#Display Advertising At Train station
myhoardings07 · 6 months
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heich0e · 2 years
wouldn't it be nice? - suna rintarou/f!reader (haikyuu!): fluff but suggestive at times, established relationship, talk of babies/families/pregnancy, committing to the bit is all fun and games until the bit commits to you, tw: light miscommunication since some of u guys hate that, let the record show this was NOT written for his birthday, i didn't even KNOW it was today ok, i will not be taking questions at this time (or ever)
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You know exactly what started it.
The problem.
It was some sappy commercial you saw on TV one lazy Sunday afternoon.
You rarely even watch television—not proper cable television anyway—preferring the simplicity of streaming services in this modern day and age. It's a complete fluke that you happen across it at all while you and Rintarou rest sprawled across his couch in the afternoon sun, your feet tucked underneath his thigh. You wouldn't even go on to remember what the commercial was for; all you remember is the perfect, cherubic little baby at the centre of it, and the way that it made your heart melt.
You let out a long, wistful sigh once the advertisement transitions into the next. "I want to hold a baby."
It piques his interest. That stupid, completely unremarkable comment that you'd come soon to regret.
Rintarou pulls himself a little more upright at his end of the sofa, shooting you a mischievous look. His expression might seem placid to most people, impassive even, but you know it, and him, and all his minute eccentricities too well to be fooled.
"I'll give you a baby," he muses, angling his body over yours on the sofa with his arms caging your waist. You draw your legs back instinctively—hips perpendicular to your thighs and heels to the bottom of your bum—at the first sign of trouble.
Your lip curls, and you lift your sock-clad feet so they press flat against his chest, pushing him back with all the strength you can. He hardly budges, but you expect as much.
"Ew, Rin," you snort, head lolling to the side to idly watch the next useless commercial on TV as it unfolds, “gross."
Suna pauses, a hand loosely circling your ankle, and you glance at him from the corner of your eye. There's a look that you don't recognize that flitters across his face. His grip tightens a little, his thumb sweeping down over the round protrusion of your joint and back again.
"Gross?" he asks softly.
"Yeah, gross," you say, pulling your foot out of his hold. It takes a bit of effort, because he doesn’t seem to want to move, but you roll over onto your side and wiggle out from under him to rise up off the sofa. You shuffle into the kitchen for a snack, and you feel his eyes on you as you go.
But that was just the start.
You’re not sure if you just never noticed, or if the universe has a deeply perverse sense of cosmic humour, but after that Sunday afternoon, it seems like there are babies everywhere you go. 
And if not actual living, breathing babies, then it's all matter of things that are decidedly baby-adjacent. Itty bitty onesies on display at the store you two are shopping at. Sweet souvenir plushies at the Aquarium that are meant for little ones to hold. Diapers, formula, and various other baby necessities are advertised in the posters mounted on bus stops, on train stations platforms, and on flashing digital billboards. 
And every single time, without fail, you see them when you’re with Suna. 
And every single time, without fail, he looks at you and waits for you to meet his gaze. 
You’ve gotten pretty good at avoiding it, honestly. But then he’ll always make some comment. Point it out. Make it obvious.
“Look at that baby’s tiny hand. I bet our baby will have my hands.”
“Can you believe that babies are really this little? Do you think ours will be this small?” 
“If you were buying these for our baby would you get the yellow or the—“
“Trick question,” you cut Suna off, snagging the yellow pair of training chopsticks (complete with a little ducky on top) out from his hands and shoving them back onto the display he’d just plucked them off of. You don’t allow yourself to linger for too long on how cute they really are. “Babies don’t use chopsticks, and also we’re not having a baby.”
You continue down the aisle of the market, a familiar pain throbbing just behind your eyes that Rintarou seems so uniquely skilled at eliciting. Your face is hot too, but that’s probably just from the frustration. After a moment you hear his feet shuffling along after you, and the two of you finish your grocery shopping in relative silence.
You’re used to putting up with all of your boyfriend’s other annoyances and oddities, so this is just another one to add to the ever-growing list. But this time, something feels a bit… different. 
The two of you stop at a vending machine for coffee on your walk home since it’s cold out. Suna has the largest of your two reusable grocery bags looped over one of his arms, and somehow while you’re digging for change in your wallet he manages to weasel the other one off of your arm and onto his own, too. 
“There’s a coffee shop right around the corner, why are you stopping here?” he asks, watching as you carefully make your selection from the humming machine in front of you. You press the button of your choice, and a can of cafe au lait clunks down into the waiting chute below. 
“The metal can keeps my hands warmer,” you explain, sticking a few more yen into the machine and choosing Rintarou’s favourite, too. His choice makes the same descent yours had, and you crouch down to retrieve it for him, holding it out to him in offering as you stand. 
He blinks at you.
“Nah, I’m good,” he says, shaking his head a little. “Hands are full, anyway.”
You balk at him soundlessly for a moment. “Give the other bag back, then!”
“Nope,” he replies, making a point to enunciate it clearly in a way that you know he knows drives you crazy. He takes a step in the direction of your apartment, and you have no choice but to stick the can of coffee he’d declined into your coat pocket and chase after him.
It does a great job of keeping your hand—tucked into your pocket and wrapped around it—warm as you walk, though.
Nearly back at your apartment, your can of coffee drained and properly disposed of, a little ball of fluff waddles past you on the sidewalk, heading towards the entrance of a nearby park. You and Rintarou both pause, equally confused by what you’ve just spotted.
Behind the amorphous little thing is a couple, maybe a few years older than you two are, trailing not even a metre away. You watch as they coo and fawn over it as is wobbles unsteadily towards the open stretch of grass ahead. They call it pet-names, and try to convince it to turn around for mom and dad so they can take a picture.
A baby.
Probably a little older than a baby given the whole… walking thing. But it’s still so tiny, even in its big, puffy coat, so they can’t be very old. The hood is pulled up over the child’s head, and you realize upon closer inspection that it has—
“Teddy-bear ears,” Rintarou says, cupping his fingers over his mouth and blowing warm air into his hands. “That’s so cute.”
“Yeah,” you say with a soft smile, watching as the child toddles along in their fluffy little teddy jacket.
Suna must have put the grocery bags down at his feet at some point when the two of you stopped walking, and when he pulls his hands back from his face, you see how the tip of his nose has gone pink from the cold. He dips down in front of you, his eyes narrowed, scrutinizing you up-close. 
“What?” you ask him nervously, a hand fluttering self consciously to your face. 
His breath leaves his mouth in wispy clouds as he tilts his head to the side. He’s so close that the warmth brushes against your lips like an airy, indirect kiss. You wonder if he can taste the coffee that clings to yours.
“What?” you repeat yourself again, a little more insistently this time. You reach up and pinch either of his cheeks between your thumbs and forefingers—stretching the pliable flesh outwards in an attempt to get him to back off a bit. His rosy cheeks are cool under your warm touch.
“Do you think we’d make a cute baby?” Rintarou asks, though the question is a little garbled thanks to your grip, and your stomach clenches involuntarily. His hands, and his frigid fingertips, reach up and rest over your own where you’re still pinching his cheeks—though your vice has eased slightly.
“You can barely even make an omelet,” you huff out as heat rises in your cheeks, pulling your hands out from under his and looking away. “Like I’d ever trust you to make a baby.”
“People make them all the time by accident, you know,” he remarks, rubbing at his stinging cheeks where you’d been pinching him. “I’m sure I could do it on purpose if I really set my mind to it.”
You dip down and grab the grocery bag he’d taken off your hands earlier, hiking it up onto your shoulder.
“Why are you so obsessed with this stupid baby joke?” you ask him exasperatedly, following it with a long, aggrieved sigh that you can see as you breathe it out.
He looks at you for a moment, his brow pinching in the middle. His nose is still so pink, and it makes the green in his eyes stand out more. 
You watch how Suna’s lips part, like he’s going to say something, but then they press together in a thin line again without uttering a word. He picks up his grocery bag with one hand and sets off in the direction of home, and this time you feel a little sheepish as you follow after him.
The apartment is quiet when you return home, and it stays that way as the two of you unpack the groceries in your kitchen side by side. You bought more than you usually would on a weekly grocery trip, all because Suna’s been staying over more than he usually does. But there’s a sudden frostiness that seems to have creeped in from outside, as if clinging to your coattails, and the chill has now settled between the two of you. 
It makes a strange sort of anxiety prickle under the surface of your skin, tender like a bruise. It makes you wonder if half of these groceries are going to go to waste.
“I’ll shower first,” Rintarou mutters without turning towards you after he puts the last pantry item away and closes the cabinet.
Stress sits heavy in the pit of your stomach when he doesn’t look at you. It’s intentional, you know it is. Suna’s favourite hobby is staring at you—he’s told you that himself many, many times. But he doesn’t even spare you a glance before he shuffles off towards your bedroom. 
You stand in silence in the kitchen, as though that weight in your gut keeps you anchored in place. You can hear the rustle of Rintarou’s clothes hitting the hamper. You hear the bathroom door close. You hear the spray of the shower turn on. 
You hear your heartbeat. Loud and wet in your ears.
You’re being ridiculous. You know that. You’re all worked up over nothing. 
This was all just some stupid joke that he was being annoying about in the first place. That he found every possible opportunity to bring up. 
You aren’t even sure what’s upset him so much; uncertain as to why you being annoyed about one of his blatant attempts to annoy you seems to have caused him offence.
