#Different Gabriel AU
anna-scribbles · 2 years
*manifesting you doing pjo x miraculous cross over art*
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anon you can’t say stuff like this to me when you know i have no self control
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adammilligan · 2 years
no but the way michael had to have known that giving the winchesters the spell would anger god. the way admits at the beginning of inherit the earth that he's hiding from god because he knows he'll kill him. the way he was so dark and cold and sad in inherit the earth. the way he looked and sounded so, so resigned when he faced god and told him it has always been his destiny to serve him. the way even when he pleads with god and tells him that helping the winchesters was a lapse of judgement he sounds so half-hearted when we all know he can sound so much more animated than that. the way adam's death fucking destroyed him so badly that michael just stood there and let himself be killed.
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dreamnatural · 3 years
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"Okay, first, promise you guys won't get mad!"
Sunday Prompt for @spnarchangelweek :
Gabriel - Spontaneous / Music
Is it only fanon for Gabriel to have made the platypus? I don't know, but its funny. I like to think he was just messing around, having fun, and then "oh. huh. whoops."
if anyone wants to do an image description, pls feel free. I've been trying to figure out how to do them for these aesthetics/moodboards but haven't done it yet.
I didn't know whether to post this on my creations blog or here on my Supernatural blog first, but its for Archangel week, so here first! even though my creations blog is almost entirely Supernatural stuff right now. i have no idea what I'm doing! im just gonna uhhhh tag and @ bc i have LITERALLY no idea what im doing here. this is the first time I've done a week event thing
(I've edited this like 5 times by now and it hasn't even been posted but its 2 am be gentle)
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trustmeifyoudare · 3 years
The Things We Do (Chapter 21: Maybe Not the Best Thing to Say)
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Adrien collapsed onto his bed. That last akuma attack was brutal, especially since it happened in the middle of the night. It had been around a month since Adrien had thrown Nino in a building and most people had forgotten by now. It was really just Alya who hadn’t.
Adrien’s alarm clock went off, telling him it was time for school. He sighed. He had gotten no sleep.
Adrien walked out into the hallway. His father was there waiting for him.
Adrien bit his lip. “When are you going to let me see my mother?” Adrien asked before Gabriel could get a word in.
His father towered over him. “I told you she isn’t well enough for you to come in.”
“So? She is my mother. If she was conscious then she would want to see me.”
“Then it's a good thing that she isn’t.”
Adrien stared at his father. “How can you say that?” His voice was growing louder. “It’s almost like you don’t want her to wake up. Maybe that is why we keep losing.”
Gabriel matched Adrien’s pitch. “Everything I am doing is for her.”
“No, everything I am doing.” Adrien was yelling by now. “I am the one actually fighting. All you are doing is staying here out of danger.”
“If it wasn’t for me then we wouldn’t have a chance at saving Emilie.”
Gabriel stared down at Adrien. “Go to your room.”
Adrien walked towards the doors. “No.”
“I said to go to your room.”
Adrien didn’t stop walking. “I heard what you said, but no. I’m going to school.”
“You do not get to disrespect me in my own house and expect to get away with it.”
“Then maybe you shouldn’t be disrespecting Mother’s memory.”
Adrien ran outside before he heard what his father had to say. He didn’t stop until he was within sight of the school.
Adrien slammed into his set in class.
“Dude, are you okay?” Nino asked.
“Yeah, just peachy,” he snapped.
Nino leaned back. “Woah, I was just asking-”
“Everything is fine. I don’t need your questions.”
Nino placed a hand on Adrien’s shoulder. “If you need to talk I’m-”
“Here, I get it. You are always here. Can you please stop telling me the same thing over and over again?”
“Dude, you are going to attract an akuma.”
“Yes, well maybe I want an akuma. Maybe I want to go wild for a couple hours. Ladybug and Rena Rouge will fix it anyways.” Adrien hadn’t realized how loud he had said that until he saw everyone in the class staring at him.
