#Diana Marie DuBois
endlessly-cursed · 2 years
MA OC x OC Connections
OG MA OCs (that stick to the plot) 
Yvonne Dubois 
Looking for: Friends, dormmates, a love interest 
Possible friend: Roe Malinda @gaygryffindorgal​ 
Warning: Bad-tempered werewolf and daughter of Penny Haywood 
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Lucille Dubois
Looking for: evil friends, dormmates, a love interest to join her insanity 
Possible interaction: Brynn @camillejeaneshphm​ 
Warning: Has Vulchanov genes and goes crazy at 25 and ends up dying young 
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Mary Ann Von Deyne 
Looking for: More dormmates (has Thea Whitten’s @unfortunate-arrow​ ) and more friends 
Love interest: Gabrielle Blanchet @nightmaresart​ 
Warning: Prankster and a menace to society 
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Diana Somerset 
Looking for: friends (especially if they’re descendants of Prim’s friend group) dormmates, a love interest 
Possible interaction: Quincey and Olypmia Alderly @gaygryffindorgal​ 
Warning: None, she’s an angel 
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Harry Seymour 
Looking for: friends, dormmates, a love interest 
Warning: Nothing. He’s an angel x2 
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Stephanie Quinn-Vixen 
Looking for: more friends (has as a cousin/friend Baby Quinn ( @gaygryffindorgal​ ) and Rome St. James @potionboy3​ ) dormmate, a love interest 
Warning: Nothing, she’s an angel x3 
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Lennox Arcano-Thorne 
Looking for: more friends (has Jane Luther’s @hphmmatthewluther​ ) dormmates, a love interest 
Warning: Necromancer and an Arcano 
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lady-corrine · 10 months
“And yet all along, Bonciani notwithstanding, the king seems to have been thinking of marriage: to Gabrielle. Signs, large and small, of Henri IV’s intention to marry her abound. Sometime between 1593 and 1598, he inserts a poem in a letter to her asking her to share his crown. A painting of Gabrielle “en Diane” by Ambroise Dubois, recently returned to the Louvre, is also suggestive of his plans. Although we associate Diana with Diane de Poitiers—that is, the royal mistress—mythological themes were very fluid, and Marie de Médicis would also adopt Diana, among other goddesses, as an emblem. A Diana gallery would be installed at Fontainebleau during that queen’s reign, a gallery that may or may not have been begun for Gabrielle. Another piece of evidence is a copy of an earlier painting by Clouet, possibly representing Diane de Poitiers as Diana bathing with her nymphs while observed by a man on horseback, dressed in Henri II’s colors of black and white. The copy exchanges Gabrielle for Diane with Henri IV as the man on horseback.
A coin with the head of Henri IV on one side and Gabrielle on the other, struck in 1597, also bears witness to the seriousness of his intent. Gabrielle began to occupy the position of queen in public, waited on by the bowing and scraping Duchess of Guise, eating what took her fancy with one hand while holding the other out to be kissed by the king, reports L’Estoile.
[...] during a “digression,” the king began to praise Gabrielle, letting slip his intention to marry her, which he had intended to keep secret. Alarmed, the cardinal immediately begged leave to return to the pope. Realizing his error, Henri IV sent Nicolas Brûlart de Sillery as a diplomat to Rome, instructing him, at least according to De Thou, to pretend that the king “had changed his mind regarding Gabrielle d’Estrées” so as to obtain the annulment.”
Tracy Adams & Christine Adams —The Creation of the French Royal Mistress
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joyffree · 1 year
➱ New Book Release Title: DB King Series: The Dead Creole Club Author: Diana Marie DuBois Genre: Paranormal Romance Release Date: May 16, 2023
A deal with the skeletal man has my temperature risin’, and it’s burning through to my soul… As an Elvis tribute artist, the King’s music has not only been my life but my entire career. All that changed the night flames lifted higher and higher, turning my club to smoke and dreams to ash. In my lowest moment, a skeletal man appeared… and didn't bother with a disguise. We struck a deal that seemed too good to be true. Because it was. Heaven help me, I didn't see the cunning in his eyes. Elvis finds himself down in the underworld brought down by the loa of the dead who has a deal for the King of Rock and Roll. He's in trouble since he arrived. You’d almost think his middle name was misery. Now, the spirit of the King himself is trapped within me, leaving us no choice but to share my body. Our goals? To restore my singing voice and break him free from an eternity of performing in the Underworld. With a little less conversation, and tons more action, can we find a way to work together for our mutual benefit? Or are we caught in a trap with no way to walk out?
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news24fr · 2 years
télé ce soirTélévisionTV ce soir: la finale intense du thriller psychologique The Light in the Hall A la recherche de réponses... Cat (Alexandra Roach) et Caryl (Sian Reese-Williams) dans The Light in the Hall. Photo : Alistair Heap/Channel 4A la recherche de réponses... Cat (Alexandra Roach) et Caryl (Sian Reese-Williams) dans The Light in the Hall. Photo : Alistair Heap/Channel 4La mère en deuil Sharon (Joanna Scanlan) trouve des réponses qu'elle pourrait regretter de chercher. De plus, un westie dans la Dog House. Voici ce qu'il faut regarder ce soirPhil Harrisson, Jack Seale, Ellen E. Jones, Danielle De Wolfe et Simon Wardeljeu. 19 janv. 2023 01h20 HNELa lumière dans la salle21h, Canal 4Joanna Scanlan a élevé ce drame psychologique intense, dans lequel la mère en deuil Sharon est obsédée par la découverte de la vérité sur la disparition de sa fille. Dans la finale, la journaliste Cat (Alexandra Roach) et Joe (Iwan Rheon) - qui a été reconnu coupable du crime - retournent dans les bois où le meurtre aurait eu lieu. Il devient clair que Sharon obtiendra enfin des réponses, mais elle pourrait finir par regretter de les avoir recherchées en premier lieu. Phil HarrissonLa niche du chien20h, Canal 4Jacqui et Stuart de Bolton sont des ex-époux qui s'adorent toujours : il fait tout son bricolage et l'a maintenant accompagnée pour l'aider à trouver un chien. Hamish, un vieux westie ironique abandonné à contrecœur par une famille d'accueil après avoir attaqué l'un des enfants, pourrait-il être la réponse? Jack SealeMarie-Antoinette21h05, BBC 2Toute habillée… Emilia Schüle en Marie-Antoinette. Photographie : Caroline Dubois/BBC/Capa Drama/Banijay Studios France/Les Gens/Canal+Dans cet épisode exemplaire de la confection courtoise, la rivalité entre Marie-Antoinette et la maîtresse du roi s'intensifie. Ce n'est pourtant pas sur les affections de Louis XVI qu'ils se chamaillent, mais sur quelque chose de beaucoup plus important : le temps du meilleur couturier de Paris. Ellen E. JonesLes prisons notoires de Grande-Bretagne : gommages à l'absinthe21h, ITV1Après l'exposé de Strangeways de la semaine dernière, cette série en deux parties se déplace vers le sud pour rencontrer le personnel et les détenus de la prison décrite comme "une zone de guerre" par l'ancienne médecin de Wormwood Scrubs, Amanda Brown. Il fait face à des problèmes de violence et de volatilité de la santé mentale, mais est-ce vraiment pire qu'ailleurs, et que peut-on faire ? pHSur les traces des tueurs22h, Canal 4La série de crimes réels d'Emilia Fox explorant les affaires froides se poursuit avec le meurtre de Vishal Mehrotra, huit ans, qui a disparu sur le chemin du retour à Putney après avoir assisté au mariage du prince Charles et de Diana, princesse de Galles. Fait remarquable, plus de 40 ans plus tard, de nouvelles preuves peuvent aboutir à une condamnation. pHAigu22h05, BBC 3Annie (Aidy Bryant), nouvellement célibataire, navigue dans le jeu de rencontres criblé de drapeaux rouges dans l'ouverture de la série trois (sortie sur iPlayer en 2021). Une liaison avec un homme pétulant contraste avec la relation naissante entre la meilleure amie Fran (Lolly Adefope) et Emily (ER Fightmaster). Danielle De WolfeChoix de filmsValeurs familiales alternatives… Voleurs à l'étalage. Photographie : 2018 Fuji Television Network/GAGA Corporation/AOI Pro Inc. Tous droits réservésVoleurs à l'étalage (Hirokazu Kore-eda2018), 2h20, Canal 4 Poète lauréat de la famille non conventionnelle, Hirokazu Kore-eda porte son regard compatissant sur une autre maison atypique. Lily Franky scintille dans le rôle d'Osamu, une aimable figure paternelle ressemblant à Fagin pour un garçon, Shota (Kairi Jyo), qu'il a formé à l'art du vol à l'étalage. Une nuit froide, ils rencontrent une fille de cinq ans négligée, Yuri ( Miyu Sasaki ), et la ramènent dans la maison exiguë qu'ils partagent avec le partenaire d'Osamu, Nobuyo, la vieille veuve qui en est propriétaire, et une autre femme plus jeune.
