graduate. And even my dad is looking forward to spending time with me.”
“I know, my parents are too, it just sucks.”
“I know. But hey, let’s just go to the park and enjoy the day.”
By the time they get themselves ready to go to the park, rain is hammering down outside and Brittany sighs, flopping back onto the bed. Santana feels bad that she feels so bad and she sits down by her head, running her fingers through her hair. She really is going to miss being close to Brittany every day when they leave in less than a month so even if they can’t go on a picnic in the park, she’s going to spend as much of her free time with her girlfriend as she can.
“Now I’m going to feel guilty not studying if we’re going to be stuck inside all day.” Brittany groans.
“I’m not going to. We’re supposed to be spending the afternoon together, so what if we do it here? I’ll make EZ Mac and we’ll watch a movie.”
“Nope, my picnic, I’m the one who’s going to make the EZ Mac.” She smiles. “You pick out the movie.”
“We still haven’t watched Pretty Woman, should we do that?”
“Anything you want. You want your heating pad reheated before I use the microwave?”
“Yeah, that might be good.” Santana hands it to Brittany and she brings it over to warm up. “Britt?”
“I really love you, you know.”
“I really love you too.”
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request: Always a slut for Severus x reader stuff, be it fluffy or smutty. Bless me with something smutty! Love what I’ve seen on your blog so far by the way, Meepmorp is here to meep-support!
summary: Prisoner of Azkaban but yall are in 7th year// After you, Harry, and Hermione chase down the dog who drags away Ron and Scabbers, they find out the dog is Sirius Black, infamous criminal who seemingly betrayed the Potter’s. But, with further backstory, all four learn that it was Peter Pettigrew who had worked for Voldemort and betrayed James and Lily, not Sirius(who is also Harry’s godfather). When Sirius and Professor Lupin are about to kill Peter, Harry convinces them to turn him over to the dementors for a new trial to give Sirius freedom. As they are about to leave, Lupin sees the full moon and turns into a werewolf. The four of you scower back in fear, thinking you’re about to die until Professor Severus Snape comes in to save the day. When Snape gets injured, you take him back to the potions classroom where he puts up the biggest fuss of his life. Fluff and smut ensues
warnings: uhh blood, stitches, werewolves, probs like one a couple curse words, NSFW!! SMUT
note: yes another song titled from a posty song. sorry, just appreciation for my dad. also thank you all for your lovely messages, they really do make my day:))
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Rushing towards the whomping willow with Hermione and Harry, the three of you weren’t entirely sure what was going to happen. Ron and his pet rat Scabbers had been taken away by a large dog to the whomping willow and disappeared. Dumbledore had made it known that Sirius Black had escaped from Azkaban and dementors circled the school, searching for him. Yet they didn’t notice a big, black dog dragging away a pubescent boy and his disgusting pet rat?
Heading up the hill, you three see Ron and Sca - wait, now a gross looking man. There, Harry looked to Professor Lupin for answers. “Professor,” you started, looking between Lupin and Ron, “what’s going on?”
Sirius Black then emerged next to Ron who let out a scream. Hermione snorted as you and Harry shook your heads. The infamous murderer turned to Lupin, embracing him like someone would an old friend. Sirius let go, turning to Harry, “there’s my boy! Spitting image of James.”
The boy who lived looked to the crazy man, “you knew my father? How?”
Lupin and Sirius shared looks before quickly turning back to Harry. Lupin started, “I’m a werewolf, Harry, and Sirius along with your father and Peter all went to Hogwarts together. Sirius is. . .”
The mentioned man interrupted, “your godfather!”
Harry’s eyes widened, “godfather? Wait, no, you’re a murderer who betrayed my parents.” His fists clenched as he got angry, wand in hand in case anything had come up. You stood beside Harry, letting him know you had your wand ready, too.
Lupin had then explained everything, “Sirius is innocent, Harry. He wouldn’t betray your parents even if his life depended on it; Peter is an Animagus who became Ron’s pet, so to speak, and he committed the crimes. . .not Sirius.”
Sirius laughed, “so I say we just kill this little shit when we have the chance. Come here, Pettigrew, we just -”
“Wait,” Harry said, making Sirius furrow his eyebrows. “The dementors are here, yeah? So why not just give Peter to them. He can spend longer than 12 years in Azkaban.”
Before they can agree, Lupin turns around and he whispers, “oh no.” Peter Pettigrew lets out an evil chuckle and waves to you four, transforming into a rat and running away. Sirius goes up to Lupin and holds him tightly, telling him who it is and yelling at him to control his werewolf transformation.
Lupin’s eyes changed color to a dark red, his skin darkening slightly with claws forming. He let out a deep yell, his shirt ripping open as Sirius kept trying to talk some sense into him. Pushing his head toward the sky, Lupin had changed into a werewolf and howled, no trace of Professor Lupin left.
You, Hermione, Ron, and Harry all stood by the whomping willow, almost holding onto each other for dear life. Hermione broke away, “wait, wait. . .Professor?” The werewolf whimpered, looking around as if unsure about its surroundings. “Professor Lupin?” Hermione asked again, but the werewolf did not answer(meme segment: but the yoyo master did not answer, he just kept on yoing), except he let out a howl at the moon.
Pulling Hermione back, you failed to see the shadow of the Professor you’ve had a crush on since your third year; Professor Snape. He stepped in front of you four, seeing the werewolf, “there you are!”
His hands pushed against your waist as his back hid you from your Professor, now werewolf. Said werewolf stood up against you five, striking his hand against Snape, drawing a cut through the Professor’s arm. You and Hermione screamed, falling backwards against the ground as the werewolf howled again.
Professor Snape looked back at you, crawling quickly to put himself in front of you. Lupin stalked towards your group, raising his hand to strike again until another dog came out of the shadows. “Sirius,” Harry said, standing up with his wand in hand.
The two animals battled it out, whimpers and growls being exclaimed throughout the fight. You all had stood up by now, Snape still putting his hands behind him, trying his best to protect you. Harry ran past him though, keen on trying to help his godfather. Snape called after him, “Potter! Damnit. . .”
Harry had thrown a rock at Lupin, catching his attention. He was about to run back towards Hogwarts until a new howl had come out of the shadows. It had sounded womanly, but it got the werewolf’s attention. He howled back and took a look at Harry, then went down the ditch.
Ron, you and Hermione attempted to go after Harry when he had chased down Sirius, but Snape blocked you with his arms, “not. . so. .fast.”
You looked at Professor Snape, “sir, you’re hurt. D-do you need some help?” Still shaking up, your voice quivered with every couple words.
Snape look displeased, even with your attempt to help, “no, Miss L/N, you and your friends have done enough. Get back inside Hogwarts and I’ll look for Mr. Potter myself.” All three of you nodded, not in the mood to fight against Snape.
Walking back into the castle, you heard a couple grunts of pain from the DADA and potions master. You turned to your friends when they headed towards the Gryffindor commonroom, “I’ll see you guys tomorrow morning. Try not to worry, he’s Harry Potter for You-Know-Who’s sake!”
Your two friends laughed and headed off to bed, talking about the night’s events before turning in. Glancing back around, you saw Professor Snape leaning against the stone cold wall. He took in a deep breath beforre leaning down to get his classroom keys.
You beat him to it, “let me, Professor.” Snape let out a disgruntled sigh, “thank you, Miss L/N. Now, I do believe it is past curfew so I will-”
You rolled your eyes, “geez, can’t you just let someone help you? Wait inside your classroom and I’ll meet you in there in a few minutes.”
Snape’s face contorted into amusement but then disappointment, “excuse me, but that was highly -”
Letting out a laugh, you turned around and went into the infirmary to get supplies, “good chat, see ya soon!”
Severus sighed and opened the door to his classroom, setting his keys down on the desk. He let go of his bleeding arm, the sting making him hiss. Three bloody marks had made themselves known on his arm and putting part of his robe to it had done nothing.
