#Digimon Adventure 2020 Spoilers
Finished adventure 2020.
I love it
Only complaint is that blitzgreymon and cresgarurumon only make 1 appearance but other than that it was genuinely amazing
Still need to finish ghost game tho TwT
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seventeenlovesthree · 3 months
Theory: Digimon Adventure 02 The Beginning is the origin story of why the Digimon Adventure: 2020 reboot timeline exists.
The more I try to analyze how the events of the movie affect the overall timeline, I do have moments when it all feels a bit jumbled - and others, when it just seems to make a little too much twisted sense. I will always be a fan of reincarnation theory when it comes to the reboot - but the movie also provided a different angle to look at.
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Spoilers under the cut!
To sum it up once again: The idea presented in the movie - which is influenced by unreliable narration and us having to tie the timeline together - is that, Rui was the one who sparked the partnership system between humans and Digimon:
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Encountering Ukkomon for the first time, he wished to have a friend - and eventually friends around the whole world -, who'd protect him, Ukkomon's wish-fulfilling abilities created Digimon to partner with other human beings.
It is also said that Ukkomon "misunderstood" his wish back then:
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Since it is also said that Ukkomon is linked to some kind of "God figure"...
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... My theory was the following:
"Homeostasis does not have a physical form, so it created its agents like Gennai - and PROBABLY Ukkomon too. Since we know the Digital World has “wish granting” abilities, I can accept there being a singular being that is capable of doing the same thing. So then, a Digiegg gets into the real world in 1995, and Homeostasis gets to scan Hikari, Taichi and the others, discovering the potential they have - since Hikari is the child that enables the hatched Botamon to evolve into Greymon super quickly, Homeostasis sends Parrotmon to retrieve it. Afterwards, in 1996, Ukkomon “would appear who had special connections with [a child] in the real world”. And thus, Rui’s wish was the indirect catalysator of the foundation of the “partnership system”. Basically, Ukkomon’s wish fulfillment powers enabled a system based on the limitless potential (of wishes and the bond between humans and Digimon) that was deemed useful by Homeostasis for the sake of saving the world(s). A system that wasn’t in place like this before, so Rui was basically some kind of “prototype” - as was Ukkomon, kinda testing the waters of partnerships in the first place. And through analyzing the other 8 kids in the meantime, their potential had been discovered, which is why THEY also had Crests created for themselves. Like Ukkomon said - they came into existence to “protect” him, so he wouldn’t have to save the worlds himself."
However... This proves to be a problem by the end of the movie.
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Aside from personal bias and the fact that Bandai must have been bonkers to approve of the disappearance of one of their most marketable toys, doesn't that mean that we should be having a splitted timeline now? If Rui never made the wish in the first place, if the partnership system had never been founded because of it - how did the 8 Chosen Children come into existence?
First of all, removing the Digivices from the equation causes quite a butterfly effect (no pun intended) within the entirety of the OG Adventure timeline and it may or may not be a plot hole to not SHOW the effects of what it meant for the original Chosen Children which may be the reason why they were not included in the movie in the first place. However, there are two ways I could see to get out of this mess:
Homeostasis NEEDED to see if humans' wishes really had the ability to make Digimon evolve. Rui was a guinea pig that was needed to have a justification for "choosing" humans to be partnered with Digimon. Hikari, Taichi and the others had already been scanned at this point. So the original timeline may still have happened the same way it did - IF Homeostasis had just looked for another miserable child that could have been used to be forced into wishing for friends.
The other option is... That we'd end up with a timeline that is a little bit to the left. So... What if we had a timeline that fulfilled the following criteria:
The 8 Children of the Hikarigaoka Incident had already been scanned, they were always meant to be "chosen", because they had the potential to save the Digital and the real world. The respective Digimon partners were also "already in the making", as were the "Crests" their hearts corresponded with.
Since there was no "wish" in motion to test the waters, no Digivice "in the shape that we are familiar with", Homeostasis had to come up with a "different design" to facilitate the energy of the children and make the Digimon evolve.
The Digimon may or may not have memories of a former timeline in which they - and "their humans" had already been brought together, which is why they seem to be so familiar with them.
There are no other partnerships this time around - just the 8 that were needed, no other "friends" to protect one singular child (and in extension the entire world).
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So long story short - the split timeline starts with the moment the past is changed within the movie, it's literally THE BEGINNING of the events of the reboot timeline. The kids were already scanned, the Crests already created - they exist since THE BEGINNING of this timeline. And whether or not the passage of time between the Digital World and the real world is still different... Saying that it was "long ago" that the Crests were created still lines up with the idea that Digimon perceive time differently than humans do. Because between the events of 2012 (which had an influence on the events of 1999) in the OG timeline AND the reboot taking place in 2020... That's still a pretty damn long time in Digimon terms.
Either way, Homeostasis just went for it, created its own version of the Digivice and formed the partnerships between the 8 Chosen by its own will without any wish being linked to it. It actually IS an alternate timeline. And yes, it may not line up with timing, but it IS an interesting theory to look at.
Reference posts I used - and which I recommend to look at further! - can be found here: [X] [X] [X] [X] [X]
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bagerfluff · 3 days
Drunken Confessions
Older Takaishi Takeru x Male Reader
Prompt - “Are you drunk?”
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You stood up when you heard the door open.
“Takeru! Where have you been?” You asked as Takeru came stumbling through the door.