“Adrien,” Miss Bustier said, “We do not say things like that in this class.”
“Well fine.” Adrien grabbed his bag and left the class.
Adrien walked into the bathroom. He dropped his bag down on the floor and slid against the wall. He placed his head in his arms.
And then he started to cry.
Someone else walked into the bathroom. 
“Dude, what is going on?” Nino asked.
“It’s nothing.”
Nino sat down on the floor beside him. “Don’t tell me this is nothing. You have been acting crazy for over a month. There is obviously something happening.”
“You wouldn’t understand.”
“Try me. How do you know I won’t until you say what is wrong.”
Adrien looked up at Nino. “If I told you you would hate me.”
Nino placed his hand on Adrien’s back. “I could never hate you.”
“Yes, you could.”
“Listen Dude, I understand that you don’t want to tell me, but someone has to know. I am friends with a therapist-”
“No,” Adrien told him, his voice firm.
“Okay, then what should we do?”
Adrien looked down at the ground. “What do you do, when you have a secret so big that you can’t tell anyone?”
“Honestly, I don’t know Man, but I’m sure that you find someone you trust. Someone that you can always count on no matter what. Someone handsome and strong.”
Adrien tried not to smile. “Let me guess, someone like you.”
“Now you are getting it.”
“It’s just-” Adrien sighed. “If I tell you you are just going to freak out and not let me explain. Then you are going to run to Alya and then everyone will hate me.”
“Then I promise not to leave this bathroom without you.”
“I-” Adrien thought of his father. “I can’t.”
“Okay.” They sat in silence.
“When do you think this whole Hawkmoth thing is going to be over?” Adrien asked after a while.
“Well, I’m sure it will be whenever Ladybug and Rena Rouge defeat him.”
“But what if what he wants with the miraculous is a good thing?”
“He is a terrorist. Whatever he wants, it can’t be good.”
Adrien balled up his fists. “But pretend that it is. Why don’t they give him the miraculous?”
Nino sighed. “I remember Alya telling me something about how whatever the wish is, the bad stuff will fall on another person.”
Adrien sucked in a breath. “It would just be transferring it.”
“He has the book so he probably knows.”
“I can’t keep doing this?”
“Wait.” Nino grabbed Adrien’s shoulders. “You can’t keep doing what?”
Adrien bit his lip. It was now or never.
“I can’t keep being Cat Noir.”
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bellamyblake · 3 years
Bellamy/Gabriel ficlet written for the 12 days of bellarke prompts (oops sorry this isnt bellarke but you said any pairing):
prompt is: stockings
tagging: @klarkegriffin, @queen-of-the-wallflowers15
Bellamy had never celebrated Christmas in his entire nineteen year old life.
That is the one thought that didn’t give Gabriel any rest from the moment December came. He’s only known Bellamy for four months, meeting him in a hot summer evening, living in a tent a few streets fown from the shelter Gabriel ran with the help of his friends but most of all Monty, Harper, Jasper as well as his coworker Kane and his girlfriend and future wife, Abby. 
He’s been seeing the kid constantly in the past year but whenever he tried to approach him, Bellamy would run away or refuse to talk to him or only accept food whenever Gabe left it outside his tent and gave him the space to actually take it. 
Slowly, overtime, he had gotten closer to him, like befriending a really wounded animal that didn’t trust a living thing. Bellamy would sit by his side and eat the burger Gabe got him quietly, barely talking and only in whispers. He was always in bad shape and surely went through a lot of abuse but every sign showed Gabriel that he’s been living out there by himself for a long while.
He was a curious kid, though, that much Gabriel could tell-he’d try to peak at the newspaper Gabe had tucked in his pocket and he noticed books in his tent though they were hardly ever in any full edition. He was smart, at least judging by the questions Gabe had asked him but he was hurt...and really broken.
Even back then he knew the boy was suffering from frostbite, extreme malnutrition and probably many more invisible diseases-he looked like he had been in a fight every time Gabriel came over to his street and the more the weeks passed, the more often he checked on him cause he could see things were bad.