Footsteps had then made themselves known in the room. Snape looked up at the now 7th year student who held a needle and string along with some alcohol and cotton pads. His eyes quirked, “for my arm?”
You snorted, “no, for the Quidditch game tomorrow.”
Snape let out a sound that seemed to be a chuckle, “I can take points away from your house, you know, Miss L/N?”
Putting the supplies down on the table, you turned to Snape, “yeah, and I can see you struggle doing these stitches yourself. Whatever suits you, Professor.”
Grumbling, Snape ripped off the rest of the sleeve on his arm, watching his student pour alcohol on a cotton pad and drag it across his wound. He let out a curse, grabbing his desk chair. “Sorry Severus, I probably should’ve warned you,” you said, not even taking notice to your slip up. But neither did Snape, “it’s okay Y/N, just. . .warn me next time.”
Grabbing a cloth, you dipped it in more alcohol before cleaning off the blood around it. “I’m sorry, Severus, we had no clue about Professor Lupin and now you’re hurt,” you said, turning your head to blink away from the alcohol.
Snape scoffed, now realizing what you’re calling him and your stupid excuse, “Y/N, I must say, for a Y/H, that excuse was pretty senseless.”
You nodded, “yes, Professor.” Snape let out a chuckle, “Severus.”
Putting the thread through the needle, you looked to Snape, “this is going to hurt a lot, so grip onto something.” Snape nodded as you started to stitch up his wound, “talk to me while I’m stitching you up.”
Snape’s mind went blank, “I’ve noticed your potions are getting a lot better, even better than Miss Granger.” You snorted, “better than Hermione? Never knew you had a sense of humor, Severus.”
He shook his head, black hair swaying softly, “I am not kidding. . .you’ve easily become my favorite student by not only paying attention and sitting front row, but taking my class seriously.”
Being halfway through stitching, you stretched your fingers. You looked up at Snape who had a soft grin on his face, “thank you, Severus. You’ve always been my favorite teacher.” Going back to stitching up his wound, you failed to notice his smile.
The needle softly went through his skin as you continued, “I think I love you.” Snape’s head slowly turned towards you, glancing over your focused features, “really?”
You laughed, “seems you didn’t feel me grip onto your cloak tonight, or I yelled your name when you got this nasty injury. So yes, I do. I know I’m a student, but I thought you had a right to know.”
Leaning over the desk, you grabbed gauze and wrapped it around his stitches until ripping it, putting a string of tape over the end of the wrapping. Snape then took a breath and put a hand on yours, “Y/N?”
Looking up, your eyes met Snapes, “yes, Severus?”
Snape raised his hand and rested it on your cheek, “what if. . .I felt the same way?”
You smiled and bit your lip, unsure of how to answer, “well, I’d be very happy and I’d hope we could have something.”
Snape gives you a crooked smile before leaning in and closing the distance between you two. He kisses you slow and gentle, savoring each moment. You run your fingers through his black hair and tilt your head to the side, allowing him to deepen the kiss as he slips his tongue between your lips
The professor pulls away, looking into your eyes as he shifted his own between your lips and your eyes. “Do you want this?” he asked, waiting for your answer. You nodded your head, taking your arms and pulling your shirt over your head. Snape chuckled at your eagerness.
He pulls his robes from his body and tosses them to the side before his hands go to the buttons of his underr shirt. You run your fingertips down his chest as he shrugs his shirt from his shoulders. You smile back at him, deciding to go up and lean against his desk.
He rests his hands by your sides, towering over your small frame. Snape’s hands glide up towards the back of your bra, “may I?” You nodded as he unhooked your bra, tossing it to the side.
With the way he drinks you and your breasts in, it makes you self conscious. You move your hands to your lap and look away, blushing. The papers he was grading seem more interesting at the moment.
“You’re so beautiful,” Snape whispers as his eyes travel over your body, leaving small kisses everywhere he looked.
Leaning up with Snape between your legs, you press your lips to his again. Snape’s hands move down towards your hips, his thumbs pressing circles into the skin just above the waistband of your pants. You slide your hands down to his belt, unbuckling it and pulling it through the loops. He kicks off his shoes and toes off his socks as you open the front of his pants. Your fingers brush his erection through his pants as he lets out a soft moan. With your light touches, you can tell he has never done this or has, but once or twice.
Snape then pushes down his pants, his hard cock springing up against his stomach. You giggle as you unbutton your pants and kick off your shoes. He hooks his fingers beneath the waistband of your pants and panties, pushing the material down as you shimmy your hips as best you could from sitting on the desk.
Snape smirks as he finally sees you fully unclothed, “lay down for me. . .Y/N.” You did as he asked and leaned back on the desk, spreading your legs open to him. Snape leans down towards your pussy and licks up, tentatively, tongue slipping past your lips and grazing your clit, making you unable to hold back the cry that escapes you. He then grabs your thighs and brings you closer, kissing your cunt and you moan loudly, contemplating between wanting to push down or wanting to pull back from the intense stimulation.
You interlace your fingers with his, holding his hand tightly as his tongue swirls inside you. His nose nudges your clit as he presses his tongue into you as deep as he can. The feeling makes your hips buck from the desk, but Snape holds you down as he continues eating you out. A knot coils in your stomach and your walls begin to tighten around his tongue. "Severus,” you moan, “oh, Sev! I'm - ” You don’t get to finish. Snape presses his thumb to your clit and swirls his tongue inside you. The combined feeling makes the knot in your stomach snap and your muscles tense, making  your back arch from the desk as your walls clamp down around his tongue.
Snape takes your hand and kisses it, interlacing his fingers with yours. He presses your hand against the pile of graded papers beside your head and uses his forearm to prop himself up. His other hand moves down to your hip, holding you gently. You lean up, capturing Snape’s lips as he pushes into you, his thick cock stretching you and filling you to the hilt. “YN,” Snape whispers, his hand squeezing yours gently.
You drag your free hand through his dark hair and down his back, moaning as he pulls back and thrusts forward slowly. The muscles in his back ripple beneath your hand as he sets a slow, even pace. The easy roll of his hips drives you mad, his cock hitting all the right spots. He whispers that he loves you over and over, you doing the same. You kiss his neck and shoulder as he moves inside you, drawing you closer and closer to your second orgasm. “Oh YN,” Severus groans, his head tipping forward to rest against your shoulder. His easy thrusts falter, the pace increasing but becoming no less gentle. You tangle your fingers in his hair and wrap your legs around his waist. With the new leverage, you draw him deep into you with each thrust, making you both moan. Snape’s hand moves up from your hip and fists into the papers beside your head, caging you beneath him.
“Severus,” you moan loudly, his throbbing cock sliding against your g-spot with each shift of his hips, “oh, fuck!” He is getting close; you can feel it in the way his cock twitches and his hips falter from their steady rhythm. “YN,” Snape groans as your walls flutter around him. He shifts his hips, entering you at the perfect angle and you can’t hold on any longer. "Severus!” you cry out as your walls clamp down around him. Warmth and pleasure coarse through you as you reach your climax, him not too far behind.
You hold him close as you both begin to come down from your high, your legs slipping from his waist and down his legs. Severus breaks the kiss and rests his forehead against your shoulder, his body half collapsing above you. At the moment, only his legs kept him up. "We should’ve done this a long time ago,” Severus whispers between leaving kisses on your neck. You hum in agreement, you both letting out breathless laughs.
You look up at your teacher, "do you really want this? Us?"
Snape pressed his head to yours, "while it is against school rules. . .yes. I suppose I can teach you more than just how to brew glory."
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karenpage · 6 years
For your Kastle prompt: Karen finds a stray dog and doesn't know the first thing about caring for it, so she calls Frank.
@mostlyactorsandfood this was the sweetest thing and it sort of got away from me, I hope you enjoy!
