#Din is literally so nervous inside I love him
banoonagrams · 11 months
Hot on His Trail — Chapter One
Pairing: Din Djarin (The Mandalorian)/Reader
Summary: When you had first met the Mandalorian when you were collecting your next bounties from Karga, you didn’t think much of your encounter. Sure he was interesting and sure, you were attracted to him, but you assumed that the two of you would never cross paths again.
You’d soon come to learn that your assumption had been wrong. Entirely.
Warnings: None
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Your feet pound against the cobbled road that you’re sprinting on, the streets beside you lined with outdoor stands and shops of every different color imaginable and selling items that you couldn’t pronounce even if you tried. With the hustle and bustle of people along the streets and adjoining alleyways inside of the bazaar, squeezing between them in an attempt to keep up your hurried pace was no easy feat, but you try your best. You had gotten quite a few curse words thrown at you by now with how many bodies you had accidentally bumped into already, but you don’t stop to say sorry, instead yelling throwaway apologies behind your back. You’re never going to see these people again anyways, and there were more important matters at hand. Matters like catching this Maker forsaken bounty that’s sprinting a ways ahead of you.
A Weequay man by the name of Molorne that your tracking fob had led you to was wearing annoyingly simplistic clothes that caused him to fit in with the rush of the crowd surrounding him, so it was easy to lose sight of the man if you weren’t paying attention. You probably would have lost him by now if it wasn’t easy to spot the angry faces of the people that he had shoved past while trying to get away from you. He was practically carving out a path of pissed off civilians for you to follow.
You ignore the harsh stitch that’s beginning to form in your side from your strenuous pace as you continue to press on, feet slamming on the cobbled road while your bandolier bounces along with your body. A vendor empties the remnants of a colorful cutting board out into the street and you walk straight through the dust cloud that comes off of it, nose tickling for a second before you sneeze loudly from the dust, attracting even more stares than you had already gotten. Ignoring this, you continue on forward.
A flash of movement that differentiates from the crowd comes from Molorne’s direction, and you can see him trip and fall to the ground from your current position. He’s yelling at the customers of the bazaar to help him up while cradling his ankle and pointing at you, screaming even more. The two citizens that had bent over to help him’s gazes follow where he’s pointing and see you sprinting towards him, eyes instantly widening in panic and putting their hands in the air in submission. Perhaps being decked out in all kinds of combat gear with a crazed look in your eyes isn’t the most friendly way to approach someone. Just spitballing here.
Snorting to yourself breathlessly in amusement at their reactions, you finally reach Molorne, glaring down at him in a mute warning for him to stay put. He, however, decides to ignore your niceties, attempting to crawl away from you and back into the anonymity of the bazaar. Rolling your eyes, you swiftly snatch your blaster out of its holster and turn off the safety, purposefully blasting a stone directly next to where his head was. He stops in his tracks, snapping his head over to you with eyes as big as moons.
“You’re crazy!” He says while baring his teeth at you, voice accusational. You scoff at his accusation.
“You’re one to talk. I’m not the one who stole money from a Hutt.” You hold your hands out to emphasize your words. “I mean, of all of the people in the galaxy to steal from, you choose one of them? Not the brightest idea.”
He squints his eyes angrily at your response, attempting to lunge at you feebly from his place on the ground. In response, you immediately push the sole of your boot against his torso and force him on his back onto the ground, not hesitating for a second. He struggles beneath the pressure of your foot against his chest as the people in the bazaar move around your scene, steadfastly ignoring you.
“Listen, dumbass. There’s two ways that we can do this.” You spin your blaster around with your hand while you talk. “You can either get on my ship like a good little quarry, or you can make me have to lug your stiff body all the way to the loading bay. Which one’s it gonna be?”
The Weequay visibly gulps, eyes snapping in every which direction in a futile effort to find someone who would help him out of his predicament.
“I don’t have all day.” You press your boot harder down upon his torso and he gasps, slapping his hands on your ankle to try and get you off of him.
“The second one,” he croaks out, hands still smacking against you.
You smile in triumph, motioning your hand upwards as you lift your leg up and off of him and back to the ground. “Right choice. Now get up.”
He takes a deep breath, dusting off his clothes before slowly scrambling himself to be upright, back hunching over in defeat. As he puts weight on his injured ankle he winces, trying to shift the pressure put on it to his other foot. You don’t give him any special care just because he’s injured. He’s the one who ran away from you like an idiot. Ankle or no ankle, he was going to be turned in. You haven't lost a bounty yet and you sure as hell weren’t going to have your streak broken by this guy.
You grab a pair of stun cuffs off of your belt and slap them onto his wrists, adjusting them to him so that they’re tight enough to leave light impressions in his leathery blue skin. He curses quietly, grumbling under his breath and thinking you won’t hear him.
“Kriffing bounty hunters.” 
“What’d you say? You wanted them to be tighter?” You say sarcastically, adjusting the cuffs so that they now pinched at the Weequay’s skin. He mumbles incoherently again but doesn’t say anything else. “Walk.”
He follows your order, heading forward into the crowd with you mere inches beside him. The bazaar slowly fades into the distance behind you as you reach an older section of the city, reaching the lot where your ship was currently parked.
“Where’d you get your hands on one of these? I haven't seen one around in years,” the man says in reference to your ship, obviously surprised. He begins to stare at the little designs that you had painted on the outside walls, and you ignore him, annoyed that everyone is always fascinated that you don’t have a state of the art star fighter like some people have nowadays.
Entering the code to open your ship’s doors into the number pad, you keep your blaster trained on your bounty’s side as you wait for the door to open. She was a bit slow in the hinges due to age, but everything else worked just fine. No need for a new ship if your current one still served its purpose.
Stepping behind the Weequay man once again, you push him forward with the end of your blaster, causing him to stumble forward onto the ramp and into the ship. It was at this point in time that he began to try reasoning with you for his freedom, like they all do eventually.
“You know, I have a good amount of credits left over from my, well… dealings with the Hutts. I could buy you a better ship—“
“I don’t need a new ship.” You say with an irritated tone, closing the door before turning towards him with a scowl. You cross your arms over your chest, blaster still pointed at him, and try to predict what he’d say next in your head. Maybe he’d try to give you some cold hard credits instead? Or perhaps he’d try offering his body to you like that one Zabrak guy did. People try insane things to not get turned in. Understandable in their situations, but you never budge.
“What if I got you away from this life? You’re a pretty girl, I’m sure I could find you a place somewhere.” Damn. That would have been your third guess. ‘Offer to whisk you away like a fair maiden of yore.’
Stepping over to your carbon freezer, you begin to input the man’s information into his slab. “You know, as enticing as that sounds, I think I’m going to have to disrespectfully decline.” You bite your tongue to hold in a laugh as his expression shows how shocked he is that you would ever even say such a thing. “Say your full name for me real quick, would you?”
You had already forgotten his first name. Usually, all that you needed to hunt someone was their last name, what they looked like and their tracking fob, and you were set to go off and find them. But you did need to put every bounty’s name into the freezer for record purposes, which is why you’re asking him his name. You could always just fish his puck out of your bag, but you’re feeling lazy at the moment.
Looking confused, he stutters when he speaks again. “I— Quen Molorne. Why?”
Typing in the last of his information, you lightly grab onto his shoulders, smiling at him. He immediately smirks down at you, and you’d say it’s not far-fetched to say that he’s assuming you’ve suddenly changed your mind about setting him free just because he offered you bribes.
“So that I can freeze you, idiot.” Roughly jerking his back towards the freezer, you shove him inside, slamming the confirmation button and watching his surprised expression be etched into the carbonite. The texture of the carbonite displaying all of your captured quarries' faces is less than flattering for all of them, but then again, it wouldn’t be flattering for anyone. You giggle to yourself at his perpetually shocked face before you crack your knuckles and stretch your arms out in front of you, groaning into the air at the feeling before adjusting your posture.
Molorne had taken a pretty damn long time to catch. He wasn’t your record longest, but he had taken almost two weeks to find. On average it took you a little over a week to find a regular bounty, but Molorne had been extra tricky, only using public freighters to travel and not staying in the same place for a continued amount of time. Once you had caught him though, it had been comically easy. You’d have expected him to put up at least some kind of fight other than his one laughable lunge. Maybe he just knew who would win a fight between the two of you. Smart man.
Walking over to the front of the ship, you settle yourself into the pilot’s chair and spread your legs out underneath the dash. One other pro about this ship: the foot room for when you were piloting.
You start to power up the ship, flicking a couple of switches on the overhead to start the engines before strapping yourself into your seat. Placing your hand on a lever to your right, you adjust a couple of other things on the dash before inputting the coordinates for Nevarro into the nav comp. Molorne was your last puck out of the bunch that you had received last time you had met up with Karga, so now it was time to collect your earnings.
You do a quick survey that everything you need to take off is ready before pushing the lever in your right hand forward, lifting the ship up and into the air, passing by the ozone layer before reaching space.
Checking your coordinates once more, you nod your head to yourself in verification before activating the hyperdrive, the lines of hyperspace showing up before you quickly surge forward. Nevarro was only a little ways away, but you weren’t the most patient woman, and if there was a way to get somewhere quicker, you’d take it. The trip won’t take long, maybe ten minutes at most before you’ll leave hyperspace and appear in front of Nevarro, so that gives you a little bit of time to cool off for a moment and refresh yourself.
You head over to your room and dig through your dresser for whatever shirt catches your eye, deciding on a white tank that looks incredibly comfortable in comparison to the heavy, dirty shirt that you’re currently wearing. It’s an aggravating process to remove all of your gear from your body just to take off your shirt, put on another one and then put all of your weapons back on again, but one that’s definitely worth the struggle for the ounce of comfort you feel as the cool, clean fabric rests against your skin. In the fresher, you grab a rag and put it under some cool water from the sink to dab at your hot face. The eyeliner in your waterline had thankfully not budged from your sweat, so your eyes were still strikingly outlined. You liked wearing heavy eyeliner on the job, as it made you look more intimidating to bounties and their hunters alike.
But as you double check that your makeup is still intact, you now see that the red powder you had walked through earlier had coated your left arm in little clusters. Dammit. 
You take the rag that you had just been using on your face and begin to scrub at the powder along your arm, wanting to get rid of any residue that was left so it wouldn’t stain anything you own. Just as you finish getting off the last specks of red, the quiet beeping to signal that you’re exiting hyperspace comes from the cockpit, and you plop back into your chair to get ready to go into manual.
The ship slowly floats forward for a moment as you appear in front of Nevarro before you take control of navigating yourself once more, moving through the skies of the planet and onto the ground of a familiar loading bay that you had landed on more than a handful of times by now.
You softly guide the ship onto the bay floor, moving it a smidge backwards so that you’re straight. The landing gear hits the ground with a soft thud, the walls inside shaking for a second before ceasing once the ship steadies itself. When you had first started using this ship, anything that you had hanging on the walls fell down everytime you landed, which was a total pain in the ass. Now you had everything bolted into the walls so that they didn’t budge when the ship shook.
The familiar crackle of a voice speaking into the comms sounds off into the small room, and you wait for the static to fade out before you can hear what they’re saying.
“This is Base to ship number four hundred and thirty seven. Please state your name and reasoning for landing.” 
You flick the button next to the comm to activate your own speech option. “This is the Imminent Bodkin, here for a meeting with Karga.”
“Copy. Your ship will be emptied of all bounties as soon as we get confirmation from Karga.” 
Base’s comms cut off without a second’s pause and you turn off your own, stretching in your seat again before standing up. Walking over to the main section of the ship, you open a hidden closet that’s tucked neatly into the wall and grab a brown leather jacket, the tolls of use prominent on its surface. It was always annoyingly cold in the cantina that Karga and other bounty hunters liked to hang around inside of, so you always wore a jacket inside just in case.
You adjust your belt and make sure your weapons have their safety on before opening the ship’s door once again, leaving it open when you exit for the crew that’ll be taking your frozen blocks of people out and away. Everyone on the street didn’t make eye contact with anyone else and was walking on their own, the likelihood of a fight stemming from looking at someone wrong by accident a prominent fear. You walk along with them but forego the fear of eye contact, staring around aimlessly in different directions at the names of locally owned restaurants or sketchy alleyways where the silhouettes of people doing illicit activities lurked.
When you finally reach the cantina and push the door open, it’s already bustling with people, lively conversations blending together to create a light racket that greets you as you step inside. A couple people had drinks in their hands and stood by the walls while others sat at tables or booths to relax.
Karga was standing up next to a booth and conversing with an overtly armed Rodian man that you hadn’t seen around the Guild before, chuckling heartily and tapping his hand on the man’s shoulder. When you get closer to the pair, Karga’s eyes flip over in your direction before he instantly holds his arms out towards you in a welcoming manner, saying your name as if you were the life of the party and not one of the other dangerous individuals inside of the cantina. Nevertheless, you shoot a grin back at him.
“Glad to see another friendly face! Here, this is…” Karga gestures to the Rodian that he had just been speaking to, only to find that he had moved to another side of the room and was flirting with a Twi-lek woman whose name you faintly remember being Yvonne. Karga chuckles once again, albeit less energetic, before dropping his hand. “Nevermind, then. Seems he’s preoccupied. What brings you here today?”
“It’s payday. I’ve got all the bounties on my ship.” Karga nods in acknowledgement, gesturing to the booth to your right. You slide inside, him seating himself in front of you.
“I’ll get my crew to collect them,” he says, crossing his hands on top of the table. He nods his head at a man standing by the door, the man reciprocating the gesture and exiting the bar. A waitress comes by to ask if either of you would like something to drink, and Karga orders a Bespin Fizz. You only order water. This bar was damn overpriced, which is probably why a lot of the Guild liked to meet here in the first place. Everyone got to show off how much money they were making and order more expensive drinks than the others in a silent little contest.
You lightly place the four tracking fobs from your previous jobs on Karga’s side of the table, and he takes them in his hand before tucking them into his right pocket. In return, he places a small stack of imperial credits in the middle of the table. You instantly give him a look, raising your eyebrow at him in incredulity. Karga remains firm in his stance, not budging or moving to retract the money and replace it with something better than some shitty credits that were used while the Empire was in place, so you take the credits with a sigh before tucking them into a pouch of your bandolier. Karga and his dirty fucking money.
Running a hand through your hair, you lean against the back of the cushioned seat, positioning your elbows on its crown so as to get more comfortable. “So, who else do you have for me to hunt?”
Karga reaches into his pocket, pulling out eight pucks from its depths and slapping them on top of the table’s surface. The waitress brings the two of you your drinks simultaneously, the red of Karga’s Fizz reflecting off of the table. Karga takes a sip, smacking his lips together in satisfaction before answering.
“There’s a few bail jumpers, a wanted murderer, a wanted smuggler, and two people running from their debts.” He taps each puck along with the type of job it offered as he lists their names.
“The killer and the debtors sound fine,” you say, reaching over to take their pucks. Karga reaches his own hand out to try and stop you, but you had already gotten the pucks, tucking them into yet another pouch.
“Don’t tell anyone that I let you take three jobs. They might think I’m picking favorites,” he says, taking another sip of his drink. He discreetly hands you the three tracking fobs to go along with your pucks across the table, and you store them along with their compatriots.
“Wasn’t planning on it,” you respond, drinking a small amount of your water. At least it tasted fresh, even though it was practically the price of an entire meal.
As you take another gulp of your water, the babbling around the room comes to a hush, incredibly light footsteps coming from the direction of the door. Karga’s eyes move to a spot behind where you were sitting, and he sets his drink down. The footsteps near your table until they stop directly next to you, to which you allow yourself to get a peek at their owner by flipping your eyes to the side and… up. They continue to go up for what seems like forever until you finally reach the man’s helmet covered head.
A man donning a Mandalorian helmet paired with intricate but worn armor and combat gear stands next to you, his arms hanging at his sides with his helmet tipped towards Karga. You join Karga in setting your drink on the table, the man’s presence being incredibly overwhelming even though he’s at least a foot away from you.
“Mando! Good to see you,” Karga says, voice notably tighter around this armour-clad man.
The Mandalorian says nothing, grabbing five tracking fobs seemingly out of nowhere and holding them in his hand. Karga looks at you with his eyes wide, jerking his head ever so slightly as if telling you to get a move on and out of your seat.
Feeling offended by his silent command and deciding to be stubborn, you instead choose to adjust your body towards the Mandalorian, extending your hand towards him in a friendly manner and introducing yourself. His helmet turns towards you and he stiffens at this, but otherwise he doesn’t move.
“Are you going to hang me out to dry here?” You joke, your hand still extended in the air. You can practically feel Karga’s eyes burning a hole in your head.
“I— no.” The Mandalorian’s voice was deep but smooth, the modulator crackling as he spoke. His thumb twitches at his side before he hesitantly shakes your hand, his grip strong even though he didn’t slide his hand in all the way against yours. He stares at the place where your hands are interlocked before suddenly remembering himself, moving his arm back to his side and reflexively sitting against his blaster.
“I assume you’ve come here to collect your credits?” Karga asks, shifting in his seat. The Mandalorian nods marginally towards Karga.
“I was just leaving, so you can take my seat,” you say, gulping down the last of your water before setting it on Karga’s side of the table. The Mandalorian’s helmet tips lower towards you. He was blocking the end of the booth, and you can’t get out until he moves, so you wait patiently for him to step to the side. No such move is made. 
After a few seconds of him continuing to stay unmoving, you chuckle in amusement, looking up at the Mandalorian with a grin. “You’re going to have to move if I’m to get out, you know.”
His helmet snaps up as if he were surprised, and he takes an uncharacteristically clumsy step to the side to let you pass. “Right, yes.”
You scoot yourself out of the booth and past the man, standing up and heading towards the door. Before you leave, you take a quick peek behind you at the table that Karga and the Mandalorian were now sitting, the latter placing the tracking fobs on the table. You huff to yourself, opening the door and leaving the cantina behind you. That man was interesting. You’d of course heard of a Mandalorian member in the Guild from the gossip of acquaintances, but had never actually had the luck to meet him. He wasn't as scary as you’d thought he’d be.