It wasn’t until one night he found him curled up in a corner by a dumpster, beaten up and bleeding that he decided extreme measures had to be taken. Before, Bellamy had refused to come by the shelter with him and always feverntly argued against it but now he didn’t have a choice because he was just so badly hurt he couldn’t even talk, just spit blood.
Gabe had taken him to Abby’s hospital and she had found all the broken things inside him within just a day. Some, she said, could be fixed over time, but others like his diabetes, high blood pressure, constant coughing and the results from the frostbite...couldn’t.
Gabriel didn’t take him to the shelter, no...instead he got him to his own appartment just above his work place and spent the next few weeks slowly bringing him to life. 
Bellamy was afraid at first, very reluctant to stay there. He couldn’t believe he actually had a home and thought that Gabriel was just doing this because he helped all the homeless people the same way.
It took the idiot kid two months and waking up to them very sweet and softly tangled in their bed, to realize that yes, Gabriel was attracted to him as more than just a friend and so was he, as scared as he was to admit it.
It was always touch and go, he was still very spooked, he didn’t like being touched and he hurt a lot and most of the time they didn’t have quiet and peaceful nights but there were also good stuff-things like kissing Gabe for the first time, nuzzling into his arms when he was cold and in pain or couldn’t breathe, letting him help him walk around the house, going out to the mall for the first place, getting new clothes....signing up for evening school so he could finish his education.
There was bad...there was pain and fevers and awful anxiety and fear...so much fear but there was also kind and soft hugs by the fireplace, letting Gabe help him put socks on (he hadn’t own a pair in years) or try out new shoes or get his hair combed up.
There was also Gabriel’s dog, Samanta waking him up with a big wet lick on the face every morning or curling up next to him when he was cold.
There were little lights in between all the darkness he had in his live...he called them his tiny lanterns of hope. He wrote an essay for school about it and when Gabriel read it to help him proof of any mistakes he had cried and pulled him in for a tight hug.
But now that Christmas was approaching, Gabriel knew things may get rather sad or weirdly anxious. Bellamy had been slowly sharing pieces of his old life with him and had told him his mom died on Christmas when he was just ten, then the social services picked him and his sister and split them resulting in Bellamy going through various abusive foster homes before running away and never looking back. He cried thinking of his mom-she was the kindest woman, worked hard, raised him well but got sick with cancer and never got proper treatment because of their social status and his sister...he still missed and longed for her but they couldn’t find her trace.
So when December came and Gabriel didn’t rush into his usual very cheerful holiday mood, even Bellamy sensed something wasn’t right. He had heard him talk to Monty and Harper before, they made funny comments about his stupid Christmas sweaters which he wore every day (a different one for all 25 days) and how excited he was to decorate so when he didn’t....Bellamy got suspicious.
“Why aren’t you putting on any lights or...stuff?” he asked him from the kitchen table where he was doing homework one evening. Gabe was by the stove, checking on his famous mac and cheese and stiffening at the question.
“I...uh...I don’t know...I thought there’s time and all for that-”
“It’s the third of december that’s basically Christmas for you according to Monty and Harper.” Bellamy raised an eyebrow and dropped his pen sighing as he feels another sharp bout of pain in his knee that always bothered him when the cold came. Gabe liked massaging it when they went to bed, help him breathe a little better, fall asleep easier. 
“I...well...I just thought-” Gabriel blushed when he was cornered and that happened often with Bellamy. The kid got under his skin and talked him out of his bs attitude a lot sometimes.
“You thought it’d make me feel bad?” Bellamy finishes up and juts his chin up stubbornly.”It won’t. I...I may get a little sad here and there but...this is a new beginning and I want you to celebrate it properly...I want US to celebrate it, okay?” Gabriel had teared up at that, thinking how strong the kid is, how despite everything he tries to keep on going and how he underestimated his spirit.