“Fr—Frank, stop– stop laughing I’m serious. He’s chewed through half of my shoes. And I mean that literally, only the left pair — I think he’s trying to make a statement.” She’s snapping into her phone, rapid-fire, trying to talk while fielding Frank’s gut-busting laughter – he’s in absolute stitches while Cujo claws plaintively at the bathroom door. She’s holed up in there, like an anti-canine bunker, pacing the short distance between the bathtub, and the sink.
Frank finally does calm down, she can hear the crinkle of something, a newspaper, maybe? through the static connection “What, Page? Never had a puppy before?” The smile in his voice is as clear to her as if he was standing by her side. She’s too annoyed to be endeared, and her face twists up into a scowl.
“No, Frank. My parents didn’t let us have pets and – well – I’m more of a cat person, anyway.” She lies, and whatever Frank’s doing, he stops.
“Makes sense.”
Karen’s not sure what that’s supposed to mean, but she certainly doesn’t take it as praise. The stomp of her heel is audible over the phone, “Please. Help.”
A deep, brooding sigh on his end, but he grumbles out, “Okay okay, ‘m on my way. Don’t worry little red.” The line drops, and Karen stares down at the blank screen of her phone in a combination of dismay and annoyance.
Very funny.
This dog just might be the actual big bad wolf.
An absurd thought while she runs her hand through her hair and pleads with it in a hushed, panicked whisper: does that make Frank the Huntsman?
Whatever. Fairy tales are bullshit and her phone charger is on the other side of this door, so she puts on a brave face, and opens it.
Fear makes things larger than life, and this knee-high pit bull’s tail thumps happily against the hardwood floor. “Oh, so now you’re happy to see me.” A raspy ‘woof’, Karen purses her lips, alright. Fine. Okay.
“Do you want … something to eat? Food?” He rises on all fours, tail going Mach 3. Now they’re getting somewhere.
Karen sticks close to the wall, like some housewife from the 1950’s lifting her skirt to escape a mouse. Only this mouse is about eighty pounds with a wide mouth full of teeth and looking at her with a glob of drool caught in its low hanging jowls.
“I don’t have dog food,” conversationally, the click-clack of nails on the hardwood floor trailing after her is kind of endearing, as are the happy little snuffling sounds that accompany whatever she says to him. Like he understands.
“But–” Karen taps her finger on her chin, grabs a bowl from the cabinet and sets it on the floor. He goes up to it, sniffs the empty porcelain, and looks up at Karen like ‘what gives?’  “Hold on I’m improvising.”
Another woof, “You’re impatient. Wait. Sit.”
He listens to that last command, tail thumping even louder now that it’s against her kitchen tile.
Karen lofts a brow, pulls a steak and some frozen vegetables from her fridge, a quick google search says that all the ingredients would meet his nutritional needs, and so she sets to cooking it.
“I don’t need to season the sirloin, do I?” More to herself, as her own stomach growls once the meat is cooking – the realization that this dog is about to eat better than she does, and she’d been saving that steak for Frank – well, it’s his fault that she saw the damn thing and felt bad enough to bring him up to her apartment.
He was sitting on her complex’s stoop for Christ’s sake, all mopey eyed, half-soaked from the rain and seeking shelter from it under the meager awning. Karen’s compassion outweighed concern and now she’s got a giant grey shadow with soft brown eyes that seem far wiser than any dog’s ought to be.
Time passes by in companionable silence, Karen won’t admit it, not even to herself, but it’s nice to have another … living, breathing soul in her home. It’s less lonely, she even catches herself smiling as she spoons out the food into the bowl.
“Now–it’s hot, let it cool down.” She sets it on the counter out of his reach for good measure, he barks once, loud. “Don’t get mouthy with me, I just cooked you a three-course meal and all I’ve had today is a half a cup of coffee and some cheese-its I stole off of Ellison’s desk.” Not that a dog would understand any of what she’s said, but his mouth hangs open in a canine approximation of a grin, and Karen returns it.
When she tests the heat of the food, and it seems palatable, Karen kneels with the bowl in hand, eyeing him warily.
“Alright, don’t get it in your head that I’m going to be feeding you like this daily. This is a special occasion. Because I didn’t have anything else.” He licks his nose, Karen takes that as a ‘get on with it’, and he immediately buries his face in the food.
No sooner had she sacrificed the only groceries in her fridge, than Frank comes through her front door, a bag of dog food on one shoulder, and a black plastic bag in the other.
“– you been cookin’?” Karen resents the disbelief in his voice, but he’s smiling at her so she’ll forgive him. “Seems like you got ‘Cujo’ under control here, Miss Page.”
Karen’s rebuttal is offered when she rises, dusting her knees off and adjusting her now-wrinkled skirt, “Yes. He was starving and just because I’ve never taken care of a dog before doesn’t mean I’m going to be cruel to this one.”
But Frank’s not really listening, just staring at the dog - or what he can see of him, since he’s half-immersed in the too-big bowl, teeth rattling against the bottom of it as he practically strips the paint from the porcelain.
“Where’d you say you found him?” Voice unerringly even, it startles Karen, given the domesticity of the moments just before. She blinks, tucks a strand of hair over her ear, and follows Frank’s hardened line of sight, watching the dog push the empty bowl around the kitchen floor while searching for scraps.
“He was on the building’s doorstep. Trying to hide out from the rain.”
Frank sets his supplies down on the couch before making his way to stand right beside the dog, looking like he’s seen a ghost all the while.
“Hey boy,” gruff, but the dog’s ears perk up at that and if at all possible, his tail’s wagging harder than it ever has before. “You come back for me? Huh?” Now he’s sitting on the floor and there’s a torpedo of solid-dog muscle launching itself into Frank’s lap, full body wiggles and happy, high pitched whines fill the quiet.
“You two know each other?” She can’t mask the amusement from her voice, and so Karen doesn’t try. Seeing Frank Castle with a dog in his arms is about the sweetest thing, so she’s not about to ruin the moment. Frank’s so rarely happy, or genuinely, thoroughly happy but the smile on his face right now? It’s the before smile, the one he’d had in the pictures all over his house, and it makes her heart tighten just a little.
“Yeah, he was one of the fightin’ boys for the Kitchen Irish, stole him when I uh, interrupted their operations. Hadn’t seen him since they cut him loose.” He’s scrubbing blunt nails over his scalp, happy as can be.
“Does he have a name? Now that you’re here and he’s basically a marshmallow with teeth, I don’t think Cujo’s all that fitting.” Even if she’d only ever said it jokingly.
Frank gives him some consideration, “Nah, but he looks like a Beretta to me, don’t you boy?” More tail wagging, and a loud series of happy barks– bouncing between lying on Frank, and zooming around the small apartment.
“After a gun? Really, Frank?” Karen isn’t actually chastising him, if anything she’s amused but Frank looks up from where he’s still sitting, and reaches for Karen’s hand, the rough pad of his thumbs sweep over her knuckles. A fond, reserved gesture but it’s enough to make her bite her lip and look over her shoulder to watch ‘Beretta’ get his head stuck in the bag Frank had brought in - turns out it’s full of toys, a dish for food, and one for water; Karen learns this because the contents spill out and he’s got a tennis ball in his mouth that he presses wetly against her calf.
“I’ll take you out to play when it’s not raining, okay?”
Frank chuckles, sniffs, wipes the drool from where it stuck to her leg with his sleeve, “Yeah, the m9 was uh, my ‘go to’ during my years in the Corp, security. Safety. Familiarity. Kept my brother’s safe, my family–” He stops nose wrinkling as he sniffs again, looking at the dog that’s gnawing happily on his new toys, “figure since he’s goin’ to be stayin’ with yo– us, there’s gotta be a reason he came back, you know? So he can keep you safe when I can’t.”
Karen’s not a dog person, but as it turns out, this mutt with scars on his ears and the worst breath she’d ever smelled (and she used to work in a pro bono defense office) is not just some four-legged hellhound, but a part of her family that just sort of fit. It didn’t take long to win her over and maybe that’s okay.
