#Dinosauria series
gaylobsterxd · 2 days
You might know him from his Autodale or Dinosauria series!!!
Autodale and his short film Sharp Teeth shaped me as a creative and a human. I don't think I would have become the same person without his art.
I have so much love for this guy and what he does. His work is so inspiring. Just so much adoration for this guy, I can hardly put it to words.
I love this man and his channel to bits, PLEAASE CHECK HIM OUT!!!
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itsyveinthesky · 1 year
I loved all of their vids. Honestly highly recommended.
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carvente · 2 years
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Old Buck from The Dinosauria Series
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scolop98 · 20 days
show: The Dinosauria Series by Dead Sound/David James Armsby (episode: A More Ancient Spring)
song: Creatures in Heaven by Glass Animals
theme: ships with animal characters
programs: iMovie, Kapwing
Check out Dead Sound's Dinosauria series on youtube! Probably one of my top 3 Paleo-oriented media of all time, alongside the Walking With series and Prehistoric Planet.
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mrultra100 · 1 year
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Flain, Seismo, and Volectro have found a strange box, with an equally strange creature inside. What could it be?
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festivalfoxes · 1 year
I've always thought it would be cool if there was, like, effectively a Land Before Time/End Of Evangelion mashup set at the KT extinction. Like, children's animated movie about dinosaurs, dark undertones but still very much a family/nostalgic target audience, then BAM asteroid hits and it's extremely trippy and psychological and everyone is facing their mortality
this would be so fucking cool. i love land before time and i like the idea of something like that art style (esp for backgrounds!) with a bit more realistic/updated design for the various creatures. i think the idea of 'surviving' extinction and being Dead Clade Walking with insight into that condition is deeply compelling, particularly when you try to make your creatures more like exalted versions of the animals they are rather than basically humans in animal suits. can it have a classic trippy nightmare sequence of succumbing to the Spores in the post-meteoric winter and resultant fungal graveyard/growth medium also
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bunjywunjy · 1 year
Have you watched Dead Sound's Dinosauria series? I feel like you might really enjoy them, they are on his YouTube
GOD YES. it's my all-time favorite dinosaur series. he really lets the animals just be their own ambassadors with natural behaviors and background music, but it will open your ribcage and rearrange your guts anyway.
if you haven't seen the series, do yourselves a favor and watch it right now
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 1 year
The Last Tyrant, episode Five of the Dinosauria Series, by Dead Sound
warning: you may cry
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pxrifiedmxniac · 1 year
This was uploaded today and I highly recommend watching this, watching his Dinosauria series (which focuses more on dinosaurs living in their natural habitat), and supporting the guy who made it!
He makes some stellar work!
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spacefinch · 1 year
This will be an ongoing series! Our first bird is…..
The song thrush!
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Latin name: Turdus philomelos
Cladistic placement:
Turdus philomelos
Location: Europe and Northern Africa.
Habitat: forests, gardens, and parks.
Fun facts:
Song thrushes are omnivores, meaning they eat both plants and animals. And one of their favorite animals to eat is the snail. In order to get to the soft snail meat, the thrush picks up the snail and whacks it against a rock or another hard object to break the shell.
The species name, philomelos, comes from a character in Greek mythology: Philomela, who had her tongue cut out, but was changed into a songbird. Her name roughly translates to “lover of song.”
Relating to the snail-whacking: song thrushes often have favorite “anvil stones” that they use to break snail shells.
Male song thrushes certainly live up to their name: they can have over 100 songs in their repertoire, and can even mimic sounds.
The male song thrush is also called a mavis.
A to Z Animals
Here’s a clip of the song thrush’s amazing tool-using behavior.
This has been BIRD FACTS WITH FINCH. Stay tuned for the next post, whenever that may be.
If you have any more fun facts about this bird, please tell me in the comments!
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saritawolff · 11 months
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#Archovember Day 10 - Megalosaurus bucklandii
Megalosaurus is famous for two things: being the first non-avian dinosaur described and the basis for establishment of the clade “Dinosauria”, and being one of the first “life-size” dinosaur models ever created. Megalosaurus’ inclusion in the Crystal Palace dinosaur model collection greatly increased public interest in dinosaurs, though they certainly did not know much about its life appearance at the time. Most people now know how laughably inaccurate those models were (but hey, they were trying, it was the first time paleoartists had tried to reconstruct an animal from bone fragments!), but not many know about the real animal behind the dino-hype.
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Megalosaurus bucklandii lived in Middle Jurassic England. It is the type species of the Megalosaurids, one of the first major radiations of large theropods, and was generally robust and muscular with powerful hind legs, though not as much as its relative Torvosaurus. While all specimens of Megalosaurus are fragmentary, it seems to have had an unusually large head, equipped with a powerful bite built for holding on to struggling prey. Unfortunately, due to the fragmentary nature of this dinosaur’s fossils, we do not actually know much about its life appearance! Most of what we know must be inferred from other Megalosaurids. That being said, while feathers seemed to have been rare in Jurassic theropods, the Late Jurassic theropod Sciurumimus was preserved with traces of feathers. Sciurumimus is thought to be a juvenile Megalosaurid, though this is disputed. So it could go either way, though it was probably not as heavily feathered as the future Cretaceous theropods would be.