They had decorated together but the most exciting thing for the both of them was when Gabe brought in Bellamy’s stocking which he had ordered online a week ago. They put it over the fireplace together and Gabriel told him how when he was a little kid his grandma from Cuba would put little presents in the stocking every day from December 1st till the 25th and he’d wake up rushing and digging his hand in, taking out something little like a lollipop or a sweet treat of sorts or new socks or a hat and it’d be the most precious thing.
Bellamy loved that but he didn’t expect Gabriel to actually go through with the whole ritual too and when the next day he woke up to him kissing his forehead and urging him to get up and check the sock, he had been a little confused.
Nothing could replace the smile he got on his face when he dug out a few sweet bars and a pack of text markers. Bellamy had a thing for stationary-he metitiously picked up his notebooks, pens, sticky notes, pencils, rubbers, everything and he was the perfect student but that was the one thing that brought him joy. He started his own personal pen collection and Gabe helped him fill it up which made him beam and show them proudly to whatever guest came over or brag to his other classmates (also older and with weird hobbys).
From then on Bellamy woke up and limped to the sock every day, finding something new-a set of rainbow rubbers, new sharpener, jelly bean candy, chocolate bars (Gabriel had to ease it up on the sweet things unless he wanted Abby to castrate him but he couldn’t stop giving the kid joy) and in return, since he had no money, Bellamy used the stuff he got in the stocking to make little handmade presents for gabe-it was mostly cards or paper mache stuff-he’d fold the candie’s wrapper in a funny origami way and stick it to a white paper, writing in pretty cursive on top and every time he’d blush when he gave it to Gabe but accept his kiss willingly and softly leaning into his touch.
When Christmas came and he woke up to a bunch of presents under the tree, he had forgotten about the stocking until Gabe reminded him of it and when he dug in this time, he took out something heavy.
Upon tearing the wrapping paper up, he found two photos in a double frame-one was of him as a child with his sister and mother, the only picture he had of them and the other was Gabriel and him, Monty, Harper, Jasper, Kane and Abby sitting on the shelter’s front steps, dressed in funny sweaters and smiling for the camera.
He had teared up and threw himself in Gabe’s arms.
Living on the streets for all those years had been hard, it made him doubt he was alive sometimes, if he was even human or if he’d turn into a monster but he never, ever suspected, he’d find his beating heart at the bottom of a christmas stocking with his name on it.
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finally, in the fairytail AU Hawkmoth shall be Gabriel's TWIN BROTHER. Anyways Yeah i think HW and gabe being two different people would work. It'd probably be weird for Gabe to run a successful guild only to make the akuma guild behind backs like why would he?? no point in doing so when i think Emilie wouldn't fall into a coma.
So like.
I don't think Gabriel would have a Guild of his own or anything. He probably dabbled in the sort of thing when he was younger but he and Emilie retired to pursue other careers and have Adrien.
Which is why Adrien runs off to join a guild of his own
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sunfoxfic · 3 years
I literally started a whole ass fic today in my school library and I keep forgetting about it because clearly it didn't happen since I was in school
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thinkwehaveaspy · 2 years
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Au where Adriens finds out Hawk/Shadowmoth is his dad and can't tell for Whatever Reason, even if that reason's just not knowing what he wants to do about it yet because it's his dad, so he decides sneaks an idealized-version-of-himself sentimonster into existence to entrust the ring to in case Gabriel, who I imagine had already been making suspicious noises at Adrien for a while by this point, realized he had it, and to help out Ladybug in the meantime :^)
(except that sentimonster is an entire person who feels feelings but is very good at acting like he doesn't)
(Panel dialog and descriptions will be trasncribed to alt text. I already wrote the alt text for the first image, but I accidentally deleted it and can't rewrite it at the moment. I will come back and fill out the alt text later, as soon as I can.)
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quietparanoiac · 4 years
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The search results try to convince me there's no crossover of Miracle Workers and Good Omens whatsoever. After A Young Doctor's Notebook, it seems particularly improbable.