Patting your pockets to reassure that all of the things that you had received from Karga were still there, you head down the street and into a small corner store. You’re friends with the owner of the shop because you always come here after having a meeting with Karga, picking up a few sweets but also gathering rations for the time that you’d be out hunting. She never overpriced anything or tried to swindle people into giving away too much money for something stupid, which worked in your favor when you were stocking up on food.
“Hey Risha,” you say to the owner as she stands behind the counter reading an article from the Galactic News Service on a disposable holo pad. She waves at you with her hand while not ungluing her eyes from the article, her tied back magenta lekku shaking in the process. You have to wrestle a basket out of a pile of its brethren by the door before you can actually start shopping.
Heading over to the produce section, you bag a few familiar fruits and vegetables as well as some that you’ve been wanting to try before heading to the canned goods. It had taken a while to find them, but you had discovered some non perishable items that tasted like actual food instead of some kind of bantha fodder in a can. You grab a few more food essentials plus a handful of lollipops for an on the go snack before setting your basket on the counter, Risha placing her holo pad to the side and scanning each of your items. 
The two of you don’t say anything, instead letting the jingle of a rock tune humming throughout the store fill in the silence for you. That’s another thing that you liked about Risha; she didn’t fuck around with small talk. The two of you were close for that reason. You both talked when you had something to say, not just because you felt like you should speak because you were uncomfortable. You’d met a lot of people who you felt uncomfortable sitting in silence with, blabbering on about nothing in order to fill in the empty void between you, so the fact that Risha and you could have silence without getting nervous was something you thoroughly enjoyed.
She finishes scanning all of your items, looking at the price and whistling lightheartedly. “I think that you pay half of my rent every time you come here.”
You snigger at her, taking out one of the imperial credits that Karga had given you and placing it in her hand. “I don’t see a thank you card.”
Risha gives you a sassy look in return before opening the register. Moving her gaze down at the money and then back up at you again, she raises an eyebrow in surprise but doesn't say anything about the dirty money that you had given her. She simply puts it in the register and then hands you your change before giving you a bag to carry your things in. Risha was also incredibly discreet, which was definitely a must have quality in a friend if you were a bounty hunter.
Placing all of your items neatly in the bag, you pick it up and hold it in your arms, heading towards the door. You struggle for a second before opening the door with your foot, the bell attached to it meant to notify Risha of customers ringing merrily as you shout over your shoulder. “See you next time!”
Risha nods in response as you head out of the door. “Ka’ta.” 
You start to navigate through the streets again in order to find your ship. The bag in your arms is piled so high that you have to keep on adjusting it lower to be able to see over the top, and you finally find the alleyway that you had come from earlier to get to your ship. As you turn the corner however, a shiny speck of light a few feet away catches your eye, so you take a quick glance to see what it is. Surprisingly, the source of it was moving right in your direction and you discover said source to be the shiny beskar helmet of the Mandalorian man from earlier in the cantina.
“Fancy seeing you here,” you jest, smiling at him before starting to head down the alleyway towards your ship. You don’t expect any response from him, as the two of you’s interaction was so quiet and quick back at the booth.
“Need any help?” He suddenly asks, voice the same monotone as earlier. You whip your head around with your brow lifted in surprise before shaking your head at him.
“Wasn’t expecting you to talk.” You take a singular step towards him, shifting the bag in your grip. “Suddenly found your voice?”
“I’m not much of a fan of bars. Or Karga,” the Mandalorian says matter of factly. He also takes a hesitant step forward.
“I get it. If there’s already all that noise, why try talking over it, right?” A lollipop attempts to escape from your bag of groceries before you catch it with your hand, balancing it back on top. The Mandalorian nods, agreeing with you. He seems to hate fucking around with small talk, too.
“Well, I’ve got to get these groceries on my ship before they spoil, so… I’ll see you around, Mando.” You announce, using two of the fingers that you had wrapped around the bag to wave at him. He raises his chin up in response, now looking over your left shoulder instead of slightly down to talk to you as he had been before.
Turning around, you take a few steps forward, tentatively pausing when you feel a presence behind you. Even though the Mandalorian walks silently, you can still sense him to your back, so you turn around once more to see what he was doing. As you do this, curious to see what he was still there for, the Mandalorian walks right by your side and towards a familiar door to your left, banging on it with his fist. You roll your eyes at your ridiculous assumption that something other than him knocking on the door would have been the reason for him continuing to be near you.
Him knocking on that door in particular was strange. You’d been through that threshold a while back to collect information for a supposed ‘deep pocket’ bounty, as Karga had said. You’d never followed through with the hunt and actually gone after the bounty, figuring the other, less suspiciously mysterious pucks available to you were less trouble. There was also the fact that your personal morals wouldn’t let you work for the kind of men that the job was offered by. They were a tiny twig broken off from the huge tree that the Empire had once been, and you had felt overtly on edge around them. Your hand had been itching to reach for your blaster the entire time that you had been in the room with those men. It’s hard to explain; it was almost as if they were radiating darkness.
It seems like Mando’s putting himself up to the test of bagging that lucrative bounty.
It’d be interesting to see what a Mandalorian’s views on Empire loyalists are. Maybe he sympathizes with them. Maybe he wants to kill them all for what they did to his people. Or maybe he doesn’t give a flying fuck if they live or die. Who would you be to judge? A reward is a reward, and those Empire huggers were giving out a hefty one.
Although you would judge Mando internally if he sided with the loyalists.
The ugly droid that had scanned your information when you had first gone through the door appears from the wall, looking over what Mando has on his card before letting him through. You start walking again as he steps through the door, thinking how strange it was that Karga would give a bounty to someone other than the person who had already accepted it. You’d think Karga would have at least told you that he was giving away your assignment. Weird.
When you reach your ship, you unpack your groceries and organize all of your supplies, readying everything for another job so that you wouldn’t have to worry about where things were after a long day of tracking. You put the lollipops in a cup holder in your cockpit for easy access before popping your spine in a stretch, preparing for another few weeks hunting lousy little deadbeats. You’d catch them all in no time.
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If you’d like to continue reading, head on over to the story on AO3!
A/N: I did it. I caved. I’m writing a Mando fic. Boo fucking yah.
As you can tell, this chapter was during episode one right before/after Mando accepted Grogu’s bounty. Mando is going to be characterized pretty much by the first few episodes of season one.
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flowersforjude · 2 years
𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐈𝐧 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 | Din Djarin x Fem!Reader
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 | A night in a beautiful meadow and an innocent question leads to a startling confession.
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 | 1,422
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𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 | Literally none. Just an oblivious reader and nervous Din. Fluff rised to the max.
𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞 | Guy’s, this made me weep with how cute it is. So, just fair warning I guess?
masterlist | read on ao3
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Like most things, it started with a simple question.
“Cyar’ika, can you hand me that wrench?”
You were helping Din with some repairs on the Crest when you heard that word for the hundredth time.
As you picked up the tool, your mind wrestled with the wandering thoughts of what that word meant. Din called you that all the time. He’d throw some others in the mix every once in a while.
Cyar’ika was the most common, though. You didn’t speak a bit of Mando’a, so you had no clue what he was calling you. He could be calling you the worst thing ever, and you wouldn’t even know. But even with his rough exterior, you highly doubted that he was referring to you as anything too horrible.
With every cyar, mesh’la, or cyar’ika your curiosity grew. But you didn’t voice your questions out of fear that you’d overstep some invisible boundary. You and Din were close—well, as close as the Mandalorian would let himself get to you. He’d told you his true name, so you counted that as progress. He still had so many secrets, though. So you didn’t want to push him to reveal stuff he wasn’t ready for. You would take whatever he’d give you. You would have him, however you could.
But sometimes your interest was almost too much.
Like at daybreak when he would touch your shoulder oh so gently and say, “Good morning, cyar.” In that deep, velvety cadence his voice had in the mornings.
Or when you’d just had a close call on a mission and he would rush to you, frantic, and place his hands on your cheeks. “Are you alright, cyar’ika? Are you hurt?” The words would leave his lips in a hurry and sometimes jumble together. You knew what he was saying nonetheless.
It was those moments when he showed you gentleness, concern, and care that you found it hard not to blurt out everything on your mind.
“What does cyar’ika mean?”
“What does cyar and mesh’la mean?”
“Do you know what it does to me when you touch me?”
“Do you love me as much as I love you?”
But you kept quiet and let the thoughts mingle in your mind. You were just going to leave well enough alone. Hoping that possibly ignoring your curiosity would make it, and your developing feelings fade away. That proved to require arduous effort, which you found yourself lacking day by day. And eventually, your efforts proved to be in vain.
The night it happened, the Crest had landed on some forest planet. Din had just wrapped up a difficult hunt, so he perched the ship on the first globe he could. You and the kid had been cooped up inside for days now, so as soon as the hatch opened, you were both bounding down from the cockpit.
The kid ran into the tall grass of the field, chasing frogs and crickets with the moonlight guiding his expedition. You stood close to the ship, just watching him with a loving smile. Din came to stand beside you, quite as ever, but his presence was a comfort you relished in far too much.
The first blink of light had you curious. The second and third and fourth flashes had you in awe.
The serene meadow was set ablaze with glittering brightness. Fireflies floated high and low, strung about the tall grass like hundreds of flawless silvery stars. They blanketed the grassland far and wide, down to the glimmering lake in the distance.
“Oh wow,” you breathed. You ventured farther out into the plain, turning in a slow circle, absolutely awestruck.
You could hear the child’s gurgling laughter from nearby. You couldn’t help the giggle that erupted from your throat. The dazzling excitement from the whole experience makes you somewhat astounded. You've never seen anything like this before. Something so beautiful.
You face Din, still standing guard at the front of the ship. “Isn’t this spectacular?” You questioned.
You could hear the airy chuckle get past his vocoder. “It’s certainly something.”
You rolled your eyes in a very childish manner and tilted your head in confusion. “How could you think this is anything but…what’s the word for beautiful in Mando’a?”
You’ve caught his full attention now, seemingly catching him off guard. He appears stunned beyond words. Beyond thoughts as well perhaps. You don’t understand why. It was just a simple question, but it seemed to have knocked any rational notion from him.
What you don’t know is that while you look at him with such sincerity in your eyes and you wait slightly nervous for his response, his brain is nothing short of a mess.
“Din,” you begin. “If I’ve crossed a line somehow-”
“The word is mesh’la.”
That stops you short. Your heart thudded to a halt for several seconds as you took in the sudden confession.
“Mesh’la,” you repeat softly.
You have no idea that his knees almost buckle at the sound of your voice speaking in his mother tongue.
Your face heats at the implication. Mesh’la means beautiful. Din calls you Mesh’la. Din calls you beautiful. He thinks you're beautiful? Or was it meant as something like a courtesy? Was he just being a flirt? No, Din wasn’t the type. So he must think it if he calls you it.
You speak up before he can get another word out. “You think I’m beautiful?”
He nods. “Yes.”
A grin tugs your lips up ever so slightly. Realization dawns on you as your mind recalls all the affectionate exchanges that you fooled yourself into thinking were merely friendly.
A coo from below takes your attention for a moment. The kid is at your feet with his arms stretched up for you. You hold him in the crook of your elbow as you close the distance between you and Din. When you stop in front of him, a radiant smile is permanently placed upon your lips.
“And uh, cyar’ika,” you whisper. “What does that mean…?” You’re a little hesitant to let all your questions come to light. A small part of you still worried you’re reading too much into it.
He takes a deep breath, and you try to ignore the anxiety coursing through you. “Cyar’ika…” He’s never sounded this breathless before. “It means sweetheart.”
The blood rushes to your cheeks with a new fury, painting your skin scarlet. It terrifies you a little that you can’t see his face, that you can’t read the expressions he is wearing right now. You think you know where this is going, but not being able to sense the situation from the other person makes it hard to be sure. You can see that he’s tense, possibly waiting for you to tell him that you were uncomfortable. But you weren't; you were a nervous wreck, but you were not uncomfortable with this knew information in the slightest. You were trying to figure out how to move forward with this without seeming like a lovesick fool.
After waiting an eternity trying to get a hold of yourself, you make a decision. You slowly bring your hands up to him, gently gliding along his arms until they reach the broad expanse of his shoulders, and then the cool surface of his helmet.
You can feel his panic, but you softly sush him. Eventually, your hands still on the side of his helmet, where you imagine his cheeks would be. You picture them flushed like yours. Even through the impenetrable beskar, you feel like the heat of his skin is melting into yours. You imagine how it would actually feel to be skin to skin with him. If you ever had the privilege to experience that, you were sure you could die happy.
What happens next is a surprise. Din clutches your hands in his and brings them down between you both. He then slowly touches his forehead to yours. The shock of cold metal draws a gasp from your lips.
“Ni ganar hid ner kar'taylir darasuum teh gar par chaaj'yc too munit, cyar’ika.” A whispered admission comes from him.
You can’t help but laugh as you have no clue what he said. “What?”
He chuckles along with you. “I said that I have hidden my love from you for far too long, sweetheart.”
Your heart cracks open with so many emotions that it’s overwhelming. It aches inside you, but the pain is welcome because you’d rather have this, him, than the uncertainty you lived in for so long.
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I poured over this for days, and I still feel like something isn't right. But oh well, maybe it'll come to me later. 🤷‍♀️
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wannab-urs · 1 year
The Spreadsheet Digest - Fic Recs | Vol. 9
Hi friends!! This week I read several series that had like... a lot of parts... including ones I've previously recced but just now finished (Looking at you Lie To Me by @iamskyereads). I also went to Pride and basically read nothing from Saturday to Monday. That being said, I'm pretty proud of the amount of fics I was able to scrounge up for y'all this week, and I think we have a pretty good selection.
The Spreadsheet can be found here and you're always welcome to tag me in a fic or send it to my askbox if you want me to read it (I'll read any Pedro boy!).
Recs below the Pedro:
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Puppet - an Ezra one shot by @jksprincess10
I love these fics that are like "What if we went to extreme lengths to shut Ezra the fuck up," and I especially love how this one ends. Also the side effect bit made me giggle. You're a genius, Nad <3
Hot and Heavy - a Joel series by @tieronecrush
I think I established recently that I'm a sucker for the nanny trope. We also know I love angst. So here we have one of those time bomb relationships where we know it's gonna end, not once, but twice. Excellent angst/tention building. Then we also have super fucking sexy delicious smut, Joel being a fucking adorable father, reader being like actually awesome... and I lowkey think readers mom is on it but that's just me. OH and "Mariposa" are you KIDDING ME?! perfect.
Run to You - a Marcus Pike series by @foli-vora
Talk about angst... and it's fucking PERFECT. The little flashback scenes and then the sharp cut to such a painful present situation UGH. The world building is excellent. The characterization is so fucking good bc of COURSE Marcus would fall in love on an op of fucking course he would. Marcus "Marry Me" Pike over here. Fucking idiot. I love him. I can't wait to see how this story progresses. It is so. fucking. good.
Pretend Alleyways - a Dieter/Marcus Moreno series by @radiowallet
Would I ever have thought about pairing up Marcus Moreno and Dieter Bravo? No. Am I eternally grateful someone put my two softboys together? YES. They are so perfect together. So sweet and precious. They need each other fr. This made me all warm and fuzzy inside and also horny obviously.
Like Water in Your Hands - a Joel one shot by @beskarandblasters (Part of the Punisher anthology)
I. Love. This. So. Fucking. Much. Top tier. The smut? The plot? The characterization? Queen shit.
Don't Be Scared - a Din one shot by @beskarandblasters
Din being scared/nervous omg. So cute and sexy. I love him so much UGH. Looking forward to the Din revival fr
the lakes - a Joel one shot by @tieronecrush (Part of the folklore anthology)
This is literally one of my greatest non-smutty fantasies with Joel. Just telling him how much he means to me and promising to be there for him and convincing him to let himself be happy and comfortable. I wanna hug that man so bad AGH. This was beautiful Sam <3
Summer Lovin' - a Joel one shot by @atinylittlepain
I don't know why I've been reading so much asshole!Joel lately.... but I'm loving it. I love all the little details in this. I was genuinely pissed the fuck off at Joel. I have more sympathy for the ice cream than that fucking idiot. Sarah, his ex, and reader all deserve so much better than that dipshit UGH
Unusual Situation - a Din/Ezra one shot by @absurdthirst
Not only am I back on my Din/Reader/Ezra bullshit AND my M/M/F bullshit in general, but this is the fic that caused it. These two space idiots were meant to be together, I am 100% certain. The way Ezra manages to gently reassure Din that reader wants him while they're both balls deep in various holes....??? How do you do it. How do you make something tender and sweet while also being complete and utter filth. I am fascinated.
Of Gorgons and Gardens - a Din/Ezra series by @concussed-to-pieces
Following the absurdthirst story, I found this one.... and boy howdy. I am a SLUT for sex pollen fics, so obviously that was excellent. I also love how it was like "oh the plant makes men want to fuck women" but hinted that neither of them would be particularly upset about fucking each other either. Mando was like... i don't give a fuck, dude. And then it went from absurdly smutty (but also kinda sweet) in part one, to just like tender and sweet in part two. Like yeah yeah horrible harrowing near death experience yada yada... the STUBBLE SCENE??? The PAIN KINK?? the TOUCHING?? I just about died. And then in part three we get my top all time kink PLUS Din and Ezra and Reader just being so sweet it hurts a little. I am feral for these boys UGH. AND AND the nickname being bird in mando'a was so clever??
Late July - a Jack (Whiskey) series by @concussed-to-pieces
So I read the Din/Ezra thing and obviously had to peruse the masterlist. I love my dear appalachian cowboy. I really really liked the whole premise of this story and the follow ups. The smut is fucking masterful but also like hello, plot??? Truly incredible. I really liked seeing frat-boy Jack and also seeing him work through his trauma and shit. But also Jack tied to a chair need I say more?