You curl up on your sofa as Rintarou showers, picking at the fraying cuff of your hoodie as you similarly pull apart every second of your memory from the walk home from the market in an attempt to identify what could possibly have gone wrong. You’re thinking about the can of coffee—left sitting, unopened and room-temperature now, on your kitchen counter—when you hear the shower turn off.
The seconds tick by agonizingly slowly as you wait for your sullen boyfriend to emerge, but when he does he still seems resolved to avoid you. You wait on the sofa, your fingers stilled in the motion of fiddling with your sleeve, anticipating that he’ll come ask you to blow-dry his hair, just like he always does.
He doesn’t. 
The hairdryer clicks on in the other room, and the sound makes you feel sick. 
“Rin!” your voice leaves you involuntarily, without an ounce of conscious effort. You sound panicked.
The hairdryer clicks off immediately, and Rintarou appears in the doorway to your bedroom—half-dressed and hair half-dried—in an instant. His eyes are alight with concern.
Your hand had flown to your mouth as soon as you called out for him, too late to actually muffle the sound. But it stays there as you look at him with shocked, notably-guilty eyes.
“What’s wrong?” he asks you, eying you suspiciously.
“Nothing,” you murmur, your fingers still resting lightly over your lips, you avert your eyes. “It’s nothing, sorry.”
He hesitates in the doorway for a moment, and then turns to head back to the hairdryer.
“It’s just—“
He pauses when you speak again, one of his hands resting on the doorframe he’s lingering beneath—neither in nor fully out. 
“—you’re mad at me.”
You watch his shoulder blades as your words hang in the air between the two of you. The chill in your apartment, unlike it had been outside, is only proverbial—but you half expect to see wisps of vapour slipping out on the edge of your breaths.
“I can’t figure out what I did wrong.”
Suna looks at you over his shoulder, his already vulpine eyes narrowing a little further. Not in irritation, but consideration. For all the strangeness between the two of you today, you can still recognize that much in his expression. 
“I’m not mad at you,” he finally says, and you hate how relieved you feel at so few words. Hate even more how him turning back to face you makes the weight in your stomach lessen. That as he approaches you on the sofa you feel the air warm with every step.
Rintarou perches on the edge of your couch, a full cushion between the two of you as you sit there quietly. Both of his feet are on the ground, but yours are drawn up onto the sofa with you, facing him. Slowly your feet creep forward, slipping your toes under his sweat-pant clad thigh.
Suna’s head droops forward, and he lets out a breathy, wry laugh.
“What are your theories so far?” he asks quietly. 
Your head tilts to the side in confusion.
He peeks over at you, peering up at you from the corner of his eye.
“What do you think you might have done wrong?”
You hum quietly, pursing your lips slightly.
“Well, I… I thought maybe I got you the wrong coffee. I didn’t ask, but you always choose that one, so I just thought…”
Suna clicks his tongue.
You huff a bit, staring at your hands in your lap. “Well… there was that baby at the park.”
You feel Suna’s eyes on you, but you’re suddenly too wary to meet them. He doesn’t tell you you’re wrong though, so you continue. 
“And I said you can’t make an omelet.”
He laughs a bit again, and you know that wasn’t it either.
“Are you upset because I said that I didn’t think you could make a baby?” you ask, peeking up at him. “Rin, I’m borderline militant about taking my birth control. I obviously don’t think you’re impo—“
Rintarou tips his head up a little further, meeting your gaze. Caught in his stare, it’s suddenly like your words die before you can get them off the tip of your tongue. Slowly, he reaches out towards you, taking one of your fidgeting hands and holding it in his. His touch is warm now, in contrast to what it had been at the park. He lifts your hand up to his mouth.
Delicately, he kisses your fingertips. His lips brush against the digits, over your knuckles and up to your palms. He presses your hand to his cheek and looks at you with the most pitiful gaze. It makes your chest ache. 
“I don’t like it when you say that,” he says reticently. And for all Rintarou’s height and weight and sheer breadth, he sounds so impossibly small.
“Say what?” you ask him, and your voice is quiet too. Vulnerable.
He leans his flushing cheek into your hand, holding it to his face and closing his eyes as he nuzzles into your touch.
“That you wouldn’t have my baby,” he whispers, “that you don’t want it.”
You resist the urge to pull away. It’s an instinct you can’t explain: a desire to keep him at a distance, to always laugh things off, to make a joke out of very real feelings. 
“Because I do.”
You blink.
Suna opens his eyes and looks at you, and for the first time you see the very real, very not joking pain in his eyes.
“I want that with you.”
Your mouth is dry and you’re frozen. You stare at him, completely still, stunned by his sincere confession.
“What?” you manage to squeak out. 
Rintarou closes his eyes again, breathing out a little sigh. He pulls your hand from his cheek, folding your fingers down so they’re hooked in a loose fist around his thumb. He brings your hand to his lips, not quite a kiss but close enough to call it that anyway. 
“Not right now,” he murmurs into your knuckles, lips brushing against you as he speaks the words. “But someday.”
You’re still so shocked that you don’t know how to respond. He peers at you, hand still held to his lips, his eyes more resolved than they are wounded now. 
“And I want you to want that. But I don’t know how to make you want it too.”
Your heartbeat thumps in your chest, resonant and palpable. Heat has crawled all the way up your face now, and you’re fairly certain your hand has gone clammy, but Rintatou passes no comment even if it has.
“Do you think you could?” he asks you quietly. Sheepishly. Earnestly. “Could you want that? With me?” 
You pitch yourself forward suddenly, and Rintarou lets out a little grunt of surprise as the two of you topple back into the sofa. You hide your burning face in the crook of his neck, that smells like your body wash and shampoo but somehow so much better, clutching onto him like your life depends on it. Suna seems shocked for a moment as he finds himself flat on his back with your weight on top of him, and his body is stiff as he processes it. After a few beats of your too-loud, too-telling heart pass, he finally eases. He wraps his arms around your waist and holds you tightly to him.
“You’re so stupid,” you grumble, your eyes squeezing shut tightly.
“Yeah,” he agrees, and you can hear the smile in his voice. The genuine laughter that’s hiding just behind the words. He hugs you a little tighter. “Probably.”
You stay like that for a while, basking in the warmth of Rintarou’s body and the rhythm of his breath.
“You love me though,” he says quietly, “so that reflects pretty badly on you.”
You lift your head to meet his gaze, and find him barely holding in a laugh. You can’t help but laugh with him. Can’t help but enjoy your favourite sound.
Rintarou scoops you up in his arms again, tugging you into his lap. He presses featherlight kisses to the corner of your jaw, and you fiddle with his long, lithe fingers. He sighs, but this time the sound is at ease. His damp hair tickles your face as he rests his forehead against your temple, nosing at your cheek.
“Hey, Rin?” you murmur as you run your thumb over the space between his first and second knuckle on his ring finger. You think about the kid you saw at the park in the fluffy jacket, and the besotted parents trailing along behind it.
He answers you with a content, if not slightly curious, hum. 
You turn your face towards him, and your noses brush. Rintarou’s lashes flutter as his gaze turns a little heavy-lidded. You can feel his breath on your lips, that’s how close he is. You inch forward until the space between you is almost completely gone.
And just before your lips meet, you smile.
“I do think we’ll make a cute baby.”
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six-eyed-samurai · 5 months
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Thinking about being such a Demon Slayer fan that you literally have every merchandise possible: posters, figurines, plushies, magnets, haori and even the character's accessories. You've even dyed your hair in (character)'s iconic colour scheme and style.
But that wasn't enough for you, so you decided to go to Japan. Hey, the tourism was good, and if you got to buy and explore more of your favourite anime, bonus!
So you arrive and wander the streets gawking in awe with full shopping bags in your hands, humming Gurenge under your breath. You were so lost in your daydreams you slam into someone - sorry, two people.
Cue your apologies as you scramble to your feet, but a melodic voice interrupts you with assurances that it was alright as two pairs of hands help pick up your fallen items. You look up to see a pair of petite sisters with matching blue-tinged hair and smiles.
"That's a nice hairpin!" Was what the elder and taller of the two called out as they continued to walk past you, and you self consciously raise a hand to the Kocho family butterfly pin in your hair.
You continue your walk downtown, strolling past screens with the world famous Tenma Uzui's face plastered on it as he lifted his latest medal and advertised products. At the toy store you had paused to look into, three youngsters rushed out with their newfound prizes in hand.
"Sabito! Give it back!"
"Hey, you already said we'd swap!"
"Until Makomo said she'd give me hers!"
You glance at them out of the corner of your eye and laugh seeing them fight over the colours of the warding masks. An old man with a red face mask stepped out of the shop shortly after and began to shepherd the trio away.
Seeing the Gashapon machines inside the store, you decide to step in too, but before you could the door flew open and a short, purple-haired man tumbled out. Clearly he had been kicked out but he wasn't taking the hint.
Inside the shop an exasperated but still polite voice echoed. "For the last time, Enmu, that toy train is for display only."
"I'll buy it someday!" Enmu declared cheerfully as if this were a regular occurrence and simply brushed himself off and headed to the direction of the nearest station.
You shrug and quit your side eyeing, venturing inside. The red haired shopkeeper looked up from the counter, his formerly poker face transforming into a bright smile that matched the red sun of his hanafuda earrings. "Hi, are you looking for anything? Tourist?"
Sheepishly you replied and casually asked Yoriichi, as he had introduced himself, for any recommendations on where to eat for lunch.
"Oh, you should try the diner down the road! It's family run - Mrs. Iguro is very sweet and they're very famous for their sakura mochi! My wife Uta and I frequent there, so just tell them I sent you."
