#Dictation Software
if someone were to tap my computer microphone, They would just hear a lot of voice commands for clicking and me cussing out my computer because it keeps not registering the words middle, click, and reblog
I am going to scream
I have to affect an accent for it to fucking register sometimes argwtyjhsrtgwrf
I talk fast and then it fucking hyphenates or combines words even though the combined word (no spaces) isn't part of a fucking dictionary and it doesn't do that for any other words I sound out or speak close together
it's just- aoijgoajeiojrf
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thebluestbluewords · 15 days
I have a lot of very specific headcanons about Auradon Prep, and one of them is the fact that Jay is both a Smart Guy, and also chronically incapable of turning in assignments on time. For. Reasons.
this might be about one of those reasons.
Carlos looks up from his plate as Jay wanders over. “Dude, where were you? We started eating without you.” 
“Talking to a teacher. I submitted an assignment wrong, or something.” 
Carlos nods. He’s got a fork dangling from one hand, and there’s a leaf stuck in his hair. Sunlit from behind, Jay’s pretty sure that he’s the prettiest boy on this side of the barrier. “Oh, man. Was it Demorra? She’s super strict about the rules, especially for the online stuff. I could’ve helped you figure it out bro, you don’t have to get through her bureaucratic shit on your own.” 
Jay sets his tray down on the opposite side of the table. “Nah. It was Williams.” 
Carlos frowns. “The international lit teacher? Really?” 
They’ve been reading through Jay’s lit assignments together. Auradon expects them to type up all of their homework, so he’s been getting by with the hacked dictation program on his laptop and locking himself in the bathroom to read his essays out loud into the program with the minimum of background noise. 
There’s a peer writing tutor who does proofreading two nights a week for free, but Jay’s not gonna take his shitty essays in to her when he’s pretty sure he’ll just get laughed right back out of the student study room for the giant default font Carlos set on his computer. 
It doesn’t exactly make reading his own assignments easier, but it doesn’t make it worse either, so they’re calling it functional for now. Auradon Prep is all about “helping students embrace their unique academic talents”, so Carlos and Evie are both being pulled for more advanced classes, which is great for them, and terrible for Jay’s essays because it’s seriously starting to cut into their free time. 
That, and the trouble they’ve been getting up to after hours. 
The assistant gym teacher still hasn’t figured out who to blame for French braiding all the climbing ropes together. 
“She couldn’t read my handwriting.” 
That’s about the shape of it. Handwritten assignments are few and far between, but Jay can’t bullshit his way through all of them. “Haha, yeah.” 
Carlos thunks his head down onto the table. “Ugh. Fuck. I can make you a handwriting font on the computer, but that’ll make in-class assignments worse if you can’t keep it up.” 
He sits up. There’s a dent on his forehead from pressing it into the table. “Eat.” 
“Not hungry,” Jay says as cheerfully as he can manage. It’s not gonna fool Carlos, but he’s not gonna show weakness in front of the royal rabble. “Anyway, we’re not going to the honor board. She’s willing to settle it with some sorta evaluation. Have you heard of dyslexia before?” 
Carlos blinks. “Dyslexia? No. I mean. It’s gotta be dis from like, disinterested, disintegrating, some sort of anti? Or else it’s dys from like, dysentery. Some sort of illness, maybe. Lex has gotta be from lexicon, lexicography. Something to do with either anti-words or a words illness? Does she think you’re sick of words?” 
Jay shrugs. “She said it’s why I’m bad at reading. Wants me to do an assessment so she can know what’s going on.” 
Carlos already has his phone out. He’s typing with one hand, the other one curled around his plate in a defensive hunch that’s almost casual. “Huh. How’s that going for her so far?” 
Jay snorts. “Fab. Nah, she didn’t do it yet. It’s a whole special test that she’s gotta send me down to the psych for.” 
“Can you reject it?” 
“If I wanna meet with the honor board and explain why I apparently have great handwriting, but only when they can’t see me do the assignments.” 