Alors que Yuri est entraîné dans leurs vies précaires, des questions sur les motivations et l'histoire d'Osamu et Nobuyo - et sur ce qui constitue la famille idéale - filtrent à travers ce drame touchant. Simon WardelSport en directpremière ligue Ffootball : Manchester City contre Tottenham Hotspur, 19h, événement principal de Sky Sports Au stade Etihad.Les sujetsTélévisiontélé ce soirDrameTélé réalitéDocumentairefonctionnalitésRéutiliser ce contenuLe plus regardéLe plus regardéLa lumière dans la salle21h, Canal 4Joanna Scanlan a élevé ce drame psychologique intense, dans lequel la mère en deuil Sharon est obsédée par la découverte de la vérité sur la disparition de sa fille. Dans la finale, la journaliste Cat (Alexandra Roach) et Joe (Iwan Rheon) - qui a été reconnu coupable du crime - retournent dans les bois où le meurtre aurait eu lieu. Il devient clair que Sharon obtiendra enfin des réponses, mais elle pourrait finir par regretter de les avoir recherchées en premier lieu. Phil HarrissonLa niche du chien20h, Canal 4Jacqui et Stuart de Bolton sont des ex-époux qui s'adorent toujours : il fait tout son bricolage et l'a maintenant accompagnée pour l'aider à trouver un chien. Hamish, un vieux westie ironique abandonné à contrecœur par une famille d'accueil après avoir attaqué l'un des enfants, pourrait-il être la réponse? Jack SealeMarie-Antoinette21h05, BBC 2Toute habillée… Emilia Schüle en Marie-Antoinette. Photographie : Caroline Dubois/BBC/Capa Drama/Banijay Studios France/Les Gens/Canal+Dans cet épisode exemplaire de la confection courtoise, la rivalité entre Marie-Antoinette et la maîtresse du roi s'intensifie. Ce n'est pourtant pas sur les affections de Louis XVI qu'ils se chamaillent, mais sur quelque chose de beaucoup plus important : le temps du meilleur couturier de Paris. Ellen E. JonesLes prisons notoires de Grande-Bretagne : gommages à l'absinthe21h, ITV1Après l'exposé de Strangeways de la semaine dernière, cette série en deux parties se déplace vers le sud pour rencontrer le personnel et les détenus de la prison décrite comme "une zone de guerre" par l'ancienne médecin de Wormwood Scrubs, Amanda Brown. Il fait face à des problèmes de violence et de volatilité de la santé mentale, mais est-ce vraiment pire qu'ailleurs, et que peut-on faire ? pHSur les traces des tueurs22h, Canal 4La série de crimes réels d'Emilia Fox explorant les affaires froides se poursuit avec le meurtre de Vishal Mehrotra, huit ans, qui a disparu sur le chemin du retour à Putney après avoir assisté au mariage du prince Charles et de Diana, princesse de Galles. Fait remarquable, plus de 40 ans plus tard, de nouvelles preuves peuvent aboutir à une condamnation. pHAigu22h05, BBC 3Annie (Aidy Bryant), nouvellement célibataire, navigue dans le jeu de rencontres criblé de drapeaux rouges dans l'ouverture de la série trois (sortie sur iPlayer en 2021). Une liaison avec un homme pétulant contraste avec la relation naissante entre la meilleure amie Fran (Lolly Adefope) et Emily (ER Fightmaster). Danielle De WolfeChoix de filmsValeurs familiales alternatives… Voleurs à l'étalage. Photographie : 2018 Fuji Television Network/GAGA Corporation/AOI Pro Inc. Tous droits réservésVoleurs à l'étalage (Hirokazu Kore-eda2018), 2h20, Canal 4 Poète lauréat de la famille non conventionnelle, Hirokazu Kore-eda porte son regard compatissant sur une autre maison atypique. Lily Franky scintille dans le rôle d'Osamu, une aimable figure paternelle ressemblant à Fagin pour un garçon, Shota (Kairi Jyo), qu'il a formé à l'art du vol à l'étalage. Une nuit froide, ils rencontrent une fille de cinq ans négligée, Yuri ( Miyu Sasaki ), et la ramènent dans la maison exiguë qu'ils partagent avec le partenaire d'Osamu, Nobuyo, la vieille veuve qui en est propriétaire, et une autre femme plus jeune. Alors que Yuri est entraîné dans leurs vies précaires, des questions sur les motivations et l'histoire d'Osamu et Nobuyo - et sur ce qui constitue la famille idéale - filtrent à travers ce drame touchant.
Simon WardelSport en directpremière ligue Ffootball : Manchester City contre Tottenham Hotspur, 19h, événement principal de Sky Sports Au stade Etihad.
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your-averagewriter · 2 years
Request rules.
I don't write smut but I will write steamy make-out scenes and all that.
I will write fem!character x fem!reader, male!character x fem!reader, male!reader x male!reader. All of it including gender neutral reader.
I also only really write x reader fics.
My Masterlist - What I've already written, I update when I post.
- Thanks for the requests though! :)
Keep an eye on this as I add more characters as I watch more shows/movies!
People/characters I will write for:
- Hunger Games - Peeta Mellark, Katniss Everdeen, Haymitch Abernathy, Finnick Odair, Johanna Mason, Annie Cresta, Lucy Gray Baird, Sejanus Plinth.
- Maze Runner - Thomas, Newt, Gally, Minho.
- Kingsman - Harry Hart (Galahad), Gary "Eggsy" Unwin (Galahad), Hamish Mycroft (Merlin), Jack Daniels (Whiskey).
- Zombieland - Tallahassee, Columbus, Wichita.
- Luther - John Luther, Alice Morgan, Justin Ripley.
- Call of Duty - John Price, Simon "Ghost" Riley, John "Soap" MacTavish, König, Alejandro Vargas, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, Kim "Horangi" Hong-jin, Valeria Garza, Keegan Russ.
- The Boys - Homelander, Starlight, Soldier Boy, Black Noir, Billy Butcher, Hughie Campbell, The Deep, Queen Maeve, A-Train, Translucent.
- Gen V - Marie Moreau, Emma Meyer, Jordan Li, Andre Anderson, Cate Dunlap, Luke Riordan and Sam Riordan.
- Fallout - Cooper Howard (pre and post Ghoul), Lucy MacLean, Maximus.
- The Walking Dead (I've only seen the first two seasons so no spoilers please!!) - Rick Grimes, Glenn Rhee, Lori Grimes, Andrea
- Scream - Billy Loomis, Stu Macher, Dwight "Dewey" Riley, Randy Meeks, Richie Kirsch, Sam Carpenter, Tara Carpenter, Chad Meeks-Martin, Mindy Meeks-Martin, Ethan Landry.
- The Lost Boys - Michael Emerson, David, Star, Marko, Dwayne.
- What We Do in the Shadows - Nandor the Relentless, Laszlo Cravensworth, Nadja, Guillermo de la Cruz.
- Late Night with The Devil - Jack Delroy
- Renfield - R.M Renfield.
- A Quiet Place (1&2) - Lee Abbott, Evelyn Abbott, Emmett.
- The Boy - Brahms.
- Fight Club - Tyler Durden, The Narrator.
- Alien - Ripley, Dwayne Hicks, Hudson.
- Saw - Adam Faulkner-Stanheight, Amanda Young, Peter Strahm, Mark Hoffman.
- The Crow - Eric Draven.
- Midnight Mass - Sheriff Hassan, Father Paul, Riley Flynn.
- MCU - Tom Holland!Peter Parker, Andrew Garfield!Peter Parker, Bruce Banner, Steve Rodgers, Tony Stark, T'Challa, Stephen Strange, Logan, Scott Lang, Wanda Maximoff, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanoff, Yelena Belova, Matt Murdock, Valkyrie, Carol Danvers, Peter Quill, Bucky Barnes, Phil Coulson, Gamora, Thor Odinson, Loki Laufeyson, James Rhodes, Pietro Maximoff, Druig, Sam Wilson, Shuri.
- Spiderverse - Hobie Brown, Miles Morales (both variations), Gwen Stacy, Miguel O'Hara, Pavitr Prabhakar, Peter B Parker, Spider Noir.
- X-Men universe - Young!Charles Xavier, Young!Erik Lehnsherr, Wolverine, Nightcrawler, Remy LeBeau, Rogue, Jean Grey, Scott Summers, Nathan Summers, Wade Wilson, Emma Frost.
- The Dark Knight Trilogy - Christian Bale!Bruce Wayne, Jonathon Crane.
- The Batman - Robert Pattinson!Bruce Wayne, Selina Kyle.
- Justice League - Diana Prince (Wonderwoman), Arthur Curry (Aquaman), Clark Kent (Superman).