“Jasht out”, Takeru said as he shut the door behind him. Takeru took off his shoes and almost fell in the process.
“You didn’t tell me you were going to be out so late, I was worried about you”, you said as you walked over to Takeru.
Takeru looked over at you, “I wasth fhine”, Takeru said before walking past you. When Takeru walked past you, you noticed that he kinda smelled like alcohol.
You turned to watch Takeru as he stumbled to the fridge. He opened the fridge and pulled out a bottle of green tea.
Just to try to take a sip from it even though he didn’t take the lid off. Takeru then looked into the bottle and threw it into the trash.
It was full. “Takeru?” You said and Takeru leaned his head backwards to look at you.
“Are you drunk?” You asked, arms crossed over your chest.
Takeru furrowed his brow and lifted his hand to his mouth. Takeru breathed out and smelt his breath, “maybe a little”, he said with a small smile.
You sighed and rubbed your brow. You wanted to be surprised, but you weren’t.
You had noticed that Takeru was stressed with his writing and school and taking care of rogue Digimon.
You had also noticed that Takeru had been spending more time at a local bar with everyone else.
You went there a few times, there was nothing wrong with going to a bar to hang out every once in a while.
Though Takeru seemed to like going. He liked the fact that all of the stress was removed just for a few hours.
You were worried this type of thing might have happened.
At least Takeru wasn’t that drunk, you’d have to talk to him about this in the morning before it becomes a problem.
“Okay”, you said before opening your eyes and uncrossing your arms. You looked up to see Takeru staring at you from the kitchen.
“Come on, you have to go to bed”, you said as you walked over to Takeru. “Do I have too~”, Takeru asked before walking over to you.
“Yes Takeru, you’re drunk, you need to sleep”, you said. Takeru pouted and looked at you with puppy eyes.
You started at Takeru, his big blue eyes begging you to agree with him. Takeru looked really cute, but he needed sleep.
“No”, you said. Looking away from Takeru, knowing you’d probably agree with Takeru if you kept looking at him.
“Awww, pleaseee?” Takeru asked. Running up to you and wrapping his arms around your chest and resting his head on your shoulder.
You looked over at Takeru, you frowned. Takeru was a happy drunk, always smiling, laughing, and telling weird and funny stories.
Takeru was happy when he wasn’t drunk too, Takeru always seemed to have a smile on his face.
Yet you knew that Takeru was really stressed and sad most of the time, you were his roommate and best friend since childhood.
You could tell that Takeru needed a break, you hoped he could find another one that isn’t alcohol.
You turned around and hugged Takeru, wrapping your arms around his waist. Takeru giggled and nuzzled his nose against your neck.
“Is that a yaes?” Takeru asked and you shook your head. “No Takeru, you need sleep”, you said. Takeru leaned away and pouted.
“Why don’t you want to go to sleep?” You asked. Takeru looked up at you, “if I go to sleep, I won’t be able to see you. Have I told you that you’re really handsome, and kind, and caring, and that I love you”, Takeru said with a laugh.
Your eyes widened, what?
Did you hear that correctly, maybe you’ve been up to long waiting for Takeru. “What did you say?” You asked and Takeru laughed.
“That I wove you, have sence middle school”, Takeru said before hugging you tightly again.
You slowly wrapped your arms around Takeru while your face took on a slight pink hue. You looked down at Takeru, his face was buried in your chest with his arms tightly around your chest.
You couldn’t lie, Takeru was cute.
Though you may be a bit biased, seeing as you’ve liked him since high school.
You reached up and brushed some of Takeru’s hair out of his face. His eyes were closed and his breathing was stead.
He had fallen asleep.
You never knew Takeru liked you, he did a really good job hiding it. Well, until now.
You also didn’t think Takeru liked boys, he had a decent amount of girls swooning over him at school.
You let out a quiet laugh, Takeru was always full of surprises. You squatted down and lifted Takeru up by his thighs.
You walked out of the kitchen, making a mental note to get the tea out of the trash can.
You walked into the bedroom and sat Takeru on the bed. You removed Takeru’s hat and placed it on the bedside table.
“Patamon?” Takeru slurred as he patted the bed. “Their in the Digital World, you can see Patamon tomorrow”, you said.
Turning back to Takeru and removing his jacket. “Oh”, Takeru said before leaning to his side and falling on the bed.
You sighed before draping Takeru’s jacket over a nearby chair. You wanted to get Takeru dressed in pajamas but it looked like that wasn’t happening.
You turned around and took a step before you felt something grab your waist. You looked over to see Takeru holding your wrist.
He was looking at you with sad eyes, “please stay?” He asked softly. You frowned, “sure”, you said.
Not being able to deny the look in Takeru’s eyes. Takeru let go of your wrist and scooted back so you could get into bed.
You lifted the covers and pulled them from out under Takeru. You covered Takeru before getting into bed next to Takeru.
Takeru immediately clung to you, wrapping his arms and legs around you before burying his head on your shoulder.
Takeru hummed, “goodnhight Y/n. I love you”, Takeru said before falling asleep again.
You smiled, placing a kiss on the side of Takeru’s head. “I love you too, Takeru”, you whispered. You soon fell asleep with Takeru in your arms, with one thought in your head.
Looks like you have two things to talk to Takeru about in the morning.
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Takeru came stumbling out of the bedroom.