As England was broken up by a series of small islands in the Middle Jurassic, Megalosaurus probably used its muscular hind legs for swimming from island to island in search of prey, which it was also well equipped to chase down. As the apex predator of this environment, Megalosaurus would have had its pick of early sauropods like Cardiodon, Cetiosaurus, and Cetiosauriscus, small theropods like Iliosuchus, early stegosaurs like Lexovisaurus, rhamphorhynchid pterosaurs like Klobiodon, marine pseudosuchians like Teleosaurus, small mammals like Amphilestes and Amphitherium, all the way down to washed up fish or crabs along the beach. It would have lived alongside, and possibly competed with, other large theropods like Cruxicheiros and Streptospondylus, though Megalosaurus appears to have been the most common of the three.
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bestanimatedmovie · 1 year
Dead Sound on YouTube just came out with a new animation! It reminded me that I'd wanted to mention him to you and the pollers awhile back and completely forgot!
It's not an animated movie, but David does some absolutely insane animation!! He deserves to be known and I figured the group you've helped create would love his work!
I first discovered him through his Autodale series (do links work like that in asks?? Sorry if not 😅) about a dystopian future where everyone must be Pretty. But I think a lot of people on Tumblr might remember his Dinosauria series when it was new! The animation is just incredible!
Thank you for sharing! Leaving the videos over here too
And the last one uploaded:
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Agathaumas, the Lost Ceratopsian
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I've talked about The Lost World (1925) a few times on this blog, partly due to it being the very first feature length film depicting dinosaurs, and partly due to how effective it is as a snapshot of dinosaurs during the early 1900s.
Anyone who has seen the film will note that there are actually two species of ceratopsians portrayed. The first is the more famous Triceratops, as seen in the photo above on the left.
The one on the right resembles a Triceratops, but looks a little...different. The nasal horn is a lot longer, the frill exhibiting more spikes, and it's hide more heavily armoured.
As you might've guessed, this isn't Triceratops. In fact...it's a dinosaur that may not have even existed.
Meet Agathaumas sylvestris ("marvelous forest-dweller"), one of the oldest described ceratopsians ever recorded. In fact, it was "discovered" before ceratopsians were even properly described.
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The original partial remains (AMNH 4000) were discovered in 1873 by Fielding Bradford Meek and Henry Martyn Bannister near Black Butte and Bitter Creek in Wyoming. They were eventually sent to the famous paleontologist Edward Drinker Cope who initially described it as a hadrosaur due to how fragmentary the fossils were. It wasn't until his rival Othniel Marsh described Triceratops did Cope recognize it as a ceratopsian in 1889.
And here's where things get...interesting.
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As anybody interested in paleontological topics should know, Cope and Marsh were locked in a fierce rivalry called the Bone Wars, where the two competed to find the most specimens and describe the most species. In a series of publications ("The horned dinosauria of the Laramie" from the American Naturalist) Cope initially didn't recognize the name "ceratopsid" as a proper family name (believing that the namesake Ceratops wasn't related), and even argued for his own classification: Agathaumids. Furthermore, he grouped 4 other of his discoveries together in this family: Monoclonius, Dysganus, Manospondylus, and Claorhynchus.
Despite his efforts, Cope's gambit ultimately failed when in 1907, Agathaumas's validity was challenged by John Bell Hatcher. Due to the fragmentary nature of the fossils, it was later reclassified as a pseudonym for Monoclonius. This isn't anything unique for species described in the Bone Wars due to the rush to name new animals. And to rub salt in the wound, all of the members of the Agathaumids were considered to be nomen dubium (doubtful name) while Marsh's name Ceratopsids was chosen as the classification for the group (The Ceratopsia).
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Armor for Agathaumas – Incertae Sedis (wordpress.com)
So where does that leave Agathaumas and the original remains? Nowadays, while the remains are still considered a holotype, it's widely considered to be a centrosaur. The painting by Charles R. Knight as seen from above came from the species Agathaumas sphenocerus, later reclassified as a species of Monoclonius, which is now believed to have been described from specimens of Styracosaurus and Centrosaurus. The reconstruction would later be used for the animal's depiction in the 1925 The Lost World. The genus as a whole is now typically regarded as synonym for Marsh's dinosaur, Triceratops (in a bit of irony).
So while now considered nomen dubium, Agathaumas is still rather interesting due to how a once notable dinosaur fell victim to science marching on, and how it got caught in the center of a notorious rivalry.
A big thanks to the I Know Dino podcast for covering this. Feel free to check them out cause they have a lot of good material for dinosaur enthusiasts. Also feel free to check out any of the articles cited in the post if you want some additional reading, and this great video by E.D.G.E from YouTube.
Agathaumas | The Horned Dragon That Never Was - YouTube
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mrultra100 · 1 year
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Take a gander at what I got on Easter Sunday. Not a bad way to celebrate my birthday early.
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He had been alone for so long, not knowing where he was or what he was or any of the why, yet all agony and questioning left his mind in favor of greeting the other creature.
The pose is taken from David James Armsby’s short film “A More Ancient Spring” from his Dinosauria series, which, fun fact, is what inspired me to create Asker and Embla in the first place
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panzershrike-pretz · 7 months
what’s your favorite show you find yourself rewatching a lot??
I'm not a big rewatcher of stuff, but sometimes I do it with movies like Saving Private Ryan, How To Train Your Dragon and Emperor's New Groove! I also watch some stuff on YouTube like the Dinosauria Series by Dead Sound. Ugh, its so incredibly well made holy shit
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