Defanged - a Din one shot by @concussed-to-pieces
Alright so this one is the same sex pollen from OGaG but it doesn't hurt which is super dope. Hey Alexa play "In Love with a Stripper" but it's Din in love with a sex worker just bc he put his dick in her. I fuckin love this.
hunt and peck - a Javi P one shot by @toxicanonymity
You really said lets take this slut and make him even hornier and I LOVE IT.
----------oldies but goodies-----------
soft!dom joel - a Joel a series by @joelscruff
Letterman Jacket - a Javi P series by @fuckyeahdindjarin
I want you to stay - a Dieter one shot by @ezrasbirdie
Below the Line - a Dieter series by @prolix-yuy
Midnight Rider a Jack (Whiskey) one shot by jazzelsaur (ao3)
Rare - a Joel a one shot by @swiftispunk
One Hundred and Fifty Seven - a Din one shot by @theidiotwhowritesthings
Heatwaves - a Javi P two shot by @mishasminion360
In the Dark - an Ezra series by @frannyzooey (favorite ez ever maybe)
Lover of mine - a Dieter one shot by @psychedelic-ink
Morning - a Dieter series by @write-and-buried
--------------my recents-------------
In the next one - based on Lucy Dacus' (boygenius) song We're in Love and a standalone addition to my loose fit Dieter series A Ghost of You - focuses on Dieter's belief that he's been with you in every single past life and lost you in each of them + him coming to terms with his belief that he'll lose you in this one too.
Happy Reading
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court-jobi · 1 year
Can I ask about two things? Blue Mando-Paz Feels and The Touch Barrier? Feel free to only answer one! This is @newpathwrites btw.
Hekk yeah I'll answer both, @newpathwrites!!! Let's goooo~
The Touch Barrier | Ver. 1 under the cut
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Ah my lovely fic headcanons with no real name... The Google Doc I have my drabbles about Paz Viszla are on just a funny sheet called quite literally Blue Mando Paz Feels. We had so little Paz content at the time I began writing these in 2019, but when I tell you my mind went wild...
Big blue boi Mando had my heart from the get go, and I quickly envisioned a nameless little OC (that I have yet to get onto paper). I paired him with a gentle soul who has a heart bigger than her head, and shakes the moment a gun is put into her hands-- but I think that brand of softness may be just what he needed in this harsh lonely world Mandalorians are so used to. He's big, he's blue, and it's cuffing season.. all I gotta say on that.
Now that I've seen more of Viszla in Season 3 I HAVE NEW SOURCE MATERIAL MUAHAHAHA but (ach-hem) I really do think the newest episodes helped me figure out his 'voice' so I might pick these little stories back up!
//psst my favorite of these is one where oc/reader's helping him clean up after a yucky, muggy recon mission, seeing him scrub himself really hard and she fusses over how rough he's being-even with himself. I go into how to care for your beskar, some Din Djarin rivalry-ish backstory, and how SWEET Paz can be when he's treated gently... Perhaps I'll flesh this one out if there's interest?
But also... my beloved:
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I answered a bit on my different directions on The Touch Barrier here... But I imagine you'll be most interested in the first iteration of it, so here's a snippet!!
"Are we ok?"
The helmet straightened up, fixed to you again from its nervous evasion. "What?"
"You look like a caged lothcat right now.." you shared, unable to hold back a smile. "And here I thought we were on hugging terms~"
Inside the beskar suit, Mando’s neck flared with heat. And before he could silence himself,
"..we are?"
You hummed noncommittally- betraying your whole-hearted desire.
"I hoped so. At least I thought we might be, based on how you boarded the other day. Unless you didn't necessarily want me there. After all, I know you were kinda having a hard time staying upright."
Only then did Mando's beskar curves slide more naturally into place. No longer bolted to the wall but angled catty corner to you. 
He recalled the 'hug' referenced, but he also remembered how he'd cupped your head to him after you'd brought him up to the cockpit-- that one was for comfort. Not stability.
"I was. But that's not why I .."
–but before he fully finished his train of thought, the baby in the hold let out a frustrated garble of calls as a rolling ball clinked out of his reach. Each plunk echoed down the rungs until it rolled off to parts unknown. You snorted, wondering what on earth he was getting into up there.
"Gosh, that little guy. Sorry, what were you saying?" you recentered from your distraction.
With a lag in his shoulders, the Mandalorian thought the truth to be the best answer. But still wanting to answer to the Child, he nodded his head on for you to continue down to the hull, and he'd follow,
"I was just going to say," he answered, "I didn't do that because I couldn't stand on my own. i-i mean I couldn't, true, but the thing is, I 'wanted to'..." 
His heart was thundering, some cracks in his words were audible,
"I was bleeding out all over the floor. But really, l I could think of was just how grateful I was that you hadn't been hurt. You were safe, and seeing you? I was relieved."
Now side by side in the open air cargo space you smiled, feeling a bit like the silly girls in the holonovels when they pushed their hair behind their ears.
"Well... For one, I'm glad you're not bleeding all over the floor."
That earned you a breathy laugh, "Thank you."
"And for two, I'm- glad you wanted to. Because I may or may not have been wanting to, myself.." 
Mando paused in his strides. which you matched. Even though you were unable to read his expression, you gave a satisfied little smile with your answer, 
"So… it sounds like we're on the same page."
"Sounds like we are."
The Child whined again, making both tip their head off to the side, perfectly in sync.
"I can go get him-- meet you back up top?"
"Okay." He nodded and they split.
Back in the cockpit, you wrangled the bouncing little potato sack. Mando turned when you came in, hearing you corral the kid trying to jump out of your arms to get a better view from his pram.
"Ok ok kiddo, good grief– your seat's but going anywhere!" You shrilled. Planted into his blankets, he sat back in content, swaying side to side, taking in the stars and clusters they were passing in awe.
"More like tryin'a be a hand-empty, the little wiggle worm." you sassed. His playfighting was all in good fun.
The Mandalorian spun to meet you. First and foremost, you know he'd set the locks on the overhead panels on the side wall, but then he surprised you when he faced fully after you readjusted your clothes the kid had tugged every which way.
"You're good with him. He seems happy to have someone else around." He complimented, stepping into your space. 
Then- finally- meeting your sparkling eyes with all their silent anticipation of his arms, he wrapped around you to pull you in. You locked him in by the waist. 
Then, slightly softer, he nearly whispered, "and.. he's not the only one."
Smushed slightly into his flight suit padding above his chest plate, you smiled. The pats you gave him back passed assurance and as much comfort as you could manage in this relatively tiny hunk of metal in the vast black dust of space. 
"Feeling's mutual, hon."
Hope you liked it!! More of this may come one day...
...dangit.. now I wanna finish this. (le sigh)
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gecko-whoria · 3 years
eat your heart out.
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w/: bartolomeo
notes: i'm actually in the middle of the beginning of dressrosa right now, so bear with me while i take liberties with the end of the colosseum fight to feed my love of confession fics
warnings: n/a
word count: 785
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You can do this, (Name), you spent the whole fight psyching yourself up, you got this! You gave another nervous glance to the colosseum doors, clutching the bundle of flowers in your hand. You knew it was a stupid idea, waiting for someone whose epithet was quite literally "The Cannibal", but some small part of you hoped that you had a chance with Bartolomeo. That maybe, whether by luck or whatever natural charm you might have, you'd be able to show the beloathed pirate a little bit of love.
The sound of the crowds spilling out of the colosseum quickly drowned out your thoughts, your eyes shifting to catch a glimpse of his signature lime green hair. Nothing could have prepared you for how tall he was in person, easily towering over most of the spectators as the crowd shuffled him along.
You took a deep breath, then shouted, "Bartolomeo! Over here!"
Your heart leapt into your throat when he started to make his way toward you, tucking his hands in the pockets of his pants as he shoved his way past the people that separated you. You instinctively gulped when he stopped in front of you, gazing down with a bored look.
"Who the hell're you?" He looked to the flowers. "And who're those for?"
"They're, uh," you stuck the flowers out in front of you, feeling more childish than you ever wanted to, "they're f-for you."
Despite the din of voices, there was a swallowing silence that engulfed you and Bartolomeo. You were sure he could hear you gulp as you clutched the flowers, clearly trying to conceal any emotions that had begun to bubble up inside you.
Bartolomeo snorted. “Bull-shit. Ain't nobody in this whole damn colosseum wanna give me flowers. You oughta work on your comedy material a bit more, dollface."
You slowly lowered your hand and pulled the flowers back to your chest, biting down on your lip to keep it from quivering more than it already was. You knew all the rumors about what a jerk Bartolomeo was, but you hadn't ever imagined he could really be that way. You'd thought it was all some elaborate act, but it seemed every bit of it was true.
You watched him leave with tears misting in your eyes and curses settled on the tip of your tongue, fooled into believing calling him an asshole would make you feel like less of an idiot. You let the flowers hand loosely in your hand as you slunk off toward the exit, telling yourself you'd hand them off to the next fighter you saw leave the colosseum.
You were too caught up in ruminating on your meeting with Bartolomeo to see one of the disgraced fighters approaching you, his hulking frame seeming to block out the sun. You looked up to see his arms reaching down to grab you, wrapping around your abdomen as you cried out. You tried to fight out of his grip, but he easily overpowered you, dragging you away from the colosseum gates as the crowds grew thinner and thinner.
"Someone! Anyone! Help!" You cried, reaching out for the discarded flowers, wishing and willing for Bartolomeo to come and save you at the last minute, though you knew it was nothing more than a pipe dream.
In an instant the man released you, suddenly separated by some kind of invisible wall. You looked around for its source, a small gasp escaping your lips when you caught sight of Bartolomeo standing with his fingers crossed and a devious grin on his face. He looked down at you, pushing the man back with his barrier until the two of you were alone, releasing his ability to offer you a hand.
"Why did you come back?" You asked, allowing him to help you up despite the nervousness it caused you.
Bartolomeo shrugged. "Thought it'd make me look worse if I let a lady like you get kidnapped. And anyway, I guess I prolly shouldn't be too much of a jerk to the only fan I got, y'know?"
You smiled at him, gathering up the intact flowers and handing them to him. "Now will you accept them?"
You noticed a hint of blush on Bartolomeo's cheeks as he took the flowers from you, holding them against his chest as his eyes shifted away from you and back. "Yeah, I guess....they are pretty nice after all...."
You leaned up and pressed a kiss into his cheek, blushing yourself when you saw the way he reacted to it. "Thank you for saving me, Bartolomeo. I knew you couldn't be that bad."
"Pssh, nah, I'm the worst there is, sweetheart."
You didn't believe it for a second.
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forever-rogue · 3 years
Hiya! For the 101 ways to say I love you, is it okay to ask for din djarin with 73, 83, and 84? Love you, hope you're having a good week so far!
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AN | Hello, my love, I hope you enjoy and thank you for being patient!
Pairing | Din Djarin x Fem!Reader
Warnings | Depiction of injury
Masterlist | The Mandalorian, Main
Prompts Used | 73. “You never let me down.” ; 83. “What happened to you?” ; 84. “Does it hurt?”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Your lip trembled with effort as you tried to not cry out loud at the gash on your upper arm. It didn’t appear too deep, you hoped, but it had hurt, stinging and burning as the metal scraped your arm. Once you’d gotten the bleeding to stop, you pulled out your emergency medical supplies and cleaned it up, along with the scrapes on your leg and hip, hoping the initial shock and pain would wear off and you’d be fine. You felt pathetic as you wiped away the tears that had pearled up and rolled down your cheeks as you wrapped up your injury.
There would be no way that you could hide this from your Mandalorian companion. Even if you were able to conceal the actual wounds, he would be able to see right through you and know that something was wrong. A heavy sigh escaped past your chapped lips as you slowly forced yourself up to your feet, gingerly swinging your pack over your shoulder. You’d spotted this abandoned compound in the middle of the forest when you’d first arrived on the seemingly uninhabited midland planet and had foolishly decided to explore it on your own. There was a part of you that needed a small break from your large silver and small green companions and a larger part of you just wanted to prove your own ability to scavenge and survive on your own.
That had turned out to be a complete cosmic joke; you could practically feel the universe laughing at you.
The worst part of it all - you hadn’t even been able to find anything, not even old scrap. There was nothing in there; it had been truly abandoned and left to decay with the passage of time. It was when you were leaving the structure, having lost your initial way that you were forced to squeeze through a small metal opening, which caused the current injuries you were dealing with. It wasn’t even like you could say something cool happened….you’d literally done this to yourself.
“Stupid fool,” you chided yourself as trudged back to the Crest, hoping you didn’t look worse for the wear. Each step caused a small surge of pain to shoot up your spine, but you were determined to make it back to ship without calling out for help from Din. That was the last time you were going to something this stupid...at least for a while.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
It was dark, late but not exceedingly so, by the time you’d made it back to the crest. You’d hoped for a sneaky entrance, praying to the maker that Din might be asleep or resting or something, but of course you wouldn’t be so lucky. Your breath hitched in your throat as you looked at him, the gaze of that black visor trained on you. For a single, fleeting moment, there was a bit of hope that bubbled that he might not question you or say anything, but it wouldn’t be today, “where have you been?”
“Umm…” you stared at him in silence for a few moments before shrugging lightly, “I told you earlier. Out, exploring...yeah.”
“By yourself? For hours?” He stood up from the fire he’d been stoking, the brilliant orange and red flames reflecting off his armor and causing him to appear even more intimidating. He took a step closer, and you stepped back in fear of him looking too closely, “that’s dangerous. You could have been hurt...or worse. Why wouldn’t you tell me? What if something had happened? There are all sorts of dangers out there that you don’t even know about or wouldn’t know to look for! If something had happened…”
“I just wanted to go out there and see if there was anything we could use-”
“It’s too dangerous!” he insisted, waggling a finger in your face as he often did when attempting to be serious with the little one, “it’s not safe. You could have asked me to come with you.”
“Fine, fine, fine, you’re right,” you threw your arms up in exasperation, attempting to walk away and back into the ship in order to find solace and some pain relief from a shower. But of course, the Mandalorian didn’t budge or move in the slightest, “look, I’m sorry - I’m sorry I’m such a disappointment that can’t do anything, and that I let you down again.”
“What?” he tilted his head to the side and you just knew that he was giving that look, “you never let me down, what are you talking about?”
“I just...I feel like you’re the one that always does everything - you keep us safe, fed, warm, all of it. I dunno...I feel like I never contribute anything and for once I wanted to,” you admitted, feeling more like a child in trouble than anything else, “when we were coming in, I noticed an abandoned encampment and I decided to explore and see if there was anything there that we could use…”
“And that’s still...you don’t know what could have happened, or if people were still around,” he sighed lightly and shook his head, “you don’t know what could have happened. Did you even find anything, silly girl?”
“N-no,” the confession sat heavily in the air between the two of you. You hung your head as you tried not to look at him, glad for the cover of the evening shielding the bits of the injuries you’d acquired, “I didn’t. Look, I know I should have told you, but I wanted to do something by myself for once. I wanted to show...I can do things too, you know? It doesn’t just have to be you all the time.”
“I know you’re more than capable of handling yourself,” he slowly, almost hesitantly, reached up and brushed his fingers over your cheek, “but I also want to keep you safe. I don’t know what I’d do if....just let me know next time you need help. I know you can do anything, but I can always come, if only to be a look if nothing else. Okay?”
“Okay,” your breath caught in your throat as you just watched each other in silence. There were so many things you wanted to say, to do, but they all seemed to be lost in time. When you’d finally mustered up the courage to say something else, Din grabbed your wrist and slowly lifted up your arm, almost immediately honing in on the makeshift bandage on your upper arm. Swallowing thickly, you tried to pull out of his touch, but he was not about to let you go, “Din…”
“What happened here? Does it hurt? Who did this?” he ran a gloved hand over your bandaged gash as you hissed at the pressure. Shaking your head, you tried to calm down what you were sure were a flurry of wild thoughts.
“No one,” you admitted sheepishly, “I...umm...I did this to myself. I was trying to get out through a small opening and it didn’t work out so well. I didn’t see a single soul out there.”
“You...hurt yourself?” his voice was pitched and you wondered if he was trying to hold back a laugh. You were notoriously clumsy and it honestly wasn’t too much of a stretch to imagine you had done this to yourself, “how bad is it?”
“Just, ugh, some scratches on my leg and side, and the arm,” he reached up and slowly started to unravel your handiwork, “the arm’s the worst, but I think it’s okay.”
“Let me just take a look,” he said under his breath as you gritted your teeth at the feeling of the evening air hitting the wound. He made a small sound in the back of throat as he assessed the damage, “this needs to be closed up. Lucky for you I’m just an expert at this.”
“I-it’s fine,” you insisted, trying to pull away from him, “I can just clean and I think it’ll heal on its own.”
“I don’t think so,” he insisted softly, “I’ve had enough injuries to know that this is going to need more than just cleaning. You want to leave it - there’s a high chance it could get infected and then worst case, you could lose the arm. You really want to risk it? Or will you let me take care of you?”
“Din, you don’t need to…” it was a soft, little plea, and you didn’t want to force him to do anything he didn’t want to, “I can handle it or find some help...somewhere.”
“I want to,” he promised, taking your hand in his and slowly tugging you towards the inside of the crest, “let me take care of you. Please.”
“Yes,” you finally gave in, taking a deep, nervous breath as you chanced a small smile. Although you couldn’t see underneath the helmet, you just knew that he was returning that same look at you, “thank you.”
“Anything for you, silly girl.”
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thefanbasewhore · 4 years
Silent treatment - Din Djarin & Javier Peña. || Preference #1.
Summary: Just a little preference/head cannon on a snipet with Din and Javier dealing with the silent treatment. Enjoy!
Warnings/Content: none but pettiness lol
Din Djarin
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Din is more of the intervert type, he likes the quiet. The shift of light to dark, nothing is more relaxing then the stars that reflect off the 'T' of his visor in complete silence.
While you understand he likes it, you tend not to talk too much, which can be difficult but you find yourself falling into comfortable silence against the mandalorian's chest more than you like to admit.
Quietness was the normal between the clan often because of the excitement that came when they were off the ship, blasters, yelling, threatening was no existent.