“Hello Takeru, how are you feeling?” You asked, while powering a cup of green tea. Takeru looked over at you, “not the best”, Takeru said.
Takeru immediately sat down in a chair at the island and put his head in his hands. “Expected, you were drunk last night”, you said while handing Takeru the cup of green tea.
Takeru immediately started drinking the tea and finished it in minutes. “I vaguely remember that”, Takeru said.
You turned around and took the toast out of the toaster. “What do you remember?”
You asked, trying to figure out if Takeru remembers what he said that was currently making your heart beat out of your chest.
It was quiet as you butter the toast for Takeru. “I remember coming home, talking to you, and then falling asleep I think?” Takeru said.
You turned around and placed the plate of butter and jam toast in front of Takeru. As well as refilling his glass.
You scrunched your face, of course Takeru didn’t remember that. He probably doesn’t even mean it. “You okay?” Takeru asked.
You looked up to see Takeru looking at you with a concerned look on his face. “Did something happen last night?” Takeru asked and you sighed.
Of course Takeru knew something was wrong, and of course he thought it had something to do with what happened last night.
Sometimes, Takeru was too smart for his own good.
You turned around and leaned backwards against the island. You looked down at the floor, what if Takeru didn’t mean it?
What if Takeru realizes that you mentioned it because you love him? What if Takeru is disgusted and never talks to you again?
“Y/n?” Takeru said, voice lighter than before. “Do you love me?” You asked, biting the bullet.
Already feeling sweat gathering on your palms and heart beating even faster.
You started tapping your foot to get rid of the silence. “You said you loved me when you were drunk”, you said.
Still trying to get rid of the silence, maybe trying to save face.
“Y/n?” Takeru said. Voice still light, but with a hint of desperation in his voice.
You breathed in and held back the tears in your eyes and turned around. That’s when Takeru reached forward and smashed his lips against yours.
You quickly got over the shock of your dream boy kissing you. You closed your eyes and leaned into the kiss.
You and Takeru tilted your heads to get better angles.
You bite Takeru’s lip and he let out a little moan as well as opening his mouth a bit.
You slipped your tongue into Takeru’s mouth, you could taste the green tea on his tongue.
Takeru pulled away panting, hand still grasping the neck of your shirt. You smiled at the look on Takeru’s face.
The slight red, the panting, yet the slight smile on his face. Takeru looked up at you, “does that answer your question?” Takeru asked.
“Mmm, I’m not sure, maybe another kiss will convince me~”, you teased.
Takeru rolled his eyes, “you’re lucky you're handsome”, Takeru said before kissing you again. You’ll talk about Takeru’s alcohol problem later today, right now. 
You’re too busy kissing him.
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izzyizumi · 1 year
U.S. Dub 2020!Taichi {Tai} to 2020!Koushiro {IZZY}: The *FACT* IS, *YOU* Saved us! 2020!Koushiro {IZZY}:
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dna-d2 · 1 year
Digmon Adventure 2020 finally came out with an English dub. I’m 3 episodes deep, and man
I was sitting here thinking “They really just made the Digimon Movie for the fourth time without Mamoru Hosoda, didn’t they?”
But then I remembered that Belle came out AFTER the series originally started, so this is the THIRD time the Digimon movie happened, while Bell is the fourth time.
(But it was still Hosoda’s third time making it so my meme is still accurate, you hear me??)
Either way though, that’s rude to my dude, give him some credit, will you??
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nerointruder · 2 years
me watching digimon ghost game episode 61: wow this episode is surprisingly creepy. wonder what the monster of the week will be this time
me once the motw was revealed:
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nightfurylover31 · 2 years
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I know a certain Digi-kitty who's been traumatized by that guy! We don't need to go through that again!
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digitalgate02 · 11 months
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The UPDATED (OG) Adventure universe’s Partnership double year math count
Updated Digimon Adventure OG Timeline’s Partnership Math Count List 
Not particularly spoilers from the movie, just stuff stated by the official timeline from the pre-release stream for the movie in Japan (Oct 26)
Early 80s - Oikawa Yukio & Hida Hiroki make the first contact with the Digital World, befriend Pipimon (no partnerships)
1995 - Hikari and Taichi find a Koromon egg* (no partnerships)
1996 - 2 (Rui; someone else gets a digimon later in that year*)
1997 - 4 (Menoa)
1998 - 8 (Possibly the previous 5 mentioned from Adv’99 anime/novels)
1999 - 16 (Adv Eight, Meiko*)
2000 - 32 (Ken*)
2001 - 64 (Michael)
2002 - 128 (Daisuke, Miyako, Iori)
2003 - 256
2004 - 512
2005 - 1,024
2006 - 2,048
2007 - 4,096
2008 - 8,192
2009 - 16,384
2010 - 32,768
2011 - 65,536
2012 - 131,072
2013 - 262,144
2014 - 524,288
2015 - 1.048,576
2016 - 2.097,152
2017 - 4.194,304
2018 - 8.388,608
2019 - 16.777,216
2020 - 33.554,432
2021 - 67.108,864
2022 - 134.217,728
2023 - 268.435,456
2024 - 536.870,912
2025 - 1.073.741,824
2026 - 2.147.483,648
2027 -  4.294.967,296
2028 (02 Epilogue) - 8.589.934,592
↓ Original notes + "Why there's still no retcon of the lore" below ↓
First, the OG notes from the outdated post:
→ This count is not about “which was the very first digimon-human contact”, and yes about people with a digivice. Because if we were going to count who was the first human to have contact with a digimon, it’s actually two and they’re Oikawa Yukio and Iori’s dad, Hida Hiroki.