That sounded good to you, so you thanked him along with your exchange of tokens, then asked for directions.
"It's right on front of where my brother works, Kibutsuji Enterprises. It's a huge office, you can't possibly miss it."
"Kibutsuji Enterprises...? I think I've heard of them, run by Kagaya Ubuyashiki right?"
"Oh, no, don't get confused, they're rival companies actually. The Ubuyashiki company has a wisteria as its logo."
A little confusing, but alright! You thanked him profusely once again and left, making your way through the busy streets to the diner.
You thanked your lucky stars you got there on one piece, for there was a motorbike zooming and booming through the crowds without a care for law or life just now as you were walking. Thankfully you had jumped back just in time before they could mow you down. From what you could see in the racing blur there appeared to be a green-haired young boy dressed in a crimson shirt with a manic smile on his face and a screaming white-haired girl clutching onto him for dear life driving. You hoped the two scarred faced policemen would catch them - no doubt, actually, seeing as they were both already brandishing guns and chasing after the two with furious speed .
"Yeah, that's right, Onii-chan!"
You pass a school bus dropping off a bunch of tiny preschoolers, herded and fretted over by their hulking giant of a teacher. His wooden bead necklace matched yours, clacking together as he urged the kids to stay together. How cute... although such a big man being so kindly was a little unnerving.
"Oh? Want to try our signature Eternal Paradise perfume? We guarantee you'll have anyone falling for you with it!'
You ignore the blonde salesman leaning outside his store. He peered over his rainbow tinted sunglasses to catch you rolling your eyes and with a fake gasp of hurt he grabbed his chest. You snort and continue walking.
Mrs. Iguro was just as welcoming as Yoriichi had promised, although you were rather caught off guard by her bright pink and green hair and the fact she was carrying a whole stack of plates and balancing a baby at the same time.
"Hi!!! Welcome, do take a seat, what can I get you? Obanai's special for today is Western food - oh wait, silly me, you're not from around here, are you? I expect you'd want something local! Coming right up!"
You can't help but be buoyed by her bubbly nature, waiting patiently with a contented grin. You look around the diner and while the snake ornament at the counter catches your eye you find yourself studying the other customers instead.
A pair of identical twin boys eat quietly, with a younger boy with rosy cheeks noisily chatting with them; evidently a playdate of some sort.
"Don't forget, Kotetsu, you're paying because you lost the last shoji match."
"Aw, Tokito, you're such a seaweed head. I'm just a beginner!"
"Brother's a seaweed head, not me."
You chuckle and your gaze strays to the other table, where a family of three ate their ramen. Their son seemed a little paler than normal and you couldn't help but overhear the mother's worrying.
"Darling Rui, don't eat so fast, you might choke and you just recovered!"
Embarrassed at your eavesdropping you duck your head and look at the other table where a group of rowdy students sit and snack.
"It was an accident, Toko! I can't control it!" Was the whining answer. "KANATA, DEFEND ME! OW! YOU'RE NOT A REAL FRIEND, KAMADO!"
Mrs. Iguro - or Mitsuri, as she had insisted you call her - arrived with towering plates and hell lot of topics to converse about. You happily indulged in their famous udon and her delighted talking while her husband glared at you from the window, although the threat was rather marred by the fact he was feeding a toddler at the same time.
You learnt Mitsuri - so cool! Her name was the exact one as the Love Pillar from the series! - had five kids (your head was still spinning over the fact) and that her hair had turned out that way from eating too much sakura mochi, which made you wonder what was happening to you after eating so much (favourite food) over the years.
After your meal you repeatedly thank Mitsuri for her meal and longingly promise to stop by again you leave for the last place on your agenda, Gyokko Art Studio.
The exhibitions mainly displayed brightly painted vases and scupltures; you had a lot of fun taking selfies with the gigantic koi fish statue and the one of a dozen blacksmiths forging swords. The studio also doubled as a pottery school, and when you enter you had immediately spotted the five rowdy teenage boys who were now arguing over a kiln and a broken vase at the back.
"Hey, Sekido, chill! Zohakuten pushed me!"
"Guys...quiet down....granddad is sleeping upstairs...."
"Nah, Aizetsu, I wanna see what happens!"
"Enough! All of you just clean that mess up! We have visitors! Your grandfather and I may be friends but I will never know what went wrong when he was raising all of you!"
Out of the back appeared the most flashy man you had ever met, eye catching with his coiffed purple hair and thick makeup, his scale tattoos catching your eye as he shooed the arguing brothers away. Eyes outlined with clashing green and red turned to you and he held out a stained hand. "Managi at your service! I run this humble store and I deeply apologize for the boys. Honestly, the Hantengu brothers are absolute menaces and I speak knowing the Shabana siblings."
Managi gave you a quick private tour of his studio, his arrogant but dramatic way of speech amusing you greatly, especially when he complained about a pair of twins who came in on the weekends, his two workers, children...well, Managi had an opinion on everything.
"Those Tokito whippersnappers have no appreciation for art! The only reason I haven't shooed them out with clay gluing their ill-mannered mouths shut is because their mother is a regular of mine."
"Haganezuka! Absolute concentration in what he does and a prodigy in vase making, but he is absolutely terrible with customer service! I usually leave that to Kanamori but we waste more time preventing Haganezuka from attacking customers than actually selling.
It was definitely a trip you'd like to remember, so you bought a small cup that had caught your eye and waved goodbye to Managi as you left for your final destination, your hotel.
You decide to take the longer way round to enjoy the picturesque walk beneath the sakura trees. Stopping to admire the pink fall you suddenly realize there's a couple beside you taking photos. Embarrassed that you might be unintentionally photo bombing, you move away, but a tap on your shoulder spins you back around.
"Hi, excuse me! Do you mind taking a picture of Hakuji and I? We tried taking a selfie but haha, the shot didn't cover the trees."
You oblige, secretly delighting in observing the young but loving couple interact with each other - especially when the punk-looking, tattoo-covered Hakuji was holding her so gently like that. You take their photo and after their grateful thanks you resumed making your way back.
Upon arriving at the lobby you were annoyed to say the least to find yourself stuck behind an irritatingly loud young man arguing with the poor receptionist. Of course, you couldn't actually see the receptionist's - Nakime, on her name tag, and that sounded rather familiar - face due to her long bangs but anyone would honestly be irritated with how obnoxiously he was talking.
"Sir, I have explained to you already, your booking was cancelled because you were late with your payment-"
"Oh come on, woman, it was just a day late!"
"You too are very late with your excuses."
The tall, tuxedoed man from the sofa had gotten up and was now towering over the younger man after politely excusing himself for getting in your way. "Miss, look for a room registered under Kokushibo. I suspected my fool of a secretary Kaigaku would make yet another mistake."
"Kaigaku, I really don't have time for this, my wife is going to be back soon from taking the kids to the zoo. Thank you, miss, and excuse us."
"That guy was irritating you, wasn't he?" You remarked, accidentally blurting out your thoughts. "I mean, I wasn't eavesdropping!"
The receptionist smiled faintly. "Don't worry, I'm used to him. Your name?"
And it was only when you flopped down on your hotel bed and stared at the ceiling did it occur to you that a lot of people had seemed very familiar to you today.
Perhaps fiction and reality weren't that far apart after all.
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discotenny · 1 year
Lights in the rain
waaaaaaaa,, your writing for hypmic is so soft, it makes my heart feel cozy!!! it's like every paragraph is a little window into a candid moment you caught.. is it possible to write one of toki, who is seeing an idol, catching one of her performances on a screen in the city all huge on a building, he stops and just stares like oh.... finally kind of getti gthe hype and how interesting that life is??? too many ideas???? ( ; w ; ) ~ anon
You are so nice you are so kind ;_; I do not deserve compliments so wonderful as these >.< thank you anon <3
To the world, you were a famous idol. A public celebrity with millions of adoring fans who would recognize you anywhere. An artist praised for your talent, appearance, and whatever move you may make.
To Samatoki, you were simply his. His partner, his home, his second half, his love.
To be frank, Samatoki knows squat about your career.
He knows you’re relatively famous (he doesn’t know how famous you actually are).
He also knows you perform for a living (he thinks it’s on the same scale as his performances).
And he knows he wants to and will protect you if anyone tries to harm you (once a fan began bothering you while you two were on a date and Samatoki nearly throttled him).
Idol or not, you’re you- the person he fell in love with and will stay in love with till the end of time. He never had a greater interest in your career once you told him because he knows it won’t affect the way he feels about you.
Of course he’ll support you- he’s your own personal cheerleader, but he has no grasp of the scale of the success of your career.
It’s a stormy night in Yokohama when he sees it. On his way home from a meeting with his Rio and Jyuto- he was in a pretty piss poor mood from the food he consumed earlier. Stomach rumbling in annoyance and pain, the only soothing thought in his mind was sharing a warm meal with his beloved.
To add to his annoyance, most places he would usually get takeout were closed for the night- shut down due to weather concerns.
To triple his annoyance, he couldn’t get a good light on his cigarette because of all the rain.
Stuck with under a passageway with a grumbling stomach and a failing lighter- Samatoki had to be in the worst mood he’d been in for a long while.
He had half the mind to message you and ask if you’d like something from a convenience store- the other half preoccupied in wallowing in his own passive anger at the world.
Attempt after attempt he tried to get his cig to light. Rain continues to pour and his irritation grows and grows. A growl escapes throat the moment sparks stop coming from his lighter.
“Useless piece of crap-“ he kicks it away into the night, brushing off thought of your voice scolding him for littering.