The Razor Crest resembled a place of peace, a place where skins real skin can press against your own without worry, he can remove the helmet in the dark to kiss you, kiss promises against your skin, a safe haven.
It would take Din longer than he would like to admit to realize you're not speaking to him, it takes almost hours to realize something is wrong.
There were hints of it, your nose turning up when he entered the cockpit, the small huffs, you avoid his gaze a presence at all times. You would even speak the child with the sweet voice but the moment he walks into the room you're silent.
Finally he's had enough, leaning against the door frame of the cockpit, you in the co-pilot seat with the child, the child holding the ball to show you for the millionth time his favorite toy. You smile sweetly at him, fingers pressing against his ears, rubbing the petals with a coo. The other hand holds out a small chunk of fruit, "Take one bite for me."
The child declines with a whine, making you huff. "C'mon buddy, you can play with the ball later." It's useless.
He clears his throat, crossing his arms over his chest. He stands unsure, hands nervously shaking as he fears the worst. You want to leave. "Is....Is something wrong?"
There's no answer, like he hasn't even said anything just the small gaze that meets him with a grimace. Again, the child distracts you instead. His heart pounds with anticipation as his chest falters.
This makes him frown, muscles straining as he grits his teeth nervously. "Hello?"
The thick tension that fills the air makes it almost impossible to breath for the pair, both are fearful, it's a new relationship, mistakes were still to be made. It pollutes the air with a sickly feeling.
Not only was the Mandalorian surprised, he was frustrated. You can see it in the way he tenses, fingers shake but not in the way his skin turned red under all the armour, that was for him to feel the heat run up his back and blush his neck.
He clearly didn't like the way you responded, long strides until he's between your legs. He stands tall, towering over your sitting figure. Intimidating with his large shoulders, the metal points of his helmet staring down at you. His fingers find your chin, gripping to finally feel your eyes but his words are gentle, pleading. "Tell me.. what is wrong?"
When you don't speak he does, "Cyar'ika, sweet girl if something is wrong you need to tell me."
"You're an idiot." He finds humor in the words, a chuckle tightening his chest.
"Care to elaborate? You say that a lot." Gloved fingers move up your jaw, fingers press against the soft spot in the back of your ear, apply just enough pressure to make it comforting.
"It's not funny. I'm mad at you." Your face was serious, lips pursing with a slight frown. This makes Din sigh, he kneels down until he's at your height still in-between your legs.
"I'm not laughing, I'm sorry. Tell me."
Your words make his heart pound, tears starting to stings eyes, the glossing over makes him worried. "You just jumped into the Krpt Dragon without a worry. You didn't think about me or the child. You don't care if you die.. but I do."
"I do care... You and the child are the only two people I care for." He disagrees, the cool basker pressing against your collarbone, leaning against your body. "I would do anything for you two."
"I know that... But you cannot be risking your life for people like this. I know you like to help but it's too much to loose." You pause, "I can't take it, the thought of loosing you."
The words make him pause. Throughout his life Din has heard a lot of things these words were yours and yours alone. They make him nervous, his breath hitches, he doesn't know how to feel. He's never had to think about this before.. he's was like but now he has a girl, a family waiting for him.
"I-Im sorry." It's uncharacteristic, they way he lifts his helmet just enough to press a soft kiss against your shoulder, another one to your neck before pressing against your lips for one final one, he words whispered against lips. "I never thought about it like that before, forgive me.. I don't want you to worry."
"Well I can't help it." You sniff, a lazy smile at his warmth but his helmet drops back down as you catch of glimpse of blushed lips.
"I'm sorry. I'm not alone anymore, I forget." His arms wrap around your waist pulling you as close as the child on your lap will allow, the basker clad chest should be uncomfortable, cold but it's the exact opposite, warm and safe. "Forgive me Cyare."
"I can never stay mad at you." The words are breathlessly murmured against the small patch of skin on his neck, the spot where you would often pull down in the collar of his tunic to feel his skin. "I love you Bear."
"I love you sweet girl."
Javier Peña
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Javier Peña's life is anything but boring, it's filled with chaos, long nights, alcohol and woman of any kind. The woman is where the problem was, no matter how much you told him it bothered you, that it should be more than just sex, he made sure it didn't.
It was pure raging hot jealousy that seared inside your veins, it crept warmth up the nape of your neck, fist ball under the table of the bar. Murphy must have noticed how violently you are chewing on your bottom lip, eyeing the pair across the bar. "You alright?"
"Fine." You snap rather quickly, eyes growing wide in realization. "Sorry Murph, I'm fine."
His eyes show it all, head tilting with an unamused look. "You don't have to lie to me."
"I'm not I'm just tired." And jealous, so, so jealous that Javier's lips press against the brunettes collar bones, flash of pink as his tongue rolls against her neck, pressing his weight against her.
You knew it was just sex, Javi made sure to let you know despite working together nothing would change, it was just sex , a stress reliever with someone who understood the faults of working for the DEA, the struggles that went with it. Except now it was more, it was those nights with next to each other naked in bed, the kisses, hugs, cute nicknames and the long talks of promises, potential future but now it seems you were never part of it.
He acted as if he were your boyfriend, he often made dinner for you, picking up a coffee before heading into the office for you every morning, he gave you gifts, his main reasoning being "It reminds me of you."
Javier was confusing, late at night after a long day he would confess his affection for you, even let it slip a few times that he loves you, swears you are his other half, his soulmate. Of course it's when he's drunk but you hold onto it being the truth he's afraid to admit.
Javier doesn't notice you leaving that night, he doesn't notice Murphy offering to walk you home, assure you get their safely despite it being right next to his own.
The next morning you decide to go into work a little earlier, hoping your sleepless night filled with tears would be worth it. At least it took your mind off it.
It was like clock work, Javier placing the large coffee cup in front of you on your desk, this time some kind of pastry is next to it, tucked in a wax bag and a kiss presses against your cheek. "Good morning Hermosa."
The silence is uncharacteristic, very seeing he literally has to beg you to shutup sometimes. His face twist into confusion as you pull away from his lips, but the mark still burns against your cheek. The same lips that you know for a fact were all over another woman's body last night.
"What's wrong?" He notices as Murphy shakes his head with a huff, clearly annoyed with his friends ignorance. Javi's eyes drift from his with shrugging shoulders to yours with a look of surprise. "What?"
"I'm going to bring these down to Lopez, meet you in a half an hour downstairs Murph." Your words make Javier's brows flur, why?
The coffee is left, along with the muffin. He sits down at his own desk, leaning over to grab it, he starts to pull it apart, pick at it with ever intent to eat it but suddenly doesn't feel hungry.
"What's her problem?"
"Really Javi? What's her problem?" The words make Javi's jaw clench, he doesn't much care for his friends tone as he speaks. "You're an idiot, you hurt her feelings."
"I didn't do anything! I even got her a muffin today, it's blueberry her favorite!" Javi feels nervous, in all the time he's known you this had never happened; intentionally ignoring him.
"you didn't do anything?" Murphy stands, Javier guesses it's to meet you. "You invited her out last night and then ignored her to fuck a girl in front of her."
"I didn't fuck her, all we did was kiss." Javi hisses back, rubbing over his face with a growl. "Besides we agreed it was just hooking up.'
"Well it doesn't seem to be for her anymore, you need to apologise. She was crying to whole way I walked her home."
"She.. She walked home?" The words sit deep in his gut, squeezing his chest with a soft sigh. No matter how much he tried to help it, all the alochol and woman could distract him from how he feels for you, even when he tries to hide it. His words faulter, "Why didn't you just tell me? I would have walked her home, when I came back you both were gone."
"She didn't want to speak with you, I made sure she got home safe. If it was any of your concern."
The words were sour, a dig that made Javier growl. Of course it was his concern, even thought he promised to never admit it, he cared for you in a way he never has for another person.
Sure he almost got married, had plenty of girlfriends but it wasn't like this. Nothing compared to the feeling of having you close at night, waking up next to you. Javier's fingers shakily reach for a cigarette, watching Murphy slip out of the main office with a huff.
As time went on, Javier couldn't get out of his own head, while they agreed that it was strictly just a way to relieve stress it was also a habit by now.
The nights spent back and forth at each other's houses, the particularly rough days were together, holding each other close.
When he found himself down you were always there, comforting him, making sure he eats telling him that alochol and cigarettes are not a meal, even going as far as making meals for him. Call him selfish, but he didn't want it to end.
The moment he heard that the next group was heading out over the intercom he was up, he knew Murphy and you were going to it, he be dammed if he would ever let you go anywhere near action without him.
You would be fine.. eventually. You give a small smile of reinsurance to Murphy as he slides into the car next to you, but both of your faces drop the moment Javi opens the door, clearing his throat with a nod of acknowledgment.
"Javi.. I thought you weren't on this one?" Murphy questions, rubbing over his face as your eyes narrow at Javier's which are already on you.
"Change of plans." It's gruff, sharp as his narrow back. "Want to tell me what's wrong sweetheart?"
He's only met with more silence, your arms wrapping across your chest as you lean into the seat, eyes roaming over the different shades of green head resting across the glass. It was going to be a long ride.
"Why are you acting like a brat?" It's a dig, he's trying to break this silence, the only way he can think of is to piss you off. "You're acting like a baby."
You bite the inside of your cheek, fighting the words turning your head to look at him, then to Steve who looks the other way, deciding now was the perfect time to mind his own business.
Javier obviously doesn't get what the silent treatment is, he shifts, leaning against the seat, spreading his legs to give you the perfect view of his legs, his thighs. There's a small smirk, cocky as his hands run across his inner thigh. "Come talk to me."
It's an invitation one that makes your blood boil, you can't help the words that fall past your lips. "Go ask that girl from the bar, you pig."
"Mmhmm." He mumbles, eyes flickering with that stupid knowing smirk. "You're mad about that mija? I thought we agreed it was no commitments besides I didn't fuck her."
The car comes to a holt, quick you and Steve tumbling towards the seats across where Javier sits, Murphy catches himself hand extending to the seat belt while you find yourself heading toward the window but fingertips softly grapsing your hips stop you, pulling you into a familiar chest.
Steve mumbles something about 'getting to work' and you two being 'ridiculous already' before opening the car door and shutting it.
You're about to follow him by pushing against Javier's chest but his grip never falters. "Relax." He mewls, lips pressing against your neck. "You know you're my girl, my Hermosa."
"I bet you said the same thing to her before you fucked her."
It's a sigh, breathlessly and exaggerated. "I told you I didn't fuck her. We only kissed."
"You could have kissed me." There was no use in struggling, but you managed to keep distance. Cold eyes on his own.
His hand presses against your chin, thumb on the sharpest angle trying to bring his lips to your own, his apology but you move your head to the side.
"I don't think we should do this anymore.." you eyes don't meet his, adverting as all cost. His jaw drops, resembling a fish out of water as it closes, opens to say something but closes against deep in thought as he hears his heart beat in his ears.
His heart stuttering at the words, chest heavy, crushing as he held in a breath. "N-No, I mean it. You're my girl, I'm sorry. You know how I feel about you."
The words sit on the tip of his tongue, his eyes shoot over to Murphy with a group of other officers talking tactics but suddenly he doesn't care about that anymore only the fact his own heart was breaking inside his chest.
"I can share you anymore. I can't do this to myself."
"I'm yours, I-I won't -." He can't seem to say the words, they choke up in his throat, eyes show his internal panic his heart against his mind, Javi didn't commit, this life style didn't allow it.
But when your fingers find the handle, trying to leave the close proximity of the car he knew he'd loose your forever. "I'll stop sleeping around, I'll stop all of it. Only me and you."
Eyes test him, even like this, large bags, no make up you looked beautiful. You're unsure letting out a deep breath, it wasn't looking good. "Please, I need you. You can't just go.."
"You get one chance Javi, one slip up and I'm not putting myself through this." He lets out a sigh of relief heart claiming down for the anticipation but before he could manage another word you open the door, stepping outside. "You coming Agent Peña? I believe you have a dinner to take me to later, since you're officially making me your girlfriend and all. I rather get this over with." Javi smiles, shaking his head as he rolls his eyes at your playfulness.
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lunasblipsandblurbs · 4 years
The bois with a virgin?
For my darling girls, gays, theys and thots💜💜💜. But not the tots
Gender Neutral
Din Djarin
Din find’s out you are a virgin by the time he has you pressed up against his bunk with his straining cock grinding into your covered core. When you whimper out for him to ‘hold on baby’ he instantly pulls back, blood rushing up his face because of the term of endearment you used. When you confess you’ve never been intimate with anyone before he doesn’t see it as a big deal or odd, yeah, it's a big galaxy out there but that's the thing. It’s a big fucking galaxy out there with way to much to do with way to many dangers to find the time to hook up with someone half the time. He’s going to get majorly turned on by the fact you have never taken a cock before and he’s super excited to ruin you for anyone else with his huge cock. He goes slow with you gently prying orgasms from your body before you take him inside you. Stretching you and getting you used to the newish feelings. By the time he has you split open on his cock he’s struggling not to erratically snap his hips into yours because of how tight you are. He works into you slowly and builds you up to a point of frustration where you are begging him to go harder and faster and more Din, MORE. He just chuckles and picks up his pace muttering into your ear, “See, I knew you could take me cyare, greedy little hole won’t let me go.”
Javier Pena
Javi has been pretty, uhm, forward with how much he likes you. He always brings you a coffee in the morning, he punches in for you if you are running late to work, hell he even picked up a flower for you one day because it's “almost as pretty as you honey”. And fuck you are SO into him and you do want him you just...don’t know how to say or act to get from point A to point B. Javi’s going to eventually get you out on a date with him as he has been giving you teasing touches all night. By the time he walks you to your apartment you two are already tangled in each other's embrace. You two stumble into your apartment and when he goes to unbutton your pants you instantly clam up and stop him. You nervously get out that you’ve never actually gotten around to fucking someone yet and you can instantly see the look in his eye as he tries to process what he’s just heard. You instantly feel embarrassed and curl in on yourself reaching for your top when he gently grabs your wrist. “Hey, no, that’s, that’s not what I meant for-fuck I just, I don’t” He flounders as you refuse to make eye contact with him. “If, if you are sure, I would love to be your first honey.” When you hesitantly reach back out to him that’s when he pounces. The passion from before reignites tenfold as he guides you onto your back. He can teach you his favorite position at a different time. Right now is about you. He has you cum on his face first before you feel the blunt tip of his cock nudging at your entrance. He slowly rocks into you and holy fuck you are so so tight and he is so so so big. You two fuck for a few minutes but it becomes too uncomfortable due to the new stretch. Still looking to make you cum a second time is when he pushes you up to sit on his face. Yeah it sucked you couldn’t finish on his cock but cumming on his face still pretty great. 
Frankie Morales
Frankie is your guy. He is going to be so understanding and not make you feel weird at all confessing to him that you are a virgin. His goal from the start of the relationship was that you two could always be open and honest with one another. Just because you are a virgin doesn’t change anything in Frankie’s opinion. In Fact he’s one of the only ones to truly get virginity is just a social construct that has literally no real weight. He’s going to have this planned out, casually but still romantic, he is going to have you go on a date and take you home to fuck you for the first time. By the time you guys are back home you two are both giggly from the wine you both drank at dinner. It’s fun, lighthearted, and comfortable with Frankie. He gives you a look that is an obvious ‘is this okay if I go forward’ as he strokes himself at your entrance. As you nod your head in confirmation he presses into you while peppering your neck and chest with comforting kisses. Easing you through the beginning discomfort he slowly rocks into you until you begin to let out desperate moans. He gets you to finish on his cock with his deep, slow, hard thrusts as he pulls out to cum on your lower tummy. 
Max Phillips 
If you are not already a vampire, you are a virgin in his eyes. Even if you've fucked over 100 people you've never experienced something like him before. And well, that’s true, you haven't experienced anything like him because you haven't actually fucked over 100 people, you've fucked 0 actually. And with Max’s insane confidence by the time he has his hand halfway up your thigh you are basically vibrating with nerves. Max immediately pulls back, putting two and two together. He was a douche frat boy, he knows how virgin’s act most of the time. “Baby, you seem….nervous?” and that’s all he needs to push to get you to spill your guts to him on how you've never actually been with anyone yet while your mind is screaming internally to please please please don’t let Max judge you or think you are boring. Max totally puts on the charm then to ease your nerves. “Baby, baby, ba-by. You gotta relaaax, I don’t mind you’ve never been with anyone yet, just means I don’t get anyones sloppy seconds” He almost looses his chance to fuck you then and there as he lets out rushed “kiddings!” He gets you to relax with him again and builds up your confidence to actually want to move forward and not have him be the one pushing. And ho-boy he loves your enthusiasm. Fucking up into you once you are ready for him as he grunts out nasty dirty talk to you. “Not a pure virgin anymore are you? Yeah, you're just a monsters cock sleeve now aren't you?”
When you confide that you are actually a virgin while straddling Ezra on his cot he’s going to instantly pause and try and read what you are really thinking. What you really need from him right now. And what he can read from your micro expressions flashing between your false neutrality is that you need someone to take care of you. And as we all know, Daddy loves to coddle. He’s instantly going to puff up and bring on a warm inviting energy to your confession. Claiming that if you wish to go forward he is more than happy to guide you to shatter the looking glass into bliss. When you give a small nod he wraps his one arm around your back and rolls you so you are beneath him. He nearly groans at the look of surprise on your face from his action. Knowing it’s coming from a place of pure naivety and innocence and fuck if that doesn’t get his cock drooling. He has you cum on his mouth twice getting you nice and ready for him to deflower you. As he rolls his hips into your entrance he needs to dip his face in between your neck and shoulders to really calm himself so he doesn’t spoil the ending for you. By the time you are comfortable and he is calm he has prepared you enough so that he can just drill into your poor hole. He has you squealing as you crash through your fourth orgasm of the night as he finally pulls out and cums thick white ropes over your sex. 