“Yeah. At least she was cool about it.” 
Carlos groans. “Your handwriting sucks, dude. You’re not sick of writing, you’re just— your handwriting sucks.” 
“Yeah, and my fucking reading comprehension. I—“ Jay cuts himself off abruptly as the shadow of more people falls across their lunch table. “Hey, guys.” 
Mal sets her lunch tray down on Jay’s left side, leaving Ben the spot on his right. Evie’s not eating with them today. They have other friends in theory, but between Doug’s science club buddies and Carlos’s general disinterest in socializing with other humans, they didn’t bother picking a table large enough for anyone else.  
“Sorry,” Ben apologizes, even as he’s nudging his shoulder against Jay’s. It’s nice not being the only tall one sometimes. “I couldn’t help overhearing.” 
Jay leans back into the contact. “We were talking out loud, dude. It happens. You got any hot tips for the stupid assessment I’ve gotta do later?” 
“Have you tried being better?” Mal suggests. “I find that cheating works great. I could find you a spell to let one of us borrow your hands for a few hours, and so long as you can tell us what you want to write, we can control the muscles and get better handwriting than your usual chicken scratch special.” 
“Would that work if you can’t see the paper?” Ben asks curiously. 
Mal frowns. “No. Not unless I modify the spell to possess your eyes too.” 
Jay represses a shudder. “Thanks, but no thanks, M. I like my eyes in one piece.” 
Carlos is scrolling rapidly on his phone, hanging half-over the table in an attempt to get closer to the three of them. “Dude, dyslexia is a brain thing that affects how you process visual input of words— aw, shit.” 
Bad. That’s the bad-news tone. Jay’s heart drops traitorously into his stomach, which suddenly isn’t feeling the tater tots on his lunch tray. “What?” 
Carlos shakes his head. “Nothing too bad. Just, I think Williams is right. You’ve said you’re shit at reading fast cause the words all look the same, right? Like, you can’t scan to identify them, you’ve gotta sound each one out.” 
Jay smashes a tater tot with the side of his fork. The destruction doesn’t make his gut feel any better. It’s not that he’s mad, it’s just— he doesn’t want to do this. Analyzing his brain sucks. He did the whole week of required therapy that the student disciplinary council required after the stuff with Mal’s mom, and he’s so fucking done with Auradon grown-ups pretending to understand why his head’s fucked up. “Yeah, so?” 
Carlos waves the phone at him. “So that’s what this is. You’ve got a brain disorder.” 
“We can fix it, right?” 
He wiggles a hand back and forth. “Ehh. Kinda. There’s techniques to make it easier, but it’s sorta like— your brain is wired for AC power input, and words are DC. It’s a misalignment. We can make an adaptor, but we can’t rip out your brain wiring.” 
“I could,” Mal offers. “I love doing illegal magic.”
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myautisticpov · 3 months
Definitely the pain is the worst thing about whatever the fuck is up with me ("probably fibro" is the conclusion from the doctors) but honestly, I'm also not a fan of my hands (where it's worst) just not working
Because of my sensory issues, I tend to drink room temp stuff at home, but I was in the office today, and I went to the shop to get a bottle of pop, which was in the fridge, and after holding the cold bottle on the walk back, my right hand just started spasming non-stop and still isn't 100% back to normal
Like, my mouse was just constantly flying around the screen, and I had to type almost entirely with my left hand...
I don't even know what the solution would be, both of my hands can be bad, and my thumb twitches on track-balls as well, and I'm sick of paying for expensive keyboards and mice to figure out slight advantages here and there
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flowercrowncrip · 8 months
Sometimes being disabled gives you unexpected skills.
For example, because of my limited hand function I am excellent at using the phonetic alphabet to spell words.