They have their little piece of happiness here because sometimes a family is the punisher, a persistent journalist, and a dog named after a handgun.
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taintedkibou · 6 years
It's been a while since I used the "my fiction" tag. You can read it on Ao3, or you can click Keep Reading… and read it here~
Kurusu Akira adjusted the high collar of the Shujin winter sweater, straightening out any creases. It was a temporary fix, unless he planned to keep his neck as stiff as a pole, but he had to uphold the appearance of a well-behaved student.  Satisfied, Akira grabbed his school bag and headed downstairs, where breakfast awaited him. His guardian greeted him with a gruff "mornin'", sliding a plate of curry across the counter.
Akira slid into the seat in front of the plate, offered his thanks for the meal, and began eating. "Where's Morgana?" he asked after swallowing a mouthful. The seat designated to the family cat was empty.
Sojiro glanced towards the end of the counter as he lit a cigarette. "Out hunting, I suppose. Maybe he made it to Ginza."
Akira grinned. Morgana did love his sushi. He finished his meal, bid Sakura Sojiro goodbye, and walked out of the cafe. "Flip the sign!" was shouted at his back. Akira did as he was told; as he had been doing for almost three years now. He sometimes wondered why Sojiro still voiced the request, but it was probably just as routine as the act itself. Hoisting his school case high, he began the trip to Shujin.
Akira hurriedly disembarked the crowded train and headed up the stairs to the Underground Walkway. From there, it was to the Square, where he was to make another transfer. This was where his adventures sometimes became something more than a droll routine.
Today was one of those days. Akira braced himself for the incoming impact, not expecting to be tackled. A strong arm wound around his midsection, holding him upright, as the culprit laughed heartily in his ear. "Yo!" The newcomer's grin was almost as blinding as his hair. Sakamoto Ryuji released his victim, looping his arm around Akira's shoulder instead. "How's my best friend doin'?"
"I might be suffering from a dislocated spine? You know you're an Alpha, right?"
Ryuji sneered. "That's just a label. What I know is... you're weak. Even after a year of training." He angled his body closer to Akira's, sneaking through the gate with him while the station attendant was distracted with another passenger.
Akira hid his smirk, shaking his head. "It's a free pass."
"Saving that tap for a special day," Ryuji told him.
The usual assertiveness was gone from his voice and Akira chanced a glance to see that the blond looked hopeful. This so-called “special day” was obviously important to him. "I hope you get to tap that pass."
Ryuji's wide eyes were visible only for a second, before he doubled over in uncontrollable, roaring laughter. Akira looked sheepish as he held the blond's shoulders to help him keep his balance. Luckily, Ryuji's fit passed right in time for the transit's arrival. Akira guided them into the crowded car, keeping his arm around the blond's waist. His free hand rose to take hold of the overhead rung.
The last of Ryuji's giggles wore off and the blond settled comfortably against his friend. He began talking about an upcoming meet, and that they needed to train together again in preparation. Akira thanked the heavens he had no reaction to Ryuji's scent, but that did nothing to stop the normal reaction of being so close to his "crush". A juvenile word, but "love interest" made him sound like he lived in a romance novel.
When they arrived at Shujin, they unfortunately had to parts ways. Different homerooms meant they couldn't drive the faculty insane. Akira entered his classroom, eyes immediately seeking out Mishima Yuuki. He'd inadvertently rescued the petite Omega from a fate worse than death. Every day, he made sure a smile greeted him. Mishima lifted his head, looking away from his phone long enough to grin at Akira.
Takamaki Ann, a mated Beta, watched him with calculating eyes as he made his way to their row. She turned in her chair after he claimed the desk behind her, propping her head up with a cheeky smile. "You plan on telling him yet? I can tell by your dopey grin that you saw him this morning. That, and the rumor mill works faster than you two walk."
Akira rolled his eyes as he sank into his chair. For a school that tried to uphold its supposed reputation, Shujin was a decomposing mess on the inside. After an act that brought the police and media to the school's front door, Akira was labeled as a pariah. Several students still engaged in conversation with him, but most shunned or ignored him. He would have been barred from the school library if the Student Council President hadn’t stepped in.
Akira shook the memories away, not wanting to lose himself in the past. Ann looked expectantly at him, a slim eyebrow arched questioningly. "No," the brunet sighed. "I…" Akira had no idea how to finish that statement. Anything that came out of his mouth would be a lie. His entire existence was a lie.
Ann pressed on, "Look at me and Makoto. I never thought it would be possible. Never thought I'd end up with someone I used to see as the enemy. You and Ryuji are inseparable, so no one will blink twice."
The door opened and Kawakami walked in, signaling classes would be beginning soon.
"Just drop it," Akira mumbled, reaching into his school case to retrieve his notes. Ann sighed, but obeyed, turning back around so she faced the front of the classroom. 
With no after school activities, Akira decided to head home for the afternoon after bidding his friends "later". Ryuji was already practicing with the track club, so there was no need to bother him. Sojiro gave him an acknowledging nod when he entered the cafe, returning his attention to the task of brewing coffee.
Akira eased himself between the bar seats and leaned against the counter. "Can I help today?" he inquired in a hushed voice.
Before the shop's owner could reply, Leblanc's patrons answered for him. "You should,” a business woman stated from the booth behind the teen. “Boss's curry is the best, but I enjoy Akira-kun's as well."
"Especially when he gets crazy with the spices," another laughed. Even Morgana added his opinion with a long meow. The handful of regular customers knew of the white-booted, black cat. He was a well-trained boy, so no one worried or mulled over his presence in Leblanc. There was even a special chair just for him.
Akira's grin stretched across his face; the gleam in his eyes meant he knew he had already won. Sojiro exhaled deeply, "Fine. Hurry and change." Akira wiggled free of the chairs, stopping to acknowledge each of their customers with a polite bow, before dashing upstairs.
Since Sojiro currently brewed the coffee, he gave Akira the job of making a fresh pot of curry. The teen decided not to go crazy with his experimentation, but he still added ingredients that he knew a few customers would enjoy.
When the last guest left for the evening, Akira shared himself a plate of curry and took it to the counter. A cup of coffee was waiting for him and he could tell it was a Blue Mountain blend with the slightest inhale. Akira gave thanks for his meal and helped himself. If he told him out loud, Sojiro would deny it and brush him off, but ever since coming here, his life made a 180 turn, and he felt more at home above Leblanc than he had living in his parents' house. Speaking of, it was going on almost two months without contact.
Sojiro turned off the faucet. He picked up the nearby towel and dried his hands. "What're you thinking about?" he asked.
"My past," Akira replied after taking a sip of the hot liquid. He enjoyed the way the heat worked its way through his body, warming him as it traveled. He smiled, languid. "And how it has nothing on my present."
"Sentimental brat," the cafe owner scoffed. The faint hint of a smile gave him away. "Hurry up and go to the bathhouse." Akira complied, clearing his plate of food and chasing it with warm coffee. He was still letting his tongue cool as he dashed downstairs, out the cafe, and across the street.
Akira enjoyed soaking in the baths as much as the next person. The old man that loved searing hot water was absent, so Akira set the temperature to something agreeable and sank into the water until just his shoulders were covered. As comforting situations liked to do, the memories he brushed while enjoying dinner rose to the surface. Sojiro claimed his parents still loved him—"They're very busy." Busy, yes. They were also probably very relieved to get rid of him so they didn’t have to look after something that would always attract attention. To them, he was just another burden. 
Akira dunked himself beneath the water, focusing all his thoughts on not drowning. When he resurfaced, he stood from the hot water and made his way out of the bath, soak completed.
  Sojiro removed his apron once the boy walked through the door, folding and storing it. He gave Akira a heavy pat on the shoulder; a wordless, cautious warning.