→ I’m ignoring all the inconsistencies with other material (WS & ▽) because they seem to not match well with the original count. So, in this case, Ken’s statement in the anime (Aug 2000) is the one to be accounted for here. I don’t know if Ryo counts as Chosen (possibly yes, judging by 02 flashbacks) but I’m not sure where to place him here.
→ I’m only adding Michael to the count, even if he’s not a main character and yes a side character, because 02 ep 14 had this statement regarding him. And I like Michael too so, let me have him there :V
→ Menoa states in the movie she met Morphomon when she was nine, and according to the Dash X novel version, she’s the same age as Taichi. Which means she became a Chosen in 1997.
→ I couldn’t think of how to include Maki & Daigo’s group in this because ▽ contradicts with the original lore’s math – The fact the Pt4 book released with the movie on Japanese theaters state them being in Elementary School the time they went to their adventure in the DW, and later the confession scene means they’re in University/College makes them possibly been Chosen Children way before 1995, and I’d take it granted that they were chosen by someone else IF weren’t for the Homeostasis being involved in the scene and the digivice being way too modern for that time (it was basically Taichi group’s model. If you look at Rui’s digivice in the leaked footage from DigiFes2022, his model seems to be different and an older version)
→ That said, Meiko is the only character in ▽ that does not fall into contradiction with the math count. Because in 1999 there was not only Taichi’s group, but also other 8 non-featured Chosen according to Kakudou’s notes. So we can consider Meiko one of those other 8 children.
→ When it comes to Wallace, I prefer to think he is game in the original math – Taichi and Hikari met that Koromon in 95, but they had no digivice until 1999. Which means it can be possible that Wallace had encountered Gummy-Choco’s egg before 1995 and only became an official Chosen Child later.
Now, the new notes:
→ To avoid spoiling any detail about the movie itself, I’ll make sure to tell you they might have changed how the math works only. It’s not like, “everyone gets a digimon at the same time” but rather… “A X number of people get partnered with a digimon in different periods of a year” – Which means yes, you can still count Rui and Ukkomon as the origins of the Digimon partnership, but that later in the same year someone else (or, say, Wallace in the main timeline) got a partner months later.
→ That said, I’m opting to update this list and work within the idea that various sources of partnership (Homeostasis, Holy Beasts, etc) can be counted in the math. Remember – Homeostasis (not referred to as this in the OG series but yes in the novels) had selected Taichi & co., but the Holy Beasts chose Dai-Miya-Iori. And some other entity probably chose Ken in August 2000. This could explain why there’s a higher number of partnerships happening at the same time in Adv’99 and 02.
→ As I mentioned before, and indirectly supported by the staff (check the official timeline at the top of the list), ▽ has violated the lore to the point it goes in direct conflict with the new 02 movie and the entire timeline. So I guess it’s better to consider ▽ as its own timeline/Alternate universe than forcing it into the main timeline.
→ That said, and since Meiko does exist in Kizuna/main timeline, I suppose Maki and Daigo also do exist, and maybe they got their “ages” retconned and down to something suitable to the universe’s math count. They can still be part of the previous five kids mentioned in Adv’99 anime/novels, but they are probably around their teen years, or even early 20s instead, not fully adults working for the government I suppose. Or alternatively, just not Chosen yet. Pick your favorite route, Maki/Daigo fans!!
→ Yes, the Koromon from the very first movie IS NOT THE SAME PARTNERED WITH TAICHI. This never was confirmed, and was just fandom's theory. Considering how ▽ also made this mistake and possibly was one of the lore's violation, I prefer to believe this means it's not the same Koromon/Agumon partnered with Taichi in Adv'99.
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koushirouizumi · 3 months
Digimon Adventure+02/tri./Kizuna/(+Adventure:) {2020 Reboot} + Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning (+minimal Kizuna) A.M.V x “Apologize” {David Archuleta} Live Concert Version Featuring Characters/Duos/Ships: + {+2020!}/{Kizuna!}KOUTAI, {02!}KENSUKE, (Implied/Former?/Un-requited??) YamaSoraTai/Yamachi, {briefly/+also from Yamato's end); Adventures Chosen; (Overall 02 Chosen-Leaning +Side KouxTai)
“I’m hearing 'what' you say…”
“Take a Fall {?}”–
“I Need you like a heart 'needs' a BEAT– … BUT that’s Nothing {N E W…}”
“{’XXXXX’} like the A N G E L…"
“IT’S TOO– (???)”
"...Ten feet..."
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Comment: If you think I'M not in this CROWD somewhere, {despite the fact my voice is really soft 'irl'} you might just be Mistaken,,,,, (Also - This is my overall personal 'final thesis' on The Beginning.) {If you watch, please genuinely try to FOLLOW the themes presented.}
{Note: Tri Pt. #6 Bokura no Mirai/"Our Future" Spoilers, Major The Beginning Spoilers, (select scenes from opening, final battle, FINAL Post-credits scene at very end clip) + middle part Big spoiler (Rui’s eye & Ukkomon) {Notes: Eye Trauma/Injury; Blood}
Original Song © O.n.e.R.e.p.u.b.l.i.c Archuleta cover from AUGUST 1st 2009’s Sunrise, Florida Concert {“Hey O.P., can you explain that GAP in your blogs' hISTORY of this fANDOM—???”} [Do you hear 'THEM' here???]
