#Disney Princess AU
littlepryingpandorica · 10 months
What if... Ambrosius were an actual Disney Princess?
Here's my random AU of what would happen if Ambrosius were an actual Disney Princess? (Because let's be honest, long-haired Goldenloin would have had such Disney Princess energy. PS. This is just a joke, not to be taken seriously.)
Evil Queen: Magic mirror, on the wall. Who is the Fairest of them all?
Magic Mirror: *shows the image of Ambrosius Goldenloin brushing his hair
Magic Mirror: A lovely maid I see! Alas, he is more fair than thee!
Evil Queen: Reveal his name!
Magic Mirror: Skin as supple and unblemished as a newborn babe! Hair as soft as the finest silk and with the fragrance of lavender! Lips as sweet as the nectar of the gods! And loins as radiant as gold!
Evil Queen: Gasp! No one can be more fair than I! I must be rid of him at once!
*spots something in the background* Wait! What is that? Mirror, zoom in and enhance!
Magic Mirror: *zooms in to reveal a scowling Ballister doing the "I'm watching you" signal with his prosthetic hand. Beside him is an unhinged-looking Nimona with a maniacal grin on her face. She is punching her right hand threateningly into her open left palm.
Evil Queen: *looks horrified
Fast forward to the end of the story with Nimona reading a storybook.
Nimona: And that's the story of how Ballister Boldheart became an actual Queen Killer. The End!
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an-au-blog · 5 months
Chopper is Snow white because Snow White talks to animals and loves to help people while Brook is Ariel because Ariel got her voice stolen by the Sea Witch while Brook gets his shadow stolen by Moria Gecko
Ohhhh this makes a lot more sense now, yes, I see it!
With Chopper being Snow White, I'd like to think the 7 dwarfs are actually his crewmates lol
I also love the parallel of Ariel's voice and Brook's shadow. In a way, they're both trapped chasing something that used to be theirs...
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phobylee · 1 year
Caleb Disney princess arc. I think it'd be fun
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Maybe I'll make it an AU. Idk yet
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deuce-t · 6 months
Me: *has seperate Disney princess AUs for Worftroi, Worfriker, and Imzadi*
Also me: What if was WorfTroiRiker
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Ah, yes
My favorite Disney Princess
Jeepers Creepers
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Is a classic
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callmemana · 1 year
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Happily Ever After: Don’t Fear the Beast or Inanimate Talking Objects
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This is a collaboration with the amazing and talented @crazyk-imagine ! Thank you so much for partnering up with me! It’s a fairy tale au for the 86’ Naval Aviator squad! I hope you enjoy the stories! 💛
A/N: the HEA’s are going to be mostly the same story line as the Disney movies, UEA are going to be darker and more towards the Grimm fairy tales/stories.
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He scoffs, “I’m serious.”
“So am I.” You sigh, “I don’t think he’ll follow in your footsteps.”
The boys come rushing up the stairs, coming to a halt before they could run into either of you.
“Mama, look.”
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moonrain12 · 2 years
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Para mas contenido en mi cuenta:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/m.moonrain/
Tik Tok : https://www.tiktok.com/@mmoonrain
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miss-toph-beifong · 2 years
Atla characters as Disney Princesses:
Snow white - Katara, the evil Queen can be Firelord Azulon. Yon Rha is the huntsman. Kya tricked him into thinking she was the last Waterbender. The prince can be Aang and the dwarves are the Gaang.
Rapunzel - Azula, and Ozai is mother gothel. Azula is manipulated into believing Ozai loves her. It isn't until a thief, the blue spirit (Zuko) comes along to save her, he's on a search to find his long lost sister and she just wants to see the outside world. Ends with a family reunion with Ursa.
Cinderella - Sokka. The evil step sisters are Katara, Aang and Toph. Though they're not exactly evil. Idk. Gotta somehow fit in the whole bender vs. non bender thing in here. So I guess Suki would be the prince?
Mulan - Suki / Yue defend their families and country. Suki is a warrior and Yue made a great sacrifice to save everyone. All despite what it would/did cost them.
Aurora - Zuko, and Iroh is the prince. Ozai is Maleficent. Zuko was tricked into pricking his finger and falls into a deep sleep, as does the rest of the kingdom. He is guarded by blue dragons.
Ariel - Toph, runsaway from her parents, the king and queen, to a whole new world. The gaang is prince Eric. Mermaid Toph!!!
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ladieszine · 2 years
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🪄 Our first Royal guest is... @ttorubie​ ! 
Royal scroll:"I love drawing Disney characters interacting with one another. I think it’s interesting to think they all live in the same multiverse together." 
Who is their fav lady?   
👑 @ttorubie favorite lady is...Mulan! "because she wasn’t afraid to risk everything to save her father and consequently her country."
Don’t forget to apply!  Our apps are still open! [´・ェ・`]
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lopsidedtreetrunks · 2 years
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Sketchy sketchy they're on a shopping date 💞
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an-au-blog · 5 months
Okay hear me out. A Disney Princess au with the Strawhats like Luffy is Moana, Zoro is Sleeping Beauty , Nami is Cinderella, Usopp is Merida, Sanji is Rapunzel (expect in this Au his father is mother gothal and his siblings are also Rapunzel, Zeff is the guy who broke into the tower to steal treasure but found five kids instead and was like guess i am a single father now and adopted them all and took his treasure (the kids) with him), Robin is Elsa, Chopper is Snow white, Franky is Belle, Brook is Ariel and Jinbe is Mulan. It's a work in progress but I think it's cute
Oh, it IS cute :D
Ngl, Sanji is very close to being a Disney Princess in canon as well. Think about it - he has a twirl in his step (mostly around women but that doesn't matter), he speaks(and feeds) to animals especially mice and cute reindeers chopper, he looks pretty in pink and is irresistible to men ahahah... anyway, yeah him being traped in a tower checks out tbh.
Luffy loves freedom and the ocean, fights Gods (celestial dragons) to save his family.
Robin finally can be herself after years of hiding and living in fear of hurting the people she cares about.
Jinbe fighting a war (or ig becoming a warlord) so he can protect his country.
Yeah it all checks out! Though if you wanna elaborate on the Brook and Chopper ones? I'm guessing Franky is Bell in reference to how he stayed in Vegapunk's lab, locking himself up until he studied all his work (much like Bell was locked up in the castle and all)
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phobylee · 1 year
Just for the Disney Princess Au,
Is Philip wearing a dress too?
(I’d just like to know so it doesn’t keep me up till midnight)
Actually, I'm trying to work on a proper outfit design for him (ihaveafewvaryingideas)BUT I've been thinking a dress would look nice on him, so for the sake of you getting some beauty sleep, yes. ✨️
Honestly he could rock any style and cal would love him no less. The siblings ever
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deuce-t · 6 months
Trying to remember random one off Star Trek characters to be villains for all of my tng Disney AUs and the only reoccurring character I dislike enough to make a villain is Dr. Palaski (not that I think she would be a villain per se but like antagonist at least) and she isn’t gonna work as Gaston or Ursula
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korkocartoons · 2 years
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ALICE AND PINOCCHIO fanart COMISSION.- to: Caitlin Chapman. @mlpgirl1998
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yumnasfunblog · 2 years
The Little Mermaid Disney AU: Sebastian, instead of succumbing to Ariel's pleas, tells King Triton what happened immediately, about Ariel's deal with Ursula and the fact that she's human.
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