When his guardian walked through the door and flipped the sign to "close", Akira locked every lock. Morgana was missing, which meant he would somehow find his way to the Sakura household. Akira rather enjoyed the cat's company, even when he woke and found himself being smothered by said cat. He made his way up to his room, made sure his window was shut and secured, and took a seat at the edge of his bed.
Akira reached behind his neck, nails catching on the invisible edge of plastic. He pinched it between his fingers and pulled. The transparent square was crushed, crumpled, and disposed of. Akira wiped down the back of his neck with an alcohol pad and tossed that as well. He pushed aside the covers to lie down, pulling them back to cover himself from head to toe. 
Akira woke to his phone blaring the opening song of Phoenix Ranger Featherman R; a Sakura Futaba specialty warning. Ryuji was coming. He stumbled out of bed and to the desk where he kept his scent blockers. Akira hurriedly opened a packet and pressed it down on the back of his neck, afraid to remove his hand.
Ryuji darkened the door of Leblanc, grinning once the owner acknowledged his presence. He was beckoned in, only to stop after he opened the door. It wasn't Sojiro's murderous glare that froze him in place, but rather the sudden recollection that there was something he needed to do. Ryuji excused himself, closing the door after he stepped out. He was gone only a few minutes before he returned with drinks from the vending machine near the bathhouse.
"Kids these days have no respect,” Sojiro grumbled. He faced the stairs to shout in their direction. "Akira! Hurry up! You have an escort."
Ryuji took a seat at the bar, his school bag in the chair to the right of him, and popped the tab on one of his soda cans. Morgana lifted his head with an inquisitive mewl and Ryuji's drink went forgotten. "Mona!" He jumped down, heading for the cat's personal perch, and scooped the black feline into his arms. Morgana pushed at the blond head with one white paw, leaning away in the opposite direction. "Mona! I thought you loved me...!" Ryuji whined as he tried to press his face against Morgana's.
"You'll need another bath, and maybe some bandages for your scratches." Akira walked down the stairs at that moment, distracting Ryuji enough that Morgana could escape. The black cat bolted past Akira, disappearing upstairs.
Ryuji combed his fingers through his hair, grinning at his friend. "Yo! I woke up early so I decided to come get you."
Akira rolled his eyes. "How considerate. I'm sure you plan to sneak through the gates with me as well."
"Gotta save that tap," Ryuji laughed, reclaiming his previous seat at the counter. Akira sat beside him, a small smile on his face as he remembered yesterday. He buried the slight hope that that "tap" was for him, and enjoyed the plate of curry set before him. 
xxx Akira never thought his whole worldview would be shattered with just one simple sentence.
"I finally saw Sakamoto's mate!"
Akira stalled in packing his school case, lifting his head slowly to not draw attention to himself. Ann caught his eye, but they both remained subtle in their eavesdropping.
"So what? Some plain chick, I'm sure. This is Sakamoto we're talking about."
"No! It's a guy... A gorgeous guy. But..."
Akira gripped the handle of his bag tightly, wishing the idiot would spill the beans rather than keep up dramatic pretenses.
"He's an alpha," was finally whispered.
The entire classroom fell deathly silent. Not much of a whisper. Sakamoto Ryuji, an Alpha. Was mated to another Alpha.
Akira sank into his chair, fingers tangled in his hair as he tried to process the information. Alphas didn't mate with other Alphas. It was taboo. The rumors were only going to get worse. Jumping up, he grabbed his school case and made a hasty exit, unapologetic of anyone in his way. Where was he headed? What drove him? Jealousy? Envy. Someone—another Alpha had taken the one thing he wanted most in this half-baked world.
Akira reached up to the back of his neck, scratching at the patch he wore. How could anyone like him if he didn't like himself first? 
Sojiro took pity on him and let him assist in the cafe. Akira brewed coffee until evening rolled in and the last customer walked out.
Feeling weighed down by an invisible pressure, Akira scraped the scent blocking patch from his neck and stuffed it into his pocket to dispose of in his room. Sojiro was never one for comforting words, but he knew how to show his approval. He gave the boy praise for a job well done with a gentle pat to the head. The heavy hand was comforting, and Akira allowed himself a soft rumble of a purr.
"I know you just took it off, but those blockers will be useless if you act like this in public," the man sighed, drawing his hand back to cross both arms over his chest.
"...sorry," Akira whispered, ducking his head.
Sojiro stared at the thin teen, practically folded in on himself now, and breathed heavily through his nose. "No need to apologize for something you have no control over. Just... be careful."
"Yes," Akira responded, his voice even softer than before. "Except... I plan to stop using the patches."
Sojiro arched an eyebrow. "Oh?"
"Yeah." Akira drew himself upright, smiling at the cafe owner. "What happened in the past... I won't let it happen again. Thanks to you and Futaba... hopefully, it won't."
Sojiro gave him a lopsided smile before uncrossing his arms and pointing at the small cup of coffee. "Finish that and then clean up. Make sure you lock up behind me." 
Once Sojiro donned his hat and left, Akira did as he was told, locking up behind his guardian first. He emptied his cup of the remaining coffee, and got to work on clearing the sink of its few dishes. Once everything looked spic and span, Akira slowly climbed the steps to his room. His earlier declaration came back to haunt him and he lifted a hand to his neck, fingers brushing over the naked skin. Was he doing the right thing? Only time would tell.
Sojiro's attention shifted from the morning news to the boy walking down the attic stairs. Akira walked with confidence, but exuded nothing but nervousness. "You don't have to—"
"I do," the brunet cut in. "I can't hide all my life, and Japan has yet to invent a procedure to remove secondary genders."
Sojiro chuckled softly. "That's true." His smile vanished just as quickly, replaced with a stern frown. "If anyone tries anything—"
"Lock myself away and call you immediately." Futaba was the one in charge of tracking his heats, and had yet to inform him of one. With a shaky smile, Akira gripped the handles of his school case tighter and walked past the counter to the door. "Flip the sign," he recited before he could be told. With that minor task complete, it was time to start the real adventure.
The last person he wanted to see met him at Aoyama. Akira had to deal with two train molesters and a very bold salaryman that propositioned him outside the Teikyu building. How Ryuji managed to find him in a sea of students wearing identical uniforms was beyond his comprehension. An arm was slung around his neck, only to slowly fall away. Akira peeked out from beneath his fringe and was met with a wide-eyed blond. "Surpri—"
"What the hell, dude?" Ryuji failed at keeping his voice below a whisper, but it wasn’t loud enough to draw attention. Not yet. He wrapped his arm back around the brunet's neck and kept him pressed close against his side as they began moving. "Why aren't you wearing your blockers?"
Now it was Akira's turn to be dumbfounded as he stumbled along. "You—"
"Of course I knew, dumbass. I figured if you wanted to hide your gender, that's your business, not mine." With their close proximity, Ryuji felt the shudder ripple through Akira's body. Craning his neck, he realized the other teen was crying. There was no sound, but the tears flowed steadily, and he smelled of distress. "Shit. Akira! Stop... stop crying. People will think I'm abusing you. Think happy thoughts!"
"I am happy," Akira sniffled, using his free hand to wipe at his eyes. "I thought you would treat me differently... if you knew."
Ryuji stopped walking, forcing Akira to do the same. He had to resist the urge to resort to a physical reprimand—station attendants were already watching them suspiciously—and settled for a disappointed glare. "That actually hurts, y'know. I'm not a dumb Alpha. I respect Omegas. And you're my friend, idiot." Apparently, that was the “wrong” thing to say, since more tears began falling. Ryuji made a quick decision to drag Akira from the station. From there, it was the alley where they'd first met.
Ryuji groaned loudly, pacing back and forth. Akira sat on an upturned crate, wiping stray tears from his eyes. "My scent's all over you...! They'll know it's me! The school will use you as an excuse to finally expel me!" He tangled his fingers in his short locks, forcing himself not to scream at the sky.