*Edited in about 5 hrs 10~ min overall (Preparing for this however took at least four days of off-and-on out-lining) {Any final fix's will come in the future...!!}
{*Slightly LOUD/Low quality audio at points!!} (*Contains cheering, as its LIVE Ver.)
by Me/Hikari M. Productions @hikari-m/@koushirouizumi/@izzyizumi {DO NOT Repost} {DO NOT Copy} {DO NOT Reproduce my Work/Video Edits Without my Permission Under any Circumstances}
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firedragon1321 · 11 months
Missing Digidestined Theory
Hi and welcome to my humble abode. Tonight at 4 am, I'm going to (try) to make sense of some Digimon shit. Namely the number of Digidestined in Adventure's world, and how that correlates to a certain statement from the producers. This is entirely headcanon, possibly AU, and also made at 4-6 am. It also contains spoilers for the new 02 movie. There is a brief mention of child death. And it ends with complaints about the timeline and epilogue.
EDIT: This is no longer solid for several reasons, mainly conflicting information in 02 the Beginning, the presentation of clear AU as a theory, and the use of a ship blog as a source. On the first, I had not seen the movie yet (and now have doubts that Lui was really "the first", but that's a theory that basically ends in "Daigo/Maki's group were still first"). On the latter two points, I really should know better, and I apologize.
I have closed notifications due to some rude behavior, so I won't see any updates on this. However, I also deleted the original edit mentioning that since it itself was rude. There's really no reason to leave this up, except I like the idea generally and for archival purposes. If you still wish to read it, it is stored below. Just get ready for 40 year old Lui, lol.
I'll hook you with this- there weren't five Digidestined globally in Maki's time. There were eight.
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This goes off a statement from one of the producers. You can read it all here.
Basically, the number of Digidestined worldwide would double. This ensures everyone would have a Digimon partner by 2027 (aka, the epilogue).
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Doing the math- the number would exceed the global population (approximately 8 billion people) in 2020 (becoming 16,777,216 to be precise- 2019 cuts it close with 8,388,608, but the math is not wrong either way).
The exact statement says this "doubling" occurred from the Parrotmon incident forward. I personally believe that's BS because Willis exists. He receives Gummymon and Kokomon around the same time that the original Botamon spawns. There's also Meiko, Ken, and Ryo (depending on how you interpret the WonderSwan games). Meaning the number of Digidestined is higher than 8, and possibly already doubling.
Let's assume Lui is the first Digidestined. He seems to be around his early 20s (or ages really well- maybe it's Maybelline). Then Daigo and Maki's team came after him. Then Adventure team and so-on.
This all rides around this comment, as there are no official ages for Daigo, Maki, or Lui and we need them. User SharpeBB from With the Will points out the following, which I used as it's the only logical explanation I can find.
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So based on this theory- assuming they were 11/12 when they were chosen, and Maki's age in the flashback is as SharpeBB claims, the original Digidestined would have set out on their mission in 1987 (using the age of 9 as a baseline for reasons I will explain later and computing in Maki's age of 21).
I assume for this theory that Maki was a Digidestined for at least two years prior to losing Tapirmon (referring to the flashback involving the Harmonious Ones). My tri. knowledge is a bit rusty. But since that flashback occurs in the Digital World, I'll have to assume she met Tapirmon in the real world, there was time fuckery similar to Adventure, adults were looking for the members of that team in the Real World, or any combination of the three.
So- 27 (Maki's age) minus 9 (assumed age when first she became a Digidestined) is 18. 18 years before tri. in 2005 was 1987.
There are five of these "original kids"- Daigo, Maki, and three unnamed ones. But you may notice that five is not an even number, nor a multiple of two. The lowest number of Digidestined that must exist globally at that time is eight. This doesn't mean for Maki's team specifically- they could be in another country, like the numerous American Digidestined.
So going backwards- there would be four Digidestined (globally) in 1986, two in 1985, and one (Lui) in 1984.
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Incidentally, Lui was born on a leap year...which 1972 is. Using the baseline of 12 years (based on the above image), he would be 40 in 02 the Beginning. Let's just say he ages well.
So I bet you're tired of BS- let's get to the meat and potatoes. How many Digidestined really exist by the time of Adventure? Well, with 12 years between 1987 (original Digidestined) and 1999...the answer is 32,768.
Remember that not all Digidestined go to the Digital World. Some of this number might have died (we can't rule out "accidents" in the Digital World entirely, nor death via other means). Others might have stayed in the Real World and never went to the Digital World. Still others might have let their inner child- and partner- die (see Kizuna). But given the time gap between Daigo/Maki's team and 1999 alone, I don't think all 32,000+ of them were twiddling their thumbs.
There's more threats out there that we don't know about. There's more dead kids than we can fathom. And worse still, this only accelerates the amount of time until everyone has a Digimon. It would exceed the global population in 2009 with 16,777,216- that same number from the start- three years before 02 the Beginning.