Pero Tovar
Of course you are a virgin. In this time in history if you were not a virgin then you better be a widow or you would be considered a harlot. As Pero brings you inside your now shared cottage he becomes stiff and unsure as to how to place himself in the small home. He’s been living here before you two were wed to prepare it as much as possible before you were to move in on the wedding night. It’s a small cozy place as he shuffles about. When he finally has the courage to turn to you it's his surprise to be yanked town by his tunic to have your mouths crashing together. Luckily he can take a hint and proceeds to pick you up from under your thighs and trek towards a full plush bed in the corner. He drops you roughly at the end of the bed as he rips his tunic off his body and begins untying at your laces. By the time you are both nude you are panting beneath him gently caressing at his rapidly stiffening cock. Pero looks down at your mischievous expression as smirks devilishly at you as he presses in between your open legs. “You are a curious, needy little thing aren't you, spouse?” he grunts out as he eases his cock into you. He’s so big he has you squirming underneath him and he has to put his big hands on your hips to keep you in place so he doesn't end up cumming early. When his fat cock is finally stuffed fully inside you he accidently snaps his hips too roughly causing you to cry out in discomfort and pleasure. You beg him for more as he grips your neck and starts a harsh and fast pace. Skin slapping together as your jaw hangs open in permanent bliss as continues to fuck you through your third orgasm. 
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heartsofbeskar · 3 years
I had a thought for farmer!Din.
Let's say one of the horses on his farm is pregnant, yeah? So he's out in the barn keeping watch since the birth is gonna happen any day, now. And vet!Reader is there too, since there's been a couple issues earlier in the pregnancy and she doesn't want anything to happen.
So they're bunked in the stall next door to horsie mama, and literally lying in a hay pile. And maybe it's a little later in their relationship, far along enough so they can have a first kiss in the barn, and maybe more 😏😏
Of course they're on task when the birth starts, though.
oh darling thank u so much for this 🙏🏻 i was playing around with a few first kiss ideas but ya know, i think this worked out just beautifully so here ✨
also u rlly got me out here learning about horse birth huh
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warnings: brief …allusions?? to horse birth???? idek theres nothing graphic though, a kith
words: 968
“I can’t thank you enough for coming around so often to check on her,” Din said, stacking the plates of your dinner off to the side.
“Well, you know my deal, I’m happy to work for my dinner,” you teased. “She should be set to foal any time now, it’s just a waiting game from this point.”
He nodded, running a hand through his hair, as was his nervous habit. It was unkempt. His eyes strayed to where the mare was standing — stomach distended in late pregnancy, though still calm in her stall.
He’d called you last week, voice a bit strained, telling you about a rescue mare a few townships over, asking if you’d be willing to have a look at her if he brought her to the farm. And of course you were, lulled by the baritone of his voice and the kindness in his soul. You’d quickly learned he had a soft heart and open arms for animals of all kinds, and you were happy to pitch in for the cause. It was why you’d gone into this profession, after all.
You settled back against a bale of hay, legs stretching out on the blanket between you and the dirt floor.
Din’s eyes return to you. “You’re sure you don’t want to come stay in the house?”
“I’m sure,” you insisted. You patted the book that sat next to you. “I want to be close by, sometimes these things can happen fast. Besides, it’s a nice night.” And it was — a warm, summer night, not hot enough to be uncomfortable, and you had no qualms spending some quality time with the mare and your book.
But Din, it seemed, had other ideas. He shifted on his knees, turning around, laying beside you against the hay with a groan. “Then I’ll keep you company. If … you want, of course.”
You smiled at his hesitance, at even the mere suggestion that you’d prefer to be alone over his company.
“I’d love that.” He returned your smile, letting out a small breath of relief. His arm was warm where it pressed against yours, the exposed skin lighting a low fire where it made contact. His gaze flicked back to the mare, and you took advantage of the moment to drink in the details of his face — the thick brows and mustache, the stubble unattended to that wrapped around his chin save for one bare spot, the lines of wrinkles that told stories of years of a life, and you wished you’d been able to spend them with him. “You’re a good man, Din.”
Quickly, his eyes snapped back to you, his brows furrowing. You weren’t sure what had compelled you to say it; it was a wave that had erupted in you and forced its way to your lips.
“I wasn’t always,” he murmured. The low light of the barn and slowly descending sun threw shadows into the curves of his face, and you gave in to the urge to cup his cheek in your hand. His skin was warm to the touch, facial hair scratching at your skin, and the pattern of his breath grew unsteady.
“It doesn’t matter what you were.” A thumb, running over his lips. “Not to me. It only matters what you are now. Which is good.”
Din’s eyes were locked on yours, and you struggled to read whatever emotions were churning over inside of them. Finally, he brought his own hand to your face in a mirror of you, but brushed your cheek with his fingertips instead.
“Can I…” he swallowed thickly. “Can I kiss you?”
“Please,” you breathed out, with a light laugh. The corner of his mouth picked up, too, before he pressed it against yours.
You’d imagined what it would be to kiss Din, far too many times than you cared to admit to yourself. How warm his mouth would be, how gentle the press against your lips would feel, how sweet he would taste.
Actually kissing Din was better than you could’ve imagined.
Both of your hands framed his face now, holding him in place, and threaded one of his in your hair, the other coming to rest on your waist. His mouth was hot and heavy but simultaneously slow, and he dragged his lips over yours like you were moving through quicksand, unhurried and indulgent. His breath was your breath and your breath was his, and you fused together like molten metal in the heat of a forge.
He pressed you back, further into the hay, and you could feel it getting caught in your hair, but you didn’t care. Your shirt caught in it, too, and it rode up against your skin, and you shivered as the hand on your waist was suddenly touching exposed skin. He balanced his weight between you and his elbow, and you loved the press of him against you.
His teeth closed on your lower lip, pulling back and dragging it with him, and you gave a breathy whine. His eyes were dark as you looked at each other again, both breathing hard, and it was only a moment before he descended on you again, lips trailing down this time, tracing over your jaw, next to your ear, down to your neck, where he greedily lapped and kissed at the skin there. You wound a hand into his hair, breathing out his name.
A loud whinny jerked you both from the moment. Breaking apart, you both sat quickly, looking over to where, surely enough, the mare’s tail was now twitching erratically, the floor now shiny and wet with fluid.
“We’ll have to pick this up later,” you laughed. You leaned forward, placing one last peck on Din’s lips, before moving to stand. “Looks like it’s foal time.”
tag list: @asta-lily @the-ginger-hedge-witch @gaiuswrites @djarinsbeskar @disgruntledspacedad @bee-dameron @clan-djarin @day-off-inkyoto @tuskens-mando @beskarboobs @fucktheforce @tacticalsparkles @christina-loves @pedro4ever @sherala007 @amneris21 @tobealostwanderer @librariantothejedi @mswarriorbabe80 @writerdee1701 @rvgrsbrns @fan-of-encouragement @anaaaispunk @maladaptivemando @pedros-mustache @writeforfandoms @keeper0fthestars @artsymaddie @littlemisspascal @hellovanessax
add yourself to a tag list!
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littlemisspascal · 4 years
Death and an Angel part 5
Helmetless + Death!Din and Cupid F!Reader
Summary: A call with one of your bosses threatens to split you and Din apart.
Rating: T
Word Count: 2,075
Warnings: Reader experiences a panic attack, use of a swear word, angst, reference to most recent Mandalorian episode so I guess it’s kind of spoiler-ish, hurt/comfort and more angst
Author Note: All the love to everyone who follows along with this series! I joined AO3 recently so all these parts will be on there as well at LittleMissPascal. I’m actually really nervous about the response to this particular segment so...be gentle, please ❤
Links to Part 1 and Part 4 and Part 6
Photo Inspiration: 
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“Cupid 1-1-7, am I hearing you correctly? You said there was an explosion?”
You scrub a hand over your face, biting back a sigh lest the comlink picks it up. “Not a literal one, sir. I’m still not sure what happened, just that when my client touched a potential match’s hand there was this...invisible blast of energy or something.”
The silence on the other end is enough to make you want to slam your head against the wall of the Razor Crest. You’d called headquarters as soon as you and Din had returned to his ship, figuring if anyone had a clue as to what the hell had happened it’d be one of your superiors. 
After twenty minutes of explaining your predicament not once, but three times, you’re beginning to realize you were evidently mistaken.
“Remind me again, Cupid 1-1-7, what name was it you referred to this immortal client of yours as?” Over the comlink, your boss’ voice sounds as if he’s gargling jagged rocks, deep and throaty. You can imagine the narrowed-eyed look he’d be giving you in person and you’re grateful you’re not currently having this conversation over a holoprojector. 
“I didn’t.” 
Your eyes drift to the ladder leading up to the cockpit where Din is located. Something inside of you is insistent you keep Din’s identity hidden from your superiors. It’s a feeling you’ve never experienced before, certainly not with any of your former clients. Part of you thinks of the sensation as possessiveness, but what have you to be possessive of? You have no claim to him, nothing tying you to one another. 
“Interesting,” your boss says, dry as the Dune Sea.
“My client is high-profile, sir. He asked me to remain discreet and I intend to uphold his request.” You clutch the comlink against your chest, taking deep breaths to keep yourself calm as you wait to hear if he believed your lie or not.
“This...incident you’ve described, it does bring to mind an event in history with similar details.” There is a shuffling sound that echoes over the device, resembling papers being picked up and flipped through. He hums, a long drawn out note that makes your skin crawl. “Yep, here’s the report right here, referencing an outburst erupting as a result of the physical contact between a potential pair.”
You wait for more information, drumming your fingers against a nearby crate.
“Unfortunately, you are not of rank to hear the specifics.”
“I must say though, the Moff will be most interested in this development,” he continues, ignoring your protest as if you hadn’t opened your mouth at all. 
Heart lodging in your throat at the mention of the head seraph, you manage to choke out, “I really don’t think that’s necessary, Mr. Hess.”
“That’s sir to you, Cupid 1-1-7.”
“Yes, sir. Sorry, sir. Forgive me, sir.” You’re two seconds from babbling yourself off a cliff and you can’t find the off switch for your mouth. “It’s just. Moff Gideon is so busy, as I’m sure you know, and I would hate to bother him with this case when I have everything under control—”
“Except that you clearly don’t. Otherwise you wouldn’t have made this call.”
His words hit you like a punch, silencing you.
“The Moff will hear about this, as well as your breaking protocol by concealing information from your superior when directly asked. No doubt he will be as displeased about your behavior as I am.” 
Your eyes fall shut as you listen, slumping against the ship’s wall and sliding down onto the cold floor. You feel disconnected from the situation, as if he’s discussing someone else’s fate instead of your own. 
“In the meantime,” his voice drones on, adding more weight to the pressure on your chest. “I will permit you forty-eight hours to complete your assignment before I officially relegate it to another Cupid. You will also be ordered to take a reassessment test of your basic understanding of standard Cupid regulations.”
You squeeze your eyes together tighter, feeling like you’re about to throw up. Each breath you take feels pointless, as if there is no longer any oxygen in the air, but you have enough pride left to keep you from having a breakdown with your boss still on the line. 
“Do you understand the terms in which I’ve stated to you, Cupid 1-1-7?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Amor vincit omnia.” The parting mantra sounds almost sinister coming from his mouth.
“Amor vincit omnia,” you echo, forcing your voice to remain steady.
The comlink clicks off. The floodgates open not a second later.
You press your palms against your mouth, desperately trying to hold back the sobs that wrack your body so they don’t disrupt the silence of the cargo hold. The tears streaming down your face refuse to be stifled though, burning your eyes as they fall. Your head pounds in rhythm with your heartbeat, a frantic drumming counting down the seconds until you either scream or pass out. Or both.
It’s an ugly, hysterical kind of crying that can’t be stopped once started, not even when you hear movement from the ladder right before Din slides down it, boots thudding loudly against the floor. 
And then it seems like Din is right there in front of you without ever having moved, unnaturally fast and stealthy, gloved fingers resting on your shoulders. He’s taken off his helmet, brown eyes full of such concern it only makes you cry harder seeing them, further increasing his worry.
“Are you hurt? Tell me what’s wrong, angel,” he murmurs, a note of franticness in his voice as he looks you over for injuries, finding none except for the few scratches along your arms you’d received earlier when you landed in the dirt.
You shake your head when he tries to move your hands away from your face, emitting a choked hiccup that threatens to crack your already-bruised rib cage with its intensity. 
“Angel, you’ve got to breathe, okay?” Din says, soft and soothing. You blink through your watery vision, finding his gaze again, and he offers you a small, reassuring smile. “In and out. Just like this.” He inhales a purposefully deep breath, then slowly releases it without once breaking eye contact.
You try to copy him, but your nose is stuffed with snot and your lungs hitch with another round of sobs, ruining your attempt.
“Can I…?” Din again reaches for one of your hands, this time hovering without attempting direct contact, waiting for your consent. 
Trembling, it feels like a monumental task to remove your hand from where it’s glued to the top of your other one still covering your mouth. Din grabs onto your wrist and brings your hand to his chest plate, pressing it against the cool beskar.
“Together, okay? In and out.”
He continues his litany of encouragement, patient and calm, and gradually your heaving sobs begin to lose their power, enabling you to reclaim control of your lungs. Catching your breath, you begin to wipe away the lingering tears with the hand not still held gently in Din’s grip. 
“Sorry,” you sniff, embarrassed. The beginning ache of a migraine starts to form in the back of your head, worsening when you try to move too quickly, and you bite back a wince.
His grip on your wrist tightens in admonishment. “There’s no need to be,” he says, but your ears detect his thinly restrained anger. “Who were you speaking to?”
“He’s one of my superiors. Valin Hess,” you answer, biting your lip.
“I should have him wiped clean from the galaxy for making you cry,” Din hisses, a snarl on his face and eyes darkening with rage.
Face to face with anyone else, you would have felt terrified being so close to such open hostility. But this is how Din expresses his overprotective nature, making himself a more dangerous threat than the enemy, and for that reason, you could never be scared of him. 
“Din, listen to me,” you say, curling your hand in his grasp until he yields to your movements and allows you to intertwine your fingers with his gloved ones. “What happened on Sorgan when you touched Omera’s hand, Hess said it wasn’t the first time something like that has happened. He wouldn’t give me the details though because I’m not high enough rank.”
He raises an eyebrow. “I wasn’t aware Cupids had any kind of ranking system.”
“It’s based on how long you’ve existed. I’ve only been a Cupid for fifty years now, barely made any kind of lasting imprint on the galaxy.”
“Don’t say that,” he mutters, shooting you a stern look. “You’ve made a bigger impact than you could ever know.”
Struck momentarily speechless, you can only watch as he moves to sit on the floor beside you, clasped hands settling between his thigh and yours. The pauldron on his shoulder presses against the upper half of your arm and you tilt your head until your temple rests against it.
“That’s not what made you upset,” Din says.
You don’t need to shake your head, confirming the truth he already knows, but you do anyway, comforted by the cold metal rubbing across your forehead.
“What did he tell you, angel?”
You know by how he squeezes your hand that he genuinely wants to hear what happened. You know he must hear it from you because no one else can break the news. And you know you cannot lie to him because Hess’ intervening affects him even more than it does yourself. Still, in spite of knowing all of this, the words don’t come out any easier.
“I have only two days to figure out who your soulmate is before he reassigns you another Cupid.”
Din goes abruptly stiff. “What.”
“Because of the explosion and then also because I broke protocol by refusing to say you were my client, Hess believes I’m not handling things well and should be replaced by someone better.”
If you hadn’t known Din was immortal, you would think he died with how still he remains at your side. Leaning back with increasing worry, you see him staring forward across the cargo hold, granting you only a glimpse of the side of his face.
He...Oh, Maker. 
He looks kriffing pissed.
“How...” he cuts himself off, nostrils flaring as he clenches his jaw. “How could they ever think there is anyone better than you?”
For the job, you tell yourself, not allowing your hopes to rise. He means there isn’t anyone better for the job.
“I’m just a Cupid,” you tell him weakly, shrugging a shoulder. “I—”
“Stop talking poorly about yourself,” he snaps, the closest he’s ever come to yelling at you, turning to meet your gaze with fire burning in his eyes. You swallow thickly, his intensity making you feel like cornered prey. 
When he speaks again, his baritone voice has become a low murmur, each word carefully chosen and bleeding sincerity. “Everything you said about knowing who your soulmate is—I want to experience all of it with you. Only you. You’re it for me, angel.”
You freeze, unable to believe what you’re hearing, train of thought coming to a screeching halt. For the second time during this conversation, you’ve lost your voice, mouth opening and closing but no sound coming out.
“You’re it for me,” he repeats, sounding as if he’s pleading for you to believe him. “So tell your bosses to go fuck themselves. You’re the only Cupid I could ever want by my side.”
The reference of your designation is like dumping a bucket of ice water over your head, shocking your entire system. You wrench yourself away from him, stumbling onto your feet.
“You don’t know what you’re saying,” you say as you start to pace around the room, hearing the hysterical edge in your own voice.
He stands up, expression warring between confusion and irritation. “I know you feel something too. Why do you keep pulling away from me?”
“Because we can’t be together, Din,” you answer, blinking back the unbidden tears starting to form again. “I’m not your soulmate. It isn’t possible!” 
“Angel.” He catches your elbow when you pass by him, forcing you to face him. His voice is brittle when he speaks, already expecting your answer to shatter his wounded heart. “Why can’t you be with me?”
“Because I’ve already met my soulmate. And he wasn’t you.”
Tag List:  @leilei-draws​, @theocatkov​, @becauseican2, @vintagesaph​, @stardust-and-starlight​, @kay2304, @odelia-d32, @adrieunor​, @remmyswritings​, @gallowsjoker​, @rhiannon-russo​, @randomness501​, @eleine-t1d​, @nicotinebirds, @sylphene​, @softly-sad​, @maytheglitter​, @melobee, @rogertaylorsfalsettogivesmehives, @eleinemk
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dameronology · 3 years
one hell of a mandalorian {din djarin}
summary: actions speak louder than words - which is good for din djarin, because he's not very good at words. (this was a commission for an anon! i hope you enjoy).
warnings: language
enjoy!! if you're interested in commissions, you can find out more here :)
- jazz xx
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Din Djarin was a man of few words.