- Gotham - David Mazouz!Bruce Wayne, Jerome Valeska, Jerimiah Valeska, Alfred Pennyworth, Jim Gordon, Selina Kyle, Ed Nygma, Barbara Kean, Oswald Cobblepot, Victor Zsasz, Harvey Bullock, Jonathon Crane, Jervis Tetch, Victor Fries.
The Suicide Squad - Jared Leto!Joker, Harley Quinn, Rick Flag, Chris Smith (Peacemaker), Robert DuBois (Bloodsport), Chato Santana (El Diablo).
- Attack on Titan - Eren Yeager, Levi Ackerman, Mikasa Ackerman, Armin Arlert, Jean Kirstein, Reiner Braun, Annie Leonhart, Sasha Braus, Erwin Smith, Miche Zacharius, Hitch Dreyse, Kenny Ackerman, Marco Bodt, Pieck Finger, Porco Galliard, Colt Grice, Bertholdt Hoover, Nicolo, Ymir, Zeke Yeager, Floch Forster.
- Demon Slayer - Giyu Tomioka, Mitsuri Kanroji, Obanai Iguro, Muichiro Tokito, Shinobu Kocho, Kyojuro Rengoku, Tengen Uzui, Kanao Tsuyuri, Tanjiro Kamado, Zenitsu Agatsuma, Inosuke Hashibira, Gyutaro, Daki, Enmu, Hinatsuru, Makio, Suma.
- Castlevania - Alucard, Sypha Belnades, Trevor Belmont, Carmilla, Lenore.
- Tokyo Ghoul - Ken Kaneki, Juuzou Suzuya, Touka Kirishima, Kuki Urie, Ayato Kirishima, Itori, Uta, Hideyoshi Nagachika.
- Haikyuu! - Daichi Sawamura, Kōshi Sugawara, Asahi Azumane, Tobio Kageyama, Tadashi Yamaguchi, Kiyoko Shimizu, Keishin Ukai, Tetsurō Kuroo, Kenma Kozume, Tōru Oikawa, Hajime Iwaizumi, Kōtarō Bokuto, Keiji Akaashi, Wakatoshi Ushijima, Satori Tendō, Yūji Terushima, Kiyoomi Sakusa, Atsumu Miya, Osamu Miya.
- Avatar the Last Airbender - Zuko, Katara, Sokka, Aang, Azula, Ty Lee.
- Avatar: Legend of Korra - Korra, Asami, Mako, Tenzin, Iroh.
- Waterparks - Awsten Knight, Geoff Wigington, Otto Wood.
- My Chemical Romance - Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro, Frank Iero, (all the killjoys).
- Pierce The Veil - Vic Fuentes, Tony Perry, Jaime Preciado.
- All Time Low - Alex Gaskarth, Rian Dawson, Zack Merrick.
- Ice Nine Kills - Spencer Charnas, Ricky Armellino, Patrick Galante, Joe Occhiuti, Dan Sugarman.
- Palaye Royale - Remington Leith, Emerson Barrett.
- Others - Oli Sykes, Ronnie Radke, Andy Hurley, Brandon Flowers, Chris Motionless, Kellin Quinn,, John O'Callaghan, Josh Franceschi, Lzzy Hale, Hayley Williams, William Beckett, Noah Sebastian, Will Ramos, Will Ghould, Dave Grohl, Vessel (Sleep Token).
- Metal Lords - Hunter, Kevin, Emily.
- The Sandman - Dream, Corinthian.
- Prey - Naru, Taabe.
- Stranger Things - Steve Harrington, Nancy Wheeler, Jonathon Byers, Max Mayfield, Robin Buckley, 001, Dimitri, Eddie Munson.
- Star Wars - Anakin Skywalker, Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Han Solo, Rey, Kylo Ren, Boba Fett, Poe Dameron, Din Djarin, Cal Kestis.
- ACOTAR series - Feyre Archeron, Nesta Archeron, Lucien Vanserra, Rhysand, Cassian, Azriel, Emerie, Eris Vanserra (maybe, if you have a request), Gwyn, Helion, Kallias, Tarquin, Thesan.
- The Serpent and the Wings of Night - Raihn Ashraj
- Magnolia Parks - Magnolia Parks, BJ Ballentine
- The Inheritance Games - Nash Hawthorne, Grayson Hawthorne, Jameson Hawthorne
- The Cruel Prince - Cardan Greenbriar, Dain Greenbriar, Balekin Greenbriar, Roiben.
- Barbie - Barbie, Ken.
- Monster High - Frankie Stein, Clawdeen Wolf, Cleo de Nile, Deuce Gorgon, Draculaura, Lagoona Blue, Abbey Bominable, Clawd Wolf, Gillington Webber, Heath Burns, Holt Hyde, Jackson Jekyll, Neighthan Rot, Operetta, Robecca Steam, Rochelle Goyle, Venus McFlytrap, Kieran Valentine, Porter Geiss.
- Euphoria - Rue Bennett, Jules Vaughn, Maddy Perez, Cassie Howard, Fezco, Lexi Howard, Nate Jacobs (nothing abusive).
- Wonka - Willy Wonka, Fickelgruber.
- Saltburn - Oliver Quick, Felix Catton, Farleigh Start, Venetia Catton.
I know that's quite a long list and if you want me to write for a character not on there then just ask :)
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legends-and-savages · 3 years
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legends-and-savages: semi-selective multimuse loved by Kitten (she/her).  30 in pst.  Featuring muses from multiple fandoms.  Replies generally queued from 12-7 on work days
In regards to the odd glitch going around feel free to @ me in things or pop by my inbox if you think I've missed something.
Mobile muses and rules
Starter Calls
Mobile muses under the cut:
*Denotes Alternate FC
**AU Based Character
Aeval Mim
Ajax Fenrisulfur
Albert Wesker
Alice Jones
Alistair Hart
Anastasia Hamilton
Anastasia Romanov
Angie Bolen
Annie January/Starlight
Arthur Curry
Arthur Pendragon
Aspyn Wynter
Athena Grant-Nash
Aurora Decker-Morningstar
Barry Allen*
Belle French
Ben Solo/Kylo Ren
Ben/ Soldier Boy
Beta Lockwood
Billy Hargrove
Billy Kaplan
Black Hat
Blaine DeBeers
Blythe Wheeler
Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw
Bree Tanner
Brixton Lore
Brock Rumlow
Bruce Wayne
Callista "Callie" Ward
Cara Dune
Carlos Reyes
Carol Danvers
Casimir Cummings-Shaw
Cassie Lang
Chuck Hansen
Chato Santana
Daemon Targaryen
Daliya Tremaine
Danika Fendyr
Danika Tremaine
Dante Reyes
Deacon Frost
Derek Hale
Diana Prince
Dinah Lance
Dizzy Tremaine
Dorothy Harding
Drago Couture
Drizella Tremaine
Eddie Diaz
Elain Archeron
Elsa of Arendelle
Emily Thomas
Emma Frost
Erik Killmonger
Eve Corvin
Felicia Hardy
Felix Fenrisulfur
Fen Udaku
Flint Shaw
Gigantosaurs (Paxton)
Grace Ryder
Gwen Stacy
Harley Quinn
Harry Hook
Helmut Zemo
Heather Fox
Hope Van Dyne
Queen Ingrith
Jack Kline
Jackson Teller
Jake "Hangman" Seresin
Jakob Toretto
Jamie Tartt
Jean Grey**
John Walker
John/ Homelander
Joyce Byers
Juna Carlos Ortiz
Kataleya Alverez
Kieran Barnes
Killian Jones
Laena Velaryon
Larissa Weems
Laurel Lightfoot
Lidia Cervos
Lucy Gray Baird
Luke Riordan/Golden Boy
Lyla Flag
Madelyne Pryor
Maggie Shaw/Queen Maeve
Major Lillywhite
Marcus Corvinus
Margaery Tyrell
Mary Winchester
Maverick Collins
Melina Vostokoff
Mighty Thor
Mira Sorrengail
Morgan Crowder-Fitzgerald
Natasha Romanoff
Negasonic Teenage Warhead
Nesta Archeron
Newt Scamander
Nikki Shaw
Nikolai Lantsov
Olivia Moore
Onyx Hayes
Orm Marius
Paige Cummings
Peter Parker
Peter Quill*
Pietro Maximoff
Queenie Goldstein
Quentin Beck
Raleigh Becket
Ramsay Bolton
Rebecca Welton
Regina Mills
Rhaenys Targaryen
Rick Flag
Robert DuBois
Robert "Bob" Floyd
Roy Kent
Ruhn Danaan
Selene Arslan-Davis
The Darkness
The Prince
Theo Raeken
Tyler Kennedy Strand
Thomas J. Hanniger
Thomas Shepherd
Velkan Valerious
Vik Malikova
Vladislaus Dracula
Wanda Maximoff
Wendy Case
Xu Xialing
Yelena Belova
Y'Mera Xebella Challa*
Zoya Nazyalensky
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Maid Marian (Live Action Portrayal) - Through the Ages 
The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938) - Portrayed by Olivia de Havilland
Rogues of Sherwood Forest (1950) - Portrayed by Diana Lynn
The Story of Robin Hood and His Merrie Men (1952) portrayed by Joan Rice
Sword of Sherwood Forest (1960) as Maid Marian Fitzwalter portrayed by Sarah Branch
Robin and Marian (1976) - Portrayed by Audrey Hepburn
Robin Hood (1991) - Portrayed by Uma Thurman
Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (1991) as Marian Dubois - portrayed by Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio
Robin Hood (BBC SERIES) (2006–2009) - portrayed by Lucy Griffiths
Robin Hood (2018) - Portrayed by Eve Hewson
Extra Mentions:
Robin Hood (1912) -  portrayed by Barbara Tennant
Robin Hood (1913) -  portrayed by Gerda Holmes
Robin Hood (1922)  as Lady Marian Fitzwalter - Portrayed by Enid Bennett