He closes his eyes and faces the sky in utter exasperation.
It’d be a ten minute commute by train, not including the ten additional minutes walking to the station, out of the station, and to your shared apartment.
He really needed something to cleanse his stomach. A beef bowl? Udon? Karage? The more the thought about food the more his stomach growled.
He also needed to get you something. Outside of food he felt like tonight you he should give you a gift. Flowers? A cake maybe? He’d need an excuse to get you something or else you’d tease him for being soft again…
When he opens his eyes he sees it. He sees flashes of colors shine through the rain, dancing in the droplets before falling to the ground. Pinks and blues and yellows and greens. His eyes follow the colors to a large billboard across from him.
Previously playing advertisements for alcohol and slots- he widens at the display before him.
You, not you as he knows you at home, but you in your idol uniform- moving with enough energy to carry a stadiums worth of cheers. Light sticks at your feet, the colors shine upon you as they do him.
Slightly distorted audio plays but all the same he knows it to be your voice. Only it’s accompanied by screaming and cheering and excitement and joy-
He wonders if those in the crowd could ever feel the same way he does right now. Staring at the image of you in all your glory. And there, Samatoki makes the decision that no- no one in that crowd- or the world- could ever feel the same way he does right now.
Pure enchantment at how you could be so incredible in every facet of your life. From the soft cuddles you give to him every night, from the way you care for him no matter how pissy of a mood he may be in, from your laugh that makes him feel like he can do anything in the world, to right now. From your energy, your voice, your movement- just you, all of you.
Samatoki smiles then. Then, on a stormy Yokohama night, Samatoki finds his excuse to buy you a gift.
Writing this made me feel soft >,< I don’t know if I got his character exactly right but I hope you enjoyed this anon !! Thank you once again for your support <3
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cetaitlaverite · 5 months
Why All This Music?
Masters of the Air - Rosie Rosenthal x OC
link to the masterlist is here <3
10. Lost Puppies
Freddie had been in training for Operation Corona, as she found it was called, for a week, and she felt she’d finally found her place in the war. She’d liked being a wireless operator, had been proud of the small bits of comfort she was able to afford the pilots before they went out on a mission by being the last voice they heard before setting off, but it had never felt overly interesting to her. Important, she knew - the British government wouldn’t have been spending so much time, money, and resources making it happen otherwise - but she’d always secretly felt like she could do more if given the opportunity.
And now she had been. Her promotion to flight officer quickly became a promotion to squadron officer as it became clear she was a better fit for the job than anyone could have guessed. She’d spent so many years by now listening into German radios she picked up that she’d inadvertently retained their ordering patterns and found, even with the lack of use, she was able to slip into her German seamlessly. There was also the matter of her being the only trainee who had ever actually spoken to a German pilot. Her experience and expertise became invaluable. Suddenly she found herself a leader.
The other wireless operators in the operation had little to no experience working with radios. As such, Freddie helped them. A great majority were Jews who had fled mainland Europe once it had become clear Hitler would stop at nothing until he’d gotten rid of them - Endlösung der Judenfrage, they told Freddie he was calling it. The final solution to the Jewish question. None of them knew all too well what this solution was but they’d had a couple of letters from family since coming over to England which had hinted at horror. Those letters had now stopped coming.
It was grand to get to speak to these people. Gut wrenching to learn of what they’d had to endure to get to Britain, even more so to understand their fears about what was happening to their families, but it was important to Freddie to know. And it was wonderful to get to speak German. Proper German. She only ever got to speak German when she went home - it wasn’t, of course, a skill one liked to advertise - but now she was surrounded by native German speakers who asked about her Viennese accent and gave her updates on the last they’d heard about the city.
Freddie was amongst the first wave of trainees to head out into duty. She was reassigned back to Thorpe Abbotts, as she’d been assured she would be. It was a condition of her signing on; she’d told her recruiter in no uncertain terms that she wouldn’t be offering her services if she wasn’t allowed to stay where she was. So, once her week of training was up, she was put back on a train, accompanied by a compartment full of green, freshly trained, native-German-speaking wireless operators, only recently promoted out of civilian life, who hung onto her every word about what to expect of life at an airfield and how to keep calm even when you were talking to the enemy.
She was also returning with a third promotion. She was now proudly displaying the insignia which identified her as a wing officer. The w/op girls were going to lose it when they found out. Now she outranked Jones.
When she stepped out of the jeep which had come to pick her up from the train station - her own personal escort! A perk of her new rank, the driver had told her - she breathed in the air of Thorpe Abbotts and marvelled that at some point over the two years she’d been there it had become home.
The girls would all have been working in the tower at this time of day, Freddie knew, so she headed to her new hut to set up her bunk. She had first pick of the beds and chose the one in the far corner, the most amount of privacy she was likely to get as well as furthest from the rushes of cold air which would fill the room when someone came back from the officers’ club late and, notably, furthest from the bathroom and all of its accompanying smells. She made up her bed with the fresh sheets folded at the bottom, unloaded the bag she’d travelled to training with, then went between her old hut and her new one transferring her belongings.
Someone new had already filled her old bed, she found with a start. Someone else’s belongings were in the footlocker at the end of the bed. But her old footlocker she found right beside Millie’s, sticking out into the walkway which Freddie was sure a few of the girls had complained about. And the pictures Freddie had stuck to the wall above her bed had been moved to the wall above Millie’s. Freddie had no idea why, but the thought of Millie sleeping beneath photos of Daniel and her dogs and her parents made tears fill her eyes.
Carefully, Freddie unstuck the photographs and transferred them, along with her old footlocker, to her new bunk. She stuck them carefully to the wall above her bed and frowned as she wondered who Meatball would live with. He’d always slept on her bed but maybe he was better off with Millie and the other wireless operators he already knew instead of trying to acclimatise to all of the new faces Freddie would be accompanied by.
All of a sudden it was difficult to be so excited about her new post. She was doing something useful, she knew, something that would save bombers’ lives. Something that might go on to save Rosie’s life. It was silly to be upset by things such as where Meatball would sleep and the fact that she would no longer fall asleep beside her best friend. She would be doing a lot of good. She had to hold onto that.
The Operation Corona wireless operators had to have dinner earlier than everyone else because their first briefing had been set for the normal dinner hour. Freddie was more than just a little bit upset about this; she’d been missing her friends for a week and as soon as she was back in their sphere she was being kept away from them. Indeed, the base may as well have been empty for how few people she’d seen around. But dinner passed quickly, all of the new w/ops too nervous about their first briefing to want to talk much, and then the briefing came and went. Their first real mission briefing would be tomorrow, they were told, and their first assignment the day after that. They were less than two days away from directly sabotaging the enemy and nerves were running high.
Freddie did her best to reassure them all and managed to cajole them into going to the officers’ club that night. With no bombing mission set for tomorrow there was bound to be a party.
Freddie herself couldn’t help but feel jittery as she got ready. She had new insignia to show off and a new glow of responsibility. She wanted to look pretty, look distinguished in a way befitting her new rank. Really, she was anxious to see Rosie again.
No one was more jittery than the girls in Freddie’s new bunk, who were so anxious to meet the airmen on base they spent the better part of an hour just on their hair.
By the time Freddie and the others made it out the door she was all but worn out, too tired from deciding on countless hairstyles and helping to set curls and the like to feel much nervousness anymore.
She led her new charges to the officers’ club, smiling to herself at the sound of excited chatter which followed her. Almost the instant she stepped into the club she was met with a shriek.
“Fred!” Millie cried, running at her. “You’re back!”
A wide smile split Freddie’s face. “Mils!”
They tackled each other in a hug, holding on tight and swaying from side to side. A week was longer than they’d been separated since they’d met two years ago. The longest they’d ever gone was three days when one of them would go on leave.
A loud, insistent barking fought for dominance with the gramophone’s music as Meatball came bounding over to them. “Hi, buddy!” Freddie cheered, crouching down to hug him as Millie let her go. 
Meatball kept on barking as she hugged him, then covered her in kisses when she pulled back to hold him at arm’s length. “Oh, my sweet boy,” Freddie cooed, understanding suddenly that his excitement at seeing her again was likely because he’d expected not to. He’d already lost one companion and he’d expected to lose another when she’d gone away for training all of a sudden.
She pressed kisses to his head and his cheeks, taking his paws as he offered them to her and giggling as he started to run circles around her, still barking as loud as he could in his excitement.
“Come here, my darling boy,” Freddie cooed, catching him in the midst of yet another circle and wrapping him in another hug. “I’m not leaving you, I promise,” she spoke into the fur on his neck. “Okay?”
“Looks like he missed you just as bad as we did,” Jem said as she came over.
Freddie laughed, rising to stand and hugging her, too. “Missed you, Jemmy.”
“Missed you too, Fred.”
“Come on,” Millie cut in from behind her. “Come see everyone else.”
Freddie acquiesced, linking her arms with Millie’s and Jem’s.
And this, Freddie thought as the three of them made their way over to the bar with Meatball weaving excitedly around their feet, was home. She hadn’t realised how badly she’d missed it while she’d been away until she got it again. 
“Who are your lost puppies?” Jem asked as they came upon the bar.
Freddie stifled a smile as she glanced back and saw her charge of newly trained wireless ops trailing dutifully behind her. 
“These are my wireless ops,” Freddie said, unhooking her arms to gesture to them proudly.
“Your wireless ops?” Millie echoed with a smile. “Bit presumptuous of you, Fred.”