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Yet we can see that this is not the case. Ukkomon's MO is to give everyone a Digimon partner, which the world is not ready for. Recall that the production team claims the worldwide doubling occurred starting with Tai's team. Including those eight and the four outliers I mentioned, everyone would have a Digimon by 2019 (with an estimated 12,582,912 partnerships- this exceeds the global population). In 2012, this number is merely 98,304. Which makes sense for the Ukkomon plot.
So I wasted your time. Except...
I still feel this math doesn't account for things like Daigo/Maki's team and Lui. The producer's math states there are 64 Digidestined globally by 2002. But this cannot be the case as how do the Digidestined from before- or even kids like Willis- factor in? Like, they fit numerically, but how did they find their partners? Why were they chosen? Especially those before 1999, if it all connects to the Botamon in Japan? Also- assuming Lui is as young as he looks (i.e.- around Davis's age) makes Maki older than him...which makes no sense, given the average age someone becomes a Digidestined and her own assumed age.
It makes more sense for Lui to look really good for forty than the entire timeline does if we assume that the doubling began in 1999.
And this is because of two issues. One is "left hand not talking to right hand" throughout the Adventure timeline. There's simply no communication between departments (especially for the WonderSwan games, the canonicity of which is flaky even in my own personal timeline). This has resulted in other plot holes throughout Adventure canon.
Another is a hardcore determination to keep the epilogue canon, despite conflicting elements from tri. on forward. The link at the very beginning attempts to explain the epilogue, yet includes some absolutely bonkers explanations for things like why Matt became an astronaut (basically, there's extraterrestrial threats made in response to digivolution, and the Dark Masters are implied to be one of them, despite actually being linked to Apocalymon- is he also an alien???).
There was supposed to be a season 3 that would have evened out a lot of this (I'm afraid I forgot the link- if someone has it, let me know so I can add it). But we never got it, so the epilogue will never make logical sense. Almost all attempts to canonize it cause batshit lore to enter the chat, or it simply does not mesh with batshit lore from tri. onwards.
Both of these elements cause massive plot holes that make the 1999 doubling pace simply not work. So I'll play with this AU/headcanon some more. Besides, I personally find the idea of Digidestined hiding for decades interesting...
Thanks for surviving to the end!
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Fixed a calculation to include Meiko (forgot her by accident.).
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variouscolors-old · 9 months
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VariousColors - a Digimon multimuse
Digitalized by Ni/digitalgate02 [indie/selective/read rules please]
Adventure (1999/02/Kizuna/2020/02TB) • VTamer • Frontier • Savers • Xros Wars • Appmon • Ghost Game • Cyber Sleuth (Hacker's Memory) • AUs • Canon timelines • Canon Divergent timelines • OCs
[Crossover list] • [Muses] • [Database] • [Lore] • [Ships] • [AU] • [HC] • [ART] • [Tag list]
• ♡ or ↺ if you would like to interact with my digi-muses. I’m totes fine with doubles, as I also RP their mons!!
• I tag my spoilers, dw (i tag anything you ask me to tag btw)
※ Personal/non-roleplaying blogs DO NOT REBLOG.
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taikouvember · 1 year
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Rules & FAQ
Even though most of the general rules for the week were already written down in the Event Announcement Post, we would still like to specify some of our Do’s and Don’t’s to make sure Taikouvember will turn out amazingly for everyone involved!
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Do's & Recommendations
The event goes from November 6th to November 12th, one day for each of the 7 prompts. 
You may choose either one or both of the contrasting prompts to use for each day. Interpret the prompts as you like, you can find some helpful tips in our Prompt Guideline. You may submit as many entries for each prompt as you like.
Every kind of entry will be allowed: Fanfiction, Drabbles, Poems, Fanart, Comics, Sketches & Doodles, Music, Playlists, Music Videos, Picture Sets and Edits, Gifsets, Meta, etc.
You can of course decide which series or medium you want to focus on: Digimon Adventure, Digimon Adventure 02, all corresponding movies, Digimon Adventure Tri, Digimon Adventure Last Evolution: Kizuna, Digimon Adventure 02 The Beginning, Digimon Adventure: The 2020 Reboot, games, manhuas, audio dramas, novels, the stageplay, etc.
You are free to choose how to interpret the relationship of Taikou - whether that's romantic or platonic is completely up to you!
Other canon characters are allowed to be included, as long as the entries contain the original ship Taikou, the original characters, Taichi Yagami and Koushiro Izumi, and/or in extension, their partners, Agumon and Tentomon. You can also include multi-/polyships, OT3s, etc. as long as they contain Taikou.
Crossovers, Alternate Universes (AUs) or Own Characters (OCs) are allowed, as long as the entries contain the original ship.
When posting your entries, please make sure to @ us directly as @taikouvember in the entry post or use the following tags: #taikouvember2023, #taikouvember 2023, #taikouvember. You can also submit your posts directly to our blog.
We will search the different ship tags for your entries too, so regardless of what spelling you use, we will try our best to find it. Late entries beyond Taikouvember are perfectly fine, we will search the ship tags until at least the end of November. If we missed your entry, please contact us directly! #taikou #koutai #taishiro #taishirou
Old content may be reblogged by using our handle @taikouvember, so we can find it or you can send us content you would like us to reblog for consideration. We highly encourage creating new content though!
On Day 7, you may post whatever comes to your mind in regards to the ship, something you always wanted to shout into the world, but never found the opportunity to do so! We’re excited to see what you have in mind!