The Prince of Thieves (1948) as Lady Marian Claire - Portrayed by Patricia Morison
The Adventures of Robin Hood (1955-1959) - Portrayed by Bernadette O'Farrell and Patricia Driscoll
Wolfshead: The Legend of Robin Hood (1969) as Lady Marian Fitzwalter -  portrayed by Ciaran Madden
Disney’s Robin Hood (1973) -  voiced by Monica Evans and Nancy Adams
Robin of Sherwood (1984-1986) - Portrayed by Judi Trott
Robin Hood: Men in Tights (1993) - portrayed by Amy Yasbeck
Robin Hood (2010) - Portrayed by Cate Blanchett
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MORE PHOTOS... GLIMPSES OF MAHA MAHESHWARA PUJA (DAY 3) || 13 APRIL 2021 THE VISION OF BRINGING GLOBAL PEACE AS DECLARED ON JAN 1ST, 2021 IS INDEED A RESPONSIBILITY THAT CAN BE ENVISIONED AND EXECUTED IN LIVING REALITY WORLDWIDE ONLY BY THE LIVING INCARNATION OF PARAMASHIVA HIMSELF. THE SPH NITHYANANDA PARAMASHIVAM GRACIOUSLY ACCEPTED THE REQUEST OF KAILASA'S DEPARTMENT OF RELIGION IN COLLABORATION WITH DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICE OF A SPECIAL MAHA MAHESHWARA PUJA THAT WOULD BE HAPPENING ON 11TH, 12TH AND 13TH OF APRIL 2021. OVER 500 LIVES WERE OFFERED AT THE FEET OF THE SPH NITHYANANDA PARAMASHIVAM DURING MAHESHWARA PUJA. MAHESHWARA PUJA IS HINDUISM'S PRESCRIPTION IN LIBERATION OF THE DEPARTED SOUL. KARMA, AS DEFINED BY THE SPH IS THE CYCLE OF CHOOSING IMPOSSIBILITY OVER POSSIBILITY. KARMA , AS SUCH CARRIED BY ANCESTORS FOR GENERATIONS DOES INFLUENCE THE SOFTWARE AND HARDWARE OF ONE'S LIFE. MAHESHWARA PUJA IS HINDUISM IN ITS FINEST TO LIBERATE YOUR ANCESTORS FROM THEIR KARMAS AND FREE YOURSELF ONCE FOR ALL FROM THE EFFECTS OF THEIR KARMA ON YOU. OFFERING MAHESHWARA PUJA FOR YOURSELF WHILE LIVING ASSURES MUKTHI FOR YOU, AND IMMENSELY SUPPORTS YOU IN LIVING ENLIGHTENMENT (JEEVAN MUKTHI). CONSIDERING THESE COUPLE YEARS HAVE BEEN THE TIPPING POINT FOR A NEW WORLD ORDER, WHEREIN MANKIND AT LARGE ARE FORCED INTO TERROR PHYSICALLY, MENTALLY, PSYCHOLOGICALLY AND CONSCIOUSLY, WHEREIN LOSING LIVES DUE TO PANDEMIC AND ITS EFFECTS, LOSING LIVELIHOOD, THREATENED WITH BIO WAR, ETC - SPIRITUAL HEALING IS A DIRE NEED! HINDUISM PRESCRIBES VARIOUS METHODS FOR GLOBAL HEALING - ONE SUCH IS MAHESHWARA PUJA. NULLIFYING COLLECTIVE NEGATIVITY SIMPLY THROUGH THE PRESENCE OF THE AVATAR AND HIS ORDER OF MONKS. THE SOMASAMBHU PATATI SAYS, IT IS THOUSAND TIMES MORE GREATER THAN OFFERING ANY “SHRAADDHA”, ANY “PINDA”, IN ANY RIVER, ANY WATER-BODY, ANY LAKE, ANY HOLY LAND, ANY HOLY PLACE. OFFERING IT IN THE STOMACH OF THE LIVING INCARNATION OF PARAMASHIVA IS THE BEST FORM OF “PINDA THARPANA” AND 'SHRAADDHA'. IN HINDUISM, SHRAADHHA WHEREIN FOOD IS OFFERED TO SANYASIS FOR THE COMPLETION WITH THE DEPARTED SOULS, IS CALLED MAHESHWARA PUJA. IN THE SOMASHAMBHU PADDHATI, SHRAADHHA VIDHI,SLOKA 3 लिङ्गिनो ब्राह्मणाद्याश्च श्राद्धीयाः शिवदीक्षिताः । LIṄGINO BRĀHMAṆĀDYĀŚCA ŚRĀDDHĪYĀḤ ŚIVADĪKṢITĀḤ । THE TRANSLATION GOES “THE SANNYASIS AND BRAHMANAS WHO HAVE BEEN INITIATED INTO THE SHIVA DEEKSHA ARE ELIGIBLE TO BE APPOINTED AS THE REPRESENTATIVES OF PITRUS IN THE SHRAADHHA.” REGARDLESS OF THE NUMBER OF BIRTHS THE SOUL WOULD HAVE TAKEN, REGARDLESS OF THE SOUL, WHILE EMBODIED HAVING BEEN INITIATED BY THE MASTER OR NOT IN HIS LIFETIME - THE MASTER CAN INTERVENE AND MAKE HIS PRESENCE AVAILABLE IN THE DEPARTED SOUL’S LIFE AND LEAD IT TO ENLIGHTENMENT! THIS IS POSSIBLE ONLY THROUGH MAHESHWARA PUJA! MAHA MAHESHWARA PUJA TODAY WAS OFFERED FOR : Aarav Shah Aaron Abhimanyu Dange Adam Awan "Aditya Nambiar" Ai Ying Huang Alfiya Polesskaya Alicia Morrissey Alka Chawla (Alive And Doing It For Myself) Alkesh Patel Amit Rastogi Ammanta Shah Ramson Anand Kumar "Anatha Rao Jaganadarau" Andrea Hendricks Ang Shi Xian Angela Anirudh Singh Anirudh Singh Gaur Anita Torger Anja Anja Dekkers Anja Matschuck Anjana Lal Anjana Parvathy Annie Bidlenova Antoinette B Anu Chawla (Alive And Doing It For Myself) Anurag Verma Anutosh Biswas Anyan Aravind Narayanan Aravind Sarva Bhowman Archanaa Ananda Arlene Blackman "Arun Kumar" Arun Rathod Ashu "Ashu Goswami" Ashwini Kumar Vij Asit Deshpande Ayodhya L Batajoo B Amutha Batumalai Babita Gaur Barbara Hock Barbara Kužić Bhavna Parmar Bhuvaneshwaran Krishnamoorthy Bhuvaneshwari Prabakar Bin Kai, Ng Bin Yang, Ng Bobbi Ablan Bolatbej Jaxymbetov Bolatbek Jax Bolatbek Jaxymbetov Bowling Lai Bryanne Noritsky Caio Watthier Fernandes Carole Evrard-Bourdon Carrie Chow Li Mei Carrie Li Mei Cătălin Silaghi Dumitrescu Célia Parreira Chan Tsui Wai Jolly (Chan Cheuk Wing Jolly) "Chandra Mohan Singaravelu" Cheang Bee Wah Chellappan.C.V Chen Weiliang Chen Xiu Hua Chenruzhen Chenwanzhen Christian Dubois Christina James Chuan Dong Huang Claudio Sanches Cristina Neira Flores Da Wei Chen Dai Hui "Damir Zeric" Deepak Kumar Deepan Prabhu Babu Devaki Thapaliya Devikarani "Diana Sullivan" Dineshwaran Dixuan Dixuan Chen Donatien Rongemaille Dynatec Australia Pty Ltd E.K.Lim Eddy Faisans Elena Reutova Elizabeth Allen Elizabeth Ware Ellyse Davis Emmanuel Clavreul Eng Keong Lim Erina Marino Eugénie Thérèse Dixit Evelyne Telchid Ewa Andersson Ezequiel Franco Miranda "Fabio Cheung Lim Yem" Fangyu Shi Fatima Ibrahim Felipe Madrigal Francelise Gene Fu Wu Fung Yin Lai Gayathri Mohan Geetanjali Padayachi Geetha Parameshwar Hai Rong Yu Hansa Vaghjiani Hari Chand Balasubramaniam Hariharakrishnan Kr Harini Sivaramakrishnan Harshul Bhatt Heidi Coolen Hejuan Hiranyavarna Nithya Ananda Hong Ling Zhang 张红玲 Hua Li Li Huangxiuhua Hubert Girard Hui Chieh Chen Huijuan Itani Humadevi Sivasamy Hung Li Hui Hung Lin Sheng Hungmui Long Idar Conley Indrani Chatterjee Ines Zimmermann Ivana Cendic Ivana Grebenar Jamie Patel Janarthan Rama Murti Jeanne Lavital Jessica Marie Altamirano Jia Wei Jia Yan Bing Jianxi Sun Jiaxin Xue Jing Guo Jinghua Chi - M Jitka Sotonová Jolanta Pawelec Josiele Watthier Jozef Homola Juan Quiñonez Franco Kanika Vij (Alive And Doing It For Myself) "Karen Ramjohn" Karen Burlingham Karn Inc Kathryn Kern Scholl Kenneth Nelson Kim Emons Kim Yiew Lee Kouxiaolan Krishnavi Potula "Kristijan Baran" Kristijan Baran Kritika Vij (Alive And Doing It For Myself) Lai Tee, Chia Lalita Tatarie Laurent Ngnazo Nolak Lenka Hukalukova Li Mengyao Licheng Lin YANG Lina Forbin Linxiaoming Lixia Hua Lu Chen Lu Yeya "Lucia Samano" Lúcia Kröger Lucia Samano Ma Dhurjati Nithyananda Ma Nithya Maha Adbhutacharitrananda Ma Nithya Maha Buddhananda Ma Nithya Premasindoori Ma Nithya Saralananda Magalie Caron Mahajaya Creations Mahesha Ananda Mahinder Chawla (Alive And Doing It For Myself) Mahitha Reddy Mala Patel Manish Bajpai Manoj Chawla (Alive And Doing It For Myself) Maria Ligia Parise Penteado Maria Lígia Penteado Mariana Maritato Marianne Croisier Marie Marie Anne
from KAILASA's SPH JGM Nithyananda Paramashivam - Posts | Facebook https://ift.tt/2RCDp1b
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alexlacquemanne · 4 years
Max et les Ferrailleurs (1971) de Claude Sautet avec Michel Piccoli, Romy Schneider et Georges Wilson
Deux sœurs pour un roi (The Other Boleyn Girl) (2008) de Justin Chadwick avec Scarlett Johansson, Eric Bana et Natalie Portman
Rien ne va plus (1997) de Claude Chabrol avec Michel Serrault, Isabelle Huppert, François Cluzet et Jean-François Balmer
Le Ruffian (1983) de José Giovanni avec Lino Ventura, Bernard Giraudeau et Claudia Cardinale