“Well,” Freddie replied, grinning, “it’s actually not presumptuous of me at all. Last time you saw me I was being promoted to measly flight officer status. I’ve been promoted twice since then.”
“Shut up!” Amy cut in from across the bar. “You’re a squadron officer?”
“I’m a wing officer,” Freddie corrected her, giggling at the absurdity of it. “You should all be calling me ‘ma’am’ and saluting me on sight.”
Freddie accepted the congratulations from all of her former colleagues, laughing as they took it in turns pressing kisses to her cheeks. “I bet I’m all covered in red lipstick now!” she objected when Paddy wouldn’t stop.
Paddy only laughed. “It’ll wash off!”
Congratulations received, Freddie turned to introduce her new wireless operators and smiled as she watched her old friends and her new ones greet each other. In turn, she was introduced to the girl who had taken her place, a twenty-one year old named Cecelia who had been transferred from her boyfriend’s base because she’d gotten in trouble for flirting with him over the radio. Freddie giggled when she heard the story and decided immediately that she liked her.
She was immersed in conversation with Cecelia and Amy, Meatball sitting on the toes of her shoes, about how the girls were trying to hook Amy up with one of the rear gunners of one of the replacement crews when a light hand came to rest on the small of her back. 
Turning, Freddie grinned at the proffered glass of lemonade and the smirking face above it.
“We’ve got to stop meeting like this,” she joked. She accepted the lemonade from him and placed it on the bar in favour of getting up on her tiptoes and wrapping her arms around his neck, giggling as he wrapped his own around her waist.
“Hi, Fred,” Rosie said, his smile audible in his voice.
“Rosie,” Freddie replied, grinning, “I missed you.”
“You did?”
“Of course!” 
He held her just a little bit tighter. “I missed you too.”
Freddie smiled as she pulled out of their hug and picked her lemonade back up, taking a sip. “Thank you for my lemonade.” Rosie smiled and brushed her thanks away. “I hear you went to the flak house - how was it?”
Millie had updated her hurriedly on everything which had transpired on base since she’d been away, informing her that Rosie and his crew had been forced, much against Rosie’s will, to go on rest and recuperation at Coombe House, not-so-affectionately nicknamed ‘the flak house’ for how crews tended to be sent there when their commanding officers feared they were getting ‘flak happy’. In other words, Coombe House was intended to give the crews a place where they could talk to a therapist about how they were handling everything without everyone else having to know about it, while maybe also playing a few games of tennis here and there while they were at it.
Rosie scowled at the mention of his visit to the flak house, opting to take a big gulp of beer before even attempting to answer.
Freddie laughed as she watched him consider his words. “Everything you hoped it would be and more, I see,” she observed.
Rosie cracked a smile at this. “It was fine,” he said diplomatically. “I got something for you.”
Freddie visibly brightened. “You did?”
Rosie’s smile widened at whatever he saw on her face. “Yeah,” he confirmed. “I didn’t think you’d be back tonight, or else I would’ve brought it with me.”
“So sorry not to give you advance warning,” Freddie teased him. “I was let go from training early because I’m just so very good at it, see.”
Rosie grinned. “I’m sure you are. And ‘it’ would be..?”
Freddie laughed, sipping on her lemonade to keep him waiting, purely to entertain herself with the way he watched her do it. “Oh, you know,” she finally answered, fiddling with the straw in her drink, “this and that.”
Rosie groaned. “Fred…”
Freddie giggled. “Give me my gift and then I’ll tell you.”
“Your gift is back in my bunk.”
“Oh, well.” Freddie smiled innocently.
“Wing Officer Leroy!”
Freddie turned, smiling as she came face to face with one of her new recruits. 
“Ma’am -”
“You can just call me Freddie when we’re not working,” Freddie cut her off, smiling, “remember?”
“Right,” the girl, Anneliese, replied, then promptly forgot this information as she continued, “ma’am, are we allowed to fraternise with the Americans?”
Beside her, Rosie snorted.
Freddie fought to hold onto her laugh. “Well,” she began, “not officially, but people do.”
“If I get caught fraternising will you bail me out, ma’am?”
This time, both Freddie and Rosie actually did laugh. “Anneliese, what kind of fraternising are you expecting to get caught doing?” Freddie asked, her jaw just slightly agape at the insinuation.
Anneliese shot a quick glance at Rosie, conscious he was listening in, and then started to speak in German, “One of the Americans - a bomb-aimer, he says - is very handsome. But he lives in a bunk with all of his crew, and I live in a bunk with all of you. Where do you suggest we go as an alternative?”
Freddie laughed, rolled her eyes, and rested a hand on Anneliese’s arm. “I suggest you wait for a weekend pass.”
Anneliese perked up. “Will you give me a weekend pass?”
“You haven’t even been here for a day yet!”
Anneliese sighed with all the air of a teenager being grounded by their mother, even though she was only a year younger than Freddie. “Fine.”
“If you get caught fraternising it’ll be out of my hands,” Freddie warned her, not entirely convinced she was about to take her advice.
“Yes, ma’am,” Anneliese answered, saluted - all of these new recruits loved to salute, Freddie had found, just because they were excited to be working for the military - and then turned on her heel to walk away, presumably off to find her American bomb-aimer.
Rosie waited a moment before speaking. Freddie sighed and started sipping on her lemonade as she awaited whatever comment he was about to make.
“Enjoying your new promotion?” he finally asked.
“You mean am I enjoying wrangling a bunch of civilians into military duty, forcing them to keep their mouths shut about what we’re doing, and also trying to keep them from running off every five seconds?” Freddie sighed, shut her eyes, and sipped her lemonade again. “Why, yes, Rosie, I’d say I am.”
“Looks like you’re good at it,” Rosie observed. “They’re clearly all fond of you.”
Freddie smiled at this, glancing over at a group of them still huddled together by the wall, joined by some of the boys in their outfit now, too. “They’re good people,” Freddie told him. “Most of them are Jewish and had to flee the mainland when war broke out. They’re happy to finally get to do something. They’re going to do a lot of good.”
“Do you like your new post?” Rosie wondered.
Freddie smiled softly to herself and turned back to him. Of course he’d noticed she felt conflicted about it all. “I’m happy to be getting to do something bigger, something more directly important. But it’s lonely, leading them. I haven’t even been back a day and I miss my old bunk and I miss hanging around with the girls and I know I’ll miss talking to all of you over the radio before you go out on raids.”
“We’re all still around,” Rosie reminded her softly.
Freddie nodded, even though her smile had gone sad. “I know. I just worry you won’t be close enough.”
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fish-writing-dump · 2 months
Vending machine Aviators x reader oneshot Word Count:0.8k Author notes: felt like writing something short so here we are :D
Cold breeze swept through your clothes harshly as you exited the building behind you. You pulled your jacket over your stomach snuggling into the thick fabric for warmth. It felt nice to be out of your stuffy workspace after an unbearably long day. The streets were sparse of life except for the occasional Jellyfish or Inklings walking along the pavement.
As you walked the sky grew darker as the streetlights lining the road lit up, casting a warm light onto the sidewalk. You continued to walk letting your thoughts drone out to the sound of city around you.
In the shadows of a brick alleyway you spot a vending machine, well worn from years of weather and graffiti. A soft tune playing to advertise its contents. It wouldn’t hurt to take a quick look. You happened to be blessed with a machine that gave both hot and cold drinks, prefect for the weather. The contents were a colourful selection of cans, ranging from coffee, tea, and soda.
After pressing a few buttons and pushing some gold coins into the slot, a rumble echoed from inside the machine until there was an abrupt thunk. You pushed the slot to find empty space. Just your luck. You held either side of the money thief gently shaking either side to see if the drink would get dislodged but it remained stubbornly inside. After a few swift kicks and smacking the sides you turned to continue your home, head hung low in defeat when your path was blocked by an inkling.
When he had got there or how long he was standing there you weren’t sure, before you could begin to question he offered, “Need some help?”
You blinked owlishly at him. Indeed hearing what he has just said, however being a tad bit distracted by his dark round sunglasses at the current hour. He tilted his head waiting for your response snapping you out of your daze, “Uh yeah, I can’t get my drink out.”
Already crouched down, without a moment of hesitation his hand dove straight into the drink dispenser. With how deep he was reaching, you couldn’t help but question “Is it alright to be sticking your hand in there?”
He turned to you as he continued to absentmindedly continue searching for your drink, “It’s fine I’ve done this tons of time before-“ He was grinning, clearly nonchalant about the situation as he continued to dig his arm into cod knows where at this point. Under the light of the display you could see how he looked a bit better, he wore a thick black hoodie with a squid satin jacket on top. Suddenly there was a wrinkle in his purple eyebrows. “Whoops, might be stuck.”
“Wait what?!” Your concern now justified you reached to your bag for your phone.
“Just messing with you, here!” His hand came out smoothly with your drink a sigh of relief escaped you as he tossed it, a wide toothy grin along his features again. 
Catching the drink, you questioned “Thanks, how’d you do that so quickly anyway?”
“Years of practice, I got this friend with some ridiculous bad luck.” He chuckled as he stood upright to purchase his own drink. “Lemme tell you the amount of times I had to fish a can outta a vending machine for him is insane.”
You chuckled, it was humorous (and slightly agitating) the thought of getting a drink stuck that many times.
The two of you began to exchange stories as you walked out of the alleyway with some warm drinks in hand to stave off the chilly night atmosphere. You eventually reached the train station where you both had part ways, “Looks like I’m taking the train after yours.” You nodded, slightly disappointed you’d have to walk alone the rest of the way.