That had become clear not long after you'd met.
It wasn't that he didn't like talking, or that he was rude - he'd just never had the need for it. The Mandalorian could spend days and days in hyperspace, on his own with nothing but a frozen bounty to keep him company. And they were hardly chatty, even before they were thrown away into the trawling depths of carbonite animation. There were a few select geniuses who tried to make conversation with him in a last-ditch attempt to appeal to his humanity and beg for mercy, but so far, they'd had a zero-for-zero success rate. It wasn't that he didn't have any humanity to appeal to it - because he did, and his weird, green surrogate kid was an absolute testament to that - but it just took a little bit for it to come out.
The beskar made him seem a little...robotic. Like a droid, which was ironic, because he wouldn't have gone near the things with a ten-foot-barge pole. Din had just become so used to people seeing his mask and his intimidating posture before him that having human traits, like feelings and thoughts and opinions, had never been any use. Having defining traits and a personality was all well and good, but nothing helped you through the galaxy quite like the ability to put the fear of God in people.
The Mandalorian was something, but Din Djarin was somebody. He was good; not necessarily pure and golden-hearted like a typical comic book hero, but he had a strong moral compass. Sometimes, it pointed in opposite directions, but he helped those who needed it and he paid his dues. That was probably a lot more than anyone in the galaxy could have said for themselves. In the fight of good and bad, in a world that existed entirely and black and white, there was nothing more grey than an honest man. Somebody who refused to pick a side held the power of both. For that, Din could have either been extremely smart, or extremely dumb.
Sometimes, he was extremely dumb. Made the wrong moves in combat, or got too cocky, however out of character it was for him. It was the losing fights that truly brought out the human side of Din, and it took a very, very specific eye to see it, sometimes to the point where even he missed it. It never went over your head, though.
You'd joined the crew on the Razor Crest as a mechanic - then you became a baby sitter, and his partner-in-crime, and the closest thing he'd ever had to a friend. His non-verbal nature meant that most of his emotional cues came in the physical form. It went over the heads of everybody else, but between your intuition, and the time spent in such a cramped space, it quickly became like a second language to you. Helmet tilts when he was confused, and little nods when he was pleased; tensed shoulders when the Mandalorian was nervous and balled fists when he was about to absolutely lose his shit.
Today was one of those days. Even though you were both in one piece and the baby was - by some absolute fucking miracle - asleep, it almost hadn't been that way. Nevarro had been quieter than usual, and Din had let his guard down; finally convinced himself to relax a tiny bit and ever-so-slightly loosen the stick that was firmly up his backside. His sudden lack of awareness for your surroundings had meant that someone managed to track the Crest, however briefly. The kid had barely noticed, and you weren't phased by what had been a simple, human mistake. Din, true to nature, was already beating himself up for it.
That was evidenced by his heavy footsteps, and the way he'd immediately retreated to the cockpit and slammed the door. Common sense would have entailed that he wanted to be left alone, but you'd long surpassed the point of any of that. Common sense didn't exist in a galaxy like this one. Doing the obvious thing was, nine times out of ten, usually the wrong way. Expecting the unexpected was the right way to go.
You'd paced outside the door for the better part of fifteen minutes - to go in, or to not go in, that was the question. You were torn between wanting to give Din space and wanting to be there for him; a cranky Din was often an unbearable one, but you cared deeply for him. Maybe a little too much, but that was a can of worms to open later.
"Din?" You gently called. Nothing. "I know you're brooding, or whatever it is you do under that helmet, but talking is good."
"I'm fine."
You sighed. "The scale goes great, good, bad, awful, world-ending and then fine."
"I've never heard that before in my life."
"Yeah, I just made it up on the spot." You murmured.
Resting your hand against the doorknob, you pondered for a moment. Did you want to risk it by going in? Making him mad when he was literally shutting you out? It was hard to know what to do with Din - it wasn't like he came with an answer key, or even a vague manual that could point you in the right direction. It was all just guess work.
"Is the helmet on?" You softly asked.
You took that as a sign - with a deep breath, you gently opened the door and stepped inside the cockpit, shutting it quietly behind you. The tense atmosphere inside was almost enough to swallow you whole. The man practically radiated angst.
"Talk to me." You took a seat beside him.
"There's nothing to say."
"Bullshit." You murmured. "You might have a thousand inches of beskar hiding your face but your body language is a dead giveaway."
"I'm meant to protect you and the kid." He replied. It wasn't much, but it was better than silence. "It's my job to catch bad people and outrun them when I need."
"You did outrun them." You reminded him. "I'm safe. You're safe. The kid is safe. Does anything else matter?"
"It shouldn't have happened in the first place." Din said. "I was relaxed-"
"- you allowed to relax." You cut him off. "Despite your best efforts, you're a human being."
Reaching out, you gently placed your hand over Din's ungloved palm. He didn't resist or try to brush you away. His hands were soft and callous in equal measures, which felt like a fitting metaphor for him on the whole. You tangled your fingers in his and held on tightly, perhaps in a sad attempt to remind him that you were there.
But Din knew you were there - he could feel it constantly, and he thought about it just as much. Every day of his life prior to you had been filled with rigidity and angst, then you'd come waltzing in and for the first time in years, he'd untensed his muscles and stopped looking over his shoulder. Learnt to take a breath and enjoy the simple things in life, like Grogu laughing or you accidentally tripping over a tree branch. You'd become so important to him that the prospect of losing you was too much for him to even fathom. He'd come close today - too close - and it had been an eye-opener. The irony was that telling you why he was so fucking scared was more frightening than the entire thing itself.
"Don't be so hard on yourself." The gentle pull of your voice lulled him back to reality. "Please?"
His grip on your hand tightened. "I'm sorry."
"It's okay." You breathily smiled. "You don't have to apologise."
"I never thought I'd have someone like you." Din admitted. "Coming so close to losing you was terrifying, even if it wasn't that close at all."
He'd never been so open about his feeling towards you before. Obviously, you knew that he viewed you in a way he didn't see anybody else, but that knowledge had been based entirely on physical cues and mere guesswork. You'd never expected him to vocalise the way he felt, or even acknowledge them. It wasn't necessarily a bad thing, or even something you considered to be detrimental. The words came as a nice surprise.
"You mean a lot to me, Din." You said. He'd always loved the way his name sounded when you said it; nobody had used it for years, not since he'd lost his parents. It was something to vulnerable and personal. You were the only one he trusted with it.
"I do?"
You didn't mean to laugh at that - you really didn't, but it just came out. A low snort of disbelief; shock at his absolute inability to read the fucking room. Din was as intuitive as they came, with the ability to read criminals like a bedtime story he'd been rehearsing since he was a kid. Then it came to you, and he knew nothing. Absolutely nothing. To call him clueless would be the understatement of the century.
"Maker." You murmured. "Of course you do - more than anyone or anything."
"You're special to me." Din replied. "It scares me sometimes."
Din was straight forward with everything he said - it was just finding the courage to say it. He'd gone into battle with Imps and Republic Rangers alike; fought krayt dragons and droids and fellow Mandalorians and yet this entire thing shook him to his very core more than anything else.
You didn't know it, but you were perfectly holding his gaze. Staring right through it and looking right into his soul. He forgot he had one sometimes. It was probably a little dusty and covered in cobwebs, but it was there, and you were bringing it right out of him and back to reality.
Din used his grip on your hands to pull you a little closer - a moment later, he gently pressed the cold metal of his helmet to his forehead. It was the closest you'd ever been to him, even if it wasn't that close at all. You could hear his soft breathing through the modulator, the sensation acting as a stunning reminder that there was a person underneath there. There were times when you forgot, or felt a little disconnected from the idea entirely. You'd never felt the need to see his face, though - you hadn't a clue what he might look like, but at the same time, you had an image of him in your head. It was as clear as day; as bright as the suns on Tatooine and as persevering as the kid's insistence that he receive all your attention, all the time.
You knew what the action was; a Keldabe kiss. The Mandalorian had recounted its meaning to you not long after you'd met - he'd finally let his barriers down and let you plague him with questions about his culture and the creed, and you'd stumbled on the subject. Initially, you'd been entertained by the fact that it two such vastly different meanings. On one hand, it could be a headbutt. A beskar punch to knock the daylights out of anyone who particularly annoyed you. On the other hand, it was almost a romantic gesture; a way that Mandalorians could show their affection to one another without having to remove their armour.
Din had the latter meaning in mind, but also so much more. He was giving you a piece of his culture - including you in the very thing that defined him as a person.
"It won't happen again." The Mandalorian gently said. "I'll never let you get hurt again. I promise."
"I know." You softly smiled. Your eyes closed, enjoying the feeling of the cool metal against your forehead. "For what it's worth, I have your back too."
He softly chuckled. "Thank you."
You gently pulled back, eyes meeting again (not that you could tell).
"Seriously!" You said. "I can be a bad-ass."
"You can be a lot of things." Din replied. "You're one hell of a girl."
"And you're one hell of a Mandalorian."
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its-me-im-coraline · 3 years
Best Years // Thomas Raggi // Playlist
words // 1109
warnings // angst as hell, why am i writing so much angst? I dont know
pairing // Thomas Raggi x GN!Reader
author's note // if you want to be on the tag list let me know. sorry I did not post yesterday, i was not feeling really inspired at all so yeah, but thankfully that's changed today so here. WHO LET ME WRITE SO MUCH ANGST SOMEONE STOP ME OMG. Unless you like the angst, then don't stop me 😉 Also please forgive me for making Thomas the bad guy on this fic, i literally randomly picked the songs for these fics at first without thinking of the lyrics so now I'm stuck with the consequences of angst
request // nope
summary // Thomas and reader have been having an on and off relationship. One moment they are together, the next they are entertaining other people; but in the end they only ever think of each other.
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“Don’t you just feel great, here, like that, with me holding you?” The man was lying on the bed of his hotel room, his partner in his arms, simply basking in the afterglow of what went down a few minutes ago.
Y/N just smiled at him, eyes closed and head resting on his shoulder. “Mhm,” they simply mumbled, drifting off to sleep.
By the time morning came around Thomas had already gotten up, leaving his partner alone in the bed before abandoning the room heading for the dinning area for breakfast. When he got to it his bandmates were already there, sitting at a table and eating, only giving him a disappointed look.
“You didn’t tell them. Again.” Victoria glared at her friend while poking her eggs with her fork maybe a little to violently
“There is nothing to say Vic. We are together again, what happened when we were not does not concern them.”
“Thomas! This has already happened so many times. You break up, you go with someone else, you get back together and act like nothing happened!” He was their friend, that is for sure, but Thomas’ bandmates pride themselves in their honesty and in their effort to be respectful. It did not seem to be the case for the younger man.
He wasn’t a bad person, no, but his mind was clouded by the options, the excitement of the moment, that rush. He loved Y/N - not that he knew that - but he had a terribly difficult time being consistent. He was young, spontaneous, had not had much time to explore his options, and while it was entirely wrong, he did so now at the expense of his lover. The words he heard put him in deep thought, and at this time deep thought ment deep drinking for him.
As the night rolled around Thomas found himself occupying the hotel bar. Considering emotions, problems and choices is a hard thing and though he had to do so he was not even remotely ready for that. The comfort of the drink and the existence of beautiful women was enough for a journey of the mind and a mistake of the body. By the time he was done he found himself sitting outside of his hotel room, where Y/N was just inside.
His back was on the wall and his eyes were closed, almost falling asleep right there, so he failed to hear them open the door. “Thomas, dio mio, I was just coming to look for you! Are you okay?” They were concerned to say the least, an obvious observation really. Their eyebrows were furrowed, lips separated and hand on their chest, holding the little pendant Thomas had given them - it was a thing they tended to do whenever they were nervous, hold the charm of the pendant, take a deep breath and it helped calm them down.
“No need, amore, as you can see I’m right here,” he slurred, stumbling across words, missing letters… He was very far gone and anyone could see that.
Y/N simply took a deep breath, bracing themselves for the upcoming night and morning. It was always the same cycle. He did something he should not, he would drink, do more things he should not and come back to Y/N. It was never fun but they did not have the heart to just leave him there.
“Come on, Thom, help me a little bit! You need to get up.” The man groaned but did as told before getting inside the room with his… partner.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered as Y/N sat him in the bathtub, trying to rid him of his drunken state even a little bit.
“I know you are.”
“No, no, no, you don’t understand! I really am sorry. I want to change…”
How many times? Just how many times has he said the same things, same excuses and same empty promises. It never changed and it had certainly gotten tiring. That was precisely the reason they could not believe that Thomas this time would be different, he had given them a million reasons to hesitate.
Maybe it was the on and off that became tiring, both parties figuring out different excuses that simply did not make sense, but always being enough to cause the temporary break ups. A lot of the time, especially if on tour, Thomas would find someone to ‘comfort’ him for a few nights, wasting his time with people that simply were not his. They never were Y/N, no matter how hard he tried to not think about that, he’d wake up the next morning with an unfamiliar person but a familiar discomfort in his stomach.
“It will not be the same, amore, I promise,” he said this time, “you’ll see! I’m willing to try.”
To be completely honest, Y/N did not seem to believe much of the man’s words. They had heard them time and time again, it had become difficult to put trust in them again. “I am not sure, Thomas,” they said, leaning behind them on the counter, “how can I possibly say that it’s ok, how can we be together, again?” The exasperation was obvious, not being able to be contained, after all the pain and the strain in their heart.
“I know, I know. I’ve been terrible… But I really am willing to change. Make it up for all the times I screwed up. I’ll make up for all of your tears.”
Y/N stayed quiet. They did not want to continue this conversation, especially while Thomas was drunk, this state making it even harder to believe him.
“I did not do it,” he breathed out after the silence had gotten too much, “I didn’t do it this time…”
“What didn’t you do?” asked Y/N, curiosity lacing their voice, puzzled at his words.
“I didn’t go with anyone. Not when we were apart this time, not while I got drunk. Everyone thinks I did so I let them believe it, but I didn’t,” he explained looking down, “I couldn’t.”
“Why?” They knew it was not the question they should be asking but before thinking the word had already come out.
“Because I realized something,” he responded, putting his palm on Y/N’s face after they came back to the side of the tub.
The only hummed back at him, prompting him to continue. “I want to be with you, for good. No more fighting, no more drinking, no more tears, baby. Nothing. I want to be full on this, please. I’ll give you the best years and nothing else will matter anymore.”
tag list: @bieberhoodforever @tabi-toast @ginny-lily @moriro-da-regina @the-killer-queenie @makapaka11
playlist tag list: @cheese-toastie-11
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frannyzooey · 3 years
helloo i thought i’d drop one of my thoughts into your ask box for the self indulgent writing challenge. i don’t really post my ideas, i just share them back and forth with a friend so i thought i’d just leave it here!
okay so the first time din asks you to sit on his face, you’d be quite nervous. i can imagine not wanting to fully put all your weight on him and he’d notice how tense your thighs are. din just makes a tsch sound from underneath you and wraps his hands round your thighs and yanks you down and groans into you.
when you finally do sink down. the feel of his stubble on the inside of your thighs and his beautiful nose rubbing against you would feel so amazing.
and he’s so greedy that as he’s licking into you, he’s constantly trying to pull you down further even though you literally cannot get any closer. and all you see when you look down are his beautiful curls that you grab onto when he hits a particularly good spot - and he moans just as loud as you when you do this.
but then you feel movement from behind you. and as you look over your shoulder you investigate, you see that he’s taken himself into his hand. so now he’s got one hand on himself and the other is holding onto your hip for dear life, and even runs down to rub your thigh every now and again. and it’s then that you realise that he’s enjoying this as much as you are.
okay so that’s my thot lmao. *runs out the door*
me, at this thot right now:
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second of all — this is literally ending me. why do I love the “beautiful curls” line the best? 🥺 to look back at him touching himself tho 💀💀💀
this is everything
thank you for sending this to me! 😍❤️
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silveanna · 3 years
𝙁𝙤𝙤𝙡𝙨 𝙄𝙣 𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚
Sim Jake x Reader x Lee Heeseung
Genre: Fluff, Best friends to lovers!au
Summary: Your class went on a 4 days retreat, staying at a retreat house to do fun activities and connect with people without mobiles. Scared confessions and denying feelings, what else could go wrong?
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“Welcome to St. Augustine retreat house, the boys dorms is at the east while the girls dorm is at the west. We’ll give you 30 minutes to prepare blah blah blah” your teachers voice gets in and out of your ears when your attention got hooked on the nice scenery of the place, the retreat house gives you Fantasy vibes so much. Lots of trees and flowers can be seen anywhere , it looks so refreshing. Birds chirping and the nice Sunlight hitting your skin that doesn’t seem to feel like burning at all. A perfect place to read books and spend time with your love ones.
“Miss l/n?”
You snapped back to reality and turned your gaze to your teacher, cursing under your breath when you realize you were the only one left at the entrance. “Your mind is flying to somewhere again, go to the girls dormitories and unpack. We will start the activities tomorrow”
“Right... where is it again?” You asked.
“On the west”
Everyone finished unpacking their stuffs and put on casual comfy clothes, you and Jake decided to meet up at the garden and take a stroll before dinner. “I wonder what kind of food they’ll serve us?” Jake initiates the conversation, kicking a rock out of his way. “I feel like, just chicken with rice and a soup” you said. Both of you went to the fountain and made a wish.
You closed your eyes, clasping your hands together. “I wish for more better things to come” and threw the penny to the fountain. You turned at jake who’s still wishing, eventually he threw his penny to the fountain like you did. “What did you wish for?” You asked him.
He smirks, “I’ll tell you if you kiss me on the lips” you playfully tried to smack his arm which he dodged, it’s happening again where Jake will flirt with you to make you blush and frustrated. You hated it. it’s makes you question if you have romantic feelings towards him or not. Most of the time you just roll your eyes at him and talk about something else. Suddenly, some tall dude wraps his arms around Jakes shoulder and messes his hair- oh it was just Heeseung. “Dinner’s ready lovebirds”
“Don’t call us that, we’re just bestfriends” you corrected him.