"I've stopped crying," Akira mumbled, dropping his hands into his lap. His eyes were red rimmed and swollen, making his smile useless. "And I like your scent. It's a sad attempt at a pickup line when someone says you smell delicious, but you... you smell delicious. You remind me... of ramen."
Ryuji's pacing stopped immediately, but he never turned around.
"I have no idea why I never noticed it before. Maybe..." Akira idly rubbed at the back of his neck, void now of the patch that passed him off as a Beta. He smiled, a small curl of his lips. ‘I am an Omega.’ 
After walking through the front gates of Shujin Academy, it became clear to Akira that Ryuji was the only one that knew his true second gender. The stares were endless as he moved through the school halls, and the remarks scathing. Akira chose not to acknowledge any of it and entered his classroom via the back door. Mishima's head snapped up, along with every other student present.
Ann was out of her seat and at his side instantly. “I had no idea,” she babbled once at the brunet’s side. “You hid it so well. You were more of a Beta than me! Did anybody do anything to you on the way here? There’s a faint hint of Ryuji. Did he walk you here?” Her eyes narrowed dangerously, ice-blue eyes promising physical violence. “Did he try something?”
“No,” Akira laughed, wiping a few stray tears from his eyes. He never expected to receive such positive responses from his friends. He should have known better. “He walked me here from the train station.”
“I can pick you up from now on, if you’d like,” Ann offered. They stood beside their respective desks now. “Mako-chan tries to walk with Mishima when she can.”
Akira didn’t know that. He smiled gratefully. “I’ll think about it. You’ll probably have to fight Ryuji for the job.”
“I won’t hesitate.” Ann made a muscle to prove just how serious she was.
Akira laughed again. He added Ann’s defiant voice to Sojiro's calm voice and Ryuji's loud one, and slipped into his seat with a relaxed smile. Futaba was literally at his side via his cell phone, watching out for him. They were his own personal protection squad; Akira was safe.
Ryuji's taboo relationship was pushed to the side by Akira's sudden gender reveal. That is, until the school day ended. Ryuji appeared in the doorway of 2-B, his fierce gaze moving from one Omega to the other. Ann saw him first, and whispered to Akira, who turned towards the open door. Ryuji found himself relaxing beneath the gray-eyed gaze, and freed a hand from his pocket to beckon the brunet over. 
The minute Akira walked out of the classroom to join Ryuji, new rumors began to fly. Akira let the whispered accusations of chasing a mated Alpha bounce off him. Ryuji was his friend, first and foremost. There was no way he would come between him and his mate. 
Ryuji decided Big Bang was a good location. They were less likely to draw attention, even as an unmated Alpha and Omega pair. Akira nibbled on his fries after pushing the wrapped burger to the side. "When did you find out?"
Ryuji finished a bite of his burger with a thoughtful look. "The first time you invited me up to your room."
Akira huffed, a scornful smile playing at his lips. "Sojiro warned me not to, but... I was just so happy to have a friend."
"Same, dude." Ryuji set down his burger, folding his arms atop the table. "Your room smelled like an Omega. I thought, holy shit, Akira found a mate. But then I realized the scent was only in your room. Day before yesterday, when I came and picked you up, Boss looked ready to string me up by my happy bits." Ryuji grinned at Akira’s shocked stare, scratching the bridge of his nose. "Yeah. Somehow, your scent had drifted down into the shop. Since Leblanc wasn't open, I knew it had to be you, confirming everything I'd ever thought. Did you know Alphas have a way to block Omega scents?"
Akira shook his head, fascinated by the turn of subject.
"Perfume," Ryuji stated with all the confidence he could muster. Akira covered his mouth, but the laughter still spilled out between his fingers. Success. Akira looked so down; Ryuji only wanted to cheer him up. Keeping him happy would always be top priority. "Don't ask where I got it from, though. I left, headed to the laundromat, and rubbed some right here..." Ryuji indicated to his upper lip, right above the Cupid's Bow. "And it helped. I bought the drinks as an excuse."
Gone was Akira's smile, replaced with something akin to fear and horror. "Do I... offend?"
Eyes wide, Ryuji shook his head. "No way, man! I was just respecting your privacy."
Akira tried to hold the tears in, but they refused to listen. He wondered if this was his true nature as an Omega—overemotional and sensitive to everything. Or maybe this was a personal problem. The one person he would have loved to create a future with—an understanding, kind, and fiery soul, was out of reach, but always nearby, fretting over him. They always said life wasn't fair. 
"I came prepared!"
Akira lowered his hands, choking out a wet laugh at the sight of almost a dozen tissue packets spread between their trays. Unlike during his previous breakdown, Ryuji remained calm, smiling as Akira opened a packet and began wiping at his face. "I'm sorry," the brunet mumbled, sniffling softly.
"I'm not giving you orders, but you shouldn't apologize so much." Ryuji picked up his burger, taking a big bite. "You never did it before. You shouldn't let your second gender control you. I mean... do I act like an Alpha?"
"No," Akira told him with a soft sniffle, wiping at his nose. He set the used and crumpled tissue aside to pick up a fry."You're just... Ryuji." He popped the food into his mouth. 
"Exactly! So you should go back to being Akira. The smart mouthed li'l punk that don't take shit from no one. 'cept..." Ryuji was blushing, a rare sight to Akira's eyes. "Tell me to get lost when... y'know... that time... rolls around."
That time? Akira looked confused for a moment. Ryuji's blush deepened and it hit him swiftly. "Oh." Akira blushed as bright as the blond. "I haven't had one since my first."
Ryuji raised an eyebrow, his embarrassment fading. "Weird. Should you see a doctor?"
Akira's heart swelled. 'Stop being so nice.' "No. Suppressants."
Ryuji still looked uncertain, but he dropped the subject. "If you're feeling better, you should eat." He nodded at the wayward burger when Akira met his eye. "You'll grow big and strong."
"Maybe just big," the brunet muttered, unwrapping the sandwich. Ryuji grinned.
Ryuji walked Akira right to the front door of Leblanc, despite the continuous stream of protest. He pushed him through the door, waved at a surprised Sojiro, and took his leave. Akira smiled apologetically at the young doctor from the nearby clinic. Takemi Tae nodded her head at him in return, expression unchanging from its monotonous state.
"Welcome back," Sojiro rumbled. "Glad to see today was successful."
Akira's grin dimmed to a lesser watt smile. "It didn't start out too great, but... it ended well enough. I know how to handle things now."
"You can send anyone that harasses you to me," the young doctor suggested in a low, humming drawl. "After you put them in their place for thinking they can walk all over Omegas." Takemi herself was an Omega. Once a successful doctor, she was stripped of her renown and disowned from the hospital she'd worked at for years. An Alpha came into the picture and turned her life onto its head by pinning his medical mistake on her. She was successful in Yongen-jaya now, and off the radar. Akira visited the clinic ever so often and ended up a guinea pig to the young woman's medical trials. Makes him wonder now if she always knew his second gender.
Takemi smirked, as though reading his thoughts, and went back to staring down at her coffee.
Akira asked for a soda, making sure to grab a coaster as he passed the stack, and headed up to his room with the drink. He had snacks in his bag, courtesy of Ryuji, that would be enjoyed as he worked on his homework.