“I guess I’ll see you around.” Even if he was a stranger you’d just met, you hoped that by some chance you’d encounter the inkling again.
“I’m sure you won’t have trouble finding me.” Your eyebrow arched but before you could question his confidence your train arrived. You said your goodbyes as you stepped onto the train looking back through the window to see him wave back.
With nothing to do on your ride home you pulled out your phone to watch some of the latest news in Turf Wars coming across things like new weapons, the rise and fall of different teams (including a quote on quote: extremely dumb group named “Team Blue”) and finally the strongest team in Inkoplolis Plaza. The head team of the S4 team purple, lead by Skull but what intrigued you wasn’t the leader but rather the person next to him. Not wanting to assume you zoomed in only to confirm,
“Wait that guy I met was Aviators?!”
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tamapalace · 6 months
New Tamagotchi Original Shells Advertisements in Japan’s Train Stations
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Bandai Japan is going all-in on the new Tamagotchi Original shells they’re bringing over from the Western market on April 13th, 2024! They have an impressive, and rather large display at Shinjuku Station that just launched on March 25th, 2024! This display features all 8 of the new shells that are being launched in Japan and will give plenty of exposure at this high traffic station! The screens display all the different activities your Tamagotchi has on a daily basis. There will also be digital displays advertising the new shells through the stations. The campaign will end on March 31st, 2024 after the last train.
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That’s not it, there will also be smaller advertisements featured at both the Osaka’s Umeda Station, and Nishitetsu Fukuoka (Tenjin) Station starting on Wednesday, March 27th, 2024! The advertisements at the Umeda Station start on March 25th, 2024 and end on March 31st, 2024 and are on the first floor, D passage. The advertisements at the Fukuoka Station start on March 27th, 2024 and end on March 31st, 2024 and are on 1F passage behind the big screen.
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Bandai will also have Tamagotchi Original stickers that you can take home, the back of the sticker reveals all the shells being released on April 13th, 2024, available one per person and available while supplies last. Visitors are encouraged not to make inquiries to the station staff regarding this matter.
Lastly, these cute Tamagotchi Original stickers will also be distributed at Bandai Namco Cross Stores, Olympia, and Kiddy Land stores all located at the cash register. You can view a list of all participating stores here.
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3cheers4alex · 6 months
As the train gradually slows down, the familiar landscape of Hasetsu unfolds before them. The station platform welcomes them with its usual array of advertisements plastered on the walls—there’s that same stupid dating app for soulmates, among others. Yuri spots the worn benches where he often sits before departing for competitions, occasionally tossing bits of his breakfast to hungry birds.
“See you tonight, then,” Viktor says.
Yuri gathers his belongings, exits the train, and without looking back, sets off on a slightly longer route. He knows the house will be empty—they opted for the 4:30 train, a mere 90-minute journey to Hasetsu. Viktor will freshen up at the Ice Castle’s bathroom, change in his office, and join the team for training. Yuri, on the other hand, is excused for the day, instructed to rest after NHK.
Yuri’s thoughts drift as he imagines the lukewarm sand beneath his sneakers, and remembers the warmth of Otabek’s sun-kissed skin beneath his fingertips. A hint of salt infuses the air, carrying the invigorating essence of the ocean. He hasn’t messaged Otabek during his time in Fukuoka. Wasn’t he supposed to talk to him later?
Admittedly, it feels like a cowardly move, especially considering Otabek’s consistent messages. There are pictures of his bike, partially overgrown with weeds since he’s taken to running with Yuri instead. Then there are snapshots of the old cat, which—according to Otabek—resembles a wizard from Lord of the Rings, with its enormous white whiskers and graying fur. They made it a daily ritual to greet the cat on their way to the Ice Castle. Moreover, they’ve stopped taking the bus altogether, choosing to walk everywhere, prompting Otabek to send pictures of the sunset, the clouds resembling wild dogs with open mouths and dull teeth, painted in hues of pink alongside red.
The last message displayed on Yuri’s phone reads: congrats on silver. proud of u.
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phoenix-downer · 2 years
Souvenir Sweets
~850 words. As Roxas and Naminé look for clues about how to bring Sora home, they buy some sweet souvenirs for everyone. Naminé POV. Romance, Fluff, Sweets, Souvenirs. Happy RokuNami Day!
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Quadratum Station had to be the most crowded place Naminé had ever seen. There were people everywhere, and if you stopped walking for a moment you became a human obstacle, a pebble in the endless stream of humans diverting the flow of people moving around you. Brightly color-coded signs for each train line were on the floor, on the walls, on the pillars, and yet she still felt so lost. Everyone else seemed to know where they were going but her. 
“Naminé,” Roxas called, his familiar voice cutting through the din surrounding them like a life preserver in the ocean of people. She relaxed and turned around. He had his bag slung over his shoulder, and his hood was over his blond spikes in a pointless attempt to hide them. The fashion here was very different from Twilight Town or Destiny Islands—very loose and baggy, but of course Roxas could make anything look good. 
“Did you get the tickets?” she asked, and he nodded and handed her hers. It was printed on seafoam green paper, the markings indicating their destination was a different city. They were going on a short, weekend-long intel-gathering mission about this reality to figure out how to get Sora home. The rest of them could go home anytime…but getting Sora back, given the whole “he broke a nature taboo” thing in order to save their lives, was proving to be tricky. 
“We’ll have to go through a special set of gates over there,” Roxas said, nodding towards them.
“I’ve heard the…what were they called, bullet trains? Run really smoothly,” Naminé said as they wove their way towards the gates, holding hands because otherwise the crowds would easily separate them. The technology here was miles above just about every world she’d ever been to except for San Fransokyo.
“Same, yeah. Guess we’ll see if the rumors are true.”
As they got closer to the special gates, Naminé’s eyes landed on a stand nearby with lots and lots of yellow in its advertising. QUADRATUM BANANA was written at the top of the stand in big, bold, letters next to images of little cakes in the shape of bananas. On display were boxes after boxes of the little banana cakes in a variety of flavors, and there were even a few boxes of something called THE STRAWBERRY CAKE from GINZA. They were cream-colored cakes in the shape of strawberries with little pink polka dots, and the packaging was so cute.
Her stomach rumbled a little, and she blushed. They needed to eat something proper for dinner, but the little cakes looked so nice. Surely it wouldn’t hurt to get a couple of boxes of them. They could even share any leftovers with their friends when they got back. Souvenir treats like this were always individually wrapped so you could easily share them with others. 
“Roxas? Can we get some?” she asked. 
“Of course. Let’s get the strawberry ones and then a couple boxes of the banana ones.” He gave her one of those Roxas half-smiles she adored. “My treat.” 
Together they selected two of the most delicious-looking boxes of the bananas and then one box of the strawberries, and Roxas paid by putting several crisp en bills onto the little blue tray next to the cash register. The shopkeeper dutifully took the munny and counted it, then placed Roxas’s change on the blue tray. They both thanked her for their goodies and continued on through the bullet train gates. 
“Thank you, Roxas,” Naminé said, clutching their prizes to her chest. “They just looked so cute. I can’t wait to try them.” 
“And then draw them too, right?” he teased as they located signs for their platform and stepped onto the escalator leading up to it. 
“You know me too well. I have to document everything about this reality.” 
“Does drawing me eating them count?” he joked.
She giggled and flipped through her sketchbook. “I think most of my drawings are of you as it is…”
“Well,” he said, very seriously, “you need to document me eating every train station bento box we can get our hands on. Speaking of which, what would be your pleasure?” he asked as they stepped off the escalator. On the platform was a little shop with bento boxes, snacks, drinks, and other treats.
“Let’s take a look.” 
When Sora had disappeared, they’d never imagined their journey to find him would lead to this place. A completely different reality, and yet the people really weren’t so different. They were living their lives, commuting back and forth to work and school, buying bento boxes for train rides, picking up QUADRATUM BANANA and THE GINZA STRAWBERRY souvenirs for friends and family and coworkers back home. It was comforting in a way that despite being so far from home and thrown into a completely different culture, people were still just…people.
As they boarded the bullet train and found their seats, bento boxes and souvenir sweets in tow, Naminé smiled at Roxas and he returned the smile. They were on another adventure together, and despite the circumstances, she knew they’d make the most of it.
A/N: For anyone curious about what Tokyo Banana sweets look like, and ditto for The Strawberry Cake from Ginza. 
Happy RokuNami Day everyone, and thank you for reading ❤️ 
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sohailmastan · 1 year
Digital Marketing Tools
Digital marketing: What Is It? The use of digital channels to promote goods and services to customers is referred to as "digital marketing." Websites, mobile devices, social media, search engines, and other channels with a similar function are used in this kind of marketing. With the introduction of the internet in the 1990s, digital marketing gained popularity.
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Digital marketing is frequently seen as an additional strategy by businesses to reach customers and comprehend their behaviour. It has some of the same ideas as traditional marketing. Traditional and digital marketing strategies are frequently combined by businesses. However, unconscious prejudice is one of the unique issues that face digital marketing.
KEY LESSONS Marketing to consumers via digital channels, including as websites, mobile apps, and social media platforms, is known as digital marketing.
Internet marketing, which only takes place on websites, is distinct from this type of marketing.
Digital marketing deals with luring clients using email, content marketing, search engines, social media, and other channels. How to stand out in a world that is overrun with digital marketing advertisements is one of the main issues that digital marketers confront.
Implicit bias is one of several problems with digital marketing.