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retrocgads · 3 months
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UK 1987
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coolerdracula · 9 months
I hope the current investigations in Apple are actually fruitful because imessage being proprietary makes me so mad
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wastehound-voof · 2 years
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Artist: Oliver Frey
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medusasbush · 1 year
unfortunately the thing about hands is u need them for just about everything
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shelandsorcery · 6 months
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I am mad about cellphone cameras hiding the processing they do, and I am glad about software that lets me control it and opt in and out, and I dictated this rant on insta so I am resharing the images here and will attempt to turn this into a useful text post on my blog in future, when my hand is working better 🤘👍
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chocobothis · 4 months
Oh how I have the urge to maniacally monologue character and story ideas at people.
Let me get into it like the repressed theatre child that I am.
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I said "Hon hon hon, baguette" and my dictation software picked it up as "Oklahoma"
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seralica · 6 months
ok so I've been trying out dictating through Windows the last day or so because I dictate really fast - side note, you dictate a lot slower when you have to wait for the computer to recognise your words instead of having a dictation service for your work, though I think my iPhone may be slightly faster at recognizing words than Windows
and it messed up a few times, so I swore under my breath "oh fuck off"
and it actually CENSORED ME???? I got "ohh ***** *****" which isn't even the right amount of asterixes
and it also censored off???
not a great add in to an accessibility feature, tbh, this is kind of like when people censor video captions
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heliosmou · 7 months
The Campus Kansas Canvas
It purchased a 40 x 40“ canvas in 2019 December the day that I was the day of the hit and run accident accident. Sometimes I think your tone death death death death death death death not death but death you are sick you are one sick motherfucker Yes backspace. DEASDEAS space space DEASS has Nancy SS ABC DEpF go there you go it takes more time to dictate because of the catastrophe of trying to…
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counselorssoapbox · 7 months
Polishing the manuscript.
Polishing the manuscript,Photo courtesy of Pixabay.com Polishing the manuscript. By David Joel Miller, writer, blogger, and mental health professional. My journey from writing something to making it readable. It’s a long process with many steps to transform that finished manuscript into a book that’s published and available for purchase. Each one of these steps has a learning curve. I’m learning…
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#along with many of my coworkers#and editing software have improved dramatically. But#and even my first go around in a Community College#and general secretarial skills. It seems to have worked out well for her. Since my writing was not in my scope of duties where I was working#and having a happy life#and I want to get them down on paper as quickly as possible. I&039;ve learned that there are many other steps that need to happen after I h#and I will send her off to have a whole series of new adventures. This is a revised version of a post that originally appeared on 1/17/23. S#and maybe in the future#and mental health professional. My journey from writing something to making it readable. It&039;s a long process with many steps to transfo#and the features I could use yesterday have disappeared today. Over time#and then#blogger#but I could certainly learn a great deal more. Each one of these steps is a skill that takes time and effort to master#but it didn&039;t solve the whole problem#but the net result was that I#but with all the writing I do#each of them has had its problems. I know that some writing coaches advocate dictating as a way to speed up your word count. I have found th#especially when I was coming home from work and "pounding the keys" late into the evening trying to finish a blog post or a chapte#even by family and friends. One resource I do use is Grammarly. At the end of each blog post or when writing my novels after each chapter#finished first draft to turn it into something readable#got to wear those annoying wrist braces used to treat carpal tunnel syndrome. I made the shift to dictating. I&039;ve been using Dragon Spe#grammar checkers#having someone else type up my dictated manuscript was not feasible. I learned to type mainly by looking at the keys as I went. As we adapte#I correct all the errors. But if my protagonist speaks to another character#I correct the ones I want to correct and leave the ones I choose not to change. When writing dialogue#I learned enough of the features to make it work#I let them have their own voice and leave some of the slang expressions they might be using unchanged. You&039;d think I&039;d be done now#I open up Grammarly and quickly correct the most glaring errors. There are ways to set the features so that it detects some errors and not o#I try to give each character a different voice. Try is probably the keyword here. That means if the college professor is speaking#I was spending more and more time "pounding the keys." I was able to work up quite a bit of speed writing that way
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retrocgads · 5 months
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UK 1987
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highretrogamelord · 1 year
Dictator for the ZX81
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