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Don't's & Restrictions
Do not post any ship or character bashing/hate concerning any other Digimon ships/characters. It will not be reblogged.
Only post your own content, art theft etc. will not be tolerated.
Spoilers for the most recent movie, "Digimon Adventure 02 The Beginning" will only be reblogged if tagged accordingly and/or put under "read mores"!
Not Safe For Work (NSFW) content may be submitted in moderation and in line with tumblr's guidelines, but only if it is hidden under "Read Mores". Any kind of adult themes and triggers need to be tagged accordingly. Please understand that we might not reblog explicit, disturbing or any kind of discriminating content.
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If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us directly! Have fun!
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hikari-m · 5 months
{Digimon Adventure} ~ A.M.V (Anime Music Video) ~ {Jigoku} Together + Song: {H e l l} Together (Sung By: David A r c h u l e t a) Featuring Ship: Koushiro{u} Izumi x Taichi Yagami {KouTai} / {Taishiro[u]} & Izumi (Parents) as Family (with bonus 2020 Reboot Koushiro + KouTai Moments)
Note: If it does not display above for any reason, Please view at the direct link here! (The above may work at later times, Please check back!)
Don't be bold...
But the more you grow, You know the truth
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And all I want is to make you proud If I would run would I let you down? You SAID-
If I have to "live" without YOU I DON'T wanna live "FOREVER"- So LET 'EM close the gates-
We'll go to {"Jigoku"} Together
My Commentary: This A.M.V. showcases mostly Koushiro's Adoptee storyline, while also including brief scenes from 2020 eps that focused on Koushiro's inclusion or highlights. (There are a few tiny semi-spoilery segments from final battle of Digimon 2020 Episodes 66~67, but mainly show Koushiro.) There are no Tri, Kizuna, or The Beginning spoilers here. However, a finalized version may add in other moments later!
A.M.V By Hikari M. Productions a.k.a @izzyizumi / @koushirouizumi
{Do Not Copy} {Do Not Re-post} {Do Not Remove Caption} {Do Not Re-produce My Works/Editing Under any Circumstances, including for A. I. Usage, without my Permission}
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Further commentary under the 'read more'!
Extended Commentary: An A.M.V. I made in just under 2 hours, or, about an hour and 50 minutes total of editing, plus saving and review checks; as I aimed to finish just in time for: "Kou&Ten Day" a.k.a a "Koushiro & Tentomon Day" {Focus} (5/10, May 10) in the J.P.N fan base, the name comes from the "Kou" of Koushiro's J.P.N name, {Kou = Go = "Five" (5)} as pronounced in J.P.N + "Ten", a nickname for "Tentomon" partially given by Mrs. Izumi during "02" ("Tento-san") Koushiro fans often share Koushiro works on this day, including platonic works.
This particular work, specifically for Koushiro x Taichi, includes a Queer focus lens as the original song did. (Please be respectful if interacting on this work!)
This {s o n g} means a LOT to me on a personal level, so please, please if you can support and consider purchasing the original by A r c h u l e t a, at any official links it may be out on, including I T U N E S!
As Mother's Day 2k24 is also 5/12 this year, it's also just in time for combo Kou&Ten Day+Mother's Day!
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izzyizumi · 1 year
U.S. Dub 2020!Taichi, in ABSOLUTE SOUNDING AWE: "...Amazing..." Koushiro: ..Huh?-- Taichi: I mean, I'm... really *bad* at That kind of Stuff TAICHI: You're *INCREDIBLE*, *Koushiro*!!! KoushirO: KOUSHIRO: ...(relieved sound)-- uM Koushiro: y-OU CAN CALL ME "IZZY"----
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maxwas-here · 1 year
ive watched digimon adventure 2020 like 7 times and i think i deserve to infodump about it >:)
first of all - whats with all the taichi/yamato parallels?? like- i get ith they were present in DA (1999) and a bit in DA 02 but not as much as in the reboot. (BUT WHERE IS THE VENOMVAMDEMON SCENE WHERE THEY HOLD HANDS HUH??? TOEI EXPLAIN YOURSELF—)
second - I. LOVE. THE. ANIMATION. especially in the fighting scenes?? like holy shit- istg toei looked at their budget and put it all into the fighting sequences.
third - i was a bit skeptical going into this because we get omegamon immediately (2nd/3rd episode) which is weird since for DA we get it in the movie (not even in the series!!!) but it was scripted and played well (the episode where he appears is titled "war game" hehe) plus omegamon being a sort of otherworldly digimon that can pass through time and space was really cool :)
fourth - negamon is a bitch, like- algomon did *everything* from gathering data to helping with milleniumon's rebirth and all- AND THE BITCH IS THE FINAL BOSS?? mf is a fat spoiled mommy's boy that grew up thinking everithing was his (he did get his ass handed to him so i can respect that)
fifth - etemon and volcamon are married you can't change my mind
fifth 2.0 - OGREMON MY BABY WHY DID HE HAVE TO DIE :((( (he did come back as rebellimon but still) him and leomon were deffo married in DA
sixth - i really love the fact that devimon (once he died) wasn't a 100% jerk, he helped takeru and patamon by giving them a hit on negamon and helped seraphimon not to lose himself during the last fight :)
seventh - the fact that digiworld itself called the digidestined is>>>
seventh 1.2 - i loved the fact that during the crest hunt they didn't have to find the ultimate level or smth like that but had to find themselves (i am mad at the digevolutions' order was but still-) i think that the main reason why taichi's compass was all wonky like that was because he had to connect with everyone by seeing them being the best themselves.