La Menace (1977) de Alain Corneau avec Yves Montand, Carole Laure et Marie Dubois
Certains l'aiment chaud (Some Like It Hot) (1959) de Billy Wilder avec Marilyn Monroe, Tony Curtis et Jack Lemmon
Le Mur de l'Atlantique (1970) de Marcel Camus avec Bourvil, Peter McEnery, Sophie Desmarets et Jean Poiret
Danger : Diabolik ! (Diabolik) (1968) de Mario Bava avec John Phillip Law, Marisa Mell, Michel Piccoli et Claudio Gora
Starsky et Hutch (Starsky & Hutch) (2004) de Todd Phillips avec Ben Stiller et Owen Wilson
Le Seigneur des anneaux : Les Deux Tours (The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers) (2002) de Peter Jackson avec Elijah Wood, Sean Astin et Viggo Mortensen
La Grande Cuisine (Who Is Killing the Great Chefs of Europe?) (1878) de Ted Kotcheff avec George Segal, Jacqueline Bisset, Robert Morley, Madge Ryan, Philippe Noiret et Jean Rochefort
Quand l'inspecteur s'emmêle (A Shot in the Dark) (1964) de Blake Edwards avec Peter Sellers, Elke Sommer, George Sanders et Herbert Lom
Meurtre au soleil (Evil Under the Sun) (1982) de Guy Hamilton avec Peter Ustinov, Nicholas Clay, Jane Birkin et Diana Rigg
Hirondelles de saucisson (1990) de François Rollin
Le fusible (2017) de Sylvain Meyniac avec Philippe Dusseau, Gaëlle Gauthier, Arnaud Gidoin, Juliette Meyniac, Irina Ninova et Stéphane Plaza
L’Exoconférence (2014) d’Alexandre Astier
Le jeu de l’amour et du hasard (2018) de Pierre Carlet de Chamblain de Marivaux avec Laure Calamy, Vincent Dedienne, Clotilde Hesme, Nicolas Maury, Alain Pralon et Cyrille Thouvenin
Top Gear Saison 22, 13, 21, 18, 11, 12
Road Trip en Australie - Retour en 1940 - Road Trip à Tchernobyl - La fièvre du vintage - Spécial Journée Circuit - L’art de la chasse - Une course comme sur un green - Construire l’impossible
Comissaire Dupin
La Morte rose
The Grand Tour Saison 3, 1, 2
Scotch Single Malt - Les bras cassés à la Barbade - Les vacances du simplet - Jaaaaaaaags - Course polaire - Virée à l’italienne
Chapeau melon et Bottes de Cuir Saison 4
Le Fantôme du château De'Ath - Avec vue imprenable - Les Aigles - Cœur à cœur 
Friends Saison 1
Celui avec George - Celui qui hallucine - Celui qui aimait les lasagnes - Celui qui fait des descentes dans les douches - Celui qui était comme les autres - Celui qui a du jus - Celui qui a perdu son singe - Celui qui a un rôle
Kaamelott Livre I, V, VI
Corvus Corone - Le Royaume Sans Tête - Le Dernier Jour - Centurio - Arturi inquisito
Stargate SG-1 Saison 6
La classe américaine de Michel Hazanavicius et Dominique Mézerette
Kaamelott Tome 5 : Le Serpent Géant du Lac de l'Ombre d’Alexandre Astier et Steven Dupré
Kaamelott Tome 8 : L'antre du Basilic d’Alexandre Astier et Steven Dupré
Kaamelott Tome 9 : Les renforts maléfiques d’Alexandre Astier et Steven Dupré
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hughiecampbelle · 6 years
Wanda Maximoff
Monica Rambeau / Jimmy Woo
Tony Stark
Harold Hogan
Quentin Beck
Peter Parker (Tom Holland)
Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield)
Peter Parker (Tobey Maguire)
Liz Allen
Michelle Jones
Ned Leeds
Flash Thompson
Natasha Romanoff
Yelena Belova 
Bucky Barnes
Steve Rogers
Pietro Maximoff
Clint Barton  
Kate Bishop
Bruce Banner
Thor Odinson
Valkyrie / Hela
Scott Lang
Hope Pym
Sam Wilson
James Rhodes
Helmut Zemo 
Loki Laufeyson
Sylvie Laufeydottir
Nick Fury / Phil Coulson
Stephen Strange
Wong  / America Chavez
Katy Chen / Xu Xialing
Peter Quill
Rocket / Groot
Ava Starr
Nebula / Yondu Udonta  
Matt Murdock
Franklin Nelson  
Karen Page
Frank Castle
William Russo
Rahul Nadeem
Benjamin “Dex” Poindexter
Claire Temple
The Umbrella Academy: 
Luther Hargreeves
Diego Hargreeves 
Allison Hargreeves
Klaus Hargreeves 
Five Hargreeves
Ben Hargreeves
(Vanya Posts)  Viktor Hargreeves 
Lila Pitts
Dick Grayson
Donna Troy
Hank Hall / Dawn Granger
Kory Anders
Rachel Roth
Garfield Logan
Jason Todd
Conner Kent
Tim Drake
Rose Wilson / Joey Wilson
Stranger Things: 
Nancy Wheeler
Jonathan Byers
Steve Harrington
Robin Buckley
Billy Hargrove
Eddie Munson
Joyce Byers
Jim Hopper
Dmitri Antonov / Chrissy Cunningham 
Will Byers
Mike Wheeler
Dustin Henderson
Lucas Sinclair
Max Mayfield
Peaky Blinders: 
Polly Gray
Arthur Shelby 
Thomas Shelby
John Shelby
Ada Shelby
Finn Shelby
Michael Gray
Alfie Solomons
The Boys: 
Hughie Campbell
Billy Butcher
Mother’s Milk
Annie January
Kimiko Miyashiro
Soldier Boy
Reggie Franklin
Gen V: 
Luke Riordan 
Jordan Li
Andre Anderson 
Cate Dunlap
Marie Moreau
Emma Meyer
Sam Riordan
Criminal Minds: 
Aaron Hotchner 
Derek Morgan 
Spencer Reid 
Jennifer Jareau 
Penelope Garcia 
Connor Roy
Kendall Roy
Shiv Roy
Roman Roy
Logan Roy
Tom Wambsgans 
Greg Hirsch
The Defenders: 
Jessica Jones
Luke Cage
Danny Rand
Bruce Wayne
Diana Prince
Steve Trevor  
Clark Kent  
Barry Allen  
Arthur Curry  
Victor Stone  
Eddie Brock
Carlton Drake
Deadly Class: 
Marcus Lopez Arguello
Saya Kuroki
Maria Salazar
Willie Lewis
Billy Bennett
Lex Miller / Petra Yolga  
The Witcher: 
Geralt Of Rivia
Yennefer of Vengerberg
Cirilla of Cintra
Suicide Squad: 
Rick Flag
Harley Quinn
George Harkness
Robert Dubois
Cleo Cazo
Abner Krill
Christopher Smith
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endlessly-cursed · 2 years
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Lennox, Mary Ann, Stephanie, Harry, Diana, Lucille & Yvonne
Idea inspired by @kathrynalicemc
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zou-labrousse · 5 years
EXPOS Antoine Haupteman
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Brigitta Horváth
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Chrystel Moreau
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Catherine Chubilleau
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Eva Schakmundes
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Isabelle Rapp-Tetard
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Javier Contreras
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Léo Gérard
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Lily Wei
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LN Le Cheviller
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Maayan Teppler & Maël Derio
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Maïa Commère
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Martine Jousselin
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Mathilde Le Moal
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Michel Gayout
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Sandolore Sykes
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Trisha McCrae
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PERFORMANCES Camille Vidalain
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Diana Bratu
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Gramoul Zlu
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Kate Chabrière
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L'Art bat l'Etre Compagnie
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Léa Leclerc
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Marie Lansac
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Marthe Dubois-Felten
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Silvia Naranjo Caro / Léa Leclerc / Christophe Rivière
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Vanille Schaufelberger & Robin Joulia
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MIKA! graphiste de ZOU!