How Does Digital Marketing Function? Marketing is the term used to describe the activities a business engages in to advertise its goods and services and increase its market share. It takes a mix of sales prowess, advertising knowledge, and the capacity to deliver items to end customers in order to be successful. Marketers are experts who perform these duties either internally at businesses or externally at marketing agencies.
Traditionally, businesses concentrated their marketing efforts on print, television, and radio. These choices are still available, but the internet caused a change in how businesses interact with their customers. Digital marketing became useful in this situation. Websites, social media, search engines, and apps—anything that combines marketing with consumer feedback or a two-way connection between the business and its customers—are all used in this type of marketing.
Companies were driven to alter their marketing tactics by emerging technologies and trends. In the early years of digital marketing, email rose to become a common marketing technique. The focus switched to search engines like Netscape at that point, which enabled companies to tag and keyword products to stand out. Companies are now able to track data and respond to consumer trends because to the growth of websites like Facebook.
Nowadays, businesses can sell themselves, their goods and services, and themselves to consumers more easily thanks to smartphones and other digital gadgets. People prefer utilising their phones to access the internet, according to studies. In fact, a Pew Research Centre research found that more than 75% of American adults frequently use their phones when shopping.
1) Interactive digital marketing is frequently utilised to target particular client base groups. Receivers and Sources Advertisers are frequently referred to as sources, and the people who get customised advertisements are known as receivers. As McDonald's did with shift workers and travellers, sources frequently target very particular, well defined receivers.
The business used digital advertisements since it was aware that these customers constituted a sizable portion of its late-night business and used digital gadgets. McDonald's targeted them with adverts displayed at automated teller machines (ATMs), petrol stations, and websites that its consumers frequently visited, encouraging them to download the Restaurant Finder app.
Channel Types for Digital Marketing
As previously mentioned, print (newspapers and magazines) and broadcast (TV and radio) advertisements were the traditional methods of marketing. These channels are still in use today and still exist. Digital marketing platforms have changed and are still changing. The eight most popular digital channels that businesses can use to strengthen their marketing efforts are listed below. Remember that certain businesses could employ many channels in their endeavours.
Website Promotion
All digital marketing efforts revolve around a website. It is a very effective channel on its own, but it also serves as the platform for a number of different web marketing efforts. A website ought to convey a brand, a product, and a service in an understandable and memorable manner. It should be quick, simple, and mobile-friendly.
Paid-Per-Click Promotion
Paid advertisements can be used by marketers to target internet users on a variety of digital platforms thanks to pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. Advertisements for goods and services can be displayed to users who are conducting searches on Google, Bing, LinkedIn, X platform (formerly Twitter), Pinterest, and Facebook using PPC campaigns set up by marketers.
These ads can target users specifically based on their hobbies or geography, or segment users based on demographic traits (including age or gender). The two most widely used PPC systems are Google Ads and Facebook Ads.
Content Promotion
Reaching potential customers by using content that appeals to them is the aim of content marketing. The typical process for promoting content is to publish it on a website and then use social media, email marketing, search engine optimisation, or even pay-per-click campaigns. Blogs, ebooks, online courses, infographics, podcasts, and webinars are some of the content marketing tools.
Email Promotion
One of the most successful digital marketing methods is still email marketing. Email marketing is not the same as spam email, despite the fact that many people think it is. Companies can connect with prospective customers and anybody else interested in their brands and products with this sort of marketing.
Many digital marketers add leads to their email lists using all other digital marketing methods. They then develop client acquisition funnels employing email marketing to convert those prospects into paying customers.
Use of social media
A social media marketing campaign's main objectives are to increase brand recognition and foster interpersonal trust. As you learn more about social media marketing, you can employ it as a channel for direct marketing or sales as well as lead generation. Twitter and promoted posts are two instances of social media marketing.
Affiliate Promotion
One of the earliest types of marketing is affiliate marketing, and the internet has given it new life. Influencers who use affiliate marketing to promote other people's products are paid every time a lead or sale is generated. Millions of dollars are paid out each month to websites that sell products from numerous well-known corporations, including Amazon, through their affiliate programmes.
Video Advertising
One of the most well-known search engines in the world is YouTube. Before making a purchase decision, many internet users visit YouTube to learn something new, read a review, or just to unwind.
To launch a video marketing campaign, marketers can choose from a variety of platforms, such as Facebook Videos, Instagram, and TikTok. Integrating video into SEO, content marketing, and more extensive social media marketing efforts helps businesses use it most effectively.
Text Messages
Companies and nonprofit organisations use text messaging, also known as SMS or short message service, to tell clients about upcoming sales or to provide them with possibilities. SMS marketing campaigns are another tool used by candidates for political office to promote their platforms. With the development of technology, many text-to-give initiatives now enable donors to make a direct payment or contribution by sending a short text message.
Digital marketing is distinct from internet marketing. Digital marketing can occur through mobile devices, on a tube platform, in a video game, or through a smartphone app. Internet marketing is advertising that only appears online.
Digital marketing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
It's important to keep in mind that key performance indicators (KPIs) are used by digital marketers just like they are by traditional marketers. KPIs are quantitative means for businesses to assess the effectiveness of their marketing over the long term and gauge how they stack up against the competition. Corporate plans, financial objectives and successes, operational activities, and even marketing efforts are all areas that can be measured.
Some of the most popular KPIs that marketers can utilise to assist businesses in achieving their objectives include the following:
Blog Posts: This KPI can be used by marketers to determine how frequently a business publishes blog posts each month.
Clickthrough Rates: Businesses can use this KPI to determine how many email deliveries result in clicks. This covers the quantity of recipients who open emails and click links to complete transactions.
Conversion Rate: This metric concentrates on call-to-action marketing campaigns. These initiatives solicit people to take specific activities, including making a purchase of a good or service prior to the expiration of a deal. By dividing the total number of requests made by the number of successful engagements, businesses may calculate the conversion rate.
Social media traffic measures the volume of interactions with business social media pages. Likes, following, views, shares, and/or other quantifiable activities are included.
Website Traffic: Marketers can monitor how many people visit a company's website using this indicator. This data can be used by corporate management to determine whether the layout and style of the website influence sales.
Challenges in Digital Marketing
For its practitioners, digital marketing presents unique difficulties. Digital marketers must stay current with how these channels operate and how users interact with them as they proliferate quickly. To effectively sell their goods or services, marketers must be knowledgeable on how to leverage various channels.
Because recipients are being overwhelmed with more and more competing advertisements, it is getting harder to hold their attention. It can be difficult for digital marketers to analyse the enormous amounts of data they collect and then use that data to create fresh marketing initiatives.
The difficulty of properly acquiring and utilising data emphasises the need for a marketing strategy based on a thorough comprehension of customer behaviour in digital marketing. For instance, it can be necessary for a business to employ various methods, such as website heatmaps, in order to understand the customer journey and emerging patterns of consumer behaviour.
Even when marketers and businesses take every precaution to prevent it, implicit bias still manages to find its way into digital marketing. The term "implicit bias" describes attitudes and preconceptions that are formed unconsciously.
Algorithms are crucial when businesses create their marketing plans since they form the basis of digital marketing. These algorithms are frequently developed with the goal of being objective. However, the outcome isn't always what was intended.
This is thus because different people, such as engineers, developers, data scientists, and marketers, all of whom have implicit biases, code algorithms. This implies that they might unintentionally programme, input, and modify data.
Even adding stock images or videos to a campaign can introduce implicit bias. Companies could accidentally utilise photographs and films of heterosexual White people while ignoring Black people, Native Americans, and people of other colours, as well as persons with varied body forms and abilities.
A digital marketing agency: What Is It?
A company that specialises solely in marketing to consumers via digital platforms is known as a digital marketing agency. This include developing and implementing campaigns for business clients across a variety of platforms, including social media, pay-per-click marketing, videos, and websites.
What Does SEO Mean in Online Marketing?
Companies can use search engine optimisation (SEO) to drive more traffic to their websites with the aim of having their names and websites appear at the top of any search results page. This can happen while using editorially chosen or organic search results. Companies' names and websites are more visible to customers when SEO is successfully integrated into their digital marketing plans.
Internet marketing: What Is It?
Any form of marketing that only occurs online is referred to as internet marketing. This indicates that it only appears on websites. It is distinct from digital marketing, which also encompasses internet marketing, social media marketing, and mobile app marketing. Mobile phones, digital gadgets, and other platforms can all be used for these marketing campaigns.
Why Should I Work in Digital Marketing?
Along with data analytics and social media expertise, digital marketers need to have good writing abilities. For the majority of jobs in digital marketing, a bachelor's degree is required. These jobs can be found in business-related fields like marketing or closely connected ones like communications. You might also choose to enrol in bootcamps or courses for digital marketing. Additionally, it may be beneficial to complete an internship while still a student.
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mariacallous · 2 years
The times of largesse towards Hungary’s media regarded as close to the ruling Fidesz party appear to be over, as print newspapers and niche publications close, staff numbers are cut, and costs rationalised in the face of a mounting economic crisis.
“We are witnessing a trend of serious cost-cutting in the Fidesz-close media since the elections in April,” Daniel Szalay, editor-in-chief of Hungary’s media-specialising news site Media1, tells BIRN.
Examples abound. Print editions of historical newspapers, like Magyar Hirlap or Figyelo, were scrapped from July, while staff at regional dailies, like Delmagyar or Zalai Hirlap, once important propaganda tools of the government, have been reduced to a minimum.