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gore-hovnd · 3 years
Me: Yaknow what? I’m gonna work on this fic from *other fandom*
My brain, which has been intensely hyperfixating on HH for the past two years: What did he saaaaay???
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jackal-in-a-box · 4 years
Hero Chat Noir & Thief Multimouse AU
Except they're not rivals. Not any more than other lawfuls and criminals, anyways... Not that they're thrilled with each other's methods/priorities, just... they have better things to do.
Chat Noir battles against Le Paon's sentimonsters. He's allied with Master Fu.
Multimouse goes around recovering the scattered miraculous (including some that weren't in the primordial-elemental-zodiac box), which were lost in WWII! Her mentor is Madame Lenoir.
Some somewhat Batman/Catwoman dynamics on the field. It didn't really get any better when she broke into the mansion! The Agreste are not hiding any miracu—is that a butterfly...? (It's broken.) They argue to whose mentor it should be taken. (Chat Noir doesn't exactly have high opinions of "Madame Lenoir". Is that even her real name?) Imagine the embarrassment when Fu hears him...
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adammilligan · 4 years
can you guys actually and truly believe that team free will has:
-set michael (and adam) on fire, burning them so badly that michael's true voice was ringing out past adam's vocal cords
-trapped michael (and adam) in the cage for 1000+ years
-manipulated michael (and adam) into coming to them
-trapped michael (and adam) in holy fire, which visibly terrified him
-painfully shoved memories into his (and adam's) mind, memories that left him visibly pained and distressed and upset because it completely shattered his faith in the person he'd served for billions of years
and the WORST THING that michael has ever done to ANY of them.....is......launch castiel over a table....choke him...and then tell him to get out of the room.....
michael literally has the best restraint out of all the archangels despite being the most powerful (or maybe because he's the most powerful?) and it really fucking shows huh
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foreverfallen · 4 years
@blxsscd-x-fxrsakcn​ / cont. 
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𝐇𝐄 𝐑𝐎𝐋𝐋𝐒 𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐎𝐖𝐍 𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒 𝐀𝐓 𝐆𝐀𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐋’𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐂𝐒. How can he not, when the other is merely more amusing that way? If Lucifer takes everything he says with a grain of salt, as it is most likely intended? ❝What else is this time of year for, then? I know some who adore it for this very reason...❞
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nomolosk · 4 years
Snapshots (AU Yeah August 2020)
read on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25655623/chapters/62678428
Day 9- University
Gabriel looked up as his atelier melted away until he was standing in the center of the Dean’s office at ESMOD. He recognized the office, it was even decorated the same as when he had attended- which likely meant the akuma- he had named her Universal- was taking the easy way and creating her landscape from the memories and imaginings of the people affected. Given the setting, she had probably thrust everyone in Paris into some kind of University life. Apparently, he was to be the stern and forbidding Dean whom all the students feared.
He sighed and rubbed his tired eyes. He hadn’t really counted on this akuma being so… quiet. It had been nearly two full days already and there was still no indication that Ladybug or Chat Noir had caught on that something was going on. Of course, that was probably due to the powerset he’d given her- the ability to rewrite the memories of everyone affected to reflect their current reality. Ladybug and Chat Noir couldn’t spend all their time transformed, just as he couldn’t. In fact, he was counting on that a little, since her given task was to try and discover who they were in their normal everyday lives if possible.
In a way it was a personal victory- he’d finally hit on something that could trip them up… if only they would betray themselves. Sighing again, he went in search of Nathalie. He’d made them both immune to the akuma’s memory-changing power, so both of them remembered everything so far, including the rather odd transformation of his own powers during that elemental-magic setting. Not that he had complained at the time- it had made it possible for an additional attack to occur while his original akuma was still in play.