    [chapter two] [chapter three] [chapter four]
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stupidfanfics · 6 years
Till Death Do Us Part: A Barry Allen Fan Fiction
Chapter 6: Ok?...Ok
Word Count: 3048
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“Barry?” “Barry!” I yelled causing Cisco to stare at me. “What? Did I miss it?” I let out a sigh of frustration, “You overshot by about six blocks.” “My bad.” I rolled my eyes looking at Cisco who just shrugged his shoulders. “You there yet?” Cisco asked Barry sitting in an office chair and pulling up a map on the monitors. “What are you doing?” Quickly at the sound of Caitlin’s voice I pressed a button shutting down every monitor. “Nothing,” Cisco dumbly replied. “Who were you guys talking to?” “No one.” Caitlin stepped forward. “Are you talking to Barry?” “Who?” I couldn’t help but giggle as I watched the scene before me unfold. Which, of course, cause Caitlin to snap her head around and glare at me. “Barry Allen. Struck by lightning? Was in a coma for nine months? Woke up being able to run faster than the speed of sound? Monica’s childhood best friend? Ring a bell?” she asked raising an eyebrow. “No. Haven’t talked to him.” Cisco mumbled leaning back into his chair. “Guys, there’s fire everywhere!” Barry’s yell loudly played over the speakers. “Shit, we’re screwed.” I whispered. “Guys, are you still there?” “Everybody's out. What else you got for me?” Barry said in a cocky tone. “God, would you just shut up.” I yelled into my mic. “What do yo-” Caitlin cut Barry off, “Barry, it’s Caitlin.” Cisco and I shared awkward glances as we waited for Barry’s response. “Heyyy, Caitlin. How’s your day?” A small smile crept onto my face. “Get back to STAR Labs. Now.” Caitlin sternly said turning to Cisco and I. “On my way.” Barry flashed into the Cortex. “Have you three lost your minds?” Caitlin yelled. “Who do you think you are?” “Well, I’m the eyes and ears and he’s the feet.” Cisco replied. “And, what does that make you Monica?” she asked swiveling around to face me. “Oh me,” I pointed to myself, “I’m the team leader. Just making sure nothing gets out of hand.” “Well you obviously aren’t doing to could at that. You could’ve gotten yourself killed.” she retorted pointing to Barry. “You can’t be running around this city like some supersonic fireman.” “Why not?” Barry asked stepping forward. “This is what we talked about. Me using my speed to do good.” “We talked about you helping us contain other people who might have been affected by the particle accelerator explosion. Metahumans. And aside from Clyde Mardon we haven’t found any.” “But Caitlin, people in this city need help.” I said supporting Barry’s case. “And he can help them.” “We can help them.” Cisco corrected. “Will you please say something.” Barry, Cisco, and I all turned around to be met with Dr. Wells wheeling around. “I think what Caitlin is saying, in her own spectacular angry way, is that we are just beginning to understand what your body is capable of. Not to sound like a broken record Mr. Allen… I do caution restraint.” “Dr. Wells, I doubt restraint is how you got to be the man you are today.” “In a wheelchair and a pariah. Lack of restraint is what made me these things. Know your limits.” Dr. Wells retorted wheeling off. “Don’t expect me to patch you up every time you break something.” Caitlin disclosed to Barry, storming off. “Hey umm, anything happen out there today?” I asked Barry walking to stand in front of him. “The sensors in the suit were kicking back some weird telemetry, like your vitals spiked for a few seconds.” Cisco explained. Barry shook his head, “Never felt better.” Cisco then handed Barry his phone, “Hey Joe, everything all right?” Joe. I haven't seen him in so long, which is kind of weird to think because he’s basically my replacement dad. I guess that’s one of the reasons why I missed Central City so much, here I have family and friends. In Seattle I had nothing. A gust of wind interrupted me from my, what you could call, contemplating. “Where’s he going?” I asked. “Apparently his, ‘day job beckons’” Cisco responded. “Now, when do you think he’ll realize he didn’t take his clothes?” mumbled Dr. Wells.
“You lied to us! How could you not us you’re experiencing dizzy spells? We’re your doctors.” Caitlin scolded Barry, “God knows what’s going on inside your body. Your cells are in a constant state of flux. You could be experiencing cardiopulmonary failure or a transient ischemic attack.” Barry gave me a confused look, searching for an explanation. “Mini stroke. Probably not.” I told him. “You of all people should know that in science, we share. We do not keep secrets.” Caitlin said storming off. “Wow… I haven’t seen anyone make her that angry since Ronnie.” Cisco said handing a tablet to Dr. Wells. “Ronnie was Caitlin’s fiance? The one that died the night of the accelerator explosion?” Barry asked. “Yeah. He is… missed.” Dr. Wells replied staring off into the distance. “Well… let’s figure out why this is happening to you.” I said switching the subject.
“We’re all set.” Cisco said leaning on a pile of boxes, “A little padding. Just in case.” Cisco walked back into the room where I was sitting with Caitlin and Dr. Wells. “You’re sure about this Cisco?” Barry yelled. “Most home treadmills have a maximum speed of about 12 miles per hour. This one, has been Cisco’ed.” Cisco explained, “Trust me. It can handle your speed.” “Okay.” Barry started walking on the treadmill as we all waited in anticipation. “Heart rate, blood pressure, nerve conduction all normal.” Caitlin said staring at her screen. “For Barry.” Dr. Wells added. “Brainwave function within standard limits.” Caitlin continued. Cisco laughed, “I told you the treadmill could take it.” “Guys, look at the glucose levels.” I uttered. “Oh my god, of course.” “Right?” “It was so obvious.” “Glucose levels. Barry!” I shouted, “We think we know why you keep-” Before I could finish my sentence Barry’s body was flung into the stack of boxes. “Passing out.” I whispered.
Barry let out a groan when he got out of the bed in the med-bay. “I passed out again?” he asked as Caitlin, Cisco, and I helped him up. “Total metabolic failure brought on by acute hypoglycemia.” Caitlin explained. “I’m not eating enough. So an IV bag, and I’m good to go?” Barry asked me. I let out a laugh, “More like 40. Guess you were thirsty.” “We’re gonna need to fashion you a new diet based on your metabolic changes.” Caitlin reported. “I’ve done a few calculations. You need to consume an amount equal to roughly 850 tacos. Unless we’re talking cheese and guac, which is like a whole other set of equations.” I shook my head in disbelief at Cisco’s response. “For mexican I recommend Tito’s.” A familiar voice rang through the cortex. “On Bruckner Avenue? Best burrito in the city.” I looked up at the source of the voice. “Joe.” I whispered to myself. “Detective West. What brings you to STAR Labs?” Dr. Wells inquired taking the words right out of my mouth. “When I couldn’t find you at your lab,” Joe said pointing at Barry, “I started doing a little research. Turns out there’s been reports of a red streak around the city. Stopping muggers, rescuing people from burning buildings.” “You didn’t tell him we’re working together?” Dr. Wells asked Barry. Barry shook his head, “Joe I can explain.” “You already have a job in law enforcement, Barry. I suggest you get back to it.” Joe scolded. “Mhm,” Joe turned to face Caitlin, “Don’t look at me. I’m on your side.” “Joe, we all want what’s best for Barry.” I interrupted. “Monica, don’t get yourself into this. And besides if you wanted what was best for Barry, you’d tried to talk him out of this lunacy instead of encouraging him going out there risking his life.” “You saw a man control the weather. What are the police gonna do against someone like that?” Barry yelled. “Since the accelerator explosion we suspect there may be more like him.” Joe shook his head in disbelief, “And you’re gonna do what? Catch them? Are you insane? You think because you can run real fast that you’re invincible? You’re not! You’re just a kid. My kid.” Joe finished looking at Dr. Wells. “I’m not your kid, Joe. And you’re not my father.” Barry said shaking his head, “My father’s sitting in Iron Heights. Wrongfully convicted. You were wrong about him. And you’re wrong about this. Now I may not be able to help him, but if I can save someone from a burning building or stop some armed thieves, I’m gonna do it.” “Barry, maybe you should-” “And you can't stop me! So don’t try.” he yelled cutting me off. Joe looked around the room, searching for an answer. “You think you’re so smart. All of you. But you don’t know what you don’t know. And I hope that you’re clever enough to figure it out before somebody gets killed.” Joe finally responded pointing from Dr. Wells to Barry, hen he walked out of the Cortex. “I don’t remember him being that grumpy.” I observed turning to face Barry. “Yeah, well you haven’t really been here the past five years.” he muttered. “Well I’m sorry. I thought friends were supposed to be supportive of each other!” I yelled, “Or did you think there was something else between us? Because apparently something led you to believe it was fine to kiss me.” Barry stared into my eyes, his jaw clenched. “Monica, I’m-” “Sorry? Yeah Barry I know. Save the apologies for someone else.” I said, aggressively grabbing my jacket off my desk and storming out of the Cortex.