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tagged by: stolen from @luridgod CURRENTLY PLAYING:
Fox Mulder (high activity)
Bedelia du Maurier (low activity)
Hannibal Lecter (low activity; mix of book/show influences but not really either)
Charlie Scully (and partner Jack Roscoe) (low activity)
Jessica Rabbit (infrequent activity)
Multimuse (infrequent/low activity) consisting of:
Amy Elliott Dunne (by request)
The Beast (mix of influences, primarily live action Disney) (low activity)
Camille Preaker (by request)
Chloe (high but infrequent activity)
Cigarette Smoking Man (still working out kinks)
Cordelia Goode (low activity)
Deborah “Deb” Taylor (medium but infrequent activity)
Diane “Dee” Daniel (high but infrequent activity)
Elsa (low activity)
Galen Erso (medium activity)
Haruko Haruhara (low activity)
Homura Akemi (low activity)
Jessica Irving (high but infrequent activity)
Mami Tomoe (low activity)
Meg (low activity)
Mireille Bouquet (high but infrequent activity)
Mischa Lecter (by request)
Monika (high but infrequent activity)
Paul Spector (by request)
Tara Maclay (by request)
Will Graham (mix of book and show influences) (low activity)
Dana Jones (oc)
Eve (oc)
Rin Izumi (oc)
The Vulture
Isabel Maru
Joseph Christiansen
Blanche DuBois
Cathy Ames
Jennifer Honey
Celeste Wright/White
Diana Goodman
Eleanor Weiss (oc connected to Jessica Rabbit)
Fuko Ibuki
Joyce Byers
Rachel Duncan
Phone Guy (he had an entire blog and I didn’t do anything with him.  RIP.)
Regina Mills
Sidney Glass
Mary-Margaret Blanchard (specifically this variation and not Snow White)
Chara (who only has ic writing on a non-rp blog and was removed primarily to issues with how I interpreted ... them)
There may be more - I know I’ve had a handful of other ocs on my multi that didn’t get used - but these are the ones I have icons/theme setup/stuff for still saved on my computer and I know I did some writing on them (with the exception of Phone Guy, who I know I didn’t get writing done with, and Stefan, who I can’t remember if I did or not).
Dana Jones (oc)
Eve (oc)
Chara (given the issues with interpretation I have a lot of debate here)
Celeste Wright/White
Monica Reyes (originally was in the plans to add her to the multi after the finale.  still a debate.)
Lusamine (my love of Lusamine, honestly)
Cora Mills (not likely, but she’s the only one of my original debated characters who I haven’t, so she’s an off-and-on debate)
Ara Ryder (oc.  would not be received well in the tumblr rpc)
Ava (oc.  would need some work.)
Simon / Haima (oc.  would not need as much work)
Jean Grey / Phoenix (debate between Jean herself or the Phoenix Force or a mixture of the two - but not up-to-date on current comics and still have almost a year on the new movie since they pushed it back and not sure on fc - but sits in the back of my mind like maybe but also would not be a good idea)
TenSoon (have any of you even read the Mistborn series.)
Valentine Wiggin (book canon, different fc)
Idgie Threadgoode
Alana Bloom (did some headcanoning a while back.  a while back.  but meh.)
Clyde Bruckman (this was actually a thought and I still think it would be a cool idea)
Yuno Gasai
Para Ventura
tagging: yo if you wanna do the thing, steal it and say i tagged you.  otherwise, nah.
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vampireadamooc · 7 years
Friendly reminder that the FBI Files are publicly available - updated weekly as FOIA Requests are processed.
Direct Links to A-P (August 4th 2017)
The Vault Index
The FBI has converted many FOIA documents to an electronic format (PDF), and they may be viewed below. In the case of voluminous pages, only summaries or excerpts from the documents are online. Subjects are sorted alphabetically by first name. You can also use your browser's find feature to locate subjects on the page.
Al Capone Animal Mutilation Ali Hasan Al-Majid Al-Tikriti (Chemical Ali) Albert Anastasia ACLU Aristotle Onassis American Friends Service Committee Aryan Nation Anna Nicole Smith Anthony Blunt Alfred Kinsey Abner Zwillman Albert Einstein Anthony Spilotro ABSCAM Arthur Flegenheimer (Dutch Schultz) Alcatraz Escape Alcoholics Anonymous Al Gore, Sr. Amerithrax Anwar Nasser Aulaqi Amelia Boynton Abbie Hoffman Adolf Hitler Asian American Political Alliance Amelia Mary Earhart Andrew Phillip Cunanan Anthony Salerno All American Anti Imperialist League American Nazi Party Arthur Rudolph Aryan Brotherhood Atlanta Child Murders Aryan Circle Almighty Latin Kings Abe Fortas Arthur R. "Doc" Barker Arnold Palmer Armando Florez Ibarra Alvin Francis Karpis Attempted Assassination of President Ronald Reagan Alger Hiss Ariel Sharon Art Modell
Black September Bertolt Brecht Billy Carter Bishop Fulton Sheen Bonus March Barker-Karpis Gang Summary Bloods and Crips Gang Bonnie and Clyde Black Dahlia (Elizabeth Short) Basque Intelligence Service Bugsy Siegel Bayard Rustin Benjamin Hooks Benjamin Crowninshield Bradlee Black Guerilla Family Black Mafia Family Bernard Baruch Black Panther Party BOMBROB Betty Shabazz Bureau Aviation Regulations Policy Directive and Policy Guide Bernard Julius Otto Kuehn Bettie Page Billy Martin Barker/Karpis Gang
Caryl Chessman Cardinal Francis Spellman Cambridge Five Spy Ring Carmine John Persico, Jr. Custodial Detention Clyde A. Tolson Clark Gable Charles Manson Council on Foreign Relations Charles Lindbergh Clarence Smith (aka 13x) Clarence Darrow Carl Sagan Carmine Galante Conference Cost Reporting and Approvals to Use Nonfederal Facilities Policy Directive 0927D Charlie Chaplin Casey Kasem Cartha DeLoach Christopher (Biggie Smalls) Wallace Charles "Chuck" Wendell Colson Contract for Assistance Regarding Syed Farooks iPhone Charlie Wilson Courtney Allen Evans Claudia Johnson Carlo Gambino Christic Institute Cesar Chavez Clergy and Laity Concerned about Vietnam Charles Rebozo Charles Kettering Claudia Jones Christian Identity Movement Carl Sandburg Charles (Sonny) Liston Columbine High School Criminal Profiling Coretta Scott King Charles Arthur (Pretty Boy) Floyd Custodial Detention Headquarters Carlos Fuentes COINTELPRO Custodial Detention Security Index