Yes, Universal was having a great time, but perhaps it was time for Mayura to come out to play and tempt the young heroes out into the open again. Perhaps Universal would catch the power surge when they transformed. Adrien was tucked safely away at that Small Business Convention- which had probably been transformed into a Student Union, or something similar. Yes. He’d be having the time of his life, and he’d be safe from the coming fight.
One moment Nathalie was scheduling phone calls with suppliers and meetings with Gabriel’s design team, and the next she found herself in an office she didn’t recognize, staring at a distraught young man as he sobbed to her about how he’d been framed, and it hadn’t really been him that was caught sabotaging someone else’s project.
It was times like this that Nathalie cursed Hawkmoth. Sure, he’d assured her that he and she were both protected from the mind-bending powers of his latest akuma, but that also meant that she currently had no clue what her current role was. She fell back on professional coldness. The fact that this individual was in an office that was hers, begging for mercy and trying to shift blame onto someone- anyone- else, meant that she was likely either the enforcer of rules, or the precursor to the enforcer of rules. So… not all that different from her actual real life job, though she was thankfully no longer so involved in Adrien’s schedule.
She glanced down at her desk, hoping to see a report on a tablet, or even a stack of papers with the complaint to review. She was in luck. No tablet, but there were three pages and the topmost was a single sheet detailing the complaint and the evidence against the young man in front of her. An eyebrow twitched when among the evidence listed was “security video footage.” The recommendation at the bottom of the page was to kick it up to the Dean. Also helpfully listed was the name of the individual.
“I’ve heard enough,” she finally said, in her usual expressionless voice. “There is plenty of evidence against you Mr. Virago. I’m saddened that once again ambition, or perhaps envy or spite, has misled someone talented enough to gain entry to this institution into ruining their chances. However, integrity is something we demand from all our students. You should expect a meeting with the Dean, although given what is listed here, it’s quite possible he’ll merely review the evidence and come to a conclusion in your absence.”
If the Dean were Gabriel Agreste, he certainly would, but unfortunately the Dean’s name wasn’t listed. Naturally, Nathalie would be expected to already know it. Mr. Virago collapsed into incoherent tears, and Nathalie grimaced in distaste. Artists were so very temperamental. Well, except for Gabriel. And even he has his moments, she thought, remembering quite a few overheard villain monologues, not to mention his sudden and inexplicable need to compose a rap song of all things to serve as his own personal theme a few months ago. 
Nathalie sighed and pushed the button on her old-fashioned office phone that was the most likely candidate for an intercom. “Please have security come and escort Mr. Virago out, thank you,” she said to the person on the other end.
A few moments later, there was a knock on her office door, and two uniformed women escorted the limp and cooperative (likely former) student out of her presence. A moment later there was another knock, and Gabriel walked in.
“I’m the Dean, who are you?” he asked, with no preamble whatsoever, but Nathalie was used to that. Except in moments of extreme stress or worry, Gabriel was nothing if not to the point.
“Someone just under the Dean, I believe. That young man you saw exiting a moment ago won’t be a student here for much longer if the evidence against him holds up.”
“That’s assuming he was ever a student here in the first place, and Universal didn’t make up a scenario he is being forced to play out, or simply transfer his misconduct from one place to another. Perhaps he always dreamed of being a student here, yet his life went another direction.”
Nathalie rubbed her temples. “This akuma is giving me a headache.”
“Don’t think about it too much, then. His life is his own, and unless Universal grants me another universe in which I’m able to create another akuma apart from her, his current mental anguish is irrelevant.”
A small voice in the back of Nathalie’s mind whispered traitorously: when did Gabriel become so cold? Surely he used to care more about the feelings of others… now he seems to see them as nothing more than opportunities to exploit.
“Of course, sir.”
“Meanwhile, since the heroes have yet to show themselves, perhaps Mayura ought to make an appearance.”