“Sorry, the abrasions are already rapidly healing.” I could faintly hear Caitlin’s voice from my desk as she cleaned up Barry’s wounds. “Yeah, I got my ass handed to me.” he responded. “No shit Sherlock.” I muttered to myself. “You got blood on my suit,” Cisco exclaimed. “Yeah Barry, you got blood on Cisco’s suit.” I said, standing up from my desk and folding my arms in front of my chest. “I think some of it belongs to him.” Barry retorted, “Another not-so-friendly meta-human.” Suddenly a man’s face popped up on the monitor. “Danton Black.” Dr. Wells sighed, “He’s a Bio-Geneticist specialized in therapeutic cloning. Growing new organs to replace failing ones.” “Apparently Stagg stole his research and fired him.” Caitlin elaborated. “I saw Black create duplicates from his own body.” Cisco chuckled, “That’s pretty ironic, the guy specializes in cloning and now he can make xeroxes of himself.” “If he was experimenting on himself when he was exposed to the dark matter wave released by the particle accelerator explosion-” “-meet Captain Clone.” Cisco smiled as we all stared at him in disbelief, “Don’t worry I’ll come up with something cooler.”  Barry started walking out the door, “Where are you going?” Caitlin asked. “Joe was right, I’m in way over my head. Yeah, I’m fast but I’m no warrior. Man, I could barely fight one metahuman, let alone six.” “Barry-” Dr. Wells said before Barry could leave, “I understand. Today was a setback. But any grand enterprise has them. And we can never learn to fly without crashing a few times.” Barry shook his head, “This wasn’t a grand enterprise, Dr. Wells… This was a mistake.” With that Barry was gone, leaving the other three scientists left to stare at me. “You’re looking at me like it’s my fault. It’s not. Ok?” Caitlin shook her head as she went back to work.
“What the hell are you doing?” I asked when I walked back into the cortex to find Caitlin experimenting with blood and chemicals. “Trying to help Barry. Or I guess The Streak.” she answered. “The Streak?” “That’s what Iris is calling him on he blog.” I rolled my eyes, “Well, Barry said he was done with this. I hate to say it but I think it’s time to-” “BINGO!” Caitlin exclaimed. “Holy shi- what the hel- what’s going on?” A man began to grow out of the petri dish Caitlin threw on the ground. “ Dr. Wells, Cisco, we need you in the Cortex. Now.” Caitlin said into STAR Labs intercom system. “Hey what’s- holy clone!” Cisco yelled when he walked through the doorway. “Monica, call Barry.” Caitlin ordered. “No, I don’t want anything to do with him.” Caitlin snatched my phone. “Sigourney, call Barry Allen.” “Calling Barry Allen.” A monotone voice coming from my phone explained. I began to mouth the word no over and over again until Barry picked up. “Look, I told you I’m through.” Barry’s voice harshly rang through the phones speaker. “I know, but you need to get to STAR Labs… Right now.” I said in a serious voice before hanging up. Barry flashed in. “Barry, it’s okay” Caitlin reassure him. “It is not okay.” Barry exclaimed standing face-to-face with a clone of Black. “Black is here and he’s just… standing there. That’s not him, is it?” “Looks like you solved the case Mr. CSI.” I said in a sarcastic tone. “It’s one of his replicates.” Dr. Wells answered. “How did you get it?” “I grew him.” Caitlin cockily responded, “I isolated a sample of Black’s blood from your suit, to see if I could trigger the in vitro cultivation process and learn how Black multiplies. So, I exposed the target cells to a protein gel, and they began replicating… into that.” Caitlin finished motioning towards the clone. Barry waved his hand in front of its face. “Why isn’t he… it doing anything?” he questioned. Dr. Wells rolled up his sleeves, “We did a brain scan. Involuntary motor functions are active, little else.” “We think it’s acting as a receiver.” Cisco elaborated. “The clones are an empty shell without Black.” Caitlin continued, “Shut down the real Black and you might shut them all down.” “But how do we know which one is the real Danton Black?” said a confused Barry Allen. “I think it’s pretty obvious Bartholomew.” I remarked. Barry rolled his eyes and turned to face me, “Oh really? Care to explain?” I clapped my hands together, “Well just like you and your unexpected naps, Black has limits. The one showing weakness or fatigue, like you when you forget your hourly Big Belly Burger, is the prime. Take him down, you take them all down.” I said a cocky smile plastered across my face. “Just a theory… but one you might want to put to the test, Mr. Allen.” Dr. Wells said pushing up his glasses. “Plus, I whipped up these high calorie protein bars for you to keep your metabolism up.” Cisco said handing him a bar. Suddenly the clone grunted and began moving away until a loud bang shot through the cortex. I turned to face the source of the bullet, “Any more of them?” Joe asked. “Nope.” Caitlin answered. “Why did it start moving?” Barry yelled turning to face Dr. Wells. “The prime,” he answered. “My guess is, the prime is on the move. This one heard the summons to battle.” “And I know where he was summoned to,” Joe added placing his pistol back in his holster. “Stagg Industries.” Barry stared at Joe, “You should call it in.” “Police can’t fight this. What Black’s become, like Mardon… beyond me. Maybe way beyond them, too. The only person it’s not beyond is you. You gotta do this. I get it. So for once in your life, do what I tell you to do. Go stop him.” Barry gave Joe a small smile before walking up to his suit.
“-but that doesn’t give you the right to murder.” Barry’s scolding voice could be heard over the Cortex speakers before there was a gunshot. As Barry whoosed around a kept an eye on his vitals, constantly making sure they were steady. What? Just because I hated him at the time doesn't mean I couldn’t have cared about his well being. Suddenly Barry’s screamed was played in the cortex as his heart rate increased. I gripped onto the arm of my office chair as more gunshots and screams were heard in the Cortex. I looked over to Cisco who was staring at his computer screen. “Remember Barry, find the prime.” Caitlin spoke into her mic. “There’s too many of them to fight.” “Barry, you need to isolate the prime,” Dr. Wells instructed. “I can’t. It’s impossible.” Barry panted. “Nothing’s impossible Barry. You taught me that.You can do this.” Joe said trying to inspire Barry. After a few minutes of only the sounds of bodies hitting the floor and running Barry finally let out a chuckle. “Barry? Barry, are you all right?” Joe pressed. “I-i’m fine. I’m fine.” he responded, “It’s done.” Suddenly the sound of glass shattering was played through the cortex, I looked over at Caitlin who was just as confused as me. “Hang on!” Barry yelled, “Don’t.” Suddenly Barry began breathing hysterically.
“Tried to save him,” Barry said over the new broadcast. “Doesn’t sound like he wanted to be saved.” Dr. Wells responded. “Yeah, I know how that feels.” I muttered, causing Barry to turn around and give me a stern look to which I just shrugged my shoulders, “What? I’m just being honest. Some people… when they break… they can’t be put together again.” “Some people heal even stronger.” I let out a chuckle at Barry’s ironic response. “I don’t get what’s so funny about this to you.” Barry said, his tone becoming more harsh. “Barry, can I talk to you? Outside?” He nodded his head and followed me out of the cortex. “Look, I know that the way I left things five years ago was not great,” Barry scoffed at my statement. “But we have to put that behind us. Or at least while we’re here.” Barry took a step closer to me, “Why?” I took a step back, “Because Barry, this is my job and I’m supposed to act professional. I’m sorry for what happened that night but we’re both to blame. Let’s just accept the way life is and go on with our lives. Ok?” I asked cocking my head to the side. “Ok.” Barry whispered.     
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