Danny Kaye David Koresh Daily Worker Dinah Shore Dorothy Dandridge Duquesne Spy Ring Director Comey Letter to Congress Dated October 28, 2016 Diversity and Inclusion Program Policy Guide Policy Directive 0842D Daniel David "Dan" Rostenkowski Daniel Inouye Daniel Schorr Demonstrations against Lyndon B. Johnson Desi Arnaz Diana, Princess of Wales D. Milton Ladd Dr. Samuel Sheppard Dwight David "Ike" Eisenhower Director Comey Letter to Congress Dated November 6, 2016 David Hahn Debbie Reynolds David Howell Petraeus Daniel Patrick Moynihan D. B. Cooper
Erich Fromm Emmett Till E. B. (William) Dubois Extra-Sensory Perception Eliot Ness Electronic Recordkeeping Certification Policy Guide 0800PG Edward Irving "Ed" Koch Elizabeth Taylor Everette Hunt Edward Abbey Elizabeth Arden Edward Kennedy (Duke) Ellington Elvis Presley Eugene McCarthy Eddie Cantor Eleanor Roosevelt Evelyn Frechette Eric Wright (Eazy-E, EZ E) El Rukns Elijah Muhammad Ernest Hemingway Eugene “Gene” Curran Kelly Explanation of Exemptions
FBI Miami Shooting, April 11, 1986 Frances Perkins Fred Hampton Frank Capone FBI History Francis Gary Powers Frank Sinatra FBI Technical Surveillance Countermeasures Classification Guide Fred W. Phelps, Sr FBI Ethics and Integrity Program Policy Directive Policy Guide FBI Student Programs Policy Guide 0805 PG Fannie Lou Hammer Frank Rosenthal FBI Domestic Investigations and Operations Guide (DIOG) FBI Undercover Operations FBI Terrorist Photo Album Five Percenters Frank Wortman FBI Use of Global Positioning System (GPS) Tracking Frank Malina FDPS FBI Sign Language Interpreting and Reading Program 0889D FBI Seal Name Initials and Special Agent Gold Badge 0625D FOIA DISCLAIMER Fidel Castro Freedom Riders FBI Assistance Provided to Local Law Enforcement During the Black Lives Matter Movement FBI Recreational Association(s) 0465D FOIA Requests Containing the Word Trump Fritz Julius Kuhn Fred G. Randaccio Fred C. Trump
George (Bugs) Moran Greenlease Kidnapping George (Machine Gun) Kelly Groucho Marx Guy Hottel Gov. Edmund Gerald (Pat) Brown, Sr. Gene Siskel German American Federation/Bund Geraldine Ferraro Gangster Disciples Grace Kelly Greenpeace George Jackson Brigade Guantanamo (GTMO) George Burns George Lester Jackson General Douglas MacArthur General Telecommunications Policy 0862D George S. Patton, Jr. Gay Activist Alliance Ghost Stories: Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) Illegals Gamergate Gregory Scarpa, Sr George Orson Welles George Steinbrenner
Hugo Black Henry Louis (H.L.) Mencken Henry A Wallace Herbert Khaury (Tiny Tim) Highlander Folk School Hanns Eisler Henry Miller Howard Zinn Huey Percy Newton HEARNAP Honoraria Policy 0867D Herman Barker Harold Glasser Hubert H. Humphrey Helen Keller Harland David "Colonel" Sanders Hindenburg Harry S. Truman Hillary R. Clinton Howard Robard Hughes, Jr
Interpol Irgun Zvai Leumi Irving Berlin Impersonation of Bhumibol Adulyadej Imperial Gangsters I Was a Communist for the FBI (Motion Picture) Irwin Allen Ginsberg Ian Fleming Irving Resnick
Jack Soble Jefferson Airplane Jack Benny Jack the Ripper Jesse James James Cagney John F. Kennedy Jr. John Murtha Joseph Aiuppa Jonestown (RYMUR) Summary Joseph Lash John Ehrlichman John L. Lewis John (Jake the Barber) Factor Joseph P. (Joe) Kennedy, Sr. John Steinbeck John Arthur (Jack) Johnson Janis Joplin Jimmy Hoffa Jessica Mitford Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer Jack Anderson John Wilkes Booth Joe Paterno Jay David Whittaker Chambers John Joseph Gotti, Jr James Marshall "Jimi" Hendrix James Baldwin Joseph Losey John Siegenthaler Jeannette Rankin Jack Roosevelt Robinson Judith Coplon James Joseph Brown John Wayne (Marion Robert Morrison) Jerry Garcia Jane Addams John Chancellor John Wayne Gacy Jack Roosevelt (Jackie) Robinson John D. Rockefeller, III John Dillinger John (Handsome Johnny) Roselli John Profumo (Bowtie) J. Edgar Hoover Julius and Ethel Rosenberg J. Edgar Hoover Appointment and Phone Logs Jesse Helms Jonestown J. Edgar Hoover Official and Confidential (O&C) Files Joe Louis Joan Alexandra Rivers Jack Dempsey John Denver James Farmer James McDougal John Updike Jerry Heller Josephine Baker Joseph Paul "Joe" DiMaggio John Winston Lennon
Kent State Katherine Oppenheimer Kent State Shooting Ken Eto Kansas City Massacre Kiss
Lady Bird Johnson Louis Allen Leander Perez, Sr. Legal Handbook for FBI Special Agents Louis (Lepke) Buchalter Liberace Lyndon B. Johnson Laboratory Reference Firearms Collection Policy LD0020D Louie Louie (The Song) Louis Francis Costello Lucia Stepp Lewis F. Powell, Jr. Lillie Belle Allen League of Women Voters Lillian (Lily) Hellman Lester Joseph Gillis (Baby Face Nelson) Lenny Bruce Lucille Ball Luis Buñuel Louis Terkel Langston Hughes Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev Leon Trotsky Leonard Bernstein Lloyd William Barker
Marilyn Monroe Motion Picture Copyright Infringement Mississippi Burning (MIBURN) Case Michael (Mike) Royko Martin Luther King, Jr. Melvin Purvis Malcolm X Muriel Rukeyser Marilyn Sheppard Madalyn Murray OHair Mack Charles Parker Mexican Mafia Mafia Monograph Morris and Lona Cohen Medgar Evers Moorish Science Temple of America Mary Jo Kopechne (Chappaquiddick) Majestic 12 Marian Anderson Michael Jackson Machine Gun Kelly Murray Humphreys Michael Hastings Michael Whitney Straight Melvin Belli Marvin Gaye Marlene Dietrich Malcolm Little (Malcolm X) Meir Kahane Mario Savio Mohammed Khalifa MAOP Margaret H. Thatcher Myron Leon "Mike" Wallace Miami Boys Mario M. Cuomo Muammar Qadhafi Mattachine Society Meyer Lansky Mickey Mantle MIOG Mark Felt Martin Dies, Jr. Muhammad Ali Marcus Garvey
Nikola Tesla Norman Mailer Neil Armstrong National Rifle Association (NRA) New Alliance Party Nuestra Familia National Security Letters (NSL) National States Rights Party NAACP National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP) National Organization for Women (NOW) Nation of Islam Nelson Mandela National Gang Threat Assessment Next Generation Identification Monthly Fact Sheets Non-Retaliation for Reporting Compliance Risks Naming and Commemorating FBI Buildings and Spaces 0910D
Osage Indian Murders Owen Lattimore OKBOMB Original Knights of the KKK
Pearl Buck People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) President Richard Nixon's FBI Application Purple Gang (aka Sugar House Gang) Project Blue Book (UFO) Philip Ochs Protests in Baltimore, Maryland, 2015 Pablo Escobar Patriot Act Paul Harvey Paul Robeson, Sr. Pulse Nightclub Shooting Personal Services Contracts Policy Directive 0957D Percy Sutton Pentagon Spy Case Policy: Custodial Interrogation for Public Safety Policy Directive 0481D Physical Fitness Program Policy Directive and Policy Guide 0676PG