Heeseung glance at you and smiled, he somehow felt relieved “Sure”
Day 1
9 am, you pretty much struggled getting out of bed cause it was so comfy, you were the last one to get out of the girls dormitory. Heading at the dinning hall, you sat between Jake and Heeseung and ate breakfast together. After that, the activities started. It was held in a room, enough for a class to fit in. “It’s kinda chilly in here” you said, hugging yourself. You flinched when someone suddenly wrapped their jacket around. “Take it” Jake said, you literally need to look up to him cause he’s towering you. “Thanks, I’ll return this later”
“Okay class, as you can see we have white candles and pink candles here. Each one of you will choose a candle and give it to someone, the white candle means ‘I’m sorry’ while the pink candle means ‘thank you’ not only that it also means that you’re confessing your love to the person you’re giving it to. So to those who’ll chose pink candles better explain what they meant or else we’ll have a misunderstanding” the teacher instructed and told the class to form a line.
Everyone got their own candles and returned back to their seats, it’s finally your turn to chose and you picked the white candle. You wanted to apologize to someone sincerely since your apology before was not really done well. The teacher turned off half of the lights so that the room would look dimmer and the candles will look more noticeable, setting the atmosphere comforting. You immediately approached the person in your mind, thankfully there wasn’t anyone near him so that you can apologize better “I’m sorry if I kicked you in the face on first day of school” you handed him the white candle.
Heeseung declined it making you frown, “you almost dislocated my jaw”
“Did it tho?”
“Then I’m sorry” you said again and this time he accepts it.
You were about to walk away when you heard him call your name, he then gave you a pink candle. “I like you”
You didn’t know how to react, you don’t like him back but you also somehow feel touched. He likes you? Since when? You opened your mouth but not a word came out, Heeseung’s starting to feel nervous as he waits for your answer. “Y/n!” You heard your bestfriend’s voice and turned your head at him. Jake has this wide smile on his face that made your heart feel heavy. Has he been always this pretty when he smiles?
Jake also gave you a pink candle but what he said next is different “Thank you for being my bestfriend” he wanted to say more but Jake chose to keep his mouth closed. No, he’s still not ready yet. Now there’s two boys holding out a pink candle towards you, both waiting for your response but instead of speaking up you just accepted both of it.
The First day of retreat eventually ended, It was fun. Though you have to put away your shyness and talk to everyone. There were some stories told, depressing and happy stories. You didn’t know what your classmates go through. Moving on, it’s now midnight and you’re completely just staring at the ceiling while the other girls are already asleep. You sighed, no matter how hard you try you didn’t feel sleepy at all. ‘Should I go take a walk?’ You thought, ‘yeah maybe I should’
You sat up and put your slippers on, surely there’s no one patrolling outside right? And you’re just going out for a little stroll it wouldn’t hurt. You slowly twist the doorknob and opened it, careful not making any sound to wake the others up. You headed out, the cold breeze making contact with your skin, you went to the fountain and sat there. Good thing they kept the lights on, you admired the place once again. “Thank God I thought you were a white lady from afar” Jake pops out of nowhere with his pjs and sat beside you.
You got surprised by his sudden appearance but calmed down after knowing it was just your best friend, you guys mistook each other as ghost “can’t sleep?” You said.
“Mm, some boys keeps snoring so loud.. you?”
“I don’t feel sleepy” you look down and swing your legs.
Jake turns his body at you, “ok how about I sing you a song?” You haven’t actually heard him sing before, all you got was humming as he gently slams the desk and snap his fingers after, creating a nice melody. You nodded.
Jake clears his throat, “Do you know how much I feel for you?” He stares into your eyes.
“You make my heart skip a bit or two
Oh my love, you made me love you like a fool
So tell me what do I do?
To know what’s inside your mind
Everytime you look into my eyes i melt inside” he stops, you wanna complain and tell him to sing more but you just let him be. His voice is so soothing you wondered why he never sings in public or atleast when you two are alone.
“Your voice is beautiful”
Day 2
“The class president told me we’re having lunch with Roseville high!” you heard one of your girl classmate, their friend group squealed but not too loud. What’s up with Roseville high? They have a lot of good looking rich students so it’s no surprise most of your classmates are excited to share the dining hall with them. Todays activities was held short and it’s now time for lunch, you yawned. Walking along with everyone heading for the dinning hall.
It started to rain, you stopped in your tracks and looked outside, letting everyone else go past by you. There was a terrace at front, you leaned in at its railings and stick your hand out catching the raindrops with your palm. “There you are!”
“Hmm?” You pulled your hand back.
Heeseung leaned his back on the railings, putting his hands inside his pocket. “Everyone’s waiting, we can’t eat with one missing.. Actually make that two” out of nowhere he grabs your hands and and drags you with him to the dining hall, you felt tiny when almost every student darted their eyes on you when you entered the room. Your eyes automatically scans the room searching for your bestfriend. You saw him eating not really far from you with.. a girl that obviously looks like from Roseville High. You gently tapped Heeseung’s arm, successfully getting his attention you pointed at the girl that seems to be having fun talking with your bestfriend. “Who’s that?”
“Just.. some girl”
“we should join them later” Heeseung said, grabbing a tray and falls in line. You trailed behind him and and grab your own. “I think... we should let them be, they look like they’re having fun” you suggest.
“You didn’t give me an answer yesterday”
You got confused for a bit but then you remembered what happened yesterday, Heeseung’s sudden confession... right.
“I uhh...”
“It’s okay if—“
“I guess we can try” it’s like your mouth has a mind on its own and blurted that out. You wanted to slap yourself so bad and take it back but it already happened. And he’s smiling.
Your little moment got interrupted when Jake sat in front in of you two with a smile on his face. He turns his head and wave at the girl he was talking to earlier. Your hands balls into a fist under the table as you watch them glance at each other happily again before the girl leaves. Why does your heart feels burning suddenly. “Did you have fun?” You ask your bestfriend.
Jake raised his brows, “Yeah pretty much”
You snorted and stood up, leaving the dining hall to calm yourself down and figured out why you’re feeling like this. Jake tried to catch up on you but you immediately leave the hall and went to the girls dormitories.
Day 3, 
“These were sent by your parents, you can find a place to read their letters and have some privacy. We will give you guys some time to reflect” your teacher handed the letters one by one, you got yours and went for the garden to read it. You sat on the bench and took a deep breath before opening their letter. It started out with simple greeting but as you continue to read it gets deeper and deeper you cried. It’s just simple words but they really pour their heart in it to show that they love and care for you.
You went back to the recollection room, others still hasn’t finished reading theirs and some are crying. You eyes found jake, he’s sitting in the very corner of the room and hugging his knees. You approached him, “hey” you sat beside him and put your arm around his shoulders. He put his head on your shoulder and quietly sobbed. You hummed to atleast comfort him, He wipes his tears away and fished out something out of his pocket. “I wrote you a letter too”
You were about to unsealed it when Jake grabs your hand to stop you, “but don’t read it yet until I say so”
“You feeling better now?” You ask, he nodded.
Jake sighed and leaned against the wall, he stared on the ceiling trying to calm himself down while you look at him, scanning his features. You know he’s handsome but he got even more handsome now and not just that Jake has a great personality his future partner is lucky. Jake glance at you, you didn’t look away but instead you stared into his eyes even more, it’s sparkling. He holds your hand and rubs it with his thumb.
Dinner already ended, Everyone hung out outside while others went to the dorms to rest. You decided to pack your things since tomorrow will be a more busy day than the past few days, it’s the last day and there’s going to be festival held downtown tomorrow. The teacher are taking the class to join the civillians to celebrate and buy some goods to take home. Time skip, it was still early to sleep so your girl classmates sat on the floor and formed a circle sharing each other stories. Since you don’t have anything to do you joined them. They’re just asking about each others crushes and boyfriends while you space off and stare at somewhere until...
“Hey y/n! What about you? Do you have your eyes on someone?” The class president asked you.
You rub your neck “I don’t-“
“Wait wait do you guys hear something?” Everyone got quiet.
“It’s coming from outside!” suddenly everyone rushes towards the window, you were left but it was a relief. “Isn’t that Heeseung?!”
You dashed towards the window where everyone else are at and forced yourself to the crowd, you eventually got in front. There was Heeseung out side strumming on a guitar (where did he get that?) while looking up at you. His smile grew even more when his eyes landed on you, he kept singing. The girls screamed and nudges you, telling you to go downstairs and meet him. You did. But as soon as you were in-front of him, Heeseung gets on one knee and gave you flower (that he probably picked out somewhere) you accepted it. He then reached for your free hand looks up to you. “Will you please let me court you?”
Oh my god, isn’t things going too fast?
“Well what do you say?!” “Y/n say yes!” The girls screamed.
“Y-yes!” Heeseung finally gets up and hugs you tightly, you did the same. Your girl classmates cheered. “Oi oi! What’s all this commotion all about?” the teacher interrupted. They’re already wearing their pjs seems like the screaming disturbed someone. “Ah nothing.. I’m just uhm it’s nothing” Heeseung said.
“Really? Then you kids go back to your dorms and sleep, we’ll leave early for tomorrow” and after that your teacher left.
“So.. I’ll get going now, see you tomorrow” you gave him a smile you were about to leave when Heeseung gently grab your wrist and pulled you back. He gave you a peck on the cheeks and smiled. “Right I’ll see you tomorrow” he said and waved goodbye. You hold your face, hiding the redness as you go back to your dorm. The girls greeted you with a hug, cheering you up. “If my future suitor doesn’t do that to me then I don’t want him”
You lay down on your bed and faced the wall, recalling what the hell just happened. Admit it, you don’t entirely like him but why did you say yes? Sometimes you can’t even understand yourself.
Day 4, Last day 
The class president woke you up telling you too prepare and that breakfast is ready. you nodded and got up. After changing into normal clothes and styling your hair you head towards the door and opened it not expecting a guest this early. “Pres told me you’re still here, let’s eat?” He didn’t even wait for your response, Heeseung drags you along with him to the dining hall. The both of you met a sleepy Jake at the entrance.
He yawns and streches his arms, he saw you and Heeseung and decided to Greet you “Good Mooorrning???” Jake enthuastic tone drops as his eyes landed to your and Heeseung’s holding hands. You realized it and took your hand back but he just holds it again. Jake tried to brush it off but he can’t help but to glance at you two while eating. Each giving you suspicious look. Jake’s the one who finished his meal first, he didn’t think twice and stood up. “hey Hee can we talk for a min? alone?”
“Sure” they both leave the dining hall, Jake lead him to the farthest place, the boys dormitories.
“Are you.. and Y/n a thing?”
Heeseung smirks, “Yeah”
“The hell’s wrong with you? You knew I liked her! I’ve been planning to confess and yet here you are just swooping her in so easily, what happened to Bro code?”
“I don’t know jake, I guess you’re just too slow” Heeseung walks forward decreasing the gap between him and Jake. He pats Jake on his shoulder “so I say you do what you want to do before I can make her entirely mine”
You looked at yourself once again in your pocket mirror and shoving it inside your bags front pocket after. “Alright! since everyone’s here now get on the bus and let’s head downtown” the teacher, you and your classmates cheered, excited to go downtown and shop for souvenirs/gifts and to celebrate the festival. You got on the bus and you picked the seat near at the back, you put your bag on the luggage rack and sat down after. You saw Jake, you waved at him and pointed on the seat beside you. But before he could even occupy it Heeseung preceded him and took the seat. “Hee that’s my seat”
“Did you pay for it?”
“Then go sit somewhere else”
“Ok how about we just seat at the very back so you two can seat beside me?” You suggested, they didn’t protest.
Heeseung got up, letting you out. Him and Jake both followed you. You sat at the middle, “oh it’s kinda cozy here” you said, thankfully there wasn’t any air conditioner above the seats to freeze to hell out of your head. The three of you finally settled down, good thing Jake and Heeseung didn’t bickered so you were at peace. The ride didn’t took long, you eventually arrive at the said destination and got out. The class agreed to meet at 1 pm, it’s only 8 am so you still have 5 hours to spare. After that the class went on their separate ways, and of course you went with your bestfriend also not leaving Heeseung behind.
“Lets go shopping for clothes” Heeseung Suggested.
“No we should shop for souvenirs first” Jake said, and the two boys continue to argue again. You rolled your eyes scanning the place where you at right now finding a place to go first. Your eyes trails up on the hill whereas there’s a lot of people sightseeing and taking a lots of photos on top. “Guys I think we should go there first, it looks cool!” You pointed out.
Time flies so fast only one hour left before you return back to the meeting place, you’re currently having lunch on a small fast food chain. Jake excused himself and went to the restroom Heeseung took this as a chance to confess something. “I.. I can’t take it anymore” he started. “All of the things that I did in these past few days, it’s all an act” he admits, causing you to look up to him and furrow your brows. “Act? What do you mean?”
“Jake has something to tell you so just play along” he said.
You got even more confused “Hee how am I going to do that when I don’t even know what’s going on?”
In the very corner of Heeseung’s eye he caught a glimpse of Jake’s figure coming to your table so he took a tissue and wipes your mouth pretending that there’s something in there. He crumpled the tissue and dropped it on the table, he then looks at Jake who’s now sitting beside you and giving Heeseung death glares secretly. He smirks. “Okay That’s it” Jake finally decided to man up, he turned his head at you and holds your hand.
“Y/n I need to talk to you”
“I-whoa okay!” You said, Jake didn’t waste anytime and drags you out of the fast food chain. You glance back at Heeseung giving him What’s-going-on?! Look but the boy just waves at you.
After you disappeared in sight, Heeseung rest his head on his palm. He did like you, but after he went at your dorms to serenade you. He saw a big difference of how you felt between him Jake, he couldn’t make you blush and flustered like him and that’s when he knew he didn’t stood a chance in the first place. And the only thing to escape or deny that he in fact have also fallen in love with you too is to show you that it was all an just act, to make Jake feel jealous all this time so he can man up and tells you how really feels.
Jake took a deep breath before speaking up actually he took a lot of deep breaths trying to calm his heart down, “Jake you good?”
“Listen I, I like you okay? Wait no scratch that I love you. I don’t know when and where it started it just it happened and I thought it was just a silly old crush but no it starts to grow big I couldn’t- It won’t go away anymore. I’ve never felt this way in my past flings only you made feel so complicated understanding what I feel which is love, you’re the best person I’ve ever meet so will you please choose me and not him?” Jake confesses leaving you speechless. You felt your worlds collide.
So this is what Heeseung meant earlier? You were relieved it was all an act because you can’t like him back the way he wants you to, the reason why you agreed to him to court you was, you got too pressured on answering him so all you did was to say yes.
“I also feel the same way but what about the girl from Roseville high?” you tuck your hair behind your ear.
“What about her? she’s just my cousin” he explained.
“Didn’t Heeseung told you that?” Jake asked, you shook your head in response.
“That prick” he whispered.
“Nothing, lets go back?” He offered his hand, you nodded and smiled. The both of you got back inside again while holding each others hands.
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So I received an ask a few months ago about my thoughts on nessian having kids and then last night I had a lot of wine and this happened so, enjoy!?
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This was one of those little moments Cassian would bundle up, like some cherished Christmas ornament, and tuck inside his heart forever. If his heart remained in one piece. It was so full he was worried it might break.
The smell of Nesta’s perfume and shortbread had lured him to the kitchen, where he’d found her sat at the table, bottom lip tucked between her teeth and brow furrowed in concentration as she’d iced a cookie. The beam of her high cheek bones a blushing pink in the warmth.
Cue tears brimming.
And he couldn’t even blame it on the presence of any smoke because by some Christmas miracle, his girlfriend had managed to cook something without nearly burning his house down.
Júlia had tucked herself into his girlfriend’s lap, and was mimicking her little mannerisms. Brows dramatically knotted and biting her lip. She’d even clearly tried to match their pyjamas, Nesta’s lose fitting red pants and white tank top a mirror to his daughter’s own long sleeve white shirt and fuzzy red pants.
The two of them were hunched over a cookie each, armed with little icing tubes and humming along to Mud’s ‘Lonely This Christmas’.
“One of those better be for me or it’s the naughty list for you too.”
“Daddy!” Júlia whipped her little head round, grinning excitedly in the way that children did- less actual smile more oh my god look at all my teeth.
“The one and only,” he smiled right back, picking her up as she tried to literally jump from the chair to Nesta’s terror and amusement.
He made a little mwa noise with every kiss he planted on her cheeks, and she was giggling in his arms uncontrollably. Probably hopped up on sugar if the crumbs on the table and the green frosting in her dark hair was anything to go by.
Finally he stopped and his daughter didn’t miss a beat. “Daddy me and Nesta made cookies and we even made the icing on our own and it’s all different colours and she’s really good decorating and she taught me how to draw a snow man!”
It was impossible to determine where one word ended and the other began. Perhaps his daughter had invented her own word several hundred syllables long.
“Can I see?” Cassian pleaded excitedly, putting Júlia down when she nodded so hard he was a little concerned her head might fall off.
“Hi you,” Nesta’s voice like velvet hummed soft and low as he leaned down to give her a chaste kiss, murmuring his own “hey, sweetheart”. Her lips tasted like sugar and he swore he saw a few granules dusted through her thick hair as he pulled back to asses one of Júlia’s creations.
“No way you made that!”
“I did I can show you I’ll show you how to draw a snowman too. And it’s harder than with pencils daddy, because you have to squeeze but you can’t squeeze it too much.”
“She’s got very steady hands,” Nesta said, like she was proud, her head falling back against Cassian’s chest where he stood behind her. He began massaging her shoulders gently. “She could be a brain surgeon,” his girlfriend continued.
Cassian was dangerously close to getting all choked up again.
He’d been a little worried asking Nesta to keep an eye on Júlia this evening. Not because he thought she’d let his six year old start licking plug sockets or anything. It was just they’d never hung out just the two of them before. He and Nesta had only been together eight months and he’d only introduced his daughter to his girlfriend two months ago.
