#Direct Energy Weapons
awesomecooperlove · 10 months
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reality-detective · 1 year
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They want you to believe it's your fault and that the weather did it. 🤔
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Stranger Than Fiction News - 5G 🤔
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renee-writer · 1 year
Something Very EVIL Is Going on In Maui | We Have The Proof…
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unwelcome-ozian · 2 months
Types of DEWs: High Energy Lasers (HEL) emit a concentrated beam of light, typically in the infrared to visible spectrum. These lasers can be continuous or pulsed, delivering power outputs as low as 1 kilowatt. Their precision allows them to target and melt metal, plastic and other materials.
Millimeter Wave Weapons operate in the 1 to 10-millimeter wavelength range, delivering more than 1 kilowatt of power. They can affect multiple targets simultaneously due to their broader beam.
High Power Microwave Weapons generate microwaves with longer wavelengths than lasers or millimeter waves. They’re capable of producing more than100 megawatts of power and can disrupt multiple targets within their larger beam area.
DEWs offer a spectrum of effects from nonlethal to lethal that can be influenced by factors such as exposure time, distance and target area. Moreover, they can be employed in a graduated manner. Nonlethal responses include temporarily disabling electronic systems or preventing access to specific physical areas or systems, while degradation involves reducing the effectiveness of enemy sensors or electronics. Lethal responses entail destroying or severely damaging targets by focusing energy to melt or incapacitate critical components.  
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mentagenesis · 1 year
The Misinformation Age.
by Daniel Wolfert. Note: This post can be seen as a continuation of the previous post Soul Abilities Rediscovered and the articles Conspiracy World and Origin and End of the Controllers. Former CIA Director William Colby made this statement: “The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media” Fellow CIA Director William Casey proclaimed: “We’ll know our disinformation campaign is…
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y0ur-maj3sty · 1 year
Maui Fires Caused By Direct Energy Weapon? 🤔
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wack-ashimself · 1 year
Fine I will say it. I believe with the little evidence I have many mass fires (worldwide) have been started (not necessarily continued) by D.E.W* (direct energy weapons).
I saw this because of:
1-eye witnesses
2-the burn track and hyper focus of it. Too perfect, concentrated, and unnatural. Fires do NOT regularly burn like that, let alone, all over the world.
3-people who knew NOTHING of DEW weapons describing what they saw, not knowing they were talking about DEW weapons (lasers from the sky).
4-the political ramifications. EVERY-SINGLE-PLACE that got lit up was fighting against the status quo. Either of the rich or the government. Canada was trying to do France 2.0, CA was trying to take away power from the fed & elites, giving more power to the state. Hawaii has ALWAYS wanted independence, with billionaires trying to buy up land, and a Russian/Chinese war on the horizon, we REQUIRE them for a military base.
Just remember this: historically, the rich/government/military have purposely lied, abused, stolen, tested on, and killed their own citizens to keep the rest in line. They always have and always will till we do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING to stop them. The time is coming where each of us make a choice, or it's made for us. Being on the fence will get you pushed to the side of the oppressor.
* who controls them and from where and who dictates how to use them is totally up for debate. But I can say this much. There's definitely only a small select few who get to make those decisions.
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wontgetfooledagain · 1 year
Libya. Climate change or man made? Seems directed to me. How does it work? I don't know
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awesomecooperlove · 10 months
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reality-detective · 1 year
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Energy weapons from above are being used to create climate change emergencies.
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These are "FALSE FLAGS" 🤔
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linkrecargado · 2 years
Compartan la verdad.
El proverbio la verdad los hará libres nunca había tenido tanta relevancia como en este momento de la humanidad donde el libre albedrio y la libertad ha sido destruida por completo eliminada de la ecuación. Estamos siendo controlados y neuromodulados por las antenas de 5g y los satelites. Tambien torturados con frecuencias electromagneticas . Queman el cuerpo o alteran el ADN causando mutaciones cancer tumores ,etc. Por favor difundan la informacion ya que toda la sociedad esta bajo el engaño y el control mental.
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blogparanormal · 11 months
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unwelcome-ozian · 1 year
Hey I sent the dew ask. I have no clue what they are but their giving me headaches and making me horney. I understand what's going on here but I don't know why they're still doing it, really.
I don't know what country you reside in. Let me know if you would like specific information. As I'm unable to narrow down anything with the limited information.
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4xplay-or-2not · 11 months
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