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GLIMPSES OF MAHA MAHESHWARA PUJA (DAY 3) || 13 APRIL 2021 THE VISION OF BRINGING GLOBAL PEACE AS DECLARED ON JAN 1ST, 2021 IS INDEED A RESPONSIBILITY THAT CAN BE ENVISIONED AND EXECUTED IN LIVING REALITY WORLDWIDE ONLY BY THE LIVING INCARNATION OF PARAMASHIVA HIMSELF. THE SPH NITHYANANDA PARAMASHIVAM GRACIOUSLY ACCEPTED THE REQUEST OF KAILASA'S DEPARTMENT OF RELIGION IN COLLABORATION WITH DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICE OF A SPECIAL MAHA MAHESHWARA PUJA THAT WOULD BE HAPPENING ...ON 11TH, 12TH AND 13TH OF APRIL 2021. OVER 500 LIVES WERE OFFERED AT THE FEET OF THE SPH NITHYANANDA PARAMASHIVAM DURING MAHESHWARA PUJA. MAHESHWARA PUJA IS HINDUISM'S PRESCRIPTION IN LIBERATION OF THE DEPARTED SOUL. KARMA, AS DEFINED BY THE SPH IS THE CYCLE OF CHOOSING IMPOSSIBILITY OVER POSSIBILITY. KARMA , AS SUCH CARRIED BY ANCESTORS FOR GENERATIONS DOES INFLUENCE THE SOFTWARE AND HARDWARE OF ONE'S LIFE. MAHESHWARA PUJA IS HINDUISM IN ITS FINEST TO LIBERATE YOUR ANCESTORS FROM THEIR KARMAS AND FREE YOURSELF ONCE FOR ALL FROM THE EFFECTS OF THEIR KARMA ON YOU. OFFERING MAHESHWARA PUJA FOR YOURSELF WHILE LIVING ASSURES MUKTHI FOR YOU, AND IMMENSELY SUPPORTS YOU IN LIVING ENLIGHTENMENT (JEEVAN MUKTHI). CONSIDERING THESE COUPLE YEARS HAVE BEEN THE TIPPING POINT FOR A NEW WORLD ORDER, WHEREIN MANKIND AT LARGE ARE FORCED INTO TERROR PHYSICALLY, MENTALLY, PSYCHOLOGICALLY AND CONSCIOUSLY, WHEREIN LOSING LIVES DUE TO PANDEMIC AND ITS EFFECTS, LOSING LIVELIHOOD, THREATENED WITH BIO WAR, ETC - SPIRITUAL HEALING IS A DIRE NEED! HINDUISM PRESCRIBES VARIOUS METHODS FOR GLOBAL HEALING - ONE SUCH IS MAHESHWARA PUJA. NULLIFYING COLLECTIVE NEGATIVITY SIMPLY THROUGH THE PRESENCE OF THE AVATAR AND HIS ORDER OF MONKS. THE SOMASAMBHU PATATI SAYS, IT IS THOUSAND TIMES MORE GREATER THAN OFFERING ANY “SHRAADDHA”, ANY “PINDA”, IN ANY RIVER, ANY WATER-BODY, ANY LAKE, ANY HOLY LAND, ANY HOLY PLACE. OFFERING IT IN THE STOMACH OF THE LIVING INCARNATION OF PARAMASHIVA IS THE BEST FORM OF “PINDA THARPANA” AND 'SHRAADDHA'. IN HINDUISM, SHRAADHHA WHEREIN FOOD IS OFFERED TO SANYASIS FOR THE COMPLETION WITH THE DEPARTED SOULS, IS CALLED MAHESHWARA PUJA. IN THE SOMASHAMBHU PADDHATI, SHRAADHHA VIDHI,SLOKA 3 लिङ्गिनो ब्राह्मणाद्याश्च श्राद्धीयाः शिवदीक्षिताः । LIṄGINO BRĀHMAṆĀDYĀŚCA ŚRĀDDHĪYĀḤ ŚIVADĪKṢITĀḤ । THE TRANSLATION GOES “THE SANNYASIS AND BRAHMANAS WHO HAVE BEEN INITIATED INTO THE SHIVA DEEKSHA ARE ELIGIBLE TO BE APPOINTED AS THE REPRESENTATIVES OF PITRUS IN THE SHRAADHHA.” REGARDLESS OF THE NUMBER OF BIRTHS THE SOUL WOULD HAVE TAKEN, REGARDLESS OF THE SOUL, WHILE EMBODIED HAVING BEEN INITIATED BY THE MASTER OR NOT IN HIS LIFETIME - THE MASTER CAN INTERVENE AND MAKE HIS PRESENCE AVAILABLE IN THE DEPARTED SOUL’S LIFE AND LEAD IT TO ENLIGHTENMENT! THIS IS POSSIBLE ONLY THROUGH MAHESHWARA PUJA! MAHA MAHESHWARA PUJA TODAY WAS OFFERED FOR : Aarav Shah Aaron Abhimanyu Dange Adam Awan "Aditya Nambiar" Ai Ying Huang Alfiya Polesskaya Alicia Morrissey Alka Chawla (Alive And Doing It For Myself) Alkesh Patel Amit Rastogi Ammanta Shah Ramson Anand Kumar "Anatha Rao Jaganadarau" Andrea Hendricks Ang Shi Xian Angela Anirudh Singh Anirudh Singh Gaur Anita Torger Anja Anja Dekkers Anja Matschuck Anjana Lal Anjana Parvathy Annie Bidlenova Antoinette B Anu Chawla (Alive And Doing It For Myself) Anurag Verma Anutosh Biswas Anyan Aravind Narayanan Aravind Sarva Bhowman Archanaa Ananda Arlene Blackman "Arun Kumar" Arun Rathod Ashu "Ashu Goswami" Ashwini Kumar Vij Asit Deshpande Ayodhya L Batajoo B Amutha Batumalai Babita Gaur Barbara Hock Barbara Kužić Bhavna Parmar Bhuvaneshwaran Krishnamoorthy Bhuvaneshwari Prabakar Bin Kai, Ng Bin Yang, Ng Bobbi Ablan Bolatbej Jaxymbetov Bolatbek Jax Bolatbek Jaxymbetov Bowling Lai Bryanne Noritsky Caio Watthier Fernandes Carole Evrard-Bourdon Carrie Chow Li Mei Carrie Li Mei Cătălin Silaghi Dumitrescu Célia Parreira Chan Tsui Wai Jolly (Chan Cheuk Wing Jolly) "Chandra Mohan Singaravelu" Cheang Bee Wah Chellappan.C.V Chen Weiliang Chen Xiu Hua Chenruzhen Chenwanzhen Christian Dubois Christina James Chuan Dong Huang Claudio Sanches Cristina Neira Flores Da Wei Chen Dai Hui "Damir Zeric" Deepak Kumar Deepan Prabhu Babu Devaki Thapaliya Devikarani "Diana Sullivan" Dineshwaran Dixuan Dixuan Chen Donatien Rongemaille Dynatec Australia Pty Ltd E.K.Lim Eddy Faisans Elena Reutova Elizabeth Allen Elizabeth Ware Ellyse Davis Emmanuel Clavreul Eng Keong Lim Erina Marino Eugénie Thérèse Dixit Evelyne Telchid Ewa Andersson Ezequiel Franco Miranda "Fabio Cheung Lim Yem" Fangyu Shi Fatima Ibrahim Felipe Madrigal Francelise Gene Fu Wu Fung Yin Lai Gayathri Mohan Geetanjali Padayachi Geetha Parameshwar Hai Rong Yu Hansa Vaghjiani Hari Chand Balasubramaniam Hariharakrishnan Kr Harini Sivaramakrishnan Harshul Bhatt Heidi Coolen Hejuan Hiranyavarna Nithya Ananda Hong Ling Zhang 张红玲 Hua Li Li Huangxiuhua Hubert Girard Hui Chieh Chen Huijuan Itani Humadevi Sivasamy Hung Li Hui Hung Lin Sheng Hungmui Long Idar Conley Indrani Chatterjee Ines Zimmermann Ivana Cendic Ivana Grebenar Jamie Patel Janarthan Rama Murti Jeanne Lavital Jessica Marie Altamirano Jia Wei Jia Yan Bing Jianxi Sun Jiaxin Xue Jing Guo Jinghua Chi - M Jitka Sotonová Jolanta Pawelec Josiele Watthier Jozef Homola Juan Quiñonez Franco Kanika Vij (Alive And Doing It For Myself) "Karen Ramjohn" Karen Burlingham Karn Inc Kathryn Kern Scholl Kenneth Nelson Kim Emons Kim Yiew Lee Kouxiaolan Krishnavi Potula "Kristijan Baran" Kristijan Baran Kritika Vij (Alive And Doing It For Myself) Lai Tee, Chia Lalita Tatarie Laurent Ngnazo Nolak Lenka Hukalukova Li Mengyao Licheng Lin YANG Lina Forbin Linxiaoming Lixia Hua Lu Chen Lu Yeya "Lucia Samano" Lúcia Kröger Lucia Samano Ma Dhurjati Nithyananda Ma Nithya Maha Adbhutacharitrananda Ma Nithya Maha Buddhananda Ma Nithya Premasindoori Ma Nithya Saralananda Magalie Caron Mahajaya Creations Mahesha Ananda Mahinder Chawla (Alive And Doing It For Myself) Mahitha Reddy Mala Patel Manish Bajpai Manoj Chawla (Alive And Doing It For Myself) Maria Ligia Parise Penteado Maria Lígia Penteado Mariana Maritato Marianne Croisier Marie Marie Anne Marie-Frédéric Pounidane Pandourangane
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