eight - i didnt really like how they prioritized taichi over everyine else- like i get it- hes the leader and all but still i wanted more episodes focousing on the other members of the group like DA did :( (he is my fav charavter so im not complaining lol-)
ninth - THE COLOURS!!!!!! IM AN ARTIST AND THE COLOUR REP AND PLACEMENT WAS 🔝🔝🔝 everytime we got a zoomed out view of the current fight and each of thrm became like a colored star i screamed
tenth - i think that's it for now?? bc nothing comes to my mind anymore lol- ANYHOW this show was very different from its 1999 original but still absolutely enjoyable 9.5/10 i took .5 off because there were A LOT of fillers (especially between wargreymon amd metalgarurumon) and for a series titled "digimon adventure" i expect every episode to be a bit more adventurous? i guess?? (the most unnecessary one imo was mimi-chan wars (ep 37) for me mimi behaved in avery annoying and bossy/demanding way that i generally didn't like :(
other than that i really hope that they make DA 02's reboot too because it would be so fun :)
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the-laziest-dragon · 1 year
DIGIMON GHOST GAME: AKA: How to make the fanbase desperate with an unexpected ending.
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Unlike Adventure:2020, I haven't commented much on this season because;
Story pacing is different (horror stories vs season 1 reboot)
Many of the references I needed to go after and the chances of talking nonsense were great. And I can't stand to hear more irrelevant drama than I already listen to offline.
But I really wanted to talk about Ghost GAME, and now that the season """"ended"""", I can talk a little with my opinions (and spoilers soon if you don't want to, don't read. Enjoy other of my posts or go to another blog you like, I'm not holding you back 🙂)
Taking everything out of the way, let's go to the beginning :
1 - The delay for tamers/chosen children/human heroes to appear and develop as characters.
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I'm going to take those shots soon because it was one of the things that pissed me off the most.
Ruli joined the team in episode 3 and got the adult form of Angoramon in episode 15.
Kiyo joined the team in episode 5 and reached Jellymon's adult form in episode 10, if I'm not mistaken.
After waiting 12 episodes to reach the adult form compared to Kiyo who was only 5, she only reached the Ultimate form in episode 35. 20 more episodes. Kiyo achieved Ultimate form in episode 29...
Hiro already reached adult forms (Red, Blue and Green) in episodes 2, 7 and 12. The Ultimate form came in the episode 25...
And most of the time it was Hiro and Gammamon who solved everything, leaving the other humans and digimon in the background. Like the protagonists of the original Adventure rooting for the Megas to win because they are nothing but Ultimate form and the enemies are too strong for them.
And want to know when the mega forms arrived? Episode 56 for Hiro, 58 for Ruli and 60 for Kiyo.
And the season ended at 67... and the last two episodes Diarbbtmon and Amphimon barely served as relevant fighters... They were more like glorified punching bags.
2 - Digimon do not fight to the death.
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It may sound morbid but it's a fact: The enemies fight to kill, the protagonists don't fight seriously because they don't want to hurt the other digimons.
Apart from GulusGammamon (I already got to him) the protagonists killed at least 2 digimons: SimbaeAngoramon killed Digitamamon and the three Ultimate killed RareRaremon.(No, Shadramon was already half dead before Datamon messed with him. Tetismon didn't kill him.)
It makes it seem like they don't really fight. And all they do is sit the shit out and then make up... which is kind of disappointing after the literal demon of lust just walks away.
3 - GulusGammamon
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When he first appeared, NOBODY expected that the sweetest marshmallow in the world had the literal devil inside the body. But since every digimon protagonist has to have a dark evolution, it was to be expected.
Whenever GulusGammamon appeared it meant that someone was going to die. No jokes. That was basically it.
'Oh, this Digimon is too bad! What do we do?' 'Oh! Gammamon evolved into GulusGammamon!'
The worst part was what they did to him in the end. From Gammamon's suppressed original personality to the final Boss of the season. It was all so thrown in the face that there are still people numb from the shock.
And then there's the fact that he IS A FUCKING ALIEN DIGIMON FROM ANOTHER PLANET!!?That was contaminating the entire digital world to form an army to face a Galactus from the Digimon Universe!!??!?!!
4 - Espimon
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For the first time, after Xros Wars of course, the protagonist won a secondary Digimon for his team. But my holy Christ... what a soap opera.
He was introduced in episode 38 but didn't reach his adult form until EPISODE 62!!!
This is all because he thought Hiro was a 'fake Hiro' because he wasn't practically identical to his father.
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To say they hooked up for a second season is calling me and all fans idiots.
It was so rushed, but so rushed that it seemed like fanfic that the author got lost and decided to tie all the ends at once but left a lot up in the air.
The Digi-Galactus only coming 2000 years from now, a Country of Digimons in a space between the Digital World and the Human World*cough cough Xros Wars cough cough*, all human protagonists becoming diplomats as children. It looked like the Meme of Yamato becoming an astronaut at the end of Digimon 02...
But I'm not saying that the fight between Regulusmon and Siriusmon was bad... But three Megas almost losing to an Ultimate was a forced fall due to the plot armor.
I hope there is a second season, or movie or OVAs to end the story, because it was very... Empty at the end...
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