But he hadn’t had anyone else to call when the snow had started falling with a vengeance on his way back from picking up a Christmas tree. It wasn’t Mor’s week with Júlia so she and Emerie had booked a Christmas mini-break, and his brothers were at a conference. So he’d called Nesta.
She’d been more than happy to pick up Lia from school and keep an eye on her. Almost as happy as she’d been nervous. He’d read it in her voice even through the phone. Nesta had never wanted kids, she’d told him as much, and it had put the brakes on their first date for a while. But Júlia had a mum, two in fact, and the idea that there was any pressure on Nesta in that department had slowly began to dissipate.
Still, Cassian had felt a tiny bit...scared. A bit crushed by his wanting them to adore each other as much as he adored them. So walking in and finding them like that, it had taken the wind out of him.
“I am going to be a baker!” Júlia proclaimed from her own seat now, knees tucked beneath her so she could reach the table.
“What will you call you bakery?” Nesta asked with genuine interest. It was lovely. She spoke to Júlia the same way she would an adult. There was no entertaining or humouring his daughter’s insane babbling, she treated every word as though it held the weight that of a wisened librarian’s might.
“Lia’s Bakery and I will you give you free cookies!”
“What about me? Do I get free cookies?”Cassian enquired. “I haven’t had a single one of your amazing cookies yet.”
“You weren’t here! And you didn’t help make them so I don’t think you should get any.”
“I was getting our Christmas tree!”
“Yes where is this tree that has kept you so busy?” Nesta demanded, tilting her head back to look up at him with arched brows. A naughty twinkle in her dove-blue eyes.
She loved teasing him, but Cassian always gave as good as he got when it came to her. With Júlia, well, his daughter got away with murder. Which Nesta found endlessly amusing.
“It’s by the front door. I think I’m gonna need a cookie to restore my energy before moving it again,” he looked to Lia.
“Fine,” she huffed. “But you’re not allowed to pick it, Nesta has to pick it.”
The way she said Nesta. Like she were one of the Disney Princess she loved to tell him about even though he’d literally just watched the film with her. It made his heart explode like a powdery snowball.
“Hmmmm, what about this one,” Nesta hummed, picking up a sugary treat frosted with a big red heart and offering it up for Júlia’s approval.
“Yes, daddy can have that one,” she nodded curtly.
“You can have a bite now, and the rest once you’ve put the tree up,” Nesta told him as he rested folded forearms against the back of her chair and hunched down to tuck his head over her shoulder, tilted a little to give her his best I-fucking-adore-you-woman eyes.
“Tease,” he smirked.
“Strategic,” she corrected, feeding him the cookie.
“Mmmmm,” he groaned. He wasn’t even putting it on, it tasted fucking delicious. Buttery and somehow melting and crumbing in his mouth at the same time.
“You’ve got a little something,” Nesta laughed, brushing the manicured pad of her thumb against her bottom lip.
“I was saving you a taste,” Cassian grinned, giving her a gentle kiss.
“Nesta doesn’t want kisses she wants the Christmas tree!” Júlia exclaimed, exasperated and impatient.
“You read my mind, Lia,” Nesta said.
Cassian chuckled, pushing off the back of Nesta’s chair and wondering back through to the front door.
Lia was hot on his heels, grabbing Nesta’s hand and tugging her from her seat.
It was a fucking massive tree, and his daughter’s eyes were wide as saucers as she took it in, halting in front of the sofa and nearly vibrating with excitement. By contrast his girlfriend collapsed onto the coach and he was tempted to laugh again. Childcare had clearly done a number on her.
But apparently she wasn’t so exhausted she couldn’t manage a little ogling of him.
Cassian might have been smirking by the time he got the tree upright in its stand, preening a little at the way Nesta’s gaze had lingered on his arms as he’d hauled 120 pounds of festivity about.
A fresh blush blemished her cheeks and she was rolling her full bottom lip between her teeth as she watched him. Knees half tucked beneath her and an arm laying across the back of the sofa, her ear resting against it and lose hair falling carelessly about the cushion.
He was going to wife her up so hard.
“Right, how about some decorations then?” He grinned down at Lia, having thrown Nesta a wink she’d batted off with a roll of her eyes.
“We did them in the colours look, we put them out colour coorninated.”
“Co-ordinated,” Nesta corrected fondly from the sofa as Cassian took in the neat sections of ornaments laid out on the floor.
“Co-or-din-ated” Júlia repeated, already on the floor and searching for the first glittering item to hang.
“We’ve gotta do the lights first though, anjinho,” he reminded her.
“Nesta we have twinkly lights and they can flash or you can leave them so they are always shining or when you click it you make it so they go like,” Lia wiggled her fingers in the air which Cassian recognised referred to the cascading setting on the lights, but knew meant nothing to Nesta.
She laughed none the less, Júlia’s happiness and excitement infectious.
“Will you show me?” She asked, propping her head up on her fist.
“You wanna go grab them, Lia? They’re in my office, on the desk.”
“Yeah I will go get them!” She yelled, already barrelling up the stairs, her little feed padding up the wooden slates like she were merely a skeleton of springs bundled up in the body of a little girl.
Nesta laughed again, a wide smile revealing white teeth and one of her beauty spots quirking in a dimple as she watched.
Once Júlia was out of sight however, Cassian was making a play for her attention. Falling onto the sofa beside her and throwing an arm around her waist.
“I think we have a problem,” he sighed happily, a smirk that promised trouble tugging at his mouth.
“We do?” She asked, letting her head rest against the pillow that was his bicep. Looking up at him.
“I only got one tree. But I have two angels.”
Nesta rolled her eyes and groaned through a subtle laugh, burying her lovely face into his shoulder and thus a telltale smile.
“You’re the worst.”
“And you, are the best,” he grinned, pressing a kiss to her hair and she looked up, smiling casual and soft. “Thank you for looking after her tonight.”
Nesta pressed her mouth to his, kissing him with a supple pressure for moment. “My pleasure,” she said as they pulled back just barely.
Cassian grinned again at that and tucked a lock of hair behind her ear with his free hand. “How was it?” He asked.
“Honestly?” She said, a hand coming to his opposite shoulder, thumb rubbing soft circles there. “Made me fall in love with you all over again.”
Brows immediately rising he let slip an, “oh shit.”
Nesta laughed. “I mean it,” she said, head tilting a little as she watched him. “I don’t think I ever actually appreciated what your being a dad meant. There’s this whole person, this kind, clever, funny person who’s just perfect and you made her, from scratch. And you’re raising her and every little thing she does is because of what you’ve taught her it just...” she trailed off. Overcome by a sentiment she couldn’t put into words.
“What are you doing this weekend?” Cassian asked. Unable to help himself. And if he hadn’t been so preoccupied with how she made his heart ache in the best way, he would’ve noticed a similar ache in his cheeks, because he was smiling like crazy.
“I know we weren’t meant to see each other and if you have plans of course you should do those but, well you’re here now, and judging by those very sexy pyjamas you’re staying the night?”
Laughing Nesta slapped at his hand playfully as it slid from her knee, up her thigh to take a greedy handful of her ass, her jersey pyjama bottoms soft beneath his touch.
“Lia and I are going to go ice skating tomorrow. She’d love it if you came.”
“In fact I think she’ll be heartbroken if you don’t,” he admitted.
“You sure you want me there? I know you have this sad little crush on me or whatever but you’re allowed to want time with just the two of you-“
“Shut up,” he laughed. “Of course I want you there. Really it’d just be cruel sending you home to pine over me-"
“Asshole,” she grinned.
“Daddy I will put the lights on but I need to sit your shoulders!”
They both turned their heads as Lia hurried down the stairs with strings of lights spilling over in her little hands.
“Wowwowwow slow down,” he leapt up. “We don’t run down the stairs, do we?”
“Can we sled down the stairs again this year?” Júlia begged excitedly as Cassian scooped her up at the foot of the stairs and held her at his chest with one arm.
“I don’t know what she’s talking about,” he told Nesta. “We have never once done that ever.”
His girlfriend laughed as she stood up and Júlia shook her head very seriously.
“Never ever,” she agreed.
“Then I’m going to beat you both when we do it this year, because I’m a stair sledding pro,” Nesta flicked Lia’s nose playfully.
Her wide eyed gasp made it seem as if Nesta had told her she was Santa.
“Don’t make me haul the mattresses out into the hall right now,” Cassian warned.
“Bring it, old man.”
Honestly Cassian would lose to her gladly, so long as it wasn’t the only ride she’d be taking on his mattress this evening.
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uwuwriting · 4 years
Kenma, Kuroo and Nishinoya finding a pregnancy test
Request: mmmkay, so quarantines got me watching an unhealthy amount of anime, so could i please request kuroo, kenma, and nishinoya finding their fem SO pregnancy tests hidden in their shared bathroom? Thank you! love your writing i cant get enough!❤️❤️❤️ - anonymous
Another pregnancy request? YES PLEASE I LIVE FOR THESE. THEY WATER MY CROPS AND CLEAR MY SKIN. It don’t matter for which fandom it is, a pregnancy and/or domestic request is always a good one. If i get carried away it’s not my fault I can’t help it. Love yaa.💖💖💖
warnings: fluff mainly, maybe some sprinkle of angst on Kenma’s but nothing major
Kozume Kenma 
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-You two have been living together for 3 years now.
-Being in a happy relationship since your third year of high school and then going to the same university, your lives were bound to one another. 
-You weren’t married and it didn’t really bother you.
-Your friends would jokingly call you Mrs. Kozume and Kenma never denied it, he would usually just wrap an arm around your waist and bring you closer to him. 
-So when you discussed kids it was a shocker. 
- “I know we are not married and all, if you want to do that first that’s fine I have no problem with that it’s just that....have you seen how Hinata is with his little girl?” 
-You had seen how happy Hinata was with his daughter.
-She was a few months old but he was so deeply in love with her.
-And you had seen how Kenma looked at them interact.
- “Okay let’s try, but no vlogging our journey or some shit!”
-You hadn’t seen him agree to something so fast in your life. 
-That was about a year and a half ago. 
-It has been a hectic ride and a disheartening one at that.
-You had a miscarriage earlier last year and after that you hadn’t managed to conceive again. 
-At first you panicked, believing that after that misfortune something broke inside of you and you wouldn’t be able to have a child after all. 
-But Kenma, being the calm one in your relationship, took you to a doctor who said that your body was just in shock and you would be able to carry a child. 
- “Just give your body some time to rest.”
-It has been five months since that and now you are standing in the middle of your bathroom staring at the pregnancy test in your hands. 
-You wanted to squeal and cry at the same time, maybe laugh a little. 
-Kenma was setting up his computer to start a stream.
-One that he and 99.9% of his fans had requested to see you in.
-You had been in Kenma’s videos multiple times both on stream and on YouTube. 
-Placing the pregnancy test in the cabinet near the sink you walked out and went to Kenma. 
-You would tell him after this, give yourself time to control your excitement. 
-The stream was going well, you were answering questions *some of them had been asked before but you answered none the less* and giggling along side Kenma as he started telling the story of your failed date at the zoo. 
-A monkey had tried to take the flower that he had given you and it bit you in its attempts to take it.
-At some point Kenma got up and went to the bathroom and you were left alone with the fans showing them some of your favorite pictures. 
-While you were enjoying the stream Kenma was having a heart attack.
-He had opened the cabinet to get some tissues you stored there and came face to face with the pregnancy test. 
-The positive pregnancy test.
-You were pregnant? AND DIDN’T TELL HIM? 
-What if it ended like the last pregnancy?
-Oh god he wouldn’t be able to pull out of there this time. 
-Your laughter rang through the apartment and reached his ears, breaking his train of thought and bringing him back to reality. 
-Walking slowly towards the room his saw you with your back turned towards the door talking to the camera at his fans. 
-Right he was on a stream.
-It didn’t matter.
- “Y/N...this is real right?”
-Turning around you saw him in the doorway, head hanging low looking at the stick in his hands his hair framing his features completely. 
- “Kenmaaaa I wanted it to be a surprise!!!”
-The chat was on fire as Kenma closed the distance between you hugging you tightly before he placed you in his lap and announced that you would be welcoming another Kozume in the world. 
- “And no I won’t be vlogging anything!!!”
Kuroo Tetsuro
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-He married you right after he finished university. 
-You had known each other since your first year of high school but began dating during freshman year in university. 
-Kuroo now an esteemed doctor loved calling you by his last name, it felt unreal.
-It didn’t long for him to start imagining an even more domesticated life with you. 
-You worked at the same hospital as a nurse and you usually could be found in the kids ward. 
-You were always great with kids, making the laugh and helping them stop crying. 
-What did it for him was when you were helping at the new born section and you were cooing at a baby, looking so soft and happy holding the small human that he wanted to have a baby right then and there. 
-He saw you again there helping a mother feed her baby and it felt just right.
-On the ride home he popped the question. 
- “I saw you having fun in the new born isle today.” 
- “Those babies are just too cute, Tetsu!!”
- “Yeah, seeing you got me thinking what our kids would look like.”
-He was trying to play it cool, but you saw right through him.
- “Real smooth Tetsu.”
-Little did he know though that you had already taken three pregnancy test this morning all coming out positive. 
-You had left them on the bathroom counter because you were already late. 
- ‘I need to hide them, make it a surprise.’
-The drive to your shared apartment was full of laughs and Kuroo’s poor sense of humor. 
-It was dad jokes. 
-He was practicing his dad jokes. 
-Surprisingly he didn’t pressure you on the matter of kids.
- “We’ll talk about it later.”
-He had a small pout on his lips but he soon changed the subject. 
-Arriving home you went to place the groceries but you didn’t balance them right and the milk carton fell on Kuroo. 
-There was milk everywhere.
-On the floor, on Kuroo, some of it was on you, on the counter.
- “Way to go kitten....”
-He made his way to the bathroom to throw his clothes into the washer and wash his hands.
-Then he noticed the three sticks on the counter.
-Curiousity killed the cat. 
-And Kuroo is cat.
-He has been a cat since high school. 
-Looking at the sticks it took him some time to realize what they were. 
-His eyes widened at the realization.
-Why didn’t you tell him???
-He was panicking ever so slightly, his breathing becoming erratic.
-Well he wanted to start a family with you didn’t he?
-After a few minutes of breathing exercises he still couldn’t decide if he should start jumping up and down from his giddiness or panic some more.  
-You on the other hand had juts finished putting the things away and mopping the milk off the floor. 
- “What is he doing in there?”
-You know how I said that you wanted your pregnancy to be a surprise?
-And how you wanted to hide the tests before he found them?
-Yeah you forgot and because you were dumb it took you some time to put two and two together.
-Sprinting to the bathroom you flung the door open coming face to face with a wide eyes Kuroo holding the test in his hands. 
- “Surprise?”
-He looked at you, opening his mouth and then closing it not being able to find the right words. 
-Then he was hugging you.
-He was lifting you off the ground and laughing/sobbing in your ear. 
- “Thank you thank you thank you thank you.”
-Now you were sobbing too. 
-The rest of the night was spent with you on the couch surrounded by blankets and snacks, while Kuroo did everything. 
-He made dinner, he helped you undress and put on your PJs, all in all he wouldn’t let you lift a finger. 
-He’s just so damn happy he can barely contain it. 
-Next day at the hospital he was bragging to everyone and their mothers about your pregnancy. 
Nishinoya Yuu
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-Em he’s baby?
-Like literally.
-Living with him is like living with a five year old.
-And god forbid Tanaka comes to visit. 
-Now you’re babysitting two five year olds. 
-Noya our sweet sweet libero here, wanted to marry you since high school.
-He even proposed while you two were in your third year. 
-They had just won a very difficult game and he was on cloud 9.
-You had gone down to congradulate them on their win and give a few victory smooches to your boyfriend when you were tackled to the floor by a very sweaty Noya. 
- “Yes I did, babe.”
-Awkward silence. 
-He didn’t even look sorry after he said it.
-It didn’t sound like it slipped either.
- “What I am going to marry you so why don’t we do it now?”
-Fast forward five years and he truly kept his promise.
-You two share a nice apartment and are living a happy life. 
-Not a peaceful one. 
-Peace is not an option with Noya. 
-Come on...
-You two hadn’t really talked about children but you knew he was great with kids. 
-You saw how he got whenever your nephew and niece came to visit. 
-He would be so playful with them but simultaneously protective and careful which was surprising because well he was Nishinoya. 
-So when you started feeling sick one morning your first thought was to take a pregnancy test. 
-You see Noya em likes to feel free....if you know you know. 
-When the test came out positive you were both excited and nervous. 
-What if he didn’t want kids? 
-What if he left?
-Noya would never leave you and he would insist you went through every difficult situation together as team but you weren’t in the best state of mind at the moment. 
-You were drawn out of your thoughts when his voice rang through the apartment.
- “Babe, Tanaka is here could you get the door?”
-Leaving everything as it was in the bathroom you went to open the door. 
-your brain was running on autopilot.
-You had no brain cells to spare at the moment okay??
- “Heyyyyy Y/N how are you?????”
-And so the game night the two of them had planned began. 
-You were making dinner waiting for Tanaka’s girlfriend to arrive so you can talk about your little revelation. 
-And yes Tanaka has a girlfriend who is indeed Kiyoko. 
-As you were cutting some vegetables, Tanaka stood up and went to the bathroom and at the same moment the door bell rang. 
-Not even two seconds passed before you heard screeching form the bathroom. 
-You had opened the door and were greeting Kiyoko when you remembered the state you left the bathroom in. 
-Le silence. 
-Kiyoko was looking from your stomach to the pregnancy test Tanaka had thrown at Nishinoya. 
- “I’M A WHAT???????????”
-Chaos ensued.
-Noya was talking frantically with you and asking you about when you found out, why you didn’t tell him etc while Tanaka was being scolded by Kiyoko for ruining your surprise. 
-It was a very eventful night to say the least. 
-But a happy one nonetheless. 
TAG TEAM AY: @brattyquirks​ @the-arcana-fan-fic​ @angelwritings​ @reinyrei​ @axerrri​
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