That brought a malicious smile to her face. Since Gabriel had succeeded in repairing the peacock miraculous a few years ago, her pulmonary issues had almost cleared up, and she was much stronger and faster in a fight. Of course, it seemed Ladybug and Chat Noir had finally reached whatever threshold it had been that kept them from using their powers more than once before being forced out of their transformations, and as a result they were also much more formidable opponents. Privately, Nathalie was starting to wonder if they would ever reach their ultimate goal, but she enjoyed being Mayura and flying about the city. As Mayura she could take out some of her frustrations with a reasonable assumption that they would be just fine in the end. She was loathe to give that up.
“I’ll have to check my schedule as soon as I can find it,” she said, “but I’m sure I can find some spare time somewhere. Will you be doing any designing while we’re stuck here?”
“No, it would be pointless. My own schedule is packed with meetings, or so my secretary- who is not nearly as competent as you- tells me. I had to beg for the few minutes it would take to walk from my office to yours as it is.”
“Then you should get going. Oh, by the by… have you run into anyone you recognize yet?”
Gabriel rolled his eyes. “No one, but the day is young.”
Nathalie returned the smirk. “It seems my current score stands, then.”
“I never agreed to this, you know.”
“And yet, you were so triumphant yesterday when you briefly surpassed my score.”
“You sound like you think this little wager of yours is going to change things.”
“I know you still miss Emilie,” Nathalie said, her tone softening. “But you really need to get out more, and not just as a hologram. You weren’t there all those years when Adrien’s expression would go flat every time you refused to show up for some event. And now that he is grown and out of the house, he is more distant than ever. If you don’t want to lose him entirely, something needs to change.”
Gabriel sighed. “Yes, but… oh, if only I could be as self-centered as Audrey Bourgeois, and simply attempt to fire anyone who annoys me.”
“Everyone feels that way, Gabriel,” Nathalie stated firmly. “Consider the fact that most of the people you meet are feeling exactly the same way you are… and strive to treat them with the same consideration and respect you would demand for yourself.”
Gabriel made a skeptical noise. “If you say so. But it does seem pointless to bother at this point when we’re so close.” He sighed. “I really must get back. Try to inform me of when you’re going out, please?”
“Of course sir,” Nathalie said, and started pulling out the drawers of her desk looking for a schedule even as he left the room.
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nicnacsnonsense · 4 years
A little scene snippet from my Jane Eyre AU, set during the time Bee is recovering from all the opium she had been given over the years. She is dealing with her psychosis, but is aware and able to move around and interact.
“Don’t bother; she doesn’t understand a word you’re saying,” Mr. Gabriel said, his expression dripping with disdain.
Tracy was about to politely remind him that she was Bee’s nurse and she she would see to Bee’s care, but before she could get a word out, Bee stepped forward and slapped him. Not a violent slap, not one of the crazed attacks she’d been known to make in the past — this was the righteous slap across the face of a lady of status, a reprimand intended more to shock than hurt. “You will not speak to us in that tone,” Bee said. Mr. Gabriel was easily a head taller than her, but when she drew herself up like that, it almost gave the illusion of them being of a height.
Mr. Gabriel’s hand gently touched his cheek as he stared at her in absolute shock. Then suddenly he began to laugh. It was a sound full of more joy and mirth than Tracy had even thought he capable of, and his eyes twinkled with delight. He swept Bee’s hand up and pressed a kiss to her knuckles. “My apologies,” he said, brimming with charm.
Bee snatched her hand away, not in the least impressed. She linked her arm through Tracy’s and began walking the two of them away in the opposite direction. “What a rude servant,” she said, her voice pitched to carry. “You ought to fire him.”
“There, there,” Tracy said, patting Bee’s arm. “He’s learned his lesson; he won’t do it again.” She glanced back over her shoulder at her employer. Mr. Gabriel’s eyes were fixed on his wife, his expression between giddy and moonstruck. “I’m sure of it.”
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suncatchr · 4 years
rewriting aus ive already written is so hard like. changing canon is easy as 123 i just write stuff over and adjust accordingly but aus are a whole process bc i gotta rewire between-generation relationships AND the storyline AND the universe's lore AND get it all planned out before i can write shit
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