Elsewhere, Pesti TV, an aggressively right-wing television station intended for young viewers, was also closed during the summer. And even the prime minister’s personal favourite – and the country’s only – sports daily, Nemzeti Sport, had to be bailed out by the state with 3 billion forints (7.5 million euros) during the autumn, while FourFourTwo, a sports magazine run by Orban’s favourite journalist Gyorgy Szolossy, simply went out of business.
While the pillars of government propaganda remain solid, the country’s dire economic situation no longer permits the funding of non-essential media, experts say. “The state is in trouble,” Szalay says, “which means that even companies close to the government need to tighten their belts.”
But that does not mean Fidesz is prepared to give up its tight control of the media, rather it is changing tack. “The election in April 2022 proved that a massive campaign via social media is powerful enough, there is no need to fund dozens of media outlets for years,” Agnes Urban, a media researcher from Mertek Media Monitor, tells BIRN.
Urban refers to the right-wing propaganda outlet Megafon, which aggressively disseminated pro-government messaging on social media, mostly Facebook and YouTube, to great effect during the campaign for April’s parliamentary election, which Fidesz won by a landslide.
Megafon was established in 2020 to train influencers who could help disseminate government propaganda and to strengthen the voice of those displaying “national sentiments” on social media. However, it quickly became one of the main public communications tools for the government, spending over 1 billion forints (2.5 millions euros) on Facebook advertising alone.
Although Istvan Kovacs, founder of Megafon and strategic director of the government-supportive Center for Fundamental Rights, has denied that Megafon ever received any taxpayer money, the independent news service Telex.hu revealed it is indirectly funded by the Cabinet Office led by Antal Rogan – dubbed the government’s Propaganda Ministry – which channels the money via a civic foundation.
“Investing 2-3 billion forints in businesses like Megafon is perfectly enough to win elections,” Urban claims.
She forecasts that print newspapers of all stripes will continue to go out of business as part of a global trend, but Fidesz will maintain its funding of TV and radio outlets and social media advertising. “But the government evidently lacks the money to finance non-essential ‘friendly businesses’,” she adds.
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usafphantom2 · 2 years
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The training of the first U.S. Navy pilots in the TH-73A is underway
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 10/24/2022 - 11:00 in Helicopters
U.S. Navy Naval Aviation students assigned to Air Training Wing 5 (TAW-5) at Whiting Field Naval Station (NAS) in Milton, Florida, began advanced helicopter training with the service's new Leonardo TH-73A Thrasher helicopter.
The training began in early September with the 8 Helicopter Training Squadron (HT-8) leading the transition of students and instructors. Before actually flying the new helicopter, the initial group of 12 students will go through a rigorous basic course in virtual reality and flight simulators that will prepare them for the most powerful helicopter.
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“The training of students at TH-73A took years, and I am excited on behalf of everyone who helped us get to this point,” said the commander. Annie Otten, commander of the Helicopter Training Squadron (HT) 8. “I am especially excited that the HT-8 "Eightballers" are helping in the transition of students and instructors to the new aircraft. We are all together on this journey and I can't wait to put the students on the aircraft."
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The Thrasher is a replacement for the over 40-year-old Bell TH-57 Sea Ranger, which currently provides basic helicopter training and advanced instrument flight rules in Whiting Field.
NAS Whiting Field accepted the first TH-73A in August 2021 as a replacement for the 40-year-old TH-57 Sea Ranger aircraft. The TH-57 Sea Ranger provides basic helicopter training and advanced instrument flight rule training for hundreds of aviation students per year at NAS Whiting Field. The current TH-57B was introduced in 1981, followed by the TH-57C in 1982, which will be discontinued when the TH-73A is shipped.
Primary aviation training students initially fly on the T-6B Texan II aircraft, which has a cockpit with glass display. If selected for helicopters, students move to the current TH-57, which has older digital or analog displays.
Equipped with an advanced digital cockpit and visors in the glass concept, the new TH-73A helicopter will make the training of students more reflective of the helicopters of the operational fleet. Before using Thrasher for student instruction, the Navy needed to develop and validate a new program and qualify instructors to fly in the necessary maneuvers and profiles.
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From start to finish, aviation students spend approximately 38 weeks on the advanced training regime in Whiting before forming and moving on to larger operational helicopters in the fleet, such as H-60, H-53 and AH-1 helicopters.
Tags: Military AviationHelicoptersTH-73AUSN - United States Navy/USA Navy
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Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. It has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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adhaiwell · 2 years
Mobile Phone Charging Station | Digital Media Solution Create a rest & charge area so your attendants can bring their phones back to life. Main Functions: 1. 9 doors with locker have Standard charging 3 in one cable. Charge nearly all cell phones in the market including the iPhone series, android phones, and other micro USB devices. 2. Charging for 15 minutes can charge about 30% of the power (specific charging efficiency due to the phone model, battery quality and power consumption, and a certain difference); 3. On the Digital LCD screen of the mobile charging advertising machine, you can play various information such as various information, clock, weather forecast, and train time of high-speed rail or airport. 4. Customized Locks. We have four kinds of locks for your choice such as key locks, combination locks, pin padlocks, and swiping card locks (optional). They also provide a safe environment for cell phone charging. 5. Remote CMS Control Change advertisement content as your wish. Support switch to different signal (e.g.: HDMI, VGA, AV); Check, programs quickly: Help your advertisement switch smoother, and display more advertisements at the same time.
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captaintrainblog · 2 years
Part 5 of SMRT Rolling Stock Preview. You guys have been waiting for these 2 brothers to be previewed. Well, here it is! The 5th and 6th gen series rolling stock in the Kawasaki family.
Let me introduce you the two names. They are Kawasaki Heavy Industries & CSR Qingdao Sifang C151B and Kawasaki Heavy Industries & CRRC Qingdao Sifang C151C. Lots of people said that these train are the same variety but what about the designs? Well observation shows they are different. Let me run through the scale on these brothers.
First off is the C151B trains also known as KSF B. The Kawasaki Heavy Industries & CSR Qingdao Sifang C151B is the 5th generation rolling stock in SMRT that was manufactured by Kawasaki Heavy Industries & CRRC Qingdao Sifang.
The C151B trains has it's specialized SMRT livery more commonly to the refurbished C651 (SIE). The interior on the train has no foldable seats. About the same average to the KSF A trains. The KSF B trains were manufactured by Kawasaki Heavy Industries CRRC Qingdao Sifang and was built in Qingdao Shandong China together with the KSF C trains.
There is a huge TV screen (Staris 2.0) that shows the station information displays and advertisements. With regards on the CBTC signalling system on the North South & East West Lines, the newly freshed C151B trains were delivered to Singapore on 12 April 2017.
Under the Tuas West Extension on the East West Lines, the KSF B trains went through rigorous testing in train depots & on the mainlines to ensure the signaling system works and passenger comfort. On the 16 April 2017, first EMU set 601/602 made its debut on the North South Line for passenger service operations.
The Tuas West Extension made its opening for commuters on 16 June 2017 whereas additional of C151B train sets were also made its debut on the East West Lines during train service operations.
Lastly on the 6 May 2018, the KSF B trains deployed on the whole section on the East West Line for the CBTC signalling system full day trials.
Moving onto, the Kawasaki Heavy Industries & CRRC Qingdao Sifang C151C. One of it's greatest livery that showed the red and green symbolized the mainlines. The front logo on the driving trailer was placed by the word Land Transport Authority.
The KSF C trains is the 6th generation rolling stock series that was deployed on the North South Line on 30 September 2018 during its debut day. At Tuas West Depot, EMU set 703/704 was shown in the video preview. Inside of it, there are tip-up seats, original seatings and the Staris 2.0 more similar to the KSF B.
The tip-up seats for its purpose was to have more standing and sitting capacity for commuters.
The KSF C trains were manufactured by Kawasaki Rail Car Corp CRRC Qingdao Sifang and was built in Qingdao Shandong China. In addition, more C151C trains were purchased for more train service capacity.
During the debut day, EMU sets 701/702 & 703/704 was the first set to be deployed on the North South Line operations. But then, as the debut day went by, 703/704 had returned to the train depot due to defects on the train while 701/702 was running.
Today, all the spamming deployments of KSF trains on the North South Line are common, some of them are East West Deployments.
That's all for part 5 of SMRT rolling stock preview! Now you have a clear and better understanding about these two brothers. Same same but different. Stay tuned for more preview updates on Tumblr!
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bunnyjoyce-blog · 2 years
There’s a Train for That #53
Before Electra “the engine of the future” would have been built, General Motors advertised a diesel powered Train of Tomorrow.
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Starting in June, this Diesel-powered train of the future will bring to many leading American cities a preview of some of the luxurious comforts in store for railroad travelers.
This new and wonderful train is unlike any that ever rolled into your local station. As yet, it isn’t on the schedule of any railroad. But in it you’ll see equipment and appointments which we hope will provide new enjoyment, comfort and utility in future railway travel.
Stroll through the Train of Tomorrow and see the many new and better things for the first time assembled in one complete train.
Conceived by General Motors’ engineers and stylists, this new train, from the powerful Diesel locomotive to its unique and beautiful observation car, is packed throughout with vivid and stimulating ideas for future travel pleasure. Among these is the Astro Dome, 22-foot glass-enclosed observation deck built into the roof of every car—giving passengers a giraffe’s-eye view of the passing landscape and skyscape.
You’ll see a roof garden diner — a sleeping car rich in space, good taste and comfort. You’ll see a super-restful, roomy chair car — a luxuriously appointed observation lounge.
Local newspapers will tell you when this blue and silver dream-come-true will be on display in your section of the country. Be sure to see it.
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